Why I Created This Blog? And A Warning.
In 2013, the movie The Wolf Of Wall Street was released. I was very disappointed at the way that Hollywood had glorified the fraud. I am sure that many of you reading this have seen the movie. The story is about Jordan Belfort, the operator of a brokerage that specialized in penny stock promotion. The name of that firm was Oakmont Stratton, and they operated back in the 1990’s. During the 1990’s, there was no internet to market penny stocks, there were only boiler rooms. What is a boiler room? The name is actually a misnomer. In reality, its an office with lots of chairs and desks and phones, it looks just like any other office. The people working inside these “boiler rooms” looked just like you and me. There was no screaming or shouting, or boiling of any kind. The people that worked in these offices, selling these securities, were by no means exciting or particularly manipulative. They were average looking, average sounding, and of average intelligence people who would either make outbound phone calls to prospective investors or answer incoming phone calls from outbound mail campaigns. Somehow the name “boiler room” came about. The name “boiler room” sounds interesting, and it conjures lots of different imagery. Anyway, back to Jordan Belfort, Oakmont Stratton, and The Wolf Of Wall Street.
During the 1990’s, through Jordan’s boiler room operation operating out of Long Island, New York, his firm sold approximately 200 million dollars in basically worthless penny stock, pink sheet securities. The movie portrayed Jordan as some sort of Wall Street party boy that indulged in drugs, hard partying and prostitution. All of this is basically true, however Hollywood failed to mention that Jordan Belfort and Oakmont Stratton were just the tip of the ice berg. The biggest players still lay submerged, just below the surface, and some of these players operated out of Los Angeles and San Diego, Ca. I am one of those players.
Who is Emmett Moore, and what does this have to do with Jordan Belfort?
My name is Emmett Moore. In 1987, I was a 19 year old kid with no upper education, no money, and was working as a dishwasher at Sea World in San Diego Ca. This was my first job. My second job was as a cold caller for a stock broker named Robert Cohen. My job was to pick up a phone, dial a phone number from a list, and then read a script. The script was to congratulate the person on the other end of the phone, and tell them that they had been selected to participate in a private stock offering, and that this stock could make them very rich in a very short period of time. If the person sounded interested, I would proceed to ask a series of questions, if they still sounded interested, I would then transfer the call to Robert in hopes that the person would purchase $1,000 in penny stocks. Mostly folks said no, sometimes someone would say yes.
Working in a telephone sales office, making phone calls for 8 hours each day, and being rejected 99.9% of the time is probably the worst and most boring work that a person could endure. The pay was minimum wage, which I believe at that time was $4.35 per hour. I spent three years working for the firm Cohen and Jantzen, and during those first three years of non stop cold calling, I am quite sure that I annoyed a majority of the US population with my non stop pitches of penny stock companies. I knew these companies were bullshit, and that the investor had little to no chance of success. But at the time, I just didn’t give a damn, I was a young man alternating between sleeping on couches, and in cars. It was a miserable existence. However, little did I know that these three years of cold calling prospects would actually set the foundation what lay ahead.
The Irish Years
In 1990, another miserable coworker from Cohen and Jantzen approached me and said that he had been invited to a private dinner at an area hotel. The host was a guy named Nick, and that he wanted to speak as a group to as many of us low level cold callers as possible about a unique opportunity. I remember the evening of the presentation, I walked up to the conference area and parked outside was a bright red Ferrari Testarosa. People were milling about, staring wild eyed at this car. Within the group of people was a middle aged man, dressed in a Armani suit and wearing a Rolex watch. The suit had a bright silver, almost glowing sheen. The Rolex was a massive pure gold watch that was crusted with diamonds and rubies. I remember shaking N
ick’s hand and staring at him. Success, wealth, and power just popped off in abundance from this man. Nick spoke with a heavy accent from Boston. He was not from around my area. But I wanted to be just like Nick.
During the dinner, Nick gave us a presentation about what he did, and what he was looking for from us. Nick explained that he worked with a group of successful businessman in Boston and that they were looking to open a sales office in San Diego, Ca. He explained that currently, he was raising money from private investors and that the money would be used to build out wireless television stations in markets around the United States. Investors would receive pre public, private shares of stock in each market. Once the minimum thresh hold of money was raised, then he would purchase a publicly listed company, AKA a penny stock company, and then reverse merger the stock with the pre public investors.
Nick showed us the life cycle of the client. The client would purchase a block of shares in a company that was not listed, nor had any assets or revenues. The client was purchasing projected revenue in a company that did not even exist. But the story of wireless television was sexy and exotic. He then showed that when early investors shares were reverse merged with the public company, the investors immediately reaped massive paper gains in a “public” company. Theoretically, Nick was correct. However the reality is that even though you own $1,000,000 in public company shares, you still needed to find a buyer for your shares, of course there were no buyers. But at the time, I did not understand how all of this played out. And admittedly, the only thing I could think of was how I was going to get involved in this and get my own Ferrari and diamond encrusted rolex.
Making Money And Then Getting Fired
Nick opened a sales office in San Diego. The office was spacious, well furnished, and a place that anyone would be proud to work from. The view looked out over the city, the front desk was staffed with a beautiful secretary, and the place screamed of legitimacy. For the next three years, I worked basically non stop, cold calling sometimes 14 straight hours. Even Saturday and Sunday. Arriving at 5am to begin calling prospective investors on the east coast. For the first year, I sold pre public stock in 20 different cities for wireless network build outs. The next year, I sold pre public stock in the conversion of SMR or Specialized Mobile Radio to a new a technology called cellular telephones. My commission rate for each sale was 20%. For the next three years, I personally sold over $20,000,000 to investors all over the US and Canada. I remember one sales call in particular, with a cold call, I talked a home developer in central California to immediately bank wire me $100,000 on nothing more than a phone call. He had no paperwork in hand, and prior to the telephone call had never met me or heard of my company. I remember hanging up the phone, after receiving the confirmation of the bank wire, and thinking to myself how crazy this was. I thought I was some sort of super hero. The entire office of salespeople could hardly believe that I had conned this poor guy out of $100k with only a phone call.
The success and money went to my head. At some point, while high on cocaine, I got into a nasty argument with Nick. He fired me.
A week later, I got a call from a another man with a deep Boston accent. He explained that he was Nick’s boss, and that he wanted me to fly to meet with him in Boston. It was January and it was very cold, there were no leaves on the trees, the city was a gray and miserable place. Whom would want to live in such a miserable place? Well, it turns out that the man that wanted to meet with me was actually part of an organized group of men from the area. These men did lots of things, none of them legal. I remember meeting with the group of men and thinking to myself, what do these men have to do with the clean and handsome Nick in San Diego? If you have noticed that I am not using the last name of Nick, nor I am using the names of the men in Boston, it is because I fear for my safety. But that is another story to be told, and lets stay on subject.
I Became Nick In Los Angeles
The Boston people sent me to Los Angeles. I was instructed that they would pay for the opening of a sales office, all office furniture, a 200 line telephone system, a operating budget, and a list of three deals to market. My job was the formation and creation of the entire Los Angeles sales operation. I followed the same sales model as Nick. I dressed in flashy clothes, drove a flashy car, and poached cold callers from area stock brokers. I simply copied Nick in San Diego, Ca. I don’t remember how much this office sold, but it was a lot. And my take was 15% of the gross sales of the entire office.
And Now Orange County
Between San Diego and Los Angeles is Orange County. I next opened an office in Orange County. Each office sold something different. The Los Angeles office sold pre public stock. The Orange county office sold partnerships. What sort of partnerships? Honestly, there were so many that I cannot remember. But as an example, we sold partnerships for phone card companies in Mexico, pre production Hollywood movies, restaurant chains, art, infomercials. I never put the deals together, these were the people in Boston. They would put together the deal, and I just marched forward and did what I was told. The money was so good, and I had such an inflated sense of self that I never really put much though as to whether anyone ever made or lost money. I was only concerned with me.
Things Start To Crash
In the mid 1990’s, many firms began to be closed down by the authorities. In fact, the government had to create special divisions and prosecutors that specialized in rooting out these frauds. Of course, everyone knows about Jordan Belfort and Stratton Oakmont. But that story is just one little tiny portion of the scope, and scale of the problem. During the 1990’s, it seems like every month, a new raid would hit and bunch of people would be arrested. In my heart, I knew that I was marked and that eventually I would get caught. But the truth is that I could not let go of the person that I had created. The money, the cars, the lifestyle, the women, the offices, the travel, the jewelry, the managing of over 200 employees. I just could not let it go. I could not walk away.
They Came For Me
In 1998, it all came crashing down. My offices in San Diego, Los Angeles, Orange County, and Las Vegas were all shut down by the Federal Bureau Of Investigations. The FBI had done a great job of building a case against me. They had agents working in my offices, bugs, wiretaps, paid informants, they knew where every single penny was stashed, knew about every asset, knew about Boston, knew about everything. They took me to jail. I was charged with securities fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud, failure to report income. And most importantly, they took everything from me. I even remember taking off my diamond encrusted rolex and handing it to a special investigator.
Although there has never been a completely accurate accounting of my complete sales volume, for all offices, during my 8 year crime spree…the estimate of gross sales should be close to 600 million dollars. Yes, you are reading this correctly…I defrauded investors out of close to 600 million dollars.
Plea Bargain
From 1998 to 2003, the federal government made my life a living hell. They took from me millions of dollars that I had earned (stolen) and to make matters worse, gave me a plea bargain that made me name names and point fingers at the Boston and New York criminal organizations. I will not use the word mob, or mobsters. This would suggest Irish or Italian gangsters. The truer word would be crime syndicates. These criminal syndicates are made of people from all sorts of nationalities; Jewish, European, etc. The truth is that I wanted to go to jail, I was terrified for my life, and jail was the safest place. It was a horrible, terrible, frightening time of my life. It was Karma. Initially, I was looking at a sentence of 10-16 years. But my ratting, and lets call it what it was…ratting reduced it to 5-6 years. And then from 1998-2003 I managed to scrape together $350,000 in restitution, all through legitimate means. Most shamefully though, my own mother sold her one and only asset, her condo. She had $100,000 in equity. She gave this money to help pay my debt. Somehow my attorney, had managed to convince the judge that a 33 month sentence was fair.
Prison And That Awkward Moment
In 2003, I finally began my 33 month sentence. I reported to the Federal Prison Camp located in Lompoc, Ca. At the time of my reporting, I was completely broken. I was taking 20-30 illegal vicodan each day, and drinking massive amounts of alcohol. My life was a wreck. I was broke, broken, and barely alive. Many of you reading this, whom of course hate me for writing a bad review or being swindled, are surely jumping with glee at reading about the true depths of my despair. I deserved it for sure. Only in the dark and quiet of a prison, can a person really start to see himself. I began to see myself. I did not like what I saw.
After about a year, I was transferred from Lompoc to Oregon to serve out the remainder of my sentence. After my arrival in Oregon, one evening I was sitting in the TV room, watching the grainy image. I turned to complain about the poor quality of the reception, sitting directly behind me was Nick. The guy that introduced me to the business. We looked at each other with surprise. Of course, he had ratted on me, and I had ratted on him. It was the most awkward moment. Here was Nick, the guy driving the Ferrari, now sitting behind me wearing prison suit. Total shock. Long story short, Nick had converted to Christianity. And yes, he even converted me. But this is another story, for another time.
Years 2006-2013
After my release from prison in 2005, I immediately went to work for my wife. She was a loan officer and needed help with sales. Whom better to turn than me? I immediately built a sales organization and within a year, her income increased from $60k per year to $250k per year. Year 2 and 3, gross commissions earned lept over $1,500,000. In 2010, she formed a mortgage bank and again we increased sales. In 2012, she sold the mortgage bank for a nice profit. In 2013, my wife and I divorced.
Trading Schools.org
In 2013, I started Trading Schools.org. Like many of you reading this, I too receive massive amounts of offers from trading vendors that promise riches. Of course, my nose for bullshit is finely tuned. I can smell BS miles before most folks are even aware that something is amiss. And so, I started building a list of every trading vendor that I could find and began reviewing and writing. I also read and was inspired by some of the stories written by Dean Handley and how he had reviewed a million different trading vendors and how he is the only vendor worth purchasing from. Anyway, the Trading Schools.Org is really just an opinion site. Before I write an opinion, I make sure that I record video that proves that what I am saying is the truth. To date, I have uncovered plenty of fraud and found very few actual vendors that are worth the spending of money and time.
A Warning
Sometimes, I get it wrong. My very first review was a company named Christian Financial Radio Network. I recorded a ton of video, took their trades on a simulator, had some good success, and then eventually wrote a nice review. This review pushed a lot of traffic to CFRN. And based upon my review, some folks purchased products and began trading in a live real time environment. Unfortunately, the promise did not match the proof. People lost money. And I looked like a fool. I have since rewritten the review with updated information and hopefully the innocent can steer clear.
I also wrote a scathing review of Night Scalper. I was sure that this guy was a charlatan. I had hour upon hour of video that displayed a poor user experience. After the review was posted, I am sure that the Night Scalper wanted to ring my neck. However, we talked and he proved that he does in fact trade, and he trades successfully. I provided proof in an updated review.
The point is that I sometimes get it wrong. So, if you are reading this, and you got a bad review…then you should contact me. Lets show that you are the real deal. Sometimes I write a bad review, and the vendor just disappears. The website goes down overnight. Amazing.
I also get a lot of phone calls. Mostly nasty diatribes from users that call me to defend the honor of their favorite vendor. I received a 20 minute call yesterday from a country bumpkin that was angry at my review of Investors Underground. He was calling to defend the honor of the trading room mentor, a female, whom he obviously has a crush over. I thought it was cute that he would call me and scream obscenities for 20 minutes. Great stuff folks.
Dont Believe Me
Dont believe me! You should just use my blog as a point of reference, you need to make up your own mind. Do your own investigation. Use common sense. Sometimes the truth is just sitting there in plain site, but we are blinded by the mirage of our own dreams. If a trading room owner or educator say’s that he consistently makes $1,000 per day, well that’s great. But have them show you proof in the form of account statements. Do research. Do your homework. Sorry if I am seem scolding, but most of these frauds are so blatantly dishonest that a review from my team is a waste of time.
Well that’s it for now. Thanks for reading and let your voice be heard. Please leave comments below. I love answering comments, especially the haters.
good story
My name is Rudy Balderrama and I live in Ventura County.
On 10/6/24 I signed a contract with the Online Trading Academy for $19,995 because they made claims about potential earnings and how quickly consumers can become proficient in the defendants’ trading “strategy” or the amount of time or money needed to generate significant income. Deceptive of wealth, and implied promises of profits. OTA educational courses provide for impossibility of performance. OTA instructors said they are active or successful traders.
OTA now demanding payment of $480.47/month. Would you have an attorney I can contact? Or any other guidance.
Thank you.
Impossibility of performance.
Realized the truth & requested cancellation of my contract
Bad business practice by using form contracts that disallows me to to cancel in order to get my money back.
Trading Academy Corporate Headquarters 17780 Fitch Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92614 USA Phone: (949) 608-6000 Owner: Eyal Shachar
Moreover 9/15/20
FTC Settlement Requires Online Trading Academy to Forgive Consumer Debt, and Principals to Turn Over Millions in Cash and Assets
wow! what a story! You got it right, good for you :)are you still doing reviews?
CFRN – DeWayne Reeves as best I can tell own’s and runs CREN.net and it the radio Pitch man everyday. He claims “he will teach you how” then shifts to “we” which really means Dewayne uses the trading results of Michael who is an excellent scalper on 4 range chart. However Dewayne does NOT trade that way, NOR will Dewayne teach you after you pay him $5000 how he “claims” he trades on 30 min chart. Yet, Dewayne claims to be a professional trader yet he will never show any of his trades. Only refers to Michaels proof on 4 tick range scalp chart. Fact is very few can scalp like Michael can. Why would you want to scalp for a few ticks and miss 10 point runner? At end of the Dewayne seems to be a nice guy, shamefully he hides behind and uses the name of Christ to see vs be transparent as a real professional trader. Sad and Shameful. Do not waist your $5,000.
It’s a shame, sad, and possible heretical to use the good word and name in this way to effectively be mired in the same cesspool as the whack-a-mole scammers and regular shamshows just to swindle $5000 each.
I wonder if some of you remember the recent Archegos guy, who made billions being an effectively an independent trader surrounded by his family in his personal fund structure with lots of leverage for big options trading afforded him by multiple participating banksters, maybe even bigger profits than Livermoore in trader history. Then he lost it all, about $10 billion or more, and even cost the bankster hanger-ons that were willing to let him hold on to the lousy losing VRZ positions a bit longer which resulted in them losing billions more. Well, the point is he thought he was on some “holy” mission for God too, that it was his mission to make so much money trading and praying for intervention to turn the market so his losing position would change and become solvent again. WTHeck? A bilion or two of those profits could have gone privately to help clean up thousands of the approaching homeless rot many unreported that we see in so many cities today, get them into rehab, hire security to keep out the gangs. I’d think that would be more inline with the mission of the holy gospel , instead of those billions (all) going into self-enrichment and/or the participating banksters. Well at least Archegos guy is laying low now in some modest but not too modest home (probably better than “TradersHELP!Desk” Gail Mercer’s retirement cottage somewhere) we saw in the news. Apparently he didn’t go high-life like Certus (“why me tradingschools?”, lol) guy wanted to do. But who knows, maybe there are some hidden assets maybe not on U.S. soil, laying low until the spotlights pass over , hmm.
Thanks for sharing… I stumbled here by accident and am glad I did. It is always good to take a minute to context the information you are sure is fantastic in the moment…
I saw you had a review for Jerremy Newsome at Real Life Trading, but it’s now 404. Can you re-link it or update your finding?
I am trying to get my money back from Dyno Trading and now this guy Mark is treating to sue me for slander. He has proactively called me to buy his products and unfortunately I did He has over 4k in monies. What do I do to file a complaint and try to get my monies back.
File a chargeback with your credit card company. Just do it.
As far as Mark claiming he is going to “sue you for slander” well this is the typical route of the internet con artist. Just ignore it. The guy is a booger.
Hello Mr Emmett Moore, I am John K and I am 64, semi-retired with two children in university, one finishing his fifth year, the other starting his first. I too had a modestly good run, living and working in the middle east, low-cost housing then, modest income but tax-free making it seem lots less modest. The highest expense was flying there to anywhere but all in all, it was a good run. Now I need to be un semi-retired but as you well know, not the easiest to find a day trader who’s not just after me to buy their program their dvds or subscribe to their insider insights without just tossing the few thousand I have as a starting stake right out the proverbial window. Can you please help and or offer guidance to a smaller fry not looking for the wolf of wall street but looking for a way to finish educating my kids and keep my wife in a home where she can look after me in my sunset years, tend to her garden and look forward to being able to treat future grandchildren with some nice things on their birthdays, etc. I would like money not to be restrictive just to be prudent and relatively speaking comfortable. I am willing to work to study and to do what it takes to be successful. I just need a compass to point me towards the right destination to achieve this goal. Your sage advice would be heeded very sincerely. And appreciated as much. Thank you in advance. Regards, John K
Don’t do it. The worst traders are the desperate ones, and while you might not be totally desperate, you sound close. Most people lose in trading. Don’t be fooled by shiny promises. It is hard work, really hard work, with an uncertain payoff (if you are lucky and don’t get wiped out first). Sorry to be a dream crusher, but I speak the truth. Just my 2 cents.
TKU Kevin. Fair enough but I am willing to learn to study to paper trade (have been doing so for nearly a year now) and start very small and very conservatively. Which broker would you advise is prudence epitomized and which source would you advise for further prudent and patient learning. No pie in the sky. No Ferrari promises. Just working towards making enough money, long term, to make things easier. Your informed and sage advice is most appreciated.
I have never found a day trader who matches your requirements.
It should be noted that Mr. Davey has published extensively on automated trading systems, so I’d pay attention to his opinion.
Learn how to sell puts on value stocks at price levels where you’d want to buy the stock anyway. But not til after this market crashes, because at the moment there aren’t any value stocks, due to the Fed printing money and creating a stock market asset bubble. Or learn to sell outs, covering them with a second option that limits your upside, but your risk as well. Get really good at doing just that one thing. Wow! This is fantastic advice. I think I’ll take it, myself! 🙂
Hello. Is there a day trading spy www that’s gives good advice with a reasonable track record.
This guy Emmett is a self admitted rat, and according to cellmates while he was incarcerated he was a booty-bandit…it’s the truth, he likes them young.
I’ve known Marty since he was a young boy. It’s true that he liked to cut the heads of the neighborhoods cats and dogs and that he has a fondness for eating lots and lots of co@k. Many has been the time I have seen his father in tears as he dragged him home from the public restrooms. Please understand that Marty is entering the final stages of his transition to become Martina and the hormone therapy makes him do and say things that have no foundation of truth. Wow! Look Marty, anyone can make up any BS and post it as if it is true.
Spot on Stray as always! Spared me having to write something clever myself.
You are funny and clever as hell. LoL.
A “booty-bandit?” Wow, that is a really endearing term. I like that. And I supposedly “like them young” as you say. Well, let me tell you what I really do like…
1) Faster horses,
2) Younger women
3) Older whiskey
4) More money
I like all four. Especially when one of my horses decides to run with guts and courage.
Emmett, don’t even give these Bevis and Butthead wannabees the satisfaction.
So is your horse out to stud? Is he retired? Please please please don’t send him to auction. Contact me if he can’t race anymore and isn’t going to be used for stud.
Cobra is a gelding. So he won’t be doing much lovemaking. Though I am quite sure he would try, even at 8 years old!
As far as sending him to “auction” AKA “the glue factory”, that won’t be happening. I have a deep love for horses. My teenage years were spent working on various cattle and horse ranches in Oregon.
Recently, my wife and I moved closer to the San Luis Rey training facility where you can find me most mornings.
FYI, keep your eyes open for the 10th race today, at Santa Anita. His name is Pro Bono with a morning line of 50-1. If he wins, (which he probably won’t) keep your eyes on the 51-year-old handsome gentleman wearing a white cowboy hat. You have to look sharp when getting your picture taken in the winner’s circle.
That’s awesome! I’m sure you know that used to be pretty rare for your arena and mine (hunter/jumpers). The training facility I’m at now is forever, something I’ve never come across. Fortunately, times they are a-changing and 2nd chance racehorses now have their own divisions at our shows and more and more top names are starting retirement homes for retired sport horses. I’m a day late, I hope Pro Bono won!
He caught some traffic on the far turn but still finished a respectable 5th. Not bad because the oddsmakers had him at a morning line of 50-1.
Of course, I always have an excuse why a horse didn’t run very well. Lol.
You watch the Preakness? Medina Spirit folded up like a cheap suit. That’s what happens when you cannot cheat and dope your horse…they run to form.
Its great to read you are also a horse lover. We share a kindred spirit.
The thing I really like most is the ride. The thoroughbred is such an incredible athlete. I love when I get into a full gallop and you enter the “zone” where the animal just glides effortlessly across the earth at high speed. You wouldn’t believe they are so graceful and powerful unless you experience it, in the flesh. And they just love to run. It’s part of their DNA. Such a fighting spirit.
Boiler rooms describe what I saw back in the 1990’s at a collections department of a finance company. I was there doing IT work it was large room with desks short wall cubes at the head of each 2 rows was a podium which had a 2′ stool and every hour the lead person would get up there and yell at all of them. Point to what looked like a drawing of a big thermometer on the wall had different levels of I guess how much they collected from people. The ones who could not perform where escorted out of the building I was only there working for 1 week I saw at least 10 get fired on the spot. I could hear them on the phones telling elderly people not to pay any bill until they paid that bill for a new TV.
“Do research. Do your homework. Sorry if I am seem scolding, but most of these frauds are so blatantly dishonest that a review from my team is a waste of time.” — I did my research. I did my homework. I came to the conclusion that you’re a liar. You’re still scamming people. You learned nothing.
Have you ever reviewed ezbreakouts.com?
Emmett Moore is a RAT
A “RAT” for getting Raging Bull shut down? Is this what you are referring to?
Regardless, rats are highly intelligent creatures and are quite adept at surviving through the most arduous climates and quite clever at outsmarting predators. So I am confused if you mean this as a compliment?
Please advise.
Nice with it Emmet. Mic Drop!
I was wondering if you ever wrote anything about Larry Williams? I’m sure you have heard of his operation, “I really Trade”. I used to follow him way back in the 70’s. He was in cohorts with a Charles L Lindsay, the guy that wrote “TRIDENT a Trading Strategy”. He originally wrote this in 1973. He and Larry Williams made the rounds giving seminars on it back then. Later editions of this book abound and can still be found on Amazon, but strangely the original 1973 edition and any mention of Charles L. Lindsay’s legacy or whereabouts are not to be found. Larry Williams is also a good friend of Jake Bernstein. I find this somewhat troublesome. I recently found out from a reliable source that Williams just recently said his Trident seminars with Lindsay were “something he wants to forget”. I can’t help wondering what that means.
Hey Tom, I am wondering if you ever do your own research. In 1987 Williams won the Robbins Trading Cup (re-named world cup championships) with 11,376% return on risk. Williams also won the 1997 World Cup trading trophy – MICHELLE Williams, that is. She is his daughter and was 17 years old when she won. Here’s the link: https://www.worldcupchampionships.com/world-cup-trading-championship-standings
You became a Christian? You won the biggest jackpot bro. You’re set for eternity. God bless you for your hard work
Have you ever researched Van Tharp’s super trader program? The cost to complete the whole program is like close to 90.000 dollars. There are no claims or guarantees that graduates actually make big money. I’d be interested in your opinion.
It seems to me that this blog is really just a way for Emmmett Moore to create some traffic and earn a few dollars because he does not seem to be able to get a normal job. Quite logical after being a convicted fellon and have stolen 600 million dollars!
And may god help him with his conscience of conning so many people. I sincerely hope he is now a better man but I have my doubts. I hope I am wrong.
Why the heck would somebody trust a guy like Emmett Moore who has defrauded more investors than Jordan Belfort!
Do you really think that he is honest now?
He does seem to have some basic knowledge about trading but he writes in a style that only attracts losers and people who focus on negative things and feel good when they read bad stuff about other people.
He then lets people advertise on his site which shows he has a double agenda.
I have to admit, his last post on spoofing was good and very informative and I hope he continues that way. That was really well done!
But trusting somebody who has defrauded people for 600 million and now is a life saver to all of you who read this? C’mon, think twice!
Excellent comment, Nassim. Very thoughtful. Probably the best comment that I have read in quite some time.
When I started this blog, I could have used an alias. But I specifically wanted my readers to know the full, unvarnished truth about what I did 24 years ago. I wanted to painfully spill my guts onto these web pages. But why is this important?
Because by starting with this very rough foundation, I wanted people to really think about what I am writing. To carry their doubts boldly, but hopefully allow themselves to think from a slightly different perspective, and perhaps I might sway a few opinions in the process. When you said, “Emmett Moore defrauded more investors than Jordan Belfort!” I said to myself…yes, this guy gets it.
The truth is that people hero-worship Jordan Belfort. He is regularly paid huge sums of money to speak at events and was even recently hired by Raging Bull (probably the largest investment educator) to offer investment advice/education. But why would they hire this guy for investment advice/education? Jordan could never invested successfully. He was just a boiler room operator with no understanding of financial markets. But yet, people still flock to him for the “next great penny stock investment.” It drove me crazy then, and it drives me crazy still. Jordan Belfort should not be offering investment advice to anyone.
People like Jordan Belfort and Emmett Moore can serve in a better way. A way that helps people. My goal is simple…to unmask the frauds, the phonies, the con artists, etc. I can spot these sorts of frauds before you have any idea that a fraud is being committed.
I can also write about these topics from the perspective of a former “ultra-capitalist” that simply did not care who he crushed to obtain wealth. In short, I want to offer my unique perspective.
Thank you so much for commenting on the Spoofing article. It not a popular article, but I put so much work and effort into that story. Getting an actual spoofer making large sums of money, and knowing that he could be prosecuted for the act, to come out and speak with me candidly was extremely difficult.
Now I also understand that I do obtain advertising revenue from some of these vendors, and I fully disclose this. That it certainly creates a “double agenda” as you say. However, you have no idea the legal battles and courtrooms across the United States where I have fought some of these frauds. The attornies fee’s that I pay is incredible. But to me, it’s worth it. In order to bring change to this industry, I knew that I would have to be fully committed, without fear, and willing to fight to the end. Ask Ross Cameron of Warrior Trading…he sued me twice…and lost both cases.
I will change this industry, Nassim.
Nothing is for free. If it’s free, you are usually the product. Emmett is not charging anything here. The only way for him to make money is through Adsense or if he secretly gets a commission from few positive reviews. Again, do your own due diligence in the end the way he does it before investing your money on any courses
I recall Emmett had mentioned whistleblower awards by the regulatory feds for help in outing some of these frauds. So perhaps he partook of some of that which could have helped fund his over 200k spent in defending against lawsuits by the scams. Maybe and hopefully he’ll write a comprehensive book on the sordid industry and his work behind the scenes of tradingschools. I’m sure it would be a great “pop” financial section best-seller.
Anyone else see that clown Belfort’s mug and article words the media put out during the Gamestop farce? where he predicted Robinhood’s demise like he’s some legit financial news expert now. sheese. In my book, Emmett is the real true hero of helping giving the power back to the retailer and those duped scammed, and finally stemming the tide of this decades long snakeoil runaway industry that compromised and bribed review sites had long failed or disavowed to do. And I hope someday tradingschools gets strong enough to shake off the suffocating crony legal pressure from Sykes and he and his empire gets their raging-bull & OTA type of comeuppance and toppling from the feds and class-action clawback from the masses of victims too.
I have to disagree with Emmett.
Your comment, “But trusting somebody who has defrauded people for 600 million and now is a life saver to all of you who read this?” is just dumb. And I will use an analogy to point out why your comment is dumb.
Kevin Mitnick is computer security consultant (and a former cracker, the official term for a criminal hacker) who served time in prison for computer crimes. Upon his release, corporations and government agencies TRUSTED his consultation services on computer security. Who better trust when it comes to computer security than a former criminal hacker?
Likewise, who better to trust in the scummy/scam-infested world of investor/trading education, than someone who was a former scammer?
A former scammer knows who scammers operate.
You mean you’re disagreeing with Nassim, correct? not Emmett. The difference between Emmett and other big time frauds and felons, or other felons who got a book and movie deal like Belfont then just doing some lip-service speaking deal about fraud for a stint , imo, is that Emmett and tradingschools seemingly has somewhat ongoing ties with the authorities. As he’d said, they know him, they may not like him, but they know him and they seemed to have acted with the help in large part of Emmett’s work on tradingschools. Which also acts as alert buffer for tradingschools that scammers can’t intimidate because the feds and authorities are close enough by and the shammers usually don’t want to get noticed then investigated, with their worst case being audited and their actual losing trading results subpoened and bare for all to see of their victims and dupes.
Correct. I am implicitly disagreeing with Nassim, by explicitly disagreeing with Emmett’s assessment of Nassim’s comment. Nassim’s comment isn’t excellent; it’s illogical, as I have pointed out.
My company uses Mitnick’s courses. They are quite good and he shows you how it all happens which is really interesting. That’s exactly why when I read Emmett’s story, I though Oh good! He knows what to look for. Mitnick was exactly what I was thinking about.
Yeah… Emmett sounds so fake. He still hasn’t responded to me on a wildly false claim that was made against Rayner. Becareful of this site. Make money off of criticizing other people.
Rayner Teo? I thought his stuff was good, if rather basic … then he started charging people for “magic stuff”. Yeah, right. Not the first guy to suck people in with good-sounding stuff, then try to charge them.
Rayner Teo, the Rambo of Singapore!
I really love your work. How do I support your cause. And would u be able to give me a recommendation and point me in the right direction
What is the best online trading school? I want to get into it and maybe day trade, but am worried now after reading your blog.
Are there any that can actually walk the walk and not just talk the talk?
Leslie, I have been trading all types of securities since the 50s. I have also investigated many trading schools and forecasting services. I am yet to find a legitimate one. There’s an old saying, it goes: “Chop your own wood, it will warm you twice.” This is so true of trading and investment. If you are looking to get rich quick then forget securities.
First reflect your life goals relative to your age, income, capital, available time and then study, study, study. Then paper trade for a few months. While paper trading develop a system that suits your character and resources and start investing/trading. Stay away from foreign brokers, day trading, forex, futures, options and leaps.
Good Luck!
Hey I do the same thing you do but different topic. I call out bullshit within our city governmemt and any asshats that do or plan to do business in Clermont, FL. I recently stumbled upon a review you did on Timothy Stetin with Trade Reversal, and in addition to my own investigation, agreed with your article. Long story short, I read your article on my podcast and Timothy Stetin came out of his shit hole and told me that you and I should “lawyer up”. So apparently he intends on “seeing us in court.” Ridiculous. Anyhow, if you have a moment could you contact me? Insideclermont@gmail.com
I would love to pick your brain about this dipshit. Thanks 🙂
Have you seen the movie “Sorry to Bother You”? Most of the film’s story could have been lifted right from your experience.
Thanks for the reviews! Much appreciated!
In the story above you say Nick converted you to Christianity, but in your review of the Christian Finance Radio Network you say you are not a Christian. I am curious as to whether or not you are a follower of Jesus?
Why do you care? Conservatives have ruined everything, look at GOP. Every bill passed by GOP only benefits rich/themselves, not middle class. I will feel more safe if he is NOT.
Thanks for asking. I care because it is the most important decision any of us will ever make. Philippians 2:9-11
Merry Christmas
Do some research. Read David Fitzgerald’s book, Nailed: Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed at All
You are incorrect.
It is the socialist/communistic Democrats that have ruined our country, not the Republicans.
If you do business, you’d understand.
Conservatives are not necessarily christian and vice versa. A lot of immigration from the southern border is catholic. And christian teachings may in fact lean more socialist. In any case some trading vendors that claim christian bent have also proven to be corrupt shamshows such as “TradeForJesus” and the mentioned CFRN probably using christianity as part of the marketing in bad faith. (incl. Emmet’s review of the asian-american couple who advertised their shamshow at church meetings and gatherings) I’d rather trading in general and its publicity to just be taken completely out of religious context.
Was pleased to find this site again. I lost my bookmarks almost a year ago and I just today came up with google search words that got me back here. I have missed not being able to check things out here.
I do think there are other solid educational programs out there, but they are legitimate and don’t engender the multitudes of complaints that most of the programs you review here have gotten.
Thank you,
It somehow got my last name wrong, and I really don’t want it posted. So deleted everything but my first name in initial post above. I am obviously not very social media savvy, selectively so by choice.
Emmett, I came across your site randomly and I have to say it’s been very informative. Perhaps I have missed it somewhere here on this site, but I am wondering what are you qualifications for determining which party is a fraud and who is not? Meaning, do you have a background in financial markets and trading strategies (other than selling them above as you mentioned)? I did read that you try to confirm the trades and that’s highly appreciated because I was thinking the same thing when I started getting into trading.
Would LOVE an answer 🙂
Hi Emmett,
Great stuff!
I wonder what your earning model is with this website.
It seems that many reviews are just an opinion, not based on facts.
I assume that negative reviews get you the traffic you need for the website as I rarely see any positive comments at all.
I cannot remember the last positive review. Maybe it was Steven Dux?
Earning model for this website is tough. Very tough. Currently, I have only a single advertising agreement with Dean Jenkins. You can read the review, and the affiliate agreement is fully disclosed in the article:
Additionally, I also disclose the exact amount that this advertising arrangement has earned. On average, I earn about $800 per month from this advertiser.
In the past, I had an affiliate agreement with Dekmar Trades, but this ended approximately two years ago. The amount was really small. Why did I drop Dekmar Trades? Well, he started something called Trade Caster which acts a portal for traders to sell live trading rooms…the problem is that nobody was vetting the people he was adding to his “trade caster” service. I cannot endorse something if I cannot independently verify actual brokerage statements from the traders. So, I had to end my relationship. Regardless, Sean Dekmar still enjoys all the fruits and benefits of that article. It’s still here, for anyone to read. This income from that was also disclosed and public.
There was another guy (I forgot his name), I earned $150 and ended that as well. Same problem. Once I posted the positive review, he stopped showing verifiable brokerage statements. I cannot endorse any trader that relies upon Hypothetical Performance to sell his product.
Additionally, I have also posted some positive reviews where I have earned nothing, nor did I attempt to earn any sort of income. This would be Steven Dux, a bonafide multi-millionaire stock slinger. I didn’t want to get involved with his product because I felt the cost was exorbitant and I felt the material just didn’t meet my standards. But he got a great review because his verified performance merited it. I recommend you read the article. It contains plenty of juicy secrets about how he trades. You can read it here:
Steven Dux Review
Also, I have written two positive reviews about Kevin Davey (bonafide world champion Futures trader). I think they are pretty good reads. I have no affiliate agreements or revenue from Kevin Davey whatsoever. Nor have I ever asked.
In total, I believe I have written 300+ reviews and only 4 people are worthy of a positive review. Out of those 4, only 1 has kept to the high standard that I set…Dean Jenkins. Is Dean a saint and an angel delivered from heaven? Nope. In fact, he sells a really shit piece of software as an affiliate of Vantage Point. You can read my review about Vantage Point here:
Dean and I have extremely differing opinions of Vantage Point software. But that’s OK. Not every circle must be squared. He sells it, I won’t. That’s Ok. But Dean trades with a live trading account, he fully displays his wins and losses, his customers are happy, and that is good enough for me.
My final source, and most important source of revenue is Google Adsense. I have no control over who places these ads. Nor do I care. The income is roughly $200 per month. But it is consistent and I dont have to worry about a vendor fucking up and causing me trouble.
My biggest expense? Attornies fees. Very, very expensive to defend this sort of speech. Since 2015, I have spent well over $275k defending various fucktards that have sued me in State and Federal courts. The worst was Warrior Trading. By far, the worst was Warrior Trading. One lawsuit was not good enough. He came after me TWICE! Notice how the Warrior Trading review is still active? That little article cost me a fortune to defend. But it was worth it. Ross taught me a lot about myself and I appreciate that. He was a worthy and fierce warrior. Although he walked away busted up and broken. I also walked away busted up and broken. But I won — if you can call it that.
The biggest legal expenses come at the Appellate Court. Yep, I have fought it out there as well. Appellate attornies are expensive. In that case, there wasn’t a winner (unless you were the attorney). Actually, I won. But eventually, we settled because neither of us really wanted to keep bleeding money.
Additionally, I had a whack-a-doodle lady sue me outside the United States. She was trying to get a judgment where she could possibly have the review removed by submitting her paper judgment to Google, hence deindexing the allegedly offensive content. That didn’t work. As a matter of fact, she ended up being arrested at the airport in San Francisco and eventually was sentenced to 22 years in Federal Prison (Dec. 2019). That was Lee Elbaz in the article “scammer got busted.”
As far as “other” revenue, its well documented that I was the primary whistleblower on the School Of Trade CFTC investigation which resulted in a $4.9 million dollar judgment against Joseph Dufresne (aka James James) and his skanky wife, Megan Dufresne. In that investigation, we proved that Mr. Dufresne’s hypothetical performance summaries did not match his actual trading performance result. This was a whistleblower award, and I am not required to reveal, nor will I disclose the award.
There have been other whistleblower awards. I should do an article just on the aspect of what it takes to earn an award through the whistleblower program. Or, you can read about it yourself…
At this point, all I am willing to reveal is that being a whistleblower has been a significant benefit. Some would say that TradingSchools.Org’s primary function is that of a bounty hunter for the CFTC, and the SEC.
Your question was great. Thanks for asking.
Hi Emmet,
This is an interesting website. I see almost all reviews are negative. Do you also have any recommendations or do they not exist?
Take care.
Thanks for the useful information on this site. It helped me a lot in my search for trading educators.
hi Emmett,
I am a Laurens Bensdorp disaster and know quite a few others. I am wondering how I can write bad reviews and help other not to be conned as well. ALso. you mentioned it is possible to make money in the markets. Can you tell me how please. Appreciated
Your best bet is to buy some cheap stocks you can afford to hold and as soon as you earn some bucks sell and pay down your credit card, you will feel real good .If you twitter check me out
Hello Emmett,
Thanks for sharing your heart here. I applaud your courage. Thanks for giving us a great starting point to weed through these vendors. Best of all you found something eternal to put your faith in.
All the best
Would love to send you a positive e-mail.
Could you hit me back with an address?
Don’t see one on the site.
Emmet, Please could you expose these 2 slimly rats. They are claiming ridiculous inflated earnings of upto $250,000 for a few minutes work on 1 Trade.
They have a huge following and get around 2000 people on their live youtube feed every day.
One of the rats is called ‘Uncle ted ‘…. sounds like a nonce case, Lol! He is the most arrogant and irritating cunt you will ever come across. and the other is named Raja. He is another arrogant prick from Pakistan. I think they sell mentoring of some sort and give trade advice but either way they need to be outed.
Please could you let me know your thoughts. cheers man.
Emmet did you get my message earlier. it seems to have disapeared.
Emmet i have always said its great work you are doing here. I was wondering if you expose these Intsagram fraudsters that hide behind inflated crazy earnings. Im going to forward you a few guys I came across that need to be exposed. they have a live youtube feed everyday and i think they sell mentoring of some sort. This guy who call himself ‘ Uncle ted ‘ which sounds very noncey ,LOL! He is the most arrogant and irritating cunt you will ever come across, he claims to earn millions of dollars a week and upto $250,000 in a few minutes work on 1 trade, Hahahaha! Its so ridiculous but they have massive followers. 2000 people a day follow them on the live feed. Also , Raja, another arrogant con artist that needs to be exposed. please look into these lying rats or at least give me your thoughts.
Cheers Man.
I would like to hear more on how you can prove Oren Shabat Laurent was the owner of Glenridge Capital and if you can prove that the Cartu brothers were in on it too. I would be most grateful for any information
Powerful story. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
I would like to start trading I almost went with the s & p future trading group “formerly delta trading group” until I saw your review! Who is legitimate out there?
No one of these snakeoilers is “legitimate”. They are all shamshows. If someone found highly effective golden goose/grail methods, they sure wouldn’t be selling to strangers on a publicized vendor sham site. They would be either trading their hard researched or long searched and discovered methods quietly for themselves or friends and family. Or work in the legit financial sector or be a partner in a legit proprietary hedge fund. (since when do competing hedge funds or hft funds share their methods or code to their competitors? i.e. like the formula for diet coke, or KFC chicken, or patents) My advice for newbs would be to sign up, if absolutely feeling the need to, one of the cheaper shamshows such as “Raynard Teo” and partake of their methods or free videos online then using ideas learned and come up with your own variations and creative methods to backtest and forward test. Also look up books on system testing or comparison. Yes, some out there say “find a mentor” or sign up to “SMB” or some nonsense, but how rare like lottery chances to chance on a mentor who’s really successful much less even willing to share or teach (or just yell at one to get off their lawn) , or how many would drop everything to join and move to a prop firm and possibly ruin their regular day job or career. Some more advice on /r/daytrading on subreddit can be helpful. (just be aware some shilling gets past the mods there like constant shilling for Weinstein’s or Aziz’s books) This tradingschools site is good, but it’s mainly a witchhunt with torches and pitchforks exposing these scams and being reaffirmed about long held suspicions deep in the consciousness that most all of these “vendors” are failed traders, or stopped or never traded live or for a living, and are all just putting up varied elaborate shamshows to daily churn and hamster wheel monthly subs and sales duping new newbs arriving in droves every month (more recently with the zero commissions) trying to start daytrading. Many readers here have been scammed or fooled in the past and are long long since jaded to these shamshow’s shenanigans and tricks even new ones such as local server setups pretending to be broker statement sites (lol) shown “navigated” to in vendor shammy “proof” videos. And many enjoy , rejoice, or are entertained in seeing these shams get comeuppance or justice of some kind whether exposure, or financial or investigative authority involvement, having some karmic payback for years of compromised /shilled “reviewing” or no oversight, or lying marketing or even abuse feedback from some vendors to their clients, or make use of Emmett’s due diligence in exposing these snakeoilers.
Hi, Is there any information or review on the educators and trading room at THE INTENTIONAL TRADER. There website is the intentional trader.com, Very interesting But can not find much on reviews.
That’s the guy who often had an avatar of some brit-looking gent holding a black umbrella on a walk on bmt, but actually looks like a longish haired hipster in his photo? i confused him with the jigsaw guy for a while, lol.
Awesome.. Mark, private futures trader here!
Loved review of Steven Dux.. don’t use his stuff but as a trader and engineer KNOW he’s the real deal. Look forward to reading other reviews here and recommending the site if it appears to be helpful!!
Also, enjoyed the story of where you came from.. Born Again Christian too.. ck out http://www.ce4research.com ..you WILL be amazed!!
Great Work Emmett.
What do you think about Matthew Kratter (https://www.trader.university/)
This is all great work! Thank you.
Hi Emmett, well now I have your complete “stuck in quicksand of “living your dream” off others peoples’ money (and trust) as Ross is now doing. I believe mistakes are part of life but the important thing is to always learn from them…and most importantly, being able to admit the mistakes made being crucial to inner growth of any kind. That said, before I read about your past mistakes, I already (by what you wrote and how you sound) that you had a life changing revelation from it…. and Im so happy for you. Btw, i was a buddhist my entire life until moving into this house (about 2 years before my stroke) and I know now, without a doubt, God exhists. I even asked God for proof that he exists and I got it! (I survived a rare certain death stroke…..and all my bodily functions are slowly coming back, and I still look great….which I would say is proof enough God exists…..BUT God gave me other definate proof and there is absolutely no expanation for the results……all miracles that would blow your mind!). I believe God is now using you (and me) to stop Ross Cameron from scamming the innocent!! Thanks!!
On another note, i reread the warrior trading emails i sent you and i saw some doscrepencies in my story. However, what is most imoortant about my story is what counts. Ross completely mesmerized me with all his sales pitches, his look, his sneaky “no refunds” policy. Even if I was offerred a $5 trial as they said they did, what good would that have done for me when I just got my eyesight back and could barely type. If you think about it, a one time offer of $5 for only 5 days may be enough time for an experienced trader (one who was experienced with being on trading chat rooms), but a complete joke of an offer for a mere beginner as he usually targets! The 5 day offer is just another legal SCAM that slips into the gray area (or is just part if the noise as you put it).
I noticed the date of Rene’s post – hence, my question (since Emmit’s Warrior Trading review was in 2015). How did Ross pull off those ‘Small Account” Challenges? 1st one – $583 to over $100K in 45 days and over $1M in 2 years (2017 or 18). His recent 2nd one: $500 to over $7K in 11 days (Dec 2019). He’s starting a 3rd one in Jan 2020. He says all trades are streamed ‘live’ in his chat room. What’s going on here? Is this legit or all a scam???? Thanks
It’s all scam. Ross is one of the craftiest shamshow sneaks ever to emerge from the Bond mod school of shamming. His old site circa the time of the WT review here actually had statements to the effect that he was a former architect. There were even “proof” spreadsheet tallies that pretended he made over 100k a year. Now all that has been erased and can’t be recovered from archive.org, since the WT ill-gotten funded empire has vigged every other review source and gotten them to erase the records and manipulated their vast advertised and shilled web media narrative. Ross reacted to the review and they spent even more duped clients monies into creating more of their fakery, similar to the shammeister himself Sykes and his organization. Now WT uses leftover dummy live accounts to put up a shamshow but mainly to get dupes to frontrun/pump’n’dump hundreds if not thousands of members in the chat room on artificially volume pumping penny stocks, and they are constantly trying to get more dupes signed up or worse buy into their worthless “warrior pro” courses. Make no mistake, the actual profit of WT is the chat subs , “deals” and “pro” courses that had risen to almost double despite constantly seasonally advertised as heavily “discounted”. Very much the typical “standard” of the shamshow vendor industry, just at a higher successful level similar to Sykes’ rise. Back in the older site days, Ross had so many losers that were glossed over and omitted and shammed away or replaced with fake winners on the “spreadsheet” tallies. I got tired of counting the several discrepancies of all the losers glossed over or ignored not matching from the chat room to the faked tally and trades reports, the typical practices of most every sham vendor operations out there such as always saying as an excuse the market is “slow” or “strange” when they can’t find good trades. Somehow Ross has evolved and has become the second Sykes with his cronies. But never be fooled. If you took away his chat room and all the dupes he pumped, he couldn’t trade his way on his own out of a homeless paper bag with no one to dump and would be worse than any of the few “breakeveners” that are positive reviewed here on tradingschools. I saw how he traded back then and it was the laziest shittiest nonsense regurgitation of generic ideas that has been freely available on the web for a long time. Guy doesn’t even know fundamentals, basic stats/testing, or even a lot of chart TA basics being a BA of arts instead of the lie of having been an “architect”. Every past churned member even for a short time or longer of WT know what I’m talking about, about all these shammy details, how the WT “methods” (not even a strict trading plan mentioned, or stop management advised or taught; very lazy and lousy) don’t even work (you need your own chat flock to dump this way) , but very few post about it (not counting the fake actor shilled comments) in comparison to how many thousands were fooled and fleeced.
Stephen Kalayjian,
I seb=nt this request over a month agao… Ticker Tocker ~Stephen Kalayjian WTF? Are you going to do some work or not!@ Site is a fucking waste
For punks like you? probably not…
No reviews of Dan Zanger (chartpattern.com)?
Hi Emmett,
I am a CTA in Sarasota Fl that knocked the skin off the ball in 2008 and 2009 only to strike out hard in 2010. A misdiagnosed illness had me ejected from the game in 2011 and I have never been able to regain the traction I once had. Despite all this, and the point of this message is that, over the last 5 years I have developed an extremely robust execution system and methodology. Raising money for my CTA has been brutal in the current environment and I am considering prop trading or even the educational realm. Any chance you and I could have a quick discussion this week? I would love to get your thoughts and opinion. Thanks
Dear Emmett
Thanks for your contributions , you have saved me -and many others for sure- from a long journey of agony , regret and sorrow in pursuit of “genuine trading mentors.
to me your words and review count, period.
I would highly appreciate knowing your thoughts on
set and forget supply and demand trading service providers
So very interesting.
To start, I’ve mainly come here investigating Warrior Trading. Read your article, read ALOT of comments on said article. Confirmed some thoughts, left others out in the water. Also came about trying to prove your credibility as well based on your negative review of WT. Your backstory, If true, is astoundingly interesting. All of your live events, from gain to loss, is quite breathtaking. Practically cinematic (Which makes me skeptical of course, but hey that’s what you instruct us to be, right?)
In the end my way of thinking it, is that I use his free/public training and morning live streams for my trading now, and if i make enough money, I’d buy his program. I made some money (10%-12% in ~10 minutes) in my REAL test run following his live stream in the morning. If I don’t see it going anywhere (And I imagine I’ll know pretty quick and easily) I’ll know where to go to write my review.
If this site is indeed credible, I thank you graciously for your hard work and dedication you give to ensure us common people don’t get screwed.
You should do reviews on other review sites like https://toptradereviews.com/
They all give 4-5 star reviews on tradenet, or fous. Wanted to see if they are just scamming and doing it for the affiliate commission would be great to have you call them out 🙂
Love your site btw man keep up the great work 🙂
Pure affiliate bullshit. These types of sites are the WORST. They could care less if you go broke, only if they can scrap out a commission for themselves.
Confirmation bias is dangerous. Honest folks find these trading educators through happenstance and clever marketing, they believe the sales pitch. And then they look for ‘reviews’ that confirm or validate the fantasy. That’s how this whole industry keeps churning.
Stumbled on to your site and it is great. Refreshing to find someone willing to tell the truth. Your service and honesty is greatly appreciated. I will be visiting often to get all the latest updates.
Thanks Butch!
I was curious if this system is legit or not
Food evening sir,
I love that you are cracking down on scam artist. I have been scam in the past many times over due to my ambition got the best of me. Now as I am older. I’m weary and slow to react to my feelings. But I’m trying learn and better myself. I came across this company SMBU or SMB capital. It has two names. I’m just wondering if I can get your opinion on if it is legit. My heart has mix emotion.. I just want a 2nd opinion. Kind regards
Hi can you please look into a write a review on:
David Jaffe – http://www.BestStockStrategy.com
Additionally here is his YouTube feed
IMO, I thinks David is legit. His trading methodology (selling option premium via credit spreads) is solid; moreover, he’s transparent with his trading track record and has receipts to prove it. He has doubled his $5K Tasty Works account to over $11K in 1 year. He’s made over $1M in trading profits in his (7 figure) E-Trade account. So as a ‘real’ trader – he’s legit as they come.
The only things that raises my eyebrows about David are 2 things….
1) His prices. He ‘claims’ he wants to help people – yet he charges almost $2K for his trading course that teaches only 1 strategy (selling premium). Just by watching his free content on his You Tube channel, he reveals the nuts & bolts of that strategy. So I can’t imagine what more of this strategy he can reveal that’s worth that $2K sticker price he’s asking for his course. SMH!
In addition to his $2K course, his ‘alert’ services sticker prices are almost $400 a MONTH!! Moreover, he only offers 2-4 trades a month. I’m like – what’s going on here? He’s already rich. He claims he wants to help the little guy. Yet his prices are not the least bit affordable (& way above his competitors). It’s like he’s trying to make a killing selling his wares too. I just don’t get it.
2) He wants to get into the ‘trading guru’ review business too (follow Emmit’s lead) with his YT channel. Personally, I see this as a good thing. There are too many fraudulent characters in the trading education space & a Ralph Nader type is welcomed here. Hence, for the most part, David is offering a valuable service here. But, with some of his reviews, he’s very bias, emotional, mean-spirited & gets very personal. Objectivity and sticking with the facts goes out the window. Not cool.
Plus, he’s really big on ‘dissing’ Tasty Trade & Option Alpha (a lot) and I can’t figure out why. Both offer a lot of educational value to the options trading community & they both have ‘good’ intent. Why he likes to ‘constantly’ pick on Tom Sosnof & claims Kirk (option alpha) is a fraud is beyond my comprehension – unless it’s personal.
Another thing I’ve noticed about David’s reviews with ‘trading’ gurus on his YT channel – 100% of those reviews are NEGATIVE. He smashes all of them as scammers, frauds & sociopaths. The only ones I noticed who gets half way ‘positive’ reviews are vendors who are ‘outside’ the trading community space (e.g…marketing entrepreneurs,etc..).
Me & other commenters on his channel asked him if there are any ‘legit’ trading gurus out there and if so, balance out all these ‘negative’ reviews with some POSITIVE ones. We even gave him names of traders to review who appear to have stellar reputations. We are still waiting for those reviews.
I may be wrong here, but I don’t expect to see one POSITIVE review on a trading guru on his site in the near future. I have a theory that David’s intent is to ‘smash’ all trading gurus (esp option trading gurus) and set himself up as the ONLY LEGIT trading guru on the internet (which he’s already admitted in his promo materials that he’s the only legit one out there).
Moreover, (and this is only my opinion), I contend if he did discover another ‘legit’ trading guru out there – he won’t admit it or or share the spotlight on him on his channel – cuz he does NOT want the competition. He only wants the spotlight on himself. Again, I could be wrong here. We’ll see.
Would love to get Emmit’s ‘take’ on David & his services.
Having said all of the above, and with all candor, if a newbie came to me and wanted guidance or recommendation on what trading guru I’d recommend to help him lower his learning curve & start making $ ASAP trading options – and if he could comfortably afford David’s prices – David would be my 1st choice for him. Hands down.
I may have some minor concerns with David in other areas – but as a ‘real’ successful trader who knows his sh** & walks his talk and has the receipts to PROVE IT – he’s legit AF!
Can’t take that away from him. He’s ‘da man’.
What a crap! Nice Hollywood script.
By your own rating system:
Honesty – 0
Quality – 0
Verified Info – 0
Wrapping Things Up
This is 100% bullshit!
Man, you are awesome!! The transformation you have had in who you are makes you a genuine resource for every investor! Thanks for sharing your story! I am going to “binge read” your site’s content over the next couple of days for sure :).
I think every individual investor should be made to read your reviews before being allowed to open a trading account anywhere!
Thank you for your service!
Happy Holidays and a great New Year ahead for you!
Hey, was wondering if you can do a review on Six Figure Capital? Course has some very positive reviews on Forex Peace Army but wanted to get your view on it. It does teach harmonic trading, which I think you aren’t a big fan of, but I’d still like your opinion nonetheless.
Thanks in advance!
These chaps are supposed to be running the fastest growing Forex school in the UK. Do you have any knowledge of them or can you check them out.
Any ideas on Micah Lamar of http://www.wallstreetio.com. His Payday Cycle and back testing seems to be very balanced. I’d love to hear what you think.
Very good story. But sad too. Maybe your motto should have been, “If I help enough people get what they want, then I will get what I want”. Looking forward to reading your blogs and writings about finding the “edges” in the futures markets to get a positive result(profit). The 15 minute close “edge” is definitely worth looking at and trading. So far since my first trade in 1982 overall I’m down about $150,000. So maybe your “edges” will help me get back to even.
Wow Emmett – that’s an amazing story! Had the son of a friend take me for $50K in a real estate Ponzi scheme. As a seasoned real estate investor, I should have known better but this was during the go-go days of flipping foreclosed homes and got caught up in the frenzy. Think my friend’s son got out of prison this spring after serving 15-months in a west Texas federal facility. Wouldn’t wish that on anybody. No hard feelings or regrets – we’ve moved on and learned a good lesson.
Just dumb lucked onto your website and really like what you are doing. Most review sites these days are just a bogus front for the scammer or a re-direct by a different scammer. Keep up the good work. Favorite review so far (in case you are keeping a vote tally) was the Jason Bond one where you busted these guys dead to rights with the fake Harvard Business School deal. Precious!!!
One question – do you ever review solicitation for trading newsletters? I know there are a zillion of these but would be nice to get some from the bigger guys or the publishers for these. I get bombarded each quarter form Investment Software Systems, Inc. in Asheville, NC pushing options services form Chuck Huges, Russel Sands (supposedly one of the “Turtles” trained by Richard Dennis), and others.
Thanks again and welcome to the light! 🙂
Hi Scott,
Thanks for the kind words. I will review pretty much anything. I seem to be pretty good at sniffing out fraud.
When I started the blog, I had this novel and naive vision that finding the best and brightest would be easy. Wow, was I ever wrong.
Regarding Chuck Hughes…interesting character. He has a prior track record and its good. But he aligned himself with some really shady promoters. And so he allows himself to be pimped out. In the worst sort of way.
Basically, Chuck is now part of the problem.
Russel Sands…what a phony. His book is terrible. He has no track record. Been riding the Turtle gravy train since he went broke and his wife made him live in a cheap RV. A really cheap RV.
Raw, excellent, amazing story. Thank you for sharing 🙂
Hi Emmett, I read your story and wanted to thank you – I appreciate your candor…its very refreshing. I’ve also read some of your reviews; even if you should get something wrong, I never get the feeling that you’re writing a puff piece for somebody for personal gain. So that’s a 180 turn! Best to you.
Hi Emmett, I think you might have a slight misconception of what trading entails. 99% of traders will lose their money, so no provider can possibly claim to produce consistently profitable results for all their students. It is impossible. So please be careful when calling someone a fraud and just using performance as the only measure, as 99% of people will never be profitable and just lose their money. It takes around 4-5 years to break through, if you are lucky. Investing makes money, trading loses it.
Lost tens of thousands on bs trading education. Love this site! Thank you for it Emmett. Man, what a story. But you ended up on top with victory. Good for you and Nick, my Christian brothers. I have been reading your blog for 3 days now. Man how I can relate. I am currently on a Topstep 50k combine. I have been looking for a Topstep review on your site and I thought you approved of them when you were reviewing the oil trader. Topstep are thieves? Thanks Emmett
I think my favorite part is relating to you. I’ve had my fair share of running shady call rooms and seen lots of ups and downs. Done Short Stints nothing over 90 days thank god, but I am a new person as well. I found my new direction through age, kids, and Ayahuasca. Life is definitely not the fast lane anymore and I’m bored out of my mind, but I feel like a much cleaner and peaceful person. I imagine sometimes you interview these people, and say if this idiot only did this he would be 10 times richer, and you quickly realize that’s not your MO anymore. I still have those flashbacks of chasing the easy money but I’m Glad I soldier on to sleep at night and be content, and mostly chase to be an example for my kids somehow some day. Your stories inspire me and I’m so happy I ran across your stuff. Your an amazing writer and I appreciate all the honesty and hard work you put into your articles. I want to also thank you as I was on the Topstep Trading Hamster wheel for the last year. I have spent over $20,000 with them. I have had 5 different funded accounts, but each one has been closed (even though profitable) because of some nonsense on their side. The last 2 accounts didn’t even fund because they totally scammed me. Your reviews have inspired me to contact the SEC on them and hopefully stop the insanity they are running. I would love to share my story with you anytime, call me. On Monday your reviews have inspired me to contact T3 Trading, I’m so excited I feel like I have a real chance to get a real shot at making a living through trading through a real Company. I wish I found you a year ago, but better late than never. Cheers!
$20k on the TopStep hamster wheel, just wow. Thanks for sharing this.
I don’t chase the fast buck anymore. I never liked myself when I did. Every once in a while, I will run into a person that knew the old me. In their mind, they still have me ‘framed’ as that old person (scammer). And that’s what we do, we frame a person in our mind and carry that image for life. Its important to always remember that people are always changing. For better or worse.
I know those ‘flashbacks’ all too well. Thankfully I have the opportunity to help steer my son. Hopefully he listens.
Holy shit this bullshit artist made a whole website trying to call warrior trading a scam just so he could sell more of his own product
Emmmet, this one’s for you. My name is Doron “The Pitbull Trader”. Please cotact me on my email or shoot me a Skype
Hi Doron,
Sorry to read that you didn’t like the review. Its nothing personal, I have only written what was corroborated and what I personally witnessed. Our Skype conversation was great. Many laughs. You have a funny personality.
But here is the problem…people are looking for honest solutions and they expect that I write the most brutally honest review as possible. It fucking hurts when people write nasty things. It happens to me all the time.
Did I get this review wrong? I sure hope so. Truly. You will find that I am just as tough on myself–when I get it wrong. And I do get it wrong.
So let’s start fresh. Do you have account statements that verify the performance figures?
Thank you for helping me draft the most honest and truthful review as possible.
FYI, most ‘trading educators’ don’t even have trading accounts. They only trade on simulators. If this is your current situation, then I would be more than happy to track your simulated performance and report these numbers. I have a mechanism that works perfectly with NinjaTrader. We can set up a drop point that collects all of your trading data and it cannot be modified or manipulated.
I wish you the best. And I sincerely hope that your trading educational business succeeds. But the missing piece is verifiable performance. Without that, then you are going to have a tough road ahead.
Curious if anyone requested Tradenet for review. Trying to do my own homework about how tax is reported and I’m suspisuspicious. Any thoughts?
great history
After reading some of your reviews, I have a feeling I know where this one might end up… still, could you please do a review of Mafia Trading and his (Mike’s) Mindset Trader dvd course?
Could you check this guy out please?
Todd Gordon, Trading Analysis.
Todd Gordon is legit.
did you ever write anything about online trading academiy?
Emmett, trying to email you would love to take you up on the offer to receive the Larry Connors code, would be worthwile if I were to get TradeNavigator
Would love to see reviews of Wendy Kirkland and Chuck Hughes
Me too, specially Wendy Kirkland. Got her option mailing with the ticker, entry & exit dates and option type with price.
It did not jave. First, the dates match 2015, then her results did not match an option back tester program from a trader’s website. As I proceeded with the dates, it became really wacky; entry & exits were on weekends. Then, the big results didn’t match the back tester and many times, the option price.
Would love to hear your take.
Thank you
Wendy Kirkland’s prime system is using the ADX & PPO with the PPO panel above the ADX panel. When the lines in each converge, buy, they separate, sell.
I used it for options, it was good. I have a chart that shows trend change in each indicator, thus, it was easy to use.
Wendy claims there is more to it than just these 2 indicators.
I did not purchase the program, yet, I suspect the additional indicators would be Stochastic, RSI & MACD, a pretty common indicator combo many schools push as their own. LOL
Maybe in the future I will revisit the above combo. At this time I have other money generating projects before spending investigation time on Wendy & other trading plans.
Thank you
Hi Emmett,
Will you be writing a review on Mafia Trading soon?
Hey Emmett, when I first started reading your reviews of the various trading gurus i pictured you more as the dweeby keyboard warrior. But after seeing that picture of whom I presume to be you, id say you were the stunt double for live free or die hard. And possibly some fast and furious. Can’t tell what a person looks like from behind.
Love the site and info. Desparetly needed in this realm ! Question, you have a bad review of Bill Poulos so why is his ads all over your site ?
Hi Kelly,
The ads are Google Adsense. I dont have much control over what is being displayed by Google.
Best, Emmett
Are you familiar with Online Trading Academy based in Irvine CA? I purchased the program 4 years ago and spent days and weeks in training — But I have yet to make a trade. I spent $40K on the product and totally regret it. Do you have any info on them?
Whoa, wait a minute…you spent $40k with Online Trading Academy? Please email me directly at emmett@tradingschools.org. We need to talk.
I thought they were out of Texas. Vince Rowe’s school?
Nice to read your full story Emmett. Just curious if this whole site is a way to eliminate competition for affiliate marketing though? You shoot down everyone and then pick a few that don’t offer affiliate programs to the general public – leaving you as the ONLY affiliate for their program. Meanwhile, you build a site that is infamous for being ‘honest’ has a decent amount of traffic etc. I might be totally wrong of course but I have a nose for scams and frauds you see…
Hi Wesley,
TradingSchools.Org is definitely an affiliate marketing website. No doubt about that. Any and all affiliate relationships are fully disclosed in the reviews.
I do shoot down a lot of people. And many of the people that receive negative reviews are very nice people. But being a nice person is not enough. The goal is to separate the diamonds from the dirt. And you have to move a lot of dirt to find the diamonds.
The revenue model is pretty slim. Whenever a negative review is written, you lose a potential advertiser. But you also gain currency with the reader, because they can sense that what is being written is the best obtainable version of the truth.
Truth be told, I could make a massive amount of money by lying to the audience. By accepting money for not publishing a negative review. By publishing a positive review for a product that pays 75% sales commissions, or by selling banner ads to whoever is willing to pay the most. But I don’t. That should be pretty obvious.
Your critique is genuine. And I appreciate it. At the end of the day, I am trying to find the best available products and services that give you the best chance at achieving success.
I think tradingschools is far from being a site about “eliminating competition”. It’s real competition should be other review sites about retail trading vendors, but they’ve mostly been compromised or a joke of reviewing when they can be so easily bought out like the ripoffreport “corporate advocacy business remediation” program and ‘trust’pilots probably vig deal with Warrior Trading. The big difference is the most positively reviewed sites have been vetted and their operations described to the readership. They also continue to be on probation where an updated review could shed a different light especially if there are enough new complaints such as the revised review of DTPower. Tradingschools also has federal agency involvement at times from what we’ve read and Emmett as a reformed ex-con is probably continued to be watched maybe in a light probationary screening way. The CFTC also seem to get some of their ideas here of when and who to go after next in their investigations of retail fraud so I think that helps keep some of the shills away like neighborhood watch signs.
A product that offers 75 % commission comes with a hard sale. Something that is not needed if a product is actually what it claims to be. If these sites could help a retail trader produce triple digit returns, they would not use boiler room tactics to sell their products. One could take a look at job postings for these sites that sell the dream. Many of their former and current employees will bash the sales tactics on a job posting site such as Indeed. Take a look it will tell you what it is like at these shops that sell at whatever the cost. It is eye opening. Emmett just lays it out on one page.
Are you referring to Wesley’s post about affiliate marketing MikeM? I had heard secondhand anecodtes about tradeucation sites hiring actors to do testimonials which is bad enough, but I hadn’t really dug into job postings for these scammy sites. Sounds like more interesting sordid details of their operations could be found out from these former and current employers (more sites like glassdoor?). I mostly depend on Emmett to dig up the inner scam details in his reviews as I don’t have the energy besides my posting here which I use for +trading and other things in my life.
dtchurn, you can go to Indeed job postings for Market Trader’s Institute and read the employee reviews. It certainly paints a picture of a boiler room with high pressured sales tactics. Some go as far as saying they felt it was unethical selling financial indicators that are basically junk. You don’t need the head ache to reread what Emmett already reported to be true. I just found it interesting that most companies that payout 50% commission will usually end up with customer complaints.
Thanks MikeM, I had not thought of typing these sham site names into indeed and similar sites, and seeing what comes up and it’s kind of fun to see what these shams come up with pretending to be legit employers. I had previously thought snakeoilers like Maverick had these bogus fake job joke ads on craigs often a cesspool of scam ads and mlm. Now I see how MTI has a bunch of legit looking listings. Geez they must be doing so well churning they can create these kinds of legit looking positions.
dtchurn, it truly is crazy. If you locate these large firms on Indeed or Glassdoor that are selling indicators or the dream with an aggressive sales strategy then you will see how rotten they are to the core. I’m not going to get into it, but all of unethical behaviors one can think of will be mentioned by current and former employees. Sell regardless of suitability being just one of the offenses at these places. Emmett mentioned these boiler room tactics in many of his reviews. What I find insane is how they purport themselves as reputable financial companies when they list a job posting. Even more incredible, many of the employees don’t realize they are committing fraud. However most do and get a rush from fleecing the retired. They are truly deplorable human beings.
I have been critical of Emmett in many cases for taking the VIG and for giving rooms high rating that show only a single month’s of profitable trading. Now having said that, in an industry of nothing but con artist, Emmett is the only one shinning a light on the depth of the corruption and the only one to dare ask these con artist TR to actually show proof of their claims. Maybe you prefer Ninja Trader and their cesspool of educators like Sideways Market that was busted by the CFTC which discovered all their performance history were fraudulent. Or maybe you prefer Lying Dean Handley, who claims to spend 1000s of hours investigating TR, yet he gave thumbs up to Open Range Trader who once again was busted by the regulators for posting a complete fake trade record. Dean Handley never asked them or any of his trading titans to ever show any proof they actually traded live profitable. Surely you are not going to tell me you trust invest-o-scamia. I could go on and on.
You are right Emmett is far from perfect, but sadly in my Kool-Aide state I went to many of these TR and I know on the TR I personally been to what Emmett wrote was spot on.
But if you think Emmett review is wrong on a particular room why don’t you contact that room and ask them to show actual proof of their claims. And for Goodness sake if you come back and say the TR does not need to show proof of their claims then that speaks volumes about your real motive here as I too, as you say, have a nose for these things.
I hear you RobB being critical of vig. I wonder at some of the older reviews like OTG for example. Did Reina spend many sessions following that room? That guy is racking it doing the “9k a week dream” that Francis had boasted about earlier before his sim trading slowed so much down with 1 car and hours of waiting. I had visited the site just to be uneasily put off by it. With the popups , the same hypothetical disclaimer and now pricing or other info until you sign up and give your your email and phone#. I’d noticed GTR which clamped up since it’s ts reviews now do the same. And it bothers me where a popup on OTG advertises a free book with signup which has a bullet point about why asking for proof isn’t helpful,.. perplexing. Anyways, I agree on the other point, I don’t expect anything perfect in this crazy snakeoil retail trading industry where so many sellout basic ethics and principles while convincing themselves their sham churning is somehow legit. It’s become so much like a madhouse not just for the hapless newbs but also for the sham vendors themselves with their traderpwn props, not that I’m condoning, just observing. Tradingschools is bar far the best resource in comparison of anything else, of getting closest to the truth of these scams before deciding to “try out” a trading room or education service.
Wesley has his own site at http://stockmillionaires.com/. Which is also an affiliate marketing site.
Here is where Wesley screwed up…he came into this thinking, “How can Wesley make money?” Completely wrong approach. Instead, he should have thought, “How can Wesley provide value to the reader?”
Rule number 1. Don’t harm the reader.
Rule 2. Be brutally honest. Especially with yourself. If you can be honest with yourself, then you won’t need to worry about being honest with others.
Rule 3. Verify the actual trading performance of the vendor that you are recommending.
Rule 4. Dont be lazy. If you find a scam. You have to put it on the list and write about it. You have to research it, and follow every lead, until the very end.
Rule 5. Quickly admit when you are wrong. If you got a vendor review wrong, then quickly admit what happened. Its hard. Because people will have probably lost money based upon your information. And you hate to delete content that you worked hard for. But you have to bite the bullet and be brutally honest.
So Wesley, when you read this…I like your idea. But you need to stop thinking about what is best for you. And start thinking about what is best for your reader.
I swear my shill spotting ability is 100% accurate. I am still waiting to be wrong once on calling these shills out.
You called me a shill, and I am not (show me a post where I promote a vendor).
Your arrogance amazes me. You are just another internet tough guy who in real life is scared of his own shadow.
I don’t have the time or energy to look at all your post. But I don’t ever remember you posting anything that was helpful. Instead you just post willfully stupid post about me or other posters who call out these con artist out. That seems like someone that has an ulterior motive and is a vendor. And I don’t think stating the Truth makes me brave and BTW my shadow is very scary.
But you can surely prove me wrong by stop posting nonsense and start making intelligent post about the article Emmett wrote. But being you name was an alias just to harass another poster that seems unlikely.
Pretty typical and expected response, avoiding the real issue. Your arrogance will catch up to you. Soon.
Wow! another insightful and thought provoking post by DTchump.
I will even add to my last post. Even this post by you, dtchum, adds nothing and is just another attack on me. It is the same way with all your post. Wesley Nolan was basically stating Emmett motivation was to eliminate competition, but your post adds nothing to that conversation. You posts speaks volumes to your true motives and not me or anyone else’s post.
Your shill spotting is the best RobB. I was fooled by Wesley at first thinking he was just a bystander criticizing tradingschools’ vig deals with relatively unknown breakeveners. Then we see his site is vigged with none other than Mr.Bond himself. I couldn’t read the ‘reviews’ there anymore. The shilling smoke was so unpalatable and sickening. There was even past and copy of some of the shilled 5 star comments from investiscamma proper. No talk about proof. It must be the new and improved investiscamma 2.0. copping tradingschools’ structure in some variant ways. Anyways, it’s sad the next generations of newbs may continue to be kool-aided by it. dtchum’s posts are all trollish if not the mockery of my id alone, which ultimately in effect supports the side of the shills and shamshow vendors.
lol! ohmigosh, good find Emmett. WesleyNolan’s site, the new competition of tradingschools! who would’ve thunk!?
Woww. It does try to differentiate itself.the name itself, “StockMILLIONares.com”, catchy vendorsham sounding, with the traderpwn success home in the background complete with pool. Ok, it’s decently traderpwn just for fun, while there are “reviews”. And… Jason Bond review..cough..ugh..4.5 stars review and what do you know, vig ad on the said with Bond’s mug transplated from investiscamma. Kudos, Emmett for paying respects and giving sincere advice to the competition. I guess we’ll see how similarweb metrics the site visits in the months to come. Now to read some of the site’s reviews to see how entertaining they are…
Let me gets this straight. Wesley comes here pretending to be this unaffiliated individual expressing his concerns about Emmett’s site eliminate competition for affiliate marketing, while along he is running a Trading review site whereby he is giving some of the biggest con artist in this industry, like Jason Bond, 5 start reviews.
Literally, you cannot make this stuff up.
ohmmigoshh..just unbelievable, almost no words..
the mugs of some of the most infamous reviewed by tradingschools,
“Churning Wars: The shams strike back”.
LOL, they are all there. Kunal, Fous, Bond, Scameron …the best of the best in circus. What one will do for a some money.
Yep, pretty sad. Promoting all the worst names in the online trading world.
And somebody must have forgotten to tell him that Ross Cameron has copped to not being an architect, because the write up still claims that Ross got tired of being an architect.
I laughed so hard for minutes when I read this, thanks Cyn. Yep, I can only imagine when a newb who found his way to WT from stockmillionaires tries to ask Ross about the ‘architect’ bit and then gets muted. And then someone else attempts to mention tradingschools and gets muted too, lol. It looks like the “profile” article was written while reading Emmett’s WT review at the same time. Same with the others. Maybe all this came from Mr.Bond’s directives as part of the vig deal, hmm.
dtchurn, hey time will tell whether these vendors get taken down by the authorities or just fade away into their cesspool. Hopefully for their financial livelihood they save some of that monthly churn. It would be ironic or poetic justice if they then try to trade their ill gotten gains and lose it to the evolutionary world of the markets.
I hear what you mean MikeM. I think the only time these shams ever entertain a thought about really trading live again and returning to their own nightmares of losing live is when Emmett is knocking on their web and email doors stating he is done playing the daft retiree on a cane and is now looking for proof of statements of live trading proper before he does a review causing them to panic and scramble hiding under their simshow generating pc desks when the feds should have handcuffed them far away from those desks a long time ago to halt the harm done to their churned newb members. Actually I suspect Ross, one of the hardest workers on his shamshow used some of the churned money to start multiple 40k accounts so he could pick the best one to show the 1000% rate gain in the quick video. That’s why he looked bissed off in the “avocado” cutting video, because tradingchool comments made WT waste some of the ill-gotten churn revenue on losing on most of their choice expendable live account in order to just show the winning one. Because just showing a farce of quick flipping to tradervue wasn’t cutting it. And using a faked up web server to emulate a broker site wasn’t cutting it either. Not to mention those in the chat room could clearly see Ross trading always at breakevener or loss every week with hardly a lucky profit day which used to be touted like no tomorrow. I was churned for about two months and was sickened to see how Ross claimed thousand percent gains through the months I was churned when in the room it was anything but.
RobB, yes, it’s just unbelievable this wesley-avalon character posts to complain about tradingschools’ success. I guess he thought it would be easy to set up for another income stream and believed those lies on that farce site, tradingschools.info about ts just being a vig for good review site. I bet he only read a few comments of the reviews here too. Sometimes the comments complement the reviews significantly, such as Ross being caught only being a bachelor of arts and a former Bond mod sans glasses+beard, and not an architect.
dtchurn, did you ever see profitable trading when you are at WT? It baffles me that so many like him because of his kind demeanor on the videos. Yet I hear how vicious he is when chasing cancellations. Furthermore you hear about new members being silenced when they ask a probing question or just flat out ignored when they ask for help learning the process. I can see how a new trader promised easy profits is baffled by the lack of progress would start to doubt the process, but I don’t understand how he keeps any subscribers. I presume he needs that monthly churn top keep the granola flowing.
These TR lose members constantly which is why they constantly have to promote to get in new suckers. Once folks start to realize they cannot make any money they start to drop out, some sooner than others. If there was a TR that could even begin to accomplish what they claim that TR would have 1000s of subscribers in no time as no one would be dropping out and as common sense dictates their method would no longer work. In fact when I would go to TR in the past they were always new members, but TR would say the older members no longer need to hang around as they now know how to trade the method. What BS. It is all part of the con.
Common sense is not common in online trading. Yes so true, I use to hear that all the time. The old members don’t need us anymore because they mastered the method. I know it has been said before, but you would never see a highly profitable trader spending all their time marketing and making promotional videos. They preach that trading created freedom for them, but it is the total opposite. If they don’t spend all that time marketing, they would lose that monthly sheep to take to the woodshed.
Holy crap, every scumbag on the planet is on that blog.
One stop shopping for the regulators at least.
I feel like I know you now, lol! Great story behind the website and I am thankful I have found this website. Glad things in your life turned for the better and that you are doing good with it. Thanks again for all you do here.
Interesting story Emmett. Thanks for the transparency.
Your story has forced my hand at asking a very important question (well; applicable to myself, at least).
What, if any, sort of commission are you receiving from OTA (or any other site) for writing positive reviews? I’m not sure if your answer will sway me toward, or away, from these “schools,” but I think your response will weigh in my decision making process.
Thanks in advance!
ps…my apologies if you’ve already addressed this question somewhere within your site. If so, I missed it… Thanks again!
I am interested in a review of Anka Metcalf of http://www.tradeoutloud.com
Hi Emmett,
thank you for disclosing your story and being transparent. Would make a great book!
Thanks to your good work, you saved me a lot of money and trouble, I was almost getting convinced by some talented snake oil salesman! Greed is part of human nature and so very hard not to fall for it!
I’ll keep on swing trading my own leads and further my trading education ‘old school’!
Wishing you a great day and thank you again!
Hi Emmett, thanks for the story… It makes us more aware of whats out there…
Have you ever done a review of Todd Mitchell… I believe he is a complete hack.
Emmett, thanks for sharing your back story and how this site came to be. Very interesting read, indeed. You should write a book or a movie script since your story involves deeper darkness than the wolf of wall street movie and lord knows we need some better movies coming out of Hollywood. 🙂
Also, may I recommend getting a dog? lol Man’s best friend for very good reason.
Thanks, I have two dogs! Both rescue dogs. A beagle boy that was put through hell by somebody. And a female french bulldog with a really cranky attitude. Both great dogs.
Thanks for reaching out.
Not to mention the annoying stray that keeps hanging around.
Emmett, thanks for sharing your story and thank you for all that you do in spotlighting shysters.
Fractalerts claims they are currently suing you for defamation and libel. What say you to that? Thanks
If you can post this question on the Fractal Alerts Review page, I would love to comment.
Hi Emmett,
I just read your story about how you started this website and what you have been doing before. . . .
I will definitely come back to this site; I have looked for something like this for a long time . . .not because I have been unlucky or anything – but sometimes it is difficult to find valuable information about forex trading and stock trading.
The idea behind your site is great.
Jonbert Davidsen
How may I reach Emmett Moore by phone or email?
you can email me directly at emmett@tradingschools.org
Emmett do you reply to your emails?
Thank you….you are awesome!
Any thoughts on Premier Trading Solutions, a “pie in the sky” institutional order flow educator and hedge fund creator?
Hey Emmett,
Some real brutal honesty there–but Karma is a Bitch sometimes more than we dish out comes back to slam us. I work hard for my money as well–been scammed a good couple of times and think Karma will get them before I ever will. What do you think about the Binary Options especially the automated ones they are pushing???? Worth the weight of the words on paper or just more hipped Bullshit to grab and go with your money….I do use WatchDog who is right on with all their investigations as well—you are “IN” the mix—give me the REAL scoop…..thanks in advance for you time and insight…
Binary options advisories and auto trading bots are the newest scams that I am recording and writing about.
Virtually All offshore binary options brokerages are scams especially the unregulated once. Ask them if they regulated, if not regulated, run as fast as you can with your money. Do not look back. If you had given them money by way of opening live account, initiate a charge back immediately from your credit card bank. If you wired money to them, I am sorry for you. Those unregulated binary options brokers operate from Europe, the west indies and especially the UK. Somehow the ambiguity of the UK system help them to operate. I am talking from experience. Good luck
I noticed Mz. Armo’s “stock swoosh” webinar starts in 20 minutes on onlinetradercentral. To “register” they ask everything, email, first/last name, phone #, home address etc. No thanks. Obviously the info will be handed around to all the vendors listed in the “traders showcase” with several of them already reviewed as fraud here on tradingschools.org. Probably don’t need to request reviewing of goldenzonetrading or theintentionaltrader or any other site listed on OTC. Though I am curious about Jake Bernstein, an oldtimer.
Bernstein is scam too.
Dang, I had heard good rumors about him in the past. I guess this “industry” selling trading education or products to retailers is truly 99.9% shill. It’s like “X-files”, can’t trust anyone! Thank you greatly however for the NFA expose document and warning. It sure woke me up.
BAM over the head on Kevin! Everything you said is dead on. He allows people to say whatever they want with the marketing pitches he puts out in the email and as far as he is concerned, as long as they pay the toll, the can say what they want and run as many webinars as they feel like. He sponsors some of the worst in the business quite regularly. Imagine being a primarily a promoter of pure scammers. The way some people make a living and he had the balls to post here looking for more business!
Oh Man… When I read this post by Kevin Driscoll, I was FUMING. I wanted to lambast that assh-le for what he does allowing any HUSTLER who is willing to pay the price to peddle his/her snake oil. My fingers were twitching to let him have it and warn others but then I saw your post Emmett. Kudos! He carved himself out a niche in this cesspool of slimeballs and literally created a bridge to the unsuspecting where scumbags and go fishing and take advantage of the naïve. Glad you nailed him Emmett. Well done
Emmett or anyone reading this blog… If you know of people or other companies you feel could add value and present something that is both interesting and educational to our worldwide database of day traders, please call me anytime 24×7 at 508-877-9973. With the many multiple repeat presenters at OnlineTraderCentral, something must be working. Our Presenters would not keep doing something that didn’t result in increased sales. Dr. Bill McDowell completed #75 last month and he will be presenting #76 today, February 10th at 4:30PM ET. Please check out a few of the past 2,280+ presentations and see what others have presented: http://1stworks.bondwaresite.com/mod/emarket/index.php
Kind regards,
Kevin H. Driscoll
Your hotComm and OnlineTraderCentral account manager
Tel: (508) 877-9973
iPhone: (617) 901-6232
OnlineTraderCentral is a wretched, fraud filled pond of trading hustlers. Its your pond Kevin. You created it. You have curated it. You have enabled it. You spread the message of these hustlers like a venereal disease moves through a Tijuana whore house.
I know Kevin, but you are “just an innocent”. Simply offering only a simple service where that emails out millions of spam messages for $750 a pop.
I have a question for you Kevin. How do you deal with the internal struggle? You know that struggle, that part of you that say’s what you are doing to people is wrong VS the part that attempts to justify your actions. I know that struggle all too well. I used to be just like you Kevin. Its appropriate that your comments show up on the Warning page of this blog.
You’re the best friend, a newbie trader could ever have.
I like the way …you bounce around on the balls of your feet.
I like the way you ….bust the news on the street.
I like the way you …bob and weave, with those who deceive.
The picture you paint, is so real and complete.
I laugh out loud, all through your reviews.
Rip-roaring funny, sharing your views.
Defender of the ripped-off, sad and abused …..out there in this jungle.
You are the Alpha Predator Wolf.
I’m a trader, Every morning…….
On the mat, when the bell rings, with my finger on the trigger !
……this is what I figure.
For me the main attraction is the action. I’ve got it sinfully made,
like a kid in a pinball arcade, always winning games, like I once did !
I apologize for the long ramble.
I just want to say “I don’t like to gamble.” Your site, increases my probability of winning !
You’re the coolest commentator; I’ve ever met, maybe it’s because you’ve done time on ice; but I love you brother, keep up all your good advice.
Please, Please, Brother……Please ”
Rip the throats out of these Paper Kings, living in Kingdoms, built on sleeze !
Oh Alpha Predatory Wolf….
Hear me howl with you !
Nice little bit of poetry.
What is your contact email. You have put information about me about a company that I have no affiliation with or contact me directly.
Hi Serif,
You can contact me directly at emmett@tradingschools.org.
I apologize if there is a mix up or mistake. Will correct immediately. Please contact me ASAP.
Emmett, that’s quite the colorful history. Congratulations on surviving such an ordeal and finding yourself somewhere in the mess.
I recently posted a positive review of Ace Trades in that thread, and it has never appeared. Is there something else I am supposed to do, or is it now in your hands?
Thank you so much.
I approved your comment. Quite a long comment. Please do check back in a few months. Curious how things turn out, after a few months of trading with a live trading account. I have to ask you a question though, do you find it odd that Kevin “Ace” does not trade? He does not trade his own live account and refuses to disclose his own trading performance.
I know that all of your hopes and dreams are tied up with Kevin. Ultimately, time will tell how things work out. Please do come back at a later date and let the audience know how things worked out for you.
Hi Emmett, thanks for your response. I didn’t see the review posted under Ace, and still don’t, so maybe I’m doing something wrong.
I’ve been trading for quite some time, and I do appreciate your concern. I have my own trading method, which is beautiful on paper, but hard to execute as I got it too complicated. What I like about Ace is that there are enough similarities that I don’t have to completely relearn, but most importantly, he keeps it simple. So, I normally don’t write reviews; this was a big one for me, and I appreciate your letting me participate.
I know several people who don’t trade that work on the analysis side to help traders. Some prop firms pair up traders with non-trading analysts so one can keep out an objective eye while the other takes care of the trading mechanics. This situation could be compared to that. He’s watching several markets for us, and I’ve got to tell you, the more I’m in his room, the more I like him. His levels are dead on and even if the market reverses at those levels on occasion (which is true for any system), the stops are small, and that’s what I really like.
I’m still battling my own psychological demons I’ve developed through the years, but now I’m at 8 trades,7 wins, 1 small loss. This is definitely better than I’ve done on my own, and I still have a long way to go to be consistent with his excellent method – I am gaining confidence. I’ll keep you posted occasionally.
Thank you again for your response. Please tell me how I can view the review if I am in error in how I posted it.
🙂 Maureen
Wow ! what a story Emmett. Been commenting on your site for a few months now and I’ve only just come across this. I knew you had done some shit in your past but I didn’t realize you was like the wolf himself.
You made a huge mistake and paid the price, and you are now redeeming yourself by helping people who may get ripped off by the fraudsters that are lurking out there.
Keep up the good work Emmett.
I have read your article on “Academy of financial trading ” and am concerned because I am currently in a Webinar Programme ( foundation training ) with the Academy of financial trading. I will soon have to decide whether to buy into the follow on Programme ” Ultimate Trader ” .
You have made me realize that we should first research a company’s operation thoroughly before investing or getting involved in it, that is what I am going to do. Thank you.
Warm Regards
Ugg…the number one reason people fail at trading is because they do not start with the proper foundation. The “Academy” is not really an academy, its a marketing company that teaches subjects across a broad range of topics. All of the topics are custom tailored to what people are searching for on the internet. In other words, they are not traders, but they are attempting to fill a need (learning to be a trader).
I have spent a great deal of time talking about companies such as this. I am afraid what you are learning is going to have to be “unlearned” simply because the principles are not based upon fact, rather opinions. Want a dirt cheap product that is managed by a full time professional trader? Read my review of WatchHimTrade.
Learn what this kid has to offer. Make it yours. And then create your own unique approach.
I didn’t see them on your reviews. I was just wondering if you ever looked at EMinPlayer.net.
I was also wondering if you intended to review Bulls on Wall Street or Sang Lucci??
One of the most honest stories I have read from any one in the Wallstreet world. Thank you for sharing with us and I agree 100% do your own research guys before you send any website money. Great traders don’t need to charge for their services nor do they give out their secrets. Just my two cents.
Hi Emmett,
What a journey you have had. First off thank you for your honesty, it cannot be easy to admit to others and more importantly to yourself the things you have done. I love reading the reviews, it has saved me a few hundred pounds. Keep the reviews coming 🙂
truely hope your story will motive these scammers to be true and honest rather then living by fraud and scamming to their own pathetic ideas.
if i had a parent that was such an asshole to other people i would be ashamed and embaressed no matter how much money they make
Hi Emmett, I have been following your website now for a few months and I think it’s rather fantastic. I was wondering if you have a few books you could recommend? It’s hard to sort out a lot of the junk ones from the good ones that are worth the time. Thank you.
Only two books…read my review of https://www.tradingschools.org/reviews/kj-trading-systems/
Kevin has written an excellent book. But the king of all trading books is Arthur Collins book: http://www.amazon.com/Beating-Financial-Futures-Market-Strategies/dp/0470038659/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
I love Art’s book. No nonsense. No fluff or filler. He just presents evidence of persistent biases that you can use NOW.
Hi Emmett, you recently posted a review of Real Life Trading in which you made some very serious allegations, but I notice that you have now taken the review down?
Hi Jack,
I did pull the Real Life Trading review. Why? Jerremy contacted me regarding his dealings with Nonko/Logix…assuring me that he has cut all ties, and asked if I would remove the heat. I agreed.
My review of Jerremy had more to do with his involvement with Nonko/Logix than actual trading. The truth is that that when Nonko disappeared and pulled down their websites, they then opted to use people like Jerremy as a proxy to continue to push the fraud. I was then forced into attacking the remaining trading rooms that were still pushing the fraud. Jerremy was more of a casualty in my ongoing war with Nonko/Logix. I have had a terrible time in dealing with Nonko/Logix. Many hack attempts, threats, all manner of ugly attacks.
The key take away is to simply avoid anyone dealing with Nonko/Logix. If a trading room is offering Nonko/Logix as a prop alternative, then you need to run for the hills.
Hi Emmett, did the person you wrote about on the real life trading review that you took down get their money back?
I just got an email from them yesterday pushing Clique Fund and their exclusive offer. Too bad as I enjoy their information and what they say (and I thought) was no BS.
* David must live off the training and can’t refund..
PS your email notification is working
Hey guys (David & Emmett), it’s been twelve days since this “challenge” was updated. I was really enjoying the drama. Sure better than Big Brother!! What’s the latest?
I dont know, Dave just sort of disappeared. You know, all of this hubbub was over Dave offering a purchaser of his trading product an unconditional refund is he was not happy. The guy wanted his $600 returned, he didnt like Dave’s product. Dave stiffed him, just flat ignored the guy. No way to run a business. This trading educational business is filled with criminal types, myself included.
Last I heard, Dave told the client that he was going to work for Goldman Sachs. Dave also told me he was a highly decorated sniper. Who knows what to believe.
Good on Dave. And I’m Queen Elizabeth’s bit on the side.
Wow what a story!
David must live off the trading and can’t refund.. Or else he would have done so.
Obviously he cant live on his sim trading.
Emmit the customer isn’t always right and there are many that screw honest vendors with the paypal refunds.. I wouldn’t have pulled David’s review just on a single complaint…. It wasn’t that positive IMO
** Isn’t working
David really really deserves to have a review here… Especially if he’s not refunding accordingly to warn others.
Sorry for the multi posting
Wow…first time I’ve read this. You’re one heck-uv-a-guy Mr Moore!! I’m proud to say this was one of the first trading blogs I came across. You could almost say that you are, in a big way, responsible for my continuing my education these past 5-6 months since starting this journey. You gave me HOPE that despite the scum I got slammed with, (after giving my email & phone number to watch a “FREE” “educational” Webinar-even NOW, 5 months and HOURS of unsubscribing and even one call where I had to threaten to call police-I’m STILL getting unsolicited emails from every MLM-NON-trading scammer out there and even the occasional call…although no more from MTI at least!!), being new to this field, being “older” and hence they assume I have money stashed somewhere, (FAR from it!! After losing everything 3 times in my life due to health, divorce & a fire…now on disability, I’m waiting for my slight “refund” I get each year to even START live trading!). Anyways, I’ve met quite a few other “newcomers” along the way and this site and Forex Peace Army are the FIRST sites I recommend they start with!
THANK YOU Sir, for ALL that you do!! It means a LOT, especially to those of us who can’t afford to be used as shark bait; but are trying our best to better our lives!
should read +$355
I limited myself to $10/tick, so that would be 1 CL, 2NQ…etc. +4355 for the day, and I will email you the documentation if you care to review the statements. Had a good number in the room to verify, also
All NQ trades 3 winners and 1 breakeven
The facts as you presented them are nowhere near the facts surrounding the incident in question. I do not care to debate with you in a public forum the particulars surrounding my decision, though I have offered the client a negotiated settlement which I have not heard back on. Your tone is a bit sophomoric as “I better” is no way to address someone you do not know, or perhaps I misread you: How long was your term with a top 3 Investment bank?
In any event, the matter will be resolved in due course.
Just pay the guy off Dave. Jesus, this doesn’t have to be such a big deal. Lordy.
And Open Challenge to Emmett Moore@Tradingschools.com
Well Emmett, you wrote a glowing review on my site (except when you called me an old reptile sitting on a rock) and when you disagreed with my refund policy you took my review down. Sort of like extortion.
Of course, you never bothered to carefully research the client whose refund I was denying. Did you know that he was a floor trader? Did you know I set up a special payment plans so that he could afford to learn the e-minis? Did you know that he was never in my room for the first 45 days? Naw, you’re better at running your mouth than being an objective evaluator of trading technique.
So let’s make it easy, if you’re going to evaluate trading rooms you ought to know how to trade. I’m not convinced you know how to trade; trade against me for a week, we can set up easy rules to assure compliance on both parts, and let’s see how you do. I already know, I’ve talked to you enough to grasp your understanding of how the markets work. Granted your a great marketer. Not so much on the trading. Let’s do this and if you win you’ll have some credibility.
My bet? You won’t show,, you won’t even acknowledge this challenge because you would have to prove yourself, you’re a keyboard warrior…that’s it. Try trading against someone with some real experience and stop handing out positive reviews to your pet projects, you know what I am talking about and soon others will know you, too.
Will I win? I expect to. Can I double your total? I expect to. Will you shut-up? I doubt it. I’ve been in this business for a 30+ years and met quite a few “Emmett Moore” types in my life, you’re not so special nor are your motives to review sites altruistic….why don’t you share with your readers what is really going on with you site? Your fawning admirers might be surprised.
Note: This challlenge has been posted on several blogs and chat rooms. Come ‘on dog, lets do this.
The gauntlet has been thrown down!!
Hi Dave,
Always great to hear from you. And good to read that you are as sprightly as ever. Dave, the only reason I took your review down was because you promised a refund to a client if he was not happy. He didnt like your program and wanted his $800 refund, which you refused for whatever reason. Not a big deal, and this has nothing to do with your trading abilities whatsoever. This only has to do with you making a promise and not keeping it. You get plenty of traffic from me, for free. And people buy your product based upon that great review that I wrote. But when you make a promise and offer a no questions asked refund if the client is not happy, then lordy, please honor it. When you dont, the customer comes back to me and complains and I feel obligated to help resolve the issue.
Regarding your trading abilities. As I stated in my review, I think you are a very good trader. Certainly better than me. However, if you wish to call me out and publicly embarrass me for my poor trading abilities, then so be it. I accept your challenge! Lets do this for the next two weeks, all trading must be live trades and reporting will be daily. At the end of the two weeks, I will write a new post about the two week battle royale with David Adams. Most assuredly, you will squash me like a bug and I will be humbled and embarrassed. This will make a great read for the audience.
Well Dave did you clearly articulate the conditions under which you said that you would give this refund or did you “promise” to refund his $800 if he wasn’t happy? If it was me I’d be pissed if I didn’t get my $800 back if that was the promise. Any reasonable person would feel the same. You better produce a very clear refund guideline statement and display it prominently on your website. If that’s a problem ask a mammal to type it up for you.
Hey David Adams, you just showed who you really are. Thanks…now go back and crawl under your rock the sun is coming up. You could have showed some class, but no I can see that’s not you. Once again, great job for throwing a lot of classless dirt. Please clean those finger nails.
Have you ever reviewed Bulls on Wall Street, GreatStockPix, or Mojo Trading?
Thank you and thanks for sharing your honest story!
Was your story in the news? When I google your name, I cannot find anything regarding your situation. It seems like this would be newsworthy, no?
What’s the story behind Nick converting you in prison?
What a story. Ugg. Painful journey for me. I can get pretty animated when talking about my faith, this blog is probably the worst place to talk about grace, faith, and redemption.
Interesting story and website you have here. It’s hard to find places that actually call out the hucksters and scammers the trading industry is full of.
Emmett, your ability to turn phrases would certainly assist in sales. I’m curious how the 19yr old dishwasher became such a good writer (is this entry a short story ?).
Did u ever pay back to those people who spent their life saving on BS … Asshole
Thanks Emmett, great story… great lesson.
Hi Emmett. That was a great story. So maybe it was you that screwed me out of my half million bucks!! Hahaha Just kidding. It must have been one hell of a ride. Congrats for realizing that you was on the wrong path and came around to the right side.
Its a real possibility. I was one of the bad actors actors of that era. Shameful stuff. Ponzi’s. Reverse mergers. Drip and drain stop dumps. Auction hustles. Fake brokerages. I did it all. Have come along way from that person.
…..best laugh I had all day !
Its so bad that nothing legal have been done to the fraud and unethical activities of this binary options phenomenon,I lost $46750 of my life savings,I was scammed by Steven Silver and his group of associates who refuse to approve withdrawal request,this guys are 5 star rated on most ratings and blogs,they stopped picking my calls and even threaten me with a law suit,imagine? this group of people are a disgrace to human race,I tried all I could to get my money back,went as far as reporting to A.S.I.C, but still nothing happened,I almost gave up till I met my one time account manager Christopher Jones,who gave me an unofficial advice to hire a hacker he knows to help get me funds back,I really didn’t believe but still went ahead to contact hackwizz((AT))yandex((DOT))COM ,ill say he was very professional and told me am not alone in this,he got all the relevant information and in about six days,I was able to log on to my account,although I wasn’t able to withdraw the gains,I was able to withdraw all my initial deposits and assets which was more than I expected,I think this can help someone here too.
It’s an iconic story Emmett. Americans have an almost innate ability to reinvent themselves and progress.
It’s true that you did damage to people, but this is in the past and moving forward honestly is what you are doing now.
Awesome story Emmett.
More like shameful story. I was terrible. A real asshole. I wanted to be rich so badly, I was willing to steal from anyone. Just a terrible human being. I had to be stripped down, broken down, and reduced to nothing but an inmate number before I realized the truth about myself. A painful journey.
When I created this blog, I thought that I should just use a “clean name” with no history. But the more I thought about it, I should just be honest and put it out there. Most of the guys that offer trading products are using fake names (Kavan Klein, etc). If I am going to call them out for dishonesty, I need to be brutally honest about myself as well. Its the right thing to do.
The levels of fraud and deception that I currently see with today’s modern internet is shocking. This is worse than anything I ever thought imaginable. The regulators and legal enforcement has no chance of policing anything. Maybe we can make a some sort of dent.
Their is some good news though. There are a handful of good guys. Just have to look extra hard.
Thanks for visiting Robert, and thanks for your kind words and comments.
Great story! I have had a rocky life myself. I made a lot of money, just to have to pay most of it back. In the end I had nothing. There are so many scams out there. would be cool to do some Nader signal and room providers. I sent you some already
please do a review of fxestrader.com. I would love to know what you think;)…
I have read all your comments and most of them are bad about the trading education out there.
what are the trading education sites that you recommend?
According to you, all seem to be a scam.
Never believe a website that gives everything great or horrible ratings. This guy Emmett seems like a character but there is lots of good things you can learn from a lot of the people he has bashed on here!