Hey. Just a suggestion. IF you can to make your site user friendly. can you have a page for the scam artist(fake sites) and a page for the legit sites. Because the ones that are bad I can do a quick look through. Just an suggestion. But thanks for all your great work. Have a bless day and take care.
Thanks for the info on Raging Bulls—. I was wondering about this group. They market so heavily. I absolutely could not stand Jason Bonds behavior, so I could not sign up. He is obnoxious! I also have seen a few webinars from his other traders. You can never really tell if they made the money they say. You have to pay to know. FYI, Kyle Dennis posted a list of his trades in a webinar and it had losses for months, then a run of wins that made a good gain. But he touts that it makes net $ EVERY month. The beginning and ending dates were odd days. I’m wondering with this site has not done reviews on these guys. If you want screenshots, I can send them in.
They claim to use their software to be encrypted into any brokers which then combined with Dmitry Vladislav’s blended method strategy helps to give good signals?
I am trying to work out how legitimate this company is as they charge for the software then an annual subscription depending on the package you choose.
However, I have then been told that you need to pay $20k for a licence for 3rd party.
Forex Trading
Please review Jim Dandy’s MT4 Trade Management Tool (TMT):
Free demo; rent; or $149 purchase: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/11862
I do not trade and have not used TMT.
I like Loss Recovery Zone (LRZ) as a Forex trading Stop Loss strategy to break even or make a small profit.
I like simultaneous long and short, one side goes to profit target, the other side goes to break even (see the Live Trades videos): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK41ZyMvpJI&list=PLOntjIwf0vKQYIjoXNVQUDjW23RbQ2J-S
Try trading USD/JPY 0.02 contract*1.4/trade entry (maximum 15 trade entries), LRZ = 10p, TP = 30p, $10,000 trading account.
Take profit of 30p should provide a profit of $5 after commissions.
$5/day*240 days/year = $1,200/year trading USD/JPY using an Australian broker with 500 to 1 leverage.
[($1,200/year)*100%]/$10,000 = 12%/year.
Add USD/CAD after 6 months and and USD/CHF after another 6 months to make 36%/year trading three Forex pairs in second year.
Use a reliable VPS to trade TMT on MT4 and monitor VPS several times a day after trades taken.
Use http://www.xm.com/au for Negative Balance Protection and 500 to 1 leverage up to $20,000 account balance. https://www.xm.com/au/account-types
Trade Management Tool instructions (9 videos): https://www.jimdandymql4courses.com/trade-management-tool-instructions/
Live Trades (7 videos) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK41ZyMvpJI&list=PLOntjIwf0vKQYIjoXNVQUDjW23RbQ2J-S
I do not believe anyone can know the future in any time frame with the precision needed to make a reliable profit, unless able to move the market with enormous capital.
Discretionary trading is subject to numerous fallacies and human emotional traps.
I like a discretionary initial trade in both directions (in different time frames) with TMT Zone Recovery.
What do you think about:
1. Zone Recovery strategy with 0.02 contract initial trading size and increase trading size by 1.4 in each loss Recovery attempt;
2. Jim Dandy’s Trade Management Tool.
3. http://www.xm.com/au for Negative Balance Protection and 500 to 1 leverage.
4. VPS to trade TMT on MT4.
I hope I have contributed something useful to the Forex trading debate.
Bernard Farrell bernardfarrell@protonmail.com https://www.tradingschools.org/trading-software/
I purchased the Quant Savvy system and traded it for all of 2017. I traded it thru a third party execution service, so it was traded properly. At that time, the system was called Serenity Bot, and the numbers from the back tests on their website were extraordinary, as are the numbers for the Chimera Bot now on the website. I lost $70K and found the owner, Michael Singer, to be unresponsive and unapologetic. When I questioned some of his explanations for the poor performance, he basically told me he doesn’t need clients like me that don’t understand drawdowns. I am a day trader that trades futures for a living, and I fully understand this environment. Notice there are no references to the Serenity Bot on their website anymore. I agree with Mike’s review below in Aug. 2018. Stay far away from Quant Savvy.
Hey Emmet! I really appreciate your good and honest work here. I don’t think any other website has this sort of transparency and sincerity. Could you do a review of Scott Phillips’ System Building course? He has a newsletter and also seems like a pretty genuine person and trader, but I would love to see a review of your quality on his content!
Please review Quant Savvy. They provide algorithmic trading systems and I am looking at trying them out. A review from you would help alot. http://www.quantsavvy.com
Quantsavy is a scam! the guy behind it (Micheal Singer) updates his website and algos after every drawdown which is basically every year. Don’t believe the results on their site, they are not real trading performance. Lost over 20K falling for it.
Joined in October and had a really strong performance. Very surprised when we made huge gains in Oct and Nov especially as the market was being schizophrenic. Very little in the regards to drawdown thus far but I have a healthy cushion of profits behind me. Started with 2 contracts and bumped to 4 now so hoping to get to 8 by the end of the year. Oct to March was really strong. April and May have been a little dull. I find the information very useful and transparent which is quite refreshing and no set monthly fees and free hardware and software has been very useful.
TRADOTO….This an automated NT 7, 8 software that sells for $1,999.00.
Please do a review on it Emmett. If you have purchased this program, let us know you experience with it.
Thanks, J R
Please review http://thetraderinstitute.com
This person Simon Jousef offers a program called Volume trading.
On his website he also claims that he holds a B.Sc. in Physics.
He charges a lot of money to get hooked up with his trading room and his indicator.
Simon Jousef was promoted in an email I received from Simon Townshend.
Simon Jousef also charges a lot of money for his product.
But now I wonder since Townshend has such a bad review and a reputation of being fake and a scam artists if Jousef and Lagrutta are the same … lacking honesty and integrity and looking to reap people off.
Would you please also review Aldo Lagrutta … from Evolution Trading Protocols.
He offered on his : http://www.evolutiontradingprotocols.com/ all kinds of trading programs and indicators … before he hooked up with Simon Townshend.
Now I don’t hear anything about him still working with Townshend.
He also claims to be a professional trader with more than 30 years experience, also a professional guitar player …
Seems like he is redesigning his website, too just like Simon Townshend .
To me it seems that when someone is asking for thousands and thousands of money right up front for their products … right there is something that triggers an alarm and makes me question who they are.
It should not be like this. Why do they get away with overcharging astronomical amount of money …. that you will never recuperate back if the program is not working for you.
See instead of you being able to put that money in your trading account … they get you started right away by taking that money way from you …
It should be a small or a decent fee monthly for trading programs and education … and you should be able to cancel it any time you want.
This way … you try it for a couple of months … you may loose a couple of hundred dollars … if you don’t like it … but that is it …
Pay monthly a decent fee and cancel anytime you want …. for god sake
I don’t want to see this crooks getting away anymore with bad and dark deeds … focusing on how to get your money first before anything else ….
The Intentional Trader
Would it be possible to get a review of this site.
It’s been around awhile, looks promising but I can’t trust any trading site, ever.
2 friends and I bought this program. We worked and worked this! None of us were profitable in the end of months of working it. We were all experienced traders. More money down the drain.
What really upsets me are these software trading sites that give you a “7 day trial to trade whether your a beginner or experienced trader” on their Demo accounts. Then after that the monthly charge could range from $50+ a month and up. We all know it takes more than 7 days to even get a feel for trading and, that quite a few of these sites could be nothing but junk.
There may be more, if there is please let me know, but TOS is the only site I know that at least gives you 30-60 days to their paper platform so one may “develop” oneself and learn the platform, FREE.
It would be nice to see if TradingSchools.org had a separate section on these Simulated accounts. Heck if TradingSchools.org paid the minimal costs for these sites (and a small reasonable fee for my time, I would do it for them).
Speaking of which, Emmett IMHO, your site would be intuitive and easier to use if you “categorized” reviews rather than just having a few links on the side of the page, e.g, pages showing ONLY “Best Trading Systems”, or “Worst Trading Systems”, “Highly Ranked”, “Recent Review”, etc…
Thank you.
blue wave trading is a total ripoff – he gave me results based on swing trading when the system is only capable of day trading overnight at the most ,a trial for 495 – it had a good week i bough it and regretted it ever since as each week after was a loser on settings Randy Sarrow the would not give a refund and will not give settings – now he admits he doesnt even trade with it himself -careful of this fraudster – i am contacting the CFTC to see what they can do for me
Just reached out to Tradoto and requested information regarding a review. Hopefully, they respond. The scammers hardly ever respond. Will contact you after I hear something.
For those of you who were so anti-NinjaTrader, you will be pleased to hear that they have removed all the YouTube presentations made by their partners, and that content will not ever be available. Apparently even their partners cannot get the recordings to host on their own. I asked them, and they say that they will not promote any vendor who is not registered with a Securities organization, like the NFA, et.c,. I have seen plenty of crappy information from CTA’s too, so I do not know what that proves.
You have succeeded in making sure that nobody can get any kind of trading information, good or bad, through NinjaTrader or their partmers. Agreed, the information was mostly bad, and/or misleading. Now, all you need to do is force “Online Trader Central” too out of business, and everything will be complete.
Okay guys I been reading all your commends, Nothing works so there is anybody who is making money trading futures? or any software trading system that works?
I would really appreciate your commends.
Going to be posting a review of Trade Navigator software. Will be posted just after Thanksgiving. Will be including several studies and systems that actually work. And will give you a good foundation on which to develop your own strategies.
Have you seen Gecko Software’s Track-n-Trade Live version for Futures, Forex or Stocks. I think it’s great and it’s all I use. It’s won a lot of awards and I’m really surprised it has not been reviewed here yet.
Yes I used it. He only shows the good trades. When you turn this software on for the special moments during the day…… you alway Will loose your money. No money back guarantee. Never buy this stuff From these Guy’s!!!!!.
Sorry moderator, this post is in moderation because I screwed up my e-mail address when posting. There is another post on another thread with same thing
All bout the paper, of course. More money better than less money
Ok how and where does one who has limited time and fiscal resources get started. Good educators that aren’t asking for thousands up front good tools that will let you trade with $500 or so and make a few dollars while one hones their day trading skills.
Hi Leslie, I have the unlocked Boomerang Currency system, Daytrade system, and Scalp system. If you want them, I will send them to you. List your email to send.
Hi Tamiya that would be very much appreciated send to Ljlp1@comcast.net
Are u trading with Boomerang if so which system? How do u find it? Thank you so much!
Great Site Emmet – I have just switched from Forex to futures using ninja trader and I can’t believe how much more ninja trader indicators are compared to MT4 $1000’s instead of $50 or so I cant really see why there is such a jump..wow…Any views on The Intentional Trader & Golden Zone Trading both have expensive indicator packages and trading rooms, cant see any real proof with either of them, certainly seems to be no DOM’s present, just comments posted on wins etc. The choice of where to look is overwhelming for someone new to ninja trader, I may to back to the MT4 scammers at least its only the cost of a carton of good beer.
Indicators for Ninjatrader are often overcharged modified junk, ripped from bmt or other depositories. example. plastic mutilator MarkSach’s cadre of ridiculously overpriced ugly bmt modded indicators targeted at no-coding newbs as anyone with basic level ninjascripting could make the same or better as what’s shown on the rightline site.
The Best Pro Trade Automated Scalping Trading Systems – “A fully automated trading system is one where there are just two parameters – one and off. This simply means that when you want to start benefiting from this trading system all you need to do it connect it to your broker platform and click the on switch.”
Is this (BPT) automated trading system legit? The videos they show display the automated trading system making money but my question, are they really using a live account or a simulated account, I can’t tell. The packages they offer isn’t cheap either.
Has anyone heard of 12tradepro.com or the automated trading system called (BPR) AKA ‘Best Pro Trade’?
Best pro trade is a scam stay far away. I purchase the autotradrs and long behold have blown my account – It’s for newbie traders that don’t know any better all results are sim101 accounts. Sam is a crook
As your post came in, I was writing a review about Sam and Best Pro Trade. Should have the review up in a couple of hours. Please leave a comment in that review. Curious about your experiences.
I can attest to the scam. Expensive and I fell for it. Their package of indicators is garbage and if you do the opposite, you would probably make money. In short, their indicators tell you to buy at the top and sell at the bottom and of course the opposite happens.
Thank you for your service I was interested in traderwarrior to start learning about day trading. Based on your reviews I am folowing the higest rated ones on their social media platforms. Since I am a beginner do you recommend any books for purchase and websites I can practice actual trading for beginners? I have signed up for your newsletter also. Thank you for your help, you saved me allot of wasted time and money.
I’m curious if anyone here knows anything about Dan Mirkin and his software called, “Trade Ideas?” Is this software system for real, or just a bunch of hype? Any help would be nice. Thanks.
I see six months ago you were working on a review of Trade Ideas but it does not come up in the search. Was it completed? Also curious about stockhorizon.com Thanks to all
Am currently reviewing Trade Ideas. Its an interesting piece of software. The trade room sucks. But the software should not be judged on the trade room. The review is going to really break it down.
I just cannot help but wonder if this or any one creates software that can out perform the S&P why would they be selling it for $99 a month. Why would they not start a hedge fund and make a fortune James Simons of the Renaissance Technologies made over 1 Billion dollars.
Maybe these folks are philanthropist.
My second question is how could one even evaluate the software’s performance unless it gives clear entries, targets and stop losses then 10 people would get 10 different results.
My experience with Virtnext/Glenridge Capital so far:
I signed up with Virtnext with a minimum deposit of 350. In 4 days I broke even short of 5 dollars. I am assigned Glenridge Capital as the broker, based out of Ireland. A Senior Account Analyst contacted me yesterday by phone, trying to talk me into investing more with a minimum of 2500.00, where she keeps saying it will be invested in Oils and Disney and any stocks that are low, which I think that is the case across the board for the most part. They also offer Bonuses where if you want to invest more than the minimum but don’t have all of the funds, Glenridge will add the remaining funds as a Bonus. But if you choose Bonuses, Glenridge keeps all funds until the account reaches 30% of the 5K, so they can not let you withdraw any money from the account until it reaches 150K – seems rediculous to me. If I choose to opt out of bonuses then I can withdraw money whenever I want. She goes on to tell me that she has clients based in the U.S. with account balances of over 500k because of her strategies and long term investing (2 weeks to a month). Investments are made once a week every Friday. The number she calls me from is a New York number. Also you cannot withdraw any money until their compliance department approves the account for withdraws after you email fax a copy of a photo id, utility bill, and credit card (covering the middle 8 digits). I was given the option to choose another brokerage named Bloombex. This pretty much sums up where I am now. I am waiting for my documents to get approved so i can break even and get my money back. I just hope I haven’t lost my 350, but she assured me she would contact me once the account is approved for withdraws which takes 3 – 5 days. I see posts here and there on other sites where other people are not able to withdraw their money from Glenridge Capital, I just hope they followed their instructions. Has anyone else experienced or experiencing Glenridge?
I am looking to learn more and more about investing, I signed up for pfnewsletter.com, the yearly fee is 49.00. I would also like to day trade and I have been contemplating Watchhimtrade.com. I am open to suggestions and comments. Your website here is great for people such as me.
Best working software for me and my house ..to all of the gang that work at backtothefuture.Com are great people to be associated with keep up the good work guys you a asset to Trading
Thanks for the comment. You should leave a comment on the BackToTheFuture review page. You can leave a comment and rate it.
Thanks, I a sure that Michael will appreciate the support from a user. I am not a big fan of indicator guys, but that does not mean that it doesnt work for you.
Emmet – I would be very interested in a review of Golden Zone Trading – their trading software, trading system and trading room.
Keep up the great work you are doing.
TB, if you’ve got the scoop on Golden Zone Trading, I’d sure be happy to see the verdict. From the number of things they claim it can do, it doesn’t make sense. Frankly, from a cursory look, it appears to be a real stinker. Thanks
Back to the Future Trading is the best site i have seen in my 30 years of trading and Michael is absolutely the best teacher of trading i have encountered, He knows the phyco of trading and his analysis is right on!!!!!
You are kidding, right ? Michael is a super nice guy, but the projected highs and lows are extremely frequently nowhere near reality. This is akin to throwing darts at your screen !
Back to the Future… very nice people… market knowledge… plez, they aren’t much help.
As far as I can tell the Flux Pro software is the most technologically advanced astrology wheel and fanciest random number generator I’ve ever seen. Fascinating and engaging sales team though: the hopeful astronaut and the Oklahoma cowboy. Seem like good guys to have a beer and watch a football game with.
I really, really, really wish it worked. It would be so very cool if it actually worked. Yes its not uncommon for them to indicate the highs and lows on the chart but they also hit LOTS and LOTS of useless trade locations. Did I mention lots?
And then there’s the old saw that’s of course is actually only determinable in hindsight – when the Flux indicates BUY at a high, well that’s an “inversion” so its should be treated as a SELL.
Sorry, the more of their youtubes I watched and analyzed the better off I thought I would be playing darts at the pub.
Hey. Just a suggestion. IF you can to make your site user friendly. can you have a page for the scam artist(fake sites) and a page for the legit sites. Because the ones that are bad I can do a quick look through. Just an suggestion. But thanks for all your great work. Have a bless day and take care.
Please review http://www.thealgolab.com
I hooked up with the raging bull and lost about 2000 in about 6 months
Thanks for the info on Raging Bulls—. I was wondering about this group. They market so heavily. I absolutely could not stand Jason Bonds behavior, so I could not sign up. He is obnoxious! I also have seen a few webinars from his other traders. You can never really tell if they made the money they say. You have to pay to know. FYI, Kyle Dennis posted a list of his trades in a webinar and it had losses for months, then a run of wins that made a good gain. But he touts that it makes net $ EVERY month. The beginning and ending dates were odd days. I’m wondering with this site has not done reviews on these guys. If you want screenshots, I can send them in.
Hi Cathy,
Can you please send those screenshots to legal@tradingschools.org? That would really help.
As you are probably aware, these guys are great marketers. You should read my review here.
Hi Guys
Do any of you know anything about http://www.tradeboosts.com?
They claim to use their software to be encrypted into any brokers which then combined with Dmitry Vladislav’s blended method strategy helps to give good signals?
I am trying to work out how legitimate this company is as they charge for the software then an annual subscription depending on the package you choose.
However, I have then been told that you need to pay $20k for a licence for 3rd party.
Forex Trading
Please review Jim Dandy’s MT4 Trade Management Tool (TMT):
Free demo; rent; or $149 purchase:
I do not trade and have not used TMT.
I like Loss Recovery Zone (LRZ) as a Forex trading Stop Loss strategy to break even or make a small profit.
I like simultaneous long and short, one side goes to profit target, the other side goes to break even (see the Live Trades videos):
Try trading USD/JPY 0.02 contract*1.4/trade entry (maximum 15 trade entries), LRZ = 10p, TP = 30p, $10,000 trading account.
Take profit of 30p should provide a profit of $5 after commissions.
$5/day*240 days/year = $1,200/year trading USD/JPY using an Australian broker with 500 to 1 leverage.
[($1,200/year)*100%]/$10,000 = 12%/year.
Add USD/CAD after 6 months and and USD/CHF after another 6 months to make 36%/year trading three Forex pairs in second year.
Use a reliable VPS to trade TMT on MT4 and monitor VPS several times a day after trades taken.
Use http://www.xm.com/au for Negative Balance Protection and 500 to 1 leverage up to $20,000 account balance.
Trade Management Tool instructions (9 videos):
Live Trades (7 videos)
I do not believe anyone can know the future in any time frame with the precision needed to make a reliable profit, unless able to move the market with enormous capital.
Discretionary trading is subject to numerous fallacies and human emotional traps.
I like a discretionary initial trade in both directions (in different time frames) with TMT Zone Recovery.
What do you think about:
1. Zone Recovery strategy with 0.02 contract initial trading size and increase trading size by 1.4 in each loss Recovery attempt;
2. Jim Dandy’s Trade Management Tool.
3. http://www.xm.com/au for Negative Balance Protection and 500 to 1 leverage.
4. VPS to trade TMT on MT4.
I hope I have contributed something useful to the Forex trading debate.
Bernard Farrell
Hi there, this weekend is pleasant in favor of me, because
this occasion i am reading this wonderful informative article here at my house.
I purchased the Quant Savvy system and traded it for all of 2017. I traded it thru a third party execution service, so it was traded properly. At that time, the system was called Serenity Bot, and the numbers from the back tests on their website were extraordinary, as are the numbers for the Chimera Bot now on the website. I lost $70K and found the owner, Michael Singer, to be unresponsive and unapologetic. When I questioned some of his explanations for the poor performance, he basically told me he doesn’t need clients like me that don’t understand drawdowns. I am a day trader that trades futures for a living, and I fully understand this environment. Notice there are no references to the Serenity Bot on their website anymore. I agree with Mike’s review below in Aug. 2018. Stay far away from Quant Savvy.
Hey Emmet! I really appreciate your good and honest work here. I don’t think any other website has this sort of transparency and sincerity. Could you do a review of Scott Phillips’ System Building course? He has a newsletter and also seems like a pretty genuine person and trader, but I would love to see a review of your quality on his content!
CAN you review invest diva
Please review http://ezfuturestrading.com/
Please review Quant Savvy. They provide algorithmic trading systems and I am looking at trying them out. A review from you would help alot. http://www.quantsavvy.com
HI SMith did you try quantsavy if yes please let me know thanks Thanks Chad
Quantsavy is a scam! the guy behind it (Micheal Singer) updates his website and algos after every drawdown which is basically every year. Don’t believe the results on their site, they are not real trading performance. Lost over 20K falling for it.
Joined in October and had a really strong performance. Very surprised when we made huge gains in Oct and Nov especially as the market was being schizophrenic. Very little in the regards to drawdown thus far but I have a healthy cushion of profits behind me. Started with 2 contracts and bumped to 4 now so hoping to get to 8 by the end of the year. Oct to March was really strong. April and May have been a little dull. I find the information very useful and transparent which is quite refreshing and no set monthly fees and free hardware and software has been very useful.
TRADOTO….This an automated NT 7, 8 software that sells for $1,999.00.
Please do a review on it Emmett. If you have purchased this program, let us know you experience with it.
Thanks, J R
Please review http://thetraderinstitute.com
This person Simon Jousef offers a program called Volume trading.
On his website he also claims that he holds a B.Sc. in Physics.
He charges a lot of money to get hooked up with his trading room and his indicator.
Simon Jousef was promoted in an email I received from Simon Townshend.
Simon Jousef also charges a lot of money for his product.
But now I wonder since Townshend has such a bad review and a reputation of being fake and a scam artists if Jousef and Lagrutta are the same … lacking honesty and integrity and looking to reap people off.
Would you please also review Aldo Lagrutta … from Evolution Trading Protocols.
He offered on his : http://www.evolutiontradingprotocols.com/ all kinds of trading programs and indicators … before he hooked up with Simon Townshend.
Now I don’t hear anything about him still working with Townshend.
He also claims to be a professional trader with more than 30 years experience, also a professional guitar player …
Seems like he is redesigning his website, too just like Simon Townshend .
To me it seems that when someone is asking for thousands and thousands of money right up front for their products … right there is something that triggers an alarm and makes me question who they are.
It should not be like this. Why do they get away with overcharging astronomical amount of money …. that you will never recuperate back if the program is not working for you.
See instead of you being able to put that money in your trading account … they get you started right away by taking that money way from you …
It should be a small or a decent fee monthly for trading programs and education … and you should be able to cancel it any time you want.
This way … you try it for a couple of months … you may loose a couple of hundred dollars … if you don’t like it … but that is it …
Pay monthly a decent fee and cancel anytime you want …. for god sake
I don’t want to see this crooks getting away anymore with bad and dark deeds … focusing on how to get your money first before anything else ….
Sorry…..what does he have a B.S. in?
In bull shit
Anyone try http://www.tradoto.com on a live account? They post daily results using their NT8 auto trader.
The Intentional Trader
Would it be possible to get a review of this site.
It’s been around awhile, looks promising but I can’t trust any trading site, ever.
2 friends and I bought this program. We worked and worked this! None of us were profitable in the end of months of working it. We were all experienced traders. More money down the drain.
What really upsets me are these software trading sites that give you a “7 day trial to trade whether your a beginner or experienced trader” on their Demo accounts. Then after that the monthly charge could range from $50+ a month and up. We all know it takes more than 7 days to even get a feel for trading and, that quite a few of these sites could be nothing but junk.
There may be more, if there is please let me know, but TOS is the only site I know that at least gives you 30-60 days to their paper platform so one may “develop” oneself and learn the platform, FREE.
It would be nice to see if TradingSchools.org had a separate section on these Simulated accounts. Heck if TradingSchools.org paid the minimal costs for these sites (and a small reasonable fee for my time, I would do it for them).
Speaking of which, Emmett IMHO, your site would be intuitive and easier to use if you “categorized” reviews rather than just having a few links on the side of the page, e.g, pages showing ONLY “Best Trading Systems”, or “Worst Trading Systems”, “Highly Ranked”, “Recent Review”, etc…
Thank you.
how about Online Trading Academy? http://www.tradingacademy.com/
…said since 1983…
blue wave trading is a total ripoff – he gave me results based on swing trading when the system is only capable of day trading overnight at the most ,a trial for 495 – it had a good week i bough it and regretted it ever since as each week after was a loser on settings Randy Sarrow the would not give a refund and will not give settings – now he admits he doesnt even trade with it himself -careful of this fraudster – i am contacting the CFTC to see what they can do for me
Did you get a trial of the autotrader for $495 or was it the indicators package?
Anyone created an account with Tradoto.com? considering joining them but want to see if anyone could post a review before i commit thanks
Hi John,
Just reached out to Tradoto and requested information regarding a review. Hopefully, they respond. The scammers hardly ever respond. Will contact you after I hear something.
For those of you who were so anti-NinjaTrader, you will be pleased to hear that they have removed all the YouTube presentations made by their partners, and that content will not ever be available. Apparently even their partners cannot get the recordings to host on their own. I asked them, and they say that they will not promote any vendor who is not registered with a Securities organization, like the NFA, et.c,. I have seen plenty of crappy information from CTA’s too, so I do not know what that proves.
You have succeeded in making sure that nobody can get any kind of trading information, good or bad, through NinjaTrader or their partmers. Agreed, the information was mostly bad, and/or misleading. Now, all you need to do is force “Online Trader Central” too out of business, and everything will be complete.
Leo Grindin http://www.freetrainingrussell2kfutures.com
anybody has any experience with this guys?
Okay guys I been reading all your commends, Nothing works so there is anybody who is making money trading futures? or any software trading system that works?
I would really appreciate your commends.
Going to be posting a review of Trade Navigator software. Will be posted just after Thanksgiving. Will be including several studies and systems that actually work. And will give you a good foundation on which to develop your own strategies.
Any update on this? Very interested in Trade Navigator and what you have to say on it. Thanks
Yeah I would like to know some actual trading systems that work and aren’t a con. Are there any 60 second trades that aren’t a con. I live in the UK?.
The methodology is more important than the system
You can use our Algorithmic Automated Trading Suites for free unlimited forever on sim/demo:
Everyone who requested the Boomerang software should have received it their email inbox today.
Mind sending me the access too? I can provide some suggestions too, thanks!!
Have you seen Gecko Software’s Track-n-Trade Live version for Futures, Forex or Stocks. I think it’s great and it’s all I use. It’s won a lot of awards and I’m really surprised it has not been reviewed here yet.
Has anyone tried the Autotrader strategy from Trading123Net? This guy claims $500-$1000 daily profit with 2 contracts trading CL and NQ.
Join the discussion
He wins. I lose. No rhyme or reason. Would tell you to trade on your own.
Yes I used it. He only shows the good trades. When you turn this software on for the special moments during the day…… you alway Will loose your money. No money back guarantee. Never buy this stuff From these Guy’s!!!!!.
This is a scam stay far away. Why in the heck would anyone offer a system that works for sale.
All bout the paper, of course. More money better than less money
Sorry moderator, this post is in moderation because I screwed up my e-mail address when posting. There is another post on another thread with same thing
All bout the paper, of course. More money better than less money
Ok how and where does one who has limited time and fiscal resources get started. Good educators that aren’t asking for thousands up front good tools that will let you trade with $500 or so and make a few dollars while one hones their day trading skills.
Did someone yesterday have a question regarding Boomerang Trade Software?
I’m not sure if this is appropriate but could anyone tell me the validity of Boomerang day trader software, they claim 90% winning trades on the NQ
Google Mohan. Some very crazy trading going on. Now he has switched to CL.
Hi Leslie, I have the unlocked Boomerang Currency system, Daytrade system, and Scalp system. If you want them, I will send them to you. List your email to send.
Hi Tamiya that would be very much appreciated send to Ljlp1@comcast.net
Are u trading with Boomerang if so which system? How do u find it? Thank you so much!
I would be interested in the software as well if it wouldn’t be to much of a bother.
Also interested, thanks
Tamiaya will you please send me the systems to test out? Thanks in advance. huntnfish13@gmail.com
Hi Tamiaya, Can u send me the unlocked Boomerang System. I want to test it and review. Pls find my details below. Thanks in advance.
Tamiaya pls find my email address below
Hi Taimay- Nice of you to share. Could you send them to me also? john.dobbs.xoxy@xoxy.net thank you
Great Site Emmet – I have just switched from Forex to futures using ninja trader and I can’t believe how much more ninja trader indicators are compared to MT4 $1000’s instead of $50 or so I cant really see why there is such a jump..wow…Any views on The Intentional Trader & Golden Zone Trading both have expensive indicator packages and trading rooms, cant see any real proof with either of them, certainly seems to be no DOM’s present, just comments posted on wins etc. The choice of where to look is overwhelming for someone new to ninja trader, I may to back to the MT4 scammers at least its only the cost of a carton of good beer.
Indicators for Ninjatrader are often overcharged modified junk, ripped from bmt or other depositories. example. plastic mutilator MarkSach’s cadre of ridiculously overpriced ugly bmt modded indicators targeted at no-coding newbs as anyone with basic level ninjascripting could make the same or better as what’s shown on the rightline site.
The Best Pro Trade Automated Scalping Trading Systems – “A fully automated trading system is one where there are just two parameters – one and off. This simply means that when you want to start benefiting from this trading system all you need to do it connect it to your broker platform and click the on switch.”
Is this (BPT) automated trading system legit? The videos they show display the automated trading system making money but my question, are they really using a live account or a simulated account, I can’t tell. The packages they offer isn’t cheap either.
Has anyone heard of 12tradepro.com or the automated trading system called (BPR) AKA ‘Best Pro Trade’?
Best pro trade is a scam stay far away. I purchase the autotradrs and long behold have blown my account – It’s for newbie traders that don’t know any better all results are sim101 accounts. Sam is a crook
As your post came in, I was writing a review about Sam and Best Pro Trade. Should have the review up in a couple of hours. Please leave a comment in that review. Curious about your experiences.
Would love to read your review Emmet. Thank you
I can attest to the scam. Expensive and I fell for it. Their package of indicators is garbage and if you do the opposite, you would probably make money. In short, their indicators tell you to buy at the top and sell at the bottom and of course the opposite happens.
Thank you for your service I was interested in traderwarrior to start learning about day trading. Based on your reviews I am folowing the higest rated ones on their social media platforms. Since I am a beginner do you recommend any books for purchase and websites I can practice actual trading for beginners? I have signed up for your newsletter also. Thank you for your help, you saved me allot of wasted time and money.
Hi Emmett,
Boy, I wish I had found you back when I had to start managing two trust accounts.
I see you do not have reviews for Online Trading Academy, Vantage Point, and the AAII Computer Investment trading software.
I’m curious if anyone here knows anything about Dan Mirkin and his software called, “Trade Ideas?” Is this software system for real, or just a bunch of hype? Any help would be nice. Thanks.
Actually, I am reviewing it now. Some others might also have some input.
Thanks. I will watch here for your review!
I see six months ago you were working on a review of Trade Ideas but it does not come up in the search. Was it completed? Also curious about stockhorizon.com Thanks to all
Am currently reviewing Trade Ideas. Its an interesting piece of software. The trade room sucks. But the software should not be judged on the trade room. The review is going to really break it down.
Been waiting a really long time for your Trade Ideas review. Any idea when you might complete it??
I just cannot help but wonder if this or any one creates software that can out perform the S&P why would they be selling it for $99 a month. Why would they not start a hedge fund and make a fortune James Simons of the Renaissance Technologies made over 1 Billion dollars.
Maybe these folks are philanthropist.
My second question is how could one even evaluate the software’s performance unless it gives clear entries, targets and stop losses then 10 people would get 10 different results.
Hi Emmett – how about http://virtnext.com/?
Hi Emmett –
My experience with Virtnext/Glenridge Capital so far:
I signed up with Virtnext with a minimum deposit of 350. In 4 days I broke even short of 5 dollars. I am assigned Glenridge Capital as the broker, based out of Ireland. A Senior Account Analyst contacted me yesterday by phone, trying to talk me into investing more with a minimum of 2500.00, where she keeps saying it will be invested in Oils and Disney and any stocks that are low, which I think that is the case across the board for the most part. They also offer Bonuses where if you want to invest more than the minimum but don’t have all of the funds, Glenridge will add the remaining funds as a Bonus. But if you choose Bonuses, Glenridge keeps all funds until the account reaches 30% of the 5K, so they can not let you withdraw any money from the account until it reaches 150K – seems rediculous to me. If I choose to opt out of bonuses then I can withdraw money whenever I want. She goes on to tell me that she has clients based in the U.S. with account balances of over 500k because of her strategies and long term investing (2 weeks to a month). Investments are made once a week every Friday. The number she calls me from is a New York number. Also you cannot withdraw any money until their compliance department approves the account for withdraws after you email fax a copy of a photo id, utility bill, and credit card (covering the middle 8 digits). I was given the option to choose another brokerage named Bloombex. This pretty much sums up where I am now. I am waiting for my documents to get approved so i can break even and get my money back. I just hope I haven’t lost my 350, but she assured me she would contact me once the account is approved for withdraws which takes 3 – 5 days. I see posts here and there on other sites where other people are not able to withdraw their money from Glenridge Capital, I just hope they followed their instructions. Has anyone else experienced or experiencing Glenridge?
I am looking to learn more and more about investing, I signed up for pfnewsletter.com, the yearly fee is 49.00. I would also like to day trade and I have been contemplating Watchhimtrade.com. I am open to suggestions and comments. Your website here is great for people such as me.
Best working software for me and my house ..to all of the gang that work at backtothefuture.Com are great people to be associated with keep up the good work guys you a asset to Trading
Hi Cleston,
Thanks for the comment. You should leave a comment on the BackToTheFuture review page. You can leave a comment and rate it.
Thanks, I a sure that Michael will appreciate the support from a user. I am not a big fan of indicator guys, but that does not mean that it doesnt work for you.
Have you done a review of VectorVest?
Emmet – I would be very interested in a review of Golden Zone Trading – their trading software, trading system and trading room.
Keep up the great work you are doing.
I put some comments about them on NexGen Software thread.
TB, if you’ve got the scoop on Golden Zone Trading, I’d sure be happy to see the verdict. From the number of things they claim it can do, it doesn’t make sense. Frankly, from a cursory look, it appears to be a real stinker. Thanks
Back to the Future Trading is the best site i have seen in my 30 years of trading and Michael is absolutely the best teacher of trading i have encountered, He knows the phyco of trading and his analysis is right on!!!!!
You are kidding, right ? Michael is a super nice guy, but the projected highs and lows are extremely frequently nowhere near reality. This is akin to throwing darts at your screen !
Back to the Future… very nice people… market knowledge… plez, they aren’t much help.
I’m curious as to what reviews you give Top Step Trader?
Hi Gary, I did a review of Top Step.
Emmett – what do you know about AbleSys? Uses a color coded system for Buys/Sells, scans the market, works with multiple software programs…
Curious as to why you feel AbleSys is junk?
This is a NinjaTrader script to auto trade Futures. They claim average return greater than 44.50% /Month* since start in 2013. It is expensive.
whereis the script? Have you tested it
44.5% a month is over 500% a year. Give me a break.
As far as I can tell the Flux Pro software is the most technologically advanced astrology wheel and fanciest random number generator I’ve ever seen. Fascinating and engaging sales team though: the hopeful astronaut and the Oklahoma cowboy. Seem like good guys to have a beer and watch a football game with.
I really, really, really wish it worked. It would be so very cool if it actually worked. Yes its not uncommon for them to indicate the highs and lows on the chart but they also hit LOTS and LOTS of useless trade locations. Did I mention lots?
And then there’s the old saw that’s of course is actually only determinable in hindsight – when the Flux indicates BUY at a high, well that’s an “inversion” so its should be treated as a SELL.
Sorry, the more of their youtubes I watched and analyzed the better off I thought I would be playing darts at the pub.
1 back to the futures trading flux pro software,
2 trading 123.net auto trader software
3 blue wave precision auto trader software
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