Top Step Trader vs. One Up Trader
Today’s article is a good little piece of trader gossip. In the past couple of years, I have written various articles on the ‘hamster wheel’ known as Top Step Trader.
For those not familiar, Top Step Trader is a “fake” proprietary trading company where futures trading newbies pay hundreds of dollars each month to trade on a simulator.
Top Step Trader purports to offer funded trading accounts to whoever is lucky enough to escape the hampster wheel alive. Essentially, a trader must meet the minimum performance requirements in something called “the combine.” If they pass “the combine” then they are awarded a token funded trading account.
I put heavy emphasis on the word token. Why use the word token? Because the funded trading account is as small as a mouse’s ballsack and is usually snatched away quicker than a hungry dog will gobble up a piece of freshly barbecued meat.
The Top Step Trader funded accounts program is the ultimate gimmick. Where the newbie and the naive with no trading account, is encouraged to use a credit card to purchase access to a trading simulator. They get caught up in a ridiculous cycle of (usually) perpetual failure. Encouraged to keep spending hundreds of dollars each month at the elusive chance at winning the prize.

Can you win a funded trading account?
Yes, some folks actually are awarded a prize. The funded trading account. But in reality, the prize is about as valuable as a stuffed animal at a carnival. The truth is that masses of people throw money at this game, in hopes that the tiny little ring will somehow find the end of a bottle. And when it does, the carnival barkers at TopStep Trader send out a wave of marketing enthusiasm to highlight the lucky person. Sort of like winning the lottery. Yes, someone wins. But it won’t be you.
The Abysmal Failure Rate of Top Step Traders
How does TradingSchools.Org know the abysmal failure rate of the Top Step Trader funded trading program? TradingSchools.Org currently has about 90k monthly web visitors. That’s a lot of people. We rank page 1 for just about every single Google search term related to Top Step Trader. This puts us in a powerful position where we can tap into the mood of the audience. We can ask the audience questions about their experience with Top Step Trader.
And since we have no financial interest, unlike the hordes of affiliate marketers and trading guru’s pushing this TopStep Trader combine nonsense, we can say our true opinion.
On April 22, 2016 we published a public survey that attempted to query the ‘real’ performance statistics of people that had actually been hustled through the Top Step Trader hamster wheel. Top Step Trader does not publish any of this information (for good reason). The questions on everyone’s mind?:
- How many people have participated by purchasing a trading combine?
- How much money do people typically earn from funded trading accounts?
- How long do people usually last with a funded trading account?
- How much money is Top Step Trader making?
On June 13, 2016 we published the results of that survey.
In total, we received 163 respondents. We discovered the following:
- The average TopStep Trader spent $1,145 in combine/hamster wheel fees.
- 79% of participants were never able to “win” a funded trading account.
- Those that received a funded trading account averaged -$900 in earnings. In others words, even the winners were net losers.
What was even more shocking was the estimated net profit of TopStepTrader. All survey participants had spent over $186,000 in TopStep Trader combine fees. An incredible amount.
TradingSchools.Org took a closer look at the business model and discovered that nearly all of these ‘combine’ fees were pure profit for TopStep Trader. Our internal model has the gross profits at about 90%. Truly remarkable.
How much money has TopStep Trader earned from this business model? Though it’s hard to estimate, TradingSchools.Org interviewed several of the technology vendors that provide the services that make this machine function…we estimate that TopStep Trader is earning many multiple millions of dollars each year. Not bad for a business that is basically only letting people play on a futures trading simulator.
Adults playing a video game. So quaint.
The Real Reason For The Survey
When we published the results of the survey, it would appear that the article was a classic TradingSchools.Org ‘hit-piece’. A sort of ‘consumer warning’ that people should be aware of the terrible failure rate of anyone that is stupid enough to purchase one of these ridiculous ‘trading combines’.
However, this was not the primary reason. The primary reason was to stoke competition. To highlight the incredible profit potential that additional participants could possibly reap by copying the same business model.
The business model is here to stay. It’s not going anywhere. As distasteful and crappy the deal for the consumer, it still has the potential to have incredible benefits to the retail trader.
For instance, if the pool of monies that are collected from combine fees primarily went back to the traders…then the business model could possibly bloom into something very special. This might be overly idealistic. Perhaps I still believe in the goodness of mankind.
Anyway, my ultimate hope was that additional players would enter into this business model. To offer something comparable. This was the only way to tip the scales back into alignment. More competition equals a better deal for consumers. I was hoping it would happen quickly. It didn’t.
Collectively, potential new market participants would contact me. And they would ask me, “how can this even be legal?” or “nothing this profitable can be legal.” Of which, I would reply that TopStep Trader has been running this monopoly since 2010. Surely, if the model did not pass regulatory scrutiny, then the FTC or the CFTC would have shut it down. But it simply has not happened.
Sort of like online porn. When it first arrived on the internet, collectively most people thought that the FTC would crack down. But they never did.
The First “Real” Competitor Emerges
On March 23, 2016 TradingSchools.Org posted a review about the first ‘real’ competitor to TopStep Trader. The company was named MES Capital.
Essentially, MES Capital began offering a similar opportunity as TopStep Trader. However, MES Capital was not charging any ‘combine fees’. In speaking with the founders of MES Capital, they explained that they were “just looking for some good traders that could trade their personal capital.”
MES Capital was using the exact same trading simulator as TopStep Trader. The simulator is provided by Rithmic and is commercially available to anyone willing to pay a fee. Nothing special here. An off-the-shelf piece of technology that has been in use for decades.
During the remainder of 2016, TradingSchools.Org spoke with various individuals that had been funded by MES Capital. We received no complaints from persons that were able to pass the testing parameters and received a funded trading account.
However, we did receive gripes from persons that had “traded profitably” during the testing phase, and yet were not able to receive a funded trading account. They did not understand why.
TradingSchools.Org researched the question as to why some were being funded, and some were not being funded. MES Capital did not have any published prerequisite or definable benchmark that a person must achieve in order to be awarded a funded trading account. Our best guess is that MES Capital simply ran out of funds to spread around.
Truth be told, most retail traders lose. Although the business model of not charging a testing fee seems like a generous and fair business model, in actuality, it is probably a losing endeavor.
TradingSchools.Org does not have a problem with the business model. We have a problem with how much TopStep Trader is skimming from the combine pool. A 90% profit

The unquenchable greed of TopStep Trader.
margin is fucking robbery. It’s unconscionable. This is what happens when you have a monopoly. It’s the very definition of extreme greed.
MES Capital transforms into One Up Trader
In the early part of 2017, TradingSchools.Org began to hear rumblings from insiders that MES Capital would be changing their business model. That they would begin charging a fee to individuals, similar to the TopStep Trader business model.
Although readers are probably already ‘poo-pooing’ the idea of yet another TopStep Trader business model, I actually applaud the idea. Finally, a new competitor is entering the scene. The owners of MES Captial understood their limitations and also understood the fat profit margins being earned by TopStep Trader. MES Capital rebranded their name to One Up Trader and decided to offer a better deal for consumers.
How much of a better deal? Much better. They addressed some of the most egregious practices of TopStep Trader. I won’t go into the specifics, but the business model of OneUp Trader is now attempting to offer a better deal to consumers.
In May 2017, OneUp Trader officially launched.
The reaction from Top Step Trader
How did TopStep Trader react to a new competitor? Did TopStep Trader reflect on the reasons why a new competitor entered the marketplace?
The reaction from TopStep Trader has been in my opinion vicious, ugly, petty, and vindictive. They filed a lawsuit that is attempting to bully One Up Trader into legal submission. The lawsuit is pure folly. The legal basis for the lawsuit is ripped straight from the playbook of a monopolistic bully. Trying to kill off a competitor, while it is still a baby in the crib.
Consumers should be outraged. The legal attack on One Up Trader is more than the petty argument of a couple of ‘rich guys’. Make no mistake, this is about maintaining a monopoly, about keeping a stranglehold on consumer choice. Its an attempt to bludgeon not only free and fair competition but also an attempt to keep you confined within a narrow box of lesser choices. It is outrageous. I have included a copy of the legal filing below:
TopStep Trader vs OneUp Trader
If you took the time to read this…essentially, TopStep Trader is arguing the following:
- They have a registered patent for the Rithmic trading simulator. They don’t.
- That they are the originators of the concept of using a simulator to evaluate trader performance. Total bullshit.
- That any company offering a service, even comparatively, is an infringement of their proprietary method for ripping people off.
- That anyone that visits the TopStep Trader website is voluntarily consenting to never be a competitor of TopStep Trader.
Imagine for a moment, you visit your local McDonalds for a hamburger. It’s a delicious hamburger. And so you go home and tell your wife that you want to open a hamburger restaurant. But you want to add an extra beef patty. You decide to name your hamburger ‘The Big Meaty’. You believe your hamburger will sell better than the Big Mac.
And so you plow your life savings into this new restaurant. About a week later, you receive a letter from a douche bag lawyer in Chicago that demands that you immediately shut down your restaurant. That you are stealing the concept of the hamburger from McDonald’s. And that since you visited McDonald’s, you inadvertently agreed to never open a competing hamburger restaurant.
Can you see the lunacy of this argument? Am I alone on this?
Wrapping this up
I have no love for either TopStep Trader, or OneUp Trader. Currently, the business model is shady as hell.
However, what if several competitors are allowed to compete within the space? Imagine if a company were to emerge that offered 75% of the simulator fee’s to be channeled back into funded trading accounts?
OneUp Trader is a good start. The business model is not going away. We need more competition.
Thanks for reading. This is a story that I would truly love to read your comments. Personally, these buttholes at TopStep Trader have really gotten under my skin. Its time that someone knocks them square in the jaw.
This is fight worth having.
I’m a long-time fan of TradingSchools. Lots of new competitors have filled the landscape of prop firms for retail traders. I lead a community that helps traders with prop firms trading. This Thursday, September 30, I’ll be presenting on Ninjatrader weekly webinar “Optimization of NinjaTrader Strategies for Prop Firms Trading.” Here’s the registration link:
Hi Joao,
Yeah, there are so many of these guys doing this now. Curious what you think of the Apex offering? Very new.
You know me, I am totally humbuged about all these trader funding offers.
Honestly, I don’t even know why anyone would do an affiliate deal, like yourself, when you can set up your own “trading funding” company in 10-minutes. All you need to do is contact Rithmic and get a master account and you are in business. So simple.
You must be privy to some arcane, secret information. Nothing on the Rithmic site shows how you can do what you write. From where did you get that info. 🙂
The owner of Rithmic is a person named Jonathon Walden. I have written a couple of articles about his company. Its a great company.
All you have to do is contact him, tell him you want to copycat the existing business model (earn2trade, topstep, etc.) and then negotiate a master license fee arrangement.
Next, spend a few days learning the backend of Rithmic, how to set up user accounts, etc.
Then, throw up a website and proclaim yourself the latest and greatest prop trading firm for day traders.
And finally, you will need to manually manage the traders using the simulator accounts on the Rithmic platform.
Honestly, it’s stupid simple to set up. Literally, you could have the whole thing up and running in a few days.
Trading blows… get out of capitalism now!
True you described me to the T currently working on one up still draw downs are my …..///weakness,,, tight…
I didn’t read All the posts, but Leelootrading (Natural Trading) might be a new competitor. Maybe worth reviewing. Much fewer rules than TST or OUT
I am seeing more and more competitors. Earn2Trade just tripped me up. They posted the wrong time for an economic event and I traded right through it. No corrective action on their part. I kind of like what I see mentioned for LeelooTrading.
Yes earn2trade will not work with you and are bs. Use someone else. I have had issues with rithmic many times and sent them log files, screenshots ect with no resolution. They just stop chatting with you and there is no phone number to call.
earn2trade are cheats and scammers and I caught them red handed and terminated my subscription immediately.
What happened? I love the juicy stuff.
SOSDD…Same Old Sh#t…Different Day
Honestly, Topstep trader, oneup, earn2trade, they all have pretty similar rules and all are easy. What people are forgetting is 95% of traders will fail, and more like 97% won’t ever be good enough to trade for a firm, I have traded professionally for different firms for years now in the options, forex, and futures space. Currently I am a top level trader for 5ers (forex) as well as have fully funded accounts for topstep, oneup, and earn2trade. It’s not really hard to follow rules, it just requires discipline, and a bit of luck in finding a good mentor of course, I would have 0% chance of succeeding if I didn’t meet and learn from a few of my friends who trade for hedgefunds.
Don’t praise yourself so much you prick bastard.
Emmett, Have you looked at Earn2Trade? I am going through the gauntlet now and would like your opinion. I am on my last days of a 60-day period. If funded, I will let you know what happens.
I did try TST, and it was difficult. After 2 attempts I looked elsewhere. Thanks, E
It doesn’t sound great about either one. One up a little better but…
Is there any other Companies funding accounts. I’ve seen Apiary; SMB
Yeah i just funded on One-Up, they’ve been fair. Unfortunately MES Capital doesn’t have an easily accessible broker number because it’s out of London. So don’t have to exit a trade by phone if your internet goes down etc… Top Step is a total joke. You all mentioned the reasons above which I quickly realized. I tried their $99 discount and violated what they called their loss limit, which really should be called “unrealized loss” or “drawdown”, so i was confused on that point. Very low threshold to margin out. It’s a system rigged to take your money. To TST credit they did call me to ask about my experience. I said, “your system is rigged to fail, unless you are a very, very specific type of trader, otherwise you want me to keep paying your fee while i attempt to follow your 27 rules that create a system that I’d get stuck in failing. Why would i do that when i could go to many of the others that are easier and better. I’ll be reapplying for an even bigger One-Up account so i can trade bigger size faster. I already have their 50k account funded.
Not sure why anyone would pay a company to trade their rules. Save that money put into your own account, sim trade yourself, find a consistent edge (system) while on your on sim, then go live once you have consistent method more winners than losers, a consistent mind set that focus on having more winners than losers and no expectancy on any one trade only on a series of trades. Then trade your own money. BECAUSE ITS THE SAME THING YOU WOULD BE DOING WITH THOSE COMPANY’S, only you wouldn’t be paying them – NONE OF IT IS GOING TO BE EASY NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO – YOU DON’T NEED THEM. They already know the cycle you are going to go thru, and are going to take advantage of you trying to find your way which can be years, thats their business model and their edge is knowing you are going to fail many times before you figure out that trading isn’t easy. Thats the business model for every one selling a system
Has anyone been funded by OneUp? I’ve narrowed it down to either OneUp or TST, and greatly appreciate anyone giving their experience.
Leaning toward OneUP because they are cheaper and their profit goals to earn the funded accounts are one step and not as high. Much easier to achieve in one subscription cycle in my estimation.
Please, anyone funded by OneUp, or anyone trying to get funded now?
Thank you for posting this. TST has the scaling rule, that makes sure you fail. Because regardless of what your funding is, you will be initially trading like you only had $30,000. But you are still expected to hit the 5% profit mark. So if you opted for $150,000, you are still trading with $30,000 but you will need to hit a profit of $7,500 within a month. Any one who has trades knows you really have only 10 to 15 max good days where you can really make some money. It is stacked against the wannabe trader.
It costs upto $1500 to gain intraday leverage per contract in your own account with any reputed broker. Add the max drawdown these two companies allow you. Instead of doing this if thousands of folks have chosen to pay these 2 companies a few hundred $ every month to win and hope to profit from a funded trading account, something is wrong with the heads of these folks.
If you must trade on a simulator to test & improve yourself; the same simulator remains available for about $50 a month. Still if you choose to add to the profits of these 2 companies; well its your money; you decide where to donate it.
What they call a funded account is still trades on the simulator as you can verify after placing an order and not finding the quantity at that price rise in the DOM. For this reason both companies will not allow extremely profitable or even consistently profitable traders to survive long because they may end up paying out their profits from their pockets.
Its an excellent consumer warning and/or wakeup article that needs to be read by all the folks about to or already spending their money at these 2 companies. Do they want to listen? Well its their money, their time, their dreams.
Hey guys!
I got funded with the help of OneUp Trader!! While I was funded I didn’t pay anything out of pocket and I also broke a rule which they give a warning, 2 strike rule. I was up around $500 before I violated another rule (traded CL at 9:30 CT Wednesday). I got paid a portion of the $500 and now I’m using that money to sign up again via OneUp Trader. Also there’s no data fees, their Funding partners cover it. Amazing doesn’t quite say it!!
Good bye TST, never again not for me.
I like them too and experienced something similar to your situation. Did you know they do not have a 2 strike rule for returning traders!
I completely disagree with all the criticism towards TST.
Communication is great with them with regards to Combines/FTPs and pretty much everything else (except for becoming an affiliate…unusually bad communication where that is concerned!).
They’ve continually responded to traders’ requests to remove unnecessarily restrictive rules, like the infamous “10-day rule” where you had to be positive or you lost the account. This is what happened to me in late 2016. With the current rules, I see no reason not to succeed with them and I’m currently a stone’s throw away from being funded again with two accounts.
There are pros and cons to both companies. I see people talking about the data fees that TST charges (and OneUp doesn’t)…but they forget to mention OneUP’s higher commissions, wire fees (TST don’t charge), withdrawal thresholds (TST don’t have them) and INTRA-day trailing max. draw down (TST’s is EOD…makes a huge difference).
I don’t particularly like the necessity of having to be in the funded traders’ trading room and having the risk manager (Mick Ieronimo) on my back, but that’s a small price to pay for the community, discipline and environment that has helped me to solidly turn the corner where I couldn’t before…even when trying to do my own, self-imposed, “Combine”!
Im just glad to see more competition. More competition within the space means better choices for the trader class.
Thanks for taking the time to express your opinion. Good stuff. Helpful.
TST is a revolving door each trader that comes through the door has hopes and aspirations of making it big the top 5% make it through and they constantly make money off the poor souls trying to get funded without breaking rules. WIth on going reset fees and such high thresholds I will never ever trade TST again.
TST is the worst combine. They are scumbags and don’t give a shit about you but their own wallet. I passed twice and broke a rule twice to start again fuck them and go with oneup.
Am really curious how anyone can survive these combines with current volatility? One trade goes against you for 5-minutes and its game over.
emmit, when is the last time you got on Oneup website. They are charging you a fee for which profit split (50% or 80%) you will get if you pass. I have never in all of my working career, as a independent worker on % splits ever paid for higher profit splits. Everything about Oneup is NO different than TST. I have sent an email to OneUp to have them explain this other additional fee charge…no reply as yet.
I second that…top step trader and the owner Michael Patak are d bags. One up is the better of the two if you ask me. It’s cheaper, pays the same and the prerequisites are not as difficult.
I’m really confused. So, I read a stellar review of TopStep Trader that YOU put out. Then, I read a scathing review of MES Capital. THEN, I read a retraction of the first MES Capital review. ??? Then I read a “vs.” review between the two? Who is paying you Emmett? You’re crookerder than a dogs hind leg, bro! It sounds like you’re trolling these companies for money. Just sayin.
Thanks for the compliment. I love your salty humor.
Sometimes I change my mind.
The downside of One Up is that they dont really fund accounts, not at first.
They reserve the right to switch you from real money to sim on your ‘live’ account.
So they can fund everyone on even flimsy results, knowing they dont have to pay out as the traders will lose on their live sim anyway.
Plenty about this on Elite Trader.
Normal prop business. My trading buddy got paid twice. He loves them.
I’ve read the reviews of OneUp and TopStep. I have been through the ‘combine’ of TopStep, OneUp, and Savius. Savius does not compete with either and run their own form of hamster wheel and then push products to get you through their challenge, which I find BS unless you can find 10 consecutive almost perfect flowing trading days. Plus you are forced to use Sierra, of which, they are 100% affiliated.
I almost made it through the TopStep initial combine when OneUp came online. All you have to do is look at both models and I dropped TopStep in the middle of a combine and moved to OneUp.
You have to wonder at this point why anyone is not running to OneUp given the comparison between what each offer. Of course, TopStep knows this, hence the immediate lawsuit.
Today, I am a funded trader with a OneUp partner. I completed the combine and 4 days later I was trading a live account. I’ve made one withdrawal and continue to trade with them and increase my contracts through the scaling program on the 250000 account.
I have had contract questions and questions about the program and both OneUp and their partner have provided timely and solid responses within 24 hours EVERY time.
Most of the people I see complain don’t have the ability to trade consistently. Instead of working on their own inadequacies, they blame the prop firm and there some mysterious reason they fail other than their own ability to trade.
OneUp has been solid for me and I am moving monies to my Dorman account monthly. Eventually, i will move soley to the Dorman account, but this allows me to trade full-time with up to 25 contracts (I don’t trade over 15, but wanted the option), and then move to my own brokerage…. which by the way i blew out as I slowly learned to survive day by day, weekbyweek, and monthbymonth.
Anyway, I hope this helps anyone who has similar interests. It is truly a no-brainer between OneUp and the competition. But… no matter what, the bottom line is you have to consistently trade on a continual basis with any prop firm to make money.
What is the one up partner you refer to?
hey emmett, tst patak and his coaches took a combine to prove they can pass it.
look at this
not even they can be consistent in winning days only consistent in losing days
Oh boy! It seems that that may have not been such a good idea after all? If the performance coaches are doing so badly overall. BUT, they have not yet failed the combine. So we shall see.
However, they seeem to be demonstrating exactly why the combine rules are nonsense.
I was a topstep consumer for a long time. I have nothing positive to say about the company. It’s primary focus is to take your money. They don’t care about nurturing or supporting traders. They have a million ways to cancel your account and put you back into the combine. Moreover, if you’re making good money then they’ll change any rules to accommodate you. Truly corrupt.
I’m also trading OneUp right now and have already passed the evaluation phase twice. The first time I passed, my account was rejected because the companies that I would work for wanted to see consistent trading, not earning 9k and then phoning it in for the rest of the evaluation period. The second time I gave them what they needed and they were right to request it. Now I have a consistent trading strategy that generates solid income.
To me OneUp is a breath of fresh air compared to the rancid stench of Topstep. One may be no better than the other but it feels like we’re moving in the right direction. Hopefully a crop of funding companies are coming and everyone will leave topstep. That’s what they deserve.
Lets hope so! I would like to see 4 solid alternatives.
They are not marketing. No affiliation.
I tried, they said maybe soon. They need to work on that.
I know one trader who got funded and withdrew twice. There is another post in EliteTrader of 2 other people. They talk high of OneUp Trader.
Emmet, you should mention that OneUp Trader does not charge monthly data fees for funded traders like TopStep does. TopStep actually makes their trading “talent” pay for their own data fees…. I guess if TopStep owned a baseball team they would make the players pay for their own uniforms and pay for their own travel costs. OneUp, if you are reading this please do a better job of marketing the fact that you don’t charge funded traders for data fees. At TopStep you actually have to pay the professional access rates so if you want to trade a wide range of products then you will easily spend $400 to $500 a month in fees for ICE, CME, Nymex ect…
I read on another site that the judge threw out TST’s case against OneUp Trader. Is that true? I am also noticing many people who are with TST now “dual trading” with OneUp. There is a girl who has a trading blog who trades oil with TST who has been trading like 2 or 3 years and has not pulled a single check from TST. How can you go years on end without making a dime and call yourself a “pro”?
“How can you go years on end without making a dime and call yourself a “pro”?”
How do you know if another TST trader has pulled a check from TST? Also couldn’t one build up their equity and not pull a check? But if you are stating this person has never made a dime trading and how could she call herself a pro, then I would say the same way all these day Trading Room Operators who can not trade profitably claim to be pros. Well in their case they are professional con artist.
But we could expand upon this concept. Now I would not compare these folks to be day trading scam artist, but how do mutual fund managers, hedge fund managers and money managers which consistently under perform the S&P call them selves pros? And worst charge you a fee to underperform.
I give you an example. I know this person that has used a money manager for years who charges 1% no matter what. The money manager can make or lose money and they still get paid 1%. After the money manager took a huge loss this person asked me to look over their investments. This person had paid this money manager over 30K. And for what; he not only way under performed the S&P he did it by taking more risk. In fact after he paid this loser, he virtually made nothing during a huge bull market. Yet I am sure he calls himself a professional. Yea professional what I ask.
Profesional flim-flam, hanky-panky, double-speaking pendejo artist?
I am shill, even bring out shill card for me. I am a shill for Trading Schools, Emmett, and Rob B. Rob i couldn’t imagine paying 30k in fees for a negative return. That was a great post. I hope you keep up responding to the bs because I’m so tired about reading about these cons and I think we lost dtchurn. He just felt it wasn’t worth it anymore???
Mike M
I think that 30K is not out of the ordinary. This was over many years of paying a money manager. And it is not like this was some con artist Day Trading Room operator that was mowing grass the day before. He was with a well established Brokerage firm and had all the credentials.
Sadly I understand why most mutual funds and even why this money manager under performed. It is more a combination of the company they work for greed and the customers unrealistic expectation they serve. One of my longest and largest holdings is BRK. And the IMHO the main reason Buffett has been so successful his is ability to ignore / resist the customer. Yes ignore them. And it is not just in stock, but the same story is in Real Estate. Believe me I know.
When do most people want to buy; when we are at a bubble peak and when do most folks want to sell; at the bottom. Buffett is buying at the bottom like I was. In fact when Buffett was gobbling up GS debt I was trying to do the same, but that deal was only open to Buffett, but I bought other similar instrument. And Buffett’s follower trust him so they don’t panic sell at the bottom or jump off board when he is selling at the top to go invest in some high flying tech fund.
In that 30K example, the client was demanding higher and higher income when treasure bonds were paying nothing, so what did the fund manager do he moved this 80+ year old person into high risk instruments that paid higher yield. But in this case I do blame that money manager. He had no integrity, gutless and afraid to lose a client. This is what he should have done. He should have said, “We are currently in a low interest rate environment. You need to understand higher income comes with much greater risk. Which means you might get higher income, but also might lose 25%+ in capital.” Which BTW that person did. But no he said nothing, leaving the clueless client to think you just ask for higher income and you get it with no risk. Yes the client is clueless about investing.
As for DtChurn, hopefully he is just on a well deserved vacation. I too might be posting less over the next couple of months as I just picked up a new rehab I will be starting on soon. And unlike those stupid HGTV shows you are just as likely to lose money doing a rehab as make money (especially if the market turns even slightly), so which me good luck. But they do not get viewers telling them that.
Someone skyped me and asked how can you tell if you are at a top. So here is my 2 cents worth. There is no screaming siren that goes off at the top, but there are a lot of bells that start to ring. And the more something gets overvalued like NASDAQ or Real Estate bubble the louder those bells get and the harder they fall. During the NASDAQ bubble I remember this radio “Stock Advisor” telling folks to mortgage their homes to buy tech stocks as they just go up, up, and up. What an idiot!
Another tell tell sign is when your sister or brother who never invest in anything and knows zip about investing all of a sudden calls you up and says they are buying gold, Nasdaq stock or Real Estate. That might be clue.
I have invested in real estate for over 30 years now and you know when all of a sudden everyone was asking me about investing in real estate; at the top of the bubble.
I give you another clue. When they create an acronym that is usually a “BAD” sign. Go back in history and look what happened after an Acronym was created to describe a hot investment. Anyone remember BRIC? Gee Cramer mentioned it almost Dailey. Those 4 countries were going to dominate the world. Fast forward and we all know how that movie ended. Anyone heard that Acronym recently?
So what new Acronym has been created? Anyone hear of FANG and once again hear Cramer, who is virtually always wrong, talking about them Dailey.
No one sign is a death nail, but it might be wise and time to be a bit cautious, for example leverage to the max when you hear those bells going off might not be a good idea and having a extra cash in the reserve might be a good idea. And for option players those are the times to do a little hedge betting.
Advice worth the price paid.
Rob B,
I can really use your advice on a piece of real estate. I have property, but I am not an expert. I have been looking for some information, but it is almost as bad as day trading experts when speaking to supposed professionals. I’m thinking you would know what information I need. Is there anyway I can contact you? If you even have the desire? I understand if you just rather not. Please answer back when you can. Btw, who will take on the bs when you’re gone. I am going on a little vacation and the site for me is getting stale because it is the same old story about these clowns. Will Cyn increase his posts? Tom has been honest and knowledgeable. Or maybe the Stray Dog will come back?
One idea. Emmett has our emails, maybe he will be kind enough to forward your email to me or mine to yours. Not interested in putting any information out on a public forum.
BTW if he does forward you my email, let me know as it is one I created just for blogs like this and do not check it.
Hey Rob – Good luck in rehab. I am sure you will end up good. As they say the first step to a cure is admitting the problem. I’ll keep in touch via e-mail. I’m sure Mike will keep his clean and sober approach to review commenting whilst you are away.
As for churn, I have not seen him after he apologized to me in the post that was deleted — as detailed in page 1 comments on this thread. I hope he is working hard on his issues that he said he needs to work hard on.
You are like a cockroach. Just when you think they are gone they just pop back up. So you are back once again with Fake News.
“I’ll keep in touch via e-mail. ” I would never give you my email or keep in touch with you.
“As for churn, I have not seen him after he apologized to me in the post that was deleted ”
DTchurn who’s alias you mimic never apologized to you except in your insane fantasy world.
Everything you write is 99% fact free. And you disappear and pop back up hoping no one remembers your last batch of insane posts.
Wow, that is a lot of anger for a post in which I wished you “good luck.” And actually I do have your e-mail, and Skype. We both know the truth about all this – and I will leave it at that.
You said the same crap about DTchurn and how you knew him. Gosh I did not realize we are such buds.
Have you ever posted anything honest? Maybe you think new folks are not aware of your history of how you have never posted anything relevant to the article and just attack other posters by just making up what ever silliness pop into your head and post them as facts.
No one that knows your history thinks your good luck is genuine as you have not done anything but attack me in the past. In fact your only purpose is to drive other posters who call out these TR con artist crazy like you did DTchurn. Clearly you are associated with a Trading Room that is being hurt by these reviews and by long term posters calling out these con artist.
I hate having these thread clogged up by having to respond to you. I just cannot help but wonder if you ever done anything productive in your entire life or are you just a parasite on society?
I really wish Emmett had a way to create a thread as I would create one called the history of Dtchump post and just have a link so anyone could see the long history of your nonsense posts.
Both of you fight like an adorable old married couple.
Putting this nut case in the same category as other posters is an error. One difference is DTChump has never posted anything related to the topic and his sole purpose is just to attack people with willfully stupid post. I challenge you to find any post of his with any relevance. Virtually all of his post are just completely made up nonsense that he post as facts in order to provoke other posters in an attempt IMHO to clog up this blog as others end up posting to respond to his silly comments.
What is your direct email that you check often enough so I can get Rob B’s email from you? I know you have given it it before, your direct address.
How about some links? ;-p
Did TopStep make cut backs on their staff? I went into their “squawk chat” and they no longer report from the floor of the CME. Eddie Horn runs a limited “squawk” from 7AM to Noon. I thought it went to the S&P close at 3:15PM??? Why the limited hours? It looks like John Hoagland left and then came back but he came back in what looks like a limited role. Are they just cheap or are there real financial problems internally to cause these cut backs? 90% of the “mentors & educators” shown are their website are just people trying to sell products. They are not actual TopStep staff. It even looks like they got Peter Davies on their everyday trying to sell his “order flow” software and giving non-actionable trading advice. TopStep is even too cheap to offer ICE products in their combine. I guess trading the Dollar Index is off the table since they are too cheap to pay for the data in their combines. What a freaking joke.
From what I remember , many of the folks who helped out with the squawk room never got paid . Most (if not all) participated and got things called TICKS. These ticks could be used to purchase things, such as combines, t-shirts, hats, coffee mugs …
Contributors were urged to post news, insight, and basically promote the overall tone in the squawk and be a positive force to drum up business.
They had 3-5 people on the actual payroll, max, but I am speculating and do not know for sure.
The noise from the CME Floor was piped in via a MIC down there and don’t actually know if they were even broadcasting from the floor in the first place. The broadcast could have come from anywhere with the Floor noise overlayed in the background to give the appearance it was comign from the floor. Again, to be clear, I do not know, but throwing it out there because there does not seem to be much integrity emanating from this organization.
As far as the people selling stuff, that has not changed. Many listed on the Website are typical indicator / trade room hawks who are allowed to peddle their wares to the many sheep who frequent the squawk room.
The comment section of this site has turned into a joke. It is no longer a place of discussion but rather a place where a couple of individuals use it as a platform to attack each other. Please stop !
Hi Fara, it will only stop when the guttysnipe shuts up his lying and graspting desperately at straws and taking the minimal responsibility and stops tagging posts to take cheap shots, and using alters also. As my slew of posts show, everyone can see the clownish and sordid history of this troll clearly.
I have not read the comments because I’ve been on holiday but are we by any chance talking about:
P revarication
E quivocation
T aradiddle
E rroneous
Well put Stray, welcome back!
As for drchumpper , the truth of the alters and the slimy mess left behind has been revealed, lol.The new readers will forever be informed. Now we can move on with new reviews in a new era.
Your insanity was the only thing revealed in your 50+ posts in this thread. Who even has time for that? My mission is to keep you in line.
Your’e just an irrelevant vacuous willfully stupid idiot. a mockery of my id, and lying pos. your alter only came about in heikenashi as proved. You’re been exposed as Peetdetith__ks for all to see. Everyone knows it’s you. No would stick up for the loser except your own cess filled alter costume. JamesII, Toto, et all. go back to your hideyhole Pete.
Personal attacks like you just made are the reason this forum is falling apart. And your facts are wrong, but I will not call you names because of it.
What a liar, you just called me names as “lapdog” and “mental” in past posts. can’t wipe that away idiot. . prevaricating both sides of the moutgh, true sign of willfully idiot mentality. Hardly, it’s your personal attacks with no relevancy that is detrimental and conducive to the shilled environment. And your insanity denying when my facts are actually correct about your lies both about the moniker drchump only appearing in heiken ashi, and your lie about RobB being a shill. complete duplicious prevaricating and completely factually wrong. Also loss of complete credibility and entire untrustworthy and unreliable.
Nope, I’ve proven you are a willfully stupid liar. Granted it took a long while. We”d rather have the truth of a lying pos using alters grasping at straws now proven untrustworthy and complete loss of credibility using alters standing for nothing except b__ks diseased gollumrage, than promoting a prevaricating environment conducive for shills. The drchump id only came about in heikenashi where folks could already see you in your stinky alter whose only purpose was mocking my id. Souunds like you are the demented one psychotically promulgating a lie. Similar to shamshows and shills.
See this is your first response as drchumpper, LOL.
why do my posts keep getting deleted?
Hardly, I’ve done the work to show the truth about petedetithb__Ks where it can clearly be seen and referenced. And looks like you continue to take guttysnipes with the drchump costume. Seriously who would defend the gollumpete’s idiocy in the history of tradingschools. Your demented lying about being around earlier has been proven wrong as you only appeared since heikenashi, a relatively recent review. And then you suggest RobB and I have an angle. ridiculous. you trying to undermine us only shows you support a shilled environment. RobB has been the most stalwart defender against the shills. And myself and others have assisted plenty of times more than faux shills and irresponsible fools will ever relevantly contribute. I think everyone sees I’m correct about the lying gollumpeet who uses alters in his demented mental gollumrage and no longer stands for anything, only mentioning b__Ks once in a while to keep appearances. His rage only focuses on me now. Anyone can see that. because he cowardly hid in his hole from the others calling out his demented disgusting fixations.
Assuming you are not Pete, you still don’t stand for anything, and have never been against the shills. and your posts are all irrelevant attacks. Like that insane calling RobB a shill for mentioning a FREE tool like a mental idiot. Anyone who isn’t a gollum fool like you could plainly see that site has free use of the tool . Your id is jsut a mockery of mine. hilarious grasping at straws like you always do pretending your fake alter id means anything else but a mocker of mine , as unoriginal as drchumpNO, lol.
Yes I did see your post before it was deleted. Thank you for your apology. Now I can understand and empathize with your unfortunate personal situation. We good now.
“Thank you for your apology. Now I can understand and empathize with your unfortunate personal situation.”
I am sure this is not you making up FAKE NEWS as usual in order to provoke folks. Can you point to the apology you are referring to and the unfortunate personal situation.
Is looks to me as you just made up FAKE NEWS and upvoted your own post which is what you do again and again. Yes I know some will say I am continuing the fight, but the truth must be stated. What Apology was given? Did I miss it??
I cannot vote for my posts “you are not allowed to vote on this comment” whilst I can vote only once on other comments “you have already voted for this comment.” Are you saying there is a way you cheat the voting system?
Once again you avoided answer the points I brought up and just try and stir controversy by suggesting I know some secret way to cheat the system. When I see a post and it is immediately gets many up votes or down votes it is more than likely fake, like YOU!! Fake News.
First you can up or down vote your own post as I am sure you are 100% aware. And unless you are complete computer illiterate, you know tracking is done by IP address, so if one has ulterior motives they can easily cheat the system. I am sure you would also be shocked that poster like yourself make up alternate user ids such as when you created Dtchum and Dtchurn No or whatever it was to attack Dtchurn.
And by the way anyone new, this battle with DTchump is over a long period of history. 99% of his post are for the sole purpose of attacking others and never related to the topic. And worst his post are just Fake News, where he just makes up facts to provoke other posters. In fact his user id was created for the sole purpose to piss off another poster.
Thank you for explaining how you cheat the voting system. You seem to know a lot about how to cheat, I find that revealing.
Another willfully stupid post by Dtchump. More Fake News!! What a shocker. I really wish you could start a thread here and I could label it Dtchump and his history of willfully stupid post. That way I could just point to it to show all your real character and history of nonsense BS post solely designed to attack other posters.
I will admit though DTChump it is a brilliant strategy. You just make up what ever facts you want and present them as reality. You might be in the same league as Ross as a brilliant con artist marketer.
You said – and I quote – “I know some secret way to cheat the system” and then you detailed exactly how it can be done.
Not sure how your own statement qualifies as fake news, but whatevs…
Fake News does not even begin to describe your constant nonsense. Do you really think people are this stupid!! This post is classic Dtchump. You take part of a sentence completely out of context and present it as fact. As anyone that actually read my post knows I stated you are being willfully stupid by suggesting I know a way to cheat the system.
And for everyone that wants peace, how can you have peace with a willfully stupid troll like this?? Pretty much everything he post is just made up nonsense for the purpose of provoking and I can not even remember him ever contributed anything informative about the article.
How can anyone even intelligent argue with someone that is purposefully willfully stupid like this. Apparently you goal is try and drive other insane.
Gee I have to once again display the classic DTchump picture.
I wonder what your next made up post will be. Will you take every 3rd word I wrote.
Look in the mirror first. You have ruined this thread with probably 50+ posts attacking others or explaining your position. Not a good look for you.
First good to see you back. First I can only speak for myself, but I hear you and it would be nice to have a comment section focused on the article, but I definitely understand the frustration when you are attacked by someone that makes up a user name to mock you, who never post anything related to the article, who not just attacks you, but creates an alternate reality of facts. You find yourself defending yourself against presented facts that are just completely made up. You could ignore them, but then by default folks will believe the made up facts. So when I am attacked by poster X, whose only purpose is to attack other posters (I will not even mention his name) am I supposed to just bend over and say, “Thank you, just give me another”. You only got so many cheeks to turn.
But I hear you and the fighting can become a blur to the point it is hard to tell the attacker from the defendant. The only way I see to accomplish your goal is if there was a moderate that deletes posts. But then you can get a BMT where anyone that speaks out against the dictator is banned. Just my 2 cents worth.
These con men should be the target of everyone’s vitriol. They are out to fleece every last dollar from good hard working people. Let’s keep the focus on the losers that can’t make an honest dollar in the market. Please, I have been saying this blog will lose its potency if we keep attacking each other. Yes we can!!!
The original reaction to the first appearance of drchump, a mockery of my id, an invention of the swarmy diseased hypocrite mind of the gollumpeet. grotesque dank rotting alter costume , talking to himself pretending there’s a crowd, hilarious but so mentally demented.
The gollum as the alter “drchump” diseased, dazed, and nothing else to add to be relevant shown as complete loss of credibility, and untrustworthiness of using alters, talking to himself, the real ‘hypocrite’, the real liar, grasping at straws to the last. As everyone sees how this troll breaks worthless vows and pathetically wears a mockery stinking alter costume.
WOW – 10 posts in a row by churn, crapping all over this forum. I think that is a sign of mental disturbance.
Hey Rob, not one of those posts had any substance regarding the article – how come you are not attacking him about it – like you attacked me? Because you Bob are a HYPOCRITE and churn is your little female lap dog.
You two are ruining this site by attacking me with no cause, attacking Pete and attacking anyone who questions your authority.
The shtf in “Heiken Ashi strategies” article by Emmett. First amazing showing of “drchump”. gollum tag teams with him with this outrageous post about my trading results when I never said anything about showing results. So quick in resurgence of the b__ks disease to his true lower level again. As you can see, there has been tagging of my posts in the reviews since the b__ks review, then the tag team attack by the sudden new alter of “drchump” and the disgusting post by the gollum. And all this before Cyn made gollum shut up in another broken vow.
It seems unlikely “drchump” was made by a shill. The “heiken ashi” review was an article by Emmett on his sharing of a trading strategy, not a sham vendor review so it seems unlikely a shill was alerted to shill in that particular review commentary . This is just the unimaginative origination. later there are plenty of signs drchump is just the rotting costume alter of gollumpeet. RobB also has suspicions from the start using Cyn’s famous baboon meme of gollumpeet.
Well, I’m on a break now. Beware the Day Trading Churn all folks!
Finally, some peace for several reviews. No sign of “toto” nor the gollum unless there were occasional new alters. In Dekmar Trades, MikeM shows up in tradingschools, a welcome voice of sanity.
gollum finally surfaces from the cesspool as himself after peeping about as “toto” or probably “Jon” in the reviews since the Pagetrader tantrum fiasco(and breaking his untrustworthy word of his last post in ts). Not surprising , since the b__ks disease resurgence is a terrible uncontrollable yucky thing for those self-inflicted. Note his first thing is his tagging my independent post in his rage, with irrelevancy on b__Ks in his “Gal b__Ks” phase where his spittle calls Al b__Ks “Gal Br$$ks”. Certainly Gal Gadot was going to make a good salary from the box office of her new movie which came out soon after. Anyways this was the “Gal Br$$ks” phase or whatever. Irrevelvant as usual, just fixated on tagging my post (pathetic) while completely cowering away from the others since the pagetrader fiasco.
For the next seven reviews after, only “toto” appears a couple of times out of the hole. This could possibly be a short-lived new alter of the gollum in the “Kevin DAvey 2 years later” updated review. Wording is similar to a previous post of politics irrelevancy. The gollum also has similar wording in his post in glee after the b__ks review on
similar wording in glee also on tradingschools.INFO,
the anti-tradingschools site, where David Adams
and other sham vendors and other malcontents slam tradingschools openly.
After the gollum’s fiasco tanstum in pagetrader,
, he disappeared and scampered back to hiding in his hole for the next
two reviews of “98% winners’ and “the licoln list” unless he tried out a new alter then. Finally in Mohan’s review, he had one tiny post peeking out as “toto” again. Note that he didn’t show up near RobB, myself and others resisting Mohan himself, the scumbag attempts to undermine the review and site in desperation since he had been booted out of the beachforum and even the ninjaecocesspool already for being a lazyscammer (who didnt hide his stink well enough for the compromised forums) and awful stinking fraud with many complaints already about his losing “boomerang”-“trader”.
Another tagging of my independent post with inane statements involving b__Ks and irrelvancy. Note, this is already several reviews past the b__Ks review. but this joker was not toned down until his tantrum breakdown in the pagetrader review.
More tagging my post with inane statements involving b__ks and whatever else tomfoolery he makes up: Note is several reviews already past the Brooks review and this idiot still snipes at my post about the topic in general.
Another good example also in the OFA review. (7 months ago)
As seen, I’m commenting on OFA , then the gollum tags my post with infantile rage, disrespects my post with nothing but irrelvancy back to b__Ks in another outrageous cess statement. The reactions of Lucky77 and Stray. Then later on the OFA comments in prior links. Where he then hides as “toto” in the next review and still tags my post while cowering from the others as “toto” in the “i am a day trader” next review.
Interestingly Lucky77 and Fara(further down) comment on him being a shill for b__Ks. Now I’m not sure of that. But it does bring about some questioning. Why Brooks? why so much about a harmless book author? That most can read the $10 book used then dump it on the curb. And very few actually read the book page through page. Besides myself I found very very few people who actually read the original book completely. It takes a long time to get used to the jargon and then to read through the examples. So I could tell this idiot hadn’t read through the entire b__K, probably just the intro, then later looked it up to write something about it in another post. I knew of an acquaintance through a forum who was a scientist who expressed annoyance having to decipher through the book where he took a month. Then he tried out a small account and promptly quit it and dumped the book away. It’s just ridiculous thinking about it where b__Ks is so small fry compared to the recent shamshow scam artists reviews selling multi-churn k hotdog packages like GZT’s $6k worthless buggy indicators with far lazier work than b__Ks.
Even on the beachforum many had already moved on or alternatly tried MAck’s PATS a prcie action tutorial where the “book” is a short .pdf with pretty much similar patterns to b__Ks. of course they’re all shams, where PATS is hindsight circling like the vigvance also did. At the very least one could sign up pro-rated in b__ks live room and ditch it after a week. It jsut makes little sense to fixate so much on b__ks.
the gollumidiot as “Toto” alter , clearly slipped up here.
hides as alter , especially after the OFA comments by others , LOL!
(previous post link:
same pattern, 1 “drchump” alter in the previous review. then thinks to trap me , when all it shows is that only peet focuses on the pecker, LOL. Then brings out “drchump” again to attempt to fool as alter
notice how in “i am a day trader” review he cowers as ‘toto’ and tags my post after getting called out for his inanity in the previous review “OFA” . cowardly just tags and snipes me hiding from the others as “toto” even though he was found out as “toto” in Brooks review trying to create a false idenity gradually throughout reviews, but of course it fails, and ‘toto” shortly disappears…before the drchurnNO’s later on.
no “toto” or himself seen in “Bookmap” review following probably because he realizes he made a gaff as a b__Ks dieased “toto” in the preveious “OFA” review outing himself as alter, “toto”, thinking no one will notice after a review or two.
loser untrustworthy , loss of complete credibility pos.
This pos thinks to tell me a conditional “truth”, when he sh***tily uses alters to guttysnipe and doublespeaks on both sies? He escalated it ALL! lying sscumbag. What a coward with that “vow” to Cyn then he goes off using alters and lays low then we see the pathetic James II alter and his crappy play at being a scam vendor, pathetic idiot then still snipes at me while proposing a “truth” L O L!
lying pos.
No, that vow was broken because you kept attacking me and everyone else not in your clique, who you falsely assume are me. I can’t speak for dtchum and other people you’ve pissed off, they’re not me, but I want a truce again if you will agree to terms of stopping the attacks.
Yes, yes…truce. cmon guys we can let this go.
Mike M,
As for me I no longer respond to Pete. He can post whatever he wants as long as he is not shilling or attacking me.
And I only responded to DTchum when he attacked me directly. If he actually post topics related to the article and is not shilling I will not respond to him either. But history is not in favor of that happening. Only time will tell.
drchump IS Peet RobB. It’s just a disguise. Look how vacuous drchump is on any trading subject. the same level as gollumpete LOL! As you’ve said willfully stupid, there is only one, that we all know, lol. And prone to lash out at anything. He’s become so desperate. As je was betting his old crappy posts were forgotten in reviews past , but they can all be brought to light.
Rob B, dtchurn
Please understand I am just trying to get him to keep his word when he said he would no longer attack anyone. He did say was interested in a truce. Obviously, it did not do any good, but I really had good intentions. Honestly I look forward to dtchurn’s posts about the retail cesspool because he has been around and knows many of these con artists. I like the humor and the anecdotal stories. I truly look forward to them, but when he gets attacked I don’t get to read his comments because he is defending himself. I think I should’ve kept my mouth shut.
One last plea to Pete, channel your anger towards these dirt bags that are out to get the retail public. You and dtchurn are on the same side. You made some good comments over time when you focuse on the story at hand. I’m sure no one will attack you if you don’t get personal with anyone else. Other readers will come here and see the bickering then Trading Schools will lose its efficacy and the message of retail fraud will stall. If the fighting doesn’t cease then those con men really do win. This was not meant in any way to be a personal attack on anyone. Let’s take a deep breath and at least try. I’m sorry if anyone feels I wasted their time by treading this, but I felt it was necessary. BTW, I will not comment on this subject again.
We’ll see how this “truce” goes in the next review, and the next and so forth. Of course he broke his vow to me and also Cyn as seen. Cyn even called him out when he sniped again. And of course he uses alters, everyone knows that. But we shall see what comes of this unspoken agreement as long as the despicable b__ks disease carrier stays clear away from those he insulted instigating it all in a very low cesslevel.
You’re done gollumpeet, LOL! All I’ve shown is the truth of your duplicitous ragespit motivated shenanigans using multiple alters as far back as you’ve been on ts all just for petty attempts to justify your insults and guttysnipes that stand for nothing relevant to the site. . As well as all the cessmess of your past irrelevant inane posting often out of ignorance which you attempt to hide with the stinking alter costumes, and fumbling thesaurus.
LOL! Even Cyn caught you sniping again after the “vow”. What a shi**y liar. Lying pos. Everyone knows about you and your alters! That you’ll do anything for your ragespit! LOL! you are done!!! The only “truce” is your responsibility to shut your trap! and stop tagging my posts and guttysniping from your posts and your alters!
Folks this sh**y irresponsible idiot even said he would never come back and laughably came back as alters! All his crap about b__Ks and he never sent his CFTC complaint in yet cajoling others to send theirs when no one else cared about b__Ks except this loser LOLOL!’
Thank you Mike, Rob, Pete and others who have agreed with me in the thread below that churn has gone off the rails by choking this thread with garbage (just look how many recent comments are authored by this person). I also agree with you all that it is detracting from the article, and yes as some of you have stated, I wonder about churn’s motivation$$$$. Mocking my alias when he created his was apparently all part of his $$$$ plan.
Amazing, the gollumpete wearing the alter costume now says my id came from his. As expected from a despicable and irrelevant liar.
dr + chum = relevance to trading? LOL
dt=”day trading” and chum=”what attracts sharks (slimy educators)”. TOTAL relevance to this “education” industry. Everyone here knows the real story behind who was here first. By the way, thanks to the 5 or 6 people who have sent me e-mail support. OK, time for churn to post 5-10 new posts in response.
What, you petedetihb__ks and your 5 or 6 alters while you dementedly try to imagine them? Then where are they? why don’t they post here? Because it’s just you and your alter costumes in your hole willfully stupid vacuous drchump. your mockery of my id only came out in heikenashi review, so you are just promulgating your own lie demented trying to believe it yourself, while everyone else shakes their head sadly clearing seeing you are seeing imaginary things.
“Mocking my alias”
Maybe you can dig up the history backing up that point. As far as I recall you and DT something No and etc. appeared at the same time with only one purpose and that was to attack another poster.
If you would actual post about the article or something related to the articles instead of post that attack other posters, then I would imagine other posters would not reply to your post. But as I have stated many times, I do not recall you ever posting about an article (I am sure you did at least once), just post to attack other posters.
To borrow RobB’s post below. Exactly gollumpeet/drchump in his stinky rotting alter disguise. Lashing out any way he can desperately, PATHETIC
alter after alter as JamesII and many more, complete irrelevant loser!
” And you are just lashing out in whatever way you can.”
Exactly right RoB,
Look at this scumbag using alters again. LOL!
What a riot!, the idiot has used alter after alter pretending to be so many people on both sides of the shams, LOL!
No wonder the gollum was gone for a month. He was hiding in his cess-hole in shame after being caught as JamesII making up all those shilled CL trades! LOL
and was starting a trading room and asking advice too. LOLOL!!!
Like RobB said, complete loss of credibility! just to say anything, grasping at straws in his ragespit! lololol
“And lashing out any way he can”
Exactly RobB , gollumpete in his stinky disguise as drchump , LOL!
Popping in as “drchump” in the last review not knowing what to say, settiing for speaking out both sides of his mouth as usual gollumepeet talking to himself! lol
I have no idea of the merits of either organization in this review, other than what Emmett wrote. Yet I find it interesting that one person has taken to clog up the comments here with off topic posts. What is his motivation to squelch and silence comment about the article? Makes you wonder $$$$
LOL, the desperate grasping at straws again with no motivation except ragespit! lol. it requires setting the records straight to counter the stench of gollumpete/dtchum’s sharing of the sticky alter disguises’ talking to themselves posts, proven complete loss of credibility and irrelevance, LOL!
I clearly don’t know the whole story so I will stay out of it. Excuse me if I spoke out of line.
It’s ok MikeM, I didn’t think you were out of line at all. I know I’m mostly alone to deal with this willful idiot. Stray and Cyn seem to be on vacation as they too were tired of this fool’s nonsense and they caught on to his earlier alters before I did. RobB may need more convicing, but I”m pretty sure drchump is the gollum. He tried to hide it with a thesaurus and copying others’ writing patterns, but the youknowwhat always seeps out.
Look, I’m all fine with a truce, no rather an unspoken agreement because I don’t trust any crap he says now as he continued to use alters to doublespeak and even call out trades like a shill as jamesII, lol.
If he stays the heck away from tagging my posts and that includes not referring to my posts with alters! Then ok, I’ll ignore his posts as long as they are nowhere near mine in reference and I’d better not detect any sniping.
Are you ever going to post anything related to the topic????
If you hate regular poster then you should go to BMT or Elite Trader. You will have a field day over there.
I will make you a deal DTchum. Stop your nonsense post whereby the only purpose is to attack regular poster (and defacto defend con artists) and I will stop replying to your nonsense post. Now if you are truly not affiliated with a vendor you should have no problem with that. Somehow I think your pointless post will continue.
No wonder the gollum was gone for a month. He was hiding in his cess-hole in shame after being caught as JamesII making up all those shilled CL trades! LOL
and was starting a trading room and asking advice too. LOLOL!!!
Like RobB said, complete loss of credibility! just to say anything, grasping at straws in his ragespit! lololol
Popping in as “drchump” in the last review not knowing what to say, settiingly for speaking out both sides of his mouth! lololol
Then thinking he trapped me by trying to drag me to his cesslevel laughing about the pecker in the aboriginal duel pic, when I only laughed at the idea sans the pecker, my laughing was only on the preview pic of the ludicrous expression of the big bully vs. the slenderer contender. The pecker bit, the “profitunity” hole and the cespiece picked up from toilet in “smart trader” reviews I could only stand for a glance of a second before vomit-inducing. Then only then, did the pos think he could tag my post again with nonsense irrelevancy , loloLOL!
I have contacted Rithmic in regard to licensing / purchasing their simulator.
Will update all on the outcome of those conversations, but no indications on anyone having “Exclusive Rights” to it ….
Sure its about $$$$$$$… Makes the world taste good !!!
Emmett, please let the folks at OneUpTrader know that they can count on us as 1) expert witnesses, 2) witnesses, 3) jury candidates. TST will leave the courtroom with sore butts.
Jury candidates! Oh, that is funny.
Read John Grisham and you will get some ideas on implanting jury candidates!
I think TST is done, if it can’t reshape its combine rules and pricing. I have used both TST and OneUp. We can list a huge number of businesses in the US that are allowed to compete despite one having launched first and claimed foul use of its model.
John santos are you Portuguese.
Brazilian. California resident.
Hey? Why was my comment deleted?
Great job.
My beef with Top Step is their holier than now attitude like they are really trying to help people.
Place is a shithole of scumbags and morons who drink the kool aid .
I have often wrote about my many funded accounts as well as my teenage sons funded account.
How do I know they are scumbags?
If you sincerely were looking to help people, wouldn’t you go out of your way to make sure a 15 year old who passed a combine, and got funded, succeeded ?
Would you not think “This would be fucking great for business”.
It was nothing of the sort.
In fact, I believe they looked at it as a liability and did everything they could to avoid and not help and get rid of him as fast as possible.
In fact , he lost his funded account for being under break even by 5 fucking dollars. They also had some bullshit rule that your funded account cannot be idle for more then 20 trading days. The reason he did not want to trade was he was afraid if he had 1 bad fucking day, his account would be pulled. they are all blood sucking scum, plain and simple .
This is obviously a really sore spot on me and pisses me off to no end.
I also was witness to several combine adjustments when certain traders had bad days. 1200 loss that day, POOF, wiped out , and like it never happened the next day.
The place is a ruse, and anyone telling you otherwise is in on the scam.
Anyway, thanks Emmett for getting my rant on today ..
Oh rant on Brother.
When TopStep pulls this crap on us…adults. We think to ourselves, oh well its just human nature.
But when they pull this sort of uncaring behavior to our children, it really displays the callousness. Whom in the hell would treat a kid this way?
Top Step Trader’s business model is to make money on fees plain and simple. They know it and everyone else know’s it. How funny is it by saying hey there is a possibility of getting 150,000 in capital. That is the biggest lie on the web today. Even if you do trade well and miraculously have very little draw downs that account would take years to earn. Moreover, if you are that successful, you would take out your profits and work on your own eventually. As a result it is 1 big carnival act. Like a magician, look at this hand while I pull a rabbit out of this pocket. blah blah blah…all lies. As far as your kid, it’s impressive he passed good for him. I just don’t know why you would expect that place to adjust rules for anyone. That’s their gig, keep you on the wheel, regardless of age, gender or race.
You brought up another excellent point about the pressure to trade, which is just one more nail in the coffin of the would be trader. No legit place would try and force their traders to constantly trade. The real world does not work like that where there are great trades every single day. You think GS says to its traders why have you not taken a trade today. The difference is if you make money from ROI or are you making your money from fees and these prop firms make money from fees.
Sherry must work there… Thats all I can say.
For sure, the only reason TST has these ridiculous rules is to make it so the percentages lucky enough to make it through to funded are so few so they don’t have dole out much of the profits they made from the hamster churn wheel fees for minuscule “funded accounts”. Similar to how casinos have their particular payouts percentages of the month.
First of all your language is deplorable. Your son failed in the Funded Account because he was not a good trader thats a fact. . Why should the rules be different for your son than that any other Funded Trader. Maybe your 15 year old son should concentrate on his studies and relax playing on the XBox.
Dang Sherry. Pretty rough. Not that I am upset with your argument. I love a raw opinion. But…
In my opinion, pulling the rug on a 15-year-old kid over $5 is ruthless. Just because you can steal candy from a baby – doesn’t mean you should steal candy from a baby!
Emmett, to reiterate my point in my first post on this thread before gollum slimed over it in his guttysnipe. I enjoy the humorous side of tradingschools although sometimes grotesque as seen in the review headers, the jokes in the reviews themselves and some of the pics. Sometimes I worry some of the most grotesque photos used like the top three I mentioned, could be perceived as detrimental to the credibility of tradingschools. I seem to be the only voicing out the hilarity inherent in the idea of this “scam vs. scam” tussle, but I’m sure I’m not alone. As you’ve mentioned you’ve had a good laugh at some of my wordings of these shams, I likewise feel you’re the master in sometimes putting this cesspool retail industry world in a more tolerable and funny caricature view.
Although I don’t agree with the idea of “underage trading”, I do find it ruthless and absurdly hilarious these scammers would “steal candy from a baby” very much in line with ruining elderly citizen’s savings in dumb algos, or cajoling prospective clients to get into more cc debt, refinanced mortgages, or borrow money from grandma, to chase their “guaranteed” teachings or “just follow the trading room and make money, everyone is making money”(Levin) to reach the kool-aid retail trading dreams.
For me, the imagery is meant to offend, shock, induce laughter, etc.
The imagery used in the TopStep v OneUp was inspired by a documentary that I recently watched. African tribesman having this wild clash, wearing colorful woven garb, having this visceral fight that I found completely hilarious. I thought to myself, wow what a great piece of imagery to use for something in the future.
The ridiculous nature of the warriors represents the US Civil Court system. For the combatants, the fight is visceral and real. But to the casual observer, it seems hilarious and ridiculous.
The TST vs OneUp lawsuit is ridiculous. The company is ridiculous, the concept of funding retail traders is ridiculous, the argument used in the lawsuit is ridiculous. In my opinion, the imagery fits.
Thanks for elaborating Emmett. I totally agree the subject matter is ridiculous. I had long bouts of laughter that made my guts sore, at the first preview pic and at the idea of the tribesmen. The first pic although not aboriginal tribemen was so hilarious about a big bully tussing with the slenderer contender symbolising this ridiculous scam vs. scam in the whole absurd context. My only critique was the particular “unsavory” aspects. Such as the tribesman which I would be more ok with it, if it had a little airbrushing in particular bits like what tradingfratboy does to his rental tradepwn cars’ license plates. (although any airbrushing by TS in this context would be completely justifiable and understandable in contrast to Tradingfraternity’s covering up their fraud intentions in their airbrushing) But I guess if it also passes in a “National Geographic” context of raw pics of complete detail of aboriginal cultures I guess it could somewhat fly in that regard, imho of course and just my thoughts in concern for TS credibility.
Ok, here is what I mean. Just a little adjusting. Which is still hilarious enough for me on the site. (I added a little more for extra hilarity). Much harder to adjust the “Profitunity” and “Smart Money” vomit-inducing photos , but oh well.
You shouldn’t complain about seeing a pecker if it made you laugh ’til sore in the gut, you liked it and it was the right fit!
You disgusting nincompoop. i was laughing my guts out at the preview pic , not the pecker one and anyone can see I posted my disgust about the inside review pic. I tried to see the humor, but it disgusted me in the end and I felt it was detrimental to tradingschools, where I made that clear to Emmett and fixed it in my posting . While you’re the one who enjoyed the fit as now we all know what your demented mind was fixated on.
So now if I recommend tradingschools to others, they’ll just say oh, it’s fine except it shows the national geographic pic without censoring and clearly that gollumpeet fool of the comments seems to enjoy fitting and fixating on it! , LOL
Here is what my reaction was. I had my rolflm*f reaction to the initial pic, then glanced at the 2nd pic which had me laughing until I saw the uncensored part which could have been easily covered with the topstep box extended as I shown. Then I contained to have belly laughs thinking of the first picture. The 2nd pic was laughable to completely IF I see it censored, because it depicts these crazy aboriginals with their strange carvings and decorative fluff. So I continued laughing about the idea of it without having to look at the pic and not thinking about the exposed part, except only cesshead gollumpeet tried to drag me into it out of his usual spite for being a sore loser, and trying to drag me to his cess shithole level ever since for the past year as it’s apparent after each stupid or disgusting post.
That Emmett had let this pic fly, and the profitunity dog behind which I cant look at more than a second, and the guy lifting the cesspiece out of the toilet. All those pics I think is seriously detrimental to the image of tradingschools for onlookers and just some censoring could help keep the message against shills and shams clear with little changes.
But no gollumpeet only cares about his spite for me and those who shamed him for his nonsense, he stands for nothing except his gollumspite and his disgusting trolling.
continuing to grasp at straws even using alters and lying about it to make guttysnipes, pretending to back down with Cyn, then guttysniping me and him anyways with alters. That’s all he cares about, his demented psychosis b__ks diseased cesshead. Thinking making guttysnipes will give him any reputation when he’s lost it all and will never get any back which he didn’t ahve in the first place, then pathetically sniping at me and lying about me being a shill. Complete waste of time.
Gee, are you Tom’s ex wife or something??
Rob you can rip him apart now buddy. Ive had my say.
Sherry is a beast lol No regard for human life .Never heard of top step trader or one up but it sounds really familiar remembers me of what Oliver Velez is doing.Prove you can trade and then get funded.Funny thing is I’ve never heard any successful students just seen lifestyle pictures and money pictures.To anyone reading all the information you need to be successful is already online and available for free.
Oliver Velez is a long time con man with his trading education and funding nonsense. There are complaints of this man running away with deposits and opening up a new place with a new name over and over. He has been a prolific bs artist for years. the web is loaded with complaints from many people he defrauded. Just another smooth talker that makes his money by putting on a carnival show.
Ah yes, Mike and he will continue to do so for many years to come .He has a large promotion team and continues to hire people that seem to be doing well on his system.I haven’t seen a fresh review of his new establishment by Emmett, there is simply too much ground to cover for the people scamming new people every day.
“Rob you can rip him apart now buddy”
Rip him apart?? I agree with what Tom posted. I do not even understand the point of your post. It seems that you feel TST is a business and the fact that they are a complete scam is OK. They go around advertising all over the place about how they fund traders (with visions of richest), but in reality they make sure every trader fails so they can continue to screw them out of money with endless fees. Tom has pointed out that even if you are one of the few successful traders who pass their combine process, TST still makes sure you fail and you apparently applaud that.
If what TST is doing is legit, I think it is very borderline and I would love to see some prosecutor with some guts bring them up on fraud charges. But even if they are legit, they are still a scam and folks like Tom should be congratulated for letting the truth be known.
Whereas on the other hand, I see no value in your post. You are not stating TST has worked for you and provided proof of that. Instead your post is just to knock down someone calling out a scam organization. In fact your post are very similar to another poster here who has used many alias who does the exact same thing of attacking anyone that is critical of these scammers (think DTchurn aliases). Your post screams shill to me. That means you are affiliated in some manner with TST.
BTW this reminds me, what the hell happened to Francis who was supposed to start his TST combine a week or so ago.
Rob B – Quote- ‘I do not even understand the point of your post’ That’s because you are narrow minded. My post was in response to Tom. TST do not make sure you fail it’s the trader that fails. They give you parameters to adhere to if you mess them up then you are out of the door just like any job. You say – quote – If what TST is doing is legit, I think it is very borderline and I would love to see some prosecutor with some guts bring them up on fraud charges. Show me the fraud you jackass. The original post was about the two competitors and Tom comes in crying again about how his son failed the Funded Traded account. Anyway call me a SHILL if you want but at least I am not a GRILL like you.(Groomed by shiLLs). Mr armchair warrior.
Sherry, you get on Tom for using bad language which I don’t like either, but we are all adults here then you go around calling other poster names. We have had many debates about Top Step and the same theme emerges. It is impossible to get and stay funded. If you do, they are only providing you with a small draw down. There are no large accounts. Nothing close to 30k, 50k, 150k…it is laughable.
There is always some new young guy so excited because he is doing well in SIM which makes him think he is on his way to big money. Not once, gonna say again, not once did they come back with good news. It is very close to a scam if not an outright scam. They are making money from fees and that’s it. You know it and everyone else knows it. If you don’t believe that then you are not using simple math or you are affiliated with them in some way.
Mike foul language is unnecessary. Mike you may find it impossible to get funded because you can’t trade. Like E Moore said 92% fail. You are in there somewhere hiding but not admitting. SIM sucks like you say. So you are calling it a scam because you are a failed trader. Come on buddy how much drawdown do you want $150k?. Affiliation meh!! Well if you cannot stay funded with a 2k drawdown you are better off working at Wallmart. Anyway I just hope more competition comes into the market with zero fees. Like MES did but could not sustain it through lack of funding.
He is calling it a scam because TST is scam and all the evidence points to that as I have already laid out.
You on the other hand have provided no evidence to back up your claims. Have you taken the combine and passed and are you now a funded trade making lots of money via TST. Show some proof of that. It should not be hard.
BTW, I think you do not know what a shill is. This is an article about TST. A shill is someone associated with vendor doing nonsense advertising or promoting them, yet provide no evidence to back up their claims. You fall into that category perfectly. If I am a shill or Grill or whatever you called me, I must be the worst one ever as I say avoid TST like the plaque.
Rob is a shill, a grill, a frill, a trill, an any-two-letters-followed-by “ill”. Rob cannot trade. Rob is a monkey’s uncle, because Rob does not have a straight up equity curve, and says that such a thing does not exist.
There is only one problem. Rob criticises everybody and does not defend anyone who is fleecing the newbies. He must be the worst shill who ever existed. In fact, I looked in a dictionary to see what a shill looked like and the only entry was, “not like Rob B”.
Sherry you are shill. Do you work for them? You are a super trader right. I doubt it very much. Sherry I wouldn’t need their bs money. I trade real money that’s why I have no need for that sham show. A 2k draw down in futures trading multiple lots is common in the real world. OH but I forgot Sherry trades in the Top Step world of fantasy. How does it feel when you look yourself in the mirror knowing that you are fleecing good people out of money? Are your parents proud that you are a con and affiliated with con men? Sherry typical response from a shill, you don’t trade real money. Your a joke and you know you are a joke. Go back to your 1k draw down or 2k whatever it is. We were just stating the facts, but anyone that doesn’t like TST doesn’t really trade. You berated Tom for speaking the truth. That says volumes about you.
How Sherry defends TST is beyond me, I feel for Tom and the thousands of other Toms that will lose money.
I dont regret doing the combines. It was exciting doing them at the time. Fortunately for me , I seen through the BS pretty quickly and did not get caught on the wheel for too long.
Oh man I forgot to address the 2k draw down. That just proves you probably don’t even trade in the real world. So you are saying that 2k draw down in let’s say crude trading 2-3 lots is not uncommon after a couple of bad days. What are you smoking? In Sherry’s fantasy world the equity curve just goes straight up..right Sherry and anyone that would end up with a 2k draw down doesn’t know how to trade. Cmon Sherry stop embarrassing yourself. Everyone here knows the realities of trading a highly leveraged product such as futures.
Now I’m going to use a line from Rob. Are you willfully stupid are just a typical shill working for the con men?
Holly Smoke this is the toughest meanest responds I remember Mike M every posting. Is this really Mike M.
I mean something is wrong in the world, when Mike M makes me look like I am saying Kumbay.
I never said anything other than I think TST is bad for traders and close to a scam. She then attacks everyone and starts talking about being a failed trader. Why because I can’t handle 2k draw down. Hey I have draw downs more than that because I trade multiple lots. She skirts around the issue about not being able to sustain a 2k draw down. That’s not the point. Typical shill bs. The whole point of a large account such as 150k is so you can weather the times when your strategy is experiencing a draw down. 2k draw down is not a 150k account. she obviously doesn’t understand basic math or she is in charge of shilling for TST. She attacked everyone on here for just stating opinions. Sherry has an equity curve that goes straight up with no draw downs on a highly leveraged product. If you believe that then Top step is for you.
Well said MikeM. Also I’m glad you are experiencing a shill such as Sherry come out on the tradingschools comment. Of course it’s not a “happy” occasion for a shill to try to do their shilling, but just that you’re seeing how the shills come out in reaction to a new tradingschools review, as every reader of tradingschools comments eventually sees. This happens often when a review is noticed by the scammy vendor. They come on here with an fake alter id such as “Sherry” or in the past “dtchurnNO”, and the shill has no idea and are clueless like Mohan, that tradingschool comments has wised up vanguard defenders and they can’t get away with easily as they do on vigged and compromised shilled past review and forum sites such as investiscamma, and now trustpilot. (as well as lax sites that don’t do anything to stop the shilling such as forexpeacearmy and to some extent, ripoffreport). Yes, I agree a 2k drawdown would be typical for a real 150k account as it’s well within a 2% risk amount. It’s common sense but it just goes to show TST only allows the low percentage luckiest 2 to 4 week streaks to even get close enough to get a few bites of their small funded account pies, which is still a tiny allocation of their overall profits from primarily their hamster churnwheel fees. Like in the tradingschools survey showed, a typical duped client would spend an average of 1k. A well sample sized poll can represent a much larger set approximating the population set, so the number of 1k churned clients could easily reach a windfall profit amount of millions per year beating Ross-WT’s and his grey hoodie trifecta glasses-disguised dreams.
Sherry, Sherry please show some decorum when administering comments to your fellow posters.Using names to respond to your fellow peers indeed solidifies the point Rob was trying to make.You’re a grown up use your language more instinctively if you wish to have a conversation intelligently on this platform.Even when members of this forum disagreed with what I was saying they did not stoop to abhorrent language as a means of justice.I employ you to stick to a respectful manner of conversing as it invalidates any previous posts you make quite easily.
James I have abundance of decorum. Show me my abhorrent language that I have posted.
Second response. James go and suck some lemons. Then post accordingly to this post.
I weight the evidence. Every trader I have ever talked to backs up what Tom has stated. In addition TST refuses to show any stats on their traders and Emmett took a survey of actual TST users and it was dismal.
Did you read the top step Survey results? I have the link below. In that article Emmett’s survey showed 79% could not get funded after they spent on average $1,145.
And if you get funded the max drawdown is $2,000. So Top Step after making a fortune on all the failed traders takes an initial risk of $2000. That’s it!!!! And it gets worst as that drawdown is only good for 10 days. If you make no money in 10 days then you have to start all over. In fact once again on the survey of the few that got funded the average earnings was a negative $900 per person.
So once again I just do not understand the point of your Post. Are you defending TST?? If so do you have any stats to back up that defense. Or do you just hate Tom?? If you just hate Tom this seems more like something
personnel than anything related to TST.
And I stick to my claim it is borderline fraud. They are making it seem like they fund traders, but in reality virtually no one gets funded and the few that do end up failing. I have yet to find someone that used TST, thinks they are great and shows proof of their claims with profitable brokerage statements.
So you can be on the side of the lowest scum in prop trading (lower than whale shit) and I will be on the other side.
If I were Patak (owner of TST), I would have taken this kid under my wing. Would have personally gotten involved and done whatever was required to help him succeed. That’s not favoritism, it’s just good business sense. It shows that you care about the people using your service.
Kids are really impressionable at that age. Can you imagine the pressure he must have experienced? He wants to succeed, and he wants to impress his Dad.
All of this plays into a larger argument…
1) Should society make concessions to the weak, or vulnerable?
2) Do corporate entities bear any responsibility beyond what is legislated?
3) Is unbridled greed the grease for innovation?
Dont ask me! I have no idea.
No Patak is a business man not a babysitter the father (Tom) put pressure on his son to succeed because he had failed as a Funded Trader. Manipulating his child. Children of that age should still be playing Doctors and Nurses not entering the big world of disappointment. Maybe the child never exisited maybe he used the childs name to gain a Funded Account. After all the guy (Tom) ran a trading room so expect anything.
Sorry to be a bit of a dissenting opinion, and this in no way is siding with “Sherry” or TST, but I don’t think kids or young people should be involved with trading until at least 21 similar to drinking as imo, it’s a double-edged business dipped heavily in the vice of gambling. Even more so I think young people should have at least a few years in the real industries, and only those who majored in finance or similar start trading at 21 at the minimum. just my 2c opinion.
That said for sure, TST’s whole hamster wheel sham mockup of a “learning experience” is a faux illusion of a series of “hard knocks” challenges and per the review I would place it under 3) unbridled greed, where they only gave Emmett a delivered pizza for the first positive review.
dtchurn, I feel the same way about being too young to trade. I’m sure there are some that can do it, but with this scummy industry they can be an easy target. I wouldn’t want to to see some forgo college or get into debt as one said it can turn into a nightmare very quickly. To have those problems early in life would be terrible. However, under the right supervision of a parent it would be good way to get a young kid interested in making and keeping money. I know how you feel about trading as a form of gambling. Well, it is basically gambling.
I think it is important to teach children to save and invest. In fact I taught my daughter about the difference in private and public companies, stocks, earning, growth and etc at an early age. And when she was old enough I would have her pick companies she thought had a great product that she liked and thought would have a great future and if that company was public buy a few shares so she could track and see how the company does over time. Of course AAPL was one of those companies.
Now here is the problem or what I call distorted thinking / Tear in the fabric of reality. I know as I talk to traders who have told me exactly what I am going to say here.
Some folks think day trading is some how safer than long term investing. Even though every rich person whether it bet Buffet or even Trump made their money from long term investing, they still misguidedly think day trading is the way to richest. I have heard stuff like, “well I invested in a company and they cooked their books and then I saw the CEO carried off in handcuffs on the news”.
Well that happens for sure. Or I am told how much safer day trading is as you are out at the end of the day. So I understand some folks might think that is the way to teach their kids to invest. I 100% disagree with it as IMHO the Classic Way Day Trading is taught is nonsense and as I have said on numerous occasion you have a better chance at getting rich playing power ball.
Rob says, “… IMHO the Classic Way Day Trading is taught is nonsense and as I have said on numerous occasion you have a better chance at getting rich playing power ball.”
Just because of that, I am off to get me a ticket. Let me check. They say that for $2. I can win $220 million. That beats any kind of ROI from day trading or investing. The ROI is so big that I will not bother to show it here, but just for grins and giggles, that is a return of 1,100,000 to 1.
It is so good that I am going to take a high-interest $20k loan, and play it all. According to Rob, I will have a better chance of making money than the erstwhile Brooks Kool-Aid drinker and worshipper.
And I will throw another hearsay tidbit in. I knew this old timer that paid the lottery back in the old days when the gangsters ran it. And he said the odds where better with the gangsters than when the Govt took it over. So if you can find some back alley Gangster ran lottery you odds might even go up! Assuming they don’t shoot you when you go to collect your winnings.
Oops. I was writing with too many thoughts. I meant to say that that is a return of 1,100,000% or 110,000,000 to 1. I left out one part, and ended up mixing things up into a royal mess. My apologies.
Yes, I meant trading in general, daytrading, swingtrading, short-term, etc.. and I probably should have specified that more clearly. Since 98% of retailers lose according to reports of broker statistics, trading becomes a form of gambling for most who start in it at least until the lottery chances they can find a sustainable edge of their own (never from the shamshows of course, as most of these vendor scams are former losing traders who turn to the dark side and decide to profit from the monthly churn of selling dreams and using shilling) . I agree learning about personal finance and how investing or even how the stock market works as a mechanism for investment capital is ok to teach teens. The public schools have so much crap forced by educational unions and politics in their curriculum but little or none in the basics of personal finance. But not the trading for a living , or aspiration to be a daytrader dreaming to be the next Sykes that we saw in willstockpicks nad the like or crazy story about a commenter’s friend firefighter saying he wanted his son to learn from WT to start a career as a daytrader rather than going to college. Cyn, I hear you, but I doubt that even the nincompoop would have benefited from finance and economic courses in highschool. I’d already proved he hadn’t even read through the book page and page like all the regulars duped and sanely moved on, and he’d just rushed off and watched the video course then started gambling on his own without bothering testing in sim, then being an willfully stupid troll in the comments about it, blaming b__ks, then now “evolved” to blaming the whole financial infrastructure including the regulators and exchanges etc. then wanting to tear down all of retail trading with no regard to anyone else, as well as using multiple alters constantly to pretend there is “support” for his tirades and his disgusting posts in the past.
Quite to the contrary, I think that that is a big part of the problem of our education system. Young adults, who in reality are still children, get thrown into the world while completely financially illiterate, and have no idea of probability and risk.
Is it any wonder that we have all these wet-behind-the-ears dreamers, ready-made for fleecing by TR and other purveyors of all kinds of financial chicanery? Or that so many cannot seem to understand the concepts of saving money, and compound growth. We see it on here all the time. Rob or someone else, shows that the ROI of TR are mathematically near-impossible, and you still get some fool out here still trying to defend the TR.
I think kids should be exposed as early as possible to how money and risk behave in the real world. That way, they are ready to tackle the real world as soon as they get into it out of school, instead of behaving like someone on here who took out a high-interest loan to trade, then complained when he lost it all.
Just my $0.02, which probably worth only $0.00001.
Cyn, you said it perfectly. A child should learn about banking and budgeting. How to save no matter how much you make. Yes all the basics of finance even if that child wants to be a painter or whatever, I think you get my drift. However, trading as in day trading is something that most should not get involved in, especially a very young child. I heard horror stories of teenagers going into massive gambling debt and taking huge risk to get out of it. Anyway, IMHO we , Rob, dtchurn, Cyn are all saying basically the same thing. That’s my 2 cents which is probably only worth .01
For sure, the only b__ks diseased one with the high-interest loan and wailing about it jumping up and down, gesticulating and pointing at b__ks, is gollumpeet, only him. Yet he tries to drag everyone else to his hindcrap “sniffing frontside and backhinds” commentary level he can not erase. He is the only one b__Ks diseased despite his pathetic attempts to drag everyone else annoyingly to his demented level. I bet he collects the $10 used b__ks “bar by bar” copies covered in cess ditched on the curbs long dismissed and forgotten as a silly cheap sham by everyone else, then on discovery, the troll cries out in gollumy glee and taking them back to his hole littered with the rotting slimy alter id stinky costumes shared with the shills occasionally.
WOW , glad I could unload the shit storm .
Sweet …
I would like to comment on the low margin requirements. To offer $400 margins for the ES is definitely part of the problem for retail. Why let someone trade a highly leveraged product for margins that low? That is only there to bait people without enough capital. Plain and simple.
Thanks for the comment.
Agreed. If you think about it , they could have done something truly amazing and encouraged more young traders , and set themselves so far above the crowd, we would not even be having this conversation.
GO ahead , beat me to a pulp. Have nothing to hide.
I only speak the truth.
Do you know this Sherri person. She seems to know you. What is the deal???????
No clue, but I’m sure its someone from TST who remembers me. The fact she/ he / it is so passionate about attacking me personally, I must have touched a nerve with them at some point.
I dont sell anything, I dont promote anything, and perhaps that is what pisses people off. Who knows.
Think its great it sparked some great threads …
Hey Tom are you a failed Funded Trader as well. You ran a trade room to BS people using a fake sim accountsits all here on your website. I bet you are sucking lemons now.
Lolol, when I saw first saw that pic of the big bully vs. the “contender” in the middle of some village mudfield. Then the gross out pic on the main review page on some aboriginal duel seemingly to the death. With 90k viewers a month to tradingschools, I wonder how many also had the ROFLm*o reaction I had to both pics. Looks like the SHTF now and it’s scammy “sham vs. sham”! lol.
The photo adds to the three most gross-out photos on tradingschools with the other two vomit-inducting ones being in the “Smart Money Review” (sham De eWitt) and the “Profitunity” review respectively. And of course the carnival fishbowl tossing booth photo pairs with the TradersHELP!desk photo of the carnival shooting booth. (The worthless indicators’ prices were jacked up again pathetically after the coast was “clear” and the TS spotlight had moved on).
So now we are far away from the old TopStep review days where Emmett got a pizza delivered, (considering how they’ve been making millions more than even Ross-WT ). Granted, I was very glad to see how Tradingschools changed their stance pretty much completely on the hamsterwheel scams, also on Maverick.
Maybe realistically more competition could help evolve a better deal for the retail clients, with more scam vs. scam hamsterwheel tradingschool competition between the likes of Topstep-bully vs. the Oneup-slenderer-contender. But I personally don’t like the idea and would rather seen them all handcuffed away from their sim computers, and rather hope the legit prop-trading industry somehow revives with more competitive choices than T3. Even if there were more like Topstep, I dunno, Topstep was a master at hiding their stink for so long , with a lot of shilled help from you-know-who forum ever since 2010 since topstep first started. The kool-aid has been so thick I think any other possible competitors had no idea how Topstep really worked anyways because they were so successful at selling the illusion there were some “big winners” who were trading “big accounts” for topstep or a referred legit venture fund they often mentioned nebulously about their “best traders”. I hope the cessmess floats up from the sea and infests the beachforum so the hotdog combos have no place left to poop on the beachpooped forum. I hope the days of sham sites glorfiying their “proof” of having passed topstep combine half-life2 combos instead of showing real live account proof are finally over for good. (The OTG blurb about it’s Topstep combines are actually over a year old. )
I had a good belly laugh and solar plexus reaction too 🙂 The sacks of protoplasm on the Mooktrader review were a gross-out, you have to scroll down the list of reviews to see it in the preview icon, it’s not on the Mook Review. About TST, Patek seems like a hustler but some similar risk management rules should be industry standard. Tradestation has non-predatory intraday margins and intraday risk management requirements These should be industry standard, whether voluntary or ideally forced by the NFA and CFTC as part of a civilized society’s social safety net. The pernicious $300-500 ES margins sans risk-management requirements set up TopStepTrader to prosper with their sham.
There goes gollum again wandering around in his b__ks diseased daze tagging along. His new guttysnipe, looking up a thesaurus and strunk&white from grade school spending an hour or more, first times, his radioactive retroactive b__ks clawbacks, feverishly trying to clean up his cess stinking guttysnipe post, to try to look more “respectable”, lol.
(and you weren’t 100% either. “There should be () industry standard” is missing an “an”. You forgot to turn on your grammar checker, dope.
Save it “smileypete”, “drchum”,”toto”, “drchumNO”,”JamesII”, etc. I’ve told you to stop tagging my posts. Your potshots mean nothing anymore, troll. No one cares, and everyone knows about it. You’ve already lost not just to me, but everyone else that dumps on you for your inanity, and badly s***head troll.
I’m not the commenters you keep mentioning! Your cruel mocking of OUR Br-oks disease, homophobia, lack of empathy for me and Br-oks shilling against me has been laid bare in this and previous comments . You resort to the last tactic of a scoundrel, sanctimonious moralizing and dogwhistling hate.I’m saying TST is bad but I want Emmett’s opinion on the pernicious $300-500 ES margins from brokerages which gave TST a sustainable business model.
idiot nonsense, there are plenty of brokers that offer those margins to retailers completely outside of TST. it’s not cruel mockery when calling out the incessant idiocy and doublespeak of using alters, alters mocking my id is mockery. what a waste of time and energy on these comments to set the record straight
To add all this loser does is keep grasping at straws, anything, even saying his own rage and spite is someone elses. when he’s the one who’s been guttysniping review after review, week after week, losing all credibity using the rotten stinking alter disguises to speak both sides of this mouth thinking the readers have only the memory of the past two reviews, when his cessmess covers the gamut of 50+ reviews back. ‘What a s***y liar. I’m glad Cyn shut him up for good on his part. Cesshead such a loser not showing up hiding his hole during the b__ks even on the beachforum while others were calling b__ks out. He stands for nothing, nothing except his butthurt loser rage and losing arguments and incessant idiocy even willful too, thinking it helps somewhow, lol. Wish something could be done to do the same for this claptrap guttysniping he does to my posts.
You are the bully, ty for proving it, dtchurn dogwhistle=cesspool. Your crude and abusive posts toward me, your peer,prove it. I wonder why no one else calls you on it.
LOL, All I do is call you on guttysniping gollumpeet when you do it as usual whether you tag my posts or snipe from an alter then lying about it. The long term regulars and even readers for more than a month know all about your doublespeak bs and your alters. Cyn got you to shut up tagging his posts. But I seem to enrage your gollumspite the most LOL. The rest of the posse are tired of it. I am too, but I won’t let this waste gollumpeet try to rewrite his past idiocy on the comments.
I haven’t seen you put much vitriol or passion into going after shills or trading education frauds compared to the yammering delusions and antagonism of me, dtchum and other misfits. Let’s put the group defecation and hind-sniffing incident from last year behind us and focus on these perverse frauds. Br-oks is getting ready for another expo and the CFTC case is going cold, while you indulge in this petty infighting and bigoted vendetta.
hah, I’ve been doing my part against the shils, stop your latest lies pathetic loser grasping at straw again LOL, while you’ve been doublespeaking through alters against me and for the shills at times, complete loss of credibility, anyone can see that. anyone can see it’s all your mess. You’re done, and eating crow again and again. just shut up and stop tagging me for good and guttysniping, and I’ll try to ignore your postings and better yet let someone else call you on your nonsense since it’s so easy to do.
You are irrelevant churn, and your obsession with Pete is beyond bizarre. I am not Pete, I’m just another person among many who thinks your opinions are worthless and irrelevant. I’ll keep posting here as long as you do. You better get used to me, because I am here to stay. Game on my friend.
I have read many of your post and I can only conclude you have some affiliation with a vendor, maybe a family member or friend, that is being hurt by Emmett’s articles. I cannot remember you ever posting anything relevant to the article, but instead it is always an attack against someone that is calling out these con artist. In fact the only time you posted something positive about me was when I called Emmett out on article.
It be nice if you came clean and just state which TR you are associated with or give actually reasons why you keep defending these con artist.
As far as Pete goes I try to no longer respond to Pete’s unique posts and his constant mentioning of you know who, unless he is directly shilling or saying something inaccurate about me. Pete and of course you and Dtchurn go way back. Apparently there is no peace to be had. Reminds of those tribes folks battling to the death image Emmett gave on his recent TST vs MES article.
Show me a post where I have defended a con artist. Please post the link. Oh that is right, you can link to what DOES NOT EXIST.
As for me, I am not associated with any TR – I am just someone who dislikes churn and his holier-than-thou attitude…
damn you guys really go after each other on here.Never a dull moment.
One of my favorite posts back then about the troll which so aptly started the naming of the gollum:
Rob B
You know I have too many fights with shills to fight with some obsessed with Al Brooks. So this will probably be my last post to Pete. I can not imagine how this is a response to Gaspy’s post, but when I read it, this image pops into my mind with the words:
Where is my Precious Al Brooks Review
And there were plenty of other related post pics about the blithering clown. So being so ashamed by the meme pics, the gollum comes out of his hole pathetically trying to latch on me after everyone else has dumped on him.
I would put it another way imo. We go after only shills, vendor scum and resident fools who post distracting nonsense and have lost all credibility playing both sides using sticky alter costumes, of shills vs. reviews. And we are often helpful and empathetic to real victims who take real responsibility for being duped. Such as when RobB suggested when so many asked him for just a tip or a recommended free tool site. I’d agree , it makes for some drama. But a willfully ignorant shill that pops up in their own review, often suffices.
Yup , Pete again, LOL!
You must be kidding! All you do is make willfully stupid post about folks here that warn people against these con artist and demand they show proof of their claims. Just read your post. As I stated last time when you just made idiotic post against me, I cannot recall you posting anything informative or relevant to the article written or in response to another poster. 99% of you post are some silly attack against a poster that serves no purpose. In fact your alias was created for the sole purpose to just attack another poster.
RobB I would be the same as you concerning the gollum. but the pos continues to attack me with guttysnipes, like how he couldn’t help but slime on my post, and previously made references to m my past posts even when not in the same thread, as his alters i.e. guttysnipe potshots.
Just because gollumpeet was dumped on by everyone else and ran away back to his hole, he tries to have revenge on me as a target just like he formerly tried to wail about b__Ks bothering everyone until everyone made him shut up his inanity. Not taking responsibility for his poor trading and greedy dreams, and now being a disgusting lousy sport of having lost all the arguments. What a coward he doesn’t bother you or Cyn, or even Stray anymore yet still goes after me like I’m the sole reason for his ineptness and his failures, like trying to infect me as his new b__ks diseased obsession, LOL!
RobB, I hear you about this going tussle between me and gollum, but I wouldn’t relate it to the tst vs. one-up pic. First of all , that primitive dance to death is reserved for the shills and lawsuits battling it with each other, the willfully stupid shills and lying sham artists vs. themselves. No gollumpeet has institageted every new bout of on attack, while I had been peacefully posting my own thoughts, it’s like the gollum from far away from peeking over a floating termite infested log over the cesspool , then takes a potshot, or alternately like Bigfoot as you showed earlier, wears another stinky alter costume, rushes in, rummages stuff around causing a nuisance then rushing off in a panic, with anyone barely able to get a pic of his alter stinky costume in time. I’m left alone to deal with this mad animal, because he’s cowering away from the rest of the posse, but continues to take potshots at me for his sick loser ego and dementia, thinking trying to undermine me will in anyway improve his clownish and untrustworthy status on the comments for using alters to make doublespeak and pretending to be a crowd.
Let us forthwith set the facts straight for those reading the numerous attack posts upon my soul by Bob and Churn:
1) I have never defended any TR room. Notice how I asked Bob to post a link showing such action, and he avoided my question.
2) Churn created his name to mock my dtchum name, AFTER I created mine. For those new to the site, my name was based on the TR sharks out there who were always in search of new day trading “chum” to eat.
I am convinced that churn and Bob are in cahoots, likely working for someone.
You clearly have some type of mental disease. You convenient ignore what I say and just post willfully stupid response again and again. Literally you give new meaning to taking words out of context and making fact less statements. 99% of your post are only about attacking anyone who calls out scammers. That is literally your only purpose. You say which post? I say just read any of your post. Let’s just take this thread for example. You don’t have a single post that has any relevance or information about the article Emmett wrote on Topstep-trader-vs-oneup-trader. In fact doing a quick search by you name I cannot find a single post of yours on this thread that even mentions TST or oneup. And this is the case with 99% of your post.
I don’t have to see gravity to know it is there and I will stick with my assertion you must be associated with a vendor that is being hurt by Emmett, as I personally cannot see any other purpose to your posts. All the people you attack are regular posters that contribute to the actual article that was written by Emmett and call out shills. But not you!! You are just nonsense post after nonsense post. Contrary to your statement that I have avoid your question, I state 99% of your post fall into the characteristics I have described including every post in this thread, the challenge is on you to show where you have posted anything relevant or informative.
It is impossible to have any type of intelligent argument with someone that ignores everything I post and just makes up his own twisted facts and post them. I could write a 3 page post and you would ignore the entire point of the post and take 4 words out of context and create an alternate reality, which by the way is exactly what TR operators do. Reading your posts I am 100% convinced you are associated with a vendor or have serious mental issues.
If you ever post anything relevant to the article or even relevant to something another poster posted I will probably die of a heart attack. So here is where you once again ignore everything I have said, take a few words out of context and once again just post a willfully stupid response.
I don’t ever remember those 2 supporting a trading room, educator, or website except maybe a free one. That’s just my take on it. They actually don’t believe it most of the time Emmett posts a positive review. I actually think they don’t believe in day trading in any shape or form.
Hi Mike – Stealth marketing is the best kind and they may just be kings at it. Took me a long time to figure out what their angle is. And maybe I am just too skeptical, but when I see a dozen posts from those 2 each and every day dominating the “Recent Comment” list, it makes one wonder what hidden agenda they might have.
“Stealth marketing” Really!! Can your post get any more absurd? As I keep saying it is impossible to have an intelligent argument with a complete idiot.
OK, I will play along. Gosh, you found me out. I am an actually an alien from out of space who has come here to brainwash the humans by using advanced subliminal messages in my post. If you read my post backwards it says, “DTchump is an idiot”
For anyone with brain, I post here for the same reason anyone post regularly at a forum, I am passionate about the topic. By the way I also invest in Real Estate and post regularly in a Real Estate Forum and I work out and post regularly in a workout forum. And man you better never go to a TV show forum as the regular are relentless in those blogs.
So by your new distorted logic we are supposed to believe anyone that post regularly must be mindlessly attacked? Man you must be a very busy person attacking people across all blogs everywhere.
The more you post the more obvious it is you have an ulterior motive. As you once again your post for lack of better words is just crazy made up stuff without any evidence to back it up. It would be one thing if you actually made some rational argument about a post, but no it is just fact less nonsense like this post.
I can just imagine what nonsense you will post next, maybe I am a vampire come here to suck the blood out of everyone. The one thing I know you will never post is any intelligent or useful information about the topic. As I have pointed out your can pick any thread and would be hard pressed to find a single post by you ever about the actual topic.
By the way I will help you out with my Brilliant Stealth Marketing for this post. I think you are an insane festering fool. Actually I think your family or friend vendor business is being hurt by Emmett’s article and the post by regulars here telling people to demand proof of these con artist. And you are just lashing out in whatever way you can.
RobB, or sure, he’s lashing out any way like a willfully stupid jester fool can. I still think this current incarnation in this thread is actually gollum again being desperate, but that aside, interesting to hear you’re a workout regular. Did you know way back, DavidAdmans did one of his stupid blog pages where he depicted you as a pencil thin squinty eyed looking weakling? I bet in reality you could haul his overweight a$$ into the lockup car and taken to the authorities where all the hordes of those he refund-scammed can get their clawbacks on him, lol. btw, can you mention the real-estate forum or some starter links? I haven’t really gotten into real estate yet, but it’s about time I started to look into it. Thanks.
drchump,( or rather gollum in the stinky alter disguise grasping at straws again, but I’ll indulge the pretense this time) , RobB and I are mainly commenting on the reviews as Emmett invites at the end of each of his articles, also being anti-shill to any shills who are ordered out of the termite log if the review happens to make the scam vendor hide under the desk of their shamshow generating computers sometimes blurting out “educational only!” in desperation. Granted there used to be others calling out the shamshows , but they seem to be on extended leave, or many are just enjoying the show leaving it up to RobB and whoever else happens to be more active for the month.
Mike, have you read the B00ks comments? Dtchurn’s penchant for antagonism of victims and blatant shilling and misrepresentation of fraud: dtchurn: “As Emmett said, his clean disposition as an educator just makes Books what he is a educator that does not show proof. Just a jokester not too be taken more seriously than a mumbling palm reader. A It’s hardly a case for a alarm for danger for a upstanding citizen writing a trading book but not willing to show proof as there are hundreds of trading book authors and article writers who have done the same thing over the last decades of online trading and farther back. You’ve had trading book writers like TomDeMark, Steve Nison and they were educators of a specialized trading method and never had need of a cftc audit or investigation.”
I am one to say go for it when it comes to talking about Brooks and his ability to bring financial misery to people not ready for trading. Nonsense like he’s looking for a year where he never has a losing day, just pure bs. His writings are pure gibberish. If you want to vent about this db then by all means go for it. Let him have it. I also agree the margins being so low is definitely part of the problem. I tell my broker to keep my rate at the full maintenance margin so I don’t do something stupid in a moment of weakness.
As far as dtchurn being a shill, I just don’t see it. I really don’t I’m being honest. He never supports these con men. As Emmett said everyone can rant especially when someone has been taken to the woodshed. Let’s comment on these pond scum instead of attacking each other. I know people can call me names for trying to avoid the posters battling for no reasons, but let’s concentrate on the charlatans running circus acts. Truce please.
I am using “shill” colloquially to refer to someone who is antagonizing and discouraging a victim’s voice from being heard and misrepresenting fraud. IT is not just selling books as dtchurn, as a shill, lied about by comparing “it” to thousands of trading authors in terms of culpability for harm caused to the trading community by misrepresenting himself. To market yourself as an actual professional trader with a live futures room, course, speaking gigs and then to lie to Emmett is despicable and show no regard for the people like me who believed in him for years. It is unacceptable and anyone who supports that must be called on it, silence in the face of this shill tacitly encourages it and does far more damage to the trading community than a picture of tribesmen with a dangling willy.
Yes he creates more damage than most because Brooks is accepted by periodicals that are supposed to be the voice of credible futures information. I happen to agree that he creates more problems than just some live room because he seems to sell so many books, all with great reviews on Amazon. People believe his gibberish must be valid because it is hard to understand. I almost bought his books because of the great reviews, but I read parts and couldn’t understand a thing. I keep saying carry on the fight, don’t let up.
Can’t there be a way to comment of these reviews without infighting. I’m just saying it is more fun and exciting to read like that. I agreed with your margin comment 300-400 margin is absolutely part of the problem, but it would get lost on other viewers if you and dtchurn continue to battle. Couldn’t there be away to forget about the past. As a result, both of you can contribute where it’s needed. Like I said it he is everything you claim him to be, Brooks, despicable and more. I have no problem when you relate Brooks to another bs educator. If other posters don’t like the comparison then ignore them. Like I said, isn’t it time for a truce. You already once said you would stay away from the infighting. I’m, just trying to keep the blog on point. I am in no way telling anyone what to do. I like to read the comments about these charlatans, but it loses value when there is infighting, IMHO.
I tried to talk the git out of his “petty infighting and bigoted vendetta.” Did you miss the response? dtchurn: LOLOL, all the petedetithb__ks virtiol is guttysniping, that’s all it is LOL! nothing else matters to him now just his idiotic spite, how can he psychotically pretend to say otherwise now with a straight face. what a farce, completely lying about me when every one can attest to my fighting the shills, what disgusting pos. LOLOL, all the petedetithb__ks virtiol is guttysniping, that’s all it is LOL! nothing else matters to him now just his idiotic spite, how can he psychotically pretend to say otherwise now with a straight face. what a farce, completely lying about me when every one can attest to my fighting the shills, what disgusting pos. Come’ on guys, back me up. Do I have to bring up all the old posts back up again when Gollum ssaid he would never return and pathetically returned as alters, sheeplishly? LOL!!!! I didn’t even call him Gollum in the first place, LOL! and then he uses alters to pretend theres a crowd LOL!!! hah, I’ve been doing my part against the shils, stop your latest lies pathetic loser grasping at straw again LOL, while you’ve been doublespeaking through alters against me and for the shills at times, complete loss of credibility, anyone can see that. anyone can see it’s all your mess. You’re done, and eating crow again and again. just shut up and stop tagging me for good and guttysniping, and I’ll try to ignore your postings and better yet let someone else call you on your nonsense since it’s so easy to do.
All that matter is that you’re a lying pos! A scumbag psychotic! using alters jsut for your ragespit!!
you’ve lost all credibility all of it!
Complete nonsense. Anyone can see this troll got dumped by everyone before I even came on the picture because of his annoying jumping up and down about b__ks. Because he pathetically continues to target me because he fears the others commenters who shamed him worse than I did where they are mostly silent now leaving me to deal with the idiot troll mostly by myself. Then he insulted me without decorum just because he lost an argument then continued to try to rewrite his sordid uncouth history and even lying about me now besides his previous lies (he tries to cover his lies by saying I lied, typical)about not using alters as he continues to do so which put serious doubt about his trustworthiness and integrity and imo counts his posts as trollish and completely bereft of credibility now. He also continue to do be dumped on by his shenanigans and cussed us all then said he would never come back, then lamely came back using alters at first.
Exactly, I stand by what I said unlike the troll who can’t stand for anything. Brooks is just a book author who happens to have a room or service like previous authors. His room doesn’t make calls on trades, it’s just a showcase for people to see how he trades on a live screen while he comments. It’s very easy for a sane person to evaluate the trading and then easily dismiss it. i.e. ditch the used $10 book on the curb after realizing it’s unhelpful junk. I did spend time reading every single page , often rereading a page eventually learning Brooks bad jargon where his verbiage could have been explained in far simpler terms. Basically it’s just a bunch of price action patterns you can boil it all down to a page. And it has been done so. There are outlines you can download for free on the books forum site. But lazy and irresponsible whiners won’t take responsibility and just cause trolling on these comments because of their wounded spiteful egos despite being proven wrong over and over, and never learning.
All those patterns I’d simmed and they turned out to have no real edge than another other touted method whether moving average crossovers, or nison doji combo reversals. Even later in the book, Brooks basically makes “adjustments” by saying if a pattern fails then its a possible two legged move the other way. There is no entry method or trade management mentioned so in a sense it’s just an overindulged puzzle game over-analysis similar to a researcher doing endless observations because market behavior has so many variant outcomes to obsess over.
Sure I can ignore the ignorant posts as long as I don’t see anymore guttysniping with post tagging, or alters continuing to take potshots which I’ve retaliated with calling out the often disgusting wording in the willfully stupid nonsense. But he can’t help it, so enraged with the b__Ks disease in his plaqued mind.
MikeM, I don’t think you realize the trollish detesting nature of the gollum. He doesn’t even really care about Brooks anymore. It’s all his spite directed at me, since the others have shamed him enough for his idiocy he went back hiding in his hole only to come out ocassionaly or through his alters to take potshots. If one reads the entirety of posts, it’s all the truth. He insulted me with obscenities then tried to pathetically argue and escalate the nonsense to get away with it, when he was completely in the wrong and continues to show ignorance about the topic. He did not send his CFTC complaint, He did not show up at the b__Ks even last year. He stands for nothing except his wounded ego. The links I have shown absolutely show how everyone got tired of his annoying trolling and everyone dumped on him deservedly. Then he tries to take potshots and tries to drag me down to a disgusting bottomsniffing level with him. As you honestly ascertained that I’m not a shill, I believe you have sense to see this idiot is nothing but a clamoring troll just here to tear the other commenters down who didn’t agree with him. That’s why I don’t take his Brooks tirade seriously anymore because he’s not going to do anything about it, not even send his own CFTC complaint in. Brooks is actually very small fish. We all know it. Why bother with Brooks? As Cyn and others mentioned this guy pissed away his 20k high interest loan, then blames it on Brooks. Why even blame it on Brooks? when it’s his own lousy trading Why Brooks Brooks Brooks all the time? It’s just pretension pretending to be for a cause when not taking responsibility and moving on. I’d already said I ditched my book “Bar by Bar” in the donation book bin, yet the troll tries to make it seem like I’m in a disgusting bind with Brooks’ hindparts all this time. Others have shamed him far worse than me about Brooks, yet the coward only wants to guttysnipe at me, completely pathetic. He even rips off my old posts about HFT and pretends he is the only one mentioning it as an issue recently. The worst part is he continues to use alters to attack me and sometimes RobB. He doesn’t dare go after Stray or Cyn now , because they beat him so well in payback for his attacks that he now cowers scurrying back into his hole from them and won’t even dare snipe at them through alters. I will continue to show those links this idiot who wont’ stop tagging me or using alters, to show how everyone dumped on him and not let him get away with rewriting his sordid history in the comments here. It’s big huge waste of time for me and distracting from my trading. And I continued to do my part in assisting against the shills who come out when the emmett spotlight shines on their shamshow for review.
I’m going to give the devil his due and admit that your grotesque trolling of me in the Brooks comments, dtchurn’s humiliation of me convinced me not to complain about Rooks to the CFTC, and the fact that no one else seemed to feel set up to fail in trading by Rooks. The last thing I was expecting were all comments on a site dedicated to exposing frauds to be saying I need to take entirely, 100% take personal responsibility for my own actions after being tricked by a charlatan who had NO negative information published on him and that it was basically my fault for not sim-trading even though he tells readers to trade small not sim trade, you’ve inflicted a ton of self-loathing over the past year.
Too late for that now you lying pos. You’ve done all the escalating cess. Now you’ve lost all credibility. Go back to the hole you crawled out of loser. You never take responsibility. For one stop tagging my posts and using alters! But you won’t. So much crap coming from the scum bag who speaks both sides out of his mouth and stands for nothing except his ragespit all this time.
<3 lovely ragespit.
LOL, only a insipid idiot demented diseased head as gollumpete would believe in b__Ks for years then try to drag me and others down to his cessmess mistakes. Hardly , only his diseased spite would lie about me being a shill. He didn’t even care to show up at the b__Ks events and didn’t send his own CFTC complaint in. LOL. The thing is , almost no one was stupid enough to be irresponsible in trading as this idiot was then trying to make a point of it on the boards in a trollish disgusting annoying and antagonizing everyone else for the last year except this fool. As MikeM already said in the Books review comments b__Ks will go to retirement before the CFTC ever gets to him as there are thousands of far worse shams causing much greater financial damage than a single fool’s own mistakes, so the only hope of gollum is suing b__ks directly or going to his door for retroactive radioactive clawbacks, be he won’t and will stay hidden in his hole.
You’ve been ‘heard’ for so long gollum, just that you’re a total fool and demented idiot not to mention a lying troll using alters out of spite and fumbling with his thesaurus, LOL!
This reminds me of the old saying, “Be careful what you wish for”. Where you around when Pete first started to post? It was not like now when he occasional post. He relentless posted about Brooks in every article in every post again and again. Not to mention the post were very unique (I am being political correct here). At first everyone was fine with it. Then Emmett finally reviewed Brooks, because of Pete and everyone was like finally Pete got his day, but it just did not end and that is when several folks started to say enough was enough. He was toned done a lot lately, which is why I do not reply to his post, but there is a long history there.
But I am now let bygones be bygones.
What I wish for is Pete to comment on the current topics of trading and not fighting with dtchurn. I can not tell someone to allow other posters to attack their comments. I was just saying how about a truce for once and for all. Pete said he wasn’t going to attack dtchurn anymore maybe a month ago or he said he would leave it alone.
I don’t want to come off as someone that is above it all. I’m just saying the blog is more enjoyable to read when we talk about relevant topics. I have nothing negative to say about dtchurn, I look forward to his comments. It just seems to be a waste of time writing when we could post about topics related to trading. That’s my 2 cents, I hope I didn’t offend anyone. Like Emmett said it’s a free for all here so go for it if that’s what one chooses. I just keep asking Pete to come to a truce with everyone because I don’t think anyone is out to get him.
I apologized after being called a miscegenation of shit nad piss to make it stop and they wouldnt let me express my opinions without attacking me and lying saying im JamesII toto and dtchum. Why are you siding with them?For all we know Robb is dtchurns alter so we shouldnt accuse peers of using alters without evidence
I am not siding with anyone. I happen to enjoy reading all the posts. I spoke about your posts on occasions and enjoyed the vitriol you feel for Brooks. He deserves every bit of it. You made a great point about the margins being so low as part of the problem and I commented on that, but it got lost in the shuffle from all the fighting. If you can’t feel that I am trying to get a truce going like you said a few times before you would abide with then I respectfully will stay out of this. Personally, I enjoy all the posts when related to these charlatans regardless of how extreme they may be. I say go for it, let them have it.
However, you can’t say I side with dtchurn and Rob because I’m against you. I’m not against anyone on here unless they are a shill. dtchurn, Rob, and I seem to have some good discussions related to trading strategies. I haven’t been around for the early days where you guys had it out. There is no where in my posts where i said Pete is this or that. I said I understand the need to feel to respond when attacked so it may not mean much coming from me when I say truce. I don’t want any part of the fighting. I think I will leave it alone now.
I don’t mind the actual useful discussion, but this joker has derailed the discussion too many times and refused to take responsibility for being wrong always escalating it first. Actually I was here for the discussion and calling out the shills until this idiot decided to insult me at a very low level. Stray and Cyn and others called out this fool’s bs. It was plainly clear. Even RobB. Actually they shamed Peet far more than I did with lots of meme pics. Yet the coward continues to snipe at me because I’m actually the nicer of the lot and tried to drag me down to his hindparts cess low level. And he reverts his shaming by others and rage just to me, PATHETIC. This guys ia a liar about not using alters and he knows it. It’s despicable what he said on the side of the shills as the alters. Almost, or probably as bad as the scum shamshows themselves.
Gollumpeet continued to refer to my posts in sniping as well as using alters to attack me and RobB with JamesII and drchump and probably others in the past. He will grasp at straws at anything now. Everyone knows RobB and I are different. But many know drchump , and prior alters , and Peet and even called him out on it like Stray, LOL>
Of course MikeM doesn’t see your grasping at straws saying I’m a shill for anything. No one sane would. But you have used alters yourself..besides drchum’s stinky costume, also JamesII, toto, Jon, smileypete, etc. You broke your vow taking guttysnipes as either yourself or one of your alters in reference to my post. I called out your inane postings in kind such as shutting down all trading by locking up the exchanges, ridiculous and only being mental from the uncontrollable rage of the b__ks disease in resurgence would generate that crazy thought. Only when you became fixated on this review’s pecker pic, did you think to trap me when all it did was expose yourself what you laughed about. I only laughed at the preview pic, and the glance at the aboriginal pic and the idea of it.
That’s all I have been saying let bygones be bygones. IMHO everyone will be better off. I know its easier said for me because I wasn’t attacked, but just like gang violence perpetuates because no one is willing to say that last murder ends here. Instead the retaliations keep coming because one will look soft if they let it go.
RobB, the gollum was “toned down” because he was using his several alters, as we saw with James II. They may have been initially created or used by some shill. But we all know shills usually don’t care after the spotlight has moved on. Then gollumpete crawled into those stinky cessfilled costumes and started sniping in them particularly to me. Cyn, how did you get him to shut up? remember the post where he said he would shut up and stop pestering? then he kept sniping me again using his alters. He always breaks his word. Has done it when he said “uck you all” and said he would never come back, then did it again when he sniped and trolled my posts using alters.
Here’s what Cyn said to Peet:
‘In reality, the complaint about your stupidity was itself a telling comment on the inferiority of your intellect. I was trying to be kind in not saying this, but as you persist in following me around and mentioning my name, the gloves are now off.
Sometimes the only way to show a person the level of their stupidity is to get into the gutter with them and show them that they are so stupid that they cannot even best one at stupidity itself. You called me into the gutter. Now let’s get on with the gutter fight, you unmitigated, unintelligent, miscegenation of crap and piss.
Then the troll said:
And the coward continues to guttysnipe me, and dare not face off with Cyn again.
uninintelligent miscegenation of crab and biss indeed!
Wow, even going so far to copy a harmless post of mine. Even MikeM was not fooled by your lies about me and delusions. Here’s another post by RobB:
“Rob B
Yea I have an idea,
” I propose genetic screening for deviant genetic markers”
I think your delusional genetic markets will be screaming off the charts. Do you even read the complete nonsense you post or is the point to just post nonsense.
Then following that thread, you can see the cesshead continues to grasp at straws all just for a spiteful worthless guttysnipe. And making up nonsense. Then uses alters. Complete loss of credibility and integrity. I think all the dtchum posts here are gollumpete in the sticky rotting alter disguise.
You know what, I’m going to take an extended break where everyone else seems to be on break. (RobB, drchump is gollumpeet. He’s just trying to fool you because he can’t face you and Cyn and Stray with his nonsense anymore.) Let everyone else deal with this cesshead and his uncontrollable b__Ks diseased relapses and have to deal with the troll and idiot that he is. You new readers will quickly learn this cesshead stands for nothing and only thrives in the forum here for his own loser spite and rage at those who call him out like a mental head. . I’m going to get back to my +trading without distractions for a while. Let the fools and shills stew in their own cessmess.
I should inform you MikeM. Emmett,used to have a higher bar, then he lowered down the bar heavily so the “best” reviews only have to be a breakevener. even if it’s slightly negative if they show proof for a month at least, and probably later on if Emmett asks for it. I actually do believe profitable day trading exists just that the probability if someone found an edge and could sustain it they would most likely never share it or bother teaching it to the public. So overall, most all of the shamshows tr are just failed traders retail or have some prior finance experience but compromised their ethics into becoming a scam artist and in self-denial most likely about their harm to other financially.
Really, which review was your id started in, drchump? I had never heard of it until it came soon after drchumpNO most apparent as a tag team mockup of my own id.
You just outed yourself chump irrelevant mockery of my id, dr irreleveant chump. Everyone sees how you’re on the side of the shills by distracting from the posts exposing the truth. Btw, having fun talking with yourself Pete? Wow, what he does for his spite. The stink of the b __ks disease always gives it away. Originally drchump/NO may have been tradingfratboy. but the vendor shills hardly ever care after the spotlight has moved on. On the miniscule rare case drchump is taken over by an interloper, what a hilarious swap of sweaty diseased of the drchump costume, unwashed and cess filled and smelly as a willfully stupid guest to the gollum hole swaps the costume with gollumpeet, LOL!
You’re an idiot with no claim to anything grasping at straws making up “let’s” when it’s only you , your pettiness , your disgusting crap, and failed attempts to cover it up, lol, and your stinking alters LOL. Go do it yourself against b__ks, but you won’t , you’ll just hide in your hole.
Come’ on guys, back me up. Do I have to bring up all the old posts back up again when Gollum ssaid he would never return and pathetically returned as alters, sheeplishly? LOL!!!! I didn’t even call him Gollum in the first place, LOL! and then he uses alters to pretend theres a crowd LOL!!!
LOLOL, all the petedetithb__ks virtiol is guttysniping, that’s all it is LOL! nothing else matters to him now just his idiotic spite, how can he psychotically pretend to say otherwise now with a straight face. what a farce, completely lying about me when every one can attest to my fighting the shills, what disgusting pos.
To set the record straight, all this fool can do is stupidly grasp at straws with made up lies about me. Pathetic loser where he started and instigated and continuously perpetuated all the cess yourself as anyone can see. What insane nonsense to claim you are my peer, LOL. When you were caught with lies and stupid ignorance. This is what this fool desperately tries to just mouth words pretending no one has read the past 50 review comments. Gollumpeet is only a peer to himself and his dumb alters. all alone, pathetically and insanely pretending it’s a crowd, LOL! Even Fara said you were a troll all along. I should have followed Emmett’s advice and Fara’s to totally ignore this meaningless gollumtroll dipsh**t loser because nothing else sustains his rage on the comments except his pathetic attempts at subtly guttysniping. And most pathetic of all, he wants to drag me down , since all the others have successfully slapped him away where pathetically he cowers from the others yet continues to take guttysnipe shots at me. As Cyn mentioned go bother your high interest loan loss and knock on b__Ks door and sue himself yourself willifully idiot. But no, only his rage matters and the b__ks whining has become just another faux prop of his. I bet when Nov. comes a’knocking nothing comes of gollumspit’s “crusade”, lol.
Yes, “OUR” referring to YOU and your alters , only. The newer comments in the b__Ks review with gollum and his alters talking to himself trying to pretend to be different people in a a crowd in a reaction to a post of mine a couple of reviews ago proving the he dons the stinky alter id costumes, laughingly pathetic, L O L!
What a waste of time to even bother with the idiocy of this post. But I’ll spare a minute. Really, the preview icons are not always the same on the same page when the pages are reloaded, mr. willfully stupid. Now you seem to be on the side of Patak. what nonsense. The whole point of the TST scam is they purport to “teach” risk management techniques, when they are shams themselves and their enforced rules are restrictive to only very niche types of trading, and very unrealistic to sustain for any length of time, so all they are doing is hamster wheeling their wormy combines and declaring transient lucky winners (sim) of the month to reinforce the . Industry standard?? what double talking hilarity. Just a review or two ago you were saying the CFTC was in cahoots and they and the exchanges should be halted, prosecuted or what not. Doublespeaking as usual except you forgot to use your fake alters to try to snipe from both sides, lol! RobB, Cyn, Straydog even Crooked Hillary knows what I”m talking about with TST, but you’ll just splutter it out then use a thesaurus to try to perfume up your nonsense. Ok, I’m done with this waste.
How about Top Step Trader closes down their carnival act and scurries into a hole with the money they defrauded from the public. Well of course that won’t happen, it’s like asking a pig to stop gorging itself with the food right in front of them. Either offer a fair product or go away and get a job that creates value for society. I’m sure they enjoy counting the money like an old miser. Everyone of the vendors that advertises with TST as way to help traders improve is just as guilty, but they purport themselves to be legit. They are shadier than the mob. At least you know that the mob is charging you nice vig each week when they come after your money.
“Top Step Trader closes down their carnival act”
Why would they when they make money, the regulators don’t care and there are enough gullible people to give them money at the chance to make a fortune.
I know people hate it when I post facts, but the whole Day Trading industry is one big scam. From day trading rooms, from day trading indicator sellers, from Day Trading Educators, from TST, from T3 and so forth. All telling folks they too can make their fortune with some small account and by using massive leverage.
It reminds of the little old lady playing the slot machines all day with their social security money hoping to hit it big and I think the odds of that happening are better than anyone making it day trading. Yes during a NASDAQ bubble, an oil Bubble, a commodity bubble, where prices are just shooting straight up every day, someone will take a small account and turn it into a million dollars. Of course more than likely once the market changes they will then lose it all. I gave a perfect example of this in another post where you had this mediocre hedge fund short the housing market made a fortune and then everyone invested in him thinking he was a genius and then he those investors just heard the sucking sound as he proceeds to lose money faster than a speeding bullet.
And the Vendors are smart and great BS advertisers with classic lines. In fact I will give you on of their best lines that even suckered me in. “Just because someone else could not do it does not mean you can’t. The other Day Traders were just not willing to do the hard work”. Seriously how many have hear this nonsense line. You think I am willing to work hard and be successful. The problem is it is the same as saying well the other guys who tried to calculate the last digit of pie are just lazy, but you can do it.
This is why only actual proof backed by brokerage statement of long term ability to trade profitable means anything. Everything else is meaningless con artist 101 nonsense!! And you have a better chance of finding big foot than finding someone that can do that via classically taught Day Trading.
As usual Rob of course you are correct they will not close down the cash cow. I’m just curious about how they portray themselves to their families and friends that are not in the know. Do they say hey I’m this big venture capital guy helping traders that cannot get adequate capital.
Do they believe their lies and love to walk the part knowing fair well they run a circus stand like 3 card monte. Are they proud because they are smart enough to bilk the unsuspecting? I really would like to know if they ever lose any sleep for being charlatans. Lower than than the guy running the 3 card monte game on the street. At least with those guys you lose some change in your pocket. How about the poor young guys that are so proud to call themselves traders to their families and waste spiritual, mental, and financial capital. Do they ever say hey I am ruining people’s lives? I doubt it. Poor excuse of human beings.
I mentioned in the MES review I thought that business model was flawed and would fail and I will tell you why I think that.
IMHO this is similar to the problem with Obama Care. You end up with all the healthy folks leaving and end up with a pool of very sick people.
Let say you have this underfunded amazing trader who does not even have the funds to open a futures account. He then passes the combine and starts to make money. Why would he stay with a company taking part of this profits. As soon as he saves enough he would be out of there. The only way he would stay is if they pay him a generous salary to trade their money like GS does for its traders.
This is why TST was the only one in this business and why TST is a scam. Maybe it is not possible to come up with a day trading funding business model that would work. But I agree market competition is definitely needed and I look forward to see if anyone can come with such a business model that is not just a scam.
The model has potential. But you are correct, its a flawed model because anyone with talent is going to quickly leave.
In my opinion, the model that will eventually succeed will be an ‘incubator’ type model. Where the incubator earns a fair market rate of return, which is transparent and published. The rest goes back to the pool participants.
The casinos publish what they take. And they do just fine.
Currently, TopStep is the only casino in town. And they are taking 90%. It’s ridiculous. More competition is needed. Desperately.
Having a funded account with a company like OneUp/TopStep is not mutually exclusive with also having a personal trading account. There are no contractual restrictions, non-competes, etc., that would limit your ability to own multiple trading accounts or work for several companies simultaneously. As a result, no, talent is not going to leave, because the high-performing trader can simultaneously manage a multitude of subsidiary accounts with relative ease — in concept, it’s basically like having several internet browser tabs open. In the most basic situation, a successful trader is obviously going to have both a OneUp/TopStep account AND a personal trading account. Why? Because you’re essentially increasing your buying power beyond what your personal account would allow with little to no drawback. Yes, in the case of a company like OneUp, 20% of your profits are taken out as commission and paid to the firm, but that still enables you to earn profits and trade more position size beyond what just managing your own funds would allow.
Emmett, correct me if I am wrong, but there is also Savius.
And comparing TST; OneUp and Savius, Savius seems most honest of them all.
So, Mr. Patak is going hard after anyone who tries to take monopoly out. I hope this is just a start, and that in near future more companies will pop up.
More of them, better for traders.