Verified Trades
User Experience
Winvesting trading room is moderated by a trader with very little trading experience, no understanding of real world economics, no published track record, unwilling to release account statements that verify trading performance. It appears that the Winvesting website is just a lead generating website with no real substance, legitimacy, or track record of turning students into proficient traders.
User Review
( votes)( reviews)
Today’s review is Winvesting, a day trading room, moderated by Ted Posobiec
What is is actually one of two related websites that are registered to, managed and owned by a person named Dan Braun. Both sites are primarily lead funnel websites that are primarily used to market products via email marketing. The websites are relatively new and jumped into the trading educational scene back in 2014. The related sites are and
There is no information available on Dan Braun. He used to post articles on his Invest To Success website, but has since removed any reference to his name from either of the websites. Scrubbing his name from both websites, I found peculiar and a bit unsettling. What is Dan attempting to do? Quite simply, he is attempting to build out traffic generating websites and then plug in various trading educators. The trading educators pay Dan a fee to be listed on his website. A quick look on shows that Dan was at one time promoting a day trader by the name of John Ondercin, but apparently John Ondercin got exposed for being a fraud and his name was quickly scrubbed.
When taking a closer look at the Winvesting website, you will notice that the website is full of ancillary topics that have a fringe relationship to trading. For instance, there is an article about how to talk to your kids about money, another article about leadership qualities, another about Christmas mishaps and how to avoid them. Its all pretty weird how all of these random blog articles are prominently displayed on what would be considered a trading website. My personal opinion is that Dan is hiring freelance, contract writers to write blog articles about various topics relating to personal finance and personal achievement. He is attempting to harness internet traffic related to trading and investing. The end game is to get the prospect into one of the trading rooms, and then attempt to sell the product. Its an odd strategy because people that visit his website are primarily focused on how to trade successfully, and not how to talk to children about money.
Is his traffic strategy working? A quick search using SEM Rush search analytic’s shows that he has only been able to rank about 10 keywords, none related to his primary product. Some of you reading this might find this information off topic or non relevant, however I disagree because how a trading vendor raises awareness and markets his product gives a clue as to how he conducts himself when nobody is looking. Some vendors use incredibly shady, and use black hat promotional techniques meant to trick google into sending traffic. These players will also typically also offer shady trading products. I have observed that there is a tight correlation between dubious promotional methods and fraudulent trading products. Dan is attempting an interesting strategy for sure, his primary focus appears on building an email list to market related products through cross channels. Not particularly shady, but it certainly is not working very well. Lets stop talking about boring marketing stuff and talk about the trading room.
The Trading Room Experience
There are actually two trading rooms. The Trend Trading Room moderated by Matt Bowen, and the E-mini Insider trading room moderated by Ted Posobeic. Both of these rooms are featured under the “Winners Circle” header and are the featured products for the Winvesting website. It appears that both Matt Bowen and Ted Posobeic are “renting” this section of the Winvesting website. Both are looking to convert the traffic from the live trading room into paying subscribers. Lets now talk about what I discovered inside of the E-mini Insider Trading Room.
In total, I recorded a total of 10 hours of video for the trading room. The trading room typically lasts 2 hours each day. Everyday Ted Posobeic would enter the room and with a pleasant and simple voice, would start talking about the markets. For the five days that I recorded the live trading sessions, he began the day just sort of saying hello to everyone and then he would start shuffling through his Ninja charts. It was all pretty random. He didn’t appear to have much of a plan for the day. He is the very opposite of a fast talking hustler. As nice and simple as a person he seems, he also seemed a little too simple, maybe even a bit slow intellectually. It became evident to me relatively quickly that Ted is certainly not a seasoned market pro. If a person asked him a question about a pending economic report that had a market moving potential, he would have to quickly jump to Forex Factory and find out what the person was asking about. I did a bit of research on Ted Posobeic, and it appears that up until a couple of years ago, he worked on an oil rig. Tough, gritty work for hard men. Again, not a bad guy or a fast talker. But he seems a little bit lost, or out of his league. I have spent hundreds of hours watching trading room moderators, and I can spot the sharpies pretty quick. Ted is no sharpie.
No Performance Disclosure
One of the things I found annoying about Ted Posobeic and WinInvesting is that there is no performance disclosure. I love to see a spreadsheet of trades, most often the spreadsheet is pure nonsense. But I still like to see one because it gives me something extra to scrutinize. Since there was no performance disclosure, all I had to go on was sitting and watching the tape of each days trading session. Once again, I sat through a complete week of trading and recorded a bit over 10 hours of live trading.
The Real Performance
There pretty much is no real results. On some days, for whatever reason, Ted would trade on his live Ninja account. But then just as likely he would switch to SIM and begin calling trades over the screen. Other times, he wouldn’t even use the SIM, he would just say what he was going to do. But the key takeaway is that he really had no plan for his trading, regardless of whether he was trading real, SIM, or voice command. He was perpetually just flying by the seat of his pants. One minute he would be bullish based upon a moving average, and then for whatever reason he would flip to bearish because of a perceived break in a trend line. He was truly a man without a plan. At times I felt a bit sorry for him because the market would start moving fast and he was like a deer staring at a headlamp. One second he would say that he was going long and make no mention of a stop or profit target, and then a few seconds later he would say that the market is making him dizzy and he had to get out. The entire week that I watched him trade, I couldn’t help but feel like I was watching a complete newbie struggle through this experience of attempting to trade, while be a creative orator and keeping the trading room audience engaged.
Let there be no mistake. Talking for two hours in a trading room is certainly not easy. Its public speaking. And Ted is no public speaker. He is a sort of shy, blue collar sort of dude. Not a bad guy. But certainly not the leader of a trading room, attempting to guide the audience to a daily profit. He is more than likely just a guy with a few thousand dollars in a trading account, like the rest of us, attempting to turn a little bit of money into a big pile of money. Its probably been a little more difficult than planned, and thought he would give this trading guru/trading room thingy a try.
Of course, I want to give Ted the benefit of the doubt because he is no “Great Communicator” or George Soros. I thought that perhaps if he can show me some account statements then this would be the lemons I would use the to make the lemonade. However, my requests to verify real trades with account statements were simply ignored. The silence from Ted was the clincher.
Another thing….when Ted is trading with a live, real money account, he is only trading a single lot. And his trades were always for just a few ticks. I have seen enough of these trading rooms to know that Ted is not making any sort of real money with this trading gig. A few ticks here and there is not what most of us are after. We are looking for a full time income, not an extra $50 a week. Ted is definitely playing small ball.
For those of you that are curious what a typical trade from Ted looks like, I snipped out a trade from my 10 hour video archive. Its a winning trade! But that is not what is important, what is important is how he executes the trade for the audience. You really should watch it, and then ask yourself it this is something that you can execute yourself.
Wrapping Things Up
I probably spent half of this review just talking about the promotional aspect of how these trading rooms are marketed and sold on the internet. In many ways, the marketing and hustling of traffic is more interesting than the actual trading products. I think many of you would be surprised to learn that there are professional internet marketers that move from trader to trader. They promote a guy on the internet and then they blow up his reputation, and then they move onto the next guy and blow up the next guys reputation. All the while, the customers are never aware of the hand that is moving the string. I am now spending a great deal more time watching the promoters, as well as the trading room vendors.
Well, that’s if for today. Another crummy trading room. But at least you didn’t have to spend a week in this trading room to discover that its a worthless waste of time. You got to read this poorly written, 15 minute article instead, and save yourself a bit of frustration.
I know a lot of my readers are frustrated that I have not found more and better, verified vendors in a shorter period of time. But the truth is that there are simply not that many to be had. Sorry to be such a bummer tonight. Don’t forget to leave your comments below. Even the haters will find that their voices are heard.
Hi Folks,
I enjoyed the education I received from investtosuccess and winvesting. However, I believe the site was sold a couple of years ago and I no longer have access to any of the material. If anyone knows who bought the site or how to access the information I would greatly appreciate it.
Waow! That trade was a masterpiece, serious. I could never win a cent in the face of such raging bears
great article saved me money and frustration
Speaking of POS scam artists…I think Emmett takes the cake. Nice Job Emmett on this rave review of just how trustworthy and honest your endorsements are…who’d listen to a fraudulent con artist such as yourself…just idiots who can’t think for themselves.
Major Moron is one of the vendor (probably Ace Trade Review) who got an honest and bad review from Emmett. He’s back trying to discredit this blog which can only mean that Emmett’s investigations and record of the numerous scams are hurting these scammers. That’s the reason they set up the site Major Moron refers to, it’s a clumsy attempt to discredit him. You can read all about Emmett’s past on his own blog under the “Warning” tab.
All Emmett is asking for from these vendors is to provide him 1month of verified, real trades and none of them can even demonstrate that minimal amount of success. It would be the easiest thing is the world for a vendor to discredit Emmett, simple provide your verified trading statements that support your claims. To date only 3 or 4 have been able to do this. The rest are fraudulent scammers.
John Ondercin is back or still there. He recently did a three webinar promotion of $1500-$2K(?) product. He seemed really nice then, but I went to his trading room once-free on Monday. He was rude and unpleasant, and that was in the total of maybe 7 minutes he was in the room. He took two trades about a half an hour apart. Didn’t tell us what they were, but I guess he made money.
Ted’s room is free on Wednesday morning. I was there once and he was very likable and engaged the audience the whole time.
I thought it was odd their one week off a month schedule.
Hi Emmett,
I have know Ted for a couple of years now and believe your assessment is wrong. Ted may not be a great public speaker but coming into the first week of his first room, i think you were a little hard on him.
I have been trading with him for about 7 months now and he has helped me to be a profitable trader.
The truth is that he really has nothing to prove to you or anyone else.
What a naive statement “The truth is that he really has nothing to prove to you or anyone else.” He most certainly does have to prove his trading ability if he expects people to pay for his service.
I just became aware of this review and I want to thank you for the time that you spent in my room.
I’m proud of my 20 years as a commercial diver for the oil industry. What’s so bad about being a blue color worker?
As to how long I have been trading for a living? Longer than the “couple of years” you mention, but admittedly, not as long as some others.
I completely agree that I am not a polished public speaker, but I didn’t expect you to stoop to name calling and personal attacks by calling me “a bit slow intellectually” and “no sharpie”. I’m sharp enough that trading has been my primary income for the last four years, so I can take the insults.
In the mornings, before the markets open, I will only put out one contract and take as much as I can until the market starts to move. Considering the low, pre-market volume, it would be foolish to jump in with 5-10 contracts or more.
Keep in mind I have a room full of other traders that need to learn good money management habits, and I try to lead by example. I have always said if you can’t make 5 ticks, what makes you think you are going make 20 or 100?
During the live trading room, I answer questions and demonstrate how I would enter trades. Yes, I will sometimes do them in sim to make sure I can trade and narrate the trade at the same time. However, you will often see me take the same trades later in my live account because I’m not distracted by questions or teaching after I’ve already explained the trades.
The video that you showed was of a ZB trade. I know of two people that use my method that were in the room that day that took the trade and got 4 ticks out of it. I don’t expect everyone to pick up on my strategies after only a few days in the room. To be successful at a new strategy can take months of learning and practicing in sim.
You spent three months in one of the other rooms reviewed on your site and gave it 4.5 stars. I’d like to think that if you spent a similar amount of time in my room, you’d be just as enthusiastic about it.
I try to explain my trading strategies as simply as I can. You might think it’s too simple for someone that thinks they need to know all the ins and outs of some pending economic report. I could care less about the contents of the economic reports. Why overcomplicate trading with what comes out of the mouths of the smooth talkers?
One of my strategies involves trading the REACTION to the reports, good OR bad. I want to know when the news is so I can either stay out of the way, or maybe even trade it. Many times, I’ll get in after the news is announced and take 50% or more of the initial reaction. Or I’ll grab a pullback and continue with the move.
As to verifying my trades, the last time that you asked for something, you said “This is the last time I am going to ask you for a statement.” How would you respond to a demand like that?
You, yourself, said that spreadsheets of trades are “pure nonsense”. The best way to verify my trades is to join me in the room (for more than a week), practice what you learn in simulation, and come back to the room to ask questions and get coaching. The bottom line is whether my strategies work for you, not me.
I follow a daily plan and have a check list of what I do each day. It’s the same thing every day. Once every couple of months, I spend time in the room showing everyone how to create their own plans and stick with them.
Again, thank you for coming in my room. You made a few good points, and I have a better idea of some of my weaknesses now, both real and perceived.
I invite your readers to subscribe to our newsletter at so they get the invitations to the free previews of my trading room on Wednesday mornings from 7-9 AM Eastern so that that they can make an informed decision for themselves.
Hi Ted,
Thanks for reaching out! And thanks for having a good attitude about the poor review. It takes a strong person to come forward and write to me directly. I appreciate it.
I also wrote a really negative review about TradersDen/NightScalper. He reached out to me and was pretty upset about his poor review. He then sent me a few months of account statements that I could review. You know what? It turns out that the dull sounding country boy from Alabama was a pretty good trader. I then immediately drafted a highly positive review. That review has now turned his live trading room is a huge success story. Before my negative review, he had nearly zero traffic. Now he has a trading room packed full of paying subscribers.
Humble pie is delicious! I want to eat it. Believe me, I have plenty of negative material to work with, but positive material is really hard to find. Please give me something positive to write about. My readers are hungry for verifiable trading products. Please reach out to me directly, and lets get your performance verified and get that new review drafted immediately.
And another thing, you don’t even need fantastic performance. You can have marginal performance, barely break even etc., just give me something to work with. I promise that anyone that works with me and is honest does not get a bad review.
Emmett, Great work you’re doing! One site that I think would get a positive review is led by Dean Jenkins. There are some pretty candid results on the site. He might provide more details, I don’t know but I think he is being honest with his trading results. His trading room is pretty reasonably priced and he’s a pretty good presenter. Check it out if you have the time. Thanks, John
I have watched John Ondercin trade and I couldn’t tell if it was sim trading or the real thing,. But he seemed tp know what he was doing. I don’t even know how to set up Ninja trader, but I do like to watch and maybe learn something. I have been in the trading room with Ted and it is boring and nerve racking. It is only 2 hours a day for 3 weeks. he has a week off and it’s 147 a month. I was going to join that room just to try to learn some trading but decided that was too much money for just 3 weeks and 2 hours a day. If you do happen to know a good trading room where i can learn something about trading and it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg please let me know. Thanks for reading.
His room is free right?
Well, for free, it’s hard to be critical… even if Ted is a noob 🙂
Sometimes I write these tough reviews and some of these guys come back stronger and with a better product. A lot of what I write is what others are unwilling to say because it would be unpolite. And sometimes I even get these reviews flat wrong. Maybe Ted will buck up and send me some account statements showing nice consistent trades.
Was just reading a comment a guy left on Oil Trading Group. He lost nearly 15k, when I read that…it hurts. Makes me even more cautious about writing a positive review.
I’ve lost 15k in 3years learning many different markets..
It’s not a lost if he did not learn 😀
Still.. nobody forced him/her to lose 15k…
They say a fool and their money are soon departed.. we all learn in our own time/money..
Taking loses is part of the business/education and inevitable.
But I agree, why live trade when the moderator is on sim.. stupid
Even if the moderator is on a live acc, there’s still no guarantees of copying them.
Not many of these guys are transparent.. obviously they make a living from ‘training’ rather then trading
I doubt Ted will ‘come back stronger’ lol he’ll probably flip the domain and try another one 😀
You do good work Emmett by setting the bar higher for these ‘educators’!
Ben, when you judge another person that yo do not know, you do not define them, you define yourself. Get a life and quit kissing Emmett’s ass.
LOL poor Ted LOL
We’ll they say, those that can’t do, teach!
That video’s funny, maybe his students can teach him lol