Weekly Options Trading
Verified Trades
User Experience
A big tangled web of related investment websites offering all manner of fantastical investment returns–with nary a loss. The company is unwilling to reveal who is offering this ‘sure-fire’ investment service. Unwilling to provide verifiable proof that the trading signals were ever actually executed. Appears to be employing a marketing strategy of creating a website, promoting with Google ads, then shuttering the website a short time later.
The company refused to answer any questions from TradingSchools.Org.
This appears to be a very ‘fishy’ situation.
Thanks for reading today’s review of Weekly Options Trading
What is Weekly Options Trading? The company is a trading signal provider that specializes in trading stock options. The cost of the service is $129 per month.
Before I go any further, it is important to note that the website: WeeklyOptionsTrading.com is only one of MANY websites that are currently promoting the exact same service. Using Ahrefs web analytics, we discovered a large and interconnected ecosystem of ‘Options Signal Providers’ that all appear to be offering fantastical returns. Many of these interconnected websites appear to be active for a few months, and then just as quickly are shuttered.
Think of this situation as a large pool. And within this large pool are active websites floating around, promoting the same service. And next to these active websites are a multitude of non-active websites that have been promoting the same sort of ‘Options Trading Signals’ at some recent point in history.
And so the next question is how does this pool of websites continue to draw new individuals into the web? We next analyzed the marketing structure and discovered dozens of Google advertisements that trigger whenever someone searches for terms related to options trading. It is a clever marketing strategy.
The big question…why so many active websites that appear to be promoting the same trading service? And why so many websites that are now inactive? It certainly looks suspicious.
Let’s take a quick view of several of the websites that are currently active:
- WeeklyOptionsTrading.com
- WeeklyOptionsTrader.com
- Options-Strategies.com
- NextLevelTrading.com
- CallOptionsStrategies.com
- OptionsSpreadStrategies.com
There are actually quite a few additional websites that appear to be ‘cut from the same cloth’, that are housed on the same server, contained within the same data center. All promoting what appears to be an identical stock options trading service. This commonality, as well as the same cookie-cutter Google ads feeding into these websites, looks very odd.
Whom is running these websites?
Truth be told, TradingSchools.Org cannot be sure. After viewing many of these websites, we have uncovered various names and photos of person’s that may or may not be real persons. Why so many random persons?
None of the websites contain the name of a specific person generating the trading signals. It appears that the company has taken great detail in keeping this information hidden. It looks strange, and shady as hell.
TradingSchools.org sent multiple tracking emails to the company, all embedded with trading codes in hopes of uncovering who is actually operating the company. We could watch in real time that the emails were opened. But we never received a direct response. Not a good sign. This does not mean it is a scam, but it is certainly terrible customer service.
Common Performance Claims
Another commonality of all of these interconnected websites is the fantastical performance of the trading signals. The following are several screenshots pulled from several of these websites. It is important to note that several of the now defunct websites also show similar results.
[foogallery id=”7105″]
Obviously, these are excellent performance figures. But I have few questions…
- Why is the company using various websites to promote the same product?
- Why isn’t there a real person taking claim to the performance?
- Why does the company not respond to TradingSchools.Org?
- If these returns are real, why not show a brokerage statement that verifies this information?
- Why are so many websites now defunct?
- Since 2009, no losing years. Is this realistic?
- 95% winning months. Really?
These are really tough questions that the company does not appear willing to answer.
If I were able to produce these sort of fantastical investment returns, why sell a service for a paltry monthly fee?
Plenty of smoke. Once again, I am not calling this company a burning house of fraud, but it certainly looks suspicious.
Wrapping things up
When it comes to investment advice, especially investment advice that originates from the internet. You should be very wary. In my experience, after writing hundreds of reviews about various trading educators, trading software, trading mentors, and signal services…nothing compares to verifiable brokerage statements. And this company does not appear to be willing to provide even the scantest bit of evidence that any of these trading signals are authentic.
Thanks for reading. If you have any experience with this company, would love to read about your story in the comments section below.
For whatever reason, this ‘sure-fire’ options trading signal service reminds me of a recent Investor.Gov warning video. Thanks for reading.