Roger Scott of Wealth Press
Verified Trades
User Experience
Roger Scott of Wealth Press is offering a venerable smorgasbord of financial products and services. All appear to be pure hogwash.
He claims the following outrageousness:
- Worked in the White House as a “Key Economic Advisor” (he didn’t)
- Is a commodity broker and hedge fund manager. (he’s not)
- Turned $5k into $720,000,000 (pure fantasy)
- Claims to be a lawyer. (nope)
- Claims all manner of investment whack-a-doodle
Roger Scott appears to be well situated in the financial fraud capital of the world: Florida.
He is operating a ‘boiler room’ where unlicensed and unregistered advisors are making all manner of financial claims to an unwitting public.
According to one customer, “everything that comes out his mouth is a lie.”
A financial scoundrel of the highest order. Avoid this charlatan.
A slick and well oiled boiler room operation
A slick and well oiled boiler room operation
Thanks for reading today’s review of Wealth Press.
What is Wealth Press, and what are they selling? The company is a stocks and options trading signal service. The primary focus of this company is selling investment advice. This investment advice is delivered in the form of ‘trading signals’ that users must access through a subscription-based platform.
Wealth Press is owned by a person named Roger Scott. The business is located at 12276 San Jose Blvd Ste 518, Jacksonville, FL 32223.
Whenever I see a Florida address pop-up, I start to get really worried. Florida is the undisputed king of ‘investment scams.’
In fact, Fortune magazine rated Florida as “the fraud capital of the world.” In yet another study by the Department Of Justice, they ranked Florida as “the epicenter of many Ponzi schemes” and “a place where investment scams seem to flourish.”
Regardless, we decided to take a closer look at Wealth Press, this so-called “investments” company promising delightful stock picks.
The Wealth Press products offering.
Since 2018, TradingSchools.Org has received over 24 requests to review the products and services of Roger Scott and Wealth Press.
In the past several months of simply observing the Wealth Press website, we have seen several products ‘come and go.’ Lets take a closer look at what is on the current menu:
- Alpha Rotation $1,495 per year. The service claims that in 1930, two world-renowned mathematicians discovered a secret profit formula. This secret will turn $10k into $238,956 with what appears to be nearly NO DRAWDOWNS.
- Billionaire Breakout $1,497 per year. This service claims that you can turn $1k into $1,964,031 and this is achieved by legally ‘front-running’ Wall Street.
- Dark Pool Trader. This service claims to own a “sonar signal” that reveals when stocks will gain 2,812%.
- Red Lines In The Market. A service that delivers 300% in 48 hours.
- Momentum Factor $1,495 per year. This service supposedly turns $10k into $2,600,000 in only 6 years. And it generates consistent income “Month After Month.”
- Precision Profits $1,497 per year. A service that achieves 339% investment returns in “30-days or less.”
- Prime Alpha Trader. A signal service that uses “Shadow Market Trades” that is “hidden and concealed” and investment returns of 2,812% or $412,119 for “just 2018 alone.”
- Profit Trends Alert ETF $1,497 per year. This service coos “only work minutes per day, and earn 1291% over 7 years.”
- Options Income Formula $1,497 per year. This service PROMISES “85% Winning Trades and Reliable, Steady Income Month After Month!”
At this point, most readers are probably already laughing. But for those that got suckered into these ridiculous promises, it is no laughing matter. More on that later.
Roger Scott of Wealth Press
Lately, at TradingSchools.Org, our inbox has been flooding with spam advertising from Wealth Press. Users from all over the planet have been forwarding these marketing emails, and begging that I draft a review.
The promotional material contained within these emails is truly outrageous. Let’s review a recent email. I won’t publish the entire email, simply because its just scammy marketing. However, I will publish a truncated summary below…
Roger Scott, the owner of Wealth Press, makes the following claims:
- He is a licensed Attorney.
- He started with $5k and realized profits of $720,000,000. Yep, he claims nearly a billion in profits.
- He worked in the White House as a “key economic advisor.”
- Is a Hedge Fund Manager.
- And a licensed Commodity Broker.
If true, this is one heck of a resume. We were curious, so we started digging.
The search for truth regarding Roger Scott.
The first step in our journey was a deep search to discover affiliated websites. Sure enough, Wealth Press is not his only marketing channel. You can find him peddling his wares at and
However, these websites use a different address than the Florida address. These businesses are located at 1976 South La Cienega Blvd #270, Los Angeles, California 90034. This address appears to be nothing more than a mail dump.
Roger Scott claims in promotional videos that he is a licensed and practicing attorney. This information was forwarded to our legal team at TradingSchools.Org — they could find NO MATCH for ‘Roger Scott’ on any State Bar registries with these addresses. Nor could they match his image profile with any of the ‘Roger Scott’ legal websites or profile photos of attorney’s named ‘Roger Scott.’
From our research, it appears that Roger Scott of Wealth Press is not, nor was he ever a State Barred licensed attorney. It would appear that he has fantasies of being an attorney.
The next step was to search Finra.Org to see if any ‘Roger Scott’ exists in their database. This database encompasses a wide range of financial registrations including stock brokers, Futures brokers, Commodity Trading Advisors, as well as any pertinent securities registrations.
Roger Scott claims to be a “Hedge Fund Manager” and a “licensed commodity broker” and he “worked in the White House as a key economic advisor.” However, according to Finra.Org, this Roger Scott person simply has no valid registrations or company registrations connecting his claims.
Additionally, we can find no ‘Roger Scott’ that ever worked in any White House as an economic advisor. Perhaps he meant White Castle, the hamburger house?
You would imagine that anyone that proclaims to have turned $5k into $720,000,000 would be featured in Forbes or some reputable publication, eager to publish his truly amazing investment successes. But alas, nothing can be found.
Next, I reached out to National Futures Association, the regulator that manages Commodity Trading Advisors, Futures Hedge Funds, and Futures brokers. According to their databases, this ‘Roger Scott’ person simply does not exist.
It would appear that this ‘Roger Scott” fellow just made all this shit up. But to come to such a conclusion, without reaching out to ‘Roger Scott’ would be irresponsible reporting. And so, we listed these irregularities and emailed ‘Roger Scott’ directly.
In real time, we could watch him frantically clicking and opening the email. We know because all emails contain tracking links that time stamps everything. Does he respond? Not a peep.
Our email was crystal clear, direct, and no-nonsense. It came directly from TradingSchools.Org, and he was notified in advance, that this article would be coming down the river. But like a fart in the wind, he quickly vanished. So sad.
The Wealth Press Boiler Room
Next, we decided to take a more proactive approach. On the Wealth Press YouTube channel, Roger Scott has a video where he appears to be in a ‘boiler room’ with a bunch of salespeople taking calls and dispensing of his so-called investment magic. Have a look…
We next picked up the phone and made the call.
Well, the ‘boiler room’ is just like you can imagine, there is a cacophony of excited voices all mixed together into a buffet of hyped sales pitch.
The guy that took my call, a person named Josiah Hardacre was a really excited fella. He couldn’t wait to tell me about all the money that people were making with “Roger’s Wealth Secrets” and “how my life was about to change.”
In the background, I could hear all of the other salespeople swarming and squawking like seagulls after a music festival. I could hear distant voices saying words like, “truly amazing, it’s incredible, fantastic, and today’s special low price.”
I asked Josiah, “what in the heck is going on over there!” He was actually a really nice kid. And he was completely honest and said, “I know nothing about investing” and “I am trying to understand this investing stuff, but I am a newbie.” His honesty was actually quite refreshing. I could tell he was a brand new huckster, not yet soiled by the whack-a-doodles sitting to his left and right.
Truthfully, I felt kind of sad for the kid. He was basting in snake oil, I could only imagine the working conditions.
Wealth Press: where is the track record of trades?
Next, I began gently coercing poor Josiah into answering a series of softball questions. I always start with softball questions, and then I start putting more heat on the pitch.
One of my more heated questions, “Is Roger Scott actually an attorney?” Josiah was honest. He replied, “No. But Roger took some classes about the law — I think.”
We then started to wade into the deeper water, all the while poor Josiah thought my credit card was sitting in front of me. I asked, “I want to buy the $6k daily special, but I just need a little more information. I wanted to see the audited trading record of the amazing Roger Scott. Josiah responded, “Roger Scott doesn’t share his account statements with anyone. But I have some actual proof.”
A short time later, I received the “actual proof”. Have a peek below…

37,147.73% investment returns in 9 years?
Apparently, this is supposed to be the “proof” of Roger Scott’s actual trading performance. And Josiah promised me 100% that “These are all real trades! Roger took every single trade!”
Imagine carrying this “proof” into a local bank and trying to get a loan? It’s just laughable. Who would be stupid enough to believe this nonsense?
Just imagine, if you had $720,000,000 in the bank. You can now earn 3% with a certificate of deposit, which would give you $1,800,000 million each month — risk-free. Why would you need a boiler room selling ‘magical’ investment products to naive country bumpkins? Come on people, isn’t this sounding ‘too good to be true?’
World’s Worst Refund Policy
All of the Wealth Press products are subscription based. But what if you want to cancel, and you want your money back? No refunds. Ever.
What if you purchase a one-year subscription and then want to cancel after one-year? Sure! But first, you must jump through several hoops of fire. The first step to cancel, according to their Terms of Service Contract, you must give a 30-day written notice.
After you give 30-day written notice, you will then be automatically billed for the next 30-days. And here is the best part…you must pay a $250 cancellation fee.
What the fuck? You have to pay $250 to get rid of these fools! Amazing.
Wealth Press Complaints
Of course, at TradingSchools.Org, we hear about many of the complaints. And complaints have been streaming into my inbox like a clogged toilet at Thanksgiving Dinner. In no particular order, here are a few:
No!No!No!….. so far so bad. 6 weeks into his recommendations after paying 1495 for the non refundable signals….results….down 27% on my trading account. Approx. 1500 dollars lost so far. -FW
If his lips are moving, he’s lying. Roger Scott (not his real name) is another fraudster. -DY
Sadly, I got caught up in Roger’s marketing (which is very convincing, he is a great presenter) and signed up for several programs, his recommendations were mediocre, mostly losing, losing a lot if you used options. -CS
I bought Roger Scott’s ” Momentum Factor” for $1500.00 and I am very disappointed with it. Loses far greater then the few wins I have had…definitely stay away from any of his products. -CM
A monkey throwing darts could do about the same….or better! What a waste of money. -MG
Wrapping things up
Well, there you have it. Yet another internet huckster making all sorts of fantastical promises, and not an ounce of verifiable proof.
In fact, I would estimate that plenty of Roger Scott’s claims are outright fraudulent misrepresentations. Especially the part about being a lawyer, working in the White House, being a licensed commodity broker, and a hedge fund manager.
I won’t even expand on the part of supposedly turning $5k into $720,000,000 million dollars. That’s just stupid and doesn’t even deserve a comment.
Thanks for reading. And don’t forget to leave a comment below.
I have been with Roger for almost a year. I have tried tim sykes, trade algo, stocks to trade, and jeff clark. Every morning at 7 am central, Roger hosts a free meeting on zoom and you tube. Every day at 10 or 11 depending on the day, he hosts a during market meeting called the free vip room. (Search “roger scott” channel on you tube to see fir yourself) Here is where i earned my way into the day/swing trade room, “the trading pit” where Roger sends out calls, puts, spreads updates .. . Et c in real time. Entries and exits are sent out and i have made more money here, faster than i have anywhere with anyone over the last 6 years. Your outdated summary on his “trading school” is unfair and needs revisions. I have been present every day for the last 220 plus trades. If you follow his directions, attend daily free class and stop doing your own rogue loser trades, i dont know how you could lose money. The customer service dept., cam and gustavo show, is spot on and offers live help daily for a few hours. Last thursday, the 1st of August, when the market fell because of tech earnings, buffet selling apple, and bad unemployment reports, i made $428 off 2 of Rogers trades within an hour. I dont live in the past and choose to live in present moment which is how Roger trades the market and follows the institutions.. the market makers. What ever software program he’s using, the pro trader dashboard , works really well . I love making money almost every day with Roger. I learn many things each class/live market analysis session and enjoy his personality, his love of teaching, and his reachability. When you send him an email, he personally responds. In every single session with over 400 happy traders, roger posts his email address, validated wins, bonus trades and market insights. He’s not hiding anything. I earned my way into the pit with him in the free vip room. I earned a lifetime membership to the trading pit while in the pit in only a month. I will continue to earn to join some of his other programs that interest me and fit my available trading time committment. Whatever level you want….. if its just a couple 2 week hold trades a month you want, or daily trades you hold for 15 minutes, or you enjoy class with others also learning about making your own trades, Roger has a program for you. Seasonality or gap to green will be my next earn. I had to empty my trading account twice this year due to 2 family deaths and related misfortunes and showing up for sick family members for the last 2 years depleted my 5 years of earnings. I started over each time this year with only $400. I am working my way up to 5 figures and am singing from the rooftops about Roger and my hopes for a future in trading. I love my job and am a self employed contract IT worker, musician , painter.. surfer sailor diver. One day when i cannot work physically, i will still be earning with Roger and feeling safe and confident making my own trades, following the rules, taking profits have them, enjoying a cash position on no movement days, not bottom picking or speculating but using technicals to follow institutions and growing my account daily. Of course there are losers. I have had maybe 3 losers the last 3 months of following Rogers trades. His claim of 17 losers out of 220 trades is all true. I have been there for every single one. Witnessing these winners and learning daily in the vip room has saved my year, given me hope, and inspired me to press on despite the past and all the negativity and fear presented to us daily in the world. I will not consume it. I will trade in present moment and live in present moment amd continue to make money. Money never sleeps. I dont care what happened 5 or 10 years ago. There’s always more to any story and i have had my share of bad moves and big mistakes because i want to believe in people. Today and every day
I believe in Roger and see the evidences.
Happy trading!
ROGER SCOTT is THE ONLY REAL DEAL! He teaches, you learn lots from him, he’s generous, he is NOT A scam! I have some of his signal products and really, if people don’t make money is because they don’t educate themselves first, they don’t know how to scale up or down, you are not going to make millions just buying only one contract all the time, you need to scale! You need to listen to Roger, he has the best pre market morning chat, analyzing market every morning, plus the VIP room where he even give us stocks to trade up or down for free every day! Who does that? Yes, he runs a business, like everybody but at least is not a scam and he REALLY KNOWS what he talks about.
I have been following Roger since the start of the year and I can tell you he Is Not a Scam by any means.
I Am a member of the Trading Pit and it’s one of the Best decisions I have taken.
I can tell you that his programs are really worth it, even after paying 3.5k to get in his programs, and I plan to invest more in them.
Concerning refund policies, i signed up for one of his softwares and decided I wouldn’t have time to use it and they gave my money back in one week.
Even if he would have changed his Name I wouldn’t care because Im learning a lot With him everyday (and I am a financiar advisor taking the CFA III exam by the way) and making money as well.
Before taking conclusions about his legitimity I recommend you watching his YouTube daily Channel and see it for yourself.
With all the scammers in this industry you are trying to go against one of the few who are real.
This Is an independent comment, I am Not related in any Sense with Roger apart from being his student. I’m from Uruguay and he Is from the US so no direct link between us.
Although “ROGER” has changed his claims
**** to only have attended law school grduating at the top of his class but never practicing
**** to only having Hastert as a hedge fund partner, not actually workiing in the White House
**** to only being acquainted with, rather than working with, Richard Dennis and other “Turtles”
his real name really is Yuri Pryam … google that namee and click Images: that’s the WealthPress guy alright.
his wife really is Ukranian as he brags BUT if you click on the “in the matter of:” google result above you WILL find they filed for a “family” name change in Los Angeles County Superior Court on February 09, 2018.
After it was granted, they DID move to Florida and now runs WealthPress out of a building owned by the son of fellow “financial guru” and Ponte Vedra neighbor Tom Busby
nuff said.
Here is September 2022, and scam goes on.
Roger Scott is still on, sending tons of e-mails – every day I got 2 -3 emails from him or WealthPress.
Yes, Emmett, there are still plenty of people that are not aware of or even Google to find out truth about this scam
Im with Rick on this one… look up Yuri Plyam in California. Don’t part with your money because you won’t get your money back!
Rick Jones Comment:
‘Please look up Yuri Plyam in California. Same person this “Roger Scott” simply be careful. These items he references are from his previous name.’
From what I have read in the court documents…
The cult leader Keith Raniere of Nxivm (now in prison for 120 years) convinced a gaggle of young female billionaires to join his sex cult and give him $65 million dollars.
Raniere then meets Yuri Plyam who convinced Raniere that he had a patent-pending “secret investment system” that was guaranteed to make profits in the commodity futures and options markets.
The conman Raniere meets the conman Yuri Plyam and the conman sparks really start igniting. There are young women being shared and swindled. Some of these women even succumb to the Raniere tattoo, aka “the tramp stamp.”
The conman Plyam and his secret investment formula for easy riches turn into a financial nightmare and millions of dollars are lost. The New York billionaire Bronfman then sends out a bunch of thugs to Los Angeles to rough up Yuri and find out what happened to his daughters money.
Bronfman is really pissed off. Yuri disappears and then reappears in the holy land of financial fraud: Palm Beach, Florida. He then loses the Yuri Plyam name and adopts the new name of Roger Scott.
Roger Scott turns up on my radar, yet again selling his “secret investment system” and gets an article written about him. His cover gets blown and his Nxivm victims are now on my blog warning the public.
Am I on the right trail?
Please look up Yuri Plyam in California. Same person this “Roger Scott” simply be careful. These items he references are from his previous name.
NOTHING WORKS! ZERO. I have been attempting to get my money back for weeks. also, this tablet that I was sent is a joke. It does not work at all !!
ilo – You must be a special kind of stupid. Have you ever heard “I’m so mad I am seeing red?” or “its so hot you can fry an egg?” Writers say things to embellish. So, no Emmett couldn’t actually see him open the e-mail — only a complete idiot would think that — but he did know the e-mail was opened.
Get a clue.
even that gollumsticksmoker dtchurn understands that and he is about the dullest knife in the drawer.
If comparing tools, you must be the most useless one in Handley’s kitchen , perhaps the scooper used to pick up after, and support of gollumpeety’s sorelosing ragespit to me and his nonsensical commentary.
You’ve missed the important details about Emmett’s story about “seeing” the emails opened “nervously” by the scam artists which is often part of his scam scrutinizing methods often mentioned in past reviews. Emmett doesn’t literally see it, but he gets notified instantly when the sham vendor opens the email, because he puts one of those report when opened tag features on the email. So he knows when the vendor opened and read his email but didn’t reply, i.e. hid under the table, and/or waving their arms in surrender, “i’m education only!” like Primo and Tony Turner to name a few who admit they are just sim shams.
Was very interested to hear a review. But I call BS on you because of one reason. You say you sent and email and COULD WATCH him open it. Not possible. Once you send an email you don’t know anything else about what the user does with it. You are lying. And that is proof. You are the one that can’t be trusted.
Mr. Roger(s) Scott “neighborhood” seems to continue to (de)volve as a shamshow organization attracting more sham guru partners or affiliates. Probably edging out or taking more duping share away from Busby’s DTI, starving out Heikotter’s Rockwell Trading, and even possibly competing seriously with Sykes and Bond’s “Raging Bull” club.
Witness another new wealthpress shamshow ad on youtube by this emerging termite, “James West” , supposed guru expert on the hidden “gray market” of stock trading which supposedly has been going on for 150 years. Trying to introduce a “new” missed “secret” of high profit trading and investing. When looking it up, it’s panned as a lot of OTC delisted stocks, probably many dubious or penny value. ( So it could be another subject tradingschools could touch on in the future if this asinine wealthpress newcomer scammer somehow promotes it enough into a new trading fad. A pic of the ad site, of course pitching a hot dog “learning” package of only $1497, lolol:
I think ‘snake oil’ is a very accurate description of what this outfit offers. They have a new product/service every other week and are now in ‘partnership’ with a Rob Booker (who has heaps of YouTube vids) and more recently – Chuck Hughes. If those two names had/have any integrity they would not have lent themselves to the Wealthpress marketing machine. One more name they promote- Ms/Mrs Markay Latimer, who turned $2000 into $2million in 2 years (or some such claim).
Once I realized the claims made by Roger Scott and his company were untrue, I contacted them by phone (they do not respond to email) to demand a refund. During that call, which I recorded, the ‘support agent’, who admitted he didn’t know the difference between stocks and options, basically confessed that the whole thing is a scam and that the programs you sign up for (replete with fake track records) will be replaced with new ones to void any of their performance guarantees.
When I told this agent that I would be posting the content of our call onto the internet, within a couple of hours I received a voicemail from a very flustered sounding supervisor named Steven promising me a refund. They must have changed their mind since no refund has been forthcoming.
I have since reported Wealthpress to the BBB and FTC. Should anyone be considering taking their own legal action against this company, I would be happy to provide them a copy of my phone recordings where Wealthpress’ representatives admitted to some things they will likely regret saying.
Unfortunately I’ve been scammed, and the refund is a pipedream. I’m in touch with my credit card company for a £1500 bill, might trouble you for some information after if that’s ok thanks
Unfortunately I signed up with them. Wish I had read this before. Almost every trade to date has been a losing one, and I signed up in December. I even changed programs, as I thought it was just the program I had signed up for. But the second one was just as bad. I would be interested in reporting them as well. Any advice would be appreciated. I would also be interested in listening to the phone conversation. Thanks!!
Amen He should be arrested for taking peoples’ money.
Loved your assessment of Roger Scott-very blunt which I love!!! I’ve looked up at least 10 of these people in the last few weeks (thank-god these reviews exist!!) and they haven’t been very positive to say the least. My problem is how do I find someone that has a good track record of picking stocks, etc.?? I’m not mingling with anyone who deals in investments so I need to find this on my own. Any help would be appreciated
Anyone who actually knows how to consistently beat the market isn’t sharing their strategy with the random people over internet. As soon as too many people do the same thing, the strategy will stop working. Individuals like Roger Scott make more money selling overpriced subscription packages of their “systems” to gullible people than they do investing in or trading stocks
Thanks for the content and the review Roger is for sure a con artist, based on what I first noticed in his tone of voice and presentation is that he is too good to be true, and my gut was telling me that this guy is an internet pirate!
Always trust your senses, your feeling and your gut!
God is giving those medium to communicate with universe and distingush angel from evil and foe from friend!
Good Bless you all,
Thank alot
Victor from Canada
This guy has started popping up in my YT feed at the beginning of videos all the time. Here is Youtuber that just started reviewing his course. He buys these courses then goes through them and gives the lowdown on all of them.
Don’t waist your time and money! I fell for for the BS and lost 1495.00. tried several time to contact without success. Kept getting “HHHH.. can’t reach this page.” All data is false and old statics. Both presenters should be in prison for stealing funds and following FTC Regulations.
Wow very glad you researched all this I was genuinely considering buying his stuff. But not any longer. It’s sad what some of these idiots do out there that can cost you a lot of mkney5
Thxs for another eye opener is there any advisers werth trying
Yes. Markus Heitkoetter. Nobody comes close.
Fritz’s blog: “.. Rockwell Trading from Austin, Texas. Their business turned out to be one big scam. A scam directed by Markus Heitkoetter and his charlatans. Fortunately I was able to disclose Markus Heitkoetter’s scam and recorded this during a live event. ..”
Thank you for saving my money. He’s a decent talker….
Thank you for saving my ass
I am so very grateful to you.
Thank you for saving my $1,997 from this con artist.
Thank you very for your help. After watching their video I was ready to buy the famous “weekly Blitz Alert” for annual cost of $1,997. Thanks for saving my hard earnings of $1,997. May God bless you !
I’m listening to the webinar as we speak. They’re claiming the site is going down. Thank you so much. Shouldn’t the Feds be after them?
Thanks for the research. You saved me time & money. #respect
WealthPress is a scam use extreme caution if thinking about joining them. After joining them i went into the members area and they have a chat setup there to ask questions. I asked a simple question about my membership and where is the information i purchased. All I got was wait a moment. After about 30 moments the chat was disconnected. I then called and got the message due to a high volume of of calls there a long wait time and was referred to the support email to have questions answered with a 48 hour turn around. after about 20 minutes of listening to the message i was then sent to a voice mailbox which was full. and disconnected. I went back to the members area again and there i found the web page to be scrambled. I then Called my bank and opened a fraud investigation. (still ongoing) I didn’t stop there I went to the membership area the site was still scrambled but the chat tool was now active where i requested a full refund. again was redirected to their support page and again lost connection. I tried to call again where after the repeated message mention above played again for only about 15 minutes this time someone picked up the phone and sat it on the deck I could hear them in the back ground moving around and my “hellos” went unanswered for about 7 minutes. I did fill out a support ticket requesting my money back. still waiting on a reply from there as well. From the other reviews I’ve read it looking like this will be declined because they’ll say it is unfair to their paying customers to give money back to someone who has accessed the member areas. So run as fast as you can from these scammers learn from my mistake please.
I just sign, had not used any od their stuff, because there is so much, I am tryning to cancel all . I guess may be you are right – no cancellations.
Just find out by yourself by going to one of their webinars… full of rubbish, keeps dragging on random things, random numbers, random charts, and promotions…. Complete waste of time.
Thanks for saving me
Just wanted to let you know. I was a country bumpkin in hiding. Hi, ya, just another normal American getting f***** over. By these peckerwoods just wanted to say I got duped to. I I called him up and got him on the phone and my wife have is a b a f****** genius. And told him hey, these are my lawyers. We are going to sue you for $20,000. And another representative. I got Lee on the phone So what do you want to do to? get rid of the charges he said?. We actually charge you two times. I don’t know why but so supposedly they’re canceling all the charges today. I’ll call my credit card company in my bank in about I’ll give him a couple hours. And if not, I’m going to call my some lawyers. I got there in Chicago New York and LA. And I just want to say thank you so much for your digging up all this dirt on those assholes. Thanks. Have a good day.
Thank you. You saved me from investing with this fraudster 👍🏿
I can’t believe I fell for this guy’s line of B S ! He was very convincing and now he has associates that makes him appear even more legit, but he is a first class scammer! Thank you for your website that got me straight about this jerk.
Hi, I am so glad I read your article since I was so caught up with Roger Scott BS video. I was so ready to join and pull the trigger with my credit card. Even though I am in Canada, and the US dollar is almost at 1.4% per our Canadian dollar. So it would of cost me $2096 Canadian to buy $1497 US. Boy oh boy am I glad I did the research on the internet before I pulled the trigger.
I love the part where Roger says he graduated as a Lawyer and that the worked in the White house…wow I truly think someone should sue him for those lies and make money from it….lol
In closing THANK YOU Trading Schools . Org for saving my funds.
lol. The same old tricks. The vendor or related shills pretending to post as possible “clients” with “partial”/”maybe “halfway” worth looking into” doubts that maybe something is worth listening to about this fraud. lol at the recent close in posting date on the “do you need a product review” page. Forget it. Many tradingschool readers are so jaded, and we’ve seen all of this “pretend to be on the retailer duped victim’s side” crap long enough to know shilling when we see it and see through this easily.
I jumped into one of Roger’s programs, the “Billionaire Breakouts”. Despite its lofty name, what intrigued me was the idea of making money off small cap stock options. It came with a performance guarantee that actually just fell short. He promised 5 wins of 100%, 10 with 50% and 15 with 25% in 12 months, trading 6 small caps/week. He came close, but only got 4 trades of 100%. The others he got 10 @50% and 24 at 25%. But my overall win/loss ratio was 1:2 and ended up losing 26% before I hit my own stop limit.
I have asked for a “no questions asked” refund based on the lack of performance . We’ll see how far that flies.
I would love to see how that “no questions asked” refund policy works out. That would be a real good article.
Update: After not asking any questions, but repeatedly giving me the “no refunds” policy over and over even in the face of the evidence I had, they have now refunded my full amount. Wonder if presenting them with my BBB complaint had anything to do with it? 😉
Well, that’s good to read.
As my mother always said, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”
Thank you for your research.
Last year I inquired about Alpha rotation record and was given 10 years of trades with overall impressive results but also some big draw downs, sufficient to put me off. I have no reason to believe the results were fake and suggested in the long term big profits could be made. I have asked for updated results.
I didn’t buy any of Roger Scott’s programs and I’m not trying to convince anyone you should buy anything from him. That said, after watching his presentation and looking at his sites just before finding this page… Just want to clarify a few items mentioned in this article. Roger did not claim to make $740,000,000 from $5,000. He claimed to have taken a $20,000,000 portfolio as a hedge fund manager to $740,000,000 – this was investor capital not his own money, and gains were over 10 years. He may have only been a member of that group, and not the one making buy/sell decisions for the the clients, that wasn’t clear in his presentation. He was also not the one giving advice to the White House, it was one of his partners in “the Fund”. Hope that helps.
Thanks to for research and information.
Wow. So glad I stumbled on this site and found out the truth before I bought in. You guys saved my pocketbook. Thanks
How could You Diss this guy
There are so many free bees
Trade what YOU think but make informed decisions with the help of those you trust
Mr. Roger Scott
Trade In The Direction Of The Major Trend
It’s very tempting as well as less difficult psychologically to
trade against the trend. People are naturally conditioned to
buy low and sell high, so it’s very difficult for some to change
their belief system when it comes to financial markets.
I’ve back tested numerous trading methods over the past
two decades and trading in the direction of the overall trend
lowers your risk, increases size of gains and percentage of profitability.
To determine whether or not the underlying asset is trading in an uptrend,
simply confirm that the underlying asset is trading above both the 200 day and 50 day
simple moving average.
d.Rob Booker:
12 Hour and the gift is gone:
You are one miserable piece of work, contrary to anything Roger Scott has written this review is a total waist of time and discourages much valuable information that is available for FREE from Mr. Roger Scott. It is no wonder that Mr. Scott didn’t respond to this B.S. nor look to pay for your useless and un credible skills as a reviewer. I have a lot more to say but can’t waist my time right now, You already owe me large for wasting my time, with this slanderous review!
Hi Mike,
Wealth Press is owned and operated by Agora Financial. Don’t trust my opinion, trust the opinion of the Federal Trade Commission, which is currently suing the company for fraud.
Roger Scott, the purported licensed attorney, and White House financial advisor, should definitely sue me for this “slanderous review.”
He is an attorney, so this should be easy, right? Wrong. Roger Scott is not an attorney, has never been an attorney, and any response from Roger Scott will be met with a legal armageddon. He knows this.
Unfortunately, Roger Scott has sold you a cup of Kool-Aid. Eventually, you will come around. Everyone always does. And we can be friendly and respectful towards each other.
I am presenting information that is challenging your core beliefs. Remember, I am on your side.
That was a waste of time reading. Why learn from someone who can’t even provide a live trade statement. Roger and Booker are ripoffs.
I did RS Bootcamp. It was a load of crap in the real world of trading.
Roger Scott’s lying and total BS does not really surprise me. But Rob Booker? I always thought he might be a decent person…guess I was wrong.
When I saw the Booker was affiliated and “owned” by Scott, it was a real disappointment. Guess I need to do some digging on Booker now.
I have been convinced that Roger Scott “and friends” have been scammers for quite a while, now. I just came across this review and was happy to find that your opinion matches mine. And, I, too, have been a moderate fan of Rob Booker, for quite some time. I almost bought his “lifetime” membership, back when it was $169 (years ago, pre-WealthPress; $2,497, now, “on sale”), but his style and mine do not match — he thinks nothing of being 1,000’s of pips in drawdown, waiting for the market to swing back around, which I cannot do, psychologically. During one of his pre-WealthPress presentations, he said that, in order to make $50 per day trading, I would need to be willing to have a near-constant drawdown of “around $1,500”. No, thank you!
(I have been investing and trading for more than 30 years and I cut ALL losses at no more than 2% of my account size, while still being able to make decent trades, with decent win amounts. Why play with fire?)
When Rob Booker first teamed up with Roger Scott, I was both surprised and dismayed, as I had a higher opinion of Rob than that. I know that Rob had been looking, for some time, to sell his business, while staying on to keep “doing his thing”. I have copies of one of his podcast series (he has done several over the years) in which he says things that are in complete opposition to what he says now, as part of WealthPress. It appears that WealthPress bought him out and, now, owns his soul.
I watched the first presentation that they did together. I forget the name of their system, but they were “demonstrating” triple digit profits: (paraphrasing) “If you took these trades, your initial investment would become more than a million dollars in 10 trades.” (And, they showed 10 trades that Rob supposedly made where this would have happened.) There was also some mention, that I don’t remember well enough to paraphrase, about having no, or essentially no, losses. So, out of curiosity, with no intent to purchase, I looked at the stated guarantee, and it was: (paraphrasing) “If the annual return is less than the stock market’s, you get another year free.” Talk about a logic disconnect! Going from a presentation that offers the idea of “Easy triple digit returns to your first million within 10 trades!” to a guarantee that is based on — hopefully — making as much as the market’s return — well! What more proof of their offer being a scam does one need?
At that point, I lost all faith in anything Rob Booker says, puts forth, recommends, etc., which I feel badly about. I really used to like him. I have personally talked with him. He wrote some really good books, even one based upon his Christian faith, but if you sell your soul to the devil….
What I would like to see are brokerage statements from the arrogant assassin who wrote this hatchet job review … it is either NOT CREDIBLE or COMPLETELY IDIOTIC that he actually put in that much work to “verify” a smear job
So, what’s YOUR name, jackass … are you a “journalist” or an “academic”?
Do you have ANY trading experience whatsoever?
Are you so poorly compensated that you can’t simply pick one of “Roger Scott’s” (or anybody elses for that matter) programs that match your risk tolerance and investment objectives, BUY IT, TRADE IT, and then say something both helpful and informative?!?
Yes, I’m a customer of “Roger Scott” … I’m also a curmudgeonly septuagenarian that neither believed his hype nor lost money on his Income Elite program … probably because I didn’t “hire” him to tell me what to do … only where to look … for reasonable trades.
I spent $1495 … I’m up $5000 YTD … but I TOOK RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY TRADES AND MANAGED THEM MYSELF … and didn’t whine and cry about the ones that didn’t quite pan out.
NO. This is NOT my whole nestegg … just my “keep myself busy for fun” retirement thing…
GROW UP, people … if any of you think that THIS site giving some program “signet ring and hot wax” has any more value than simply putting down your own money and trying things for yourself then you REALLY do NOT need to be trading AT ALL.
It’s REALLY SIMPLE … open a ThinkOrSwim account with a Paper Trading capability … see whose program (not necessarily Roger Scott’s) actually aligns with your risk tolerance and investment objectives, paper trade it for AT LEAST three months to get a feel for when/how it works, AND take advantage of any training opportunities it affords … THEN decide if you want to simply write off that “investment in yourself” or whether you want to put REAL money to work at it.
It’s OK to do this SEVERAL times … IT’S MUCH CHEAPER THAN THE SCHOOL OF EXPERIENCE: Tests First, Lessons Later, High Tuition.
You could take the opinion of journalist/academic jackasses about who is or isn’t a charlatan and eventually give up and start trading on your own … and literally “BLOW UP” one or more accounts and eventually give up … MUCH POORER.
Don’t look for reviews … look for opportunities, however you define that, and put your nose in it.
Take responsibility for your OWN decisions … otherwise I can hear you now: “…waaahhh… I lost money, but Trading Schools said he was good!”
Wow, Ray. This is one of the best responses I have read in awhile.
The article was well researched. A tremendous amount of investigative work went into this “hatchet job review” from an “arrogant assassin.”
Surely, you must admit that it is facially implausible that the “Lawyer” turned $5k into $720 million, virtually overnight? And the part about being a “key economic advisor” for the White House?
The Roger Scott tree of marketing nonsense, hyperbole, and outlandish claims was ripe for the plucking.
Yet, you snoot and snivel about personal responsibility…but rely upon others to hold your hand for stock picks? You paid this Roger Scott nitwit $1,495 for his ‘secret sauce?’ Come on now. Surely you dont need to wear such an unflattering diaper?
Regardless, loved your comment. Much appreciated. And very entertaining.
He has a new one called the Cyborg. I assume he prays on unsuspecting victims, but at some point he’ll run into legal trouble. Good thing he’s a lawyer… lol
Really, Rick? You post your “fanboy” opinion based on WHAT? Do you have experience with WealthPress programs to share? OR NOT?
I did his first Bootcamp. Roger Scott is a fraud. His methods are created from a software package called portfolio123 which he has students using and is also stealing their ideas to come up with another trading system. The guy’s a scam.
Where’s the live trade accounts? period.
He has a new one called the Cyborg. What a fool.
Heard the too good to be true presentation yesterday, 10/23/19, for Wealthpress’ On the Clock. Roger has a “magic” timer based on his algorithms. He is touting results of 3 times your investment in just a couple of weeks, sometimes days. Any subscribers of this subscription? Please share your results. Thanks.
I watched a video about the “On The Clock” system yesterday (10/29/19), and got 3 free stock suggestions (although not the exact timing for them…the “clock” part). As an experiment, I bought options on all three. So far, after 1 day, one is up about 50%, one is down about 13% and one is even. I don’t know a huge amount about him, but I don’t think he made any of the outrageous claims you attribute to him in this article. He did say he went to law school (but never claimed to practice).
Hello, this was my very first time of watching and listening to your signals programme for just few minutes. Because my network connection was very very bad. I missed the main part
Please can u send me the recorded presentation so that I can finish watching it. This my first time seeing and hearing from you guys. I’m a novice in trading just started this month.
I’m a Nigerian. Will love to learn more from u guys. Thanks
Hes now doing the jump trades with Rob Booker, another dodgy dealer. Watch out!
Mr. Rob Booker is an affiliate of Mr. Roger Scott who like Roger Scott has been analyzing and trading the Markets for in excess of 20 Yrs. Rob Bookers market of choice has been the Currency Markets. I have traded the Currency Markets for 6 yrs now and the Jump Trade program although I haven’t had the time to work it makes a lot of sense to me, Currency Strengths in the futures market and I monitor currency strengths to trade the forex what are you credentials Mr. Bingo bango bango, (or is it Mr. Bingo Bango Bango aka????) it seems to me I would certainly enjoy their company more than yours.
Rob Booker sold his soul to the devil. He is now part of the Agora Financial stable of financial conmen.
@William > You’ve already signed up for Roger’s Jump Trade Alerts, why would you be perusing review sites afterwards? Obviously, it doesn’t make sense. Why would you care or take the time to defend him and his services? His claims are clearly outrageous!
Money Man, I haven’t sign up for anything yet other than Mr. Scott’s gifted/Free information and it has given me some of the best insights I have been able to manage on the internet in Trading Options over the last two yrs. Do you have anything constructive to offer? and what is clearly YOU?
It is obvious that the negative reviews are written by non-subscribers who have probably never traded before. Otherwise, we would learn what service was subscribed, what trades were taken and what the results have been.
That was the worst written article I have seen in a while!
I have a subscription to Jump Trade Alerts and made enough profit on the very first option rotation recommendations to more than cover the subscription price! Any subscriber who cannot make a profit from this service must never have traded before.
A complete trade record for both options and equities is available to subscribers on the website.
The recommendations do need to be actively managed for best results. A recent options rotation claimed a 4.75% return after the 2 weeks. Active management netted me a 69% return in the same period.
Thank you for your investigative journalism. I hope that anyone considering this furu’s service happens upon this article first.
Great work Trading Schools.Org. I’ve listened to his webinar, and no doubt Roger Scott is a great presenter but I don’t think he himself realizes that the numbers he throws at you comes of so comical.
@trader73: You may wanna post that “paid” review on a website not called “sports daily” to come off at least somewhat believable, just saying, lol.
Here’s what appears to be an unbiased review from someone who paid for access to Roger’s stuff. Prior to the review, they traded with Roger for several months:
You and the writer of that were paid off.
Yep, anyone signing up for this is either lazy or stupid or both. Do the hard work or don’t do it at all. Strike Portfolio-Roger Scott (2019May07)
I just attended Roger Scott’s another webinar the “First Strike Portfolio” for a year $2497 (RRP:4997$). I decided to do a research before to make a Good or Bad step ahead. Is it anybody signed up for Roger’s “First Strike Portfolio”, IF YOU HAVE any experience regarding to his “First Strike Portfolio” please share with me. Thank You!
What hi is Selling for us:
*Order Entry Instructions for Stocks and Options
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