Verified Trades
User Experience
Traders Help Desk
No live trading. Trading room is a “showroom” set up to sell indicators and trading courses. Vendor has a perfect trading record, after the fact. Vender claimed profits from a live account, however account was later discovered to be a DEMO account. A long time track record at marketing excellence and exuding confidence. Buyer beware.
User Review
( votes)The prices and offerings include:
- Platinum Trading Package $3,495
- Silver Trading Package $2,995
- Getting Started With Day Trading Package $2,495
- Nine Separate Indicator Offerings ranging from $99 to $995.
The Platinum and Silver Trading Packages also have an additional annual membership option of $795 that gives you full access to any additional indicators or webinars.
The Live Trading Room Experience
The first thing you notice when browsing through the Traders Help Desk website and blog is that no performance for the trading room is present. In addition to no performance for the trading room, Gail Mercer also does not disclose her personal trading performance anywhere on the website or blog. However, the blog contains post trade summaries of Gail’s trades. Since we do not have the benefit of hindsight, the only option was to actually log into the Traders Help Desk trading room and record everything that we witnessed.
During the months of October, November and December, we managed to record the minimum 20 hours we use for our initial review. The video was collected and recorded with Camtasia screen recording software, and the raw video was reviewed and edited by my assistant in the Philippines. During the entire 20 hours, over multiple days, spanning 3 months, we were not able to record a single trade given by Gale. There was a massive amount of conversation about indicators that foretold possible events, but the entire time in the trade room was really meant not for trading, but for selling of indicators. Once again, no trading. The trading room is meant as only a marketing prop for the selling of indicators and trading packages.
One of the things we found disturbing was the post trade results that Gail would publish on her blog, that described how well she was performing. For instance, On November 18, 2014 Gail published “Beautiful entry this morning on the DAX Futures that netted me 106 points”. This trade was never discussed in the live trading room. I emailed Gail and requested that she provide a screen shot or broker statement that verified that she took this trade. She never responded.
Post Trade Perfection
If you review more of Gail Mercer’s trading blog, you will also plenty of posts showing how well she is trading. However, these are always after the market has closed and she has had plenty of time to create the post. Which in itself is not sign of fraud, however, over a three month period we requested that she show some sort of proof that she ever took these trades. She never responded.
Clear Signs Of Deception
Although we were never able to capture any real trades within the live trading room, we did capture some outright deception within her video posts. For instance, on October 8th, Gail posted a video and sent out an email alert on how she had profited $1,565 on a series of binary option trades. I outright asked if these were live money trades and she confirmed. Next I requested a brokerage account to confirm and was ignored. However, she did post a live recorded video of the trades that I was able to scrutinize. But first lets take a look at what she claimed on her blog post and email:
This results show 5 trades; 4 winners and 1 loser for a daily profit of $1,545. I confirmed with Gail that these were live trades. However, when I took a closer look at the video of her live trades on the Nadex platform…you can clearly see that these were not actual trades. These trades were executed on
Seeking The Truth
Over the past 3 months, we have gone around and around with Gail Mercer regarding any verification that she actually trades or even has a trading account. She is more than willing to show videos of her actual live trading on simulator and posts results on her website and blog, but whenever you ask for real verifacation, Gail would come up with some very creative responses like, “I would have to schedule an audit and the audit would need to be verified before it could be posted or sent”. Another response, “Since I publish many articles to various news sources, these news sources make sure I am in compliance with the regulations, I cannot ignore these rules and regulations”, and, “The CFTC and NFA will not allow me to show a screen shot of my real account because it could jeopardize the internal security at the brokerage”.
In Summary
At the end of the day, Gail Mercer has been selling trading indicators and courses on the internet for years. She is good at misdirection and teasing the reader with just enough information where
Thanks for reading. Sorry for another depressing review. But keep your chin up, and dont lose faith in humanity just yet. Why? Because there are some really good educators out there, that are more interested in teach you how to trade than fleecing you of your money.
Don’t forget to leave your comments below. And Gail, if you are reading this…if you can just show me that you have made even single trade with a real account, then I will be happy to take this review down.