Trade Reversal: Something smells fishy in Florida

Trade Reversal
  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


Timothy Stetin of Trade Reversal is making outrageous claims. He claims to work at a Top-5 hedge fund, yet is unwilling to name this supposed hedge fund. He claims to be a former RIA (Registered Investment Advisor) yet FINRA and the SEC have no information on this guy.

He claims to be a professional trader earning thousands of percent per year but can provide absolutely zero proof. Unwilling to provide account statements or anything verifiable to support his claims.

Has lorded over eight now-defunct websites and domain names offering similar products as Trade Reversal.

He claims to be the owner of a money management company that has zero footprint or prior regulatory registrations.

More holes in this guy’s story than a rusty bucket. However, I found him quite likable and honest about being dishonest.


Good marketing

An affable and good-natured professional salesman

Doesn’t “seem” like a scammer


Complete and total bullshit resume

No verifiable track record of trades

Employed by a Top-5 hedge fund is obviously nonsense

Blatant bullshit regarding FINRA and SEC registration

Thanks for reading today’s review of Trade Reversal

What is Trade Reversal? The company is offering a live trading room and stock picking service that focuses on publicly listed, and higher volume stocks. I would consider this service a standard ‘stock picking service.’ The picks are delivered through a push app, and the app can be downloaded through the Google App Store or the Apple App Store.

Companies that develop actual applications that work on desktop and mobile devices typically are not scammers. The cost of deploying a mobile app is both time-consuming and labor-intensive. Therefore, since the company appears to be making a considerable investment in infrastructure, it is hard to imagine this being a ‘fly by night’ scam.

The cost of Trade Reversal is $100 per month. There are no ‘educational’ components. The consumer simply subscribes and attempts to replicate the trading picks of the moderator.

According to Archive.Org, the Trade Reversal website launched sometime in late 2014.

A review of the Archive.Org webpages, over an extended period of time, reveals that the company has actually had many different trading-related businesses — all now defunct. Some of these now-defunct websites include the following:


All of these now-defunct websites is definitely a RED FLAG. You have to wonder what sorts of dirt was swept under the carpet.

Another RED FLAG would be the nearly flawless track record of trades on the old websites. Page after page of supposedly winning trades, with nearly all +100% to +900% returns on investment — but hardly ever a mention of any losing trades! This sort of track record is screaming  possible ‘SCAM.’ In my opinion, these sorts of track records are inconsistent with the truth or reality.

How does Trade Reversal advertise their services?

It would appear that the primary channel of advertisement is through StockTwits.

In 2017, I drafted an article titled: Stock Twits: The Facebook of Fraud. In this article, I described how unlicensed and unregistered investment advisors had run amok on StockTwits. The entities were using the StockTwits platform to sell ‘investment advice’ and ‘money management services’ to an unwitting public. Indeed, over the years, a slew of these phonies have been shut down by the SEC, or arrested by the FBI. When it comes to StockTwits advertisements, extreme caution is the ‘soup du jour.’

StockTwits polices nothing. In fact, it appears that they perpetrate fraud through their advertising practices. Nobody should be able to advertise ‘money management’ without actually being a licensed money manager.

However, just because Trade Reversal advertises their services on a social media platform, that is rife with fraud, does not mean that Trade Reversal is running a fraud. However, they are definitely swimming in the same pool with plenty of sharks.

Who is Trade Reversal?

According to the Trade Reversal website, the primary ‘stock picker’ is a person named Tim Stetin.

In various promotional biographies, Mr. Tim Stetin describes himself as a “former Registered Investment Advisor, money manager, owner of an investment advisory named Newvest Investments, and current employee of a Top 5 Hedge Fund located in Manhatten New York.” Additionally, Mr. Stetin also claims to be a TV personality, portfolio manager, and grand champion of some sort of trading competition.

Obviously, these are quite the credentials. One has to wonder how someone with such an amazing resume would be selling stock picks for $99 per month. If I were working at a “Top 5 Hedge Fund,” I certainly would not be rubbing elbows with Joe and Mary Sixpack, offering a stock pick for a few bucks a month. It smells fishy.

Regardless, in spite of the odd shape and funny smell, we decided to dig deeper into the personal history of Mr. Tim Stetin.

According to public records, it appears that Tim Stetin registered a limited liability company (Trade Reversal LLC) to an address in Florida. The address is 410 3rd street, Clermont Florida, which appears to be a very modest home located in the Orlando Florida suburbs. Warren Buffett also lives in a modest home in Nebraska, so I am not sure we can glean much useful information from this comparison. However, this certainly does not appear to be the abode of a high falootin’ hedge fund manager. Rents in the area are typically $800 per month. Not exactly the Ritz Carlton.

Next, we decided to dig further into the personal proclamations of Mr. Stetin. Specifically, he represents himself as a former RIA or Registered Investment Advisor and money manager with a company named Newvest Investments. All money managers and money management companies are required to register with FINRA and the SEC or Securities and Exchange Commission. This registration is not voluntary, it is mandatory.

According to FINRA, with their records dating back to 1982, there is NO person named Tim Stetin registered in any capacity. In fact, there is no person with even the last name of Stetin registered in any capacity, or ever registered in any capacity. Additionally, there is no trace of any company Newvest Investments ever registered in any capacity. Please check for yourself.

According to the SEC or Securities and Exchange Commission, additionally, there is no record of any RIA or Registered Investment Advisor named Timothy Stetin. Not now, or ever. Once again, I suggest that you please check for yourself.

As you can probably imagine, when drafting a review, these sorts of unverifiable credentials are highly alarming. But still I pressed onward in hopes of figuring out just who this dude really is.

Phone Call with Timothy Stetin

Using an alias, I next sent an email to Tim Stetin and asked if he could provide any proof that his supposed track record was true or false. A short time later, the company responded that “we have no track record that can be verified.” Instead, I was offered to “try the service out” and “we keep records of the trades on the website.”

However, as readers are acutely aware, what is posted on a website is too often pure baloney. Anyone can post an amazing track record of trades and proclaim their genius.

The email would not suffice as verifiable proof. Nor would I “trust” the material on the webpages.

Next, I called the phone number listed on the Limited Liability Company and to my surprise, someone actually answered the phone. This hardly ever happens. Scammers usually dont answer and hide behind voicemail.

To my surprise, a pleasant voice introduced himself as Tim Stetin. Using an alias name, I next began to pepper Tim with questions.

Question #1: You claim to be a registered investment advisor, why is this not showing up at FINRA or the SEC? He meekly replied, “Well, it’s been a few years and perhaps the database is old?”

Question #2: You claim to be a successful trader and money manager. Do you have verifiable account statements that I can see? He replied, “No, I dont have any account statements. But maybe in the future, I will include those on the website.”

Questions #3: You claim to work at a Top 5 Hedge Fund, which hedge fund is this? He replied, “I cannot divulge this information.”

The whole conversation seemed surreal. It was a mix of ‘gotcha’ journalism and a poor man’s version of 60-minutes, with a sprinkle of Jerry Springer.

Truth be told, I sort of liked him. At least he was honest about what is so obviously dishonest. He just sort of wiggled his way through the conversation and replied, “look, I don’t want to hurt anybody” and “you can try my service for free.” Which was actually a nice gesture, especially considering that I just ran the guy’s balls through a meat grinder.

Wrapping Things Up

As with all things, the truth is probably someplace in the middle. The guy is obviously full of shit, but certainly not the worst character I have written about.

The “Top 5 hedge fund” and “Registered Investment Advisor” nonsense? Well, he obviously is full of shit and probably made it all up. But at least he had an excuse very handy!

On the other hand, if the guy cleans up his act and stops with the resume inflation, and posts actual brokerage statements, then I would definitely revisit this review. And reassess.

But as it stands now, this appears to be yet another ‘scammy’ StockTwits whack-a-doodle looking to sell ‘investment advice.’

Thanks for reading. And thanks for the individual that took the time to request the review.


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