Verified Trades
User Experience
No verified trades. No trading DOM present. Published track record of fantastic returns could not be verified and borders on the outrageous. Trading room moderator became extremely agitated, and hyper aggressive when confronted and asked for proof of real trading. Moderator claims to be a full time professional trader and hedge fund manager, however was able to confirm is actually the driver of an ice cream truck.
User Review
( votes)Thanks for reading today’s review of TradeOrderFlow.Com and TradeTheEminis.Com
What is and Both websites are owned operated by the same owner, Maria Roussos, from Long Island, New York. The trading room comes at a cost of $3,500 for six months, or a one year membership at a cost $4,500.
This trading room came onto my radar this past May. Several different readers had sent me private requests to review the trading room. In the notes section of the intake request from, I was warned that the moderator was not actually trading, and was simply talking about trading. Of course, moderators that talk about trading and do not actually trade, is nothing new for me. In fact, I find that most trading rooms are just extended infomercials for the moderator to pitch their wares. Regardless, I went into this review with a clear perspective and an open mind.
My initial observation of the websites were that both were very amateur and they appear to be roughly strewn together with a generic website builder. Their did not appear to be much investment in appearance or usability. However, what caught my attention was that the owner of this business claimed that she earned $58,043 since the beginning of the 2015, with her personal trading account. Naturally, this really interested me because her bold claim of these profits would be very easy to verify and document. And I certainly expected transparency.
Contacting Maria Roussos
My initial contact with Maria was to request a trial to her trading room. I did not mention that I would be recording the trading session, nor did I mention that I write thorough reviews for my trading blog, TradingSchools.Org. I simply acted like a customer, that was very interested in what she was selling. She mentioned that she was a “Certified Educational Provider” for Ninja Trader. She also claimed that she was a hedge fund manager with many years of earning a full time trading through her trading. She explained that with her help, and with her special indicators, that I also would soon be a professional trader and be earning a living at day trading.
After speaking with Maria Roussos for several days via email, and collecting this information, I began to do a little research in an attempt to discover more about her. Specifically, I wanted to know about her history as a hedge fund manager.
After a few days of research, I was able to discover that for the better part of 20 years, she has been primarily employed as a floral designer. You can find her local business page on Facebook here.
In addition to her job as a floral designer, she also drives an ice cream truck. You can read about the ice cream truck business though the previous link. Its actually a pretty
Ok, sure. So Maria Roussos is not actually a hedge fund manager as she claims. She designs flower arrangements for weddings and drives an ice cream truck around Long Island. Is that so bad? Personally, I enjoyed reading about her entrepreneurial exploits. Especially the ice cream truck. If I were her, I would drop the hedge fund nonsense and talk about the other pursuits. But apparently she feels that being a hedge fund manager gives her “Street Cred”.
The Trading Room Experience
My original visit to the trading room in earlier in May. Using an anonymous name, email address, and IP address, I requested a free trial. Normally, I spend several days recording the trading sessions. However, it became painfully obvious, and quite quickly that Maria was not actually trading. No DOM present on screen, no trading from the charts. Her approach to the trading room appears to be simply conversations about trading and where she should, could, or would get into a trading position. However, I have to give her credit, her years of providing customer service as a flower lady and an ice cream truck lady has afforded excellent conversational skills. She can talk. And she certainly understands the job of a trading room moderator is a lot about providing entertaining conversation. For this aspect, I have to give her a lot of credit.
The Track Record
After several days of attending the room, I requested that she provide proof of her fantastic trading results. She seems to have a series of well rehearsed and canned excuses on why she could not or would not reveal personal trading performance. She knew that I was not going to convert into a $4,500 customer because of my line of questions and then she simply stopped answering my emails. The gig was up.
Initially, I was not even going to write this review and just let her carry on with the performance charade. I mean really, she gets nearly zero web traffic. And her only source of web traffic comes from being listed as Ninja Trader Educator. Who wants to read about a lady operating a petty hustle from the back of an ice cream truck? But then I got a few more requests, one in particular got my attention and I decided to just go ahead and write the review.
Getting Closer To The Truth
One of things I like to do when writing a review is to lay a little trap. I will first go into the trading room and record, and collect all of the evidence that I need. Then after collecting all that I need, I will come back to the trading room and request a review…but this time using my real identity. The second time around, I explain that I will be writing a review based upon what I see inside of the trading room. The legit vendors always invite me inside and are happy that I am willing to review because they want the publicity. They usually will only request that they get a final edit, or address any negative issues before I publish. Which is fair. However, the vendors that realize that TradingSchools.Org is knocking on the door, they will barricade the door as quickly as possible. There is nothing worse for them than to get the scam exposed. But what they dont already know is that I have already collected the video and evidence.
After I revealed myself to Maria and requested admittance into her trading room, she turned immediately hostile. She threatened to call the police and report me for cyber bullying. She fired off a staccato of rapid fire emails threatening me from every direction. She wanted nothing to do with my review and threatened that if I published anything that she would report me to the US Attorney General and the California Attorney General, and whomever she could think of. As I read through this pathetic string of emails, I thought to myself…this lady is just to small to even bother with. Nobody even knows about her. I should just leave her alone and let her pull her little hustle to the occasional fool that wanders into the scam. But she just wouldn’t stop.
Her next, and final spasm was to have all of her customers start emailing me. Many talked about how Maria was their personal financial lord and savior. Some were angry and wrote nasty messages and threatened to beat me up. Stupid, juvenile threats.
When Financial Jesus Refuses To Walk On Water
I am not at all upset that her customers sent me a batch of nasty messages. I usually respond that I am simply trying to verify her claims of being a hedge fund manager and verify her claims of making $10k each month with nary a losing trade. Its nothing personal towards her, I just want to see proof.
One of the weird dynamics of trading gurus is when the students of the guru are faced with the reality that the guru might actually be a fake. The most typical response is complete denial at the evidence. I mean really, all Maria has to do is show her customers her trading records. But they refuse to press her, because in their hearts they know the truth, which is so plainly obvious to the outside observer. They next will typically respond angrily and lash out at the accuser, for they must protect the Guru, and all that the Guru represents.
Why protect the Guru? Because when a person spends thousands of dollars with a trading educator, and the emotional investment, and the time investment, what he has done is build a world in which he shortly expects to one day live in. Maria is selling the dream of day trading, and easily earning $10k each month with nary a loss. Her customers have bought the dream and all that represents. However, when someone like myself comes along and questions the foundation in which this dream is built upon, then the reaction is denial and anger.
Well that’s it for today. Another crappy trading product. Don’t forget to leave a comment below. Even the haters will find that their voices are heard and admired.