The Stock Swoosh by Mellissa Armo
Verified Trades
User Experience
Zero honesty with this trading room. Dont waste your time or money. Mellisa Armo does not trade, and can barely talk intelligently about trading. Disgraceful, lack of morals, character or basic human decency.
User Review
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Owner: Mellissa Armo
Gap Day Trading Stocks
Cost: $2500 to $249.
The Stock Swoosh is a day trading room room, specializing in gaps, owned and moderated by Mellissa Armo. You can find her constantly running paid webinars on Online Trader Central at a cost of $800 per webinar. Since she has done multiple webinars, then she must be selling plenty of educational packages. But are the educational packages of any value, does she really trade? Is she the real deal?
The First Thing I Notice
The first thing you will notice on her website is that she posts no track record of trades called inside the live trading room. There is not a shred of trade history anywhere to be found. I emailed Melissa and asked for a spreadsheet of past trades, she responded that she did not keep a history of trades, but that I should not worry because most of her trades were winners. OK, I guess.
Asking For Proof
Since she has zero track record, I politely asked for an account statement showing that she actually trades. I told her that it matters not whether the statement shows a profit or loss, just any statement will do. Just show me one singular trade, please. She responded that if she shows trades then it could reveal “the secret sauce”. I am not sure what “secret sauce” is, but it sure sounds tasty!
Any Proof Will Do
Since she does not keep a record of trades, and no account statement to verify, I ask for some personal references from former students. She then sent me the names and phone numbers of 3 people: the first was a black kid that told me that he was a free trial student, and did not have a trading account. The second person told me that they were also a trial student, and the 3rd person was an actual purchaser of the course. However, they were trying to get a refund, and felt they had been scammed. This person referred me to a personally written report that they had submitted to The Rip Off Report. You can read about it here.
But I Always Give The Benefit Of The Doubt
Of course, I know of several other trading educators that have been tarred with a few bad reviews, and you simply cannot judge the validity of a trading educator by the often unrealistic expectations of newbie traders. Regardless of no track record of trades, no account statements, and a terrible review from one her best references, I decided to give Melissa the benefit of the doubt. I would try her service with an open mind. And so I signed up for a trial of the trading room, and then began my one month period of observing and recording. Important note: each trial period lasts only one week, to counter this, and avoid having to pay the monthly subscriber fee, I used a proxy service called Hipe My Ass, and several different randomly created email addresses. This allowed me to sign up for multiple trial accounts and also remain anonymous.
Melissa Is A Persistent Salesperson
Be warned, Melissa is not afraid to sell you. She aggresively attacked each of my fake profiles like a dog begs for rib bones at a barbeque. She is not afraid to call you, and with a sweet voice, she tells you that she just wants to help you realize your dreams of trading success. She is smooth and sweet. Admittedly and a bit shamefully I allowed myself to become bit enamored with her sweet voice and curiously wondered if she were a single lady. Her profile picture is kind of cute, so be warned if you like pretty ladies because Melissa plays it well.
Inconsistencies That Made Me Leary
Quite a few times some things would happen that made me really worry. For instance, on several occasions I was 15 to 20 minutes late to the opening of the live trading room. Every damn time I would show up late, as soon as I entered the room, Melissa would then start cooing about the big winner we had this morning. She would be congratulating the attendees and telling them that this is how its done. While I would sit there green with envy. After this happened 3 times, I began to smell a rat. So I decided to set up a rat trap…
The Rat Trap
I set up a test to see if my theory that Melissa was purposely puffing up the performance as people would arrive throughout the trading day. So I set up 2 separate accounts; account A would show up at exactly on time and record the exact trades that Melissa called out. Account B would show up later in the session to see if Melissa would start up the glory of winning nonsense that I suspected. Sure enough, whenever I used either account as a late entry into the trading room, she would pull this nonsense. Its pretty clever how she pulls it off. I felt like I was at a Las Vegas magic show, a little slight of hand, a little smoke, a nice shiny mirror, etc.
Swishes and Swooshes: good luck attempting to replicate
Mellisa uses two primary words to describe her trade set ups; either a swish or a swoosh. But does she call out exactly entry and exit points? Nope. Not even once during the month I spent in her live trading room. She would use a lot of nebulous words like “thats the swish pattern we have been looking for guys! That’s it! But no mention of the entry or exit price. The best way to describe her trading service…imagine that its a clear night, and there is not a cloud in the sky. There are plenty of stars in the sky. And both Melissa and yourself are desperately attempting to find a UFO. Every so often, you will hear Melissa’s sweet voice make a mighty declaration, “There is it! A UFO. Did you see it?” But just as you look at the direction she is pointing, and see nothing, she say’s “Wow, you need to be just a bit faster in your observation”. And then she mutters, “Don’t worry about not seeing it as quickly as me, if you just spend $2500 on my advanced course, you will be able to see the UFO’s with no problem.”
Finally Its Over

The Mellisa Armo investment method.
Admittedly, I was really glad to get out of the live trading room and get this report written. The constant deception made me tired and irritable. I would catch myself, time and again, thinking to myself that she is going to start that glorious winning nonsense everytime someone new arrived late into the trading room. And the constantly talk of swishes an swooshes, with no data to prove here theories was frustrating. At the end of the day, Melissa knows its all just a hustle and she is praying upon the gullible person, that is desperate to learn and earn. She is just another in a long line of hucksters with a never ending supply of snake oil to cure every ill. However, I have to give her a few positive accolades. And that would be that at least she does not populate her website with fake and fraudulent performance numbers. She is old school and relies on pure salesmanship to get the deal done.
What are your thoughts? Thanks for reading.
These reviews are a bit old but all reviewers are not credible. I believe Melissa is a very talented trader who has been making money consistently ! Many retail traders (more than 90%) do lose money trading, and they are simply jealous that she is making money constantly.
Quick Yu, go and hand over your 7K and let us know how it works out for you.
Yes, pay her $7k and let us know when you buy your first Lamborghini.
Oh, she absolutely is making money consistently, but it’s not from trading! It’s from selling $7000 memberships. Lol
I just got scammed for $7000 to take one of her classes next month in June 2020 and after having attended one of her live trading … it’s a scam save your money. Even though the class didn’t start yet I asked for a refund and she refused to refund my money even though I did not take the class
Email me for details if you are interested
Stock Swoosh
Same experience as everyone else. False advertising. Has anyone reported to SEC or State Atty General?
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not to be trusted
For the last couple of weeks Melissa sent me email asking for $5999 for some training. Today I replied by asking her for an equity curve from a live trading account. Instead she sent links to videos claiming fantastic profits. I replied telling her that I asked for an equity curve of a live trading account but instead received power point slides which anyone could have made at home; and I then asked for a copy of live trading account brokerage statements. She replied that she wasn’t legally allowed to show them. I politely informed her that we both knew she lied about that. Also, I mentioned that God is watching her, a day of judgement is coming, and there was still time to turn her life around and make an honest living for a change.
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Thanks for the heads up, will stay away from crazy koala lady.
Koala= Melissa
SHE IS PAPER TRADING. Bottom of her screen shows vtdir on her Orbis software. That stands for virtual trader directory. Look at any of her videos and it will show this.
She will not tell you her entry, will not tell you her position size, will not tell you her exit points. She will tell you that she is “up $7,000” on good days. The bad days she is magically barely down while the whole room is losing their homes.
But… but… on her twice a month seminars she heavily markets on Trader Central, she promises a quarter million a year just working 30 minutes a day!
Are you saying this constant promotion for years and years is not true? Say it isn’t so!
I see everybody chooses to ignore the “black guy” comment. Emmett, would you like to explain?
“Black guy?” Not sure what you are referring too?
“the first was a black kid that told me that he was a free trial student”
I don’t think anyone really gives a sh-t. Too much racial sensitivity from certain groups these days. If Emmett would have described a guy as an English chap or Latino or Asian, no one would have said a word. Stop crying about things that mean nothing.
She was a successful mortgage broker until 2008 when she gave it up to pursue her love of trading….Yeah, right. It didn’t have anything to do with the housing crash or anything. Seems legit
Melissa, you are one crazy bat! Tell us how the institutional traders trade. Show us how you did it when you worked at JPM Securities and SAC. Oh wait! You never traded anywhere. And BTW – Nobody leverages $3,000 for intraday trading anymore this is not 2000 you clown. You’re a clown, the worst part about u and your type is you guys think you’re smart but you literally are clueless to how finance actually works. That’s why we laugh at you.
i have day traded 15 successfully years and was listened to her strategy in the webinar and its a total scam …shes making all her money from people that don’t understand trading and people that have lost money and that are looking for a fast way to make back the losses…don’t waste any hard earned money getting swooshed to the poor house.Just think about it, a person that repeatedly refuses to provide a track record has a lot to hide..she claims that she makes $1000 a day easy…..then why are you scared to put your money where your mouth is by showing documented proof.
I did the free week trial (mostly for laffs), and lasted less than 2 days as I found myself wanting to puncture my eardrums with a Phillips head screw driver after 30 seconds of that voice. That neanderthal shrieking at a stock is more than I could stomach. I still have occasional nightmares.
I don’t think it’s even worth it for the “trade porn” with the shrieking and babbling. At least Alla Peters “fibonacciinstitute” has a soothing voice and doesn’t need to use web site silhouette photos to try to look attractive. FibQueen Borodin could be a 7 , but she’s a tool of John Carter’s room now. LBR is a has-been, 20 years over her prime.
Alla Peters doesn’t even trade the markets with real money! She is full of crap! Her methods are open to interpretation and confusing. She says one thing and does another. She makes all her money by selling her bull crap course that she shows how to do in webinars only.Alla does not even have written material on what she teaches. A successful trader should be selling and teaching, not someone who does not put his or her money where his or her big mouth is! Show live trades on a live trading platform with real money every day and make consistent profits and then you have something legitimate to sell, not some crap head that does not trade their own money. What a bunch of hypocrites!
I hear you. I sheepishly tried a trial despite all the warning signs and it was a waste of time. All she did was kept promoting her course and implying she would attend parties where hedge fund managers were present like Bob Ackerman, and claims she knew better than them but “they” wouldn’t listen to her. No dom, no sign of trading just commenting endlessly about her brand of fibonacci and telling stories. I think all those recorded audio testimonials are shills or paid actors. I’d already had my own methods of fibonacci and I wanted to try her fibonacciinstitute almost for fun, and it was a mindnumbling shamful waste of time.
Full scam. Any of us in the industry can tell. I watched on of her webinars and asked her a simple question which she fumbled over and tried to make sound right. Melissa, I can tell that you’re highly insecure and have some deep issues, so I know you probably check this twice a day; Sweetheart, you’re not fooling ANYONE. Only people too dumb – the older crowd it seems, to know any better. Enjoy that rented, overpriced, NYC pad while you can cause I am long puts in size on you and your company. Also, take out the part in your bio ‘she has made a life many would envy’ its tacky, dear. Nobody envies you. At all.
I’m interested in knowing why you chose to point out that one of the references you spoke to was black. What does that have to do with anything?
Melissa we know this is you. Get back on your lithium ya crazy ole bat!
Whether this is Melissa or not the question deserves to be answered. Why is that mentioned?
By far the most frequent marketer with online trader central. Heavy marketing the last couple of months. I logged into a webinar about 3 weeks ago, this was not an online trader central one, and listened to her say how she predicted various directions of the market to pinpoint accuracy several times over the past 4-5 years or so, as if anyone is to believe that. Then, she very clearly stated again, we can expect the market to continue UP UP UP and break through the last highs etc. Of course, since her prediction, the market has continued down and it looks like it will be down for probably 6 months or more. I wonder what she is going to say about that? Gee…. One can only guess. She is among the most egregious scammers out there and shameless in how she conducts herself
Latest promotion. She went from promising $20K a month trading to $300K a year now. The more outlandish the claims, the more people get on the “yellow brick road” with their bag of cash hoping to find the wizard “holy grail” that is promised by these bottom feeders
No it’s 1 million a year now. She is so full of shit. Melissa – show us some trade statements. At least make some fake ones up for us.
thanks for your effort, appreciate that. salute =)
She seems to be ramping up marketing
She has 2 webinars on OnlineTrader Central last week and then yesterday I got this email… Lots of desperation to get dollars in the door apparently. Good marketer!!! She works really hard at creating a persona that CARES about people etc
It is safe for me to change. I now release all thoughts or
vibrations of confusion, chaos, disharmony, disrespect, or
distrust-they are eliminated from my consciousness completely,
and I feel like a brand new person!
Welcome Spring!
Are longs different than shorts to trade? Yes!
What is one important reason to learn how to go long?
The overall market direction is currently bullish.
The long term outlook for the market is bullish.
If you are interested in trading long term overnight investments
it will benefit you to learn how to find and pick quality longs.
Again, it is all about the pick.
It is smarter and wiser to be with the market in overnight trades
or long term investments than against it. So therefore, if you have
money invested in longer term investments, or in a 401K, or
are doing swing trades- it is imperative to take this bullish class.
Learn how, what and when to go long stocks.
Sign up for the Bullish Golden Gap
Course by April 3rd and receive
The Stock Swoosh Show Live
Trading Room FREE until 12/31/2016!
Savings= $2400!!!
A course on how to strategically find,
pick and play stocks
that are professional bullish gaps.
Deadline: Tonight April 3rd at midnight.
Email: for this special.
Bullish Golden Gap Course
April 6th & 7th, 9am-5pm est
Class Tuition Fee: $4999
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Total Scam – I am an experienced trade and you need to use at least basic charting/Technicals and who the hell has time to go over a 26 point check list gimme a friggin’ break
She is really all about that marketing, as are the best scammers in the business of course. She is always advertising on OnLine Trader Central and then makes a promo video now on that ad that she has you click on for a close up of her jibber jabbering away. The funny thing is, I think she looked better when she had the camera at more of a distance, though I don’t find her attractive. When it was at a distance, at least I couldn’t see her as well,and could imagine her being attractive. Now, I not only don’t find her attractive, but her voice is always annoyed the heck out of me, and when I watch her lips move when she it talking… Yuck! Of course, that is purely my opinion and while folks may frown on me weighing in so negatively about her looks, which I am being truthful about she is asking for it clearly,… Remember, she is PROMOTING her looks to gain more business from you old guys (I am not that young) who get taken in by that stuff. This business is really something else. Maybe she will be in a bikini someday! I wouldn’t put it past her
Us old guys are so stupid. We love to talk to a pretty lady. Even if we have to pay for it.
The site’s changed with a “swoosh” sound. And you were prescient about it. There are more “glam” pics on each tab click. Where is that place she’s at? Good looking professionally done scenic photos. She must have taken these comments to heart and upped her personal glam marketing. Even the “faq” tab links have more pics.
Trader porn. Meant for us middle aged dudes. I love the sexy marketing innuendo, “The golden gap” and “Get your swoosh on”. Oh geez. Have to hand it to her, she is a pretty good marketer.
thank you for this report , to my amazement paul lange formally of pristine just joined this snake oil site.
Wow. Amazing how these people gravitate to each other.
she is now charging 5k for her golden gap course!
She did a LIVE trading session the other day and in that session, she had charts up on a monitor but you couldn’t see them, both because they were too small and there was a major glare. She seemed to concentrate on 2 stocks and called a trade on one of them to go short or long, not sure which, and she kept changing her mind as to whether to take it or not. If someone was following her, it would have been impossible. The other one, she hesitantly called correctly, and when it went her way, she was very very proud of herself… she wouldn’t top talking about herself. Then she said she has a LIVE trading day on a particular day during the week, and a question was asked multiple times whether she would show her DOM during this session and she kept ignoring the question despite almost no questions being asked, and she did answer the other ones, at least to some extent. Live trading session that she claims she is trading, but she will NOT show her DOM… Same crap
At least folks are wising up to ask to see a DOM. That is at least a step in the right direction.
They always say “live” such as Shadowtraders or even FollowMeTrades in his new scalping room trying to get by fooling people into thinking their entries are somehow live or otherwise rationalizing that trading sim on an ongoing market is “live”. Long time ago I was in a now defunct sham room. I was trading along sim and the guy happened to make a good big call where the “scalp” was more than 40 ticks on a lucky volatile move. The host was so excited so when I commented my trade was only on sim, he misunderstood me and thought I was pointing out the room was sim where I had no way of knowing prior since the room was advertised as “live” as usual. Then he exclaimed “yes, it’s sim!, but..” , then realizing what he said he fumbled over his words than tried to distract with mumbo saying how good the method worked ad nauseum. That only goes to show these scam hosts know they are always on sim and 99.9% of rooms as TS has proved are on sim and do their scammiest to try to fool newbs otherwise, or a best instill the kool-aid rationalization that sim on a “live” market is just like real! either to keep interest and staying power in the monthly churn of the room, or support another lie claim such as they trade for a living, made 100k last month, etc. etc.
I also almost fell for her sneaky charm. I must admit she is sexy even behind a computer. The way how I figured out that she is a scam is once I paid attention to the way she talked. She talks fast.
Now not every fast speaker is a scammer but I am in sales and most scammers and great scumbag salespeople talk fast. Why? Because when you talk fast,you confuse the listener and they lose track of what you actually really say. You may be talking about horse shit and after a while the person only gets focused on how you talk rather than what you say.
This is actually a very advanced method and you need to be really good at what you are doing to pull this off. She does a great job and if you watch her videos and pay attention, you’ll realize that she just talks nothing but a bunch of bull and 50% of her sentences are just fillers.
Another thing that got my attention was she never shows her trades. Ever. This is actually the number one red flag you should pay attention to. There’s nothing wrong by showing your trading screen and nobody could do anything bad or steal something by just looking at it.
That being said, if someone is not showing you the actual screen than something fishy must be going on. Maybe she is not really trading at all. That’s what came to my mind and I pushed it further and thought maybe most of the people in the room are all her.
Look at Meir Barak for example, I watched his videos and this dude really trades live. You can clearly see he is buying and selling. Although I know nothing about this guy, everything is pretty much see through and that’s how it should be.
Melissa Armo on the other hand only shows a ridiculous screenshot once in a while which can easily be photoshopped with entry level skills in less than five minutes.
All in all, I wouldn’t recommend anybody to spend any money on any person for training. Go get yourself a demo account, play with it for a few months and once you feel you are ready, do it live starting with a small amount you are comfortable losing. Practice, practice and eventually you will get better.
She is NOT sexy. Those teeth, flabby arms and sagging breasts are gross. If I were her I would fly to Thailand and get some work done on the cheap. Mellissa, if you ever give up this fraud life I hear women your age can do well ‘abroad’ if ya know what i mean.
Oh god, I cant stand this witch.
Make a Million with Mel !!!
Who’s account hers or yours?
SO glad you went after this chick.
She is pond scum…
Her trade room is one big infomercial , absolutely brutal.
No doubt she prey’s on lonely middle aged guys who have not been laid in years.
Women is nothing but a bimbo…..
Great Job Emmett ….
She sells that sexy thing well. Middle aged guys (like myself) are such suckers.
Man what are you talking about! I was just losing money hands over fist day after day. Then I discovered Melissa and how trading was fun and easy and starting with a $3K account trading futures within 2 days I was making so much money that I bought a private jet and Lamborghini. Gosh, by the end of the week I will have so much money I do not know what I will buy. I wonder if there are any islands for sale.
Vendors are you reading this I am available for testimonials. I am running a 40% off sale; only $500 a testimonial. Video testimonials are $200 more and include a picture of me next to a Lamborghini and with a model hanging on to me. I can get gold teeth if needed for an extra $500. And for an extra $200 I can show some fake brokerage statements. Oh and gosh how could I forget for an extra $1000 I can get you on Dean’s Titan list. But Emmett is tougher might have to get his records expunged to get his endorsement.
I will work cheaper than Rob.
hey guys,
Can we get together and sue her for not being allowed to issue these lousy picks
So I finally read this review.
I noticed she lost weight just in the last month. Her voice has changed from sweet to more scratchy. maybe she has a cold? However, the message of the video “trading is easy” with the positive-thinking
bull is so far from the reality of trading so an instant warning to stay away. Agreed, she has a salesmanship and attractive vibe. She could be in sales but I guess we all want to stop working for lousy bosses.
I have spent 2 weeks in Melissa’s “The Stock Swoosh” Trading Room. I have been in many trading rooms over the past few years. What I like about Melissa is that her calls are focused – she has a total of maybe 8 – 10 gapping stocks TOPS that she reviews in the morning. She uses a 26 point rating system and every stock she reviews gets a rating. For the stocks she selects as having the most potential, she will type and speak the rating, along with resistance and support levels and various targets, including her “dream target” for the day. She also types and says a stop and insists that the stop MUST be used at all times. When the market opens, she is very vocal about when to take the trade if it triggers and she also clearly says the stop at the same time. Contrary to what this reviewer said, she absolutely DOES take the trades with us. Her goal is to make money in the mornings and be done for the day. She does not take any pre-market trades, as they are often fake-outs.
While I was in the room, she did have some killer calls that I made good money on. She instructed everyone to NOT TRADE the stocks that failed to move or trigger. She also clearly tells the members to cover half or close out the positions as we get near to a target. Yes, I have stopped out and lost money on some of the calls as well, but that’s all part of the game…
She is mainly focused on short selling, but she is a big believer that the overall market is only going higher this year. One of her best picks while I was in the room was DIS long, so yes, she does take long trades as well as shorts.
I am still deciding on whether or not to take her Golden Gappers Course, as it is $3,000 and I have already spent a fair amount on trading courses, but I do like her ideas.
My two cents….
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for taking the time to write your comment. Very thoughtful and a good counterpoint to my argument. Truth be told, when I performed my original review, the room was new and so maybe she has made some improvements. I would like nothing more than to rewrite my original review. On the contrary to my trollish review, I really do not like writing negative reviews. Perhaps you can convince Melissa to contact me and I can do the review over.
For each review, I record everything for a minimum of two weeks. Take notes of every single entry and exit. If the room is being honest, then I assign my assistant to a simulated account for an additional two weeks. We record everything, no stone is left untouched. At the end of the month, I personally write the review.
Melissa would make all of this much easier if she would publish the trading calls in the room, so that we have a track record to judge your performance. Let her personal performance be the ultimate judge as to the value of her “golden gap” $3,000 trading course. Heck, if she can show me an account statement showing trades, then I would be the first to eat humble pie! Am I not being reasonable? You are considering giving her $3,000 of your hard earned money, isn’t it fair that she at least has a trading account and actually trades?
One of the biggest hurdles I have is convincing folks to verify claims of success. Do it! Its your money, you have worked hard for it. Make Melissa verify that she is actually taking trades. Get tough and ask the uncomfortable questions.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to write. I really value and respect your opinion. And I hope to read more of your comments.
Oh Emmet,
You are so reasonable. I call total BS on Melissa and the positive reviewer.
I would love to eat that humble pie with you. What do you say Melissa? Im hungry.
Melissa’s answer when I asked to provide brokerage statements.-
“I do not send out my brokerage statements to anyone. I do not feel that I need to do that to get business simply because I am making a lot of money trading-and therefore I don’t need XYZ number of clients to take my class as I make money from the market every day.
As far as educators go you won’t find anyone out there more honest than me with my knowledge of how to trade.”
Melissa the wolf preys on sheep, not a trader but a saleswoman and now a “motivator’.
Total scam. I can prove it. I have recorded her. Total denial. She said “I am in” and 5 seconds later when stock moves against her she would say “didn’t get in.” I wish I can give her minus 5 stars rating. Giving her 1 star is a tragedy to explain how dishonest and mischievous she is with training. 100% she doesn’t trade real money. Total garbage. This review above and the only positive review is writen by her. Seriously, how hard it is to stop by here and give yourself a positive reviews but to write a negative review you really have to be pissed off with a product or service. Be Aware!! Do Not Buy!! You better off buying “Gaps for Dummy’s” and have a better success. Who does 26 point rating on a one stock. There is price, volume, supply and demand. That’s all that matters.
Thanks Dave, I spent an hour in here listening to this BS about how gaps don’t have any meaning as in have no history for support or resistance, just her swish and swoosh. Oh by the way she’s expecting new highes this year. Huge short squeeze.
I dated this girl for a few years. She was a mortgage sales person and a good one. The only problem was she got herself into 200k$ in debt with credit cards at 40 and had to move back to pa with her mommy and daddy from ny and she called me to borrow money. Some money handler that is lol. She’s daddy’s little baby
You wish….
well i can tell you i have been in her room and i must say i see a snake all the way
and it sounds like she is the one that wrote this review her self …she is that type of person
Check out this crazy annoying video she put up on You Tube. In the first 10 seconds she says that “The Golden Gap is her favorite thing on the planet!?”
More favorite than your kids? Or pizza? Or a hot shower? So sick of these trading scammers selling bullshit courses.