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Superior Information Options Trading: Taste the snake oil.

Superior Information Jack Carter
Superior Information Options Trading
  • Honesty
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  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


‘Jack Carter’ is offering a full buffet of options trading products and services. In fact, his offerings span 7 various websites that he currently controls.

Mr. Carter claims to be a “Hedge Fund Manager” and industry veteran. Yet we could find no registrations with the SEC, FINRA, CFTC, or NFA regarding his supposed hedge fund and personal licensing.

He also claims incredible profits that have been audited by a CPA. We investigated and discovered that no such CPA currently exists. Nor did we find evidence of any reputable audits.

The products and services are currently being marketed in a very shady neighborhood called ClickBank, a place known for peddling magical crystals, amazing Forex trading systems, weight loss pills, potions, and devices guaranteed to grow hair.

All of the products contain the usual language that leads any reasonable person to assume that we are witnessing a hilarious, entertaining, financial snake oil salesman.

A carnival show of “secret financial formulas” and get-rich-quick language that would make PT Barnum blush.


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Thanks for reading today’s review Superior Information Options Trading

Recently, a reader submitted a request to review a website named ‘Superior Information.’ They tagged the review request as an EMERGENCY.

Whenever a reader says “this is an emergency” this usually means that they under a great deal of stress from a vendor to purchase a product or service. Their credit card is practically leaping out of their pocket and they are on the cusp of making a big decision.

Its my job to simply gather whatever evidence can be found, and then present the evidence in the form of an opinion.

The website has actually been on my radar for quite some time. The person behind this website is a very colorful character, and since there have been no negative emails or complaints regarding the vendor, then the topic moves to the lower part of the ladder.

With that being said, since someone is asking, lets get this review cranked out.

What is Superior Information?

The website is owned and operated by a person that goes by the name Jack Carter. He proclaims that he is a former hedge fund manager. This is immediately a huge red flag. And these sorts wannabe types are easy to debunk.

The first step is to check the credentials of ‘Jack Carter’ at FINRA. Not surprisingly, there is no Jack Carter registered as a money manager or operating a hedge fund. Next, I head over to the NFA or National Futures Association, the SEC or Securities and Exchange Commission, and the CFTC looking for any information about a Jack Carter and his supposed hedge fund and money management registration.

None have ‘Jack Carter’ currently registered. However, there is always the possibility that ‘Jack Carter’ was at one time an employee, in some capacity, at a stock brokerage. Perhaps many, many years ago. However, this whole ‘Jack Carter’ thing has the feel of puffery and self-aggrandizement. And in light of what we are about to explore next…it appears that ‘Jack Carter’ is a world-class bullshit artist.

What is ‘Jack Carter’ selling?

A better question should be, what is ‘Jack Carter’ not selling?

In fact, its pretty hard to tell and properly describe the menagerie of different products, services, and websites that this guy has blown through. However, the overarching theme is ‘get rich quick with options.’

Here is the following list of websites that this supposed hedge fund master of the universe is currently puffing: A website where an “Expert Trader Gives Away #1 Secret To Making Profit Rich Stock Trades.” We signed up for the “secret” and our email inbox was immediately swarmed with I would best describe as magical information. A $1997 product that includes all the accouterments more commonly seen on a TV infomercial selling a chicken roaster. There are Free Bonuses, VIP Access, spoon-fed trade alerts, a Four Day Cash Machine (whatever that means). And of course, there is a mountain of supposed testimonials from people earning $5k to $10k per week! How to make 10% each and every week! Which if to be believed, would turn a $10k investment into $1,034,825 in only a single year. Gee, why would anyone sell such an amazing secret trading strategy? a product that claims “an unusual trading experiment exposed” that teaches you how to flip stocks for huge profits in only 2 to 10 days. You guessed it, Jack wants to sell you the ‘secret’ of this unusual trading experiment for few thousand bucks. a $7 book that proclaims “all of my secrets are revealed” and how you are 100% guaranteed to profit and be richly rewarded with my secrets hedge fund strategy that I used to manage $1,000,000,000! Yep, that a B for billion. All of this for only $7? a #1 secret that is proven make money in any market condition! All can be yours for only $999 and you get a free chicken roaster if you purchase right now! a one-click software program that automatically tells you which stocks are going higher tomorrow. Just click the button. And the magic happens before your very eyes. But hurry because this magical software is in such high demand from hedge funds the worlds greatest assets managers. Gee, where do I send my money? a monthly subscriptions based service that delivers “hot options picks” directly to your inbox.

ClickBank: the skankiest of affiliations

Do you have a software program that is guaranteed to pick the lottery numbers? Or a magical pill that mystically melts away belly fat? Or a cream that makes an old woman young, and an ugly woman hot? Well, if you have any of these whack-a-doodle products, you need a marketplace to sell and promote these products and service…and that marketplace is the grand palace of internet huff puffery known as ClickBank.

ClickBank is a place where whacky products meet even whackier web promoters. Just list your $999 product on Clickbank and offer 50% commission, some weirdo will grab ahold and start cranking out websites and YouTube videos that proclaim how awesome the product and how it changed their life.

The ‘Jack Carter’ products are, of course, listed on ClickBank. Have a look for yourself.

Of course, simply stating that since ‘Jack Carter’ is found on the worst possible neighborhood of the internet does not make it a scam. It just makes him another vendor, like the guy with a listing just above his…a $400 course on how to “flirt with women, they will find you irresistible, and the secrets of how to properly kiss a supermodel.”

What about the ‘naysayers?’

Of course, many of my readers are so desperate to believe these sorts of financial gimmicks that they will believe just about anything.

Some readers will quip, “what about Jack Carter’s performance record?” Ok, let’s get into that now.

We reached out to ‘Jack Carter’ and asked for verifiable performance records that prove he is supposedly this hedge fund managing super trader? The response was entirely laughable. Jack Carter send over a picture of this supposed proof. Have a look for yourself…

Is this some sort of joke? A picture of a supposed “Williams, Hoge & Company” dated in the year 2000.

What in the heck is this? Apparently, its 18-year old proof that Superior Information did something. What this something is, I certainly cannot figure it out.

Next, I began searching for a Williams, Hoge & Co in what appears to be Denver, Colorado. Notice how everything is obscured on the bottom and you can hardly see anything….

Well, I would not be deterred, and so I began searching for a Williams, Hoge @ Co. in Denver, Colorado. Gee what a surprise…no such company currently exists.

Is Jack Carter even a real person?

At ClickBank, where this sort of stuff changes hands, there has been quite the debate on whether Jack Carter is even a real person. One guy claims he is a former dancer, yet another is convinced its a clever web marketer named Mike Auton.

If these clever affliate marketers at ClickBank cannot figure out who ‘Jack Carter’ really is, then I am pretty much doomed.

The only thing I know for fact is that this dude is a heck of a great salesman, catering to ‘sucker’ class of investors.

Thanks for reading. I will leave you with this goofy video that Jack sent over, and it is supposed to be ‘proof’ that people are getting rich with his trading secrets. You decide.

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