Verified Trades
User Experience
Stephanie Kammerman of The Stock Whisperer is one heck of a musical talent and excellent entertainer. After stints on several realty TV shows, it appears that she has reinvented herself as America’s newest finanical guru. Operating a live day trading chat room that specializes in the mysterious world of “Dark Pools” and their machiavellian intentions. Yes folks, she can divine the future of the financial world by following in the footsteps of the “Big Money Players.” It’s so simple that anyone can do it! Proclaims a track record of nearly 93.6% winning trades and an annual return of 2181%. Of course verifying the authenticity of these trades is not possible. Financial exageration combined with sexual exageration = pure comedy gold.
Thanks for reading today’s review of The Stock Whisperer
What is The Stock Whisperer? The website is a day trading educational business owned and operated by Stephanie Kammerman. The business operates a live day trading room named “The Java Pit” that costs $99.95 per month. The primary focus of the live day trading room is trading stocks intraday.
In addition to the live day trading chat room, Stephanie Kammerman also offers various trading educational products that are sold as recorded webinars. Price list as follows:
- $2,999 Trading Bootcamp
- $1,849 Swing Trading Bootcamp
- $199 Introduction to Swing Trading
- $99 Introduction to Day Trading
On the company website, Stephanie Kammerman claims to be a full-time professional day trader with over 23 years of trading experience and has trained thousands of day traders worldwide.
The Stock Whisperer maintains the following social media profiles:
A review of Archive.org reveals that The Stock Whisperer website came online in late 2013. It appears that prior to 2013, Stephanie Kammerman was an aspiring singer and appeared on several reality TV shows including American Idol and America’s Got Talent.
Stephanie Kammerman is certainly a musical talent. Several very catchy YouTube videos can be found at the following links:
The Secret Sauce
In the past three years of writing reviews about trading educators, I have certainly seen and heard a few wild and outrageous stories. The most successful trading educational promoters are usually the sort that carve out a clearly defined niche, genre, or some unique idea that only they possess. Some claim to harness the power of Jesus, others claims to know the secrets of Fibonacci, some use astrology, others use overly complicated and fancy sounding mathematics, yet others proclaim Jedi like powers to feel the force of bid/ask order flow.
Stephanie Kammerman’s niche is sexuality, the (supposed) ability to “Follow The Big Traders”, and the apparent ability to read the mysterious and nebulous “Dark Pools” of trading volume. This mish-mash of sexuality and knowing some sort of “Dark Pool” trading secret combines into a pretty tasty sandwich of showmanship, mystique, and compelling storyline.
Stripper Pole Economics
Stephanie Kammerman is a regular at the Traders Expo seminar circuit. For those of you that are unaware, the Traders Expo is very similar to a ‘swap meet’ where trading vendors rent a space for a typical fee of $4000 to $6000 per vendor and hawk their wares as attendees meander through an exhibition hall. For additional fee’s, the Traders Expo also offers the opportunity to present materials to an audience via “Keynote Speaker” format. Essentially, people are herded into a room to hear something special or unique.
Traders Expo would have you believe that these speaking engagements are reserved for the very best trading educators, but this is simply not true. These prime speaking slots are primarily offered to whoever is willing to pay the highest fee. During the most recent Las Vegas Traders Expo, TradingSchools.Org attended Stephanie’s presentation.

Just enough leg.
What did we see? I can best describe the presentation as ‘stripper pole economics’. It is important to understand that Stephanie is very comfortable performing in front of an audience. And the audience that attended her presentation can be best be described as mostly middle-aged white males. Like the natural entertainer that she is, Stephanie did a great job at teasing the old white guys with just a bit of “sexy talk”. For instance, she proclaims that one of her best trading setups is when price touches her “T” spot. Of course, the guys sitting in the audience were more than likely wondering about her “G” spot, and very little about her “T” spot. I have to give her credit, she does a great job of injecting sexuality into the sales presentation. Another term she liked to use, “I am a day trader by day, and a swing trader by night.” Funny stuff.
The truth of the matter is that the audience (myself included) were a bunch of older white guys, with plenty of gray hair, a few extra pounds around the waistline, in need of viagra, and 20 or 30 years removed from having any woman pay them much attention. For just a fleeting moment, Stephanie gave us some sexy talk and the sort of attention that we no longer receive. She is entertaining. Funny. And I enjoyed the clever word play. However, I have seen dozens of these technical analysis presentations, and it was pretty obvious to me that Stephanie is certainly no Buffet or Soros. An economist she is not. And certainly not a professional investor.
Track Record of Trades
Stephanie Kammerman posts an outrageously ridiculous record of trading results. She claims that she is accurate at 93.6%. In fact, TradingSchools.Org compiled the previous 12 months of supposed trading results from her website and recorded the following:
- 526 total trades
- 506 winners
- 20 losers
- 4.15% average return per trade
- 2,181% annualized return on investment.
Many readers are already probably having a good laugh. In fact, this track record ranks in the top 5 of BS track records that TradingSchools.org has recorded. Why am I calling this track record BS? For starters, we reached out to Stephanie and asked for a brokerage statement or some sort of proof of these super-amazing investment returns. As you can imagine, no reply. It appears that the track record is some willy-nilly list of trades that she feels is somehow believable to her target market.
Of course, some folks are incredibly gullible and will believe just about anything. And so, to put this into proper context, if a person were to invest $1,000 and compound the returns, then after only a single year of taking Stephanie’s magical trades…then you would have trading profits $250,245,972.
I don’t know about you, but Stephanie needs to be immediately referred to Donald Trump’s transition team. The country is currently $20 trillion in debt. If Donald Trump gave her only $1,000 to invest, then she could pay off the entire national debt in only 23 months.
What the heck, I nominate Stephanie Kammerman for Secretary of the Treasury! In all seriousness, the track record is pretty laughable. Anyone that believes such a thing needs to think about seeing a doctor and taking medication. For those interested, I have included the following spreadsheet of her supposed trades, it is only the prior 12 months. I left out the previous performance, I am sure you get the point.
[table id=46 /]
What exactly is going on here?
Usually, whenever a trading guru presents these sorts of truly incredible investment returns and provides zero proof, this is motivation for a really nasty review. But with Stephanie, her record of amazing trades goes beyond the realm outrageousness and into the realm of juvenile comedy. There is almost a childish and immature tone to her sales pitch. Am I going to be upset that a naive child is promising to build a flying elephant rocketship and join the galactic circus? Nope. Just going to smirk and encourage the child to follow their dreams and join the galactic circus. Same goes with Stephanie, her entire sales pitch has the feel of naive simplicity combined with teenage sexual tension.
What the heck, Stephanie still has a few years before the luster of youth vanishes once and for all. She might as well use every tool in her toolbox, while the tool still exists.
Wrapping things up
Thanks for taking the time to read today’s review. The Stock Whisperer has the look and feel of a “Life Reinvention” project. I wonder if Stephanie awoke one morning, battered and bruised from the rejection of American Idol and said to her middle-aged self, “what in the heck am I going to do now?” Gotta get that rent paid someway! And after carousing through the internet, browsing between jobs opportunities of envelope stuffing and selling makeup at the local mall, she stumbled onto a Timothy Sykes or Ross Cameron promotional video. A light bulb went off. She thought to herself, “If those jackasses can pull this off, then why not me?”
You know what? She is right. The lady is a pretty good marketer. The heck with actual trading results. Just fake it till you make it.
Thanks again for reading. Don’t forget to leave a comment.
Did you actually read her book? She explains the Dark Pool concept succinctly. So, try her trading room for a month.
Post your brokerage statements please James.
I signed up for the Training Pit and found it, unlike any course I ever experienced. Not at all what I was expecting. It was presented like it was some amazing magic going on in the “pits”. All I see is a bunch of material at a presentation quality of a middle school newspaper. But here is the thing that really convinced me this is an unethical business. The intro page you are first brought to reminds you in bold to download the links pdf from “the room drive” once you log into the ” training pit”. I logged in and did exactly that. And this oh-so-important file is just a list of links. No letterhead. Nothing at all professional about it. As though someone put was just taking some notes in Word.
Not at all feeling good about my purchase, I go to look at their refund policy which says this “thedarkpools.com does not offer a refund of class(es) once the purchaser participates in the class(es) and/or accesses/downloads the archive file(s). Please note that accessing the archive file(s) is an act of participating in the class. ” Note here since I downloaded the link file which they instructed me to do first thing, I am now ineligible for a refund. That is crooked. And I’m a fool for not following my instinct on this as being a sham.
What your saying is what I would suspect, however I wonder how Stefanie is able to garner such high praise with Trust Pilot reviews? Also I’ve heard other traders who I believe are legitimate praise and validate her. Just curious on your take most in regards to trust pilot
You should read my article on Trust Pilot…
Trust Pilot: the Mecca of FRAUDULENT trading reviews?
On twitter she’ll have various people posting random comments thanking her for the gains on X trade, when you check most of the profiles, they seem to be fake, they’re either accounts that haven’t posted anything in years or accounts that just opened with no followers or accounts that talk about random things and nothing about stocks.
Why do you do this to me? I loved this review as well. I was nearly falling out of my chair laughing at your hire her for the treasury comment and that people who support her after analyzing your numbers need to see a doctor. I already posted on your other review of her. Now that I know she was on those singing shows, I know why she does this, there is nothing that enrages an artist more than when they can’t get work in the performing arts. She is so angry that she did not make it in her dream field that she does not care who she lies to. Remember what happened when Hitler did not get into art school.
Thanks for the review: I came to you guys right away when I saw this “bad acteress”, figured she was just another Raging Bull (or Cow?) Thanks again.
What you need to know about the secret dark pool prints and Stefanie Kammerman.
1) The dark pool prints are no secret they are called block trade indicators and are available through Schwab and others.
2)There are many variables associated with the dark pool prints such as you don’t know if its going up or down, if its a buyer or a seller, when it might impact the stock or if its a fake or canceled print. This all minimizes any benefit it might have.
3) Their winning percentages are based on hitting targets that are on both sides of the stock NOT ON ACTUAL TRADES
23 years of experience? Look her up on BrokerCheck. 1 year of experience in 2012. How does some get away with blatant lies?
Just look at her LinkedIn (which of course can also be fabricated), all her experience was pre2000. Hah!
Whoa. I am an investing neophyte and was trying to find a way to grow my assets faster than I’ve been able to do to date. 30-38K annually for the last three years using fairly simple covered call strategy. I almost bought the snake oil. Thanks for the honest look at the claims the Stock Whisperer was making. I almost recommended her to friends and family. I won’t be doing that.
Biggest Securites Firms? Schoenfield Securities? And you were an Assistant Trader for two years? BFD. You’re a snake oil salesman and an amateur. And yes, I was a broker so I know what I’m talking about
I appreciate your input and have decided to steer clear of this sketchy-sounding program, however your math is embarrassingly inaccurate. A $1,000 investement with an annualized rate of return of 2,181% equates to $21,810 after one year, That’s a ridiculous return but it’s NOT $250 MILLION as you stated. Might wanna stick to blogging & avoid the simple math equations, big guy.
It is 2, 181 000 (two million+ and not 21K+)
Awesome and honest review.
Looks like the review was based upon a free seminar at the Money Show. I’ve actually attended her online boot camp and listened to a couple of her online webinars. She has a good way to see when the composite operator is about to make a move. Despite your negative review, I think she has some worthwhile information to share.
Stefanie is still presenting at the money show. I posted a complaint about her a few months ago and I’m surprised she’s still fishing for sheep at the money show. I suggest that people who were scammed by her make a complained with the organizers of money show about how she scams people by being a making it hard for them to evaluate her performance and her claims. She doesn’t keep a history of her chat scripts, they’re delted after 2 days . Sje claims storage is too expensive …. Lol Text scripts are expensive to store when a 3 gig hard drive costs $100.00. Anyway, if you feel that hse was less than honest about her methods, make a complaint with money show so she cannot scam other people.
That was a pretty good rant. I like it!
Regarding the Stock Whisperer comments posted on this forum, please know that if you scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on the word “Previous”, that link will take you to the first page of the comments regarding the Stock Whisperer where there appear to be over 100 comments posted. It appears to me that there are many unhappy people. I agree with the author of this review in that I have noticed a lot of what I feel are misleading statements and claims made in promoting this service. If a person touts his/her own trading success in order to promote a paid service and/or costly trading courses and promotes him/herself as an experienced, successful trader, then that person most definitely should be willing and able to substantiate that claim. The success, profits, and returns touted should be backed up with proof. At least one year of brokerage statements showing that the person has taken, with actual funds, all of the trades and has achieved all of the profits that were touted in the marketing materials and seminars should be available. In my view, failure to do that is outright fraud. If Stefanie and her associates involved in promoting the Stock Whisperer services are taking money and/or profiting from people who have been misled in any way into purchasing such services then, rightfully, in my view, all purchase fees should be refunded to those people as well as ANY and ALL LOSSES that have incurred as a result of following the advice and trading recommendations of the Stock Whisperer Co. Additionally, any and all of the brokerage statements in the names of the Stock Whisperer promoters should be made public and an investigation should be made into any and all possible “shills” (phonies), if any, that may have assisted in the trading rooms touting profits and successful trades which may actually have been false. It is my understanding that there are many government agencies that would be in agreement with me on this issue as well. Those people who feel that they have been defrauded, deceived, or misled into departing with their hard-earned money by verbal claims and/or misleading marketing, should know that there are ways to recover their losses. There are laws that protect the consumer and there is a common term known as “Consumer Redress”. Keep your receipts of all fees/tuition paid to the company as well as your own brokerage statements which show any losses achieved by your trading as a result of following the advice of the Stock Whisperer and associates. You may need this information in the future. All of this, of course, my opinion. I thank Emmett for sharing this information and allowing people to post their comments. He is providing people with a valuable service here.
The above comment was meant to be posted on page 2 where it has been re-posted. The 100 + comments appear to be on this page (page 1) Thanks
As a former Series 7/66 holder, I agree if she were giving financial advice, but as I’m sure you know, she has positioned herself like so many others (John Carter being one of the biggest) as an educator, so she can legally dodge that bullet. One group in the office I worked with charged its clients 2.5% (about 1.5% more than other financial advisors) and justified it by offering annually updated aggregate statements showing the alpha in their portfolios AUDITED BY A NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED CPA FIRM. I thought that was brilliant. If she can afford $400/mo for Lightspeed LIVEVOL, she can afford $10/mo 2TB storage from Google or Amazon and to be audited professionally. Hah! Her method seems to be look at the big prints, if the current price is on one side, go with it since the HFTs have taken over and are pushing it “beyond”. That seems pretty simplistic. Like staying on the side of VWAP. I think it’s interesting that Martha Stokes, a CMT, likes to use Time Segmented Volume (Worden TC2000 proprietary, but reverse engineers on TradingView) and Balance of Power (price based: close-open over high-low) to track the aftermath of these big off-market prints, assuming that the HFTs actually control the market and are waiting in ambush at consolidation/trading-range platform levels to move “on a flash” nano-seconds after the big prints, but before retail traders can respond with their conventional price-based indicators. Then there is the whole “point of control” crowd using number of transactions (TPO) or volume profiles to track where support and resistance manifest in the auction. Everybody is selling something. The fact remains that 40% of market activity is dark, but eventually gets publicly reported only weekly on FINRA’s site, but not the market charts you use in retail. The reason for these special OTC markets is to avoid front-running by HFTs when big institutions (banks, insurance, etc.) want to reallocate. If you bother to check her linkedin (easily fabricated, right?) you notice all of her 4 years of trading experience was pre-2000 and she claims to have been trading professionally in all the intervening years. That is a bold-faced lie by her own admission. Odd, inexplicable behavior that only a psychologist can explain. Think about her hypothesis, if a retail trader had access to real-time dark pool prints, wouldn’t also the HFTs thereby nullifying the reason for dark pools. The fact that they are delayed to the NYSE/NASDAQ “normal markets” is their value-proposition. Be careful out there. Peace out.
It appears that many people are losing a lot of money based on misleading claims. Maybe it is time for the FTC to look into this and maybe people should be returned their money as well as reimbursement for their losses. Just my opinion.
Stephanie will be the next school on the SEC list for her claims. Read more about her on https://www.sec.gov/investor/alerts/tradingseminars.htm
Great Find. If just more people read that SEC Warning, fewer would be scammed by the con artist in this business.
I just found this review and wished I had found it earlier. I’ve been in stefanie’s room or the pit for about 3 months and even took her classes. I totally agree that her claims are outrageous and found that she hides her results or make it hard for the subscribers to know when she buys or sells the stocks. She could easily publish the actual trades for all newbies to see instantly how she’s doing, but she chooses to make it hard to see her track record and performance. She could also easily record her teachings and all the chats in the room for the new subscribers to be able to evaluate her performance in the past but she chooses not to do it , again to confuse the newbies and make it harder for them to realise that they are dealing with a manipilator. She always talks about how the market makers are sneaky, but I think she’s the master manipulator.
I just looked up Stefanie Kammerman so called business address and this is her million dollar office.. looks more like a dump or is this her home office..hum.. ya, she is making millions. What a joke of a pole dancer. And Fara must be her Pimp. The MoneyShow should be embarrassed to showcase her.. LOL https://www.google.com/maps/place/47+Sycamore+Dr,+Roslyn,+NY+11576/@40.8026372,-73.6662661,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c2889a1853055f:0xa0f68ec8d93a4ffe!8m2!3d40.8026372!4d-73.6640774
I taught that she posts her trades via twitter/email prior to opening. I am still wondering how is this a fraud. hmmm
You “taught” wrong, she only announces a list of stocks she’s “watching”. Then, hours later, if any of the stocks has made a big move up or down, she claims to have taken that trade and made a killing; of course, all with no proof whatsoever. That’s the fraud.
thought not taught ..:p
but wouldnt she ‘announced’ the entry and exit setup in her live pit trading room? no? yes?
As I said, what she did in the pit trading room was “announce a list of stocks she’d be “watching”; then, hours later, if any of the stocks had made a big move up or down, she’d claim to have taken that trade and made a killing; of course, all with no proof whatsoever”.
Maybe it’s time for the FTC to look into this. It appears here that alot of people are getting taken for alot of their hard earned money. Maybe it should all be paid back. Just my opinion.
Jake, as I have mentioned to Bob on page 2 of this forum, it is clear that Stephanie is “duping” people into believing that she is an expert trader and that she can lead people in and out of profitable trades with consistency so that they can make a living at it. In fact the title of her free “sales” seminar at the Money shows is “How to make a days pay before going to work”. Now, if you believe that she will enable you to do that then wouldn’t have to ask the question as to why she is spending so much time at her work which is traveling all over and selling her services to as many people that she can? After all, if she is making so much money trading, why is she going through so much time and effort trying to get the credit card numbers of people like you? The simple fact is that she is, in my view, nothing more than a con-woman. And she is a pretty good one at that. I have been a floor trader and trading desk trader at a major brokerage firm for 27 years and I know about trading. I have recently attended Stephanie’s free sales-pitch seminars at the Money shows and I had to laugh at some of the claims that she has made regarding herself, her credibility, and her track record. NONE of which she can substantiate. I am sorry that you had to learn the lesson that you learned the hard way and lost money following her. You are not alone. I have talked to many who are in your same boat and there are many here on this forum. You may want to read my comments about the “dark pool” on page 2 of this forum. Here is also something interesting that you may want to read. Stephanie’s claim to fame in the securities industry and the only credibility that she can hang her hat on when it comes to trading is the 2 years that she claims she spent after college (where she majored in psychology), as a secretary/assistant to one of the executives employed at a firm called Schonfeld Securities. She claims that, during her employment there, she was allowed to day trade 250K of Schonfeld’s money and then claims that she did so well with that 250K that they allowed her to trade an additional 250K (total 500K). Now, really? They just handed a secretary $500K and let her trade with it? With all of the professional traders that were employed there with years of experience and a securities background, they allocated $500K of the firms money to a secretary right out of school who majored in psychology to trade their account for them? Again, I have to chuckle as Stephanie tries to “grab at straws” to try to squeeze some blood out of a turnip in an effort to come up with something in her background that attempts to give herself some credibility in the securities and trading industry. The fact is that she has none at all. And that is what is so comical about her being in the business that she is in. Now here is the “clincher”. Get this: In 2010, Shoenfeld fired 15 % of their actual traders stating the following: “The days of a trader making a living by generating $50k to $75k of adjusted gross annually are over.” Yes, that is what they said. In fact, they claimed that the “black boxes”, “high frequency trading”, and “robots” have changed day trading for the individual trader sitting at a computer trying to enter and exit trades for consistent profits. And Stephanie’s short-lived job (not career) ended as well. No, she was not asked to stay and continue trading for the firm, even with those great results she claims that she was achieving for them. No, they let her go. Strange that they would do that, isn’t it? Especially when she was making all that money for them. But now, today, all of the sudden, she insists that the days of making a living by day trading are not gone and she is the one who will lead us all to the land of milk and honey. All you have to do is just give her your credit card number so she can take your $100.00 per month and then you should take her training courses for additional fees that will teach you everything she has learned during her 2 short-lived years as a secretary (and, of course, super duper trader) at Schonfeld. Here is the link to the termination letter sent to employees at Schonfeld back in 2010: http://www.zerohedge.com/article/schonfeld-fires-15-traders-blames-fast-greedy-robots
The latest dark pool tutorial being sold by the crooked weiss people from florida is so laughable and grade school quality it is funny. The problemni see is she and they charge between $500 – 1,000 for this piece of rubish. Do not buy any dark pool courses from the stock whisperer or wiess people. These r all a totalmscam scamming real people outmof hard earned money – i beliefe the ag of florida needs to shut these people down for fraud. My goodness all this women is is a wannabee singer and she sings on her new dark pool tutorial. Look at the desk on her web site if she is making so much money why does she use a folding for a desk or 2nd desk
dont be foooled friends
Don’t forget Stock Swoosh, Melissa:
“Why not make a million with Melissa”
Wow… There is absolutely NO SHAME in this Melissa Armo….
She screwed me for several 3000 and even charged my account before it was due. I guess I feel for the scam because I was in heat.
Lol!!! Oh Norm, that comment had me laughing my ass off.
Impressive sir! Would love to see your trade blotter
I so badly want to believe! Daytrading on a real time sim, i have 20% days on my imaginary equity. In real life, my account slowly bleeds ): No more chat rooms, or education until i see verified tax returns and/or verified trading blotters!
After my little rant today I went to email Emmett Moore so he could removed the posts and I cannot find and email address for him and there is no PM.
I would like to discuss changes that could be made to help Trading schools become a really useful website particularly for people who get scammed many times.
Emmett, simoneking65@gmail.com if you have time. And please feel free to bulk delete my posts from this review or the site.
FYI I am full expecting email from posters, anything that is not Emmett will be deleted.
Why would anyone email you. You cannot even comprehend why someone would give you a thumbs down. It has nothing to do with your criticism of Emmett, as I criticize Emmett when needed. The problem is you make incoherent arguments and when it is pointed out you go on a spamming rage like a 2 year old. I doubt you have ever made any type of investment or money in your entire life. Just a sad POS IMHO. Go back to enjoying life in your mother’s basement.
If you wanted to have intelligent conversation then you could have done such without mindless spamming. You seem like a big cry baby who does not get his way.
The 1st change I would recommend is for Emmett not to take any advice from you, as any moron can spam the site. It does not exactly require a high IQ.
OK, Emmett I know you do not like to ban, but when someone lets call them Simmy, is just purely spamming the site they need to be banned.
Now come on Fara, I must be looking good now.
which monthly return did you use the “debt table”, it seems the annualized returns are much more than 2181% in that table ?
+1 for Kenneth as he asked a real question.
jesus Emmett where do you find these people lol
And where do -1s come from. The stork? Ok my swing alert is telling me to work now.
lar, buddy, -1?
“Just enough leg.”
“The heck with actual trading results. Just fake it till you make it.”
No sir, its hell not “heck”, HELL is where you are going Emmett Ellsworth Moore Jr. Who do you think you are you pig!
As you have embellished so often who knows what is real or not, G spot T spot or just B.S. you invented. You are untrustworthy, please add references, sources, screen prints and audio recordings to confirm your reviews in the future.
Ah Simmy a hairy armpit liberal who will fight for everyone’s right to be exactly what Simmy thinks they should be. Sorry but just because you don’t like the truth when it’s printed doesn’t give you the right to be outraged by it.
I am such a tease, you got a +1 Stray Dog. I got my underarms lasered though so who’s laughing now? You are!!!!
With modern software one can easily fake references, sources, screen prints and audio recordings, so Emmett providing those wouldn’t mean squat. But if you don’t believe him there’s an easy way to check his review: pay Stephanie $99.95/mo and $2,999/boot camp and see for yourself.
That is an excellent point. Goa is great, not been there since the Russians kinda took over but say hi to Johnny at Johnny’s hotel for me. Best fish curry.
Yes, you can fake a lot of stuff and they do. But the more you fake especially if you start to put out fake brokerage statement or fake track record, the more likely the regulators will come after your like in Open Range Trader.
If they want they can even fake showing live brokerage statements.
The vendor , not Emmett invented, promotes and sells the “T spot” schtick.
She refers to it in a sample of her tr videos, just like AllaPeters pitches her fibonacci course in her $27/month tr ad room.
Her voice is ok to listen to, she does not put emphasis on T spot. It is catchy and memorable so within the bounds of normal. Al Brooks is painful like Mr Macky from South Park.
Emmett does often invent stuff like his Brooks’ bubble bottoms or whatever but a sincere thank you for actual useful contribution so a +1.
The point was him not being professional in tone and focusing on her using..being a woman…as the highlight of his review. Locker-room talk reviews? What about a man with a deep voice? Ordinary women are not welcome here unless they ignore appalling sexism? Why not add homophobia? Because this is a business and Emmett has already been in Federal prison?
Probably a complete waste of time replying to you, but if you notice many of the women in this business are young attractive women like Amy from IP. None can show proof of their claims. Now also unless you are completely brain dead, most of the customers to these sites are men. Not all but most.
So now being an intelligent guy, why do you think they use young attractive women? Is there a reason you do not see 60 year grandmas being advertised at these sites? Do you get it yet?
Hi Rob,it was quite a rant but believe me, heartfelt. To reply. Just hang on there for a moment. You will have looked at a magazine or two in your life. Who is on the front cover? If it is a mainstream magazine for men, it has a man, a magazine for women has a woman most often.
Advertisers use the same sex of the target market because it works. I am quite sure something is afoot about the stock whisperer like anyone with eyes to see the returns.
The people who are more likely to be scammed by a woman is another women.
Unless sharia law has come in with Mr. Trump, the fact that she uses her attractiveness should not be the issue.
Does being attractive make every realtor a “stripper”? There are endless examples of why even if you can go there, you should not do so.
The review went straight for misogynistic BS and you know it. Women are conditioned to look for a smart business image too you know, sweatpants in the office is not the look that sells to either sex.
If she is a fraud then his facts and figures will show that and that is enough to make an informed decision on.
simoneking65@gmail.com Emmett, any time you want to talk about improving your site.
1. Good and more obvious especially for getting elderly people information on why people become victims and on how to stop being a victim again.
2. Advice on how to deal with vulnerable relatives and friends.
3. When you 5 star recommend someone and there are problems like with Follow Me Trade, do not go silent. To be fair I have not checked today.
You deleted a 5 star (4.2) review before now when things went sour: https://web.archive.org/web/20141230182814/https://www.tradingschools.org/reviews/tradingprofessorreview/
Many other things.
Hey, sexy sells. She does a great job selling it. Not knocking her one bit. Using every tool in the toolbox.
Regarding Trading Professor, yep he got a great review. And then he offered a money back guarantee and refused to honor the guarantee, and so I pulled the review. Simple as that.
Thanks for the comment.
ohgosh, call it what it is, it’s >David Adam’s< review, the refund scammer and all around faux mentor jerk. why the heck is it brought up by Simmy now of all things. smells fishy
Here, is another link, so less fishy? I am not a David Adams shill. BTW, that is a darn impressive attack site. Many people have noticed and commented that Emmett re-reviews wealthy companies like TST or MES keeping both original negative and new favorable (a little inexplicably in the case of MES?) for leverage? Not re-edited, two reviews.
Anyone who thinks this was some archival integrity thing can now see that when there is no money? and it looks bad for his judgement giving 4.2 stars? Emmett just quietly deletes. He could have created a second review so make what you will of this.
Why is Simmy picking on MES? Emmet’s re-review does not ring true. Is Sattam (of MES) a naive but harmless (as he pays for now) pathological liar or a normal bad pathological liar? Is it wrong to support and enrich such a man or does it matter? That is a discussion.
Why be much concerned to protect horny middle aged men thinking with their dicks at Vegas presentations? I was in a second world country recently and the hotel sticker sign read “Say NO to the sex tourist” not “Save the sex tourist.”?
Some background on MES: https://futures.io/vendors-product-reviews/36887-mes-capital-futuresprofile-owner-lies-about-his-identity-9.html#post613253
People who just need the money will not care about “grey areas” I know that.
Seriously bringing up MES in this thread as there is a connection between the two.
Simmy or as I think I will refer to you as now on Slimmy, what is the real reason you post anything and everything to divert attention from this trading room. Are you her Brother or Boyfriend?
Come clean are you a shill with an agenda or just this clueless about this industry.
“In one litigation alone – 22 count Commercial Express – there were 700 victims (a word Moore never uses) nationwide and $18MM in loss.”
More explanation of your unique (to be nice) behavior. You cannot forgive Emmett or accept Emmett Moore as an authority regarding anything no matter what due to his past.
I actually do understand as I know others that have said the same or similar to me.
But in this industry full of nothign but con artist it take one to catch one. And so far his article about TR has been exactly what I experience. While on the other hand Dean Handley review are a joke where he names TR to his trading titan list and then the regulators go after them for having a complete fake record such as Open Range Trader. Or Worst Scammer like BM who allows con artist such as Al Brook’s to continue to put on webinars and allows scammers to post complete fantasy journals.
In this environment I think only one of the greatest criminal masterminds who has nothing to lose can expose these other con artist. Anyone else that would expose these TR that are scamming people out of millions would be sued to death. Heck, I just saw a website that reviews software just got sued by one of the software makers for a bad review.
So instead of your spamming rampage and so forth, you could have just made your point above and been done with it.
The good old days (that never were). Honestly, am surprised I am still alive. I ripped off investors for millions of dollars. Really bad dude. And the people I collaborated with? Whoa. Very scary. Thank god most are dead.
By far, the scariest dude I ever dealt with…Rocky Aoki. He founded the Benihana chain of restaurants. And he was a certified killer. In addition to restaurant chains, he started porn magazines, had more mistresses than Genghis Khan, (allegedly) funded cigarette boats loaded with cocaine, and did I mention he was a killer? Cross that crazy Jap and you would end up dead. Only reason I am alive is because I paid him off.
Man, Emmett, you were far more a ‘wolf’ than Belfont ever was and you hung out with real public enemies instead of that fast-talking pansy who got off easy with a fake book/movie title and a speaking gig in Florida. I agree with RobB, your site is trusted more, precisely because you don’t have much to lose, your expertise in how scams work, and the CFTC and FBI are just over your shoulder, discouraging frivolous lawsuits by scammer vendors who have gotten away with everything on all the other ulterior trading forums.
btw, nice to see ads on the site now and I noticed they are legit industry firms, not the usual retail brokers or trading shams , some that have nothing to do with trading which may suggest tradingschools has gained a reputation far above the muck of the retail trading industry.
This young lady, The Stock Whisperer, is a victim of her gender and her age and subsequent sexist discrimination.This lady has chauvinistic and phallocentric expectations and prejudices rammed down her throat by a greedy and woman-hating society. My contacts suggest the CFTC may have bigger fish to fry than Stephanie, as many prominent, older white males are deemed bigger catches due to their expertise in seducing the feminine psyche into their trading flim-flam fantasies.
Anyone that has read this blog for any time is familiar with David Adams and the whole history of what happened. It has been talked about in great details in the past.
So why bring it up it this thread. Bring it up in the Robot thread where David Adams room is talked about.
It just seems like you are bringing up anything to pivot away from the article.
Sorry, but Stephanie makes heavy use of her sexuality and her good looks to sell her fraudulent product, so bringing that up is required. Maybe Emmett shouldn’t have called her a “stripper” (mind you, strippers work hard to make an honest buck), but I totally agree with him pointing out her tactic of trying to make middle-aged men think with their dicks. It’s just so obvious to anybody attending Stephanie’s trade show presentations or looking at pictures she posts on her website and Facebook.
Fair comment and I agree that it needed to be mentioned, however he ABSOLUTELY should not have introduced “stripper”. It shows Emmett’s social and emotional level, a classless and lowbrow sociopath on the low road of cheap-shot humor. Writing for what he thinks his his audience here, not for adult “investor class” women that is for darn sure.
Silly Simmy, now you’re down to a single word that Emmett shouldn’t have used in his review. It’s time to admit that you were wrong, Emmett’s review was accurate, balanced and fair. Go home and shave your armpits.
The “T spot” is part of her core trading strategy. She may not call it that all the time in her recaps, but it’s a main part of the pitch she sells and newbs have to shell out to learn how she finds and trades it. It’s the same as every other scam, a small fee for a trial, then 99-300/monthly churn for a room, where most of the webinar is pitching the courses during the sham show.
“If i am getting less than 300% return, i am having a bad year. ”
This comment is too silly to even respond to. I just wonder if you have ever invested in anything, as you clearly do not understand math or what a 300% return even is. And I think you meant to say you cannot show any proof – that I would belive.
-1 , like the number of people in your marriage?
Was she bored? or was it your -1?
Minus One!!! This should have been a song by Queen.
-1 love, -1 dream
More -1 More -1
@Fara at first I thought your post must have been an attempt at sarcasm but you’re being serious. Do you understand math? Let’s assume that 5 years ago you started out with a very modest $5,000 and you made 800% per year so now you’d have $163,840,000. Stephanie, darling, stick with the singing give up on anything that involves numbers.
Stray Dog, that is my point !. The comment section has turned into shit show. Every single time there is a review, we get shills posting here making outrageous claims with no evidence to back it up. And then we get Rob B and company trying to refute their point with their own personal anecdote in this never ending vicious cycle that helps nobody. I don’t need to be reminded the 100th time what actual returns look like. If you look at these vendors with 1000% returns and you believe them, there is no point helping you.
Emmett says that a review isn’t triggered unless ten people request it.I want to hear from those people, I want to hear from people who have actually tried the service, people who were scummed by these vendors. I want be a meaningful discussion here.
I am tried of every comment section being dominated by shills, Rob and company, and Pete complaining again about Al Brooks.
If you want to have a general discussion about trading, then there should be a section for this. A new person who reads a review shouldn’t have to filter through all this bullshit in the comment section before getting to something with substance.
I would say that Emmett’s review is the substance and that people can get their information from there. A separate forum for the general banter would be good but it doesn’t exist and if you are going to limit comments to only those people who have tried the service then you’ll get 10 comments from those people and the shills will have a free rein to create doubt about the validity of Emmett’s review. Traders who bring their experience and commonsense to challenge shills serve an important purpose. Think of them as the forum’s antibiotics, sure we may give you the shits but they help keep the shills in check and the forum healthy.
That is all and fine but we don’t need the same points made in every single comment section. Being on this site means you are not the average trader who gets scummed by these vendors with their fantasy returns. We understand what real returns look like. At this point you are preaching to the choir.
There is a simple solution here. If you get a certain number of downvotes, your comment is hidden. There goes the problem, shrills will be downvoted to oblivion and we won’t get every comment section being spammed.
This is very confusing when you have Fara posting, “We understand what real returns look like.” and then Fara posting she makes 800% a year return. Which one is it? Are there 2 Faras? Will the real Fara stand up?
My comments are usually first basically to Emmett and his article. And then replies to posters like Fara who claim to make 800% return a year. And yes when I read nonsense like that I am going to respond. Sorry Fara 2.
So who do you want to make comments only shills like Fara 1 claiming to make 800% returns?. The reason you know me is I do not make up 100 alias like the shill and post again and again like they do.
Here would be a solution for you. Ask Emmett to add an ignore feature. Then you can select to ignore certain posters. So posters like me who do not make up a bunch of alias you will be able to ignore and just read all the shills or the same shill posting under 100 alias.
BTW would you prefer me to make up some new alias to post under. I will be the Junk Yard Dog, as Stray Dog sounds too nice for me.
And again one last possibility why even read the comments. All you have is the shills calling Emmett a lier and posters like me calling the shills shills. What exactly are you expecting to get from a comment section.
Fara 2 one more point I forgot to mention, if Emmett did like you suggest and once you get a certain number of negative comments your post is hidden, don’t you think the shill would make a 100 alias to downgrade all negative post against them. They have a financial incentive to do such, while people like me do not.
-1 for talking even more too much!
Rob B, I am the same Fara, I made that shrill post to make a point, which is how easily the comment section get derailed. 800% return? Really ? that claim is so outrages that there should be zero response to it. Yet we have already 29 comments and all are zero substance replies.
You say you are here to fight against shrills but I personally believe if you are on this site and have seen all the evidence against these fraudulent vendors and still believe these shrills who post here, then you deserve to be scummed.
You asked why i even read the comment section. Because i want to see replies of people who are not shrills or those who counter shrills. Emmett isn’t infallible, I want to read what those who disagree with his review have to say (not shrills who are promoting the vendor).
You are correct, if Emmett adds the ignore function, i will be more happy and sit my ass down.
When posting about a person saying they make 2000% I can see a shill claiming 800%
If you wish to have a discussion I am more than willing.
One thing is my post are mostly replies so maybe you can ignore replies.
But lets take this thread for example. The only people that posted are the fake Fara pretending to be a shill and people like myself. So exactly which post do you want to read.
In fact I can tell you exactly what you will read you might get a TRUE user who post how they lost money, but then you will get a bunch of shills that say he did not spend enough time learning the system and how they are making so much money. Of course they will never offer any proof.
You said, “You asked why i even read the comment section. Because i want to see replies of people who are not shrills or those who counter shrills. ”
But I counter shills and you do not want to read it. How will you know if they are shills or not unless they offer to show proof of their claims and they never do.
Again most people that have been taken by these vendors want to forget the whole process.
And I must point out, you said who would believe your post, well obvious people believed Stephanie claim that she is making 2000%, so why would they not believe your post.
And that is why I post. There are people that are just clueless about day TR and are about to sign up and then see Emmett’s review and the your fake post and are like let me sign up. They might not even read any other thread. You seem to advocate no one should respond. I just do not agree. I hate TR that lie and con people out of money. And I hate the shills who lie even more. After all there is a reason I do post. If I save just one person from wasting their time and money I have done my job.
So I again I ask you which post on this article do you think should be kept; the fake Fara post? Let the discussion begin.
What would this forum be without Rob B the Shill Seeking Missile? I enjoy reading his posts.
I am not upset with Fara. If I had to take a wild ass guess, she is probably upset that all Emmett’s review are negative and thinks there has to be a legit day trading room vendor out there somewhere.
The problem is there is not. No one that trades profitable is going to run a day trading room. It really is that simple for lots of reasons.
Of course maybe Fara will prefer Simmy post. Out of respect to Fara I am not even going to respond to his post.
You are right, I have mistakenly assumed people here wanted more content driven discussion in the comment section instead of the same old circle jerking we see in every thread.
I am sadden that you took this personally. You, Winter is Coming and Stray Dog are my favorite posters here.
You say that you want to prevent people losing money to these fake vendors and that is good. You have given solid advice by telling others to diversify their portfolio and showing them actual returns look like.
But that is my problem, you don’t go beyond that, telling others to just diversify their portfolio isn’t enough. Tell us how you trade, what is your thought process, where and what are you investing etc.
There was a poster here few weeks ago who said reading about these fake vendors was depressing and he wanted to get into trading but didn’t know where to start and you know what, he only got two replies while everyone else was busy shitting on Al Brooks.
One was from Stray Dog informing him of forums he could visit that will help him get start on the basics of trading. Another was from a poster who gave him a list of questions that every trader needs to answer themselves before they start trading. That is the type of discussion i want. It is easy to tell someone what not to do but harder to tell them what the right things to do are.
Maybe i am unfair and expect too much from you guys. But Rob B, i will take your advice and avoid the comment section going forward.
Fara, I think what you are looking for just cannot be done on this site. A few years back before blogging became the thing, there were email trading groups where anyone could start a thread about trading and any member could contribute or add content via email. There were many and various topics, all related to trading (as it seems that’s what you would like to see). One of the groups was called “Real Traders”.
At one time there were 100’s of members. I met many real, profitable and knowledgeable traders there who offered all kinds of ideas and methodologies. It was fantastic.
Alas, it lost most of its members, many of whom left when they were viciously attacked for offering some useful information. Trolls took their tolls.
I’ve thought about starting a similar blog myself for traders to talk about trading. Maybe. We will see. And just to get ahead of the curve, I’m not selling anything.
I have come to the same conclusion rtchoke, thanks for your feedback.
Fara, you will already know I am sure however if you want useful and professional discourse FIO is the only place I know.
Emmett goes straight to calling a woman a “stripper” because she is a female. She may be a fraud but he HAD to go there.
Stray Dog? straight to “hairy armpit liberal”. Elitetrader is just nasty trolls.
Stray Dog is unfortunately an “Elite” member on Futures IO but not a trader so he only stays in the review area. All those banned here due to the crazy FIO Brooks thread were free members I think and some used duplicate accounts to add to their own choir.
A few clearly make some money on FIO and chat, a well phrased question will often draw an intelligent ‘lurker’ to advise. There are a few very popular threads that take a lot of the air however they welcome new girls and guys.
A howl of bla bla bla FIO bad, cult, censorship, free speech, my rights bla bla will follow this post of course. The more the better.
it took five minutes before -1 appears on my comment. That tells you all you need to know about the trolls here.
What about another -1? How sad it makes me to think of the poor souls that are just living and breathing this forum. Their community.
and another -1?
and another -1
This post shows your real agenda, which is to promote FIO or Really BMT Scam site.
That site is 95% vendors selling their products including fake journals with amazing results like Vince and MFBreakout and so forth and so forth.
And biggest scammer of all BMT who flees to Ecuador.
And when some members state he should actual vet vendors like Al Brooks he bans them and all his BMT scammers jumping in.
Anyone promoting that place is either a vendor or a complete Kool-Aide drinking fool.
Which one are you?
I hope I do not take it personally.
Fara, look there is only so much I can do in a comment section.
The funny thing is I have talked about diversity and the things I do and you know what; I have had people blast me for it. Saying things like, why are you telling folks to be diversified on a day trading forum.
And I have even, over many post, given out what I call my Holly Grails of trading. And as I have said a million times my HGs do not include a single setup.
I even went as far as showed my brokerage statement of profitable trading and some nut post how horrible my returns are and what a loser I must be. Apparently he believes Stephanie and the 200% returns.
And lastly I even offered to show Emmett my brokerage statement showing I traded profitable if he gave me a thread where I could talk about trading.
The conclusion I have come to, is that the real problem is most people that are looking to day trade sadly do not want to hear the truth. I know as I Skype with them. And these are highly educated highly intelligent folks. And when I talk about reality they just do not want to hear it. You can not imagine how many Skype trader friends I lost once I woke up from the Kool-Aide state and Skyped with them that what the TR are teaching is Nonsense.
I am not sure what else I can do. You know I am a full time investor, which includes Real Estate. In fact I just got back from rehabbing a house out of town so I am a bit busy.
-1 stripper pole
Did you hear me Rob B -1 like your marriage.
that was mean of me. I deserve a…
-1.. ooooooooooow your so strong Ron B.
It is posters like you I think Emmett should implement a ban on. Adding zero value and just posting complete nonsense.
That ignore button cannot get here fast enough
It is time for a lot of changes. Objectification of people with little tricks and pics so posters can poke their sticks is wrong. This is known as “putting blood in the water” and Emmett does this intentionally. It in not catharsis for them.
Emmett should have advice on how not to get scammed again on the top menu for elderly people especially.
If he used less carnival showmanship and verified email addresses so there was some fig leaf of accountability for posters that would be something.
That someone is doing these reviews is great, it really is great but please, get the changes made to stop the trolling and breeding place for self-consuming destructiveness.
Two wrongs do not make a right?
Emmett can bulk delete my posts in a second. The point is made. -1
You made no point, except you are either a vendor or a complete moron. So if that is your point it is made.
You haven’t influenced any past conversations in a positive manner. now you sanctimoniously start preaching about theoretical and rigid controls on comments. This sort of butthurt fascism is an existential threat to all forms of free and open discusions.
Hands so tired. Scratched my mouse with my ring. -1 go on without me Rob ot B oy I know you will, and on and on and on.
RobB is doing a service for the new monthly generations of newbs. Each review is a different vendor. Without his and others’ similar take, the comments could quickly be overrun by shills and other vendors pitching their products similar to investiscamma.
I gave you a -1 because I have that power.
Scarcasm about Rob B’s service is well played (I would hive a +1) but he will not understand so neutral 0. Anything that could be interpreted as good, he will do just that.
-1 there Stray Dog, I guess it is you who is hovering and not trading. After a few of these and on your duplicate accounts do you hop in the air?
can I get a -1 for my -1?
I feel the power, It is glorious. -1
-1 % Tell us all, what is the point Rob? We need your wise thoughts.
Oh, so Fara is just a troll? Why didn’t you say so. Where’s that “Ignore” button I can press to get rid of your posts?
Its “shills” Fara, not Shrills. Lol.
A shill is usually the vendor, using an alias, that attempts to ‘talk up’ their product. Regardless, shills are welcome here! And so are you.
Thanks for having a tough skin. You certainly need one to hang around these message boards.
You are a horrible man Emmett Ellsworth Moore Jr. ‘Lol’ . You let very lonely men and some also autistic spectrum men (lack of capacity to understand subtle clues?) drive your content. Revolting. Fara made a mistake but you add Lol just to make her look foolish. Not nice and certainly not decent behavior.
only four -1s/.. disappointing. I called your fantasy strong man horrible. More -1!!!
If I could give myself -1 you know I would.
@ Simmy
Put slinkies on the escalator with Chaotica and the Fifth Dimension
I prefer -1
@ Simmy
On offering to help the blind man, the man who then stole his car, had not, at that precise moment, had any evil intention, quite the contrary, what he did was nothing more than obey those feelings of generosity and altruism which, as everyone knows, are the two best traits of human nature and to be found in much more hardened criminals than this one, a simple car-thief without any hope of advancing in his profession, exploited by the real owners of this enterprise, for it is they who take advantage of the needs of the poor.
It doesn’t take long for me to work out which FIO member you are.
I have called out many in the past and they all end up vanishing once they are exposed.
You really should mix things up a little.
-1 for talking too much!
Woohoodeoodo!!! -1 given this is better than anything.
and my bonus -1? Please?
Glad to see the love you have for me.
Fara,I view this is a comment section to an article. Stray Dog once again beat me to the punch, but Emmett ‘s review is the heart, everything else is just people commenting. Heck you do not need to even read the comments if you don’t want to.
Bottom line is neither Fara or I make the rules on what comments are and are not allowed. Emmett is not happy about it he can change it.
One problem is if you get rid of commentators such as me, who you do not like, who do you think 99% of the comments are going to be from. They will be from the shills. As they have a financial motive to come here and say they are making a 800% return and do not have to proof anything.
While most of the people that have been scammed just want to forgot the whole experience and move on. Or they feel they just did something wrong as they lost money while Fara made 800%. Assuming this is the same Fara, after making millions should you be busy traveling the world instead of commenting here.
Yes, the vendors or their shills will always attempt to come back. Sorry to say, I suspect Fara despite her decent demeanor may be another one of them. Looking back, I recalled seeing her first posts back in mook trader review comments. https://www.tradingschools.org/reviews/mook-trader/#comment-10686
As we all know Emmett usually takes about a month or few months for a new review. I feel that in probability, possibly Stephanie is Fara and she also changed her id to “Farah” a few times. Then probably due to panic she started posting as one of the anti-shill mob. (I lol when I think of OFA ducking under the desk and shrilling out ‘education only!’ when Emmett called) In her post above, she suggests there are no more need for reviews and TS should be more like a forum. Of course a caught vendor would have reason to suggest there be no more reviews when worried about a pending StockWhisperer review. And sham vendors would very much like TS to become a plain forum neglecting to expose vendors and letting no proof slide like bmt.
I think if Emmett recalled the date he tried to contact Stephanie for proof it would correspond closely with the date Fara(h)/Stephanie started posting in MookTrader.
It’s somewhat similar to when DavidAdams tried to ingratiate himself with the anti-scam comments, except he was a complete nasty non-refunding fraud. If you all saw the personal blog he had for a short while blasting RobB, you couldn’t pull his bs anymore when he pathetically tried to re-ingratiate himself to RobB for not “giving up on the good fight” a few reviews ago.
Justify yourself much Rob C? -1 than and you go from a big C to a B.
Or is that too like T and G
Comment sections are self-evolving based on community interaction. Why don’t you do something to influence the comments in a positive way? You could have tried out this service once the review came out and now be adding your own worthy-of-being-published comments to the “shit show” of comments, as you see it. There are many times a meaningful comment can be made when not directly involved with the subect of the review. For example, Al Br–ks has a similar psychological attraction with his audience as Stock Whisperer Steph K. does, in a more intellectualized setting, hoodwinking his audience with obsessive cult jargon and his captivating bass voice, in contrast to Stock Whisperer’s open appeal. I’m looking forward to a Br–ks review update with more detail on the cult and possibly malignant narcissist angle on Br–ks, once the CFTC takes the ethically-mandatory action expected to rebalance the scales of justice.
Pete, you are doing well not to post so much lately. Proud of you. Simmy.
It was an attempt at sarcasm but you can’t see these things. Look, you have options. There are adult therapy classes you could go to or think laterally. For example Japan has the highest rate of ASD in the world, almost double the UK which is next up. Japan could be a better place to live than China sweetie? Simmy x.
Loneliness is nothing to be ashamed of. I saw the photo you chose on FIO, such sadness. Leave places like this, they just make everything worse. A great big hug to you.
Your first post was so ridiculous, I thought it was a joke, but apparently not, one must be really sick to be shill of such crap.
as ridiculous as someone putting give me -1?
-1 is a magic number. A stripper pole kinda looks like a -1
LOL! I loved the $20 trillion debt piece! 🙂
This lady can get more done than Janet Yellen could in the Fed chair. Lol
Now look Stephanie…I mean Fara, if I was making 800% per year I wouldn’t be paying any attention to a little old website that questioned my returns. And the last thing I would be is defensive which you are pretty good at.
Robert B? Such a strong name. Rob is for -1s
Basic strategy of such rooms is: Glorify the cherry picked stocks on Youtube, FB etc. Post BS returns and talk silky always. Then seduce more and more buyers to the “educational boot camp” type products selling for one to several thousands each. This is marketing business, nothing else.
Are you Amit, a.k.a Bam Bam, a.k.a Crypto King, from Texas? If so, you are in Stefanie’s new 2018 book, Dark Pool Secrets, as a Java Pit room member whose “accuracy improved” after joining.
Yup. And I am a monkey’s uncle. Give me my banana. Yes I do know that I not in line to be any kind of uncle, but WTF? With returns like that, why cavil about reality?
Wow, it only took 5 hours for the first shill to pop up. Matt is really on top of his game.
Really! There’s a say that goes “if you can’t trade, you go to online forums and complain.”
Fara, I am looking forward to hearing from Emmett when you’ve arranged for him to look over your brokerage statements.
Woof woof! -1! for me
You know what I need! that is it a big fat -1 !!!!!
5 years? Heck, The Stock Whisperer website wasn’t even around 5 years ago. But ok.
And yes, we are lazy. Especially me. I am the king of lazy. Trust me, its true. No kidding.
Great to hear that you are having a positive experience with Stephanie. 800% returns are truly superb. And I am glad that you have taken the time to converse and write something. This can be a rough crowd. Truly hope to read more of your comments in the future.
http://www.daytradingpower.com/ looks to be toast
Well the pressure was too great to produce 1 day of redacted broker statement or be actually profitable trader that it just collapsed all together leaving the flock hanging to dry., I wish they all would crash and burn
Thought you were against fakes and shills in your previous posts Fara assuming you are the same Fara. If Stephanie was doing so well as she claims she pretty much beats all the funds on wall st. and should be starting her own fund. Nice to see you’re on a roll of new reviews Emmett which is fun to read, entertaining and educationally sobering to the dreamware these myriad shams new and old keep coming up with for a monthly churn of newbs. This review helps round out more of a representation of these diva or ‘tradeporn” lady shammers. Stephanie seems to have a little more of a trading diva edge agewise than Stockswoosh lady who has too much makeover and agreed her singing isn’t bad. I hope you get to Alla Peters of alphawavetrading. Now that is an aural diva tr experience. Have yet to see Amy Sangster’s new IP Ball 2016 video recap. Yep, women of all types, yet with the common denominator of ethically challenged personalities, seem to be catching on the marketing “opportunities” of the typical sham jackasses’ success stories like Warrior, GTR, Bond, Kavan, Sykes etc. Happened to see this recent DTAcademy/Marcello Arambide wannabe costa rican girl’s day trading video..
These TR just do not know what to do about Emmett’s reviews. They never had anyone give them an accurate assessment before.
So Fara you are making 800% returns for the past 5 years. Even if you just started out with $1000, I calculate your worth today would be over $32 million.
I could go on and say being Stephanie made you so much money and apparently she can show no proof of her claims, then you could show Emmett that $32 million and how you made it via Stephanie trading method, but instead I will just say, “Do you see yet how insane your post is”??
Enough with Fara’s ridiculous promotional nonsense, lets get to something really important.
Stray Dog where did you get that shill card and how did you get it to appear in your post. Man that is so great. I want to use it as a response to all shill post. No words needed.
Google images search term “shill” If you use Firefox browser then when the reply window opens there are choices to attach an image, video or document to the post. Perhaps you can help me with a question that has been keeping me awake at night…
I was wrong, you are interesting! How did you get that photo of Al Brooks’ dog!? Did Pete give you that? Pete! where are you! Al Brooks’ dog! wow what a coincidence! just like Emmett’s (very elderly) aunt coincidentally falling prey to the (online) tradingacademy.com OTR in the Al Brooks thread. Not a distraction like this review which Emmett had handy.
Man, I need to get that shill card.
Lucas, as usual I have a hard time following your train of thought, which screams “SHILL”!
First you are upset that Emmett is giving Al Brooks a bad review and accuse Emmett of being in bed with OTA. So basically you are accusing Emmett of giving all these bad review, while secretly in bed with OTA.
Then Emmett says he is about to do a review on OTA and from his post it did not seem like it would be a favorable review. And you are still not happy.
How about trying this Lucas. Come Clean. What vendor are you associated with. Are you with NT or another trading platform that benefits off day traders, or maybe with a broker benefiting off day traders or maybe one of the million SW sellers out there that needs the promises of day TR to be belived.
If you are truly not a shill and just a concerned citizen, then actually provide some logic to your thoughts.
First do you seriously not realize, 99.99% and IMO 100% of these TR vendors are con artist?
Do you think they should be allowed to make fantasy claims of 2000% return on money and yet not show a lick of evidence to back it up? I mean no one can be that brain dead.
Is Bernie Madoff your hero?
I could go on and and on, but unless you are from Mars you get my point.
This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. Veronica Mars s02e04.
A shill gets paid.
I am here to save you from things you cannot tolerate, things which put you to indignation, to outrage. You are trapped but know that a man is free at the moment he wishes to be.
Brother Luke’s ass.
Makes as much sense as any of your other post.
One for you Rob B I mention your name a lot because you never stop talking. You are everywhere. Minus any useful contributions.
Spare a Lady a -1?
-1 Rob B!
But for Simmy? does Simmy get a -1?
-1 is the new double plus good.
Join the party -1
wang -1, wang -1 that is bark bark in mandarin.
Wow, there is no captcha! -1 can reign forever!
800%!!! Really! Can you show those statements? Man, you shouldn’t be in some small TR, you should be running Goldman Sachs, maybe even contacting Trump to deal with the economy.
just a tasty -1 to share with you.
I need your -1 SOOOOOOO bad.
I did not vote you down because I think that you really meant this “tongue in cheek”. Please tell me that I am not wrong?
Stephanie trading?
What are you talking about. The only ones trading in there were some guys like Cowboy, FoxyRoxy, etc.
Stephanie is only there to put her “levels” she got from the evil dark pools. She then says: above this price I am long, under that price I don’t get in or I short.
She takes a shot in a blue moon. She is only there to pump up the troops before the open, then cheerlead during the day with comments like ” Way to go Foxy!” After Foxy posts a winner.
I do believe she is one of the top ten traders in the business as most of those having forums like this are total scammers who don’t trade at all or trade from fake accounts.
Actually even my daughter’s stuff Barney doll would be a top ten.
However, there is no question in my mind that she will never ever posts real trades as people would see right away she does not trade.
If you are making a killing from that site, good for you. It’s not because of the site for sure but because you are a solid trader.
Well since you have stated that YOU have achieved 800% returns than lets see YOUR proof otherwise you may be committing fraud yourself for the benefit of her business. Maybe you should be investigated.
Fara, I tend to believe you are a solid trader having some good years. But please recognize hitting a few lucky stock investments out of the park is not really a record of consistent swing or day trading. And it was probably due to your own efforts into lucking out on a method that works which is how real profitable trading works as frauds would never teach something that works. We all know acquaintances or relations that have been lucky with a stock investment or two. And also, with your successful trading you are proof that successful traders don’t set up a scam trading room or educational service, only those who stopped trying to trade live and compromise their ethics by monthly churning dupes with some sort of shamshow.
2181% annualized return. Darn when I read that I was going to post what that return means, but then you beat me to the punch.
And this person that makes a 2181% yearly return runs a $99 TR.
You cannot make this stuff up. Yet people still believe it.
I hope they are paying the $99 bucks to hear some sex talk. Maybe replaces the sex telephone services the old timers use to get. OK I know you young ins do not get it. But before there was internet there was ……
I’d love to be a “swing trader by night” but unfortunately, I usually fall asleep by 9 PM (oh, the long ago memories are so sweet yet so far away)
I get up at -1 in the morning to swing on the Asian session.
thats a -1 there Rob B.
Regarding the Stock Whisperer comments posted on this forum, please know that if you scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on the word “Previous”, that link will take you to the first page of the comments regarding the Stock Whisperer where there appear to be over 100 comments posted. It appears to me that there are many unhappy people. I agree with the author of this review in that I have noticed a lot of what I feel are misleading statements and claims made in promoting this service. If a person touts his/her own trading success in order to promote a paid service and/or costly trading courses and promotes him/herself as an experienced, successful trader, then that person most definitely should be willing and able to substantiate that claim. The success, profits, and returns touted should be backed up with proof. At least one year of brokerage statements showing that the person has taken, with actual funds, all of the trades and has achieved all of the profits that were touted in the marketing materials and seminars should be available. In my view, failure to do that is outright fraud. If Stefanie and her associates involved in promoting the Stock Whisperer services are taking money and/or profiting from people who have been misled in any way into purchasing such services then, rightfully, in my view, all purchase fees should be refunded to those people as well as ANY and ALL LOSSES that have incurred as a result of following the advice and trading recommendations of the Stock Whisperer Co. Additionally, any and all of the brokerage statements in the names of the Stock Whisperer promoters should be made public and an investigation should be made into any and all possible “shills” (phonies), if any, that may have assisted in the trading rooms touting profits and successful trades when there were actually none. It is my understanding that there are many government agencies that would be in agreement with me on this issue as well. Those people who feel that they have been defrauded, deceived, or misled into departing with their hard-earned money by verbal claims and/or misleading marketing, should know that there are ways to recover their losses. There are laws that protect the consumer and there is a common term known as “Consumer Redress”. Keep your receipts of all fees/tuitions paid to the company as well as your own brokerage statements which show any losses achieved by your trading as a result of following the advice of the Stock Whisperer and associates. You may need this information in the future. All of this, of course, my opinion. I thank Emmett for sharing this information and allowing people to post their comments. He is providing people with a valuable service here.
I tend to agree with Bob and Emmett with all that they have said here. I have attended several of Stephanie’s seminars at the Money Shows and the Traders Expos. I am very amazed at the lack of actual knowledge she actually has when it comes to the markets. I have been a floor trader for 27 years in Chicago and those of us with real knowledge about the markets and the “dark pools” know that there is absolutely nothing of value by looking at large blocks, whether during or after market trading or on the so-called “dark pool” that will enable a daytrader or swing trader to make any kind of intelligent decision as to when to enter and exit a stock or any kind of security CONSISTENTLY with a profit (sure, there is a such thing as luck but CONSISTENCY in achieving profits is what is important, otherwise you will have an overall loss over time). The simple fact is that there is no way to know what the circumstances are as to why a large block traded. It could be a hedge fund taking a profit on shares that were bought awhile ago. That wouldn’t be a reason to take any action to buy or short that stock. You just don’t know why a large block traded. Dark pool or not, a person cannot make an intelligent trading decision based on that because there is not enough information about the nature of the transaction as to why it was bought or why it was sold. I too had to chuckle when she mentioned her 93% success rate. I have actually spoken with a few of the people who tried out her trading room and one person who actually paid for one of her so-called training courses.
So far, I have yet to hear any success stories or anyone who has done well with her programs and none of the people I talked to are still enrolled in any of her programs. They took their losses. licked their wounds, and moved on. And I believe you are right in that Stephanie does not take the trades for herself in her own account that
she, herself, calls out in her trading room for others to take. One would have to wonder why she would not take the trades if the profits are there for the taking? The answer is simple. They are not.
The problem with her teachings and trade calls is that she never knows how much something is going to move once she tells people to enter. Will it be 1 cent? 10 cents? 20 cents? 30 cents? She never says.
So, if it moves 1 cent, she considers that a successful trade call. If it moves 30 cents and a person got out after 1 cent, she claims the trade was good for 30 cents, but only after the fact. And, unfortunately, people trading with real money are not able to trade profitably
using hindsight. Stephanie is not able to trade with actual funds in hindsight as well. That is why none of her trades have actually been entered with real money by her. She doesn’t actually
have a clue as to when to enter and exit a trade profitably with consistency. And consistency is the key. Sure a person can be lucky and be right sometime, but your will find that if you take all of her trade signals every day for just 1 month with real money and
not in a demo account, I believe you will chalk up an overall loss in your account. Now, I am not talking about a demo account where actual funds are not used. I am talking about real money in a real account. There is a HUGE difference. When Stephanie talks about her
93% success rate, she is not talking about her actual trading results in an actual brokerage account with real money. She cannot show anyone brokerage statements for 6 months or a year that shows that she actually took the trades with real money. It’s kind of a joke really. And that is where I feel that she is “duping” people. Now, she may mention these things in the disclaimer that she flashes in front of people real fast on a screen. But is that really doing business with integrity? I will say this about her though. She is a good marketer. She is good at duping a lot of people into believing that they should enroll in her programs. She is kind of a “con-woman” and does a pretty good job of it. Of course, people who do are no-doubt very naive and uneducated
when it comes to trading and they simply want to believe that she has something of value that can enable them to profit in the markets. But after they pay her hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars for her services and courses, they eventually chalk up enough losses and then stop trading and fade off. That is the reason why Stephanie travels to all of the shows and does all the seminars. She needs a constant source of “new blood” to keep her level of income up – all of which comes from the trading room fees and course fees and not from
her own trading. Think about it, if people following her are making consistent profits listening to her then word of mouth would have spread quickly a long time ago and there would be no need for her to keep traveling to the shows and keep trying to sell more people on her services. The fact is that Stephanie actually does not have a
background of trading, investments, or securities. She studied psychology in school and really has little credibility to be leading people in and out of stocks with their real money. I agree with Emmett though in that she is a pretty good singer. These are just my thoughts based on my experience and observations. Thanks much and good luck.
“The simple fact is that there is no way to know what the circumstances are as to why a large block traded. It could be a hedge fund taking a profit on shares that were bought awhile ago. That wouldn’t be a reason to take any action to buy or short that stock. You just don’t know why a large block traded. Dark pool or not, a person cannot make an intelligent trading decision based on that because there is not enough information about the nature of the transaction as to why it was bought or why it was sold.”
This supports why all these “orderflow” vendors should be exposed especially Jigsaw. If they could trade live for a living, why the hefty monthly churn fees for each client just to keep up the software on the ninjascreen. Why doesn’t the shamrock LarryLevin closer-salesman trade the “can’t lose” buy&sell signals of the tradingadvantage room filled with shill actors played by the shamrock crew themselves. They’re all shamshows!
Well Mr. DT Churn, I do agree with you there. In fact, any time anyone is in business charging fees for trading advice and/or recommendations and cannot prove that they, themselves, take their own trades is merely in business to take people’s money and does not earn their living trading in the markets because they cannot make it that way. I say “shame on them for duping people”. Now, let me say this in addition regarding Stephanie. Stephanie’s claim to fame in the securities industry and the only credibility that she can hang her hat on when it comes to trading is the 2 years that she claims she spent after college (where she majored in psychology), as a secretary/assistant to one of the executives employed at a firm called Schonfeld Securities. She claims that, during her employment there, she was allowed to day trade 250K of Schonfeld’s money and then claims that she did so well with that 250K that they allowed her to trade an additional 250K (total 500K). Now, really? They just handed a secretary $500K and let her trade with it? With all of the professional traders that were employed there with years of experience and a securities background, they allocated $500K of the firms money to a secretary right out of school who majored in psychology to trade their account for them? Again, I have to chuckle as Stephanie tries to “grab at straws” to try to squeeze some blood out of a turnip in an effort to come up with something in her background that attempts to give herself some credibility in the securities and trading industry. The fact is that she has none at all. And that is what is so comical about her being in the business that she is in. Now here is the “clincher”. Get this: In 2010, Shoenfeld fired 15 % of their actual traders stating the following: “The days of a trader making a living by generating $50k to $75k of adjusted gross annually are over.” Yes, that is what they said. In fact, they claimed that the “black boxes”, “high frequency trading”, and “robots” have changed day trading for the individual trader sitting at a computer trying to enter and exit trades for consistent profits. And Stephanie’s short-lived job (not career) ended as well. No, she was not asked to stay and continue trading for the firm, even with those great results she claims that she was achieving for them. No, they let her go. Strange that they would do that, isn’t it? Especially when she was making all that money for them. But now, today, all of the sudden, she insists that the days of making a living by day trading are not gone and she is the one who will lead us all to the land of milk and honey. All you have to do is just give her your credit card number so she can take your $100.00 per month and then you should take her training courses for additional fees that will teach you everything she has learned during her 2 short-lived years as a secretary (and, of course, super duper trader) at Schonfeld. Here is the link to the termination letter sent to employees at Schonfeld back in 2010: http://www.zerohedge.com/article/schonfeld-fires-15-traders-blames-fast-greedy-robots
What can I say? “I like my legs leaner.” Thanks Emmett “Am I going to be upset that a naive child is promising to build a flying elephant rocketship and join the galactic circus? Nope. Just going to smirk and encourage the child to follow their dreams and join the galactic circus.” I enjoyed the chuckle.
who can keep up with me, there can be only -1
Do not keep a girl in suspense, no don’t tell me about my -1 tomorrow!!!