Verified Trades
User Experience
Summary has no track record, no list of trades taken inside of the live trading room, no track record of text trades. Zero transparency. Sarah Potter claims to be a full time professional trader, yet she is unwilling to provide her audience or TradingSchools.Org with any proof whatsoever. Multiple readers of the TradingSchools.Org blog have complained about the lack of transparency. CanSheTrade? Nobody really knows. After contacting Sarah Potter multiple times, requesting a track record, she simply refused to engage. She appears to have a very basic understanding of financial markets, and is offering a series of courses and materials for the extreme newbie trader. Avoid.
( reviews)
Thanks for reading today’s review of SheCanTrade.Com
What is SheCanTrade.Com? SheCanTrade is a live, options and futures day trading room that is moderated by Sarah Potter. The live day trading service has three levels: (1) $119 per month for trades via text, (2) $197 per month for text trades and to watch live screen trading, (3) $497 per month per month for text trades, live screen trading, and personalized conversations with Sarah.
In addition to these interactive trading options, Sarah also sells a wide range of indicators and informational videos that include the following:
- Trend Indicators: $497 to $997
- Trading Indexes and ETF’s: 4 hour video $497
- Futures Trading: 4 hour video $497
- Trading Options Consistently: 6 hour video $597
- Trading At The Money: 3 hour video $497
- Options Trading For Profit: 13 hour video $797
- Options Foundations: 3 hour video $397
- How I Use Charts To Trade: 4 hour video $149
- Options On Futures: 3 hour video $397
- Debit Spreads: 2 hour video $397
- Maximizing Your Success Trading Puts and Calls: 2 hour video $197-$397
- Sarah’s Essential Options Trading Strategies For Volatile Markets: 2 hour video $97
About Sarah Potter and SheCanTrade.Com
A quick review on Archive.Org on SheCanTrade.Com shows that the website started in 2013. The earlier versions of the website are pretty basic and start off as a sort of blog where Sarah simply talks about the markets. However, as you watch the website change over time, you can see the transition from blogger to full-blown “Trading Guru”. It appears that in 2014, she published her first book, “How You Can Trade Like A Pro” with Kindle versions available for about $15 per copy. In my opinion, the book was written as a sort of launch pad for her various promotional products and services.
It appears that prior to her current venture as a trading educator, she actually was an educator. On the older versions of her websites, she claims to have a bachelors degree in education and a masters degree in education. Both are common for school teachers.
Inquiries from TradingSchools.Org readers
Since approximately November 2015 I have received 10+ inquiries to review Sarah Potter and SheCanTrade.Com. The messages that I received were varied. Most individuals simply made a request for a general review. A couple of messages were more poignant, one gentleman, in particular, had written to tell me that Sarah Potter refuses to publish a track record of any sort, and that no live trading can be verified inside of the live trading room. Another had written to tell me that he had purchased the book and felt that the information regarding credit spreads was a disaster waiting to happen. That if a person executes a credit spread, they run the risk of virtually unlimited loss if the market experiences a “fat tail” event. Yet another person complained that he had asked Sarah to provide account statements that verified her claims of being a “full-time professional trader” and she flat refused his request and proceeded to ignore him.
Truth be told, when folks sit down to write to me directly, it’s usually to complain. Hardly anyone ever writes to tell me how wonderful a trading service or trading educator is performing. With so much negative bias, it’s important that I speak with the trading educator one on one and cover all of these issues.
Reaching out to Sarah Potter
On March 2, 2015 I reached out to Sarah Potter and was very direct in telling her that I was with TradingSchools.Org and that I would be writing a review of her trading service. She was pretty excited to be interviewed and have a review written. She had written to me, “I’m honored that you want to review SheCanTrade.”
Everything started off okay. I sent her a list off all of the companies that I had written positive reviews about. The list is not very long. But as I explained to her, every single one of the companies on this list were 100% able to verify actual trading performance. I explained that the vast, vast majority of trading educators were just failed traders that along the journey morphed into trading educators, simply because they could not make the cut as a live trader. That I needed to verify her claims of being a full-time professional trader, and that it was important that she reinforces and legitimize her claims (Page one of her website) of…
Real Trades, Real Money, Real Simple – Consistently Growing Your Wealth
A membership to the Shecantrade Live Trading Room provides real time access to consistent options trades. Members benefit from watching professional options traders place live trades in their real accounts. You will learn the ins and outs of options trading in an inclusive and friendly atmosphere.
In my opinion, the above quote is crystal clear. She claims to make live trades in real trading accounts, using real money. However, the moment I asked for proof of this live trading, using real money in real trading accounts, she turned as icy as Jack Nicholson in The Shining. She simply shut down and refused to engage with me. I sent emails directly to her, and inside of these emails are tracking cookies that time stamp when the emails are opened and read. In real time, I could see her opening my emails, but she simply refused to engage with me further. Apparently, providing any sort of proof that “She Can Trade” is entirely off limits.
Perhaps Sarah is afraid that some malicious hacker might be able to reverse engineer her redacted account statements, that would prove that SheCanActuallyTrade. Perhaps publishing her TradeStation account is just too much information for the public to consume. Maybe the trades are so good that they will incite a Justin Bieber like response for the trading community. All of these new fans will flock to her website and it will crash because of the demand. That would be terrible.
A tale of two options trading educators
Trading educators like Sarah Potter drive me nuts. On the surface, they are so darn nice and sweet, but the very moment that a person asks for any sort of proof that they have ever traded profitably, then they just callously blow you off. They immediately know that their cover has been blown, that a truth seeker is right in their grill and refuses to go away, that the person that they project does not match the person that they truly are. That this whole trading educational thing is just a way to make a buck off of the greater fool. They perpetuate the failure that is so persistent in the business of trading.
Many people get into the trading game and they quickly fall for people like Sarah simply because she wrote a book, and she sounds smart. They automatically will correlate these markers as a sign of success. That “if a person writes a book about trading, then they most likely know about trading”, however, if a person takes a closer look at the universe of trading books for sale on Amazon, you will be amazed at the thousands upon thousands of so-called experts all claiming to be full-time traders. It’s amazing what people will believe.
Let’s compare a person like Sarah Potter with a person like Kevin Kleinman at WatchHimTrade.Com. You can read my original review here. Kevin is like Sarah, they both trade options. But the big difference is that Kevin is ultra mega, ultra super transparent. Every single one of his trades is on full display, inside of his trading room. And every single week, Kevin posts his actual account statements directly from TradeStation Securities. No BS, no games, no claiming that SheCanTrade but actually displaying that HeCanActuallyTrade. The winning, the losing, its all there. As a matter of fact, it is so damn refreshing that since I have written that review, a near constant stream of positive emails continues to hit my inbox. No problems whatsoever.
If you give Kevin a try, make sure that give a shout that Emmett said nice things about him. It’s important that people like Kevin, and the rest of the guys that I write positive reviews about are aware that honesty and transparency is appreciated. Truthfully, I feel sorry for the educators that are transparent and are willing to be open and honest, they have to fight the massive wave of fakes and frauds that hold themselves out to be professional traders, but are nothing of the sort.
Conversations with brokers
One of the great things about writing reviews about trading educators is the outreach that I have received from individual stocks, options, and futures brokers. In particular, the futures brokers give me an amazing insight into what I should be writing about. As well as stories of what actual professional traders do, how they conduct themselves, and the money that they earn. One of the most common questions that I ask is whether 95% of traders actually fail. I can concur that after speaking with many, many brokers…the real number is more like 80-85% failure rate. One retired broker actually showed me a spreadsheet of thousands of closed accounts and showed me some amazing statistics on survival rates.
One of the most common questions that I ask is why do 4 out of 5 traders fail? The most common answer is that new people are introduced to the trading business by more experienced traders that have only displayed traits of failure. That people buy books, and courses, and systems from failed traders. The flawed knowledge is handed down like a venereal disease, the failure just spreads and spreads from trader to trader. That newbies latch onto failed traders selling education and they are doomed to have relative performance similar as the failed educator. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. If you want to be a brain surgeon, you should probably be learning from someone that has actually performed successful brain surgery. However, most people lower the bar so low, or are so greedy or gullible that they simply read a website and trust in the goodness of mankind. Sorry folks, when it comes to most trading educators, they give Bernie Madoff a good name.
Unfortunately, as most brokers have told me, that when people place their trust in other failed traders, they do themselves treble damage. Much more than just the cost of the education, loss of time, trading losses, they ultimately have to UNLEARN the flawed knowledge. And everyone knows that it is entirely more difficult to break the cycle of flawed knowledge than it is to introduce knowledge based upon verifiable facts. Just ask poor Copernicus, the renaissance mathematician and astronomer that formulated the model that the sun was at the center of the universe, and not the earth. The Pope was so horrified by his writings that they tossed the poor guy into prison. Many, many years after his death, his theories were proven and able to take root.
Wrapping things up
In my opinion, much of what we are seeing in today’s modern technical analysis movement is very similar to what we witnessed during the dark ages…during the high period of Alchemy. Its amazing to me when I read about the numerous universities that sprang up in medieval Europe that promised to teach students how to turn common elements into gold. For roughly one thousands years, after the fall of Rome, its seems that humanity simply lost its way. Embraced pseudoscience and the charlatans ran amok. Technical analysis of stocks and commodities has only been around since roughly 1985…the charlatans and alchemists, armed with a personal computer are firmly in control of the message. But every day, I wake up and attempt to slowly drain the swamp of fortune tellers, wizards, and magic unicorns.
Oh, and Sarah Potter when you read this, I would highly recommend that you sign up for “The Robot“. This way people can witness whether you are the genuine article and not just another trading guru with zero proof of success. Sarah Potter the trading wizard, sure sounds like Harry Potter, another amazing wizard that never was.
Thanks for reading and don’t forget to leave your comments below.
Beware of the snake oil
I was a paying member of the of She Can Trade trading room and also paid for some courses that Sarah Potter sold on her website. I think the fact that She Can Trade is no longer in business is a testament to the important work that Emmett Moore is doing for the retail trading community. We owe him a debt of gratitidue. Thank you, Emmett! Unfortunately, I was a member of She Can Trade before Emmett’s review was available.
While I did make money using Sarah’s credit spread method, I also lost money using her credit spread method. The important thing to note is that if you lose more than you make, you have wasted your time and money. I made some incremental profits on a series of options trades over weeks of trading credit spreads, but then I lost in one bad trade what I made in the previous month’s 4 trades. Because in credit spreads the risk-reward is skewed. For example, you need to risk $4 to make $1, and if you lose, you lose $4, so getting back to parity can be like trying to dig yourself out of a hole, and leads to what is known in mathematics as Gambler’s Ruin (look it up in Wikipedia). Sarah never explained how to trade size and how to use money management which is so crucial to long-term survival (she only traded 1 contract in her trading room – which is practically useless) When I finally figured out the extent of the risk she was exposing her students to, I emailed her to call her out, and in return, she offered me free courses, but no explanation or response to my concerns about options exposure that would certainly lead to gambler’s ruin. I also requested her trading record or history of trades that she did with us in the trading room, but she would not provide them. The bottom line is that if you have a consistent options income trading strategy, there absolutely no reason not to be transparent and publish your results. Because most trading systems and education are a scam, anyone that publishes their record would get thousand of students and become instantly wealthy just from publishing consistent results or will be recruited by institutional investors. Unfortunately, Sarah seemed so trustworthy and reliable, but as Emmett points out when you ask her for proof or an assessment of her risk profile, you get no response, and she tries to placate you with her free courses. Please don’t waste your time, or at least understand that you will lose money in the end.
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Oh wow, Sarah Potter’s website is dead. Another trading educator bites the dust.
Sorry to read that you lost money, and had a bad experience.
Thanks for taking the time to write something. Its important that consumers are open and warn the public about potential scams.
Oh wait, she is STILL in business. She is now operating the website, YouCanTrade as opposed to SheCanTrade.
Regardless, the same mumbo jumbo. Apparently the taro card reading is not going very well.
I let moneyshow continue to spam me and check out their site for fun seeing the upcoming speakers for their next conferences. Matt Choi has resurfaced again after his ducking having been exposed by the ts spotlight, lol. I also saw “Sarah Potter” and recalled I saw that name before. lol, here we are again with “watchhertrade”. Her prices have doubled, now the worthless courses are $997 individual and the combo hotdog ones are $2k now. Hey, the pic with the barbarian scanty lady with the sword beside the wizard is gone. I’ve noticed the well-married lady shammers usually just show their sometimes pretty faces, while the unmarried divas like Alla Peters of alphawave/Kammerman/IP’s-AmySangster etc. tend to have links to show a lot more (of their supposed tradingdream fancy lives). Then you have speakers like Adrian Manz and Jon Najarian (“Dr.J”) on every upcoming conference moneyshow and tradersexpo for the coming year. So they could be the more desperate ones or needing more dupes, while Sykes is just on a couple of the conference roster lists with his smirk again, just to remind them all he’s the former kid in glasses who siphoned more traderdream money than the rest of them. (now /w IP cap) lol.
(Rick Santelli, aw, come’on what are you doing at this cesspool of fakes? )
I came here to look at Cyber Trading University as they have a webinar this evening, which after reading the review I will not bother attending. I then decided to check the other reviews and as I am currently a member of Sarah’s room was surprised her review was so bad. I did the 2 week trial at $7 and had 5 winning trades and no losers, so of course I moved onto the paid service. I am in my second month and have taken 44 of the trades, 6 are currently open, 5 losers and 33 winners. I am very happy with the service and Sarah and TJ both show their TOS excutions in the room.
Nice try shill. Like most vendors , they only check their own review and maybe check out one other review (in this case the CTU -fake! boobs one) just to get an idea if Emmett is like the other reviewers. Tough, tradingschools is 97% aligned with the truth of this scum-oil industry and it takes a while for sham vendors who’ve had it easy for too many years duping and churning newbs to realize the road of easy shilled reviews and sites/forums stops here where the CFTC and FBI watch this site. This review is one of the better summaries, where newbs need to learn this lesson which is slow enough to relaize until after a lot of wasted time: “But as I explained to her, every single one of the companies on this list were 100% able to verify actual trading performance. I explained that the vast, vast majority of trading educators were just failed traders that along the journey morphed into trading educators, simply because they could not make the cut as a live trader.” “when people place their trust in other failed traders, they do themselves treble damage. Much more than just the cost of the education, loss of time, trading losses, they ultimately have to UNLEARN the flawed knowledge.”. These comments of truth about the snake oil industry should be emphasized or placed on the “warning” or “about” pages of this site (or a new “intro” page) and just about every daytrading forum that claims to be uncorrupted by vig and vendor sponsors.
I read her book and left a review on amazon with the reviewer name of “critical eye” which outlines my main beefs with her book, and by extension her character. When you look up her trades she examples in her book, they are absolute disasters, and ironically, in her book she doesn’t even show how to calculate the risk on a credit spread, or ever tells you how to manage the trade when things go wrong.
I tried to be diplomatic, but my opinion is that she’s a fraud. Read the review and check out my claims for yourself.
By the way, I am not subscribed to any of Sarah’s services, as her trading style is more geared towards day trading, but I have to admit that I did find — before reading her book — that sometimes her site and YouTube channel are a bit aggressive in promotion without giving enough value. Now that you mentioned the majority of traders are failed traders desperately looking to recoup their losses via the fake-it-until-make it approach, I’ve to admit that you might just have a point — even if our assessments could be all off.
Actually, just want to say that there’s another female trader ( complaining about SheCanTrade’s transparency as well. Sarah also has another newletter service called Informed Technical Investor ( The website is dated at 2015, and doesn’t seem to be very well maintained though.
Fun read. GailMercer of TradersHelp!Desk should be on her ‘titan up’ list too. Interesting to see her journey took her through Tesseract Trading, Dean Handley’s room.
Not really “interesting”, as April T. – of TradeForGreatness – is Handley’s wife. Surprise, surprise, surprise. No, they never noted that in Handley’s recommendation, but I’m a bit of a detective.
Wow! Just when you think you seen it all!
That is interestingly amazing if verified. I guess these vendor scumbags have something going for their shamming life after all.
April “T” and Fibqueen seem the cutest of the lot besides the CTU-fake!-model lady and IP Sangster girl. LBRashke not too bad in her day too though her book with “buy my RSI-2 machine” Conner was early pre-internet stochastic & rsi malarky. Too bad she’s stuck tesseract-brainwashed in the trailer park kitchen in the background while Dean hams away the tetons in the Soares cap video.
Wayback Machine actually suggests that she starts her blog around July 2012, not 2013, with her first/second post about her first trade, so I think a trading guru is an appropriate term.
If you search her YouTube channel, you can easily witness her journey as a beginning trader during these 4 years. This is also where she started promoting for her service after ~1.5 year of being a trader.
I’ve gone through her entire book and all her podcasts, so I’m hoping to provide an unbiased position on this. Her book talks about trading psychology, how she traded future (which she no longer do as she mentioned in her podcast), and of course how she trade options by following the trend and placing directional trades or spreads. In general, the information is pretty introductory, but pretty valuable for new traders.
In all honesty, most of her advice are pretty common sensical, and she has the fundamental concepts down in her book pretty well. But as with other learning traders, she also has changed some of her ideas and advice (which you will have to gather from here and there). For example, in some of her old YouTube videos she used to trade at 1 standard deviation for spreads — an advice which she no longer hold, as you can hear in her interview in OptionAlpha’s podcast. She also no longer trades futures, which is a natural progression as someone learns to trade options. For some reason, she seems to dislike iron condor a bit, perhaps because of her lack of success in the market.
All in all, I really believe that she has good intention, even though I think her trading advice are mediocre/good, but not outstanding. Either way, she puts out tons of information on trading out there in the form of book, podcasts and YouTube videos, so everyone out there can exercise their due diligence there.
Hi, Emmett,you should check out Alpha Wave trader with Alla Peters,
I read Sarah’s book (got it from the library) and was about to buy it, but then read a lengthy critical review of it on Amazon, and decided to re-checkout the book again and check what this person noted in their review.
True enough, the book is beyond lacking.
It talks about all the money i could make, but never showed how to figure out how much i was risking.
Also the reviewer called out specific trades that were shown in the book, and they were right on in terms of them being very dangerous trades.
And yeah, she screwed up in some of her terminology, and fundamentals of calendars in the book.
Hey Emmett. Are you going to review Michele’s “tradeonthefly”. Is her new site independent from investor’s underground. Are her 500+k reported profits with for real as opposed to Nathan’s ridiculous one day gains of millions? The fishing theme on the site seems too similar to that “shecantrade” video but you and others seem to have good things to say about Michele last year in the IU review comments, thanks.
Wow!! I’m shocked by these comments and this article.
I’ve been in Sarah’s live trading room for the last 6 months and have found her to be a very responsible and dependable educator. Her Trading Associate opens the room for the first hour and has also been very professional and offers consistently successful trading suggestions each week. From day one, I have been privy to exactly how much the room has made or lost. She texts members the results of the week’s trades on Friday afternoon and they have been outstanding. She is very conservative in recommending a trade and only trades one contract in the room, but each person does what their account will allow. By applying what I’ve learned from her, I am able to bring in as little as $500 weekly and usually much more. I imagine others results may differ, depending on how many contracts they’re able to trade.
I’ve been trading off and on for 20 years, but never tried spreads. The way she teaches this skill is with such care and is so easy to follow. She also focuses on Directional trades – puts and calls. One of the best tools she uses that has helped me is her chart layout. It really gives you an edge, but is incredibly simple. This experience has been a revelation for me. I know others teach these ideas also, but I ended up finding SHECANTRADE online one day and her style was a fit for me. I can only speak for myself, but the other members have said the same when I first joined the room and was asking questions. I also hear that these last few months have been challenging for most traders, so for me to come along at this time and still have great success speaks well for Sarah Potter’s methods and training.
With my success, you can imagine how disappointed I was to read some of the comments here. If she has chosen not to answer your question on her track record, please know that to members in the room, many of whom seem like family to her, she is completely transparent. I have no complaints regarding the service she offers and can highly recommend it.
Hi Linda,
Thanks for leaving a comment. My only problem with is that there is no way to track what she is doing. Her trading is more by suggestion and “alerts”. There should be a measurable way to evaluate performance. There is no track record, no account statements that verify her trading alerts. Now, lets compare to…please notice that posts his live account statements for everyone to see. There is a legitimate, measurable, and proven track record of success. For my own investment decisions, and learning experience, I personally prefer an educator that actually does trade.
Another that has a proven track record, and accompanying account statements is Everything is open and transparent.
I have others that are also willing to be transparent, open, and are willing to provide verifiable proof of trading success.
I would recommend that you simply ask Sarah for proof that she is actually trading. Have her screen share the performance report from her brokerage. She will not. However, the very moment that you question her, she turns from pleasant and kind to very unpleasant. Sorry that you have to read this, but the business of trading education is full of people that proclaim amazing success and talk a fantastic game. But most do not even have a trading account.
Fun video that pretty much sums of business of trading education and trading advice…
Mr. Moore, I can’t say that I’m concerned about her track record being publicly displayed because I actually see her place trades on her platform live. If someone else wants to know what she’s doing maybe they should join the room and watch instead of making disparaging remarks. I have done so, placed the same trades as her and made money for 6 months -that’s all I need to know. If the criteria in judging a successful person includes that they display their account online, then I think that is unfair. Just because others are willing to do it doesn’t mean it should be required or else their entire business is trashed. Unfortunately, it seems that is the nature of the online world today. I can say with confidence that she is the real thing and has helped me make $- it’s as simple as that. I don’t need to see her account statement -I can see my own.
Shocked, Really?
I will respond as if I did not believe you are shill. You have to set a Litmus Test for a trading room operator. For me this Litmus Test is proof of profitable trading. People always like to give analogies that are apples to oranges comparison. The closest I can come to an analogy would be a money manager.
So there is this person managing money claiming he is making 100% a year and then he creates 100 fake user IDs and post on blogs that he is an investor in this unregulated money manager and yes it is true he makes 100% a year. Would you take your life saving and just give it to him to invest? Sadly many people would and they would lose their money. I would not and this is what Emmett’s site tries to warn people of. You need REAL proof of their claims. Emmett is trying bring light to the darkness of this deceptive industry.
Neither Sarah nor any of her “So Called” students show any proof of profitable trading and that is the problem. Emmett’s blog is becoming a pretty well known and it is very simple for Sarah to show proof of her profitable trading. So why doesn’t she? There must be a reason. Hmm, I wonder what it can be. Just think about it. If you really were a profitable trader and wanted to sell your trading room and education wouldn’t you proudly show proof you could trade profitable? The bottom line is saying you are a profitable trader is easy; actually being one is very very tough.
This is why the Government stepped in and regulated mutual funds and the like.
If you still do not get it I cannot help you.
BTW, totally off topic anyone want a baby rescue kitty? They still have to be bottle feed. Hmm, I will take advantage and make the same type of unsubstantiated claims TR operators make. Acquiring a baby kitten will make you a profitable trader. Before I had one I just lost money again and again and then after getting a baby kitten wham bam I made money hands over fist. I said it, it must be true. Trust me!! Better yet I will have my fellow traders who have baby kitties post it is TRUE!!!!
After making that post I have another off topic topic. My first post was never posted saying it needed moderation, I assume due to the fact that I had all of 2 links. So I am trying again with just 1 link. This is not the first time this has happened. It seems like there is a real issue with post requiring moderation being approved.
After reading what I’ve written I can see why you think I’m a “shill” – I’m just finding out what that is…but I’m not- really, I know other people teach about credit spreads and I could have learned this a thousand years ago. However, whenever I would begin to trade again after stopping for awhile, I would go back to the same group whose name I won’t mention, but they happened to only trade futures and options on futures. They didn’t do credit spreads… I’m not trying to advertise her but was just thrown by some of the speculating… no pun intended ….about her abilities and motivations- it was very hurtful. She’s not a miracle worker, but she taught me how to do a very commonly understood trade -I just didn’t know about it before. Each week I’m doing some directional trades which are less successful for me, but I make the most money on credit spreads, some of which are her trade ideas, sometimes they’re referenced by a trader who runs the first hour of the room and sometimes they’re mine. But, no matter whose idea it is, now that I know how to do them I’m making money and she happens to be the person who taught me and I’m grateful -that’s it. I know I sounded like an advertisement -sorry about that. I understand your desire to see proof but I’m not going to post my account online and I don’t require that of others. I see that some people are willing to offer it- not sure how to defend against this except that I understand if she doesn’t want to either. Okay she’s not paying me for this endorsement so I think I’ll give myself a break now and you too! 🙂
You said, “I actually see her place trades on her platform live”?
I was also in the trading room, I never saw any trades being placed live, in either SIM or live account. Maybe you are alluding to her trading suggestions?
In my opinion, it is very relevant that a person whom is giving investment advice has some sort of qualifications, some sort of track record. When I buy a home, the bank gives me a mortgage based upon my ability to pay, my ability to show performance. When I apply for a drivers license, the DMV requires that I prove that I can lawfully drive the vehicle and can pass a written test. When I apply for a job to be a teacher of children, the school district requires that I have qualifications, the proper level of education, that I am qualified to instruct children. Of course, these are just my opinions. Thanks for sharing your opinion.
Hi Mr. Moore, I’m not sure when you were in the room, but she places Live Trades on the Interactive Brokers platform. I understand your perspective as to publicizing her track record. Who knows? Maybe she’ll change her mind about that. For me, as you can imagine, it’s no longer an issue, because I’ve personally vetted the service. Can’t get over the comments about me being a “shill” – very icky! 🙂
It would be ridiculously easy to publish a redacted Interactive Brokers account statement, or she can participate in my free “Robot” trade reporting system.
She refuses both. She refuses to verify anything. I would be more than willing to create a very positive review regarding her service, but readers need to know if she is actually trading. People are making investment decisions based upon her advice, and these investment decisions can have a very dramatic impact on their lives.
A “shill” is usually someone that is running a trading service, like, and they come onto public forums such as this, and post a series of positive comments. They use fake names, fake email addresses, fake contact information, etc, and they are actually the owner of the trading service. I find it much more beneficial if the person running the trading service speak directly to the audience. And answer these questions openly, honestly, with candor and transparency. Instead, SheCanTrade refuses to do this…and it appears to posting comments under an alias.
I’m wondering if you didn’t visit the room toward the end of the week…which is when most trades are put on…Anyway, as I look over this website, there are so few good reviews, I’m thinking you scared her off? I don’t know – maybe you come across as impossible to please? I’m just guessing…I’m not in touch with her at all personally – have only emailed a question once since I joined the room…but if you think I’m posing as someone other than myself, there’s no use going on about this. I don’t want to do more harm than good. Also, I was disappointed that one of your only recommended Trading Rooms is giving you a commission. I appreciated your being honest about it though. I also realize that if folks are skeptical about a Co. there’s more of a chance that you’ll find they’re one of the bad ones, so maybe that’s why you found so many weren’t good. As you can see, I try to be fair. I just freaked out yesterday when I came across this info after having a nice trading week.
I’m not a shill! (Sounds like I’m not a Bimbo…cracks me up…) Signing off.
Honestly, I really appreciate your comments! I mean this with a good heart.
Unfortunately, I have to really put a lot of pressure every single one of these trading vendors to be open and transparent. They never do it, unless their business suffers. Once the review hits page one on Google, then they usually come around and start being more transparent.
Some will pull their website down and quickly create a brand new website, using a new name, new trading platform, etc. Its ugly. And I have seen it all.
In the past 18 months of writing these reviews, you would be really surprised at the zany stuff that these trading educators have attempted to pull off. Not many valid and honest vendors out there. Sad.
I respect your personal opinion, and hope to read more of your comments in the future.
I have to agree with Linda a little bit on this. Emmett you are a tough critic and hard to please which is good and bad. Good because you are doing this free service for your audience and bad because you only have a couple of recommendations. Having said this I was turned off by Sarah’s website. It kept screaming buy buy buy!! I like option alpha much better and he had Sarah on his podcast.
Hi RJ,
Yes, I am really tough. Wish I did not have to be so mean and nasty. Would love to write more positive reviews. My lord, I would love to be able to crank out a ton of positive reviews. Sarah can new review! But I need to see something, anything, that shows she can actually trade.
Going to clean this industry up. But its going to get a lot uglier and painful before we start to see some positive changes.
Linda, Another shill trying to create doubt in the reader’s minds about the accuracy of Emmett’s review and desperately hoping that she can convince someone to give shecan’ttrade a go. Linda, email your brokerage statements to Emmett. Better still ask Sarah to email her statements.
Shocked, Really?
I will respond as if I did not believe you are shill. You have to set a Litmus Test for a trading room operator. For me this Litmus Test is proof of profitable trading. People always like to give analogies that are apples to oranges comparison. The closest I can come to an analogy would be a money manager.
So there is this person managing money claiming he is making 100% a year and then he creates 100 fake user IDs and post on blogs that he is an investor in this unregulated money manager and yes it is true he makes 100% a year. Would you take your life saving and just give it to him to invest? Sadly many people would and they would lose their money. I would not and this is what Emmett’s site tries to warn people of. You need REAL proof of their claims. Emmett is trying bring light to the darkness of this deceptive industry.
Neither Sarah nor any of her “So Called” students show any proof of profitable trading and that is the problem. Emmett’s blog is becoming a pretty well known and it is very simple for Sarah to show proof of her profitable trading. So why doesn’t she? There must be a reason. Hmm, I wonder what it can be. Just think about it. If you really were a profitable trader and wanted to sell your trading room and education wouldn’t you proudly show proof you could trade profitable? The bottom line is saying you are a profitable trader is easy; actually being one is very very tough.
This is why the Government stepped in and regulated mutual funds and the like.
If you still do not get it I cannot help you.
BTW, totally off topic anyone want a baby rescue kitty? They still have to be bottle feed. Hmm, I will take advantage and make the same type of unsubstantiated claims TR operators make. Acquiring a baby kitten will make you a profitable trader. Before I had one I just lost money again and again and then I got a baby kitty and wham bam I made money hands over fist. I said it it so it must be true, Trust me!! Better yet I will have my fellow traders who have baby kitties post it is TRUE!!!!
Bunch of tough guys hiding behind a keyboard while bashing a girl.
Nice. real nice Emmett.
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I am an equal opportunity critique. Thanks for the comment.
Ben, If you have some information to contribute, in support of She Can Trade you should do so, but so far all you’ve done is bash people who have shared their information or thoughts. Are you suggesting that She Can Trade should be exempt from critique because of gender?
Are you saying girls are not capable of being top notch scam artist? Now that is Sexism.
More info for the future history book; there are variations of a female led trading site. Sometimes there is a so behind the scenes. Ex. Anne Marie Baiyand cancelling a webinar because having to pick up so from the airport. Sometimes its a team of ladies such as; where I was interested until the webinar host said their sim trading was “just like live”. Then you have independents like Armo “swoosh”, and tradersHelpdesk carnival booth lady.
I think this review made a dent Emmett. The latest podcast showed little charting and comments between her and a fishing guy about how tough the markets were currently. The last podcast was a couple days after this review. It was the usual charting and she was going on how great the markets and volatility were and good for profits. Total change in tone. Actually hilarious in this last bit. The guy says “hundreds of thousands” of viewers watching the podcast. Has to be seen to be believed or have a good stomach rumble from the lol and the narration at the end.
The guy hanging out at the river really did not convince me of anything. These trading room operators are so good at lying and sceaming if they do not make it as TR operators they should go into politics and then they can legal steal your money.
No Proof of Performance
Multiple requests for proof of performance via tax returns from the following vendors “Super Traders/Super educators” (according to them) went unanswered.
John Carter tradethemarkets
Tom Busby dtitrader
Bill Costarides tradersden24
Meir Barak
Reza Dilmaghani profiletraders
James Dalton jdaltontrading
Kai Whitney redbridgecapitalconsulting
Leslie Jouflas tradingliveonline
Larry Pesavento larrypesavento
John McLaughlin daytraderswin
Brian Rehler tradershark
If you or someone you know has been harmed by these “Super Traders/Super educators”, you are not alone. There are government agencies whose job it is to protect you from fraudulent (or deceptive) business practices.
By filing a complaint , you’ll be telling the Federal Trade Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission and your state’s Attorney General (consumer protection regulators) about your experience. Sharing your story may prevent others from falling into the same trap.
FTC Hotline:
1-877-FTC-HELP (877-382-4357)
SEC Hotline:
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I do not think the Government regulators do much of anything. Even there disclosure statement saying results are hypothetical is a joke. The results posted by these trading rooms are not hypothetical they are made up fantasy. Every TR I have been in inaccurately reports their results. There is nothing hypothetical about that. It is fraud. Yet where are the regulators.
In fact I challenge Emmett to get one of those regulators on here with his own thread and explain and answer question why they are doing nothing!!
The Government regulators caught Emmett.
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He did not run a Trading room or sell Trading education.
For the past 30 years successive governments have been gutting the powers of regulators in the name of “less government bureaucracy” or interfering in what they can actually do. That’s part of the reason why they appear to do nothing.
You’ll have to check out the Options Alpha podcast where Kirk invites her on for an interview. She claims to have extremely high consistency trading weekly credit spreads (risking 5% of an account per trade and taking in a small credit) while she markets her book and website. No track record on site to prove it of course.
I’m glad this review came in and am not too surprised at the results. Most vendors seem to sell either one or a few products or services. She’s managed to package all kinds of videos and content about trading with a nice price tag. I’m sure much of the content like her options foundations video can be found free via a simple (and free) google search.
You also make a great point about the reason there so few successful traders – 20% at best. There’s so much “trading education” crap out there that’s been put together by alleged gurus and experts. One person stumbles across this content and passes it along to his or her friend and before you know it thousands of people have taken a swing at trading and failed. What they learned was an unprofitable strategy from a failed trader-now educator that wanted to make a buck by selling a youtube video and an ebook.
Thanks for the review, Emmett!
I doubt those 20% successful traders trade anything like the way the trading rooms teach where you come in every day and micro scalp CL 20 times for 4 ticks each. but heck maybe I am wrong. Gosh I have to spend at least 1.5 hours each day looking over instruments to just find anything I might want to trade and I might find nothing to trade that day. I would love to be able to come in each day rain or shine and take 20 profitable micro scalps. Still waiting to find someone that can do it profitable over time. I mean really do it, not some sim account BS. That is why I would like to hear more about what Emmett learned from those brokers. Spill the Beans Emmett.
Weeklies are dangerous. One is lucky to make even 5% on trade risking a lot of margin on a spread. On the last hours before expiration, the pricing can suddenly fluctuate to a bad result no matter how good the setup and in the money initially. Overall, options are like a big scam with the big illusion just because they are options they are somehow “safer”. And multi-legged spreads are so expensive with a lot of slippage trying to close. And good luck with a put leg that gets called where you now have to buy a stock! There a bunch of former options pit traders who just sell education that doesn’t work. ex: Dan Sheridan. Probably due to the same electronic takeover over the arbitrage as other pits.
Weekly options? They’re no more dangerous than trading other things in the market. I understand they might be hard for you, but that doesn’t make them hard for everyone. You have to have good timing. I simply trade them like stocks. I don’t care for all the fancy option garbage. Just because I don’t do fancy option garbage doesn’t mean others aren’t making good money from it. When I see certain lineups, I will use weeklies to make a good bit of money from them. If I see a stock at 100 price right now, my stop would be 99, and my clear target is sitting at 102 or 103, take the trade from either stocks or options. If you’re a day trader, should be no problem. If you’re a swing trader, you might need some other adjustments.. Buying 100 shares is $10K, for me no big deal at all, but smaller traders would be better off with options. If you could lose $1 per share, you won’t lose more than $1 on the option either. If your target hits, your strike of 100 will be worth either the $2 or the $3. It’s just like trading a stock, but using extremely high margin. People use all this greek stuff to try for advantages and whatever. However, if you can pick targets and stops properly, you will win if you will win on the target and lose otherwise, just like when I’m in a stock.
Options are not a scam. You just aren’t any good at them
The complicated crap is silly. it seems to make some people think they don’t need direction. Oh look you can play this thing and it works 80% of the time, and you don’t even know what the market is doing. Don’t really look at a chart, just all this greek crap. The greek crap changes with stock price. If you can’t trade, all that greek stuff isn’t likely to bail you out. They will give you something more complex that wins like 80% that will lock in $200 profit while exposing $800 risk. So, basically break even every 5 trades on average. Then someone will tell me, you just have to manage the trade. Well, golly, if I can manage the trade in a direction (and I can), then why do I need all this complicated crap. Something that will keep you close to break even over 30 or 40 trades with 4 or so commissions every trade sounds like a nice thing for a broker as you lose commissions over time and not all your money on a trade to someone other than the broker.
Personally, I like to play them on good intra day lineup the last couple days of the week. Today it was obvious to me that AAPL was going down after the pop. So, I picked up a good portion of AAPL puts and they doubled. That works best on a Friday like day, but you have to know how to trade intra day. I caught a nice little run short in UVXY just now. Even on a Monday, I can use them like I do a stock and make solid money with them. AMZN would have been amazing today with this strategy, but I didn’t get that one.
There is no scam to options, you just have to know how to trade them. I can’t do shorts in my IRA, but I can trade puts like stocks, and it has made a lot of difference in my now unnecessary retirement account. It’s still fun to play with something the government can’t tax, and I’ve had the Roth since the first year they were available before I was a good trader.
As for people on TV, I don’t pay attention much to them, so I have no idea what nonsense they’re selling this week.
As for “safer”, options were more like insurance. The safety was protection in case of disaster. They’re not “safe” to speculate. However, they’re no more dangerous than trading anything else really. You simply need to be a decent trader that can pick direction and targets with some consistency. Then you can use them like a stock for a smaller account. At the end of the week, if you know what to look for, you can make a good bit of money risking little capital. If you’re a daily chart person, you could adapt it like a stock to make a big profit on a little investment over a long time. However, you would have to make your target to guarantee the profit, or a long period of time will hurt you. I think they’re easy on quicker trades. The month long trades are much harder to make them work as well, but it is possible (I’m just not as good at it).
Well besides calling me a bad directional trader which I don’t care to comment about, I agree options can be used as a leveraged tool directionally on an intraday basis. I should have emphasized option spreads and delta-neutral strategies as taught and professed to be traded successfully are usually scams. There can still be plenty of spread slippage on closing a leg of a spread. And short puts or calls have unlimited risk. I can see how it can work for you. I’ve stopped trading options a while ago, even single calls and puts, because I prefer straight stock or futures on a quick platform. Maybe I’ll come back to them someday.
Great post DavidR. I’d like to pick your brain on your strategies. Please email me or send me your Web site url if you offer something in that format.
I’ve seen some of her videos Phil. It’s very basic stuff how she supposedly looks at charts and multiple time frames. Then checking out the book. There’s a forward by the options meister John Carter! Check out the review by “critical eye”.
Fair review Emmett. They can never seem to show proof even with credit spreads which is even harder to keep track of. As I thought, she’s on moneyshow. Just seeing Busby on the same page along with a few others who often spam emails and have cold caller teams is puke-inducing.
Anyone can be a trading expert with Traders Expo, all you need is $7,000 to get your name plastered on their website, and this includes the opportunity to run a seminar.
Its pure pay to play.
What kills me Sam is that these people prey on the new and naive to make money by packaging and selling content that’s readily available and free. It’s about marketing for these guys, not about trading.
Are you saying She Can Not Trade? But her site says she can trade, how can that be. Actually if that blonde in a bikini with a sword is her, who cares if she can trade, LOL.
Actually I am more interested in you expanding upon what else you learned about traders from those brokers you talked to and advice they gave for traders. For example did they comment on micro scalping and etc.
For sure it’s dark ages and the wild west of trading education. Maybe there will be a history paragraph centuries from now, assuming civilization lasts, about how droves of the middle classes around the world lost their savings in the 2008 crisis to the banksters, then lost again trying to make it back trading, learning from online fraudsters in the decade after. Madoff and PFGBest Wasendorff used typwriters and cut&paste on documents, and paper shredders, while today’s web2.0 fraudsters use high tech software and hired programmers and web marketing.
Another lady that does options and options spreads is Anne-Marie Baiyand of
the usual plant reviews on investi-scamma.
I tried Anne’s one week free service and after 3 days I walked away , she’s in the room for about 2 hours and just talks about charts (should of could of’s), no actual executions of trades ever mentioned, She also takes like 3 ten minutes breaks in that 2 hours. Not worth the time and definitely not worth the money she’s asking
Thanks for the anecdote b. I tried out her newsletter. Seemed like it was computer generated, the entries and exits were so fudged. Glad I stayed on sim, or would have blown out the whole account. her summary progress reports were decently fudged and made to look realistic with pockets of good profits. yes, she was often awol or canceled webinars due to family commitments or some other thing. Reminds me of John Carter. They get so big with moneyshow and the trading media and have hardcover books on trading on amazon. Big lesson, stay away from that smirker Syke’s investiscamma!
B – Your retarded. It’s should’ve / could’ve. Your opinion = WORTHLESS!
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Her name isn’t Anne. The bulk of the trades are toward day 4 or 5. You missed out by leaving too soon.