Shadow Day Trading

Shadow Day Trading
  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


Shadow Day Trading is the latest scam by Mark Katzenberger and his son, Gannon Katzenberger of Bradenton, Florida. Company claims over 98% winners and average profits of over $14,000 per month. Promising a guaranteed investment return of 800% in only 90 days. Company claims all profits are verifiable with actual brokerage statements…absolutely false. No brokerage statements exist. Company has executed the exact same fraud through a multitude of fraudulent and now defunct trading websites. Avoid.

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Pros: Absolutely nothing to recommend.
Cons: Company owner has a long and sad history of running trading scams. Promising 800% returns in only 90 days. A false, fraudulent, and outrageous money back guarantee. A complete and total scam.

Thanks for reading today’s review of Shadow Day Trading

What is Shadow Day Trading? Shadow Day Trading is a futures day trading room, trading system, and educational product. The cost of the Shadow Day Trading program comes at price tag of $2,698.

The $2,698 product includes the following:

  • 6 Training Videos
  • 2 Pre-recorded classroom videos
  • Access to daily ”live trading room” 5 days per week (2 months FREE/ $299 per month after first 2 months)
  • Attendance in classes 2 days per week

The owner of Shadow Day Trading is Mark Katzenberger, and his son, Gannon Katzenberger. Both reside in Bradenton, Florida.

A search of social media profiles and a background check reveals that Mark Katzenberger is most likely an insurance broker, and his son Gannon Katzenberger was recently a pizza delivery driver.

Performance Claims

Shadow Day Trading is claiming a truly amazing performance record. A review of their website claims that they average about $14,000 per month in net profits.

Shadow Day Trading

A review of the daily performance summary, which begins on January 4, 2016 through August 11, 2016 reveals that out of 150 trading sessions, they only experienced 3 losing days.

Of the supposed three losing days, the average losing day was only $120.

Of the 147 supposed winning trading days, the average profitable winning day was $757.

A truly remarkable track record of 98% winning trades.

Shadow Day Trading also claims that all trading records are 100% verifiable, and that the results are backed by authentic brokerage statements.

Attempting to verify performance claims

During the month of July, 2016, TradingSchools.Org attempted to verify that the brokerage statements actually exist. Unfortunately, Gannon Katzenberger refused. After a series of back and forth emails with Gannon, he claimed that he had consulted with his attorney and his private investigator and that he would sue anyone, and everyone that had anything negative to say about his company.

I explained to Gannon that I have absolutely zero fear of his private investigator and his lawyer, and that he should file his lawsuit immediately.

Outrageous Performance Guarantee

In addition to the amazing performance records, Shadow Day Trading is also offering a 100% money back guarantee. The following is the guarantee:

Shadow Day Trading

A review of the performance guarantee reveals that if customers invest $2,698 in the educational product, and it does not produce at least an 800% return of $11,094 in profits within 90 days, then they will refund the full purchase price.

Can you trust the performance guarantee?

If you are starting to smell a turd, then you are correct. This is the not the first performance guarantee of Mark Katzenberger and Gannon Katzenberger. If fact, most recently they were pushing the same trading hustle through a company named Pivot Lines.

Notice the remarkable resemblance of the performance guarantee between Pivot Lines and Shadow Day Trading?

Pivot Lines Trading

More about Mark Katzenberger

It appears that Mark Katzenberger has been running these trading scams for quite a few years. The earliest appears to be two separate and now defunct trading websites named, and In fact, there are now, so many defunct websites, that naming them all would take several hours.

In addition to a multitude of scam websites that have ripped off consumers, Mark Katzenberger has accrued a very negative online reputation. The complaints are stunningly similar, the customer buys a trading system backed with the same “100% money back guarantee”, but once the purchase is made…Mark Katzenberger disappears a short time later. Have a look at some of the complaints:

How the scam is executed

After accumulating the evidence that exposed this fraud, it became apparent and obvious how this father/son team is pulling off this scam.

Step one is to put up a website and populate it with fraudulent performance figures.

Step two is to contact Ninja Trader have the business listed in the Ninjatrader Educator Ecosystem. Convince Ninja Trader to give a free webinar and sell the product based upon the fraudulent performance and fraudulent guarantee.

Step three is to contact and purchase an online webinar promotion for $800. Sell as much as possible through fraudulent promotion.

Step four, as purchasers begin to realize that the performance is fraudulent and the requests for refunds begin arriving…then quickly pull the website down and disappear.

Repeat step one.

Wrapping things up

The more I dug around with this Mark Katzenberger and his son, Gannon Katzenberger, the uglier it got. The sheer amount of websites and scams is borderline hilarious. The same game, over and over. Check out, now defunct, with the exact same performance guarantee.

Master of trading scam

The moral of the story is that you simply cannot believe these sorts of performance guarantee’s. Anyone promising 100% to 800% in only a month is just looking to pull a scam.

Sadly, I know that Mark and his son Gannon are going to disappear shortly. And like the cockroaches that they are, they will reappear later. Using false names and a new website, making amazing performance claims of 98% winners and a fraudulent performance guarantee.

The thing that irritates me most about this scam is the father/son dynamic. What Dad would teach his son to scam people for a few thousand dollars? What a dirt bag human being.

And Gannon, when you read this, please do get your “private investigator and attorney” to sue me. What an honor it would be to expose this scam further.

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to leave your comments below.


  1. Jim Francis June 15, 2017
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  2. dtchurn January 14, 2017
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  3. CCaeg August 18, 2016
  4. pete August 16, 2016
  5. PETE August 16, 2016
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  6. GemBow August 15, 2016
  7. larroo August 14, 2016
    • Emmett Moore August 14, 2016
      • Fara August 14, 2016
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        • Emmett Moore August 15, 2016
      • Danny October 13, 2016
      • Danny October 13, 2016
  8. Todd August 14, 2016
  9. Stray Dog August 13, 2016
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