Become A Better Trader
Verified Trades
User Experience
Rob Hoffman of Become A Better Trader proclaims to be a “25X World Champion Trader.” And he wants you to pay him up to $10,000 to learn his precious trading secrets.
Before you take out your credit card, you better understand that this “25X World Champion Trader” is little more than a seminar circuit “World Champion,” at least in my opinion.
Rob Hoffman has a long and interesting history of selling what I would describe as “get rich with day trading” courses to the retail trading masses. Third party complaints have stacked up on various review websites in an ugly tower of pain and disappointment.
In my opinion, this is a product to avoid.
Thanks for reading today’s review of Become A Better Trader with Rob Hoffman
Become A Better Trader is a day trading and swing trading educational service offered by long-time day trading guru, Robert Hoffman.
Become A Better Trader is offering the following products and services:
- $197 per month for day trading alerts delivered via email and text alerts and video tutorials.
- $397 per month for trading alerts, video tutorials, and a ‘live’ day trading room.
- $997 per month for all of the above, and personal access to Rob Hoffman.
- $10,000 for personal trade mentoring.
Become A Better Trader is occupying the following social media web properties:
According to Archive.Org, it appears that the website first appeared on the trading educational scene sometime in 2012.
Rob Hoffman: Prior Investment Educational Websites
Rob Hoffman is not new to the trading educational scene. According to, interviews with prior purchasers of his products, and data snooping tools, we have discovered various other affiliations dating back to 2001. Some of these include:
ChampionSetups.Com: A day trading educational website selling products by Rob Hoffman, as well as Thomas Wood and Hubert Senters. Both Thomas Wood and Hubert Senters received extremely negative reviews.
PowerCharting.Com: A now defunct website that was active during 2008 through 2012. The business sold a live day trading room and a “get rich quick” philosophy, in my opinion. Power Charting was called out as a being a fraud on Investimonials by multiple users. Not my opinion, the opinion of 3rd parties, posting their own opinion.
TradeTheMarkets.Com: A live day trading room by John Carter, Hubert Senters, and Rob Hoffman. Yet more negative reviews, the business was rebranded and the domain changed to
The Rob Hoffman Sales Pitch: “I am a champion trader!”
When visiting the Become A Better Trader website, the very first thing that you see is an enormous declaration that Rob Hoffman is a 25X World Champion Trader. That he has “won more domestic and international, on-site, real money trading competitions than anyone else in the world!”

International Trading Champion?
That sure sounds impressive. Right? However, the truth is that Rob Hoffman is a trading champion of only the online seminar circuit. These “Trading Championships” are nothing but ridiculous promotional competitions.
Apparently these “Trading Competitions” are just corny staged events that take place at The Traders Expo, Money Show, or various European promotional tours.
These competitions are usually nothing more than two people trading on laptop computers for an hour. The person that wins the most, or loses the least, is crowned THE WORLD CHAMPION. It’s ridiculous and pathetic showmanship with the sole purpose of convincing the audience to purchase various the magic trading products of the “World Champion Trader.”

Jason Bond vs Rob Hoffman for the Trading Championship of the World!
Everyone that has been in the trading educational business knows that these public trading expositions are a complete and total joke, meant to convince the naive and the desperate. It’s a sideshow, a carnival act, a gimmick.
Some trading vendors have caught onto this promotional stunt and have just made up their own “World Champion Trader” competitions, where they are the only person trading and the guaranteed winner. A perfect example would be Fausto Pugliese of the popular
Fausto Pugliese claims to the 12-time world champion of a trading competition named, The World Trader Challenge. Had an entire website that acted like a personal shrine to his supposed trading greatness. Even hired a Playboy model to be his star student and spokesperson. Complete ridiculousness from a pathetic fraudster. I am not implying that Robb Hoffman is somehow perpetuating Fausto Pugliese, but it sure looks similar. Readers should make up their own mind.
Emmett Moore, the World Champion Trader
Want to know how stupid and funny these MoneyShow/Traders Expo live trading competitions? Back in 1998, I attended the Traders Expo/Money Show being held in Los Angeles, California. Yes, you guessed it…I was a vendor selling a bullshit penny stock investment.
Anyway, the Traders Expo asked me if I wanted to be part of a live trading competition that would compete with audience members and the well-known systems trader, Murrey Ruggiero. I said sure, I would give it a try.
At the beginning of the competition, I bought one contract of the pit traded SP500 contract. I had no idea what I was doing. For the next hour, I just sat there and did nothing else. At the end of the competition, the winner was announced. I had won! I was the International and National World Champion Trader! I received a cheap trophy and a green jacket. It was rediculous.
Later, after the Traders Expo seminar had ended, all of the vendors met at a suite for a cocktail. I showed up wearing my green jacket and carried my cheap little trophy. Everyone laughed.
Contacting Rob Hoffman
During the month of April 2017, I began a series of emails, inquiries, and phone conversations with Become A Better Trader. I made the usual request to write a review, and that I needed to show my audience some sort of proof that Rob Hoffman was actually trading successfully with a live real money account.
Rob refused to get on the telephone with me. Instead, he notified me via email that he once again had won yet another world championsip trading competition in Italy. That he was so incredibly busy with his sick wife and children and that he would “get back with me at a later time.”
After repeated phone calls, and yet more emails which were tracked in real-time, Rob Hoffman simply stopped answering. It took about two months of ridiculous back and forth mumbo-jumbo before I finally quit trying. The bottom line is that Rob Hoffman wanted nothing to do with verifying his personal trading performance.
Does this mean that Robb Hoffman is not trading? I don’t know. But it sure looks odd.
Complaints from TradingSchools.Org readers
Since 2015, TradingSchools.Org has received 16 requests to write a review about Rob Hoffman. Of these 16 requests, 4 persons contacted me with very similar complaints.
The most common complaint is that the live trading room is just nothing more than Rob Hoffman trading on a simulator. Making verbal “buy and sell” commands for tiny scalp trades that could never be replicated by a live trading account. As some customers became disillusioned and suspicious, they asked Rob to prove he was actually trading. He refused. So they say.
It seems that Rob’s business model is sell-sell-sell, where he leads people into the promotional pipe with the sole purpose of selling as much product as possible. The key for Rob is to keep his promotional pipe flowing with fresh faces from the seminar circuit. Pathetic.
Truth be told, nearly everyone that deals with Rob Hoffman nearly always describes him as affable, likable, entertaining, and pretty fun to be around. But they also describe a carnival-like promotor that would do too much to sell his trading product. He appears to be perfectly suited as a “day trading educator.”
Wrapping Things Up
There are a few World Champion Traders out there. Kevin Davey is actually a world champion trader. He got a great review. The performance was verified. I got tax returns and several years of brokerage statements.
And there are a few others that have world champion type trading performance, like Dean Jenkins at A guy that is little noticed, but has lots to offer.
The point is that hiring a trading educator is OK, but you need real trading performance in order to judge performance. You need verifying brokerage statements. Not a corny little trophy proclaiming ‘World Champion’ of a one-hour trading competition.
Thanks for reading. Would love to know your opinion, and read your comments below.
I don’t have anything bad to say about Rob or Laurie, they’re not the two that you deal with daily and get trading advice. Ziad is who does the daily chat rooms and if you follow his advice you have a 20% success rate!! I’d like to belong to a community of other traders but after joining BBT for 1 month I’ve decided I do MUCH better on my own. Ziad is a nice guy and technical BUT wrong 80% of the time! DO NOT JOIN
Yesterday NQ pulled back to its 20 ema and I KNEW we’d have a 200-300 point gain today. His opinion was a pull back this morning, so I closed my long positions. WRONG! I should’ve never listened and held long! 250 points today!
10 contracts at 250 points = $50,000!!!
Wrong many times since I’ve joints only a couple weeks ago.
This is my opinion and experience I would not recommend BBT. Check their other reviews…..
A couple of years ago, I get a phone call — it was Rob Hoffman. So, we talked for a while. It was a good talk. He told me how the review did sting a little, but then he started talking about his Mom.
Apparently, his Mom read it and found it before he did. Oh boy, was she ever hurt and pissed off. I didn’t feel very good about upsetting his elderly mom. So I actually edited the article just a bit and softened it up.
That last thing you should do is upset a loving mother.
I don’t have anything bad to say about Rob or Laurie, they’re not the two that you deal with daily and get trading advice. Ziad is who does the daily chat rooms and if you follow his advice you have a 20% success rate!! I’d like to belong to a community of other traders but after joining BBT for 1 month I’ve decided I do MUCH better on my own. Ziad is a nice guy and technical BUT wrong 80% of the time! DO NOT JOIN!
I was a student for several years and this article is spot on. Rob is a very likable guy. He remembers things about his students. If someone’s wife has surgery, he checks back to see how things went. Thats about it for the good news.
On the flip side he is a master marketer. His videos are old but he pushes their content like they are from heaven. Like most marketers the content is cherry picked to emphasize his points, but when you look at real time charts for instances of his patterns you will quickly see they are next to meaningless. The indicators he sells are nothing special and are not profitable. I tallied his indicator output over several months and some times there were profits and other times losses. Not even close to being positive in the medium to long term.
His live trading room you can watch him trade, but a high percentage of the days there is no trade activity. When he does take a trade he will quickly place a stop a couple ticks above the entry price to preserve any profit. The problem is that most of the time price noise will quickly take him out. I gave him the nick name “two tick Rob” and anytime in my own trading I am inpatient and enter a positive protective stop close to the entry price and get stopped out I annotate in my logs I Hoffman’d the trade. When he does actually enter a trade and it goes against him, his solution is martingale. He will add more and more contracts to bring the cost basis close to price. Most of the time price actions noise will be enough for him to exit a trade with break even or slightly positive. There are a few hilarious times when he had to add in several times when price kept going against him. He usually trades one contract. I have seen him martingale up to 122 & 162 contracts and was down over 20k on a trade. When this happens he will move his DOM half way off the screen so people can not see his P/L. (screenshots available). Since adding more contracts keeps the break even point close to price, noise fluctuations got him out with a profit. People in the room will congratulate time on well played and he rightfully stats that is not the way to trade. Unfortunately after a few days pass he sends out advertising saying how he made over $7k.
He is truly a scamster like most of the rest. He is polished and likeable but the only one to be profitable is him.
I just read in 2011 Rob had a live room and he put a long trade early on the Russell in a up trend but it was at the end, so it started to sell off and rob kept adding long contracts all the way down to try to avg out – ended up with over long 800 contracts in a down trending market – his broker cut off 312,000 dollar loss – 23 trading room subscribers blew their accounts out – Obviously he has issues on having to be right, a traders worst enemy to conquer
Anyone know what happened to Colorado John?
Thank you Emmett. I always get a good laugh from your reviews, while at the same time saving my bacon.
I was also a member of Rob’s site and can confirm most of what was said and more. He does a fantastic marketing job. Highlighting heavily when his stuff works and says nothing when it doesn’t. His main strategy is to martingale any time he has a loss bringing the cost basis closer to current price. This is fine if you have deep pockets from fleecing students who want to learn and have small accounts. I have seen Rob partially hide his DOM so the bottom is off the screen so people can’t see the p/l line. Doing the math I believe he was down 20k when he obscured the DOM from view. Eventually price turned around and he came away with several thousand dollars profit after hundreds of contracts were used. If you have a half million dollar account or greater you might also get away with this strategy. Most of the time he stays away from trades by claiming any kind of news report or Fed speaker speaking is a no trade zone. Some times this is true with crude report moving crude quickly or Fed announcements causing bonds to jump. I believe it is another excuse to not be in any trades. His room was usually open for an hour and a half. Most days have some sort of financial news that limits the amount of time he has to cover with possible trades. He also goes over any trades he does make for huge amounts of time. Repeating himself many times. If a student texts him that there is potential action in an instrument he is not looking at, he will wait before changing screens to something that is moving. Its strange that he never sees anything starting to move when he has pics of his setup and has multiple screens.
He comes off as a nice guy and points out that there is some real scum in the industry. It turns out that he is just another scum. A friendly, relatable chap, but scum like the rest of the frauds out there.
All I CAN SAY Probably spent 50000 through the years on seminars and trading==by far the worst
I went to Rob Hoffman website, unless they changed it, it says 25X Champion not World Champion. I guess to know for sure, one of us would have to challenge him. I too could not find any past winner stats on those competitions. I’m sure the stats must exist, like who came second, I just couldn’t find them.
Emmett, is a bullshitter of the highest order. Not saying all educators / rooms are good. But I have personal knowledge of two of the people he reviews and both reviews are factually incorrect at the very least. I call BS on this ‘person’
I noticed Jason Bond name in this review. May be it is time to update your review on that con artist as he is becoming very popular and involves more and more naive people in his front running service.. He is very active on facebook.
Guys… everyone that sells you a shitload of indicators along with a system to understand them like John Carter and Hoffman have to be looked at with suspicion. Before you pay a dime with those dudes… get a free one month trial on Tradingview and see how you are doing with those two guys indicators. A lot of their stuff has been coded by some smart folks and they are available for free. Carter is the world champ to create new pricey studies but Hoffman is not far behind. I did not know they used to work together but this is not a big surprise.
I know one guy in a small trading room that wipes the floor with those two every day of the week. He takes lives trades he calls if front of you. However the only ‘course’ he sells are 4 training sessions that are included with three months trial of the DAS platform which is pricey like hell on its on. Most of his tricks are in his $5 ebook on Amazon. He will never be really big as he only trades one hour or two max then he leaves his trade-ideas scans for the 30 or so members. This being said the guy I am talking about is very fast and it is actually too fast for most folks. This is why he does not want anyone trading before they have at least 3 months of monitored trading, preferable with the DAS platform as I think he can access your stats.
Back to Hoffman, it is true that those World Cups have like 3-4 morons on stage… always the same guys. It’s garbage. It’s like the saying Billy Bob x is the best guitar player on the planet because he has a nice 30 seconds hot country solo on a song… but put him in a contest with some Flamenco or Gypsy swing players in their style and he will get raped.
Again: NEVER PAY for shinny new objects. If you can’t make money with pivots, a bollinger band, moving averages and some support and resistance line, basically some of the free stuff it is because you need to understand the ways of the market a bit better. period.
“However the only ‘course’ he sells are 4 training sessions that are included with three months trial of the DAS platform which is pricey like hell on its on. ”
How can he sell a training session that is part of DAS, unless he is associated with DAS. Never heard of DAS Platform so looked it up. $200 a month. Can you tell he what this Platform offers over Sierra Chart that is worth $200 a month?
“this is why he does not want anyone trading before they have at least 3 months of monitored trading, preferable with the DAS platform as I think he can access your stats.”
Every TR operator con artist will tell you this. Much easier to keep the suckers paying the monthly churn when they sim trade and keep thinking they just made some mistake. But when trading live and you lose money you might start to ask some real questions like, “Can you actually show some proof you are trading Live”?
Who is the trader that does so well? Is the a review of him on
I was a member in BBT room. I had serious problems with his method. He has this special way to get out of a losing trade where if he is in with one contract and it goes against him, he will then add 11 contracts to average down and get out with a tick profit. I saw one time where that didn’t work and he lost $1,955. This was from a one contract trade.
Also, he barely trades in the room. You are lucky to see 3-5 trades a week. He is so skittish to take a trade. After he enters a trade, he trails it like two ticks behind the current price. Of course he gets stopped at 1-2 ticks profit nearly every time. The trade lasts less than a minute. His DOM shows an account number so I think he is trading with real money.
So evidently he has not stopped the averaging-down nonsense that caused him to lose $300k+ in a single trade.
I wouldn’t be so sure if it was a live account. These shamsters create and use myriad tricks every year. It could very well be a DOM mocked up with coding to look like a real account. Ninjatrader to it’s shame has features to “rename” a sim account and to change the coloring of a dom to look like the default “live” version. DAS is also generic and can be modded by coding for different brokers. MT4 was reported long ago to have a “brokers” server version where the broker could spy and mess with client trades on the client platforms. That said, even if it was a live account, that sure is biss poor zero-plan trading where the guy looks worse than the sim dream journals of compromised fioforums. These scammers can be so lazy and pathetic in their fake member-actored shilled rooms, they can hardly be bothered to take a sim trade, much less a real trade and because it proves they don’t know what they’re talking about as they rake in the monthly churn steady stream of income.
Actually, I can confirm that Hoffman does trade with a live DOM. I was also unfortunately a customer of his in his room. One time he kept averaging in on gold as it kept going down and down. He had almost 500 contracts at one point and was down 400 to 500k. The market eventually came back up and he got out with 4-5 ticks profit for 20k. I saw it on my live trading DOM the 500 contracts that he was putting out there and the market hitting his offer level for about 20 second trying to breaking through.. so I know it was a real trading DOM.
However, I can attest to his strategy being completely unrealistic. He Martingales his way down until he can get out with a couple of ticks and he does this until it doesn’t work. He can get away with it for like a few months sometimes, but then it hits him hard and he lost 350k one time. He lets his ego get to him with his “I haven’t had a losing trade in X number of days/months” and then he doesn’t want to take a small losing trade ever so he’ll just keep Martingaling until he can’t.
I can’t really say he is a scammer because he trades with a SIM.. but if you sign up with him, then it means you were stupid enough to believe that his strategies work.
They just keep piling up .
Great article .. I also remember this ass hat in Carters room also.
And dont get me start on the Fib Queen .. Talk about self fulfilling prophecies . Al her shit would line up perfect after the fact .. Outstanding stuff .. “I’ll put a Fib here, and wow Holy shit look how it just bounced off that 38.2 line ”
as my bloats across the pond say “What a bunch of rubbish” …
I would still love to see one of those big charts like they do for organized crime , and see how all these jack-offs link together …
Might be one your best articles yet. Rob Hoffman is a one of the biggest scammers out there and I read he had nearly 1000 subscribers, though I do not know if that is true or not. But you did a Great job in showing how meaningless those trading competitions are. Those fake competitions are just one more piece of the puzzle of this whole corrupt industry.
Very true. I was in John Carter’s site for a wasted $80 trial where occasionally Hoffman could pop in, or more often ms. FibQueen babbling Bore-rindin would sub when Carter was “off/on vacation” and there were hundreds of subscribers. But I think WarriorTrading and the gray-hoodie trifecta have overtaken Carter by now with number of dupes concurrently in the room now. WT really needs a followup review. Entertaining reminders of CTUFake! lady who claims to be trading in addition to modeling on her social media and Fauxio multi world poohbah of trading baloney. lol, congrats on being world trading champion Emmett, at moneyshow back in the day. Levin’s shamrock crew may have each been “world champions” some year or another at moneyshow ‘winning’ their champion green attire, lol. This review is definitely helpful in exposing what these charlatans mean about “world trading champion” and hope it sinks in the retail awareness. I think all these shamshow scum know about tradingschools now and most of them will try to be ducking under the desk no comment. Indeed that’s what the churn is, and it’s also a revolving door cyclically snaring new dupes every 90 days or so to keep it churning.
“CTUFake! lady ”
Hey I like Summer. How could anyone not believe she day trades for a living? She could sell me anything. Heck she makes IP Amy look like dog food ( and I like Amy). I am such an easy sucker.
Speaking of the women con artists, the review I remember that I thought was soooooo funny was actually the one on She Can Trade, Sarah, because when Emmett first said he wanted to review her, she was like oh great. I am sure this was due to all these moron radio show interviewers who bring on these con artist without even checking if they can trade. So she probably thought another walk in the cake promotional opportunity interview where I brag about my fictitious trades. And then Emmett said I need to see proof of your claims. And then Wam! Bam! no more nice Sarah. Too funny and so real.
I’m with dtchurn, Warrior Trading needs an updated review. They put out so much nonsense, by default many new traders believe they must be reputable. You can read fiction such as Ross is very personable and easy to talk to. Just a regular nice guy, yes until they get your credit card information then don’t expect any attention afterwards. Possibly the most dangerous site for retail traders that exists because of the come all huddled masses and we will show you the way persona WT displays. With the amount of retail traders getting burned one would think the regulators are closing in on their front running clown show.
From what I have seen Ross is one of the most ingenious self-promoters out there.
Ross is the best promoter out there. Period.
In some perverse way, that negative review actually helped him. He was so damn pissed off with my negative review, lol! It really put a fire under his ass, and he went ape crazy improving his marketing.
Adversity either kills us or makes us stronger. Hats off to Ross Cameron.
We must be careful giving him props for anything because some new trader will twist that into believing he is a smart investor as well. I ascertain that he creates financial distress on a daily basis with his fantasy results. $583 into six figures in months, think about the insanity of that claim. He as a matter of fact posts his daily recap on you tube then viewers smoke his hopium as Cyn very eloquently put it. They comment like Ross if you, a regular guy can do it , then it will just take your tutelage and my hard work. I read on a daily basis, I’m saving up for your course then I will be right there with you. That breaks my heart and angers me as well. Someone like that has no soul.
Mike he is the hardest working and brightest scammer out there. As I have said the best scammers are not lazy or dumb. When things like the fake architect got mentioned he got rid of it. When I called him out on using Trader Vu, he redid the video. He may be a scammer, but he is the best of the best I have seen with relentless promotional BS.
All true, I just feel calling him a marketing genius may be misconstrued by the fresh meat he is setting traps for on a daily basis. I can not invalidate anything you have stated, but I will continue to call him soul less by promoting himself as the purveyor of truth in a cesspool of trading educators on the net today. All this being done with the ultimate deception in mind.
Rob, I have to admit it’s hard for me to hear you say anything positive about WT. I know it’s not about his trading, just hard to hear regardless if it is the truth. It is better than creating lies.
Mike M, I hear you but have a different view. Look how Madoff scammed people. These Scammers do not wear horns and carry pitch forks. People need to realize this. They think they can spot a scammer a mile away and that he will be this either lazy or dumb or dirty looking or overall A-Hole. They think he will be the guy running a 3 shell Monte in the alley. But no, if they were, they would not be great scammers. You ask any of the Madoff victims and they will tell you how sincere he seemed. That is what makes a great scammer. And people need to WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE or they too will be scammed. That is why I am telling people these scammers are at the top of their game and if you do not realize it you will be the GOAT!!!!!!
How ironic, I wrote a whole paragraph about Madoff to respond to you, but I erased it in the end because I felt it was too far of a stretch. Yet, it is true. There were supposedly smart individuals clamoring to give Madoff money to manage. This is the age old scenario, there will always be unscrupulous individuals looking to part the uninformed from their money.
Sometimes I do a terrible job at making my point.
Let me first be clear, I agree all these scammers are low life scum with no morals. But if we just say Madoff is a POS low life bottom feeding scum, what picture comes into your head? When the next Madoff or Ross comes around they are not going to look or act like a low life scum of the universe. That is what I am trying to point out. Everyone thinks they will know a Madoff or Ross when they see one because they have this picture in their mind of what a person like that looks like, how they act, and how they dress. And that picture is wrong. Well part wrong. It might be true for the worst of the worst scammers, but not for the best of the best scammers. If we are going to warn folks to avoid these type of scammers then we have to be open eyed and paint an accurate picture describing their real characteristics.
Rob, no misunderstanding here. It is beneficial for you speak the truth of these individuals. I admit to having so much disdain for them that my anger masks some of the other truths. It is better to understand as much of the con as possible.
Ahem, you mean the most ingenious bull shit artist out there.
The point I was trying to make and argued with Mike M about was if you paint a picture of Ross simple as a BS artist, I think you are making a mistake. It is hard to explain in words, but the picture one generates is, “Oh he is a BS artist and I could spot that a mile away and only suckers would fall for it”.
If you underestimate your enemy you have already lost the war. I don’t care how much you hate him, Ross is a very smart marketer and people will continue to get scammed by him and others like him until they realize that and truly can see how this whole scam of an industry works.
The whole day Trading industry is one big scam, yet people still will not accept that fact. Article after article about one scam after the next and then I see some fool who has read all these article then post, Emmett can you review the intentional trader site or whatever site it might be. Those kind of post are the most disheartening of all post. And as long as people believe there is this unicorn day TR operator out there that will teach you to be able to make insane returns and quit your job and be a full time day trader the scamming will continue.
Which is once again I wish Emmett would do 2 things:
1) Write a book exposing this entire scam industry and show how all the various parts work and
2) State Day Trading as taught by the TR operators is a complete scam and put out a clear concise challenge offering a $25K prize to anyone that can show they can do it. I expanded on this in another post so will not repeat again here. And then tie this with his book and go on every TV and radio show talking about how it is one big scam and how he has even offered a challenge to anyone that can proof otherwise.
Unless someone with the creds is will to be a crusader, the con artist will continue to scam people out of their live’s savings.
Those are my ideas, but maybe others have better ideas how to close these scammer down and maybe a thread should be started on how can we close these scammer down, because it is clear the regulators are not going to do it.
I’ll add my own 2c where in my case, Ross and WarriorTrading was the last trading room and site I was fooled by almost two years ago. In fact,I found tradingschools ironically thanks to some people mentioning the review and Emmett’s in the room, where Ross or a shill replied “he’s just a felon”. Lo and behold I discovered the wonder of tradingschools’ incredible existence in this age and day of rampant internet fraud. And it kind of made sense only a reformed stock pumper with jailtime and nothing else to lose in life could choose to come clean and with his insider knowledge of the fraud psyche contribute to the best retail fraud exposing site in history as many of those legacy shams operating as far back as the 80’s (like “moonbeam” tides prof. codger) that no other review authority ever did in the past decades since they were all compromised by shills and vig in some fashion.
Well, I was already wise to sham rooms, but Ross fooled me well. I thought he was different because he appeared in a webcam and his site showed keyboard shortcuts and yes, he mentioned he was an architect who turned to trading and made “rookie” mistakes like a lot of middle class people with mid-career crisis with stagnant wages and dissatisfaction with work life. I had wasted three months of the monthly churn, about $300 bucks with this fraud. Fortunately I got lucky and pre-empted his calls or did my own thing and lucked out over 1k net, before calling it quits. I had done sim for the first weeks and gamed thousands in sim, but when I tried it live, it was a completely different story. By that time I had read Emmett’s WT review and unfortunately I missed his review by a month or so. But thanks to that non-shill in the room who was eventually banned or muted like anyone who asked the real questions about the validity of the room, I found tradingschools, and the plethora of reviews exposing the charlatans and the scores of reviews after in the past year firmly woke me up from the kool-aid induced dream to what RobB succintly states that they are all scams, every one of them! I’d suggest readers new to Warrior Trading to read Emmett’s review and all the comments. There in detail you’ll see proof of how Ross changed his site and his approach as he and his gray-hoodie triefecta do read the commentary and continue to stay a step ahead of being caught or quickly changing their fraudulent mistakes. I don’t want to praise Ross for anything either , and I’ll just say Ross is extremely ruthless and above the average bs artist in his willingness to do anything to keep his sham business at the peak of ill-gotten profitability. I remember when we all called out his ridiculous 5k to 40k on tradervue which was faked which RobB pointed out, in one month when people in the room were reporting all his calls were at best breakeven or worse or may days not much would happen due to a “slow” market. Then he got pissed and did his “avocado chopping” rage in his eyes at the webcam and showed a video supposedly him clicking on a broker statement through a web browser of course showing just a summary. Because it’s easier to fake a statement with a dummy server and copy of the broker site by a good webcoder on a local network making it look like it was actually going through the internet. Where he was initially pissed he had to spend money on more elaborate details of his scam. But now since they’re churning more newbs than ever, WT can afford to revanp their site, pay the vig to to delete all traces of their old fake spreadsheet records taken down “due to compliance”, and the fake architect bio, paying the vig to “trustpilot” to be completely shilled, hired actored testimonials such as Crystal who is trying to just support her child, and other “winner of the week” blurb and revamped their site to look more professionally “inscrutable” kind of like Poulus and Choi’s site who try to look “above the riffraff” shams but are just as scammy in every way that counts. Anyways, much of the details and history of the warrior scam are in the warrior comments and tradingschools is still the only place former victims can call out the scams without being overwhelmed by the shills.
You did a much better job of explaining Ross scam than I did, as I was never a member and only read and saw what he was doing.
But one thing is clear this guy is leaps beyond your typical run of the mill BS con artist. As you and I pointed out he actual read the post here and reacted to it. In all the threads here I have never seen anyone react in such a brilliant, yes I know some hate that word, way. This guy should be on the most wanted scammer list.
Right now he definitely believes his on bs which in his mind is brilliance. Hopefully, his ego will be his undoing and he will eventually have to pay for the financial hardships he is creating on a daily basis. IMO, they all have to pay in some shape or form and his day will come.
This is the guy that blew his account by doubling down, right?
Most of these trading educators that run websites and trade can just keep averaging down until they are in the green, if they end up in the green. They can claim all profitable days by adding to losing positions. Think about it, why would they care anyway if they are replenishing their trading accounts with the monthly churn. Clay Trader puts up you tube videos where he averages into a position sometimes being down 4 times what eventually he takes for a meager profit. Just throwing darts at a chart because it is “over extended” is an extremely dangerous way for a new trader to learn. That is one of the main reasons a new trader will blow up an account and that is what these GURUS are teaching. Shameful!!!
Yes, the self-same. Funnily enough, even the ones he was working with at the time, Hubert Senters and John Carter did not believe in what he was doing, and actually recorded, well before the blowup, that they expected him to blow up.
He eventually did, as do all those who keep adding to losing positions while waiting, praying and smoking hopium that the market will turn around so that they can exit a massive, overleveraged position with a profit of 2 ticks per contact, then boast that they made a few thousand on the trade.