Renegade Trader: The Latest Scam of Mark Deaton

Mark Deaton: Renegade Trader
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Mark Deaton is back. And YouTube is happy because he is currently spending money on paid video advertising like a pimp on Superbowl Sunday.

We have lost count of the now-defunct websites offering all manner of investments advice from this serial huckster. His latest incarnation is a “Powerful Options Strategy that generates $1000’s weekly from tiny $50 trades!” No kidding folks. He claims its a ‘secret formula.’

Well, this isn’t the first time Mark has been offering ‘secret formula’ investment advice. In fact, we have uncovered a venerable treasure trove of now-defunct websites offering all manner of investment whack-a-doodle.

Oh, and Mark is also selling an “FDA Approved” pill that is guaranteed to cure all manner of intestinal maladies.

Mark Deaton is a ‘quack’ of the highest order. Hide your credit card. Avoid this carnival barker.


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Here we go again. Mark Deaton is back.

Most readers have never heard of Mark Deaton. But at TradingSchools.Org, we hear about Mark Deaton all-the-time.

In fact, in the past month, Mark has been plastering YouTube with all manner of financial nonsense. Apparently, he has discovered his latest ‘secret’ trading method that is virtually guaranteed to make you rich in record time. This latest get rich quick investment method is called “The Rainmaker Options Trading Method.”

As per Mark, a very long time ago, some very astute investors discovered a secret options trading formula and turned $1,600 into $200,000,000. Virtually overnight!

But mysteriously, this ‘secret formula’ was lost to all of humanity. But Mark is very clever and he somehow unearthed this mystical formula and wants to bestow this great wisdom upon thee-only $795! And some other upsells that we won’t mention.

Turn $50 trades into MILLIONS!

As per Mark, his secret formula will magically transform $500 trading accounts into “thousands of dollars in extra income, each week!” And, you will “Generate Cash Like Clock Work!”

Mark claims that his super-system is virtually loss-free! Winning trades at 80 to 100% accuracy, and that folks are getting rich left and right!

Of course, we have heard all of this nonsense before. The sales pitch…custom tailored to the financially vulnerable and the outright desperate…looking to turn a tiny trading account into millions of dollars overnight.

But before you get your wallet out, lets a take a closer look at Mark Deaton…and his very shady past.

Let’s take a step back in time.

Mark Deaton: his earlier scams

One of the earliest get-rich-quick investment websites that Mark bestowed upon humanity was a website named CandleStick Genius. It’s now defunct.  According to Mark, for a fee, he will relinquish the innermost trading secrets of Candlestick Patterns. This site first appeared in 2006.

Apparently, people started to discover that Mark wasn’t really a genius. Time for a new gig. The next whack-a-doodle investment scheme was Commodity Tycoon. It’s now defunct. According to Mark, “Wall Street is terrified that you’ll discover this shocking method that safely earns 45%+ each and every week!” Can’t make this stuff up folks. Its right on the sales page.

Sure enough, only a short time later…a whole new ridiculous investment product named Bollinger Band Genius. It’s now defunct. For a fee, Mark will once again bestow great wisdom upon thee! Until the website disappeared like a fart in the wind.

Shall we keep going? How about Blue Collar Millionaire! Yet another investment scam that takes “only 20-seconds to find each trade” and “it’s really easy” and blue collar workers are now earning an extra $5k to $10k each week. This guy is like a venereal wart–he just keeps on reappearing. Let’s keep moving…

Would you like to conquer any market? Would you like to hit the jackpot? No problem. Just purchase the Bollinger Band Jackpot. And you will be “picking off winning trades like a bald eagle picking off a rabbit from 10,000 feet.” And its accurate at 90%! Your money problems will quickly melt away like butter in a microwave oven. And “even a teeny weeny account can earn 86% every two weeks!”

Do you want to enjoy life traveling in an RV, hitting your favorite vacation spots or just relaxing in the sun at home–All while making $1,000’s weekly from your trades? No problem! Just head on over to Dead Simple Swing Trading and learn the “$1 Million Dollar Trading Secrets.” But don’t forget your credit card, because these secrets ain’t cheap.

Are you sick and tired of not earning 24% monthly investment returns? How would you like to do this for the next 6 years and the best part is that you only need 45-days to learn this super-secret trading method that a mathematician discovered during the Renaissance period! All you need is Trading Domination to supercharge your investment returns.

Just how many investment websites has Mark Deaton created and then quickly closed? Good question. We simply could not keep count. Large portions of the internet are littered with this dudes nonsense.

According to Finra.Org, Mark Deaton isn’t qualified in any way, shape, or form, to offer investment advice. Yet here he is…offering all manner of investment advice. Securities and Exchange Commission…are you listening?

Mark Deaton: multidimensional scammer

Every good magician has more than one trick. And Mark is without exception.

Are you constipated? Do you suffer from “Protein Bloat?” Do you need to burn fat and drop those extra pounds? Do you hate exercise and watching those carbs? No problem! Just head on over to Digestion Matters and discover what scientists are not willing to tell you. Mark’s got all the secrets that you will ever need. Magical herbs, exotic potions, heck even a magical oil that Jesus blessed.

Are you tired of not eating what you want? Do you want to gorge on Pizza, crackers, greasy hamburgers, and whatever else is on the menu? Do you dream of spicy Indian food, unlimited tacos, pies, Greek food, sushi, and ice cream? Does it make you want to shit our drawers?

No problem! Mark has a secret pill this “backed by rock solid, proven science” and cures all of your digestive woes…its called SuperZyme XP. And it’s an absolute miracle and FDA approved.

Mark created a miracle pill and claims it’s FDA approved? Yeah right. Swallow at your own peril.

Does Mark Deaton actually trade?

At TradingSchools.Org, we will look past plenty. If you can even remotely prove any of your claims of investment success, then its pretty easy to get a great review. However, if you cannot prove your claims of investment success…

We reached out to Mark and asked if he could provide actual brokerage statements to substantiate any of his remarkable investment claims. As you can imagine, he replied: “I don’t share this information.”

When asked if he could provide a record of trades, he replied: “I don’t publish a track record because they are so easy to manipulate.”

Hmm…too easy to manipulate. Just like the rest of his marketing nonsense.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Ann March 5, 2024
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  16. Greg Allen March 23, 2019
    • Mark Deaton May 7, 2019
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  17. Jess Bailey March 12, 2019

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