Pure Financial Academy
Verified Trades
User Experience
Pure Financial Academy is owned by Will Busby, operating out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Will Busby has no verifiable trading results, audited track record, or verifiably active trading account. Yet, he expects consumers to willingly fork over, up to $12k for a truly magical trading educational experience.
Is offering a “fully automated” trading system that is supposedly a ‘set and forget’ trading system for $5k. Yet has no performance summary for the system, no track record to substantiate the performance and very little cooperation with a review from TradingSchools.Org.
Will Busby claims it would be “unethical” to show actual trading performance. How so?
Thanks for reading today’s review of Pure Financial Academy
Pure Financial Academy is a trading educational company owned and operated by Will Busby, out of Atlanta Georgia. According to Archive.Org, the Pure Financial Academy website has been active since about 2010.
Pure Financial Academy is currently offering the following courses and trading magic:
- Silver Pro Trader Program for $1995. You will supposedly learn how to “follow the smart money” and “locate institutional supply and demand.”
- Gold Pro Trader Program for $2995. You will learn additional analysis techniques including the secrets of Fibonacci analysis.
- Platinum Pro Trader Program for $5947. You will learn the ultimate secrets and be able to speak with Will Busby directly. Such an honor.
Pure Financial Academy also offers “Professional-Level Trading Software” which includes the following:
- Supply and Demand Volume Zones for $1497. The software purports to be able to predict price direction on ALL timeframes and scale. Whether you are using a 5-minute bar chart, a 5-second bar chart or a 5-year bar chart…the software auto recalculates and supposedly makes predicting the future very easy. The software is delivered as an indicator for the NinjaTrader platform.
- The PFASD Trading System for $4,999. An automated trading strategy that supposedly uses “adaptive algorithms” that automatically deliver amazing profits on all asset classes, all time frames, all the time. Just “set it, and forget it.” This is trading made easy. Without all the hassles of thinking, learning, and making decisions for yourself.
Contacting Will Busby of Pure Financial Academy
Over the past 3 years, TradingSchools.Org has received 7 requests to review Pure Financial Academy. In addition, we also received one complaint regarding the $4,999 trading system.
During the month of May 2017, we reached out to Will Busby at Pure Financial Academy requesting more information about his personal trading performance, as well as the performance of his “set it, and forget it” trading system. Will Busby, in multiple videos and presentations, declares that he is a “full-time professional trader.” This sure sounds wonderful, but without a verifiable track record…it means nothing.
Will Busby responded that he could provide no track record of his personal trading results. Nor does he have a verifiable track record for his supposed “set it and forget it” trading system. He responded, “It would be unethical for me” to show my show my personal trading results. And, that people should “read my reviews on my website” and asserts that his reviews are 100% genuine.
So let me get this straight…Will Busby expects people to send him $12,000 to learn his magical trading methods, or $5,000 for his ‘super-secret’, 100% ‘foolproof’ trading system, yet can provide no track record that he has ever made a nickel trading the markets? Sure sounds like a bet for suckers to me.
And Will Busby believes it would be unethical to show an account statement for his own trading performance? How is that unethical? In my opinion, the only thing unethical would be making outrageous claims of being a full-time professional trader, when in fact, you have no verifiable track record of ever making a nickel in the markets. Will Busby is encouraging people to “make a career change”, yet it appears that his only career in life has been selling trading magic. Ridiculous.
TradingSchools.Org received one nasty complaint regarding the “set it and forget it” trading system. This complaint triggered the review. How did the trading system perform in real time? Terrible. After 90 days, the purchaser of the trading system described the obliteration of his $20k trading account. After each loss, he wondered when the “adaptive algorithms” would actually start adapting and delivering profits.
For him, the only adapting was having to work overtime hours to pay off the credit debt of $5k. The money he borrowed to purchased the “set and forget” trading system. And his wife was none too happy. She warned him repeatedly to leave the family savings account alone, that they simply could not afford to lose $20k of their retirement savings. A hard lesson learned.
Wrapping things up
This reminds me of the annual fair that comes to my town. I have been attending the annual fair for nearly 40 years. And located within the fair is the ‘Fortune Teller’, also known as Mistress Helga. I remember when I was a kid my mother dragged me into the tent. She wanted to know her future, and whether my father was being faithful. As I sat there, clutching my corndog, I had to listen to this stream of mumbo jumbo from a lady wearing a purple headscarf.
A few years later, I was once again dragged into the tent. This time, with my sister that wanted to know if her husband was “truly the one.” More mumbo-jumbo. But Misstress Helga was now old and her daughter was running the show.
Even more years later, I was once again dragged into the tent with Catrina. She wanted to know if I was cheating on her. (I was) But this time, the fortune teller yet another spawn on Misstress Helga. The fortune teller told Catrina that I was not cheating, but I had a “wandering eye.” And, that my heart could be contained by burning a magic candle every day for 30 days. The candle cost $10. It didn’t work.
Thanks for reading. And if you have ever had any experience with the Will Busby, would love to read your story below.