Trading Schools.Org

NinjaTrader Ecosystem Review:
  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience

Summary is yet another trading educational website by Sean McKissin. Over the years, Sean McKissin has owned several different trading related websites that are now defunct.

The website is one of the several different websites that Sean McKissin is currently promoting as either “learn the secrets of trading” or “make money with my trading signals.” Prior to being a professional trading educator, it appears that Sean McKissin sold accessories for truckers.

The vendor has made outrageous claims of massive profits without providing any proof whatsoever. Vendor refused to verify trading with TradingSchools.Org.

The company is listed as a Ninja Trader Ecosystem educational provider. TradingSchools.Org is curious whether Ninja Trader fully vetted this person and company.

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Thanks for reading today’s review of is a trading course that purports to teach “Structure Ratio” and “Natural Flow” of futures, stocks, and options markets. The course contains 21 instructional videos, with over 30 hours of “recorded live training.” The cost of the course is $895. received the lowest possible score for honesty. The website contains no biography or history of whom is offering this trading course. How can a reasonable decision be made if nobody is willing to place their actual name on the website? TradingSchools.Org considers this to be a sign of fundamental dishonesty.

Furthermore, publishes a blog of supposed results that began as early as August 2014 through 2016. Blog post after blog post contains supposedly massive profits ranging from $5k to $30k per trade. In fact, our inspection of the 360WallStreet blog revealed no losing trades whatsoever. Truly remarkable. TradingSchools.Org reached out to 360WallStreet and requested proof of these supposed massive trading profits…no response.

NinjaTrader Ecosystem

The company is listed as a NinjaTraderEcosystem approved and verified trading educator. TradingSchools.Org contacted Ninja Trader and discovered that the person running this website is a person named Sean McKissin. A google search of Sean McKissin revealed various other trading related websites. The following are websites that Sean McKissin managed, or was affiliated with. The following websites are now all defunct.

In addition to these now defunct websites, Sean McKissin also promotes several other trading related websites including:

Its appears that prior to becoming a trading educational super-hero, Sean McKissin owned a website named A company that sold floor mats that will, “Trick Your Truck.”

As some point in the early 2000’s, it appears that Sean McKissin transitioned away from selling truck accessories to selling the dream of being a professional day trader. By taking a closer look at the now defunct websites of, and we can see a clear pattern of websites that appear for a year or two, and then mysteriously are removed. Not a good sign.

In addition to websites that mysteriously appear and disappear, TradingSchools.Org has received numerous review requests regarding Sean McKissin. The typical message from readers is that keeping track of Sean McKissin is akin to “Whack-a-mole.” He appears at one website, and then just as quickly reappears with another website touting yet another “amazing trading promotion.”

Wrapping Things Up

In the past, at TradingSchools.Org we can usually quickly figure out who is good or bad by the trail of abandoned websites. Legit vendors tend to stay and fight for their reputation. Whereas the scams will typically hustle a few dozen newbies out of thousands of dollars and then disappear. Only to later appear with a new website. We have seen this quite often with listed trading vendors at Ninja Trader.

Ninja Trader has definitely taken a more aggressive position at weeding out the bad apples. But a few slip through the filter. And truth be told, it is very time-consuming to track down and discover all of these defunct websites that vendors abandon.

Thanks for reading. And dont forget to leave a comment below. Your opinion is appreciated.

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