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Learn To Trade The Market Review

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Learn To Trade The Market

No live trading. But at least Nial Fuller is honest about that. First and foremost, Nial is an expert marketer that not only understands how to craft his message, but also how to game Google for maximum web traffic. Nial Fuller’s sales strategy is to drive massive traffic to his website and then convert into purchasers of his trading course, and he does this all without trading performance. A clever salesman. But not to be taken as a serious trading educator.

User Review
2.33 (24 votes)
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Pros: Nial Fuller is honest. The Learn To Trade The Market website and marketing strategy should be a role model for aspiring trading vendors. And excellent salesman.
Cons: No live trading. Nial Fuller absolutely refuses to disclose any trading results whatsoever. No record of his trading recommendations. Actively washes out any dissenters from his blog, that actively question whether he trades. The trading course is simplistic chart reading that can be found for free.

Learn To Trade The Market Review

Learn To Trade The Market is website and blog by Nial Fuller of Australia. For $275, you receive the following:

  1. Chart Reading Instructions
  2. Access to a private forum
  3. A morning update of markets

What is included in the Chart Reading Instructions?

A  member sent me the original course, you can also find free copies of the course floating around cyber space. It is a simplistic and basic instructional on how to read chart patterns. All of the patterns are hand picked by Nial. Nothing new or original. The same material that can be found in any book that describes double tops, double bottoms, failure patterns, breakouts, support and resistance, etc. Nothing is statistically validated. Which of course is the basic problem with chart reading, everything is subjective. On a 5 minute chart, you can easily see a breakout. But then switch to a 60 minute chart, and you can now see a clear downtrend with a pullback. However, I have to give Nial Fuller credit where credit is due, he is extremely good at making chart reading look simple and entirely conquerable. He is also a clean cut and well spoken young man. The sort that shows up at your house to take your teenage daughter out for a date, dressed nicely and clean. The sort of guy that shows up with flowers for your daughter. He also shakes your hand and calls you Sir. His car is clean and polished and free of dirt. You are having visions of the wedding day and perfect little babies, your wife is getting excited as well. But of course, we are not going to be so easily taken in by such a charming young man with no dirt under his fingernails. We are going to bring him into the house, and when our pretty young daughter and excited wife are upstairs giggling and chatting…we are going to start asking this Nial Fuller some tough questions. As an old Dad, we also used to be young and played this game with varying degrees of success. Lets talk a closer look at Nial Fuller, lets ask tough questions and make him feel uncomfortable, lets test this young man.

Access To A Private Forum

Nial’s private forum is a well organized area where members access course material, videos of chart patterns, written articles, and plenty of opinion from various members. Thankfully a reader whom purchased the course gave me access to the private forum. And I was thankful to have a look around and judge the material on its merit. This would be similar to sneaking into the apartment of this young man, while he is taking your daughter out on a date. Of course, we will dig around and look for any drug paraphernalia, pornography, condom wrappers in the trash can, guns, filth of any sort, etc. After a few days of snooping around and reviewing everything, I have to report that I did not find anything terribly out of place or worrisome.

The one issue that I have with the private forum is that Nial Fuller does not post his trades. He has plenty of opinions, and he draws up a nice chart, but not a single trade is posted anywhere. There are mounds of tantalizing bits and pieces of information that Nial presents, but the bottom line, he is only presenting conversation. And once Nial introduces a new conversation about a market or market event, a horde of people from what seems all over the planet then jump onto the conversation and start posting their trading ideas. The conversation is quite lively and fun. Unfortunately, Nial is not putting on any actual trades. Plenty of conversation, but Nial the resident Guru never places himself in a position where the Guru can ever be wrong.

The Morning Update Of Markets

Every morning, Nial puts out an opinion of about five different markets, and what he feels like will happen. He will show a chart that is marked up, and an arrow pointing up or down, followed with a question mark. He will say something like, “This looks like a Pin failure, could we now see the rally???”. As I sat there reading these updates, I could not help but ask myself how this is useful? After all, I am reading this material to make money, and I am here because I need help. I am not afraid to go into battle and risk my life, but I would feel much more comfortable if our battle commander was also willing to risk his life and fight along side me. You will never find Nial willing to climb out of the trench, willing to charge the machine guns and possible death. You will find handsome Nial blowing the whistle from the safety of the trench, signalling the charge, giving everyone a pep talk. Telling everyone that the chart pattern says that the machine guns are pointing away at the fools farther down the trench line, and that its safe to exit the trench and charge into battle. His videos and course materials all prove that he is correct, we just need to trust the course videos and the course material.

For some reason, I keep having visions of my pretty daughter. She has just concluded her dinner date with Nial. She is sitting in his new car. Its clean and shiny and expensive. It smells nice and so does Nial. He is so handsome and his hair has just the correct amount of pomade. Spiky, but not too spiky. He leans in for a kiss, and of course my daughter is more than obliged. Next he starts getting clever with his hands, judging whether he might be able to get further, trying to capture the ultimate prize of my daughters virtue. He starts to get aggressive and suddenly my daughter has visions in her head of everything I told her regarding men. How they are all dogs. The clean looking and the smooth talkers are the ones she needs to worry about most. She snaps out of it and does the right thing, she then asks Nial to be taken home. Good girl.

Getting Tough With Nial Fuller

Over the past several months, I have used various pen names from various email addresses, questioning Nial directly about his personal trading performance. I always ask the same question. Do you trade Nial? What is your track record? What is your performance? I always receive a clever response from the handsome young man. Over and over he explains that he does not talk about performance, or call trades.. He leaves this up to the enlightened member. To take the course materials and learn to trade for ourselves. Learn to be like Nial. But who is Nial? Does he even trade? There is no track record to speak of. No nothing. Just a cacophony of conversation and talk. Of course, I am a rabble rouser and I always keep pressing forward, seeking the truth. At times, I have posted on several of his many blog postings, questioning whether he really trades. But these blog posts never stick. They always disappear.

So what is Nial Fuller and Learn To Trade The Market?

At its very core, Nial Fuller is a excellent communicator, very skilled salesperson and a savvy web marketer. He is well organized and understands how to sell his product. If you were to believe how many students that he claims to have taught, then you he would have north of $3,000,000 just from selling  his trading course. These types sales figures can fuel an impressive online marketing machine. What do I mean by online marketing machine?

The key to capturing massive amounts of free web traffic is to convince Google that you are an authority figure within a particular niche. If done correctly, then Google can send a huge amount of traffic which you can then convert to sales. The key to convincing Google and driving traffic is to produce a massive amount of written material and then spread it about the internet. If you visit Nial Fullers website, you will find massive amounts of written articles. They are all cleverly written and expertly produced. But what is more interesting is in how Nial distributes his information.

Since I am not a professional web marketer, I needed a second opinion on how Nial Fuller was able to generate so much web traffic, I contacted SEM Rush marketing and asked them to analyze his website. The project manager at SEM Rush Marketing sent me a report that clearly demonstrated that Nial Fuller is a prolific web spammer. The chart that you see below is the amount of organic keywords that Nial Fuller has ranked on page one of Google. At one point, during the later part of 2012, Nial Fuller had an astounding 10,000+ keywords that ranked on page one of Google. SEM Rush calculated that the traffic value, at that time was worth over $50,000 a month. A truly astounding number. But notice what happened in January 2013? The Learn To Trade The Market website plummeted. What happened?

SEM Rush explained that Nial Fuller was using a scheme of spamming the internet with fake back links to his website. Once Google caught onto the scheme, you can see that Google gave Nial Fuller a huge penalty and crashed his traffic.

Why This Matters

So why should we care if Nial Fuller devised a scheme to cheat Google, and drive traffic to his website? This is important because it gives us a clue as to his real character, this is a subtle clue. If he is willing to cheat Google with shady marketing tactics, then it is also safe to assume that he is more of a professional marketer than an actual trader, and we probably cannot trust him with our daughter.

At the end of the day, I have to congratulate Nial Fuller for his marketing prowess. It makes perfect sense that he does not post trading performance, he does not need to! When thousands upon thousands of people are coming to your website each day, for free, you can afford to be cautious and focus on selling your product. Unfortunately, there is not much focus on actual trading.

One Final Thought

The problem with professional marketers like Nial Fuller is that they mute the voices of those that actually do trade, and actually do sell a worthy product. I have interviewed and reviewed many excellent trading vendors, and their complaint is always the same…they cannot get their message heard, they cannot beat the professional marketers selling junk trading products. Hopefully, we can change this dynamic. But I doubt it.

Thanks for taking the time to read this review. I know it is probably longer than you wanted and had more information than you probably needed. Don’t forget to leave your comments below. Even if you disagree, your voice is important.



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