Trading Schools.Org

Institute Of Trading And Portfolio Management

Anton Kreil
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Academy Of Trading And Portfolio Management is yet another trading educator touting a fantasy lifestyle of shrimp cocktails and champagne, sports cars, private jets, helicopters, yachts, and exotic travels. The owner of the company is even claiming to be taking a rocket ship into space. Yes folks, for only $2,999 you can purchase the video lessons that reveal all of the secrets to finally become a full-time professional trader.

Unfortunately, the performance history of Anton Kreil is nowhere to found. Claims of being a multimillionaire and retiring by age 25 cannot be verified. Claims of being the top rated trader in the world while working at Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and Lehman Brothers appear to be an alternative reality that feeds into the typical stereotype of the millionaire trader.

And finally, why would any “World renowned, multi-millionaire super trader” opt to become a lowly trading educator, peddling video courses and $20 dollar, get rich quick seminars?

User Review
2.61 (191 votes)
Comments Rating 2.2 (5 reviews)
Pros: World class marketing, and excellent salesmanship.
Cons: World class bullshit artist and probable online charlatan. No track record of trades. Claims of prior history appear to be 100% marketing mumbo-jumbo.

Thanks for reading today’s review of Institute Of Trading And Portfolio Management

(Big thanks to Vlad at for helping with the research for this review)

What is this company with the fancy sounding name? Quite simply, it’s yet another trading educational company. The company is offering a smorgasbord of trading educational products that will surely make your trading dreams come true and unlock the secrets to making millions of dollars trading stocks, futures, forex, and commodities…from a true master trader.

Let’s take a closer look at what is being offered:

Perhaps you need a little extra help from a true master trader? No problem. Simply sign up for the 3-month trader mentoring program. Cost: $7,000. Better hurry, because space is extremely limited.

Do you like live investment seminars? Well, great news because the Institute of Trading And Portfolio Management is taking the world by storm! For only $20 you can sit anywhere, but the front row. For only $247 you can sit in the front row, very close to the trading guru, and you get to enjoy a pre-seminar lunch with a true master-trader, Mr. Anton Kreil. Hurry, because seating is extremely limited, Mr. Kreil is a man in high demand, and provides economic advice to world leaders, Central Banks, celebrities, and CEO’s of major financial institutions.

Who in the heck is Anton Kreil?

It appears that in 2010, Mr. Kreil appeared in a TV reality show titled, “Million Dollar Traders”.  Mr. Kreil appeared as one of the “trading instructors” in the show. The show claims that Anton Kreil became a millionaire trader by the age of 25. Though none of this can actually be independently verified, it is important to note that the producer of the show, and Anton Kreil were close personal friends before the production of the reality show.

A review of Anton Kreil’s biography and supposed personal history includes a charming story about he grew up dirt poor in the UK, and then he began trading at the age of 16. At the age of 20, his trading was so amazing that Goldman Sachs eagerly sought his guidance and counsel on international trading. He claims to have worked the next 4 years as an equities trader with truly marvelous success.

Word of his amazing trading abilities spread quickly throughout the world’s trading communities. At 24, he claims to have been recruited by Lehman Brothers, where he worked for 2 years, and built the “number one in the world ranked European trading operation.” He then claims that he then joined Lehman Brothers and then JP Morgan where he went on to earn millions of dollars.

When he was only 25 years old, he became disillusioned with the world of international finance. He then decided to sell everything and become an international traveller. He then travelled all over the world, in search of deeper meaning, and to discover the meaning of life. After travelling through 25 countries and interacting with “common folk” he had an epiphany. He discovered his true calling. He wanted to be a trading educator. And spread the wealth of his financial knowledge to the world. The idea of the Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management was born. Now, anyone could become a millionaire trader, just like Anton Kreil. All for today’s low price of only $2,999. But people should hurry because the price is increasing at any moment.

Anton Kreil Who?

At TradingSchools.Org, we have heard all of this sort of stuff before. And too many times, we have discovered that the supposed trading guru is just a charlatan looking to hustle a few thousand dollars by suckering in the newbie trader for what remains of their credit card limit. With Anton Kreil, we began our investigation by contacting him directly. The number one question, is this guy really a millionaire trader? Is there any track record? If any track record of successful trading exists, he certainly was not willing to share it with TradingSchools.Org. Nor is he willing to share his supposed performance with prospective purchasers of his various trading products.

I drink champagne in Monaco. While I look at my yacht.

Anton Kreil claims to have managed one of the largest trading desks in the world, which he claims was rated number one in the world for performance. Yet no articles referencing this information exists.

Is Anton Kreil really a millionaire trader? In all honesty, nobody really knows for sure. Can we legitimise or validate any of his story regarding his work history? Yes. In fact, a prior work history of Anton Kreil can be found posted on the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority. Anton Kreil is listed as an investment advisor for Goldman Sachs from 2001 – 2004, and then Lehman Brothers from 2004 – 2006, JP Morgan from 2006 – 2007.

Registered Investment Advisor=Anton Kreil=World Class Trader?

The big question that prospective consumers of Anton Kreil products need to ask themselves…if Anton Kreil is a registered investment advisor, does this also mean that he is a millionaire and a world class trader? My mother has a registered investment advisor that advises her, and has worked at JP Morgan for 20+ years. In fact, he is the Vice President of JP Morgan. One of many thousands of Vice Presidents at JP Morgan. This is the corny little secret with big banks, everyone gets a fancy title…which means very little.

Whenever a registered investment advisor starts flaunting their supposed personal wealth and spends a major portion of their day talking about their personal wealth…it all sounds so suspicious. Maybe this is why the SEC created a video to remind the general public to be wary of investment advisors that like to flaunt their amazing lifestyle:

The fantasy lifestyle of Anton Kreil

Everyone is familiar with Timothy Sykes and his rented Ferrari’s, rented mansions, rented bikini models, etc. Its what I like to call “Trader Porn”. Tim Sykes was an early pioneer of the marketing concept. Create a fantasy world of what the trading public dreams about; trading from a laptop, taking exotic vacations, driving Italian sports cars, dating bikini models, flying helicopters and private jets, bottles of champagne flowing freely, beautiful people enjoying parties and poolside retreats, private yachts. All you need is a laptop computer and the “secrets of trading” course for $4,999. has written extensively about this new class of online hustlers and charlatans. Let’s not forget Fous Alerts, Bulls On Wall Street, and Infinite-Prosperity. All fine examples of “Trader Porn”.

It seems that Anton Kreil is of the “Trader Porn” variety. His Facebook page is a testament to his supposed trading greatness and personal wealth, included are exotic Italian sports cars, beautiful women, exotic locales, champagne bubbling, a yacht, private jets, helicopters, all manner of ostentatious nonsense. Even a rocket ship. No kidding. Even pictures of a supposed rocket ship that is going to fly him to outer space. It is all a red herring. Its meant to distract from the obviousness of no track record and numerous inconsistencies. The following are a few images from this supposed fantasy lifestyle, which can all be yours for only $2,999.

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What is obvious? There is no performance history for Anton Kreil. All of these shiny objects are meant to convey a virtual, fantasy world, that you too can be part of. For only a small fee, you can be part of the 1%, that does not worry about money. Instead, uses the magical trading techniques of Anton Kreil to predict where world markets are moving. It’s all a fantasy folks. And these poor people got suckered into that fantasy…complaint A, complaint B.

Wrapping Things Up

Nothing would make me happier than the supposed super trader, known as Anton Kreil to prove me wrong. Anton, when you read this, it’s going to sting. But I believe this is an accurate portrayal of you. Am not buying your bullshit about becoming a multimillionaire by age 25, neither am I buying the bullshit of building world class trading desks at JP Morgan, Lehman Brothers, and Goldman Sachs. None of it adds up. Even the story of your rocket ship flying you to space appears to be pure PS. To me, you appear to be a nothing more than a common charlatan.

Thanks for reading. Thanks again to Vlad at for helping with research. Don’t forget to leave a comment below.

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