I Am A Day Trader

  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


Here we go again. Les ‘Ray’ Freeman, formerly the owner of Your Trading Room is back with yet another live, day trading room. Apparently, after recently burning investors in a multi-million dollar trading scheme, has decided to bestow upon the world yet more day-trading financial wisdom. The latest financial incarnation is remarkably similar to the last turd he dropped on the financial community.

In the great swamp of investment educators, this guy is the grand floating turd of investment hustlers. A track record of failure and financial devastation second to none. Has left a soup kitchen full of broke and destitute investors over a multiple of times zone and continents.

An ultra rare, high-level con artist with a penchant for the elderly and the financially desperate. Absolutely avoid.

Thanks for reading today’s review of I Am A Day Trader

What is I Am A Day Trader? The website can be found at www.iamadaytrader.com. The company is a day trading educational company owned and operated by Ray ‘Les’ Freeman. An Australian citizen, currently living in Los Angeles, Ca.

The company is currently selling a day trading course, named the “Fast Track Program” for $197. In addition to the day trading course, the company is also offering a live day trading room at $297 per month.

I Am A Day Trader maintains a very active YouTube page at the following address.

And just like every other trading educator on the planet, the YouTube page is filled with dozens of promotional videos that extol the amazing trading abilities of Mr. Les ‘Ray’ Freeman. In fact, TradingSchools.Org was simply amazed and the unseemingly endless stream of “Live Winning Trades” and promises of  easy day trading profits.

Amazing Claims of Success

The I Am A Day Trader website tells the amazing story of Mr. Raymond ‘Les’ Freeman, and how he has tutored thousands of day traders worldwide to gain financial independence by learning his time-tested patterns to profits. In fact, Ray Freeman likes to refer to himself as “The Samurai Day Trader”. He assures the audience that for well over 20 years, he has been applying his Samurai skills like a karate master, each day pulling out easy profits. His mind is sharp, like the Samurai sword. And he wants to teach you his day trading secrets. For only a small fee.

But before you take out your credit card, it’s important that we take a closer look at Mr. Ray ‘Les’ Freeman. This is not his first trading product, nor his first live day trading room.

The Most Recent Failure: Your Trading Room

Prior to teaching his secret Samurai skills at Iamadaytrader.com, Ray Freemon owned and operated a company named My Trading Room.Your Trading Room

For only a small fee, a person would log into a live day trading room and watch the amazing day trading abilities of Ray Freemon. After signing up for a monthly subscription to the trading room, the customer would then weave and wind through a proverbial primrose path of upsells and additional spending opportunities.

The grand finale of sales would be the Global Prop Trading program, where the victim/sucker would be enticed into spending $20k to $30k for the Ulitmate Educational Experience, and once they completed the educational program, they would then be awarded up to $5 million of dollars of Ray Freeman’s own personal trading capital. He would supposedly, financially support the person with a fat trading account, with no risk of loss to them. And they would enjoy the massive profits that so many others were also enjoying.

Unfortunately, the Ultimate Educational Experience and the Global Prop Trading program turned out to nothing more than a complete and total scam. Have a read of the following…

Ray Les Freeman

Pretty juicy stuff. And it all coincides with the stories of various individuals that contacted TradingSchools.Org directly and asked that we expose the scam. And most importantly, talked about the slick talking, con artist with a penchant for hustling working people out of whatever their meager savings. Pretty sad stuff folks. This guy has hurt a lot of people.

The big question, how much money has this guy hustled with his trading scam? The prior article claims thousands of investors lost money in the millions of dollar range. However, an additional article that was published by The Australian Business Review claims that “about 2000 investors worldwide lost approximately $10 million dollars.”

Yet more scams and hustles

Of course, maybe my choice of words are being a bit too hostile towards Mr. Freeman? Or perhaps, the Courier Mail newspaper was more succinct in describing Mr. Freeman as “Mr. Falure Les Freeman Strikes Again.” The following article describes how Mr. Freeman hustled 135 investors out of $1.5 million by promising upwards of 100% annual investment returns in a scheme resembling multi-level marketing.

Only a short time later, after burning through $1.5 million, Mr. Freeman created yet another amazing investment opportunity that promised 50% to 100% annual returns and raised an additional $6.7 million dollars from investors. A wealth building seminar that pitched various real estate investments. Of course, that also went bust and the financial authorities shut it down. Some investors were so upset with being hustled that they rearranged Mr. Freeman’s car, courtesy of baseball bats.

Apparently, after the baseball bat episode, Mr. Freeman grabbed whatever remaining loot that he had stolen from investors and made a mad-dash escape to safer lands. He found fertile pastures in the tony Los Angeles suburb of Santa Monica, where he now enjoys his days lounging in the sun, drinking fruit punch and dreaming up his next outrageous investment scheme. It appears that I Am A Day Trader is the latest hustle.

Truth be told, I could write an additional 1000 word article describing yet another “wealth building educational seminar” that hustled yet more people out of an estimated $5.5 million dollars. But to continue is to beleaguer the point…everything this guy touches turns to crap.

A tsunami of broken dreams, broken promises, and thousands of investors losing millions of dollars. Eventually, after lawsuits, regulators, and angry mobs make his life too uncomfortable, he disappears like a fart in the wind. And then later reappears with yet another amazing investment opportunity.

The latest hustle: I Am A Day Trader

Let’s not be naive to believe that “Iamadaytrader.com” is only selling a day trading room at $298 per month. This latest scheme is a nearly identical pitch that Mr. Freeman used to market Your Trading Room.

The victim is slowly drawn in Mr. Freemon’s world via the live trading room. Mr. Freeman then develops and cultivates a relationship. Not unlike a naive alter boy and a pervert priest. He creates the illusion of friendship and trust, he then probes the victim for information on their available credit card limit and available savings. Once the victim is woozy and delirious from the dreams of day trading glory, he then springs forth with his financial dildo of destruction. And begins unmercifully and gleefully thrusting away until the victim is broke, despondent, ashamed, and feeling very icky from the experience.

Of course, my description might be offensive or too visual for some. However, in interviews with the multitudes of victims, the feeling of financial rape is the most common descriptive terminology. So let’s call it what it is, Mr. Freeman is a financial predator, a financial rapist. A slick talking, slim emitting, ooze extruding financial con artist pitching snake oil in various flavors.

Wrapping things up

Some of these reviews really rile me up. And Mr. Freeman, with his marathon of BS investment schemes, has been going full tilt for nearly his entire life. It just amazes me how he moves from big-time hustle to big-time hustle, scamming millions of dollars and never catches a prison cell. Always slipping through the hangman’s noose, always blaming someone else for the missing monies, and then sliding through the sewage pipe to yet another grand escape.

Sometimes I wonder if Karma is real.

Thanks for reading. And don’t forget to leave a comment.


  1. Diana March 15, 2021
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  15. jorgeviola May 28, 2017
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    • dtchurn July 18, 2017
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  16. Mike May 7, 2017
  17. Damjan April 8, 2017
  18. John M April 8, 2017
  19. Marco March 24, 2017
  20. Richard January 22, 2017
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      • Brandon Diggs December 23, 2016
        • Emmett Moore December 23, 2016
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              • Brandon Diggs December 26, 2016
    • Stray Dog December 20, 2016
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    • Eduardo December 23, 2016
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        • Steve March 5, 2018
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      • Stray Dog March 31, 2018
  23. dtchurn December 8, 2016
  24. Ariel December 7, 2016
  25. Less Freeman December 7, 2016
    • Brandon Diggs February 1, 2017
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          • Rob B February 1, 2017
            • James February 1, 2017
  26. amit December 7, 2016
    • Ariel December 7, 2016
      • Sekar July 14, 2018

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