Verified Trades
User Experience
Here we go again. Les ‘Ray’ Freeman, formerly the owner of Your Trading Room is back with yet another live, day trading room. Apparently, after recently burning investors in a multi-million dollar trading scheme, has decided to bestow upon the world yet more day-trading financial wisdom. The latest financial incarnation is remarkably similar to the last turd he dropped on the financial community.
In the great swamp of investment educators, this guy is the grand floating turd of investment hustlers. A track record of failure and financial devastation second to none. Has left a soup kitchen full of broke and destitute investors over a multiple of times zone and continents.
An ultra rare, high-level con artist with a penchant for the elderly and the financially desperate. Absolutely avoid.
Thanks for reading today’s review of I Am A Day Trader
What is I Am A Day Trader? The website can be found at www.iamadaytrader.com. The company is a day trading educational company owned and operated by Ray ‘Les’ Freeman. An Australian citizen, currently living in Los Angeles, Ca.
The company is currently selling a day trading course, named the “Fast Track Program” for $197. In addition to the day trading course, the company is also offering a live day trading room at $297 per month.
I Am A Day Trader maintains a very active YouTube page at the following address.
And just like every other trading educator on the planet, the YouTube page is filled with dozens of promotional videos that extol the amazing trading abilities of Mr. Les ‘Ray’ Freeman. In fact, TradingSchools.Org was simply amazed and the unseemingly endless stream of “Live Winning Trades” and promises of easy day trading profits.
Amazing Claims of Success
The I Am A Day Trader website tells the amazing story of Mr. Raymond ‘Les’ Freeman, and how he has tutored thousands of day traders worldwide to gain financial independence by learning his time-tested patterns to profits. In fact, Ray Freeman likes to refer to himself as “The Samurai Day Trader”. He assures the audience that for well over 20 years, he has been applying his Samurai skills like a karate master, each day pulling out easy profits. His mind is sharp, like the Samurai sword. And he wants to teach you his day trading secrets. For only a small fee.
But before you take out your credit card, it’s important that we take a closer look at Mr. Ray ‘Les’ Freeman. This is not his first trading product, nor his first live day trading room.
The Most Recent Failure: Your Trading Room
Prior to teaching his secret Samurai skills at Iamadaytrader.com, Ray Freemon owned and operated a company named My Trading Room.
For only a small fee, a person would log into a live day trading room and watch the amazing day trading abilities of Ray Freemon. After signing up for a monthly subscription to the trading room, the customer would then weave and wind through a proverbial primrose path of upsells and additional spending opportunities.
The grand finale of sales would be the Global Prop Trading program, where the victim/sucker would be enticed into spending $20k to $30k for the Ulitmate Educational Experience, and once they completed the educational program, they would then be awarded up to $5 million of dollars of Ray Freeman’s own personal trading capital. He would supposedly, financially support the person with a fat trading account, with no risk of loss to them. And they would enjoy the massive profits that so many others were also enjoying.
Unfortunately, the Ultimate Educational Experience and the Global Prop Trading program turned out to nothing more than a complete and total scam. Have a read of the following…
Ray Les FreemanPretty juicy stuff. And it all coincides with the stories of various individuals that contacted TradingSchools.Org directly and asked that we expose the scam. And most importantly, talked about the slick talking, con artist with a penchant for hustling working people out of whatever their meager savings. Pretty sad stuff folks. This guy has hurt a lot of people.
The big question, how much money has this guy hustled with his trading scam? The prior article claims thousands of investors lost money in the millions of dollar range. However, an additional article that was published by The Australian Business Review claims that “about 2000 investors worldwide lost approximately $10 million dollars.”
Yet more scams and hustles
Of course, maybe my choice of words are being a bit too hostile towards Mr. Freeman? Or perhaps, the Courier Mail newspaper was more succinct in describing Mr. Freeman as “Mr. Falure Les Freeman Strikes Again.” The following article describes how Mr. Freeman hustled 135 investors out of $1.5 million by promising upwards of 100% annual investment returns in a scheme resembling multi-level marketing.
Only a short time later, after burning through $1.5 million, Mr. Freeman created yet another amazing investment opportunity that promised 50% to 100% annual returns and raised an additional $6.7 million dollars from investors. A wealth building seminar that pitched various real estate investments. Of course, that also went bust and the financial authorities shut it down. Some investors were so upset with being hustled that they rearranged Mr. Freeman’s car, courtesy of baseball bats.
Apparently, after the baseball bat episode, Mr. Freeman grabbed whatever remaining loot that he had stolen from investors and made a mad-dash escape to safer lands. He found fertile pastures in the tony Los Angeles suburb of Santa Monica, where he now enjoys his days lounging in the sun, drinking fruit punch and dreaming up his next outrageous investment scheme. It appears that I Am A Day Trader is the latest hustle.
Truth be told, I could write an additional 1000 word article describing yet another “wealth building educational seminar” that hustled yet more people out of an estimated $5.5 million dollars. But to continue is to beleaguer the point…everything this guy touches turns to crap.
A tsunami of broken dreams, broken promises, and thousands of investors losing millions of dollars. Eventually, after lawsuits, regulators, and angry mobs make his life too uncomfortable, he disappears like a fart in the wind. And then later reappears with yet another amazing investment opportunity.
The latest hustle: I Am A Day Trader
Let’s not be naive to believe that “Iamadaytrader.com” is only selling a day trading room at $298 per month. This latest scheme is a nearly identical pitch that Mr. Freeman used to market Your Trading Room.
The victim is slowly drawn in Mr. Freemon’s world via the live trading room. Mr. Freeman then develops and cultivates a relationship. Not unlike a naive alter boy and a pervert priest. He creates the illusion of friendship and trust, he then probes the victim for information on their available credit card limit and available savings. Once the victim is woozy and delirious from the dreams of day trading glory, he then springs forth with his financial dildo of destruction. And begins unmercifully and gleefully thrusting away until the victim is broke, despondent, ashamed, and feeling very icky from the experience.
Of course, my description might be offensive or too visual for some. However, in interviews with the multitudes of victims, the feeling of financial rape is the most common descriptive terminology. So let’s call it what it is, Mr. Freeman is a financial predator, a financial rapist. A slick talking, slim emitting, ooze extruding financial con artist pitching snake oil in various flavors.
Wrapping things up
Some of these reviews really rile me up. And Mr. Freeman, with his marathon of BS investment schemes, has been going full tilt for nearly his entire life. It just amazes me how he moves from big-time hustle to big-time hustle, scamming millions of dollars and never catches a prison cell. Always slipping through the hangman’s noose, always blaming someone else for the missing monies, and then sliding through the sewage pipe to yet another grand escape.
Sometimes I wonder if Karma is real.
Thanks for reading. And don’t forget to leave a comment.
wow… I almost bought his course. Good thing I read this…
Thank you for this review. I was about to pay for the material at $197 but was a bit suspicious due to the terrible website and his constantly referencing “the worlds best”. In addition the warning about not being able to service people from Australia was a red flag. Anyway it was hard to find a review so I’m going to be sure to reference this review in more place on the web.
Another good read
Prison Cell required for this low life – scams go way back to the early 2000’s and before
I paid the $197 for “lifetime access” to his Fast Track Program, and now can no longer log in. I’ve sent him emails about it but all I received in return was yet another offer to buy his program. He doesn’t know me very well. People who cross me like this end up paying for it in the end. If I have to, I’ll inundate his website with so many emails it’ll cause the site to crash.
Hi William
Freeman refunded me in full when I copied him the address of the article that heads this discussion
I suppose he knows he is a crook Wayne
I bought the fast track course and am happy with it. New to hearing all these negative comments about Ray. There are loads of good information here. I think some stuff is a bit unorganized but the content is good. I have found many helpful tips and tricks to improve my trading. Never tried the day trading room and do not intend to but in my opinion I think the course is helpful.
Trade with momentum and well defined trends. Its been a proven strategy for many a trend/momentum trader – that is indeed a fact as shown by high powered industry trend traders. That’s also what these guys teach. They help you stick to the plan. Trend trading takes many consecutive losses (frequently 70% losing trades for extended periods of time maybe even 6 months or more). The trend trader knows that the home runs make up for this. I don’t see how educating on this proven method is a scam. Trend trading is not for the impatient or those that don’t understand the equity curve of the strategy.
My husband and I were sucked in as investors. We invested close to $1M and lost the lot. He employed many good people to do the work for him and I believe he hus just rehashing the previously produced material from Your Trading Room. I also know several others of the investors in the YTR business and their investments were equal to or greater than ours. We are elderly, broke and on the pension. Thanks Les.
I would love to talk with Margaret Beck – same think happened to us.
That’s terrible to hear , which sounds like losing a liftetime nest egg retirement of $1M(?). I think your best recourse is to sue this felonius fraud, with the help of the authorities (fbi, sec, cftc, etc. ) and maybe with advice from Emmett. At least get him locally and legally exposed again, his assets garnered and auctioned off to help pay restitution and maybe have him locked up back in jail for good.
Think Amway personality crossed with ADHD.
Any updates on this guy?
Well, this is depressing. I am no stranger to risk or markets. Though pretty new to scalping. And I have been out for a while and decided to look into what others were doing. Education, research, motivation etc.
Found Ray Freemans iamadaytrader youtube clips.
Compellingly authentic, to the point of being a terrible speaker that there is no way he could be anything else than a good trader. Because he sure cant communicate or teach! Most entry setups are easy to work out from his videos. I liked the way his setups gave some structure to what I was already doing. It was motivating.
Decided to pay $197 to get access to his stuff.
– His member materials are appallingly disorganized, random, rambling and repetitive.
– His written work regarding entries is not accurate and full of exceptions and contradictions. His Powerpoints and cheat sheets are terribly prepared and presented. They would be insulting to anyone in business who works to a professional standard. How did he ever con anyone when he is so bad at delivering quality work?
– He is not selling a true mechanical system, just concepts.
– He is not capable of teaching in coherent sequences of thought. This would be terrible for a beginner and highly frustrating for educated articulate professionals
– He immediately up-sells his trading room program.
– His member google drive has a folder full of commercially available books in pdf. Which struck me as unprofessional, if not illegal.
It is disappointing to hear that he doesn’t actually trade for a living. He always talks about trading personal account and his “ES fund”. The one thing he seemed to have going for him was his genuine character as a simple motivated lifelong trader. I was obviously very alert to the fact that his recorded sessions were all so awesome. Never chop days.
As far as his trading setups go, they are standard methods available in books. But they are much better in the hands of a skilled discretionary trader, with some luck on his side.
I can’t listen to his videos anymore after reading this and other material on his past apparent fraud.
Still interested in motivated, ethical, intelligent day trading mentors.
If his material is disorganized and vague on critical details and particulars of some questions of trading, I’ve come to think it’s usually a sign of regurgitating rip-off type of scam from another scam traducation which is of course so typically common among these snakeoil charlatans and their sites and material. As an example, I even caught “Dwacter” Barry Burns plagiarizing Al B_ook’s book on price action on his site, the outline ad and contents was ridiculously lazy and very close to Al’s book’s contents by chapter, and I informed Al’s site’s webmaster. Obviously BBurns was just reading through B_ooks’ books and paraphrasing up his “new” “course”. Soon after there was no more ad or word about Burn’s supposed “new” price action “course”. And BBurn’s beginner and intro course which I got suckered into way back as a starting newb was also a disorganized mess of .pdfs , just that he called five indicators “energies”, otherwise obviously plagiarized from old material and books looking by hindsight now as I doubt he could have ever traded his way out of a paper bag to pay his next few months of rent. (he also had to move in recent years from Thousand Oaks to Sherman Oaks! obviously to some shittier apartment as his yt videos show narrower camera angles in a smallish apartment room now, lolol) But of course he’s old school scam and shamshow, now his scam and plenty of others of legacy snakeoil are surpassed in the chicanery by today’s youtube and social media utilizing young ‘hotshot’ trading gurus, or alternately “neighborhood” affiliates of Scott-nose’s Wealthpress sham ad group.
I recently signed up for a month of reasonably intensive training under Mr Freeman. I quit after two sessions when I realised that he had absolutely no teaching ability.
I asked for a refund and he agreed to pay me half
I am amazed by this man. His abundant YouTube presence does not show his blemishes and his ‘testimonials’ glisten.
He is such a disappointment.
I support your comments 100%
Mr Emmett, I clicked on this article expecting a unbiased feedback on Mr Ray’s system. I don’t see any. It’s like a personal attack on him and nothing to do with trading. Please don’t mislead readers next time. I see no exact facts and I don’t know if you ever used his system to give a fair feedback about it. After reading this I came to a conclusion that a lot of stuff in this article is just your opinion. I wasted my time reading this. All you did was dig up past events which may or may not be related to the current topic at hand. I don’t even know if you actually trade for a living to trust your opinions.
Amie, your comments confirm what I have suspected for a while now. Some people are so stupid that they almost deserve to get scammed.
Hello, I have just come across this site when researching an indicator…Strange seeing this scenario all over again after so many years. I am a resident of Australia and was a member of Your Trading Room joining in September 2009. I joined as a member after receiving a referral to them from an educational group dealing in shares. Being an alternative trading instrument, I was keen to learn Forex as I had acquaintances who were trading Forex successfully at that time. I paid AUD$5,000 to join and then a further monthly fees for daily rooms where members met with Moderators for education purposes. We were trained in using Ninja Trader Platforms and required a separate broker platform to enter trades at that stage, namely FXCM. We needed to have a separate data provider for Ninja Trader as well which all came at another cost. There was a Moderator for all three global sessions each day. We were able to react and speak together each session. In July 2010 I was invited to become a member of a GPT Program (Global Prop Traders Program). Off the top of my head the total cost to me for the original YTR program plus the GPT program was $20,000. The short version is that all YTR members including GPT members lost their money in a short period of time as YTR went out of business. The brokers platforms were unusable, indicators that were made specifically for the programs were unusable. The Moderators were not being paid and had not been for 6 months before the Company set up in the US by this stage finally was put into administration. Some members were threatened with being sued if they persisted in telling others their stories as it was incorrect information.
I find it quite offensive for some in this review forum to state that these and other issues involving Ray or Less Freeman are beat up and exaggerated by the media. I have to say the actual events of the YTR and YTR GPT programs were quite disgusting educationally speaking, as well as mentally and financially for many, not only for the 2,000 odd members but for the staff as well. I belong to a tight group of traders to this day who have been persistent and continued to educate ourselves. We all trade in a different way and we need pure chart time to work out what we as individuals find is the niche way of trading for ourselves.
I do not understand what the personal life of Les or Ray Freeman has to do with anything to do with trading, except for the fact that he has led a charmed life funded by the many millions of dollars he has manipulated from many people through his scams. In my world Les or Ray Freeman is a common thief. It continuously stuns me at the lack of Federal apprehension of this man in both Australia and the US.
Mr Freeman has also been heavily involved in Real Estate scams where ASIC (the Australian federal body looking after Companies) banned him from being a Director. But he still persists by changing names and Country of residence.
Many tens of millions of dollars have been lost to this man at a cost of much heartache.
Many of us have moved on …there is no choice in the matter. If some want to be part of this new group Mr Freeman has begun, then that is your decision alone….all power to you. If some people in this review are part of this organisation engaging with prospective customers by being offensive to the people previously affected by Mr Freeman, then absolute shame on you.
For all of these years I have stayed silent, but when I saw by accident some of these comments, I had to speak up.
I can vouch for every word of the above. We invested in his company, which was going to fund our retirement..this went broke. He then started up YTR and said if we wanted our initial investment back, we would need to invest more dollars…I am talking big dollars….ASIC got involved and because Les was broke, or so he said, no action was taken against him to recover the monies. I believe it had to be far greater than $10M. So what did he really do with it?
Colleen – there actually are some choices in the matter. I was scammed by Freeman and his gang of bandits too. Please reach out if you would like to exchange stories.
Have just come across this site. If scamming was an Olympic sport then Leslie Raymond Freeman would be the undisputed gold medalist. He scammed me back in the 1990s, his promotion was plausible and stood up to all of my scrutiny, he did it with accreditation supplied by the Australian ASIC and with the support of a Citibank manager which proved to be valueless. I exhausted every avenue to report him without success during which time he went from scam to scam with immunity and it would appear he enjoys the same immunity in the US the man is Teflon coated he’s become a very wealthy man draining the pockets of ALL who invested their hard earned in his engineered to fail schemes.
Yes, aren’t you glad this site tradingschools actually exists? The rest of the trading media has been all shilled and compromised so a scumbag like Freeman hasn’t gotten scott-free away with his ill-gotten churned gains while leaving millions in financial devastation in his wake. Emmett has done a great public service bringing this scum’s transgressions into the spotlight where shills wither and have little effect in the cleansing commentary of truth. Eventually maybe some authorities may act and handcuff this guy away from his simshow generating pc for good. Perhaps you and other victims could send CFTC complaints since there is ample evidence of the scumbags foulness the authorities can bring up charges with.
I have also been scammed by Ray Freeman and tracked several others who suffered similar losses. There are some things that can be done about this. Please email me privately if you would like to discuss BobbiBlack@golegalnurse.com.
As one of the suckers in YourTradingRoom.com, I would love to know his address. I might show up at his front door asking for my several thousands of dollars of my retirement fund with which he absconded! Anyone know?
Here’s the address at the bottom of the scamster’s site:
Suite 300, 10100 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, Ca 90067
Supposedly “suite 300” is somewhere in this building in the Beverly Hills financial block..rrightt.
Found out there are personal offices or sale or rent at Suite 300 of the address. Anyone could rent an office cubicle corner for $18 for one hour and call it their “business office”.
LOL nice job dtchurn. It’s insane how far the cons will go to dupe the retail public. Unfortunately, the address will sometimes solidify their credibility to the uninformed. From what I can understand this guy has been perpetually conning people for decades. I am a true believer in karma which dictates that he will have to pay for his transgressions one day. We can only hope.
Thanks very much for your candid expose’ of Mr. Freeman. I almost bought in and thought twice enough to Google the man. Thankfully, you showed up and saved my dollars.
These guys are the biggest crooks and slim you can imagine. The Live Room Started in Jan. John Sheely and Ray have both traded and have been unable to produce a profit on their live accounts. So they now only trade in SIM mode and just offer advice and education. As far as his claim that “Traders LOVE their room, they stated out with about 80 clients and EVERY SINGLE ONE of the original 80 have left and are now trying to get refunds. Sadly, many are being denied refunds, even though they claimed that “no one would be charged until their accounts were profitable”. As BIG a SHAM as you will ever see. Also, a quick Google search of Ray Freeman will show that he had another similar venture that was shut down, and also was shut down by Australian authorities for bilking Real Estate investors out of MILLIONS! PROCEED WITH UTMOST CAREE!!
These guys are the biggest crooks and slim you can imagine. The Live Room Started in Jan. John Sheely and Ray have both traded and have been unable to produce a profit on their live accounts. So they now only trade in SIM mode and just offer advice and education. As far as his claim that “Traders LOVE their room, they stated out with about 80 clients and EVERY SINGLE ONE of the original 80 have left and are now trying to get refunds. Sadly, many are being denied refunds, even though they claimed that “no one would be charged until their accounts were profitable”. As BIG a SHAM as you will ever see. Also, a quick Google search of Ray Freeman will show that he had another similar venture that was shut down, and also was shut down by Australian authorities for bilking Real Estate investors out of MILLIONS! PROCEED WITH UTMOST CARE!!!!!
The Live Trading Room it is not profitable they lose money almost every day and they just talk rather than taking winning trades. I’ve been following them for 2 months.
Do not waste your money
Wow wow wow! I passed my trading combine and funded trader preparation only focussing on 3 setups that Ray teaches. If you have discipline and follow the entry rules and become an expert at concentrating on only a few setups you might be amazed at what you can achieve. The 197usd to enter his programme is nothing compared to a minimum of a couple of thousand dollars charged by other vendors. You sign up via paypal to the trading room thats launching the 25 Jan 2017. So you have full control over your subscription! So nothing to lose and he cant steal anything from you! For prices as little as this anyone can afford entry YET it scares people too! Simplicity in trading improves results YET its you that need to change your mindset yourself to become consistently profitable. His stuff is not rocket science but it works. Believe it or not, its up to you. Nothing to lose for a couple hundred of dollars. Everything to lose investing a few thousand on crap that does not work! I have purchased them all. It might amaze you that going back to basics and following some rules might be just the medicine you need! Anyway just my pennies worth. Dont care who the hell Ray is, where he lives etc. etc. What he teaches has brought stability to my performance and I take my hat of for him!
Congratulations, Richard. I personally know John Sheely and have trusted him in the past. However, I lost many thousands of dollars of my retirement funds with his YTR scam. I’m glad you found salvation with Ray Freeman. Things work until they don’t. My free advice is to do your due diligence. With YTR there were some people who did well – for awhile.
Sorry to hear you got duped by Ray. Forget about “Richard”, he’s just a shill or Ray himself. What a joke, the trading room is $300/monthly churn with “deals” for quarterly and yearly. Always beware of these obvious paypal scam setups. Just going to the site starts his nonsense irritating monlogue. “I’m the living the dream”, yeah more like ill income from monthly churning dupes with the monthly churn fees , “nothing compared to a minimum of a couple of thousands dollars”. Well shill Richard. too bad for you the sham churn sites business is saturated, plus with Emmett’s site, more are wise to your yapping nonsense. Maybe you ought to head back to Australia and offer to “mentor” Ms. Sangster and InfiniteProsperity in the fine sham art of blabbering about retail trading. Since when they grow older, their yuppie ball and yacht and finefood show won’t cut it anymore for millenials and they have to start bs’ing about trading details. Here’s their white bedroom looking office in daddy’s home; your seat is on the other side of beanbag where LewisMockery is perusing current monthly churn reports, outside of camera view.
Richard Your a very unique person being the first person I’ve come across in the last 20 years to have invested in a Leslie Raymond Freeman scheme (scam) and come out the other end with adulation for him. If the Guinness book had a section for the greatest number of failed business ventures Leslie Raymond Freeman would be the undisputed record holder. Before moving to the USA Freeman ravaged Australia with dozens of engineered to fail business scams reaping in for him countless $ms. My investigations would indicate that you would have a better chance of winning lotto without buying a ticket than investing in a Freeman venture Regards Garry
I’m on this Freeman’s spam list and just got an email today saying he’s started a trading room @ $197 per month. Beware.
Beware of what? Are you guys so out of control that you have to “beware” of spam email or of salesmen trying to upsell you? Are you incapable of clicking delete or saying no?
Man, if you don’t believe in what Ray is selling just change the fricken channel! And by the way, what Ray is actually selling has been grossly misrepresented by this “review”. Some people sell trading books. Some people sell CD’s and DVD’s. You buy them and try to learn a new and difficult skill.
Ray is selling a package, so to speak, with several PDF “cheat sheets” explaining his different setups, hundreds of hours of videos that elaborate on those setups, and support in the form of personal responses to your email queries as well as “Q & A” videos. I have even met a fellow trader, through Ray, with whom I Skype about trading almost every day.
So just as you could buy a trading book on Amazon, you can buy this educational program on day trading for $197 and be done with Ray forever.
Yes, he is opening the live CL room on Wednesday and yes he charges a fee for access to the room. But how is that different from any other live trading room? It is certainly not a crime. If you don’t believe they will be calling good trades in the room, don’t sign up! And if you don’t believe you would learn anything from watching a seasoned pro trader trading live, then you are right!
Ray has very generously given me free access to the room just because I recorded a few NQ day trading videos on YouTube and he liked them and passed them on to his members. No strings attached. What a scoundrel eh?
Brandon Diggs, now pumping BTC lol
From scam to scam… lol
I purchased the Fast Track Program in Apr. 2016 and the experience has been nothing like what you described above.
There have been no attempts at any upsell beyond the original $197. There have been no attempts to “draw” me in to the live trading room. On the contrary, I have been offered free access to the trading room (once it opens), because of a few YouTube videos I made talking about his various systems and explaining them in more detail.
In your article you have done what unscrupulous writers do – sensationalized the scarce facts you actually have, and invented a few “facts” of your own to make the story more scandalous. What’s more exciting than a big scandal, right?
For example, there is no live trading room at this point. Ray is still trying to get it off the ground. One can easily check this by going to his site and clicking on the link for the live trading room – a simple task you apparently neglected. You can see he is still in the process of accumulating interested traders to *eventually* start a room.
Another fact you have invented is that he fled Australia and moved to Los Angeles. I can tell you for a fact that he is still living in Australia. I have spoken with him numerous times live on Skype and have seen the sun shining into his office window when it’s well after dark here in Calif. Also, his 12-year old daughter Kiara Freeman is quite a successful child actress and is currently active in film production and living IN AUSTRALIA. Ray is understandably a very proud father and has boasted to us about his daughter a few times. His location and trading hours prevent him from moderating his live room-to-be himself. He is searching for one or two good traders to moderate the room for him, which is the main reason for the delay in getting the room off the ground.
I don’t believe any strictly mechanical system can be consistently profitable – day in and day out. I believe you have to read the price action, determine the current market context, then apply the right tools for the given “job”. Ray’s program provides a multitude of tools (e.g. mechanical systems like EMA crosses, EMA bounces, MACD divergence, etc.) and over a hundred unlisted YouTube videos to help traders figure out when to apply them. So far he is true to his advertised claim that once you pay the $197 and become a member, there is no upsell. Instead there is only a seemingly endless flow of new content (new unlisted YouTube videos and Q&A sessions) as well as one-on-one support via Skype and email.
Look, I don’t have a dog in this fight. I’m going to keep trading, using Ray’s strategies and others I’ve picked up along the way, and hopefully continuing to improve every day. But your article is so slanderous, I just had to speak up.
Brandon Diggs
I am always willing to have an open mind. But Ray has screwed A LOT of people. Across multiple continents, across multiple time zones, and behaved in this manner for a good portion of his life.
Am not believing for a moment that he only wants $197. This is the same BS with “Your Trading Room”. Sucker in the newbie with a cheap service, then upsell down the road. The facts speak loudly, multiple newspapers have written absolutely eviscerating articles about Ray. He needs to get out of the investment advice business and open a Subway sandwich shop.
This business draws in the hucksters, the daydreamers, the quick buck scammers, etc.
My issue with your article is that your facts are not accurate. I pointed out two examples – neither of which were addressed in your reply.
Your chief complaint about Ray, in the present moment (irrespective of what he may have done in the past), is that he’s going to upsell his members in the future. He’s going to “Sucker in the newbie… then upsell down the road.”
A) You have no factual evidence to support this.
B) I have been a member since April and have not been asked for a penny beyond the original $197. Neither has any other member.
C) The only *potential* upsell is a subscription to his live trading room – which isn’t even open yet and is completely optional. You get everything, all the systems, hundreds of hours of unlisted YouTube videos, indicators, email and Skype support, all for the original $197. I definitely feel like I’ve gotten my money’s worth.
D) Is it even “wrong” to upsell your customers? Isn’t that what every company on the planet tries to do?
I subscribed to Simpler Options for a few months and holy shit! Those guys were selling something every damn week – it was always some Saturday “class”, a fancy new indicator, a special live trading session outside of the normal live room, even a stupid stock screener. My fiancé and I had a running joke every night I watched the video – “Blah, blah, blah, buy my stuff!” I’ve experienced NONE of that with Ray.
Simpler Options. Oh geez. Thats another one.
Stop buying all this crap.
“Fritz” had an old personal scam-busting blog on Rockwell Trading. One of the staff that quit went on to work for Jason Carter and SimplerOptions. She was tasked with trying to sell something else to people leaving the trial. Fritz wrote, “Together with Steffany Nguyen, Mandy Ditmire used to deal with customer support at Rockwell Trading. Business went down for Markus Heitkoetter so Steffany left in 2011 and now works at “Certified Wedding Professionals Ass.”. I recently received an email that Mandy Ditmire now works for Simpler Options. A scam directed by Markus Heitkoetter’s partner in crime, John Carter! I guess business keeps going down for both Markus and John since one assistant can now deal with “all” the victims of 2 scams! As for Mandy Ditmire, she just can’t seem to escape from the business of ripping people off. Kinda hard to do, because who wants to hire someone that made a living out of betraying customers? About the results of John Carter’s Simpler Options trades. An overall loss so no surprise there. The Image shows the confirmation of a temporary subscription to John Carters’ worthless trading advice. Notice how even in the confirmation of cancellation they are trying to lure you in to buy something different. “Hey we know this subscription was crap, but why not try this”. Pathetic!”
At first I brushed this review aside as just “another scam” and skipped it, but after your vigorous “rebuttal” I re-read it carefully, including Emmett’s links. And I’m sorry to tell you, but it doesn’t look good for Ray Les Freeman.
His daughter being a child actress in Australia or the sun shining in his window during skyping are irrelevant (btw, there are other places besides Australia around the world where the sun shines when it’s dark in California). Maybe Freeman never fled Australia; or maybe he left for California and then returned. Who cares? According to those two Australian newspapers Freeman swindled people out of millions of dollars. And THAT’S what’s important: the millions of dollars he stole. Refute that and you’ll have a point.
Oh, and Freeman’s iamadaytrader IS offering a day trading room for $297/mo; the fact Freeman is not yet charging for the room is irrelevant, he will soon and the price is set at $297/mo.
Just … as … Emmett … said.
Not when the article is supposed to be reviewing iamadaytrader.com.
I have found Ray’s service to be an incredibly good value. $197 is a pittance compared to what other educational services charge. And when you pay the $197, you get everything he promises on his ads, and more. There is no upsell! Lots of educators sell “trading manuals” for this amount and more. But in my experience, no one delivers anywhere near as much content and support as Ray, for less than $200.
With hard work and experience I have been able to apply what I learned from Ray (and others) and generate day trading profits. It’s a long, slow journey but the upward trajectory is there.
I’m not talking about what Ray may or may not have done in the past. I’m talking about what he is doing now with iamadaytrader.com.
One question I have is this: If he is really such a crook, why is he not in prison?
A second question is: If he really was such a bad guy in the past, don’t you believe it’s possible to turn over a new leaf?
Again, I feel like I have definitely received an outstanding value for my little $197 and my experience with Ray has been nothing but extremely positive. Just trying to bring some balance to this supposed review of iamadaytrader.com.
Brandon I’ve got to give credit where credit is due. You are certainly a more creative shill than what we usually see here.
“One question I have is this: If he is really such a crook, why is he not in prison?” The idea that someone who has a extensive criminal past mustn’t be such a bad person based solely on the fact that they aren’t in prison is ludicrous. Lots of people who commit criminal offenses get away free and are never punished. In order to reach the conclusion that they aren’t such a bad person you would need to see evidence of that. Which brings me to you next question.
“If he really was such a bad guy in the past, don’t you believe it’s possible to turn over a new leaf?” Certainly it’s possible but you would need to see evidence of that in the life he’s living now. Has he returned the money that he swindled from people in the past? Has he made any attempt at restitution? Has he acknowledged his crime and attempted to make amends for it now in any way? The answer is no to all of the above. It’s entirely possible that Ray no longer needs the money because he has stolen millions from people already but he can’t help himself from taking easy money from smucks who want to give him $197.
LOL! That’s because I’m not a shill. Just a satisfied customer/member of iamadaytrader.com.
Don’t believe me? That’s fine. But you can easily check my YouTube channel (Brandon Diggs) for proof. See my video from Apr. 21, 2016.
In my dealings with Ray over the last 8+ months I *have* seen evidence of him being a good person and delivering everything he promised in his ads and more.
Look, this article was supposed to be a review of iamadaytrader.com, right? But nowhere in the article is there any discussion of what Ray actually provides to purchasers of his fast track day trading program. Instead of reviewing the product being sold at iamadaytrader.com the author just makes unfounded claims that Ray is going to try to upsell you and financially rape you.
I have simply given readers an opposing view based on my actual experience as a customer/member of iamadaytrader.com. There is another commenter, Eduardo, who also shared a positive experience.
Are you a customer of iamadaytrader.com? Is the author a customer? Did the author interview any customers of iamadaytrader.com before reviewing the site? Are there any negative comments from actual customers of iamadaytrader.com?
I believe the answer to all of those questions is no.
I’ve said my piece and I will repeat, I have *nothing* to gain or lose from the success or failure of Ray’s site. I am merely a satisfied customer.
Brandon Diggs, do you even know what “I don’t have a dog in this fight.” means? Clearly you do, the whole content of your post screams that you have a dog in this fight. You want people to believe your account of dealing with Ray, your anecdotal, unsubstantiated account verses Emmett’s researched, documented and fact laden review. Hmmm, that’s a tough choice.
Out of my entire post, you’re refuting my statement that I don’t have a dog in this fight? You’re missing the point.
I don’t have a dog in this fight, meaning I won’t be affected in any way whether Ray’s trading education business succeeds or fails.
“Researched”? “Fact laden”? Really?!?! I refuted two “facts” that were pretty darn material to the rhetoric of the article. It took me all of ten seconds to research Ray’s site and prove there is not yet a live trading room. It took another 10 seconds to research his daughter’s name. Kiara Freeman, the 12-year old child actress I remembered hearing about from Ray and who is *currently* filming in Australia, showing that Ray has not “fled” Australia as the author claims. “Unsubstantiated”? No sir, those are two substantiated facts. “Anecdotal”? No sir, seeing the sun shining in Ray’s office when it’s dark in Calif. – not an anecdote.
“You want people to believe your account of dealing with Ray…” Wrong. I couldn’t care less about whether people believe my post or not. It doesn’t affect me in the least. As I stated in the first sentence of my post, I only wanted to let readers know that my experience with Ray has been completely the opposite of what Emmet described. And I wanted to refute two of the “facts” that Emmet claimed in the article.
The article is not based in fact and it is extremely slanderous. It seems like the author has a major axe to grind with Ray (which is the fight I was referring to when I said I don’t have a dog). I wanted to bring some balance to the discussion, based on my personal experience.
Trading is difficult and when traders are unsuccessful at it, they lash out and take out their frustrations on others. Shifting the blame to educators like Ray, calling them names like “scammer” or comparing them to a child molester (“financial dildo” – give me a break!) is one of the coping mechanisms unsuccessful traders use.
After almost two years of watching ES and NQ price action every damn day, I am finally starting to experience consistent profitability. So I don’t feel jaded towards Ray, Mack, John Carter, Al Brooks, Ultimate Scalper, etc. I only feel grateful, as every one of them has helped me along the way.
Brandon Diggs
“Financial Dildo”, I forget about that. Please excuse me while I laugh at my own creative visualization.
Hey, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Unfortunately, my opinion has been influenced by the multitudes of complaints from his last trading room…that one worked out really well. Whole bunch of pissed off people. Perhaps they are all lying scoundrels, and Ray is the precious innocent Angel.
Geez Brandon do you know where else the sun is shining when is dark in California? About a thousand other places on the earth. So this and the fact that you haven’t be up sold anything yet means that Ray is an upstanding citizen and Emmett’s review was completely wrong. One tiny problem for you Brandon, as Goagal pointed out “According to those two Australian newspapers Freeman swindled people out of millions of dollars. And THAT’S what’s important: the millions of dollars he stole. Refute that and you’ll have a point.” Give me a break but at least the shills are getting more creative.
Stray Dog, you are right on! Ray has ruined many, many people. Interesting, he lives in Australia – probably. Maybe. I think that the US CFTC might be after him in the US. Hey, look at this from his “About Us” on his website:
“PLEASE NOTE: Australian Residents!
We cannot provide any financial services to Australian Residents nor can we accept Australian Residents as members.
http://www.iamadaytrader.com is not a registered investment or trading adviser. The services and content provided by iamadaytrader.com are for educational purposes only, and should not be considered investment advice in any way.”
Brandon is spot on about Ray’s method. Take this knowledge and enjoy life. Good value. Trading is hard.
I agree with you. This is one system I run into several months ago, I’ve tested it, and it works. Many systems out there works, you must adapt it to your personality and feel comfortable with them (apart form the hard work and all the personal skills you must develop to be succesful). I purchased it for just 99$ and that was all. The trading room will start next year, I’ll try one month-thre months first, and I’ll post here again.
I’ve read many books, watch videos, courses and I’ve learnt from all of them.
This is a very difficult bussines because you have to rewire your way of thinking, that’s the difficult part, the systems or the way you want to trade is the easiest part.
“Many systems out there works, you must adapt it to your personality and feel comfortable with them (apart form the hard work and all the personal skills you must develop to be succesful).”
Lol, this is the exact line that con-artist TR operators give you, while they themselves don’t make those systems work and until the authorities shut them down.
Ray is a smooth bullshiter, web marketer, with a system to sell, for easy TAX free money!
He’s no different to Emmett Moore’s other prized catches!
The site say’s he’s in the states
“Suite 300, 10100 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, Ca 90067”
And if you google it, it looks like there’s other businesses in that same office “Suite 300” :/ lol
But I doubt he’s there, most likely in Australia where your tax free USD provides for a nicer lifestyle!
Actually, the gold coast has a very high crime rate, so he’s in good company!
Brandon, Eduardo, mostlikely Ray hasn’t provided you with an ABN (Australia Business Number http://abncheck.com.au ) which is mandatory for ALL Australian businesses.. if not, then it’s what he’s running a “hobby” and tax free… until the ATO finds out lol
The truth, is anyone here, can and could design a trading system (but of cause it can’t be automated!), record, edit, and upload a youtube video about absolute meaningless crap! EVERY DAY!
The funny thing is, he’s looking for someone with a “proven track record” in this video:
“Day Traders and Trading Coaches Wanted“
Well, did anyone asked Ray for his “proven track record”??
His linkedin reads like it’s total BS:
Not a single reference from his years in the financial industry??
Brandon, you do have a dog in the fight, he’s what makes trading hard and you’ll be unlearning his crap when you realise it!
So even a single USD to this guy or watching a 5min video of his is just wrong!!
Well, after a couple of months I have to say I was wrong. Maybe it was worth paying 99$ for the fast track program BUT the Live Trading Room is a BIG LIE. Three “pro traders” trading each day and losing money every week including Ray Freeman, he doesn’t know how to trade, very, very sad. So, my humble advice is: don’t waste your money and your time. This Ray told one member that he does not trade, so, another “storytelling”.
I also have to say he put on hold the renewal of the payment until make the room profitable but I don’t know for sure yet. I’ll post again if this is true or another big lie.
I just bought the Day trader fast track program. Just at the beginning now and I only found this thread after I bought it, but you say Ray (or the other traders) is not making any money trading live. Do you think this is a waste of money? Because if he isn’t making any money live trading how can his strategies in the program be profitable than? Or did you meant that you picked up some usefull things out of the program and made a strategy of your own which works?
Any proof Eduardo that you are not making things up? You should have taken a screenshot that they are losing money and posted it here. I think anyone who makes claims should post some kind of proof.
Very objective
I agree with Brandon. There is no upsell or whatsoever. For $197, I got my money’s worth and much more. There is so much material (videos, cheat sheets etc ) included in my membership. I’m not paid by Mr Ray, and I don’t know him personally. He personally replies to my emails when I have questions about trading. The fact that he has helped a lot of people with an affordable fee is great. Mr Emmett, you need to stop slandering people and making up stories. A lot of the facts here are untrue.
Glad that you are happy with what you got for $200. I think you can get the education for a lot less from people who verify that they do trade and trade profitably, although they are very hard to find. Your experience doesn’t change Emmett’s assessment of I am a day trader, as it has been pointed out before in a post by Goagal, “According to those two Australian newspapers Freeman swindled people out of millions of dollars. And THAT’S what’s important: the millions of dollars he stole. Refute that and you’ll have a point.” Give me a break but at least the shills are getting more creative.” Please list the untrue facts.
A liflelong con fleeing his home country then proceeds to yet another retail sham monthly churn in Los Angeles, CA. Thanks for the warning for all the newbs. Hope interpol gets him deported and locked up to stop this crook’s financial devastation to victims and he shoudl be featured on the down-under’s equivalent of CNBC’s American Greed.
probobly close friend of Al Brooks who also lives in California
The variety link you pasted in there is talking about a completely different Al Brooks – not the trading author. This information is in the first line of the article.
What’s wrong with Al Brooks? He seems legitimate. Do you have proof to the contrary?
There is a review of Al Brooks on this site. While people do rave about his books, it looks like he does not actually trade for real.
I’ve been reading your trade room reviews for almost year. I love ’em. Absolutely love ’em.
They’re fun to read. You always tell it straight. And you separate the truth from the bull-poop.
Love it. Love it. Love it.
Keep it up man!
I purchases his day trading system and it’s basically trading with moving averages and waiting for the price candle to touch it…..it’s total BS since there is no way it can traded profitably. It only looks good after the fact. Garbage.
Your results will always be an expression of your beliefs. Therefore, if you believe “there is no way it can be traded profitably”, you will be correct. Your mind will make it so, to save you from the emotional pain associated with experiences that contradict your beliefs.
Change your beliefs and you can change your trading results.
What complete nonsense. This Trading Room is run by a complete con artist that can show no proof he can trade profitably. And that is the only fact that matters. Everything else is nonsense. This is like saying if you just close your eyes, snap your red shoes together 3 times and really believe you can calculate the last digit of Pi then you can do it.
Do you shills have no shame once so ever. Apparently not.
Yep this is another way shills keep newbs hooked and continuing to pay monthly churn fees, by saying “work” on believing. Believing only goes so far on an unproven losing system. That’s why most newb retailers lose money on trading room shams trying to believe the “system” is statistically profitable because the vendor said so. Online trading sure has opened up a myriad of hooks and tricks possible for these shammers to come up with new ones every years or so.
I had something funny happen today that remind me of this. Someone knocked on my door who was selling some type of detergent. He was all excited and enthusiastic and telling me how it was the greatest detergent out there. I never even heard of the brand. I guess I was suppose to just believe what ever he said. I told him I research everything and am slow to believe. I told him give me some literature on the product and I will research it. He left. I guess off to find the next sucker that will pay 10 times the cost for some sub par detergent. After all a fool is born every minute.
The ‘beliefs’ angle is a good one. Works on a lot of people. Most successful vendors use it.
Hey, that detergent guy should contact Big Mike to see if he can market the stuff on FIO.
Mike has been known to promote vendors of unproven and sketchy products. LOL! Maybe he can offer a 2-for-1 deal. Buy two jugs of detergent and get 1 free month chatroom membership of your choice: Al Brooks, FT71, or Jaguar Ed.
Thanks Emmett for positing about this fraudulent predator. All the readers should not only post online about this guy and others with low ratings but also mention where ever possible about “trading schools” as a good source for authentic evaluation of the “dream sellers”.
Man the people are such con-artists…makes you wonder if there’s anyone good out there.
You know what they say…those that can’t trade scam suckers (and end up being reviewed by Emmett – LOL).
Thanks for this review. I was about to enroll and what I noticed that as I avoided to register the cost off registration came diwn to $69 USD. All what he teaches are there across in various forms and nothing great. After all its YOU who is the one who TRADES and LOSSES.
If anyone has the credentials you had used to login into his premium site.. pls share.. let is all use it.. NO ONE ELSE SHOULD LOSE EVEN A $…