Humble Traders
Verified Trades
User Experience
Humble Traders is Forex educational website selling a $199 trading system and a $60 per month trading signal service.
Posted performance of supposed trading signals look excellent. But not verifiable. Owner of the company, Roman Sadowski is certainly a nice person but could provide no proof that he is actually trading with a live trading account. There is simply no possible way to verify if the results are real or faked.
The website contains many useful articles on technical trading indicators and insights into Forex fundamental analysis. Everything is well written.
Thanks for reading today’s review of Humble Traders
What is Humble Traders? The website is a Forex educational business and a live trading signals service. There are two primary trading products available for purchase:
- $199 Momentum Reversal Strategy. A 50-page E-book that describes a trading strategy that supposedly earned a 58% return in 2016.
- $60 per month trading signal service. Which includes daily technical analysis, and fundamental analysis.
The business is a owned and operated by a person named Roman Sadowski, operating out of Warsaw, Poland.
Track Record of Signal Service
The Humble Traders website contains a list of trading signals that were supposedly provided to paying subscribers of the $60 per month signal service. The track record looks very impressive, screenshot below:

Humble Traders Equity Curve
For a more detailed breakdown of trades offered through the daily trading service, a spreadsheet of trades was provided by Roman Sadowski. The spreadsheet of trades can be viewed through the following link:
A closer review of the trades reveals that the signals typically last several days. I would consider this be ‘swing trading’ on daily charts. The service typically generates one trade per week.
Verifying Performance
TradingSchools.Org conversed with Roman Sadowski directly in an effort to verify that he was actually trading the signals from his $60 per month service. What we really wanted to see were redacted account statements that verified the above performance.
As much as TradingSchools.Org would sincerely love to believe the claims of success from every trading vendor on the internet, experience has taught us that 99.9% of the performance claims of trading vendors are bogus. As much as I enjoyed speaking with Roman, I needed to see proof.
Unfortunately, Roman could not provide any proof that he is actually trading with a live Forex trading account. Instead, he offered the following explanation:
I don’t use any online software to keep track of my trading. I simply have nor need or time for it. I won’t be in the position to show you my real trading accounts as I trade other people’s equity and I cannot disclose it. Hope you understand.
The top 10, most common excuses that I hear from trading signal providers regarding account statements is as follows:
- I cannot provide proof because it’s against the law. (It’s not)
- I switched brokers recently and I cannot access my old account statements.
- My account statements are irrelevant because it is impossible to copy another person’s trades.
- My wife say’s that it might reveal our personal identity and someone crazy might visit us.
- I don’t want the tax authorities to discover how much income I actually earn.
- My rivals might use my account statements to market their own trading products.
- My rivals will be able to figure out my secret strategy.
- I work for an exclusive hedge fund and my boss will fire me if they discover that I am selling company secrets.
- I trade for a bank or hedge fund and cannot show company account statements.
- I am a very private person. I don’t really need this extra income from selling signals, making this extra money is not that important to me.
Now, I am not calling Roman Sadowski a con-artist or Forex hustler. But the truth is that his excuse definitely makes the top 10 list of most common excuses.
Most Forex brokers will accept accounts as small as $100. A person can trade micro lots. I recommend that Roman, and anyone else that TradingSchools.Org review to open a teeny, tiny Forex

Start small!
account and at least build a verifiable track record of trading. Some vendors are nervous that I am going to publish a negative article based on the account size. As if I were a shallow female that complained about the size of her boyfriend’s tiny penis. On the contrary, size doesn’t matter! At least to me.
What really matters is that the vendor can provide some sort of proof that they are actually taking trades. Performance can be based upon percentage returns.
The truth of the matter is that most trading vendors, looking to ‘sell trading signals’ are just small time traders themselves. Or are looking to supplement their trading income.
Other small-time trading signal providers are cash poor, but rich in efforts. Suppose that an educator is a whip-smart computer programmer and has designed a definable trading bias that can be exploited. But they have five hungry mouths to feed, and they live in Venezuela. They have little money but are rich in knowledge. Surely even the most desperate person can scrape together $100 to open a Forex trading account.
What I like about Humble Traders
Although Humble Traders has no verifiable track record, there is something that I really like about Roman Sadowski. His marketing efforts. For those of you reading this article, and you sell anything online, Humble Traders is a template on how to be successful with online marketing.
Normally, when you think “online marketing”, you naturally think “online scam”. But with Roman Sadowski, this guy is an excellent online marketer. For instance, the articles on his website regarding technical analysis are all highly ranked on Google for very valuable keywords. Thousands of people each month will search for keywords regarding common technical analysis techniques and trading. Roman has written a series of highly detailed and relevant articles that Google is ranking on page one.
The articles are all very well written. Highly researched. And very entertaining. He is an excellent writer. And Google has rewarded him with a steady stream of free search engine traffic. The net effect is that all of this traffic naturally dovetails into his for-sale trading products. For the guys that sell trading products, and I know that many of you read this blog, you should be analyzing the marketing efforts of Humble Traders.
Wrapping things up
Thanks for reading. This review was an adventure into a lukewarm jacuzzi. Nothing hot or very interesting to report about Humble Traders. They guy isn’t a scammer. But he needs a track record. That one thing that truly sets him apart from the multitude of competitors all doing the same thing, selling trading signals. Hopefully Roman reads this article takes my advice to heart. Would love to come back later, and write a much more positive review. But I need actual, verifiable trading performance. This is what my readers expect.
Hello Emmett
can you please do a review on and they
trade forex and you can find learntotrade adverts all over facebook
there are ripping off alot of people all over the world.
please help
How is this vendor that different from a signal system on Zulutrad only to fail in the first few weeks like all the “top10” and rinse and repeat with another churn of top10 profitcharts of “past ‘live’ performance”. All they have to do is put a system with signals for subscription for about $200, show a prior up-sloping graph like thousands of other forex systems have done, then say “past performance does not guarantee future expectancy”. Looks like the guy is trying to market a middle ground between the cheapest forex turd systems lifetime ownership of the past and $300/monthly churn subscriptions of futures and stock trading rooms. Kind of reminds me also of JaguarEd now defunct and exposed on fioforum was also prolific with trading articles fooling many to think he was a guru. Felton did some of his spamming on the forum too. I remember how he hilarious would have page essays of gobbledygook about how it was “ok” to see a vendor on sim. The kool-aid brainwashing was so thick and prevalent in those days. Still waiting on the Jigsaw review and curious how it’ll compare to bookmap and ice cream truck Roussous.
Humbletraders has a lot of web traffic in South Korea but overall slightly less than Gal Brooks. I hope Kim Jong-Un investigates Sadowski further. It’s possible Trump will do a 180 degree turn like he did with Syria policies and shut down Brooks and Schooloftrade and this entire industry in America. America first policies mean an end to this whole retail trading scam. I Hope Trump is listening.
What’s the name of the planet you live on Pete?
I would guess some fool alternate world where everything is named or refers to b__ks , Stray. In the real world, Gal Gadot has nothing to do with b__ks and has a new movie coming out in the summer. B__ks website has the most traffic in Switzerland and the UK so doubtful any U.S. administration is ever going to ballyhoo about b__ks there. And the small 5% of traffic of humbletraders going to S.Korea has nothing do with the N.Korea fink except in a wacky dreamworld.
Forex is getting banned in USA by regulators because of all the scams. Soon futures will be banned as well and trading marketers will be in big trouble.
Really, can you show any evidence to back up that post??
Some might think you are straight out of the loony bin.
I found a picture!
yep, more in the pagetrader review comments,
and farther back and all in between,
You mean how like you were, Pete, where everyone can see in your pagetrader blowup, LOL
I don’t understand the appeal of demonizing me and bullying me by frequent posters here when there is obvious room for common ground and purpose rather than bullying. Bravo you’re proving the point of why these scams seem to be a natural expression of common human behavior.
I agree with you about that fraudster. It is appalling to me that he parades himself to be an absolute expert and it would bother me to find out he is just another parasite living off the bottom. In no way do I defend anyone misleading the public to fatten their wallet.
On the other hand, you shouldn’t let that define your attempt at creating financial well being. This learning experience will help you be much wiser when dealing with money. I feel other posters believe you are better off trying to move forward. I do understand your frustration that he gets to continue with his charade. You can not expect the regulators to get to every perpetrator of this scam. I hope this post will possibly help you put this behind you.
There was a time I was initially empathetic like you about Pete MikeM. That changed and it was entirely his fault dragging the discussion down to cesspool level. You’d have see about six months past of postings to see what I mean. At this point, I don’t think he really cares about b__ks and his 20k loss anymore. I for one will not forget the crap he spewed. There are reasons his posts are not taken seriously or even welcome from the regulars who have been here more than a year.
Pete –
Don’t listen to these asshats. They are irrelevant for a reason. Do you notice how 90% of their posts are just talking amongst themselves?
The community constantly votes, and unanimously does not care what they say.
It is funny, they bash every vendor, but when you criticize Dr. A, they start insulting you. It is not hard to figure out why…
When your best buddy is DTChump or whatever his latest shill alias is you know something is wrong. It is kind of like when N. Korea is on your side; something aint right.
BTW, DTCHUMP or who ever you are; are you ever going to post anything “Relevant” as you say. You talking about non sense post is like the kettle calling the pot black.
Now go back to your trading room and scam some more folks out of their money. And for goodness sake come up with your own original user name. That is a good boy.
Pete, the place for your rants about Al Brooks is in the Al Brooks thread. The places where they are not welcome is in every other review where you post them multiple times to the point that no comments about the person being reviewed are being made.
The reference was a highlight of the “deplorables” in an overall corrupt industry. Your criticism in this context, in all fairness, must also apply to dtchurn’s mentioning of Zulutrad, JaguarED, Felton and Jigsaw.
hardly, it was Stray who called your bs first months before I did. I did not care until you crossed me. you just thought I should have been dragged down with you, pathetic.
Are you usually like this?
The posse is always like this. Just keep up the good fight Pete. Just ignore the Emmett wannabes – they are truly irrelevant.
Irrelevant: not connected with or relevant to
DTCHUMP, so far all of your posts have been to criticize regular contributors to the discussions these reviews generate. Not one of your posts has related to the person or room that has been reviewed, not a single one! Who is irrelevant?
Nice meme you posted, making fun of a cancer patient. I cannot compete with that. I bet your family is so proud of you.
You’re not very bright are you dtchum. I’m pretty sure everyone know I’m making fun of you. If you have something irrelevant to say about Humble Traders I’d be interested in reading it.
dtChum&&dtchurnNO&dttoto&whatever => (Pete :: toto) && !CFTC_complaintsubmitted && b__ks_BS = looneyLOL
Wow. Making fun of cancer patients. Nice.
Another stupid post brought to you by Alias R US DTChump.
Are you really so dumb you cannot come up with your own user name or even a hint of an intelligent post.
I always like to figure out people’s motivation$$$ for posting.
Rob B – Who do you work for? Can you confirm that you wrote these verbatim quotes?:
“I hear there is this chap named Al Brooks taking on new members that I am sure can cure you.”
“makes me want to push for Brooks”
A yes or no answer is all that is required – no TL;DR reply please
Maybe your nick should be Rob Brooks
You post are so idiotic it is hard to even reply to them.
I work for me and me alone. Unlike you I am not a shill for Trading Rooms. And Unlike you I am not consumed over likes or post complete nonsense. You remind of that 60 minute episode about how tech companies prey on weak minds desparate for likes. Your worth seems to be based on that. You are a really sorry case.
Again maybe try and come up with your own user name. I mean do something creative.
VERY telling that you avoided answering the question about your Dr. Al quotes.
Because I made no Dr. Al quote except in your disturbed mind.
I guess there must be another “Rob B” trolling this site then, because surely you would not lie about Dr. Al statements you made.
Or would you?
Look in the comments section:
There is no space in this reply to reply, so start a new post and I will reply to that, but simple:
Sure I have called Al Brook’s a con artist in other threads, but made no mention in this thread as you implied.
And Frankly you are not here to help Pete or anyone else. Your only goal is to criticize anyone that has regular called these TR out for being the con artist they are.
Right from the comment section, shown below. Do you still deny writing it?
Thanks for pointing this out dtchum. The bullies Rob B and dtchurn started siding with Brooks against me due to their sadistic streak which overpowers and sense of compassion or justice to victims of Brooks. The past comments dtchurn linked show they are here to watch a trainwreck not help. Emmett was the one who helped when everyone else doubted and ridiculed me!
dtchum and Pete, you guys are bat shit crazy. Regarding Rob B’s comment – Sarcasm! Look it up in a dictionary. I hope for your sake that you are being willfully stupid rather than actually being as stupid as you appear to be.
Stray D, on another thread, from 3 days ago: “Ah the last defense of the ignorant, name calling.”
Strat D., on this thread, today: “you guys are bat shit crazy”
Maybe you were just being sarcastic, Stray.
No name calling they are statements of fact. You are either bat shit crazy, stupid or willfully stupid. I hope for your sake that you are being willfully stupid.
nah, it just shows his bs even more exposed and his pathetic rant. follow the mooky trader comments too.
Your Brooks cesspool reeks of disease thats why you make assumptions in favor of Brooks. I assume you were spread-eagle and throwing dollars begging for Brooks to share lessons on how to lower that high-pitched bitch voice thus your defense of Brooks. We can tell it didn’t work, sorry Brooks is keeping your cash just like everyone else’s.
Get the help you need Pete.
what a riot, coming from the whining screeching voice of Pete’s in every post and most every review about b__ks. Now you can clearly see this gollum just emerge from the muck of the cesspool b__ks disease of his own making he knows so well. Other than ditching the used book for $10 after having actually read it, and some time int he room, it’s a bmt elite membership cost compared to the mess Pete made in Mookytrader mes, Pagetrader blowup, B__ks review whiny gollum cess, and then other review for the past 20 reviews tagging at or close to my posts. He doesn’t even care about his spewing bs about b__ks anymore, it’s just about tagging my posts, and taking infantile potshots whether it’s an alter id such as toto, dtchum/no or another unoriginal name. that’s why his posts are ridiculous nonsense to any bystander. it’s not even about the review subjects anymore, all clear to see, confirmed.
Pete, stop your revisionist history. You never asked for help. All you did was continually spam every post with comments about b…ks.
If you had asked for help, you would have at least gotten some pointers. As it were, you were only complaining about losing 20k in high-interest loans that you took out to trade.
First, stop playing the victim. It has gotten old very quickly.
Then accept responsibility for your intemperance.
After you have done that, if you think that you need help, ask for help, and stop telling us about how you feel that b…ks has buggered you without using any lube.
I am starting to think your are as mental as Pete. If you read any history of Pete’s and my post you would understand my post. But very hard to go into great detail in this small col. reply.
But I will add I know realize Pete has issues. Even after Emmett did a review of Al Brooks, Pete still constantly brings up Brooks again and again in virtually every post. So I no longer even respond to Pete’s Post. My last response to Pete dealt with his future being banned comment not his Al Brook’s Comment.
And for the record for any weak minded folks, Al Brooks is a con artist who I blasted on the Al Brooks thread.
the psychotic trigger pattern of this fool is spewing b__ks whenever he sees a dtchurn post. Of course b__ks is a con. They all are. Just that this gollum tried to drag others in his mess. Then gets scummy and cesspool insulting when he gets called on his bs. Dion’t believe me? Anyone can check the past posts for the last 40 reviews and he started the cesspool and now tries to pretend he didn’t. He won’t even sue b__ks for the 20k high interest loan and you can find the cftc complaint unfilled swept under his rug.
All these comments you link to show you to be far worse than I am. Please continue gawking at the trainwreck, youre only making yourself look good to yourself.
what a bunch of false bs, pathetic. not just a fool but also lying about past posts now. it was entirely your cesspool trainwreck multiple times. you can’t get away with rewriting history of these posts as anyone can see reading those past posts. I’m beginning to agree with RobB and Stray you are just mental and need help. Can’t tell the difference between being wrong anymore and insanity.
amazing, deluded as to what happened in those past comments when in actuality all those were your multiple trainwrecks, the worst cessmesses of your own making where everyone dumped on you.
nah, half of this fool’s posts are pretension about b__ks, half is continued hate of me after he failed to drag me down to his cesspool b__ks disease level – in fact most all the posts since pagetrader is lame distraction close or right after my posting. For those new to petedetethb__ks&dtchurn, the pagetrader, b__ks, and mooktrader comments are all you need to get caught up. have fun.
$199 for an ebook and $59.99 a month to access the trade room / forum + alerts, $30 a month if you renew after the first free month. He’ll have stiff competition from learntotradethemarkets, forexschoolonline, theforexguy, tradeciety, 2ndskiesforex & dailypriceaction all of which are around $300 for their courses and life time membership.
Possible he is selling only the signals. Many a traders are better performers when selling signals rather than trading themselves. May be a free trial even for a month might do his marketing more good.