GannEdge: The Latest Swindle

Gann Edge
  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


Does anyone remember the following frauds:

  1. Bounce Trade
  2. XMA Trading
  3. EZ Futures Trading

Well, if you were not scammed by them from 2009 – 2019, then this is your opportunity to be ripped off by the latest derivation: Gann Edge Futures Trading.

For several years, I have been writing about this swindler with more fake names than a Russian spy. He constantly reappers on Online Traders Central offering a “money back guarantee.” Which of course, is a total scam. Once again, a boatload of victims emerges. The latest reporting only a few days ago.


Expert swindler

Extreme con artist

Financial charlatan — gold medal winner


Fraudulent money back guarantee

Using fake names and addresses

Serial recidivist con artist

Multiple websites — all scams

Numerous consumer coplaints

Comments Rating 2 (4 reviews)

Thanks for reading today’s review of GannEdge.

GannEdge is selling a futures day trading program for $2,495. The sales pitch is simple and effective. The consumer purchases the software predicated upon the supposed amazing track record of $1k-$2k per week in Futures trading profits. The consumer is lead to believe that if they purchase the software, and simply ‘copy/paste’ the trades of the moderator, then profits are virtually guaranteed. The website discloses zero losses.

The ‘hook’ is the supposed “Money Back Guarantee.” How does it work? The consumer is instructed to simply copy the live trades of the trading room moderator, if the consumer cannot copy the trades, then they simply request a full refund within 30-days.

Consumers discover the GannEdge website through the Online Trader Central website in a free webinar. Online Trader Central is a company that ‘pumps’ nearly every fraudulent trading company that TradingSchools.Org has written about. Online Trader Central charges a fee of $850 to the vendor to promote the event through spam email marketing.

Once the victim views the webinar at Online Trader Central, they will usually look for additional ‘social proof’ that the company is legitimate. Indeed, this additional social proof can be found through Dr. Dean Handley where he declares that “GannEdge is truthful, transparent, and profitable.” What Dr. Dean Handley is not disclosing is that Gann Edge is paying him several hundred dollars each month for his corny endorsement.

GannEdge is a SCAM

GannEdge is simply the latest in a long stream of scams being offered by the exact same entities. Truth be told, I do not know the true name of the person or person’s running this scam.

However, the entity running the GannEdge website also offered a fraudulent website that we exposed in 2015. This website was named XMA Trading. Shortly after we published our article, the website quickly disappeared. Prior to XMA Trading, there was Bounce Trade, this website also disappeared.

After XMA Trading was exposed as a fraud and disappeared, they reemerged yet again as EZ Futures Trading. On June 21, 2018, TradingSchools.Org yet again exposed this fraud and reported the incident to the CFTC. Shortly thereafter, the EZ Futures Trading website was pulled and they quickly disappeared yet again.

During December 2018, this entity reappeared yet again — as GannEdge.

All of these websites follow the same model…

  • Step 1 is Online Trader Central to promote a webinar. Offer a money back guarantee.
  • Step 2 is pay a social media influencer ‘Dean Handley’ or post fake online reviews.
  • Step 3 is sell as much as possible.
  • Step 4 is to disappear once consumers start requesting refunds.

Multiple Complaints Filed

TradingSchools.Org has received dozens of complaints from consumers about this fraud. In fact, only several days ago, we received yet another complaint from a consumer located in Illinois.

This consumer describes the following incident:

  • During the month of October 2018, after watching the Online Trader Central webinar, he “took the bait” on the money back guarantee.
  • His confidence was bolstered by the Dr. Dean Handley endorsement.
  • He copied the trades exactly as the moderator within the live trading room. He lost a significant amount of money.
  • The moderator of GannEdge posted a profit of $1,265 for the same period. The consumer then realized that he had been scammed.
  • The consumer then requests to execute the “refund guarantee.” Gann Edge refuses to refund and tells consumer “go fuck yourself.”
  • Consumer files a complaint with his credit card company. GannEdge then quickly removes the language of the “refund guarantee” in order to defraud the consumer.
  • The credit card company, denies the chargeback based upon the modified language of the “refund guarantee.”
  •  Consumer is angry and files complaints with the Illinois Attorney General, the CFTC, and TradingSchools.Org.

Will this victim get relief?

The story of this victim is a tale that I too often hear. In fact, I have written a derivation of this story dozens of times.

So what can the consumer do? Other than filing complaints with the Attorney General and the CFTC, is there any other course of action that can be taken? Lets examine this situation closer.

Option 1) Hire a lawyer and file a lawsuit.

To hire a lawyer to chase these swindlers is simply cost prohibitive. It would cost several thousand dollars to hire a lawyer and then several hundred dollars to file a lawsuit.

But who are you actually suing? The company states that they are “GannEdge” and Brad Collins. However, this Brad Collins only a few months ago was Mark Katzenberg, and few months prior was Davis Thornburg, and before that yet another name.

And where would you serve this company your lawsuit? The company claims that they are “Gann Edge LLC.” Yet, there is no Gann Edge LLC registered at the central clearing center: Corporation Wiki.  Nor is there a “Brad Collins” connected to any company named Gann Edge. This whole thing appears to be made up. Where would you even send the lawsuit? There is no address for the company. For all we know, this GannEdge person could be operating from a homeless shelter in Florida.

And the email address for Gann Edge? It is registered to the hosting provider GoDaddy. Yes, you can subpoena GoDaddy for the identity of the person that owns the website. However, it’s highly likely that they paid with a prepay debit card that cannot be traced. Nor did they likely registered with their true name.

Option 2) File a claim in small claims court.

The victim lives in Illinois. Theoretically, he could file an action for $80 in small claims court. But now he has to convince the judge to subpoena Paypal, the credit card processor, and the web hosting provider.

Theoretically, it can be done. However, we are dealing with a con artist that has been pulling this trick for years. He scams a few people out of $30k or $40k and then quickly disappears. And then quickly reappears a few months later with a whole new website.

Where the victim ‘fucked up.’

This is sad and painful for me to write…but the victim needs to accept some responsibility for being scammed.

Who would randomly send anyone $2500 based upon a scribble contained on a website? The GannEdge website contains no names, no addresses, no tracking information whatsoever. The victim made the conscious decision to simply trust, to hang onto the basic premise that humans are decent and honest. I have found that humans are nothing of the sort. The vast majority of humans, especially those that sell ‘get rich quick’ schemes are the worst sort of scum.

People like Gann Edge have no feelings or decency towards their fellow mankind. They simply take, and steal, and swindle.

And does anyone really believe that Dr. Dean Handley actually vetted this guy? Dean is on the scam as well. He is getting paid a monthly fee to promote this swindler.

And Online Trader Central — do they care about consumers? Not a chance. Complete and total swindlers. The only thing they care about is marketing fee’s.

Wrapping things up

Thanks for reading. Sorry this article is so dark and depressing. But the simple truth is that writing a derivation of this same tale really disgusts me.

The behavior of people within the ‘trading educational’ community is the stuff of financial horrors. It truly amazes me. Writing articles like this gives me an ulcer.

And think about the poor guy that got swindled by Gann Edge? How do you think he is feeling?

As usual, I warn the community to stay away from anything presented on Online Trader Central, the entire business model is rotten to the core. I have also included the written declaration of the victim (identity redacted). The victim also collected over 19 pieces visual evidence, and multiple screen recordings.



  1. Rollerman September 23, 2019
  2. Mark J June 24, 2019
  3. dean handley June 18, 2019
  4. Karen S. May 28, 2019
  5. Karen S. May 24, 2019
    • Emmett Moore May 24, 2019
      • noload May 29, 2019
        • Emmett Moore May 29, 2019
  6. Longshot May 17, 2019
  7. Longshot May 17, 2019

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