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Fous Alerts Review

Fous Alerts
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Fous Alerts

Nonsense on an epic scale. Fakery of an unprecedented proportion. A scam artist to the core. Selling a fantasy world of yachts, sports cars, fast money, and naked women.

User Review
2.75 (83 votes)
Comments Rating 1 (1 review)
Pros: Cameron Fous is an excellent marketer and salesman. He is not selling how to be a truly good trader, he is selling the idea of easy money and a fantasy lifestyle that simply does not exist.
Cons: No trading is verified. Pure hypothetical nonsense. Requested brokerage statements to verify claims of massive profits, was denied. Requested redacted tax return showing trading profits, was denied. The entire Cameron Fous marketing machine is a fraudulent scheme of sucking as much money out of as many naive young men as possible.

Cameron Fous Review

Today’s review I hold near and dear to my heart. I would like to introduce you to my neighbor, Cameron Fous. Yep, he lives right down the street, he is my neighbor, right here in San Diego Ca. This is a review that I have wanted to write for quite a long time. However I wanted to gather enough recorded evidence to make absolutely sure that the shit storm I was about to kick up would be recorded, bullet proof, documented and withstand a lawsuit. But before I reveal this charlatan to the trading community, lets talk about why I only recorded 20 hours instead of my normal 100 plus hours of recordings.

Normally it takes me about 40 hours of Camtasia screen recordings to figure out if a trading room moderator is really making trades, or just making trading room conversation. It became apparent to me, and quite quickly, that Cameron Fous is a complete and total fraud. In fact, he might even rival another well known trading fraudster that I recently reviewed, the magnificent carnival barker himself, Kavan Klein of Trade With Kavan. You can read about Kavan Klein here.

Cameron Fous has been able to parlay his supposedly authentic track record at into a very successful marketing machine.  In addition to, Cameron has been able to gather over 40 positive reviews on Of course, gaming investimonials with fake reviews is only a matter of registering multiple user profiles from different IP addresses. Mutiple IP address purchases have also been used to build a multitude of fake reviews on sites like Investimonials, Google Reviews, and Yelp pages. But creating fake reviews on Investimonials, which of course is the sister site of, is really not the marketing brilliance of Cameron Fous. What he has really been able to market is a fantasy lifestyle. He creates expensive, production quality videos of himself driving through Pacific Beach in a Maserati sports car, gloating about his massive day trading success. He creates wild videos of young women nearly nude, partying on boats on Mission Bay, pictures of bundles of $100 dollar bills, the whole thing  is pure nonsense that would only appeal to a boy full of hormones. Any real man, with any self respect, dignity or modesty feels wretched at watching Cameron dish out such chicanery. The following is one of Cameron Fous’s latest marketing fantasies…

In all honesty, I have to admire his marketing creativity. He does an excellent job of creating a fantasy world that would appeal to any male aged 13 to 33. The flaunting of money, nearly naked young women drinking and partying, sports cars, yachts, etc. He even created a very good video where he flew down to Costa Rica, rented a house, and the portrays himself as some sort of poolside trader, stating that he made $10k just laying by the pool. Pure marketing genius.

Another thing I find odd about Cameron is his odd hero worship of Jordan Belfort, “The Wolf Of Wall Street”. Of course, Jordan Belfort was a swindler and conman from the 1990’s, and even today, Jordan Belfort readily admits that he was never a good trader. In fact, he never made any money trading stocks. He made all of his money swindling retirees out of their life savings by selling them worthless penny stocks, that were marketed in high pressure boiler rooms. Whom would idolize a sociopath monster like Jordan Belfort, a man capable of wholesale and wanton fraud and corruption? This is comparable to Barack Obama idolizing Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy. It just makes no sense to me. But then again, it makes perfect sense. In a sick, Freudian sort of way.

Anyway, lets talk about the trading service that Cameron is selling. Step one, it is recommended that you purchase a “The Original Fous4” trading video that will teach you his trading secrets in 7.5 hours for a cost of $597. Next, when you are ready for more trading magic recipes, you should purchase the “Epic Sequel Fous4X2” which consists of yet another 7.5 hours at $597. He claims that with these videos you can easily earn up to $10,000 per day with his magic patterns secret sauce. But of course, this is not enough, you must also see the trading wizard in action in his live trading room, with a monthly cost of only $74.99. Oh, and by the way, once you pay $74.99 each and every month, you will then be considered a Hedge Fund Trader with access to trading firm capital. In other words, pay $74.99 and you do not even need to have a trading account, you get to access to free money that you can trade with! Amazing. Who would believe this nonsense?

What or who is Clique Fund LP? Well if you search, you will see that Clique Fund LP is a hastily thrown together webpage with absolutely no information about the company. Its contains about 200 words of nebulous soup. No address, no phone, no nothing to substantiate itself as a licensed New York Hedge Fund. If you are confused by this, you must understand that this marketing gimmick is only to keep the naive continuously paying $74.99 with the hopes of accessing trading funds through this supposed Securities Trading Hedge Fund. This bit of fraud is so egregious and outrageous that I have personally written a letter and hand delivered this fraud to the San Diego District Attorney, Bonnie Dumanis.

About the trading room…everyday there is a watch list of “Hot Stocks” and plenty of chatter. Plenty of incoherent wordplay about how this pattern is looking good in stock A and how big profit will be had once we get the awaited breakout. Cameron Fous is a great talker, a great salesman, an excellent play by play prognosticator. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no track record. When asked for a track record of trades, attendees are always show the amazing profits the were “verified” on Of course, is a hotbed of fake trades, of which I have already proven in my previous posts titled, Review and Fake. I personally followed Cameron Fous’s fakery to the bitter end by requesting account statements from either Speed Trader, or a simple redacted tax return. Of course, no response. I feel that the only way to disgorge Mr. Fous of his trading records is to file a suit claiming fraud, and force a subpoena his trading records in court. Force him into legal deposition. Made him defend himself.

But of course, many reading this will truly want to believe that Mr. Fous is no charlatan. I will be attacked and threatened. And since Cameron lives in an apartment just a few blocks from my home, I am sure we will not be having many barbecues together. Once again, thanks for reading and buyer beware. Form your own opinions, do your own research, and do not lose hope that you can be a successful trader. There are some excellent educators out there, that are willing to teach you, that care about you and care about their reputation. Best of luck with your trading and please speak your mind below.




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