Emini Volume Trader
Verified Trades
User Experience
Michael Ramos cannot verify any of his trades. He simply refuses to disclose whether he even has a live trading account. No trading DOM present. All trades are limit order and nearly impossible to fill with a real trading account. Michael Ramos simply talks about trading, but does not really trade.
User Review
( votes)( reviews)
Today’s review is Emini Volume Trader.
Emini Volume Trader is a day trading room that specializes in the emini SP500 futures contract. The room moderator and business owner is Michael Ramos, a self-described professional day trader that prior to trading was a professional concert violinist for 30 years. The day trading room has a monthly fee of $250 per month. In addition to the monthly subscription fee, Michael also uses a trading platform named Blue Water Trading Solutions at a cost of $159 each month.
The Review Period
During the week of June 21-June 27, we recorded 5 trading sessions via a trial account. Once again, during the week of July 6th through July 13, we again recorded 6 additional trading sessions. Each session was also accompanied by my assistant, Reyna, who attempted to replicate the trades that Michael Ramos was calling live in the trading room. She was using the Trade Navigator Platform, using simulator mode the entire time. Why the Trade Navigator simulator? Because Trade Navigator has one of the most accurate and realistic trading simulators on the market. For limit orders, it requires a full pass through before price can fill. This feature is by far the most accurate representation of live trading.
For the week of June 21-June 27, and July 6- July 13, Michael Ramos reported a total profit of 213 ticks. For a grand total of $2,662.50 on 50 trades. Subtract commission of $4.25 per trade, and he reported a total profit of $2450.
How did Reyna do? Reyna copied Michael Ramos trades as best she could. Keep in mind that she is located in Cebu City, Philipines and is quite a distance away. However, her internet is fast and she is very experienced at using a trading simulator. She works for me full time, watching trading videos and attempting to replicate what is happening in these trading rooms. So, how did Reyna do? Not as good. She was actually only to identify 38 trades inside of the trading room, not the 50 as per Michael. In total, her 38 trades netted out 6 ticks for a profit of $75. However, deduct commission and she actually lost $400.
Why So Much Disparity?
If you are like me, then you are probably wondering how could there be so much disparity? After reviewing several hours of the trading videos, it became painfully obvious what the problem was. The first problem is that Michael Ramos does not display a trading DOM. He simply starts shouting into the screen, “I AM IN!”. There is little to no advance warning. He simply howls out a price and everyone scrambles to get in. And to make matters worse, Michael always enters on a limit order, and not a stop order. For those of us that have been trading for a while, we know that it nearly impossible to simply enter on a limit order. However, Michael Ramos never has a problem entering on a limit order. Ever.
The second problem is that Michael Ramos would arbitrarily shout out what his stop is. “STOP 3 TICKS!” Nobody has any idea until he starts yelling and everyone starts scrambling. A few times, the price would touch the stop price, which should of triggered his exit, however, he would shout out, “NO TOUCH NO TOUCH”. Everyone else would be stopped out, and then the trade would whip back into line and Michael would shout, “PLUS 3 TICKS, IM OUT, IM OUT”. As I was watching this unfold on the screen, it started to really piss me off. I could only imagine the trading audience attempting to race in and out of trades via this unorganized shouting from the moderator.
The third, and what I feel was a huge problem is that Michael Ramos would never declare how many contracts he was trading. Sometimes he was in “A LOT” and other times he was in “A LITTLE”. It was confusing becomes sometimes the trade would immediately go his way and then he would declare, “Im out 3 ticks, im out another 4 ticks, im out another 6 ticks, now I am 80% out and letting the rest be the runners and moving the stop to break even”. No kidding folks, his trading DOM never present, no declaration of how many contracts, no nothing. Just a confusing mess of shouting and exciting talk.
After a few hours of watching Michael Ramos trade, it became painfully obvious what was happening. He was not really trading at all. He was simply talking about trading. If you look at the following screen shot from the live trading room, you can see that there is no trading DOM present. Nor is there a live trading account plugged into his platform. Notice how everything is simulated.
On more than one occasion, someone inside the room would ask why he is not showing his trades. He would always reply that he only likes to execute his trades on Ninja Trader, and that he just preferred the Ninja Trader platform over the Blue Water platform that we were watching. I found this odd because the Blue Wave Trading Platform has the exact same trading capabilities as Ninja Trader. A person can plug their account right into Blue Wave, and trade with a DOM on Blue Wave. But Michael was not interested in showing his supposed live trading on Ninja Trader or Blue Wave.
Digging Deeper
The whole story about using Ninja Trader for his real trading really left me feeling very uneasy. And so I contacted Michael Ramos and explained to him that I really could appreciate that he was posting his “real trades” on his website, however, I was having a difficult time replicating his results. And so I asked him, very respectfully if he could please send me over the Ninja Trader output of trades report. This report will show real and or simulated trades that are executed on Ninja Trader. He simply ignored my request. I emailed him again a few days later. Again, he refused to respond. Finally, after a third, fourth, and fifth attempt at sending Michael an email requesting confirmation of trades…he simply ignored all requests. Did he see my emails? Yes. All of my emails contain a tracking link that notifies me the exact moment an email is opened as well as deleted. After several attempts, he no longer even bothered to open my emails, he simply deleted them.
After a week of chasing Michael Ramos via email, I simply quit and went to plan B. Use a new name, new email address and a new line of questioning.
Managed Auto Trade Program
Listed on Michael Ramos website is something called the Managed Auto Trade Program. Using my fresh new identity, I contacted Michael about this program. Supposedly, with this program, Michael is offering some sort of solution where he can auto-trade your account and this will mirror his amazing results. However, when I contacted him about his program, he simply responded that this program is no longer available. Again, I attempted to question him on the particulars, such as how does this work from a technology perspective. He flat ignored any attempts at conversing about this program.
In my opinion, the Managed Auto Trade Program is something that never existed. Rather, it is a “Red Herring” designed at creating the illusion that if Michael Ramos is willing to auto trade, then his trading room must also be legit. The red herring is a distraction, its meant to create a subtle truth that relates to the legitimacy of the real target, which is the trading room. The Managed Auto-Trade program is a logical fallacy, a decoy meant to draw the readers suspicion away from the legitimacy of the trading room and towards the thin veneer of truth relating to the managed auto trade program. It’s slick for sure. But its only a cheap trick meant to confuse the naive.
About That Trading Room
Many of you reading this might be lured into thinking that they are perhaps a better trader than my assistant Reyna. But I assure you, she has executed thousands of trades via simulator, speaks flawless English, has a college degree, and probably much more experienced that most of the people reading this blog. However, sometimes a video does a better job at explaining than words themselves.
The following video is from the Emini Volume Day trading room. I would consider this video to be an excellent representation of how the trading is commenced.
If you watched this video, and if you have any experience with live trading, then you know that it is impossible to simply shout out that your limit order got filled with no delay. This is really par for course with this trading room. All of the trades are executed in such a manner. The problem with this, is that the novice trader has no idea just how difficult and delayed getting a limit order filled can be. And so the novice just smashes his face, over and over, against the cold hard reality that getting a limit order filled is seriously difficult with real trading. While Michael Ramos glides in and out with fake fat profits, the novice trader is left to struggle and stress because his trades are not getting filled. At the end of the day, the naive trader will grind his account down to a nub, and will sit at his desk feeling despondent and confused, wondering what they did wrong.
Wrapping Things Up
Michael Ramos is just another trading charlatan. There is no possible way that a person can replicate his simulated trading. Of course, Michael Ramos is going to wholeheartedly disagree with me. And he could certainly shut me up by releasing an account statement that shows that he is trading real money. But Michael Ramos wont do that. Instead, he will point to that cheesy award that he got from Dr Dean that proclaims that he is a “Trading Titan”.
The Best Award Money Can Buy
Well, let’s dispel the myth regarding the “Trading Titans”. Firstly, anyone can be a Trading Titan. All you need is a one time set up fee of $600 and to pay a monthly fee of $200 to maintain your status as a Titan. Yep, I know that many of you reading this are now dismayed and irritated that being a Trading Titan is a pay to play review service. Which sucks. But hey, can you really blame the good doctor, he is a heck of a marketer. And all of those Phd’s, MBA’s, ABC’s, etc sure sound awesome.
And heck, getting published in Futures Truth, this is a real accomplishment! Until you find out that Futures Truth has about 74 subscribers. Funny stuff folks.
I don’t want to give Dean too hard a time. Heck, he was the inspiration for me starting the blog. He is not a bad guy. Its just that his reviews are not very thorough. No video recordings, he never asks for account statements, he doesn’t get down into the mud and get dirty. He doesn’t ask the tough questions and he is timid about calling these charlatans out. I have no qualms about digging into the BS and slinging mud, nothing gentle or gentlemanly about the way I go about these reviews. Consumers of trading products have had their asses kicked by charlatans for too long, its time someone starts calling the BS in this industry.
Hopefully, Michael Ramos reads this review and opens a real trading account. Would love to see him trade on the screen, for all to see. Instead of just talking about trading. And Michael, NO you cannot buy a good review. You need to earn it. Would love to come back and do another review, and hopefully re-write this crummy review into something positive. Well that’s it for today, another crummy review. Please don’t forget to leave your comments below. Event the haters will find that their voices are heard.
Is Emini Volume Trader change its name to Emini Player ?
Or are they different website.
E-Mini Volume Trader is one of Dean Handley’s Trade Titans. Since I use both Dean and Emmett to vet the rooms I might try, I am really confused by the conflicting reviews. Emmett, do you have any thoughts about this? Thanks.
Do not believe neither Dean, nor myself. Instead, simply ask Mr. Ramos for a redacted brokerage account statement.
If Mr. Ramos is unable, or unwilling to provide proof positive, then I would recommend that you avoid. No proof of prior success is a clear red flag.
Try and focus on trading educators that have an unflinching willingness to be completely transparent.
This guy is out trying to sewer your site all over town. Enjoy the war, lol.
“There is no such thing as bad publicity”, PT Barnum.
Mr. Ramos should participate in my Robot trade tracking program. Or he should post redacted account statements of his amazing trading talents. Either works for me!
I am more than happy to work with Emini Volume Trader. More than happy to write a new review. And I have no hard feelings about his negative comments towards me. Not a war at all.
Dean Handley’s Trade Titans is as bogus as Sykes’ investimonials. If Handley recommends a trader it’s a red flag that they are potentially a scammer.
I have lost track of how many trading rooms were supposedly “Trading Titans” turned out to be Trading Midgets. Anyone remember Ed Abreau’s Jaguar Trade Room? My god, that was such a scam.
migosh, Jaguar Ed lasted so long on bmt. He had his own thread in the beginner’s area spewing out trading advice. It was only last year, someone finally came out and showed his spreadsheet results did not ever match his in room trades of which there were almost none. He would often post or be quoted on other forums like he was some sage or expert in day trading. What a lol riot in the end. https://futures.io/vendors-product-reviews/22819-jaguar-trading-club-protradered-blogspot-com-19.html
Beware! – it looks like Michael Ramos has slunk out of his hiding hole following Emmett’s original review back in 2015. His website is back up and I see Handley has re-instated him as one of his tainted Titans. Caveat Emptor!
I too fell for michael ramos because of Dean’s review. Im so glad i found a forum to let others know. Theyre both full of crap. I wasted way to much money and time figuring that out.
Mr. Ramos is back at it again. The website is back up hoping for more suckers.
Hopefully Mr. Ramos will start showing a trading DOM. I will be the first to write him a review on how things have changed for the better.
Thank you so much!!
I started future trading with this Ramos,watch as my account wasted away. I went back after the Titian award (for a few weeks) only to see that the fills and gains were BS and was not profitable.
Sad for others who lost (like I did) from what appears to be a dishonest clown and then blame themselves for losing.
He was always very defensive about his lack of DOM and fills and it sounds like the only thing that got filled was his EGO.
Damn, wish I’d discovered this website a long time ago! I did four or five trial sessions with Ram-ass as I kept thinking that I was just not getting it. Eventually realised that he was a con-artist, but what a waste of time. I’m just glad he never got my money. And yes, he seems to have disappeared now.
Keep up the great work, Emmett!
Emmett please contact me ASAP
It appears EminiVolumeTrader.com has been taken down, tried going there yesterday and today, says it’s no longer available. Maybe it’s down for maintenance
It looks like Michael Ramos has gone for good. Perhaps in the final reckoning he did display some honor like a defeated Japanese Samurai and swiftly undertook modern day internet seppuku through closing his website and twitter account the moment his scam was revealed to the world. Granted, not quite as painful as self disembowelment but it will do. If only others would follow his noble example!
Only the truth makes sense.
Emmitt will pay for his nonsense.
Oh wait he already did with his prison sentence from the SEC.
This guy cant trade. Defending him is like defending a venereal disease. Watch the video. I have ton of video and its pure hogwash. Dean got this guy all wrong.
Hi Emmett I had mentioned my experiences with Eminivolume in your review request section at the end of March. My experience mirrored yours especially when I requested a log of his so called trades…This was the biggest waste of my time ever to look at a trading room. He calls everything after the fact and his results are based on a entry which he would have never gotten and holding the trade for the complete duration of the move which is total bull. I called him out in the room my last day cause he never answered my requests. A slime ball just trying to make a few hundred a month from utter naive traders. .
Dean must remove CFRN form is titans list
Because there a fraud and a scam
Thank you! I did his weekly trial period and got nothing but confusion. I felt it was my fault. Thank you for this review!!!!
another great review.. it’s entertaining reading about how bad and assclown’ish these people are.. I hope you put them out of business!
Thanks 🙂
Another home run review Emmett! Thanks for all you do.
Thanks Emmett.
I attended Ramos’s trial. Yes I could totally understand what he was doing, but it was impossible to get the trades he was getting. Lots of stop outs.
On one memorable trade, he was trying to catch a bottom as the market kept going down. He was stopped out quite a few times, as we all were. Then somehow he miraculously made it all back when he finally caught it.
His posted results are also incomprehensible. It’s a “coulda made this or coulda made that” scenario, depending on how far the market may have moved on any given trade. I asked him to clarify the results page for me, and also asked why he didn’t just post his exact results. He said, (with a wee bit of attitude), that he has no way of knowing how people manage their trades. Everyone is different. Every trade is different… Well duh, we know that!
Lets say that the market went 3 or 4 ticks, well I should have booked 2 or 3 ticks. Or maybe it went 20 ticks, why couldn’t I get 8 or even 16. Chances are I’m probably stopped out.
So his results page shows a large range, saying that for January you made 5725, or maybe you made 11450. Ridiculous.
He seems to have forgotten that we are in his room to follow him. So his exact results of his actual trades, sprinkled with some clarity and a good measure of transparency are very important.
Anyway, I just wanted to confirm that Ramos was a frustrating waste of my time.
Thanks for doing what you do.
Oh, and thanks for the heads up on Handley. I had heard him say that he doesn’t get compensated for his reviews. Do you mind sharing where you found out about his fee’s for reviews?
Ramos…very frustrating. Total sham.
Regarding Dean: I found out about the fee’s from Trading Star Pro. He used to be on the top ten list, but then one day Dean emails him and wanted a $600 set up fee, and either $200 or $400 per month to maintain his ranking. Poor guy, he trades a one lot and barely speaks English. Actually a pretty nice guy. He was upset because he felt that his removal from the list gave the impression that he now a hustler.
Also you should note that I also took Trading Star Pro down as a favorable review. Poor performance? I dont know. Its been 6 months since my last review and I like to update every 6 months. I asked for consolidated account statements and have yet to receive. These trading room guys get a lot of traffic from my reviews, its important that I maintain the trust between the reader and myself. If I can no longer verify performance, then I cannot continue to endorse.
Once more thing regarding Handley. I dont want to be too hard on him. Why? Its a ton of work reviewing these rooms, nothing wrong with figuring out a way to pay for the time spent trolling. My only issue is the quality of his review. He doesnt verify with video recordings, like EVT. If he would of recorded 20 hours and watch the tape, he would of discovered that the guy is a fraud. And he never asks for account statements. Why the hell not? Its like he is afraid to discover the truth.
Thanks again Emmett. You are spot on about Dean Handley. A couple of years ago, based on his sterling review, I paid over $3500.0 To one of his “Titans”. WHAT A WASTE.
I did too Alan 🙁
me too Alan 🙁
Thanks Emmett for another sterling review – love how you are unearthing these charlatans one by one. You are far too kind to Dean Handley. Its one thing being a trade room fraudster as they are sadly, the norm. But to turn the honest profession of reviewing services into a money making scam is nothing short of disgusting. Not least as Handley is very quick to take a ‘holier than thou’ view when ever his reviews are questioned. Saying that I always thought something was amiss when I visited one of his ‘titans’ last year – ‘Trade the emini.COM’ – it was the biggest steaming fraudulent crock of a shit trading room I had ever come across. I can only pray that in 18 months time we your loyal readers here do not throw ourselves over the cliff in a fit of despair as you are outed as the real Timothy Skyes!! LOL
Your the best Emmet. Nice of you not to bust Deans chops so ill do it for you.
In my opinion Dean gets the Asshat of the decade award for steering people in the direction of the so called Titans. He does not tell you is he is being paid. His first seminar he boldly professed he was receiving no compensation from any of the
Titans. After visiting a few rooms on his list I was left scratching my head. I remember thinking to myself : How in the heck did this room make it on this list, this room sucks.”
He is deceptively luring people into disaster. As bad if not worse than some of these room charlatans. One of the rooms was charging over $10,000 dollars for their system and you know some poor sod paid it and suffered a horrendous let down.
So Dean, take a good look in the mirror. How in the hell do you live with yourself?
Excuse me I need to go take a “Dean” and wipe my “Handley”.
Thanks for exposing another scoundrel. Your review will save many poor newbie traders a lot of time and aggravation, as long as they listen to you.