Emerald Picks: Its a scam. Just like the now defunct Oceanic Trades.

Emerald Picks

Name: Emerald Picks

  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


Emerald Picks claims that anyone can turn $900 into $1.1 million in only 3 years. They claim all manner of investment nonsense including investment returns of 50% per month. They claim to have “fully verifiable performance.” None of it is true. It’s a massive scam.

In fact, just a few months ago, TradingSchools.Org published a review of their last scam named Oceanic Trades where dozens of investors lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses and subscription fees. The Oceanic Trades website is now defunct.

Additionally, we detailed how this company, in two separate instances has created fake “review” websites and populated the websites with hundreds of phony consumer reviews claiming massive investment profits. Once again, a total scam.

A complete and total shit-show of fraud. Avoid.


Clever paid marketing strategy


Everything is a fraud

Performance is a fraud

There is no “verified performance”

Advertising claims are a fraud

Fraudulently produced consumer reviews

Thanks for reading today’s review of Emerald Picks

On May 20, 2019, TradingSchools.Org published a review of a company named Oceanic Trades. You can read the original review here.

The company was aggressively advertising on Google and making promises that investors could expect to turn $914 into $1,146,386 in only 27 months.

The company claimed that “all trades are 100% authentic and traded with a live trading account.”

TradingSchools.Org investigated the company and discovered fraud. Additionally, we discovered that the company created a fake “review” website named Finviews and stuffed it with fraudulent reviews in order to convince investors that “others” were experiencing massive profits.

Unfortunately, it all turned out to a massive fraud with multiple investors contacting TradingSchools.Org and reporting that the losing trades were not part of the official track record. Only the winning trades and hypothetical trades from marketing were being shown.

Several investors, in addition to losing between $25k to $50k in investment losses, also lost $4,800 in “annual subscription fees” according to complaints filed at TradingSchools.Org.

After our original review was posted, TradingSchools.Org received legal threats to remove our review. We did not. Instead, we filed complaints with the SEC, the California Attorney General, and the Federal Trade Commission.

Several weeks later, the company has now mysteriously disappeared. The Oceanic Trades website is now dead, and the phony review website Finviews are also now dead.

It’s hard to keep a good scammer down.

At TradingSchools.Org, our favorite game is whack-a-mole. We whack the scammer as vigorously as possible. And we are absolutely determined to be the whack-a-mole world champions. Like this guy…

Apparently, the creators of Oceanic Trades are back for another round of whack-a-mole. And we will oblige them with vigor and glee.

Emerald Picks: Same bullshit as Oceanic Trades

Here we go again. The Emerald Picks website is offering two plans: $499 per year or $1,499 for lifetime access. The service claims to offer 15 stock picks per month with a “guaranteed” accuracy of 82%.

The company recommends that you start with a $900 and you can reasonably expect to turn $900 into $1 million dollars within 3 years.

Additionally, the company claims that “nearly everyone is earning between 20% to 50% per month” and “you can reasonably expect to earn between $25k and $150k per month.”

emerald picks review

Yes, I would like to turn $900 into $137,930 each month.

Emerald Picks claims to have 3,334 paying subscribers and a “verified performance” of turning $914 into $1,146,386 from 2017 to September 2019 from “real” trading account.

However, yet again, TradingSchools.Org has reached out to Emerald Picks and requested redacted brokerage statements that verify these investment returns. Once again, we were ignored.

Emerald Picks Performance Record

Yet another phony “review” website

In our Oceanic Trades review, we detailed how they created a fake review website named Finviews, and declared themselves the “Top Rated Investment Firm.” That website disappeared with the Oceanic Trades website.

However, they are up to the same scheme and have created yet another fake review website named Trust Captain. Low and behold, the Trust Captain website is populated with some of the most creative and fraudulently produced investment nonsense known to mankind.

Have a look at this pure baloney…https://trustcaptain.org/emerald-picks-reviews/

Yep, you guessed it. Dozens of amazing reviews where everyone and is making massive profits and “it’s so easy.” Have a look…

Emerald Picks Reviews 2019

Plenty of readers are probably laughing, and thinking to themselves “Trust Captain? They are copying Trust Pilot!”

Yes, you are correct. However, Trust Pilot is really no better than this phony Trust Captain nonsense. Read my review on Trust Pilot to see how they scam people.

Wrapping things up

Thanks for reading. This is yet another story of whack-a-mole in the scammy trading world. Undoubtedly, the scam artists behind will Emerald Picks will threaten me with yet another “cease and desist” letter from a pathetic ambulance-chasing lawyer. And I will respond by throwing the letter into the garbage can. You don’t bully someone like me. It doesn’t work. And it will NEVER work.

Thanks for reading.




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