Delta Trading Group

Delta Trading Group
  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


Delta Trading Group is a set of ridiculously expensive trading indicators that cost $7,800 and $600 each month for accompanying trading room. There is absolutely no track record of success from the trading moderator. No live trades called in room. No published track record, moderator refuses to verify live trading results. The moderator prefers to be called a Doctor, but a Doctor or what? Appears to be a mail order PhD. A complete smoke show of trading nonsense that targets low information AM radio listeners. The trading room is a daily, two hour infomercial focused on selling, not trading.

User Review
2.56 (111 votes)
Comments Rating 5 (1 review)
Pros: Pretty good customer support. That's about it.
Cons: Trading room moderator is a fake PhD proclaiming that his trading indicators are the answer to all your money problems. No track record. Moderator refuses to verify personal trading results. A complete and total waste of time.

Today’s review is Delta Trading Group

What is Delta Trading Group? Delta Trading Group is an indicator package and trading room owned and moderated by Dr. Vance Cast. The cost of the indicators is a one time fee of $7,800, and the trading room has a monthly fee of $600. The indicators are programmed to work only on the Ensign charting platform.

Typically, when I am attempting to determine the effectiveness of a trading indicator, I like to see that the developer has developed an accompanying trading system that specifically uses the indicator. Every developer should be able to curve fit his indicator to work perfectly on past price data. Unfortunately, this developer never took this step, so there is no way to measure the effectiveness of his indicators. I consider this to be a major red flag. Most modern trading platforms have the ability to drop an indicator onto a chart and quickly back test. Apparently, Dr. Vance Cast feels that submitting his indicators to statistical analysis is not that important.

The next thing I look for is track record of trades from the indicator developer. It only makes sense that if the indicator developer has a positive trading track record using his own indicators, then I should at least have a chance of replication. However, Dr. Vance Cast provides no track record of any of his personal trades.

Finally, I look for a track record of the trades called in the live trading room. Simply put, where the moderator calls out a trade in demonstration of his software and then each trade is recorded. Over a period of time, usually a few weeks, we can determine whether the moderator’s trades are consistently profitable, and whether these trades are can be replicated. Once again, Dr Vance can provide no record of any trades called in his live trading room. There is simply no proof.

Calling Dr. Vance Cast

Next step was to call Dr. Vance himself, and speak with him about his indicators and how someone could verify the promises of “turning me into a full time professional trader”.  Unfortunately, the doctor was very busy and so I got to speak with both of his assistants, on two separate occasions. The first assistant explained that the doctor does not show any sort of trading verification, but if I attended the trading room, then I would be able to plainly see the brilliance of the doctor on full display.

The next guy I spoke with, I was a bit more aggressive regarding verifying Dr. Vance’s claims of being a full time professional trader for the past 20 years. Again, the next representative said that I should just watch Dr. Vance trade live and that I should talk to the other people in the trading room, and that they will all verify that Dr. Vance is indeed a master trader. I told him that all of this could be quickly alleviated, and that I was ready to send my $7,800 the very moment that Dr. Vance could show me that he is trading. I wasn’t asking for much, just a single month account statement showing that he trades, and that he made a net profit of at least one dollar. This simple request, the lowest of low bars was flatly denied. I found it amazing that he couldn’t even verify a single month, and yet he wanted me to send him $7,800 and pay $600 per month without even the smallest amount of verification.

A Closer Look At Dr. Vance

Vance Cast

Dr. Ridiculous Ego

One of things I found odd and highly annoying is how Vance and his assistants liberally use the title of “Doctor”. Both assistants always refer to him by “The Doctor” in nearly every sentence. They would toss out “The Doctor”, as if I were supposed to be impressed by such a lofty title. And so, I decided to do a little research into our “Doctor”. Just what sort of Doctor is he? From an accredited University? This really opened up a lot of questions and so I once again asked his assistants and requested more information. One of the assistants said that he was a doctor of psychology, and so I asked him which university? He said that nobody had ever asked him this question and he would get back to me. The other assistant wasn’t really sure what a doctor was, or what a person had to do, or what process they needed to be titled a doctor.

On the Delta Trading Group website, Dr. Vance claims that he earned a PhD in organizational management. But there is no reference to which accredited university that Dr. Vance studied. He also claims that he is world renowned expert in Risk Homeostasis Theory and that his dissertation can be read at the University of Minnesota library. Next, I went to the University of Minnesota library and ran a search for any published articles by Dr. Vance Cast. No articles whatsoever. This left me confused and so I next called the library and asked if they could find any reference to this supposed dissertation. The librarian called me the next day and could find no reference to this person. Interesting.

There is also a link to read his dissertation at Hong Kong University, but the link, followed to its completion leads to only a blank page.

Next, my final search for this dissertation was by searching Google Scholar. Once again, no links to this ground breaking Phd material.


This whole question of having a Phd, and having his staff always refer to Vance as “The Doctor” of something fancy sounding got my imagination really working overtime. Wouldn’t it be cool if I got a PhD and started referring to myself as a doctor? Can you imagine the respect I would get if I added that to the end of my name and had all my of employees now refer to me as a doctor? What is the first thing when someone thinks when they hear “Doctor”? You think of someone really smart, educated, and well respected. But really, how difficult is it to be called a Doctor? Is there any special thing one must attain, from some accredited body?

Considering that our Doctor Vance Cast is offering a trading product, and since trading product vendors seems to attract the shadiest hustlers, I decided that I should find out exactly what it takes to get an official degree and now begin calling myself Doctor. And so I google searched, “Get a PhD Fast“. I was surprised at what I found. Apparently, there is a cottage industry of “Universities” that will issue a PhD based on life experience work. In a nutshell, a person writes an article about a topic of interest and then submits to one of these universities and they guarantee, for a fee, that you will have your PhD in only a few days. This appears to be the likely path of our newly appointed Dr. Vance Cast. Still dont believe how easy it is to get a PhD? Check out the story of Zoe the cat…a real house cat with mutiple Phd’s.

Why is this relevant? If I were to offer a trading room or a trading product, and if I also have an accompanying PhD in something titled, “Risk Homeostasis Theory and Auction Market Theory of Financial Markets” it certainly makes my product appear to be much more credible. The unwashed person could very easily be fooled into believing that I am an expert, and that verifying something like an actual trading record would be unnecessary due diligence. In fact, in speaking with several of Dr. Vance’s students, I asked them if they verified that he actually trades. The response was uniform in that each felt that since he was a doctor, that he must be credible and they didn’t need to verify because of the implied trustworthiness of his lofty title.

The Reverend Vance Cast

Apparently, being a doctor was not good enough for Vance Cast. He also needed to be a reverend. For only a small fee, a person can also be a fully ordained Reverend, which includes an official diploma and a badge. You can find our good Dr. Vance Cast’s listing at the First Church of Atheism. In my opinion, the good doctor should also include on the Delta Trading Group website that he is also a reverend. When I found this listing, it literally made me laugh hysterically.

Some Other Exploits Worthy Of Mention

Vance Cast is quite the showman. In addition to the current gig as trading guru, he also has done some other corny things. On his twitter page, he describes himself as a Best Selling Author (whatever that means), research analyst, and commercial pilot.  There is no mention of being a full time professional trader of 20 years. His last twit was November 2012, so I assume that this trading guru thing is a relatively new endeavor. If you run a search on Archive.Org, you will see that the DeltaTradingGroup website is about a year old.

In addition to the Delta Trading Group website, our good doctor/Reverend has promoted a few other projects:, where our good doctor will build you a website for only $24.95 each month., where the good doctor can show you how to promote trading products and make big bucks., a website that teaches the secrets of Forex trading., and, dating websites. You better ask the doctor personally about this craziness.

Once thing we can say for sure about Vance Cast, he is a great promoter with a long history of selling stuff.

The Crown Jewel Of Promotion

So how does Vance keep feeding his marketing machine? How is he able to generate new leads? AM radio. The following link is to a site titled The American Dream Radio Show. Vance has a pre-recorded, one hour show that is tailor made to appeal to the lowest of the low information consumer…AM radio listeners.

You can listen to the show, in its entirety here. The marketing is quite good. He does a great job of convincing folks that he is the real deal, and that becoming a full time professional day trader is super easy…if you only follow the advice of the good doctor.

The whole point of the show is to drive people into a free trial of his trading room.

The Delta Trading Room

First things first, this is not the average trading room that I typically encounter when writing a review. The Delta trading room typically lasts two hours each day. In total, I recorded 14 hours of video footage. Not once did I witness actual trading. What I did witness was a daily infomercial and promotion on how great Vance is, and how everyone is together and making money and reaching their dreams of a worry free, financially independent lifestyle. You know the pitch.

Essentially, each day was a repeat of the conversation from the prior day. No trading. But lots of talking. Vance can really talk. In fact, he spends the entire two hours each day talking and talking and talking. Telling us how great his software is, and how much money is made, and how easy it is, etc. How trading is about psychology and money management, etc. The usual platitudes that we commonly hear. But no trading. And certainly no track record.

Some of you reading this are probably wondering why I even bothered recording 14 hours of video, when it was quickly obvious that no actual trading was occurring. Well, the assistants kept assuring me that if I waited long enough, at some point I would definitely be watching some live trading. After 7 days of recording, I simply could not witness a single trade. Frustrating.

Of course, some of you might still be thirsty to consume some of the good Doctor’s magical trading elixir, and so I snipped out a portion of his endless rambling and produced the following video. He gets a little animated in this short clip.

Wrapping Things Up

So what exactly is the Delta Trading Group? In a nutshell, Vance Cast is very clever promoter. He attached the PhD to his name to sound really official and smart. Next he got an off the shelf trading platform and whipped up some custom trading indicators. Then, he had a one hour radio infomercial produced that runs nearly non stop to the most naive and low information purchaser….the AM radio listener. The entire goal is to drive traffic from the radio program into the daily trading room, which is just an infomercial.

There is no track record of any sort. The entire goal of Vance is to play the numbers and find those few naive suckers with little experience at trading, and are clueless about how most of these trading promoters work. He is not looking for the typical person that spends $200 a month for a trading room signal provider. He is looking for the poor rube that is driving his car, listening to AM radio, interested in listening to shallow stories of conspiracy theories and UFO sightings. This person is probably driving in his car, either to or from work, is probably blue collar with little hope of escaping the misery of the current rat race existence. They hear the radio show and imagine the cool elixir of a well worded hope cocktail, about how anyone can easily become a day trader and achieve the financial success that they have always hoped for. How they need to call now and get access to the live trading room, where Dr Vance will show them how to simply sit in front of a computer and trading dollars start magically appearing with the greatest of ease.

Of course, many of my readers know that this is all a fantasy.

A Personal Note To Vance Cast

Show me the money. Show me an account statement. I would love to be proven wrong and have to come back and grovel and apologize. And just imagine how many of my readers that will flock to your site to purchase your product, once you prove me wrong. Surely you will soon read this review and you are going to be pissed off to no end. You will want to sue me for defamation (like everyone else) and whatever else you can think of. So come here, onto TradingSchools.Org and talk to me. I am waiting. Ready to engage a brilliant doctor. Ready to debate the reality of your proposition.

But we know that you wont engage me. Because this means that you will be forced into showing trading performance, something you have intention of doing. Why? Because the truth is that you do not trade profitably. Delta Trading is a fantasy. These fantastic profits that you profess are just a smoke show, they are not real. Just like your mail order PhD.

Well that’s if for today. Another crummy trading product from yet another charlatan. Another guru with no proof, hiding behind a curtain of lies and deceit. Dont forget to leave your comments below. Seems like its been forever since I have written a positive review. Thanks for reading.

Delta Trading Group

Delta Trading Group
  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


Delta Trading Group is a set of ridiculously expensive trading indicators that cost $7,800 and $600 each month for accompanying trading room. There is absolutely no track record of success from the trading moderator. No live trades called in room. No published track record, moderator refuses to verify live trading results. The moderator prefers to be called a Doctor, but a Doctor or what? Appears to be a mail order PhD. A complete smoke show of trading nonsense that targets low information AM radio listeners. The trading room is a daily, two hour infomercial focused on selling, not trading.

User Review
2.56 (111 votes)
Comments Rating 5 (1 review)
Pros: Pretty good customer support. That's about it.
Cons: Trading room moderator is a fake PhD proclaiming that his trading indicators are the answer to all your money problems. No track record. Moderator refuses to verify personal trading results. A complete and total waste of time.

Today’s review is Delta Trading Group

What is Delta Trading Group? Delta Trading Group is an indicator package and trading room owned and moderated by Dr. Vance Cast. The cost of the indicators is a one time fee of $7,800, and the trading room has a monthly fee of $600. The indicators are programmed to work only on the Ensign charting platform.

Typically, when I am attempting to determine the effectiveness of a trading indicator, I like to see that the developer has developed an accompanying trading system that specifically uses the indicator. Every developer should be able to curve fit his indicator to work perfectly on past price data. Unfortunately, this developer never took this step, so there is no way to measure the effectiveness of his indicators. I consider this to be a major red flag. Most modern trading platforms have the ability to drop an indicator onto a chart and quickly back test. Apparently, Dr. Vance Cast feels that submitting his indicators to statistical analysis is not that important.

The next thing I look for is track record of trades from the indicator developer. It only makes sense that if the indicator developer has a positive trading track record using his own indicators, then I should at least have a chance of replication. However, Dr. Vance Cast provides no track record of any of his personal trades.

Finally, I look for a track record of the trades called in the live trading room. Simply put, where the moderator calls out a trade in demonstration of his software and then each trade is recorded. Over a period of time, usually a few weeks, we can determine whether the moderator’s trades are consistently profitable, and whether these trades are can be replicated. Once again, Dr Vance can provide no record of any trades called in his live trading room. There is simply no proof.

Calling Dr. Vance Cast

Next step was to call Dr. Vance himself, and speak with him about his indicators and how someone could verify the promises of “turning me into a full time professional trader”.  Unfortunately, the doctor was very busy and so I got to speak with both of his assistants, on two separate occasions. The first assistant explained that the doctor does not show any sort of trading verification, but if I attended the trading room, then I would be able to plainly see the brilliance of the doctor on full display.

The next guy I spoke with, I was a bit more aggressive regarding verifying Dr. Vance’s claims of being a full time professional trader for the past 20 years. Again, the next representative said that I should just watch Dr. Vance trade live and that I should talk to the other people in the trading room, and that they will all verify that Dr. Vance is indeed a master trader. I told him that all of this could be quickly alleviated, and that I was ready to send my $7,800 the very moment that Dr. Vance could show me that he is trading. I wasn’t asking for much, just a single month account statement showing that he trades, and that he made a net profit of at least one dollar. This simple request, the lowest of low bars was flatly denied. I found it amazing that he couldn’t even verify a single month, and yet he wanted me to send him $7,800 and pay $600 per month without even the smallest amount of verification.

A Closer Look At Dr. Vance

Vance Cast

Dr. Ridiculous Ego

One of things I found odd and highly annoying is how Vance and his assistants liberally use the title of “Doctor”. Both assistants always refer to him by “The Doctor” in nearly every sentence. They would toss out “The Doctor”, as if I were supposed to be impressed by such a lofty title. And so, I decided to do a little research into our “Doctor”. Just what sort of Doctor is he? From an accredited University? This really opened up a lot of questions and so I once again asked his assistants and requested more information. One of the assistants said that he was a doctor of psychology, and so I asked him which university? He said that nobody had ever asked him this question and he would get back to me. The other assistant wasn’t really sure what a doctor was, or what a person had to do, or what process they needed to be titled a doctor.

On the Delta Trading Group website, Dr. Vance claims that he earned a PhD in organizational management. But there is no reference to which accredited university that Dr. Vance studied. He also claims that he is world renowned expert in Risk Homeostasis Theory and that his dissertation can be read at the University of Minnesota library. Next, I went to the University of Minnesota library and ran a search for any published articles by Dr. Vance Cast. No articles whatsoever. This left me confused and so I next called the library and asked if they could find any reference to this supposed dissertation. The librarian called me the next day and could find no reference to this person. Interesting.

There is also a link to read his dissertation at Hong Kong University, but the link, followed to its completion leads to only a blank page.

Next, my final search for this dissertation was by searching Google Scholar. Once again, no links to this ground breaking Phd material.


This whole question of having a Phd, and having his staff always refer to Vance as “The Doctor” of something fancy sounding got my imagination really working overtime. Wouldn’t it be cool if I got a PhD and started referring to myself as a doctor? Can you imagine the respect I would get if I added that to the end of my name and had all my of employees now refer to me as a doctor? What is the first thing when someone thinks when they hear “Doctor”? You think of someone really smart, educated, and well respected. But really, how difficult is it to be called a Doctor? Is there any special thing one must attain, from some accredited body?

Considering that our Doctor Vance Cast is offering a trading product, and since trading product vendors seems to attract the shadiest hustlers, I decided that I should find out exactly what it takes to get an official degree and now begin calling myself Doctor. And so I google searched, “Get a PhD Fast“. I was surprised at what I found. Apparently, there is a cottage industry of “Universities” that will issue a PhD based on life experience work. In a nutshell, a person writes an article about a topic of interest and then submits to one of these universities and they guarantee, for a fee, that you will have your PhD in only a few days. This appears to be the likely path of our newly appointed Dr. Vance Cast. Still dont believe how easy it is to get a PhD? Check out the story of Zoe the cat…a real house cat with mutiple Phd’s.

Why is this relevant? If I were to offer a trading room or a trading product, and if I also have an accompanying PhD in something titled, “Risk Homeostasis Theory and Auction Market Theory of Financial Markets” it certainly makes my product appear to be much more credible. The unwashed person could very easily be fooled into believing that I am an expert, and that verifying something like an actual trading record would be unnecessary due diligence. In fact, in speaking with several of Dr. Vance’s students, I asked them if they verified that he actually trades. The response was uniform in that each felt that since he was a doctor, that he must be credible and they didn’t need to verify because of the implied trustworthiness of his lofty title.

The Reverend Vance Cast

Apparently, being a doctor was not good enough for Vance Cast. He also needed to be a reverend. For only a small fee, a person can also be a fully ordained Reverend, which includes an official diploma and a badge. You can find our good Dr. Vance Cast’s listing at the First Church of Atheism. In my opinion, the good doctor should also include on the Delta Trading Group website that he is also a reverend. When I found this listing, it literally made me laugh hysterically.

Some Other Exploits Worthy Of Mention

Vance Cast is quite the showman. In addition to the current gig as trading guru, he also has done some other corny things. On his twitter page, he describes himself as a Best Selling Author (whatever that means), research analyst, and commercial pilot.  There is no mention of being a full time professional trader of 20 years. His last twit was November 2012, so I assume that this trading guru thing is a relatively new endeavor. If you run a search on Archive.Org, you will see that the DeltaTradingGroup website is about a year old.

In addition to the Delta Trading Group website, our good doctor/Reverend has promoted a few other projects:, where our good doctor will build you a website for only $24.95 each month., where the good doctor can show you how to promote trading products and make big bucks., a website that teaches the secrets of Forex trading., and, dating websites. You better ask the doctor personally about this craziness.

Once thing we can say for sure about Vance Cast, he is a great promoter with a long history of selling stuff.

The Crown Jewel Of Promotion

So how does Vance keep feeding his marketing machine? How is he able to generate new leads? AM radio. The following link is to a site titled The American Dream Radio Show. Vance has a pre-recorded, one hour show that is tailor made to appeal to the lowest of the low information consumer…AM radio listeners.

You can listen to the show, in its entirety here. The marketing is quite good. He does a great job of convincing folks that he is the real deal, and that becoming a full time professional day trader is super easy…if you only follow the advice of the good doctor.

The whole point of the show is to drive people into a free trial of his trading room.

The Delta Trading Room

First things first, this is not the average trading room that I typically encounter when writing a review. The Delta trading room typically lasts two hours each day. In total, I recorded 14 hours of video footage. Not once did I witness actual trading. What I did witness was a daily infomercial and promotion on how great Vance is, and how everyone is together and making money and reaching their dreams of a worry free, financially independent lifestyle. You know the pitch.

Essentially, each day was a repeat of the conversation from the prior day. No trading. But lots of talking. Vance can really talk. In fact, he spends the entire two hours each day talking and talking and talking. Telling us how great his software is, and how much money is made, and how easy it is, etc. How trading is about psychology and money management, etc. The usual platitudes that we commonly hear. But no trading. And certainly no track record.

Some of you reading this are probably wondering why I even bothered recording 14 hours of video, when it was quickly obvious that no actual trading was occurring. Well, the assistants kept assuring me that if I waited long enough, at some point I would definitely be watching some live trading. After 7 days of recording, I simply could not witness a single trade. Frustrating.

Of course, some of you might still be thirsty to consume some of the good Doctor’s magical trading elixir, and so I snipped out a portion of his endless rambling and produced the following video. He gets a little animated in this short clip.

Wrapping Things Up

So what exactly is the Delta Trading Group? In a nutshell, Vance Cast is very clever promoter. He attached the PhD to his name to sound really official and smart. Next he got an off the shelf trading platform and whipped up some custom trading indicators. Then, he had a one hour radio infomercial produced that runs nearly non stop to the most naive and low information purchaser….the AM radio listener. The entire goal is to drive traffic from the radio program into the daily trading room, which is just an infomercial.

There is no track record of any sort. The entire goal of Vance is to play the numbers and find those few naive suckers with little experience at trading, and are clueless about how most of these trading promoters work. He is not looking for the typical person that spends $200 a month for a trading room signal provider. He is looking for the poor rube that is driving his car, listening to AM radio, interested in listening to shallow stories of conspiracy theories and UFO sightings. This person is probably driving in his car, either to or from work, is probably blue collar with little hope of escaping the misery of the current rat race existence. They hear the radio show and imagine the cool elixir of a well worded hope cocktail, about how anyone can easily become a day trader and achieve the financial success that they have always hoped for. How they need to call now and get access to the live trading room, where Dr Vance will show them how to simply sit in front of a computer and trading dollars start magically appearing with the greatest of ease.

Of course, many of my readers know that this is all a fantasy.

A Personal Note To Vance Cast

Show me the money. Show me an account statement. I would love to be proven wrong and have to come back and grovel and apologize. And just imagine how many of my readers that will flock to your site to purchase your product, once you prove me wrong. Surely you will soon read this review and you are going to be pissed off to no end. You will want to sue me for defamation (like everyone else) and whatever else you can think of. So come here, onto TradingSchools.Org and talk to me. I am waiting. Ready to engage a brilliant doctor. Ready to debate the reality of your proposition.

But we know that you wont engage me. Because this means that you will be forced into showing trading performance, something you have intention of doing. Why? Because the truth is that you do not trade profitably. Delta Trading is a fantasy. These fantastic profits that you profess are just a smoke show, they are not real. Just like your mail order PhD.

Well that’s if for today. Another crummy trading product from yet another charlatan. Another guru with no proof, hiding behind a curtain of lies and deceit. Dont forget to leave your comments below. Seems like its been forever since I have written a positive review. Thanks for reading.


  1. Bruce Hinds March 7, 2019
  2. Fred February 16, 2019
  3. Tony December 9, 2018
  4. christine k. November 26, 2018
    • Longshot November 26, 2018
    • Joe November 27, 2018
  5. small business November 22, 2018
  6. Longshot November 4, 2018
    • Emmett Moore November 4, 2018
      • Longshot November 5, 2018
        • Emmett Moore November 5, 2018
        • christine k.q November 25, 2018
        • Longshot November 25, 2018
  7. Jerry July 26, 2018
    • Joe July 26, 2018
  8. Carol Waltens June 17, 2018
  9. Michael May 18, 2018
  10. MARCIN LAMBRYCH May 9, 2018
  11. Bill December 16, 2017
  12. Bill December 16, 2017
  13. Jeremy D September 27, 2017
    • Emmett Moore September 27, 2017
  14. Patrick August 15, 2017
    • Emmett Moore August 15, 2017
  15. Doug Brown August 9, 2017
  16. Mike July 31, 2017
    • Joe August 4, 2017
  17. Joe May 30, 2017
  18. Brefay Lan March 11, 2017
    • Joe March 11, 2017
  19. B Brown August 27, 2016
    • Emmett Moore August 27, 2016
  20. Patrick S August 24, 2016
    • Emmett Moore August 25, 2016
    • avgdwner August 25, 2016
  21. Marissa August 22, 2016
  22. Jason Simmons August 17, 2016
  23. Scott W. July 6, 2016
  24. mike miller Portland June 18, 2016
    • Emmett Moore June 18, 2016
  25. Crooked Hillary June 6, 2016
    • Joe June 6, 2016
  26. david croft March 16, 2016
    • Emmett Moore March 17, 2016
  27. Jojo March 14, 2016
    • Emmett Moore March 14, 2016
  28. MeToo January 11, 2016
  29. Stephen January 2, 2016
    • Joe S. March 5, 2016
  30. Joe S December 21, 2015
  31. Steve December 9, 2015
  32. Jim December 8, 2015
    • Steve December 9, 2015
    • TJPH June 1, 2017
      • Emmett Moore June 1, 2017
      • Rob B June 1, 2017
        • dtchurn June 1, 2017
      • Joe June 1, 2017
  33. jj December 6, 2015
  34. jj December 6, 2015
  35. Neil December 5, 2015
    • Emmett Moore December 5, 2015
      • Greg December 30, 2015
        • Joe S January 4, 2016
  36. Sam November 24, 2015
  37. Tim November 24, 2015
    • Stray Dog November 24, 2015
      • Tim December 16, 2015
        • Rob B December 16, 2015
  38. Bob K November 2, 2015
  39. Bob Krumhansl November 1, 2015
  40. Chip October 7, 2015
    • Chip December 31, 2015
      • Emmett Moore December 31, 2015
      • Duped January 4, 2016
        • MeToo January 11, 2016
          • Chip August 6, 2016
  41. Dirk October 6, 2015
  42. Bob September 12, 2015
    • Lynn Hollings September 14, 2015
      • Emmett Moore September 14, 2015
        • Coy October 1, 2015
        • Marty October 3, 2015
      • bryce October 21, 2015
      • jj December 6, 2015
  43. Dirk September 10, 2015
  44. Tony September 9, 2015
  45. rob September 9, 2015
  46. Dirk Diggler September 3, 2015
  47. Joanne Higgins August 30, 2015
    • Joanne August 30, 2015
  48. Chad August 20, 2015
    • Damian August 25, 2015
      • Emmett Moore August 25, 2015
      • jacob September 25, 2015
        • Joe May 30, 2017
          • Rob B May 30, 2017
            • dtchurn May 31, 2017
          • Mike M May 30, 2017
      • Joe Black, Sr. January 11, 2016
    • Bill May 19, 2017
  49. Bill Grunnah August 16, 2015
    • Emmett Moore August 17, 2015
  50. Cindy July 30, 2015
  51. Todd M July 30, 2015
    • Emmett Moore July 30, 2015
    • Stray Dog July 31, 2015
  52. PhD Jojo, MBA July 30, 2015
  53. Sue July 30, 2015
    • Sue July 30, 2015
      • Emmett Moore July 30, 2015
        • Sue July 30, 2015
          • Sue July 31, 2015
          • Emmett Moore July 31, 2015
            • Bill May 19, 2017
              • Emmett Moore May 19, 2017
    • Joe Black, Sr. January 11, 2016
  54. mike c July 30, 2015
    • Emmett Moore July 30, 2015
  55. Tim July 30, 2015
    • Emmett Moore July 30, 2015
      • Barry March 2, 2017
    • Dirk October 15, 2015
    • Steve Jones November 2, 2015
    • Joe Black, Sr. January 11, 2016
  56. Sean July 28, 2015
  57. David C July 28, 2015
  58. mike July 28, 2015
    • Emmett Moore July 28, 2015
      • Tamio October 26, 2015
        • Joe Black, Sr. January 11, 2016
        • Jordan March 10, 2016
      • sam March 10, 2016
        • Shaun December 12, 2016
      • Chris Bryant April 28, 2016
        • Alan November 13, 2016
          • Jenness January 6, 2017
    • Edwin Richardson September 30, 2015