Delta Trading Group
Verified Trades
User Experience
Delta Trading Group is a set of ridiculously expensive trading indicators that cost $7,800 and $600 each month for accompanying trading room. There is absolutely no track record of success from the trading moderator. No live trades called in room. No published track record, moderator refuses to verify live trading results. The moderator prefers to be called a Doctor, but a Doctor or what? Appears to be a mail order PhD. A complete smoke show of trading nonsense that targets low information AM radio listeners. The trading room is a daily, two hour infomercial focused on selling, not trading.
User Review
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Today’s review is Delta Trading Group
What is Delta Trading Group? Delta Trading Group is an indicator package and trading room owned and moderated by Dr. Vance Cast. The cost of the indicators is a one time fee of $7,800, and the trading room has a monthly fee of $600. The indicators are programmed to work only on the Ensign charting platform.
Typically, when I am attempting to determine the effectiveness of a trading indicator, I like to see that the developer has developed an accompanying trading system that specifically uses the indicator. Every developer should be able to curve fit his indicator to work perfectly on past price data. Unfortunately, this developer never took this step, so there is no way to measure the effectiveness of his indicators. I consider this to be a major red flag. Most modern trading platforms have the ability to drop an indicator onto a chart and quickly back test. Apparently, Dr. Vance Cast feels that submitting his indicators to statistical analysis is not that important.
The next thing I look for is track record of trades from the indicator developer. It only makes sense that if the indicator developer has a positive trading track record using his own indicators, then I should at least have a chance of replication. However, Dr. Vance Cast provides no track record of any of his personal trades.
Finally, I look for a track record of the trades called in the live trading room. Simply put, where the moderator calls out a trade in demonstration of his software and then each trade is recorded. Over a period of time, usually a few weeks, we can determine whether the moderator’s trades are consistently profitable, and whether these trades are can be replicated. Once again, Dr Vance can provide no record of any trades called in his live trading room. There is simply no proof.
Calling Dr. Vance Cast
Next step was to call Dr. Vance himself, and speak with him about his indicators and how someone could verify the promises of “turning me into a full time professional trader”. Unfortunately, the doctor was very busy and so I got to speak with both of his assistants, on two separate occasions. The first assistant explained that the doctor does not show any sort of trading verification, but if I attended the trading room, then I would be able to plainly see the brilliance of the doctor on full display.
The next guy I spoke with, I was a bit more aggressive regarding verifying Dr. Vance’s claims of being a full time professional trader for the past 20 years. Again, the next representative said that I should just watch Dr. Vance trade live and that I should talk to the other people in the trading room, and that they will all verify that Dr. Vance is indeed a master trader. I told him that all of this could be quickly alleviated, and that I was ready to send my $7,800 the very moment that Dr. Vance could show me that he is trading. I wasn’t asking for much, just a single month account statement showing that he trades, and that he made a net profit of at least one dollar. This simple request, the lowest of low bars was flatly denied. I found it amazing that he couldn’t even verify a single month, and yet he wanted me to send him $7,800 and pay $600 per month without even the smallest amount of verification.
A Closer Look At Dr. Vance
One of things I found odd and highly annoying is how Vance and his assistants liberally use the title of “Doctor”. Both assistants always refer to him by “The Doctor” in nearly every sentence. They would toss out “The Doctor”, as if I were supposed to be impressed by such a lofty title. And so, I decided to do a little research into our “Doctor”. Just what sort of Doctor is he? From an accredited University? This really opened up a lot of questions and so I once again asked his assistants and requested more information. One of the assistants said that he was a doctor of psychology, and so I asked him which university? He said that nobody had ever asked him this question and he would get back to me. The other assistant wasn’t really sure what a doctor was, or what a person had to do, or what process they needed to be titled a doctor.
On the Delta Trading Group website, Dr. Vance claims that he earned a PhD in organizational management. But there is no reference to which accredited university that Dr. Vance studied. He also claims that he is world renowned expert in Risk Homeostasis Theory and that his dissertation can be read at the University of Minnesota library. Next, I went to the University of Minnesota library and ran a search for any published articles by Dr. Vance Cast. No articles whatsoever. This left me confused and so I next called the library and asked if they could find any reference to this supposed dissertation. The librarian called me the next day and could find no reference to this person. Interesting.
There is also a link to read his dissertation at Hong Kong University, but the link, followed to its completion leads to only a blank page.
Next, my final search for this dissertation was by searching Google Scholar. Once again, no links to this ground breaking Phd material.
This whole question of having a Phd, and having his staff always refer to Vance as “The Doctor” of something fancy sounding got my imagination really working overtime. Wouldn’t it be cool if I got a PhD and started referring to myself as a doctor? Can you imagine the respect I would get if I added that to the end of my name and had all my of employees now refer to me as a doctor? What is the first thing when someone thinks when they hear “Doctor”? You think of someone really smart, educated, and well respected. But really, how difficult is it to be called a Doctor? Is there any special thing one must attain, from some accredited body?
Considering that our Doctor Vance Cast is offering a trading product, and since trading product vendors seems to attract the shadiest hustlers, I decided that I should find out exactly what it takes to get an official degree and now begin calling myself Doctor. And so I google searched, “Get a PhD Fast“. I was surprised at what I found. Apparently, there is a cottage industry of “Universities” that will issue a PhD based on life experience work. In a nutshell, a person writes an article about a topic of interest and then submits to one of these universities and they guarantee, for a fee, that you will have your PhD in only a few days. This appears to be the likely path of our newly appointed Dr. Vance Cast. Still dont believe how easy it is to get a PhD? Check out the story of Zoe the cat…a real house cat with mutiple Phd’s.
Why is this relevant? If I were to offer a trading room or a trading product, and if I also have an accompanying PhD in something titled, “Risk Homeostasis Theory and Auction Market Theory of Financial Markets” it certainly makes my product appear to be much more credible. The unwashed person could very easily be fooled into believing that I am an expert, and that verifying something like an actual trading record would be unnecessary due diligence. In fact, in speaking with several of Dr. Vance’s students, I asked them if they verified that he actually trades. The response was uniform in that each felt that since he was a doctor, that he must be credible and they didn’t need to verify because of the implied trustworthiness of his lofty title.
The Reverend Vance Cast
Apparently, being a doctor was not good enough for Vance Cast. He also needed to be a reverend. For only a small fee, a person can also be a fully ordained Reverend, which includes an official diploma and a badge. You can find our good Dr. Vance Cast’s listing at the First Church of Atheism. In my opinion, the good doctor should also include on the Delta Trading Group website that he is also a reverend. When I found this listing, it literally made me laugh hysterically.
Some Other Exploits Worthy Of Mention
Vance Cast is quite the showman. In addition to the current gig as trading guru, he also has done some other corny things. On his twitter page, he describes himself as a Best Selling Author (whatever that means), research analyst, and commercial pilot. There is no mention of being a full time professional trader of 20 years. His last twit was November 2012, so I assume that this trading guru thing is a relatively new endeavor. If you run a search on Archive.Org, you will see that the DeltaTradingGroup website is about a year old.
In addition to the Delta Trading Group website, our good doctor/Reverend has promoted a few other projects:, where our good doctor will build you a website for only $24.95 each month., where the good doctor can show you how to promote trading products and make big bucks., a website that teaches the secrets of Forex trading., and, dating websites. You better ask the doctor personally about this craziness.
Once thing we can say for sure about Vance Cast, he is a great promoter with a long history of selling stuff.
The Crown Jewel Of Promotion
So how does Vance keep feeding his marketing machine? How is he able to generate new leads? AM radio. The following link is to a site titled The American Dream Radio Show. Vance has a pre-recorded, one hour show that is tailor made to appeal to the lowest of the low information consumer…AM radio listeners.
You can listen to the show, in its entirety here. The marketing is quite good. He does a great job of convincing folks that he is the real deal, and that becoming a full time professional day trader is super easy…if you only follow the advice of the good doctor.
The whole point of the show is to drive people into a free trial of his trading room.
The Delta Trading Room
First things first, this is not the average trading room that I typically encounter when writing a review. The Delta trading room typically lasts two hours each day. In total, I recorded 14 hours of video footage. Not once did I witness actual trading. What I did witness was a daily infomercial and promotion on how great Vance is, and how everyone is together and making money and reaching their dreams of a worry free, financially independent lifestyle. You know the pitch.
Essentially, each day was a repeat of the conversation from the prior day. No trading. But lots of talking. Vance can really talk. In fact, he spends the entire two hours each day talking and talking and talking. Telling us how great his software is, and how much money is made, and how easy it is, etc. How trading is about psychology and money management, etc. The usual platitudes that we commonly hear. But no trading. And certainly no track record.
Some of you reading this are probably wondering why I even bothered recording 14 hours of video, when it was quickly obvious that no actual trading was occurring. Well, the assistants kept assuring me that if I waited long enough, at some point I would definitely be watching some live trading. After 7 days of recording, I simply could not witness a single trade. Frustrating.
Of course, some of you might still be thirsty to consume some of the good Doctor’s magical trading elixir, and so I snipped out a portion of his endless rambling and produced the following video. He gets a little animated in this short clip.
Wrapping Things Up
So what exactly is the Delta Trading Group? In a nutshell, Vance Cast is very clever promoter. He attached the PhD to his name to sound really official and smart. Next he got an off the shelf trading platform and whipped up some custom trading indicators. Then, he had a one hour radio infomercial produced that runs nearly non stop to the most naive and low information purchaser….the AM radio listener. The entire goal is to drive traffic from the radio program into the daily trading room, which is just an infomercial.
There is no track record of any sort. The entire goal of Vance is to play the numbers and find those few naive suckers with little experience at trading, and are clueless about how most of these trading promoters work. He is not looking for the typical person that spends $200 a month for a trading room signal provider. He is looking for the poor rube that is driving his car, listening to AM radio, interested in listening to shallow stories of conspiracy theories and UFO sightings. This person is probably driving in his car, either to or from work, is probably blue collar with little hope of escaping the misery of the current rat race existence. They hear the radio show and imagine the cool elixir of a well worded hope cocktail, about how anyone can easily become a day trader and achieve the financial success that they have always hoped for. How they need to call now and get access to the live trading room, where Dr Vance will show them how to simply sit in front of a computer and trading dollars start magically appearing with the greatest of ease.
Of course, many of my readers know that this is all a fantasy.
A Personal Note To Vance Cast
Show me the money. Show me an account statement. I would love to be proven wrong and have to come back and grovel and apologize. And just imagine how many of my readers that will flock to your site to purchase your product, once you prove me wrong. Surely you will soon read this review and you are going to be pissed off to no end. You will want to sue me for defamation (like everyone else) and whatever else you can think of. So come here, onto TradingSchools.Org and talk to me. I am waiting. Ready to engage a brilliant doctor. Ready to debate the reality of your proposition.
But we know that you wont engage me. Because this means that you will be forced into showing trading performance, something you have intention of doing. Why? Because the truth is that you do not trade profitably. Delta Trading is a fantasy. These fantastic profits that you profess are just a smoke show, they are not real. Just like your mail order PhD.
Well that’s if for today. Another crummy trading product from yet another charlatan. Another guru with no proof, hiding behind a curtain of lies and deceit. Dont forget to leave your comments below. Seems like its been forever since I have written a positive review. Thanks for reading.
Wow, thanks so much Emmett. From the beginning it sounded too good to be true and when I couldn’t find any positive feed back on the internet, anywhere it really made me suspicious. Yes, as others have posted, it’s now the S&P 500 Futures Trading Group. Interesting show now on FM talk radio, I guess they’re coming up in the world. At least their prices are! After nice chats with reps and a free two day sit in on their trading group they then tell you it cost $9600 to attend their Academy. $600/mo for their Dues and an account for one contract to trade is $3000.
Their nice website design has zero information or feedback, then there is there FaceBook page. Where have you ever seen a FB page where there’s been ZERO action in a year and a half. Not only no action, but they claim over 2,000 followers and absolutely no conversation.
If Clifford Vance Cast claims to be a Commercial Pilot, there is no record of it in the FAA database. It shows that he’d received a Second Class Physical which is required to fly for hire, but any information on his actual licenses is referred to an FAA email address. Being an pilot myself, I requested the information from them. I’ll let you know what I find out.
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If you believe this is a scam, as I do, I encourage everyone to file complaints with the Arizona Securites Division and the Arizona Attorney General. I’ve, already, filed complaints, but, I encourage everyone who has lost money believing in this charade should do the same. I’ve, also, filed a complaint with the BBB in the state of Arizona. Bottom line. The trading signal is the only thing that matters. It doesn’t, remotely, work consistently enough to break even, let alone turn a profit. In my experience, it worked about 2 out of 10 trades. All those videos, workshops, boot camps are just smoke & mirrors. Anyone saying that Mr. Cast’s past credentials doesn’t matter is an idiot. No one in their right mind would’ve forked over 10 grand, knowing he was a twice convicted meth dealer. His partnership with Joseph Fusco aka Bobby Fusco, another known criminal is, also, very alarming.
Just heard this scam on Denver radio and called the number. They answered with S&P 500 trading. I wanted to see if it was for real or if it was a scam. Thanks for your heads up on this guy.
If someone wanted to learn and become a day trader, what would be a more reputable source. thank you so much for any input.
You won’t like this, but I’d learn a different skill online: selling on Amazon, blogging, affiliate sales, membership sites, running FB or Google ads for other businesses, etc. I experimented with short-term trading for years, and found nothing that was better than break-even for the retail trader. If you can work for a prop firm and do things like high-frequency trading, that may be different. But the odds are very much stacked against the stay-at-home small time trader. The people making all the money are doing the things I mentioned (internet marketing, membership sites, selling courses, etc).
If you don’t heed Longshot’s warning and still want to attempt daytrading, there’s plenty of free info out there. Investopedia has a lot of info. Tradingsim has a free blog with 1000% better educational info than you will find in what Mr. PhD (Prison has Degrees) Cast is peddling. Learn on your own and save the cost of a “guru” for your trading capital.
What’s up mates, how is the whole thing, and what you desire to say regarding this paragraph,
in my view its genuinely remarkable for me.
This is what your links now direct to:
He made a revenge write-up.
I had no real interest in buying his stuff (been burned multiple times going back to Ken Roberts’ book on “easy commodity trading” in the 1990s). However, they’re on a local station so I looked them up for fun. If there were simple patterns or indicators that were CONSISTENTLY profitable, the hedge funds and real algo traders would’ve discovered and exhausted them years ago. If this guy is for real, he can use Collective 2, Striker or a similar platform to show his real-time results. Until he does, don’t waste a dime on it. And don’t hold your break on audited 3rd party verification of his claims.
Hey, everyone gets an opinion. I put out some rough and tumble opinions, I better be able to take a few.
Ken Roberts? Oh man, that is old school. He used to have a brokerage in Grants Pass Oregon. Actually, it was more boiler room than brokerage.
Yep, that’s the guy. Great marketer–I’ll give him that. He’d mail these little books about how easy and profitable commodity trading was. It was written in a fun, folksy style, telling you about the 1-2-3 pattern that apparently no floor trader or hedge fund knew about. Of course you had to buy his $200 course to know the details, and when you did, there were no mechanical rules to test or trade.
Delta sounds similar. If they give mechanical rules, someone in their program could backtest it with software. However, they seem to appeal to non-traders who wouldn’t do that. And they can always make excuses (“you have to trade in a specific 2-hour period that changes weekly”).
Just curious, do you have any response to their claims about you?
“Trade in crayon,” said the doctor of stupid.
Maybe you can help. Yes, I have been trying to find info and came across your post. I heard them on my local radio but is using company name S&P 500 Futures Trading Group. How is he using both Delta Trading and S&P?
Christine, it appears to be the same. Both are based in Tucson and the guy in the picture looks like Vance.
They’ve probably set it up legally under several names. Why? I don’t know, but I’d guess they’re “diversifying.” If Delta gets a bad enough reputation or performs very poorly, they’ll switch to S&P 500 or vice versa.
Both groups claim to have “audited results,” but don’t post anything after 2015-2016.
I have no interest in them, but if I did, I’d demand to see full audited results since they started. It sounds like they only show that to paying members (and even then it may be shady, depending who audits it). Still, I wouldn’t pay a cent until I reviewed that.
I’m trying to research Delta Trading Group . I’d like to listen to the entire radio ad. When I click on your link, it directs me to a page that says, “Ooops! The page that you are looking for is no longer here.” By chance, do you have an audio file of the radio spot? If so, could you email it to me? Thank you!
What more research do you need to do? There’s plenty of information on his fraudulent background on this website. You will get nothing out of your membership. His “boot camp” is a fucking joke. His blue/green balls is nothing more than a pivot high/low that any trading platform has. Do yourself a favor and avoid at all cost. Since you still want to research them, you obviously haven’t seen this link: If you don’t care that his bio on his website is complete bullshit, well, go ahead and throw your money in the garbage. Don’t say didn’t warn you!
Thank you for doing all the leg work. I personally am one of those under educated lack of stock knowledge type of person who listens to Am radio and were considering furthering my knowledge in possible day trading, BUT I knew there was a catch so before I got involved, I looked for reviews to see if this was anything real. Your sight answered all my questions, I have loss no time or money and I can go back to my normal work and now enjoy it more for what it is worth. Thank you
Thank goodness for your review! After caring for mom and her recent passing, I would have gullible enough to fall for this as I seek to have time to serve others.
Thank you
Thanks for the warning, Emmett! Great review. I’m very disappointed that my local Radio station would promote this crap. Poor reflection on them.
Thank you for the great information, Emmett. I happened to listen in to the radio commercial the other day and received their pitch. Thanks for the heads up and warning!
Wondering if this site “” is an offshoot of delta trading group, or a re-packaging of the same stuff… It looks very similar, with similar fees. Thanks.
Yes, that site has been around for over a year. Actually pretty nice design!
Its the same old Vance. I wonder if he is still calling himself a doctor? Need to get my butthole examined.
I have been in this group for over two years, and the comments above are incorrect. Mr. Cast does show the group moderated track record of all trades year to date, he does call trades, and loses trades like anyone else in front of you. It has never been different, and I do make a living off of it. Managed to quit my job, and go full time with this. Granted it is not an overnight deal, but you can be very profitable if you follow the rules. I don’t care who you trade with. An emotional trader is his own worst enemy. It is about risk vs. reward, and money management. As far as the cost? Nothing compared to OTA. I met a trader that came from there and spent $19,000 and has very limited results. So for $7900. It’s a steal. The Bootcamp is an awesome education, and you should go through it a few times before trading real money. I go back to it from time to time to refresh myself, and keep my head on straight. Also I couldn’t care less what someones past is, as long as they are trying to redeem themselves. If it is even true. Dr Cast does have a PHD, and have seen it in person. I challenge anyone to sit in and try to verify any of the statement made here. My life has never been better since I joined, and yes, I blew out my account the first run through! Adrenaline I got back on the horse, and he put me on a trading diet for a month, and since then never looked back..
Hi Patrick,
Thanks for commenting. Glad to read that things are working out for you.
1. I really don’t care about Cast’s past life as a criminal. Both him and myself are former inmates. So, I thank you for giving both of us a chance at redemption. Thats the beauty of financial markets. They dont care where you came from.
2. Cast’s PhD is pure baloney. As worthless as wet toilet paper at a music festival.
3. Cast should post account statements on his website. Be transparent. Turn the cards over and let the chips fall where they may.
Maybe you can talk him into being transparent. I certainly have no problem writing a new review.
Truly, I wish you the best.
Thank you for the insight. Heard it on the radio, and in doing my DD I’ve gotten interested in day trading, but I figured it had to be too good to be true. I hope I can find some alternatives for education, charting and trading tools that are not a sham.
One of Delta’s videos on Vimeo stated that they were “RISK ADVERSE”, if you can believe it. That confirms your review by poking a hot stick in the eye of Dr. Vance’s organization. If they are as smart as they claim, they should have english comprehension at a college level at least. Anyone with a legit doctorial degree should know the difference between adverse and averse. I had signed up for their free trading room demo, but after this 15 minute search, and seeing photos of the Dr. with his leather coat and Rolls Royce I cancelled the appointment. I guess I’m just risk adverse.
Mike, I think he still uses prison lingo. His website is a jumbled mess of grammatical errors and bullshit. You should’ve done the free demo and called him out in the chat to see how long it took him to shut you down and clear the screen.
BTW, that’s a nice house Ensign Software (his go-to charting company) is run out of. Been in business since 1981 and still operating out of a house (if that’s their real business address)?
I am sorry, but looking at all the comments, it looks like this review is mainly to gain web Clicks and thus get people to come here.
Listening to the good Drs show now. Fm by the way. Sadness. Think of it…. he is a multi-millionaire from the monthly fees alone. Surely hes got a nice tax shelter set up to keep all that free money tax free to invest in other money making assets to grow and pass on to his next generation.
Research this turd and you’ll find all kinds of bullshit companies he has or had. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t back in the meth game. Hell, his first incarceration didn’t stop him, why would the second? Maybe dealing this bullshit pays just as well and it’s even legal (ethical? Not a chance).
“appeal to the lowest of the low information consumer…AM radio listeners.”
AM radio listeners are the most informed audience out there. The FM crowd and internet social media crowd cant tell you much more than the headline catch phrases.
Remember it was the AM radio listener who coined the phrase low information voter.
I have a secret. I listen to AM radio shows. Its like candy.
Very well written and enjoyable to read article. Thanks for the knowledge, Emmitt.
I heard the radio pitch this past weekend while driving… and while I was never seriously draw in, I did keep listening and day dream a little.
When you work two jobs and seem to run the rat race non-stop… it’s a seductive idea. “Work 2 to 4 hours per day and make more $$$ than you do now!” That would be something, wouldn’t it?
Not surprised at all to learn it is a scam. Ce la vie. Back to rat race… 😉
Clifford is great at selling the dream. He prefers to be call Vance, The Doctor, Doc, or Dr. Cast. I prefer Clifford.
While it’s true many of those who listen to coast to coast AM and those who call often sound like uneducated hicks, there’s plenty of folk who listen to AM radio for news and discussion and are able to take shows like coasttocoast as entertainment. I hadn’t heard the hour long commercial, but there have been half minute commercials I’ve heard in the car in the past that sell the day trading dream such as touting shorting downmarkets like it was a novel idea. Vancecast has been pretty acerbic in other forums. And so was Adams who went down flaming after being exposed as a shim shammer. btw. MTPredictor guy also said he “started” trading “live” “earlier” this year after many years of devoting his business to “customer support”. what a fraudulent riot.
i passed on the Delta Traders after some due diligence research on the good “Dr.” i too was dismayed by the negative comments on Am listeners, I am an RN PhD. Anyone looked into J. Rickards Impact Trading?
Don’t make the mistake of dealing with Vance Cast and Delta Trading Group. They’re a bunch of scammers who are only after your money. They don’t even have license.
Emmett: not sure if you heard but it appears Joey Fusco is back and working on his own now with his own scam: Quaestus Trading. Just turn on your computer and walk away…it does all the trading for you. He’s targeting directly to Delta members so I guess he and “Doc” had a falling out.
I think it,s funny all you people posting comments on here when none of you really know everything about day trading I been trading for 20 years and I think you guys are weak and pussy’s
Thanks for the comment. I like it. Sure, I am critical of Cast. But I am just as critical of myself.
Best of luck. Hope to read more of your comments in the future.
Looks like this site is having a negative effect on Dr Vance’s Scam sales.
Received this in my mailbox today:
Change your life for Father’s Day, and get the gift that keeps on giving — a membership with the most professional trading group in the world: Delta Trading Group. 100% Transparency and 100% Track record of trades.
We are giving you over 60% discount, with special stipulations that will help us document our group’s success. Because of your participation in this special program, you will have a couple benefits beyond your huge discount: 1) a higher than usual level of access to your mentor, 2) Special private consultations with your mentor outside the Live Trading Room.
Because this offer is only given to a few individuals from our radio marketing, you can only get this deal with YOUR Certificate Number: [10802].
Strict Offer Deadline: You must join before June 19th, 2016.
Membership Offer
Base Price: $2,495.00 (Boot Camp)
Monthly Live Trading Sessions: $290.00
(Payments will start August 15th, 2016)
Special Stipulations
To participate in this program you must provide three progressive testimonials, Good or Bad. Don’t worry, we will help you and it will be fun.
1: An evaluation of Delta Trading Group one week after finishing the Academy.
2: An evaluation of Delta Trading Group once you have built a track record, and are ready to go live.
3: An evaluation of Delta Trading Group once you have been trading live money for a month.
Your participation will make you a better trader, and help document the average progression of our outstanding training.
Please call your representative at the number below, or Kim at 888-959-4004 Ext 501.
Administrative Dept A2
Toll Free: 888-959-4004 Ext 101
— Trading Simplified —
Toll Free: 888-959-4004
Ext 101– Administrative / Call Center
Ext 4 – Technical Support
Ext 501 – Accounting Department / Member Support
ENSIGN Charting & Chat Software
TransAct Futures Live Market Data-Feed
Academy of Trading
It looks like they’ve removed the “Dr.’s” bio from their website as well. Now that his REAL background is known, probably not a good idea to tie such a bullshit bio to his company. They’re also promoting some WSOP crap now too. Anyone thinking of joining DTG would be better served using that money to actually enter themselves in the WSOP. Two thumbs down for Delta Trading Group.
First, Am radio listeners are generally more informed that the general public. You have to be pretty low informed to not see that. But its like anything else, the vast majority of humans cant sort the facts from the lies. Global warming/ climate change is a great example. Half the people are gullible enough to fall for clearly doctored data and use it as justification to run the lives of others. Then you have the other half who take that doctored data and proclaim it as proof that humans have absolutely no effect on the planet. Bother sides are “informed” and both are entirely wrong.
Second, DTG can turn you into a successful day trader. But that is like saying the lottery can make you a millionaire. The primary problem I saw is that DTG purposely handicaps you. This is done by forcing you to follow the ‘DELTAS’ as opposed to watching market trends. this effectively forces you to lose out on several money making opportunities. It also encourages you to continue paying $600 a month for the live trading. Live trading that, in my opinion, only benefits their bank account and your fetish for getting yelled at.
Also, using their system I have made much more money trading outside their live hours than during their live hours. With them I was initially making around $75 a week for about six months. When I switched to my own chosen times I was making around $200 a week. So the system can work.
None of this means I endorse DTG. in my opinion you should not join DTG unless you an an extra $20,000 to just throw away on top of the initial $11,000 to get started. Being successful with DTG will be long and agonizing. Also the return on investment will be painfully poor. A much better option would be to take that $31,000 and begin to invest in real estate. Perhaps a nice flip or duplex. Any real estate deal, so long as it is profitable, Will yield better returns than can be made with DTG.
FYI, I am a prolific AM radio listener. I am convinced it has made me dumber. Lol. But thats just me.
Here is one for the record books. I’m settling the estate of my intelligent funny but unfortunately am radio junkie friend who got hooked into almost everything the predators advertise on these stations..They know who their prey are….. I found the $4500 entry she sent to Delta Trading Group in Dec 2014. i’m sure she never did anything with it- she was also hooked by the IPX Arizona Real Estate scam.. Take ALL your IRA money out and buy our “investment” properties for full market price after we have bought them for cheap and rehabbed them- then sell them back to you! And manage the properties for you! AND loan you the money at 9% interest after you put down $50000 on each property- OH- AND then foreclose on the properties as soon as you find out your client has dropped dead of a heart attack from the stress of realizing they have just lost most of their retirement money. It’s depressing exposing these scammers so I laud you for making the effort.
Wow, what a depressing story. Glad you wrote about what happened. I get these types of emails about the “Dr” quite often. Fortunately, word is starting to get out and I believe i am making a dent in his business. The problem with the truth is that a lie has made it half way around the world before the truth gets one leg inside of a pant leg. I think Mark Twain came up with that.
So whatever happened to the Delta Group that was using Meetup ? There off the site and not explanations……….
They clearly violated the “Respect & Honesty” section:
Great article Emmett. Thought you might be interested in the actual link to the Hong Kong University Library dissertation on “Risk homeostasis” by Dr. Clifford Vance Cast that you mentioned in your article. The link is It only gives a summary of the article and it has nothing to do with Risk homeostasis in trading. Rather it concerns itself with…”risk homeostasis theory, technology, and aviation.” I attempted to access the full paper but it’s in a restricted area available to students, faculty and alumni only. Keep up the excellent work!
He probably plagiarized Gerald J.S. Wilde anyway. Clifford is so full of shit he probably believes (as well as his followers) the crap that comes out of his mouth.
What? More scam involvement for the Delta Trading Group crew (under “Wrapping Things Up” in the above review)? Yet another log on the fire for these 2 turds.
Emmet, I am a member of delta for around 19 months now and I want to see if I can discuss your review. However first just so you know I do not work for vance so I am not going to sugar coat anything and some of your thoughts do have some validity. The only thing there is the ones that arguably do have some accuracy at the end of the day are trivial. Not disrespect intended. The bottom line is the style of trading he teaches does work. But the rules need to be followed and quite honestly they aren’t easy to follow mentally and that’s why he spends so much time on the mental aspect of trading. But all of this aside for a moment, let me ask you. What will it take for you to re evaluate our group? I have a little over 3300 individual trades tracked since early January that I can send, it’s a one page excel spreadsheet and I also have my broker statements. The track record is verifiable with Ensign and of course the broker statements speak for themselves. Now I personally did not take anywhere near all of the trades in the track record simply because I wasn’t ready. I needed to learn more and not get ahead of myself and it has paid off. One thing I learned about getting into a new business with no experience. You learn the hard way and by the time you know the industry you are broke. So I needed to take it slow. The track record shows about 550 points so far this year and I personally have 120 since april. I would be happy to discuss in more detail if you want and see if maybe you can reconsider your review based on some real information, thanks for your time
I did some research earlier this year and everything looked great. So I joined, I’m probably down 10K, thank god I decided to stop when I did. I always laughed at people that took the bait on stuff like this, I won’t any longer. I’m not naive, elderly or stupid, but I did have a few dumb months. I’ve been wondering if there is a way to get my money back for the joining? I think they say you are buying software, which is a bunch of crap, I’m in the software business and I can tell you that it wasn’t software that I bought. What I find the most disturbing is that Cast presents himself as someone he’s not. Some do make some money, however a lot keep losing it and keep trying. They then get embarrassed and keep there mouth shut, well I’m not.
Everyone loses at first. I lost almost 5k in trading right off the bat. The reason you lose is you do not stay in for the full 4 points on the winning trades . Bottom line if you take all of the signals with the trend on the 5 minute chart, even if it isn’t trending necessarily you will make money. It needs to be looked at on a weekly basis. And you will average around 15 points per week if you do it right. My track record for 2015 is around 30 trades per week currently 48 pct winners and 530 points, 26k profit on one contract and 5k in comission net 21k . If I took out premium trades it would be much better but all of the signals takes no analysis pretty much whatsoever. Day trading your own money is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. And I am still not anywhere near where I want to be and quite honestly I don’t know if I will ever get there but I am doing much better by sticking to it and staying in for my full 4 points on the winners
I haven’t joined but am considering. One of those considerations is all those silent, embarrassed people who have lost money. I ask this is in a noncritical manner — I just want information: do you believe that you stuck to the formula correctly, stuck to the suggested 4 hours a day, and spent the necessary time in the beginning learning the materials? Do you think that day trading is not for you regardless of the system?
I joined MLMs years ago and met a small number of people who did very well. My wife and I did well for a while but had costly setbacks, then decided it was not for us. I do believe if we had stuck to their programs, we would have been successful. However, we discovered the hard way that all the nuances of the MLM programs did not fit our values, personalities, and lifestyle; not to mention that the lure for most of them excludes mentioning a lot of costs in time, money, and personal relationships. Do you think that you might have had a similar experience with Delta or that it is just a bad product?
You should judge Delta Trading on the verified performance of Vance Cast. Request account statements for the past several months. This is all that really matters. If he can trade and he verifies it, then whom cares about his past.
Use caution, common sense, and never risk any money that cannot afford to lose.
“I just want information: do you believe that you stuck to the formula correctly, stuck to the suggested 4 hours a day, and spent the necessary time in the beginning learning the materials? ”
How many times have I heard this and frankly I believed it once. So desperate to believe in the fantasy who cared about reality. Don’t you think if it was possible to do what this con artist claims he would show Emmett proof of this profitable trading and get a 5 star review. If he can not trade his own BS system profitable I can guaranty you will not. These scammers feed off people desperate to believe and who don’t demand to see real evidence to back up the claims. Don’t be the sucker, demand proof of this claims. Real Proof. And I can already tell you, you aint going to get any. Its all a scam. Sorry!
Just another shill popping up again after the spotlight has moved on thinking new dupes reading about scam Vance to have the slightist daydream of faux hope it’s not a scam. Exactly RobB, the wised up readership and commenters have believed in the past done their own research after being duped and scammed themselves, but have woken up. Most stay silent about it. But I bet the majority who have been through enough churn knows better. The past 6 months of fraud after fraud exposed here on ts who have never traded live, or have long stopped their live & losing trading since they could procure a monthly churn should be more than enough proof about this whole cesspool trading “education” industry for those can wise up quickly to the fraudulent evidence. Yes, most will probably try out a sham churn here and there, hopefully relatively on trial and cheaper shams. We’ve all done it. But eventually the truth about these shashowss will be learned for good.
So, you don’t care that the life/qualifications he portrays to his members is a complete fraud? You won’t learn anything from his joke of a “boot camp” that you probably don’t already know. You will get nothing for the $7800 and $600 per month. If you sat in on the free sessions, you already have his system and “indicators”. Try it out on a sim (and not the bullshit ensign crap), or just look back at a 5 min ES chart. Then, if you think it’s profitable, fund your futures account with the money you would have thrown in the garbage joining and pretend you are already making $600 per month not paying for his bullshit trading room.
what vacation spot did the good DR spend his prison time in?
thanks for the heads up-you did basic research and found holes. You are right -show me the money -performance data
thanks again
Thanks for the review. You probably saved me thousands. I am one that thought it was too good to be true. I found your review after doing a google search on Delta Trading. I thought it had to be a scam, but wanted to make sure. I’m glad I didn’t sit through hours of the Dr. telling me how great he is. His add’s started running in the Salt Lake Area on KSL radio. The Dr. came on welcoming KSL listeners to the show and said he was alumni of BYU. Interesting that Utah County is the White Collar Crime capital of the world. (ok that’s just my opinion)
18 of the last 22 years in prison. Two separate convictions for drug trafficking. Fake Dr. The list is long and ridiculous. Yet people fall for it. Amazing really.
Hello Emmett,
Can you substantiate he spent 18 of the last 22 years in prison for trafficking drugs? How did he spend 20 years as a professional trader and writing systems for the big wall street firms? This is very scary!!
It’s already been substantiated here: (download the excel and search, notice the birth date and the name above his as well if you need verification that it’s him)
It’s simple: Doctor, pilot, Army service, “best selling author”, “mentor” at Ensign, over 2 decades working with trading professionals, and all the other bullshit he claims to be = credibility to gain your trust and money.
Imagine how many people would buy his crap if these were his listed credentials: Professional drug trafficker twice (I’m not a quitter!). Spent half of adult life behind bars authoring children’s books, attaining fake PhD, mentoring other inmates on how to obtain a fake PhD , reading aviation books since the FAA probably won’t give a convicted drug trafficker a pilots license, trading cigarettes for favors. I now do very little trading, but, my members keep me financed with a lavish lifestyle, and on and on with the REAL credentials.
If you had the background (okay, I exaggerated on the cigarettes part…..maybe) he has, you would lie about your credentials too.
And hopefully Sykes’ also gets known for their 98% canned reviews by vendors.
The beauty of Doc’s system is its simplicity! Its not about the trade signal and lots of complicated indicators. Its about risk management and making money!
Looking forward to seeing your brokerage statements to back up your claims Tim.
Emmet, Stray Dog, Joe, you know what I never thought I would say this but you guys are right. After being a member for a year I have realized this group way over exaggerates the profitability of their trade signal. There are many weeks and even some months where following the system will loose you money. I still don’t really care about Doc’s shady past but what I do have a problem with, that has taken me a long time to realize is that the trade signal is not consistent enough. And it also seems more expensive than many other groups. I think very very few people in the group are actually consistently making money. Joe sorry for saying you were full of crap. You guys were right I was wrong. Now I will join another group so I can really start making money consistently!
Congratulations on waking up and seeing what a scam this trading room is.
But, “Now I will join another group so I can really start making money consistently!” Really?
99% of these trading room teach BS that cannot be traded profitably by anyone. They are basically a black hole sucking in underfunded clueless traders telling them how they can trade futures with a $5,000 account. You have a better chance of making money playing the lottery.
There is an old saying fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on you. Before you join another trading room or send money to another educator at a minimum I hope you:
1) Demand they show a DOM,
2) Demand they make clear trading calls, and
3) Demand they keep accurate records of their trade results, notice the word accurate.
This will be hard to find as this trading room is not the exception but the norm in this industry. They sell BS crap that cannot be traded profitably that is why they never show their DOM or any proof they or anyone can trade their method profitably But their is always the blind faith Kool-Aid drinkers out there. And they seem to find them and separate them from their hard earned money. Try not to be one of them.
Emmett – I thought your request was for a full name and you abbreviated the last name. Could you edit my Name in yesterdays comment to Bob K. if possible? And thanks for your site. Great analysis.
Heard Deltas spiel on the AM car radio Saturday morning. Being a learner using VectorVest, a great Stat platform, but spotty in its record of nailing past calls, and atrcious in this years short term up and down sideways movement market, I was curious a out a guaranted can’t lose system. Found your review online. THANK YOU.It’s so tempting to find an easy way to financial freedom. $7600 and hundreds a month???!!! Interesting that the few Delta orks comments are as vague as the infomercials. How about these guys stating how much they paid in Income Tzxes since joining instead of I make 12 points consistently! If I net $100 a month, I,’ll never catch up to my investment.
It appears the former grant writer fraud man, Bobby Fusco (Joseph F) and the Ex Con, and so called “Doctor”, Vance Cast, were very clever in how they set Delta Trading Group up so it appears that they don’t fall under any of the state and federal security regulations.
but I think I will file a complaint to the Arizona Securities Division anyway
3 months after filing complaints with BBB and Arizona Attorney General and disputing charges on my credit card. Someone called me DTG called me and said they would give me a refund.
Wow, a modern day miracle.
Hi Chip,
So I would also like to get my money back. I gave money at the beginning of this charade and have not traded for a year with Delta. Can I reach you to discuss how you went about this.
Thank you
Hey Duped, I got duped also and maybe if we all get together and make a stink we can try getting our money back. What really pisses me off is all the lies regarding PhD etc……(Feeling stupid)
I sent a an email to the Arizona BBB basically stating the scam. I disputed the charge on my credit card also. They finally let the dispute time elapse.
I know, right? The nerve of people doing their due diligence. I haven’t seen any attacks on the guy. Just the facts ma’am. >>>
This guy’s radio infomercial showed up on a local, normally (sort of..) reputable AM station in Salt Lake City today. It pegged my BS meter. At the end of the hour, “The Doctor” said that he was “a BYU alumni” (not alumnus, which would’ve been proper). More BS? Affinity fraud is huge in these parts…
I have been a Delta Member for 10 months now. The Delta trading system is a fabulous tools for new traders to be able to learn to trade without waiting and learning for many years. Many members have done playback for several years of testing his system and it WORKS !! Vance Cast is and excellent teacher and mentor, an assets to the trading community ! (that has for many years had a bad wrap )
Shame on you for attacking Mr. Cast through a google searches
As far as the cost to join ! Minimal compared to starting your own business.
By the way most people in the session are live traders not on Sim.
Happy Delta Trader for Life !!
Thanks for the comment. Glad its working out for you.
How do I get in contact with you?
You can reach me directly at
Thanks for the review here. I listened to this dog and pony show on the radio today, btw, FM radio and the first thing I did was this review.
MD (Mayberry Deputy)
The guy is an Ex- Con with a phony PHD! Hellllo?! **knocking on your cranium** Is anyone home?
look forward to your performance record-talk is cheap
If he is misrepresenting himself, wouldn’t that create a civil liability since it has resulted in pecuniary loss to, I would think, at least some of his members? I imagine his “qualifications” have led a lot of people to join his group. Same experience as Tony. Only sat in 2 sessions a few months back. When he did trade live money, he didn’t follow his system, he adjusted stops. He did do a lot of talking about his “qualifications”. Disclaimer: The following statements are assuming nobody else has the same name and DOB as him. After researching him thoroughly (thanks to Emmett’s reviews), his timeline (prison time) for those “qualifications” in his bios don’t add up. Just speculating that he authored books, received his PhD and MBA in prison, but, pilot and over 20 years working with traders? That’s stretching it. I don’t have a lot of experience, but, the system did appear to work. My concern is his misrepresentation of himself to gain credibility.
My experiences in the Delta Trading Group were exactly the same as yours. I was in there 7 different times and he repeated the same presentation each day. He did 3 trades during that whole time, one loss 1 tick, one made one tick and the 3rd one did make 8 ticks. But it was very obvious that he did not trade the system himself since he professed that the 1st two hours were the best trading hours. Yet, all he did was talk during those two hours. From what I could tell, most people in the room were on simulators (thank God) going on 3 months or more. I assumed that they weren’t making any money in sim and its such an easy “system”. I felt sorry for them being snookered by such a fake. I did call a Joseph who is supposed to be a Director, and he answered with a cautious “hello” as if I was a bill collector calling…no company name or how can I help you. He did claim to have made $5000 in the previous week…lol…what a joke I told him as I hung up. You nailed it perfectly.
Thank you Emmett. I’m embarrased to admit it but I was nibblin’ away at that bait! We all want the dream…
After reading your update on this guy, I did about 30 minutes of Googling myself. If you’re doing your DD on joining, or a member of his group, you really need to Google him or do a paid background check. His bio leaves out the details of the many years of incarceration. If you don’t trust Emmett’s review and update, check it out for yourself.
Love this review and thw support of his employees. I heard this on the radio yesterday while I was humorist myself with a.m. radio. Bottom line IMO:
-if it sounds too good to be true, it’s too good to be true.
-The only people who will get rich on these scams, are the scammers. Don’t be a scammee with these folks aggressive marketing.
-these people prey on those that want easy $. They use all the key words and pretend to be transparent in their “talk show.” This may fool people who think this is not a paid advertisement. Do you know how much an hour of radio costs? Paid in full by suckers.
-When scammers don’t mention costs and use only the terms “moderate” “investment in your future” “easy to learn” – it’s anything but.
-it’s A.M. – if you believe anything Rush says who proclaims to know and speak the truth, then join and buy that bridge too.
Definitely have learned my lesson with the like of these fast talking folks.
Yikes – Sorry for typos 🙁
…and don’t forget about Vance’s alter-ego: his lead goon “Tony Foxmann”. This is the name of the guy that typically rides into to the rescue from somewhere out in cyberspace anytime The Doctor is being attacked. “Tony’s” email threats and tantrums are classic and often thousands of words long.
…and the best part of all is that “Tony Foxmann” is actually Vance himself!
I’ve been a member of Delta Trading Group for 10 months. I’ve participated in the daily webinars and have seen Dr. Vance trade at least once a day for 6 months. I don’t participate in the webinar anymore because I don’t need to. The program works. I now make $250-$1000 a week, and, this is the first time I’ve ever day traded.
Like other comments, his system needs to be followed to a T! If followed, it works.
Ok, thanks for the comment!
So, if you don’t mind sharing, what is the size of your brokerage account that you trade with to bring in 250-1000 a week and how many contracts are you trading at a time?
The normal funding amount is $3000.00, and the trades are using 1 contract on each trade. The normal trade is goes for a Gain of 4 pts ($200) and a loss of ($150), so, on average you go up when you follow the rules. As an example a lot of the members made 4 points today or a Profit of $200. Now, if you make that every day, you can work out the calculations.
“Now, if you make that every day, you can work out the calculations.”
Yea in a complete BS fantasy world. Joe, don’t you think folks here are sick of listening to the lies. I would say have the TR or yourself show proof of your claims, but I already know you cannot do it.
All I can say is at this point anyone that has read this blog knows this whole industry is nothing but con artist. I cannot image anyone being dump enough to believe your unsubstantiated claims.
“normal funding account” is 3k. The sham vendor desperation you are shilling for, “Joe”, just seeps out. It’s more like he’s not getting enough 3k “package” sales from churned dupes anymore thanks to retailers wising up to the sham industry.
OMG please read the review and the comments about this website before you waste your time and money.
May I ask on what amount of principle are you making that amount of money? What is your Percent of Return? is the crooked fake doctors new website
I have been a member for almost 8 months. Above and beyond what you have written, check out Joseph Fusco. He lead a scam that offered to get grants for small businesses until he got shut down. He also goes by Bobby Fusco. His scam never got anybody the grants they were promised, but Delta’s business model is almost an exact duplicate. At Delta, they don’t use his last name, but just call him Joseph. It would not surprise me at all if Cast is just operating as a front man for Fusco.
Yep, I know all about Fusco. A real turd. A long history of petty scams. Only reason I didnt drag him into the review is because he has had a marginal participation at Avenge Software. He used to be a freelance promoter for that company, I didn’t want to sully Avenge.
Thanks for the review, Unfortunately, they sound even worse than I imagined. It is still fun to listen to their radio ads though….
Dear Emmitt,
I just wanted to comment on your review. Yes I’m a little biased, because I’m a Delta member, but I’m always interested in an honest review. I search for them often when doing business online. The problem I have, is that this appears to be more of a personal attack piece than a review. When you take this approach, I have to question your motives. Why not address Doc’s methodology and which part of it you disagree with? Or how you believe his never ending attempt to teach us money management is leading us astray? This seems to be the world we live in. If you can’t discredit someone’s ideas then you attack their character. I don’t care if the man went to Clown College, skips to work and wears a bumble bee outfit while he broadcasts every morning! I wanted to learn to trade and all I cared about was whether or not Doctor Vance would be able to teach me. I can say without hesitation, the answer is yes. I was one of those very uninformed listeners you refer to. Before joining Delta at the end of Feb this year, I didn’t know what a candle stick chart, much less a doji was. I went live a little over 3 months ago. I struggled a little at first, but over the last 10 weeks, I’ve averaged almost 12 points a week. I really don’t have a frame of reference to know how my results stack up, because this is my only experience with trading, but I am a very happy customer. If you have as many subscribers as you mention, and I’ve got no reason to doubt you, then I think you’ve done them a disservice with this review. The simple fact is that Doc is very good at what he does and can help a lot of people learn to day trade. He may not want to hear this, but I think he may be a better teacher than he is a trader. Thank you for giving me a chance to voice my opinion on Delta Trading.
— Todd M
Much appreciate your comment. I love when these comment threads start popping because it encourages people to come out and voice their opinion. Sure, my reviews are quite nasty and I attack every point of weakness that I can find. And I don’t always get it right. My Traders Den/Night Scalper review was a really rough review. The owner seriously wanted to ring my neck. But in the end, he eventually sent me a copy of his account statements, which I posted. With a follow up review, and I ate the humble pie.
By forcing Night Scalper to disclose personal trading performance, he turned himself into a hero. He now has one of the most popular live trading rooms on the internet. At the end of the day, everything worked out great and his business really took off.
All I am asking for openness from the good doctor.
Really Todd M! You don’t care that the relationship you have with someone you are paying money to is all built on lies? If it’s all about his methodology then why does he lie about his qualifications? The good doctor should focus on convincing people that his method is sound rather than using phony qualifications to do that. And, as with all these gurus, having them produce verified trading statements also shouldn’t be an unreasonable expectation.
Wow, those scam rooms now collect not 100 monthly, not 200,but 600?! Incredible.
There is more to it then you know.
Don’t eat your pie to soon!
Hey, I love it when a vendor proves me wrong! And the readers love it too.
Believe me, after I get some solid performance figures from the good doctor, I will write a new review, will grovel and admit my stupidity. Heck, I will even hand wash and wax the good doctors Rolls Royce!
I do not think he owns a Rolls Royce. Could you please email me privately? I think you would be very interested in what I have to say before you do another review.
I’m still waiting for that private chat. It has nothing to do with defending someone who lies and scams people for a living! You misread my posting.
Hi Sue,
I attempted to email you, but the email address that you provided when you left your original comment keeps bouncing.
Please go to my “Add Listing And Review Request” page. This is a secure form, please leave your private contact information here. I will not share this information.
This is the doctors new website. Will you please rate this one also please. My brother got suckered into it. The doctor is living on the beach in Alabama
Yes, am familiar with this site. And the fake doctor has another as well. Yet more nonsense.
The fake doctor has other legal issues…more on that in another post.
That’s the whole issue her, “More than you know.” why can’y you say what it is that is more? You are asking for almost $10K to find out the “more.” That doesn’t sound like a good investment. So, just trust you, huh? If I said just send me $10k and I’ll send you a car that is worth much more than that, would you do it? Oh, BTW, I have a PHD.
I have been working with Vance for approx. 4 months and his program has been unbelievably. It works if you follow the rules. Try it and you will see
Thanks for the note Mike. Should I be warming up the oven for my Humble Pie?
I disagree with the review. I am a member of the group and the system works. As long as you follow the rules it is very profitable. Why would Ensign have Dr Cast as a Mentor trader on their website if it were a scam? I love Dr. Cast, he has helped people change their lives. Some people will never get it, they break the rules and don’t have the discipline, but like I said the system works if you follow the rules! The best dam trading group on the planet! Ride the range of change baby!
Thanks for the comment.
Softball reviews never inspire change. My grip is the lack of transparency, simply put, there needs to be a record of trades, or dom present, or account statements, etc.
Nothing would make me happier than to come back and write an updated review. Eating crow would be a delicious change on the daily menu, thus far, my primary menu item has been BS. And I will even give him credit for his PhD!
Vendors refuse to change unless they are absolutely cornered. Where the only path forward is accountability and openness. If the good doctor can pull this change off, then he will have literally thousands of daily readers stumbling over themselves to purchase his product. He will have a real business, built on a rock solid foundation, that can last a lifetime. I have gone this route with other vendors, some refuse to change and they fade away. The vendors that change and embrace openness…their business has exploded.
Hey i have currently looked into this as well. What vendors that you are mentioning are currently doing well or there business have exploded.
Why would Ensign have him as a mentor? Simple. He uses and promotes their software. I’m sure he gets a kickback. The phrase “Ensign mentor” is nothing more than a play on a words to gain credibility and $$$. I don’t think the review necessarily labels it a scam. It looks to me like Emmett is simply looking for proof that it’s not a scam. The real scam is your mentor’s background. Check it out for yourself, do the math, and if you don’t care, then don’t. You’re a member, so, they already have your money. Those that aren’t should scrutinize those running the company as well as the system itself.
Show us the results Tim. Words are cheap (and often are full of lies and deception). Results are what matter. Can you show us your results?
OK, then, why no recorded proof? Real financial traders can trace their progress and show what they made. I don’t do a lot of trading, but i can show you all of my trades, how much I made or lost and which trades did what. It is a bit amazing that a person with the ego the Dr has wouldn’t want tho brag about his trades. Just show the total percentage increase in your book over a one year period. How much do you have to make to offset a $15K fee? Anyone who won’t show proof, is subject in my book.
your reviews are spot on and honest evaluation of the FURUS that claim to be GURUS – another excellent observation and savior for the unaware – you are the man keep it up Emmett!!
You totally overlooked his MBA. I think the diploma mill was having a 2-for-1 sale when he bought the PhD, so he got them both.
Just a quick thanks Emmett for all you do. You are providing an invaluable service!
Thank you. But it gets a little frustrating having to write about, and research so much deception.
Recently, I am noticing an uptick in trading educators that are attaching the title of PhD to the end of their name. I can’t wait for my PhD to arrive in the mail. Apparently it comes with a gold embossed, very official looking certification from the American Council Of Financial Risk Managers. Apparently they really liked my dissertation on auction market game theory of financial markets (that I copied from another website). Getting awarded my Phd is a great achievement and such a great honor. Am going to frame it and place it directly above my toilet.
You should be more careful in your generalized characterizations, ” a one hour show made to appeal to the LOWEST OF THE LOW information consumer….AM RADIO Listeners.”
I have a B.A. in English and an M.A. in journalism and communications. I listen to AM radio frequently on road trips. I stumbled into the Delta radio program and decided it was worth follow-up research on the internet. I appreciate your review but am insulted by your comments regarding my choice of information platforms, along with everyone else you directly offended.
In the future, perhaps you can confine your reviews to the software product/s, owners and marketing representatives; and forego insulting the listeners, readers, etc.
If the non-AM listeners decided to actually research “global warming” oops, it’s “climate Change” now (“global warming” turned out to be a totally debunked “hockey stick” theory), perhaps the “informed” NY Times readers would discover the hoax of the modern day intelligentsia.
I agree. While not totally offended it did hurt a bit that AM radio listeners were held in such low esteem. I believe you’ll find the opposite true, in that AM listeners are quite educated and sophisticated people and more FM listeners, I assume he meant FM was more noble, are less educated and sophisticated. I too, liked the article, otherwise. Thanks
Your characterization of climate chance demonstrates that you are in fact the very stereotype of the AM radio listener. Bravo.
Thanks for yet another useful review. Whenever my co-workers ask about some trading scheme they’ve seen advertised, I send them to your site. Keep it up!
AM radio news is mostly right wing bashing the left during the day and evenings. FM news has PBS radio. At night FM radio has the conspiracy, paranormal and UFO topics particularly on “CoastToCoast”. In the last 10 years, AM radio more than a few times had “trading ads”. Sometimes they are played during the commuting hours just before and after work. I recall one example “he smiles because he just made more money on his trade than he will make on his job today..”. Also Preston James the option scammer used to do commercials on AM. It’s usually these AM stations that are desperate for sponsors and ads so they will even host trade-education scam ads, as well as herbal remedies, fat-burning, and “cancer-fighting” “extracts”. Regardless , anyone can be jaded by vendor scams after a point. I wouldn’t quite say in general AM listeners are more susceptible than FM listeners or tv watchers.
Neglected to mention that the pseudo-intellectual PBS only exists through the fleecing of actual low-info tax payers and the usual suspects of ideologically motivated tax-shelter foundations. These scam infomercials exist wherever they can find access, like the parasites they are.
The obvious political bias of the reviewer ignores the certain truth that, if PBS and NPR had to survive based on advertising, these same scamming parasites would thrive just as easily squeezed between agitprop “fake news” snippets and totebag fundraisers.
Here’s a new one.. “Trading Made Easy” with Mr. Frank Lewis. He is on KXNT AM Lasvegas Radio Sunday Nights. Same thing charging thousands for a software claims to be a trading guru.. “HASNT HAD A LOSING DAY IN 2016” Would love to see if he is legit.. sOUNDS IMPRESSIVE…
Trying to check this out. Can’t find anything online. Anything?
Me too, have a friend who had a stroke who wants to give his last penny to this guy. If it was legit I could find something, anything on this company – trying to save this guy’s savings.
Thanks for your research. I would have been one of those victims. I’m a single parent looking to supplement if not replace my current income and Dr. Vance talks a good show. Thanx for stopping what could have been a disaster not to mentions hundreds of dollars wasted. Any suggestion on a legit day trading opportunity? With a Finance Degree, I do like the idea of day trading full time.