Day Trade Academy
Verified Trades
Prop Trading Opportunity
Would you like a $100k, fully funded Forex trading account, for free? Great news. Just purchase this $16k educational program and your Forex trading dreams will all come true.
Except, according to the CFTC, the persons behind this so-called trading opportunity are long time pyramid swindlers and financial hustlers.
Before you plunk down $16k and $327 monthly, you better read the past history of these financial hustlers; Kevin Jones and Matthew Poll.
With Olympic sprinter like qualities, they outpace financial regulators and create new companies, perpetuating the same old Forex “job” scam.
Thanks for reading today’s review of Day Trade Academy
Before I begin, nearly all of the information for this review was provided to TradingSchools.Org by the Utah Department of Securities, the CFTC, and a former employee of Day Trade Academy.
What is the Day Trading Academy? In a nutshell, the company is advertising a Forex day trading education, with the opportunity to receive a fully funded trading account of $100,000.
However, like all things trading related, you have to read the fine print. And you have to ask a multitude of questions. The following are the exact details of what the company is offering.
Trader Executive Program
The Trader Executive Program has a sign-up fee of $15,595. With an additional fee of $327 per month. Included is a secret indicator, twice per week (1 hour) coaching for 12 weeks, and access to recorded webinars.
A student must complete 12 weeks of educational materials, and an additional 6 weeks of successfully trading on a Forex simulator.
If the student trades successfully with a simulator and meets an undefined performance threshold, then the company will award the student with a $3k Forex account.
The student gets to keep 80% of profits.
Trader Pro Funding Program
The Pro Funding Program has a sign-up fee of $7,195. With an additional fee of $327 per month. Included is a secret indicator, twice per week (1 hour) coaching for 9 weeks, and access to recorded webinars.
A student must complete 9 weeks of educational materials, and an additional 6 weeks of successfully trading on a Forex simulator.
If the student trades successfully with a simulator and meets an undefined performance threshold, then the company will award the student with a $2k Forex account.
The student gets to keep 60% of profits.
Trader Pro Program with NO funding option
The Trader Pro program does not include the opportunity for a funded account. The student is required to pay $4,195 upfront and $327 per month. Included is twice per week (1 hour) coaching for 6 weeks.
Included are educational materials and recorded webinars.
Trader Lite Program
The Trader Lite program costs $876 per month and gives access to only educational materials.
What about the $100k fully funded account?
TradingSchools.Org contacted the company and asked about the supposed promise for a fully funded $100k Forex trading account. The company replied that any additional funds must be provided by the student, either by additional deposit or through any profits the trader earned.
Now let’s talk about whom owns this company.
Kevin Jones and Mathew Poll
I would like to introduce Kevin Jones and Mathew Poll. Both are longtime pyramid/Ponzi scheme hustlers and active members of the Mormon church.

Professional Forex Trader?
Kevin Jones got his start as a door-to-door salesman. According to his social media profile, he managed a team of 25 door-to-door salesmen that specialized in the usual door-to-door gimmickry; aluminum siding, kitchen knives, vacuum cleaners, and soap.
Eventually, he moved into pyramid marketing schemes that included selling residential phone services, and then eventually Forex trading educational products.
According to the former employee of Day Trade Academy, Kevin Jones has a long time friend and business partner named Matthew Poll.

Forex Trading Coach?
Mathew Poll got his start as an insurance salesman. He eventually joined Kevin selling a pyramid scheme named Telcel Solutions. The following video describes this “Telecom Business Opportunity.” Basically, spend $12,500 for the opportunity to sell other people a piece of the pyramid for $12,500.
A History Of Pyramid Schemes
According to an interview that TradingSchools.Org conducted with the Utah Division of Securities–they are very familiar Kevin Jones and Mathew Poll.
In fact, they were both ordered to Cease and Desist operations for a Forex scheme named Freedom Wealth Group. Essentially, Freedom Wealth Group was a pyramid/Ponzi scheme where Sucker A would convince Sucker B that Freedom Wealth Group had a magic trading indicator that would solve all of their money problems. Simply place the indicator on a Forex chart, copy the trades, and then money would magically appear in their Forex trading account.
As with all pyramid/Ponzi-type schemes, you will eventually run out of Suckers. The people at the top of the pyramid get paid, while the people on the bottom of the pyramid get hustled. Some of the people that were hustled by Kevin Jones and Mathew Poll eventually filed a complaint with the State of Utah.
After the State of Utah figured out that the entire operation was a pyramid investment scheme, they ordered Freedom Wealth Group to cease operations. You can see an archived copy of the Freedom Wealth Group website here. So what did Kevin and Mathew do next? Just start a new company and keep doing the same thing!
Another Forex Pyramid Scheme
Within a matter of weeks from being busted for Freedom Wealth Group, they quickly formed a new company named Tactic Trading. But this time, they took things a step further. Instead of offering a magical trading indicator, they ‘white labeled’ the Sierra Chart trading platform and renamed it Green Chart.
In addition, they formed a partnership with an offshore, unregulated Forex broker that was operating illegally within the United States. Unbeknownst to customers, they received a kickback from each new account and a commission percentage of the entire trading volume. All of this is highly illegal in the United States.
Sure enough…the Utah Division of Securities started to receive a batch of new complaints that were remarkably similar to the Freedom Wealth Group complaints. In a nutshell, people were spending thousands of dollars for the Green Chart trading software, magical trading indicators, an educational product, and the opportunity to ‘sell’ the pyramid program to family and friends. The Utah Division of Securities was not impressed. They were once again shut down.
So now, we are talking about the original scheme of Freedom Wealth Group, that continues with Tactic Trading. Both shut down. A simple Google search for ‘Tactic Trade/Freedom Wealth Group’ will reveal page after page of online complaints from people that were scammed.
So what does Kevin Jones and Mathew Poll do next? You guessed it. Create yet another Forex trading and educational company mish-mashed with the flavor of pyramid. But by this time, they have figured out how to confuse and delay the State of Utah. Just create a bunch of different Forex trading companies! Swamp the securities regulators with a multitude of companies.
An Egypt full of pyramid schemes
The following is a list of known companies that these hustlers are currently using. But, by no means is this a complete list. This is only what we were able to easily find. There are probably much more. So let’s take a look at what TradingSchools.Org has been able to track down:
- Day Trade Academy
- Freedom Trade Group
- Try Day Trading
- Trader Solutions Group
- Day Trade My Money
- Day Trade Smart
- Day Trade 2 Day
- BitCoin Trader
Did you notice the promo video for the telecommunications pyramid scheme is essentially the same promo video for the Forex trading scheme?
Its pretty clever how they essentially, decentralized the operation into a multitude of smaller businesses. This makes enforcement by regulators extremely difficult. Each company is a separate enforcement action. What can the State of Utah do?
Here comes the CFTC
At this point, it has become pretty obvious to the State of Utah that Kevin Jones and Mathew Poll are not going to quit so easily. In addition, the scheme has now branched into all 50 states via job site ‘ad postings’.
Like cancer, these guys just keep spreading out. Time for federal regulators. Time to bring in the “Big Guns.”
On June 5, 2017, the CFTC charged the Forex brokerage known as Tallinex, Kevin Jones, Matthew Poll, and their shell company; General Trader Fulfillment with fraud.
How is it fraud? Glad you asked. According to the CFTC, Tallinex was fraudulently misrepresenting the profits of General Trader Fulfillment students. In other words, Kevin Jones and Mathew Poll were telling potential students that graduates of their trading program were making huge sums of money. And this information was supposedly verified and authenticated by Tallinex.
So think about this a moment…a student wants to become a full-time trader, and he wants that $100k company funded trading account. The trading educator is telling the student that everyone is making huge sums of money and that everything can be verified by simply talking to Tallinex. Of course, Tallinex is located in Estonia and they couldn’t give a damn about US regulators, nor the welfare of the students of Kevin and Matthew. Tallinex just wants new accounts and trading volume, they will say anything.
It’s a sad and pathetic tale. But it takes on a new meaning when a former employee of Kevin and Matthew colorfully describes the poor and pathetic souls that went into debt to purchase the $16k educational program. The person described the victims of Kevin and Matthew as “salt of the earth” type persons. With little resources, usually the working poor, with little understanding of financial instruments.
The Forex Fraud continues…Capital City Markets
None of this fraud works without a Forex broker. And since June 5, 2017…the CFTC effectively eliminated one-leg of the scheme. But as we have learned from the prior history of Kevin Jones and Matthew Poll, they are not going away easily. With skills honed through years of selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door, they know that the next sucker can be found at the next door.
So what do Kevin and Mathew do next? Start a Forex brokerage!
On June 1st, immediately after the CFTC busts Tallinex for fraud and orders them to stop accepting US based customers…a brand new Forex brokerage magically appears! It is named
According to the former employee of Kevin and Matthew, they are the buttholes behind Capital City Markets.
But Kevin and Matthew are pretty smart guys. The company is registered in the lovely hamlet of Vanuatu. An island in the middle of the South Pacific. A place that is known for extreme secrecy and completely out of the reach of the CFTC.

US investors, please say hello to your new Forex brokers.
The audacity of these scammers. It is simply amazing how persistent they continue with this scam.
Wrapping Things Up
These are the types of reviews that really fluster me. A tremendous amount of time goes into researching how the fraud is being executed. You can track down and expose the person and the company. But what do you do when they simply create a new company name?
And then blast ‘help wanted’ ads all over the internet? Luring in the next batch of suckers.
And the CFTC and the State of Utah? Can you imagine the resources that they must expend? It’s just crazy.
Thanks for reading. Would love to read your comments and opinions.
Just noticed no negative comment on here actually lists which company they did this under. Nor did they list the name of the person they worked with. FAKE NEWS!!!! If you are making a judgement just based off of this I think you are the one they are scamming. Likely a competitor. If you really want to find out for yourself and they will let you try their product what harm could come from that. It sounds like they sometimes offer a $10 30 trail. I have not seen the promotion for that but I imagine it is not hard to get.
Hey guys I am Chris and thought I would jump on this to see what is real and what isn’t. Looks like this will be a fun one. Just at a glance there is no Day Trade Academy so how that name got connected to these guys is a mystery to me. I do see a Day Trading Academy, but I don’t see these names listed anywhere on their site. I think a lot of the comments on here are actually directed toward that program but lets see if we can make sense of all this craziness.
Now these guys are trying to align with politicians. You have to sit through 15 mins of some guy pitching you lies about changing the world. Nice… scum of the Earth.
Hermes you are the only one that sounds like scum on here. You are a troll and should be ashamed of yourself. The world could use less of you!! You are just as bad as the owner of this site. If you are okay with being grouped with Emmet then keep doing this. He is an actual x con. He is actually a convicted criminal. Not these guys. Read my feed back below. People like you make trading so difficult. I can’t see anything wrong here but a ton of bad information. If you have been watching politics this is exactly what you are doing. Are you even a real person of do you work for this site. We should meet up sometime in person if you are up for the challenge.
Yes, this is an absolute scam! They make it look very pretty, they say they’re not like the other guys. They know how to hide the BS that is for sure.
Bottom line is, their indicators are garbage. Their coaches know nothing about trading and in fact hardly any are making money actually trading.
If you have to have 30 different names for your company to hide them all because of all the scam reviews, there’s your first sign.
They promise to fun you, which they do for $2500.00 the first go around, but good luck getting past 25k in funds. In fact, that alone will take you 3 years to get from them because they change the rules constantly even if you do some how get lucky enough to get funded to that point.
They lie about their accuracy. They lie about the pip count they earn weekly, they don’t include losses, they don’t include when the coaches supposedly “average out” of the bad trade they made on the webinar.
There’s a huge facade within the group as well. All the coaches think they’re doing well. Even their accounts don’t have money or make money or make money to even live off, they still think and tell each other how wonderful they’re doing…it’s quite bizarre really.
Just stay away from these guys and their 800 MLM branch off companies. You can very well in trading from very little money invested in books from Audible and lots of research and time/trial. Don’t pay $17k for indicators that don’t even work for the people selling them.
Absolutely disgusting scam.
Hermes you already sound like a fake person! What evidence do you have? What program did you do? Who was your coach? What company did you sign up for. It wasn’t Day Trade Academy because that doesn’t exist!!!! FOLKS THIS IS FAKE NEWS!!! This guy is likely a competitor or trolls as a hobby. Have you considered that maybe these guys don’t own a single business listed here or otherwise. My understanding is they only do fulfillment for a bunch of trading companies. So ya let’s blame the warehouse for the retailer and all the different stores that sell the product. You sound like an idiot. A simple look online and you can see that these guys actually do a ton of good. You have waisted space and peoples time here. Anyone who has actually tried their product knows they offer for $10 for 30 days. If you bought a program with 30 days to try it again shame on you for writing this. This is why I think you are a competitor. Why don’t you just list your website below and cut the crap.
I was a sucker for their program. However, I don’t believe their program is a Ponzi Scheme. The coach I had was pretty good. He taught some excellent foundational skills. However, they are incredibly dishonest about their results. They would send out an email showing their performance, and it was complete BS. If you can make 1% a day, then you wouldn’t need to peddle their programs. Professional hedge funds make nowhere near 1% a day. Their indicators are not much better than moving averages, which you can get free. I still trade Forex, but I do not use their indicators or their suggested broker.
Their indicators are mostly MA. Thats why they hate it when their coaches use moving averages. They don’t want people to find out. Issue is, their MA aren’t set right or set per time and they dont know what they’re doing.
Their coaches are victims just like their scammed customers. The coaches live in this diluted paradigm. None can prove that another is making any money actually trading. They win big for a week then lose it all..or they win small and make less than you can in an IRA. It’s just absolute stupidity.
They did have a couple of coaches that teach you fundamentals that you can find on Youtube for free…so $7000.00 or $20,000 for that should be illegal.
Their coaches barely know what pips are is their largest issue. The other large issue is that any time a person has an issue, the person (THE CUSTOMER) is basically told they’re stupid and start over and to pay another $2500 because the customer is so stupid.
It’s quite disgusting actually.
Their weekly pip reports are highly inaccurate. We had a group that would take every single trade on every webinar and we would compare the wins to the repots They were NEVER EVER EVER accurate.
Many in the group pointed this out and the school said they would fix it. It was the coaches fault they said…the coaches averaged out or something behind the scenes. SO they did fix it alright…they put a disclaimer on the bottom that says “these numbers are bullshit don’t sue us” basically.
I am actually making real money now that I left them. I had to do a lot off reprogramming in my head, but bottom line is…..they don’t have a clue about the first thing of trading. I’m now doing really well, I don’t use their crap indicators. I feel bad for people there.
Simple answer. Put them away for years for defrauding the public. If we did not have such an F’d up justice system, put them in federal prison for 20 years for defrauding the public, wire fraud, Ponzi schemes and all the other charges that they are guilty of and the problem goes away. Good hard time is what they deserve for screwing with people.
Maher it is clear you have not done any actual research on this. I am calling you out for trolling. Maybe we should lock you up for 20 years for promoting false information and slandering people you don’t even know. Makes you wonder what happened to you as a child that would have you jump to conclusions so fast. I just got on here to do an update on somethings I discovered. Maybe read that and my previous posts.
It’s a matter of time I can tell you that. One day I’ll be watching the news and see these two on there being put away.
Sorry this is Chris. Not Christ. Extremely sorry for that.
For what? are you a real person. What if they could lock up people for writing Fake News? Is this why you are not being specific of who you are. If you were a real person you would tell your story so others wouldn’t get hurt. You wouldn’t hide like this
Thank you for putting all this together. You potentially saved me from a BIG HEADACHE
from what? what company? be specific.
All 14 companies that Kevin Jones and gang in Utah have out there as MLMs that use the same coaches and same indicators.
Don’t muddy the waters. If it has Kevin Jones or Matt Poll in it, it’s a scam.
Hermes you said 30 companies before? which is it. You are not being clear. Also how do you know these guys? have you ever met them. Do you have the company straight. Did you try their product. If so which company? should we assume all companies are the same. Seems like a big jump
I was tricked into joining this company. I gave them 6750.00 which I borrowed from a family member because it was presented to me as a no way you could lose opportunity. They told me to paper trade until I was successfully trading and then they would fund me an account for $2500! I never asked to get my $2500 account funded because I was never successful at paper My initial coach was a joke and left the company before I even finished getting coached. I begged for another opportunity with a different coach and they gave me like 6 free lessons but that coach was totally not into teaching me for free. It was very clear. Id attend all the groups that they had and I would feel totally lost. They made you feel stupid if you asked questions. I eventually just dropped out of going, I invested $281 for over 18 mos to have their special indicators and paid another $45 a month for green sheet so i could view the indicators. I did nothing but lose money! Is there anyway to go back and fight them for my money back?
what company? are you are real person? day trade academy doesn’t exist and you are saying a non existent company did this to you? Say what company and I bet neither of these guys own it. lol. these comments are funny
yes, I had a similar experience. My coach barely knew what a pip was. I didn’t know what was what either so I just went with it. Finally I put up a stink and wanted a different coach. By then it was too late. They have this “boot camp” where the coach basically takes you on a date, they talk about trading for 30 minutes out of two days of time and push you out. Just stupidity really.
If you ever push back and say that you’re doing poorly, they do basically tell you how stupid you are and it’s working for them. I asked many people to “show me” just “show me” a screen shot of your bank account. They said that was illegal. I did some digging and proved to a few that it was not illegal and they can show me…. they would just say things like “that wont do you any good to see my account” – uhhhh, yes it would because you’ve proven Santa exists bud. But the thing is, they can’t because no one there is doing anything worth a crap ever and that’s why no one can prove anything to anyone.
Last I heard the company is on the radar from the authorities but there’s heresy I suppose. Hopefully something happens.
Can you test please “Day Trading Academy” from Marcello Arrambide?
Could it be the same stuff?
I am someone who works as an executive of Day Trading Academy and we are based out of Utah and do about 30 million in revenue a year. Neither of these two people are even janitors of our company. There is some major confusion here. I am also looking at the report and I have been in this industry for years and what this is proportion is not possible. I also just read this complaint you listed about the CFTC and it is 99% directed at this out of the country broker that was out of compliance. Even for this broker this is not fraud it is just them not complying with certain US laws. It looks as if there was question wether these guys were acting as an introducing broker. It has nothing to say or do with a program, nothing to do with there trade success, nothing to do with hurting customers. I just want to first say we are not this. These guys are not us and furthermore the facts here are so questionable to bring us into this I would question the relevance of this article. Here is our web site and if you have any questions regarding this or found this site looking into our company please feel free to contact us.
yes exactly what I have been saying. You got the wrong info and guys on this.
Jackie…i know it’s not Jackie in fact I know who this is… You need to google the owners. They don’t have a good background. It’s that simple. The company out of Utah is a giant scam. The revenue they produce is from scamming people to buy their garbage courses and garbage indicators. No coach can prove they make money with their indicators. In fact most of your coaches that have souls have left you for a reason. Most coaches making money with “your indicators” are actually adding things like moving average lines etc and not telling anyone except their close friends who then also talk eventually. You do know you have a secret little group of people that have added things to your indicators and lean entirely on those added things instead? You should check into that. Those added things are mainstream indicators that anyone with a broker terminal can have by the way.
You provide funded accounts that people fail in constantly and thus have to keep paying money to keep them open because your coaching and systems don’t work. I was even told by an “executive” there that your success rate is under 20%. If your indicators and coaches worked, that number would be more around 60-80% by the way. That’s a horrible number 20%.
I’m glad I came across this. I wanted to ask you if you think these are the same people behind the following two sites also.
The second site seems more obvious, as it’s a similar layout to a few of the other ones you listed above. The first site has the same exact offer for the education and funded accounts as described in your review.
Lastly, there is a recent posting on in regards to the second website I provided saying the indicator works but he didn’t want to buy the program to keep using it. What does one make of that? Is it just another ploy? Because it seems genuine. Here’s the link.
I would greatly appreciate some additional insight into all of this.
Yes, they are all the same. They have dozens of websites peddling the scam. Its the typical pyramid scheme. Here a few affiliated sites, but the State of Utah cannot Cease and Desist them fast enough… (patent scam)
I can list dozens and dozens of these websites.
I think there is some major confusion here. These are all Independent Companies. The way I understand it is they are like a Franchise. I don’t know where we got the idea it was a pyramid scheme. I guess that word is attractive and sexy. It strikes fear in the the ears of the listener. I also looked at many of these links posted and the ones above and it seems there are some that may be part of this group but I don’t think many of these are. Also the same with the group list of sites. The credibility of this article is very questionable.
Emmett I am really sorry but this is just not correct. Most of these are owned by Fortress Pattens and other owners. This is a mess man. Give us something that actually makes sense. This is just blatantly wrong.
wouldn’t surprise me. They seriously just change names anytime they get under any heat. It’s wild to me the people working for them aren’t like “uhh the company is named this, but the money goes to this other account and my email address to my own name says this other name so…..” lol it’s like they’re all blind to it
Bottom line is don’t trust any of this kind of thing. If someone is selling you a system, they don’t know about trading. If you read 12 books on trading, I’ll bet 7 of them say that no one persons system will work for another person. People t hat know they can’t just pass you their systems won’t even try.
Therefor, anyone selling or handing you a system likely they don’t know anything about trading also so how in the world can they have a good system?
Also, even if a system is really high rate of success so it will work at less but still money making percentage for other people, it’s a very closely guarded system…a secret really. Once the system stops working, the people sell it.
You can actually see this in some of the old time traders happening right now. Read some books, get some names, do some research and you’ll see about 5 or 6 of these guys suddenly selling a system but they were trading quietly for 20 years before that. Their system is broken now and they don’t want to refine it, so…..they sell their broken systems.
Hi guys I just wanted to clear the air a little hear. I know this group, I have traded with them and met these individuals and this is by far the worst coverage of facts I think I have ever read. I guess if you are looking for something negative well you will find it here. It won’t be even close to true but it will be negative.
First off there has never been any fraud charges. EVER! Not from the CFTC, not the SEC no one.
There was a case with the CFTC that the company is paying a small fee for an alleged allegation for one of their coaches possibly being an introducing broker. This is all public information that somehow missed the article.
Tallinex was not misrepresenting any income claims. That is not even in the case with the CFTC. Where did you make this up from. The allegation was someone from this group, possibly a coach.
Capitol City Market is also in no way owned by these guys. You are giving them way too much credit. These guys are small time. They run a clean shop and occasionally people loose money and scream from the roofs.
I know there was a guy who worked for them named Terry Rodgers who was a competitor who left this group, stole clients, and has poorly tried to compete.
If you really want to know the truth just ask. These guys are an open book.
Hey Dave or should I call you Forrest? So, this blog is completely false? Is this the fourth MLM scam that these 2 have put together? Well, Forrest the answer is YES! That is really all anybody needs to know, but Forrest you want to say there is no fraud alleged by the CFTC. If you do a word search in the CFTC Complaint you will see the word FRAUD comes up not once or twice, BUT 30 TIMES! The Complaint is against Tallinex AND AND AND General Trader Fulfillment, did you get that Forrest? It is against BOTH companies. So, lets see General Trader Fulfillment has a complaint filed against it by the CFTC and you are dumb enough to defend the company? RUN, Forrest, RUN away from GTF along with anyone else with a shred of sense.
Forrest, if these guys are such an open book have them show how many people actually make money with their program. My guess is way less than 10%.
Forrest? My name is Dave. Is this some kind of troll joke. I really don’t get it. I guess I would ask what the name is of the 4 MLMs they have ran. Saying something online without any facts is just dumb. Who are you? What is your relationship to this group? It is so easy to just get on and say some words, to actually do some research would take work. I would ask for just one to prove your point. I actually know these two individuals and Tel Cel Solutions was a telecom auditing business for corporations. I know it wasn’t an MLM, but even if it was so what. If you have some beef with MLM’s deal with it.
As far as who or how many people are trading their money I don’t know. I also don’t see anywhere that they are making any claims. Lets say 100% of people are loosing their corporate money (which would be a terrible business model) how would that be a bad thing for the person trading. Where is the risk? I don’t know of any company where they are saying, hey we will at least put our money where our mouth is to some degree. If you loose at least it wasn’t your money. Loosing isn’t fun for anyone, however; it is a probability in trading. In fact a high one. I would choose loosing someone else’s money all day over my own. I would choose to try it if I could do this at someone else’s risk all day. Welcome to business and trading
yeah, please don’t type the name Kevin Jones Sr. or Jr. and Mathew Poll in google.. lol. If the people in this group and their coaches actually researched these guys, they wouldn’t be there anymore….I’ll tel you that right now “Dave.”
Hey Guys I am back on with a new update. I just heard through the grape vine that this complaint is pending settlement with GTF and not Tallinex. Tallinex was the big fish the entire time. That it actually took place a while ago and that there was some coach of theirs who may or may not have acted as an IB without the knowledge of GTF. It seems the CFTC got clear what had happened and they came to a resolution to settle the matter out of court and it is pending approval which we should see published publicly on the CFTC site soon. Also I got information showing that there never was any action with the Utah Department Of Security because it doesn’t exist there is a Utah Devision of Security and I made a quick call and they said they have nothing associated with any name listed here. So I am not sure if that rumor was created here or given by another person. I also heard the former employee was possibly the coach acting as an IB behind the companies back and the CFTC may look into taking action on this individual who has sense left the company and started his own coaching business. Interesting twist I would say. I always love a good ending.
While this is true, it’s a smoke screen. They did have this issue that also was a problem from the coach that did some shady stuff independently yes, that is a fact.
That does not make all the shady things this company does go away though. This one guy did something shady on his own and they’re making it seem like all the other things they’ve done is becomes of this new guy? lol wake up.
Stay away from anything that has Kevin Jones and Mathew Poll in it…it’s that simple.
wow, just google the owners names, it’s that simple. They have a background with issues. Why lie to people? Why take from people? It’s disgusting. Also, there’s quite a convincing trail that the owners had a lot to do with Capitol City and that’s sort of interesting because a lot of their coaches were destroyed by that. Do some research. Stop screwing people over.
I just spoke with someone working for Franklin Liberty and they sent me a video developed some guy named Levi this last February. It is exactly this program you describe. Except, now they have waived the $800+ initial fee to $50. The other costs are the same.
The biggest question I have for him is, if you can make so much money at this, why are you wasting your time trying to sell the program to me? Why aren’t you out trading right now? It makes not sense.
The presentation is convincing with a lot of bells and whistles. But if you know what you are looking for, you can tell pretty quickly that there is no way this would work with any amount of accuracy.
The interesting part was that in the presentation, he said that Kevin Jones started this company 18 years ago and showed a picture of Kevin Jones, but the picture is some old man, not the Kevin Jones that appears on LinkedIn or in this review.
I was really wanting this to work…that’s the sucker in me.
Thanks for writing this article. You confirmed what I suspected and saved me some money.
There’s a Kevin Jones SR. and a JR. I believe Jones SR. passed away so his son is running things now. I just upgraded to coaching with the program and personally I really like it and I think there’s a lot of benefit and potential. I have had no reason to doubt there claims to far other than their weird business model which came across really scammy at first and the fact that they’re always trying to push towards people upgrading with there constant promotions they put out. Using the things they have taught me I currently ave a 85% win ratio and I am hoping things continue as the coachings progress and then hopefully the funding as well goes as planned and I can get to a point where i’m trading 50k with there funds as time goes on but only time will tell.
Man am I glad I looked these guys up. I know nothing of day trading and almost made the jump. TOOOO much bad history on the owners. If it sounds to good to be true it probably is.
even thou this is a positive review again what company? Please someone on here say a company name actually owned by these guys that you have had experience with.
The problem is, they have 800 names. most are MLMs owned by independent people peddling the same indicators and same coaches.
As far as the parent company, it changes names more than most Californians change genders. Just stay away from anything Kevin Jones. – the money I think currently goes to Trader Solutions, but that probably changes weekly also.
If the name of a company is diluted, thats your first sign. Why not have one name and be proud? Even their email addresses are all different or just say “tradesupport” behind them. They hide on purpose.
In fact, stay away from all coaching and indicator programs. Read books, watch youtube, put the 10,000 hours required in to learn and don’t depend on anyone. The systems that actually work are secretive. As soon as someone is selling it…it either doesn’t work or they’ve dumbed their system down.
Also…you’ll read that one persons system will never work for another person. There’s a reason for that…it’s a very known reason and it’s in many different books.
You’re an absolute liar and I guarantee you that you don’t have 85% win ratio for long with their system. Maybe it’s 85% win rate in two weeks, but for months at a time…. not possible. Their best guru doesn’t even do that and he uses outside systems that he doesn’t talk to most about.
Their coaches barely know what a “trading” is for the most part. All their good coaches left because they weren’t comfortable with the shady crap going on there. It’s about to change names again, they are getting a really bad wrap and the fact they are spending a bunch of time in Orlando recently… I’m betting they move out of state too.
review day trading academy? I get my popcorn
yes this is a real company. and these guys are not the owners as described above.
‘According to the CFTC, Tallinex was fraudulently misrepresenting the profits of General Trader Fulfillment students. In other words, Kevin Jones and Mathew Poll were telling potential students that graduates of their trading program were making huge sums of money. And this information was supposedly verified and authenticated by Tallinex.’
‘supposedly’? Would be good to expand on this, it’s not a reliable statement as it stands. Did you contact Tallinex and ask for their side of the story?
As for the offshore thing, CTFC/NFA and the politicians are just trying to stifle competition in favour of the futures industry. That’s why the US have so few decent spot FX brokers compared to the rest of the world.
Tallinex had no comment.
The phone call with Day Trade Academy was even worse. They would pick up the phone, hear my voice, then quickly hang up.
Utah regulators are exasperated with these two charlatans. Utah is a pretty small state, everyone knows everyone. Utah is also considered the “Ponzi Scheme Capital of the World” according to the FBI.
Google search ‘Utah Get Rich Quick or Investment Scheme‘, and you will find a page after page of ponzi schemes, get rich quick hustlers, pyramid schemes gone bad, etc. Its just crazy.
Heck, the founder of the Mormom Church (Joseph Smith) was run out of upstate New York by an angry mob of men he hustled in a real estate ponzi scheme. He ripped off people all over the country, until he figured out the ultimate hustle…create the Mormom Church! Made himself a living prophet. Its a whacky story.
I remember a friend in high school who was a member of the typical methodist/baptist churchs in town. I visited his service once and saw that he seemed happy with it and the congregation. Then a year or so later he mentioned he wasn’t in that church anymore and he and his mother also, had joined the mormons who had ramped up their presence in town. Indeed a weird story with magical stones.
The idea of the CFTC/NFA in collusion with politicians in favor of futures is farcical. The recent crackdown on FX brokers like FXCM which was among the last to be exposed of the old mt4 gang back in the last half-decade, is rather a long time coming since they have had little regulation. (Just because I gave futures thoughts on trading CL to “Francis” shill in the OTG thread we hear this out of left field from an alter. )
I don’t know much about the nuances of forex. I know the basic pairs and the fact that brokers take the other side of your position. Futures on the other hand have a purpose for hedging and some do trade them profitably over the long term. With FX it seems to be harder to find independent traders that make a living from speculating them.
Oh mean, really too much to get into now. The mt4 afilliation retail baiting cesspool could have been arguably said to have been greater than today’s ninjacess. Kind of like the penny slots compared to the futures and stocks 25 cents to multidollar slots. Correct about brokers often taking the other side of the trade often unscrupulously stop hunting or slippage stuffing. There was even an mt4 broker version where these shenanigans could be facilitated where Ninja has their features to change the coloring and naming of accounts and dom’s for sim shamming. I’d suggest folks check out or donnaforex , fxfactory etc. for that side of the retail fx scam industry far more steeped n the quasi EA auto-trading mt4 scam-ming more than the futures&pennystock trading room simdogbucks sham-ming where they often shammed fake or choice picked mt4 backtest p/l curves. Anyone can look back at the steep past history on those forums and probably where there were literally thousands of scam forex EA’s and “methods” blog page style ads on the web with lots of dupes also in europe and hongkong. I’d say the era for the fx retail cess was the reigned from 2004 to 2010, then faded with futures scalping , and now the fad seems to be Ross and Bond stock opening momentum scalping.
Thanks for the post, very informative. The bank I worked for had an enormous currency desk. These guys were very active trading all day. Obviously that was with institutional money, but I was always intrigued. I almost thought it made sense since you can always look for a pair that was active or trending. Once I heard that brokers needed you to lose then I realized it was rigged against retail to lose for sure. Is it safe to say fx is better suited to swing trading?
Just my 2 cents worth. I trade Forex via IB, as the way I understand it they use an exchange and you are not competing against your broker.
The nice thing about currencies, if you catch them right, they can trend for a long time. Personally I try to look at the macro economic picture. What is a particular country doing and is there currency trading at a current historic value and do I see something that might change that. Like When Euro was trading over 1.4 to dollar I was like this is ridiculous, Americans will not even be able to afford to go to Europe.
That was a nice trade Rob I hope you took it for a nice ride. So you go into a trade with a story to it, not just a technical picture. I stopped trying to scalp for profit a long time ago. Also when I had definable reason to enter a trade, it usually works out better for me which keeps me from over trading.
With currencies yes. The other nice thing about Forex over Futures is you can use micro lots, so you can try out your method live without using insane leverage like in futures. But just like day trading futures if you think you are going to make 5 micro scalps a day with no draw down and 80% + win rate and some insane ROI good luck. The first step to trading is to see the world as it is and not the fantasy world the TR operators preach in order to sucker people out of their money.
“The first step to trading is to see the world as it is and not the fantasy world the TR operators preach in order to sucker people out of their money.” So true!! I wish I could highlight that more in some way. A trader would be surprised if they made personal observations of the market then traded those ideas over time with realistic ROI expectations. You may not have a positive cash flow everyday like a salary, but you may be positive on a monthly basis.
Your welcome MikeM. It sounds your coworkers were involved with the real financial currency world. I only had a stint among the other churned folks in the retail forex cesslake. Fortunately the phase no more than a year or so, but then I discovered beachforum next. forexpeacearmy also shows a literal army of their past “reviews” of forex related ad sites, so immense it numbers in the thousands.
RobB mentions a good point about better to trade forex with a reputable broker that has forex trading under its umberella such as IB or maybe TDA.
Not those typical forex bucket mt4 seedy brokers.
One could also trade the currency futures as a substitute for the forex pairs. Eventually most of the scam sites faded where I”m not exactly sure why as I hadn’t followed that general scam industry in a long time. Maybe the retailers got tired of the bs and moved on to futures or stocks. I hope Emmett reviews Netpicks somedayas they have had a long history of churning both retailers in forex and futures and displaying their hypothetical backtests as proof for at least a decade.
wtf are you reading? You think big brother is out to get you? You listen to this scam school too much. There’s absolutely zero possible way on this planet to create order flow on a zero sum system like forex. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. It’s all about price action and that’s it…that is all, I promise you that.
Whoever told you that the broker takes the other side or their indicators can see the “majors” is an absolute bold face lying asshat that is trying to scam you. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO DETECT ORDER FLOW IN ZERO SUM….physically, mathematically, systemically, not a possibility on this planet I guarantee you that.
Independent successful traders in forex exist all over, but they don’t go grabbing people to teach or train. The largest issue is because their system wont work for me, it wont work for you it wont work for their niece. They built it to them and their psychology and their own personality etc etc. If anyone hands you a system that works, run far far away.
Get serious, put your own time in, read books, watch Youtube, ignore courses, systems, indicators… get sierra charts, use the mainstream indicators and start making money without paying more than maybe $500 in total in books from amazon.
It truly is as pure as that. Anything else is scam!!
“If you want to get rich, you start a religion.” L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology.
lol well put. If you want to get rich, make money off the lemmings. There’s nothing different from that than trading. Trend is lemmings, make money from the trend/lemmings. Make money in religion from the lemmings… same thing.
If you don’t like zero sum, don’t trade forex.
“Heck, the founder of the Mormom Church (Joseph Smith) was run out of upstate New York by an angry mob of men he hustled in a real estate ponzi scheme. ”
Really dude? Why go there?
Factually inaccurate. See your own link. You lost a lot of credibility going after a religion. Are these scammers bad members of the religion? Yes. Do they represent the whole? Not at all.
Seeing as Missouri had a law allowing the legal killing of Mormons for just being Mormon during this time period and well after…I don’t think that the legal system in these areas was functioning quite at the level of our modern expectations.
Ran out of Webster, New York.
I agree religion is an off topic. However, many scams are born from affinity scams. And the FBI calls Utah the ponzi and pyramid capital of the world. And for good reason.
Just curious why so many Mormons seem to be affiliated with this stuff. Just an opinion. And all opinions are welcome.
you need to research the crime that good old Smithy committed. All mormons paint this guy out to be this golden boy. The dude was as dirty and crooked as Kevin Jones…probably worse. Do your research and I guarantee you, you’ll be walking to a different church. I mean….real research, not bias, not from the bad guys or good guys, just facts, just court docs and facts. Joey Smith was a horrible person and the religion leaders currently are disgusting anti-humane dick bags.
This is not true either. Show me where in the CFTC document that it is says anything close to what you just said above. I have actually read it and this is again not true. The issue with Tallinex was not being registered in the United States with the CFTC. That is simply the truth. GTF was accused of being a introducing broker. That is it. The CFTC does not govern returns or results that are not verified. That is the FTC’s job.
As stated above this all got closed up. GTF was not found guilty nor did they plead guilty. It’s all there for you to read. This is the crap I deal with all the time on the news networks. Just watch the original and you will get the context and the truth. The truth is much more boring than this and I can see why we don’t report it that way
Day Trade Academy is basically a pyramid scheme. It’s like Amway for Forex. Totally stupid.
yup, with many other MLM companies under the umbrella. Complete scam, full out lies, they post weekly pip counts that aren’t accurate as if other people aren’t also taking these webinar trades.. Many people have complained about it and nothing happens. Well thats not true, when people complained they added tiny print that said “we are liars, dont’ sue us” basically.
how the hell aren’t they in jail. a-holes like these guys make me sick. what is the loophole they keep jumping through to avoid jail time ??
They just make a new company when the heat is on. They operate in the gray and make a new company. They’re about to fold and start a new company very soon mark my words. They have a lot of stuff going on right now.
Does the con man have a soul? I doubt it very much. Wow this business of online trading is a sewer that just keeps growing. Hopefully they are not allowed to run their schemes anymore. I can’t understand why someone would pay a fee to trade money they already are in possession of, somewhat similar to TST. People need to educate themselves before getting into bed financially with a company. At the very least do some background checks.
Mike, Have you finally come around to what I keep saying and that is this whole industry is corrupt. There are no exception just different levels of how big a scum bag they are.
I feel MikeM has come to the realization about this whole snakeoil retail traducation industry RobB. It’s shocking at first to realize the extent then it can be just depressive imo, as review after review and more scammy tricks and evidence surfaces because you realize this may never end as more new people try to find ways to invest or trade their money each month and every year. Those who are lucky enough to have read tradingschools first may still be in kool-aid dream state and will still give choice appealing shams “a chance”. As for this day trade academy farce, these combo hotdog packages combined with MLM and a sash of TST is new to me in how this former door to door and pyramid schemer combined the worst aspects of both to a successful trading scam. 16k to trade a 3k account , unbelievable. Their rate of confused hamster wheel churn is so much faster than TST and that they seem to have churned 1.5 million is sign of their ill gotten success. Good job with informing the details of this kind of operation Emmett. I hope these scum will be extradited, or caught with their fake disguises on if they sneak back to the U.S and their sordid story eventually featured on American Greed. Well “Day Trade Academy” isn’t Marcello’s DayTradingAcademy but good to see one of them exposed for now.
It’s just crazy and I couldn’t put it any other way. Absolutely insane that a sizable amount of individuals are out to take what they can from the public. I know this problem with retail always being the last to hold the bag existed since the market had boom and bust cycles, but the online trading vendors are taking it to another level of deceit. Pay me and I will teach you to trade your way to financial freedom. The uninformed are losing money, time and a sense of well being. It is another level of scum when they keep telling you to trade as the new trader loses everything and then some while they keep collecting monthly fees. Someone loses everything while these grifters use the proceeds to pay for a car that they shouldn’t own. It will continue to get worse with social media being so prevalent. New rules are needed by the regulators to shut them down more effectively.
dtchurn so true, they seem to be TST on steroids. The shills on their website are also classic. It’s nuts that you pay them to steal your money. It is the equivalent of me paying a mugger to rob me and then say thank you. LOL. This is real life insanity.
yup, and the worse thing is, if you don’t say thank you they let you know you’re a dumbass. If you can’t make it with their snakeoil system they call you an idiot. If you start succeeding on your own secretly and tell them what you’re doing without their BS they say “you wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for us” I was actually told that by THREE different people there. I left the scam group, did my own thing for months before telling anyone, then came back and hit them face to face with it.
You can guess the rest… I was the scammer, I was the guy telling lies, I was the idiot, but because I could prove my success (by the way they couldn’t and I could and I did) they said “you’re successful because of us.”
WRONG – it took me months to reprogram my brain and trading rules/process. They’re poison to a new trader with their BS and not knowing anything about trading. Simply that alone is dangerous. Then they roll out some BS indicators that don’t work lol. They not only not work, but no one in their entire organization can prove their bank accounts.
You know what Idid with my trading system? I posted it in a public chat and marked each trade posted as win or loss. SO EVERYONE could see. The alert would fire BEFORE the trade (unlike their chat app) and everyone could take the trade as well. I had 3 or 4 people marking stuff by the time I was done. I let people see everything I was doing and in real time see the wins and losses from it.
That’s the way it should be…. If you can’t prove something, you’re a scammer and taking money away from hard working people for a lie I sure hope puts these people in hell.
Indeed. Just learn, study put the 10,000 hours in needed to be successful. Don’t use anyone’s systems, charts, indicators, courses… Just get books on Amazon, youtube like crazy, get a charting software like Sierra Charts, put mainstream indicators on it and make real money. Don’t buy a damn thing from anyone, it won’t work.