Dark Pool Secrets with Stephanie Kammerman

Back in November 2016, TradingSchools.Org published a review of The Stock Whisperer. We gave it low marks. Really low.

The owner of the company, a gorgeous lady named Stephanie Kammerman was purporting to be some sort of financial mystic. Apparently, while she was working as a stock brokers assistant (aka: cold caller) she was given the “secret” to something truly magical…something called ‘Dark Pools.’

This mystical sounding name ‘Dark Pools’ is the sort of language we find in a children’s book. It conjures images of unicorns, leprechauns, Hansel and Gretel, and dancing fairies. But lets now blow away the smoke and be completely honest — there is nothing magical or mystical regarding ‘Dark Pools.’

In fact, dark pools are just part of the securities ecosystem in which stocks are bought and sold. If you own a Vanguard mutual fund, or a Robinhood stock account, or a lame account at TD Ameritrade…then you are using ‘Dark Pools.’

The name ‘Dark Pools’ and any information gleamed from buying and selling on ‘Dark Pools’ is completely useless. In fact, the trading activity on ‘Dark Pools’ mimics exactly the trading activity on the NYSE or the NASDAQ.

However, Stephanie latched onto this corny and mystical sounding name and is milking it like a prized cow. Or bull, depending on her mood.

Stephanie Kammerman 93% winning trades?

According to Stephanie, she wields this magical black pools nonsense and wins 93% of her trades. And according to our prior review, we had calculated her investment returns in the thousands of percent per year. Of course, we reached out to her during our first review, and she had no verifiable track record to share.

Instead, the best she can now offer are “video recordings” and a stacks of disheveled scraps of paper unceremoniously plopped between file folders. Its really odd. And meant to act as some sort of “proof” of her investment prowess.

93% winning trades. Whom would actually believe something so corny and ridiculous? If anyone could produce such an amazing track record, why would they be selling it in a book?

Apparently, several readers that reached out me to declared, ” The book, it’s nonsense” and “a work of pure fiction.” Another person quipped, “I got the book for free, but she scammed on the shipping costs.”

dark pool secrets


Yet another person declared, “I was hoping to see her topless” and “yep, I am fool for a pretty face.”

Stripper Pole Economics

If there is one thing most male readers agree. She is a sexy looking lady. There is definitely something about her that oozes sex appeal. For us guys in our 50’s and 60’s, she really knows how to ring that bell.

And that’s why, I believe, she has been so successful at the ‘Investment Educational’ game. Her niche is pretty simple. She suckers us middle aged idiots into her chat room. We get to talk to a pretty girl. Sure, we have to pay for the pleasure. But its all basically benign and corny.

The T Spot

Apparently, he found the “T-Spot.”

What is funny is that she offers the “special treatment” education for a few thousand dollars more, and some other corny and sexually charged language about her “T spot” and other special secrets. One can only fantasize what we get for $4k.

Middle aged guys, like myself, are completely dopey and unprepared when an attractive lady lavishes us with attention. And Stephanie is a pro at appealing to our vulnerabilities. She is a master entertainer and really good singer.

Another thing I find really funny…if you Google search Stephanie Kammerman, one of the most common queries is “Is Stephanie Kammerman married?” and “Stephanie Kammerman husband.” Google would not place these queries in their native search box unless people are searching for this exact question.

Another sucker.

Isn’t that just pathetic? Us middle aged fools actually got the attention of Google and they attempted to answer that query. No, I wont be telling you whether she is married or single because…its a secret.

Dark Pool Secrets: the infomercial.

For those that need a little extra entertainment, you have to check out Stephanie’s sticky sweet, and outrageously stupid informercial.

The REAL Dark Pool Secrets

For those that really want to learn about the secrets of the “Dark Pools” then I would recommend that read Michael Lewis’s book: Flash Boys. A Wall Street Revolt.

Also, I wrote a review of Flash Boys awhile back. In my opinion, anyone that actively trades stocks should read this book. It will give you the inside dope on how ‘Dark Pools’ really work on Wall Street.

Thanks for reading. And don’t forget to leave a comment below.


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