A douchebag is a noun. And it is defined as either:
- a small syringe for douching the vagina, especially as a contraceptive measure.
- an obnoxious or contemptible person (typically used of a man).
Some may debate whether Chris Terry is one, or the other. I say he is both.
Chris Terry is a small syringe of a man that instead of douching the vagina, has discovered it far more profitable to wiggle his syringe into the pockets of unsuspecting investors. He injects his ‘magical’ trading wisdom into the trusting open cavity of his victim and then attempts to flush out whatever financial resources maybe desperately clinging.
Chris Terry is a financial douchebag. He is also an obnoxious and contemptible person with a sour attitude and a shitty lawyer with the brains of a retarded squirrel.
Am I being too harsh? Apparently, the CFTC or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission agrees and has officially shut down his outrageously fraudulent and phony ‘trading educational business’ and Forex trading signal service. You can read the September 14, 2018, CFTC court document here.
Many readers might be confused about Chris Terry. Wondering why I am being so hard on this character? The truth is that Chris has been a litigious nightmare for me. I originally discovered his scam in early 2017 and proceeded to give his financial bacteria the proper exposure it desperately needed.
After fielding many complaints from victims and pestering the hell out of the CFTC, we finally got this bozo shut down. If you visit FxSignalsLive.com, you will see that his website is currently offline.
However, don’t be fooled into believing this con man has been officially retired by the CFTC. His other website is still active: ImarketsLive.com
Curious about ImarketsLive.com? Everything you ever wanted to know about this financial fraud and phony can be found by reading the original review that I published on July 7, 2017.
In a nutshell, Chris Terry likes to fill up convention halls with hundreds of financially desperate people and then publicly proclaim that he is, “a master trader who’s made hundreds of millions in the financial markets.”

FX Signals Live: Chris Terry in a room full of suckers. Sad.
Of course, he wants to spoon feed his financial snake oil down the throats of all of these poor suckers…for only a small monthly fee of $200-$500 per month.
All you need to do is attend his live trading room and simply copy and paste his supposedly winning trades. In a magical instant, you are also going to be earning millions of dollars each year. All of your financial troubles are a thing of the past.
As the promotional material explains, “all you need is a laptop, a $500 Forex account, the indicators, and copy and paste Chris Terry trades.”
Can’t sit at your computer and copy and paste Chris Terry’s trades because you have a job plucking feathers at a chicken factory? No problem! Simply link your Forex trading account with his signal platform and your trades will be automatically mirrored.
It all sounded so easy and simple. Except it wasn’t. The inbox at TradingSchools.Org began receiving a steady stream of regurgitated financial vomit from people that lost all of their money. Like a cruise ship that served up a batch of rotten oysters, it was an ugly scene.
All I could do was encourage the victims to register their complaints with the CFTC, which many did. Thankfully, the CFTC took notice of the cluster of complaints, and my relentless whining about Chris Terry and they finally took action.
Wrapping things up
One thing I know about con artists. They won’t quit until you put them into a concrete box. As a former con artist myself, the State and Federal securities regulators never bothered me much. They simply did not have the authority to imprison me, only fine and sanction me. A con man doesn’t worry about fines and sanctions, he simply packs up his wagon full of snake oil and moves to the next town.
The only thing that eventually worked on me was a 33-month Federal prison sentence. Time alone in a concrete box exudes a truly unique and original perspective.
Unfortunately, for Chris Terry, it appears that the only way to ‘help’ reform this character is a prison sentence. Time will tell if the justice system finally catches up with this guy.
Thanks for reading.
The true scammers of this world know how to brainwash their followers. Their followers are dreamers. People who are afraid of hard work. People who wouldn’t know a scam if it shit in their cornflakes. The statement was made by a commenter that they are “compliant with ALL regulatory and statutory bodies”. Probably because they are dealing in an area where there are no regulations covering what they.
I have not read more rubbish in quite a while. I don’t know what flavours this article most: Ignorance, jealousy or stupidity. IM Academy (You even got the name of the company wrong) is 100% Compliant with ALL regulatory and statutory bodies, thanks to their battery of 18 lawyers. The company has >300K customers ALL over the world, (approx 200K since march 2020) sooooo all of them are suckers? Really dude?
It is said that only trees with fruit will be stoned, well you CLEARLY identified who YOU are!
As you stated, “they have a battery of 18 lawyers” and I should be terribly afraid?
Well, you must a referencing the defamation lawsuit they filed…and then abandoned. Any nitwit can file a lawsuit, to create the impression, or illusion that “since they filed a lawsuit, then they must be serious.” Not true. Many people file frivolous lawsuits just to counter a narrative to a public audience. In the case of iMarketsLive, their lawsuit was abandoned and dismissed.
Those guys are scammers, I exposed them. They got busted by the CFTC and you can read about it here…
hahaha you are so right, fuck all this hate bullshit and fuck Network Marketing, this product is genious, whenever I want I can watch IML TV and become a better trader. All this bullshit because of 140$ a month. If you are so wise then go and lose your money in the markets.
whoever left the only comment needs to be wheelchaired
Loooool someones a bit triggered hahahahaha, I guess you didn’t make any money and your as poor as the last penis that you sucked hahahaha