Al Brooks Trading
Verified Trades
User Experience
Al Brooks is a charlatan. No track record. Claims to be a “full-time professional day trader”, yet can provide absolutely zero proof. Trading books are highly subjective, unscientific mumbo jumbo with no backtesting of trading concepts.
Live trading room is an exhibition of palm reading, fortune cookie wisdom, crystal ball divination, modernist voodoo, cult leader fanaticism, and Harry Potter magical thinking.
A specialist of “double-speak”, where the left ear hears the trample of bulls, while the right ear simultaneously hears the mauling from bears.
A circle jerk, waste-of-time carnival attraction meant to sucker the newbie into believing that an actual wizard is behind the curtain.
Thanks for reading today’s review of Al Brooks Trading
What is Al Brooks Trading? Al Brooks is day trading educator. He currently maintains and promotes the following web properties:
- Brooks Price Action (2009) which is an online trading forum where purchasers of trading products can ask questions and access a live day trading room priced at $99 per month.
- Brooks Trading Course (2012) which is a promotional store front that is selling a 36-hour video course for $249
Al Brooks also maintains various social media profiles:
In addition, Al Brooks has also published four trading books:
- 2009 Reading Price Charts Bar By Bar
- 2011 Trading Price Action Trends
- 2012 Trading Price Action Reversals
- 2012 Trading Price Action Ranges
Al Brooks is also a frequent advertiser with the Online Traders Expo. Some readers might be offended or confused that I am using the word ‘advertiser’, instead of the word ‘speaker’ at Online Traders Expo. The truth is that Online Traders Expo is a quarterly seminar circuit that specializes in promoting and selling trading products.
Anyone can be an “expert speaker” at Online Traders Expo, you just need to spend several thousands of dollars for the privilege. There is no vetting of trading educators or the products being sold.
Al Brooks also receives a tremendous amount of press from Futures Magazine. In fact, he publishes a daily blog post on Futures Magazine where he provides a post-market summary of the daily price action.
Al Brooks Trading Performance
Al Brooks has no published track record. Although, there are many references in his books and promotional materials, as being a “full-time professional day trader” there is simply no evidence whatsoever. Al Brooks states repeatedly that he is a full-time professional day trader. But can provide nothing to the audience that establishes a baseline reference to measure his trading performance. What exactly is a “full-time professional day trader?” In my opinion, it would be someone that is earning a full-time income at trading. But with Al Brooks, there is absolutely zero reference material that describes what this actually means. It is simply a statement that he makes and then he hopes that you stop asking tough questions.
During the month September 2016 as well as October 2016, TradingSchools.Org used various alias’s and attended 8 of the live trading sessions being offered by Not once did we witness a live trade. Furthermore, we never witnessed a live or a simulated trading DOM on display inside of the live day trading room. All that is offered are verbal suggestions, pretzel logic, and ambiguous side-speak.
Attempting to verify performance
TradingSchools.Org, using various alias’s, made multiple attempts during live trading sessions, after live trading sessions, and through email in an attempt build a track record of Al Brooks trading results. Unfortunately, this is not possible. Al Brooks refused, at all levels to disclose whether he was trading, or had ever taken any live trades.
Finally, in one last desperate attempt, TradingSchools.Org reached out to Al Brooks directly and notified him that a review was pending. We asked for some sort of performance summary. He refused. His response was that by disclosing his individual trading performance, that he would be committing a criminal act or would be in violation of securities laws.
Is showing a record of trades a criminal act? TradingSchools.Org, in the past two years, has written extensively about trading educators. Not once have we ever witnessed a trading educator getting into trouble for being honest with consumers. In fact, we have been closely involved in both the criminal and civil prosecution of over a dozen fraudulently promoted trading educators and trading systems. In speaking with CFTC and SEC investigators directly, they simply laugh whenever they hear this well-worn piece of urban fiction.
There is nothing illegal with showing a trading record. However, it is fraudulent to show a trading record that has been falsified for marketing purposes. Perhaps this is the reason why Al Brooks does not publish a trading record?
Of course, trading educators like Al Brooks will attempt to obfuscate and confuse this point. They will say things like, “I talked to an attorney and they said it’s against the law”. This is pure nonsense. Securities regulators love disclosure. The more the better.
Perhaps Al Brooks should contact world champion trader Kevin Davey about his published track record. Kevin has been selling trading system since before Jesus walked the earth, and has never had a problem with a securities regulator.
Anyone that tells you that they cannot show you a track record of trading performance “because it’s illegal” is trying to fit you with a custom butt plug, while telling you that it is a lolly pop. Huge red flag (or butt plug).
Does a lack of a track record automatically disqualify?
Does Al Brooks lack of a track record mean that he is a scam artist? Or a con man? In my opinion, it does not. It just means that he probably isn’t a very good trader, and doesn’t want anyone to know about it. The massive amount of promotions, videos, books, seminars and courses simply paint a picture of what Al Brooks truly is…he is a just another trading promoter. A retired eye doctor that couldn’t make it as a retail trader and decided to sell some stuff to supplement his income.
Al keeps his promotional efforts clean and tidy. He doesn’t produce a track record or make wild claims of success because he knows that it will get him into real trouble. His ‘game’ is to leverage social media, various media channels, books, etc that create the impression that he is some sort of “trading wizard”. But the reality is he is just an average guy out selling the dream to the unwashed masses.
Al Brooks is certainly not going to qualify as one of TradingSchools worst educators. Not even close.
The real problem with Al Brooks
Trading educators all seem to occupy a particular niche. Some educators claim that magical order flow indicators can divine the future, others claim that rocket science mathematics infused into a moving average will surely bring big trading profits, others claim that 700-year-old Japanese stick characters portend the future. With Al Brooks, his niche is “Reading Price Action”. What exactly does that mean? Quite simply, from Al Brooks perspective, he claims that he can look at just about any 5-minute bar, and from these tiny bits of information, he can consistently predict the future.
What does an Al Brooks prediction look like? Well, lets start with the trading room, and what we heard…
“Indecision bars, indecision bars, with a possible micro bubble climax definitely looking to buy support. But sellers may overwhelm swing, so looking to sell at resistence trigger”
“Double bottom probably buyers on doji candle looking for long entry and short entry on resistence failure short entry for quick profit, be aggressive and careful with either position”
“Final flag, final flag, definitely final flag probably entering trading range with close support at possible entry point for aggresive buyers and definite exit point on multi-point sell position”
“Failure reversal bull flag with sellers climax possible sell, but looking to buy on minor pullback of micro bubble. Indecision bars signalling continuation of reversal points.”
On and on, throughout the trading day, Al Brooks talks his way through the trading session. Making these weird, highly indigestible, utterly confusing references to things that apparently only he can see. Not once does he ever say, “I am going long at price X, stop at price Y, target at Z.” Nothing he say’s is ever direct, concise, or definable. The entire trading room is meant to be a lesson in confusing terminology, innuendo, and twisted statements. Everything is meant to lead the consumer back to the reference material, in other words, if you buy the book specifically on Trends, then you will understand what I am saying. And after you buy the book on Reversals, then you understand this. And after buy the book on Ranges, then you can understand the ranges terminology.
And if the books are not enough, then you need to purchase the 36-hour course that ties it all together. And you need to keep paying $99 per month and watch the live trading room, and eventually it will sink in. On and on it goes, until finally the disgruntled and dismayed start writing to TradingSchools.Org and complaining and are pissed off about wasting time and money.
No scientific evidence
Thankfully, multiple readers sent me copies of Al Brooks trading books. Although the books are stuffed full of perfect chart examples, there is absolutely no backtested evidence that any of his chart patterns are valid. Everything he writes is subjective and pure opinion. Today’s modern trading platforms make it simple to backtest ideas, and specific set-ups, but Al Brooks does none of this. We are supposed to “see the patterns” and “feel the patterns”. And if we follow Al Brooks long enough, we also will begin to “see and feel these patterns”. But you have to keep paying, and buying and watching in and endless loop of hope.
The problem with Al Brooks always circles back to square one. Does this guy even trade? Does he even have a trading account? Has he ever had any success whatsoever? All he has to do is release information on his own personal trading performance, and this would be the final verdict. But Al Brooks will not do this. Nobody is allowed to peak behind the curtain of the Wizard of Oz for a reason.
My own opinion
On a typical trading day, Al Brooks will make an average of about 25 trading suggestions. They are suggestions, and nothing more. There are no exact entry points, or stops, or profit targets. Everything is left to the imagination of the viewer. And the imagination of the viewer is where the con is played out.
Al Brooks is a palm reader. With his nerdy demeanor, he holds your palm and starts pointing to lines that supposedly tell the future. He suggests that a straight line here, with a squiggly line over here, and a strange line there means that something amazing could happen to you at any moment. Never does he take out his own palm and tell you what is happening with him, its always about playing into the imagination of his audience. He is an eye doctor, and he can see things really well, and his daughter is going to an Ivy League college which means that he is successful and can afford such a thing. And that since Futures Magazine publishes his articles that they have witnessed his grandeur and endorse his predictive abilities. And since he is a “speaker” at Traders Expo, that he is authentic, and the multiples of books and video courses are yet more proof of his amazing abilities.
But the sad and simple truth is that Al Brooks has no trading record. He is just a simple little man projecting something that he is not. He is not a successful trader. Just another vendor, selling the dream. Of course, I would love to be wrong. And it would be so incredibly easy to prove me wrong, by releasing a performance record, but Al Brooks knows that he can never do this.
Thanks for reading. Sorry for yet another negative review. There are plenty of Al Brooks fans out there, and they are going to be pissed off that I am calling him a charlatan. But it’s just how I see it. Don’t forget to leave a comment below.
I enrolled in his trading course, and after watching 12 hours of that unintelligible rambling garbage, I got a refund (they give your money back within 30 days). His course is horrible. He clearly does not trade. He speaks like an after-the-fact analyst. His Discord room is FULL of cult members. His course helpers are not traders, they are analysists and cult members of the highest order (Rose and Richard etc)
I also bought ALL of his books and kept them for a week. They are unreadable. Read the negative reviews on Amazon, they are accurate.
Brooks doesn’t trade. He cant teach for shit. His membership are cultists. He has never proven a track record and given pathetic excuses why he cant supply broker statements. He is a charlatan of the highest order.
Thankfully I reversed out of the Brook universe within a month of touching it and got all my money back. Best breakeven trade I ever made!
DO NOT buy his materials. Trading simply is not as complicated as he makes it. And if you spent the time it takes to “master” his dribble, you may very well have become a profitable trader in another method. Maybe much more profitable than with Brooks.
Totally agree with you. Especially during the trading room sessions. They are never clear, they don t mention any of the patterns that are in thé vidéo course such as major trend reversal, day types, dueling lines, opening ranges etc etc. They only talk about “levels”, “buyers above/below”, “sell the close bar”. And besides, they sometimes say that they took this trade and exit with benefit once the market go their way, but when it s Reversing or going into a Trap like expanding triangle, no one s speeking
What the absolute shilling is this? i.e take “Karen”s word for it. If B_ooks actually had made 700 million his trading room and shamshow would be long gone, or he’d be an actual figure that CNBC would “consult” with soundbites for his prop firm. Remember “Karen the Supertrader” who got a lot of investment in tens of millions and all that attention, featured on tastytrade, etc., just because she lucked out on making 50% profit on a 100k account? doing dangerous strangles which her sham was caught defrauding eventually with trying to defer the monthly losses to the next months.
I’d ditched B_ooks material over a decade ago after having wasted enough time on it and attended his useless trading room for several months. Today, my trading completely does not use any of his ideas which are awful regurgitated crap he tried to make his own. Plus his room commentary mostly veered off from whatever he wrote in his books. Like what he put in his book material was mostly red herring bunk slop fed to the pigsty of the duped masses who bought into the B-ooks fad. Like if he experimented and found more effective ideas on his own in the passing years, he’s certainly not going to share it with his readers that bought and read his books, or his trading room followers and he always keeps that same shifty vague commentary, then pretends it makes sense to the book material with his daily forum writeups “bar by bar”. A deserted forum year after year since no one gets it or will ever, unless you count the supposed one in twenty-thousand that claims B_ooks teachings works for them.
Nadina, nice to hear your sentiment of standing up to the snakeoil and shamshows. Unfortunately, society in general has gotten worse since covid and even our past fun days of Emmett actively calling out the shamshows before that. Too much of the youth online are terribly deluded , or uneducated and brainwashed with all the new social media channels. It’s incredible how reddit has tens of thousands of teenagers and unemployed or disenfranchised young adult males who are buying into this ‘everyone can trade for a living’ crap when it’s an immense competition . And it’s no wonder with the overall breakup of the family unit in western society (with the woke crap propaganda societally promulgated and funded by a certain side of the elites and corporate shareholders today) where there is seeming no more sanity or sensibility anymore with personal finance awareness. The ‘new’ snakeoil and sham is just worse than ever. This site and the hundreds of reviews and exposure of scores of past scams still serves as a good warning and testament to the reality. But sadly most of the hapless new masses of potential dupes are missing it and exposed to the rampant misinformation on youtube, reddit, discord shampools. It’s just worse than ever, and the corrupted institutions have mostly given up on regulation. An example is the overall giving up or sanction of CFDs based on the islands and offshore banana nations that are allowed to continue per Emmett’s last reports about it. crypto, 0DTE options, seem to be current snakeoil carrying on the new delusion of today’s ongoing new “trading generations”. A worst example is Ross Cameron and Warrior Trading still thriving and shilled as “legit trading education” amidst the marketing and even brokerages. And yes, I still get occasional recent spam email from Amico, I guess he still needs to push his snakeoil for the new monthly churn dupes to help with keeping up his million dollar home in the southeast boondocks lifestlye.
OK guys, here’s some inside info on Al Brooks for those interested.
I’m sick of reading all the dribble here and the controversy surrounding Dr. Brooks.
I know for a fact that he has pulled over 700 million dollars out of the markets since becoming profitable many years ago.
Don’t bother asking me how I know this. Just take my word and learn his techniques and stop spreading all this crap about him.
I just got done requesting an amazon refund for Brooks’ first book. I gave it an honest chance after watching some youtube videos (after all, I paid for it). I couldn’t bother to finish reading a book that reminding me of the WD Gann’s books (another unconfirmed suspect trader) I read many years ago.
Al Brooks is in a line of people like Jordan Peterson and Deepak Chopra…word salad masters posing as purveyors of wisdom
I disagree with all this. I burned money for 2 years trying to learn from various traders on Youtube and various books. For the first time in my life, I could make a consistent profit while trading, and that was after studying Brooks and applying the insights from the videos. I don’t care whether he actively trades or not, I have gained a lot of knowledge from his book.
One of the first things they teach in engineering is “garbage in = garbage out.”
In other words, whatever success you have achieved likely has little to do with Mr. Brooks. In the alternative, your success is probably related to simple randomness. Sorry bro’. Just saying.
If you need a heart surgeon, you better hire a heart surgeon to fix your heart. Even truer with trading, if you want success then find someone to model that is actually doing it successfully.
I wish you the best Aksh, and I respect your opinion.
I disagree with all this. I burned money for 2 years trying to learn from various traders on Youtube and various books. For the first time in my life, I could make a consistent profit while trading, and that was after studying Brooks and applying the insights from the videos. I don’t care whether he actively trades or not, I have gained a lot of knowledge from his book.
Hi dtchurn
Long time no see. I hope you are OK and I hope Emmett is too.
Al Brooks is a known charlatan. A household name.
As you say – it is sad that Emmett has not posted for a long time but I live in hope. Also, this website is a living testimony to the fight of many of us (led by Emmett – the most deserving ) who would simply not stand for the crap that swindlers were trying to feed us. It would be a shame if all the info on this site disappeared and new potential victims could not check some facts here. I still get emails about what was posted here years ago.
Perhaps Emmett has retired for now but CFTC has not. Every piece of scum now lives in fear of something happening. They can never sleep again. And it can only get worse for them. It is just a very slow process.
It’s just amazing the shills for B_ooks (relatives?) keep churning out these shill posts here periodically every six months or so. Even the shilling is still going on for every other week or so on the daytrading subreddit on reddit , along with “ICT”. Always the “benefit of the doubt” about the ‘hard work needed’ and time to do it which will always be aimed at the newcomer next gen retail newbies to trading for the next monthly churn or next years, as they are hapless to the snakeoil shamshow industry that still continues to this day 8 or 9 years after this tradingschools blog started now and revealed the truth of all these legacy scams and shamshows and faked sim shows and results. I’d already been through his books now over ten years ago. Wasted a year trying to figure it out of all his unnecessary gobblydygook wording of the ideas which can actually be condensed into two pages, and guess what, the bpa forum is always dead from past failed retailers attempting the bpa “method”. never anyone who stuck it out who could really claim success or prove it. In my opinion, it’s as Emmett stated in this review, B_ooks isn’t that great a trader and can’t prove otherwise with real proof. There are scores better than him even if they are relative charlatans and shamshows also as they probably do better sim results than he does. For my own trading, I’m lont past this b-pa badly regurgitated nonsense, and NONE of his ideas or verbiage is in my current trading. And I already dropped of his sham books to Goodwill and homeless dropoff piles already years ago.
Too bad tradingschools seems to be hibernated or ended. At least it’s still up. Still great legacy of exposing these snakeoil shamshow criminal vendors of these hundreds of reviews. A patreon page or paypal donation setup or so, could jumpstart it back to activity I would bet.
This old and ugly review misses the point. Al Brooks does not offer a trading system. His education is about developing the skills to read market or price action context. Two traders may read the context the same way but may place very different trades. There are no Al Brooks trades to follow. In his own words, there are no “secrets” to share. There is the hard work, discipline, logic, and experience to build expertise in reading short-term market participant behavior. The on-line course is excellent and quite deep. The books are even deeper. The course is more than enough for most people. Beginning with the books is a very difficult approach. I recommend the course, to help one develop true skill at trading, vs. following some magic “system”.
Al Brooks has such a deep understanding about how the market moves, based on technical models, that it is confusing for many folks, some of whom believe that he is a charlatan. It is impossible, in my opinion, to predict markets strictly on prior price action which seems to be a primary premise of his lectures, as there is an amalgamation of variable events that play into each market, in my opinion . Nonetheless, following his charts can be informative as a backdrop to larger world or newsworthy events, which more often than not seemingly have a larger impact on macro trading trends, e.g., such as the Fed’s monetary policy at any given time.
Al Brooks is a day trading educator in reading price action, his style is hard for many because day trading is hard, only a few percent of people are successful. Knowing if he making money or not is necessary to learn from him. As a consistent trader, what he teaches is valuable if people have the time for it. No trader can adopt any of them, even for the best review teacher in the world, because trading is a personal affair. Every trader has a different risk profile and a mix of trends or scalp styles, just to name a few. Al offers many information and techniques, a trader can only adopt a small part of it and test it themselves. It is a myth new traders can only learn from a successful teacher/trader and become successful. Looking for a “right” teacher or “system” will put a new trader on the wrong path. A lot of work needs to be done by a learning trader to do back and forward tests on what he learns, which adds to his or her system/style. We can’t take the teacher’s word for it because we need the confidence ourselves if the technique works when we have a drawdown, which is given in trading. This career takes 10K hours to start, we can’t follow other teachers/traders forever, and that doesn’t work. For example, Al talks about trade having a 60/40 chance to win at best; otherwise, there is no trading. It takes a buyer and a seller to make a trade, One of them will lose at any given trade. Trade management and money management are key to having a profit at the end of the day. There are many books on these topics.
Is there evidence he was an ophthalmologist? Trading and selling courses seems too much effort to me if im earning a good 6 figure salary.
Glad I found this review. I’ve just started looking through his books (fortunately, didn’t buy them) and they appear to be incoherent mess.
first, trading is not a science, it is an art, so charging for “scientific evidence” is monumentally stupid, second, markets are the domain of uncertainty, you need to operate with the perspective of never knowing what will actually happen “The heart of man plots his path, but the LORD directs his steps. “, third, who is going to study Al Brooks needs to “reset” almost everything he learned previously to be able to absorb what he wants to say, it’s like reading a book, while you read it, you don’t question the author, you simply accept what he says, only after reading, studying and understanding what he says will you be able to judge if it’s good or not. To understand the Al Brooks method requires total dedication, without which you can forget it. Hugs.
New Age Nonsense. If Al Brooks could make anyone a successful trader by following his “method” he’d provide proof of his earnings from trading. He can’t, so he doesn’t.
Trading tips are really important for traders. It helps them to perform their trade-in a short time but swiftly. Your article is very helpful. I want to read your next article.
I trade FULL TIME (going on 3 years now). The same e-mini Al Brooks claims to trade, and to a lesser extent /GC and /CL I’m always looking to improve my entries so I read his book and then some of his weekly market blog entries. Couldn’t agree more with the reviewer. His “method”, or whatever he’s calling it, had zero value. It’s a lot of smoke and double speak. Just look at his market blog and you’ll find a theme. “Market has an W%chance of going up, X%chance of going down, Y% chance of going sideways, and a Z% chance of going up, down and sideways”. Meanwhile the %’s he throws out have absolutely no basis — no backtesting, nothing. I asked him directly if the % were from backtesting and I got a lot of noise but no answer. It’s ridiculous. Every link of his you click on directs you to the “if you want more of these un-tested, unverifiable figures, pay me 300 bucks for my course and I’ll give you access to even more” page. Stay away.
I am lucky enough to know some extremely successful traders who have a very high market IQ and all of them state that Al Brooks is a very good trader and have absorbed much of his works into their systems.
“… Nothing he say’s is ever direct, concise, or definable…”
You have no idea what you’re talking about. You just can’t comprehend the stuff he(Al) has to offer because you lack basic assumption that the market is NOT direct, NOT concise, and absolutely NOT defineable. And that is why Al almost always says everything in probabilities. And that is also why he uses words such as – probably, possibly, likelihood, and so on. On the other hand, you want a mere definable set of rules you can rely upon to make money. If that was the case, everyone would just grab a cup of coffee and then become a millionaire in no time. That’s not the way it works.
On a side note, I’ve read all his books, blog articles, most of forum information and almost everything that’s available on the internet about him or his methodology. I’ve spent countless hours of my life getting to know his work and his way of trading. Wherther you want to believe it or not. What I’ve observed over a period of time is that people often buy his book or read one or two articles and then get extremely confused and then they are just pissed at him because of the confusion. I’m sure as hell, you’re no different. And hey, just so you know, I’m making a hell lot of money trading his methodologies.
But those who puts in the time and efforst and perserver, eventually reaps the rewards.
His is a work that’s absolutely invalueable and it’s for those – as he says in the book title – SERIOUS Traders. Not for people like you, who just want a get rich quick scheme.
I was just trying to google an article he wrote on and now the articles is lost. But in the process I stumbled upon this shitty review, So I thought I might as well help others open their eyes. As for your eyes, I’m pretty sure as far as the awareness about Al’s work is concerned, you’re blind!!
Do you really rate Als course quality as two-star? Who the fuck are you? Your sour-grape teacher rating website is a NEGATIVE one star! How do you like that!
Hey, at least he got two-stars. I could have given him one-star.
Well, I see you dumped my last comment about your being from Planet BS down to the bottom in hopes no one would see it, so let’s take another tack. Since you are “obviously” a great trader, given that you can make pronouncements and judgements about other traders, why don’t you post your live trading results so we can all see them. Preferably audited by an accountant.
If you won’t do that, then we know you are just another opinionated dimwit, contributing to the ever-burgeoning online pollution, and the pot calling the kettle black. Why do I know you won’t have the balls to publish this post?
Your opinion sucks IMO. I use Brooks stuff and it definitely works. So do the rest of the guys in our trading group. What planet are you from? Planet BS?
LoL! I couldn’t believe seeing this recent video “interview”. ( I had been in B_ooks’ pro-rated trading room for a few months (and had read his original book page to page, unlike gollum-peets and his trollish nonsense) and heard some other audio convention samples. But his voice always sounded lower and pushy, like when he enunciated “com-PU-ters”, “com-PUU-dters”. Then this video and his skinny throat voicebox makes it seem all this time his computer and mic setup had his voice modified to octave(s) lower. Lolol!
You are an idiot and I will enjoy taking your money
Knowing when to get in and when to get out is the whole point. A “system” that can’t teach you that is totally worthless.
Right on Jerry!! Al tells you right at the beginning, “Traders spend their trading life all day in a fog wondering what is going to happen next in a haze of 50-50 probabilities, which never gets better then 60-40 in either the bull or bear direction. Then at the end of the day the fog lifts, the sun comes out and what happened all day long is obvious to everyone.” If you don’t like living like that, dont trade.
Jerry’s allusiion to the casinos is so correct.
Al spent a bunch of time while he looked for the Grail. He lost money for 10 years before he was able to get profitable (his words not mine). He knows that to function as a successful trrader he has to think in that crazy way that most of the reviewers here are mocking. They need to be able to think in “Al Brooks Speak.” Thinking in ay other way produces loses as most of us can attest.
Al brooks penchant for hard work is incredible. Al doesn’t offer you the Holy Grail for products that cost $7997, $1997 or even $997. What he did do was put togther the most incredible series of videos and sell it for $359. there are 120 videos that cover every aspect of forex and e-Mini. When you get done with them you speak “Brooks speak.” AND you stop being surprised at the outcomes of the market.
Hi, a friend of mine told me about this review and I feel compelled to respond
I have been studying Al Brooks methods since 2009, which is when he first started producing content online. There is no doubt that his material takes alot of time and effort to understand but it is absolutely worth the effort. He has his own intepretation of how the market moves and his own language for describing it. I made a decision to see if what he said made sense and can say now with experience that it does and it can be used to help structure a method with edge. (this took me 6 years)
Does it bother me that he doesnt produce an audited trading performance record? It did initially but now I have come to the conclusion that it just doesnt matter – I cannot replicate his performance and in any event, just as in sport coaching, the best coaches were not necessarily the best players. By this I am saying that even if he is not trading for a living, he can still qualify as a top coach, which I absolutely believe he is. (I suspect that he does make money from trading however)
These are just my opinions, I have no ties to Al Brooks etc, but I believe your review is unfair.
Hi Ian,
Thanks for commenting. When I draft these reviews, I always try and dive straight to the heart of the matter. The performance is really the heart of the matter.
At the end of the day, if we are going to invest in books, courses, time, and potential investments…I feel that the vendor should practice what he preaches. If I were to hire a performance coach for tennis, personally, I would require that the coach had played maybe a few tournaments. This is just common sense.
Too often, we are so desperate to succeed that we are willing to lower our standards too far.
Sometimes it is not necessary to be good trader to be a good coach, for instance, Nick Bollettieri, a world famous tennis coach has won no grand slams.
Yes, but he can show the results of his coaching and choices. He has proof that his coaching works.
This website is an scam, and the people are running just like dogs small dogs they crate bad reviews and try to negotiate with the reviews anyway here is just a sample visit Alan brooks amazon and check some reviews
And forget about this crap or website
Hey Alan Brooks Fan, it’s Albert Brooks not Alan Brooks. Just thought you should know your heroes correct name 🙂
I’d like to offer my objective opinion after following Al Brooks and his work for the last 3 years. I’ll discuss the positive, the negative, and my conclusion.
First, the positive:
1) The things that Al Brooks talks about in his books definitely does have merit. If you study his work and then watch the markets during the day, you will see Al’s concepts playing out in real-time during the trading day.
2) Al gives realistic warnings to people reading his material – in terms of best-case win-loss rates, the difficulties of successful trading, and zero-sum nature of markets.
3) Al’s material essentially gives an aspiring trader a “lens” in which to view the markets, in which that trader eventually can learn to navigate and learn how to structure profitable trades.
Now, the negative:
1) Al Brooks works very hard on his website his content that he sells – daily updates premarket and aftermarket close on his website. Weekend updates. It is remarkable how much effort Al puts into his website every day, month after month. Why is this negative? Well, if I find it hard to believe that a trader making consistent, good living from trading the markets would have motivation to so religiously work on updating a website, unless that trader was financially movitated by the website. It is just human nature. A guy making $150,000 a year trading is simply not going to be motivated to work so hard on a website constantly.
2) Predictions on daily/weekly chart are no better than a coin flip. The only time Al makes documented predictions are on his daily and weekly updates on his website. I’ve been reading his predictions for a long time, and can tell you that the actual results are no better than a coin flip. I have seen zero evidence that Al has a statistically significant ability to predict the next move in a market on the daily and weekly chart. Much of it is because Al relies so much on technical analysis, and often it is news announcements that have been driving the market (at least since Trump has been in office).
Also, another thing that bothers me, is that I used to follow Al’s trading room (another paid service) and at the end of the day, Al would pull up the 5 minute chart and review it. He would literally call out every bars action while having the results in front of him to stare at! This is like me becoming an NFL announcer and predicting the next play while watching instant replay (AFTER seeing the play already take place!).
3) No documented results: I have mixed feelings about this. I understand that a person may want financial privacy, I really do. But if you are going to promote yourself as a “full-time, consistently profitable trader” you have an inherent obligation to produce some level of proof. I don’t care about seeing Al’s account balances – I would be happy if he went to a financial auditing firm, and got an audited statement from them swearing that “we have reviewed Al Brooks trading results, and can confirm that he has ended the month profitably on XX% of the last 60 months.”
Something like that alone would be helpful. Because the bottom line, is that not one of Al’s students have ever seen him take a trade on the hard-right edge of the screen. And that is a problem.
Conclusion: The books and materials definitely do have merit. However, taking those materials and converting them into profits in the markets is an entirely different endeavor altogether – until Al shows us otherwise, I struggle to believe that he is a consistently profitable full-time trader.
Hi Honest opinion
Interesting review and I agree in the main with your comments.
Just two points that I want to counter on – his daily and weekly pre and post market updates that you suggest (he doesnt sell access to this content btw, nor does he manage and update the website) a profitable trader would not spend the time on.
I would suggest politely that if you are not doing this yourself for every day that you trade that you are missing out on one of the key components that directly support your bottom line results.
Regarding the predictions and coin flips, I believe that you have to consider his comments as probable outcomes. As you say he often gets it wrong but thats just confirming that the least probable outcome occurred – which is what markets do regularly. The point being – dont get caught up measuring him by his predictions, but ask yourself whether you can structure trades with edge based on the probable outcomes
Hope this helps!
There is intra-day trader Tom Hougaard. He is multimillionaire and he is trading live everyday for last 5 years and he using Al brooks principles of trading. Hes made 16000 points trading indicies this year and over 38000 points for the last year. He’s group is free and you can see trades every day.
i start being profitable after reading Al brooks Price action bar by bar book.
It works!
“2)Predictions on daily/weekly chart are no better than a coin flip. The only time Al makes documented predictions are on his daily and weekly updates on his website. I’ve been reading his predictions for a long time, and can tell you that the actual results are no better than a coin flip. I have seen zero evidence that Al has a statistically significant ability to predict the next move in a market on the daily and weekly chart”
Your quote. And it’s spot on. One of Al Brooks’ most egregious frauds is that daily/weekly blog. I imagine he puts it out as a promotional tool to lure in subs. If you’re new to the game all that double speak probably seems legitimate. However, anyone with a decent amount of experience should be able to tell he’s basically saying it could go up down or sideways. I’m just glad I only spent $ on his book and didn’t get roped into the course.
Just came upon your site. This is great, the Internet needs a site like this. There are a lot of people being deceived on the internet when it comes to trading. If Al Brooks can’t or won’t show results as a trader he should be considered a suspect charlatan. I have been reading his books and his web site and I to have been very interested in his methods. But I am very leery of people claiming to be traders and selling products claiming to make you a good trader if they indeed aren’t doing it themselves or making a profit. So, Al is under my suspicions after looking at your info. Keep up the detective work, trading fools need it. !!There is a sucker born every minute!! Or in trading a sucker trades every minute!
Emmet, Actually I think you’re also adding value by identifying purported trading educators who: 1) make unfounded claims; 2) charge exorbitant amounts of money w/o showing substantiated benefit. And you’re also flagging prop firms w/ dubious money-soaking practices. Net-net, ie I think overall your doing a great job.
I appreciate your consumer-directed approach and think that your site is well-structured, thorough, clear, and easy to use, but I suggest that your review of Al Brooks is akin to saying Newton didn’t communicate anything worthwhile about gravitational force because he didn’t build bridges. And further, that his ideas are not worth anyone’s time because the math and text in “The Principia” is difficult.
And after 3+ years of regularly seeing daily analysis from Brooks, as well as several webinars, I find it hard to believe that he’s not trading, but again that does not really matter, it’s the insight that matters. I think you’re using a cookie-cutter model here, somewhat like a contemporary economist who looks at GDP growth and thinks that it by itself proves a healthy economy.
I am definitely open to learning new things. But I agree, I tend to use a ‘hot sharp knife’ and quickly cut to where I believe the truth might be hiding.
Al Brooks is nice guy. I have enjoyed speaking with him, on occasion. But the jury is still out on whether he actually trades, and to what degree of success.
Regardless, he contributes to the conversation and is willing to bring ideas. And there is some value there.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
I think the crux of it is that your criteria for a service is: “Does it call out actionable trades and does a consumer make money acting on them ?”
For a service that claims to be calling out trades, this criteria is entirely appropriate, in fact it is needed — this is where you are adding value.
But that’s not the only way to learn from someone else, and not the only meaningful component in a trading education. If a site is not offering a ‘call-out’ service, then I don’t think it is appropriate to apply a ‘call-out’ criteria in reviewing it, which I think you are doing wrt Brooks.
The course is 92 hours and $349.
Nuanced, disinterested reviews on Quora and (forum) among others.
” he is scalper”; NOT!
He is a con artist in a long line of day trading room vendor con artists. He talks about trading and that is all. Talk is cheap. Surely you have heard the phrase, “Show me the Money”. He can not show any proof he has ever trader profitable. Now to any rational thinking person that would matter, but I have a feeling you are easily susceptible to the Jedi Mind Trick.
So funny how you come here and blame the victims yet Brooks nor yourself can show any evidence his method can be traded profitable.
Hi Vetl,
Thanks for taking the time to comment. I respect your point of view.
Wow I’m shocked to read this. His books are highly confusing ( but sound ) if you want to spend several months reading them. I actually was able to take more away from his training in the video course.
Al looks at reading price action from the bull and bear case because those are the players involved. That’s why you will hear him describing things from both points of view.
I have found that Al has a high ability to read price action. If you spend enough time learning the methods he teaches you can make money trading that way also. I always find golden nuggets in his videos and books when I’m ready to understand them.
“If you spend enough time learning the methods he teaches you can make money trading that way also”
What evidence do you have to back up that statement. Al Brooks has not been able to show any proof what so ever of profitable trading. Do you have actual brokerage statements trading his method live profitably or is it all hope and prayers.
Al Brooks is just another typical Day Trading Vendor Con artist in a long line of snake oil salesmen. One step below Madoff.
Guys just imagine. If I were super duper trader, I would have been making millions and never bother of such things as educating noobies and making 3 books with around 800 pages each and 2 editions videos. Common, it is like Mark Zuckerberg making 4.4 million for every day with Facebook but at the same time, he is editing content for his marketing campaigns by himself. Mr. Brooks if you ever show your real statement I would be the 1st who will invest in your strategy. But as I know you don’t need money, you are doing it for knowledge. Common 4 books, 3 or 2 editions of the 1st book and 2 editions of $300 videos :)) Guys, do you believe in logic?
Al Brooks is the best educator ever. He is realistic and Honest about trading.. the thing is, If you got small brain and reading about al brooks you will not be able to understand it.. But if you got big brain and big patience in digesting it slowly and slowly.. You realized that what al brooks is talking is real…
Strange that “the best educator ever” refuses to show any proof that he does or can trade what he preaches profitably. Put your big brain to use puzzling that out. If you still think that Al Brooks is the best educator ever Wilmyr porrras then you’ve put yourself in the wrong brain camp.
lmao al brooks, nice job in this review
Are you making money?
Of course, Jerry, longtime readers of these comments believe 100% of everything you are saying. After all – no one lies on the Internet right?
Post some proof for your comment “Al Brooks is the real deal” because NOTHING in the rest of your sad post backs up your boast.
God bless us fellow Americans. God bless us for electing Trump. Donald Trump is not afraid of Al Brooks Fake Charts Day Trading Meme Fraud impostor, fake, sham, charlatan, quack, mountebank
I hope you are joking Pete, because I feel sorry for you if you actually believe Trump cares about this clown. If anything, Trump wants less gov’t regulation, which will allow the scammers to go unchecked.
moneyshowdotcom/events/conferences/tradersexpo/tradersexpo-las-vegas/ Brooks is going to strike again at 2017’s TradersEXPO along with the usual suspects. Is an update of the Brooks review possible? I have a recording from a webinar where he clearly states he consistently makes money from daytrading.
Seriously, Pete? Why waste Emmett’s time? The only 3 reasons for an update are 1. Al admits to not trading live or 2. Al provides proof of profitable trading to Mr. Moore or 3. Authorities charge him. If any of these events occur, Emmett will be all over it. But we all know 1 and 2 will never happen, and 3 is unlikely so there is no need for any update. Cheers, mate!
Pete, Brooks will go down with his last breath claiming to be a profitable day trader. Unless, the authorities make an example out of him which i believe to be a long shot because there are numerous frauds and teenagers looking to be the next Sykes. As a result, the list of grifters keeps growing along with the use of social media. He will most likely disappear to a nursing home before there is any legal action taken against him.
Obviously you did not do your research. Brooks clearly states he DOES NOT CALL LIVE TRADES in his room. It is purely a discussion of his work applied to a live chart.
His written work, while difficult to read, is like no other available, pure price action trading with it’s beginnings in Edwards and Magee. And it is very clear that you did not read one page of his work, if you can even possibly read with that moronic hat you wear, my opionion.
I have a whole Meetup group of traders many of whom now trade full time that would attest to its value.
This review is really ashame, because in 10 years of hunting Brooks is the one and only real deal, at least with the information he provides, that I have ever encountered.
And, to be honest, its fine by me if people pan him. The fewer that find it, the less competition for us using it.
Pretty good write up. Well said.
Of course, I have a bit of a different opinion. But there is room for both of our opinions. Hope to read more of your opinions in the future.
“This review is really a shame, because in 10 years of hunting Brooks is the one and only real deal”
The real deal that can show no proof what so ever he can trade profitable. Man you have a low bar to declare someone the Real Deal.
Maybe that meetup group of Brook’s traders can show Emmett proof of how they are successfully scalping ES as Al Brooks teaches. Of course no other shill has ever been able to do it, but I am sure you will be the first to show proof of Al Brooks Profitability.
Now is the test point. If you are real you will gladly show proof of your claims. If you are a shill here is where instead of showing any proof you will attack me.
I done got me a whole meetup group of deluded individuals who hunt for Big Foot and UFOs. They’re out there I tells ya, plenty’a folks in my group have seen’em. Proof! Hell ya we got proof. I just done just told ya didn’t I?
You liar. What you saw was no UFO. That is the spaceship that I built that can get to Mars in 10 minutes, because that is how long it takes to bend space-time over into a wormhole.
I told NASA all about it and offered it to them, but they had the unmitigated gall to demand proof that my spaceship could really do that.
Proof? Nonsense. I just told you, did not I?
Brooks is listed on Linkedin as President
of Brooks Price Action, LLC from 1987-present, which is interesting because’s webmaster says he is not associated with Al but has contracted with him indefinitely to perform webinars, perhaps this flim-flam by his webmaster is a tactic to help Al avoid legal liability for his sham?
If he has been trading under an LLC this should be registered and verifiable along with public disclosure of the estimated net worth of the LLC. Can anyone get the details on Brookspriceaction LLC / Al Brooks LLCs?
As someone that owns an LLC, I just want to point out LLCs do not technically have presidents, they have members and managers. Though I guess the manager could call himself President even though I have not personally known one to do it.
Can’t wait for the Online Scamming Academy review.
I paid $300 for a fake 3 days training that was nothing but a salespitch on steroid. To my total amazement a bunch inexperienced suckers signed up for at least their cheapest training which was $14K or so in Canada. Those where the types of folks that would run through 5 different pharmacies to find the cheapest toothpaste. They got hypnotized pretty good 😉
The dude we got from the US (this was in Vancouver Canada) did a cool presentation. However, the red flags were so obvious for me from the get go:
Guys, everything you know is bullshit. Moving averages, trend lines, indicators, etc. All that’s real are the supply and demand lines that are “hidden.” No, no, no guys. Supply and demand lines are NOT the same than support and resistance 😉
Unfortunately for them I had been around the block long enough to know that their stuff did not make any sense. Telling me that an old dormant 7 years old demand zone by a moronic banker (probably fired a long ago) could all of a sudden turn into a buying geyser… Let’s go kids. Time to wake up. Anyone knows that like cheddar cheese, the older the support and resistance the weaker they get in general… unless they are like all time highs or lows. The stuff in the middle degrades fairly quickly over many months.
Back to Brooks. There are a couple of other guys like Brooks that get into some crazy minutiae about price action and candles but a lot of it is hogwash.
Stocks are run by news and Tweeter a lot these days. The best chart pattern will be turned to dust if Trump says he will hammer a certain sector… like the Biopharma these days. Same if Icahn tweets he is out of a stock or that he just backed up the truck on stock ABC.
$14K and I was only going to charge $10K for my Trading Room Scam. Time to up my price.
I’m going to go the other way. I’m going to have a cheap annual renewal subscriptions that’s not worth cancelling because maybe my service gives you some value but I’m going to go for volume in the subscribers part of the equation.
Amazingly these scam vendors know all about these marketing strategies. Either go for the clueless newbs with a lot of cash who’ve never traded with a $10k GTR type schitck, or “volume” it out for hundreds of newbs like WT and Simpler Options/John Carter, and bs for 1.5 hours every morning in a shamshow trading room. One of these cons should be daring like Emmett and do a “how to set up a retail trading education sham site”. Alex Sobiel/Zielaff inadvertendly showed his scammy “web design school” plans to charge newbs once he got them cluelessly into his kool-aid , well that was the plan until “pink panther” blew it out for all to see, thank goodness.
Just watched the latest webinar from Dr. Brooks. The annoyed tone when he asks “Can we start now?” after saying he was a CTA registered with the NFA and profitable trader < 5 years after starting trading and wanted to trade other people's money tells you whiners everything you need to know. His goal is to make money by promoting himself and his borrowed ideas, if you don't like it there's nothing you can do about it.
“If you are not convinced this guy is genuine, just review one of his end of day bar by bar price action commentaries in his forum, particularly on a Trading Range day. It is amazing how much he can read and predict price much like a market whisperer.”
We are all gazillionaire hindsight traders. He makes none of that definitive analysis until the action has long since happened. Explaining the chart after the event means diddly-squat. A real whisperer would be doing it real time, not at the end of the day, after it has all unfolded.
You misunderstood. It is posted end of day based on his bar by bar comments during his chat room. I’ve never sat in his chat room, but I religiously compare my bar by bar analysis with his after my trading session.
Over the course of time, I could closely match my readings with his. There is no magic here. Pure skill you develop by experience.
TLDNR, no objective proof of anything.
As I understand he predicts nothing during market hours, all this market whispering occurs as you well stated at the end of the day after the fact.
Al is a nice old guy. Just not so sure if his story of making 30-35 trades each day is accurate and honest.
Great to read that your trading is going well. Perhaps you should take more credit for your own success?
Thanks for commenting.
I agree with you, 30 to 35 trades a day for retail trader is hard even when you are scalping. Whether he trades or not or he is a sore loser or he is a charlatan, I cared only about what worked for me and how I could become better all the time. I was in my own shell.
The skills I acquired over the years came with a lot of sweat, blood and tears and especially family sacrifices. I didn’t get to this point without trying other methods, systems and vendors around. Thinking back, I guess it is more of what style suits a trader’s personality and inner self. I feel one could be successful with any reasonable edge provided you master the art of learning the technical, procedural and psychological aspects of it.
Als website has been down a few days now..wonder if SEC is taking action
Both sites are up and running in my part of the world.
I checked out the webinar and see that Al dodged the questions put to him by Big Mike. He rambled on about this and that but never answered the questions. Very slippery guy.
Mike believes that you don’t need to be a successful trader to be a good teacher, ok fine. But he is missing the point and so is everyone else over there. Putting those questions to him wasn’t as much about his P&L as it was a question of his personal integrity and honesty. Is he lying about his trading performance in order to sell more of his products?
He is on record suggesting that he has an ever-rising equity curve with an upward ascent interrupted only by a couple of 1-day hiccups to the downside each year. Ugh.
Doesn’t seem like Mike is going to do anything about the non-answer. I hoped he would be disappointed by Al’s politician-like response but he hasn’t given any indication of that. I guess I have to remember that FIO is a business. It makes money by giving its users what they want. And if they want garbage peddled to them…. well then garbage they will get!
Brooks cultists will not decrease their worship of Brooks until the CFTC investigation and litigation is concluded. Brooks devotees suffer from a severe form of unconscious and fetishized worship of Brooks, he is seen as a “good man” and a “master trader”.
I have come to realize Big Mike is the biggest con artist of them all. No wonder his site is out of Panama and he had to flee to Ecuador. If he stayed he would probably be sued to death.
His latest banning of IzhakHaim showed his true colors. This is what IzhakHaim
“Does not look like anything will change re Brook’s credential and vetting presenters here. (Wonder, does a presenter pay for the exposure in anyway? or just use the site to gain new subscribers to his site? or both?)”
And for daring to ask for there to be accountability, Big Mike Bans him and writes:
“This kind of user is better off elsewhere, so as to not pollute our community with their constant negativity. ”
Negativity for requesting accountability! And then BM lies about him and others who have had accounts for years and permanently bans them.
The people that should be banned are all the shills over there. At least 2 of them admitted they sold education. And the real person that should be banned is Big Scamming Mike himself.
Big Mike IMO is the worst scammer of them all. As he pretends to care about you and and your trading, while all along making money by putting on Al Brooks webinars where he lies through his teeth about his profitability and then lies by blaming the reason he can not show proof on the NFA. A complete lie. As Ktrader posted:
“According to the NFA, which was very helpful specifying exactly what they do and don’t do , there are no rules or regulations prohibiting non-members from disclosing their statements, nor do they audit or regulate a non-member.”
So not only did Al completely lie about the NFA regulations, AL is not even a member of the NFA. And BM response, BAN anyone that dares to say BM is responsible for not vetting these vendors.
I have now concluded BM is the worst of the worst scammers. Then NT, then Dean Handley, then the individual TR promising fantasy results.
At this point anyone that believes BM and his long term shills gets want they deserve.
I have it on good authority that Big Mike has the following tattooed on his ass “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” – Upton Sinclair
FIO is a “safe space”. No one should ever have to feel uncomfortable about anything, including facing up to lies they may have told the community.
It was also this way with the sham journal rockstars like MFBreakout, VanceVirgil, etc. People who questioned them were shut down by Mike.
I’m still trying to figure out how asking a question about a vendors credibility is “polluting the community” yet running a sham journal with phony never-lose trades every day is not polluting it. Apparently making grandiose performance claims and then refusing to answer questions about said claims is not pollution either. I just don’t get it at all.
Also hypocritical that he was retweeting out CFTC reports on SOT and others, warning people to “be careful out there”, to establish himself as a trusted good guy, yet at the same time is bringing in people who are no more credible than the crooks who got busted to give webinars. Be careful out there indeed!
Big Mike should be tweeting messages that say “Be careful in here.” Don’t ask questions about a vendor’s performance that BM gets a kick back from.
” I just don’t get it at all.”
Actually, it looks to like you get it completely.
That site is so bad with the shills and the mindless Kool-Aide drinkers it puts the Jones cult to shame.
The shills are so over the top, I swear you cannot even make this stuff up. Here are the exact words from the post of one of the worst shill over there that defends BM.
“But by our presence here, our faith is placed in @Big Mike. “
Faith in Big Mike! Is that poster suffering from low IQ or what?? Truly Unbelievable! How can one even respond to this kind of numbing nonsense post?
In fact substitute Bernie Madoff for Big Mike in that post and you have the wording of the Madoff victims. Seriously is that poster’s brain power so weak he cannot think for yourself and see what is going on. For Goodness sake OPEN YOUR EYES.
And this complete shill is praised and worshiped for his post, while IzhakHaim whose only crime was to request vendors should be vetted by Big Mike is banned.
There are no words to describe that complete circus.
The electric Kool-Aid acid test.
Speaking of eliminate the competition (tip, Poison laced Flavor-Aid also kills people who follow in herds, both found in Jonestown)
“Steve, My name is Emmett Moore with Trading Schools.Online Trading Academy is the best place to get a professional trading education. As our educational partner, Online Trading Academy will provide professional education to traders who want to succeed in any market, and any asset class.Independent traders needed training to be successful in their investments, and soon a teaching model was born.With 34 centres across the globe and growing, Online Trading Academy is the world’s most trusted name in professional trader education.”
Lets drink Emmet’s Flavor-aid! I would not like us all be a stereotypical trolls.
Lewis, based on your past ridiculous comment, I quickly looked at this.
First as I have repeatedly stated you should trust no one in this industry, which inclused Emmett or even me. 90% of the people that post are vendors or have their own agenda and that number goes to 99% at BMT.
Looking at your comments, what I thought was odd, is this is not a cashe of online trading academy, but a chase of “”, which is some binary trading site. And when I tried to bring up the actual site, it does not even come up.
So for shits and grins I Googled, Emmett Moore Online Trading Academy and actual got a hit to an actual operating site as shown below:
And it is so odd as what is shown there is completely different than your post:
“Emmett June 07, 2016
My name is Emmett Moore with TradingSchools.Org and I am writing a review of Online Trading Academy. Thus far, the program they are offering looks suspicious. Can you reach out to me for an interview?”
How can this be.
This accusation is towards Emmet so only he can really respond, but based on your past post I have little faith in anything you present. Hopefully Emmett will respond.
I will add do you believe all the TR Emmett has reviewed actually tried to show him proof of their claims and he just refused to look at them and posted negative review.
Here’s the link plus an image
Rob.B , I don’t know, maybe he has done just as you suggest, clearing the road for himself. As you say in your Youtube video, Emmett will “Stay Schemin” I think.
Now my point was about cultists and Kool-Aid accusations. For those younger ones, listen to 900 people die in the real Jonestown and maybe understand that messing about with monsters and giving them power is a bad idea.
Younger Americans especially, please be very sure you can bet your life on who Emmett Moore is (he has many plans within plans if he malignant personality – I understand these are called ALT-good personalities now? ) before mocking people who reject those who support him directly or indirectly.
I did not make that page and I don’t know how it got written. I see what Emmett does here and I see BAD things.
Is Emmett covering his tracks reviewing such an apparently large school so late? Clearly OTA are concerning and oddly enough considering their apparent size, Emmett has avoided them so far for a reason.
A malignant personality (there are many flavors, like Flavor-Aid) may start with a rough idea like TS and build on it, change it organically as it pleases his pocket and ego. He will go down a path, realize an error and back up, shamelessly denying he did such a thing.
Dig, see what Emmett’s aborted and other plans are. He deserves no less attention than Brooks.
Hey, I love criticism. If I am going to dish it out, then I better expect it shoveled back in my direction.
At the end of the day, there is plenty of room for everyone to express an opinion.
Love your comments.
When Emmett writes this “Glowing” review of Online Trading Academy and if the review rings untrue to me, I will be the first to question it.
I can’t open the 2nd link so I can’t comment but I can’t find Emmett’s name mentioned in the 3rd link. You wrote “Is Emmett covering his tracks reviewing such an apparently large school so late? Clearly OTA are concerning and oddly enough considering their apparent size, Emmett has avoided them so far for a reason.” Is your logic that Emmett is guilty because he hasn’t reviewed this organization yet? If that’s your logic then it’s a wacky world you live in. And as an aside; what’s up with your American fetish?
If a vendor gets 10 random requests, then it triggers a review. Or, if someone pesters the hell out of me, night and day, this also triggers a review. Mainly to get rid of them.
And sometimes, some of this stuff is so outrageous and nutty that it gets pushed through the sewer pipe a little faster.
Do you do any due diligence before you post. As I already showed the words you posted was not what Emmett said.
Once again from the site I showed and Stray Dog showed Emmett said:
My name is Emmett Moore with TradingSchools.Org and I am writing a review of Online Trading Academy. Thus far, the program they are offering looks suspicious. Can you reach out to me for an interview?”
That cached site you showed wording was just so odd to me that I wasted more time looking into it.
Why would Emmett write,
“As our educational partner, Online Trading Academy will provide professional education to traders who want to succeed in any market, and any asset class”
So once again I searched and those exact words come from this site:
And it just goes on and on like that. The words:
“Online Trading Academy is the best place to get a professional trading education”
Those words (word for word) come from this site:
It is like that site is taking sentences from other sites and throwing them into a paragraph.
Oh, I am doing a review on Online Trading Academy.
My dear old Auntie just admitted to me that she spent money with them. Within the past 2 months! And she knows I write about this stuff. What the heck Auntie?
Anyway, I recently carried in a secret video recorder and attended a live event. My lord, the mother of all sales pitch’s. Should make for a funny read.
Do you do any due diligence before you post. As I already showed the words you posted was not what Emmett said.
Once again from the site I showed and Stray Dog showed Emmett said:
My name is Emmett Moore with TradingSchools.Org and I am writing a review of Online Trading Academy. Thus far, the program they are offering looks suspicious. Can you reach out to me for an interview?”
That cached site you showed wording was just so odd to me that I wasted more time looking into it.
Why would Emmett write,
“As our educational partner, Online Trading Academy will provide professional education to traders who want to succeed in any market, and any asset class”
So once again I searched and those exact words come from this site:
www dot
And it just goes on and on like that. The words:
“Online Trading Academy is the best place to get a professional trading education”
Those words (word for word) come from this site:
It is like that site is taking sentences from other sites and throwing them into a paragraph.
Rob.B It is very like that however the chances of that sentence merge being purely random?. I do not think so. I saw all this before I posted (yes I do some due diligence) and that it is also in several other Google caches, some dynamic content system I think. OTA are based in California, Emmett lives in California, there may be something in that. He had not reviewed “The Day Trading Academy” either, though Marcello Arambile (sp?) the owner roundly mocked him about the non-review in comments on here TS. Look for Marcello. There is a story behind that as well as the OTA.
A man looking for redemption or something like that? writes childishly mocking reviews with MANY errors and the various embellishments a narcissistic personality would put in. Is the National Enquirer feel necessary? No. Cheap-shot graphics, big gaps in schools covered, re-reviews of the rich, bad reviews – that 5 star “Follow me trade” guy opening the futures room? I have no doubt that a high X% are one star however what EM does is classless and probably part of just another scam.
Stray Dog, I do not even read your posts so to save you effort you should know that.Your thoughts are inconsequential. Pete is probably never going to learn anything either as a person and certainly as a trader. Move on boys.
Rob B, I wish you well though I don’t agree with you half the time (sometimes yes). I have spent more time than I should have on this today. A very very good day (laka man!) for real traders who take responsibility for themselves I have no doubt.
Pass out the tin foil hats everybody.
“I will add do you believe all the TR Emmett has reviewed actually tried to show him proof of their claims and he just refused to look at them and posted negative review.”
Lucas must also believe that if Emmett refused to look at their proof of profitable trading and wrote a negative review anyway that all of these vendors that have been reviewed have been incapable of finding some way to show that proof on another forum?
After reading his latest post I think that Lucas must also believe that if person A, lets call him Al Brooks, has been shown to be selling a product that has no proof that it works by person B and person B did something wrong then that means that person A is completely innocent of all of the wrong doing that person B demonstrated person A did. (I wrote it in Lucas speak so that he could understand) Lucas, that’s a world that I want to live in. If I cheat on my wife and get caught all I have to do is find someone else who cheated on their wife and kicked the dog and I’ll be in the clear.
Stray Dog, I replied to Rob B earlier however my post is “awaiting moderation”. That has never happened before. Maybe just embedded links not censorship I hope. It is nothing to do with Brooks, just parallel to sentiments in this thread. As a non-Brooks thing it won’t be of interest to you or Pete (I hope). Writing this to see if it goes through mostly.
Your Person A and B is right on the money and one of the reasons this is one of the few TR blogs I even read anymore.
Emmett was and maybe still one of the greatest criminal mind of our time, but everything he writes about these TR is what I have experienced when I use to go to them. They all refused to show any proof of their claims and Al Brooks is as bad as any of them. But he is worshiped at the alter by many, so they can not accept it.
I will add to booster another point of your, Al had all the opportunity in the world to prove Emmett wrong and show proof at BM webinar. And we all know what happened.
I do not blindly follow Emmett. In fact I have disagreed with him on many occasions. But I can say his reviews of the TR I at least tried have all been right on the money.
And for Lucas, yes if you post multiple links you will get the requires moderation.
Ok, I figure it’s time for me to get some of those thumbs down, but here goes:
1. If you think you can learn to trade in 6 easy lessons, you’re fooling yourself;
2. If you think someone is going to give you a free pass, no work required, for only a small sum each month, you’re fooling yourself;
3. If you come to this site, and listen to Emmett, Rob B and Stray Dog insist that any TR or trading “guru” give you written brokerage statements as proof of their “live”, “actual” trading acumen;
If you think none of these apply, then go for it, but . . . keep in mind . . . IT’S ON YOU. Don’t come back and complain you lost money because you didn’t do your due diligence and then bitch and moan about how this TR is lower than squidshit. You wouldn’t buy a car from some guy on the street who assures you this Dodge is actually a Ferrari underneath and is worth four times what you were about to spend without driving it or having him show you the pink slip – or Would you?
Trading offers a great living, maybe even great riches, if you are good enough to do it.
Lucas – First, as to Emmett and his authenticity — the difference is that he’s not charging anyone anything to come to this site. He hasn’t advertised (ok, he makes a few bucks on the ads, that’s besides the point).
Does he have a nefarious plan to put the other TR’s out of business so that he alone can suck in all the newbies looking to get rich quick (sort of like what Amazon has done to a lot of brick and mortar shops)? If you subscribe to that scenario, you have to at least respect how much time and effort he’s putting into the plan and you’ll have to wait around to see what he does. (And remember, he already went to prison once, 2 strikes and he’s in for a longer term and he’s already described in detail the horrors of that first experience.)
Secondly, if Emmett has requested proof of live trading, how come no one has shown up with the brokerage statements. If, as you suggest, they were produced and Emmett hid them, how come none of these TR gurus posted them elsewhere.
Finally, it just doesn’t add up. Trading is difficult, professionals who have trained long and hard will tell you how long and how many hours they spent before becoming profitable. It’s both technical and psychological and becoming a master or Ph.D of both requires the kind of time and commitment that professionals in all other fields of endeavor can attest. Trading is no different.
Sorry for the rant. Oh, I thought it was Pete who was in charge of this thread. Oh well, my 2 cents.
Biggest danger of Brooks is how he embellishes risk management/commissions from his style of trading and offers little personal details about his own trading when he’s not boasting vaguely about it to make a sale. If Brooks trades 3 ES contracts with a 5 point stop he is risking $750 per trade. He could blow a large retail acccount in a week day trading like this, yet I’ve read on his blog he says he never has blown an account. It’s close to a mathematical impossibility that he could never blow an account if he has been an active day trader for 30 years as he suggests. This guy really seems like the highbrow WASP equiavalent of wrbtrader.
May I please request Al be invited here for an intellectual meeting of minds to discuss several potential conclusions and to answer unanswered questions following this review, thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Brooks cultists remain devoted to the hive-queen WASP Brooks. The sole task of Brooks’ devoted is to attack critics of Brooks. No need to explain why Brooks has been lying about his trading skill and laws/agency oversight (FNRA) since 2009. Explain Brooks’ false and evasive statements to Emmett and his public bragging of trading skill with his cynical con-man sales pitches all over social media. Brooks is a textbook example of American greed and deception. The book is now closed on Brooks with this review and subsequent public knowledge of the dark and devious side of Brooks. Brooks decided to expose his dark side to Emmett in the email exchange and it’s time for Brooks to take this situation seriously and get on here and respond to his critics and explain his false statements before BigMike permanently bans him. “France? forget it not with their tax laws!” Flightless birds are a great analogy Lucas. I studied Al a while, he is not much of a trader though good for the beginner ideas. Maybe he is just ironically short sighted and his method is muddled?
His books are ok, I found his voice too dull to listen to for long, portraying him as a cult leader is reaching for the absurd I am sorry. If he was he would have found someone especially gifted to trade an account for him. Providing proof would be easy with the millions on course sales some here calculate. I think some of you guys are bullies or inverse bullies I am sorry.
“Cult leader” is a metaphor used in this case for someone with a personal morality, a subtly hamrful and selfish agenda combined with a devoted following of believers who attack the personal attributes of critics of the “cult leader” and willfully choose ignorance. Please explain why Al Brooks lied about the NFA regulating his trading. Why did he lie and say it’s illegal to share his trading results”? Brooks cultists say he has no personal responsibility for the information he publishes because there is a disclaimer which gives him free pass to misrepresent his trading abilities in videos and in text. The EU has banned many controversial/harful books and educational materials, trading books and videos are next. I see Brooks’ “educational materials” as having a very hamrful impact on society and individuals and soon progressive governments worldwide will make these trading materials illegal, for the good of society and in the spirit of the Hippocratic oath Brooks’ 2016 Expo Speech mentions ES scalping where price moves to a 1-4 point target on ES but often does not give a fill on limit orders at that price, doesn’t sound like sim trading and once again there is no disclaimer on another Brooks Moneyshow video. Tturner should ask Al why he lied about the legal status of sharing live trading results to Emmett. Al’s altruistic motives are now in doubt due to his for profit teachings since 2009 being predicated on his now doubtful but claimed live trading experience and proficiency.
Pete ($20k of loans? gee.. you are a dope), Billy Bush is Coming (don’t slip Emmett), Stray Dog (really that is just too perfect), Rob B (waste of a good brain here) and Crooked Hillary, the child like Empress of Fantasia.
It’s like opinions of C list characters from an animated movie reading this thread, the vultures from Ice Age or hyenas from the Lion King?
Got it! the Penguins of Madagascar and the airplanes represent trading rooms!!!!!
Google the clip: I Make My Own Options. Penguins of Madagascar.
See “making your own options” now tha is progress right? no maybe not, they are for smarter people. You are more ETF guys. Low-leverage Pete should be your new name Pete, is best for you little guy, maybe next life go for the upgrade? So colorful.
Lives boys, get them.
When I was at university I had to study several novels written in the “stream of consciousness” narrative style. Their plot was difficult to follow because the narrator jumped from one point to the next without developing any fully and without making a connection between the seemingly disconnected gibberish on the page but it was a deliberate narrative choice made by the author. What’s your excuse Lucas?
@Lucas Living life in your parents basement watching cartoons is no way to grow up son.
That must be so brilliant as I can not understand what point you are trying to make. Who do you think the A characters are. You think the top proven investors of our time are recommending Al Brooks.
You guys replied. Wow. All I can think is if you say “gullible” slowly it sounds like “oranges”.
Ok, just keep saving the penguins. Stray Dog, feeling so inferior you have to mention college? Ouch. Pete took the higher path, maybe he learned something after all.
Oh “Lucas”,
Acting like a dick won’t make yours any bigger. Get back to posting on the spoos thread or they will miss you.
Unless you have Al Brooks’s monthly statements to post of course – and then we are all eyes and ears.
4 of 5.. Pete, your are the man. Billy Bush is Coming gets fired yet again. If you cannot even do the obvious and blank a fool, it’s not Johnson size that some need to be concerned with.
Poor and incorrect preposition Lucas.
‘Pete, you’re the man’ is acceptable.
‘Pete, you are the man’ is acceptable.
‘Pete, your are the man’ is incorrect.
In linguistics, grammar is the set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language. The term refers also to the study of such rules, and this field includes morphology, syntax, and phonology, often complemented by phonetics, semantics, and pragmatics.
I get it. You were grilling a lovely steak and needed to fire off a quick response to ensure this little game of tit for tat continues.
So you can have this one. In future however, I expect much better. Especially for somebody as educated as yourself.
Well, one never knows. He may have seen the error later, but this comment system does not allow one to edit even one’s own posts. That means that he would be unable to correct the original post.
Of course, he could always have written a new post to correct the error, so …
I am master of economics, during studies i learned to study hard and even after all that hard efford Al Brooks was still wery hard for me to understand. I left his books for other and always came back, i read it every night, i watch his new course and Worf’s youtube videos and it is really helping me to understand risk, reward and probability. For me, Al Brooks is the key to my success. I have taken a look at many books and i have found no one with better understanding of price action than Al Brooks. But if you are not willing to break the wall with your head, studying as hard as possible and beyond and never give up, you should never enter this professions. But if you think you are one of the most hardworking and extreme people in the world and if you want to be the best than you should master what this guy has to say.
Hi Klem,
Better to learn to program and test theories. You seem like a hard worker, but hard work will never validate alchemy. You need to build a core set of trading strategies that alert, only when the statistical edge is present.
The answer you are looking for is so incredibly close and attainable. But you need to take the next step and start programming ideas. I am working on an entire series of how to test, which platform is easiest for non-programmers, validation of an idea, the whole enchilada. And its free. Just hang in for a bit longer, will be posting and updating. Just waiting for the platform developer to work out a few kinks, but it will be a big push for 2017.
How’s the enchilada coming? Can we have some free samples? 🙂
@Klem This is the same BS we have read before. “I have a genius IQ and it took me years to understand Brooks’ teaching.” Now it’s “I am a masters of economics.’ I’m surprised that you didn’t put on a white lab coat take a picture with the caption “( out of 10 doctors study Brooks’s Price Action course!” Did it ever occur to you geniuses that the reason that Brooks’ course so difficult to understand is because he wants it to be convoluted so that no one can pin him down when it doesn’t work? “Yes X Y Z didn’t result in A B C but you didn’t take into account E F and G. If you had you would have got A B and C or at the very least H I and J which would have given you the option of either L M and N or to simply wait for R S T to set up.”
In my opinion there’s some value in learning price action, if only to give you some confidence in your reasons for getting into a trade but if something is so complex that you have to bash your head against a wall until you get it well you may as well join scientology because that’s exactly the same concept they’re selling. And as we have recently seen Brooks refused to show proof that he even trades what he teaches let alone makes a profit trading it so I have to ask why is that? What successful person would not provide proof of their success if asked for it by the people who are considering buying their course? What business does not provide the proof that validates their product? It seems to me that the end result of you smashing your head against that Brooks wall has been brain damage rather than insight and understanding.
What you talk about takes time and time is not in infinity supply. So you must use it wisely. And using it to spend thousands of hours from someone that refuses to show any proof of his profitable claims and then lies about the NFA saying he can not show his statements is a complete waste of time IMHO.
If Al Brooks can not trade his own methods profitable there is zero chance you or anyone else will. I doubt you care to show Emmett proof of all the money you are making scalping ES on a 5 minute chart as Al teaches.
Klem, well done on your studies and ignore the American man-boys here who will never make it because they do not want to do real work. Entitled and lazy, worse with every generation since the baby-boomers and also embarrassingly emotional & sensitive for men. Half them think training should be a signal service for them to copy live trades off 🙂 It takes time to get into your mind like learning to play the cello, many many months to a couple of years sometimes even for a smart person.
What complete nonsense. Straight out of the shill handbook. You need to go to BMT to find Kool-Aide drinking suckers to believe the crap you are pushing.
First, of course learning to trade takes time and dedication. No one not even me disagrees with that. But that has Zero to do with the issue brought forth in this thread.
But as all shills do, you just pivot and ignore the real question and divert the fault onto the people and away from the con artist that is scamming them.
Being you diverted from the Real Question, I will bring back the real issue and that is Al Brooks refuses to show any proof what so ever he can trade profitable. And then when asked about it he lied and said it was against NFA regulations.
Now go ahead Lucas continue to spill you promotional propaganda and ignore the real issue.
And of course do what ever other shill with their own agenda does and never show any proof you can trade the way Al teaches profitable.
Man, I hate these shills!!!!
And remember Klem, a smart person would be able to connect the dots between someone selling a product that they refuse to provide proof that even they can use it to make money. Let me help you out S…C…A…M It also shouldn’t take much intelligence to work out that when someone’s response to a post is devoid of logic, argument or even sound reasoning you should listen to the the people who have presented you with logic and reasoned arguments no matter how unpleasant they may be.
Part of me doesn’t want to post this because I feel that Al Brooks’ information is one of the best kept secrets in trading and I’m just as happy to keep it to myself. But I am posting this because Al works really hard to help traders and it disgusts me to see all the ill will toward him here. So if anyone is “investigating” him, they should know he has greatly benefited the lives of many traders. There is no one else on the planet that has a written a comprehensive tomb of price action the way he has. Anyone who takes the time to study his best selling books from Wiley publishing will find tremendous value, and those that do not, or cannot comprehend it, are missing out.
Sorry John, I always rotate back to the track record, or lack of track record.
Al Brooks could easily make me eat humble pie. Just post an account statement on his website showing 30 days of trading results. I will happily eat humble pie, and draft a new review.
My lord, I would love to draft more positive reviews. You think I like having to wade out into this swamp, day after day, debunking the claims of yet another ‘guru’? It sucks. It’s not fun at all. It sure as hell isn’t profitable. I feel like I am constantly arguing with disciples of the Church of Scientology.
It wasn’t really a “secret”. B_ooks was one of the first in this century to revive the retail trading education book fad where back in 2009 there was only a handle of recent published trading books. Now of course there are hundreds of trading books on Amazon and the “pocket” sized 10 buck kindle trading “books”as the latest generation of dream sellers try to make a buck self-publishing the same regurgitated bs. Sure probably half who try reading Al’s books either skim it or give up or head straight to the video course, but B_ooks has long been visible at large on trading forums and the trading section of amazon. I never went for the video course as I spent many months reading his book page by page having to get used to the initially confusing invented drivel jargon. imo, there wasn’t really any substantial edge of bpa over any other retail dream method and all the elements of bpa can be summarized in one sheet. In fact, I think there are some summary .pdfs on the forum site free for download.
@Lucas – no I didn’t mention attending university due to any feelings of inferiority or of superiority. It’s called context. The reader needs the context to understand why I read those stream of consciousness novels. Also, in my world it’s normal, from time to time, to discuss experiences of university/college with people because it’s something that we have in common. I’m sure in your world, you and your colleagues sit around and discuss experiences that are share by you. For example is a metal bucket better than a plastic bucket? Do string mops clean better than the squeegee shaped foam mops? Are those mops that ring out through centrifugal force a fad or the way of the future?
Is anyone wagering bets on what Al Brooks is eating for Thanksgiving?
From all the money he was gotten from suckers who blindly believe what ever he says, I would say Turkey with
Alexander Amosu most Expensive Champagne In The World: Taste of Diamonds
as he laughs all the way to the bank with the money he is being given.
I bet Al is eating Trader Joe’s Racks of Lambs with one hand and laughing maniacally while stroking a hairless white Persian cat with the other hand while reading these comments.
I hate to say it Pete, but Al Brooks will be tucking in to a business as usual Thanksgiving, just like us all.
He doesn’t give a flying crap about Emmett’s review, the FIO rebellion or any negativity surrounding him for that matter.
Unless he produces 12 monthly broker statements at the FIO webinar, nothing will get resolved and his behavior will continue. Lovers will love and haters will hate.
At least the talk of a threshold/level of entry criteria is being discussed for vendors to do webinars.
Trying to nail down his broker is quite hard. The net has been spread far and wide but no bites yet. There are ways and means to get anything should you know whom to ask and where to look. Unscrupulous? Probably, but not illegal to look. I have already discussed that.
So far no luck. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t have an account somewhere. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t trade either, but he is like a damn snow leopard. Elusive.
I am prepared to eat my hat if Al comes through. I will have all the respect in the world for him too.
That information is as hard to find as a cross between a unicorn and a phoenix.
“Trying to nail down his broker is quite hard. The net has been spread far and wide but no bites yet. There are ways and means to get anything should you know whom to ask and where to look. Unscrupulous? Probably, but not illegal to look. I have already discussed that”.
Walter Mitty would be embarrassed by that, Old Cliffy Clavin would spit out his beer.
“Pathological lying can be described as a habituation of lying. It is when an individual consistently lies for no personal gain. The lies are commonly transparent and often seem rather pointless. There are many consequences of being a pathological liar.
A compulsive liar is someone who lies with ease and finds comfort in it. The person may even continue to lie when presented with the truth in cold, hard facts. Getting a compulsive liar to admit he or she lied can be nearly impossible.
A sociopath liar. A sociopath is typically defined as someone who lies incessantly to get their way and does so with little concern for others. A sociopath is often goal-oriented (i.e., lying is focused—it is done to get one’s way). Sociopaths have little regard or respect for the rights and feelings of others.”
Al Brooks says he has multiple trading accounts in 52traders podcast, rumor was it was with Interactive Brokers at one time. I would leave it up to an investigative journalist to verify Al’s claims, hopefully Futures Mag will investigate him now and cease sponsoring him considering his history of lies is so apparent following this review.
@ Lucas
Emmett has some reach, but even he couldn’t find anything on Al Brooks. He has managed to dig really deep on a few other ‘trading personalities’ but with Al, nothing.
So which category of lying does Al Brooks fall in to? Assuming he is of course lying.
If it ever materializes that Al Brooks is a facade, he will probably go down in history as one of the best trading stories ever told.
Compulsive liar + sycophant by that answer… Billy Bush is coming.
Turducken washed down with Goût de Diamants champagne?
Why didn’t Al take the high road and market himself as a trading educator who switched careers from ophtamology to day trading, lost for ten years, and has produced and improved on some interesting theories of market behavior? Al Brooks decided in 2009 to market himself as a market wizard and lied about laws preventing him from sharing evidence of his crass marketing claims. Al Brooks is libel for a class action lawsuit from all affected by his duplicity, whether they purchased his books on a forum or not, or heard the real Al in a 2009 webinar or not. Perhaps a list over a thousand victims of Al Brooks can be acquired, a even a $100-500 judgment for each victim would go a long way in preventing Al from seeking out more victims, as he has shown his intent clearly is with the 2016 52traders podcast statements which, when taken ipso facto, suggest Al should be busting at the britches to show Emmett his massive trading success.
“Why didn’t Al take the high road and market himself as a trading educator who switched careers from ophtamology to day trading, lost for ten years, and has produced and improved on some interesting theories of market behavior?”
He is a con artist. Why would he do that. There is no money in doing that.
But seriously you need to post at BMT. I give you 1 post before you are BANNED!!! Any takers on a wager?
I will take the wager, but only if you let me bet in the side that you are betting on, and you move to the other side. I prefer to win the bet! 🙂
Loosers are always looking for excuses.
At last this d-bag is exposed.. Thank god, what a fraud.
I’ve been following Emmett’s website for some time and like his work. But I have a different view on Al Brooks. I did a long write-up, too long to post here. I put it on my blog –
If you think this is a sneaky way to direct some traffic to my blog, well it is. But I make no money from it – it’s not a commercial blog at all. I just think it would be fun to connect with other traders. I have 100+ posts detailing my efforts with day trading.
Bottom line – I think Emmett is off on Al Brooks. This is based on my own experience, having gone through the course and one of the books. But I can understand the review given the absence of any disclosure on Brooks’ part regarding his track record.
I guess your review is invalid because Brooks does write the daily recap in hindsight, it’s dishonest of him to not mention it is hindisght analysis in bold print on each chart he writes. This sort of manipulativeness is common among cult leaders, it made a good first impression on me too. From your review it looks like you just started learning Brooks’ price action appropriations. People on forums have wasted years using Brooks’ method, while taking positively about it like you are, before abandoning it in inevitable disgust.
Ey Pete, I’m newbie about trading, what do you recommend for learning ?
I don
t know if Al takes live trades or not. But what is wrong with his theories, no matter if he uses them for his own live trades or not? Where else can you get so much knowledge for this ridiculous amount of money? Anyone of you has spent much more money on trading I bet, assumed that all of you are traders.
s analyses, if I believe that history repeats itself, why should I not use his analyses?Look at the attached chart which is part of a hand out related with a webinar that Al held somewhere. All comments on this chart are reasonable, and the chart itself shows price action as you can see it every day.
Why should you not “Buy strong bull close and close of follow-through bar with limit and market orders” on bar 3 and 4, and what is wrong if someone writes this down?
From my point of view you should think about what you give, and what you get. Al offers a clear, incredibly detailed analysis of how the market works. If you believe in technical analysis then you believe that history repeats itself. And for me, if I look at the attached chart and Al
What should be important for me is how I can make money. Not how much money other people make, and not even if Al makes money with trading his methodology.
So my personnel opinion on this is that I am grateful to someone, to Al, that he spends so much time in systemizing the markets. This is what Al does, again, at an absolutely ridiculous price.
You all know how much money you can spend for trading advice, and so my recommendation is to give Al`s methodology a try. What should be your risk?
This post just shows how people are different. For me Al Brooks is a genius, and I can understand why most of people cannot understand his method.
Since the first pages of his first book (by the way I think is the best, even though most people say its confusing and thats why he wrote the other 3 to clarify) reading 2 pages a day I could see the charts next day do exactly what was in the book examples, well not exactly because its always different. So now I see lots of information on the 5 min chart. Some days its really clear and I now where the market tends to go or reverse, and this is most of the days. especially if its a Trading range day. On forex and futures
But when I try to explain to trader-friends whats an overshoot of a channel and a good signal bar at the measured move target and the gaps and the relationship with the 15 ,60 min and daily charts ….real time on my chart via skype video, they see it but cannot draw it the next time it happens in the future. They can only see a Ross Hook and indicators and say that I am good because I have been trading for 8 years, but its too complicated for them . But then I only started using Al
s approach 2 year ago.
Well different minds, you really need to be a person who is focused in the details and have a good visual memory.
So I dont care about Als account statements as I
m not gonna share mine either. For me he is the best ever and I doubt anytime the world will see someone similar to him in revealing his techniques and experience in such detail, order and consistancy especially in his blog giving so much free material...even if he doesnt trade as someone said, wich I doubt. For me 99% of everything he says or writes about trading is true. And if its not I am the one supposed to filter it and see if works on the market I am trading.
So just wrote this so to have a different opinion posted in case someone reads it.
If anyone reading this wants any proof that Al brooks price action works just watch what happens above and below a 5 min doji bar .....than see if the price is not gonna gravitate around that bar having a magnetic pull most of the time and even more if you scale in going against the high or low breakout of the doji bar. Then you go and read Als 2000 book pages and many hours of video and blog because it takes time and effort. and also many more hours and months to watch and learn how to draw in your own charts and interpret and place the orders in real time.
So this is really as Al says… for smart people and not lazy. and always remember pressing the bottom and psychology is the other 50% of trading, for some people more and for others less. I struggle more with the psychology part.
By the way I am Brazilian beleza galera.
Beleza! Bom ler uma opinião diferente por aqui. Já estava quase desistindo de ler o Brooks…
This is worse that I expected. From the comments of “warrior spirit” it looks like Al is running a cult. Maybe not as seriously conman material as wrbtrader but still…
Typical kool-aid phase for “warrior spirit”. That how these shams get their monthly churn revenue in the meanwhile. Eventually he’ll wake up from it , or he’s just a shill. People want to believe at first. Right, not nearly as con like Mark Sachs or Woodie’s cult.
Here is interesting information from of brookspriceaction in 2009: “I am not a CTA and therefore need to restrict what I publish on this site. Otherwise, I would have to become a CTA and this is against my minimalistic approach to life. I called the NFA and asked what my limitations are and they told me that I cannot make trade recommendations, I cannot discuss my trades or trading results, and I cannot answer specific questions about particular trades that anyone has taken or contemplates taking. However, I can publish my reading of charts and I can discuss trades and management in general terms.
I enjoy writing and in addition to the trading book and articles, I have published about 30 scientific articles during my days as an ophthalmologist. Back then, my name was Albert Leveille, MD, but I changed it to Brooks because it was just too difficult for my patients, many of whom were elderly.”
Well, that is just bluntly wrong. A CTA does have a restrictions about advertising, but telling people about your trades is freedom of speech.
There was a court case , Taucher v. Born. like 15 years ago that said “who ruled that Internet publishers and computer software developers as well as traditional newsletter publishers could publish without first being licensed by the CFTC”
Unless there has been a court case since…..
Is it blundly wrong? When you are putting your statements on your webpage and sell courses with it, isn’t this called advertising?
If you are a profitable trader making lots of money does not mean that your students will. No, on the contrary 90 % of them will lose. So your statement on your webpage could be misleading advertisement although the figures are true because students cannot replicate what you are doing. See Pete and I took the same material from Al Brooks. Pete failed while I became profitable. So for Pete this would be misleading advertisement because he cannot replicate. I think this is what the rule wants to prevent that people are lured into daytrading courses who are ultimately not capable of succeeding.
If you are a CTA or raising money, it is advertising and that is dealt with by the NFA. Al Brooks is not, so that is why I mentioned the CFTC. As long as you state clearly that past results are past results, then you are stating facts.
“Misleading advertising” is not an issue here, misrepresentation is. If you say “I am a profitable trader” while selling a course, and you buy the course based on that statement,
When the CFTC filed a complaint over the School of Trade, one of the items was for a systemic pattern of false statements and omissions concerning the professional experience and trading success of Dufresne. You can read the rest here,
Producing a record of trading of the would be the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the CFTC filed against SoT.
So to sum up, posting actual trades would not be advertising unless you are a member of the NFA. They would not be misleading unless they were made up and presented as real.
Al Brooks could be more vulnerable to CTFC litigation and prosecution than Schooloftrade due to that he has been possibly misleading clients about the possibility of NFA audits as the reason he avoids showing his trading statements or mentioning specific trades since he started the webinars in 2009, in addition to statements Brooks has made about his professional trading proficiency, .i.e trading for a living, trades 10-20 times a day., takes 1 point scalps on the ES and usually exits for 1-2 ticks or breakeven or for 1 tick if the 4 tick scalp doesn’t look right, all of the above would be totally different in terms of profitability and execution if done on a trading simulator rather than with a live account as Brooks has implied he trades with.
So file your complaint and we will see where it goes. I know another person who is beyond all question and provided proof over and over and has an institutional background as well who scalps daily on a one minute timeframe. His equity curve which is documented via an institutional tracking software looks like a straight line up. So yes, Al cannot go for this small targets since he is trading through a broker but basically it is definitely possible what Al claims to do. I proved as well that it is possible to be sucessful in his trading room. And yes, his methods are lifechanging but only for those who put the work into it and thats the key.
@Traderme, I am not saying you are not profitable nor am I saying other people are not profitable using price action.
I am just saying that , as Al is not an NFA member or raising money, it does not run afoul of the law by posting his trades along with the appropriate disclaimer.
@ Traderme (aka ……….)
Does Al trade live from a funded account?
Yes or no.
If yes – how do you know and can you provide irrefutable proof?
If no – well why not?
Like a slippery eel, you are inherent on steering the conversation away from this question.
All Al Brooks has to do is show perhaps a few months worth of redacted brokerage statements and we will all tuck in to a nice plate of crow.
After he does that this thread is dead. You would be 100% right, Emmett will give Al a 5 star rating and I will owe $10,000 to the Red Cross.
It is so simple it is sickening. My money is where my mouth is.
As I have said before, I have a contact at the NFA and one of my best friends is a certified broker.
If you read between the lines when I say “I think my money is safe” – I hope you can work out what I mean….
No I definitely cannot prove that Al is trading off a funded account. But there are a lot of different opions floating around here. For example some people say Al is a Fraud because no one can profitably scalp on the 5 min because of HFT or whatever. These people say its just a pipe dream. And that is definitely not true. There are people who can scalp on 5 min or lower so theoretically Al can scalp on this timeframe profitably.
And there are several signs that suggest that Al is indeed profitable, among others the correctnees of his market read. and the success of his followers. Just yesterday I read in Elitetrader forum a statement of a profitable trader who listed Al’s books as reference.
But NO, I have definitely no proof that Al is indeed trading on a funded account. So maybe Al sits in his booth and is surprised himself that people make money with the stuff he tells and just goes on with it because the followers demand more. Maybe he is a theoretical genius but just cannot push the button. thats why I am saying go ahead with the complaint and we will see.
“it is definitely possible what Al claims to do”
Do you read what you write. I guess it is possible the lock ness monster exists also. With you it is this mysterious person that can do or that mysterious person that does it. Yet never any proof shown that Al Trades profitable or even trades live. And that is what this thread is about.
I feel like I’m in the twilight zone. Traderme is the type of person who would come home, find his wife in bed with another man and say She wasn’t cheating. The pool guy was a gynecologist before he decided to become a pool guy and he was just helping my wife out. No he didn’t show me his qualifications but I know there are other gynecologists who make house calls. Traderme, if Al Brooks could trade or does trade he’d produce proof of it.
Assuming Brooks is at best a “breakeven” trader, he still can’t show proof and statements because it would be seen his own trading isn’t any better than coin flipping and that the monthly churn is to shore up losses while he continues to endlessly practice and experiment with whatever methods he is not sharing in the books and material. A vendor packages a bunch of ideas that no longer work into a book and videos for sale. Then in the actual room, we hear mumbling about “always in long/short” and barely anything as a good example from the book as the right edge of he chart unfolds. If something doesn’t work, well then call it a “failure” like a “failed final flag”. What if that doesn’t work, then it’s a “failed falure”, and so on.
So turns out he is indeed a real ophthalmologist. The internet is full of his articles. It will turn out that his daughters in deed go to elite collegues. I have proof of that but will not post it here since I dont want to take the fun away for you guys. And anyone must pay for that – so it looks to me that Al is doing quite a bit of money, right? Three books and a trading room for 99 Bucks don’t pay tuition for elite colleges. Looks to me the guy is really trading.
I would agree Al is wealthy but I would think that’s more from his past ophthalmologist career than trading. He would already be in the top ten percent income bracket. He could have other businesses, such as owning a franchise or rentals. So he would have had plenty of funds to trade with initially. My take and opinion on Al is that he’s always been a breakeven trader and never made it big. If he did, I doubt he would be doing a room or selling books on what pa ideas worked for him. But he’s very disciplined as a past md, so he keeps on journaling and watching the market “bar by bar” throughout the nyse session with his obsession of price action and trying to look legit with his books and presence on futures mag and tradersexpo, and wants to believe his own research and trading “practice” will become the dream trading which we all were lured into trading to begin with. In the end as Emmett reviewed, he’s still a charlatan and can’t show his breakeven or losing trading statements. My guess is that he started becoming a charlatan when his first book came out and he knew HFT was ruining ES trading for scalping retailers where if you were in the room he often complains about HFT by saying “comPUters, com-pu-ters”. Granted, Brooks was the first in modern times to put out books on pa with nicely printed charts, but since then, there are plenty of other print and kindle books for a PA intro.
Totally wrong again dtchurn. Brooks suggests computers trading the ES make it the most perfect market, the most rational market, and thus the most tradable market, with measured moves and support and resistance levels respected closely compared to some other futures markets. Brooks repeats that HFT has no effect on price beyond 1 tick, as though he is trying to emebellish a clear danger as a trading marketer rather than a trader.These claims by Brooks are precisely why he must be shut down, he is telling people to jump off an unprecedented cliff and obscuring reality and his motivations, his argument that the ES is a highly rational and tradable market is contingent upon his success as a discretionary day trader. I have an audio sample of Dr. Brooks claiming he consistently extracts money from the market, which I will be forwarding to the CFTC in my complaint.
Hah, I haven’t been wrong before. Just your lone gollum voice. Doesn’t sound like you were in the trading room. He commented HFT was making price act weird in real time. What he said in the room was often different from the books in the hindsight charts or in his promo webinars and “interviews”. Of course this was years ago as most of us have ditched it and moved on. except for petedetestithbrooks.
That was idiotic of you, as usual, to assume I wasn’t in the room because I didn’t hear the same thing you did. Brooks has a history of making false or evasive statements, just because he apparently mentioned HFT as having a negative effect on his edge when you were subscribed doesn’t mean he would do the same at a different time period when I was subscribing to his webinar. If anything the inconsistencies and evasions from Brooks strengthen the pending CFTC case, not weaken it.
Doubt you’ve been in the room, now lying about having been in it having only attended the free webinars. Bet you just got the video course. All you can do is look up current youtube videos and what little promotions of Brooks there are online. What an idiotic fool. There will be no CFTC case before Brooks retire. No one is doing complaints including you.
Good shill. Even if Brooks retires the CFTC investigation will be retroactive from 2009-2016.
Doubt there will be any cftc case period. He’s too small time and far from Dr. Sachs’s con malarky. There may be a few of cftc cases bu they will be tossed out.
@ Traderme
“So turns out he is indeed a real ophthalmologist.” – never in doubt. Pointless to even bring it up. His name is on plenty of papers around the web.
His daughters going to Elite schools – never in doubt. The easiest thing in the world to look up and find out. Pointless to even bring it up. It’s not even difficult to find out all of Al’s family relations, prior addresses and telephone numbers.
“so it looks to me that Al is doing quite a bit of money, right?” – so you obtusely assume that Al has got all of his wealth from day trading?
What about his wife’s income? What about family inheritance he may have received? What about long term investments that have matured? What about insurance policies? A lottery win even? What about his life as a Dr.?
So open your mind a little. Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good troll. Al is not willing to prove he trades. Heck, it isn’t difficult to prove yet he doesn’t. So stop steering this in directions other than the proof of that fact.
I think I have worked out who you are from FIO. Your writing kind of gives it away. I could be wrong. Probably am.
Everything here has been doubted except that Al is born. It has been doubted that he was ophthalmologist, it has been claimed that he invented his daughters going to Elite universities to give himself a wealthy appearence (instead of Ferrari car pictures I assume). It has been claimed that no one became profitable using is methods and his methods are of no value until I proved otherwise. Now people say yes, the methods are valuable but he did not invent them, just compile them. Yet I habe never seen the same methods explained in any other place.
I believe that Al has been given the exact information by the NFA as he wrote. Probably even in the same words. The guy from brookspriceaction has extensively written that the trading room and forum initially was only planned for a very short time and set up because people asked Al for help. Everything in Als case is a completeley different story as with any other vendor that I know and this is really well documented everywhere. I think that the only reason why Al doesn’t disclose anything was firsthand because of the information given by the NFA and now because he just doesn’t care anymore. So many people see the value in what he does that it just doesnt bother him anymore when some people dont. If he were into it for the money he would charge 1 k for his room instead of 99 USD and still have enough customers because he is providing valuable information.
But, but…Al Brooks hasn’t been a member of the NFA, since 1994. If his membership is current then it cannot be found. Perhaps he changed his name…again.
As per their Manual / Rules
Section 1: Fundamental Purposes.
Subject to the limitations in Section 2 of this Article, the fundamental purposes of NFA are to promote the improvement of business conditions and the common business interests of persons engaged in commodity futures and swaps or related activity by
(i) undertaking the regulation of persons that are members of NFA (hereinafter “Members”) as set forth in this Article;
So let’s resume with the regular program. Does Al Brooks trade real funds from a live account? Anybody? Emmett?
“Yet I habe [sic] never seen the same methods explained in any other place.”
That is the genius part of this entire saga. Here is the link to Al Brook’s website. Pick any acronym he uses and tell me which one is proprietary to Al or was Al’s invention.
Because I have to tell you, there are literally hundreds of trading books that describe exactly what Al is portraying, albeit perhaps under different nomenclature.
He just happened to cram this all into 3 books. Pretty genius if you ask me. So genius in fact I wish I had thought of it.
Now back to business. Does Al Brooks trade real funds from a live account? Anybody? Emmett?
How does Al Brooks being a real ophthalmologist and his daughter attending an elite college constitute proof that he is trading? How much does 4 years tuition at an elite college cost? $100,000-$250,000? Let’s say Al convinces some smuck that his voodoo hoodoo is real and that if you stick with the trading room long enough you too will start to see the magic. Our smuck buys the course, Al gets $247 and all of his books of which Al gets a total of $50 and he signs up for 12 months in the room, another $1,188 to Al. That’s a total of $1,485 so Al only needs 170 smucks to pay for 4 years of college for his daughter or 43 smucks each year that his daughter is in college will do the job. Seems to me that he’s not trading he’s selling the dream and making money from a price action course, book sales, guest speaking gigs, conferences and from a trading room.
As for the claim that publishing his trading results would equate to false advertising because not all students would achieve that same results, what utter nonsense and real mental twister is needed to arrive at that conclusion. If Al said this is what I’ve achieved what can you achieve then he hasn’t made any claim that can be considered false advertising. Bottom line, if Al could trade, if he does trade he’d have shown Emmett those results to avoid the bad advertising.
His daughters and what schools they went to have no relevance to this. Just because they went to expensive schools doesn’t mean Al paid for it. They could have got scholarships, or taken out loans, or had their mother pay for it. Even if Al did pay for some or all of it, that money could easily have come from his vending.
Others claims of success with Al’s teachings have no relevance to this either. We have no way of knowing if those claims are true anyway.
All of that has nothing to do with whether Al’s recurring claims have any truth to them. Claims such as:
– he is a full-time professional trader
– he has been making his living as a trader for decades now
– he takes up to 30 trades a day in ES futures
– he rarely has a losing day in the markets
– he rarely has more than two consecutive losing trades on any day
– he never has any drawdowns
– he personally knows people who making a living trading only 1 hour a day
– he personally knows people who are extremely profitable using his stuff
All of this paints a portrait of a highly successful professional, someone who anyone would be eager to study the teachings of. This looks like a guy who could change your life. Life changing amounts of money are possible if you take the time to learn and master the teachings of this genius wizard.
The problem is that all these claims of his are unsubstantiated. He never backs up any of it. This is a seedy industry, the trader expos he frequents are filled with characters of questionable (to say the least) integrity. It raises serious red flags to see a guy who has no industry pedigree and is a total unknown outside of the retail seminar circuit claiming to have such an eye-popping market performance.
We simply want to know the truth.
Man I was agreeing with you 100% up until
“We simply want to know the truth.”
All the truthful vendors were put out of business. No one wants to hear the truth. They want to hear the fantasy. The fantasy world that no one can show any proof of. That is why this industry is just left with con artist, telling you how you will make a killing micro scalping CL for 4 ticks at a time. Piece of cake after all it can move 250 ticks in a day. How hard can it be to get 4 ticks here and there. And maybe if another NASDAQ bubble comes along you will.
To show you how delusional people that want to believe in these con artist are, I recently posted my brokerage statement for a month of my short term trades. I said I am doing cartwheels if I make 25% a year. Now every mutual fund, hedge fund, CTA and any real person that puts real money to invest would also be doing cartwheels if they got my return. And some Kool-Aide drinking nut said how horrible those returns were. Sometimes it is just difficult to even deal with people so clueless about investing and realistic returns.
There is a reason that everyone that is regulated and has to show real returns cannot do what the day trading rooms promise and a reason the day trading rooms can never show proof of their claims. Think about it.
Oh, I know that his claims are not true.
I want to know the real truth as in does he trade at all? And if he does, is he losing and how much? Did he ever have any profitable years? Has he ever managed money for others?
The only way you will get that information is if the regulators go after him and they post their findings or he see the light like Emmett and comes forth, wait he had to get busted first, so that is not happening either.
What I have no doubts of is he is not trading the way he claims with the success he claims or he would be one of the richest persons around and running a hedge fund for GS instead of a penny annie trading room.
Very true RobB where if he was having the dream trading success, he wouldn’t be sharing a room with penny arcade fees compared to Soares’ room who doubled his fee to 300/monthly churn after the TS review, a detail which you caught. Brooks probably doesn’t need to make a living from his site and products as he’s already wealthy. He just does enough to keep his sham from stinking too bad, just the way bmt likes it. I think he really likes trying to trade even though he’s not making it big and is breakeven at best.
I was curious what was the monthly churn of Al Brook’s trading room currently. I recalled years ago it was about 20 or so members listed per month. Wow, it’s now at a rough average of about 130 per month. Every other month 20 members seem to churn out so the room membership count fluctuates from 120 to 140. each member id is listed so one could track how long a member stays on average in the room. So that’s about a cool $150k per month from membership in the room alone. Not too shabby if one could make that much from trading for a living. Have yet to see what the effect of this review has on the room membership since only the october roster was listed so far. And interesting to see some old bmt names old and new in the room roster.
typo 150k/year not /month.
Don’t forget his book and video sales. Much better income than losing $150K, which is probably what he would lose if he traded live as he claims.
Brooks makes more than $100K a year vendoring, archived months of the webinars are sold for $50 each, he refers people on his course website to Tradestation brokerage. From talk on forums more buy hiis video course than subscribe to webinar, video course price going up to $499 Nov 30 after new trading expo visit, his third visit in a row. How will he explain to the CFTC how he trades for a living as a professional trader in relation to his substantial and stable vendor income?
Ludicrous imagination petedetethbrooks. You hardly know for a fact how many courses Brooks sold. Anyone can quack what everyone already knows about the video course coming out. Sure the course would be easier for most than reading the books. But so what. Everyone knew about the video course as it was promoted on bmt when it was released.
I didn’t say I know for a fact, that was an idiotic assumption. I’m making an educated guess based on and other social media evidence of the popularity of Brooks’ trading course. Not everyone knows that Brooks is raising the price of his course by 100%, this fact should be mentionable in the comments of a review without you getting your diaper dirty and snarling like a bitch at other commenters.
hah, just because you were wrong, you continue to tag my posts across reviews , snarly bitchy gollum. who cares about your posts anyways. stupid reach about the number of video courses sold. most of your posts are reaching and lackadaisical conjecture.
Atleast I didn’t make an elementary school math error while conjecturing and say it was a typo, I’ll never be able to fully lower myself to your level.
Good point RobB about the potential losses. I was appalled after NickD’s excellent real testimonial on WT when Emmet mentioned being contacted by WT members losing up to 20k or more each on credit card debt in the 700 members a day room. Brooks doesn’t make any calls as he’s more conservative on hiding his shamming stink rather than calling trades, glossing over losers, and boasting about the trade(s) of the week making x thousands of dollars. So folks are more likely wasting more time and educational fixed costs on the books, room and videos trying to get bpa to work in sim in the educational dream, rather than losing money to the markets trying to match Ross’ trades.
Judging by the number of diehard believers defending Al and venting that requiring him to prove the worth of his teaching through brokerage statements is unfair and completely unreasonable I doubt it’ll have much effect. People who want to believe will no matter what. Al’s doing the smart thing, no response at all. People will vent but the furor will subside, perhaps he’ll take a hit for a few months and have to live on a paltry $80,000 a month but as long as he doesn’t engage in the conversation he’s safe. If he does try to defend himself he knows that eventually he’ll have to prove that he does trade and that he trades profitably and not realistic returns but extraordinary I’m quitting my day job returns. Then his BS will be revealed. It would be more effective to turn attention to FIO’s standards for allowing vendors to flog their product on that site.
Typo too: $80,000/year not $80,000/month
Yes, I’m amazed at the kool-aid phase of the defenders on the brooks bmt thread, yet they can not prove they are anywhere close to the full time trading dream. I’ve long ditched all of Brooks ideas in my own trading. I no longer care about H1’s and H2’s as there are easily H3’s and more suddenly switching off in the other direction. I agree about the bmt site influence. I know back in the day of bmt long before brooks had a video course and everyone had to slog through the bs swamp of the book. any posts like the ones we see critical of vendors including brooks on the hypocritical bmt site would be instantly warned or banned sometimes just for typing “scam” one too many times. It’s all about bmt’s agenda and tone conducive to the site’s bottom line of being “balanced”. They are ok with careful vendors who hide their stink well enough for the combined bmt and vendor influence to mutually profit. But once a sham vendor slips up like Felton or JaguarEd, and now rocksolid68/Alex exposed by PinkPanther, they are tossed and banned as anyone else. This is in big part imo due to Emmett and Tradingschools successful real vendor review movement; drain the swamp! An interesting side note, elitetrader is far more cleaner and civil today than before where one had to wade through profanity laden flaming posts often from resident vendors.
” This is in big part imo due to Emmett and Tradingschools successful real vendor review movement; drain the swamp! “. I was referring to where now one can be critical of vendors openly on bmt thanks to TS’s influence. I’ve never seen so many open and allowed to be, about vendor scamming and their tricks on bmt until this year.
Yeah crazy right. You pay your $100 to the site and then you can be banned without any right of reply just for being honest.
It’s okay if you pay the $$ and download Fat Tails indicators as someone else suggested on another thread and find something that works for you.
Great! And now we can be openly critcal of eachother on here thanks to the low standards of behavior you have set. Bravo, moral exemplar dtchurn!
what a hilarious grasping at straws from the nincompoop who lowered standards in the first place. completely irrelevant.
I had forgotten about the H1, H2’s and all that label crap- and all those that need to FOLLOW the rules. Yep buying high and selling low. or magically violating taking breakouts out of congestion.
Whoever mentioned Heavens gate- Yep right on there as well. My advances came when I abandoned all the boards. But BMT was really so bad.
Ft71 is another guru there and those guys are
in cult deepness. Ft71 had a few good
webinars on how to create a method and test it-
but the folks I know that follow him are going
nowhere and basically have been going nowhere for a few years now. I know for a fact
FT71 has looked and studied certain aspects of the market that work but did not recognize the importance and ignores them.
The thing your post reminded me of Brooks and his price action is you get so caught up in labeling and chasing candles- you lose sight of
what the market is telling you. It’s all BS and
while you feel smart memorizing and labeling those price action setups you chase the market.
and you lose.
Every one of the experts on BMT has given
the worst trading advice I have ever heard at
one time or another. It’s funny to watch and read their crap sometimes – oh – and some of those Wizards are just priceless to watch.
I especially like the Heavens gate followers of Tiger Trader – That guy is a piece of work. A perfect partner for Big Mike.
Oooh Heaven’s Gate just hearing the name makes me check that my balls are still intact.
Yeah, I thought it was funny how bobwest commented that “I found some Brooks concepts that worked for me” with emphasis on “for me”. Funny because he has publicly stated that he’s been trading futures for a while now and is still not profitable. I don’t see how he can think it’s working for him if he’s not making money! LOL! He seems like a decent guy and I’m not trying to pick on him but come on that just doesn’t make sense!
So amazing that these guys sit in Brooks chatroom where he never makes a trade but at the end of the day tells you where he traded and it’s almost all winners… and they all believe it on FIO!!! LOL!! I mean WTF guys?!?! I can’t help but think that is the kind of joke that Cartman would play on Butters on South Park, yet these guys are falling for it every time!
That site never ceases to amaze.
Bobwest aka Mr Kumbya. Nice guy I am sure but the market doesn’t care.
As long as people are following
someone else with respect to the
market they will never have
success imho.
It is only those that are able to
think and act for themselves – create their own method and
stick to it in tough times that
will make it.
Those people with characteristics by definition will not fit in over at FIO and be booted quickly.
Deny it as much as you want, your breath reeks of Brooks-flavored Kool-Aid.
lol, it’s the air filled to overflowing from petedetethbrooks.
Yeah, Brooks has a full-on cult following and it is no joke.
They just keep dancing around the issue with the comments of “track records won’t make you profitable”. That may be true but here it is misdirection designed to steer conversation away from the real issue that is Al Brooks integrity. He is dishonest and using deceptive marketing, and they don’t want to consider that possibility because it would shatter their perfect image of him and their dreams of making a living trading bar patterns for 1 hour a day.
Reminds me of that guru who convinced 40-some followers to commit mass suicide back in the 90’s. Can’t remember his name but he looked kind of like Brooks.
As far as FIO goes I don’t think Mike will cut ties with Al unless formal CFTC charges come about. The guy has too fervent a following, consistently voted as most popular webinars, etc. Banning him from the site would alienate a lot of people.
Here you go- Al Brooks speaking at the next BMT webinar.
LOL! Yep, that’s the guy!
Wow. He does really look like a kooky cult leader. 🙂
lol, the room actually reminds of a UFO cult waiting patiently at night. looking for a pure Brooks pattern. like…yes, there’s one! nope, false alarm, back to “always in long”…”always in short”…mumbling “com-PU-ters”, squinting at each five minute bar the bare chart sky.
Wow, it looks like Mike is going to have Al give some kind of answer to all of this at his webinar next month. That could be interesting. But since it will probably be potential Brooks cult member tturner moderating the webinar I hope that won’t mean some easy softball question.
Mike has been highly critical of anyone using the “it’s illegal to disclose performance” excuse, so perhaps that has something to do with his decision to ask Al directly. I figured he was hoodwinked into the Heavens Gate Trading Club but maybe I was wrong!
And Mike doesn’t even know the half of it. He doesn’t follow Brooks work anymore so may not be aware of Al’s claims of hardly ever having a losing day in the markets and having 100% winning trades on his good days.
Mike only recently this year started to try to be more critical of disclosing performance. Before that, he hardly bothered with performance especially from favored vendors such as ft71. That’s why Felton and jaguarEd could last as long as they did. He was only reactive when someone caught Jag with his bogus sim mistakes not matching what was in his room. The vendor section is different from before Tradingschools started taken over the scene with honest and non-fake shilled reviews. Often prior to TS if a member complained about a vendor and wanted proof either Mike or other flavor members of the year would just scold the guy and say proof won’t help your trading, or work on your psychology or do the hard work practicing and don’t depend on the vendor.
Brooks could easily have surpassed Schooloftrade in terms of trading-vendor income if these figures are correct.
What a delusion. I’m afraid you’re far alone on this gollum.
The CFTC will laugh and see the lone complaint about Brooks. Hint: not even filed at this date. And see oh yeah, it’s the petedetithbrooks guy!
Victims of Al Brooks, do not be discouraged, your voices will be heard by the CFTC! Please submit your complaints to the CFTC with documented evidence of Al’s lies, evasions and list the damages caused from your live trading of his 5 minute day trading system, which Al apparently does not partake in with real money, even though he can afford the risk, we can’t, the lemmings Al goads off of the cliff. Do not be discouraged by Al Brooks shills like dtchurn, submit the complaint against Al Brooks immediately!
Go ahead and file if you feel if you have real case against Brooks.
No need to worry about me. I’m no shill. Just pointing out the douche who tags my posts.
There is no tagging.This isn’t twitter, are you demented?
observe watchfully the demented ptb tagging along looking for scraps.
There you go tagging my posts again after I implied you never should tag my posts again. The audacity and unoriginality of you to dare tag MY (copyrighted) posts fills me with vitriol.
I told you to shut it and stop tagging me back in mooktrader. Stop lying about it.
I implied I don’t want you to tag my posts.
Lot of emotions going on here.Please let me bring some rationality here.
Firstly,remember this review is written by a person who previously wrote a good review on Topsteptrader because he’s indirectly getting money by doing so.Later changed his mind on a 2nd review while openly admitting his previous motives.
Although I appreciate such courage,I don’t believe in cheap trust.If trust is once lost,it’s lost.Statistically saying,human beings are prone to repeat things over-sooner or later.
Secondly,I can feel that Emmett probably had not committed enough time & effort to be able to dismiss his methodology.For example,I’ve a genius IQ yet it took me nearly 3 months to understand his concepts at an moderately efficient level.I suspect,it may take years for some & for some-it may remain impossible.
If Emmett wasn’t able to grasp Al’s concepts at a baseline proficient level,then his review is probably far-sighted.Learning Al’s method & his somewhat complicated terminology can be compared with learning a new language.Imagine the trouble one would experience if he doesn’t know basic vocabulary yet have to roam in a totally new country while constantly being bombardized by exotic dialogues of that fine language.
Unfortunately, this is the language of market.If you could understand market’s language, you’re one lucky guy.If you are not,work on your shortcomings rather than internet trolling-it’s financially more sound.
Thirdly,not all of us have same personality.That comes with the fact that all our right & wrong dials are not set at same parameters.Some walk by laws & rules fondly, while others don’t mind bending & breaking laws & rules if it appears profitable to them.
Reading Al’s materials for enough time,I can see the man behind.Shy,ethics bounded & somehow frightful.I believe he’s fearful of publishing his records,because nobody wants unnecessary risk of being noticed & monitored by regulation.For little traders,a exposure means nothing.For a seasoned trader,it’s a valid fear.I can safely deduce,a trader like Al is proficient enough in market’s language that he’s making enough money that many of small traders can only dream off.If you’re making tons of money,would not you be fearful of what may go wrong if something went out of hand?About your family’s safety?(Apart from regulation,ransom is also a factor)
Also remember,Al is a trader-not a lawyer.I guess in case of most traders-it’s just a phone call or two with lawyers or regulators,”Ok,so what am I allowed to do?” “What others in my position are doing” “Oh ok then,I guess I have to follow the same path.”Lawyers & regulators love to throw in some strict speeches about what one can do & can’t-while in reality most of rules are getting regularly broken by big guys.But Al or individual trader gets his dose of liability, never calls back to see what can be bended/tweaked.
It’s my deduction,so it’s not necessarily true.But my deduction proved to be right enough times for me,that I believe real fact is somewhat in between these.
Those who are similar to us-we humans like & socialize with them.Those who we think we could be if we’d the chance-we envy & hate them.May be to a point where rationality is blurred by emotion.
I think,what we are doing here is ultimately not fruitful. Those who needs a reason to hate Al-will always find one.While those who can walk a long hard path-will find something of value in Al’s.
You have a genius IQ, yet your grammar and punctuation are abysmal. Correct grammar, punctuation and capitalization is the difference between “Helping Uncle Jack off a horse” and “Helping Uncle jack off a horse.”
Just saying.
English isn’t my first language-I guessed it was evident in my post if anyone applied general observation,so I need not to mention it.
WarriorSpirit, what do you think of Al’s webmaster RichardHK’s lying to Al Brooks’ clients in Asia? In the links I clearly showed he misrepresented himself as one who day trades for a living in contrast to his Linkedin profile where trading is listed as a hobby with movies and chess.
Thank you for confirming that Al Brooks manipulates people into thinking he is an extremely succesful trader without providing any evidence outside of his assumptions based on his convoluted trading method and assumptions derived from his personal background. The facts will be known soon, there is now probable cause for a subpeona of Al Brooks’ trading records since 2008. I encourage as many customers or those whom have been affected by Al Brooks’ non-transparent and potentially fraudulent activity to file complaints against Al Brooks to the CFTC as soon as possible.
I’ll be delighted if Al’s records get published. We traders bet on probability, I think there’s 62% chance-he’ll have outstanding record,20% chance-he’ll not,18% chance-we won’t be able to make him publish his records.
That being said,it doesn’t mean I’ll take part in exposing himself.
If Richard’s present occupation isn’t trading then he’s lying for shorter term benefits (driving naive new traders to believe in what they sell).But I consider other subtle factors.For example, I remember I viewed such hedge fund manager’s linkedin profile where they mentioned trading as hobby.
I don’t know if it’s a Richard Branson’s way of taking business as play or not-but there’re certainly guys out there who thinks trading is about game theory.Almost all professional poker players list poker both in their hobbies & occupation. Many debate poker is a lot similar to trading-such as Steven A. Cohen.
Also,personal evolution takes place over passing years.It’s certainly possible,when one lists trading as hobby-back then he/she may not be taking trading seriously. As time pass,he/she may succeed in trading enough to make a living in it-but just forget/not care to update his profile.
If a trader is successful, he begins to care less about such things.It really doesn’t matter what people think of me as long as I keep making money,isn’t it?
Let’s not do the conversational hoops thing.Nothing will be ultimately fruitful.As I mentioned earlier,positive or nagative both have already made their mind about what they’ll end up.
RichardHK was giving advice to buy Al Brooks’ course on without disclosing his business interest in running, I thought it was friendly and unbiased advice from someone who found something that worked. RichardHK “formally a professional engineer and general manager with the electric utility business. Now trading for a living, Richard has been Al Brooks’ developer and manager since 2012 for Al’s website.” How can you trade for a living if you’re a managing director of an internet marketing firm and working for Al Brooks? Look at the types of hobbies, disruptive technology, movies, astronomy, intraday trading, nothing to suggest a serious mindset with these hobbies. If game theory, decision theory, risk management behavioral finance, statistics, and coding were listed as hobbies the possibility that he is not lying and that trading is a hobby and a a source of income for living expenses would be more likely.
Warrior Spirit you make no sense and you clearly defend probobly work for Al..just be quiet…youve been exposed shill!
Let’s clean slate and re-frame for a second.
Fundamentally, Al has rebranded many existing Price Action pattern/movements and written about them in his own information overload manner. For some reason he got labelled as the inventor. Far from it. I therefore don’t believe everything Al Brooks has written about is horseshit. He is just regurgitating existing information that is there for all to find should they wish to seek it out.
There were two points to the original review. The first was to find out if the teachings and methods Al Brooks uses were translatable to being a successful trader. The jury is probably still out for many people, but for me there is some merit in what he has written. BUT REMEMBER, this isn’t new information or a new discovery. This is the presentation and collation of existing price patterns with his nomenclature added.
The second point (and the most important) is the humdinger that knocks the very foundation out from underneath Al Brooks. He is not willing to prove he trades a live market with a funded account.
Is that not in any way suspicious? Shouldn’t we be entitled to that as a virtue of the fact he is selling something and telling us on many occasions he is a full time trader!
Isn’t this the point? Don’t we all want to be convinced that his teachings are solid, tradable and profitable? If that doesn’t meet your criteria as a new trader then more fool you.
So, what possible way exists for Al Brooks to demonstrate he actually practices what he preaches and trades live with a funded account? It isn’t a difficult thing to prove yet it gets so much resistance.
From what I see on FIO, there are some users (tturner & tymbeline) who immediately jump in and say how dare us from wanting to question the vendor. Tymbeine is a contrarian prick who shouldn’t even be allowed on the site. tturner (Big Mike’s new lapdog) is now complicit in Big Mike’s scam of allowing Al Brooks’s to do a webinar when he fails to prove he is even a trader!
The mind boggles. Such a simple request turns into a drama. Al Brooks’s reputation is on the line and he chooses not to do anything. That speaks volumes.
Al Brooks says.” [the NFA] told me that I cannot make trade recommendations, I cannot discuss my trades or trading results, and I cannot answer specific questions about particular trades that anyone has taken or contemplates taking. However, I can publish my reading of charts and I can discuss trades and management in general terms. Is this a lie he has been hiding behind since 2009 or is this a true NFA limitation on non-CTAs? This will be the determing factor in the possible success of the CFTC case against Al Brooks.
I have a contact at the NFA. She is great and given me information on Al that is available to the public.
Unfortunately I can’t discuss everything else she found out about him because that isn’t freely available…
NFA ID: 0233748
NFA ID: 0233749
The business address back then was registered here:
LOOMIS, CA 95650
(916) 791-3503
He was also registered back in the day doing business under MST INVESTMENTS
He only had NFA membership for 4 years (1990-1994) but it is plausible that he is trading/traded through a different company after that – still looking into it but it – but I am getting the feeling not is all it seems during his “investment” tenure.
Al’s current business address:
BROOKS PRICE ACTION, LLC is not registered with the NFA.
I am doing some more digging and fact checking, but if Al is claiming as a non member of the NFA, he cannot share his statements, as of right now it looks like he is telling lies.
He cannot announce trades, that is pretty much a certainty – but as for everything else…
I am shocked Dr. Brooks never mentioned he traded or head dealings with an investment corporation during 1990-1994. In fact,he claims he lost money as an independent trader for the first ten years of trading beginning around 1987. The implied image of Dr. Brooks conveyed in his books is that of a devoted stay-at-home dad and independent (non corporate) professional day trader who resides in California and handles CA’s high income tax rate due to his exceptional chart reading and trading abilities. MST Investments from 1990-1994 with the owner listed as Samir Toma and possily sold to a Danny Hoady listed as the current contact, the CFTC will clear this up once the investigation is concluded.
can someone check if under that address ever lived a Al Brooks aka Leveille…
someone found out his address before on ET in Cali and it was a 1 bedroom shack…and this was around 2013.. so how did he go from a Million Dollar Mansion to a tiny 1 bedroom shack? so many questions arising about this guy as he keeps getting exposed
these scammers will often show expensive Mansions that arent even theirs
Your comment is so off track that is ridicoulous. Al did never ever show any expensive mansion. In fact he doesn’t do any marketing at all except a speech once a year.
You can google maps above address it is for sure not a 1 bedroom shack.
God, these people here are so diluded in their hatred.
so much hatred they start posting to themselves.
I am not toto. Stop trying to discredit critics of Al with personal attacks and vindictiveness, let the evidence speak for itself and wait for the CFTC complaints and investigation to take their course, you’re trying to unfairly sway the public opinion in favor of Al Brooks and you know it.
sure you are. You’re the one whose vindictive. I told you stop tagging my posts two reviews ago. I have said Brooks is a scam, just that like Emmett says, “Al Brooks is certainly not going to qualify as one of TradingSchools worst educators. Not even close.”
Excuse me , you’re not publishing in an academic journal, anyone is allowed to comment on a string of comments regardless of who else made preceding comments, ideally without fear of being flamed for simply commenting.
what? flamming? who’s the one who followed me across reviews? the first to prove his gollum snarky self. then went into cesspool territory
Keep digging for info guys. Let’s find out the truth about this guy.
His ex-wife’s name is Kay and she is a lawyer in Sacramento. I wonder if she’d be willing to share what she knows of Al’s history as a trader.
Why did you not ask your contact about the legal situation? I already posted above that I think there is in fact a possiblity that advertisement with true p&L statements are indeed misleading and forbidden because customers cannot replicate them.
I understand that you think it is forbidden.
Can you point out any rules or regulations that would forbid it or are you just guessing because you want to believe. Seriously, anything.
“advertisement with true p&L statements are indeed misleading and forbidden”
Man at some point you have to realize you are posting complete nonsense.
Saying the Truth is Forbidden. Give me a break!! What is forbidden is FRAUD. Lying about your results like Open Range Trader. No one is going to jail for posting their honest true trading account.
Now if he said I guaranty you could get the same results I did that would be misleading.
Don’t worry Rob, the truth never goes away.
I just find it amazing that some FIO users (Big Mike’s lapdog for one) are only ‘thanking’ pro Al posts, or posts that are derogatory to the original poster for even asking the question about Al’s trading in the first place.
One user actually called FIO hypocritical for allowing Al to do webinars with no proof he trades. This probably hasn’t gone over well at all.
I am sure Big Mike will wade in shortly and tell everybody to move on. I am sure he will mention how popular Al Brooks is on FIO and how much he is respected within the industry.
I will take a bet on the very people that ‘thank’ Big Mike for closing down such a ‘juvenile’ request about “Dr. Brooks”.
Tymbeline will be first in the line up because he needs to think his opinion actually means something.
“I’ve a genius IQ yet it took me nearly 3 months to understand his concepts at an moderately efficient level.I suspect,it may take years for some & for some-it may remain impossible.” It takes members of the church of Scientology years to understand those teaching. You wanna know why? Because it’s absolute and unadulterated bullshit. If something like a trading method is so convoluted that you need a genius IQ and months of study to understand it then it’s very probable that it’s bullshit too.
“Reading Al’s materials for enough time,I can see the man behind.Shy,ethics bounded & somehow frightful.” But not bound enough by ethics to provide proof that his method is profitable, not bound enough by those same ethics to provide proof that he even trades. Frightful – yes scared shitless that he’s going to be called to account and have to confess that he doesn’t trade his own method. Just my tea leaf reading of the man from what I’ve read.
Al’s method isn’t for everyone.There are many ways to milk the cow.One will always find other easy & not in depth alternatives.
There’s a common tendency for general people to think that if rocket scientists are joining hedge fund,trading must require genius.In my opinion it’s not.I know a few old,wrinkled traders from past golden days of pit trading-they’re simple human beings with lot of experience.
While it’s true anyone with enough grit can be a very good trader,being a genius will cut the time & other factors vastly.
As for time needed,I take trading seriously & aspire to make it my full-time endeavour.So I consider to give it a fair amount of time.It’s just a profession like others,if we didn’t mind spending 9 years for a MD-why mind some months to years to grasp trading profession?
Of course it’s not meant for some.Some will continue to believe-trading is easy money.Rags to riches is possible with only superficial wish without profound time & hard work.These are guys that are prone to be cheated.
Herd thinks just some months of learning & expeimenting with indicators & well i’ll be able to quit my day job to my way to riches.Trading doesn’t work like that,but this mentality suits basic principle of conmanship-people are willing to do things to make them believe in what they already want to believe,you just have to give a fair reason to do so.
Over the years,I came in contact with other successful traders.One thing I find out is they’re very secretive about their earning.The more rich life they savour,the more secretive they seem to be secretive.
I’m not sure what is the real cause.May be it’s a combination of safety,security,giving back their edge in market(Toby Crabel tried to buy back all existing copies of his once published book after he began his hedge fund),ego issues.I guess only when one lives a life of excess,he understands what’s going on here.But I remember I used to be puzzled with their overall secretive behaviour.
That being said,Al seems bit open minded.Some of the successful traders whom I directly asked about record-just stopped responding to my mail abruptly. So now I take an indirect approach & contacts with Al gave me an account of his & some other traders’ earning potential. I’m satisfied with that,because I know the higher I go in trading order-this kind of discretion just increases.
My findings about Al-he’s gentle,good natured & fearful of going something wrong in process of closure.It’s foolish to kill the golden goose altogether for immediate little gain.
But that’s just my opinion,people will seek reasons for other possibilities. There are guys who thinks even Mother Teressa is a twat.In that case,refraining from making your point is seems just logical.
What you seek sincerely,it’s very possible to find something close to it.It all boils down to your intent.
@Warrior Spirit you sound like a perfect student for Al Brooks. Endless amounts of mumbo jumbo nonsense that follows a twisted path of illogical, irrelevant references to anything other than the challenges that have been presented to you about your statements “promotions” about Al Brooks.
“For example,I’ve a genius IQ yet it took me nearly 3 months to understand his concepts at an moderately efficient level.I suspect,it may take years for some & for some-it may remain impossible.”
That statement is con artist BS 101. That is what they teach in the first day of running a con artist trading room. Just tell the students they will have to work hard, but eventually they will get it. Sounds great, but in reality just a scam to keep you paying more and more. BTW genius IQ, my guess is you are more than likely a member of Densa.
“remember,Al is a trader-not a lawyer.I guess in case of most traders-it’s just a phone call or two with lawyers or regulators,”Ok,so what am I allowed to do?”
That statement is right out of con artist BS 101 course day 2 course. The first thing the regulators are going to ask for is proof or their claims. You do not need to be a lawyer. You cannot commit fraud. It is that simple. Anyone can show an honest track record. The problem is none of these con artist can show a profitable track record so all they can do is show a fake track record.
Once again the bottom line is this is not about me or Emmett or anyone else. It is about a self-proclaimed profitable ES scalper who can show zero, that is zero, proof he trades live more less trades profitable. And all the Al Brook shills in the world cannot change that fact. But I must say he has built quite a cult that blindly follow him and his nonsense trading room.
If you want to put on the blinder and throw your money down the tube go ahead and waste your time and money on some con artist with unsubstantiated claims.
As I said,further discussions will not be fruitful.Positive & negative side-both sides have already their reasons.
I believe you didn’t notice,but I wasn’t selling anything here.I don’t care about being a member of anything.Trading is about learning about myself & Mr. Market,once needs a baseline knowledge of market-from there he needs to build more experience by putting in the hours.
Good traders know the last thing they want to do is give away their edge-market knowledge.I never understood why successful traders give away their market view,they’re just making their edge minimized.No one will be glad if Al & other valid ways of interpreting market is put out off business.
I encourage you to do your best to make Al & others like him to be exposed & put out off business. It took me enough time & headaches to go through all the subtle details of trading.I’ll sleep safely tonight,knowing tomorrow there will be less competition.
Flexibility is good tool to think logically.I guess when people around here takes Emmett’s words with such importance,their reasoning isn’t that sound to be concerned about.
I laughed while I read through your post’s “Con artist 101” & calling me genius IQ instead of the name I provided.Perhaps you’re trying to hurt my ego & thereby opening another conversational hoop & in the process finding additional ways to belittle me.
It may work with others,but experienced traders are far beyond emotion-they dwell in rationality.
As for “Con artist 101”,do you think such retarded presentation of my post will be able to con anyone in this age of smartphones & gadgets?It may have worked in 50’s,but not anymore. If you thought these are ways modernized conman uses then probably you’re already being conned in some parts of your life,somehow.
If I wanted to trick anyone here,it would have served me far more better if I took the popular role here of bashing Al like others & once achieved enough rapport-to begin to inject anti fuel little by little.A good social engineer will take this path.
Do me a favour,go out & try your best to put an end to Al.& what are you saying about densa?I don’t know about it,but why don’t you put an end to it too?Then I’ll feel safer in my trading career knowing such tools exist in this world that will do the job on behalf on me while I only have to enjoy their end result & trade peacefully.
Good luck!
You are promoting Al Brooks, a self proclaimed profitable day trader who like all the other Trading Room operators show no proof of their claims. Maybe you missed the Regulators finally cracking down on these con artist such as Open Range Trader. There is no difference in these con artist from Bernie Madoff.
There are plenty of sites such as Invest-o-scam-u where shills can promote con artist trading rooms, but this is the first site that calls them out and says, “Put up or Shut Up”. Too many people have been scammed out of money by this industry.
Your comment.
“If I wanted to trick anyone here,it would have served me far more better if I took the popular role here of bashing Al”
Telling people not to trust a Trading Room operator who never shows any proof they trade live or profitable is not tricking anyone. Promoting such a scam artist is the trickery.
A genius like yourself can surely see anyone, lets say a shill, can say how they trade profitable and learned it from Al. What is hard is actually showing any proof. And that is where the rubber hits the road.
I want to be clear-I’m not promoting Al or anyone here.I’m not saying anyone should join his room or buy his course/books.
I’m just expressing my opinion as others did.After spent my due effort,I found Al’s knowledge to be of value for my trading.Here it seemed much adversary is going against Al that doesn’t seem fair to me-so adding my 2 cents.
Probably you’re looking for signs of me promoting of anything.I remember,as a child I used to play the game-seeing the circle.I began to take notice of anything circular around my environment & soon enough boiled oval egg in my breakfast to my math teacher’s face-everything seemed circular.An already rigged/partially trained eye will always look for what it wants to see,even if it isn’t there.
Now that I think of it,it seems far better if Al & other trading vendors get to shut down.Al provides institutional level knowledge, in a perfect world I would like to have that kinda knowledge only by myself.I can’t risk every lay trader to get their hands on this stuff.
So feel free to chase & sue Al & others if that’s what it takes to shut him down.I’ll enjoy that end result & be grateful to my minion who had done that job on behalf of me.
I realised what’s going on here.It’s just a common meeting/whining place of like minded people who wasn’t able to grasp Al’s material & really pissed of that while they loses money invariably & gets scammed by superficial con artists,some traders are able to make living in same market.So,they come here with their hurt ego & whine/troll/belittle someone untill they begin to feel better.
So,I guess most logical thing to do will be to refrain from further responding to such whinnying people & to do what a trader needs to do-trading.
Just because you don’t understand something does not necessarily mean it’s wrong.We did not know what actually is electricity for a long time,but we used it anyway. Now we know how electrons flow from one place to another, yet we use electricity in the same way.
Warrior Spirit,
I give you credit you are a good writer and your subtle approach of promoting AL is a brilliant approach to promote but seem genuine.
The problem is you could do the same for any con artist. What you are doing is easy. I can not repeat this enough. What is hard is showing proof of your claims and that is the problem.
You can distract all you want, but the facts do not change. Al Brooks has shown ZERO, NO, NADA, NEIN (is there another language you understand better) evidence he trades live or can trade profitably.
You say you are a genius, then surely with your high IQ you can figure out that any Tom, Dick or Harry can claim to trade profitable, make a bunch of murky calls, never show proof they trade live and have shills like Warrior Spirit promote them and just scam people out of their time and money scalping a method that is not profitable.
In fact it is the model of this corrupt industry. The fact that Al Brook’s shows no prove of his claims speaks volumes about the truth and the fact you keep ignoring that fact speaks volumes about you.
I just wonder if the regulators ever crack down and close Al Brooks and these other trading rooms will you come back and apologize.
A genius shill (give you a break here) is still a shill. Ah! a rose by any other color …..
Sorry Warrior Spirit, but I have seen this same movie again and again and it always ends the same with people being scammed.
There is a reason why mutual funds and hedge funds were there is regulations, these folks are not allowed to lie about their claims.
I am new to this site and came here on the recommendation of a third party. I have been trading most of my life in a professional capacity.
I don’t know much about trading education so I cannot comment about Al.
That being said, what trading planet did you people just step off of? wtf?
Rob B seems unable to scalp futures? Options? (I don’t know what he trades) So he has decided that no one else can scalp either. Come on up to the Merc and meet a whole army that scalps profitably. (I assume scalping is holding less than an hour) Some of the most successful traders on the planet trade big numbers on options at the cash market open and are out in 5 minutes or less. Piss off, mate.
You kind folks defending Al whats-his-name are just as whacky. If you like the guy, give him your money and trade. If that trading is profitable, who the hell cares what anyone thinks.
The rest of you waltz around posting comments willy-nilly about stuff you don’t know about. Lucky7, toto, winteriscoming, cyn and dtchurn should all shut up and listen, perhaps you might learn a bit. I don’t give a toss if this offends you, quit posting drivel.
Honestly, is there a successful trader on this site? Or is this a place to come and whine?
“Those who needs a reason to hate Al-will always find one.”
Those who don’t a real-money account statement of real-time trades will never provide one.
So here you go guys a brokerage statement posted by “Traderme” from trading in Al’s room for a month
Just in case anyone missed it. What do you have to say about that loser Rob B? Pete? lol See? Someone is doing it. You actually have skilled traders in this world. Who figured right? It’s all a lie right? lmao
Speaking of Rob B Traderme said it best “Everyone here clearly has an agenda: Yours is to get approved by Emmett, get your forum and finally offer paid service with Emmett’s seal of approval. So you first have to bite away every competitor. ”
That’s exactly what Rob B has been doing this entire time hes been here and it’s clear as day! He’s trying to bite away every competitor. Notice how in every single review he posts something to the extent of “These fantasy TR’s don’t know the world of REAL trading. I, ROB B KNOW REAL TRADING! I want Emmett to give me personal a page where I can promote my “realistic” profitable trading room with photoshopped trading brokerage results” Of couse Emmett knows this and will never give publicity to a delusional person such as yourself Rob 🙂
LOL Rob B if you’re going to post fake brokerage statements at least make them somewhat impressive. I’d rather keep my money in the bank than join your trading room with those kind of “realistic results”. Please post non-photoshopped statement next time Rob Beeeeeeeeee LOL
“Speaking of Rob B Traderme said it best “Everyone here clearly has an agenda: Yours is to get approved by Emmett, get your forum and finally offer paid service with Emmett’s seal of approval. So you first have to bite away every competitor. ”
That’s exactly what Rob B has been doing this entire time hes been here and it’s clear as day” You have to be deluded of intentionally misreading what Rob B has written to reach this conclusion. I’m leaning towards you being delusional.
Traderme provided two days of trading and he may well be profitable but two days isn’t proof that Brook’s teaching/strategy/method can be profitable over time.
I find it so funny you post someone else’s brokerage statement. OK I have decided to set a new rule for myself. If a post is too idiotic no long response or no response at all. This falls into that too idiotic category. You clearly have not invested real money at all and have no clue about investing or return on money, so it would be a waste of my time to respond.
You know what they say about arguing with a people of a certain class of intelligence, and how onlookers may not be able to tell the difference?
As one malapropism I heard once put it: “A word to the wise is ‘in the North’.”!
Daytrading from home is a pipe dream now. Has been last 10+ years. 100% that try it lose…all these vendors like Al Brooks,WRBTRADER..etc are all failed traders themselves, thats why they selling their bs education to make money.
Only time people were making money daytrading from home was during the Internet Bubble days, but thats over. If you think these International Banking houses that control this world will let you sit in your pijamas and trade from home, you are dumb.
If you think Rob B should stop making excuses and follow up his claims of profitable trading by posting an account statement please “thumbs up” this comment. Let’s see how many people are interested. I know I am!
Mindless Unlucky,
Shills are truly unbelievable. You and your trading room cannot show any proof of your claims so you want to divert attention by demanding others show their brokerage statements instead. I have no idea what the point of me showing you my brokerage statements would accomplish as I am not selling anything. It only serves as a distraction to the fact you and your con artist TR buddy can show no proof of your claims. You do not even have the guts to say you will show your brokerage statement even after I show mine. You are basically a low life COWARD. Grow some BALLS man.
I have offered to show Emmett my brokerage statements for one reason and one reason as I have explained. But I will take the bait as I have nothing to hide, but I am sure you are too dumb and will not even understand a real brokerage statement. In addition I doubt you have ever taken a live trade. Without me opening up my brokerage statements live it is meaningless. You have no idea what account size I am trading. So it tells you nothing about my returns. Plus it could all be faked. I am the first one to say never trust anyone. In addition brokerage statements go on for pages.
But I will show the chutzpah that you and your con artist buddies lack. First, you will laugh at my returns. My returns are a joke compared to what Al Brooks and the other con artist trading rooms claim. I have stated what they are on many occasions. If I do 25% a year I am doing cartwheels. And BTW every hedge fund and REAL investor are also doing cartwheel if they get a 25% return, but this is something you would not understand, as you are completely clueless about investing. And this year for the past few months I have been rehabbing a house and have not done any short term trading.
Now I am sure no matter what I show you will not be happy with, because it is not about my returns, but about creating any distraction what so ever from the one and only thing that matters and that is any proof Al Brooks or any of his shills, BS Shill Lucky77 for example, can show proof of profitable trading.
But for shits and grins here is my July short term trades and P/L straight from my brokerage statement, not from Trader View or other crap. Now again I am sure you will not be happy, but I just stood up and did something that virtually no other TR has done and certainly something you and Al Brooks have not and could not do. So for once in your life be a man and now show your brokerage statements. I dare you!!!!!
You will notice that in the entire month I took all of 14 trades. Not 20 ES 5 Minute Micro scalps, which no one has ever shown they can do profitable. And not to brag a bit, but I left town the last week so that was really only 3 weeks worth.
BS artist Lucky77, it now time to shut up or put up. But I can hear the BS post from you now. It will be anything and everything, but once again refusing to show any proof of yours or Al Brook’s claim. It is sad when the person selling or promoting a TR refuse to shows any proof they ever took a live trade and the potential customer shows proof. This is like hiring a builder and they refuse to show any proof they ever built a house in their life and ask you to show proof instead. Sometimes you cannot help but laugh.
This will be the last time I will show my brokerage statements to some idiot like UnLucky77 as I doubt he can comprehend them anyway, but I will open up my brokerage statement and show months of short term trading to Emmett if he gives me a thread where I can talk about the complete BS fantasy world that BS artist UnLucky77 is describing where people just lose money again and again trying to use 500 to 1 leverage to micro scalp ES on a 5 minute chart and the Real World of trading.
Once again I will pull out my crystal ball and make a prediction; I will never see any proof from Unlucky77 or Al Brooks of profitable trading. Man I must be a swami with my amazing prediction powers. And I kind of hope I don’t because if they ever showed any proof I would die of a heart attack from shock.
“And I kind of hope I don’t because if they ever showed any proof I would die of a heart attack from shock.”
Then you should definitely have a defibrillator at hand now. I support Emmetts work but if I got a cent for every self-righteous foot note poster on this blog I would not need to trade at all. Remembers me of times when the mob would appear in front of your home with hayforks to burn down everything. Everyone here clearly has an agenda: Yours is to get approved by Emmett, get your forum and finally offer paid service with Emmett’s seal of approval. So you first have to bite away every competitor. This is all very clear to me but at least you are really trading and not only barking.
So here are my statements directly from my broker as well showing a profit of USD 1240 while being in Als room and scalping the 5 min chart.
I could show you years of unprofitable trading before. And break-even trading afterwards as well. Break even because I mainly stopped 5 min trading in order to trade longer timeframes with options. Al’s methods combined with options so that you can give yourself a room for profit is a very good system and to me as close as you can get to the holy grail as possible. So I am up about 20 % for the year altogether. And still have my dayjob which is well paid as well.
The difference is that after years of unprofitable trading I unlike Pete stood up to my mistakes and tried to improve them instead of blaming others.
If you are Big Mike member you can see Mike’s results using Als methods as well. He posted Account screenshots from IB showing very profitable trading. He made about a 100 % in four months on his trading capital trading on the one hour chart if I recall correctly.
Besides I am very sure that the sentences that Emmett Moore cites of Al Brooks room are incorrect.
“indecision bars, indecision bars, with a possible micro bubble climax definitely looking to buy support. But sellers may overwhelm swing, so looking to sell at resistence trigger”
This sentence is complete gibberish and make no sense at all. Same with the other sentences. I ask Emmett to post a recording of this sentence. I am VERY sure that Al did not say this. This is another sign that Emmett is not as careful with his investigations as he has been in former times.
“Double bottom probably buyers on doji candle looking for long entry and short entry on resistence failure short entry for quick profit, be aggressive and careful with either position”
I am very sure that AL did not say this in this combination. Al would never say “be aggressive and careful with either position”. This is gibberish. I ask Emmett to post a recording.
“Final flag, final flag, definitely final flag probably entering trading range with close support at possible entry point for aggresive buyers and definite exit point on multi-point sell position”
This as well. It makes no sense at all.
“Failure reversal bull flag with sellers climax possible sell, but looking to buy on minor pullback of micro bubble. Indecision bars signalling continuation of reversal points.”
“indecision bars signalling continuation of reversal points”
That is rubbish. I am sure Al did not say this. Al never speaks of “bubbles” as well. Maybe in Emmetts fantasy.
I think Emmett wanted to make fun of Al’s lingo and made a caricature of it.
But no reporter or investigator should do that. When you investigate at the SEC with methods like this they will just throw your complaint into the garbage can. No judge would approve of this.
The point is Al Brooks uses doublespeak and inappopriate and quasi-scientific language to fool his audience, “always in long” is not possible if the bulls and bears are never completely in control, why would you ever label something as being always in long when the probabilities are always undefined? Pure marketing genius.
Makes no sense to discuss with you as you lack the basic understanding of trading. Of course there are times when bulls or bears have control otherwise there wouldn’t be any trends existing.
very true. lack of understanding yet bitches and whines.
ok, so you have a simple understanding which i lack and yet you bitch and whine, what the hell does that make you?
you’re the one bitching and whining about Brooks where everyone can see it.
I guess Bigmike is bitching about Al Brooks now. You and Al are in a lonely place.
lol, bmt has been partners with brooks since bmt formed. I am no shill, anyone can see that except our resident ptb. your lonely vendetta only stays in thiss naturatlth habittatt.
@ Traderme
Hi Al,
How is it going? You are taking one hell of a rough ride over at FIO. Are you going to bail from the FIO webinar?
Big Mike’s new lapdog (tturner86) will probably be hosting so he will filter any questions relating to “Do you trade live?”. So you will probably be okay and you can breathe a sigh of relief that the question won’t be passed on.
It is a shame you can’t be open and honest about the fact that you do not trade in the live market.
You have done a great job in skirting the envelope of your requirement not having to be honest.
The NFA cannot get involved because you are not a member, but they sure can dig in to your past if required.
The CFTC need to establish whether your bullshit has the implication of fact attached to it.
Could your verbal rhetoric be willfully misconstrued as trading advice and can they prove it?
I think not, which is why I give you the longest slow clap in the world. A very smart and elusive guy you are Mr Brooks.
You are so funny. I take it as a compliment that you believe I am Al Brooks in person. But I would definitely be able to recognize Al’s writing style within seconds and its different than mine – I am apparently not even an English native. At least you all got me a little bit thinking about signs whether Al is really trading. And there are indeed signs that he in fact isn’t as I already mentioned before. One more thing that sticks out to me and is also mentioned somwhere here or over there in the FIO thread is that Al is always talking at the end of his webinars about his trades – you would say his supposed trades. And then he says something like : “I got in somewhere here, I don’t know.” “I shorted around this bar here, I don’t remember.” Everyone who was in his room knows this. And what got me thinking is that someone who is talking about the market the whole day in excruciating detail is not able to point out his exact entries and exits. Al is precise like a computer but at this point he always stays vague. That just doesn’t quite fit. On the other side Al maybe just doesn’t want to put his own trades in the center because you only can learn from your own trades and mistakes.
Now you can be happy Big Mike himself got aware of the discussion and stepped into the thread over at FIO and said he will ask Al directly in his next webinar whether he can show some proof of his trading. So get some popcorn.
If Al is sim trading he can afford to have his lackadaisical attitude towards his trade management and entries and exits. Unfortunately the CFTC is not going to find it cute or amusing, with him encouraging people to trade with real money viaTradestation referrals and rose-tinted and unrealstic marketing of the trading-for-a-living dream. The primary ethical expectations a trading vendor is helping others learn risk management and trade entry and exits, not marketing mumbo jumbo, it’s high time Al Brooks faced further scrutiny and judgment for his memes.
@ Traderme
I was actually being a satirical, but that is alright.
I already know who are are as I mentioned some time ago on here.
I think we can be friends now anyway. Why? Because I think a little chink of doubt is starting to poke through for you which is great.
Wow, I guess you are right. Big Mike has stepped up to the plate. I am amazed. I am sure tturner86 is so disappointed!
How do you think Al Brooks will handle this?
Do you think he will dust off his NFA excuse?
Unless he is a member of the NFA (which he isn’t) that excuse is only dragging their name into something which has NOTHING to do with them.
Do you think he will try to baffle us this some explanation that doesn’t answer the question?
Do you think he will remain stoic and just point blank refuse?
My bet is that nothing will get resolved.
BUT – I will be ecstatic if he comes through for us all. Truly I would.
I am ready to be blown away by Al’s evidence. This is now in his hands to put to bed. Over to him…
This is so f%cking funny.
I suspect Big Mike realizes his house is about to fall down.
For anyone who has been around – look at the new generation of “Wizards”
Tturner86 or whatever and that other guy Handicap er Inletcrap- Whatever his name.
You read anything by those guys and realize what moron’s they are. Then, Like
Wikileaks – the real scam has been exposed.
BMT promoting Al Brooks like THE DNC promoting me! Big Mike is simply the
Donna Brazile. But we all know the fix is
But for those paying attention it shows that our beliefs ( or mine anyway) about
FIO, Big Mike etc has been nothing but
a scam from day 1. Big Mike promotes those that he personally benefits from.
You pay your elite fee to get into the cult and then he receives kickbacks from the frauds he softly promotes. When caught
he claims a far distance and faulty internet connection.
FIO is his personal “Foundation” that has allowed him to retire to the shit hole of the world.
Well said, there have been like four generations of “wizards” since the beginning of bmt. Remember when indextrader7 was the talk of the site , a young business graduate who talked like he was a superior trader to everyone else. And his method was just a ripoff of ytc-scalper and a dangerous averaging down habit. He rented an office as a private fund and showed off the photos. Then silence, a few months later it was reported he had promptly blew up the fund and his partner quickly called all the clients to pull out before they lost it all. I think fio/bmt is pretty much done. bmt shrewdly made profits from the elite membership and it’s partners and kept it’s faux image as an impartial non-affiliated site. That’s why he could “retire” to Ecuador already having made it big. fio was a cheap change to make it sound more like apple’s ios. If one sees the bmt journal, it has unreal leverage on the es and wildly out of control averaging down big and losing most of the gains after the six months or so trial of “proof”.
ROFLMAO- Look at Sam028’s and tturner’s latest response- Right out of the DNC playbook!
“Can you name any vendor providing proof?” C’mon you fricken Moron!
Okay- My next prediction is that this thread will be moved to “elite only” Might as well suck every last cent out of them while the shiop is going down! lol
I agree with you. The desire on FIO to give Al a free pass is pretty strong. Or maybe it’s so that they don’t have to confront the fact that they’ve all been duped by a con man for so long. Either way there are Al Brooks supports over at FIO who will accuse you of being a troll because you state the obvious, that Brooks hasn’t produced proof of his claims because he doesn’t have any. Or the fact that he hasn’t produced proof that he trades his method means that there isn’t any proof that he doesn’t trade his method so everything is OK, continue on your way. Or the latest one, no one else is providing proof so why should Al, in fact why should we expect vendors to provide proof? I agree there are bigger fish to fry than Al Brooks but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t require him to prove his claims but my money is on the fact that what ever he dishes up as proof won’t meet the rigorous standard that it should and FIO will try to shut down any further discussion about it.
Yep- Bigger fish to fry for sure- But it’s about the coverup and the disclosure of the FIO cult foundation that is the real gem here. They all realize they have been duped- for years! While their leader hides away South of the border. All that time wasted following Big Mike the grifter.
I agree bigger fish to fry for sure. Very low on the totem poll for the scam witch hunt. The kool-aid can last long for some. For myself I paid for the original book used for ten bucks, spent many hours learning the brooks “language” and slogging through the book, then joined the room for a few months. I never made live trades on the method so I “reckon I got off lightly”. I didn’t bother with the video course. Since then I never thought he was a successful trader, at best breakeven or a part-time investor outside of the room. But the brooks fad has been long past. Most of the fio journals today are not brooks based and Mack’s PATs was a popular contender for a long spell. I suspect bmt will clamp down on future brooks webinars and the brooks thread will sink into obscurity again. If there are folks still incensed about being duped by Brooks for whatever reason , they should bring their fight to FuturesMag and Tradersexpo, Wiley trading publisher.
I suspect no one will go to that extreme- But the value of that site is of the people who contribute with their content. Once the remaining realize they have been shammed they may stop posting- In that instant the site dies. There used to be some interesting characters that would at least provoke thought and discussion. Now it’s just pure propaganda.
So the site is already dieing on it’s own ( in my opinion) This may be the final nail.
“Big Mike himself got aware of the discussion and stepped into the thread over at FIO and said he will ask Al directly in his next webinar whether he can show some proof of his trading.”
Oh heavens, the sky is falling! We cannot gore the golden ox, surely not?
Very true the sky is falling. This is literally the first time int bmt’s history has even entertained the thought of asking questions of proof in a webinar. It doesn’t matter much now. bmt is already partially retired to ecuador. The success of CFTC litigation of SoT and a few other retail scams thanks to TS is something bmt can’t ignore anymore. Brooks is small time educator, so I doubt there will be nothing more than a few q&a.
Brooks is small time compared to School of Trade? Did you find out how much the Trader’s Expos pay speakers or is this just your imagination? You earlier speculated he makes 80K a year just from his webinars, he’s been doing that for 8 or 9 years, do the math, he’s close to School of trade’s income if the courses and books sell as much as has been speculated, there is a sizable amount of capital the CFTC could attempt to recover as in the Schooloftrade case, your discouraging people to report their issues goes against the ethos of this site and suggests some petty personal vendetta or you are indeed a Brooks shill, which I believe you are.
Brooks is small time educator. There are plenty of trading books out there sold over the years besides brooks. I’m not discouraging anyone to report, just that no one cares except you. I’m not a shill, I’m just tired of your vindictiveness on me.
Vindictiveness towards you? You make some good points in some posts and like earlier this week I contributed in a positive manner by adding my own thoughts about Brooks making far more than 80,000 a year due to RichardHK ( undisclosed Brooks course webmaster) and others pushing his course on trading forums and this unleashed a torrent of flaming from you, suggesting I am a reckless idiot looking to get rich quick from Brooks trading course, a liar and stealing other people’s critical insights, which I only responded to after several days of nonstop abuse. Your flaming has not just created a distraction from the subject but an active negative force against this excellent review and the legal momentum coming from the CFTC’s unprecedented action against Schooloftrade.
you started this flaming, it was all you I told you to stop tagging my posts and you wouldn’t leave it. You were wrong on so man counts. You are a reckless idiot. Stray, Rob, Cyn all saw it. You’re full of nonsense trying to hide over the mistakes you made and blaming it all . Then you go down dirtier into the cesspool talk of your own making. If you want to make a point fine. But stop tagging my posts you flaming tard. No one cares about your points anyways or your trying to get back at me jsut because everyone else disses on you and you were still vindictive to me. You are a liar and stole experiences from others. And now trying to hide your past posts which you can’t erase. Cyn said it best
“You should not trade with money that you cannot afford to lose!!!! High interest loans certainly fall in the class of money you cannot afford to have, let alone to lose.
This one is on you alone, not any of the scammers. Yes, not even Al Brooks.
You should not be in here complaining because of your own intemperate decisions.
Your rant is one of the most awfully pathetic pieces of drivel ever written.”
And your pathetic reply to Cyn. And calling me a coward for not reviewing. So what, Brooks is just one book out of many out there on trading. Thousands of people read books. There are thousands of retail trading sites. Why should your Brooks vendetta be any special when you’re nothing special when man others have gone through the Brooks rigamarole.
You’re pissed at me being right. Stop tagging my posts you pos!
you lying pos. you kept pushing it and it was nothing to do with posting about the vendor course, liar.
While acknowledging what a vigorous exchange this has become and how that can subtly affect interpretations of what is read, where did you get the idea that Rob B was trying to do anything beyond get a thread about what real day trading is like? Where has he indicated that he wants to set up a paid service?
Good job on the trading Traderme, it looks like you’ve made Brook’s teaching work for you but it still begs the question why Al doesn’t display his results and as Emmett pointed out if he does trade as often as he says he does he’s got a very hefty commission bill to overcome before he becomes profitable.
Why else would Rob B like to have a thread for himself? Just to sit there and bloat himself and brag what a good daytrader he is? No he wants to get credibility from Emmett and then make himself a name for selling services. Its the same old story as always in this business. With Al its a complete other story. He was just trading and wrote his book. Then people who found value in his book came to him and asked him to do the trading room and forum. Other people asked him to do the course. And everything he ever did was for really low prices.
Regarding the commissions Al preaches always to go after targets no less than one point in the Emini with stop the same distance away. This is 50 USD whereas I paid 4 USD for the roundturn. So with a hit rate more than 54 % I reach the profitable zone after commissions. After time you can spot entries that give you this hit rate.
For sure Al does everything he does because of his love for humanity and not for the money. I mean $1,188 a year for a trading room, that’s as close to free as it gets.
It is hard to even respond to posts that are such dribble nonsense.
Again if you ever read any of my previous post you would know why I asked for a thread, because I am sick of hearing from Kool-Aide drinking blind faith following fools like yourself. Though more than likely you are just a shill as once again you just blast me instead of demanding any proof from Al Brooks of his claims. Man you were right on this review, Al is a God to be blindly followed by his flock. Luckily theses blind followers ran into Al Brooks instead of the Jim Jones.
So I will explain once again in a reader’s digest version why I wanted a thread.
I too was the fooled in my youthful day trading days and believe these con artist. I have talked about how I was scammed by the same trading room Emmett was scammed by. This person literally posted years of NT results and they were all proven to be fake on BMT.
I have an engineering degree and worked in the defense department for years doing data analysis so I know something about statistics and I have back tested and run models trying the methods these various TR teach, including Al Brooks and I can find absolutely no statistical advantage to any of their trading methods. I even have tried every combination of trade management that I could think of and nothing works over time. Sure it works for short periods, but eventually the losers overwhelm the winners.
I eventually woke up from my Kool-Aide induced state and realized they teach you nothing but to trade pure white noise and the only way they can do it profitable over time is to use a lenient sim generator that gives them positive slippage and not include commissions. And the funny thing is once you wake up from the fantasy world it is just so obvious.
TR that make murky calls and every trade is a winner no matter what it does. No track record or worst they fake their track record leaving losers off here and there and no proof they trade live what so ever. I could go on for days. I have been in so many TR rooms where the trade clearly lost money and the TR operator and shills are posting away how much money they just made. It was obvious a circus act to anyone that was off the Kool-Aide.
Yet you go to sites like Invest-o-Scam-u and it is just glowing testimonials by shills who are knocking it out of the park. At this point like Trump, I knew the system was rigged, but no one called it out, until this site.
That is why I post here. This is the first site ever to demand these con artist show proof and I love to see them squirm when Emmett ask for proof. And finally Emmett has finally gotten the regulators to wake up and go after a few of the worst scammers like Open Range Trader.
If I can save one person from being scammed I would have done my job.
So in my thread I would start with my background and history and how I finally woke up from the nonsense the TR are teaching. And believe me that is hard to do as I still Skype with people who are still drinking the Kool-Aide. They are not interested in reality. CTAs, mutual funds, hedge funds, World Cup winners results are all public and none of them can do what these TR operators claim. Just look at yourself, you have no standard a TR must meet apparently as in your mind it is “EVIL” for anyone to ask for proof of their claims. Once you are off the Kool-Aide your comments are literally painful to read, as I think how can anyone be this big a fool?
I know I cannot help 99% of the people out there. After all P.T. Bartum was right, “There’s a sucker born every minute”. But for people that understand money, return on investment and live in reality maybe I could help some. I would lay out my Holly Grails (HG) of trading and explain them. It was not until I fully accepted my HGs I became profitable. And here is what the kool-aid drinkers will never understand; my HGs do not have a single setup in them. It is not about setups or indicators. BTW I trade with NO indicators. And another think my HGs are not some secret sauce. In fact the first thing people will say that is already known and it is true. Everything I will say is known, but accepting and trading that way is the hard part. As in the real world you have to be properly funded, no more trading CL with a $5,000 account. You will have draw downs and must properly manage your funds or you will blow your account. No more 80% win rate with virtually never having a draw down. And for Goodness sake no more thinking you will quit your day job and make a living trading some small account and living off the money your earned like it is a salary.
Then people who want to understand and ask questions about the reality of trading I would answer them as best as I can.
It just amazes me you made $1200 in 2 days of trading. Why the hell are you not a full time day trader. that is $500K a year. What more needs to be said.
There is a lot of truth in what you are saying but this is as well exactly the reason why I call you self-righteous. You have been scammed and now you are on a crusade against everyone out there and running on, not looking left or right.
While far too many educators are scammers as you describe and deserve to be called out by Emmett there are some inbetween that are different. To me Al belongs into this category.
But I am just a Kool-aid drinker. However a profitable kool-aid drinker which you constantly ignore because apparently this doesn’ t fit into your concept. So you are just ignoring my account statement and continue on rambling. When you really would have looked into it then you would have seen that I made 1.2 K in a month not in two days.
You are hard case of preconception and I really look forward to your thread. Maybe once you wrote it all down for eternity you are relieved.
I am a bit slow sometimes, but I just realize you are doing exactly what you accused me of potentially doing sometime the future. You just blasted 99% of vendors, but saying Al Brooks is the real deal. If you were really taken by 99% of the other vendors you would be the first one screaming at the top of your lungs demanding proof from these vendors.
Look I could go back and forth but the bottom line is your post just seem fishy to me. Call it instinct after years of listening to shills. If someone wants to blind faith follow you; then go for it. I cannot stop them. I only can warn them. Same as what Emmett is doing. Al Brook’s is doing exactly what you said the other 99% of vendors are doing; self-proclaiming themselves as profitable day traders, while not able to show any proof of their claims what so ever. If you think that is a great model and believe in trust but do not verify then Traderme and Al are you guys. What else can I say.
Emmett, man I do not know how you deal with these people that just promote TR operators who could not profitable trade their way out a paper bag.
To be fair Rob, the statement he did show you was for one month. He put his money where his mouth is. ~1k may be measly but with just 1 contract that’s still impressive and within the folds of consistency.
Personally i think even 1 month statements aren’t enough and if i wanted to be really harsh i would require at least 6 months of verified statements but that’s just me. As the saying goes – everyone thinks they’re a genius in a trending market. A good strategy requires adaptability to market conditions which cannot be assessed within 1 month or 2 months.
With that said i think his statement does to some extent show the other side of the coin as far as al brooks methodology is concerned and does give him some credibility. He may no longer trade (why would he with all the income from brooks, teaching etc) but that does not disqualify his teachings necessarily. What he is teaching is common sense to a certain extent, he’s just done a good job of articulating it.
Well said RobB reiterating all the important points about the sham industry and how Tradingschools has been the only dedicated game changer review site after so many years of sham reviews and sites biased to the scams. Trademe’s results first of all is just a spreadsheet. Anyone could copy results into a spreadsheet and fudge it so it looks profitable. WarriorTrading used to have their dream spreadsheets posted each month before the tradingschools review caused people to start asking the tough questions. Most veteran aspiring traders have had many records just as kool-aid hopeful as the results shown. Then they all realize how insignificant a sample it is compared to the trading for a living dream. Brooks does not call out trades, so if I had that sample it would not mean much more than a coin-flipping trial.
I am sure most rational people get it. It is the silent majority. But thanks for support, in this sea of con artists it sometimes seems like I am the last rational person on the planet.
BigMike may have tried out Brook’s PA way back in the beginning of bmt, but he had long ditched it like the rest of us and his supposed trading results are on a higher time frame with his preference for the vwap, and there are no details disclosed except it looks similar to what little Tigertrader has shown. Brook’s has a deal with elite members of bmt for a slight discount of his course, but that seems to be the extent of his advertising on bmt besides the old fad journals which has since moved on to orderflow and volume profile. When I was in Brook’s room, I don’t recall he claimed he did much more than a few trades a day although it’s certainly possible he could claim to make upwards of ten trades occasionally.
When I read your post the thought that pops into my head is this fool deserves to lose money daytrading. Where do I even begin.
“I support Emmetts work but if I got a cent for every self-righteous foot note poster on this blog I would not need to trade at all. “
Self-righteous!!!!! Asking that vendors provide proof of their claims is self-righteous? What is wrong with you? Were the investigators that said Bernie Madoff was a fraud self-righteous? Are people that tell you the shell game is rigged; self-righteous? If people warning others to get actual proof of a vendors claims are self-righteous, then what the hell do you call the shills that lie and lie saying how they hit it out of the park trading the vendors method; Saints????? Man, you are seriously messed up with your thinking and clearly clueless how this industry works. Can someone be this naïve?
As Emmett originally stated and I have repeated, there must be a litmus test for any business before you pay them. And for this corrupt industry that litmus test is proof they can actually trade profitable by showing live brokerage statement that in fact they traded profitably over a reasonable period of time, not 2 days BTW.
“Everyone here clearly has an agenda: Yours is to get approved by Emmett, get your forum and finally offer paid service with Emmett’s seal of approval. So you first have to bite away every competitor. This is all very clear to me but at least you are really trading and not only barking.”
Honestly at this point it is now become clear you are not only delusional about Al Brook, but mentally unstable as well. Have you even read this blog and my posts over time. First any vendor can show Emmett proof of their claims. Originally he asked them to show a measly 3 months of proof they can trade profitable. Just recently he got so desperate with one vendor he asked them to just show a single day they ever traded a live account and they could not even do that. So any of these con artists TR operators can show proof and get Emmett’s stamp of approval right now. In fact I could do that if that was want I wanted. In fact after watching all the tricks these TR operators use to scam people I could make warrior trader look like Mother Teresa.
If I planned to do what you clam I must be the stupidest person in the world as I have repeatable posted and once again post that I no one that trades profitable is going to open a day trading room. If I opened a room and everyone took my entries, there would be so much slippage my entries would no longer work and affect my results.
If someone could trade profitable and opened a TR and showed proof of their claims, they would have a 1000 or more clients and eventually there method would no longer work. Even on ES! Heck Hedge funds with billions would start to copy their trade. The fact that you do not understand this tells me you know nothing about investing and return on money, just about the fantasy world the vendors are presenting. Now save this post so you can present it when I start my trading room that will only exist in your deranged mind.
“Then you should definitely have a defibrillator at hand now”
I guess I could have been clearer, but I posted in about this in detail in the past. When one of these con artist day trading room operators that is promising fantasy, which Al Brooks does, opens up a live brokerage statement and shows they can do what they claim over a reasonable time period, not 2 days, that will be the day I die of shock. I have previously posted my list of the fantasy world being promised by these vendors, so I will not repeat it again here. And BTW this is why I want my own thread so I do not have to repeat the same thing again and again and can just reference my thread.
And I must add you see how easy you could show your statements. Does that not make you wonder why the vendor cannot do the same? And the vendor is trying to sell his product. They are the ones that need to show they can trade their own method profitable, not the other way around.
“If you are Big Mike member you can see Mike’s results using Als methods as well. “
Even though I am not a BM fan, as he makes money by allowing TST, NT and etc to promote. Plus the whole fleeing America seemed odd to me. But I do not ever remember BM saying he traded Al Brook’s method. I tell you what go on BM and post, “Hey BM I understand you trade AL Brook’s method is that that correct” and let’s see how BM responds.
One final note to any new person that reads this. Anyone who instead of demanding vendors show proof of their claims goes around blasting people who state vendors need to show proof of the claims is either a shill or very very delusional. Think about it. In what business do you hire someone that refuses to show any proof they can do what they say they can. Anyone, even me, can open a day trading room and claim to be profitable. That is easy. What is hard is showing proof of such claims. People like Unlucky 77 and Trader me are shills who can be family members or even the TR operator themselves. They all have ulterior motives. As no rational person would blast people for asking TR operators for proof of their claims. In fact if the Government got serious about regulating this industry the first thing they would demand is proof of their claims and virtually every trading room out there would be forced to close. And Trademe, what I just wrote is the type of stuff that would be in my thread and why I want that thread.
Do you even trade?
I second you that this business is rotten and 99 % of all educators are fraud just putting old books into webinars or doing even worse. And Emmett does a great job in exposing them. I just don’t fully trust your motives either. And here and there and far inbetween is someone who is providing real value. For me that’s the case with Al. Another example would be Tastytrade. Tom Sosnoff does not show any track record either but his shows are of incredible educational value. Or Dan Sheridan. He does not trade himself but his courses are widely regarded as very educational and hundreds of people learned in his community. Some are now my teachers. Of course for every one who makes it there are dozens of “Petes” who yell “fraud” because they just can’t make it and blame it on the educator. Thats just the nature of trading.
Big Mikes trading method is clearly based on Al’s teaching, just go through his thread from the beginning where he started with “bar counting” as Al does. He even used the patented “Al Brooks lingo”. Of course he moved from there to define his own method, for example he went to higher timeframes.
From all of the mentioned above for me Al provides the greatest value for the least money. Tastytrade is free but they rip you off with commissions once you want to use their software. And I already proved that Al’s methods can be successfull if you put the work into it.
This post is certainly more rational than some of your previous post.
“ I just don’t fully trust your motives either. “
You certainly should not as I keep stating don’t trust anyone in this industry.
“And here and there and far in between is someone who is providing real value. For me that’s the case with Al. “
And that is based on 2 days of profitability. As I have stated previously if you made $1200 trading 1 car on ES in 2 days you should be quite wealthy by now. Heck start trading 10 cars.
I have talked with unaffiliated people and they just do not respond the way you do. The first thing they will say is, “Yes I too want Al to show proof he actual trades live and does it profitably”. But not you. It is just take Al’s and your word on it based on 2 days of trading. If this is not nonsense to you then there is nothing else I can say to make you see the light of day. Maybe someone else can try.
“Big Mikes trading method is clearly based on Al’s teaching”
Really. It seems like you could say that about anyone including me. I don’t see it. Again if you are so sure then post the question on BMT. And let’s see his response. Come on I dare you.
Here is my challenge to you. You made $1200 in 2 days following Al’s Trade calls, which in itself is amazing as he makes no real trade calls. But that is beside the point. Why not take a week off work, announce it ahead of time right here and trade Al’s call for a week and post the proof right here and make me eat crow. Or better yet show Emmett the live results from your brokerage statement. Gee if you are right you get to make $10K in a week and shove it down both my and Emmett’s throat. What you got to lose? Now before you answer I am willing to take bets on this one. Any takers?
Maybe thats the reason why no one wants to show you their brokerage statement. Because you are apparently not reading it. You keep rambling on and on and I have to repeat once again that I made 1.2 k in A MONTH not in two days. And I never said I followed calls as Al doesn’t do any, right. But I followed his calls to stay away from the market which he very often does. In fact about 80 % of his “calls” are calls to stay away from the market. Because inevitably the newbies want to jump in when the market is already gone too far. And when you here Al say something like: ” ah..oh.. no .. I wouldn’t”. then you know there is danger and he is often right. Because he knows exactly how far a movement in the ES normally goes in several environments before it reverses. And I know you will not believe it but this is a skill that you and I can learn too. It just needs time. Very much time.
I remember a situation after Brexit. The market opened with a giant gap. First bar was long and red. Second bar was long and red. I was already preparing my short order then I heard the well known sonore voice in my ear: ” I would be long or flat.”
haha, busted! I could see literally see the whole trading room was holding its breath. Because the screen was yelling “SHORT!!” in fat letters as much as it can be. Long just looked like suicide.
There was another red bar forming.
Al now felt all eyes on him and he said: “can it go straight down? Of course it can. But chances are it reverses.”
And he was right. Very soon a bottom was forming and the price ripped up washing out the newbies that just entered. The move was overextended and the probabilities were against a further move down. Al knew that and so can everyone when watching the price action for years. The Emini is in its tendency mean reverting during the day, it forms ranges and moves at night. So a move in the first minutes will not continue – mostly.
So Al is in his nature a mean reverting trader too and always tries to scalp from the edges to the middle of the range. This can be a disadvantage when the price rips up continously as then in the days after Brexit. You could have made a fortune when you just stepped in at the bottom and held for hours. But this is not Al’s nature. So he would always expect a return to the mean and advised against entries after the price had strechted too far waiting for a pullback that did not happen. So his followers were trapped out – can happen too.
But overall the knowledge of Al is astounding and in no way comaparable to what you get in other trading rooms where some marketer textes you with bullshit.
I will take your bet. I just have to think about the week. And I will NOT make 10k. Maybe I will use the SPY as something less dangerous. But I feel definitely able to grind out some bucks within a week.
I anxiously await for you to take that challenge. Not sure why you would trade SPY when you have so much confidence in Al Brooks. Make sure you announce it ahead of time and not after the fact post. And post each day your results. Better yet open your brokerage account live in front and let all or Emmett to see. If you make money I will eat crow, if you lose then hopefully you will rethink your Al Brook’s worship.
And yes I must looked quickly and said 2 days. My bad on that one. It is just that did not look like 2 months of Al’s ES scalping calls.
Traderme a few questions come to mind – 1) if you believe in the method then why are you trading just 1 contract ? Why not trade 5 -6 contracts to get some decent income. (Normally small size trading is done by fake trading room operators who know their system does not always work & whose source of income is subscription).
2) could you show similar returns for a few consecutive months (say 6 months or more) ? (There are strategies that can work good 2-3 months but over a longer period of time they lose money.)
3) can you provide screenshot of actual brokerage statement obscuring personal details.
Amit – I’m confused, why would small size trading be associated with fake trading rooms?
Of-course you may not be filled on all your contracts if you scale up – so naturally one should not expect success with one contract to equal X 10 success with 10 contracts so naturally there is some degradation, but less so with ES and other high volume contracts.
But it would not be common to go from success with 1 contract to complete failure with 5 or 10 lots. Logically if the strategy is effective in finding the optimal time to buy or sell than the number of contracts should not be a major hindrance towards success,
Sam not sure what you are trying to ask as you have answered your question yourself.
Traderme showed ES trades & as you have mentioned there is no liquidity problem with ES, you can easily go upto 10-20 contracts.
Also as you mentioned “if the strategy is effective …. the number of contracts should not be a major hindrance towards success”
Further small size => small loss so typically what a moderator does is just to show activity in trading room trade small size & make money through selling subscription,books,coaching etc
On a side note – Good to see Emmett is exposing these popular thugs, hope he also exposes those con artists who disguise themselves behind their popular softwares like Trade-ideas, VectorVest, Zacks, Investools etc just like NinjaTrader.
I know a lot of people are die hard fans of above softwares but let me tell you – i understand each of those softwares are good in a particular area but the other services/recommendations they bundle with their software are mostly crap , secondly those softwares alone and/or services bundled with them would not make you a profitable trader , thirdly most of the time you can find similar data for free on the internet/through your broker, in some cases it may require some software development work to get exact thing, it would be much cheaper to do that than pay monthly subscription.
Sam just wanted to add – you may say/ask a fake moderator can trade on simulator to prevent loss instead of trading small size – that is right but there are a few reasons a fake moderator would want to trade small size with real money – 1) if moderator says he/she shorted an instrument -the instrument should be shortable & shorts should be available with his broker otherwise he will get caught.
2) playing with real money would satisfy the addiction/obsession/excitement of a failed trader who has now become a moderator. ( if he was so disciplined he would have left trading altogether after failing. )
3) Small size -small loss teaching means a member would be subscribed for a longer period.
In Traderme’s example. His return was ~$1k. If he were to scale up from 1 contract to 10, a realistic result would be around $6000 in profit instead of $10000 in profit *very modest 40% degradation to account for the following;
– Not enough volume at price therefore not all contracts were filled
– Slippage
– Counter-trades or HFT’s countering the large order.
Now back to the point i was highlighting. If a trade room is actually trading live and showing consistent profit with just 1 contract (similar to above example), than i dont see how they can be considered as faking or scamming.
The 1 contract can certainly be increased by the subscribers to any reasonable number of contracts. As long as they have shown a strategy that is effective in live trading it is irrelevant how many contracts they have traded.
If your point is that their ‘real’ focus is on subscriptions/books etc that’s 100% perfectly fine. Money is money, there’s nothing sinister about making money using easier methods like teaching. Trading with 1 contract helps students familiarize themselves with the basics. It would be silly for a trade-room operator to alienate and scare of potential subscribers by showing them $20,000 accounts and huge trades with multiple contracts. In fact i know a couple trade rooms that started with multiple contracts but people in the chatroom requested 1 or 2 contracts so that they can easily follow along.
I thought typing 5 or 6 instead of 1 would require no additional effort.
“making money using easier methods like teaching.” – teaching would mean working after market hours, late evenings, weekends , updating material,creating new material, answering questions through email/chat etc etc. Ask yourself is this all easier than typing 5 or 6 instead of 1.
To clarify – what i meant was less stressful. The reality is with futures there is a limiting factor to profit which is dictated by the maximum number of contracts that can be traded as well as the small optimum time-frames to trade. Even a hypothetical trading genius would only be able to attain at most 2k to 3k a day not including commissions. A person can be profitable but its stressful. Yet some of those who teach futures trading can earn millions (and that’s not hypothetical). Teaching the strategy does not suffer from the same profit limit factor, quite simply more students = more money. That’s why i always find it confusing when people on this website say that those who can really trade don’t need to teach, that’s not true.
Back to my earlier point, its far less stressful to trade 1 or 2 contracts and teach compared to active trading with big risk and large capital. If i was teaching i would most certainly opt for trading live just 1 or 2 contracts. Its enough to provide credibility that the strategy works. Alienating potential students by using large contracts or capital would not make sense because it would negatively impact profit from teaching. Baby steps is how you win subscribers.
in conclusion, as long as a room is trading live with actual capital, i think its perfectly fine for them to use 1 or 2 contracts
1) The psychological pressure is substantially increasing when you use more capital. I found this to be too exhausting for me mentally in the long run so I turned my focus to longer timeframe and options.
2) I think on a 5 min scale you have a ton of possible situations within a month. As mentioned I only stayed with Al’s room for one month but I am pretty sure I could replicate the results in different months. There is no “system”. I studied the price action and put on lots of screen time. Once you understand the price action you know how to handle all kinds of markets but if you have success is only up to you.
I quote one of the profitable members of Al’s forum:
“I have spent at least 60 hrs a week for 5 years just on price action trading after studying everything I could find on trading and investment for 3 years prior to that. I am successful and trade between 3 to 5 hrs a day, mostly ES but also other things. To put the effort in perspective: I self-educated myself in computer networking and got to the very top of that field. I double majored at university simultaneously and have founded and ran several successful businesses. Compared to all that, learning trading has been the most challenging learning project I have ever done”
That sums pretty much up what it needs to master this kind of trading. Of course 99 % of people log out before and some of them yell “fraud” because what Al teaches is just beyond their comprehension.
And you see how ridiculous it is when one guy here in the footnotes claimed he ran his computer and “backtested” Al’s trading style. That gave me a good laugh. To backtest Al’s methods you would need a quant computer that I have not seen in any shop yet.
If Al Brooks has claimed, as is documented on archives of his websites and his books, to be a professional day trader and is now refusing to answer whether he is a professional day trader or not to the reviewer, while describing himself as a professional day trader in the advertising of his services, then there is probable cause and a legal precedent for the CFTC to subpeona records of his trading accounts to verify whether he is or was a professional day trader since 2008. There is also now the possiblity of successful litigation and financial compensation for services rended under potentially false pretenses as well as possible damages caused by deceptive advertising. File a complaint against Al Brooks at
Look I agree Al is a crook. But the regulators have bigger fish to fry. There are scammer putting out fake track records and saying they are driving a Lamborghini. Al will be way down teh totem poll. He does not show a track record to go after. Much harder to go after a scammer like this. In addition he makes no clear calls or shows any results from any calls, if you can even call his nonsense TR talk as calls.
No matter how much petedetestithbrooks complains, they are not going to shut down Brooks. He didn’t even file his own cftc complaint where he blames his 20k loss on Brooks even after this year of annoying blathering. Brooks will probably just retire on his own. I don’t think his pencil neck health can sustain his forced low voice for much longer anymore. I like StrayDog’s suggestion that the bmt support should just wither away now. With the review out, and people waking up from the kool-aid on the bmt threads, hopefully bpa will just fade away into obscurity.
I don’t dismiss the study of price action as a way of trying to read the psychology of the market but if Brooks won’t eat what he cooks you have to ask yourself how much value there is in his product.
Right, I agree Brook’s BPA is useless hindsight ideas and Brooks doesn’t seem to follow his own teaching in the room. There are just no cftc complaints possible since the trading room is just commentary with no calls. While brooks has advertisements its hardly as extensive an online presence as those scams on investiscamma. I had forgotten about Brooks after having ditched it years ago until our resident detester started making a fuss about it on TS.
Man this place is turning into an echo chamber, we have been beating the same dead horse for the last two weeks. At this point people who were going to change their minds already have and people who aren’t will never.
If people want to discuss vendors we should at least a discussion forum. People who come to the comment section who went to read about others first hand experience with said vendors are getting turned away when they see the same people repeating the same points or argue the same shit over and over again.
If Brooks made false and/or evasive statements about his track record, while advertising himself as a professional day trader who trades for a living, there is precedent, following the September Schooloftrade CFTC legal case, for a subpeona to verify his live trading history since 2009 and a possibility for litigation to retrieve money which was possibly garnered under potentially false pretenses. There is also the possibility of litigation to recover damages incurred by students trying to implement what were advertised as professional day trading strategies.
“Al Brooks is certainly not going to qualify as one of TradingSchools worst educators. Not even close.”
I see Rob’s point here, there are way worse offenders than Brooks. His claims are pretty nonspecific and he does have a disclaimer on his site stating that trading is very difficult and a lot of work. However there are grounds for some CFTC actions *if* he is being dishonest.
It would be too much work to trawl through his endless hours of content to try and find specific claims of trades he took or his % winning days, etc. All we really have to go on are his claims of being a “full-time professional trader” and “I make a living day trading futures”. They imply that he must be making good money trading, and have a long record of consistent money making. If they found that he didn’t actually make enough money trading to make a living or didn’t trade at all, or had a spotty and erratic trading history, then they could have a case against him and could demand that he stop marketing himself with those slogans.
Larry Williams got in trouble for deceptive advertising back in the 80’s for promoting himself via his win of a trading contest. And he actually DID win that trading contest. The problem was that the amount of money he made in that trading contest was eclipsed by the amount he lost for his clients over that same time period, hence the deceptive advertising charges. That shows you don’t have to do something as blatant as fake trading statements in order for the CFTC to go after you. So there is some hope for you, Pete! lol 10 minutes in.
Join the discussionHe also claims to know people who make a living trading only 1 hour a day. That is in multiple videos.
He is selling the dream and selling it hard.
If you possibly lied and bragged about consistent profitability to Al Brooks in a chat room it seems like he might consider you a friend to use an example of someone who day trades for a living, how scientific of the good doctor. This is not the sign of someone who is extremely profitable at day trading, Mr. Brooks should take the high road and produce his 2008-2016 P&L statements, if they exist, prior to the imminent CFTC subpeona.
the petedetithbrooks and his imbecilic blathering imagination in this naturalth habitatt
Al also claimed he might end the room and start a multi-million dollar Fund trading the ES on 5min. He clearly is a slickster taking advantage of gullible new dreamers. Yes he is dangerous and should be Prosecuted. Especially since his presence is all over YouTube,Expos,Webinars
having fun talking to yourself gollum?
This podcast has some claims of trading performance.
I haven’t listened to the video but among the bullet points listed by the author under the heading “Al’s trading” are:
– on an average day he’ll take 10-30 trades
– on a good day he’ll win 100% of trades
– he’s never had a year where he won everyday, he’ll always mess up one day for some reason
– he doesn’t get big drawdowns
– sometimes he’ll get 2 losing trades in a row, but rarely ever 3
So not only is he claiming that he makes money almost every trading day, also that he makes money on almost every trade!!
Looks like the CFTC needs to get involved.
By the way, this is the latest scam in this industry are these bogus trader interview podcasts. They are nothing more than vendor promotion sessions.
@ James
I agree with you!
I see that somebody dared to open a conversation about Al on FIO. You watch JohnnyBoy get banned by Big Mike for even bringing this up.
There are a couple of FIO members that I nickname the ‘tool members’ – the people that have to always to be contrary to the threads intent. Tymbeline gets the award for one of the biggest tools on the site. He was even calling Al “Dr. Brooks”, like that lends some additional weight to Al’s character!
I am sure a few more from the tool box will make themselves known shortly.
@ Emmett – any further discoveries on Al post this review?
I saw that too. I chuckled when Big Mike’s lapdog TTurner started reciting Mike’s “stop chasing vendors” line. Maybe the reason some forum members are “chasing vendors” is because FIO is always promoting vendors, and bringing them in for webinars.
The questions JohnnyBoy brings up are fair questions. I am sure that most if not all members who purchased Brooks courses did so under the belief that he really traded for a living. The fact that he falls back on the same phony excuses as other vendors (disclosing performance is a criminal act – LOL!) makes it seem that he has something to hide.
The CFTC needs to get after him. All this talk of 20 trades a day, hardly ever a losing day, constantly reminding people that he makes a living from trading…. if untrue it is false advertising.
Is this the same JohnnyBoy that yesterday posted? Well he was not banned at all. Why do you bring up these blatant lies? What’s your agenda?
I said “You watch JohnnyBoy get banned by Big Mike for even bringing this up”
So defining the word “watch” as “to look attentively, as to see what is done or happens; observe.”
No he wasn’t banned. I never said he was, but I said to look out for it because we all know how Big Mike works.
The backlash against Al is only just starting. That is my agenda.
Sorry he will never get banned for bringing up critical questions about Vendors at Big Mike. Not even when its about Al Brooks. Big Mike is always opposing vendor scam and is only offering Webinars of people that are trustable. Big Mike himself started learning with Al Brooks methods and they made him profitable as he proved several times.
Fair enough. I guess you are right. Now to see if Big Mike has the credibility to stop all Al related activity until this situation is resolved. One way or another!
Looks like the thread has seen it’s first banning. RWBill, the most vocal critic of Al, has been banned.
Not a surprise. Al Brooks may be the most popular vendor on FIO, or perhaps second only to FT71. Stray Dog and the others better tread carefully or they’ll be next.
They should change to “stop chasing vendors” slogan to “Stop chasing vendors, except Al Brooks”. LOL!
“His attitude is not in alignment with what this forum stands for”
In other words he is not following in the footsteps of the cult brotherhood- LOL.
How dare he jump out of the kool-aid line.
Even Mr Kumbya bobwest could not get him to settle in for the nightly pudding and had to pull the grand master Big Mike away from his mail order bride from stroking their mutts on the beach. LOL.
My God, I hope this bomb you know about is big enough to make Big Mike actually look like a fool as opposed to only the select few knowing he is one.
I bet you a million bucks tturner86 sent him a PM. “Sorry, to disturb you oh mighty one, but some people are not towing the Al Brooks line. This will not do!”
There were a couple of other users on there too that I thought would have got the chop by now but they haven’t. I think the original question was only to know if Al Brooks trades live wasn’t it?. Things have since stepped up a gear, which tells me that people feel they can now be honest without the instant threat of being banned, which is what used to happen.
Well, up until yesterday that is, but it also shows that people out there are NOT happy with the situation.
Big Mike needs to deal with any signs of deception from Al. If Al point blank refuses to divulge any information I would cut the webinar off at source….you watch the poor little snowflakes cry then!
Do you ever notice that some people get banned without posting anything bad publicly? But they may have contributed actively in a controversial thread ?
Wonder how that might happen….
🙂 Clairvoyance?
You are apparently now famous on BMT
Well done Crooked.
Man you are right.
Hypocrisy – The word of the day to describe BMT. He pretends to bring honesty to this industry and vet vendors, but bans anyone that asks these vendors to show proof of their claims.
No wonder he had to move to Ecuador; so he doesn’t have to answer to any ethics-lawsuits.
BMT is a money making business. He has to promote Al Brooks, NT and FT71 in order to sucker in new members. And anyone daring to question that must be removed. BM could care less if Al actually trades or not. It is not about that. It is about making money for BM.
If it was the Mafia your legs would be broken, but in cyberspace you get banned. I think this tells you all you need to know about BMT.
Yup, rwbill was suddenly cut off after asking for proof one too many times. Too bad, it looked like a fundamental shift in more open vendor discussion. Oh well, at least some inroads were made. It’s not just Al Brooks, it’s any vendor that has some history of perceived legitimacy and hides their stink well enough for bmt standards. rwbill or anyone else asking the same questions on the ft71 or jigsaw ama threads would probably have the same outcome. With access to fattails indicators through elite membership, even fattails had to eventually open his own indicator shop, lizardtrader, to finally get some compensation.
LizardTrader has always had free indicators – the same ones that are posted on FIO. He has a handful that he charges for.
He is currently converting them all over to NT8 which should be ready before the end of the year.
Although the free indicators are free, he has done some serious work on those and I can’t believe he doesn’t charge for them. He is one of the nicest most generous guys I know.
As for the magic? Well, Harry will code anything you can put down on paper. If you can imagine it, he will tell you if its plausible and code it.
It will cost you of course, but the coding will be second to none.
Of course the free ones on LT are some of the ones that are already on bmt of which there used to be a non-elite download section. I was referring to the indicators that are sold. They are .dlls only and require id licenses and I was glad to compensate fattails something in this way for his great and generous work on his older indicators on bmt.
Oh please peckerwood, stop talking with this assumed air of authority, which your posts show you are unworthy of. General consensus for near a decade is Al Brooks is an arrogant S.O.B. who uses his legendary trading accomplishments (Nearly made 400K in ’87 if not for pesky surgery) race, kids, and bling-bling credentials to hook clients. Davies and Askar are quite humble in comparison.
FIO is a weird site. A lot of people there have a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome. There’s this culture of maintaining civility in the forum posts but it’s really just a form of censorship imposed by Big Mike and his minions. From his perspective it makes sense because the odd $100 coming in from time to time for Elite membership isn’t going to maintain him, even in Ecuador and what better way to impose censorship than under the guise of maintaining a standard in the posts that are made. It’s a pity that he doesn’t impose a similar standard on the vendors. But he needs the income generated by allowing those vendors to fleece the membership of FIO and he can’t keep that going if he allows something as insane as requiring vendors to verify their claims before they get to market their product. I honestly believe my posts on that site have been very moderate. I can’t help it if people are offended once their stupidity is pointed out to them.
i double dare you to post that at BMT
OK – it’ll be there under the user name Pete, Rob B or Crooked Hillary, I haven’t decided yet.
Pick Crooked Hillary, people already love him over there.
You are spot on with your analysis. It is unfortunate that my post was transferred over there out of context of the entire thread. In fact I think your post summarizes it the best.
It was rude of me in retrospect- especially on it’s own, but we are talking about manipulation here which I detest.
well the part about mikes bride was off. But “Kumbaya bobwest” is f&&ing hilarious – Seriously EVERY thread where anyone has doubts about a vendor he is there defending them. What a clown (a nice one)
Hate to admit, I was under the stockholm syndrome for a season like most. Now my trading has nothing to do with any of the vendors ever featured on bmt nor any sim journals or ideas ever “shared” there. The psych categories are mostly useless also. Elitetrader has far better posts about what traders go through than just the showoff sim flavors of the season. You also have a shizoid split of members thinking the site is about sharing, but nothing useful is ever shared, opposed to a few realists there who correctly state that no working sauce would ever be shared publicly.
The best information on that site often get’s shared “Privately”.
Now here is a question. Why would someone who does not post publicly but sends a ‘Private Message’ to another member providing info perhaps similar to your post get banned from that site with no reason given?
And look at the terms of use agreement- You agree if banned never to re-register. Pretty slick.
And he monitors the IP addresses like a hawk so if you want to catch him you get another ISP.
Al Brooks implied he was sharing an edge as sharp as the type of edge usually shared privately but shared to the public by altruistic Al in his voluminous 3-part price action bible, for the low price of $59.99 each. He implied he was sharing an edge by suggesting price action could be altered to several ticks based on widespread awareness of PA. Turns out HFTs can dump ES for 5-10 points in one <5min leg if too many retail cluster there.
@ Pete
I hate to say this but there is no edge for us retail traders. Never has been and never will be.
We don’t have the millions of dollars to spend on R&D and we cannot even come close to matching institutions execution speed.
If Al Brooks suggested he was sharing an edge, and in doing so believing that a bunch of Al Brooks hard liners all entering a few contracts at the same time on the same bar will move the market – he is living in cloud cuckoo land.
That is if I read what you wrote correctly. Sheesh.
As retail traders the only “edge” we have is the ability to try and catch what the major institutions are doing and follow along.
The only way I can even come close to that is by watching order flow, not a 5 minute bar on an Al Brooks chart.
I read that Al Brooks thread at BMT and the absolute nonsense arguments that some folks make why Al Brooks should not have to prove anything and I can only come up with 1 of 2 reasons:
1) These people are the biggest Kool-Aide drinking Jones following fools on the planet. In which case honestly Emmett you should just close this site, because anyone dumb enough to make the kind of arguments I am reading deserve to lose their money,
2) Most if not all are shill with ulterior motives. Some might be relatives of Al Brook or maybe they are running a scam of their own. Who knows.
Just wondering what do others think?
Agree. My favorite argument so far for why we shouldn’t be jumping to the conclusion that Al Brooks is dishonest is because he hasn’t shown any proof that he trades. Therefore we don’t know that he doesn’t trade so therefore because we don’t know that he doesn’t trade we can’t say that he’s being deceptive and dishonest.
Yes, and that’s exactly why they don’t want to know the answer! If they don’t know then they can keep on believing!
I bet School of Trade and the others are wishing we had guys like that working for the authorities! LOL!
Imagine if bobwest, daxymcdax, teee, and co were at the CFTC! No one would get prosecuted! Maybe they’d even write a letter of apology to Joseph James explaining that the veracity of his claims was never important because it is up to the students to do the learning. LOL!
Delusional. Don’t want to have to face the reality that they may be on the wrong path.
Some may have gambling addictions and are looking for an excuse to keep doing what they have been doing.
Basically they don’t want to put down the kool-aid swill bottle.
If enough bricks in the wall are removed, the wall comes tumbling down. Then they have to ask themselves some tough questions about what exactly they have been doing in the markets. Al is one of the bigger bricks in the wall. He’s one of the most popular futures daytrading educators out there. If he is shown to be a farce that would be devastating.
Al has an enchanting message. A message so enchanting that many will do anything to keep believing in it. All you have to do is memorize some bar patterns and eventually you’ll be able to make a living in 2 hours a day and never have any drawdowns just like he and his “friends”.
If anything it’s a testament to how easy it is to make money as a vendor. Maybe I’ll set up a site, make some claims of success, and who knows maybe tturner and bobwest will be my first subscribers. LOL!
A moment of silence for our recently fallen brother.
“arafg has been temporarily banned for a period of two weeks for over the top negative attitude in his comments/posts, against the spirit of the forum.”
over the top negative attitudes??
Geez, I thought he was being reasonable.
Meanwhile all the pro-Al voices including aspiring vendor and owner of priceactionprofit maintains his Wizard status and posting abilities.
Damage control, Big Mike now can rummage through arafg’s private messages and learn who he maybe in cahoots with and follow the trail back.
This is the time where you can expect to see additional silent banning’s of people who may have not posted, but communicated privately with the poster who are not pure followers of the cult. They are threats but are not visible enough so they can be dealt with easily like this.
I think it’s just the current generation of kool-aid drinkers on bmt/fio. Every couple years, they churn out just as there is a new set of flavored members. A big problem is that many of the other select members on fio such as Jigsaw and FT71 are not asked to show proof either along with all the flavored members showoff sim journals never showing proof. If you try to discuss sim tricks or how NT can be fudged to show fake results, it’s generally discouraged. bmt has never been a stickler for proof and it’s a shame of the retail trading “industry” that proof questions were never seriously and visibly asked until Tradingschools and Emmett. Then you had all the fake review sites over the years such as investiscamma and sites that did not screen out plants such as ForexPeaceArmy. In my opinion I think Brooks is alone and has no shill support. He likes to book author, do his room with his Netflix earplug, whether real trading or not, journal and stick to his same routine and be done with it then do occasional appearances and ad spots for places like moneyshow.
It all goes back to your Stockholm syndrome observation. They are in denial and living in their own bubble. It’s not Al Brooks it could be anything- At the core they are protecting the cult leader.
To the sane it is obvious what Al is and even more apparent what Big Mike is doing to control His environment.
If you are a truly open transparent community to help one another would you really need to snoop into your members private e-mail?
I cannot believe more people are not outraged at this- but I guess privacy is not a big deal to people in the cult.
It’s okay to snoop into others private e-mail to make sure they are toting the line, but don’t you dare ask for proof of anyone he promotes! Heck you may also discover something in those e-mails to make you profitable.
Kick off the contributing member and steal the data.
He has set the site and the rules up so he has complete control of everything as corrupt as it may be; and yet build a legal wall to deny plausibility of wrong doing all while making the unknowing sheep pay to do it.
To expose his shenanigans requires you to break “his” rules so exposing him makes you the bad one. So why even go to the trouble of exposing him since it’s apparent the followers would not care.
It’s brilliant – for a schmuck.
Is Big Mike Reading your private messages?
Users who do not post anything blatantly obvious get banned.
Some were banned because
‘someone complained’ and forwarded to BM. Yea right. Even if it was the same person. but if it was the same person they broke BM rules. Rules of a schmuck.
Here is some interesting data for those who are tech-minded.
Drain the swamp.
Rob, I think you may in fact be on to something with your point #2 on ulterior motives. Read on for a bombshell on TTurner.
I was just looking around and check this out, it’s Turner’s twitter account.
It lists a personal website for him at
Why would he have a web presence with such a name?
Does TTurner have plans to become a vendor?
Looks like TT is not deluded as I thought. How naïve of me! Looks like it’s an ulterior motive at work.
Now we know why he’s so defensive about this topic of asking for proof!
Wait a minute here.
Are you all trying to say that the system is rigged?
If I am understanding what is going on is that the Wizards on BMT are actively engaged in propaganda, to hide the truth and ultimately profit privately later. Sounds like todays politicians ready to be tomorrows lobbyists.
Pay for play for special vendors who have no standards.
Unethical business practices that snoop on individual’s personal information leading to at minimum banning members, many who have paid donation fees.
Solicitation for donation funds to assist with a legal fund which was self inflected by the owner violating his own code of ethics?
But the site is supposed to be traders helping each other right?
If it turns out like Bernie Sanders that the system was rigged against him would it not be the right of the people who donated to the DNC
( for Bernie) to get that money back??
Would the same not apply here? If someone donated for the $100 elite membership under the advertised reasons but later discover the system is actually rigged against them would they not have a right for a refund?
Hmm, Perhaps registering it in Panama now makes sense eh?
It looks like tturner86 removed everything from his website. Even the web archive didn’t save anything.
So tturner86 is or was on the make and Big Mike reads private messages, with evidence to suggest he actually does.
What a swamp of bullshit.
I have come to realize Big Mike Trading is nothing but a complete fallacy.
I original felt sorry about CH mail order bride comment.
But after all the money and time would be traders have wasted believing in BM’s nonsense, I think he deserves it all.
I am sure he fled to Ecuador to avoid lawsuits.
The funny thing is if BM was not in on the con, then it would have been a 1000 times easier to just say I am going to demand Al Brook’s show proof of this trading as opposed to going around banning everyone that dares to oppose Al Brook.
He is clearly jealous of his authoritarian hero Mr. Putin.
I have zero, I mean absolutely zero respect for BM and the scam he is running.
The whole group of BMT heroes is a sham. Even Bobwest I find hard to believe.
He says he is just so sadden by how mean the comments are. Give me break. So he is basically saying all the people that were scammed by Al Brooks and are upset are too mean, but yet the following is all perfectly fine with him:
1) A con artist that brags about amazing winning yet shows no evidence to back it up what so ever
2) A con artist who has wasted so many people’s money and time
3) BM who allows this con artist to present webinars and yet does not get an ounce of proof that he can actually trade profitable,
4) The endless shills that come on and promote that nonsense.
So all those people scammed out of their time and money does not phase Bobwest one bit, but the victims who finally stand up must be disciplined.
Give me a BREAK!!!!!
Perhaps we are about to witness the Streisand effect where the attempt to hide the truth only draws more interest.
Who know’s what goes on in the mind of the great one .
We are already starting to see the shills show up here like Lukas who attempt to throw the index of the topic away from the meat of what may be important for the members lurking to have access to the truth.
But at least he has a voice.
If it is non important for them- then let them decide, but selling propaganda, deciding for people what is important and what and how to think is just wrong on every level.
Anyone see Post 267 at BM. It showed arafg post that was deleted by BM.
Looking at this post it is obvious why arafg post 265 ½ was banned. This is obviously rude and over the top. Right on BM for banning it. How dare this person complement Ron Paul and say BM should get proof of Al Brook’s claims before he is allowed to put on a webinar. Obviously that is against the spirit of the forum.
I am sure the banning lasting 1 day after Al’s webinar so that the OP cannot attend is just pure coincidence.
Way to go BM on keeping an honest forum and banning such an outrageous post so no one has to even read such hate.
Here is the Post 267.
I can not diagree with a fellow Ron Paul supporter.
For individuals that do believe that the Almighty Al needs to show proof of his successful claims, maybe some ideas along that track might be useful. I think it is important that the sites that give him the chance to present his webinars set some type of standard of proof.
Anything can be faked as others have shown, but the more fake documents you show the more likely you will be caught. To me a minimum is either authorizing the broker to disclose his brokerage statement or actually bringing up your account live and showing proof of your claims to the authority that is hosting the webinar. From what I have seen of this industry 99.9% could not pass that test.
Poster 267’s reply to that post
Ron Paul is a good guy, too bad you didn’t get him as president.”
Big Mike has shown himself to be the complete fraud he is, as he continues to only ban members that are questioning Al Brooks claims.
Even though there are so called, “Rude” post on both sides, only the members that question Al Brooks are banned.
What a joke!! Big Mike un-delete the post that was so bad and let people decide for themselves.
I mean it must be a coincidence that only the members demanding Al Brooks show proof are banned. It is not like there might be an ulterior motive such as BM getting money selling memberships to suckers believing in Al Brooks while BM continues to promote him all the way to the bank.
I guarantee you BM will never ask him for any real proof as then no more webinars and no more money for BM.
I now put “Flee from America” BM in the same camp as Lying Dean Handley and Scum of the Scum NT.
It is unbelievable that the only source of honest reporting about these trading rooms is done by the greatest criminal minds of our times.
Big Mike should be ashamed of himself and the sham he is running.
useless ad spam info webinar. right edge of the chart in the trading room, one can see what’s really going on. except petedetethbrooks just gobbles up and regurgitates others’ posts on their experiences in the trading room trying to pass off that blather as his own.
where did I “gobbles up and regurgitates others’ posts on their experiences in the trading room trying to pass off that blather as his own.”? You’re so full of shit it’s oozing out all of your orifices.
wow, the shitter hmself trying to hide his own stink from regurgitation. Didn’t even attend the room, but yet uses others’ posts to talk about it. Just being lazy and did the video course only, then blames it on Brooks.
Why are you making assumptions in favor of a disreputable individual like Al Brooks? Are you a shill for Al Brooks?
I’m no shill, and frankly, you seem like a much more recent student of Brooks.
Al Brooks is such a humble and modest man, he has declined to show proof of his advertised trading success due to being a humble gentlemen from a more civilized time, unlike Emmett clearly. Al was also being humble when bragging about his daughters going to Ivy League universities and bragging about being right nearly every day with his ES day trading and bragging in 2009 with his marketing “goal” of becoming a one-man reclusive trading institution.
You must be in hog heaven with all this Al Brooks controversy. I hope you are posting at BMT.
LOL dumb ass. The spam info webinar is being done by the potential fraud who is the subject of this review, stop trying to turn this into a circus with your distracting and obnoxious dance. “I TAKE 40 TRADES A DAY. ALL RIGHT, I CONSIDER 40 TRADES A DAY. I TAKE 10 TO 20 OF THEM” There is a grave danger in dismissing Brooks’ offenses and not filing the warranted CFTC complaints against him just because others in trading ed. are worse. Very few high school dropouts buy into wrbtrader’s claims of making thousands every day trading futures, Al Brooks has PHD grads among his hoodwinked cult followers.
Good find.
Al Brooks is one of the biggest frauds in the trading community. It would be so simple for him to shut us all up by posting actual verifiable trading statements.
It is laughable that he (or one of his minions) comes on here to defend him, when all we are asking for is proof that he actually trades. Fuck everything else. We just want to know, does he trade and can he prove it.
Big Mike is his biggest enabler and by merely having him do a webinar means Big Mike is complicit in Al’s lies.
It is very clear that Al is a grifter that played the long con. And it worked for a while.
Trouble is, the facade is crumbling away and Al Brooks has been exposed.
The CFTC should be involved and shut this crook down.
If possible this info should be collected and presented to the CFTC with a formal complaint. He doesn’t seem to make many bold claims in print where it’s easily seen by regulators. Instead the claims are peppered throughout his thousands of hours of videos, interviews, and chat sessions where only his devoted students will hear them.
I reported him a few days ago and made reference to several things he has said that I take issue with and that the CFTC should look into. However I didn’t provide specific links to where he actually said those things. Since this is all stuff he said in seminars or podcasts they aren’t on his website where the CFTC can easily find them. Do you think I should re-submit my complaint with links to the youtube videos where he actually says those things?
“Do you think I should re-submit my complaint with links to the youtube videos where he actually says those things?” Yes, of course you should. The more specific the information you provide and the more leg work you do for them the easier it will be for them to investigate.
@ James
Yes! They will arrange a telephone meeting with you. Ask Pete to post links to everything he has.
Whilst you are at it ask if Al can hide behind his NFA statement. Remember, we know he can’t call trades but he refuses to disclose historical trades as a matter of establishing a trading record as fact.
The CFTC love disclosure! All Al has is talk right now.
hah, and he just searched on youtube now to find that. didn’t even file his own cftc complain all this time with his blather on the other reviews.
There was no precedent for success of a CTFC complaint against Al Brooks until the Schooloftrade CFTC case was made public and this review was published.
The SoT CFTC doesn’t suffice as a precedent. Joseph did a lot of con tricks and violations. Brooks is just a book author. The fans wanted him to do a room and the room was a fan effort begging him to do a room. and the original site was done by a volunteer student. Sam08, another admin of bmt posted about it on the bmt thread which confirms my old memories of the orignal site which said that. There are other CFTC actions yes on other TS reviewed vendors but it’s clearly seen they were some of the worst of the lot, some with prior felony convictions.
Once again, please stop spreading false information in favor of Al Brooks, he was just a book author before the webinar became part of the marketing of the book and vice versa, then came the course and paid speeches. from 2009 of shows that the webinar was always a for-profit endeavor built on the premise he is a profitable trader: “I will likely only continue the site if there were enough participants to make it financially and intellectually worthwhile.” ” How much can a reasonably good trader make? If a trader becomes very consistent, averaging 2 pts a day, and trades a modest volume, like 5 contracts, that is about $100,000 a year. If you make 10 points a day, which very few traders can do, even just trading 3 contracts is $300,000/year” ” I just want to quietly trade and take my bumps as they come and not worry about how they might affect someone else. And someday, I hope to be a one person, reclusive institution”
It’s not false information. It’s very transparent to everyone your hijacking of my posting. It’s what I saw back then. Right, your requoting what everyone else has read about brooks is correct. Brooks was just a book author. He had a fan website and then the fans begged him to do a webinar because of his claims of profitability. He had a volunteer webmaster and the room was prorated so one could enter at the end of the month and pay only a few bucks for a few days of the room where the structure still exists to this day. To our disappointment he was only willing to share so much, no trade calls, no numerical claims of profit, nor trade size or entries. Yet, he would often remark he was profitable most every week. It was only a room to observe him he would share. And the material has always been for educational purposes. Very small time. With all the flux of scam vendors touting sensational news about their profitability to “trader news” sites, Brooks just made a few generalizations about his claims of profit which is practically meaningless except for ad sensationalism. Plenty of trading books tout slogans like trade for a living, make good money. Yet in the real meat of the course and the room it is anything but, boring and confusing and often not in sync with hindsight analysis of the books. Brooks is small time. Each individual student of Brooks probably did not lose their shirt trying to learn his method and got off with little harm, except for extreme cases or newbs who jumped the gun and traded live with too much risk and leverage.
That’s your opinion, don’t hijack other peple’s sentiments by telling them your opinion is fact. There is a good circumstantial case that Brooks is not an upstanding citizen, that is an internet fraud lying about and boasting of his track record in interviews, lying about laws preventing security information from being shared to hide further potential lies. If you read Brooks’ books he does not advocate for sim trading, trading small, such as the SPY instead of ES is suggested. One could very easily, even a veteran trader not just a newbie, blow an account from commissions alone by using Brooks’ methodology of taking 10-40 scalps per day. on the SPY as training or in the ES, which 40 trades being over 150 dollars in commmissions per day. Brooks’ personal dishonesty about his trading performance is why he has more similarities with wrbtrader, who also hides behind disclaimers, than someone who is “just an educator.”
The fact that Brooks is not the type of trading vendor with prior felony convictions or blatant con tricks is exactly why he appeals to so many and why his false statement to Emmett about the fact that it would be illegal to share his trading results is so troubling and does not fit with the image of himself he has conveyed to the trading public since 2009. There will be much legal minutiae and parsing of Brooks’ past statements to successfully make a case with the CFTC, that doesn’t mean we should discourage victims of Al Brooks from coming forward or make any attempts to force Al Brooks to market his products in a honest way. The fact that he claims to be a professional day trader who trades for a living makes him libel to further scrutiny from the CFTC, especially based on his “pleading the fifth” to Emmett. I looked at Felton Trading and saw no direct claims of professional day trading for a living by Felton on his site, the upward equity curve chart has a hypothetical disclaimer right beneath it. Brooks does not qualify all of his statements of professional day trading for a living success with clear and obvious dlscaimers, thus he is most likely libel to have to prove the truth of his claims to the CFTC. If an audit of his trading accounts reveal since 2009 that he does not trade for a living, I believe he will atleast be held responsible to correct the marketing of his products.
Brooks has always had the same image since 2009. His public statements to the so called trader media news however minute points there are , are no different than any other book author. There is no direct link to self-harm done by students who irresponsibly traded based on the teachings without adequate sim testing, and blew up their accounts because Brooks never called trades or detailed trade results in the writeups. The products are marketed honestly enough far better than most vendors as educational products. There is even a 30day money back guarantee for the video course which sounds like the refund would be certainly honored unlike that lout David Adams, lol. Some lucky people with their own way of viewing the markets glean some ideas and modify and make it their own to trading success, and most others would likely be caught up in a kool-aid dream. I think it’s about time you just ditch Brooks as you know the cftc case has no real violations to work on. Better yet to bring up questions on the boards of forums if you still stray dog is doing. If BM is forced to backstab another of his long time vendors that should be a good enough vindication for folks like you who felt overly victimized by Brooks. Cutting down the Brooks webinars on bmt and the overall support presence could make a dent in monthly churn attendance of the trading room and depress the book and course sales. Maybe Brooks could even retire next year with a good ss (lucky senior citizen able to still get his max ss before the ss fund blows up) and continue to trade on his own in private. I have not bothered to look at the brooks sites for years until recently. On Brookstradingcourse site for the video course, there is clearly a disclaimer that says it’s an educational product.
As Emmett said, his clean disposition as an educator just makes Brooks what he is a educator that does not show proof. Just a jokester not too be taken more seriously than a mumbling palm reader. A It’s hardly a case for a alarm for danger for a upstanding citizen writing a trading book but not willing to show proof as there are hundreds of trading book authors and article writers who have done the same thing over the last decades of online trading and farther back. You’ve had trading book writers like TomDeMark, Steve Nison and they were educators of a specialized trading method and never had need of a cftc audit or investigation.
Felton was a far bigger scam for a senior citizen trading room mod and educator. He sold very expensive indicator sets and who defray questions about his actually profitability on bmt by innumerous posts on quasi trading advice bs that will full up a lot of the page on bmt threads. Eventally frustrated room followed noticed magical trades appearing in the record that members could see. And somone caught Feltons screen trading among several different sim screens where Felton finally acknowledged he was sim trading all along. He continued his case on bmt but everyone duped had had it as he continued to push his indicators for sale even offering “free” indicators to sign up so that they could sign up in his room and newsletter. I had a bmt pal who wanted to send me the expensive set he got and said it was all useless lagging bunk.
Your assumption Brooks is an upstanding citizen suggests you do not appreciate the gravity of his false satement to Emmett about sharing brokerage statements, aside from other assumptions about Brooks’ background which we are not privy to. Brooks was not a senior citizen when he became a vendor, still not a senior by some definitions, Fenton looks to be in his 70s, don’t imply age discrimination is a motive of detractors here. The premise of Brooks’ vendoring is that it is a profitable method used by a career daytrader with now thirty years of experience developing and actively using the method, not just theory and education. I’ve looked at lot of books/videos on day trading/TA and never encountered such phoney pretenses of authority as Brooks makes, please name some popular trading authors who make bombastic claims like Brooks. In case you haven’t been paying attention to this site, the CFTC’s role in regulating trading vendors is evolving due to consumer complaints and increasing risk for retail traders in markets vs institutional algorithms, so obviously vendors from the 1990s won’t be held to the same standards as current ones.
Either way, tturner86 is rattled over at FIO. He deleted his last post with a quote “I am done with this”.
I am just sitting here loving the fact his feathers are ruffled. I knew it would only be a matter of time.
After chatting with my contact, I have concluded that the CFTC will may not have grounds for much of an investigation, although they may scratch the surface. This is only based on what I know, as there may be a shed load of evidence to the contrary.
As I said in a previous post, they have to prove that Al’s verbiage (written or otherwise) could be willfully misconstrued as trading advice.
Boasting about how often he trades and how many (on average) trades he takes a day is really just playground talk, but it has the potential to be construed as willful misconception.
If it can be proved that he mislead traders to believe that his method or his system was profitable then that may be grounds for some form of warning. And again, if it can be proved that he mislead traders to believe he was a professional day trader that traded live in the markets, then they can investigate if he has correctly identified himself as a “professional”. And yes, this means they can request live trading records if they so wish and of course tax records.
I don’t for one minute believe Al trades live, but I also don’t give a flying monkey if he was begged to start a room. He should be honest which side of the track he is on. Live trader or not a live trader. That is the question.
Al Brooks has a disclaimer on his website and I am sure there is a disclaimer or a link to his disclaimer on the e-receipt from his room. So all in all, this will be tough for any investigation as Al Brooks has hidden his stink well and he has literally covered every angle.
However, the best think that can happen is FIO stop promoting Al if he is unwilling to be cooperative. That is only fair.
It seems Big Mike is actually being reasonable on this subject. It is a pity others are not.
Right, Al is just a retail trader who wrote a book. The book site started to have fans and they wanted a room. To be worth his time and to defray costs of doing the room he asked for a reasonable rate for each registered member even on a prorated bases. Brook’s pride post his medical career where he was an actual researcher and posted articles on medical journals is his books. The trading room webinars he always stated for educational purposes and allow those always clamoring for a mentor to “look over a shoulder”. members could always take it and leave it. Very rare to see any other room that follows the whole NYSE session in this format. There also used to be an icq like room free where he would comment that was separate from the webinars. I believe his sharing of his real time in the session stemmed from that initial icq text only room. Only if you had been really back there then you’d have seen it. The video course itself was a response to the backlash from many frustrated readers. It takes a long time to slog through the original book and to get used to Brook’s made up jargon. The video course was meant according to Brooks to be an alternative or visual supplement to the books which are the real meat of the method. It was mainly done to address those with difficulty reading and understanding the book as the number one complaint about readers of the book was it’s indecipherable reading for first time readers. I suspect when the video course came out, many forgoes the books entirely and went for the video course which was a fraction more than the books combined. With the coming price increase of the video course I took it as the possibility the video courses aren’t selling as well and Brook’s is nearing retirement he may be doing a price increase to fill the demand curve of those few still heavily in the kool-aid phase still willing to pay a higher price for the course and it’s supposed updates. Overall the course can be either a replacement or a visual supplement to the books. It isn’t a set of useless expensive indicators, it’s still an educational package not any more expensive than snakeoiler TopDog’s Dr. BaaarrryBbburns! and his intro and itermediate courses which amounted to $500 where many many newbs went for his courses and it turns out full of regurgitated ideas taken from past books and the web and a useless lagging system of typical stochastics and macd. But ah well, most newbs move on as they didn’t lose their shirt of it and may end up with Brooks next. I wouldn’t be surprised if Brook’s ends it all once he gets medicare. He obviously know about this TS review and that questions are finally asked about proof in the vendor threads on BMT which is amazing to watch after all these years of the slogan proof isn’t important, your own work on trading is, etc.
my bad, the irc room is still up amazingly. Well that just goes to show, a feature like that is still shared for free with less selling pressure on paying for the trading room or video course if one is willing to take the time slog through the books. Another sign of his site not just dedicated to marketing and sales. One can follow along with their own ES chart in a platform and watch the icq comments. Great deal for free!
Huh? An empty chat room run in the name of Brooks as a gateway to the for profit webinars doesn’t imply much altruism from Al. Didn’t wrbtrader have an IRC chatroom also?
It isn’t a gateway as there is no requirement to pay, it’s part of the site’s free discussion features for anyone registered on the site. It doesn’t say as much about Brook’s “altruism” or marketing rather than a free support structure for readers as the site and irc room was there long before the new books and video course.
LOL- Big Mike has no choice- His pecker has been exposed. The sheep have to wonder hmm- What other questionable vendors has Big Mike been exposing?
FT71?? Jigsaw? How about all the time wasted on that site following the shills and the frauds? I’m sure he will be happy to throw Al Brooks under the bus to save his own skin. His bread and butter has to be those $100 elite memberships that tturner and Handicrap help bring in more cult members. But when you whittle away
at the core and it is exposed it leaves you quite vulnerable.
I know a very successful trader who is about to drop a bomb on Mr Mike here very soon. Collecting his quotes and will be nailing him to the cross.
He is preparing to change accounts so it is an opportune time for him. It should be quite good.
Jigsaw for sure I would like to see some hard questions finally asked. He’s been touting his orderflow tools are good for intraday swing trading when the toolset is really geared to those trying to scalp for ticks as the lowest level intrabar. I agree it would be nice to bmt get some uncomfortable payback and agree they thew many members and vendors alike under the bus ban for so long sometimes even on a whim. I recall a long time ago seeing a guy banned in a second in the chat box when he argued with the big guy who was also there. Always a new generation of flavored members every couple of years some with their show off no statement proof journals.
@dtchrun @Crooked Hillary
Well. Dropping a bomb on Big Mike – I hope that has one hell of a blast radius.
Will it be obvious once dropped?
In other stuff, you spoke about FT71 and Jigsaw….
As I have said previously in other posts, FT71 is the real deal IMO. I have spoken to him before when I was developing some volume tools and there was nothing that would make me believe he wasn’t a genuine trader.
Does he trade live? I can’t verify that even through the broker friend of mine (remember the one that is testing the shit show of an indicator MTPredictor for me) – so we can keep that one open for now. Trying to find out more…
As for Jigsaw tools. Damn, that is a tricky one. I use order flow and volume to trade. I have Jigsaw but I don’t use it. I never found a use for it other than the reconstructed tape
Jigsaw is just a tool but I am open to how other people see it…
The bomb will be very good- He set a trap for the Big one and he walked right into it. You may notice fewer posters? Once they got the info they closed shop and bailed from the site. They will come back for a finale though LOL.
I am not sure if I have noticed fewer posters, the stats say +15% more posts than last month but the number of threads and new members is down quite a bit.
Is this to say that the right honorable Big Mike has been duping us all with his whiter than white facade?
If the bomb is dropped on the site it won’t get much exposure because the Admins will delete it.
So I hope they can reach far and wide before that happens.
I would like to know how you know what is going to happen, but then again, probably better not to know!
I do have a suspicion what this could be about, but I have been wrong before so I won’t speculate.
Just answer me this – money is or could have been involved, correct?
It does not involve $$- It goes straight to Big Mike’s integrity or lack of.
Basically – he will prove if you want to learn to be a trader don’t learn it from Big Mike or his shills.
Ooohh, nice. I hope it is good and we all get to see it.
Looking forward to seeing what this bomb is. I remember the elite price shooting up from 25 to 50,75 then 100 with the 100 coinciding with the semi-retirement to ecuador and then some lame bs for the reasoning for the increase. Assuming a hundred thousand elite members over the years, that’s still a cool multi-million profit even with an average of 60 for elite over the entire history, not counting the other revenue streams from the select vendors and brokers. for lulz its also dog centric particularly labs i.e. what about all the fine feline friends of traders. Well if the bomb is dropped and quickly erased on fio, I hope the watchdog will also share here or on other forums.
Where is this bomb??
What’s wrong with the Jigsaw software? Just curious.
Jigsaw is a beautiful piece of software and Peter Davies does a great job supporting it. My only issue with it is that I originally thought it gave me an edge only to realize it really didn’t. It is meant for scalping there are so many easier ways to swing trade without it.
I will load it up and run when away from the office- It makes my office look like Christmas year round as the ladders change color and bounce off mirrors and picture glass on the walls. People can look in and see how smart I am lol.
Everyone should have a copy for their office. If someone ever came out to interview me you can bet I would have the entire Jigsaw suite up along with some bollinger bands macds volume profile
all those things that make trading look so complicated.
@ Lucky77
Nothing is wrong with Jigsaw.
As Crooked Hillary said, it is a lovely looking piece of software.
Peter is also second to none and has done some great webinars. I really can’t fault that guy.
Jigsaw is only a tool, and they have never made claims of profitability via using their software, so really that is all there is to it.
There is no edge IMO to using Jigsaw. There are better ways to read order flow that are more suited to the way I trade.
Thanks for the info from your CFTC contact. I don’t expect he could ever face serious charges, but I think he should be forced to change the way he markets himself. Ideally that warning will come publicly and be as accessible online like the cases on School of Trade and others. Something that documents that he marketed himself as a professional trader who made a living trading when in fact that was not true.
Funny that tturner would get pissed off. He’s definitely a hardcore Kool-Aid drinker. But it’s not like we’re asking anything unfair of Al. I mean, he would not have been accepted to medical school without some proof that he was qualified to be there. Things like MCAT scores, academic transcripts, in-field experiences, and professional references. No one was going to accept him on his word alone. It’s the same way in the job market. He wouldn’t have been hired as a doctor without some proof that he actually had a medical degree! That’s all that is being asked of Al Brooks now… give us something to show you are qualified to teach and aren’t some lying huckster Is that so wrong?
Apparently if you’re a Heavens Gate Trading Cult member then it’s very wrong!
Brooks is a socially irreponsible guy, an internet-based plague who spreads his memes of edgeless futures trading and willful ignorance of risk management and lack of proper attention to trading expenses from day trading The fact that he is offering free Paypal financing to people suggests he is preying on underfinanced people and selling the dream to poor people and those from developing nations who should not be getting into trading.I don’t see him as any more honest than a Ross Cameron, no less of a wolf in sheep’s clothing, or more worthy of a higher rating than Warrior Trading’s Ross Cameron.
Be careful. Do not make any sudden moves and speak in a low voice, at the same volume level of a golf tournament commentator. We are here to get a glimpse of the rare Peteith Detestith Brookith. Here in its natural habitat, the soupy mire of the trade room blog it will be at its most active, all we have to do is lure it out into the open. Observe the carefully placed Al Brooks posts, this is its favorite food although it will consume other blog posts, ingeniously converting them into Al Brooks posts. The mechanism for the transformation is not fully understood but it is effective. The Peteith Detestith Brookith can go days, even a week if need be, without consuming an Al Brooks blog post but eventually the need to consume and destroy these posts will draw it out where we can observe its behavior in its natural environment.
His own cessmess he created.
If my losses as a day trader were in part influenced by the possible impression that I was following a methodology employed by someone presenting themselves as a professional day trader who trades for a living while they are potentially not a professional day trader who trades for a living (this wil not be known until any possible CFTC investigation is concluded) then there is the possibility that potentially misleading and misrepresented information partially influenced my poor decision making, thus it is unclear whether indirect responsibility rests entirely on me. I have a large amount of documented losses from my years of trading with BPA’s system with money I could afford to lose as well.
You’re going to wait a long time as there is little chance of a CFTC investigation. You may be better off just trying to sue Brooks and make a case for personal damages.
Al has a new picture up on his site to coincide with the 100% increase in cost of the course. This looks like a cynical tactic on RichardHK’s part to deflect from the grinch image of Al from this review and to masculinize Al, perhaps modified with Photoshop? Real or not it works subliminally to justify the higher cost of the course, similar to the beard’s function for fellow disreputable Ross Cameron. Brooks is now close to Ross’ Warrior Trading course in terms of cost of material and making upstanding citizen Adam H. Grimes with his superior and free price action trading course a shimmering diamond in the rough.
In one of the podcasts mentioned here Al talks about RichardHK’s attempts to sell him on DOM and order flow trading. He doesn’t mention him by name but as the guy who works on his website, so it’s obviously him. Here is what Al says:
“I don’t need to look at depth of market or order flows …. I know where the orders are …. I know where the iceberg orders are …. I can look at a chart and I know”
Pretty amazing, he must be clairvoyant! He knows where all the orders are.
Here is another questionable quote:
“The trendlines on time charts are extremely reliable. A lot of computers use them. I mean, clearly they use them because they are very very reliable”
Huh? And what computers are these and how does he know? What BS. He should not say that computers use his trendlines unless he knows it for a fact. Truth is Al doesn’t know whether computers use any lines at all. He just guesses that they do, yet states it as fact, which is irresponsible because it misleads his audience. He should also read Adam Grimes random line experiment, which by the way can be done with horizontal or diagonal lines.
Here’s more, in reference to a 5-minute ES emini chart:
“In a typical day I see 40 one-point scalps, 20 two-points scalps, and 60 or 70 setups. I don’t take all of them. On a typical day I might take 10, 20, or 30 trades.”
“On a good day I don’t lose anything. I might win 100% of the trades”
“I know several traders, probably many traders, who win 90% of the time as daytraders. They win just about every day, if not every day. I’ve never had a year in which I won every day of the year. I always mess up some way at some point during the year.”
So here he directly implies that he makes money almost every trading day of the year, and states that he takes up to 30 trades a day in the emini S&P. What a load of garbage. Geez, sounds like Al’s track record must look a like that of Pro Trader Ed from Jaguar Trading! And surprise surprise, no one ever gets to see either of them doing it live! What a coincidence!
This was all in the first 20 minutes of the interview. I didn’t listen to anymore because I just couldn’t stand to listen to anymore nonsense. I am beginning to think that Al Brooks may be off his rocker. He seems delusional and out of touch with reality. I think he may have gone off the deep end like Jack Hershey.
It’s disappointing that Big Mike is still under Al’s spell. I fear it will take CFTC action to wake him up. He should cancel Al’s upcoming webinar in order to prevent him from spreading more misinformation to a naïve and gullible public but I doubt it will happen.
Brooks has said this same pap for years. It’s up to the newbs now to read this review and the thread on BMT. Brooks is part of bmt’s image because he hides his stink well enough for bmt’s standards. Nothing really for the CFTC to go on. The lone cftc complaint from ptb will be tossed if it ever actually arrives.
This most recent podcast has some of his most boldest claims of consistent profitability and chart-reading mastery that I’ve heard throughout the years from him. I’d expect the course to be lowered in price or free if his edge is as sharp as he suggests in this interview. Why not have a free course like MIT’s open course on trading if you are near the pinnacle in trading mastery in such a liquid market as the ES?
if you or others want to do a cftc case on Brooks fine. It’s a hard case since there is no numerical claims of profit. I won’t be joining the crusade as Brooks was just a book author to me and costed me little except for time. If anything the squinting at his charts helped me with some screen time. I see Stray is asking the tough questions on bmt and it looks like Brooks will be questioned by BMT hopefully. I am curious to see if he will ever offer proof. If BM bans Brook and there are no more webinars that’s fine with me since I’m tired of the twoface of the bmt site as well. Now I am going back to blissful oblivion from Brooks before I was ever reminded again of him here.
It’s the same claims of success he’s said over the years even before the video course. When he said it took him ten years to be profitable in the room , it meant before the first book was written. There’s no difference. He would often say he could be profitable, but no proof.
No, the implied numerical claims of profitability are higher in this 2016 52traders podcast than what I heard years ago in the webinar or read in the books and read in online articles. When I was in the webinar he did say he was profitable, but the implied numerical figures were much lower than the implieed numerical figures in the 2016 52traders podcast. Just because the precise numerical figure is left to the audience to extrapolate does not imply a CFTC investigation and case against Brooks is impossible.
It’s the same. he said he was profitable to that degree back then too. It’s just an ad 52podcast webinar with generalizations. The cftc will never buy it. This is the first time you mentioned years ago despite all the hundreds of post so I doubt it’s been really years for you.
This isn’t about me dumb ass, this i about Al Brooks, don’t worry when I purchased x Brooks scam product.
It’s interesting how RichardHK is laying low following this review. I would think as an educated man he would want to explain his misleading statements about his “trading for a living” career switch, or lackthereof.
I fear Brooks’ agenda may be far more sinister and cynical than a senior citizen’s absent-mindedness or an autistic obsession. Brooks appears to be a mentally sharp, cynical and very crafty spinner of a dangerous web of deception. Al has spun the web with such skill, we the consumers are ensnared and paralyzed..
what wuss this petedetithbrooks. can’t even face the ‘dog.
LOL. pretty much well said already. StrayDog good for you on calling for questions on bmt/fio. and well said ‘Joe’.
Stray Dog is a good name for you! You did not even look at Brook’s course you say? Humping Emmett’s leg pooch? What kind of moron would Al Brooks be to give broker receipts and tax statements to a conflicted federal criminal like your master. Fool.
At last. Al Brook’s being a fraud has been exposed. Period. End of story.
Anybody that now defends Al Brooks is either a shill, or still drinking the kool aid. You will come around eventually…
There is zero proof that he trades people, ZERO. If you can prove otherwise, then please this is your floor to do so. But how dare you defend the very man that has manipulated himself into a trading messiah that never existed.
I have his books like many people. We should video us burning them and post it to YouTube in a montage. It won’t take much to also send Al Brooks down in flames where he belongs.
It is disgusting that he has managed to get this far without being found out.
Pete – justified.
People weren’t saying that Pete wasn’t justified, just that he was annoying as all hell. I am beginning to wonder how many names used here to make posts are Pete.
lol, yup. I knew the oz reference would get something going, ha.
Professor Joseph James of Schooloftrade has been rumored to have consulted with Al before switching to selling price action theory for a living from indicators. On the upside, Professor J.J. is presumably keeping Al well supplied with prescriptions for Viagra, Levita, and Cialis now, “bulls are ganing strength, final flag unlikely” can be heard being muttered in a tremoring and affected deep voice all day and night once again. Huzzah!
A good, honest review and a fair appraisal of Brooks IMO. If he doesn’t want to provide any proof then he should stop referring to himself as a full-time professional day trader. It is misleading. Maybe he could call himself a full-time educator instead.
“in the imagination of the viewer is where the con is played out”. Indeed. Boring though he may be, he has a way of capturing the imagination of his followers. Big Mike recently tweeted that Al Brooks had the most popular webinar of 2016 on FIO.
I remember there were a bunch of devout Brooks followers on elitetrader. People like Nodoji, Cornixforex, Xspurt, Bighog, and many more. It’s amazing how many people they fooled.
I was member of his tradingroom in June. In this time I made 44 trades with a profit of 996.36 USD trading a one lot ES. Proof can be provided. Of course I not just stepped in and started. I have studied Al’s methods for 3 years if not longer. But after this month only everything I ever paid for Al was paid back with interest by Mr market. I just listened to what Emmett calls Mumbo Jumbo but is the best market read that you will find in the whole damn internet. Whether Al trades or he at some point left trading by himself – his education has a tremendous value. And his focus is superhuman. He is there throughout the whole session and he is present the whole time. When something happens in the market and questions come in he answers them directly and to the point. Be it in the first hour or 5 minutes before close. I sometimes think he is a kind of autist because a normal human cannot focus with this intensity over such a long period of time. It has for sure to do with his career as eye surgeon where you have to be incredibly focused as well throughout your workday. I was really laughing about the guy here who said he has a Netflix plug in one ear. If you can talk about the market in this depth and precision with a Netflix plug in your ear you are really good!
Great comment. Really glad that you are experiencing some success with Al’s methods. I knew this review was going to polarize the audience, a lot Al Brooks fans out there.
I think a lot of Al Brooks fans are out there because not all of the facts about this guy have been organized until this review and comments were published. And there are still more facts to be discovered, I am eagerly awaiting more updates on the Richard HK scandal and Reina should still investigate Brooks’ original last name and find the reason for his early and abrupt career switch from opthamology, and verifyif he was an actual opthamologist. Perhaps he botched a surgery due to the stress from trading?
All I was saying I was in the room in June and I made money. Not since June. I have a dayjob and cannot trade every day. So I am trading options since then but with success becasue Als methods help there as well. Big Mike learned from Al as well and proved his profitability in his price action thread.
Emmett is making fun of Al mumbling about Bulls and Bears. But this is exactly what trading is about. In every second there are bulls and bears fighting about the price and Al is the only educator talking about this ambiguity. In fact all other educators want to give you clear cut solutions. Al is the only one who says its complicated and he is right to do so.
And this Pete character is constantly picking on Als ominous “last name” now in several comments. Where did you get that from that Al has a third name? Sounds complete BS to me.
Al said a lot of times that he started trading only after he had sold his clinic. He was a stay at home dad back then with two daughters
(and a big pile of cash I assume).
Truth is Pete you seem to be another failed trader not wanting to take responsibility but searching for excuses and making wild guesses.
And Emmett I really like your blog and have read every single post. But you are losing focus a little. Picking on Anton Kreil and it turns out he is indeed a former Goldman Sachs trader. Bad research. Now picking on Al for his market read which is in fact the best read you can find.
On the other side you leave this Superman guy who is clearly a pump and dump fraud with his 5 star review now for years.
Al Brooks commits the logical fallacy of making arguments from authority, whether it’s his authority as a doctor or as someone who traded for 30 years, or that he should be trusted because he is a family man, he has no clear authority as a profitable day trader, he has never been proven to be consistently profitable at trading the ES 5 minute timeframe, therefore it is irresponsible of him to make claims about what works and what doesn’t. He is purely speculating and anthropomorphizing data (BSing) by assuming the data on a 5minute ES chart is the result of bulls vs bears in conflict.
But the data IS the result of bulls vs bears in conflict. Al is only evaluating chances which side will win.
“Truth is Pete you seem to be another failed trader not wanting to take responsibility but searching for excuses and making wild guesses.”
As long as people accept self-proclaimed profitable traders who can not substantiate their claims, people will be the fool that loses their money.
Here is what amazes me instead of demanding Al Brook’s show proof of this claims you beat up on Pete that just screams mindless cult follower or shill. Just like the people that followed Bernie Madoff. There is no different between Madoff and Brook’s; neither could show proof they trade anything profitable. I could have seen you now as a Madoff supporter.
And finally if you were scalping ES profitable like you claimed you would have quit your day job and now be this amazing full time day trader.
In my opinion AL Brooks is a retired person living off social security and making some extra money selling his course and trading room. He can not trade profitable and if he could he would not be running a TR all day long, he be at his beach house enjoying life.
You know I should make up some ridiculous day trading scalping method, claim to be a profitable trader, run a trading room where I never make a real trading call and have Traderme post everywhere how he made money when he was in my trading room. Which BTW is amazing being I NEVER make a trading call.
There is an important difference between Madoff and Al Brooks. Brooks has never ever made any claims regarding performance. And it is definitely possible to scalp with an accurancy like Al claims. Others have done that too.
I said I made about 1k while being in the room. If you can leave your day job because you made 1k in a trading room then go on. Besides its a mental thing I found options more suitable for me. I talked about Al being an autist (well of course he isn’t) but he definitely has some personality traits in this direction. Which is really helpful in trading.
You have completely missed the point. The point is that Al gives you an education that makes it possible to earn money in the market. This education is definitely valuable and you cannot find it elsewhere. Still you have to do you own work in applying what he teaches. Thats what I did before I joint the room.
When you say Al is ls a retired person living off social security and making some extra money then you definitely confuse him with Dean Hendley. Truth is its ablsolutely plausible that Al made money trading although I have to admit I am not completely sure whether he is still trading himself in his room nowadays. Sometimes his tongue slipped and he said “I would have entered here” then he corrects him and he says “I entered here”. These are some small signs here and there and I as a long time Emmett Moore fan and reader look after these things.
Still his market knowledge is superior. He has a bibliothecary of archived charts that go in the hundreds and flips through them in seconds, finds the right chart that resembles the current price action and indeed the price often then behaves later on as on his sample. All while talking life in front of the camera he cannot fake it. He has a superior memory for structure which comes I am sure from his education as eye surgeon. And what he does while talking is nothing more than evaluating chances. he is like a relentless human computer, his brain constantly evaluating the chances.
“You have completely missed the point. The point is that Al gives you an education that makes it possible to earn money in the market”
I do not think I missed the point at all. I have just been around long enough to have seen all these con artist and the people that believe them to be real. If Al cannot trade his own method profitable then no one else is going to mysteriously figure out how to.
“Truth is its ablsolutely plausible that Al made money trading although I have to admit I am not completely sure whether he is still trading himself in his room nowadays. “
Absolutely plausible; that is your best defense. I guess by that definition anything is absolutely plausible. It is absolutely plausible that Big Foot exist. It is absolutely plausible that the lock ness monster is for real and it is absolutely plausible that aliens are taking down ship in the Bermuda Triangle. Who cares what is absolutely plausible, what matter is this con man can show zero, nada, no proof he trades live, more less profitably.
“he is like a relentless human computer, his brain constantly evaluating the chances.”
Give me a break. He is a relentless con artist that plays people like suckers. Desperate people desperate to make a living day trading. All these TR con artist sound great, otherwise they would not be great con artist. Go ask the Madoff victims what they thought of Madoff before they knew he was a con man. They thought he sounded so sincere and brilliant.
“ And it is definitely possible to scalp with an accurancy like Al claims. Others have done that too.”
The problem is saying it does not make it true. Anyone can say that. That part is easy. You do not see that. The hard thing is to show any proof of such claims.
One last thought that I doubt you will get either and this comes from a wise judge who had seen plenty of these con artist cases:
“victims of con artists sing the praises of their victimizers until they realize they have been fleeced.”
Bottom line I or no one else can proof Al is a fake. Only regulators with subpoena powers can do that. It is up to Al or his supporters to proof their claims. And I am still waiting for just 1; I am talking just 1 to show any proof. I challenge you to be the first one to do it. Scalp ES on a 5 minute chart just like Al shows and come back here a few months showing all those gains. I cannot wait to see those results.
Now here as always is where you attack me instead of providing any proof of Al claims or demand Al provide any proof. Man it is like I am a fortune teller and can predict the future.
Yes Al Brooks has made claims of performance, he states he is a professional day trader who trades emini, gold, crude oil, options, stocks, and forex for a living, in California day trading “for a living” due to the high tax rate would require over $100,000 USD yearly returns. His goal mentioned in books is to scale position size to that of an institution, 100-1000 contracts on the ES based on 5 minute price action. If you listen to his 52traders podcast he says his goal is to never have a losing day trading the ES and that he is profitable 80-90% of days currently, Al Brooks is a fraud and a liar and he has proven this by lying to Emmett, it’s no longer theory, it’s a scientific fact.
Go to the forums and tell them that Al Brooks is a hack. They will laugh in your face. Ever heard of Nodoji? One of the best traders of all time, learned her concepts from Brooks. Go on then Pete do it. You only got the backing of failed traders who flock to this site to lick their wounds. You’re a joke!
The only people who think Brooks’ teachings lead to consistent profitability are trading higher timeframes than 5 minutes in less efficient markets than the ES or they have a trading-vendor marketing agenda, as wrbtrader and NoDoji and most on Elitetrader have. Al Brooks is the joke, as he revealed himself to Emmett as in a stupid act of cowardice. This conman Brooks has no sense of shame.
Sorry but NoDoji is a fraud. I was taken in by her BS at one time too.
Nobody is putting up numbers like she claimed to be making. Boy do I wish it all could have been true though. Personally I think she was a vendor, but it’s possible she was just a delusional liar.
Where is Nodoji proof. Same constant BS Shill nonsense. Now this is where instead of proving nay proof you blast me. Oh wait a minute you already have done that.
I swear is one you mindless drone shills ever show proof I will die from shock.
There is no proof. No one has ever witnessed her produce the results she speaks of.
I have seen interviews with futures and forex brokers who talked a bit about trader returns, not giving away too much but pretty well blowing out of the water the notion of the no-losing-day straight line equity curve at-home daytrader that NoDoji, WRBtrader, and others claim to be.
She did post a lot of blotters showing too good to be true trading results back in the ET archives. It is because of those blotters that I used to believe her in spite of all the challenges from her detractors. I can only conclude that she faked them all. As evidence of that there was one day where she posted a 100% legit looking blotter with a mistake on it, which was caught, and she claimed it was a test to see if anyone was paying attention. Whether or not that was true it at least established her as a very skilled photoshop artist.
I could go on and on. But I have no doubt whatsoever that she was a bullshitter. Why did she do it? I have no idea. It seems an awful lot of work to go through for the sake of an internet fantasy, hence my suspicion that she was selling mentoring via PM and skype.
Al Brooks is BS.
Be great if we could short Al Brooks. Then it be Sell Al Brooks.
“If you were scalping profitable like you claimed you would have quit your day job”. Lol. He had 3 years under his belt and managed a $1,000 month and that’s good enough to quit his “day job”? I’m sure McDonald’s burger flippers are quitting left and right so they can pay a TR room for a pay cut. Good grief. And yeah, Madoff the ponzi schemer and Brooks with legions of fans due to his training are exactly the same. What a fantastic comparison. If anyone is the shill for Brooks it’s those who pretend to hate on him with utterly stupid arguments.
Brooks fans are shills not properly trained traders. Like Madoff the math doesn’t add up, you can’t do what Brooks claims to do with a high yearly commission bill and his win rate can’t be near 90% he’s claiming in recent interviews, he cant do that year after year consistently with the palm reading method he sells. Like Madoff there wasnt proper vetting of Brooks. Futures Magazine and Wiley published unverified claims about his profitability before he had all the shills.
Brooks and Rob B are in the same boat. Perhaps its actually Rob Brooks. There’s a thought.
Hi Emmett, Firstly hello from England.
And secondly im so glad I came across your website.
It’s nice to find someone who talks so straight forward for once.
Im slowly learning the Forex market but feel I need some training or tutoring and I wondered who you might recommend?
I have emailed you a few times but know you are busy..
Be great if you could help.
When I subscribed to the webinar Brooks totallylacked focus, leaving the webinar for 45 minutes at a time before abruptly returning to resume a detached flim-flam bull vs bear narrative. His own individual predictions of the ES were usually off and seemed to be designed to impress people rather than describe his actual trading strategy. One month’s positive returns has no statistical relevance to the fact that there is no edge in any of Brooks’ teachings and when such returns are averaged out during a career of “day trading for a living” there is no chance for the sort of consistent profitability Al Brooks claims he has, which explains why he takes so much money from gullible and desperate people rather than the market.
So funny. Al Brook’s is nothing but a con artist that can show zero proof he trades live or profitably. But Traderme you are exactly why these con artist are able to scam so many people. No proof and shills just posting BS testimonials. You have been in the room since June. It is now Nov. So send those broker’s statement to Emmett, you said proof available, showing how you scalped ES profitable for the last 6 months. After all Al cannot show any proof.
This industry is truly amazing. Con Artist develop some trading method, writes a book that is incoherent and then self-proclaims they can trade profitable and then sends out the shills to say how they are knocking it out of the park. Anyone can do that.
Yet mysteriously no one can show any proof of their claims. I am still waiting for just 1 person to show proof of these TR claims.
If you could come in and Scalp ES everyday on a 5 minute chart and make money like Al claims you would be very very rich very very fast and not be running a trading room all day.
For, goodness sake, WHERE IS THE PROOF. Now this is where the shill comes back and blast me instead of proving any proof. I have seen this movie before.
I agree the shills are a huge problem because they give undeserved credibility to the vendors. I would love to believe that maybe a few of the success claims are true but have been burned too many times in the past.
I just can’t believe that anyone is having sustained success using Brooks methods intraday. Some profitable months and yo-yoing around the breakeven level, that I can believe. But I’ve seen too much crap and been lied to too many times to buy anything else. I have had several self-professed successful career traders (who were not vendors by the way) turn out to be liars who were making it all up.
As one example remember that cornixforex guy on ET? Used to argue with marketsurfer all the time about TA? He was active on ET for years claiming that he made a living as a forex daytrader using Brooks style tactics. He convinced a lot of people including me. Well he eventually started managing money for people and almost overnight he somehow couldn’t turn a profit anymore. Pretty amazing how that happened. Raises money with talk of being a pro trader who hardly ever has a losing week but once he starts trading it, everything goes down the crapper. LOL. It’s because of stories like this that I no longer believe any success claims from anyone.
Great comment James. The more I reflect on it, the more I accept that Al Brooks and RichardHK are some of the most subtly dishonest people in the trading-for-a-living industry. I have less issue with someone who is openly bombastic and full of BS, to lie subtly with extreme care as Al Brooks flagrantly did to Emmett about an issue as dangerous as day trading requires one to be a very sick if not evil person, I’m surprised Al Brooks didn’t get a 0 score for honesty.
Al’s books are hard to read. His voice is difficult to understand.
When I hear this:
“disclosing his individual trading performance, that he would be committing a criminal act or would be in violation of securities laws”
Man that statement makes me ill and when I hear it I know it is time to run.
There is NO NO NO NO NO (had 5 so no cancelling each other out) fraud in showing TRUE FACTS; a real track record. But they have none so they have to post a fake track record like Open Range. And that is fraud.
Shocker, it this industry was ever regulated, guess what? The first thing they would have to do is show their real track record.
When you see so many con artist in this industry, you just can not help but wonder, does this nut think it is OK to scam people? In his mind, even though he can not trade profitable, is it OK to sell a complete nonsense system to others promising it can be traded profitable. Did these folks get completely passed over when morals where handed out. It truly amazes me.
Lastly, Pete better be HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and kiss Emmett’s (leave it to your imagination)
I am an Al Brooks fan, I have his four books ( never joined the room ), and they are decent technical analysis. He does borrow a lot from other traders, so I am not sure how much is original and how much he learned from others.
In my opinion , Al is impossible to follow. Although individually his methods are sound, it turns into a jumble of contradictory noise when you try to actually trade his methods.
As for learning his methods, I had to unlearn a lot and it cost me money in losing trades. That is just life. Looking at Al’s work did move me from looking at indicators to just trading price and volume and for that, the books were worth the money.
I do not know why he would say that showing his record would be illegal. That is obviously a lie which saddens me and makes me doubt all his work.
Merry Christmas Pete !
I own two of Al’s books. Darn it, I buy everything. Considering my past, you would think that I would be able to stop myself from buying trading books.
Writing a negative review about Al didnt agree with my stomach. It hurt because I truly wanted to believe.
Thanks for the review Emmett. Pretty much confirms all I experienced with his books and months in his room years back. Glad this review will put it all to rest. I’m guessing when Brooks said it took him ten years to be profitable, it meant he tried and failed for ten years until he got social security and medicare, then he rationalized becoming a palm reader which is a great way to put it. There are still palm readers with their neon signs by freeways or even in certain neighborhoods. Hope Reina wasn’t too bored out of her mind.
Pete must be in wet dream heaven right now.
Post after post from Pete about Al on EVERY other review. As soon as the review of all reviews comes out, nothing. I have to ask….Where the hell is Pete?!
He is too busy looking for towels to wipe up from the wet dream that this review induced in him.
Man, you are right. I had forgotten about Pete for a bit there. I hope he did not die from a heart attack from the excitement. Hopefully, he can not let go and be a happy loving person again.
Dorothy’s yapping friend has found the end of the yellow brick road. If Emmett can add this video to the review along with the Richard Entwistle (Richard HK webmaster) fraud, where Brooks’ enabler claimed he trades for a living at a for Brooks in Hong Kong where he saidhe trades for a living. on Linkedin RichardHK Entwistle clearly works for a marketing corporation and sees trading as a hobby – why is he lying for Al and money by saying he trades for a living with Al’s methods? In light of this I see no way 2 stars for honesty can stand unless Al terminates and severs all ties with the lying Richard Entwistle immediately.
All this time he didn’t even file a cftc complaint. Nor does it sound like he was even in the trading room. He was one of those who quickly got into a loan debt just from the video course and now wants to just blame Brooks as the worst when Brooks did not even call trades nor make numerical claims of profit.
Lovely bitchiness, sorry dtturd you’re never going to make the cut to Emmett’s or Al’s cheerleading squad, you can drop your pom poms and dress appropriately instead of in your XXXL miniskirt. With your nasty bitching and lies I almost forgot about the scammers who are misleading naive and desperate people and profiting off of lies as Brooks does. Oh wait, Brooks isn’t a liar becuase a bitchy and lying shill like dtchurn says he’s analogous to a price action university professor and researcher who cannot write well but conducts dogged research and has the herculean ability to intermittently narrate a for-profit trading room for the massive 6 1/2 hours of the NYSE session while making stress-free money as a vendor, lying about engaging in professional trading for a living and engaging doggedly in producing “voluminous” hindsight “research” to Futures Magazine on a daily basis. you vicious and balless shill, how much is Al paying you to try to win back his potential Las Vegas Expo Trader’s customers he tried to seduce at his speaking event today ?
The Brooks disease delirium in full effect at the last gollum croaking out filth stages. Lol, I’m no shill, that’s your grasping at straws lying imaginary bs. I didn’t say Brooks wasn’t a scam. I was asking about the mystery of why Brooks works so long in the room and in his journal like a professional, but Emmett and Reina had no answer. I informed correctly about Brooks but you just can’t handle being ignoramously wrong and you think you look less foolish by tagging my posts? How pathetic. About this cessdrivel you made about Brooks, Cyn said it best for all to read.
Pathetic. Go on, sue Brooks yourself or whatever, do the lone cftc complaint you haven’t done yet to give them a laugh. nah, we’ll just see more drivel here in this naturalth habitatt. Brooks got a review, folks will see it now and the thread is informed on bmt. So there is plenty of warning and sense, but it’ll never be enough for petedetethbrooks, I don’t care anymore, and everyone knows now how full of it you are shithead.
Look at this whining bitch who didn’t even do his cftc complaint about brooks, rips off my posts about being in the room and tries to pass it off as his own, and is butthurt ever since my post about the facts on Brooks he continues to skulk like some gollum all the way across several review comments looking for scraps.
You’ve surpassed my golemness, bravo. I couldn’t have ripped off your posts because none of my comments have been as idiotic or as insipid as yours or as full of personal attacks against other commenters who are working to expose conmen Continue skulking the comments making personal attacks and lies, you’ve shown your true eat Al Brooks’ waste products with a smile.
You’re full of shit. Anyone can see it. You’re the one whose been whining then gollum skulking my posts tagging across reviews for scraps with your crappy blathering nonsense. What a pathetic deluded fool you are. Have fun posting to yourself and blaming Brooks for your own cess mess. The CFTC will laugh at the single complaint from ptb, hint: not even done yet at this time after all this drivel.
You suck dtttuuurd, please realize how much you suck. I’m going over months of Al webinars I purchased to have the best evidence for my CFTC complaint and if you paid attention to the reviews instead of your narcissitic homoerotic cheerleading/comments you would know a CFTC case against Brooks only had merit AFTER the School of trade update AND after this review as published. It seems like you’re trying to convince people Brooks is a good guy and those against him are trolls, too bad you’re a troll.
What a bunch of blithering nonsense from the peteturd himself. Bet you just purchased them now. have fun with your lone cftc complaint which will be laughed and tossed out.
Why can’t you you realize how much of a douche bag you are? Do I need to dangle it in front of your nose all night? Why wouldn’t someone set up a trading room and politely sell phoney advice if this standard of social interaction you are setting is normal and a healthy way for people to interact online?
Your’e the one going by your nose slithering around looking for scraps petedetetithbrooks. ” eventually the need to consume and destroy these posts will draw it out where we can observe its behavior in its natural environment.”
The CFTC will laugh at the lone complaint , if there is ever one!
There are going to be dozens of complaints against Brooks, no amount of antagonism and pro-Brooks bottom feeding and waste eating from you can stop it.
They won’t abide by dozens of complaints filed by the same source. At best only a lone one which will be laughed at and tossed out.
in the wet cessmess of his own making.
You consume Al Brooks waste.
you do, its so evident
I’m sorry Emmett but this whole review is a joke. I can’t blame you though, probably get around 99 emails a day from that “oh and Al Brooks” guy…
Anyway, first of all you can’t even get the terminolagy right ““Failure reversal bull flag with sellers climax possible sell, but looking to buy on minor pullback of micro bubble. ”
“Buy on minor pullback of micro bubble”… “bubble”? Who was deciphering this? I’m pretty sure he said micro “double bottom”… In fact I know he did. Next.
“throughout the trading day, Al Brooks talks his way through the trading session. Making these weird, highly indigestible, utterly confusing references to things that apparently only he can see.”
It’s funny, I understood everything you quoted above and I’ve only read his material a few years ago. Yes, he does have his terminology which is normal (I’m aware that these patterns have different names also).
I cannot defend his lack of transparancy and I don’t personally care about that. I studied his books in order to help me read charts… That’s what I got. Those 20$ books were one of the best investments I’ve ever made. Now AGAIN, I know I will get downvoted to oblivion for this but I do not trade like Al. I developed my own strategies my own methods and yes I used and applied some of the concepts. I found some real nuggets in those books.
All I’m saying is the material was valuable in my trading. Call him a charlatan all you want, it doesn’t change my experiences with his material.
Further more, speaking of price action in general. It in itself is very abstract. It is not a rules based system. It is simply a window into the behavior of the market participants who control the market. You must still interpret what their behavior means. It is a refinement for an already functional trading approach.
I have not studied any of Brooks material but I also find some value in understanding price action, especially around areas of support and resistance and because I feel smart when price moves the way I thought it should.
“Al Brooks refused, at all levels to disclose whether he was trading, or had ever taken any live trades.”
Thats the bottom line, he is fake and makes his income selling educational material like 100% of other fakers out there.
Thanks Emmett for this review..ive spent a lot of Time with this Clown Al Brooks and most newbies will also spend a lot of Money + Time before realizing this guy is Fake and doesnt Trade Real Account. If this review saves a few souls from months/years of wasting time+money on this Clown then this review is worth it!
listen to Al’s podcast at 52traders he says he is profitable about 80-90% of each day trading the ES and his goal is to have a perfect year. That’s right, the one and only, ageless boy wonder Al Brooks is going to slide out of his soiled Depends undergarments and out-perform Michael Jordan in terms of cerebellum-cum-prefrontal cortex excellence.
And Scalping ES for 1 Point using Wide Stops..then miraculously he usually Exits for BE or small loss.
I was in his his room for some 6+months, yes he had me fooled…but i also wasted lots of time trying to study this Jokers bs method..Al has no conscious as he knows he is destroying a lot of new,naive peoples time and money
He uses deep-bass commanding voice and radiates confidance,control on his gullable sheep… the daughters in Ivy League school, the M.D., disquise someone who is successful in life..but exposed Al is just a little scared men
Al Brooks fits the diagnostic criteria for narcisstiic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder. AL BROOKS. Stop inflicting pain with your lying and exploitation of others and get some professional help, the Marshall Applewhite shtick is threadbare and your audience is now destitute, limp and lifeless…like you, it’s gotten OLD. it’s time you stopped hiding, grasping for other’s money and manned up to the situation. You have a choice right now. Tear down the house of cards you have created, by donating all of the money you’ve manipulated people out of with your flim-flam trading education since 2008 to charities to help others.Stop lying to yourself saying you are helping others, since 2008 you have been a pathetic weasel, your disregard for others is appalling. You are harming and misleading people and you know it. I hope you can transform into atleast a shrew, maybe a mouse. Good luck mammal.
He will never stop, just as no other vendor will ever stop. Even those who get busted will just keep trying again under new names. They can’t walk away from the easy money. Emmett can vouch for this. No amount of finger-pointing or cease-and-desisting was going to stop him from running his boiler rooms. There was too much money at stake. He kept on doing it until they led him away in handcuffs.
I bet Al is now living out his wildest fantasies. Through his followers he has finally attained the status and respect he always craved, ever since his youth as a poor underprivileged kid who couldn’t afford an expensive private school educaton.
Emmett lacked the education Al Brooks claims to have and Al appears to be very cerebral and not into drugs and that lifestyle.. Perhaps I’m an idealist for thinking Al will cancel his course, have Wiley stop publishing his books, and end the webinars and Traders Expo visits once he reads these comments.For such an educated and smart person I’m appalled how non-reflective and non-philosophical Al is about trading education and his role in perepetuating dangerous memes,hence my suggestion of a highly narcisstic and probably sociopathic individual worthy of 0 stars in a rating of honesty.
Ok, I see your point. You are hoping that Al is cut from a different cloth than most trading vendors and simply doesn’t realize what kind of financial and emotional damage is being done to ordinary people who are lured into daytrading futures. And that it he could see that he would honor his Hippocratic oath and walk away from this.
To that I would say it is very easy to misjudge someone over the internet. You only see what they want you to see.
I had similar hopes about some traders I dealt with in the past. They seemed like such nice and generous people, I just couldn’t believe it when their ruses started to come unravelled. I was floored on more than one occasion when I finally clued in to what was really going on. I considered asking them… “how could you do this? why lie to everyone?” but only tried it once and never got a response. I never tried again because there would be no point. I was likely dealing with highly narcissistic people who were very good liars and because of that I had misjudged them. I’d would likely never get an answer to my questions so I simply cut ties with them, and left them to continue their online charades.
Al is a greedy, con artist. He doesnt give a crap if you lose your money and time on his bs education. All Al cares about is the easy money.
@ Lucky77
Thank goodness you have come to Al’s rescue!
I mean, it would be inconceivable for Al to actually prove he trades. It isn’t as if he has a website to post his trading records on is it…
It is all too suspicious that you are the only person taking the opposite side of the track and defending Al to the hilt. So you either are Al, or somebody close to him.
As for languages and excluding English, I can speak French, Spanish and Italian – although my writing is probably quite rusty. And to boot I also have a masters in Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering.
But what the fuck has any of that got to do with Al Brooks being one of the biggest trading frauds in history?
You are defending somebody who will not prove they actually trade, which is why everything you have said should be taken as void.
Get Al to post trading statement for the last 12 months for all the instruments he claims to trade and the Red Cross will be $10,000 richer. My word is good. It is a pity Al Brooks’s isn’t.
Oh I knew this review was going to get my balls busted. There are a lot of Brooks enthusiasts out there. A lot of folks love him. I get it.
My issue is that darn track record. Hey, if you are getting value and you enjoy his material…that’s great! Maybe I am being a bit rough on Brooks. Heck, even Stars Wars initially got bad reviews. Imagine that!
Brook’s first book was probably the second book I bought on trading. For the used price, I guess it was an ok intro to the world of trading besides the generic babypips course. I never actively traded his ideas because their was no trade calling or management in his room. Always seemed like something was missing. There are still a couple of mysteries. Why would Brooks spend the whole session with his palm reading mumbling. Most scam hosts would take off after an hour or so. Maybe he is caught up in his own search. Maybe he has a separate earphone while he’s watching netflix movies or cable tv off to the side. He often said he only used one laptop screen for trading. WT Ross uses multiple laptops and screens probably some for faking being a member in the room, and the usual sim screens while the webcam is angled further away from his hands. So as part of the senescent sham club, we have Brooks, the mumbling palm reader, Felton, the nice multi sim account indicator pusher, JaguarEd, the faux guru forever soon to be in retirement, and Woodie, the cultist. They all seem to have their niches.
“Hey, if you are getting value and you enjoy his material…that’s great! Maybe I am being a bit rough on Brooks. Heck, even Stars Wars initially got bad reviews. Imagine that!”
So, why give it so low cumulative. My experience is 5 star support (which doesn’t say much about legitimacy, but with Al the support is not disingenuous), 5 star cost/value, honesty (what is that?), and quality 5 stars, verification of trade, yes, no stars. User experience – what is that? His presentation can be a tad put offish, but, seriously, nothing worthwhile that takes an hour or two to learn is going to make you a great trader.
I think you like to pass out crap reviews so the ones that do ‘well’ look really good. Why is that? Could you honestly reveal your interest? It seems the mal-accolades you distribute are just that. I’m sorry to put it that way, but I think there is something fishy about this site.
It seems to me Al gives great trading advice that lots have made money on. His books sell well, perhaps, because of great reviews. Lots of good material at a very reasonable cost. So what he doesn’t provide the material, which would only prove he was profitable or not in a certain time period. It is education he offers. Does Harvard release comprehensive income results of every graduate? It would not guarantee anything anyway, which seems to be your point.
This is complicated, uncertain game.
Thanks for your work, though. It can be helpful.
Two things:
I am a stickler about disclosing actual, real-life results. The biggest problem that I have with Al is that he supposedly takes an average of 26 trades per day. At $4 per round turn, that would be $104 per day, $2,288 per month, $27,456 per year in commissions paid. And that is just a single contract. So just to break even, he needs to have one hell of a trading record. I am not buying it. Not even for a minute. Statistically, this is a near impossibility.
The second thing. I actually like some of what he teaches. Trading with the trend, taking pullbacks, breakouts of consolidation, etc. Its valid for sure.
So there is a bit of a dichotomy. And sometimes these reviews are just tough to write because sometimes I really like the vendor on a personal level. At the end of the day, the circle always leads back to the basic fundamental question…does Al Brooks even trade? Is he really a trading wizard? Can he outpace the commissions paid? Can anyone make 26 trades a day, and still outpace the broker? These are really tough questions, Al Brooks can answer them. The wizard needs to come out from behind the curtain. Is the scarecrow getting a brain, the lion getting his courage, the tinman getting his heart, Dorothy going back to Kansas?
In my opinion, Al is just like the Wizard. A lovable character, that in the end, inspired the cast of characters that they really did not need a wizard. Instead, the solution to their problems rested within themselves.
Al has always said that he goes for at least a one point target in the ES so for every 4 round turn he goes for 50. And he has a very high win rate as many scalpers do. I know a scalper with institutional background who has a winrate above 90 %. Thats definitely possible.
“I am a stickler about disclosing actual, real-life results.”
Meanwhile you ignore tradingpriceactionfutures and Alex refusing to post verified up to date records yet his room is rated at 4 stars still? Not to mention that Alex is going around various trading forums with fake pseudonyms trying to lure newbies into his trading room? There’s proof for all of this by the way. Give me a break Emmett.
Why do you not just get a SHILL Sticker for your head. No unaffiliated person would post this kind on nonsense.
Bottom line is Al Brooks can show NO proof of his claims. Nothing else matters.
Give me a break Lucky77. Sadly everyone else following Al Brooks has been unlucky.
Al makes money selling trading ideas because ha appropriated ideas from price action predecessors from 19th and 20th century and spun it into a web that makes him look like an original creator if not genius. Al’s web of deception is over now, AL it’s time you returned all that money.
Brooks is like the new Star Wars movie, glowing reviews, great visual appeal, but no meat not stolen from old fossils they dug up somewhere. Brooks is like the Emperor in Star Wars, that is Darth Sidius / Palpatine, Brooks has enjoyed an endless supply of impressionable young people to seduce to the dark side of self-destruction known as day trading with his greed and mind tricks..until this review..may the force be with you Emmett.
Al Brooks teaches you to take multiple scalps on ES each and every day. I wish once one of you shills would show some actual proof of your claims. I mean just one time. Is that asking to much. Ah, the problem it is asking too much as you cannot do it.
Go ahead Lucky, show Emmett those profitable ES day scalping brokerage statement with all the money you are making.
Man if you could scalp ES consistently profitable as Al Brook’s claims, the last thing you would be doing is running a $99 trading room and selling cheap books.
This is a no brainier. AL Brooks could not trade his way out of a paper bag.
I’m not selling anything nor do I scalp or trade the ES, that’s not what I claimed at all. I swing trade, I hold positions for days and weeks. I don’t need to prove anything to anyone. You can suck on a lemon Rob 🙂
Then don’t promote. It is that simple. If you promote then yes you need to prove or your word is worthless.
When did I promote anything? I’m talking about my own experiences. Don’t tell me that throughout the years you learned everything about trading on your own in an isolated environment? Seriously? We all accumulated information from various sources in order to construct our own individual methods. At least thats what I did… Take on peace from here, another piece from there. Brooks has some valuable pieces of info and that’s all that I needed at the time. Also, Rob I saw you claim you’re profitable so when are you account statements coming? If you’re not going to post any proof you probabaly should stop promoting yourself as being a profitable trader.
It sounded like promotion to me. I have offered to show my Brokerage Statements to Emmett if he gives me a thread where I discuss the Real World of Trading .vs the Fantasy world being taught by Al Brooks.
I know I can not help 99% of the people looking to trade the fantasy world, but if I help 1% I will view it as a success.
And Lucky if you are saying you took Al Brooks crap and using it to make multiple micro scalps in ES everyday and trading profitably then yes I say BS.
Well then you cannot read.
“And Lucky if you are saying you took Al Brooks crap and using it to make multiple micro scalps in ES everyday and trading profitably then yes I say BS.”
What’s wrong with your Rob? Please quote me. When did I say that? When? I specifically mentioned that I do not scalp nor I trade the ES, and I DO NOT use Brooks’ methods. Have you even read my message before hitting reply? Serious question.
SMH seriously… -____-
Also you want your own thread? Why? You want to start your own “non-fantasy” trading room or something? Just post a statement. I personally do not believe you’ve made one cent form the markets. You sound like a failure in general. Sorry.
You are truely amazing. You know nothing about me but in your wacked out mind I am a failed trader. Interesting. Posting my statement is meaningless. I could complete fake it. I am offering to open up my brokerage account and show months of trading.
In case you are complete clueless and new here, that is something virtually none of the trading rooms has been able to do. And something you apparently are not willing to do.
If you are legit why so upset at me saying you sound like you were promoting Al Brooks. I talk to legit profitable traders and you do not sound like one. Heck I could be wrong. Open you trading brokerage statements to Emmett and prove me wrong.
BTW, my batting average has been 100% so far on calling out shills who never are able to show any proof of their claims.
Look, Lucky, there are tons of site you can go to and promote a Trading Room. This is the first site that actually ask for proof. And when Emmett asked that of Al Brooks and got nothing here is what you posted:
“I’m sorry Emmett but this whole review is a joke.”
That told me all I needed to know about you. Another BS shill who think asking a TR operator for proof of their claims is just unacceptable.
Your statement spoke volumes and you are right a bit after that all I read from you was Blah, Blah, Blah.
Rob B,
You are truely amazing. You know nothing about me but in your wacked out mind I am a shil.
“That told me all I needed to know about you. Another BS shill who think asking a TR operator for proof of their claims is just unacceptable.”
I never said that I don’t excuse Brooks for not revealing his trading records (as I wrote before). But since you only read the first two words of my messages you keep spouting on nonsense about me.
Lastly, I am also offering to open up my brokerage account and show months of trading. Not a problem.
Well. I guess the battle shall soon be joined!
But I am curious. Exactly which part of Al Brooks nonsensical, hindsight, 5-minute bar trading did you find useful for swing trading?
Must admit.. Your statement
“Posting my statement is meaningless. I could complete fake it” Makes you sound like another BS TR operator.
Post-it or stop bragging about your profitability.
We can and surely will decide how legit your statements are.
LOL! Bragging. Have you even read my posts over time. My returns are horrible compared to what the trading rooms promise. Gosh it is the opposite of bragging.
I am not offering to show Chuck my statements. I have offered to show them to Emmett Live, something virtually no TR operator can do.
And yes I want something in return, evil greedy me. And it is not a TR. It is a simple thread that says he is a verified profitable trader where I will discuss Real trading .vs the fantasy world that TR teach.
And I will add I only stated that after I demanded actual proof of these con artist TR claims, shill after shill keeps saying why don’t you post your statements, even though I am not the one selling anything. That was my response.
I do not micro scalp futures so I have a feeling you would be very disappointed as 99% of people would be. I cannot help them. It is for a few people like me.
I’m sorry Rob B but post a statment or shut up about being profitable. You’re sounding like all of the fake trading rooms just making excuses. No better than Al Brooks. Nobody actually believes you’ve even made one cent in the markets. You’re never getting your own thread. You’re delusional. I don’t believe a person spending 99% of his life hanging around internet forums and spewing hate can be profitable. That’s not what successful people do. Prove me wrong.
You are right about one thing, one of us is mental.
“You’re sounding like all of the fake trading rooms just making excuses. ”
I am not selling anything. If you cannot see the difference then you are beyond help.
Even though I have offered to show Emmett my statements, what in world would it do for you, someone looking to scalp ES on a 5 min chart.
“Nobody actually believes you’ve even made one cent in the markets.”
Man you must not read my post. I have stated a million times nobody should believe me or you or Al Brooks without being given proof. You are proving my point. NO ONE SHOULD BELIEVE ANYONE WITHOUT PROOF!!!!!!! Do you not get it???????? So you are saying unless Al Brooks shows prove of his claim do not believe him. So I guess we agree.
“I don’t believe a person spending 99% of his life hanging around internet forums and spewing hate can be profitable.”
Man if you knew me that would be too funny. You know what I have been doing for the last 4 months. I have been out of town rehabbing a house working 7 days a week 10 hours a day. I am a full time investor which include Real Estate. When I check my emails I check this site. It is relaxation for me.
And only in this business is asking TR operators for proof of their claim is it considered HATE. Truly unbelievable.
“you can’t even get the terminolagy [sic] right”
Writes someone who can’t even correctly spell terminology.
Writes someone who’s native language is not English I may add.
LOL! From which country is the language “English I may add?” Is it a derivative of English, or a completely new language?
Hey, it is pretty clear that Lucky77 is either Al Brooks himself, or somebody close to him.
This review is a devastating blow to Al’s façade that he actually trades. Al has been lying to us all and many have got suckered in. Yes, I bought his books too.
There is nothing to stop him redeeming himself and posting the last year of brokerage statements. If he does I will donate $10,000 to the Red Cross and post the receipt here to prove that I did.
Now, grab the popcorn. The chickens have come home to roost. Al Brooks is a fraud.
Al Brooks’ path of greed exploitation since 2008 has been enabled by many as well. Wiley publishing and the shills who gave his books positive reviews, Futures magazine who post his crap on Stocktwits and their site, BPAAdmin (runs Al’s webinars) (Fletch on and Richard Entwistle (runs Al’s trading course site) aka RichardHK of all have been enablers of Al Brooks. Aside from a book burning he needs more negative reviews and exposute for what he is on
Possibly the biggest enabler of Al Brooks is Big Mike. He has actively promoted Al on BMT/FIO for years, and continues to do so. As I mentioned earlier, he recently tweeted that Al Brooks had the most popular webinar of 2016.
If Mike really believes people should ‘stop chasing vendors’ why continue to bring said vendors on to the site?
I hope Mike wakes up and sees the error of his ways. He must be as mesmerized by Brooks monotone cult-following-inducing voice as everyone else over there.
Brooks cultists say he taught them how to fish rather than giving him fish. Dtchurn’s hindparts suggest the fish were rotten and sadly dtchurn is still unable to fish properly.
If anyone’s hindmost stinks re: Brooks it’s you Pete. You’re allowed to have your whining and yapping about how hurt you were by Brooks on this review for everyone to hear.
Looks like Mike is still drinking the kool-aid. Listed under upcoming webinars on the homepage is yet another new Al Brooks webinar.
Disappointing but Mike is a former cultist himself, so it’s understandable that he is still susceptible to this stuff despite all the fraud he has seen.
He also promotes NT, Top Step in addition to these con artist vendors. I am guessing if you only promote honest folks there is no money to be made.
I think the damage has already been done to tens of thousands of futures newbs over the lifetime of bmt. The post by “Hulk” in Alex/focksolid’s thread pretty much says it all. No one is going to share anything that explicitly works, not even bmt. NT had taken over mirus after the zenfire disaster. bmt shows some statements but if you look closely it’s crazy trading averaging in and out hundreds of es contracts and there was a blowout sometime. Also the spoonalysis and other thread share no workign methods
explicitly. Yes, bmt has a vendor review section and has warnings such as xyz but it’s still a business and has inevitable conflicts of interests. Props to you for standing up to bm in the thread RobB. I’m surprised you weren’t banned. Others have had posts deleted as well as being banned. It doesn’t really matter as much anymore I suspect because bmt has already made a fortune for it’s proprietor(s) and the site is clearly in it’s waning years. So the tone can afford to be more accepting of vendor critical reviews since the tradingschools movement finally got the consequences of CFTC violations into retail public awareness as well as proving virtually all these trading education sites and rooms are all failed trader shams.
Yeah, I was interested in Mike’s statements since he reportedly was profitable during the time he posted them.
If I were really interested I’d pay for elite and take a look at them. Just not my style of trading so I doubt there’s much I’d learn from it.
With all the averaging down though, I’d have some questions as to what was really driving his results. I know he’s followed other markets to aid his ES trading but they seem to come and go so much that I suspect they may just be spurious correlations. One example was the high beta – low volatility ratio which worked really well for him for a couple of months. Then it broke down and he started losing a lot, and so he ditched it saying it wasn’t as reliable as he thought. If you have a large acct and are willing to average into losers, it doesn’t matter what indicators you use, it won’t be that hard to put together nice winning streaks. For example the story of the Hoffman guy who ran John Carter’s chat room. He used to average down a lot and had something like a 2-yr run of no losing days until one ordinary afternoon he blew up in front of everyone.
Al Brooks is BigMike’s money maker. Al’s sim trading sham inspired bigmike to take up 15 minute bar 100+ contract ES sim trading and brought in hundreds of elite subscribers $$$$$$.
GemBow, how many foreign languages do you know? How many of them can you speak and/or write on a fluent level?
Words to the wise, don’t read Al Brooks’ books if english is not your first language. You’ll face the inevitable shitstorm Brooks will lead you into but have less trouble understanding Brooks’ defecations and less ability to expose him after the fact.
“GemBow, how many foreign languages do you know? How many of them can you speak and/or write on a fluent level?”
WTF does that have to do with the price of tea in China.
OMG where is Pete, this is what you have been asking for !, I hope you can now move on.
Great review — I’ve looked over many forums and Futures Magazine articles on Al Brooks, I disagree with Emmett, his interaction with his students places him in the “worst trading mentors category” easily, the bedside manner and jumbled, incoherent, for-sale ideas brings to mind the scene in Drive where Albert Brooks the actor slits Bryan Cranston’s wrist and tells him to not worry, there’s no pain, it’s over, it’s done.