JBaker Analytics
Verified Trades
User Experience
JBaker Analytics is a live day trading room and day-trading software package that costs $2,999 and $300 per month. Unfortunately, there are no verifiable trading records for the live day trading room or the trading moderators. In fact, on several occasions we witnessed several trades that can only be described as “fantasy trades” where the moderator claims real trades, but simply could have never been executed. We asked for proof of these highly suspicious trades and were met with extreme hostility, bullying, vitriol and banishment. Yet another guru with absolutely zero proof of any prior trading success. Avoid.
User Review
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What is J Baker Analytics? The company is a day trading educational company that offers a live day trading room, and an indicator/software package named I-Pro 360. The cost of the live day trading room is $300 per month and specializes in trading the Emini SP500 futures contract. The cost of the I-Pro 360 trading indicators costs a one-time fee of $2,999.
The company appears to be owned by an individual named Joe Baker. An exhaustive online search reveals that Joe Baker began selling trading educational products in about 2006. It appears that the earliest product that Joe Baker sold to the retail trading community was an auto trading software package, indicator package, and a live trading room named TradePilotPro.
The live day trading room is moderated by person named Moe Nault.
JBaker Analytics, I-Pro 360, and Trade Pilot Pro maintain the following social media profiles:
JBaker Analytics is also a frequent presenter on OnlineTraderCentral.com, which is a highly controversial pay-to-play trading webinars promotor.
No Track Record
A thorough review of JBaker Analytics, I-Pro 360, and Trade Pilot Pro reveals no individual trading performance records for either Joe Baker or Moe Nault. However, the YouTube videos do contain a large amount of pre-selected, post-market video recordings that highlight supposed winning trades. Unfortunately, there is no possible way to verify the authenticity of these trades, unless Joe Baker or Moe Nault release trading statements that correlate with these “promotional” videos.
Its Magic!
Beginning in June 2016, TradingSchools.Org contacted JBakerAnalytics and requested a formal track record of trades from either Joe Baker or Moe Nault. We were simply curious if either of these individuals have ever been able to trade successfully. Unfortunately, the company refused any sort of verification.
TradingSchools.Org also made several parallel attempts to verify the individual trading records by using several different aliases. The company responded by inviting the fictional users with a free, 5-day trial period of the live day trading room.
During the month of July, 2016, TradingSchools.Org recorded a full 5 days of the live trading room. At no time during the trial period did we see a live trading DOM present on the screen, nor any evidence of a live trading account. Instead, what we witnessed were verbal entries and exits. None of the entries or exits where exact. Rather, it can best be described as generalities.
On several instances, we witnessed trades that can only be described as “fantasy” trades. In other words, the price would quickly touch and then Moe Nault would shout into the microphone…”OK I AM LONG!” And then a few seconds later, he would shout, “TAKING PARTIAL PROFITS!” If the market continued in his predicted direction, he would once again shout, “OK TAKING SOME MORE PROFITS!” We found that these verbal shouts were highly suspicious. Why? Because he never say’s how many contracts he is trading, nor does he make clear where he is exciting. The best description would be a confusing mish-mash of word soup.
When questioned about these supposed trades, Moe Nault becomes highly aggressive and defensive. When asked plainly, Moe did you really take that trade? He would often go into a childish tirade and act shocked that anyone would possibly question his supposedly impeccable morality. In fact, if you question the individual trading performance of either Moe Nault or Joe Baker, then expect to be quickly barred from the live trading room.
Fortunately, we have multiple IP addresses located in various locations, and so re-entry into the live trading room was never a problem.
Cult Leader, Bully, Highly Insecure
One of the things that you must understand about the JBaker Analytics live trading room is that dissension will not be allowed. If you question anything, you will be ridiculed and publicly humiliated. In fact, on several occasions, we questioned the authenticity of the trades and were absolutely lambasted for not believing. In the public chat box, we kindly asked for some sort of proof that these trades were real…but were always met with extreme hostility. Need an example? The following video is a recent example of a trade that was supposedly called in the live trading room by Moe Nault. We didn’t believe that the trade occurred, and so we simply (and politely) asked if Moe was trading with a live trading account, his response can only be described as aggressive, from a highly insecure individual…
As you can see from the previous exchange, anyone questioning the authenticity of the trades called from of the “Dear Leader” is met with immediate insult, hostility, and group shaming. As if, how would anyone dare question the authenticity of a trading vendor. Everyone knows that trading vendors dont lie.
No proof of live trades
In my opinion, the most revealing aspect of this investigation where the email exchanges that TradingSchools.Org had with JBakerAnalytics.com.
Using an alias, we contacted JBakerAnalytics and professed our enthusiasm for the magical trading software. That we were ready to immediately send over nearly $3,000 for the live trading room and $1,200 for several months of the trading room education cost. But we just needed a single monthly trading statement that verified the results of the supposed live trades. JBakerAnalytics refused.
Is it really so much that these so-called, professional day traders provide proof that they actually trade? They are asking that we spend thousands of dollars for their magical trading software, the time investment of sitting in the live trading room, and the potential losses of trading their methods. They expect us to take all the risk, and they take absolutely no risk. They sit there, over the microphone, calling out fantasy trades and swearing to the Mother Mary that all trades are real, but yet they are unwilling to provide even the most miniscule proof of these supposed trading results. It sure sounds like a scam to me.
Wrapping Things Up
In my opinion, when purchasing a live trading room or trading indicators, the single most important variable is that the vendor has displayed some sort of prior success at trading with a live money account. Honestly, I don’t care if that success was on display many years ago. But show something. Show anything. Even a month of trading account statements that match the results of the live trading room would be remarkable and wonderful, but yet nearly 99.9% of live trading educators can show nothing. And in the case of JBakerAnalytics, they can show absolutely nothing. Instead, asking for proof is met with extreme hostility, anger, vitriol, and poor use of language.
Before I publish any of these trading reviews, I always forward a copy to my lawyer. And I ask, is this review fair? Did I go too far? Did I go far enough? What do you think of the video evidence? Surprisingly, after watching the multiple videos of shaming, profanity, and outright unprofessionalism by the trading room moderator, she responded…”Wow, this guy is trying to be a cult-leader”. If you know how Lawyers think and talk, I was surprised that even she went so far as to call this guy a “cult-leader.” Lawyers are careful with words, this was a harsh rhetorical description.
Anyway, that’s it for today. Thanks for reading. Don’t forget to leave a comment below. And don’t send these verbally abusive knuckleheads a nickel without verifiable proof that they can trade. Anything less, in my opinion, is financial suicide. Buyer beware.