JBaker Analytics
Verified Trades
User Experience
JBaker Analytics is a live day trading room and day-trading software package that costs $2,999 and $300 per month. Unfortunately, there are no verifiable trading records for the live day trading room or the trading moderators. In fact, on several occasions we witnessed several trades that can only be described as “fantasy trades” where the moderator claims real trades, but simply could have never been executed. We asked for proof of these highly suspicious trades and were met with extreme hostility, bullying, vitriol and banishment. Yet another guru with absolutely zero proof of any prior trading success. Avoid.
User Review
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Thanks for reading today’s review of J Baker Analytics
What is J Baker Analytics? The company is a day trading educational company that offers a live day trading room, and an indicator/software package named I-Pro 360. The cost of the live day trading room is $300 per month and specializes in trading the Emini SP500 futures contract. The cost of the I-Pro 360 trading indicators costs a one-time fee of $2,999.
The company appears to be owned by an individual named Joe Baker. An exhaustive online search reveals that Joe Baker began selling trading educational products in about 2006. It appears that the earliest product that Joe Baker sold to the retail trading community was an auto trading software package, indicator package, and a live trading room named TradePilotPro.
The live day trading room is moderated by person named Moe Nault.
JBaker Analytics, I-Pro 360, and Trade Pilot Pro maintain the following social media profiles:
JBaker Analytics is also a frequent presenter on OnlineTraderCentral.com, which is a highly controversial pay-to-play trading webinars promotor.
No Track Record
A thorough review of JBaker Analytics, I-Pro 360, and Trade Pilot Pro reveals no individual trading performance records for either Joe Baker or Moe Nault. However, the YouTube videos do contain a large amount of pre-selected, post-market video recordings that highlight supposed winning trades. Unfortunately, there is no possible way to verify the authenticity of these trades, unless Joe Baker or Moe Nault release trading statements that correlate with these “promotional” videos.

Its Magic!
Beginning in June 2016, TradingSchools.Org contacted JBakerAnalytics and requested a formal track record of trades from either Joe Baker or Moe Nault. We were simply curious if either of these individuals have ever been able to trade successfully. Unfortunately, the company refused any sort of verification.
TradingSchools.Org also made several parallel attempts to verify the individual trading records by using several different aliases. The company responded by inviting the fictional users with a free, 5-day trial period of the live day trading room.
During the month of July, 2016, TradingSchools.Org recorded a full 5 days of the live trading room. At no time during the trial period did we see a live trading DOM present on the screen, nor any evidence of a live trading account. Instead, what we witnessed were verbal entries and exits. None of the entries or exits where exact. Rather, it can best be described as generalities.
On several instances, we witnessed trades that can only be described as “fantasy” trades. In other words, the price would quickly touch and then Moe Nault would shout into the microphone…”OK I AM LONG!” And then a few seconds later, he would shout, “TAKING PARTIAL PROFITS!” If the market continued in his predicted direction, he would once again shout, “OK TAKING SOME MORE PROFITS!” We found that these verbal shouts were highly suspicious. Why? Because he never say’s how many contracts he is trading, nor does he make clear where he is exciting. The best description would be a confusing mish-mash of word soup.
When questioned about these supposed trades, Moe Nault becomes highly aggressive and defensive. When asked plainly, Moe did you really take that trade? He would often go into a childish tirade and act shocked that anyone would possibly question his supposedly impeccable morality. In fact, if you question the individual trading performance of either Moe Nault or Joe Baker, then expect to be quickly barred from the live trading room.
Fortunately, we have multiple IP addresses located in various locations, and so re-entry into the live trading room was never a problem.
Cult Leader, Bully, Highly Insecure
One of the things that you must understand about the JBaker Analytics live trading room is that dissension will not be allowed. If you question anything, you will be ridiculed and publicly humiliated. In fact, on several occasions, we questioned the authenticity of the trades and were absolutely lambasted for not believing. In the public chat box, we kindly asked for some sort of proof that these trades were real…but were always met with extreme hostility. Need an example? The following video is a recent example of a trade that was supposedly called in the live trading room by Moe Nault. We didn’t believe that the trade occurred, and so we simply (and politely) asked if Moe was trading with a live trading account, his response can only be described as aggressive, from a highly insecure individual…
As you can see from the previous exchange, anyone questioning the authenticity of the trades called from of the “Dear Leader” is met with immediate insult, hostility, and group shaming. As if, how would anyone dare question the authenticity of a trading vendor. Everyone knows that trading vendors dont lie.
No proof of live trades
In my opinion, the most revealing aspect of this investigation where the email exchanges that TradingSchools.Org had with JBakerAnalytics.com.
Using an alias, we contacted JBakerAnalytics and professed our enthusiasm for the magical trading software. That we were ready to immediately send over nearly $3,000 for the live trading room and $1,200 for several months of the trading room education cost. But we just needed a single monthly trading statement that verified the results of the supposed live trades. JBakerAnalytics refused.
Is it really so much that these so-called, professional day traders provide proof that they actually trade? They are asking that we spend thousands of dollars for their magical trading software, the time investment of sitting in the live trading room, and the potential losses of trading their methods. They expect us to take all the risk, and they take absolutely no risk. They sit there, over the microphone, calling out fantasy trades and swearing to the Mother Mary that all trades are real, but yet they are unwilling to provide even the most miniscule proof of these supposed trading results. It sure sounds like a scam to me.
Wrapping Things Up
In my opinion, when purchasing a live trading room or trading indicators, the single most important variable is that the vendor has displayed some sort of prior success at trading with a live money account. Honestly, I don’t care if that success was on display many years ago. But show something. Show anything. Even a month of trading account statements that match the results of the live trading room would be remarkable and wonderful, but yet nearly 99.9% of live trading educators can show nothing. And in the case of JBakerAnalytics, they can show absolutely nothing. Instead, asking for proof is met with extreme hostility, anger, vitriol, and poor use of language.
Before I publish any of these trading reviews, I always forward a copy to my lawyer. And I ask, is this review fair? Did I go too far? Did I go far enough? What do you think of the video evidence? Surprisingly, after watching the multiple videos of shaming, profanity, and outright unprofessionalism by the trading room moderator, she responded…”Wow, this guy is trying to be a cult-leader”. If you know how Lawyers think and talk, I was surprised that even she went so far as to call this guy a “cult-leader.” Lawyers are careful with words, this was a harsh rhetorical description.
Anyway, that’s it for today. Thanks for reading. Don’t forget to leave a comment below. And don’t send these verbally abusive knuckleheads a nickel without verifiable proof that they can trade. Anything less, in my opinion, is financial suicide. Buyer beware.
Just an FYI, this review is NOT about Jasen Baker of B12 Trader. I’ve been having a few people get the two confused. =) Not all Baker’s are created equal.
Now I get why ts has these reviews of stock trading educators I’d never heard of. Because onlinetradercentral has their own nt-cesspool-like list and herd a lot of newb aspiring traders. I noticed Ms. Armo of the “stockSwoosh” is advertising making 20k a month in trading stock gaps, probably because warrior trading is gaining a lot of the newb monthly churn away from the other stock trading gurus with their 30k/month “results”. Maybe Netpicks/PTU is already on the to-review list. The moderator and the in-room plants also chewed me out for questioning the validity of their supposed past year results which was nothing really but a past spreadsheet graph of a supposed profit gain curve. They try to guilt you to feel like a bad person for even questioning in front of the rest of the audience as a tactic.
First, in my youthful days of trading (being nice to myself and not saying stupid days) I would take a trial to a room and had room moderators worst than this guy. When I would hear murky calls, I would call it out and ask them to show a DOM so we could see the trade live and then the next thing you get barated; they have a mic and you have a little text box to type in; and then I would get a messages that any more of that and I would be kicked out.
I think they teach this in Day Trading Room 101, How to run a Day Trading Room Scam.
But Emmett the part I really found funny about this article was where you wrote, “but yet nearly 99.9% of live trading educators can show nothing”. I have been saying that since day 1 and you said you were convinced there were legitimate day trading room operators. After reading all your reviews on top of my personal experience, I now up that number to 100%. I do not believe their are any legit day trading rooms. Just all con artist promising fantasy. Do you still believe you will find that Unicorn. Actual I think the odd of finding a real Unicorn are better.
Emmett, you have on many occasions stated you are reviewing a Day Trading Operator that is actually making a living day trading, yet you never post one. That speaks VOLUMES!!
I have zero doubt I will be dead before you find a Day Trading vendor that promises fantasy returns does the following:
1) Trade an actual Live account – Sim is meaningless and as said before if you do not trust your method why would anyone else,
2) Clearly show your DOM or Chart Trader for every trade taken,
3) Start Posting a Real Track Record Updating it Every Single Day,
a. Post accurate record of your trades showing entries, exits and P/L,
b. Post Brokerage Statement Proving their entries and exits.
4) Open up the Brokerage Account Live in front of people every day showing there is no trickery, and
5) Members must be able to achieve the same or close to the same results, so there is no pump and dump BS going on,
6) All members will be allowed to opening chat and no one will be banned for pointing out that they are not doing any of the promises mentioned above.
I challenge you to proof me wrong.
Good point about 99.9% looking more like 100% shams. After all these reviews on TS, most all of them have tinge of shadiness. Whether it’s the well reviewed vendors who can’t make a living from trading even with provable break-even only results, or total shams who get away without even having to use a sim account like WT and this review with “cult” kool-aid reinforcement tactics or extensive misdirection and marketing. I think Emmett has some great words for any new aspiring trader in the “On a Personal Note” part of the Steve Nison review. “What are my patterns? Not a chance I would ever reveal my core patterns and strategies. That would be financial suicide.” A sham vendor who could make 10k a day after losses would never need to mock up a trading room or trading product. They would be trading for themselves or run a private fund. Even if a vendor had prior success the more they got involved in a sham business instead of the tough business of actual trading day to day, they often would “teach” or sell trading products that don’t work or used to work. An example is the thousands of forex EA’s and systems for MT4 leftover after a decade of fad now sold at heavy “discounts”.
LOL, that was funny. I’m sure if he had a ‘George’ in there everyday he would blow a gasket.
Baker’s unprofessionalism and hostility is a stark contrast to Al Brooks’ deep-bass smooth-operator fatherly voice of professionalism and intimacy yet both achieve the same goal of cult-leader status.
Jesus Pete, we get it, you have a problem with Al Brooks, but enough with the spams
Pete, we have all been ripped off by these scum bags. Yes I too bought Al’s video course in my youthful days, when I thought these Day Trading Operators were legit. I also blame BMT, giving these scam artist a place to do videos and push their scam without even vetting them. Yes I realize Ninja Trader and other sites are worst, but BMT bans vendors and etc., so I thought they were more up front and honest. But time to let that go and realize the reality of trading over the fantasy.
Fine point about bmt. The vendors who don’t get banned agree to spam and sponsor the bmt way. The ones that get banned either don’t work well with bmt, or overdo their posting bs for attention and can’t hide their simming tricks well enough like that scolding-room scam with sim results, JaguarEd. I’ve noted TS has covered MarketDelta, TopStepTrader, and KJ, which have had past extensive presence on bmt. However, other big “esteemed” bmt dwellers haven’t had their TS review day yet, namely ft71, Jigsaw, NoBSDaytrading, and AlBrooks.
You mention other big “esteemed” FIO dwellers that have not had their TS review day yet.
You will know from my previous posts that I am a fierce critic of any vendor/trader whom is selling a system, selling an indicator, promoting profitability or running a trading room that can’t provide a shred of evidence supporting LIVE trading and/or can’t prove an ounce of profitability.
But you have to draw the line somewhere.
FT71 – I have spoken with Morad. I can vouch that he is a genuine full time trader. Have I seen his broker statements? No, I have not.
He doesn’t appear to be selling anything per se, although I have no proof the profits from his webinars are donated to charity. From my dealings with him however and having dealt with a lot of bullshit over the years, FT71 is genuine day trader.
$160.00 for his 4 webinars on Volume Profiling is probably the best education on volume profile you will get. Don’t kid yourself, volume is all that matters in the market.
FT71 is not selling a method nor is he selling an indicator. Trading from volume profile is also not a system. So what is FT71 doing then?
He is promoting an approach to the market that he has found to be successful. It would be very difficult for Emmett to review this ‘success’ because volume profile is not a traffic light system. It takes a lot of dedication to truly understand volume profile. It isn’t something you can grasp overnight and it isn’t for everyone. You need to know how and when to implement it.
How do I know that this approach has plausibility? Because that is my approach too. FT71 is just better at it than I am!
At the end of the day, I don’t believe FT71 is promoting profitability or guaranteed success. If he was, I would not have written the above.
Jigsaw Trading – I don’t believe Jigsaw are promoting profitability or an edge with any claims. I believe they are just selling tools to diagnose the market in another way. I have the Jigsaw product and I’ll be honest with you, I have a very hard time trading using just order flow or heat map to identify trade locations. It just doesn’t work for me.
This way of trading will fall in to the circle of ambiguity because once auctioning in an area has been completed, order flow is very difficult to post diagnose ‘success’, unless you video record the session and analyse frame by frame. The heat map does allow some form of ‘footprint’ to be stored and it can identify areas of interest, but it certainly doesn’t layout entries and exits for you.
If Jigsaw are claiming or advertising that their product will bring you trading success, I will review it on behalf of Emmett as I have the product. It didn’t work for me but I can dissect it again if required.
NoBSDayTrading – You won’t get any proof he trades live. None. Is he a fraud? I doubt it. I think his credentials match up as an ex pit trader, but don’t quote me on that.
Al Brooks – Oh Saint Al. You can see my comments about Saint Al as I respond to Pete under the Day Trading University review.
I know a couple of guys who swear by Ft71 and think he is the god given gift to traders. Now to their credit they are profitable nearly every day.
You can hear them spout Ft71’s analysis as if it is gospel. These guys drink the Ft71 kool-aid and that is my biggest
They see the market only through his jaded eyes and they don’t use their own brains and thinking process.
You try and get them to open their blinders and they refuse. But they are happy and profitable- so who am I to bitch.
I have viewed a few of his videos on BMT and the method he uses to perform backtested analystics and spreadsheet
analysis is decent and probably a good start to developing
a method.
Personally his method is not for me- but for those that want to follow a cult- I guess there are worse.
Anything Big Mike promotes I find highly suspect.
I have Jigsaw as well- Bring out the cameras and I will load
those tools because they really make me look cool and feel
like I know something haha.
I hear you about ft71 @WinterIsComing and @CrookedHillary. I took a look at VP and had tried ft71’s initial videos and Dalton’s book but ended up not using vp except for a dynamic vpoc. I’m just curious what Emmett thinks if he reviews the rest of the bmt vendors. Who knows, maybe ft71 could end up having as good a review as KJ systems. I agree about Jigsaw. I had it for a short while, and it looked fancy enough too.
Al Brooks’ sense of entitlement allows him to use his race, class, and gender to gain the trust and exploit traders. Al is respected as a highly profitable day trader without showing any evidence of day trading profitability, it’s unbelievable that so few have spoken out against Al Brooks since 2008, hopefully that all changes once the review comes out.
Really! There’s a review coming out about Al Brooks? Judging by the comments I thought the last 4 reviews were about Al Brooks. Pete, enough already.
No, why can’t you write anything constructive? The criticisms are abstract and apply to many scammers.
No, your criticism are specific to Al Brooks. They are not abstract or generic they are specifically about Al Brooks. They are now so prolific that they are not aiding the discussion about the trading vendors who are being reviewed, they are a distraction.
To refer to Al Brooks in contrast to a Calhoun or a Baker does not mean that the general points made cannot be abstracted to apply to a broad group of trading educator, therefore my observations can be extrapolated into abstract criticisms of traits many trading vendors share.
If that were true there would be no need to mention Al Brooks in every one of your posts. Give it a rest.
The lawyer’s observation of “trying to be a cult leader” is weak, intellectually speaking.The abstract trails of narcissism and sociopathy are always comorbid in cult leaders. Trading charlatans like Al Brooks and J. Baker don’t try to be cult leaders as much as their general narcissism and sociopathy is manifested with repeated behavior patterns which share many abstract similarities with the personalities and behaviors of cult leaders.
I can see Al Brooks using the “im not certified” to show my trading results..or he says people will mimic his trades and if they lose they will blame him..blah..blah..blah
Al is probobly one of the greatest hindsight bs gurus out there. I also feel ripped off not so much spending money on his crap as much as wasting so much time i could have spent with my family.
So these guys like Al also destroy peoples lives with their bs and should be held accountable or at least Exposed!
Unleash the Stray Dog
I’ve done what I can to bring the discussion back to the vendor who is actually being reviewed but it’s like talking to an alcoholic about his drinking problem. All I can do now is hide the car keys and send the kids to stay with friends. Woof Woof.
Holy crap Pete. I was wrong to think that your posts had nothing to do with the vendor being reviewed. Look what I’ve discovered about J Baker Analytics I Pro 360. Take the A and the l from Analytics and you get “Al.” Take the B and the r from Baker, the o from Pro and make the 0 an o from 360, then the k from Baker and finally the s from Analytics and you’ve got Brooks. My god! J Baker Analytics is really Al Brooks. Hold on to your hat because I’m about to blow your mind wide open. Look at Ross Cameron’s latest video. Get a picture of Al Brooks and hold it up beside the image of Ross Cameron. Take away Cameron’s “compensating for a receding hairline” beard and tell me that Al Brooks is not Ross Cameron’s father.
Are you denying that narcissitic and sociopathic scammers share many common pathologies and personality traits and exploits?
I love it when someone uses the English language in a creative way. I think you could be the next the next host of Jeopardy.