I have been a member of delta trading group for 31 months . I have only one COMPLANT. There are a lot of cheep shots taken at Delta trading group. I am very happy with the group, Because I have made money . I trade 2 to 4 hours a day . 4 days a week .
After my 7th month I average $937 a day in profit the days I trade.
Bob Amico of TargetsTradingPro – the biggest heap of lies, smoke and mirrors, and complete BS out there. No tracking of results – all SIM – claims it’s live. No risk control whatsoever, swings from up 750 to down -3000, no stops, continually blowing out accounts. Claims $6k order flow course will make you profitable….lol…um, ok. NO ONE in room has shown actual results. Have spoke with at least 20 former members who lost over $10k each following his trades. He needs to be called out. Now he’s pushing his ridiculous moving average BOT which has no live or sim results, just more BS, and now claims to be using it for combines. Buyer beware!! He’s simply milking the cow dry (new traders) who are snowed over by the BS. Please review his room and put a stop to this utter con job. Attached is just ONE Of the crap marketing pieces he puts out there.
Good someone else is mentioning this scam artist Amico again (not forgetting his $10-$30 million restitution order for a prior mortgage scam) He was actually promising to clean up on the old Simon Jousef’s GTR comments here –> (https://www.tradingschools.org/reviews/global-trade-room/) years ago when GTR collapsed where he was the shamroom host, then he started off another shamshow , then split off with his collaborator, Sandy Seaghall, to do “VeritasFuturesTrading” which I assume you’re referring to ,and of course the lousy sham bot. Now with your confirmation of more untold victimizing of more dupes damage of Amico’s “second fart in the wind”(a tradingschools saying, haha) re-emerged whack-a-mole shamshow scam for further more of the past six years after he was exposed here, that tradingschools should have followed up on with an exposing review on his “VeritasFuturesTrading” and sham-bot.
ohmigosh, even a hundred shilled and fake “5-star” reviews on “Trustpilot” for Amico’s TargetsTradingPro. (https://www.trustpilot.com/review/targettradingacademy.com?page=5) Even now using this part of the sham marketing playbook of the “Warrior Trading”‘s Scameron. Outrageous swindling BS indeed.
Darn it. Screwed up. (https://www.trustpilot.com/review/targettradingacademy.com?page=5) is actually about “Target Trading Academy” not Amico’s “Target Trading Pro” bot site. Still a bunch of too many too good to believe “testimonial” reviews on Trustpilot for whatever this “TargetTradingAcademy” is. So many of these “trading educational” and “academies” shamshow schools abound, for the monthly churn of newbs. It never ends. Far past the whack-a-mole exposing efforts of TS.
lol, here’s another one for a next site to peruse queue, Emmett. http://www.theastronacci.com . Maybe fun to see, where recalled that tradingschools has been “equal opportunity” exposing of shamshows and internationally! like the pst “infinite prosperity”(now defunct it looks like), and Raynard Teo, and other representation segments of America like “tradeforjesus”, the Certus guy (lol), and I vaguely recall some indian guru of daytrading exposed, taking advantage of newcomer immigrants. Though I wonder why Arambide of “The Daytrading Academy” in Brazil was never exposed or investigated by tradingschools – and they had some affiliate ties with daytradetowin.
And hi Nadina, maybe if you hadn’t heard, a heads up on Amico, who seems to have gotten away with more again, now someone figure out he used his ill gotten gains from “veritasfuturestrading” and the associated losing bot sold to dupes. On futures.io : (https://futures.io/trading-reviews-vendors/42854-veritasfuturestrading-com-looks-great-12.html#post847815) and another shamshow site disgustingly charging “$199” a month: (https://alphatradesystems.com/order-flow-pro/).
Wish the old GTR comments weren’t so buried, where he fibbed so much to improve, but just continued the cess shamshow shenanigans in the end. And that red baseball cap sewer basement video slamming tradingchools for GTR, no longer on yt, but that was a hoot back then.
TeamBullTrading , does all kinds of marketing on TikTok and quite a few people who payed for their alerts said they call out 20 plays a day and basically 1 works and then they market like orangutans about it
i didnt recieve any comment on rather this is the place to post when you have found a good mentor or group to trade with so i am just going to place it here, ok my back ground , started trading in2018 (end of) triid to pick up everything i could find for free , did some subscriptions to a couple bascis 69$ trading groups basical didnt get hit hard untill i got in with the ragingbull group. 1st was jasons program then i tried the biotech breakouts , then tried the pennypro progran then went back to the biotech but upgraded into the black ops program which had a 3000$ tag on it.. out of all of them i learned probably the most in the black ops, wait almost forgot dave lucas i actully liked him he would to to you and asnswer questions, oh and portfolio insiders that was another 3000 (i did get most of my money back from both groups)but thats not what this is about. ive been searching for someone to learn from since 2018 and it seems like all anyone wants to do is sell you all the programs they can and at a hefty price,, its Bs, i gave up on that and just tried to figure it out and by luck. i ran into a guy on a free platform who was giving out free leads on momentum stocks, in the moment notthis or that tommorow but right now this is what i see and this is what i am going to do . i started following him amnd i started making money. he had idk how many k (of people) following, him, and he didnt have one person that he was followed.afer a while he said something about maybe doing a youbub video so we could see what he was doing and how he traded . we bugged him for a while about it and he decided to run a discord group for us, i think i was the 7th person theres now 160 i think this was august 26th was my first trade with him ,he does momentum stocks and shorting thats it , its a 5k to 25k challange but but you can have more or less but 2500k min for the broker to trade,he does small account trades and larger account trades the small are alway shorting, and hes good at what he does i think there has been 3 or so trades maybe that just didnt work out for the small accounts ( dont quote me for posative) my first trade was august 26th and i have a 5000 account and a 3000 account im up 3500, id be up more but i trarted doing what i wanted insead of listening to him and it cost me about 1200 and i was pulling money out for bills. i was making per trade between 100 and 700, made 1200 in 2 trades one day, and yesterday i made 500 but i took 3 trades,
He goes by TWOWS he gives out free calls on stockwit, if you want to check him out. the service is called TWOWS alerts — (twowsalerts21@gmail.com).(thats his contact info)its a one time fee of $500 and if you dont make your money back in the first week he will refund it if you want, i made mine back in the first week
AND yes he will give anyone who referrs someone a hundered $ of the 500$i told him any one who uses my name give them 50$ and ill take the other 50 ( split it with you), i guess you could say he does a follow me process , ive attatched a copie of yesterdays small account trades so you can see how it works usually there is plenty of notification before he enters and adds to trades ( sh.. happens sometimes) he starts at 1am pacific time (my time)(hes in NY) first small account trade is usually at 4am( cant get shorts till then ) but there doing momentum trades..you can talk ask question while trading
check out the attatchments and i caught some talk this morning as i was writing this up…. remember yesterday was the day that trumps company to fight sociol media or what ever merged something like that well it went from 10 to 50 or some sh…like that.
hey like i was saying i got gouged pretty good by rageing bull and i wouldnt put this stuff out for you if i didnt believe in it and have had the results that i have had , im not afraid to show my statements or account, oh i almost forgot Frye is my discord tag if you want the discount, no he doesnt do a free week or anything like that, but but then again who the heck do you know that if you dont make your money back in a week you can get a refund???? thats nuts you cant work people over and have a policy like that.ill attatch my account trades also for you guys
(website in the making)
not sure if it attatched
I always have a red flag whenever someone is using the moniker of The Wolf of Wall Street. One of the reasons why I created this website was to counter people like Jordan Belfort so that investors would not idolize him. What he did, and what I did during those years is NOTHING to be proud of. Ripping off consumers for millions of dollars is not an investment strategy.
With that being said, there are a few guys out there that I like: Kevin Davey (systematic trader), David Jaffee (options seller), Dean Jenkins (technical trader), to name a few. Yes, they sell stuff. But it is quality.
For me, I prefer systematic, automated trading because I like science. And I like removing my emotions from the equation.
It looks like your attachment did not happen, I will get that fixed, please reattach when you can.
so with a red flag what does that do, i dont think that this guy is referring to himself in that manner, it would be cool if you could look into this person , i believe that he would get a good review , i believe that you see dont see this very often , what he is doing as far as the intent for the program, i have been thru the ringer with raging bull and others and i am now making real money with this person. it may benifit the people looking for a good trading program and as i mentioned he will give you a refund if you dont make your money back in the first week of his serves, (if you want)
tring to reattatch my accout profits and copy of the example of how a trade works on the site( info@twowsalertsemail.biz) sorry i gave the wrong email adress earlier( notsure if it will allow me to do more than one attachment so i will do acouple posts
heck ya i do , i dont come on here very often .im glad i did now . i would be more than willing to steam it to you for free to check out what is happening, we short mostly and we start at 1am my time (west coast)wsfrye6@gmail.com . you might have to send more than 1 email so i can catch it if your interested, i just wrote up a thing trying to get Emmett to do a review of the group
Do review on Will Meade, Zack Morris atlas group, and Smartertrader – all big on twitter. First two pump and dump on a daily. Have become huge over last year.
Smartertrade I ran across on a twitter spaces the other day with over a thousand viewers and people were eating up all the shit he was spitting out. When someone asked him how he prices option premium he claimed he has a millions dollar pricing model program that no one can compete.
I’ve heard you’ve reviewed Vinny, creator of AlgoBox, before. Please allow me to throw in a vote for a finalized review.
I was a Gold member and Vinny recently took my license away because I said something he disagreed with regarding volume and price prediction. All told, I paid him a few thousand dollars, was promised a 43″ monitor that I never received, had my license for AlgoBox taken away, then Vinny sent additional payment requests through PayPal, after he told me to “Have a nice life.”
I was going to drop it, just having my license stripped, but sending payment requests AFTER taking my license is worthy of some public attention, in my opinion.
And none of this is to say AlgoBox is bad. I’m sure folks can be successful with it (Vinny’s videos of simulation trades excluded). I bring this up only to warn customers that Vinny is a thief, when he wants to be, and he is very volatile.
Vinny is probably one of the most unstable people on fintwit. I truly believe he has some sort of mental disorder. I spent some time in his Discord and he behaves like a complete psychopath. He casually screams at members who don’t comment or like his YouTube videos and bullies anyone who disagrees with him on anything. All while posting bible stuff all day long. He also demands that any member who posts a profit screenshot hide the fact that they are sim trading (as Vinny probably does too). I left his Discord long ago but I was genuinely concerned about his mental wellbeing.
When I first saw the side of him that gleefully threatens his paying members, I knew my time was going to be short. I even used to voluntarily like and comment on his videos. When I saw the tyrant, I was done.
I even once was helping another member with one of Vinny’s #strategies. Vinny had forgotten about the strategy and thought I was trying to teach something of my own. In a moment, he threatened to ban me. I had to calmly point him to his own #strat channel from which I was directly teaching, and he still never apologized. This is even after a phone conversation where we shared our faith, shared our love of family, he learned I had five kids, and more. It was all instantly irrelevant to him.
Hello, Have you ever reviewed “The Intentional Trader” also known as “Second Brain Trading”? He seems like a very straight forward and honest person that has had a course for over 10 years now.
Long time self-shilling poster on big Mike’s/futures.io back when bm had more shamshow vendors posting like Felton, to make the site look more ‘legit’, plus the related partcipating sponsor shams like Jigsaw and Ninja-ecocesspool. His avatar pic on bm’s for a long time, was some brit-looking silhouette walking with an umbrella, when actually Jigsaw sham guy looks and sounds like a british chap who could be taking a rainy walk in the park with the umbrella. A review thread here: (https://futures.io/trading-reviews-vendors/13151-intentional-trader-tony-peterson-www-theintentionaltrader-com-5.html) . So you can make of it what you will from the comments there.
Please do a report on Matthew R. Kratter. He claims to be a “stock expert” on Amazon yet his hedge fund, which he ran personally, made a NEGATIVE 14% return in the 3 years it was open. Here is the proof of his returns: http://www.filedropper.com/kratter-returns
I saw that it all goes back to “trader.university”.com , and saw your other comment about his hedge fund performance. What a farce of another “university” shamshow. Not even a free list of momentum stocks. One has to pay $125/month, or $1250 a year for any access to anything, typical shamshow fees. Why hasn’t Emmett already reviewed this? haha, I guess it’s because the shamshow couldn’t get the domain traderuniversity.com instead of having to do traderDOTuniversitycom so a lot of newbs could “miss” it anyways, thankfully so. And yeah, bitcoin this and that. The shamshow education not working, still losing for newbs? well, there’s bitcoin trading education to “fall back on” as bitcoin is more of a “sure thing” as these shamshows use as new bait. same as reddit fad pushing bitcoin on teens and young twerps exposed to the bitcoin and the gme/wsb trading fad, fooled into thinking it’s an alternative to college in their early lives, disgusting how this bitcoin malarky (and sham Aziz) is hyped so much on reddit.
Oh, Kavan Klein. That was a good one. I forgot about that guy! What a character.
Yes, his review was removed. Why?
Around 2018, I got a call from Kavan and he came clean — on everything. We had a good laugh on the phone about all the ridiculous nonsense in the business of “trading education.” He said he was going back into real estate sales and that whenever anyone googled his name, the negative review popped up. This was affecting his ability to earn a living in real estate. And so I removed the article and wished Kavan the best of luck selling property in Houston.
Also, he pulled his website down and is no longer selling a trading product or service. You can reach him via Twitter to confirm that 1) he is no longer in this business and 2) he never paid anything to have his article removed.
lol. a ‘good’ ending for that shamshow Kavan. That’s what I wish would happen with Bond where he should go back with his toothy grin to being a p.e. teacher, before he started his scammy sites since the early 2010’s, and ragingbull defunct for good. Enough damage already.
Well, I have to give Kavan some credit…he came clean and flat admitted the hypothetical performance was bunk. At some point, he had a moral epiphany and couldn’t look at himself in the mirror any longer, at least this is how he described it.
I hope he is killing it in Houston selling real estate.
Do a review on https://smartertrading411.com ? Has over 3,000+ paying subscribers who pay atleast $200 a month for his private twitter and even more for his chat room.. His twitter @smartertrader is known for posting hundreds of thousands of dollar options gains but not a single loser. One of the cockiest people on twitter, but no one has called him out or done a review on this guy.
Here another one of these option guy scam artists on twitter. Goes by @HulkCapital , website hulkcapital.com.
Both him and Sam from smartertrader need a review on this site. I’ll warn you as soon as you ask any of these guys for a brokerage statement, you’ll get a quick block. Heard HulkCapital dont even trade.
“sitejabber” seems to be the new “forexpeacearmy” of victims calling out scams with the review message pages. Seems to be more trustworthy than “trustpilot” where real complaints aren’t deleted or bribed off by the scammer like ripoffreport is now, that is until the scammer tries to counter the balance of review posts with his faked ones on the review page. But then again forexpeacearmy always had this same problem.
SiteJabber is another “reputation management” company masquerading as a consumer review website.
Essentially, it’s a pay-to-play scheme, or rather a “pay to remove” negative reviews scheme.
The problem with these sorts of businesses is that when you pay a company like SiteJabber for the ability to remove a negative review, then you can always expect that new negative reviews will eventually appear. That’s the devil’s bargain, in that once you are addicted to their product, you cannot leave because “mysterious” negative reviews will start popping up.
Once these review sites get you paying, you can never escape.
Your review of “algorithmictrading.net” is dated 2015, and has generally favorable reviews. The BBB rating is still 4.6/5. However, the first five or so reviews on the BBB website say they have lost (a total of) about $150,000 or so from August 2020 to March, 2021. The review needs some updating!
Also thanks for the heads-up on pricing.
Hi EMMETT,Keep up the great work and God Bless you my friend.Emmett what do you know of PLATINUM TRADES(click on their site and you get)-THE MONEY PIT stock subscription service for $60 dollars a month?They claim over 74 days of overnight swing trading and a 9 out of 10 call winners.They claim they are the most successful and profitable alert service anywhere(I have been following EasyMoney@Platinum Trades on Stock twits and you will see everything I wrote above).Can you email me Emmett and let me know please.Emmett keep up the Great Immense Work you do to protect the public from fraudsters.Your a good man sir,”Salt Of The Earth”.Take Care and Thank You Emmett..Michael
You need to start investigating these TikTok clowns and their paid Discord’s.
Nothing but hustlers. There are at least 5-10 main characters involved in each and many have other rooms that they collaborate. Idea is to pump as many sheep into the landing room where the shills all claim great success from the trades called in the PREMIUM room. This goes on in infancy . Once they join the premium , its all nothing but a jerk fest .. between 7-8 am someone will make a very general statement , HYE watch these stocks today .. 1 will go nuts , they will all claim to get it . And then make 10 video posts on the app about it . Then the typical TrustPilot type bots will fill the comments with how great everyone did .. It’s really is amazing …
Take at look at this sleaze machine ….
Ernie Veritimos is definitely not a scammer. I spoke with Earnie and he sent me account statements several months ago. Although I never got around to actually writing a positive review, which I need to do.
Earnie does have a public blemish from several years ago, but I believe he learned a lot about himself, and how to avoid a bad situation.
MBA (My Bitcoin Academy) from Australia. They often teach basic price action for $180+ monthly fee which is information you can find anywhere. They appear to be becoming huge.
Facebook posts from people appear as if a kid is talking. “Crypto Calls Australia” page
They give members the opportunity to recruit new members, often which is done with Facebook posts on groups such as “I’m offering to go over any charts you like, we could set up a call” “I’ve been using a great course, PM me if you want more details”
Would be worth seeing if any of them can provide statements where they actually trade in any markets, with stop loss and profit target in place and see how it stacks up
Word on the street is that a certain fella found civilly liable of securities fraud in 2007 is planning to take his outfit public. Probably a very good reason why his company’s LinkedIn page has been stripped of anything but the template…
Agora, what a band of cockroaches. After their FTC fiasco, they split up the company into a dozen new “cockroach academies” where they are pumping out a new generation of hybrid cockroaches.
Am currently writing a quaint tale of one of their latest promotions…boy is this dude a cockroach…stay tuned.
Agora has perfected to “independent spin-off LLC” corporate structuring scheme, where they can pretend that each unit is independently managed, so liability does not extend to the holding company. This time, however, that seems to have not completely worked out, as the holding company of the holding company that is holding the holding company under which all the other 80 companies exist, Monument & Cathedral LLC (named after the intersection of streets where the HQ is located) is a “stipulating party” to the FTC order.
The FTC’s terms make Agora-style copywriting almost impossible now, it will be a complete reset to the 1990’s, when Agora was an actual publishing company.
Good mention of these shamshows’ “spin-off LLC”s or their subdividing into organizational dummy crony divisions or subsidiaries even if often just on paper. And to help obfuscate or stay under the radar of investigatory regulators. It seems to have been a long-time used shell-gaming trick by some of the bigger scam organizations, or course not just this clownish snakeoiler traducational cesspool industry, but in general of financial frauds. Busby’s DTI and of Sykes’ empire are others.
Which reminds yet again, hoping for a review someday, Emmett, of The Daytrading Academy of our favorite Brazilian shamshow clown, Marcello Arambide. I’d mentioned before some former duped client of DTA reported finding wording in the small print of the site page indicating the possibility of DTA actually being a subsidiary offshoot , maybe a Brazilian expansion venture of DayTradeToWin and JohnPaul, already reviewed here (https://www.tradingschools.org/?s=daytradetowin). So no wonder, I recall Marcello’s original “coming out as a guru” videos like he was showing off sipping a drink at some resort site overlooking Rio and then later showing his trading laptop in his bedroom where his mom, presumably, (who looked like a cleaning lady) accidentally got in view of the video. That his sham later became a bigger group with a “team” of trading coaches/experts, with a showcased office trading room in a bigger building in videos, and selling 2k “intro” hotdog learning packages seemed unnaturally expanding fast similar to how Syke’s empire grew from his initial apartment in that old “Wall St. Warriors” docu series. So probably some other money or organization or established shamshow behind or supporting significantly, these “rising” trading guru organizations where they put on a show of “quickly” getting-rich, with the usual trader-*orn pics and videos of “traveling around the world”, vacationing, etc.
Sykes used to run his own show and was stridently anti-Stansberry. That didn’t keep him from joining up with Agora Financial a few years ago… so his business, too, now is reporting to the FTC for the next 20 years.
For those uninitiated: The Agora (formerly Agora, Inc., now apparently Monument & Cathedral, LLC) owns both Stansberry, Agora Financial, Oxford Club, Money Map Press, each of which are nominally independent companies, each with a figurehead independent manager. The business model is almost perfect. To milk even their own subsidiaries beyond pass-thru net profits, one LLC, 14West, charges each subsidiary for marketing, IT, accounting, HR services etc., while a bunch of satellite LLCs owned mainly by the principals in various constellations owns the properties and garages/lots used by the employees and subsidiaries. Imagine a web of conveyor belts fed by millions of dollars each week, where the spider at the center of the web gorges not only on what drops directly into its mouth, but on every bit and crumb that falls off the belts in the course of doing business…
They will pay no more than Simon Jousef (Global Trade Room rebranded The Trader Institute) paid anyone – fine or restitution. Similar looking Court Order. No victim has been paid as yet. No meaning to these settlements till the prison threat comes in. So long as they are perceived by law as civil when really they are criminal.
By order, Agora had to put the money in escrow and must hire a claims administrator reporting to the FTC overseeing the refunds. What’s not used for refunds goes into the Treasury. I don’t think the refunds will be large, given that the products that were fraudulently sold were typically around or less than $100/buyer. But Agora has the assets to do so and not all defrauded customers will file a claim — Uncle Sam is rubbing his hands in gluttonous expectation.
As a medical person living is in UK, I know little of law never mind US law. Why the hell has Simon Jousef also not had to put the money “in escrow”?
Anyhow – another great victory! For the victims and hence all of us on the right side. Congratulations to everyone who did not take it lying down but stood up to them. Way to go. Hopefully you will get something back. No grudge, I am happy for you.
And again – in general – thanks to Emmett. Most of these victories would never have happened had he not united us here. Ex-felon he may be but I swear I would be his character witness. Talk about rehabilitation! He saved more money to potential fraud victims then he defrauded in his time. There never was a felon who paid his debt to society so truly. 🙂
And not forgetting Emmett’s secret ingredient – Susy. Most of what he does probably could not have been achieved without her.
I wound up getting scammed by a DIFFERENT “Ace” than the one you exposed on your site. This guy goes by “ACE” but his twitter handle is @super1nyc. He used the same handle on stocktwits until they finally booted him off. After realizing his slack chat room was a total scam, I asked for a refund and he just booted me off. However, it turns out I was able to connect with about a dozen or so other victims and we were able to dig deep and find out the scammer’s identity (something which he went to great lengths to hide). Michael J Witt from Maspeth, NY. He also uses the email acecalls@outlook.com. BEWARE!
I’ve signed up for the free trading session from the S&P 500 Futures Trading Group (formally The Delta Trading Group it looks like) and read your review here: https://www.tradingschools.org/reviews/delta-trading-group/
Which looks pretty bad. This was written in 2015, but I assume it’s the same deal? BTW – they tell you to watch an intro video before your session, which I have here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERXClQ8g1HE
The guy says they log each trade so it can be verified, which your article from 2015 says they didn’t do. So has it changed? I have also read it costs 10k upfront and $600 per month, which immediately I won’t do. If this is true, what really irks me is the radio broadcast that brought me to the group. Never mentioned anything about a price, yet they LITERALLY said that other trading groups will charge you absorbent prices. (They even said “thousands of dollars”) If the 10k is true, the radio broadcast outright lied. The radio broadcast also says, they win 9 out of 10 trades if you follow the program, yet this video says 60/40 split. I guess I can take the free session and tell you how it goes….
I was somewhat assured that I saw trades actually happen on the Delta Trading Group site. I also noted that some of the time the trades were just simulations and not actual trades. But the concept of the 4/3 risk management and the trend, retracement, cloudy stop, and headroom all seem to be reasonable. I visited the site more than 10 times and saw various instructors and quite a few individuals commenting about their trades. Also ran an excel spreadsheet with a random (heads (zero) or tails (one)) and then another random number between 37 to 63 based on the time head or tails would show up – and in 100 trades always came out in the positive. So what am I not understanding about this concept. I fully understand that I will not gain in trades all the time and that I will loose from time to time.
Hi – I’m trying to figure out how to see all the comments on these blog posts. I used to be able to see all of them but I can’t see any of them anymore
Have you heard or seen services that follow 13f filings with the SEC? So far I’ve just seen a lot of headlines and clickbait. Is this a strategy that could work? I see how the theory is attractive but it seems like The information gathered would not be complete enough to be relevant.
This is an amazing service you are doing.
Whitney Tilson Empire Market watch is a huge scam. It’s a bait and lure tactic with a rabbit hole. Sign up for all the bells and whistles then once subscribed there are minor useless bits of info but if you subscribe to the other features or folks who’ve joined Whitney and his tactics he’ll rob you as bad these other low life’s. Fortunately I got my money back.
Beat the Market by Darron Hatch Has surfaced as a former Wall Street employee. Claims to make over 16- 20% average on trades. But joined his training and see it’s more like 3-4%. Not enough to cover expenses for orders nor does he do his research thoroughly.
Danny Devan of Ace Ventures. Using typical funneling scheme to corral noobs into a Discord , posts what are suppose to be trades in the chat, claims great victories, and of course posts the typical occasional loss to prove he’s legit.
Appears a classic funnel , give away all these trade secrets , post crazy results , and typical plants in the room who follow along and make big money a happy to cheer him on.
He may be legit, but seen this all too many times, and they never end well or have good intentions ..
Emmit this one is Global Trade Room all over again , just join the discord anonymously and you will quickly see the circus , the up selling , and hocking of everything from courses, to indicators, to websites claiming to track Dark Pool bullshit . It’s really amazing as I feel like I am seeing it first hand as it builds into a gigantic cesspool. It’s really awesome .
This rathole continues to get more sleazy by the day ..
Who knows, maybe the money is being donated, but I’m not buying it ..
Sorry for live crashing everyone, TikTok is acting strange! But we went over all the important points 🎯 As I was saying from the course proceeds, today we have just donated thousands of dollars to multiple organizations. First to the Lebanon Red Cross to help them in their efforts with the tragedy that occurred. Next we have hired a team to donate care kits to more than 500 struggling families during this time that contain essential needs! ❤️ But it doesn’t end there… Next we’ll be focusing on purchasing supplies to help low income community education programs when schools start in the fall. 📚 We’re also deciding between getting dog beds, treats and food to donate to shelters ourselves. Another option is donating to overnight fosters because during COVID, the shelters are over populated. 🐶 We will continue to donate to multiple programs and organizations, to help everyone around the world. If you have any suggestions or programs you want us to donate to. Please email me philanthropy@dannydevan.com This group was made to be a community to help others during this time to make an extra income source. The course was purposely made to be affordable and to not only help you, but everyone in the world. ❤️ @everyone https://investing-by-devan.teachable.com
Just when you thought it cant get even more ridiculous …
I remember another guy who used to send out these emails about all the ticks they made.. Thats didn’t end well either ..
Well what is your verdict?
I went to the site…
I found it on the up and up. Helping younger people learn the basics. He has constantly told everyone that his course can be found on his you tube channel for free. Seems like many people didn’t give the kid a fair shake.
Whole back story being told is fabricated and lies.
His course is copied material, the so called vetted traders are all from other trade rooms that have been shutdown.
Google Search “Ace Ventures Fraud” … He’s just a front man for a larger funnel scheme from everything from real estate to venture capital .
You are obviously someone connected because you’d have no other reason to comment otherwise .
Most of us who have contributed to this site for many years can sniff out a shill .
Make sure you tell your boy, the SEC had several complaints filed about the pump & dump in those Tesla options for battery day (Sept 495/500). Remember those that had zero open interest 3 weeks prior and were pumped up to the day before and they increased 200% higher then options severely IN THE Money like the 420/425 call options.. 50K people in a discord can inflate options prices enough so the people who front run, would make out pretty good .. It was also done on a bunch of other ridiculously Out of The Money options, and was documented and submitted. Also noticed your boy not posting those ridiculously OTM option trades anymore.. Wonder why ?
Having shill plants in the room already signifies blatant fraud to me. I can’t see it anymore than outright disgusting fakery and disrespectful tomfoolery such as sending a pic of a fake wharton phd degree ala Rightline’s pill pusher and plastic mutilator quackdoc. Kind of like fake shilled star reviews on amazon or whatever, but it feels worse with actors or the host himself pretending to be a “fellow” room member “student” or alternatively a “veteran” “successful” student. One time in my early journey I was in a fake daytrading futures room. The host apparently signaled a “lucky” big trade where price moved fast and big in his favor and he was high-faluting about it. I mentioned I followed along but only in sim. And in his scam guru mind, he misinterpreted what I typed and said too quickly like he was “caught” somehow, “yes!, it’s sim ( meaning he was in sim, or not even bothering to put a sim trade)..uh.but! look how good that trade was!” (like holy smokes, how good their “system” is they “teach” in the room) lolol. I quit soon after, as I was still learning they were and are all shamshows and never traded live and couldn’t even trade live if put on the spot, and even if their next six month to month rent depended on it. Tradingschools and Emmett’s reviewing wasn’t around yet, and these older and legacy shamshows had long gotten away with duping prior generations of several wannabe traders since most review sites were severely compromised already back then to sponsor scam vendors, bribes, or didn’t want to take responsibility to moderate their forum or discussions from vendor scammers’ posts who were “popular”. Shamshow cess every one of them. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmVyUdHtxbU&feature=youtu.be&t=4)
Someone tipped me off about this guy in his early 20’s who turned 1k into a million. I was in his discord for about 2 weeks and nothing added up. His TikTok videos would claim these huge profits from these crazy OTM option spreads on the Tech stocks that move like TSLA . I’d go in the room and it was nothing but a chart posting , if / then else / bullshit session . Couple trades a week would get posted and 90% of the people had no idea what a spread was, so would never even do them. Worse, they would just buy the buy side , and end up getting creamed because of the price and missing the initial move (so called entry), and of course the host caught it perfect and exited perfect .. And you see it was all real because it was posted in chat, and he would post an image of the account (or what was suppose to be the account) afterward. SEE LOOK I MADE 10K. What tipped it off to me, the account balance posted in the background of the trades, was always $100K plus, what ever he claimed to make that day .. This happened 3 times I could see it. Which tells me he’s using a SIM account and resetting it to 100K . What makes it really horrible , is the amount of young people involved so duped up with his bullshit, all bought into the courses, indicators , and websites , once the market gets soft for a patch, they all gonna get wiped out .. But hopefully Emmit will take this one on.
Have you done a review of Day Trader Paradise? (www.daytraderparadise.com)
They are trying to sell a “algo” but all it seems to be is a spread sheet. For months and months they keep promising the release of this software “algo” but keeps getting delayed and/or changed. All the while trying to sale a product that really does not even exist. People are just paying for the hopes it gets released. It is quite remarkable really. Look through the Discord room in the “announcement” room to see for last year or so this software has been delayed over and over.
Yeah, isn’t she the one that used to do pole dancing videos? I am a real sucker for hot girls. Of course, I am now at the age where they call me “Mr.” But at least they are not calling me “Grandpa” …yet.
Just going over a post that you made re: Rayner and you mention that he is a 5 foot 1 inch midget. Can you show me the proof that he is 5 foot 1 inch? Rayner seems to prove otherwise. Just not sure who is lying or is fake. Hard to tell these days. Can you provide your proof? If you do then I will consider this website to be the truth. If not then then I will consider this website completely fake and worse than the review that was given to Rayner. I doubt I will get a reply… Thx
This one should be easy! Steven Brooks, supposedly an ex baseball player, has a course he sells. But he gives a couple of his plays for free in his webinar, one being buy the S&P at the close on Monday and sell at the close on Tuesday, he says that one day is the most profitable day of the week going back to 2000, and Friday being the worst, so technically one could short on Thurs/Friday. Can you check out if that one thing is true?
Hey, why is there no mentions of the Motley Fool on this site? I’d think that would be one of the first ones you all would review, considering the popularity
Hey I want to build a course for free, and build a small business around giving people my trade analysis and alerts. I know too many people scam out there and I honestly hate it. I fell for their traps before and regret it. What are the do’s and don’ts to build a successful honest trading business? I’m not some multi millionaire or anything like that but I have been consistently been profitable in the markets for some time now and been growing my account in a smooth uptrend. But I believe I have a system that works and would like to bring others too it as well. I appreciate your help
Start up a channel on youtube, if it really works you’ll get millions of followers and make money off of youtube paying you, you won’t need to charge for anything if it really works.
What trading rooms for futures do you actually recommend? Hard to find anyone honest out there. How about Carlos Diaz? he has been around a long time. thanks
You have done the review of aggressive marketer carnival barker Jason Bond, however his partner Jeff Bishop seems to have a new novel ides.
On Thursday – June 11 afternoon he holds a a widely marketed webinar attended by nearly 5000 attendees on high octane options strategy – shows examples of making big money by gap of buying SPY and GS – PUTS on Wednesday evening based on his strategy of SMA crossover, total BS since seems to have just got lucked out due to DOW drop on June 11 which was just not foreseen on June 10 market close.
If one paid 1499 he would reveal another option which would go up next day promising he would put $20,000 of his own money. Next day for those who do not buy sends a teaser that he has bought for 20K 19June20 100 Call Options with Redacted security name for those who bought his course with instructions to buy between $4.80 to $5.80 and those options had already jumped to $8.00 and would go up further.
It is confirmed later that he has bought AVLR 19 JUN 20 100 C 100 +40 contracts, but what is interesting is that he has generated a high volume and open interest with probably few hundred who got conned by him.
High Low Last Volume Open
7.80 4.46 7.80 4,658 562 19 June 20 100 C
Volume for other Options and Open Interest for AVLR for other strikes and expiration dates range less than 100 usually many being ) as wll.
So here is an interesting strategy it seems generating volume by marketing and selling membership.
Credit them know how to use the Megaphone, today volume for the same AVLR 19 JUN 20 100 C 100, closed at 116.74 last trade at 16.50 Bid 14.60 and Ask 17.00. Extrinsic value negative three days to expiry.
Can you review David Jaffee/BestStockStrategy? He’s constantly making YouTube videos saying that other educators are scammers. And he sells an option trading service for like $400 a month.
Dear Review Team,
I came across a couple of videos on youtube for Warrior Trading and just read your review on Ross and Warrior Trading from 2015. I’m glad I came across your review before I signed up to any trial/course. (1) Has anything changed since 2015 regarding Warrior Trading? Do you still feel the same way about the course/program/Ross? Is there another course/training you
recommend instead?
Has anyone here had dealings with https://cyclopstrader.com/ ? Seems to have a very high priced mentoring service – yet doesn’t provide a methodology. Thanks!
TrueTrader.net. Been seeing alot of Ads all over YouTube and Twitter , and anyone claiming making 100K in 30 days has to be a charlatan . Might be right in your wheelhouse …
I second this suggestion. There are red flags in their marketing but at the same time, their trade review videos seem reasonable and I haven’t seen anyone who has tried the service post anything negative (yet). A deeper dive would be appreciated.
Please conduct a review of Futures io. I have learned that they have a hidden agenda of promoting their paid advertisers. If you ask a question they tell to to buy a book or one of their vendors products.
Actually, let me think…Futures.IO does sell some products and promote others, but nothing really bad or nasty going on. Considering that i have been doing these stupid reviews for 6 years, any nefarious baloney would have bubbled to the surface.
The two main “public forums” with a heavy advertising component is Futures.IO and EliteTrader.com. I wouldnt describe either as bad forums and the owners are not scammers. Perhaps they both have promoted a few crappy products…but so has TradingSchools.Org.
Nobody is perfect. Especially me!
But hey, if you have something juicy to write about, please send me a private email at emmett@tradingschools.org to describe what is happening. Everyone gets the same amount of sunlight.
I Will start looking into it. Unfortunately, my wife came down with Corona a few weeks ago. Caught it at the airport or cruise. Then of course, my 78-year-old mom caught it and got double pneumonia. Now doing better.
The scumbags of buy-side-global are probably in “negotiations” with tradingschools maybe offering temptation vig deals, or alternately threatening lawsuits and litigation ad-nauseum , so the review’s presence is on hiatus for now it seems. We’ve seen this before with the WT review and other stink shamshows of the like.
yes, it seems to be another ninja-ecocess site. The indicators look no different than modded old ones on bmt/futuresio, particularly fattails’ or gomi’s. Just another ninjatrader platform and indicator using, shamshow vending site among several others since the early 10’s. And “education only” plastered on their pages. If they worked so well they should be able to provide consistent & consecutive broker confirmed months or years of live profitable proof. Doubt their past live trading, if any, was even anywhere close to the “breakeveners” reviewed here on tradingschools.
You have a very informative site. I liked your article on various data feeds and after testing all of the most popular ones myself I agree they are pretty much the same. It would be interesting to run your simple strategy on co locates in Aurora with the different data providers. One thing I have noticed a difference between feeds is during fast markets. Continuum/CQG sometimes severely lags during heavy volume. Rithmic not as bad. iQfeed has zero lag and seems to handle large volume seamlessly. Of course IQfeed are only for charting and not clearing. On the topic of trade rooms, there are some that show “live” trades on their charts. Some claim they are trading a real brokerage account and some admit they are Sim. What is the SEC law regarding showing live trades? And of all the systems you have reviewed what percentage actually do?
1) It is not illegal to show live trades, for either stocks, futures, options, or Forex.
2) It is illegal to claim you are trading a live account, but only trade with a SIM. I often see vendors claim on their websites that its “SIM” but the marketing emails claim “real” profits. This is a violation of either the Commodity Exchange Act (if Futures or Forex), or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (if stocks or options).
And your final question…”What systems you have reviewed actually trade live?” Answer: Not many. Maybe < 1%.
However, with a caveat. Many that do actually trade with live accounts, I do not write about. Why? My blog is primarily geared towards exposing the frauds.
What should be done about Tim Sykes? What could be done about him? Four years ago I wrote a book about useless and fraudulent books on how to win state lotteries and royalty checks keep coming in despite the disappointing message. I want to keep people from being ripped off and I see Tim as one of the current problems.
Using aggressive but conventional investment techniques I have made half again as much in the markets as Tim has. I was able to get most of his teaching materials and those of his students Tim Grittani and Steven Dux from the Dark Web. I find them repulsive, yet newbies place high value on them. I consider penny stocks dangerous and unworkable, yet Tim thrives in this environment. I found the following on a 2009 version of Tim’s web site under the heading “Why Penny Stocks?”
“Penny stocks are the most hyped and corrupt niche in the entire investment world. These two qualities make them the easiest to profit from (legally) because the vast majority of people who play penny stocks are suckers and all-around ignorant people. If you have any intelligence whatsoever, you have a clear advantage and it’s like playing basketball against mental midgets.”
I would classify as mental midgets not only traders in penny stocks but those who fall for Tim’s pitch.
In order to bring Tim down one would have to convict him of fraud and misrepresentation. I recently ran across someone with excellent qualifications to investigate him. She is a CPA and a professional investigator of accounting fraud. She paid Tim $5,500 for his trading course but failed to win any of it back in her own trading. She has given up, but nevertheless feels that she has received good value. She is completely in Tim’s camp and under his spell. She has become a Sykes affiliate with two paid links to him on her own web page.
She has written a book on taxation but Tim has talked her into selling it as an expensive DVD rather than as a book and he is marketing it for her. Asking her to investigate Tim would be like asking her to investigate her own husband. It breaks my heart to see that happen to someone. You can get her story here:
I think this article is incorrect. I have known Peter and he sold 100% of his company mod last year so this has nothing to do with him. He doesn’t run it. No skin in the game. He is working in another industry. I’m not here defending anyone but I don’t like people’s name smeared when they didn’t do anything wrong.
Maybe you’ve got the wrong “Peter Balla”? Ninjatrader ecosystem featured a vendor webinar with him just last November. -> (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPR9MlY0haM) . Maybe not the case, but yes, sometimes Emmett gets some details off occasionally. I still don’t think Jim Cramer and his past fund was a fabrication, since his fund office was listed in an address in the financial area of chicago, alongside many other legit businesses. And sometimes we wish there were follow ups such as what Emmett though of Rayner Teo’s reaction video to the ts review supposedly posting his live accounts broker pages. (although that could certainly be a local server/network mockup of a faked broker site). Otherwise I consider Tradingschools at about 88% legit-uncompromised or accurate these days. It used to be 98% to me, with just the shammy breakeveners, but then the recent big blow to tradingschools of caving in to Sykes’ cronies and sponsorship.
I’m with buyside global for 2 yrs now and I can tell they are great. I’m in their chat room everyday and yes they making profits almost everyday using this s/w. The key is to remain consistent and follow exactly their s/w. I use their 5M & 15M MTAs indicators for large timeframe analysis and use their BGPro bars and if they all line up, I take the signal. The is the best probability set up. I practised this in SIM long enough. Problem is when you go live,ppl start changing things as fear comes in and this is where it chews up the account. The key is to practise in SIM for 1 yr and then switch to live and change nothing. We just to have blame ourselves for our actions and not the company. This is how we improve. They don’t guarantee profits but they have a much higher probability set up.
If you not happy then you don’t join as there are many other signal providers to test out.
Apparently, this Tage character worked at BuySide Global and now he morphed into T7 Trade Labs…and get this…his mission statement is “Our mission is to build and empower 5,000 freedom warrior traders that will help us rescue over 5,000 children from the hell of sex trafficking. Your freedom will be their true freedom! It’s a win-win! Will you be one of them?”
Where in the heck do they find these knuckleheads? WTF, the trading “education” industry is so full of shit. Freedom Warrior Traders? Where did they find this moron? The stupidity never ends.
If you finding trading education full of crap then i suggest to get a bachelor of finance degree and relevant university qualifications to trade these markets as that will be genuine to you. All these private educators are doing to cutting corners short so don’t go through expensive University qualifications which doesn’t even guarantee a job.
Even if you buyside global’s blue chip indicator on 377 tick chart on ES for example, you are setting up yourself as a very high probability success trader. Of course nothing is guaranteed but it’s something to base your trading journey upon. If you change indicators after few losses and try something else and then change again after few losses, your head will spin like it did did me and desperation/anxiety sets in.
It can be more like 93% since I’ve recovered from the shock of the Sykes’ turnaround. Thanks as always for all that you do and tradingschools’ immense help to retailers and victims over the past five years. Like ripoffreport used to be like 50% to me, and now it’s like 5% since your information exposed that ripoff since could let the shammy organizations vig bribe them to minimalize or even delete bad reviews. (Handley is always like 10%(or -10%, lol) – rotten scale on rottentomatoes. Even bmt recognized his vig-dealing scam before tradingschools existed.) Even bmt/futures.io improved since tradingschools when earlier it was frowned on/warned of being too critical of the scams where now plenty of members are not afraid to speak out on these shamshow snakeoilers, lol. I’d already posted before that I actually tried one of Sykes’ earlier half-assed courses when he was still a young prick showing off that photo of him squeezing his then cute blonde gf, while doing his best smirk in the picture. Back then I successfully got my refund back because he wasn’t independent or big enough then to corner his marketing and web presence/narrative manipulation with funding from ill-gotten gains from duping newbs. So I basically pestered “WIA” that handled the signups and support for Sykes and successfully got my refund of 2k back after I showed them the sim records of 95% loser after loser of his newsletter picks. Even his occasional “chat” videos with the “course” was jackassed, heard him with his fool snickering talk with his gf leading into the audio. There were plenty of complaints in the chat message window of other dupes, but then Sykes didn’t know how to turn them off , since he was a lazy ignorant on the technicalities of the web sharing. All the rest later I think such as the compromised investimonials, profit.ly, etc. has been hired helped with the duped funds. So since then his empire got to be one of the biggest shamshow aspiring student churning behemoths of this snakeoiler industry.
Oh yes, Jon Najarian, formerly “Dr. J” of the cboe. I remember back then he was one of the first sellouts to hft on options with his involvement with the “monster” startup. So no wonder the option pricing never follows up to initial setup analysis. Even with a solid winner a retailer gets heavily fleeced by position exit. He also supported a few of the older shamshows such as “pirate” Preston James who had radio ads and I got suckered for 500 for his newsletter where the only “winner” was ‘green mountain coffee’,with just the same covered calls options rehash, and pretending to be different with a “manifesto” bashing the scammer industry, a common mo of scams trying to pretend to be different or empathetic to the hapless retail trader victims. Just another shammy ripoff, incl. his protege “Karson Keith” who later pitched another options shamshow. Very much looking forward to the article exposing this “dr.j” , thanks. If he was really that successful trading he wouldn’t need to be a regular on cnbc or still have shamshow sites.
Remember last week, when I asked you what you really felt about Tim Sykes? And his products? I was hinting that I was waffling on the review.
A few weeks prior, Tim’s people reached out to me and asked if I would take the review down.
Normally, I never do. I usually fight this stuff out in the courts — which costs me tremendous amounts of money. Thus far, I have defended over a dozen lawsuits. So I know the financial and emotional toll…
Anyway, and this is going to read unsavory…but I removed the review and Tim’s team decided to advertise on the website. Its a small amount, but anything helps to keep this non-commerical blog operating.
Did I make a deal with the devil? Am I a sell out? Surely, the argument will tilt in this direction. However, for the greater good, whatever small streams of income fund more information reaching the general public.
And finally, I just did not want to fight this out in the courts. You can blast me now.
Good choice! I think you’ll be easier on Tim once you get to know him better. Not everyone knows this, but Jesse Livermore received a lot of hate mail.
Anyway, I have some really bad people that need a proper roasting. Working on a character now that is simply outrageous. This industry is just plain bonkers to the core.
I don’t get it. You’ve been waffling both sides about Tim in your comments. Like he is both legit at trading, but also deserving a bad review and should be exposed. imo, I think he lucked out when he was 18, then quickly turned his luck into media and web promotion (ex. “the Millionaire Traders” tv docuseries back in 09 or whenever, remember the one with Sykes and other young guys at a dinner in a fancy restaurant talking about their supposed trading prowess and taking over wall st. , lol). And ever since his shamshow empire has been making its scam money over duping many young clueless wannabes during their first forays into the “trading dream”. Maybe Sykes isn’t as hilariously apparent a pump’n’dumper as Ross and Warrior is now, but there’s no real evidence that he couldn’t also be dumping on subscribers either. Sykes’ newsletter cronies could have a small real account and still look for opportunities to dump on activity from their subscribers after they issue an alert. I recall in my earlier subscription to his early newsletter there were about half and half buy and sell alerts too, not all shorts. Then if Syke’s shamshow token account run by his cronies happen to have a winner, they’ll advertise it like the second coming to the subscribers, and the losers just forgotten and glossed over which I saw evidenced in my own subscription period which they only had one lousy winner and the rest losers, then I successfully peskered for my refund with WIA back then showing them caps of all the losers. Meanwhile the dummy live account is a drop in their bucket of all their real shamshow profits, namely their ridiculously high priced plethora of paid services, ownership of corrupt review and profit.ly sites, and subscriptions and “challenges” to the newb dupes. Yes, I was surprised and disappointed Tradingschools has dropped the review and even worse engaged in some vig sponsorship with sykes’ scammy empire. I’d thought Emmett was already a millionaire again possibly from having had some “whistleblower” lucrative awards from the CFTC , the details of which were mentioned in a recent review a few months back. Otherwise, I’d wondered why tradingschools didn’t have a patreon or paypal donation button like many other blogs, or popular yt channel links.
I wish I were a millionaire! You have to remember that any whistleblower awards go directly to my restitution. This will be in effect until 2023. Many people do not realize that Federal restitution follows you for 20 years.
The whole thing with Sykes is so unsavory. But I just didn’t want to travel to Florida to fight another lawsuit. Another lawsuit? In Florida? Yes, my first (and second) experience in Florida courts was when David Jaffee at Best Stock Strategy created a YouTube video that called Ross Cameron a fraud. He got sued by Ross in Florida Federal court.
A week after he gets sued by Ross, he gets hit with a second lawsuit from Raging Bull. Warrior Trading and Raging Bull appeared to have coordinated the attack on poor David.
David had no idea that he could even be sued, let alone the definition of defamation. Long story short, I got involved and helped with David’s defense. This was my first experience with the Florida courts.
The goal was not to win with David. The goal was to get him out alive. And alternatively, run up massive costs and fees for both Warrior Trading and Raging Bull. The strategy was “pro-Per” self-representation but with the background help. I cannot admit or deny that TradingSchools.Org legal team was involved because of the settlement NDA.
Let me just say, Florida courts were a real wake up call. If your opponent is well monied, they can litigate and drive up your costs and time spend. We all know Sykes is definitely well monied, but is he vindictive and mean? Not really. But is lawyers might be, and I just didnt want another legal fight in the swamp state.
Besides, Sykes’s ridiculousness is pretty much known by everyone. Was my single article going to really sway that much public opinion?
Hopefully, this gives you a better idea of the background noise that went into the decision.
FYI, I am expecting to be hit with another lawsuit this week, or the next week. I am going to write about the entire experience. This is unrelated to Warrior, Raging Bull, Sykes, etc. But over another company that I have written about.
I am not going to say much, at this point. But this will be the first time that I have pulled by the curtain on what happens on these lawsuits. What goes into them, how they get moved through the court system, the whole enchilada.
The reason I never right about legal stuff is because I don’t want people to become afraid to speak truth to power. If readers knew how some of these characters sue, sue, sue, they would be hesitant to speak out. But I think its time to just start writing about it.
sorry to hear about more of this legal fighting and continuing attacks on tradingschools , but it’s the continuing good fight to expose, and thanks for the heads up on this future article revealing the curtain on these more nitty gritty sordid legal battle details involving these snakeoil “industry giants” and their false justifications and chicanery. Looking much forward to it. Hopefully this will help wise up more new aspiring retail traders, or those still fooled by these scam vendors and their ill-funded manipulative narrative and sham power on the web and related advertising media.
Is it possible to create a website and structure it in a way, so that reviewers and website owners are anonymous and cannot be sued (or where it’s just somewhat impossible to sue)? Whether it’s outside of the country, under certain legal/corporate entities, etc. Maybe like a Yelp version for trading school reviews…the listing for the school is provided. Advertising can be bought, so the site can be monetized, but anyone, including the creators, can contribute reviews…anonymously.
I really appreciate this site and the reivews, and it is disturbing that unscrupulous people try to silence/bully others just for offering their personal opinion. I’m glad that people are able to comment.
To mitigate the lawsuits, have you considered allowing others to post reviews of scammers under the auspices of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act?
Just a thought. Since you are a smart guy, you’ve probably already considered that.
Great question. Let me explain my reasoning for not relying upon Section 230.
As you know, I could easily publish all articles as anonymous and avoid litigation by claiming Section 230.
However, by applying my name to each article…I am inviting the counterparty to litigate.
As many of my readers are aware, I have been sued in State and Federal courts numerous times over the years. These lawsuits are expensive and time-consuming. However, my net costs have actually been positive because I always counterclaim, or file a counter lawsuit claiming that the counterparty is simply attempting to smother my right to free speech.
My typical counterclaim is based upon California’s Anti-SLAPP method. An Anti-SLAPP lawsuit is basically allowing me to counter-attack with little to no risk. If they lose, then I get paid.
Thus far, I have never lost an Anti-SLAPP. Why? Because my articles are well-sourced, based upon opinion, are hyperbolic speech, show lack of malice, or are information sourced from governmental agencies or third parties.
However, I have partially lost only a single Anti-SLAPP and promptly appealed the decision which was litigated in the appellate court. Once you enter the appellate court, the stakes go much higher with the counterparty possibly on the hook for a minimum 6-figure payout. I always want to up the stakes and draw the counterparty into long and protracted litigation. Fight at every turn, never back down, run up the costs to litigate…this is how you win.
Most lawyers quickly discover that I fight everything. My game plan is all public as you can find many lawsuits against me. The lawyer then informs their client that in order to fight this in the courts, they are going to spend a great deal of money, and if they lose…they will likely have to pay my costs and fees.
Fuck section 230. I would rather fight to the death.
Rufusa May 31, 2020
Thanks for the feedback. I understand. Can targets of frivolous defamation lawsuits use CA’s Anti-SLAPP cases as precedence in litigation in other states?
Your willingness to fight leads me to assume you argue these cases “pro se,” because you have some experience under your belt and understand the process and pitfall, yes?
Emmett Moore May 31, 2020
Your question: “Can targets of frivolous defamation lawsuits use CA’s Anti-SLAPP cases as precedence in litigation in other states?”
Answer A: If someone sues in State court, outside of California, there would be a motion to dismiss as State court would not have jurisdiction.
Answer B: If someone sues in Federal court, outside of California, then I will travel and deploy a Choice Of Law Analysis, which brings my State rights into play. Essentially, I force the out-of-state opposition to learn the nuance of California’s Anti-SLAPP. The legal term is ‘decage’ where we mix the state law of two states with Federal law of two districts. Lots of moving parts. Expensive to litigate and very time consuming.
I never go “pro se/pro per” as a non-attorney cannot recover costs and fees. My wife is a 1st amendment lawyer/civil rights attorney with 17 years experience litigating in this particular niche….defamation. Lots of experience in my corner.
The California Anti-SLAPP is employed in Federal court through an initial 12b6 motion — if the complaints survives and litigant makes a valid prima facie, then we move to the discovery phase. After the discovery phase, (which I especially enjoy) then we move for a motion 56 to dismiss. Both the 12b6 and the 56 can be argued in the same case. Both the 12b6 and the 56 can be appealed.
The costs of the Anti-SLAPPS can be very, very expensive to lose for the litigant.
Another factor is damages. Suppose you get sued for defamation and lose. The litigant still must prove actual damages. Very hard to do with a limited-purpose public figure, which requires actual malice. Another factor is litigation costs, most states employ the American rule where the litigant cannot recover attorney fees. So if the litigant wants to blow $100k for a trial, which is a minimum cost with discovery, then he must still find a way to prove actual damages beyond his litigation costs.
I should start another blog on this topic. Its a very interesting niche of law. Most lawyers bumble into these lawsuits and their clients become furious when they discover the process can take two years and they need to spend huge sums of money with little guarantee of proving actual damages.
Once dude got so mad at me that he sued me twice. Lost both times. Ended up paying me over $100k in settlement. Sorry, I cannot reveal who the case involved because it the settlement was confidential.
Emmett Moore May 31, 2020
To further clarify, regarding jurisdiction. If you are a non-California resident, then you would not be able to use California’s Anti-SLAPP, you would need to refer to the laws of your forum state.
Example: Suppose you live in Texas, you cannot use California’s Anti-SLAPP, but you could use Texas Anti-SLAPP.
Caveat: As a resident of Texas, you could only use Texas Anti-SLAPP in State court, not Federal court as Fed court on appeal recently ruled that Texas Anti-SLAPP conflicts with the Rules of Civil Procedure.
If you have State specific questions, and the application in Fed court, I can point you in the right direction…but not provide legal advice. This is just general information.
Rufusa May 31, 2020
That is interesting and insightful. I run a controversial website, and I never post anything, because I don’t want to lose the protection of 230. Further, I never make promises to remove content as that forfeits 230 protection.
The only circumstance under which any content is removed is by way of a court order.
Thanks for the feedback.
Emmett Moore May 31, 2020
Unless married to a lawyer…just don’t do it!
But if you get yourself in a bind, just reach out. Every once in a while, somehow contacts me with “Help. I am getting sued.”
You are probably going to laugh, but getting sued and filing Anti-SLAPPS has earned my wife some serious bank — much more than I earn from advertising on this blog. Judges are pretty savvy and easily spot when companies are attempting to stifle consumer speech. Anti-SLAPPS are VERY effective.
If you run a controversial site…then you have probably been hit with plenty of Cease and Desist letters. Of course, just because you have immunity will not stop an ambulance-chasing lawyer enabled by an ignorant litigant. So expect to get sued. Just part of the game.
Usually, this stuff just comes down to money. Always give the litigant the option to purchase the Copywrite to the supposedly offensive content. Those are the easiest paydays.
Rufusa May 31, 2020
Actually, I haven’t received any Cease and Desist letters. I received a couple of threats to sue via email, but the person never acted. I guess they need to serve me papers, which is pretty difficult if they don’t have a name and address.
My site is located off-shore (in Sweden), and the site is registered under a pseudonym.
dtchurn March 1, 2020
I’m a bit late to comment, but echoing thanks so much for all you do again Emmett, and this enlightening reply helps explains it to me and probably many other readers. Ah yes, I’d forgotten about the restitution. I was aware about your having to pay restitution in the past and it’s interesting to know the detail about Federal restitution lasting for 20 years. But I’m glad and grateful tradingschools exists as many readers should be, as part of your efforts in turning over a new leaf. And yeah, I have to agree somewhat with KDavey’s “this is your penance” observation (although of course I’ve mentioned I don’t believe in the rest of his schtick, having seen his promoting and shilled support on bmt for years alongside Jigsaw ,ft74 , and the others etc.) Meanwhile we have unrepentant, and still outrageous snakeoilers like Amico and his “veritas” shamshow probably got tired of losing live money as part of the initial “tradingfuturesinaction.com” dom demonstration, now going back to his complete shamshow tricks ways previously with Slymon.
Very enlightening and admirable to hear tradingschools was involved with helping out the guy who did his independent yt video exposing and calling out Ross and Warrior Trading. I saw that video when it first came out and was hoping something would get rolling and more people would post or let their voices be heard about being churned by Ross and his trifecta gang. Then as we know the video was mysteriously taken down. Now it’s very interesting to know what happened, and that there was vindictiveness media narrative bullying/shilling again by Ross and Bond’s shamshow organizations both! And it’s just reaffirming and inspiring that tradingschools and you helped with the guy’s defense against the really low but not surprising lawsuit ces actions by these examples of some of the biggest scammers of the retail tradeucation industry using their ill-gotten funds in this stinkhole way.
Sykes seems to stay aloft and distanced in his mansion & luxury car richshow media ways leaving the sordid shamshow “work” and shilling business activities to his cronies these days, but yeah, Ross showed vindictiveness with his responses to comments earlier on making fun of my comments and others’ in the WT review page with his stupid puppets video among others. And then hearing about the lawsuits against tradingschools, and his hilarious active involvement in changing his manipulative narrative like reacting to the trustpilot IP-filtering sham, paying off ripoffreport, paying off archive.org to remove the daming old website info ie. lies like being an architect in nyc and the previously faked “100k a year” spreadsheet table “results”, vigging with investimonials, etc. , not to mention comments by insta-banned members who tried to ask questions or expressed annoyance at the ongoing sham shenanigans in his room and the worthless filler courses /”warrior pro” by dupes who caved in to the constant multiple “seasonal special” ads and cajoling barrages to purchase them.
About Sykes, it seems somewhat true, that more are jaded to his sham organization like I saw on reddit. Just unfortunately, imo, the new hapless daytrading newbs arriving every month, are mostly unaware and may quickly get dt-churned by all the fakery. But tradingschools can’t warn them all as most miss out on tradingschools until much later. I would suggest newbs on immediately getting familiar with tradingschools on forums and such, but most newbs are still newly fooled by the greed of advertised quick ways to make money and will probably have to learn the reality lessons while churned before they take a real serious second look at what tradingschools has to say and the hard proof and due diligence research and results it presents about the snakeoilery. Even reddit still has recent(yesterday) annoying shill postings about CMEG. All said, knowing about more of the legal and behind the scenes details is again reaffirming to me and should be to more readers about the upstanding continuing efforts and mission of tradingschools. All the other uselessly heavily compromised “review” sites pale in comparison such as Handley’s joke of his heavily vigged “grand tetons”.
Have you ever looked at/examined the track record of David Jaffee’s system/education he promotes on Youtube, which appears to be selling stock option premium- mainly short puts or put credit spreads ? He comes across as legit & the system might work – but i’ve thought that before about others & been fooled. I do know that selling premium works most of the time, except the few times it doesn’t the losses can overwhelm any previously made profits.
I screwed up in my above post where I said “the millionaire traders” docuseries when I’d forgotten it was actually called “wall st. warriors”.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzE248nqj4w&list=PLD8QO40miutZxBq_9xB2vAgh1WngMh8x0), (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wall_Street_Warriors) It started way back, a few years before the financial crisis when Sykes was just getting started with his sham getting media promoted as a stock-trading “whiz kid”. A few other funny shams showcased but maybe a few legit fund professionals shown also. Amazing but also sucks that time has flown since.
Since you asked my opinion of Tim on the deleted page I’ll repeat it here and go into greater detail.
I admire your work in exposing scam and deception in the industry. I jumped onto your “Turd Economist” page because I thought you were overdoing it and would make your criticism more accurate if you could see more of Tim’s material and I offered to provide some of that material. I too would write a negative review but would strive to be factual rather than emotional, as most of his critics are. I am an old-school investor in charge of a retirement fund. I watch as many of Tim’s videos as I have time for because I want to keep up with new things and Tim seems to be on the cutting edge. I consider myself to be well informed on what Tim does and why he does it.
There are grounds for calling Tim a scam artist because of the way he advertises, and many of his critics do so. One of his pages reads the visitors location and declares “I’VE CHALLENGED MYSELF TO CREATE A WORLD-CLASS TRADER IN (DOGPATCH), MY ONLY QUESTION IS, WILL IT BE YOU?…and I will change your life!” This is a bit like the University of Zurich promising that if you come study with them they will make you another Albert Einstein. An Arizona university recently was fined by the FTC for promising that some of their programs would get students jobs with silicon valley companies when there was no such arrangement.
On the deleted page you declared that you could verify that only a single millionaire student exists. That may have been true at the time of your review but I believe that that exactly three now exist: Tim Grittani, Steven Dux, and Superman (Paul Scolardi); but three out how many, thousands? Truth in Advertising, enforced by the FTC, should require Tim to disclose how well his students are doing on balance. I suspect not very well. We all know that state lotteries return 50% of ticket receipts as prizes and that therefore a $1 lottery ticket is worth only $0.50. We should be given data to enable us to calculate the expected value of a $5,000 Millionaire Challenge purchase.
I have found no evidence of Tim front-running his students. I have seen examples of his taking a position after posting a trade and not wanting to go long when the other members of his forum were short.
Quoting yourself: “Penny stocks are not investments. They are the exclusive domain of swindlers and con men.” I would agree with you in part and Tim would agree with you entirely.
Investment consists of recognizing the growth in value of successful companies and participating in their growth. Tim declares that all penny stock companies are trash and are doomed to fail. If that is true, then trading their stock is a zero-sum game and an attempt merely to profit from the losses of other traders. That is what Tim is teaching: the art of scamming others.
It’s like running a school for pickpockets. He is also teaching by example the art of running such a school. Steven Dux and Paul Scolardi have started schools of their own.
One of Tim’s early strategies involved recognizing “pump and dumps” and profiting from them.
Pump and dumps are considered illegal by the SEC and it imposes fines for instigating them. Tim was teaching how to profit from illegal activity. Tim Grittani went into this in great detail in his DVD, describing how he subscribed to many penny stock newsletters and tried to figure out which ones would be successful in their promotions.
I am especially distressed by a recent video of a Tim interview with two of his new students. They were recent college grads and one declared he joined Tim’s challenge because he wanted a more attractive alternative to a regular job. What if everybody chose this route? Tim would prosper but the economy would collapse.
My advice is not to let Tim buy you out and bend you to writing a positive review. Keep your opinion and let me take the blame.
I wish RobB was still around. I’m not nearly as good as opining on this as him, but I’ll give my say. Emmett, I’m disappointed of course to hear about this. The best point about the Sykes review was that it evidenced that his organization was making tens of millions from duped newbs thinking the “education” is worth something. Taking down the review was bad enough where Sykes’ products never passed the legit test, but then to have him as a sponsor. And this is opposite of what happened with Meir Barack’s “offer” to tradingschools. With the review gone, many more newbs will be suckered into continuing Sykes’ programs and products in the future without a reputable warning. As for the greater good, the Sykes organization is a big big chunk of what constitutes the greater cessmess of the industry. Investimonials and profit.ly soured the stink industry for so long. Many newbs were churned by investimonials over the past decade and it wasn’t until tradingschools, retailer aspirant traders finally got some uncompromised reviewing of the scam industry of trading educators. Taking down the review out of pressure and litigated threats could halfway be understandable since you’ve endured close to 20 lawsuits by these scammers already, including hired stalkers, for the greater good, and also on many readers’ behalf. But then to have Sykes’ ad on the site. I just don’t think it’s worth it for the “greater good” when it’s really more like to me a major faux mistake for the integrity and reputation built up for this site, and I hope this development is reconsidered. Anyways, that’s my say. I hope other long time readers or fans of tradingschools will comment on this or contact you and let you know how uncomfortable and misgiving this sounds. Because of Sykes’ example many of the newer and younger generations of shamshow cons were inspired to start their own “trading education business/room” shamshows. Also, it’s easy for cons who got wealthy to be generous with their ill-gotten gains to build up a faux side of their “business”.The “American Greed show detailed many examples of this. In any case, I’m still a fan of tradingschools which has done inestimable good work over the past years in warning and saving newbs from getting churned by some of the most egregious snakeoilers out there, and reaffirming for those of us who suspected these fakes were never trading live for so long, and it’s still the best review blog of the trading scam industry by far.
I never talk about lawsuits because I don’t want readers to be fearful of rediculous, unmeritorious lawsuits. Any damn fool with $350 and a dull pencil can file a case. The problem is when they file in some podunk, backwater village and then get you served. Then you have to respond to have the jurisdiction moved — which costs money. And if you don’t respond, well then they claim $200 million in damages and get a summary judgment, because you refused to travel to the podunk, backwater village.
Of course, they will not collect on the worthless judgment. But still, they publish a document from a judge that looks “legit” and supposedly vindicates them. Totally ridiculous.
In California, we have something called an Anti-SLAPP. Without wading too far into the weeds, it basically is a really effective way to deal with frivolous lawsuits. I have been a party to several of these, and I have won several of these. The amounts are significant.
Usually, I settle for a cash payment and give the suing party a confidentiality agreement. Its quite embarrassing to them, especially when they lose. Regardless, one “Guru” sued me twice and got his head handed to him. Because of the confidential agreement, I cannot talk about the final settlement. But I will give you a hint where you can find the case by searching Yolo County Court Records.
Over the years, there have so many. Heck, just this past year I had a partial victory on an Anti-SLAPP, but then I took the remainder and appealed it California Appellate court. The poor guy that sued me got double fucked and ended up cutting me a sizable check. And this was to “allow” him to dismiss his case against me. How crazy is that?
Sometimes you have to fight on the hill. Sometimes you have to surrender the hill. The key is to never die on the hill.
Poor Michael Goode got sued only once. I am sure that single experience left him much poorer and disillusioned with the legal system. There is no such thing as “free speech” — there is only speech that you can afford to defend.
But I am not crying. I have been sued all over the United States. I am pretty sure I have some sort of record of being sued multiple times in a given time period.
If you are going to make real change, you need to be able to spill some blood and treasure. Nothing that is good comes easy.
A plaintiff must sue in the defendant’s jurisdiction. If you are served papers from out-of-state, lack of personal jurisdiction would be a defense against any judgment. Details and exceptions on http://www.nolo.com.
Journalists practice the art of writing reviews without being sued. I think the most important thing is to avoid expressing contempt. Lord Chesterfield wrote that a gentleman will forgive anything but contempt. From what I know of Timothy Sykes he does not misrepresent or take unfair advantage and thus should not be called a scammer. He might be called immoral for seducing young people away from useful vocations into the shady world of stock manipulation. Possible remedies would be:
1. The FTC might compel him to disclose the fortunes of all of his challenge students, not just the winners.
2. The Catholic Church could declare his activities immoral and forbid its members to participate.
I study Tim’s methods but I don’t pay him any money. His DVDs are a terrible waste of drive space because they don’t have any replays of live trades, just Tim lecturing before a spreadsheet page or price chart. On one of them he holds up books on investing from a stack borrowed from the library. None of them are the ones I consider most valuable. All of this could easily be put in a book.
There is better material on his YouTube channel.
You wrote, “The Catholic Church could declare his activities immoral and forbid its members to participate.” Oh, that is some wicked wit! I nearly rolled off my chair thinking about the Pope talking about Tim Sykes.
If you are buying a $3000.00 course or sitting in a chatroom getting alerts, then the probability of you getting scammed is quite high. I’m going to charge you tons of money for something already out in the public domain? I saw the Dux review and knew this site is either ill-informed or paid for good reviews. These penny stock millionaires front load stocks and pump them in their chatrooms. Then when you blow up your account, they tell you that you didn’t study hard enough or need more courses to get better. All are frauds baiting you in with lambo’s , 20,000 sq ft mansions and a pair of DD’s all up in your face.
I got Dux materials off a website selling it for 90$,and can safely say he does know his stuff.Granted I do not know how legitimate his chat room services are,but his DVDs do provide very good information and I tried his bounce short strat,modify it to suit my style and it works.
Better to try out his actual strats then decide whether he is a scam or his style doesn’t suit you,because the stock market will always have skeptics and noise.
LOLOLOL. I call this guy madaz out very respectfully on twitter to get him engaged in conversation. Then when I bring up real points about his offered service he gets defensive and starts talking about how many followers I have and blocks me LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Imagine having such a weak argument that you have to resort to 5 year old comebacks. Madaz is an absolute scam. Your welcome.
It’s worth noting I was very nice (not at all disrespectful) when talking to him and he was the one that broke down after 2-3 messages… YIKES.
I hardly pried on this dude… what a legit source of trading advice 😈
SMB is scammy imo. You have to pay 60% back to the firm and another $2,500 a month for fees, which is about the rent of a NYC apartment. Although, you do get access to some sexy dark pools that can get your fills done when you trade. They also have some neat proprietary strategies.
Mike doesn’t make money, he’s just stuck in his ancient world of trading back in the day, Steve is meh… The joint venture is structured like a hedge fund now and you can see everyone’s PnL.
SMB makes most of their money from the sales and prop accounts/scanners, which are just volume scanners that anyone can do.
Be that as it may, if you get in and get to join a good group and learn, you can make a lot of money. IMO, best trader is SWANG, he is like a human hft.
Hello Review Team, I just found your pages and I am sorry I did not find them much much much sooner :). I mean I paid for a lot of “trading books and systems” which do not work. I keep my fingers crossed for you and the great job you do. My question is whether I can find here somewhere your revire about trader Jon Levine / http://strategictradingsystems.com/ . Thank you in advance and I wish you good luck and success
Further down the comments of the Rayner review there is a post which links to a video response by Rayner supposedly showing “proof” which looks like a joke of a rough local server page “statement” mockup, or at best some account which could easily have been deposited funds from dupes who subscribed or bought products. And only shown in response to the review, when he could have shown proof to tradingschools during the weeks asked about it. Pathetic that these young scams just out of high school age like Rayner, Will-stocks-picks, and TradingFraternity showcar renter guy, etc. want to aspire to be like the next scam prodigy Sykes, instead of doing something legit with their young lives, like getting real work or career experience. They can’t even trade to be really rich but just put up a shamshow pretending to be, wasting time and funds of other young dreamers.
Hi Emmett, Any idea how is Andrew Aziz, any plans of reviewing him, his amazon books have best ratings & he gets recommented/mentioned a lot on online forums.
Can you do Peter Leeds? He’s a supposed “pro penny stock trading” who claims you can follow his trades with “no experience necessary.” His website is here: https://www.peterleeds.com/
You got that right! Committing financial crimes, and most importantly…getting caught…tends to make you go broke.
Moral of the story? Don’t commit financial crimes! Instead, focus on building something that your grandmother would be proud of. Stop chasing the “quick buck” and try your best not to lie.
Tradingschools just reviewed two of Tom Gentile’s newer shamshows. In a ways, it’s getting closer to John Carter in that Gentile was a precursor/contemporary in that he was a co-founder of “Optionetics” and they sold an “Advanced-GET” elliot wave 4-5 software package before platforms more commonly had fib tools. Now, Gentile as an older legacy, is getting even more outrageous with the “button” auto trading and even charging more for his boondogles than the past. I used to read his bs articles about the markets before he moved on past Optionetics. He must be more desperate to make a bigger shamshow windwall for later retirement. So someday, hoping Emmett gets to exposing John Carter, Rober Miner (Dynamic Trading), and the other legacy elliot wave or options shamshow gurus and their organizations. Seems options is making a comeback after the forex fad over the past decade. As scores of young college age idiots try to learn trading from Ross, Aziz, Gutierrez, etc. and stupidly go for gesticulating boris-karloff-mummy Barack’s Tradenet CFD’s, and the C(nut)MEG shack “office” with their stray dogs sidewalk on google streetview. And also get to the Netpicks’ “family”, and the Busby’s shamshow cess proper as well.
There are none. They’re all shamshows and frauds. You might find a trading room site is far less of a sham to a lesser degree, but don’t believe for a second any of them can trade for a living without the supplement of monthly churn fees, subscriptions or selling 2k hotdog packages. You can get some ideas from books and such to make your own system hopefully discovering an edge. But any real traders are long quiet trading for themselves, or have started their own proprietary fund in the financial industry. The best you can find here are a few breakevener trading teachers who show their live trading, but of course not enough to make it on their own without a feed audience. So that might be useful step for absolute beginners if just to see and follow some live trading with real funds on the line. But to be really successful is discovering your own method hopefully before too long as it can take several years or never for many, as only a few akin to the top performers in sports can make a good living from it, or like lucking out on a lottery win, the ugly truth of retail trading that is never made aware of in the endless pitching and shamshows of selling the trading dream.
I’m new to online investing. My account is not big enough to trade stocks, there for i am looking at Options.
I can’t imagine how many people you have saved from being swindled. You are like a crime fighter Keep up the great work.
I just came across this person ” Mike Aston” from http://www.tradingtemplate.com. Would you review him?
Also Emmett, which system or guru do you follow and use for your own trading?
I’ve lived through some very disturbing experiences with some of the other chat rooms out there. So much so that I took it upon myself to spend endless hours and months to actually learn how to trade not from the folks who ran the chat room, but from the education they provide that I actually paid for. I watched every educational video they had to offer.
After almost blowing up my account trying to trade like them, I went back to the drawing board, watched all the education, thoroughly analyzed months of my actual trading, and ended up creating a very successful, high probability options trade. I became a moderator in my chat room and was teaching others for free. Folks kept asking when I would have my own service via the chat room I was in (who shall remain nameless because I don’t want to bash anyone). But those of you who know me, know me. After a year, I decided to do just that, start my own service. This year I decided to go forth and teach. I’m capping my room at 50 members because unlike others I’m not interested in subscribing my way to a million, but actually trading my way there! Everyone gets individual attention and help. As an actual Certified Life Coach and Certified Master NLP Practitioner, I’m able to truly help my tribe tackle the toughest part of trading, that space between our ears! You and I can teach anyone to trade. It’s not rocket science. But what is so hard for so many people is the ability to focus, be patient and be disciplined! I say 90% of my success and success at anything is mental! Only 10% is technical. I welcome anyone to give open and honest feedback about me or my service. Just know you will NEVER see any of those “sign up for my service now cuz this offer ends in 10 minutes and you’ll miss you purpose in life if you don’t join now” emails. Only to receive another email in 11 minutes spewing the deal of a lifetime!
Thank you guys for who you are and all you do.
“I say 90% of my success and success at anything is mental! Only 10% is technical.”
I disagree here. It makes it sound as if almost anyone with the right mindset can make money trading. Finding a trading system/method with long-term profitability is VERY rare. I wish you success as a life coach, but I think you’d be better off coaching someone else (maybe entrepreneurs or executives who actually do make money) than traders. The mental game is tough, but so is the actual game of making money…especially in an age when you’re competing against AI and high-frequency trading.
I appreciate your input Longshot. I can only speak to my success and my clients success. Learning the technicals of trading, my indicators that generate 90% success, yes 90%, the patterns I trade etc. are pretty simple. I teach my members live what to look for as I live stream my trading and talk through BEFORE I get in a trade, what I’m looking for, what my entry triggers are and why, and why I’m not getting in a trade, etc. All of those I consider technicals. I can teach those to anyone. But if you don’t have the proper mindset, focus, discipline, patience, no matter what setup, patterns, and high probability trade ideas I show you, you will have a very difficult time succeeding. Unfortunately too many folks don’t understand this simple idea and end up trading from a mindset of FOMO, or trying to mirror others, or worse, chasing trades. What I do works. Simple as that. I know not only from my results as a trader but from my members success. Thanks again for your input. Best of luck to you.
Dorothy, too many claim to be successful without proof. Submit your Brokerage statement for us to see. Or if you prefer privacy give it to Emmett to review.
Looks like the typical gouging of the hapless victims at $2k for the trading room with “limited” membership. Counter to what you’ve posted the dream blurb on the first page still says ”
Make this your year of absolutely RIDICULOUS results!
Join the challenge of becoming the NINJA Trade’s 1st Millionaire Trader.
” Nice try posting here in request review section trying to be one of the “victims”. Typical shamshow antics and no proof so far.
Emett, thank you for talking about Matt Davio. This looks really good as far as learning to trade on your own. Holding down a full time job and haven’t traded in 15 years so I’ll think ease myself back into it before I give Matt or Josh a call. Might try out Dean Jenkins subscription. Thanks again, I haven’t found anything like this site on the whole internet! It could be unique. I’ll send you feedback as I try out new things. Is this where you prefer the feedback to land or do you have a contact email?
I have a question about Jasen Baker & B12 Trader. A few months ago I found your stellar review about the service and it peaked my interested. Today when I looked into purchasing the service, I find nothing about it. Even the domain appears to be no longer. Can you fill me in on what happened?
Jasen took a “prestigious” position at Google and moved to Australia. I spoke with Jason a few weeks ago, he is still programming and trading, but the job at Google has him working, basically 24/7 as an engineer. No time for anything else.
Hi Emmett Hope all is going well in your busy life. Can you and team do a review of https://www.eminiplayer.net as they look like no different to Simon Jousef as they send details and levels and they are never accurate of anywhere close to what the market does. They call a bullish market bearish market and all sorts of made up stuff.
i just found this informative chat room. ive read most of the comments and have been ripped off a few times by so called experts including…warrior….eat, sleep, profit….etc can anyone help in my search for an honest site that trades live
Is it possible for you to review this? They’ve been running the operation for quite some time and been advertising heavily on social media of their so-called successes.
Link: http://maximainvestments.com/
After reading a thorough review of the BullsonWallstreet, and learning about other companies like this leveraging CliqueFund I was hoping to learn more about RealLifeTraining.com
I saw a brief commentary where there was a review done on this company years ago but cannot seem to locate it. I’m curious because under their professional trading section they too use CliqueFund but I don’t see any negative commentary regarding them.
Hi Emmett
Could you please do a review on this https://www.opentrader.com
Awais conducts regular webinars, makes an offer that for $50.00 per month you get his absolute edge in trading
After few months what he does is then offers an expensive product to say this system makes winners like no tomorrow.
He has nothing to show for or no proof . He is has no room and even his commentary on the market is very confusing.
Please be aware these guys are total fraud and have random lines which they sell at $50.00 per month and then will offer you their Holy Grail where everyone is making a killing but they have no real proof that they can provide
They need to be investigated fast before poor people give their hard earned money to them.
chartartist.com (andre stewart)
refused my refund request
high fees for videos where he wears a singlet, he’s burping in every single one.
promised items, not delivered.
useless course where he repeats himslef, contradict himself at times, over and over, lacking any objective/fundamental concept
The guy (If Myante) running this, claims to have made a 280R trade and regularly makes 40-50R on trades. You can join his academy for “only” 17,997 Euros.
Emmett is a complete hack, this guy poo-poos every course (even ones that work and have proven results) and promotes ones cooked up by his business partners. Reviewers that receive compensation from sales of trading courses SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED, ever.
Only two recommended vendors with affiliate partnerships. The net monthly payout barely pays the hosting fee’s. Let’s not mention that this blog is a massive time suck.
If you can find a foolproof model that eliminates all conflicts of interest…I am all ears.
And yes, I do poo-poo most everything because most everything is poo-poo. If I were truly in this for me, then I would give everyone a 5-star rating and make a killing.
Gordon, I have a long and apparently never-ending list of vendors that need to be written about. I could use some help. This is a stupid non-profit in an industry where everyone is looking to only profit. At any expense. So please, I could use some help writing reviews…
I second this site should be reviewed. Dean Handley has already endorsed this as one of his grand tetons out of other women trading room vendors he supposedly reviewed. –> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sc6RoqkiKjE
Garbage. Was there in Feb 2019 for a one week trial. I think the one week was $90 something. When I was there ( she trades CL, GC and NG all of a 1 min chart) she lost $600-800 a day and was positive one day. She fudged the loss for the week saying it was only $660 or something like that. Sometimes she was up in her calls but would not sell. She is on SIM. Her claim to greatness was her CL calls, but CL was in a downtrend on the daily and that helped her.
She trades the one minute chart like she is trading a 10-15 minute chart.
Anyone trading SIM is garbage. Because when you have real money on the line…its way different. Don’t waste your time here. Last week or Last month ( I think it was last month) she only made $50.00 ( for the whole month). It should still be there on the website unless she took it off.
His website says that he is located in Latvia but has a Georgia telephone number. He offers free training!! The catch comes in that you need his indicators that he leases for $500 for basic and 750 for add-on indicator per month! 25% of your profit once you start to trade live. I see it as essentially an offer to sell his indicators disguised as free training. I figure he hooks people into paying for his indicators for at least a couple of months, netting him $1000 per person. Getting just one per week, brings him $4000 per month. Not bad, and that’s his residual income.
Thanks for the information and reviews, i know it must be alot of hard work that people probably under appreciate. So Thank You!
I joined Learn Plan Profit a service produced and run by Ricky Gutierrez. He has a course, a chatroom(techbuds), and he trades live for one hour at the market open everyday. Have you reached out to him or reviewed him? I didn’t see anything on your site about him. He seems honest and legitimate. He makes consistent profits, but i find his style very basic and not very technical. It works for him i suppose but i haven’t been able to convert what he is teaching into $. Just curious on your thoughts.
Happy Holidays
Hello Emmett,
I appreciate the review on Ez Futures Trading.
However, I think they have started another
Trade room and doing a live webinar on
Their favorite site
VIRTUAL EVENTS today 10/30/18. 4:30 EST
CLAIMING 93% AND using Positive ticks rather then their old method of $2000.00 to $3000 Weekly they love posting. No trade room trial you must first purchase the system.
Preplotted Atm Strategies just like the
It looks like the domain name was established
Or registered on 8/8/2018 from cubdomain.com
No Phone number just a Chicago address.
Using the Name Lisa G as the trader this time.
I hope you can help so they don’t continue to take advantage of good people trying to better
Their financial future.
Hi. After surfing internet in search for ” the best” trade course, i found Trading Schools .org.-what the eye opener. Thanks for great number of reviews. Like to learn to trade. Don’t have any experience nor knowledge , don’t know how or where to start. Can you help please. Thank you. Jake
I’ve done so much research and actually joined TradeNet for 3 years, and this is how Tradenet and Colmex work together:
Meir Barak owns Tradenet (trading education, chat room), Meir Barak also owns 51% of the brokerage Colmex (ask him!), Colmex bets against it’s traders positions (CFDs), meaning they ONLY make money when you lose! Therefore Meir (your mentor and educator that gives you trades) is betting against you! he’s betting against his own trades!
Can you now see the conflict of interest? Guys, Tradenet is nothing but a marketing scheme to get people to join Colmex, that’s how Meir makes money. I know how most of you must feel after reading this, you’ll be in denial as I was. I really wanted this to work out for me, I ignored all the contradictions that arose in my mind. But this is the truth proved by facts and logic.
If Meir made most of his traders successful, then his company colmex would go bankrupt, guys don’t be gullible. By the way if you make ‘too much’ money on the CFD program they’ll switch you to the equity’s (non-CFDs). Good luck and trust NO one in this industry, please go and verify everything I have said.
Hi, can you review https://www.tradingacademy.com/ They sell high-value courses for $5000. They also have courses for Forex, Futures and options. Also very pricey. I understand you’re busy and stuff but the community will definitely appreciate it.
Luis – I’m a full member there. It’s a legit place and you’ll learn everything you need to know about trading options conservatively. The main idea Kirk teaches is to sell implied volatility. It works when actual volatility is at medium to low average levels. It doesn’t work when you are already in positions and volatility suddenly spikes up, like what happened in February 2018. So most of the time the strategy works, just be careful for sudden significant drops in the underlyings.
I’m in agreement here. Some of the best ‘free’ option education info is found on this site. Some peeps like David Jaffee (BestStockStrategy) thinks OA & Kirk is a fraud. I think he’s myopic & maybe envious. Lots of solid options education can be found here.
First of all I would like to just say thank you for doing these reviews which benefits thousands of people.
Secondly, I wanted to see if you would be willing to do a review of DTA (Day Trading Academy). Their website is here: daytradingacademy.com
I know that they have a very large impact with hundreds of students in both the USA, Mexico and Brazil. They have online education courses as well as seminars and in-person events (called MTU’s which stands for Military Training University) where they charge thousands of dollars per person for each event. Therefore, I am confident that a thorough review of the DTA will be a significant benefit to the public. I would be glad to help you with the review in any way I can, as I am currently a subscriber in their program.
Thirdly, and what I have found most interesting, is that based on a little bit of my own research, the founder of DTA, Marcello Arrambide, used to work and teach for Chris Dunn at eminiacademy (which no longer exists), and you have previously done a review of Chris Dunn here:
Based on your review, it seems that Chris Dunn is nothing more than an expert promoter and doesn’t have any trading skills at all. This raises alot of red flags for DTA as their founder and head trader was working for this guy before starting DTA.
Would this be something you would be willing to look into further?
Please review http://smartertrading411.com @smartertrader on twitter. I’ve heard many ppl tell me they lost money from his service while he just paper trades
Jason Bond has an ad on youtube, when you click on it it takes you to a webinar “filled” with people who are cheering the webinar on. If you type “If you are a real person type the word ‘pizza'” nobody will respond. He’s faking attendance to his own webinar with scripted chat and bots.
There has to be some sort of illegality to this sort of thing
fastmoneytraders claim to make 75% and 100%monthly returns from trading (with only one loss) but when I asked for a history of their trades they could not produce one and got very defensive. Here is what they rep[lied to me: ” We do not have time to answer anymore of your questions. Maybe you would be better off somewhere else, as you are too high-maintenance of a customer. Nobody else has ever demanded this information from us.”
If they can’t prove their trading history then STAY AWAY!!
Hey, could you please do a review on tradewithsoul.com and their discord chatroom? Their main analyst has over 13+ years experience and has been posting really well trades and posts the wins on it too. Thank you!
Hello there, I am thinking about taking courses from http://www.tradingacademy.com, they are pretty expensive around $9k up t0 $12k on courses, would you please do a review of them and save me money 🙂 thanks
Hey Emmett, I really enjoy your reviews. I’ve had personal experiences with a couple of the “gurus” you’ve checked out and mostly agree with what you’ve written, so I definitely trust your opinion.
I’d like to request that you review Rick Gutierrez (techbudsolutions) of Youtube fame, his discord server, and maybe his Learn Plan Profit course. I have a feeling this guy is already on your radar as he’s blown up in popularity quite recently.
Some of his videos aren’t bad, but this dude has that weird vibe (maybe it’s the salesman vibe) that always makes me super suspicious. It seems like the only thing he sells is his course (looks like a basic crash course) for a one-time $300 but I could be missing something.
His discord server is free to join and I just started lurking there, but don’t see anything super interesting yet. He puts out a lot of free stuff but to me, this looks less like a genuine noble deed and more like a sales tactic to build his youtube following. He appears to have focused on promoting himself quite a bit before recently pivoting to selling “mentorships” (his plan all along?).
I have not skin in this game. Most of his stuff is free like I said and I have no need for ANOTHER course of the same TA basics. But his videos have clickbait titles and he plays these very cheap, highly volatile stocks that I don’t think are safe for beginners at all.
It appears that he has also pulled money out of his account more than once to sort of reset to a very small account size. He shoves all of it into a single trade so if he wins, it appears to be this massive unbelievable ROI. He claims to rinse and repeat this style of trading to demonstrate that you can grow an account from $2,000 or whatever into $20,000 in no time.
Anyway, I have a feeling he’s exactly the misleading salesperson he appears to be but I’d love to see if there is a level of genuine trading success there and what else you can find.
Hi Emmett, I’ve followed a number of your reviews and I am really impressed by how direct you are. And, I’m fascinated by the programming of trading systems and indicators that you discuss. I came across a thinkorswim ThinkScript that seemed to have incredible promise, but it posts the buy and sell signals a few candlesticks after the fact. Do you know of anyone who might be willing to take a look at the code to see if there is any way to use the same mathmatical model but get it to post a signal immediately instead of having to wait several bars? As advised here, I just posted this question and the code on trader.help
My apologies for posting this question off topic on your review stream. I couldn’t find any other way to contact you.
Yes, thanks for responding so quickly. Check out: http://freethinkscript.blogspot.com/2009/05/yabsi.html When reviewing the comments below there, it looks like someone had success at longer time frames (like 15m)…. I’m more interested in 1m or 5m. Is there a way I can direct message you in the future instead of me hijacking someone elses thread?
It just amazes me how many charlatans there out there, the recommended traders/rooms you can count on your fingers, all the rest you need the help of an octopus. I am staggered.
You are the holy grail, stop looking to others, manage your risk tightly, try to let your profits run above your average loss, and that’s it. Do not use indicators, as none of them work. If you have to use charts, watch for false breakouts and if they come back in, trade them. Highs and Lows only, nothing else. Look for rejection or of H/L bars/candles. Most professional traders hedge, if you cannot do that, then just take a few ticks, else you are asking for trouble. Let go of your ego, it probably will not come back to you. Ideally, video the price ladder, and play it back looking for turning points, your brain will start to see patterns. Order flow from the DOM is the only way, that is what professional traders look at. Do not trust anyone in this business. Try to follow the rules on Top Step on a sim until you master it.
I am a student of the Pitbull and his 1 Star review is BS. Doron personally helps you every step of the way. His trades are legit as I verify them against mine daily. Al his students have about the same entries, he is just making more than us because he is trading more contracts. This program is Legit and well worth the money. If you finally want something that works this is it. Take it from me “A Student”, not from some guy that hasn’t tried the program and has no idea what he is talking about. David S South Carolina
Send in your audited and verified trading statements Doron. If they’re legit, Emmett will publish a correction. As an added bonus you’ll be flooded with new customers who are eager to find a trading system that works. But without those statements your review will remain as it is.
Can you do a review of Mafia Trading? He has videos on You Tube where he starts with $800 Day trading Penny stocks and 81 Days later he has turned the $800 into over $100,000..
I too would like a comprehensive review of Meir and Tradenet. My instincts find him quite authentic, I see the salesman side of him as well but can’t absolutely hold that against him.
You can join a 2 week free trial in his chatroom to make your own opinion.
I personally don’t like the style of his trades but you can make money just by follow his live alerts.
His R/R is 1:1 that’s why I don’t like it
Could you please review Huzaifa Farooq at Trade Simple? He has a youtube channel & a website at http://www.tradesimpleofficial.com
He offers a system trading on price action alone. I’m new & would like to find something I can trust.
Hey guys, love your reviews! You guys do the trading community a great service. I have another one for you to look into….He calls himself “Vinny Emini”…I won’t tell my story so I won’t spoil your review, but this guy is a real piece of work. Hope you have a look.
Review of ArtofChart would be great. Looks promising, has posted record of what I hear are verifiable trades on the website and is taking a shot at the Cup in 2018.
Emmett, I have followed your work for a couple of years and am greatly disturbed by the lack of integrity of the industry. On November 6 I am unveiling my twitter account EMANON@3PERCENTADAY that will give up to 4 day trades a day that will pay you at least 3 percent for the day with all positions closed that day. There will never be more than one position open at a time. As with Twitter, there are no fees for this service. Just go to Twitter.com and follow EMANON@3PERCENTADAY. I look forward to your reviews of my service once I have built enough history.
Shouldn’t you admit that John Carter paid you to not cover him? Did he make you sign a non disclosure or something? Just send me an email with the word yes.
And David Jaffee too (BestStockStrategy.com) Something is fishy about that dude & I can’t quite put my finger on it. His option selling strategy is solid! I don’t question is trading prowess (doubled his $5K to $11K+ this year with zero losses. All good. But he claims he also trades with a $5M E-trade account too. I’m like – if he’s soo rich & having all this success with trading, & claims he wants to help the little guy sooo bad, then why is he ‘stiffing’ peeps with a nearly $2K course (on a single strategy where he shares the nuts & bolts of it on his YT channel); and charges nearly $400/mo for his option alerts (2-5 per month)?
Plus he’s trying to compete with u in the ‘trading guru review bizness’. He swears up & down that ‘anyone’ who buys options, use tech analysis or daytrades are frauds & sociopaths -end of story. With his reviews (99.9% negative on traders), he is so biased. It’s like his goal is to smash everyone & set himself up as the ONLY legit trading guru. Dude got issues. Fishy AF…lol. Plz do one on hin next year too.
He’s an interesting one for sure. His strategy (pure options selling as far as I can tell) works great in megabull years like 2019. We’ll see how it does in 2020, as the market is down hard right now on coronavirus worries. This is the kind of market that usually bankrupts option sellers.
Do you have a list of trading rooms that you consider to be good? I only see rooms that are scams. I currently trade stocks full time and was looking into futures but haven’t found any rooms that look good. The Oil Trading Group does look decent but they want 2k to be a part of what they do. That’s a little steep in the beginning. I am looking to get my feet wet before spending thousands of dollars.
Do you really need a review of anyone that says, “So Darn Easy Forex”. Anyone saying investing is easy is a fool or a con artist or both. Investing is not easy.
Period!! Maybe they exist, like lottery winners, but every wealth person (unless they inherited their wealth) that I have met made their money by working their asses. Easy is terms con artist use to part you from your money.
And I will add even the best con artist don’t make their money easy. Yes I know they are con artist. But the best work their butts off being con artist. Doing brilliant videos and marketing and constantly working to separate you from your money.
Easy is a relative term. What may be easy for one person (especially if he’s gifted) may not be so easy for the average Joe. The average Joe will never be able to play basketball like Michael Jordan, do mathematics like John Nash, compose music like Beethoven or do stand up comedy like Chris Rock or George Carlin. Yusef Scott may be the Beethoven of Forex. He may have paid his dues & now it’s easy for him cuz he found his flow with 4X. Give the guy the benefit of the doubt and gather the facts 1st b4 u rush to judgement with scam claims.
Someone notified me that you had used my name in conjunction with a review of Chris Terry’s room.
Your information about me in inaccurate and it comes across as an blatant uncalled for diss. I am not sure what your motives are for your biased slam of me.
To correct the record:
Jack S did see my trading statements as well as my work and research when he interviewed me for the new Market Wizards book. I had been an exchange member for 10 years at the time. I became a CTA in 1992. My track record was audited every year by an independent auditor until I retired 3 years ago. I managed 145 million and was recognized by Barclays for having the 17th best 5 year track out of 4500 hedge funds. I had one of the best sharpe ratios in the business.
I never thought of myself as a “trading educator”. 99% of my main business and profits has been my trading and hedge fund (in which I had 100 % of my personal funds invested). I was 20% of the AUM. I hired Chris when Ron Sheer, a very close friend who owned the Generic prop trading firm as well as Carlin Financial Group wanted someone to call stock trades for his traders and I asked Chris to do it since he had a good eye for the charts. (google Ron Sheer)
Chris was good enough that Ron maintained an exclusive contract until he disbanded his Generic prop firms and sold Carlin to Royal BAnk of Canada. Chris then wanted to moderate my small futures room so I let him. I am sure that Chris’s attentions and energies have wandered greatly since when I let him go 10 years ago, but he was a very good friend to me those early years when I had family problems.
I am proud to say that the original chat room (which originated when all my assets were frozen by my ex for a period of a year – note “EX”) created 5 full time jobs for other people who helped. I am still in contact with several traders who became CTAs after they left my room and I know it was good work at the time. Like any chat room or advisory business, if it is not helpful, then dont subscribe to it.
As an aside, I only wrote half of a book once in 1996 (with Larry Connors) and I have never sold courses online. I resent your comment: “I went back to hustling books”. I respectfully request that you remove all mention of my name from your site, especially in conjunction with Chris Terry.
Thanks for responding. I made the requested edits. You are portrayed in a much friendlier tone. You still have a little bit of Chris Terry stuck on your pant leg.
Yes Linda you have attained legendary status, but I think it was fair to make the association to that charlatan. A man that wakes up everyday, looks himself in the mirror and still decides to create financial ruin for good hard working people. That is something that only a man with no moral compass can achieve. People are certainly assuming credibility because of that carnival act was associated with you. Whether it is entirely fair to you is something that people will decide on their own.
If they do not eat their own cooking I would run away. First step, ask them to show proof they trade their ideas via brokerage statements. That will eliminate 99% of the con artist.
By asking for brokerage statements that will eliminate 99% of the con men. That will also eliminate 99% of all trading rooms and trading vendors which means 99% are crooked and can not trade their way out of a paper bag. That last statement I must cite as Rob B being the source. Must give credit where credit is due.
I should add after the con man refuses to show their brokerage statements one of their con artist 101 lines is to say, “Well someone could just fake their brokerage statement”. That is true, but most will not do that, because that really gets into fraud which you can then be report to the authority. I think the authorities take making fake brokerage statement and stating they are real a lot more serious than someone that just sim trades and keeps a false track record. As on the latter they just say well I state the results are hypothetical. But hard to explain showing fake brokerage statements. IMO that is a whole another level of fraud.
Yes Rob that’s what I seem to hear now. I could just fake brokerage statements so they are meaningless. I don’t agree with that, but I do believe some are resorting to that now since Trading Schools is asking them to put up to validate. If they are serious about their results, they could go as far as getting the statements audited by an independent source, as Follow Me Trades seems to do. If I had phenomenal results and I was selling a product, you could be sure I would produce statements and have them audited. Especially if I had these crazy results that they seem to post online. LOL crazy stuff. up 8000%..lol. If someone doesn’t know how to calculate ROI, do you think they can produce stellar numbers. Just think about it. They teach that stuff in introductory business classes.
Thank you! Have you ever reviews Ascend Trading. DBA StocksDigest on Stocktwits. I am thinking about signing up after watching their record on stocktwits but realize that those gains are hard to get as they are always delayed.
My past is well documented on my blog. Everything is written about. Nothing is hidden.
As far as 3rd party sites like TradingSchools.Info…or a host of others, it is fair and good that much is written. The more exposure the better. Typically, sites like TradingSchools.Info are a way for trading educators to attempt to discredit, obfuscate, or confuse consumers. But most people are pretty smart, and they eventually move towards the truth. And the simple truth is that the trading educational industry is a swamp of fraudulent operators looking to hustle the naive and the desperate.
And trading educators need their own special places in which to complain amongst themselves. So let them! Lol.
Emmett, I think it would be helpful if the blog could list anonymously a record of calls and entreaties to expose a scam vendor. For example, each month, a stats list of how many calls or messages you received, how many were curious, and how many were mad or despondent they got duped or lost a chunk of their savings or got into more cc debt. Perhaps even a list or table view of all the traducation sites with how how many of each were received. Readers and the general public can then clearly see how the witchhunt movement of dupes against these shamsters has greatly caught on since the inception of tradingschools and show how the throngs are now demanding more of the truth about these frauds which had been suppressed for so long by the sham shill media and web efforts.
First of all thank you for providing this useful resource for the trading community. I believe it is critical for new traders seeking proper education to have a guideline while searching. I’ve joined tradenet by Meir Barak since Jan 2017 and have found their funded accounts program to be very useful. I haven’t had personal experience cashing out but so far everything checks out from the live trades screen sharing to analyst education. If you could review the program that would be much appreciated.
Why dont you review Tradenet. Its a bait and switch company. The entry $500 fee is basic rudimentary even insulting basic all so they can up sell you to the $3K package. Meir is great and his room is good but the material is all available online. Complete bait and switch scam.
Emmett, thank you for all your work in writing real reviews. They help a lot. Could be nice if these vendors can update their real trading performance, say, every two years, like what Kevin Davey did.
I have had many trader friends tell me Emmett is taking the VIG. In an industry of con artist like Big Mike and Lyin Dean Handley, Emmett is the best out there (criminal history and all); take that for what it is worth.
I was a member of Livetraders.net and have written about it. I do not keep track of my old reviews, did Emmett remove it?
One thing is Emmett has recently added pages to the comments, so now it is hard to search through a thread and look for a past comment. And what makes it worse is this site is frankly sooooooo darn slow to switch to each page takes more time and effort than most will give. Sometime I feel like ASL dial up would be faster than this site. I guess there is no money to upgrade to a faster site.
Did you loose money with LT? I’ve been in the traderoom and they do take trades but all 3 moderators are taking trades, some winner, some heavy looser. The strategy they use are not good with many follow traders copying. Theres gonna be hugh slippage either way.
They trade Gap Break outs. Under the right market condition it works for awhile. But when buying BOs on these type of stocks your fills are not great and contrary to what they state they do not show real trading results.
In addition you stated you have traded with them for 11 months and lost money, that should tell you all you need to know.
This is a new little group/community of daytraders that claim to be having massive success and their cost is not posted publicly. All info must be recieved through email. Its around 497$ a month or 197$ but they’ll take 10% profit. Their claims sound almost too good to be true. It’s Plan Trade Profit and it looks like Patrick Wieland is only the face of the business not the head or the one alerting. He has a youtube channel which is very interesting as well as stocktwits and gram. Thank you i hope you can check him out and review him.
The term “Trader Porn” was originally coined for Timothy Sykes. He flaunts Lamborghinis, bikini models, mansions, yachts, unlimited shrimp cocktail, fancy trips, stacks of $100 bills, bottles of champaign, etc. It’s all visual candy, with no nourishment. Its just porn.
Profittraderoom is a pump and dump room scam. Their skype room is headed by a dubious guy from some eastern European country. His alerts will always tell you to buy something that is already up like double digit % or at high of day. When he and his group finished dumping, you will be left with heavy bags.
There is a room called http://www.jpjtrading.com that has been around a LONG time… I believe he has quite a following and I have never heard a bad word about him… would be interesting if you looked at him
I am an experienced swing trader but I am looking for a highly regarded day trade system, mentor, room, etc. Is there anyone you would recommend? I have looked into The Stock Whisperer, Warrior Trading and Investors Underground and it’s hard to tell if they are legit or just selling crap. I would really appreciate any guidance you can offer.
I have no experience with any of those rooms, but I would read the reviews of each of those sites you mentioned. Those rooms were reviewed here and I believe current and previous members commented as well. After reading 99 percent of the reviews, I believe one should be skeptical when shopping. Now, some other individuals that comment here would have much harsher comments. In my opinion, you must do a thorough vetting before spending any money. Good luck!
“The Stock Whisperer, Warrior Trading and Investors Underground and it’s hard to tell if they are legit or just selling crap.” Not sure if they are legit!! Man it is so depressing to hear anyone even ask if these con artist TR are legit.
There have been reviews of all these TR with tons of comments. If you think there is even a snow balls chance in hell of any of them being legit, there is nothing I can add, except re-read the reviews again and if you decide to join them Good Luck.
And if you want to become a day trader to microscalp 20 trades in CL a day for 4 ticks, my advice is stick to swing trading.
RobB is right Bruce. StockWhisperer, Warrior and IU are all con artist, i.e. shamshows designed to procure monthly churn income streams for the vendors who don’t even trade real money. I can personally attest to WarriorTrading as I was in the shamster’s room for a couple months. I personally witnessed when he accidentally moved a window off of another window which clearly showed it saying sim account, then he stumbled and tried to pass it off as their “sim practice”. They even tried to use thinkorswim paper version for a few days but realized anyone who had TDA could see through their sim sham immediately. I also saw when they changed the angle of the webcam to point up to the ceiling instead of the old back wall or door because someone mentioned in elite the webcam showed his arms and his hands were not moving when he was calling out trades, meaning he was just calling out trades like he was in them without even bothering to enter them sim, lol. Later on besides the lies about being an architect and their hired legal team wiping the evidence from archive.org, Emmett mentioned Ross used to be a Jason Bond moderator and archive.org still show the pic of him sans beard and glasses. The whole stichk of the webcam and his glasses and beard disguise is to subconsciously fool attendees paying the monthly churn fee into thinking Ross is making the trades he is announcing and he is somehow more trustworthy than sham vendors who don’t put up a webcam. It’s all just tricks and suprisingly Warrior is doing far better as a churning business now than even JasonBond picks. Too many newbs either missed tradingschools, or choose to ignore the review and comments even when Emmett reported many have contacted him about Warrior claiming they lost an average of $10k each.
Please don’t waste your time. Swingtrading is better, or short positions trades. Hence, take a look at the european stock market. Look into shorting hyperbolic moves in mid/small cap. If you have access to Interactive brokers, you could use cfd’s for that. But don’t know if US ppl are allowed to trade cfd’s.
Eat Sleep Profit. I must admit I like the name, so I went to the site. One thing that always concerns me is when they do not show the name of the actual trader that will be teaching you. Maybe afraid you will Google it and find bad things. How is the actual Trader??
My advice is get a free trial hopefully for a reasonable period and then see if they do all the following:
1) Trade an actual Live account – Sim is meaningless and as said before if you do not trust your method why would anyone else,
2) Clearly show your DOM or Chart Trader for every trade taken,
3) Start Posting a Real Track Record Updating it Every Single Day,
a. Post accurate record of your trades showing entries, exits and P/L,
b. Post Brokerage Statement Proving his entries and exits.
4) Open up the Brokerage Account Live in front of people every day showing there is no trickery, and
5) Members must be able to achieve the same or close to the same results, so there is no pump and dump BS going on,
6) All members will be allowed to opening chat and no one will be banned for pointing out that I am not doing any of the promises mentioned above.
Anything less than what I posted above becomes a circus act where it is just too easy to scam people.
And take some trades live and see if you get the exact same results. That is the
real Litmus Test. If they are mysteriously calling winning trades when you take the same trade and lose, that is all a wise man needs to know. Run for the hills!!
Trust Emmett’s reviews only. Beware of wannabe Emmett deputies commenting with their own “reviews.” They are surely shooting blanks both on this site and life in general.
Always beware of commentors here putting down trading sites – they have hidden agendas and motivation$$.
Shills such as yourself are the only ones with a hidden agenda. Telling people to just believe and not ask for any proof what so ever. Of course there is the possibility your are not a shill and just a compete moron, but I doubt that is the case.
I stick with my statements, do not blindly trust any of these TRs. Get PROOF of their claims or be prepared to be the Goat and scammed out of your money.
Is that really too much to ask for??? Be reasonable, have some sort of proof. Show a DOM and make sure one can follow the trades with a positive expectation of getting similar fills. I’m willing to have an open mind, but at least throw us a bone and do some real trading. If the operator has a clearly defined trading plan and follows it on a live DOM then you are making progress. Once that is achieved obviously everyone can figure out if one truly has an edge which most don’t.
For sure. What an idiotic statement, “beware of commentors here putting down trading sites”. These cesspool sites deserve to be commented on precisely because they were exposed as monthly churning shamshows. Besides Emmett inviting comments, it’s only playing to the shills to make a blanket fool restriction that comments should not be negative about the reviewed site in question. If you want a site full of shilled comments where the balance is placed mostly in favor of the deceivers then it’s right back to the majority of ol investiscamma, trustpilot and whatever else myriads of compromised “review” sites, and continue to get fleeced by the frauds wasting more time and money in monthly churn and outrageous one-time-“lifetime” fees in the thousands. Vanguard posters like RobB have been a great help to the ts audience in learning to guard against the illusions and machinations of these scams. You want a motivation in term of dollars? Saving newbs $$ from listening to these shills and getting churned. It doesn’t get more gratifying to know that $$ was saved from the clutches of these compromised shamsters hurting their fellow man financially with fake dreams and have long since stopped trading live once they could profit and pay bills from ill-gotten gains of monthly churns.
MikeM. It is too much to ask because 99.9% of these vendors are just faux shamshows surviving on monthly churns and fees blinding their own lost conscience with the delusion that their shamshow is somehow a “legitimate” business. The small handful that would get a good review on tradingschools are just breakeveners that couldn’t make a living without the monthly churn fees. And there are a couple others I think have continued to fool Emmett where I suspect deeper digging would reveal the devious deeper layers and machinations of the hoax.
Well said, yet sad. I was taken a couple of times many years ago, but I didn’t know the extent of the fraud until reading this site. Hell, I didn’t know there were that many sites out there offering there services. The disgust and anger hit me hard when I heard about retirees losing it all to these deplorable people. Now it seems the shills are targeting the younger crowd to waste money and time which is just reprehensible.
Emmett obviously took it down for some reason. I just wish to know what that reason was… Must be something pretty big in order to take down a negative review like that.
The people have the right to know!
P.S. Has anyone ever seen a negative review taken down like this before?
Maybe the site was hacked by these shady fraternity brothers? If Emmett took it down we will surely get a response soon, as a lot of effort was put into delving deeper than the review did by concerned commenters.
Oh God … again! From time to time someone posts this link on Emmett’s site. Were you really unable to check into whose site it is? It was set up by a scam vendor who Emmett exposed. Did you apply any critical thought to the claims they made? Was there anything there that isn’t on Emmett’s own site under the “Warning” tab? No wonder people are so easy to scam.
I just looked up Stefanie Kammerman so called business address and this is her million dollar office.. looks more like a dump or is this her home office..hum.. ya, she is making millions. What a joke of a pole dancer/trader. And Fara must be her Pimp. she is a one man show if you look at this too. The MoneyShow should be embarrassed to showcase her.. LOL https://repdigger.com/reviews/the-stock-whisperer#comment
They are real results, they post day to day and week to week results in their trading room documents folder, results going back from when they started and same is shared in the room daily…ive been with them for 6 months now, so far so good
That’s a new one. Paid not to review a trading room! Half your luck Emmett. I wish I could get paid not to go to work. However, mads it doesn’t explain why some of the biggest frauds in the business didn’t pay Emmett not to review them.
Yes. If he writes a positive review ppl will soon rush to this site and blame Emmett for losing money. Emmett has been in the room and told they was the deal. But they ain’t. If you ask Emmett anything regarding livetraders you won’t get a answer. So there must be a reason why he won’t touch these guys
The only honest thing to say about your reviews is that you are the one misleading people, what a scam. Don’t publish this comment, you won’t because you are another waste of the internet… adding more garbage to the world of fake, crap, useless information out there. I am going to make sure I add this to the 450+ sites around the web which I am affiliated with to let people know your reviews are garbage, backed by your fake motives and affiliations. Regardless, maybe you are live for another few months anyway, since you won’t make money from this site and you will ultimately give up and hide back in your grandmothers basement. Get a life and take your crap site back to scam world you created.
I read your review on Smart Money Room and Steve Dewitt. #1-SMR is not owned by Steve. #2-I have been in his room for the past 2 months and NEVER once did he use prerecorded data. All of his calls were LIVE. I made good money when I listened to him and lost big when I was greedy and tried to outsmart him and entered trades that were not made by him. I would not have made a dime if every trade was not live. I don’t know anything about his Forex dealings but you owe this man a serious apology for the way you defamed him.
He was at least %80 right if not higher.
I read your review on Smart Money Room and Steve Dewitt. #1-SMR is owned by Steve. #2-I have been in his room for the past 2 months and NEVER once did he NOT use prerecorded data. NONE of his calls were LIVE. I lost good money when I listened to him and lost even more when I was greedy and tried to be as smart as him and entered trades that were made by him. I would not have lost a dime if every trade was live. I know everything about his Forex dealings and you don’t owe this man any apology for the way you accurately described him.
He was at least %80 wrong if not higher.
Stray Dog
PS. You can write any sh#t you like in testimonials as long as you’re not asked to prove it.
Mike … How can you shills keep turning up on this site, spewing forth your nonsense and think that people like me are #1 going to fall for it and #2 let you get away with that sort of crap? To quote from Emmett’s review of Smart Money Room, “TradingSchools.Org reached out to Steve DeWitt, seeking verification of of the supposed 135% “fully verified” returns for 2015. Unfortunately, Steve Dewitt could not provide anything that verifies these amazing performance claims.” If DeWitt was able to shut up the critics by producing his brokerage statements to prove his claims he’d do it. He doesn’t because his claims, like yours are complete fiction.
Agree with Stray Dog. Guys please don’t just post positive reviews about some trading room, provide proof in form of brokerage statements for atleast couple of consecutive months along with your post otherwise you are just wasting your time. Any person reading posts without proof should just ignore such posts as fake advertising.
Anything on Trading Futures in Action? I recall you promising a review of them sometime last winter. They still claim to show the DOM on all trades and make consistent daily profits.
TraderShark is another Handley-recommended site that used to post consistent weekly positive tick totals, though without any evidence that such levels actually were achieved.
Really mortgage fraud Bob Amico. There have been tons of comments by people who got scammed by him in GTR and in his new room. They talked about how he mysteriously forgot his losers in his posted results.
No one that can trade profitable is going to show their entries and exits as they would no longer be able to trade profitable. That is just how it works. All these day trading rooms are scams. There is not a single one that can show any proof they trade live consistently profitable. And doing a circus act where you sometimes show a DOM while trading SIM is a joke.
You find a room that does the following, please let me know. But as I have repeatedly said you got a better chance of finding a Unicorn.
1) Trade an actual Live account – Sim is meaningless and as said before if you do not trust your method why would anyone else,
2) Clearly show there DOM or Chart Trader for every, not selected, trade taken,
3) Start Posting a Real Track Record Updating it Every Single Day,
a. Post accurate record of your trades showing entries, exits and P/L,
b. Post Brokerage Statement Proving his entries and exits.
4) Open up the Brokerage Account Live in front of people every day showing there is no trickery, and
5) Members must be able to achieve the same or close to the same results, so there is no pump and dump BS going on,
6) All members will be allowed to opening chat and no one will be banned for pointing out that I am not doing any of the promises mentioned above.
Just saw that Handley mentioned Emmett in his TFIA review! lulz. his first response to the ts comments. He must have been reading ts reviews since he ditched his review integrity long ago and ts has taken the top of trusted retail trading review sites. Here at:
Looks like Dean Handley ~mbajdphd and TFIA are at it again. Another “hypothetical” Amico profit curve of the last year, 500% , double triple yer money etc. same ol hogwash, if Handley’s grand “tetons” of the wild snaksoily west could make those returns and newbs could follow along, he wouldn’t have to be proposing ad fees from an old home kitchen table. good recap of your rules for proof sham vendors can never follow, RobB.
Lying Dr. Dean is the worst of the worst of the scum bags lying to the FDA during drug trials that could have caused severe injury to thousand of people as shown below.
There is only one thing that matters and that is proof of profitable trading. That is what Emmett ask for, yet Dr. Dean shows absolutely no proof that any of his rooms can trade profitable or that he could trade their method profitable. All a complete circus act. If Dr. Dean was making the money he claimed from trading those rooms he surely would not be making videos from his run down kitchen. He is a complete fraud. Don’t believe me than believe the FDA. As I have repeatedly stated this whole industry is nothing but con artist. It is truely unbelievable. If the SEC stepped in all these room would be forced to close.
“Dr. Handley, who was Sepracor’s Senior Director, Office of Medical Communications and Scientific Affairs, regularly represented Sepracor at hearings before the FDA and was a Sepraco r spokesman at the conference . Sepracor’s Dr. Handley stated that the cardiac effects of Soltara have been studied in several well-controlled, randomized clinical trials. He reported that “virtually no change in the Qtc interval” was observed at relatively large doses of the drug, referring to an articl e in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology . Dr. Handley further reported that no change in Qtc interval was observed either one or two weeks into treatment that would indicate any cardiac propensity. Moreover, Dr. Handley falsely represented that “these clinical data are well substantiated b a variety of molecular, genetic and animal studies” .”
Hi Emmett,
I am in a quandary. I am in search of a futures trading room, mentor, and system. I came across your blog and website while researching trading rooms. I have spent over 9 hours reading all your reviews with two or more stars and the comments that followed them. I have got to say that you are a good writer and do a thorough job in your research. I know with all the scum out there pitching their own system you have a lot to write about. I come to realize through your blog and others that I need to very careful in selecting a mentor, system and trading room.
I have been trading now for 3 years and have yet to become constantly profitable. I have tried three different systems and two trading rooms. I have read that you should not system hop, that you should stick with one system and master it. But how long is to long? I know that there is no such thing as a holy grail system but in your opinion, is there one or two systems that are better than the rest?
I would like to know what system, trading room, mentor you use if any? What would your top 3-5 picks be for someone like me that has a small budget of around $3000?
If I may be so bold to make a suggestion for you to consider about your website…Put your reviews in a $$ bracket. For someone like me looking for only those rooms, systems that are with in our budget. Just a observation.
I look forward to your comments.
PS. I would like a review on Valhalla Futures – M. William Scheier
Forget about trading rooms. Waste of time and money. Instead, focus on backtesting strategies. Not to find out what works, but to discover what does not work. Debunking myths should be your primary goal. While you are in the process of debunking, you will slowly start to realize what actually does work. And this is the stuff that nobody is selling, or if they are selling…it costs $10k (no kidding).
Download Trade Navigator Platinum. This is the backtesting and strategy testing platform for anyone that does not know how to write C#, C+, C++, .Net, or Java, etc. You can research and write strategies easily. If you are serious, I will send you a few strategies that actually work, and you can build upon that knowledge to create your strategies.
i sruggling to be become profitable,by coincident i came to this blog and as u advised Trade Navigator Platinum i took a look at their site,it s rather expensive,so whats ur recomendation how to start out there,and can u sent me some startegies that actually work?
I wonder which job pays him better than the $20,000-$30,000 a month he was making day trading? Secret Agent? Rocket Scientist? Brain Surgeon? Boy Toy for Hillary? Or for “The Don”!!!
To be fair to Kavan I’m going to believe that he still had a conscience and once exposed the packed it in. Or maybe he was smart enough to get out before the SEC came knocking.
Hi Emmett,
I am in a quandary. I am in search of a futures trading room, mentor, and system. I came across your blog and website while researching trading rooms. I have spent over 9 hours reading all your reviews with two or more stars and the comments that followed them. I have got to say that you are a good writer and do a thorough job in your research. I know with all the scum out there pitching their own system you have a lot to write about. I come to realize through your blog and others that I need to very careful in selecting a mentor, system and trading room.
I have been trading now for 3 years and have yet to become constantly profitable. I have tried three different systems and two trading rooms. I have read that you should not system hop, that you should stick with one system and master it. But how long is to long? I know that there is no such thing as a holy grail system but in your opinion, is there one or two systems that are better than the rest?
I would like to know what system, trading room, mentor you use if any? What would your top 3-5 picks be for someone like me that has a small budget of around $3000?
If I may be so bold to make a suggestion for you to consider about your website…Put your reviews in a $$ bracket. For someone like me looking for only those rooms, systems that are with in our budget. Just a observation.
I look forward to your comments.
PS. I would like a review on Valhalla Futures – M. William Scheier
I wish I had read your article on Glenridge Capital before I started an account there. Do you know where in Israel their office is? Do you know their Head Analyst Ryan Daniels?
I read your article on Glenridge Capital. I wish I had seen your article before I started an account with them. Their head analyst is called Ryan Daniels. Is that his real name? Is he also located in Tel Aviv? Where is their Tel Aviv office?
Hello Tom, On the right side of the homepage are two headings; “Best Trading Systems” and “Highly Ranked Trading Rooms.” The Highly Ranked Trading Rooms are probably what you are looking for.
Hello,Emmett can you give me a few recommendations for a swing trade site with entry and exit points.I just tried a trial with jasonbondpicks.com.Thanks Tom
First I will give you credit not looking for one of these Day Trading Sites, but the odds of you following someone else entry and exit and being profitable IMO is about zero.
What happens when they have a 30% pullback will you panic sell everything?
You need to know why you entered into a position and know when you will exit.
I have yet to meet anyone making money following someone else calls over the long term. If you are going to do that I would suggest you be better off dollar cost averaging into the several mutual funds that have a long term record of profitability.
That is my 2 cents worth. My opinion worth price paid.
“You need to know why you entered into a position and know when you will exit.” (from Rob B). Correct.
Yep. There are two things you might want if you are a new trader.
The first is you want to learn how to trade, so the moderator of the room should be showing you “if A and B, then C” giving you a clear cut picture of what is happening to get ready to trade. Then he should give you stop loss and targets (before or as he enters the trade).
And he should stick to those stop loss numbers. Hold him to that. No doubling down and you need to ascertain that he’s not sim trading.
The second type of learning is actually that you just want someone to give you a number and a stop and target. If that is the case, then you better be sure to get that brokerage statement for 3-6 months showing that he really knows what he’s doing. And again, no Sim, repeat several times, no sim, no sim, no sim. And I emphasize that because if he suddenly (as some TR moderator did) doubles down after being down around $1800, you have to ask if you’d do that with “real” money. Easy to do on Sim, not so easy with your hard earning money.
To just hope someone will make you rich with little or no work on your part is unfortunately the dark side of the American Dream. Don’t buy into that. Trading takes skill, determination, tenacity and boldness — and lots of work.
Hello, Could you do a review on Charlie Burton’s Ezeetrader room and Jerremy Newsome’s RealLifeTrading?
Charlie seems to be very consistent and has been featured on a BBC Trader documentary. He always talks about risk mitigation, which seems to be a sign that he is the real deal. However, I think one cannot join his day trading room unless his course is purchased.
Kavin Klein has excited the business. As part of the deal to remove the negative review, he agreed to write me a letter that detailed everything. And I mean everything. All the good an juicy details. We agreed that the update would not be published until 30 days after he presented the letter.
Basically, he talks about the entire industry and he “out’s” a lot of people. All the good stuff. But you will have to wait just a bit longer…
Hi Emmett, your site is great. It’s awesome to see you have gone great length to reveal these scans.
I have purchased a subscription from Tim Sykes in 2011 when I first started trading. Also paid another guru in the past. It’s all tuition now that I think of it.
Can you take a look at Wall Street Jesus, and some of the option rooms, as well as Triforce trading, which is affiliated with Profit.ly. I know they are businesses, but would like to see your take as I have some friends who are asking me if they should pay for that, which I objected.
What about Trading Futures in Action, with Sandy Sehgal and Bob Amico? I recall that you were planning to review them around February or March 2016 but I have not yet seen the review. They post some impressive results and claim to be doing all trades with the DOM visible.
David, what I have seen in the room seems to be good. Here are some issues, Dr dean is in the room. And he is also in the room trade for greatness. And, he owns the trade room tradeforgreatness from April for when I reached out to April asking her that the the gains posted are amazing and if she had any proff to back those gains, and reply came back from Dr Dean. Bob Amico was charged with fraud for real estate: http://newyork.realestaterama.com/2007/11/01/amicos-plead-guilty-in-connection-with-60-million-mortgage-fraud-conspiracy-case-ID0112.html. The room just opened. If someone shows their DOM does not mean they are trading live, they can be trading simulator on the DOM. So you can go month to month but would not pay for entire year. Dr. Dean says that the best trade room is tradeforgreatness and traingfuturesinaction. And he is in both the rooms, and he emails from trade for greatness. I asked him if he says all these sites are real why does he not post their brokerage statement, that includes tradingfuturesinaction. I asked how do I know if his statements are real and if he does not get paid for his reviews and he just told me to *****. These people can can easily wipe out their account number the amount of money in that account just show the profit loss number. If they make so much money a month why do they need a petty amount of 300/mo or they can easily become a fund manager if they are that good?? Just my 2 cents
This is a strange site. Their staff roster is big which looks more like a software development company team. Two hedge funds are mentioned, “Sang Lucci Capital Partners, LP”, and “Flammarion Capital Partners, LP”. Is there a way to check how these hedge funds performed, RobB? Then one of the members is/was? a HFT trader for Flammarion. http://www.benzinga.com/markets/futures/14/11/4954773/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-high-frequency-trader
correct me if I”m wrong, but I thought it was the other way where trading education vendors strive to be profitable enough to become hedge funds rather than the other way around. Otherwise it looks like the typical 225/month room and $400/$255 education videos deal. And some blog commentary on “flow” and usual after the fact comments about the general market.
A lot of times I think these people are just pooled money and not even a legit hedge fund. More than likely at best this is some dinky very small hedge fund, where you might have to ask them to show proof of performance. You can start by searching the SEC
Thanks RobB. The address seems to be part of this office space for startups, https://www.wework.com/locations/new-york-city/nomad ; Nothing on CNBC about Lucci captial or Flammarion except Flammarion was referred to on zerohedge: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-05-29/generation-rate-hike-rookies-makes-jeff-gundlach-nervous, as a bunch of young guys watching hft algos; well I guess I could conclude like you said, small pools which hasn’t really taken off, so they chose to do “trading education” on the side ultimately becoming another vendor group. Maybe they ought to “scale down expenses” and move to the countryside farm house like Ross said he did, lol.
Can you recommend a school or mentor for trading the ES? I like scalping for a point but also like shooting for 2-4 point targets as well. I’ve tried several mentors but I have not found a method I can trade. It’s seems these mentors are either using lagging indicators or as with trading price action if you don’t have your trend and channel lines drawn exactly right, the market just chews you up. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Could you please review Chuck Hughes? What he writes seems correct but what is shown as examples is mostly old stuff from 2005. Plus he has won the World Cup Championship (http://www.worldcupchampionships.com/live-stats-3) 8 times, but mostly Stocks and Futures, but this may be that they don’t monitor/award for options. What he is pushing is options, through various places, one is Hughes Optionengineering.
Hi Emmett is there a day trading room that you recommend that trades stocks only. You have some good reviews on forex and options. I was considering Daytradingpower then read your latest review. Seems like everyone is teaching but I cannot one that practices what they preach.
Actually, there a few guys that I like for futures. Jason at The Oil Trading Group is a really nice guy, but you need a larger account. I also like old Dave at Learn To Trade and Invest. Dave and I have a had an interesting relationship this past couple of years, but I can verify his performance, and he has good performance.
99.9% of these trading educators are just terrible. But a tiny little sliver are decent and honest.
I guess it depends on what you want from reviews. An actor with a crime scene voice like Stacy Keach of American Greed who reads scripts and personally doesn’t know much about the trading business. Or someone who’s been there in the depths , has served his time to society and is turning a new leaf doing real reviews on the trading scam industry.
Calhoun is a great guy and I have met him personally thanks to one of his seminars going back 11 years now. It was internet marketing related, not trading related. Lots of respect that I have for Ken as his a straight up honest guy and well intention guy based on my own deductions/conclusions from the advice he personally gave me back then in the seminar and the image he had going back to 2005 with Corey Rudl, J., Reese and a bunch of other online marketing gurus. Would be interesting(and I’ll either love or dislike Emmett perhaps a little) if Emmett decides to pull a review on him as I know Ken has been teaching day trading for many years now and Emmett doesn’t sugarcoat in his line of biz (neither do I)
JT, do know that Ken is a master copywriter and excellent salesman with lots of video technical know how as he has been online for over 20+ years doing business online. Very intelligent and honest guy in my personal view because of experiences in his previous internet marketing teachings. I definitely vouch for Calhoun, JT. If he offers a money back guarantee I know he’ll honor it, that’s a surefire backup on your end just in case he offers a guarantee of money back. And if you check my sig my attached site you’ll confirm I also have a keen interest in trading and finding the very best choice for learning trade, so we’re in the same boat and it obviously isn’t a fan or a paid review. Thanks for reminding me about Ken, you just reminded me about him and I actually can’t believe I forgot about him for learning trade as what I learned from then back 10+ years ago wasn’t “day trading” specifically back then, so amused by it in a way!
Hello Here is a video recording of MOJO DAYTRADING that is worth watching. Would like to hear your take on it especially how he cost average down on stocks such as PSDV https://youtu.be/Jdinx5n9Kd8
after reading your article on finding the right mentor ,I came across naed Nial Fuller.He claims to trade Himself.Other people seem to think not.I asked Him why,if he does trade,why does nt he post live trades.The reason he said was for legal issues.Do you know of Him and if this would be true?
Oops!! Perhaps my judgement isn’t so hot after all! I’ve exchanged 3-4 emails with this kid and his trades appeared valid-but will certainly read review. Not sure how I missed it!! I was referred to Nial by a trader at FXStreet after I expressed my desire to learn more about Price Action. My comment I sent you was only based on the past week or so of speaking to him. I think he was recommended because Ben’s prices for his online course & seminars are WAY over my limit! (And HIS trades ARE 3rd party verified!)
Right , they all claim to trade themselves, even those price action “teachers” like Lance Beggs of YTD and price action by Mac where they just keep drawing circles on after the fact charts on youtube or newsletters. Never any stats, proof or records, just lousy spam email or youtube “journals”.
I am amazed how many people follow Mack and his hindsight mark up of charts. Once I would like him to try and calls a trade live. The funny thing is when I use to look at his charts in the old days I always found 5 other trades that also could be circled that were losers that somehow he never circled or would explain. He is a complete joke.
And for Beggs, I still gets his emails of hindsight chart analysis. Again never any proof any of these guys trade profitably.
There’s a BUNCH of both positive AND negative on Apiary over at ForexPeaceArmy. (Including posts by the CEO) Lower priced “education fee”, but seemingly above-board Prop firm Blue-Point Trading has caught my interest. But I want to make sure I save a “cushion” before I go any further-so I can fall back on just retail trading if it doesn’t work out. They have some good, FREE educational material available and the traders I’ve spoken to there, as well as several conversations with the CEO, William Thompson (Blue); have come across as open and honest. But, that’s just my own humble opinion. Good Luck!
netpicks is a total scam. I know myself and one other guy who lost money trying to trade their calls. And they have the gall to show backtest results complaining if people stuck around all year. It’s the usual monthly churn rate. People leave after a month or two after perpetual losers and realize they’ve been had. And new people come in to be duped. The same shill actors who are probably the hosts themselves are in the room who beat you up if you complain. They have tried to re-invent themselves multiple times among various websites and variations of their same lousy software. Seven Summits, keltner bells, puAcademy whatever scammy nonsense. Seriously Emmett you need to do an expose review on them since they are a legacy sham and one of the most visible snakeoil wagontrains on the web. They’re scammy influence is longer and bigger than nexgen and most other futures trading scamuvendors.
Thank you.. This is great stuff! I have read almost everything on your site. Have you done a review of eminitutor.com? I think the guys name is Horst. He posts youtube videos almost daily of his trades. I don’t think he has a trade room. He does tutoring sessions over a few months. I think he charges 4-5k. I would be very interested know if his trades are real live money trades or completely fabricated.
Great stuff here. I have a question for that I will need to preface but I think it is a good question relative to vast majority of rooms refusing too show their DOMs. In inquiring from an outfit called coherentvibrations, that is run by someone in CA and apparently has been started because another outfit was outed as a fraud in Big Mike Trading, called jaguarTrading, this guy is trying to sell is “STUFF” for $80,000!!! yes… I said that. It includes other people’s courses and ‘mentorship’ and training and a HUGE committment to your ‘guaranteed success’ blah blah blah…. and includes the guy’s stuff who was outed as a fraud. He is a part of this new room etc…
Anyway, when I inquired about showing his dome… This is the dribble I got…
The FTC, and CFTC, the government agency that regulates trading has already given me a phone call questioning me about providing investment advice, this is something I cannot do. Therefore I have been instructed that I may only provide hypothetical trading opportunities. What this means is that I cannot show my dome …. I can show it in Sim, but I cannot show it live because that would be providing specific investment advice and anybody that does that is setting themselves up sooner or later for a very big fine.
Of course, he does not even show it in SIM. Any truth to any of this that he says, and I expect others do as well?? Thanks Emmett
I got suckered by them into the mentoring and robot system they have which is not profitable at all. Why would it be with an 8 tick stop loss for 3 tick profit. Out 17 grand 🙁
He’s a great marketer, after reading his books, I was stupid enough and purchased his course for $4k. He guaranteed a refund after 1 year if not satisfy, the condition is that you have to follow his system for a year before you can ask for a refund. I wasted a whole year on my precious time and didn’t get any result and I asked for refund, and of course he didn’t honor his promise and he never replied my email.
I am just wondering why he is not on your list of review.
Thank you Emmet for the wonderful hard work you do for the public. You scared me off warrior trading even though I really really wanted to join his chat/classes. Ross Cameron seems so good!!! Anyhow, can you check out “Landshark Analytics”? I’m sure you have a crazy long list of websites to check out but this Dan’s youtube videos are available and I believe there’s a free access to the website for a day or so. I am actually too scared of losing money in regular stocks so I’m looking into options and I came across the website and youtube.
Landscape strictly recommends buying puts/calls as opposed to http://www.optionsellers.com/ where the latter only advocates selling of the option premiums. What is your advice on this? I am just so lost…I need a better guide!!
Wait wait wait. Ross Cameron sounds good but Landshark you want a review on? LOL this has to be Ross or one of his idiot friends after they called you out on StockTwits.
Also wanted to thanks you for your website. At least you saved a couple of thousand dollars for me that I wanted to invest in Nonko account but changed my mind after reading your post.
I also wanted to ask you if you would be able to look into Colmex broker and especially their educational center and prop-team Tradenet Israel. and their head Meir Barak They are getting very popular with YouRube videos and many people join them, in same time a lot of rumors as a scam are going around.
They are a bit fishy. Platform looks like Das trader. And every account starts with ‘TR’
DAS clearly states on page 9 in the DAS User Guide (located under the Help Menu on the PRO
platform and on our website as of 10/19/12) that “Any account that begins with “TR” is a training
Even mr. Meir barak’s account on his youtube videos.
Btw. Colmexpro are NOT transparent with fees. You need to ask to see what fees you are paying daily. They are not on ANY blotter in the platform.
And the fees are filled in a very fishy excel form.
Ano, as I heard from some traders they take the opposite site (if you trade CFD, and using Colmex you more likely trade CFD). If you become successful, this is no good for them and they would raise fees so you would have to leave them.
More commonly trading CFD you trade air — if you win broker looses, and that is why Colmex is not interested in your success.
At least that is what I know about Colmex. Many familiar trades started with them and left in some months.
Yeah. They are taking the opposite position. Many CFD providers does this.
The problem is, Colmex are not transparent with fees. I have daytraded with them for 2 days, and paid over 600 dollars in fees. That came to my knowlegde then i asked for a withdrawel. LOL.
I also believe all the customers are trading on a demo.
Yeah, right… Anyway decided to stay away from them. Did not see any real advantages there. Only strong marketing. And a great amount of new traders join watching Meir’s Youtube videos.
Nevertheless should say their Trading room looks really nice (though I visited it 4-5 times only).
This is a great website with very valuable information. Do you plan on doing a review of chartpattern.com, Dan Zanger’s site? That is a review I would like to see and hopefully soon.
Greatly appreciate your site and the work that you do.
Hi Emmett,
Great work in reviewing these sites. I really think you are doing a real service to the trading community, since so many sites are set up to take advantage of new or mostly new traders, many of whom do not realize the reality of a successful trader. Have you reviewed “Chartsky Trades”. I asked if he’d give a free trial but he refused. Maybe you’ll have more luck. Thanks again for all your hard work.
Thanks for providing this service to everyone. Any your prose is an unexpected pleasure.
I’d suggest a qualifier for your approach: for instructional material. I don’t think it’s so important whether the author trades regularly. Case in point, Steve Primo’s free videos cover several very simple setups that in my multitudinous chart reviews are clearly outstanding. I will be trading them, and do not care whether he does so or not. I agree that his marketing is a bombastic mess of overpriced content, but he’s already given away so much of value for free that I don’t care. I’ve also looked carefully at the signals that his heavily-marketed and proprietary ‘PET-D’ gives and have determined that he’s using a variation of a long-standing technique — one less reason to buy his content. If a novice does not have this perspective, he/she will likely still benefit from Primo’s commercial content, if they follow it.
What matters with instructional material here is the potential profitability of the content — does it matter to the credibility of F=MA that Newton did not build bridges ?
Where I would be concerned about whether a ‘master trader’ actually trades is if he/she offers a recommendation service, or runs a chat room where you’re supposed to learn how to trade in real time. This is a completely different kind of service than course content. This is where a long-term record is essential, where I think your approach is spot-on.
In the case of recommendations, I also think it’s more complicated, if the service is trying to teach you to trade, rather than just give you orders to follow. Deciding on a trade’s goal and management is very specific to each trader’s psychology. Every setup, once live in the market, can be managed profitably in many ways, and the role of the ‘master trader’ in my view is to help you arrive at profitable way(s) that you specifically can run the trade. In this case, I think the more meaningful approach is to ask the ‘master trader’ to publish the recommendations and dates of recommendations, not necessarily all the other details, unless the service is understood strictly as a non-instructional trade recommendation service.
Again, thanks for your great service, I’ll be returning regularly.
Looks like Day Trade Warrior, now called Warrior Trading is having its free chat Monday tomorrow. I only see them do this once a month along with a 7 day trial in the middle of the month or so. Check them out at https://www.warriortrading.com/
How are you getting on with a future reviews? I am coming to this site to check over for any news quite often.
It was dead for a couple of months now.
Just give us a small update please !
Thanks ! 🙂
First off, thank you very much for all your reviews. They are great! Are you reviewing any rooms right now? Or do you have any plans to review more rooms in the near future?
Jigsaw tool is useful. His youtube channel has tons of video that are free, but of course if you don’t buy the software you won’t be able to use it. In essense, he is selling a tool for trading, which I like much better compared to selling a trading room or something.
In addition, I know a live trader who made lots of money using his tool and trading orderflow, he personally met up with Peter the founder. Whether Peter himself is profitable, I cannot attest, but his software is useful indeed.
Thanks for the nice objective review of my course. I appreciate it. Only one issue – the book you show in the review is not the one I wrote (although I wrote a short chapter for that book by Brent Penfold). My book picture is here: http://www.kjtradingsystems.com/uploads/2/7/2/8/2728902/_9397680.jpg
Thanks again for the review. I think you are providing an important service to the trading community.
Thanks for leaving a comment. Will get that book cover updated now. And link it out to your page.
I am not doing much for the community. You are the one doing something for the trading community. I just want to help you get your message above the noisy clutter and chicanery.
Emmet, You are as humble as you are helpful. You are likely saving people thousands of dollars. Not only that you are putting in countless hours and spending your own money to hire people to assist you in your quest. Please accept a well deserved pat on the back. Im sure there are many silent reviewers that feel the same, On with the good work.
ps: You really should put up a donations link to help offset some of the costs,
Thanks for the kind note. Seriously, its what keeps me moving forward.
Currently the site is monetized with Google Adsense, which is currently generating about a dollar a day. After I get 400 reviews up, the site should generate enough to pay staff to continue to monitor. The grunt work is off shored in the Phillipines to keep costs at a minimum.
The final result should be a self sufficient site where ad revenue is pooled and anyone that wants to write reviews, can serve a dual function of writing performance reviews and earning money by trading the best performing services. This system is working pretty well with my teenager, he trades a small account and gets to keep whatever is earned by matching the trades as per the room moderator. In exchange, he does the grunt work of time stamping the video and writing a summary than can be used for further reviews.
I am sure that $1 a day average is because of where the ads are being placed and the focus of the overall sites which is reviewing trade material. Fast forward a year from now and I bet adsense is at the very least $5 a day with the horrible ad placements. Either way who cares as the focus shouldn’t be Adsense now and it should still be reviews, secondary advertising space I will guess for this niche.
I know adding a “donate” button would put a halt in my own ego as a business man, but this will actually bee seen even on a better light on my end as there’s just an extreme amount of well done reviews that deserve greater amount of respect then just Adsense. I’m sure the 6 figure earners that are carefully reading this website will surely add to $100’s a month thanks to “donate” buttons. Hope you reconsider Emmett as I’ll surely donate out of respect for the well deserved B12 and WatchHimTrade reviews you did alone.
I was asked to read your post regarding Back to the Future Trading, and perhaps reply. I read the entire post, quite long and detailed for sure. Here are my thoughts:
My experience with BTTF has been about 3 years. I was introduced to them at the Advance Trading Workshop run by Jerry Simmons. I think your point that the software “doesn’t work” because Michael won’t trade it live in the room… is on its face lacking of understanding. Michael and Ron are not CTA’s and cannot legally give trading advice. What they can do, is show you how their software works and how it can be used in trading. And if you listen carefully in the room, they are trading it! Just not giving advice. There are three to five basic trade setups that work like clockwork, but you have to learn to see the setup and learn how to trade it, just like anything else that isn’t’ black box!
The premise that the software predicts buys and sells is incorrect. I don’t know anyone that just buys when the software says buy and sells when it says sell. That is not the way to use this software. It is a timing mechanism! The basis of the software is data mining under the premise that history repeats itself. But to think that “it doesn’t work” because buying and selling dots sometimes don’t match up, is wrong and too simplistic reasoning.
The Flux is a timing tool, and I have found a great guide to “WHEN” to engage the market. There is price, time, and volume…. When they line up, you have the best of the best trades! But to trade it like you claimed in your post by just taking trade dots, is grossly incorrect!
For example…. BTTF suggests that the timing is 60 to 70% accurate. I am sure that is about right on its face…. But not a great edge unless you have money management and a trade plan of limited stops and profit targets.
However, if you take and look at the length of a cycle, the Power Zone, and then look at taking only the AMACD ( short term cycles) in the direction of the trend, I think the percentage of accurate timing turns increases to 80 to 90%. That is my experience. And in addition, I have found certain price formations occur with a timing turn, that is 95% accurate … in the opposite direction… Yes, this seems counter intuitive, but it is…like two negatives make a positive. For example, if you get a lower low, and a red sell timing dot occurs on that bar, it is a great place to buy. The market is exhausted.
So to summarize my point, consider how to use this timing tool before you say that the owner doesn’t trade it, and that it doesn’t work and is fool’s gold. IT has not been fool’s gold to me. I can look at the histograms and know when I want to consider trading. You do have to learn how to interpret what you are seeing…and that isn’t a bad thing! I won’t take a trade without it! And I know quite a few others who feel the same way, yet trade completely differently than I do.
If you have any questions or would like to know more, feel free to contact me.
As you can see, I took the review down. I am looking for one of two things: either customers that have successfully used the software to turn a profit, or the presence of a trading DOM during the live trading sessions.
There are a lot of folks on the internet selling all sorts of trading indicators, I am just writing a review, its an opinion piece. My opinion is certainly not the gospel. And BackToTheFutureTrading is certainly not anywhere near the worst vendors in this space. Yes, my reviews are tough for the vendor to read, but its intentional and its meant to drive transparency and proof of concept.
Surely you can agree that this industry needs more transparency.
Sounds like a idea that has some similarities to Robert C. Miner’s “High Probability Trading Strategies.” He uses a dual time frame momentum indicator that can be replicated on the thinkorswim platform using the StocRSI and adjusting it to match the numbers on page 38 of Miner’s book.
RSI length = 21
OB = 75
OS = 25
RSI choice = close
k period = 13
d period = 8
slow period = 8
smoothing type = ema
Hello dear,
I see your website www.tradingschools.org and its impressive. I wonder if advertising options like guest post, ad content are available on your site?
What’s the price if we want to advertise on your site?
Note : Article must not be any mark as sponsored or advertise.
Allen joseph
I have been a member of delta trading group for 31 months . I have only one COMPLANT. There are a lot of cheep shots taken at Delta trading group. I am very happy with the group, Because I have made money . I trade 2 to 4 hours a day . 4 days a week .
After my 7th month I average $937 a day in profit the days I trade.
Perhaps you can share your broker statements. Averaging $937 per day??
Can you please review wandererfinancial.com , I am afraid this is designed to scam mostly retired people…
Review on smartertrader service and stock market live josh answers
You mean this “smartertrader411” guy? exposed on: (https://www.mamma.com/us/smartertrading411-com/),
Josh Answers and his rented, or borrowed from dad sports cars , “Trading Fraternity” was exposed here earlier: (https://www.tradingschools.org/?s=josh+answers)
Bob Amico of TargetsTradingPro – the biggest heap of lies, smoke and mirrors, and complete BS out there. No tracking of results – all SIM – claims it’s live. No risk control whatsoever, swings from up 750 to down -3000, no stops, continually blowing out accounts. Claims $6k order flow course will make you profitable….lol…um, ok. NO ONE in room has shown actual results. Have spoke with at least 20 former members who lost over $10k each following his trades. He needs to be called out. Now he’s pushing his ridiculous moving average BOT which has no live or sim results, just more BS, and now claims to be using it for combines. Buyer beware!! He’s simply milking the cow dry (new traders) who are snowed over by the BS. Please review his room and put a stop to this utter con job. Attached is just ONE Of the crap marketing pieces he puts out there.
Good someone else is mentioning this scam artist Amico again (not forgetting his $10-$30 million restitution order for a prior mortgage scam) He was actually promising to clean up on the old Simon Jousef’s GTR comments here –> (https://www.tradingschools.org/reviews/global-trade-room/) years ago when GTR collapsed where he was the shamroom host, then he started off another shamshow , then split off with his collaborator, Sandy Seaghall, to do “VeritasFuturesTrading” which I assume you’re referring to ,and of course the lousy sham bot. Now with your confirmation of more untold victimizing of more dupes damage of Amico’s “second fart in the wind”(a tradingschools saying, haha) re-emerged whack-a-mole shamshow scam for further more of the past six years after he was exposed here, that tradingschools should have followed up on with an exposing review on his “VeritasFuturesTrading” and sham-bot.
ohmigosh, even a hundred shilled and fake “5-star” reviews on “Trustpilot” for Amico’s TargetsTradingPro. (https://www.trustpilot.com/review/targettradingacademy.com?page=5) Even now using this part of the sham marketing playbook of the “Warrior Trading”‘s Scameron. Outrageous swindling BS indeed.
Darn it. Screwed up. (https://www.trustpilot.com/review/targettradingacademy.com?page=5) is actually about “Target Trading Academy” not Amico’s “Target Trading Pro” bot site. Still a bunch of too many too good to believe “testimonial” reviews on Trustpilot for whatever this “TargetTradingAcademy” is. So many of these “trading educational” and “academies” shamshow schools abound, for the monthly churn of newbs. It never ends. Far past the whack-a-mole exposing efforts of TS.
lol, here’s another one for a next site to peruse queue, Emmett. http://www.theastronacci.com . Maybe fun to see, where recalled that tradingschools has been “equal opportunity” exposing of shamshows and internationally! like the pst “infinite prosperity”(now defunct it looks like), and Raynard Teo, and other representation segments of America like “tradeforjesus”, the Certus guy (lol), and I vaguely recall some indian guru of daytrading exposed, taking advantage of newcomer immigrants. Though I wonder why Arambide of “The Daytrading Academy” in Brazil was never exposed or investigated by tradingschools – and they had some affiliate ties with daytradetowin.
And hi Nadina, maybe if you hadn’t heard, a heads up on Amico, who seems to have gotten away with more again, now someone figure out he used his ill gotten gains from “veritasfuturestrading” and the associated losing bot sold to dupes. On futures.io : (https://futures.io/trading-reviews-vendors/42854-veritasfuturestrading-com-looks-great-12.html#post847815) and another shamshow site disgustingly charging “$199” a month: (https://alphatradesystems.com/order-flow-pro/).
Wish the old GTR comments weren’t so buried, where he fibbed so much to improve, but just continued the cess shamshow shenanigans in the end. And that red baseball cap sewer basement video slamming tradingchools for GTR, no longer on yt, but that was a hoot back then.
Here’s a real good one to review.
True Trading Group Home Page – True Trading Group
They have over 2000 people in the trade room daily, Massive up selling.
Would be interested in hearing your thoughts on ProfitsOnWallStreet.com
Please do a review of Rob Smith (inventor of trading methodology TheStrat). He is very popular on twitter and has a large following: https://sepiagroup.com/product/rob-smith-live-room/
TeamBullTrading , does all kinds of marketing on TikTok and quite a few people who payed for their alerts said they call out 20 plays a day and basically 1 works and then they market like orangutans about it
Lots of reviews on what’s a no touch which is good…..any sections on what’s good?
i didnt recieve any comment on rather this is the place to post when you have found a good mentor or group to trade with so i am just going to place it here, ok my back ground , started trading in2018 (end of) triid to pick up everything i could find for free , did some subscriptions to a couple bascis 69$ trading groups basical didnt get hit hard untill i got in with the ragingbull group. 1st was jasons program then i tried the biotech breakouts , then tried the pennypro progran then went back to the biotech but upgraded into the black ops program which had a 3000$ tag on it.. out of all of them i learned probably the most in the black ops, wait almost forgot dave lucas i actully liked him he would to to you and asnswer questions, oh and portfolio insiders that was another 3000 (i did get most of my money back from both groups)but thats not what this is about. ive been searching for someone to learn from since 2018 and it seems like all anyone wants to do is sell you all the programs they can and at a hefty price,, its Bs, i gave up on that and just tried to figure it out and by luck. i ran into a guy on a free platform who was giving out free leads on momentum stocks, in the moment notthis or that tommorow but right now this is what i see and this is what i am going to do . i started following him amnd i started making money. he had idk how many k (of people) following, him, and he didnt have one person that he was followed.afer a while he said something about maybe doing a youbub video so we could see what he was doing and how he traded . we bugged him for a while about it and he decided to run a discord group for us, i think i was the 7th person theres now 160 i think this was august 26th was my first trade with him ,he does momentum stocks and shorting thats it , its a 5k to 25k challange but but you can have more or less but 2500k min for the broker to trade,he does small account trades and larger account trades the small are alway shorting, and hes good at what he does i think there has been 3 or so trades maybe that just didnt work out for the small accounts ( dont quote me for posative) my first trade was august 26th and i have a 5000 account and a 3000 account im up 3500, id be up more but i trarted doing what i wanted insead of listening to him and it cost me about 1200 and i was pulling money out for bills. i was making per trade between 100 and 700, made 1200 in 2 trades one day, and yesterday i made 500 but i took 3 trades,
He goes by TWOWS he gives out free calls on stockwit, if you want to check him out. the service is called TWOWS alerts — (twowsalerts21@gmail.com).(thats his contact info)its a one time fee of $500 and if you dont make your money back in the first week he will refund it if you want, i made mine back in the first week
AND yes he will give anyone who referrs someone a hundered $ of the 500$i told him any one who uses my name give them 50$ and ill take the other 50 ( split it with you), i guess you could say he does a follow me process , ive attatched a copie of yesterdays small account trades so you can see how it works usually there is plenty of notification before he enters and adds to trades ( sh.. happens sometimes) he starts at 1am pacific time (my time)(hes in NY) first small account trade is usually at 4am( cant get shorts till then ) but there doing momentum trades..you can talk ask question while trading
check out the attatchments and i caught some talk this morning as i was writing this up…. remember yesterday was the day that trumps company to fight sociol media or what ever merged something like that well it went from 10 to 50 or some sh…like that.
hey like i was saying i got gouged pretty good by rageing bull and i wouldnt put this stuff out for you if i didnt believe in it and have had the results that i have had , im not afraid to show my statements or account, oh i almost forgot Frye is my discord tag if you want the discount, no he doesnt do a free week or anything like that, but but then again who the heck do you know that if you dont make your money back in a week you can get a refund???? thats nuts you cant work people over and have a policy like that.ill attatch my account trades also for you guys
(website in the making)
not sure if it attatched
i tried to attach here if it worked
sorry i gave you the wrong email address
Thanks for the comment.
I always have a red flag whenever someone is using the moniker of The Wolf of Wall Street. One of the reasons why I created this website was to counter people like Jordan Belfort so that investors would not idolize him. What he did, and what I did during those years is NOTHING to be proud of. Ripping off consumers for millions of dollars is not an investment strategy.
With that being said, there are a few guys out there that I like: Kevin Davey (systematic trader), David Jaffee (options seller), Dean Jenkins (technical trader), to name a few. Yes, they sell stuff. But it is quality.
For me, I prefer systematic, automated trading because I like science. And I like removing my emotions from the equation.
It looks like your attachment did not happen, I will get that fixed, please reattach when you can.
so with a red flag what does that do, i dont think that this guy is referring to himself in that manner, it would be cool if you could look into this person , i believe that he would get a good review , i believe that you see dont see this very often , what he is doing as far as the intent for the program, i have been thru the ringer with raging bull and others and i am now making real money with this person. it may benifit the people looking for a good trading program and as i mentioned he will give you a refund if you dont make your money back in the first week of his serves, (if you want)
tring to reattatch my accout profits and copy of the example of how a trade works on the site( info@twowsalertsemail.biz) sorry i gave the wrong email adress earlier( notsure if it will allow me to do more than one attachment so i will do acouple posts
my account
octobers trades in one account
Do you still use this discord group?
heck ya i do , i dont come on here very often .im glad i did now . i would be more than willing to steam it to you for free to check out what is happening, we short mostly and we start at 1am my time (west coast)wsfrye6@gmail.com . you might have to send more than 1 email so i can catch it if your interested, i just wrote up a thing trying to get Emmett to do a review of the group
question if we have found a site that is good, is this were we post it?
Do review on Will Meade, Zack Morris atlas group, and Smartertrader – all big on twitter. First two pump and dump on a daily. Have become huge over last year.
Smartertrade I ran across on a twitter spaces the other day with over a thousand viewers and people were eating up all the shit he was spitting out. When someone asked him how he prices option premium he claimed he has a millions dollar pricing model program that no one can compete.
I’ve heard you’ve reviewed Vinny, creator of AlgoBox, before. Please allow me to throw in a vote for a finalized review.
I was a Gold member and Vinny recently took my license away because I said something he disagreed with regarding volume and price prediction. All told, I paid him a few thousand dollars, was promised a 43″ monitor that I never received, had my license for AlgoBox taken away, then Vinny sent additional payment requests through PayPal, after he told me to “Have a nice life.”
I was going to drop it, just having my license stripped, but sending payment requests AFTER taking my license is worthy of some public attention, in my opinion.
And none of this is to say AlgoBox is bad. I’m sure folks can be successful with it (Vinny’s videos of simulation trades excluded). I bring this up only to warn customers that Vinny is a thief, when he wants to be, and he is very volatile.
Vinny is probably one of the most unstable people on fintwit. I truly believe he has some sort of mental disorder. I spent some time in his Discord and he behaves like a complete psychopath. He casually screams at members who don’t comment or like his YouTube videos and bullies anyone who disagrees with him on anything. All while posting bible stuff all day long. He also demands that any member who posts a profit screenshot hide the fact that they are sim trading (as Vinny probably does too). I left his Discord long ago but I was genuinely concerned about his mental wellbeing.
All true statements.
When I first saw the side of him that gleefully threatens his paying members, I knew my time was going to be short. I even used to voluntarily like and comment on his videos. When I saw the tyrant, I was done.
I even once was helping another member with one of Vinny’s #strategies. Vinny had forgotten about the strategy and thought I was trying to teach something of my own. In a moment, he threatened to ban me. I had to calmly point him to his own #strat channel from which I was directly teaching, and he still never apologized. This is even after a phone conversation where we shared our faith, shared our love of family, he learned I had five kids, and more. It was all instantly irrelevant to him.
That guy lives on a knife’s edge.
Hello, Have you ever reviewed “The Intentional Trader” also known as “Second Brain Trading”? He seems like a very straight forward and honest person that has had a course for over 10 years now.
Long time self-shilling poster on big Mike’s/futures.io back when bm had more shamshow vendors posting like Felton, to make the site look more ‘legit’, plus the related partcipating sponsor shams like Jigsaw and Ninja-ecocesspool. His avatar pic on bm’s for a long time, was some brit-looking silhouette walking with an umbrella, when actually Jigsaw sham guy looks and sounds like a british chap who could be taking a rainy walk in the park with the umbrella. A review thread here: (https://futures.io/trading-reviews-vendors/13151-intentional-trader-tony-peterson-www-theintentionaltrader-com-5.html) . So you can make of it what you will from the comments there.
Please do a report on Matthew R. Kratter. He claims to be a “stock expert” on Amazon yet his hedge fund, which he ran personally, made a NEGATIVE 14% return in the 3 years it was open. Here is the proof of his returns:
I saw that it all goes back to “trader.university”.com , and saw your other comment about his hedge fund performance. What a farce of another “university” shamshow. Not even a free list of momentum stocks. One has to pay $125/month, or $1250 a year for any access to anything, typical shamshow fees. Why hasn’t Emmett already reviewed this? haha, I guess it’s because the shamshow couldn’t get the domain traderuniversity.com instead of having to do traderDOTuniversitycom so a lot of newbs could “miss” it anyways, thankfully so. And yeah, bitcoin this and that. The shamshow education not working, still losing for newbs? well, there’s bitcoin trading education to “fall back on” as bitcoin is more of a “sure thing” as these shamshows use as new bait. same as reddit fad pushing bitcoin on teens and young twerps exposed to the bitcoin and the gme/wsb trading fad, fooled into thinking it’s an alternative to college in their early lives, disgusting how this bitcoin malarky (and sham Aziz) is hyped so much on reddit.
Awaiting your review!
Day Trade Fun
Cincinnati, OH
Why did you remove your review of Kavan Klein/Picks That Make Cents/Trading With Kavan?
Oh, Kavan Klein. That was a good one. I forgot about that guy! What a character.
Yes, his review was removed. Why?
Around 2018, I got a call from Kavan and he came clean — on everything. We had a good laugh on the phone about all the ridiculous nonsense in the business of “trading education.” He said he was going back into real estate sales and that whenever anyone googled his name, the negative review popped up. This was affecting his ability to earn a living in real estate. And so I removed the article and wished Kavan the best of luck selling property in Houston.
Also, he pulled his website down and is no longer selling a trading product or service. You can reach him via Twitter to confirm that 1) he is no longer in this business and 2) he never paid anything to have his article removed.
lol. a ‘good’ ending for that shamshow Kavan. That’s what I wish would happen with Bond where he should go back with his toothy grin to being a p.e. teacher, before he started his scammy sites since the early 2010’s, and ragingbull defunct for good. Enough damage already.
Well, I have to give Kavan some credit…he came clean and flat admitted the hypothetical performance was bunk. At some point, he had a moral epiphany and couldn’t look at himself in the mirror any longer, at least this is how he described it.
I hope he is killing it in Houston selling real estate.
Do a review on https://smartertrading411.com ? Has over 3,000+ paying subscribers who pay atleast $200 a month for his private twitter and even more for his chat room.. His twitter @smartertrader is known for posting hundreds of thousands of dollar options gains but not a single loser. One of the cockiest people on twitter, but no one has called him out or done a review on this guy.
Another “hypothetical trading” hero. I hate these scam artists.
Here another one of these option guy scam artists on twitter. Goes by @HulkCapital , website hulkcapital.com.
Both him and Sam from smartertrader need a review on this site. I’ll warn you as soon as you ask any of these guys for a brokerage statement, you’ll get a quick block. Heard HulkCapital dont even trade.
Ah yes, Hulk Capital…have been getting a steady stream of chatter on these characters. I’m working on it.
“sitejabber” seems to be the new “forexpeacearmy” of victims calling out scams with the review message pages. Seems to be more trustworthy than “trustpilot” where real complaints aren’t deleted or bribed off by the scammer like ripoffreport is now, that is until the scammer tries to counter the balance of review posts with his faked ones on the review page. But then again forexpeacearmy always had this same problem.
SiteJabber is another “reputation management” company masquerading as a consumer review website.
Essentially, it’s a pay-to-play scheme, or rather a “pay to remove” negative reviews scheme.
The problem with these sorts of businesses is that when you pay a company like SiteJabber for the ability to remove a negative review, then you can always expect that new negative reviews will eventually appear. That’s the devil’s bargain, in that once you are addicted to their product, you cannot leave because “mysterious” negative reviews will start popping up.
Once these review sites get you paying, you can never escape.
Your review of “algorithmictrading.net” is dated 2015, and has generally favorable reviews. The BBB rating is still 4.6/5. However, the first five or so reviews on the BBB website say they have lost (a total of) about $150,000 or so from August 2020 to March, 2021. The review needs some updating!
Also thanks for the heads-up on pricing.
Hi. Can you please review Connected Investor
Please review Wealth Builders Institute, Todd Rampe, Las Vegas
Please review Thomas Kralow and his course he’s all over youtube thank you
can you review Thomas Kralow course thomaskralow.com thanks
Hi EMMETT,Keep up the great work and God Bless you my friend.Emmett what do you know of PLATINUM TRADES(click on their site and you get)-THE MONEY PIT stock subscription service for $60 dollars a month?They claim over 74 days of overnight swing trading and a 9 out of 10 call winners.They claim they are the most successful and profitable alert service anywhere(I have been following EasyMoney@Platinum Trades on Stock twits and you will see everything I wrote above).Can you email me Emmett and let me know please.Emmett keep up the Great Immense Work you do to protect the public from fraudsters.Your a good man sir,”Salt Of The Earth”.Take Care and Thank You Emmett..Michael
You need to start investigating these TikTok clowns and their paid Discord’s.
Nothing but hustlers. There are at least 5-10 main characters involved in each and many have other rooms that they collaborate. Idea is to pump as many sheep into the landing room where the shills all claim great success from the trades called in the PREMIUM room. This goes on in infancy . Once they join the premium , its all nothing but a jerk fest .. between 7-8 am someone will make a very general statement , HYE watch these stocks today .. 1 will go nuts , they will all claim to get it . And then make 10 video posts on the app about it . Then the typical TrustPilot type bots will fill the comments with how great everyone did .. It’s really is amazing …
Take at look at this sleaze machine ….
TeamBullTrading Absolute joke …
Is Ernie Veritimos of asymmetricadvisor.com a scam?
Ernie Veritimos is definitely not a scammer. I spoke with Earnie and he sent me account statements several months ago. Although I never got around to actually writing a positive review, which I need to do.
Earnie does have a public blemish from several years ago, but I believe he learned a lot about himself, and how to avoid a bad situation.
Hope that helps.
Please review mike swartz http://www.epitometrading.com
Please review “The Intentional Trader” or what is now known as “SecondBrainTrading”
Please also review Vladimir Ribakov. Appears genuine and not too flashy but often does subtly promote the lifestyle etc.
I have tested some strategies he shows and they actually do have potential
Claims he has tested certain strategies, would be worth asking for test results or proof.
MBA (My Bitcoin Academy) from Australia. They often teach basic price action for $180+ monthly fee which is information you can find anywhere. They appear to be becoming huge.
Facebook posts from people appear as if a kid is talking. “Crypto Calls Australia” page
They give members the opportunity to recruit new members, often which is done with Facebook posts on groups such as “I’m offering to go over any charts you like, we could set up a call” “I’ve been using a great course, PM me if you want more details”
Would be worth seeing if any of them can provide statements where they actually trade in any markets, with stop loss and profit target in place and see how it stacks up
Word on the street is that a certain fella found civilly liable of securities fraud in 2007 is planning to take his outfit public. Probably a very good reason why his company’s LinkedIn page has been stripped of anything but the template…
Worth looking into?
Agora Financial settled FTC fraud claims, $2 mil fine.
You need to read that stipulated order. pp 23ff. The FTC pretty much made the entirety of Agora their bitch for 20 years.
Agora, what a band of cockroaches. After their FTC fiasco, they split up the company into a dozen new “cockroach academies” where they are pumping out a new generation of hybrid cockroaches.
Am currently writing a quaint tale of one of their latest promotions…boy is this dude a cockroach…stay tuned.
Agora has perfected to “independent spin-off LLC” corporate structuring scheme, where they can pretend that each unit is independently managed, so liability does not extend to the holding company. This time, however, that seems to have not completely worked out, as the holding company of the holding company that is holding the holding company under which all the other 80 companies exist, Monument & Cathedral LLC (named after the intersection of streets where the HQ is located) is a “stipulating party” to the FTC order.
The FTC’s terms make Agora-style copywriting almost impossible now, it will be a complete reset to the 1990’s, when Agora was an actual publishing company.
Good mention of these shamshows’ “spin-off LLC”s or their subdividing into organizational dummy crony divisions or subsidiaries even if often just on paper. And to help obfuscate or stay under the radar of investigatory regulators. It seems to have been a long-time used shell-gaming trick by some of the bigger scam organizations, or course not just this clownish snakeoiler traducational cesspool industry, but in general of financial frauds. Busby’s DTI and of Sykes’ empire are others.
Which reminds yet again, hoping for a review someday, Emmett, of The Daytrading Academy of our favorite Brazilian shamshow clown, Marcello Arambide. I’d mentioned before some former duped client of DTA reported finding wording in the small print of the site page indicating the possibility of DTA actually being a subsidiary offshoot , maybe a Brazilian expansion venture of DayTradeToWin and JohnPaul, already reviewed here (https://www.tradingschools.org/?s=daytradetowin). So no wonder, I recall Marcello’s original “coming out as a guru” videos like he was showing off sipping a drink at some resort site overlooking Rio and then later showing his trading laptop in his bedroom where his mom, presumably, (who looked like a cleaning lady) accidentally got in view of the video. That his sham later became a bigger group with a “team” of trading coaches/experts, with a showcased office trading room in a bigger building in videos, and selling 2k “intro” hotdog learning packages seemed unnaturally expanding fast similar to how Syke’s empire grew from his initial apartment in that old “Wall St. Warriors” docu series. So probably some other money or organization or established shamshow behind or supporting significantly, these “rising” trading guru organizations where they put on a show of “quickly” getting-rich, with the usual trader-*orn pics and videos of “traveling around the world”, vacationing, etc.
And check this out Emmett! Even BigMike of futures.io caught one of the members in connection as a possible shill for DTA posting comments in futures.io promoting DTA and another fake tradingschools clone site “www.emmettmooretradingreviews.com”(now dead it seems). (https://futures.io/trading-reviews-vendors/42854-veritasfuturestrading-com-looks-great-2.html#post785799)
On the DayTradeToWin review comments (https://www.tradingschools.org/reviews/daytradetowin/#comment-5061229) we saw that JohnPaul clown clone tradingschools as “tradingschools.pro” and since a Marcello shill referred to another clone site, and bigmike caught Marcello trying to shill pretend without reporting himself as a vendor member on futures.io (https://futures.io/trading-reviews-vendors/26082-day-trading-academy-marcello-arrambide-www-thedaytradingacademy-com.html#post305473), and banned him(!), lol, it could very well be another example of DayTradeToWin and DTA, JohnPaul & Arambide, in cahoots!
Sykes used to run his own show and was stridently anti-Stansberry. That didn’t keep him from joining up with Agora Financial a few years ago… so his business, too, now is reporting to the FTC for the next 20 years.
For those uninitiated: The Agora (formerly Agora, Inc., now apparently Monument & Cathedral, LLC) owns both Stansberry, Agora Financial, Oxford Club, Money Map Press, each of which are nominally independent companies, each with a figurehead independent manager. The business model is almost perfect. To milk even their own subsidiaries beyond pass-thru net profits, one LLC, 14West, charges each subsidiary for marketing, IT, accounting, HR services etc., while a bunch of satellite LLCs owned mainly by the principals in various constellations owns the properties and garages/lots used by the employees and subsidiaries. Imagine a web of conveyor belts fed by millions of dollars each week, where the spider at the center of the web gorges not only on what drops directly into its mouth, but on every bit and crumb that falls off the belts in the course of doing business…
They will pay no more than Simon Jousef (Global Trade Room rebranded The Trader Institute) paid anyone – fine or restitution. Similar looking Court Order. No victim has been paid as yet. No meaning to these settlements till the prison threat comes in. So long as they are perceived by law as civil when really they are criminal.
By order, Agora had to put the money in escrow and must hire a claims administrator reporting to the FTC overseeing the refunds. What’s not used for refunds goes into the Treasury. I don’t think the refunds will be large, given that the products that were fraudulently sold were typically around or less than $100/buyer. But Agora has the assets to do so and not all defrauded customers will file a claim — Uncle Sam is rubbing his hands in gluttonous expectation.
I don’t blame him.
As a medical person living is in UK, I know little of law never mind US law. Why the hell has Simon Jousef also not had to put the money “in escrow”?
Anyhow – another great victory! For the victims and hence all of us on the right side. Congratulations to everyone who did not take it lying down but stood up to them. Way to go. Hopefully you will get something back. No grudge, I am happy for you.
And again – in general – thanks to Emmett. Most of these victories would never have happened had he not united us here. Ex-felon he may be but I swear I would be his character witness. Talk about rehabilitation! He saved more money to potential fraud victims then he defrauded in his time. There never was a felon who paid his debt to society so truly. 🙂
And not forgetting Emmett’s secret ingredient – Susy. Most of what he does probably could not have been achieved without her.
he is back!
You probably mean Simon Jousef . . . . . or could it be Fausto Pugliese?
But look at the speaker line-ups on the other posters – it reads like “who is who in the trading fraud” list.
Great site and thanks for doing this. A lot of it should be common sense, but where people see dollars before their eyes common sense departs.
Hi Emmett
I wound up getting scammed by a DIFFERENT “Ace” than the one you exposed on your site. This guy goes by “ACE” but his twitter handle is @super1nyc. He used the same handle on stocktwits until they finally booted him off. After realizing his slack chat room was a total scam, I asked for a refund and he just booted me off. However, it turns out I was able to connect with about a dozen or so other victims and we were able to dig deep and find out the scammer’s identity (something which he went to great lengths to hide). Michael J Witt from Maspeth, NY. He also uses the email acecalls@outlook.com. BEWARE!
I’ve signed up for the free trading session from the S&P 500 Futures Trading Group (formally The Delta Trading Group it looks like) and read your review here: https://www.tradingschools.org/reviews/delta-trading-group/
Which looks pretty bad. This was written in 2015, but I assume it’s the same deal? BTW – they tell you to watch an intro video before your session, which I have here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERXClQ8g1HE
The guy says they log each trade so it can be verified, which your article from 2015 says they didn’t do. So has it changed? I have also read it costs 10k upfront and $600 per month, which immediately I won’t do. If this is true, what really irks me is the radio broadcast that brought me to the group. Never mentioned anything about a price, yet they LITERALLY said that other trading groups will charge you absorbent prices. (They even said “thousands of dollars”) If the 10k is true, the radio broadcast outright lied. The radio broadcast also says, they win 9 out of 10 trades if you follow the program, yet this video says 60/40 split. I guess I can take the free session and tell you how it goes….
I was somewhat assured that I saw trades actually happen on the Delta Trading Group site. I also noted that some of the time the trades were just simulations and not actual trades. But the concept of the 4/3 risk management and the trend, retracement, cloudy stop, and headroom all seem to be reasonable. I visited the site more than 10 times and saw various instructors and quite a few individuals commenting about their trades. Also ran an excel spreadsheet with a random (heads (zero) or tails (one)) and then another random number between 37 to 63 based on the time head or tails would show up – and in 100 trades always came out in the positive. So what am I not understanding about this concept. I fully understand that I will not gain in trades all the time and that I will loose from time to time.
Hi – I’m trying to figure out how to see all the comments on these blog posts. I used to be able to see all of them but I can’t see any of them anymore
Have you heard or seen services that follow 13f filings with the SEC? So far I’ve just seen a lot of headlines and clickbait. Is this a strategy that could work? I see how the theory is attractive but it seems like The information gathered would not be complete enough to be relevant.
This is an amazing service you are doing.
marketpugilists.com is a good one. Truth and transparency.
Whitney Tilson Empire Market watch is a huge scam. It’s a bait and lure tactic with a rabbit hole. Sign up for all the bells and whistles then once subscribed there are minor useless bits of info but if you subscribe to the other features or folks who’ve joined Whitney and his tactics he’ll rob you as bad these other low life’s. Fortunately I got my money back.
Beat the Market by Darron Hatch Has surfaced as a former Wall Street employee. Claims to make over 16- 20% average on trades. But joined his training and see it’s more like 3-4%. Not enough to cover expenses for orders nor does he do his research thoroughly.
Danny Devan of Ace Ventures. Using typical funneling scheme to corral noobs into a Discord , posts what are suppose to be trades in the chat, claims great victories, and of course posts the typical occasional loss to prove he’s legit.
Appears a classic funnel , give away all these trade secrets , post crazy results , and typical plants in the room who follow along and make big money a happy to cheer him on.
He may be legit, but seen this all too many times, and they never end well or have good intentions ..
Emmit this one is Global Trade Room all over again , just join the discord anonymously and you will quickly see the circus , the up selling , and hocking of everything from courses, to indicators, to websites claiming to track Dark Pool bullshit . It’s really amazing as I feel like I am seeing it first hand as it builds into a gigantic cesspool. It’s really awesome .
“It’s really awesome.” LOLOLOLOL!!!!! OMG, you have me roaring with that rhetorical finish.
I will take a look. Ace Ventures. I’m on it.
This rathole continues to get more sleazy by the day ..
Who knows, maybe the money is being donated, but I’m not buying it ..
Sorry for live crashing everyone, TikTok is acting strange! But we went over all the important points 🎯 As I was saying from the course proceeds, today we have just donated thousands of dollars to multiple organizations. First to the Lebanon Red Cross to help them in their efforts with the tragedy that occurred. Next we have hired a team to donate care kits to more than 500 struggling families during this time that contain essential needs! ❤️ But it doesn’t end there… Next we’ll be focusing on purchasing supplies to help low income community education programs when schools start in the fall. 📚 We’re also deciding between getting dog beds, treats and food to donate to shelters ourselves. Another option is donating to overnight fosters because during COVID, the shelters are over populated. 🐶 We will continue to donate to multiple programs and organizations, to help everyone around the world. If you have any suggestions or programs you want us to donate to. Please email me philanthropy@dannydevan.com This group was made to be a community to help others during this time to make an extra income source. The course was purposely made to be affordable and to not only help you, but everyone in the world. ❤️ @everyone https://investing-by-devan.teachable.com
Just when you thought it cant get even more ridiculous …
I remember another guy who used to send out these emails about all the ticks they made.. Thats didn’t end well either ..
My friend told me about this guy, any verdict yet ?
Well what is your verdict?
I went to the site…
I found it on the up and up. Helping younger people learn the basics. He has constantly told everyone that his course can be found on his you tube channel for free. Seems like many people didn’t give the kid a fair shake.
Whole back story being told is fabricated and lies.
His course is copied material, the so called vetted traders are all from other trade rooms that have been shutdown.
Google Search “Ace Ventures Fraud” … He’s just a front man for a larger funnel scheme from everything from real estate to venture capital .
You are obviously someone connected because you’d have no other reason to comment otherwise .
Most of us who have contributed to this site for many years can sniff out a shill .
Make sure you tell your boy, the SEC had several complaints filed about the pump & dump in those Tesla options for battery day (Sept 495/500). Remember those that had zero open interest 3 weeks prior and were pumped up to the day before and they increased 200% higher then options severely IN THE Money like the 420/425 call options.. 50K people in a discord can inflate options prices enough so the people who front run, would make out pretty good .. It was also done on a bunch of other ridiculously Out of The Money options, and was documented and submitted. Also noticed your boy not posting those ridiculously OTM option trades anymore.. Wonder why ?
Total hype house
Having shill plants in the room already signifies blatant fraud to me. I can’t see it anymore than outright disgusting fakery and disrespectful tomfoolery such as sending a pic of a fake wharton phd degree ala Rightline’s pill pusher and plastic mutilator quackdoc. Kind of like fake shilled star reviews on amazon or whatever, but it feels worse with actors or the host himself pretending to be a “fellow” room member “student” or alternatively a “veteran” “successful” student. One time in my early journey I was in a fake daytrading futures room. The host apparently signaled a “lucky” big trade where price moved fast and big in his favor and he was high-faluting about it. I mentioned I followed along but only in sim. And in his scam guru mind, he misinterpreted what I typed and said too quickly like he was “caught” somehow, “yes!, it’s sim ( meaning he was in sim, or not even bothering to put a sim trade)..uh.but! look how good that trade was!” (like holy smokes, how good their “system” is they “teach” in the room) lolol. I quit soon after, as I was still learning they were and are all shamshows and never traded live and couldn’t even trade live if put on the spot, and even if their next six month to month rent depended on it. Tradingschools and Emmett’s reviewing wasn’t around yet, and these older and legacy shamshows had long gotten away with duping prior generations of several wannabe traders since most review sites were severely compromised already back then to sponsor scam vendors, bribes, or didn’t want to take responsibility to moderate their forum or discussions from vendor scammers’ posts who were “popular”. Shamshow cess every one of them. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmVyUdHtxbU&feature=youtu.be&t=4)
Someone tipped me off about this guy in his early 20’s who turned 1k into a million. I was in his discord for about 2 weeks and nothing added up. His TikTok videos would claim these huge profits from these crazy OTM option spreads on the Tech stocks that move like TSLA . I’d go in the room and it was nothing but a chart posting , if / then else / bullshit session . Couple trades a week would get posted and 90% of the people had no idea what a spread was, so would never even do them. Worse, they would just buy the buy side , and end up getting creamed because of the price and missing the initial move (so called entry), and of course the host caught it perfect and exited perfect .. And you see it was all real because it was posted in chat, and he would post an image of the account (or what was suppose to be the account) afterward. SEE LOOK I MADE 10K. What tipped it off to me, the account balance posted in the background of the trades, was always $100K plus, what ever he claimed to make that day .. This happened 3 times I could see it. Which tells me he’s using a SIM account and resetting it to 100K . What makes it really horrible , is the amount of young people involved so duped up with his bullshit, all bought into the courses, indicators , and websites , once the market gets soft for a patch, they all gonna get wiped out .. But hopefully Emmit will take this one on.
Have you done a review on Vantage Point software trading program?
How on god’s green earth can I not find a review on Dan Parker/True Trader? Seems like he has 98% of the Youtube trader channel ad market cornered.
Have you done a review of Day Trader Paradise? (www.daytraderparadise.com)
They are trying to sell a “algo” but all it seems to be is a spread sheet. For months and months they keep promising the release of this software “algo” but keeps getting delayed and/or changed. All the while trying to sale a product that really does not even exist. People are just paying for the hopes it gets released. It is quite remarkable really. Look through the Discord room in the “announcement” room to see for last year or so this software has been delayed over and over.
Can you do one of The Humbled Trader? Don’t fall in love with her now Emmett…
Yeah, isn’t she the one that used to do pole dancing videos? I am a real sucker for hot girls. Of course, I am now at the age where they call me “Mr.” But at least they are not calling me “Grandpa” …yet.
Will look into this.
Just going over a post that you made re: Rayner and you mention that he is a 5 foot 1 inch midget. Can you show me the proof that he is 5 foot 1 inch? Rayner seems to prove otherwise. Just not sure who is lying or is fake. Hard to tell these days. Can you provide your proof? If you do then I will consider this website to be the truth. If not then then I will consider this website completely fake and worse than the review that was given to Rayner. I doubt I will get a reply… Thx
To Emmett,
This one should be easy! Steven Brooks, supposedly an ex baseball player, has a course he sells. But he gives a couple of his plays for free in his webinar, one being buy the S&P at the close on Monday and sell at the close on Tuesday, he says that one day is the most profitable day of the week going back to 2000, and Friday being the worst, so technically one could short on Thurs/Friday. Can you check out if that one thing is true?
around 18:30 in the video
Hey, why is there no mentions of the Motley Fool on this site? I’d think that would be one of the first ones you all would review, considering the popularity
Emmet, have you ever reviewed Tom Morge and his https://marketgeometry.com/ ?
Heard a few people rate him over the years.
Please review bluewavetrading.com
Please review http://www.ladebackktrading.com. Thank you.
Hey I want to build a course for free, and build a small business around giving people my trade analysis and alerts. I know too many people scam out there and I honestly hate it. I fell for their traps before and regret it. What are the do’s and don’ts to build a successful honest trading business? I’m not some multi millionaire or anything like that but I have been consistently been profitable in the markets for some time now and been growing my account in a smooth uptrend. But I believe I have a system that works and would like to bring others too it as well. I appreciate your help
a lot of us would pay for a reliable, honest service. especially for a good real-world – “this is how i get into a trade start to finish.”
i would like to join
Hey guys I built out the free course you sign up for it here.
Really? Come onto this blog and push your product? Without even asking?
Very rude.
Maybe you will sell something. Best of luck.
Start up a channel on youtube, if it really works you’ll get millions of followers and make money off of youtube paying you, you won’t need to charge for anything if it really works.
Jay, I’m game for a legit course or trading room. Let me know if you start something.
Hey guys I built out the free course you sign up for it here.
What trading rooms for futures do you actually recommend? Hard to find anyone honest out there. How about Carlos Diaz? he has been around a long time. thanks
With so much uncertainty is it not a good idea to stay out?
BTW Carlos seems OK but I have not tried him, another one you may want to explore is John Carter’s – Simpler Trading which has a branch for futures
Sorry if you had the question for just Emmett
where is there a review of John Carter? I want to see if he is for real? Seems too good to be true.
You have done the review of aggressive marketer carnival barker Jason Bond, however his partner Jeff Bishop seems to have a new novel ides.
On Thursday – June 11 afternoon he holds a a widely marketed webinar attended by nearly 5000 attendees on high octane options strategy – shows examples of making big money by gap of buying SPY and GS – PUTS on Wednesday evening based on his strategy of SMA crossover, total BS since seems to have just got lucked out due to DOW drop on June 11 which was just not foreseen on June 10 market close.
If one paid 1499 he would reveal another option which would go up next day promising he would put $20,000 of his own money. Next day for those who do not buy sends a teaser that he has bought for 20K 19June20 100 Call Options with Redacted security name for those who bought his course with instructions to buy between $4.80 to $5.80 and those options had already jumped to $8.00 and would go up further.
It is confirmed later that he has bought AVLR 19 JUN 20 100 C 100 +40 contracts, but what is interesting is that he has generated a high volume and open interest with probably few hundred who got conned by him.
High Low Last Volume Open
7.80 4.46 7.80 4,658 562 19 June 20 100 C
Volume for other Options and Open Interest for AVLR for other strikes and expiration dates range less than 100 usually many being ) as wll.
So here is an interesting strategy it seems generating volume by marketing and selling membership.
You mean Jeff Bishop, Jason Bond, Raging Bull, Kyle Dennis, etc are just “front running” the subs into thinly traded options contracts? Oh my!
Too bad it takes average folks months before they figure out the “game.”
Even worse is they typically lose everything.
Credit them know how to use the Megaphone, today volume for the same AVLR 19 JUN 20 100 C 100, closed at 116.74 last trade at 16.50 Bid 14.60 and Ask 17.00. Extrinsic value negative three days to expiry.
Will you review the scammers at myinvestingclub?
Does anyone have info about (Triforce Trader – Matthew Owens)?
Well claiming the “BEST”
But for a good laugh , scroll down to the CONTRIBUTORS section.
Husband and Wife, and they have a BitCoin Queen.
Holy crap, what a freeken joke ..
TO THE TICK , method … right more like to the CFTC for fraud …
please review webull platform.
Could anyone or Emmett chime in on both vectorvest.com and truetrader.net ?
https://www.charliemarr.com. Guy is spamming TikTok YouTube FaceBook showing all the typical fancy cars, huge profits and what not .
Is there a way to sort your reviews Highest to Lowest? If not, do you have a page of stock-picking companies that you recommend? Thanks.
hahaha he’s using robinhood… the platform for PROFESSIONAL traders omg that’s hilarious!
is there any tool to find the company’s emails, phone number and urls at reasonable prices?
Can you review David Jaffee/BestStockStrategy? He’s constantly making YouTube videos saying that other educators are scammers. And he sells an option trading service for like $400 a month.
Has anyone done business with him
Dear Review Team,
I came across a couple of videos on youtube for Warrior Trading and just read your review on Ross and Warrior Trading from 2015. I’m glad I came across your review before I signed up to any trial/course. (1) Has anything changed since 2015 regarding Warrior Trading? Do you still feel the same way about the course/program/Ross? Is there another course/training you
recommend instead?
Forever Thankful,
I’m also wondering if there are any updates on warrior trading?
Greetings all. Anyone have any experience with https://cyclopstrader.com/?
Has anyone here had dealings with https://cyclopstrader.com/ ? Seems to have a very high priced mentoring service – yet doesn’t provide a methodology. Thanks!
TrueTrader.net. Been seeing alot of Ads all over YouTube and Twitter , and anyone claiming making 100K in 30 days has to be a charlatan . Might be right in your wheelhouse …
I second this suggestion. There are red flags in their marketing but at the same time, their trade review videos seem reasonable and I haven’t seen anyone who has tried the service post anything negative (yet). A deeper dive would be appreciated.
I have joined their service. They teach very fast paced daytrading method. It is a legitimate service.
Please conduct a review of Futures io. I have learned that they have a hidden agenda of promoting their paid advertisers. If you ask a question they tell to to buy a book or one of their vendors products.
We have heard the same. Can you look into this and respond?
Ah yes, the Futures.io advertising gimmick. Where you can buy reputation and pay a fee to have negative material removed.
Typically, I don’t like to attack forums in my niche, but the advertising model might need some sunlight for disinfectant.
Actually, let me think…Futures.IO does sell some products and promote others, but nothing really bad or nasty going on. Considering that i have been doing these stupid reviews for 6 years, any nefarious baloney would have bubbled to the surface.
The two main “public forums” with a heavy advertising component is Futures.IO and EliteTrader.com. I wouldnt describe either as bad forums and the owners are not scammers. Perhaps they both have promoted a few crappy products…but so has TradingSchools.Org.
Nobody is perfect. Especially me!
But hey, if you have something juicy to write about, please send me a private email at emmett@tradingschools.org to describe what is happening. Everyone gets the same amount of sunlight.
I Will start looking into it. Unfortunately, my wife came down with Corona a few weeks ago. Caught it at the airport or cruise. Then of course, my 78-year-old mom caught it and got double pneumonia. Now doing better.
Time to get back to work!
What happened to the buy side global review?
The scumbags of buy-side-global are probably in “negotiations” with tradingschools maybe offering temptation vig deals, or alternately threatening lawsuits and litigation ad-nauseum , so the review’s presence is on hiatus for now it seems. We’ve seen this before with the WT review and other stink shamshows of the like.
I was also wondering if they are threatening a lawsuit? Nothing would surprise me about these ruthless scammers.
yes, it seems to be another ninja-ecocess site. The indicators look no different than modded old ones on bmt/futuresio, particularly fattails’ or gomi’s. Just another ninjatrader platform and indicator using, shamshow vending site among several others since the early 10’s. And “education only” plastered on their pages. If they worked so well they should be able to provide consistent & consecutive broker confirmed months or years of live profitable proof. Doubt their past live trading, if any, was even anywhere close to the “breakeveners” reviewed here on tradingschools.
True nothing useful.
Have you reviewed the Gannacci Code
You have a very informative site. I liked your article on various data feeds and after testing all of the most popular ones myself I agree they are pretty much the same. It would be interesting to run your simple strategy on co locates in Aurora with the different data providers. One thing I have noticed a difference between feeds is during fast markets. Continuum/CQG sometimes severely lags during heavy volume. Rithmic not as bad. iQfeed has zero lag and seems to handle large volume seamlessly. Of course IQfeed are only for charting and not clearing. On the topic of trade rooms, there are some that show “live” trades on their charts. Some claim they are trading a real brokerage account and some admit they are Sim. What is the SEC law regarding showing live trades? And of all the systems you have reviewed what percentage actually do?
The regulatory framework is as follows:
1) It is not illegal to show live trades, for either stocks, futures, options, or Forex.
2) It is illegal to claim you are trading a live account, but only trade with a SIM. I often see vendors claim on their websites that its “SIM” but the marketing emails claim “real” profits. This is a violation of either the Commodity Exchange Act (if Futures or Forex), or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (if stocks or options).
And your final question…”What systems you have reviewed actually trade live?” Answer: Not many. Maybe < 1%. However, with a caveat. Many that do actually trade with live accounts, I do not write about. Why? My blog is primarily geared towards exposing the frauds.
What should be done about Tim Sykes? What could be done about him? Four years ago I wrote a book about useless and fraudulent books on how to win state lotteries and royalty checks keep coming in despite the disappointing message. I want to keep people from being ripped off and I see Tim as one of the current problems.
Using aggressive but conventional investment techniques I have made half again as much in the markets as Tim has. I was able to get most of his teaching materials and those of his students Tim Grittani and Steven Dux from the Dark Web. I find them repulsive, yet newbies place high value on them. I consider penny stocks dangerous and unworkable, yet Tim thrives in this environment. I found the following on a 2009 version of Tim’s web site under the heading “Why Penny Stocks?”
“Penny stocks are the most hyped and corrupt niche in the entire investment world. These two qualities make them the easiest to profit from (legally) because the vast majority of people who play penny stocks are suckers and all-around ignorant people. If you have any intelligence whatsoever, you have a clear advantage and it’s like playing basketball against mental midgets.”
I would classify as mental midgets not only traders in penny stocks but those who fall for Tim’s pitch.
In order to bring Tim down one would have to convict him of fraud and misrepresentation. I recently ran across someone with excellent qualifications to investigate him. She is a CPA and a professional investigator of accounting fraud. She paid Tim $5,500 for his trading course but failed to win any of it back in her own trading. She has given up, but nevertheless feels that she has received good value. She is completely in Tim’s camp and under his spell. She has become a Sykes affiliate with two paid links to him on her own web page.
She has written a book on taxation but Tim has talked her into selling it as an expensive DVD rather than as a book and he is marketing it for her. Asking her to investigate Tim would be like asking her to investigate her own husband. It breaks my heart to see that happen to someone. You can get her story here:
Hi Emmett,
If you get the chance maybe check out Matt Brown @ Newbie-Trader.com
he use to run an outfit call “Emini Junkie” that vaporized from the face of the earth and he re-surface as Newbie-Trader.com
Have you been able to review or dig up autonomoustrading.io run by Alex Vieira
He charges $17000 per year. I am really interested to find out too. I cannot really find any good review of him on the internet.
I think this article is incorrect. I have known Peter and he sold 100% of his company mod last year so this has nothing to do with him. He doesn’t run it. No skin in the game. He is working in another industry. I’m not here defending anyone but I don’t like people’s name smeared when they didn’t do anything wrong.
Maybe you’ve got the wrong “Peter Balla”? Ninjatrader ecosystem featured a vendor webinar with him just last November. -> (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPR9MlY0haM) . Maybe not the case, but yes, sometimes Emmett gets some details off occasionally. I still don’t think Jim Cramer and his past fund was a fabrication, since his fund office was listed in an address in the financial area of chicago, alongside many other legit businesses. And sometimes we wish there were follow ups such as what Emmett though of Rayner Teo’s reaction video to the ts review supposedly posting his live accounts broker pages. (although that could certainly be a local server/network mockup of a faked broker site). Otherwise I consider Tradingschools at about 88% legit-uncompromised or accurate these days. It used to be 98% to me, with just the shammy breakeveners, but then the recent big blow to tradingschools of caving in to Sykes’ cronies and sponsorship.
I’m with buyside global for 2 yrs now and I can tell they are great. I’m in their chat room everyday and yes they making profits almost everyday using this s/w. The key is to remain consistent and follow exactly their s/w. I use their 5M & 15M MTAs indicators for large timeframe analysis and use their BGPro bars and if they all line up, I take the signal. The is the best probability set up. I practised this in SIM long enough. Problem is when you go live,ppl start changing things as fear comes in and this is where it chews up the account. The key is to practise in SIM for 1 yr and then switch to live and change nothing. We just to have blame ourselves for our actions and not the company. This is how we improve. They don’t guarantee profits but they have a much higher probability set up.
If you not happy then you don’t join as there are many other signal providers to test out.
Hope this makes sense.
They need to come clean on Brailow. Cats out of the bag. And that cat opened the bag on all his friends and its a grand mess.
When this stuff breaks open, its like coronavirus. Already got a bunch of requests to hunt down this character…https://www.linkedin.com/in/tage-mathisen/
Apparently, this Tage character worked at BuySide Global and now he morphed into T7 Trade Labs…and get this…his mission statement is “Our mission is to build and empower 5,000 freedom warrior traders that will help us rescue over 5,000 children from the hell of sex trafficking. Your freedom will be their true freedom! It’s a win-win! Will you be one of them?”
Where in the heck do they find these knuckleheads? WTF, the trading “education” industry is so full of shit. Freedom Warrior Traders? Where did they find this moron? The stupidity never ends.
If you finding trading education full of crap then i suggest to get a bachelor of finance degree and relevant university qualifications to trade these markets as that will be genuine to you. All these private educators are doing to cutting corners short so don’t go through expensive University qualifications which doesn’t even guarantee a job.
Even if you buyside global’s blue chip indicator on 377 tick chart on ES for example, you are setting up yourself as a very high probability success trader. Of course nothing is guaranteed but it’s something to base your trading journey upon. If you change indicators after few losses and try something else and then change again after few losses, your head will spin like it did did me and desperation/anxiety sets in.
88% is still pretty good. I will try and get it back to 90% plus! ASAP!
You are going to love the BS I just got on Jon Najarian at MarketRebellion.com. Oh, its a doozy.
It can be more like 93% since I’ve recovered from the shock of the Sykes’ turnaround. Thanks as always for all that you do and tradingschools’ immense help to retailers and victims over the past five years. Like ripoffreport used to be like 50% to me, and now it’s like 5% since your information exposed that ripoff since could let the shammy organizations vig bribe them to minimalize or even delete bad reviews. (Handley is always like 10%(or -10%, lol) – rotten scale on rottentomatoes. Even bmt recognized his vig-dealing scam before tradingschools existed.) Even bmt/futures.io improved since tradingschools when earlier it was frowned on/warned of being too critical of the scams where now plenty of members are not afraid to speak out on these shamshow snakeoilers, lol. I’d already posted before that I actually tried one of Sykes’ earlier half-assed courses when he was still a young prick showing off that photo of him squeezing his then cute blonde gf, while doing his best smirk in the picture. Back then I successfully got my refund back because he wasn’t independent or big enough then to corner his marketing and web presence/narrative manipulation with funding from ill-gotten gains from duping newbs. So I basically pestered “WIA” that handled the signups and support for Sykes and successfully got my refund of 2k back after I showed them the sim records of 95% loser after loser of his newsletter picks. Even his occasional “chat” videos with the “course” was jackassed, heard him with his fool snickering talk with his gf leading into the audio. There were plenty of complaints in the chat message window of other dupes, but then Sykes didn’t know how to turn them off , since he was a lazy ignorant on the technicalities of the web sharing. All the rest later I think such as the compromised investimonials, profit.ly, etc. has been hired helped with the duped funds. So since then his empire got to be one of the biggest shamshow aspiring student churning behemoths of this snakeoiler industry.
Oh yes, Jon Najarian, formerly “Dr. J” of the cboe. I remember back then he was one of the first sellouts to hft on options with his involvement with the “monster” startup. So no wonder the option pricing never follows up to initial setup analysis. Even with a solid winner a retailer gets heavily fleeced by position exit. He also supported a few of the older shamshows such as “pirate” Preston James who had radio ads and I got suckered for 500 for his newsletter where the only “winner” was ‘green mountain coffee’,with just the same covered calls options rehash, and pretending to be different with a “manifesto” bashing the scammer industry, a common mo of scams trying to pretend to be different or empathetic to the hapless retail trader victims. Just another shammy ripoff, incl. his protege “Karson Keith” who later pitched another options shamshow. Very much looking forward to the article exposing this “dr.j” , thanks. If he was really that successful trading he wouldn’t need to be a regular on cnbc or still have shamshow sites.
have you evaluated buyside global yet?
I notice that your page “Tim Sykes: The Turd Economist” has been removed. Is this on purpose, or were you hacked?
Remember last week, when I asked you what you really felt about Tim Sykes? And his products? I was hinting that I was waffling on the review.
A few weeks prior, Tim’s people reached out to me and asked if I would take the review down.
Normally, I never do. I usually fight this stuff out in the courts — which costs me tremendous amounts of money. Thus far, I have defended over a dozen lawsuits. So I know the financial and emotional toll…
Anyway, and this is going to read unsavory…but I removed the review and Tim’s team decided to advertise on the website. Its a small amount, but anything helps to keep this non-commerical blog operating.
Did I make a deal with the devil? Am I a sell out? Surely, the argument will tilt in this direction. However, for the greater good, whatever small streams of income fund more information reaching the general public.
And finally, I just did not want to fight this out in the courts. You can blast me now.
Good choice! I think you’ll be easier on Tim once you get to know him better. Not everyone knows this, but Jesse Livermore received a lot of hate mail.
Well, I wasn’t expecting that response.
Tim does plenty of good in the world.
Anyway, I have some really bad people that need a proper roasting. Working on a character now that is simply outrageous. This industry is just plain bonkers to the core.
I don’t get it. You’ve been waffling both sides about Tim in your comments. Like he is both legit at trading, but also deserving a bad review and should be exposed. imo, I think he lucked out when he was 18, then quickly turned his luck into media and web promotion (ex. “the Millionaire Traders” tv docuseries back in 09 or whenever, remember the one with Sykes and other young guys at a dinner in a fancy restaurant talking about their supposed trading prowess and taking over wall st. , lol). And ever since his shamshow empire has been making its scam money over duping many young clueless wannabes during their first forays into the “trading dream”. Maybe Sykes isn’t as hilariously apparent a pump’n’dumper as Ross and Warrior is now, but there’s no real evidence that he couldn’t also be dumping on subscribers either. Sykes’ newsletter cronies could have a small real account and still look for opportunities to dump on activity from their subscribers after they issue an alert. I recall in my earlier subscription to his early newsletter there were about half and half buy and sell alerts too, not all shorts. Then if Syke’s shamshow token account run by his cronies happen to have a winner, they’ll advertise it like the second coming to the subscribers, and the losers just forgotten and glossed over which I saw evidenced in my own subscription period which they only had one lousy winner and the rest losers, then I successfully peskered for my refund with WIA back then showing them caps of all the losers. Meanwhile the dummy live account is a drop in their bucket of all their real shamshow profits, namely their ridiculously high priced plethora of paid services, ownership of corrupt review and profit.ly sites, and subscriptions and “challenges” to the newb dupes. Yes, I was surprised and disappointed Tradingschools has dropped the review and even worse engaged in some vig sponsorship with sykes’ scammy empire. I’d thought Emmett was already a millionaire again possibly from having had some “whistleblower” lucrative awards from the CFTC , the details of which were mentioned in a recent review a few months back. Otherwise, I’d wondered why tradingschools didn’t have a patreon or paypal donation button like many other blogs, or popular yt channel links.
I wish I were a millionaire! You have to remember that any whistleblower awards go directly to my restitution. This will be in effect until 2023. Many people do not realize that Federal restitution follows you for 20 years.
The whole thing with Sykes is so unsavory. But I just didn’t want to travel to Florida to fight another lawsuit. Another lawsuit? In Florida? Yes, my first (and second) experience in Florida courts was when David Jaffee at Best Stock Strategy created a YouTube video that called Ross Cameron a fraud. He got sued by Ross in Florida Federal court.
A week after he gets sued by Ross, he gets hit with a second lawsuit from Raging Bull. Warrior Trading and Raging Bull appeared to have coordinated the attack on poor David.
David had no idea that he could even be sued, let alone the definition of defamation. Long story short, I got involved and helped with David’s defense. This was my first experience with the Florida courts.
The goal was not to win with David. The goal was to get him out alive. And alternatively, run up massive costs and fees for both Warrior Trading and Raging Bull. The strategy was “pro-Per” self-representation but with the background help. I cannot admit or deny that TradingSchools.Org legal team was involved because of the settlement NDA.
Let me just say, Florida courts were a real wake up call. If your opponent is well monied, they can litigate and drive up your costs and time spend. We all know Sykes is definitely well monied, but is he vindictive and mean? Not really. But is lawyers might be, and I just didnt want another legal fight in the swamp state.
Besides, Sykes’s ridiculousness is pretty much known by everyone. Was my single article going to really sway that much public opinion?
Hopefully, this gives you a better idea of the background noise that went into the decision.
FYI, I am expecting to be hit with another lawsuit this week, or the next week. I am going to write about the entire experience. This is unrelated to Warrior, Raging Bull, Sykes, etc. But over another company that I have written about.
I am not going to say much, at this point. But this will be the first time that I have pulled by the curtain on what happens on these lawsuits. What goes into them, how they get moved through the court system, the whole enchilada.
The reason I never right about legal stuff is because I don’t want people to become afraid to speak truth to power. If readers knew how some of these characters sue, sue, sue, they would be hesitant to speak out. But I think its time to just start writing about it.
sorry to hear about more of this legal fighting and continuing attacks on tradingschools , but it’s the continuing good fight to expose, and thanks for the heads up on this future article revealing the curtain on these more nitty gritty sordid legal battle details involving these snakeoil “industry giants” and their false justifications and chicanery. Looking much forward to it. Hopefully this will help wise up more new aspiring retail traders, or those still fooled by these scam vendors and their ill-funded manipulative narrative and sham power on the web and related advertising media.
Is it possible to create a website and structure it in a way, so that reviewers and website owners are anonymous and cannot be sued (or where it’s just somewhat impossible to sue)? Whether it’s outside of the country, under certain legal/corporate entities, etc. Maybe like a Yelp version for trading school reviews…the listing for the school is provided. Advertising can be bought, so the site can be monetized, but anyone, including the creators, can contribute reviews…anonymously.
I really appreciate this site and the reivews, and it is disturbing that unscrupulous people try to silence/bully others just for offering their personal opinion. I’m glad that people are able to comment.
To mitigate the lawsuits, have you considered allowing others to post reviews of scammers under the auspices of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act?
Just a thought. Since you are a smart guy, you’ve probably already considered that.
Great question. Let me explain my reasoning for not relying upon Section 230.
As you know, I could easily publish all articles as anonymous and avoid litigation by claiming Section 230.
However, by applying my name to each article…I am inviting the counterparty to litigate.
As many of my readers are aware, I have been sued in State and Federal courts numerous times over the years. These lawsuits are expensive and time-consuming. However, my net costs have actually been positive because I always counterclaim, or file a counter lawsuit claiming that the counterparty is simply attempting to smother my right to free speech.
My typical counterclaim is based upon California’s Anti-SLAPP method. An Anti-SLAPP lawsuit is basically allowing me to counter-attack with little to no risk. If they lose, then I get paid.
Thus far, I have never lost an Anti-SLAPP. Why? Because my articles are well-sourced, based upon opinion, are hyperbolic speech, show lack of malice, or are information sourced from governmental agencies or third parties.
However, I have partially lost only a single Anti-SLAPP and promptly appealed the decision which was litigated in the appellate court. Once you enter the appellate court, the stakes go much higher with the counterparty possibly on the hook for a minimum 6-figure payout. I always want to up the stakes and draw the counterparty into long and protracted litigation. Fight at every turn, never back down, run up the costs to litigate…this is how you win.
Most lawyers quickly discover that I fight everything. My game plan is all public as you can find many lawsuits against me. The lawyer then informs their client that in order to fight this in the courts, they are going to spend a great deal of money, and if they lose…they will likely have to pay my costs and fees.
Fuck section 230. I would rather fight to the death.
Thanks for the feedback. I understand. Can targets of frivolous defamation lawsuits use CA’s Anti-SLAPP cases as precedence in litigation in other states?
Your willingness to fight leads me to assume you argue these cases “pro se,” because you have some experience under your belt and understand the process and pitfall, yes?
Your question: “Can targets of frivolous defamation lawsuits use CA’s Anti-SLAPP cases as precedence in litigation in other states?”
Answer A: If someone sues in State court, outside of California, there would be a motion to dismiss as State court would not have jurisdiction.
Answer B: If someone sues in Federal court, outside of California, then I will travel and deploy a Choice Of Law Analysis, which brings my State rights into play. Essentially, I force the out-of-state opposition to learn the nuance of California’s Anti-SLAPP. The legal term is ‘decage’ where we mix the state law of two states with Federal law of two districts. Lots of moving parts. Expensive to litigate and very time consuming.
I never go “pro se/pro per” as a non-attorney cannot recover costs and fees. My wife is a 1st amendment lawyer/civil rights attorney with 17 years experience litigating in this particular niche….defamation. Lots of experience in my corner.
The California Anti-SLAPP is employed in Federal court through an initial 12b6 motion — if the complaints survives and litigant makes a valid prima facie, then we move to the discovery phase. After the discovery phase, (which I especially enjoy) then we move for a motion 56 to dismiss. Both the 12b6 and the 56 can be argued in the same case. Both the 12b6 and the 56 can be appealed.
The costs of the Anti-SLAPPS can be very, very expensive to lose for the litigant.
Another factor is damages. Suppose you get sued for defamation and lose. The litigant still must prove actual damages. Very hard to do with a limited-purpose public figure, which requires actual malice. Another factor is litigation costs, most states employ the American rule where the litigant cannot recover attorney fees. So if the litigant wants to blow $100k for a trial, which is a minimum cost with discovery, then he must still find a way to prove actual damages beyond his litigation costs.
I should start another blog on this topic. Its a very interesting niche of law. Most lawyers bumble into these lawsuits and their clients become furious when they discover the process can take two years and they need to spend huge sums of money with little guarantee of proving actual damages.
Once dude got so mad at me that he sued me twice. Lost both times. Ended up paying me over $100k in settlement. Sorry, I cannot reveal who the case involved because it the settlement was confidential.
To further clarify, regarding jurisdiction. If you are a non-California resident, then you would not be able to use California’s Anti-SLAPP, you would need to refer to the laws of your forum state.
Example: Suppose you live in Texas, you cannot use California’s Anti-SLAPP, but you could use Texas Anti-SLAPP.
Caveat: As a resident of Texas, you could only use Texas Anti-SLAPP in State court, not Federal court as Fed court on appeal recently ruled that Texas Anti-SLAPP conflicts with the Rules of Civil Procedure.
If you have State specific questions, and the application in Fed court, I can point you in the right direction…but not provide legal advice. This is just general information.
That is interesting and insightful. I run a controversial website, and I never post anything, because I don’t want to lose the protection of 230. Further, I never make promises to remove content as that forfeits 230 protection.
The only circumstance under which any content is removed is by way of a court order.
Thanks for the feedback.
Unless married to a lawyer…just don’t do it!
But if you get yourself in a bind, just reach out. Every once in a while, somehow contacts me with “Help. I am getting sued.”
You are probably going to laugh, but getting sued and filing Anti-SLAPPS has earned my wife some serious bank — much more than I earn from advertising on this blog. Judges are pretty savvy and easily spot when companies are attempting to stifle consumer speech. Anti-SLAPPS are VERY effective.
If you run a controversial site…then you have probably been hit with plenty of Cease and Desist letters. Of course, just because you have immunity will not stop an ambulance-chasing lawyer enabled by an ignorant litigant. So expect to get sued. Just part of the game.
Usually, this stuff just comes down to money. Always give the litigant the option to purchase the Copywrite to the supposedly offensive content. Those are the easiest paydays.
Actually, I haven’t received any Cease and Desist letters. I received a couple of threats to sue via email, but the person never acted. I guess they need to serve me papers, which is pretty difficult if they don’t have a name and address.
My site is located off-shore (in Sweden), and the site is registered under a pseudonym.
I’m a bit late to comment, but echoing thanks so much for all you do again Emmett, and this enlightening reply helps explains it to me and probably many other readers. Ah yes, I’d forgotten about the restitution. I was aware about your having to pay restitution in the past and it’s interesting to know the detail about Federal restitution lasting for 20 years. But I’m glad and grateful tradingschools exists as many readers should be, as part of your efforts in turning over a new leaf. And yeah, I have to agree somewhat with KDavey’s “this is your penance” observation (although of course I’ve mentioned I don’t believe in the rest of his schtick, having seen his promoting and shilled support on bmt for years alongside Jigsaw ,ft74 , and the others etc.) Meanwhile we have unrepentant, and still outrageous snakeoilers like Amico and his “veritas” shamshow probably got tired of losing live money as part of the initial “tradingfuturesinaction.com” dom demonstration, now going back to his complete shamshow tricks ways previously with Slymon.
Very enlightening and admirable to hear tradingschools was involved with helping out the guy who did his independent yt video exposing and calling out Ross and Warrior Trading. I saw that video when it first came out and was hoping something would get rolling and more people would post or let their voices be heard about being churned by Ross and his trifecta gang. Then as we know the video was mysteriously taken down. Now it’s very interesting to know what happened, and that there was vindictiveness media narrative bullying/shilling again by Ross and Bond’s shamshow organizations both! And it’s just reaffirming and inspiring that tradingschools and you helped with the guy’s defense against the really low but not surprising lawsuit ces actions by these examples of some of the biggest scammers of the retail tradeucation industry using their ill-gotten funds in this stinkhole way.
Sykes seems to stay aloft and distanced in his mansion & luxury car richshow media ways leaving the sordid shamshow “work” and shilling business activities to his cronies these days, but yeah, Ross showed vindictiveness with his responses to comments earlier on making fun of my comments and others’ in the WT review page with his stupid puppets video among others. And then hearing about the lawsuits against tradingschools, and his hilarious active involvement in changing his manipulative narrative like reacting to the trustpilot IP-filtering sham, paying off ripoffreport, paying off archive.org to remove the daming old website info ie. lies like being an architect in nyc and the previously faked “100k a year” spreadsheet table “results”, vigging with investimonials, etc. , not to mention comments by insta-banned members who tried to ask questions or expressed annoyance at the ongoing sham shenanigans in his room and the worthless filler courses /”warrior pro” by dupes who caved in to the constant multiple “seasonal special” ads and cajoling barrages to purchase them.
About Sykes, it seems somewhat true, that more are jaded to his sham organization like I saw on reddit. Just unfortunately, imo, the new hapless daytrading newbs arriving every month, are mostly unaware and may quickly get dt-churned by all the fakery. But tradingschools can’t warn them all as most miss out on tradingschools until much later. I would suggest newbs on immediately getting familiar with tradingschools on forums and such, but most newbs are still newly fooled by the greed of advertised quick ways to make money and will probably have to learn the reality lessons while churned before they take a real serious second look at what tradingschools has to say and the hard proof and due diligence research and results it presents about the snakeoilery. Even reddit still has recent(yesterday) annoying shill postings about CMEG. All said, knowing about more of the legal and behind the scenes details is again reaffirming to me and should be to more readers about the upstanding continuing efforts and mission of tradingschools. All the other uselessly heavily compromised “review” sites pale in comparison such as Handley’s joke of his heavily vigged “grand tetons”.
Have you ever looked at/examined the track record of David Jaffee’s system/education he promotes on Youtube, which appears to be selling stock option premium- mainly short puts or put credit spreads ? He comes across as legit & the system might work – but i’ve thought that before about others & been fooled. I do know that selling premium works most of the time, except the few times it doesn’t the losses can overwhelm any previously made profits.
I love David Jaffee. A great person. Very honest.
how dont you know david jaffee is a scam?
Why do so that? I don’t know Jaffee. But I would love to read what you have? Please give me the juicy details.
I screwed up in my above post where I said “the millionaire traders” docuseries when I’d forgotten it was actually called “wall st. warriors”.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzE248nqj4w&list=PLD8QO40miutZxBq_9xB2vAgh1WngMh8x0), (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wall_Street_Warriors) It started way back, a few years before the financial crisis when Sykes was just getting started with his sham getting media promoted as a stock-trading “whiz kid”. A few other funny shams showcased but maybe a few legit fund professionals shown also. Amazing but also sucks that time has flown since.
Since you asked my opinion of Tim on the deleted page I’ll repeat it here and go into greater detail.
I admire your work in exposing scam and deception in the industry. I jumped onto your “Turd Economist” page because I thought you were overdoing it and would make your criticism more accurate if you could see more of Tim’s material and I offered to provide some of that material. I too would write a negative review but would strive to be factual rather than emotional, as most of his critics are. I am an old-school investor in charge of a retirement fund. I watch as many of Tim’s videos as I have time for because I want to keep up with new things and Tim seems to be on the cutting edge. I consider myself to be well informed on what Tim does and why he does it.
There are grounds for calling Tim a scam artist because of the way he advertises, and many of his critics do so. One of his pages reads the visitors location and declares “I’VE CHALLENGED MYSELF TO CREATE A WORLD-CLASS TRADER IN (DOGPATCH), MY ONLY QUESTION IS, WILL IT BE YOU?…and I will change your life!” This is a bit like the University of Zurich promising that if you come study with them they will make you another Albert Einstein. An Arizona university recently was fined by the FTC for promising that some of their programs would get students jobs with silicon valley companies when there was no such arrangement.
On the deleted page you declared that you could verify that only a single millionaire student exists. That may have been true at the time of your review but I believe that that exactly three now exist: Tim Grittani, Steven Dux, and Superman (Paul Scolardi); but three out how many, thousands? Truth in Advertising, enforced by the FTC, should require Tim to disclose how well his students are doing on balance. I suspect not very well. We all know that state lotteries return 50% of ticket receipts as prizes and that therefore a $1 lottery ticket is worth only $0.50. We should be given data to enable us to calculate the expected value of a $5,000 Millionaire Challenge purchase.
I have found no evidence of Tim front-running his students. I have seen examples of his taking a position after posting a trade and not wanting to go long when the other members of his forum were short.
Quoting yourself: “Penny stocks are not investments. They are the exclusive domain of swindlers and con men.” I would agree with you in part and Tim would agree with you entirely.
Investment consists of recognizing the growth in value of successful companies and participating in their growth. Tim declares that all penny stock companies are trash and are doomed to fail. If that is true, then trading their stock is a zero-sum game and an attempt merely to profit from the losses of other traders. That is what Tim is teaching: the art of scamming others.
It’s like running a school for pickpockets. He is also teaching by example the art of running such a school. Steven Dux and Paul Scolardi have started schools of their own.
One of Tim’s early strategies involved recognizing “pump and dumps” and profiting from them.
Pump and dumps are considered illegal by the SEC and it imposes fines for instigating them. Tim was teaching how to profit from illegal activity. Tim Grittani went into this in great detail in his DVD, describing how he subscribed to many penny stock newsletters and tried to figure out which ones would be successful in their promotions.
I am especially distressed by a recent video of a Tim interview with two of his new students. They were recent college grads and one declared he joined Tim’s challenge because he wanted a more attractive alternative to a regular job. What if everybody chose this route? Tim would prosper but the economy would collapse.
My advice is not to let Tim buy you out and bend you to writing a positive review. Keep your opinion and let me take the blame.
I wish RobB was still around. I’m not nearly as good as opining on this as him, but I’ll give my say. Emmett, I’m disappointed of course to hear about this. The best point about the Sykes review was that it evidenced that his organization was making tens of millions from duped newbs thinking the “education” is worth something. Taking down the review was bad enough where Sykes’ products never passed the legit test, but then to have him as a sponsor. And this is opposite of what happened with Meir Barack’s “offer” to tradingschools. With the review gone, many more newbs will be suckered into continuing Sykes’ programs and products in the future without a reputable warning. As for the greater good, the Sykes organization is a big big chunk of what constitutes the greater cessmess of the industry. Investimonials and profit.ly soured the stink industry for so long. Many newbs were churned by investimonials over the past decade and it wasn’t until tradingschools, retailer aspirant traders finally got some uncompromised reviewing of the scam industry of trading educators. Taking down the review out of pressure and litigated threats could halfway be understandable since you’ve endured close to 20 lawsuits by these scammers already, including hired stalkers, for the greater good, and also on many readers’ behalf. But then to have Sykes’ ad on the site. I just don’t think it’s worth it for the “greater good” when it’s really more like to me a major faux mistake for the integrity and reputation built up for this site, and I hope this development is reconsidered. Anyways, that’s my say. I hope other long time readers or fans of tradingschools will comment on this or contact you and let you know how uncomfortable and misgiving this sounds. Because of Sykes’ example many of the newer and younger generations of shamshow cons were inspired to start their own “trading education business/room” shamshows. Also, it’s easy for cons who got wealthy to be generous with their ill-gotten gains to build up a faux side of their “business”.The “American Greed show detailed many examples of this. In any case, I’m still a fan of tradingschools which has done inestimable good work over the past years in warning and saving newbs from getting churned by some of the most egregious snakeoilers out there, and reaffirming for those of us who suspected these fakes were never trading live for so long, and it’s still the best review blog of the trading scam industry by far.
Here’s an update – Tim’s profit.ly leaderboard lists fifteen verified millionaires in the family
I know that Michael Goode is definitely legit. He has called out a few scammers. He got sued once and I read the case. I really felt sorry for him.
Then I thought my own three pending cases…lol!
If you want to know the true nitty-gritty that goes into these defamation cases…you should read https://www.goodetrades.com/2020/02/scottsdale-capital-advisors-defamation-lawsuit-against-me-ends-with-a-whimper/
I never talk about lawsuits because I don’t want readers to be fearful of rediculous, unmeritorious lawsuits. Any damn fool with $350 and a dull pencil can file a case. The problem is when they file in some podunk, backwater village and then get you served. Then you have to respond to have the jurisdiction moved — which costs money. And if you don’t respond, well then they claim $200 million in damages and get a summary judgment, because you refused to travel to the podunk, backwater village.
Of course, they will not collect on the worthless judgment. But still, they publish a document from a judge that looks “legit” and supposedly vindicates them. Totally ridiculous.
In California, we have something called an Anti-SLAPP. Without wading too far into the weeds, it basically is a really effective way to deal with frivolous lawsuits. I have been a party to several of these, and I have won several of these. The amounts are significant.
Usually, I settle for a cash payment and give the suing party a confidentiality agreement. Its quite embarrassing to them, especially when they lose. Regardless, one “Guru” sued me twice and got his head handed to him. Because of the confidential agreement, I cannot talk about the final settlement. But I will give you a hint where you can find the case by searching Yolo County Court Records.
Over the years, there have so many. Heck, just this past year I had a partial victory on an Anti-SLAPP, but then I took the remainder and appealed it California Appellate court. The poor guy that sued me got double fucked and ended up cutting me a sizable check. And this was to “allow” him to dismiss his case against me. How crazy is that?
Sometimes you have to fight on the hill. Sometimes you have to surrender the hill. The key is to never die on the hill.
Poor Michael Goode got sued only once. I am sure that single experience left him much poorer and disillusioned with the legal system. There is no such thing as “free speech” — there is only speech that you can afford to defend.
But I am not crying. I have been sued all over the United States. I am pretty sure I have some sort of record of being sued multiple times in a given time period.
If you are going to make real change, you need to be able to spill some blood and treasure. Nothing that is good comes easy.
A plaintiff must sue in the defendant’s jurisdiction. If you are served papers from out-of-state, lack of personal jurisdiction would be a defense against any judgment. Details and exceptions on http://www.nolo.com.
Journalists practice the art of writing reviews without being sued. I think the most important thing is to avoid expressing contempt. Lord Chesterfield wrote that a gentleman will forgive anything but contempt. From what I know of Timothy Sykes he does not misrepresent or take unfair advantage and thus should not be called a scammer. He might be called immoral for seducing young people away from useful vocations into the shady world of stock manipulation. Possible remedies would be:
1. The FTC might compel him to disclose the fortunes of all of his challenge students, not just the winners.
2. The Catholic Church could declare his activities immoral and forbid its members to participate.
I study Tim’s methods but I don’t pay him any money. His DVDs are a terrible waste of drive space because they don’t have any replays of live trades, just Tim lecturing before a spreadsheet page or price chart. On one of them he holds up books on investing from a stack borrowed from the library. None of them are the ones I consider most valuable. All of this could easily be put in a book.
There is better material on his YouTube channel.
You wrote, “The Catholic Church could declare his activities immoral and forbid its members to participate.” Oh, that is some wicked wit! I nearly rolled off my chair thinking about the Pope talking about Tim Sykes.
Hello everybody , anyone hear about Weekend Windfalls
endorsed by https://finance.weissratings.com
Good luck every body
If you are buying a $3000.00 course or sitting in a chatroom getting alerts, then the probability of you getting scammed is quite high. I’m going to charge you tons of money for something already out in the public domain? I saw the Dux review and knew this site is either ill-informed or paid for good reviews. These penny stock millionaires front load stocks and pump them in their chatrooms. Then when you blow up your account, they tell you that you didn’t study hard enough or need more courses to get better. All are frauds baiting you in with lambo’s , 20,000 sq ft mansions and a pair of DD’s all up in your face.
I got Dux materials off a website selling it for 90$,and can safely say he does know his stuff.Granted I do not know how legitimate his chat room services are,but his DVDs do provide very good information and I tried his bounce short strat,modify it to suit my style and it works.
Better to try out his actual strats then decide whether he is a scam or his style doesn’t suit you,because the stock market will always have skeptics and noise.
Do u have a mailing list so we can be alerted when new reviews comes out?
LOLOLOL. I call this guy madaz out very respectfully on twitter to get him engaged in conversation. Then when I bring up real points about his offered service he gets defensive and starts talking about how many followers I have and blocks me LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Imagine having such a weak argument that you have to resort to 5 year old comebacks. Madaz is an absolute scam. Your welcome.
It’s worth noting I was very nice (not at all disrespectful) when talking to him and he was the one that broke down after 2-3 messages… YIKES.
I hardly pried on this dude… what a legit source of trading advice 😈
Please review this dude
Have you ever reviewed SMB capital who provide funded accounts?
SMB is scammy imo. You have to pay 60% back to the firm and another $2,500 a month for fees, which is about the rent of a NYC apartment. Although, you do get access to some sexy dark pools that can get your fills done when you trade. They also have some neat proprietary strategies.
Mike doesn’t make money, he’s just stuck in his ancient world of trading back in the day, Steve is meh… The joint venture is structured like a hedge fund now and you can see everyone’s PnL.
SMB makes most of their money from the sales and prop accounts/scanners, which are just volume scanners that anyone can do.
Be that as it may, if you get in and get to join a good group and learn, you can make a lot of money. IMO, best trader is SWANG, he is like a human hft.
where do I find all your reviews?
Double post please delete.
Hello Review Team, I just found your pages and I am sorry I did not find them much much much sooner :). I mean I paid for a lot of “trading books and systems” which do not work. I keep my fingers crossed for you and the great job you do. My question is whether I can find here somewhere your revire about trader Jon Levine / http://strategictradingsystems.com/ . Thank you in advance and I wish you good luck and success
https://www.tradingwithrayner.com/ has massive web traffic and youtube exposure.
Won’t send proof of performance.
Hi David,
Yes, I am familiar with Trade With Rayner. You can find the review here.
Thanks for commenting.
Thanks I did search. Obviously not well enough. The review confirms my thoughts.
Further down the comments of the Rayner review there is a post which links to a video response by Rayner supposedly showing “proof” which looks like a joke of a rough local server page “statement” mockup, or at best some account which could easily have been deposited funds from dupes who subscribed or bought products. And only shown in response to the review, when he could have shown proof to tradingschools during the weeks asked about it. Pathetic that these young scams just out of high school age like Rayner, Will-stocks-picks, and TradingFraternity showcar renter guy, etc. want to aspire to be like the next scam prodigy Sykes, instead of doing something legit with their young lives, like getting real work or career experience. They can’t even trade to be really rich but just put up a shamshow pretending to be, wasting time and funds of other young dreamers.
Hi Emmett, Any idea how is Andrew Aziz, any plans of reviewing him, his amazon books have best ratings & he gets recommented/mentioned a lot on online forums.
So in this waste land of stock picking and trading services is there anyone out there that is legit?
P.S. The reviews you post are the best…very funny
Can you do Peter Leeds? He’s a supposed “pro penny stock trading” who claims you can follow his trades with “no experience necessary.” His website is here:
If you won’t expose John Carter, at least admit you’ve taken money from him to stay silent. None of these people are legit.
I have never really gotten around to John Carter. However, I did write about his ex-partner Hubert Senters.
If I take money from a trading educator to “stay silent” then why am I so broke?
Your broke because you are a felon…..convicted of financial crimes. This tends to make you go broke!
You got that right! Committing financial crimes, and most importantly…getting caught…tends to make you go broke.
Moral of the story? Don’t commit financial crimes! Instead, focus on building something that your grandmother would be proud of. Stop chasing the “quick buck” and try your best not to lie.
Pul-leeze do a review on ‘John Carter” (SimplerTrading), Tom Sosnoff (Tasty Trade & Tasty Works), Navigation Trading & Kirk from Option ALpha. 🙂
Tradingschools just reviewed two of Tom Gentile’s newer shamshows. In a ways, it’s getting closer to John Carter in that Gentile was a precursor/contemporary in that he was a co-founder of “Optionetics” and they sold an “Advanced-GET” elliot wave 4-5 software package before platforms more commonly had fib tools. Now, Gentile as an older legacy, is getting even more outrageous with the “button” auto trading and even charging more for his boondogles than the past. I used to read his bs articles about the markets before he moved on past Optionetics. He must be more desperate to make a bigger shamshow windwall for later retirement. So someday, hoping Emmett gets to exposing John Carter, Rober Miner (Dynamic Trading), and the other legacy elliot wave or options shamshow gurus and their organizations. Seems options is making a comeback after the forex fad over the past decade. As scores of young college age idiots try to learn trading from Ross, Aziz, Gutierrez, etc. and stupidly go for gesticulating boris-karloff-mummy Barack’s Tradenet CFD’s, and the C(nut)MEG shack “office” with their stray dogs sidewalk on google streetview. And also get to the Netpicks’ “family”, and the Busby’s shamshow cess proper as well.
They are all scams. Lost a fortune to it but happy I got it recovered.
Do you have results from your study 2 years ago?
Hi Guys love your site. I’m trying to learn trading, what are some of the really good training programs out there.
There are none. They’re all shamshows and frauds. You might find a trading room site is far less of a sham to a lesser degree, but don’t believe for a second any of them can trade for a living without the supplement of monthly churn fees, subscriptions or selling 2k hotdog packages. You can get some ideas from books and such to make your own system hopefully discovering an edge. But any real traders are long quiet trading for themselves, or have started their own proprietary fund in the financial industry. The best you can find here are a few breakevener trading teachers who show their live trading, but of course not enough to make it on their own without a feed audience. So that might be useful step for absolute beginners if just to see and follow some live trading with real funds on the line. But to be really successful is discovering your own method hopefully before too long as it can take several years or never for many, as only a few akin to the top performers in sports can make a good living from it, or like lucking out on a lottery win, the ugly truth of retail trading that is never made aware of in the endless pitching and shamshows of selling the trading dream.
What happened to the original Investors Underground review?
Are there any trading courses that you do recommend?
Hi Guys,
Can you please do a review on Trick Trades he’s content is straight forward and I think he deserves an Honest Review.
I’m new to online investing. My account is not big enough to trade stocks, there for i am looking at Options.
I can’t imagine how many people you have saved from being swindled. You are like a crime fighter Keep up the great work.
I just came across this person ” Mike Aston” from http://www.tradingtemplate.com. Would you review him?
Also Emmett, which system or guru do you follow and use for your own trading?
I’ve lived through some very disturbing experiences with some of the other chat rooms out there. So much so that I took it upon myself to spend endless hours and months to actually learn how to trade not from the folks who ran the chat room, but from the education they provide that I actually paid for. I watched every educational video they had to offer.
After almost blowing up my account trying to trade like them, I went back to the drawing board, watched all the education, thoroughly analyzed months of my actual trading, and ended up creating a very successful, high probability options trade. I became a moderator in my chat room and was teaching others for free. Folks kept asking when I would have my own service via the chat room I was in (who shall remain nameless because I don’t want to bash anyone). But those of you who know me, know me. After a year, I decided to do just that, start my own service. This year I decided to go forth and teach. I’m capping my room at 50 members because unlike others I’m not interested in subscribing my way to a million, but actually trading my way there! Everyone gets individual attention and help. As an actual Certified Life Coach and Certified Master NLP Practitioner, I’m able to truly help my tribe tackle the toughest part of trading, that space between our ears! You and I can teach anyone to trade. It’s not rocket science. But what is so hard for so many people is the ability to focus, be patient and be disciplined! I say 90% of my success and success at anything is mental! Only 10% is technical. I welcome anyone to give open and honest feedback about me or my service. Just know you will NEVER see any of those “sign up for my service now cuz this offer ends in 10 minutes and you’ll miss you purpose in life if you don’t join now” emails. Only to receive another email in 11 minutes spewing the deal of a lifetime!
Thank you guys for who you are and all you do.
“I say 90% of my success and success at anything is mental! Only 10% is technical.”
I disagree here. It makes it sound as if almost anyone with the right mindset can make money trading. Finding a trading system/method with long-term profitability is VERY rare. I wish you success as a life coach, but I think you’d be better off coaching someone else (maybe entrepreneurs or executives who actually do make money) than traders. The mental game is tough, but so is the actual game of making money…especially in an age when you’re competing against AI and high-frequency trading.
I appreciate your input Longshot. I can only speak to my success and my clients success. Learning the technicals of trading, my indicators that generate 90% success, yes 90%, the patterns I trade etc. are pretty simple. I teach my members live what to look for as I live stream my trading and talk through BEFORE I get in a trade, what I’m looking for, what my entry triggers are and why, and why I’m not getting in a trade, etc. All of those I consider technicals. I can teach those to anyone. But if you don’t have the proper mindset, focus, discipline, patience, no matter what setup, patterns, and high probability trade ideas I show you, you will have a very difficult time succeeding. Unfortunately too many folks don’t understand this simple idea and end up trading from a mindset of FOMO, or trying to mirror others, or worse, chasing trades. What I do works. Simple as that. I know not only from my results as a trader but from my members success. Thanks again for your input. Best of luck to you.
Dorothy, too many claim to be successful without proof. Submit your Brokerage statement for us to see. Or if you prefer privacy give it to Emmett to review.
Looks like the typical gouging of the hapless victims at $2k for the trading room with “limited” membership. Counter to what you’ve posted the dream blurb on the first page still says ”
Make this your year of absolutely RIDICULOUS results!
Join the challenge of becoming the NINJA Trade’s 1st Millionaire Trader.
” Nice try posting here in request review section trying to be one of the “victims”. Typical shamshow antics and no proof so far.
Can you guys review MIC (My Investment Club) or MADAZ Money?
Please review Tim Sykes! He scams so many people, idk why he’s not on here.
Emett, thank you for talking about Matt Davio. This looks really good as far as learning to trade on your own. Holding down a full time job and haven’t traded in 15 years so I’ll think ease myself back into it before I give Matt or Josh a call. Might try out Dean Jenkins subscription. Thanks again, I haven’t found anything like this site on the whole internet! It could be unique. I’ll send you feedback as I try out new things. Is this where you prefer the feedback to land or do you have a contact email?
Please review basecamptrading.com. I want to see if Thomas Woods is trading real money. He moderates the live futures trading room.
You should probably start with this article…https://www.tradingschools.org/reviews/value-charts/
Hello folks,
Is it possible for you to review
Link: https://www.daytradingforexlive.com
It seems legit, but not quite sure on Sterling Suhr.
I have a question about Jasen Baker & B12 Trader. A few months ago I found your stellar review about the service and it peaked my interested. Today when I looked into purchasing the service, I find nothing about it. Even the domain appears to be no longer. Can you fill me in on what happened?
-Jon Spencer
Hi Jon,
Jasen took a “prestigious” position at Google and moved to Australia. I spoke with Jason a few weeks ago, he is still programming and trading, but the job at Google has him working, basically 24/7 as an engineer. No time for anything else.
I’m glad things are working out well for Jasen. Thanks for the update Emmett.
Hi Emmett Hope all is going well in your busy life. Can you and team do a review of
https://www.eminiplayer.net as they look like no different to Simon Jousef as they send details and levels and they are never accurate of anywhere close to what the market does. They call a bullish market bearish market and all sorts of made up stuff.
SilverFusionCapital once registered took my $594, never heard from them again, emailed multiple times anyone have a phone number to a live person?
i just found this informative chat room. ive read most of the comments and have been ripped off a few times by so called experts including…warrior….eat, sleep, profit….etc can anyone help in my search for an honest site that trades live
I’m also looking for actual live trade rooms/indicators/software that really works. Thank you.
Is it possible for you to review this? They’ve been running the operation for quite some time and been advertising heavily on social media of their so-called successes.
Link: http://maximainvestments.com/
After reading a thorough review of the BullsonWallstreet, and learning about other companies like this leveraging CliqueFund I was hoping to learn more about RealLifeTraining.com
I saw a brief commentary where there was a review done on this company years ago but cannot seem to locate it. I’m curious because under their professional trading section they too use CliqueFund but I don’t see any negative commentary regarding them.
Hi Emmett
Could you please do a review on this https://www.opentrader.com
Awais conducts regular webinars, makes an offer that for $50.00 per month you get his absolute edge in trading
After few months what he does is then offers an expensive product to say this system makes winners like no tomorrow.
He has nothing to show for or no proof . He is has no room and even his commentary on the market is very confusing.
They also go as http://www.eminiplayer.net
Please be aware these guys are total fraud and have random lines which they sell at $50.00 per month and then will offer you their Holy Grail where everyone is making a killing but they have no real proof that they can provide
They need to be investigated fast before poor people give their hard earned money to them.
chartartist.com (andre stewart)
refused my refund request
high fees for videos where he wears a singlet, he’s burping in every single one.
promised items, not delivered.
useless course where he repeats himslef, contradict himself at times, over and over, lacking any objective/fundamental concept
I would like to see a review of RTM Acadamy (https://www.rtmacademy.com).
The guy (If Myante) running this, claims to have made a 280R trade and regularly makes 40-50R on trades. You can join his academy for “only” 17,997 Euros.
Someone needs to review
Emmett is a complete hack, this guy poo-poos every course (even ones that work and have proven results) and promotes ones cooked up by his business partners. Reviewers that receive compensation from sales of trading courses SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED, ever.
Only two recommended vendors with affiliate partnerships. The net monthly payout barely pays the hosting fee’s. Let’s not mention that this blog is a massive time suck.
If you can find a foolproof model that eliminates all conflicts of interest…I am all ears.
And yes, I do poo-poo most everything because most everything is poo-poo. If I were truly in this for me, then I would give everyone a 5-star rating and make a killing.
Gordon, I have a long and apparently never-ending list of vendors that need to be written about. I could use some help. This is a stupid non-profit in an industry where everyone is looking to only profit. At any expense. So please, I could use some help writing reviews…
Get lost .. If you have something that works so great, go use it, make millions and you wont have to tell anyone about it …
Please can you review Rick Gutierrez Learn Plan Profit. Also can you review Samuel Leach?
Please review this trading room
I second this site should be reviewed. Dean Handley has already endorsed this as one of his grand tetons out of other women trading room vendors he supposedly reviewed. –> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sc6RoqkiKjE
Garbage. Was there in Feb 2019 for a one week trial. I think the one week was $90 something. When I was there ( she trades CL, GC and NG all of a 1 min chart) she lost $600-800 a day and was positive one day. She fudged the loss for the week saying it was only $660 or something like that. Sometimes she was up in her calls but would not sell. She is on SIM. Her claim to greatness was her CL calls, but CL was in a downtrend on the daily and that helped her.
She trades the one minute chart like she is trading a 10-15 minute chart.
Anyone trading SIM is garbage. Because when you have real money on the line…its way different. Don’t waste your time here. Last week or Last month ( I think it was last month) she only made $50.00 ( for the whole month). It should still be there on the website unless she took it off.
Please review this trading room
Can you do a review on this website – http://www.freetrainingrussell2kfutures.com/index.php
His website says that he is located in Latvia but has a Georgia telephone number. He offers free training!! The catch comes in that you need his indicators that he leases for $500 for basic and 750 for add-on indicator per month! 25% of your profit once you start to trade live. I see it as essentially an offer to sell his indicators disguised as free training. I figure he hooks people into paying for his indicators for at least a couple of months, netting him $1000 per person. Getting just one per week, brings him $4000 per month. Not bad, and that’s his residual income.
Thanks for the information and reviews, i know it must be alot of hard work that people probably under appreciate. So Thank You!
I joined Learn Plan Profit a service produced and run by Ricky Gutierrez. He has a course, a chatroom(techbuds), and he trades live for one hour at the market open everyday. Have you reached out to him or reviewed him? I didn’t see anything on your site about him. He seems honest and legitimate. He makes consistent profits, but i find his style very basic and not very technical. It works for him i suppose but i haven’t been able to convert what he is teaching into $. Just curious on your thoughts.
Happy Holidays
Hello Emmett,
I appreciate the review on Ez Futures Trading.
However, I think they have started another
Trade room and doing a live webinar on
Their favorite site
VIRTUAL EVENTS today 10/30/18. 4:30 EST
CLAIMING 93% AND using Positive ticks rather then their old method of $2000.00 to $3000 Weekly they love posting. No trade room trial you must first purchase the system.
Preplotted Atm Strategies just like the
It looks like the domain name was established
Or registered on 8/8/2018 from cubdomain.com
No Phone number just a Chicago address.
Using the Name Lisa G as the trader this time.
I hope you can help so they don’t continue to take advantage of good people trying to better
Their financial future.
Thank you for your help.
Thank you,
Hi. After surfing internet in search for ” the best” trade course, i found Trading Schools .org.-what the eye opener. Thanks for great number of reviews. Like to learn to trade. Don’t have any experience nor knowledge , don’t know how or where to start. Can you help please. Thank you. Jake
Hey! Will you eventually do a review of Ricky Gutierrez?
I can tell you already that Ricky is a fraud. His parents own a dealership, and he paper trades live with thinkorswim
I’ve done so much research and actually joined TradeNet for 3 years, and this is how Tradenet and Colmex work together:
Meir Barak owns Tradenet (trading education, chat room), Meir Barak also owns 51% of the brokerage Colmex (ask him!), Colmex bets against it’s traders positions (CFDs), meaning they ONLY make money when you lose! Therefore Meir (your mentor and educator that gives you trades) is betting against you! he’s betting against his own trades!
Can you now see the conflict of interest? Guys, Tradenet is nothing but a marketing scheme to get people to join Colmex, that’s how Meir makes money. I know how most of you must feel after reading this, you’ll be in denial as I was. I really wanted this to work out for me, I ignored all the contradictions that arose in my mind. But this is the truth proved by facts and logic.
If Meir made most of his traders successful, then his company colmex would go bankrupt, guys don’t be gullible. By the way if you make ‘too much’ money on the CFD program they’ll switch you to the equity’s (non-CFDs). Good luck and trust NO one in this industry, please go and verify everything I have said.
Wow. Someone actually wrote the truth.
I have been thinking about writing an article regarding Colmex and TradeNet for quite some time.
Its a complicated fraud. Yes, it needs to be exposed.
Why didn’t you let my comment on Meir and Tradenet go through?
Hi Jason,
Not sure which comment or comments you are referring. 99.9% of comments pass, with the occasional screened through an automated spam filter.
You are free to talk about Meir or Tradenet, or whatever you choose.
Thank you Emmett, i’ll try to post it again
Can you do a review of online trading academy?
Also can you do a review of protrade academy?
Thank you
liverobot on s&p 500:
Hi, can you review https://www.tradingacademy.com/ They sell high-value courses for $5000. They also have courses for Forex, Futures and options. Also very pricey. I understand you’re busy and stuff but the community will definitely appreciate it.
hi, any review about http://www.optionalpha.com?
Luis – I’m a full member there. It’s a legit place and you’ll learn everything you need to know about trading options conservatively. The main idea Kirk teaches is to sell implied volatility. It works when actual volatility is at medium to low average levels. It doesn’t work when you are already in positions and volatility suddenly spikes up, like what happened in February 2018. So most of the time the strategy works, just be careful for sudden significant drops in the underlyings.
I’m in agreement here. Some of the best ‘free’ option education info is found on this site. Some peeps like David Jaffee (BestStockStrategy) thinks OA & Kirk is a fraud. I think he’s myopic & maybe envious. Lots of solid options education can be found here.
does anyone have tried http://www.BullishBears.com or http://www.tradingefectivo.com, i dont want to be rich, i just want to get extra income
Hi Emmet –
First of all I would like to just say thank you for doing these reviews which benefits thousands of people.
Secondly, I wanted to see if you would be willing to do a review of DTA (Day Trading Academy). Their website is here: daytradingacademy.com
I know that they have a very large impact with hundreds of students in both the USA, Mexico and Brazil. They have online education courses as well as seminars and in-person events (called MTU’s which stands for Military Training University) where they charge thousands of dollars per person for each event. Therefore, I am confident that a thorough review of the DTA will be a significant benefit to the public. I would be glad to help you with the review in any way I can, as I am currently a subscriber in their program.
Thirdly, and what I have found most interesting, is that based on a little bit of my own research, the founder of DTA, Marcello Arrambide, used to work and teach for Chris Dunn at eminiacademy (which no longer exists), and you have previously done a review of Chris Dunn here:
Based on your review, it seems that Chris Dunn is nothing more than an expert promoter and doesn’t have any trading skills at all. This raises alot of red flags for DTA as their founder and head trader was working for this guy before starting DTA.
Would this be something you would be willing to look into further?
Please review: https://www.thetraderisk.com
This guy posts his results (wins and loses) and doesn’t make outrageous claims.
Who the fuck are you guys from the trading school
Who the fuck is this trading school expert
Please review http://smartertrading411.com @smartertrader on twitter. I’ve heard many ppl tell me they lost money from his service while he just paper trades
Jason Bond has an ad on youtube, when you click on it it takes you to a webinar “filled” with people who are cheering the webinar on. If you type “If you are a real person type the word ‘pizza'” nobody will respond. He’s faking attendance to his own webinar with scripted chat and bots.
There has to be some sort of illegality to this sort of thing
fastmoneytraders claim to make 75% and 100%monthly returns from trading (with only one loss) but when I asked for a history of their trades they could not produce one and got very defensive. Here is what they rep[lied to me: ” We do not have time to answer anymore of your questions. Maybe you would be better off somewhere else, as you are too high-maintenance of a customer. Nobody else has ever demanded this information from us.”
If they can’t prove their trading history then STAY AWAY!!
” claim to make 75% and 100%monthly returns”
And you don’t run away!?
Hey, could you please do a review on tradewithsoul.com and their discord chatroom? Their main analyst has over 13+ years experience and has been posting really well trades and posts the wins on it too. Thank you!
Meir Barak : Guy all over YouTube, Radio, and Twitter, now spamming the shit out of people too.
Hi could you please provide review on Petrapicks.com and Optionshawk.com
Hello there, I am thinking about taking courses from http://www.tradingacademy.com, they are pretty expensive around $9k up t0 $12k on courses, would you please do a review of them and save me money 🙂 thanks
Can you please review Jeff Tompkins and his company tradingprofit?
Hello, can you review http://www.rtmacademy.com ?
It is price action based. Unfortunately, it is costing ++14k USD to enroll.
Could be your best article
Can you review this guy ,he claims 100% but no proof huge following too https://www.facebook.com/ProfitTradeRoomPage
another Steve DeWitt scheme:
Please review
Nitwit DeWitt with yet another scammy offer.
Please review ApexInvesting.com
Hey Emmett, I really enjoy your reviews. I’ve had personal experiences with a couple of the “gurus” you’ve checked out and mostly agree with what you’ve written, so I definitely trust your opinion.
I’d like to request that you review Rick Gutierrez (techbudsolutions) of Youtube fame, his discord server, and maybe his Learn Plan Profit course. I have a feeling this guy is already on your radar as he’s blown up in popularity quite recently.
Some of his videos aren’t bad, but this dude has that weird vibe (maybe it’s the salesman vibe) that always makes me super suspicious. It seems like the only thing he sells is his course (looks like a basic crash course) for a one-time $300 but I could be missing something.
His discord server is free to join and I just started lurking there, but don’t see anything super interesting yet. He puts out a lot of free stuff but to me, this looks less like a genuine noble deed and more like a sales tactic to build his youtube following. He appears to have focused on promoting himself quite a bit before recently pivoting to selling “mentorships” (his plan all along?).
I have not skin in this game. Most of his stuff is free like I said and I have no need for ANOTHER course of the same TA basics. But his videos have clickbait titles and he plays these very cheap, highly volatile stocks that I don’t think are safe for beginners at all.
It appears that he has also pulled money out of his account more than once to sort of reset to a very small account size. He shoves all of it into a single trade so if he wins, it appears to be this massive unbelievable ROI. He claims to rinse and repeat this style of trading to demonstrate that you can grow an account from $2,000 or whatever into $20,000 in no time.
Anyway, I have a feeling he’s exactly the misleading salesperson he appears to be but I’d love to see if there is a level of genuine trading success there and what else you can find.
please review Apexinvesting.net with owner Darrel Martin
Please review http://123EasyTrade.com
Actually, I just published a review. You can find it here. https://www.tradingschools.org/reviews/123-easy-trade/
Hi Emmett, I’ve followed a number of your reviews and I am really impressed by how direct you are. And, I’m fascinated by the programming of trading systems and indicators that you discuss. I came across a thinkorswim ThinkScript that seemed to have incredible promise, but it posts the buy and sell signals a few candlesticks after the fact. Do you know of anyone who might be willing to take a look at the code to see if there is any way to use the same mathmatical model but get it to post a signal immediately instead of having to wait several bars? As advised here, I just posted this question and the code on trader.help
My apologies for posting this question off topic on your review stream. I couldn’t find any other way to contact you.
trader.help username
Hi Rick,
I noticed that you left a message on Trader.Help. Let me take a look and see if there are enough definable variables.
When creating a trading system, you need clearly defined conditions for entry and exit. Do you have an article to reference?
Yes, thanks for responding so quickly. Check out: http://freethinkscript.blogspot.com/2009/05/yabsi.html When reviewing the comments below there, it looks like someone had success at longer time frames (like 15m)…. I’m more interested in 1m or 5m. Is there a way I can direct message you in the future instead of me hijacking someone elses thread?
Ehh, that looks like an offset Average True Range indicator. And its a mish-mash of undefined code.
Further, it has no specific buy/sell entry points.
You should try and avoid anything confusing or over complicated. Which it certainly is. Sorry I couldn’t help on this one.
Thanks for checking it out. Relatively new to your site, but very impressed so far!
Oh, and one more thing. How do I know that you’ve responded to this message? Does the system email me?
Oops…sorry. The first message below is actually later than the one below it.
Hi Guys,
Can you do a review Samuel trading and co from U.K. ? They offer a 5 day training and then funds up to 20 k to start trading .
Would like to see a review for Eminiplayer.net.
Anyone review S&P 500 trading group? Seems eerily similar to Delta Trading Group
Any reviews for So Darn Easy Forex by Yusef Scott?
Hi, could you please do a review for this person/website? It would really help me and my friends out a lot, and we really appreciate it!
Good afternoon,
Could you kindly review traders support club and alfonso moreno supply and demand course please?
It just amazes me how many charlatans there out there, the recommended traders/rooms you can count on your fingers, all the rest you need the help of an octopus. I am staggered.
You are the holy grail, stop looking to others, manage your risk tightly, try to let your profits run above your average loss, and that’s it. Do not use indicators, as none of them work. If you have to use charts, watch for false breakouts and if they come back in, trade them. Highs and Lows only, nothing else. Look for rejection or of H/L bars/candles. Most professional traders hedge, if you cannot do that, then just take a few ticks, else you are asking for trouble. Let go of your ego, it probably will not come back to you. Ideally, video the price ladder, and play it back looking for turning points, your brain will start to see patterns. Order flow from the DOM is the only way, that is what professional traders look at. Do not trust anyone in this business. Try to follow the rules on Top Step on a sim until you master it.
I am a student of the Pitbull and his 1 Star review is BS. Doron personally helps you every step of the way. His trades are legit as I verify them against mine daily. Al his students have about the same entries, he is just making more than us because he is trading more contracts. This program is Legit and well worth the money. If you finally want something that works this is it. Take it from me “A Student”, not from some guy that hasn’t tried the program and has no idea what he is talking about. David S South Carolina
How do you remove a bad review?
Send in your audited and verified trading statements Doron. If they’re legit, Emmett will publish a correction. As an added bonus you’ll be flooded with new customers who are eager to find a trading system that works. But without those statements your review will remain as it is.
Do reviews on bijantrades.com and smartertrading411.com . Keep getting there services targeted in ads on social media.
Can you do a review of Mafia Trading? He has videos on You Tube where he starts with $800 Day trading Penny stocks and 81 Days later he has turned the $800 into over $100,000..
Also interested in this.
Hi, Could you please review Tradenet and Meir Looks legit. I see others are asking for the same review 🙂 Thanks for what you do!
please review tradewithmrx.com it’s begging for a full review!
por favor revisen la academia day trading academy de marcello arrambide al parecer esta estafando a mucha gente en latinoamerica
meir barak – Could somebody check this guy out? He looks quite legit but I dont know for sure.
I too would like a comprehensive review of Meir and Tradenet. My instincts find him quite authentic, I see the salesman side of him as well but can’t absolutely hold that against him.
You can join a 2 week free trial in his chatroom to make your own opinion.
I personally don’t like the style of his trades but you can make money just by follow his live alerts.
His R/R is 1:1 that’s why I don’t like it
Has anyone reviewed or had experience of Trend Signal? http://www.trend-signal.com
Could you please review Huzaifa Farooq at Trade Simple? He has a youtube channel & a website at http://www.tradesimpleofficial.com
He offers a system trading on price action alone. I’m new & would like to find something I can trust.
Hi Mark,
Can you make a request to review at Trader.Help?
Hey guys, love your reviews! You guys do the trading community a great service. I have another one for you to look into….He calls himself “Vinny Emini”…I won’t tell my story so I won’t spoil your review, but this guy is a real piece of work. Hope you have a look.
If I put in aname and get no results can I assume that person is legit?
Hello,, can you please review http://www.orderflows.com
JPJ trading. See if you can get verifiable out of Jim. I would like to see that.
can you post this request at trader.help?
C2 Collective would be interesting review as well. Very cool concept, conceptually should be a huge hit.
Review of ArtofChart would be great. Looks promising, has posted record of what I hear are verifiable trades on the website and is taking a shot at the Cup in 2018.
Can you do me a favor and post this request at Trader.Help? All review requests are now registered at Trader.Help.
Death to you soon
Emmett, I have followed your work for a couple of years and am greatly disturbed by the lack of integrity of the industry. On November 6 I am unveiling my twitter account EMANON@3PERCENTADAY that will give up to 4 day trades a day that will pay you at least 3 percent for the day with all positions closed that day. There will never be more than one position open at a time. As with Twitter, there are no fees for this service. Just go to Twitter.com and follow EMANON@3PERCENTADAY. I look forward to your reviews of my service once I have built enough history.
Shouldn’t you admit that John Carter paid you to not cover him? Did he make you sign a non disclosure or something? Just send me an email with the word yes.
Darn, I wish I were being paid by Carter.
Emmett, Can we expect a review from u on John Carter (SimplerTrading) sometime in 2020? 🙂
Okay, I will get on it.
And David Jaffee too (BestStockStrategy.com) Something is fishy about that dude & I can’t quite put my finger on it. His option selling strategy is solid! I don’t question is trading prowess (doubled his $5K to $11K+ this year with zero losses. All good. But he claims he also trades with a $5M E-trade account too. I’m like – if he’s soo rich & having all this success with trading, & claims he wants to help the little guy sooo bad, then why is he ‘stiffing’ peeps with a nearly $2K course (on a single strategy where he shares the nuts & bolts of it on his YT channel); and charges nearly $400/mo for his option alerts (2-5 per month)?
Plus he’s trying to compete with u in the ‘trading guru review bizness’. He swears up & down that ‘anyone’ who buys options, use tech analysis or daytrades are frauds & sociopaths -end of story. With his reviews (99.9% negative on traders), he is so biased. It’s like his goal is to smash everyone & set himself up as the ONLY legit trading guru. Dude got issues. Fishy AF…lol. Plz do one on hin next year too.
He’s an interesting one for sure. His strategy (pure options selling as far as I can tell) works great in megabull years like 2019. We’ll see how it does in 2020, as the market is down hard right now on coronavirus worries. This is the kind of market that usually bankrupts option sellers.
Do you have a list of trading rooms that you consider to be good? I only see rooms that are scams. I currently trade stocks full time and was looking into futures but haven’t found any rooms that look good. The Oil Trading Group does look decent but they want 2k to be a part of what they do. That’s a little steep in the beginning. I am looking to get my feet wet before spending thousands of dollars.
Hello, how about some Nadex binary reviews!
TheHammerStone.com claims all kinds of wonderful and tauted on TD Ameritrades MyTrade.com social media app for only $290 / month with no contracts ……
Hi tradingschool. Can you please publish review about Yusuf Scott (So Darn Easy Forex).?
Do you really need a review of anyone that says, “So Darn Easy Forex”. Anyone saying investing is easy is a fool or a con artist or both. Investing is not easy.
Period!! Maybe they exist, like lottery winners, but every wealth person (unless they inherited their wealth) that I have met made their money by working their asses. Easy is terms con artist use to part you from your money.
And I will add even the best con artist don’t make their money easy. Yes I know they are con artist. But the best work their butts off being con artist. Doing brilliant videos and marketing and constantly working to separate you from your money.
Easy is a relative term. What may be easy for one person (especially if he’s gifted) may not be so easy for the average Joe. The average Joe will never be able to play basketball like Michael Jordan, do mathematics like John Nash, compose music like Beethoven or do stand up comedy like Chris Rock or George Carlin. Yusef Scott may be the Beethoven of Forex. He may have paid his dues & now it’s easy for him cuz he found his flow with 4X. Give the guy the benefit of the doubt and gather the facts 1st b4 u rush to judgement with scam claims.
Hi trading school,
Can you review The Day Trading Academy by Marcello Arrambide
Is he for real or clever marketing and heave youtube presence,
His Online course is about 3K
Emmett any chance you can review https://www.elliottwavetrader.net/ none of these guys are verified but charge large amounts per month for membership
Im on it!
I am a subscriber, would definitely like to read your review.
Someone notified me that you had used my name in conjunction with a review of Chris Terry’s room.
Your information about me in inaccurate and it comes across as an blatant uncalled for diss. I am not sure what your motives are for your biased slam of me.
To correct the record:
Jack S did see my trading statements as well as my work and research when he interviewed me for the new Market Wizards book. I had been an exchange member for 10 years at the time. I became a CTA in 1992. My track record was audited every year by an independent auditor until I retired 3 years ago. I managed 145 million and was recognized by Barclays for having the 17th best 5 year track out of 4500 hedge funds. I had one of the best sharpe ratios in the business.
I never thought of myself as a “trading educator”. 99% of my main business and profits has been my trading and hedge fund (in which I had 100 % of my personal funds invested). I was 20% of the AUM. I hired Chris when Ron Sheer, a very close friend who owned the Generic prop trading firm as well as Carlin Financial Group wanted someone to call stock trades for his traders and I asked Chris to do it since he had a good eye for the charts. (google Ron Sheer)
Chris was good enough that Ron maintained an exclusive contract until he disbanded his Generic prop firms and sold Carlin to Royal BAnk of Canada. Chris then wanted to moderate my small futures room so I let him. I am sure that Chris’s attentions and energies have wandered greatly since when I let him go 10 years ago, but he was a very good friend to me those early years when I had family problems.
I am proud to say that the original chat room (which originated when all my assets were frozen by my ex for a period of a year – note “EX”) created 5 full time jobs for other people who helped. I am still in contact with several traders who became CTAs after they left my room and I know it was good work at the time. Like any chat room or advisory business, if it is not helpful, then dont subscribe to it.
As an aside, I only wrote half of a book once in 1996 (with Larry Connors) and I have never sold courses online. I resent your comment: “I went back to hustling books”. I respectfully request that you remove all mention of my name from your site, especially in conjunction with Chris Terry.
Linda Raschke
Hi Linda,
Thanks for responding. I made the requested edits. You are portrayed in a much friendlier tone. You still have a little bit of Chris Terry stuck on your pant leg.
I can’t whitewash everything. Nobody is an angel.
Let me know if you want to change anything else.
No one is and no you cant bleach bit everyting ….. unlees you know your someone else ..
Yes Linda you have attained legendary status, but I think it was fair to make the association to that charlatan. A man that wakes up everyday, looks himself in the mirror and still decides to create financial ruin for good hard working people. That is something that only a man with no moral compass can achieve. People are certainly assuming credibility because of that carnival act was associated with you. Whether it is entirely fair to you is something that people will decide on their own.
can someone here take a look at this http://www.elitetradingmastery.com ? saw it by accident. thank you
Can you please review Trade Ideas
If they do not eat their own cooking I would run away. First step, ask them to show proof they trade their ideas via brokerage statements. That will eliminate 99% of the con artist.
By asking for brokerage statements that will eliminate 99% of the con men. That will also eliminate 99% of all trading rooms and trading vendors which means 99% are crooked and can not trade their way out of a paper bag. That last statement I must cite as Rob B being the source. Must give credit where credit is due.
I should add after the con man refuses to show their brokerage statements one of their con artist 101 lines is to say, “Well someone could just fake their brokerage statement”. That is true, but most will not do that, because that really gets into fraud which you can then be report to the authority. I think the authorities take making fake brokerage statement and stating they are real a lot more serious than someone that just sim trades and keeps a false track record. As on the latter they just say well I state the results are hypothetical. But hard to explain showing fake brokerage statements. IMO that is a whole another level of fraud.
Yes Rob that’s what I seem to hear now. I could just fake brokerage statements so they are meaningless. I don’t agree with that, but I do believe some are resorting to that now since Trading Schools is asking them to put up to validate. If they are serious about their results, they could go as far as getting the statements audited by an independent source, as Follow Me Trades seems to do. If I had phenomenal results and I was selling a product, you could be sure I would produce statements and have them audited. Especially if I had these crazy results that they seem to post online. LOL crazy stuff. up 8000%..lol. If someone doesn’t know how to calculate ROI, do you think they can produce stellar numbers. Just think about it. They teach that stuff in introductory business classes.
Thank you! Have you ever reviews Ascend Trading. DBA StocksDigest on Stocktwits. I am thinking about signing up after watching their record on stocktwits but realize that those gains are hard to get as they are always delayed.
Hi Emmett,
What do you know about Ray Freeman, rayfreeman@iamadaytrader.com?
Hi Alex,
I wrote a review about Ray Freeman. You can see it here.
I read this review on a website about you https://tradingschools.info/2015/08/05/a-review-of-emmett-moore/ How do you feel about this?
My past is well documented on my blog. Everything is written about. Nothing is hidden.
As far as 3rd party sites like TradingSchools.Info…or a host of others, it is fair and good that much is written. The more exposure the better. Typically, sites like TradingSchools.Info are a way for trading educators to attempt to discredit, obfuscate, or confuse consumers. But most people are pretty smart, and they eventually move towards the truth. And the simple truth is that the trading educational industry is a swamp of fraudulent operators looking to hustle the naive and the desperate.
And trading educators need their own special places in which to complain amongst themselves. So let them! Lol.
Emmett, I think it would be helpful if the blog could list anonymously a record of calls and entreaties to expose a scam vendor. For example, each month, a stats list of how many calls or messages you received, how many were curious, and how many were mad or despondent they got duped or lost a chunk of their savings or got into more cc debt. Perhaps even a list or table view of all the traducation sites with how how many of each were received. Readers and the general public can then clearly see how the witchhunt movement of dupes against these shamsters has greatly caught on since the inception of tradingschools and show how the throngs are now demanding more of the truth about these frauds which had been suppressed for so long by the sham shill media and web efforts.
Evening Emmett,
First of all thank you for providing this useful resource for the trading community. I believe it is critical for new traders seeking proper education to have a guideline while searching. I’ve joined tradenet by Meir Barak since Jan 2017 and have found their funded accounts program to be very useful. I haven’t had personal experience cashing out but so far everything checks out from the live trades screen sharing to analyst education. If you could review the program that would be much appreciated.
Could you do a review of platinum trading systems in the uk.
Why dont you review Tradenet. Its a bait and switch company. The entry $500 fee is basic rudimentary even insulting basic all so they can up sell you to the $3K package. Meir is great and his room is good but the material is all available online. Complete bait and switch scam.
Thanks for informing about fraud Wealthpire- how can I stop them from withdrawing from my credit card?
Contact your bank or cancel the card and get one with a new number.
is boardoftrading.com on the list. They seem to post results for 25 days only which seem promising.
Emmett, thank you for all your work in writing real reviews. They help a lot. Could be nice if these vendors can update their real trading performance, say, every two years, like what Kevin Davey did.
The truth is that even the best have rough periods. And we have to give the worst the opportunity to be better citizens.
Hi tradingschools.org team, I find your research extremely valuable. Could you please do one for Vinny Emini? http://vinnyemini.com/about
Thank you,
Long Term-Short Term trading as Better Trades is a major shareholder in TICN.com . And TICN.com is run by Owen O’Malley and Ana Rodriguez.
Can you review http://www.ticn.com?
Where did the livetraders.net comments go? Emmett, using sketchy dictator methods, lol. You can’t just keep deleting what suits your need 🙂
I have had many trader friends tell me Emmett is taking the VIG. In an industry of con artist like Big Mike and Lyin Dean Handley, Emmett is the best out there (criminal history and all); take that for what it is worth.
I was a member of Livetraders.net and have written about it. I do not keep track of my old reviews, did Emmett remove it?
One thing is Emmett has recently added pages to the comments, so now it is hard to search through a thread and look for a past comment. And what makes it worse is this site is frankly sooooooo darn slow to switch to each page takes more time and effort than most will give. Sometime I feel like ASL dial up would be faster than this site. I guess there is no money to upgrade to a faster site.
Taking the VIG?
Did you loose money with LT? I’ve been in the traderoom and they do take trades but all 3 moderators are taking trades, some winner, some heavy looser. The strategy they use are not good with many follow traders copying. Theres gonna be hugh slippage either way.
You asked the same question about LiveTraders.net in the About thread and I replied to you there:
They trade Gap Break outs. Under the right market condition it works for awhile. But when buying BOs on these type of stocks your fills are not great and contrary to what they state they do not show real trading results.
In addition you stated you have traded with them for 11 months and lost money, that should tell you all you need to know.
Can you do a review of tradingexperts.org these guys are cocky bastards that flaunt money on Instagram
This is a new little group/community of daytraders that claim to be having massive success and their cost is not posted publicly. All info must be recieved through email. Its around 497$ a month or 197$ but they’ll take 10% profit. Their claims sound almost too good to be true. It’s Plan Trade Profit and it looks like Patrick Wieland is only the face of the business not the head or the one alerting. He has a youtube channel which is very interesting as well as stocktwits and gram. Thank you i hope you can check him out and review him.
Could You Please review both http://profittraderoom.com/ and https://www.mojodaytrading.com/ They both have free trials and charge massive fees with lots of trading porn
What do you mean by “trading porn”
The term “Trader Porn” was originally coined for Timothy Sykes. He flaunts Lamborghinis, bikini models, mansions, yachts, unlimited shrimp cocktail, fancy trips, stacks of $100 bills, bottles of champaign, etc. It’s all visual candy, with no nourishment. Its just porn.
Profittraderoom is a pump and dump room scam. Their skype room is headed by a dubious guy from some eastern European country. His alerts will always tell you to buy something that is already up like double digit % or at high of day. When he and his group finished dumping, you will be left with heavy bags.
There is a room called http://www.jpjtrading.com that has been around a LONG time… I believe he has quite a following and I have never heard a bad word about him… would be interesting if you looked at him
When I clicked on this site, the godaddy notice that the site domain is for sale.
I am an experienced swing trader but I am looking for a highly regarded day trade system, mentor, room, etc. Is there anyone you would recommend? I have looked into The Stock Whisperer, Warrior Trading and Investors Underground and it’s hard to tell if they are legit or just selling crap. I would really appreciate any guidance you can offer.
I have no experience with any of those rooms, but I would read the reviews of each of those sites you mentioned. Those rooms were reviewed here and I believe current and previous members commented as well. After reading 99 percent of the reviews, I believe one should be skeptical when shopping. Now, some other individuals that comment here would have much harsher comments. In my opinion, you must do a thorough vetting before spending any money. Good luck!
“The Stock Whisperer, Warrior Trading and Investors Underground and it’s hard to tell if they are legit or just selling crap.” Not sure if they are legit!! Man it is so depressing to hear anyone even ask if these con artist TR are legit.
There have been reviews of all these TR with tons of comments. If you think there is even a snow balls chance in hell of any of them being legit, there is nothing I can add, except re-read the reviews again and if you decide to join them Good Luck.
And if you want to become a day trader to microscalp 20 trades in CL a day for 4 ticks, my advice is stick to swing trading.
RobB is right Bruce. StockWhisperer, Warrior and IU are all con artist, i.e. shamshows designed to procure monthly churn income streams for the vendors who don’t even trade real money. I can personally attest to WarriorTrading as I was in the shamster’s room for a couple months. I personally witnessed when he accidentally moved a window off of another window which clearly showed it saying sim account, then he stumbled and tried to pass it off as their “sim practice”. They even tried to use thinkorswim paper version for a few days but realized anyone who had TDA could see through their sim sham immediately. I also saw when they changed the angle of the webcam to point up to the ceiling instead of the old back wall or door because someone mentioned in elite the webcam showed his arms and his hands were not moving when he was calling out trades, meaning he was just calling out trades like he was in them without even bothering to enter them sim, lol. Later on besides the lies about being an architect and their hired legal team wiping the evidence from archive.org, Emmett mentioned Ross used to be a Jason Bond moderator and archive.org still show the pic of him sans beard and glasses. The whole stichk of the webcam and his glasses and beard disguise is to subconsciously fool attendees paying the monthly churn fee into thinking Ross is making the trades he is announcing and he is somehow more trustworthy than sham vendors who don’t put up a webcam. It’s all just tricks and suprisingly Warrior is doing far better as a churning business now than even JasonBond picks. Too many newbs either missed tradingschools, or choose to ignore the review and comments even when Emmett reported many have contacted him about Warrior claiming they lost an average of $10k each.
Please don’t waste your time. Swingtrading is better, or short positions trades. Hence, take a look at the european stock market. Look into shorting hyperbolic moves in mid/small cap. If you have access to Interactive brokers, you could use cfd’s for that. But don’t know if US ppl are allowed to trade cfd’s.
Try erick2015 from stocktwits,legit
Can you please do a review on bkforex.com
the traders are Kathy lien and Boris schlossberg
you can find then on CNBC every week.
Could you please review the following traders: https://eatsleepprofit.com/
Thanks in advance guys!
Eat Sleep Profit. I must admit I like the name, so I went to the site. One thing that always concerns me is when they do not show the name of the actual trader that will be teaching you. Maybe afraid you will Google it and find bad things. How is the actual Trader??
My advice is get a free trial hopefully for a reasonable period and then see if they do all the following:
1) Trade an actual Live account – Sim is meaningless and as said before if you do not trust your method why would anyone else,
2) Clearly show your DOM or Chart Trader for every trade taken,
3) Start Posting a Real Track Record Updating it Every Single Day,
a. Post accurate record of your trades showing entries, exits and P/L,
b. Post Brokerage Statement Proving his entries and exits.
4) Open up the Brokerage Account Live in front of people every day showing there is no trickery, and
5) Members must be able to achieve the same or close to the same results, so there is no pump and dump BS going on,
6) All members will be allowed to opening chat and no one will be banned for pointing out that I am not doing any of the promises mentioned above.
Anything less than what I posted above becomes a circus act where it is just too easy to scam people.
And take some trades live and see if you get the exact same results. That is the
real Litmus Test. If they are mysteriously calling winning trades when you take the same trade and lose, that is all a wise man needs to know. Run for the hills!!
Horatio –
Trust Emmett’s reviews only. Beware of wannabe Emmett deputies commenting with their own “reviews.” They are surely shooting blanks both on this site and life in general.
Always beware of commentors here putting down trading sites – they have hidden agendas and motivation$$.
Shills such as yourself are the only ones with a hidden agenda. Telling people to just believe and not ask for any proof what so ever. Of course there is the possibility your are not a shill and just a compete moron, but I doubt that is the case.
I stick with my statements, do not blindly trust any of these TRs. Get PROOF of their claims or be prepared to be the Goat and scammed out of your money.
Is that really too much to ask for??? Be reasonable, have some sort of proof. Show a DOM and make sure one can follow the trades with a positive expectation of getting similar fills. I’m willing to have an open mind, but at least throw us a bone and do some real trading. If the operator has a clearly defined trading plan and follows it on a live DOM then you are making progress. Once that is achieved obviously everyone can figure out if one truly has an edge which most don’t.
For sure. What an idiotic statement, “beware of commentors here putting down trading sites”. These cesspool sites deserve to be commented on precisely because they were exposed as monthly churning shamshows. Besides Emmett inviting comments, it’s only playing to the shills to make a blanket fool restriction that comments should not be negative about the reviewed site in question. If you want a site full of shilled comments where the balance is placed mostly in favor of the deceivers then it’s right back to the majority of ol investiscamma, trustpilot and whatever else myriads of compromised “review” sites, and continue to get fleeced by the frauds wasting more time and money in monthly churn and outrageous one-time-“lifetime” fees in the thousands. Vanguard posters like RobB have been a great help to the ts audience in learning to guard against the illusions and machinations of these scams. You want a motivation in term of dollars? Saving newbs $$ from listening to these shills and getting churned. It doesn’t get more gratifying to know that $$ was saved from the clutches of these compromised shamsters hurting their fellow man financially with fake dreams and have long since stopped trading live once they could profit and pay bills from ill-gotten gains of monthly churns.
MikeM. It is too much to ask because 99.9% of these vendors are just faux shamshows surviving on monthly churns and fees blinding their own lost conscience with the delusion that their shamshow is somehow a “legitimate” business. The small handful that would get a good review on tradingschools are just breakeveners that couldn’t make a living without the monthly churn fees. And there are a couple others I think have continued to fool Emmett where I suspect deeper digging would reveal the devious deeper layers and machinations of the hoax.
Well said, yet sad. I was taken a couple of times many years ago, but I didn’t know the extent of the fraud until reading this site. Hell, I didn’t know there were that many sites out there offering there services. The disgust and anger hit me hard when I heard about retirees losing it all to these deplorable people. Now it seems the shills are targeting the younger crowd to waste money and time which is just reprehensible.
Hi Emmett,
I work for one of the companies you recently reviewed and I wanted to discuss some of the points covered in the review. Please contact me back.
Emmet, what happened to The Trading Fraternity review that you did recently? It’s removed from your site… https://www.tradingschools.org/reviews/the-trading-fraternity/
Were the commenters were getting too close to the center of the spider web?
Emmett obviously took it down for some reason. I just wish to know what that reason was… Must be something pretty big in order to take down a negative review like that.
The people have the right to know!
P.S. Has anyone ever seen a negative review taken down like this before?
Maybe the site was hacked by these shady fraternity brothers? If Emmett took it down we will surely get a response soon, as a lot of effort was put into delving deeper than the review did by concerned commenters.
Seems you guys are complete frauds and this site is a complete scam.
I feel sort of honored. Thank you.
Oh God … again! From time to time someone posts this link on Emmett’s site. Were you really unable to check into whose site it is? It was set up by a scam vendor who Emmett exposed. Did you apply any critical thought to the claims they made? Was there anything there that isn’t on Emmett’s own site under the “Warning” tab? No wonder people are so easy to scam.
Could some tell me if they ever heard of or been a member of Mojo Trading (Pro Trader Mike) want to join but I’m not sure if its a reputable site?
previous not correct I got nothing to do with MOJO but I watched some videos and I cant believe what I see… check the site out.
delete the previous 2 entries I filled out incorrectly
MOJO Day Trading why dont u check him out…
I just looked up Stefanie Kammerman so called business address and this is her million dollar office.. looks more like a dump or is this her home office..hum.. ya, she is making millions. What a joke of a pole dancer/trader. And Fara must be her Pimp. she is a one man show if you look at this too. The MoneyShow should be embarrassed to showcase her.. LOL https://repdigger.com/reviews/the-stock-whisperer#comment
Could you please review MOJO Trading with Pro Trader Mike
Any reviews on David Frost’s LazyGapTrader/MyStrategicForecast?
Can you please review the following traders: http://livetraders.com/
They post monthly results on their site. Please review to see if they are fake or legit. Thank you
They are real results, they post day to day and week to week results in their trading room documents folder, results going back from when they started and same is shared in the room daily…ive been with them for 6 months now, so far so good
Emmett is getting paid NOT to review these frauds.
That’s a new one. Paid not to review a trading room! Half your luck Emmett. I wish I could get paid not to go to work. However, mads it doesn’t explain why some of the biggest frauds in the business didn’t pay Emmett not to review them.
Yes. If he writes a positive review ppl will soon rush to this site and blame Emmett for losing money. Emmett has been in the room and told they was the deal. But they ain’t. If you ask Emmett anything regarding livetraders you won’t get a answer. So there must be a reason why he won’t touch these guys
The only honest thing to say about your reviews is that you are the one misleading people, what a scam. Don’t publish this comment, you won’t because you are another waste of the internet… adding more garbage to the world of fake, crap, useless information out there. I am going to make sure I add this to the 450+ sites around the web which I am affiliated with to let people know your reviews are garbage, backed by your fake motives and affiliations. Regardless, maybe you are live for another few months anyway, since you won’t make money from this site and you will ultimately give up and hide back in your grandmothers basement. Get a life and take your crap site back to scam world you created.
Hi Emmett – any thought of doing a review on LiveTraders.com? They do publish results, but whether they tie up with reality I have no idea.
Any good ones to recommend for Forex?
I read your review on Smart Money Room and Steve Dewitt. #1-SMR is not owned by Steve. #2-I have been in his room for the past 2 months and NEVER once did he use prerecorded data. All of his calls were LIVE. I made good money when I listened to him and lost big when I was greedy and tried to outsmart him and entered trades that were not made by him. I would not have made a dime if every trade was not live. I don’t know anything about his Forex dealings but you owe this man a serious apology for the way you defamed him.
He was at least %80 right if not higher.
I read your review on Smart Money Room and Steve Dewitt. #1-SMR is owned by Steve. #2-I have been in his room for the past 2 months and NEVER once did he NOT use prerecorded data. NONE of his calls were LIVE. I lost good money when I listened to him and lost even more when I was greedy and tried to be as smart as him and entered trades that were made by him. I would not have lost a dime if every trade was live. I know everything about his Forex dealings and you don’t owe this man any apology for the way you accurately described him.
He was at least %80 wrong if not higher.
Stray Dog
PS. You can write any sh#t you like in testimonials as long as you’re not asked to prove it.
Stray Dog
How can you blatantly lie?
Mike … How can you shills keep turning up on this site, spewing forth your nonsense and think that people like me are #1 going to fall for it and #2 let you get away with that sort of crap? To quote from Emmett’s review of Smart Money Room, “TradingSchools.Org reached out to Steve DeWitt, seeking verification of of the supposed 135% “fully verified” returns for 2015. Unfortunately, Steve Dewitt could not provide anything that verifies these amazing performance claims.” If DeWitt was able to shut up the critics by producing his brokerage statements to prove his claims he’d do it. He doesn’t because his claims, like yours are complete fiction.
Agree with Stray Dog. Guys please don’t just post positive reviews about some trading room, provide proof in form of brokerage statements for atleast couple of consecutive months along with your post otherwise you are just wasting your time. Any person reading posts without proof should just ignore such posts as fake advertising.
Hi Emmett,
Yes, I would like the strategies you mentioned. I will download the software and start backtesting.
Can I get your email address?
you can reach me at emmett@tradingschools.org
Anything on Trading Futures in Action? I recall you promising a review of them sometime last winter. They still claim to show the DOM on all trades and make consistent daily profits.
TraderShark is another Handley-recommended site that used to post consistent weekly positive tick totals, though without any evidence that such levels actually were achieved.
Really mortgage fraud Bob Amico. There have been tons of comments by people who got scammed by him in GTR and in his new room. They talked about how he mysteriously forgot his losers in his posted results.
No one that can trade profitable is going to show their entries and exits as they would no longer be able to trade profitable. That is just how it works. All these day trading rooms are scams. There is not a single one that can show any proof they trade live consistently profitable. And doing a circus act where you sometimes show a DOM while trading SIM is a joke.
You find a room that does the following, please let me know. But as I have repeatedly said you got a better chance of finding a Unicorn.
1) Trade an actual Live account – Sim is meaningless and as said before if you do not trust your method why would anyone else,
2) Clearly show there DOM or Chart Trader for every, not selected, trade taken,
3) Start Posting a Real Track Record Updating it Every Single Day,
a. Post accurate record of your trades showing entries, exits and P/L,
b. Post Brokerage Statement Proving his entries and exits.
4) Open up the Brokerage Account Live in front of people every day showing there is no trickery, and
5) Members must be able to achieve the same or close to the same results, so there is no pump and dump BS going on,
6) All members will be allowed to opening chat and no one will be banned for pointing out that I am not doing any of the promises mentioned above.
Just saw that Handley mentioned Emmett in his TFIA review! lulz. his first response to the ts comments. He must have been reading ts reviews since he ditched his review integrity long ago and ts has taken the top of trusted retail trading review sites. Here at:
Looks like Dean Handley ~mbajdphd and TFIA are at it again. Another “hypothetical” Amico profit curve of the last year, 500% , double triple yer money etc. same ol hogwash, if Handley’s grand “tetons” of the wild snaksoily west could make those returns and newbs could follow along, he wouldn’t have to be proposing ad fees from an old home kitchen table. good recap of your rules for proof sham vendors can never follow, RobB.
Lying Dr. Dean is the worst of the worst of the scum bags lying to the FDA during drug trials that could have caused severe injury to thousand of people as shown below.
There is only one thing that matters and that is proof of profitable trading. That is what Emmett ask for, yet Dr. Dean shows absolutely no proof that any of his rooms can trade profitable or that he could trade their method profitable. All a complete circus act. If Dr. Dean was making the money he claimed from trading those rooms he surely would not be making videos from his run down kitchen. He is a complete fraud. Don’t believe me than believe the FDA. As I have repeatedly stated this whole industry is nothing but con artist. It is truely unbelievable. If the SEC stepped in all these room would be forced to close.
“Dr. Handley, who was Sepracor’s Senior Director, Office of Medical Communications and Scientific Affairs, regularly represented Sepracor at hearings before the FDA and was a Sepraco r spokesman at the conference . Sepracor’s Dr. Handley stated that the cardiac effects of Soltara have been studied in several well-controlled, randomized clinical trials. He reported that “virtually no change in the Qtc interval” was observed at relatively large doses of the drug, referring to an articl e in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology . Dr. Handley further reported that no change in Qtc interval was observed either one or two weeks into treatment that would indicate any cardiac propensity. Moreover, Dr. Handley falsely represented that “these clinical data are well substantiated b a variety of molecular, genetic and animal studies” .”
Hi Emmett,
I am in a quandary. I am in search of a futures trading room, mentor, and system. I came across your blog and website while researching trading rooms. I have spent over 9 hours reading all your reviews with two or more stars and the comments that followed them. I have got to say that you are a good writer and do a thorough job in your research. I know with all the scum out there pitching their own system you have a lot to write about. I come to realize through your blog and others that I need to very careful in selecting a mentor, system and trading room.
I have been trading now for 3 years and have yet to become constantly profitable. I have tried three different systems and two trading rooms. I have read that you should not system hop, that you should stick with one system and master it. But how long is to long? I know that there is no such thing as a holy grail system but in your opinion, is there one or two systems that are better than the rest?
I would like to know what system, trading room, mentor you use if any? What would your top 3-5 picks be for someone like me that has a small budget of around $3000?
If I may be so bold to make a suggestion for you to consider about your website…Put your reviews in a $$ bracket. For someone like me looking for only those rooms, systems that are with in our budget. Just a observation.
I look forward to your comments.
PS. I would like a review on Valhalla Futures – M. William Scheier
In Him I serve
Hi Don,
Forget about trading rooms. Waste of time and money. Instead, focus on backtesting strategies. Not to find out what works, but to discover what does not work. Debunking myths should be your primary goal. While you are in the process of debunking, you will slowly start to realize what actually does work. And this is the stuff that nobody is selling, or if they are selling…it costs $10k (no kidding).
Download Trade Navigator Platinum. This is the backtesting and strategy testing platform for anyone that does not know how to write C#, C+, C++, .Net, or Java, etc. You can research and write strategies easily. If you are serious, I will send you a few strategies that actually work, and you can build upon that knowledge to create your strategies.
Hi Emmett,
Yes, I would like the strategies you mentioned. I will download the software and start backtesting.
i sruggling to be become profitable,by coincident i came to this blog and as u advised Trade Navigator Platinum i took a look at their site,it s rather expensive,so whats ur recomendation how to start out there,and can u sent me some startegies that actually work?
Thanks a lot in advance
Yea Emmett got the holygrail for you lol. I can’t believe you fools are so easily led.
Found it, but what a digging job.
You listed a newsletter you rated highly but can not find it. Where/what is it?
I’d be really interested in some comment or analysis of the trading room “Trading Advantage”
Not sure what to think of this.
“Every review” is a bad one.
Didn’t even publish my comment regarding the Profitunity Trading Group. Actually had something nice to say about them.
What are your thoughts on academydaytrading.com and their pro9 software?
Hey Emmett,
So where is an update review on TradewithKavan ?
Kavan decided to “get a real job”. He contacted me and asked that I remove the review.
Oh this is just too funny. The guy making money hands over fist day trading, gives it up for a real job. Thanks, you gave me my laugh for the day
I wonder which job pays him better than the $20,000-$30,000 a month he was making day trading? Secret Agent? Rocket Scientist? Brain Surgeon? Boy Toy for Hillary? Or for “The Don”!!!
To be fair to Kavan I’m going to believe that he still had a conscience and once exposed the packed it in. Or maybe he was smart enough to get out before the SEC came knocking.
Hi Emmett,
I am in a quandary. I am in search of a futures trading room, mentor, and system. I came across your blog and website while researching trading rooms. I have spent over 9 hours reading all your reviews with two or more stars and the comments that followed them. I have got to say that you are a good writer and do a thorough job in your research. I know with all the scum out there pitching their own system you have a lot to write about. I come to realize through your blog and others that I need to very careful in selecting a mentor, system and trading room.
I have been trading now for 3 years and have yet to become constantly profitable. I have tried three different systems and two trading rooms. I have read that you should not system hop, that you should stick with one system and master it. But how long is to long? I know that there is no such thing as a holy grail system but in your opinion, is there one or two systems that are better than the rest?
I would like to know what system, trading room, mentor you use if any? What would your top 3-5 picks be for someone like me that has a small budget of around $3000?
If I may be so bold to make a suggestion for you to consider about your website…Put your reviews in a $$ bracket. For someone like me looking for only those rooms, systems that are with in our budget. Just a observation.
I look forward to your comments.
PS. I would like a review on Valhalla Futures – M. William Scheier
In Him I serve
Hi Kevin,
I wish I had read your article on Glenridge Capital before I started an account there. Do you know where in Israel their office is? Do you know their Head Analyst Ryan Daniels?
Thanks ..J
Hi Emmet,
I read your article on Glenridge Capital. I wish I had seen your article before I started an account with them. Their head analyst is called Ryan Daniels. Is that his real name? Is he also located in Tel Aviv? Where is their Tel Aviv office?
Thanks .. John
Hello all
Hello Tom, On the right side of the homepage are two headings; “Best Trading Systems” and “Highly Ranked Trading Rooms.” The Highly Ranked Trading Rooms are probably what you are looking for.
Hello,Emmett can you give me a few recommendations for a swing trade site with entry and exit points.I just tried a trial with jasonbondpicks.com.Thanks Tom
First I will give you credit not looking for one of these Day Trading Sites, but the odds of you following someone else entry and exit and being profitable IMO is about zero.
What happens when they have a 30% pullback will you panic sell everything?
You need to know why you entered into a position and know when you will exit.
I have yet to meet anyone making money following someone else calls over the long term. If you are going to do that I would suggest you be better off dollar cost averaging into the several mutual funds that have a long term record of profitability.
That is my 2 cents worth. My opinion worth price paid.
“You need to know why you entered into a position and know when you will exit.” (from Rob B). Correct.
Yep. There are two things you might want if you are a new trader.
The first is you want to learn how to trade, so the moderator of the room should be showing you “if A and B, then C” giving you a clear cut picture of what is happening to get ready to trade. Then he should give you stop loss and targets (before or as he enters the trade).
And he should stick to those stop loss numbers. Hold him to that. No doubling down and you need to ascertain that he’s not sim trading.
The second type of learning is actually that you just want someone to give you a number and a stop and target. If that is the case, then you better be sure to get that brokerage statement for 3-6 months showing that he really knows what he’s doing. And again, no Sim, repeat several times, no sim, no sim, no sim. And I emphasize that because if he suddenly (as some TR moderator did) doubles down after being down around $1800, you have to ask if you’d do that with “real” money. Easy to do on Sim, not so easy with your hard earning money.
To just hope someone will make you rich with little or no work on your part is unfortunately the dark side of the American Dream. Don’t buy into that. Trading takes skill, determination, tenacity and boldness — and lots of work.
Good luck.
Hello doing a test to see if this posts,please reply back.Thanks
Hello, I came across your website and looking for some reputable stock swing trade services offering entry and exit points.Thanks in advance Tom
Hello, Could you do a review on Charlie Burton’s Ezeetrader room and Jerremy Newsome’s RealLifeTrading?
Charlie seems to be very consistent and has been featured on a BBC Trader documentary. He always talks about risk mitigation, which seems to be a sign that he is the real deal. However, I think one cannot join his day trading room unless his course is purchased.
Thank you
Where is the review gone of picksthatmakecents.com? or tradewithkavan.com?
Emmett got paid huh ?
I wish I got paid! That would be awesome.
Kavin Klein has excited the business. As part of the deal to remove the negative review, he agreed to write me a letter that detailed everything. And I mean everything. All the good an juicy details. We agreed that the update would not be published until 30 days after he presented the letter.
Basically, he talks about the entire industry and he “out’s” a lot of people. All the good stuff. But you will have to wait just a bit longer…
How many days left to wait ?
Hello Emmett can yo please respond back not sure I’m getting posted here.Tom
Any reviews on Academy Day Trading? Also Viper Trading Systems? Thank you
Still working on Academy.
Hi Emmett, your site is great. It’s awesome to see you have gone great length to reveal these scans.
I have purchased a subscription from Tim Sykes in 2011 when I first started trading. Also paid another guru in the past. It’s all tuition now that I think of it.
Can you take a look at Wall Street Jesus, and some of the option rooms, as well as Triforce trading, which is affiliated with Profit.ly. I know they are businesses, but would like to see your take as I have some friends who are asking me if they should pay for that, which I objected.
What about Trading Futures in Action, with Sandy Sehgal and Bob Amico? I recall that you were planning to review them around February or March 2016 but I have not yet seen the review. They post some impressive results and claim to be doing all trades with the DOM visible.
David, what I have seen in the room seems to be good. Here are some issues, Dr dean is in the room. And he is also in the room trade for greatness. And, he owns the trade room tradeforgreatness from April for when I reached out to April asking her that the the gains posted are amazing and if she had any proff to back those gains, and reply came back from Dr Dean. Bob Amico was charged with fraud for real estate: http://newyork.realestaterama.com/2007/11/01/amicos-plead-guilty-in-connection-with-60-million-mortgage-fraud-conspiracy-case-ID0112.html. The room just opened. If someone shows their DOM does not mean they are trading live, they can be trading simulator on the DOM. So you can go month to month but would not pay for entire year. Dr. Dean says that the best trade room is tradeforgreatness and traingfuturesinaction. And he is in both the rooms, and he emails from trade for greatness. I asked him if he says all these sites are real why does he not post their brokerage statement, that includes tradingfuturesinaction. I asked how do I know if his statements are real and if he does not get paid for his reviews and he just told me to *****. These people can can easily wipe out their account number the amount of money in that account just show the profit loss number. If they make so much money a month why do they need a petty amount of 300/mo or they can easily become a fund manager if they are that good?? Just my 2 cents
Any thought on reviewing https://www.sanglucci.com/ ? And the “Sang Lucci” Method?
This is a strange site. Their staff roster is big which looks more like a software development company team. Two hedge funds are mentioned, “Sang Lucci Capital Partners, LP”, and “Flammarion Capital Partners, LP”. Is there a way to check how these hedge funds performed, RobB? Then one of the members is/was? a HFT trader for Flammarion. http://www.benzinga.com/markets/futures/14/11/4954773/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-high-frequency-trader
correct me if I”m wrong, but I thought it was the other way where trading education vendors strive to be profitable enough to become hedge funds rather than the other way around. Otherwise it looks like the typical 225/month room and $400/$255 education videos deal. And some blog commentary on “flow” and usual after the fact comments about the general market.
A lot of times I think these people are just pooled money and not even a legit hedge fund. More than likely at best this is some dinky very small hedge fund, where you might have to ask them to show proof of performance. You can start by searching the SEC
Thanks RobB. The address seems to be part of this office space for startups, https://www.wework.com/locations/new-york-city/nomad ; Nothing on CNBC about Lucci captial or Flammarion except Flammarion was referred to on zerohedge: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-05-29/generation-rate-hike-rookies-makes-jeff-gundlach-nervous, as a bunch of young guys watching hft algos; well I guess I could conclude like you said, small pools which hasn’t really taken off, so they chose to do “trading education” on the side ultimately becoming another vendor group. Maybe they ought to “scale down expenses” and move to the countryside farm house like Ross said he did, lol.
any traders familiar with Advanced commodity trading software
Can you recommend a school or mentor for trading the ES? I like scalping for a point but also like shooting for 2-4 point targets as well. I’ve tried several mentors but I have not found a method I can trade. It’s seems these mentors are either using lagging indicators or as with trading price action if you don’t have your trend and channel lines drawn exactly right, the market just chews you up. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Could you please review Chuck Hughes? What he writes seems correct but what is shown as examples is mostly old stuff from 2005. Plus he has won the World Cup Championship (http://www.worldcupchampionships.com/live-stats-3) 8 times, but mostly Stocks and Futures, but this may be that they don’t monitor/award for options. What he is pushing is options, through various places, one is Hughes Optionengineering.
In your opinion is it possible to make money day trading with any level of consistency?
Yes, but its not easy!
Hi Emmett is there a day trading room that you recommend that trades stocks only. You have some good reviews on forex and options. I was considering Daytradingpower then read your latest review. Seems like everyone is teaching but I cannot one that practices what they preach.
For day trading stocks, I like WatchHimTrade.com. You are getting a guy that actually does trade.
For day trading futures I like Alex Soares at TradingPriceActionOnFutures.com.
Actually, there a few guys that I like for futures. Jason at The Oil Trading Group is a really nice guy, but you need a larger account. I also like old Dave at Learn To Trade and Invest. Dave and I have a had an interesting relationship this past couple of years, but I can verify his performance, and he has good performance.
99.9% of these trading educators are just terrible. But a tiny little sliver are decent and honest.
Thanks for the insight Emmett it is greatly appreciated.
Any thoughts on Premier Trading Solutions, a “pie in the sky” institutional order flow educator and hedge fund creator?
Please explain this
I think its pretty self explanatory! Lol.
I guess it depends on what you want from reviews. An actor with a crime scene voice like Stacy Keach of American Greed who reads scripts and personally doesn’t know much about the trading business. Or someone who’s been there in the depths , has served his time to society and is turning a new leaf doing real reviews on the trading scam industry.
What is consensus here? If vendor sells indicators and mentorships then run for the hills?
Emmitt, Thank you for this site. I am wanting to find a good honest course and almost got involved in one that it seems is NOT that.
You mentioned, in response to someone else, that they could email you with their budget etc.
I cannot seem to find your email to ask you a few questions. Can I possible get it?
Opps…. Emmett 🙂
Just wanted to thank you for giving us this forum to expose the frauds.
I have been using your threads alot lately and cant thank you enough for having this available.
Hello Emmett, Would be nice if you could do a review on Ken Calhoun at tradingtheopen.com
Calhoun is a great guy and I have met him personally thanks to one of his seminars going back 11 years now. It was internet marketing related, not trading related. Lots of respect that I have for Ken as his a straight up honest guy and well intention guy based on my own deductions/conclusions from the advice he personally gave me back then in the seminar and the image he had going back to 2005 with Corey Rudl, J., Reese and a bunch of other online marketing gurus. Would be interesting(and I’ll either love or dislike Emmett perhaps a little) if Emmett decides to pull a review on him as I know Ken has been teaching day trading for many years now and Emmett doesn’t sugarcoat in his line of biz (neither do I)
JT, do know that Ken is a master copywriter and excellent salesman with lots of video technical know how as he has been online for over 20+ years doing business online. Very intelligent and honest guy in my personal view because of experiences in his previous internet marketing teachings. I definitely vouch for Calhoun, JT. If he offers a money back guarantee I know he’ll honor it, that’s a surefire backup on your end just in case he offers a guarantee of money back. And if you check my sig my attached site you’ll confirm I also have a keen interest in trading and finding the very best choice for learning trade, so we’re in the same boat and it obviously isn’t a fan or a paid review. Thanks for reminding me about Ken, you just reminded me about him and I actually can’t believe I forgot about him for learning trade as what I learned from then back 10+ years ago wasn’t “day trading” specifically back then, so amused by it in a way!
Thanks for the comment in a way.
Hello Here is a video recording of MOJO DAYTRADING that is worth watching. Would like to hear your take on it especially how he cost average down on stocks such as PSDV https://youtu.be/Jdinx5n9Kd8
after reading your article on finding the right mentor ,I came across naed Nial Fuller.He claims to trade Himself.Other people seem to think not.I asked Him why,if he does trade,why does nt he post live trades.The reason he said was for legal issues.Do you know of Him and if this would be true?
many thanks
Nial is a phony. I wrote a review about him. Anyone that tell you that he cannot disclose for legal reasons is trying to steal your money.
Oops!! Perhaps my judgement isn’t so hot after all! I’ve exchanged 3-4 emails with this kid and his trades appeared valid-but will certainly read review. Not sure how I missed it!! I was referred to Nial by a trader at FXStreet after I expressed my desire to learn more about Price Action. My comment I sent you was only based on the past week or so of speaking to him. I think he was recommended because Ben’s prices for his online course & seminars are WAY over my limit! (And HIS trades ARE 3rd party verified!)
@ElaineMDG therre’s more than enough education to keep you busy for a month or more at babypips dot com/school
Right , they all claim to trade themselves, even those price action “teachers” like Lance Beggs of YTD and price action by Mac where they just keep drawing circles on after the fact charts on youtube or newsletters. Never any stats, proof or records, just lousy spam email or youtube “journals”.
I am amazed how many people follow Mack and his hindsight mark up of charts. Once I would like him to try and calls a trade live. The funny thing is when I use to look at his charts in the old days I always found 5 other trades that also could be circled that were losers that somehow he never circled or would explain. He is a complete joke.
And for Beggs, I still gets his emails of hindsight chart analysis. Again never any proof any of these guys trade profitably.
emmett have you ever looked at a prop firm called apiary funds its forex. Thanks for the good work you do.
There’s a BUNCH of both positive AND negative on Apiary over at ForexPeaceArmy. (Including posts by the CEO) Lower priced “education fee”, but seemingly above-board Prop firm Blue-Point Trading has caught my interest. But I want to make sure I save a “cushion” before I go any further-so I can fall back on just retail trading if it doesn’t work out. They have some good, FREE educational material available and the traders I’ve spoken to there, as well as several conversations with the CEO, William Thompson (Blue); have come across as open and honest. But, that’s just my own humble opinion. Good Luck!
have you ever reviewed netpicks
netpicks is a total scam. I know myself and one other guy who lost money trying to trade their calls. And they have the gall to show backtest results complaining if people stuck around all year. It’s the usual monthly churn rate. People leave after a month or two after perpetual losers and realize they’ve been had. And new people come in to be duped. The same shill actors who are probably the hosts themselves are in the room who beat you up if you complain. They have tried to re-invent themselves multiple times among various websites and variations of their same lousy software. Seven Summits, keltner bells, puAcademy whatever scammy nonsense. Seriously Emmett you need to do an expose review on them since they are a legacy sham and one of the most visible snakeoil wagontrains on the web. They’re scammy influence is longer and bigger than nexgen and most other futures trading scamuvendors.
How about Rob Mitchell’s 4-5 sites that all refer back to an indicator sales site.
A simple Google Search and 4-5 of his sites come up and they all refer to :
Guy seems like an indicator hawk.
Hi Emmett,
Since it’s been a while since you did not review a good futures trading room let me suggest one:openrangetrading.com
Thank you.. This is great stuff! I have read almost everything on your site. Have you done a review of eminitutor.com? I think the guys name is Horst. He posts youtube videos almost daily of his trades. I don’t think he has a trade room. He does tutoring sessions over a few months. I think he charges 4-5k. I would be very interested know if his trades are real live money trades or completely fabricated.
Keep up the good work!
Hey Emmet
Straight up, i want to learn how to swing trade, what educational service do you recommend me?
Also, Awesome website man! congratulations keep up the good work!!!
I like B12 Trader. I wrote a review. Swing trading, very good service. Honest.
And here’s a free site with some useful information: all the Ws swing-trade-stocks dot com/
Hello Emmett.
Great stuff here. I have a question for that I will need to preface but I think it is a good question relative to vast majority of rooms refusing too show their DOMs. In inquiring from an outfit called coherentvibrations, that is run by someone in CA and apparently has been started because another outfit was outed as a fraud in Big Mike Trading, called jaguarTrading, this guy is trying to sell is “STUFF” for $80,000!!! yes… I said that. It includes other people’s courses and ‘mentorship’ and training and a HUGE committment to your ‘guaranteed success’ blah blah blah…. and includes the guy’s stuff who was outed as a fraud. He is a part of this new room etc…
Anyway, when I inquired about showing his dome… This is the dribble I got…
The FTC, and CFTC, the government agency that regulates trading has already given me a phone call questioning me about providing investment advice, this is something I cannot do. Therefore I have been instructed that I may only provide hypothetical trading opportunities. What this means is that I cannot show my dome …. I can show it in Sim, but I cannot show it live because that would be providing specific investment advice and anybody that does that is setting themselves up sooner or later for a very big fine.
Of course, he does not even show it in SIM. Any truth to any of this that he says, and I expect others do as well?? Thanks Emmett
Anyone that tells you that they cannot show performance…has performance issues. Dont believe the rest of the nonsense.
I got suckered by them into the mentoring and robot system they have which is not profitable at all. Why would it be with an 8 tick stop loss for 3 tick profit. Out 17 grand 🙁
I’m referring to Eminipicks.com
Sad sad lesson for me that will hurt for years to come.
Singh, I’m interested in speaking with you regarding your experience with eminipicks.com. Would you contact me or let me know your email address?
Hi there, I like your reviews, it’s very helpful. I spent so much money on the crap trading systems before, I wish I found this website earlier.
I also want to add another one into your list for review, it’s from this guy Michael Covel https://www.trendfollowing.com/
He’s a great marketer, after reading his books, I was stupid enough and purchased his course for $4k. He guaranteed a refund after 1 year if not satisfy, the condition is that you have to follow his system for a year before you can ask for a refund. I wasted a whole year on my precious time and didn’t get any result and I asked for refund, and of course he didn’t honor his promise and he never replied my email.
I am just wondering why he is not on your list of review.
Interesting. Can you send me proof that you spent money for his program? And any supporting documentation or correspondence?
You can reach me directly at emmett@tradingschools.org
Thank you Emmet for the wonderful hard work you do for the public. You scared me off warrior trading even though I really really wanted to join his chat/classes. Ross Cameron seems so good!!! Anyhow, can you check out “Landshark Analytics”? I’m sure you have a crazy long list of websites to check out but this Dan’s youtube videos are available and I believe there’s a free access to the website for a day or so. I am actually too scared of losing money in regular stocks so I’m looking into options and I came across the website and youtube.
Landscape strictly recommends buying puts/calls as opposed to http://www.optionsellers.com/ where the latter only advocates selling of the option premiums. What is your advice on this? I am just so lost…I need a better guide!!
Thank you!!!
Scared money never wins. Do not rush to trade.
Wait wait wait. Ross Cameron sounds good but Landshark you want a review on? LOL this has to be Ross or one of his idiot friends after they called you out on StockTwits.
Tradenets tradingroom should be the real deal. But it can be hard to copy then trading stocks. You need a large account and hard borrows.
Hi Emmett,
Also wanted to thanks you for your website. At least you saved a couple of thousand dollars for me that I wanted to invest in Nonko account but changed my mind after reading your post.
I also wanted to ask you if you would be able to look into Colmex broker and especially their educational center and prop-team Tradenet Israel. and their head Meir Barak They are getting very popular with YouRube videos and many people join them, in same time a lot of rumors as a scam are going around.
Your opinion would be very interesting!
Yes, have gotten several requests. Am on it!
Hi Emmett, are you trying to get review on tradenet any soon ?
I have been trading with Colmexpro (Not the prop)
They are a bit fishy. Platform looks like Das trader. And every account starts with ‘TR’
DAS clearly states on page 9 in the DAS User Guide (located under the Help Menu on the PRO
platform and on our website as of 10/19/12) that “Any account that begins with “TR” is a training
Even mr. Meir barak’s account on his youtube videos.
Btw. Colmexpro are NOT transparent with fees. You need to ask to see what fees you are paying daily. They are not on ANY blotter in the platform.
And the fees are filled in a very fishy excel form.
There are not any blotter on the platform, to track broker fees.
By request they send you a excel form with paid broker fees.
Ano, as I heard from some traders they take the opposite site (if you trade CFD, and using Colmex you more likely trade CFD). If you become successful, this is no good for them and they would raise fees so you would have to leave them.
More commonly trading CFD you trade air — if you win broker looses, and that is why Colmex is not interested in your success.
At least that is what I know about Colmex. Many familiar trades started with them and left in some months.
Yeah. They are taking the opposite position. Many CFD providers does this.
The problem is, Colmex are not transparent with fees. I have daytraded with them for 2 days, and paid over 600 dollars in fees. That came to my knowlegde then i asked for a withdrawel. LOL.
I also believe all the customers are trading on a demo.
Yeah, right… Anyway decided to stay away from them. Did not see any real advantages there. Only strong marketing. And a great amount of new traders join watching Meir’s Youtube videos.
Nevertheless should say their Trading room looks really nice (though I visited it 4-5 times only).
This is a great website with very valuable information. Do you plan on doing a review of chartpattern.com, Dan Zanger’s site? That is a review I would like to see and hopefully soon.
Greatly appreciate your site and the work that you do.
Hi Emmett,
Great work in reviewing these sites. I really think you are doing a real service to the trading community, since so many sites are set up to take advantage of new or mostly new traders, many of whom do not realize the reality of a successful trader. Have you reviewed “Chartsky Trades”. I asked if he’d give a free trial but he refused. Maybe you’ll have more luck. Thanks again for all your hard work.
Chartsky. Got it.
Thanks for providing this service to everyone. Any your prose is an unexpected pleasure.
I’d suggest a qualifier for your approach: for instructional material. I don’t think it’s so important whether the author trades regularly. Case in point, Steve Primo’s free videos cover several very simple setups that in my multitudinous chart reviews are clearly outstanding. I will be trading them, and do not care whether he does so or not. I agree that his marketing is a bombastic mess of overpriced content, but he’s already given away so much of value for free that I don’t care. I’ve also looked carefully at the signals that his heavily-marketed and proprietary ‘PET-D’ gives and have determined that he’s using a variation of a long-standing technique — one less reason to buy his content. If a novice does not have this perspective, he/she will likely still benefit from Primo’s commercial content, if they follow it.
What matters with instructional material here is the potential profitability of the content — does it matter to the credibility of F=MA that Newton did not build bridges ?
Where I would be concerned about whether a ‘master trader’ actually trades is if he/she offers a recommendation service, or runs a chat room where you’re supposed to learn how to trade in real time. This is a completely different kind of service than course content. This is where a long-term record is essential, where I think your approach is spot-on.
In the case of recommendations, I also think it’s more complicated, if the service is trying to teach you to trade, rather than just give you orders to follow. Deciding on a trade’s goal and management is very specific to each trader’s psychology. Every setup, once live in the market, can be managed profitably in many ways, and the role of the ‘master trader’ in my view is to help you arrive at profitable way(s) that you specifically can run the trade. In this case, I think the more meaningful approach is to ask the ‘master trader’ to publish the recommendations and dates of recommendations, not necessarily all the other details, unless the service is understood strictly as a non-instructional trade recommendation service.
Again, thanks for your great service, I’ll be returning regularly.
Best, CharlesS
Hey Emmett
I appreciate the time you put into helping others, myself included. God bless
Looks like Day Trade Warrior, now called Warrior Trading is having its free chat Monday tomorrow. I only see them do this once a month along with a 7 day trial in the middle of the month or so. Check them out at https://www.warriortrading.com/
Hi Emmett,
How are you getting on with a future reviews? I am coming to this site to check over for any news quite often.
It was dead for a couple of months now.
Just give us a small update please !
Thanks ! 🙂
First off, thank you very much for all your reviews. They are great! Are you reviewing any rooms right now? Or do you have any plans to review more rooms in the near future?
Thank you
Hi tradingschools.org team, it has been a long time since you’ve updated the website. Are you still working on reviews?
Hi Emmett,
I really appreciate your effort – you are definitely providing an important contribution to the trading community.
Here are additional interesting services – your opinion/review would be quite appreciated.
1) marketdelta.com (http://www.marketdelta.com/products/tradingroom)
2) jigsawtrading.com
3) eminivolumetrader.com
Thank you.
Hi Susanne,
Am currently vetting Anthony Drager at the Market Delta trading room. Thanks for the taking the time to write. Jigsaw and eminivolume on are the list.
Jigsaw tool is useful. His youtube channel has tons of video that are free, but of course if you don’t buy the software you won’t be able to use it. In essense, he is selling a tool for trading, which I like much better compared to selling a trading room or something.
In addition, I know a live trader who made lots of money using his tool and trading orderflow, he personally met up with Peter the founder. Whether Peter himself is profitable, I cannot attest, but his software is useful indeed.
Not sure about the other stuff
have you review CRFN new trading sytem called TRADE ALERTS
they say its making more money that the live trading room
Thanks for the nice objective review of my course. I appreciate it. Only one issue – the book you show in the review is not the one I wrote (although I wrote a short chapter for that book by Brent Penfold). My book picture is here: http://www.kjtradingsystems.com/uploads/2/7/2/8/2728902/_9397680.jpg
Thanks again for the review. I think you are providing an important service to the trading community.
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for leaving a comment. Will get that book cover updated now. And link it out to your page.
I am not doing much for the community. You are the one doing something for the trading community. I just want to help you get your message above the noisy clutter and chicanery.
Emmet, You are as humble as you are helpful. You are likely saving people thousands of dollars. Not only that you are putting in countless hours and spending your own money to hire people to assist you in your quest. Please accept a well deserved pat on the back. Im sure there are many silent reviewers that feel the same, On with the good work.
ps: You really should put up a donations link to help offset some of the costs,
Hi RV,
Thanks for the kind note. Seriously, its what keeps me moving forward.
Currently the site is monetized with Google Adsense, which is currently generating about a dollar a day. After I get 400 reviews up, the site should generate enough to pay staff to continue to monitor. The grunt work is off shored in the Phillipines to keep costs at a minimum.
The final result should be a self sufficient site where ad revenue is pooled and anyone that wants to write reviews, can serve a dual function of writing performance reviews and earning money by trading the best performing services. This system is working pretty well with my teenager, he trades a small account and gets to keep whatever is earned by matching the trades as per the room moderator. In exchange, he does the grunt work of time stamping the video and writing a summary than can be used for further reviews.
I am sure that $1 a day average is because of where the ads are being placed and the focus of the overall sites which is reviewing trade material. Fast forward a year from now and I bet adsense is at the very least $5 a day with the horrible ad placements. Either way who cares as the focus shouldn’t be Adsense now and it should still be reviews, secondary advertising space I will guess for this niche.
I know adding a “donate” button would put a halt in my own ego as a business man, but this will actually bee seen even on a better light on my end as there’s just an extreme amount of well done reviews that deserve greater amount of respect then just Adsense. I’m sure the 6 figure earners that are carefully reading this website will surely add to $100’s a month thanks to “donate” buttons. Hope you reconsider Emmett as I’ll surely donate out of respect for the well deserved B12 and WatchHimTrade reviews you did alone.
Yep, a donate button would have gotten $100 today, the first day I have seen this site!
Emmett, if you contact me directly at my e-mail address I will send you a check.
I was asked to read your post regarding Back to the Future Trading, and perhaps reply. I read the entire post, quite long and detailed for sure. Here are my thoughts:
My experience with BTTF has been about 3 years. I was introduced to them at the Advance Trading Workshop run by Jerry Simmons. I think your point that the software “doesn’t work” because Michael won’t trade it live in the room… is on its face lacking of understanding. Michael and Ron are not CTA’s and cannot legally give trading advice. What they can do, is show you how their software works and how it can be used in trading. And if you listen carefully in the room, they are trading it! Just not giving advice. There are three to five basic trade setups that work like clockwork, but you have to learn to see the setup and learn how to trade it, just like anything else that isn’t’ black box!
The premise that the software predicts buys and sells is incorrect. I don’t know anyone that just buys when the software says buy and sells when it says sell. That is not the way to use this software. It is a timing mechanism! The basis of the software is data mining under the premise that history repeats itself. But to think that “it doesn’t work” because buying and selling dots sometimes don’t match up, is wrong and too simplistic reasoning.
The Flux is a timing tool, and I have found a great guide to “WHEN” to engage the market. There is price, time, and volume…. When they line up, you have the best of the best trades! But to trade it like you claimed in your post by just taking trade dots, is grossly incorrect!
For example…. BTTF suggests that the timing is 60 to 70% accurate. I am sure that is about right on its face…. But not a great edge unless you have money management and a trade plan of limited stops and profit targets.
However, if you take and look at the length of a cycle, the Power Zone, and then look at taking only the AMACD ( short term cycles) in the direction of the trend, I think the percentage of accurate timing turns increases to 80 to 90%. That is my experience. And in addition, I have found certain price formations occur with a timing turn, that is 95% accurate … in the opposite direction… Yes, this seems counter intuitive, but it is…like two negatives make a positive. For example, if you get a lower low, and a red sell timing dot occurs on that bar, it is a great place to buy. The market is exhausted.
So to summarize my point, consider how to use this timing tool before you say that the owner doesn’t trade it, and that it doesn’t work and is fool’s gold. IT has not been fool’s gold to me. I can look at the histograms and know when I want to consider trading. You do have to learn how to interpret what you are seeing…and that isn’t a bad thing! I won’t take a trade without it! And I know quite a few others who feel the same way, yet trade completely differently than I do.
If you have any questions or would like to know more, feel free to contact me.
Gig Hilton
Lexington, N.C. 27292
Hey Gig,
As you can see, I took the review down. I am looking for one of two things: either customers that have successfully used the software to turn a profit, or the presence of a trading DOM during the live trading sessions.
There are a lot of folks on the internet selling all sorts of trading indicators, I am just writing a review, its an opinion piece. My opinion is certainly not the gospel. And BackToTheFutureTrading is certainly not anywhere near the worst vendors in this space. Yes, my reviews are tough for the vendor to read, but its intentional and its meant to drive transparency and proof of concept.
Surely you can agree that this industry needs more transparency.
Sounds like a idea that has some similarities to Robert C. Miner’s “High Probability Trading Strategies.” He uses a dual time frame momentum indicator that can be replicated on the thinkorswim platform using the StocRSI and adjusting it to match the numbers on page 38 of Miner’s book.
RSI length = 21
OB = 75
OS = 25
RSI choice = close
k period = 13
d period = 8
slow period = 8
smoothing type = ema
Hi Emmet,
Can you do a review on Meir Barak?
Thanks in advance.