He uses a very trusting method and broker statements, however a friend of mine sent me details to show his lines are just that, nothing special but he charges over 7,500.00 but will first offer you a $50.00 per month service
His levels are random lines that could, may be hit it but then it Should have been taken as a aggressive buy or sell.
A review will save some hard earned money for people. May be is a real deal but haven’t got enough details to even test the levels.
Hey Emmett. Have a look at Forex analytix if you haven’t already, Run by Blake morrow. Very experienced in the industry with some other good analysts on their. This is not an official trade call room but more of analysts views. The host Dale does not trade. he calls out levels and only talks about the ones that go his way, never talks about the shit ones, which most are. he talks absolute bollocks and blows smoke up everyone arse. Blake has a big ego but likes to portray the humble guy, he is always in the trades that are already up 100’s of pips and likes to let everyone know very often. The trades he talks about that are around the entry level usually lose and you don’t hear no more about it, Like the other guys on there, loads of talk about the good trades and barely none about the bad, that’s the thing what pisses me off. He is always going on about his hedge fund buddy’s that trade billions and how he advises them on the currency trades. They don’t charge the $1000’s that trade rooms do but if you add up all the members subscription fees it must work out to a few quid. its all very clever, watch their videos for a few weeks and you will get on it.
One more thing to add. we all know analysing charts can be learnt by anyone with some good time spent learning, its the trading consistent that is the very , very difficult part. too many opinions can obscure someone from there own views. always best to keep it simple.
Another trader sent me this link. I do not know if it is a new room or what, but those familiar with the mortgage fraud one will get a kick. He forgot to mention how he drops a losing trade now and then from his track record.
I thought I would make a unique post Today. Sadly there is no way to start new threads at this blog so I am posting here. I read post by folks asking where can I get stock trading ideas and so forth. So I thought I would throw something out there. Full Disclaimer, this site might be completely crocked so use at your own risk. And no I have no relationship to the site what so ever. Maybe others will know about it and can say if it is crooked or not.
First, how did I even find out about this site. Well I read a lot of financial bloggers. And one I read was rated on this site and this site was mentioned in Barrons, not that makes it legit. One thing in its favor is it is not showing investors claiming to be making the fantasy returns the Day TR claim. In fact the one person I follow has around a 25% return and he is one of the best out of thousands and golly gee he actually has loses.
This site is suppose to use natural-language-processing algorithms to discover prevailing sentiment on 3,500 stocks and 28,000 funds among corporate insiders, Wall Street analysts, financial bloggers, and leading hedge-fund managers. And ranks their performance.
Anyway the site is tipranks.com. Again this is in no way an endorsement. I can see the hate post now that I am somehow endorsing this site. It may or may not have any value to you what so ever. Use at your own risk!!!!!!!!!! I will tell you how I use it. I will look at some of the investors that think the way I do and look at some of their picks and then do my own analysis to make a decision to buy or not. BTW I also do the same thing by looking at the top hedge funds picks.
This makes me think maybe there should be a thread called resources. The problem will be not allowing all the shills to post links to TRs.
Anyway I am as curious about this site as the next person, so if you know anything about it or have an opinion let me know. I know there are also other sites like this also, where you can enter a stock symbol and read reviews by different stock pickers and so forth.
Just a different kind of post as food for thought.
Nice job on creating a positive post without nonsense or fluff. In the end, everyone is looking to improve their financial situation and everyone must figure out what their style might be.
Emmett, possibly could you create a page where individuals post an idea or process they may find helpful. It could be anything from a value added website or an observation one made in the market recently. Now that we know that trading rooms are mostly scams, traders and investors can start trying to think for themselves.
Wow, I knew this would happen eventually. The great Rob – shilling a site without any proof to back up his claims. Paid or not, it is shilling. Stating performance numbers without proof is what you preach all over this site, but somehow you do not have to provide proof? You disgust me and what little credibility you have is now shot. You are just like any vendor or any shill who touts performance with no proof.
Shilling for zero dollars. This is not a TR selling anyone anything. I have seen post here asking for places to look for ideas and seen Stray Dog and others mention places like check out baby pips. Was that shilling. Where is the proof Baby Pips made anyone money?
Let me be clear, IN NO WAY SPEND ANY MONEY ON THIS SITE!!!! In fact as far as I aware it is free.
As Emmett brought up I thought the Natural-Language-Processing was interesting, maybe because Watson was the story on 60 minutes this weekend.
But my focus was not for you to pay one of those advisers. In fact I am not sure most are even selling anything. Again I use this site the same way I look at top hedge funds picks to get ideas. Is saying to look at top hedge funds picks shilling? Maybe so.
To me shilling is normally TR operator or his family using alias to promote their TR. Where they post how they are making insane profits to sucker you into a month churn.
I find site like this that are trying to use AI interesting, but in no way am I saying give them money. I think there are other similar AI sites that do charge money.
But who knows maybe this is the gateway drug that leads to my deeper shill post. Only time will tell.
Are you too blind to even see the hypocrisy in your post? You bully everyone on this site with your “show proof, or it is not true” ranting. Yet, you just did the same thing – you recommended a site, mentioned a friend’s performance numbers, and SHOWED ZERO PROOF.
You should be ashamed to be such a hypocrite. Be a man, and at least hold yourself to the same standards you bully and demand of others.
You are insane. I think you have been talking to Pete to much. Friend? What friend? Where is this mysterious friend you are talking about. I mentioned I a financial blogger is rated on that site. Never mentioned a name. Tell me which blogger was I referring to.
You have seriously lost it, if now mentioning a free site is shilling. Gee no site can ever be mentioned. I wonder if I went through all your post is you ever mentioned a site of any kind what so ever.
Do you even understand the concept of shilling?
Lets look at your comments:
1) you recommended a site – I would be hard pressed to call it recommend. It is a free site no charge to anyone showing how they are use natural language processing. BTW it came from Barrons, so I am in the same shill camp as them. Gee if I mentioned a site about mars would that be shilling also.
2) mentioned a friend’s performance numbers – what fin friend? I have no friend over there. I just mentioned one of the blogger I read is rated by them, because he does a blog and that site picks up all the bloggers not just him. And I never said who he was or recommended him.
3) SHOWED ZERO PROOF – Proof of what. No one is selling anything that I am aware of and I surely not telling anyone to buy anything. My only claim is Barron’s had an article that this site is using Natural Language Processing to search the web for financial bloggers and so forth. In fact I even said this whole site might be crooked. WTF do you expect me to show proof of? There is nothing here to prove.
If I said I use follow and recommend financial blogger Mr X and his returns are real, then you might have a case.
lol, dr.chump would know about being blind , being stuck in the cave as gollum-Pete. You were only invented to confuse readers with my id and that was only a few reviews back after the fiasco with pagetrader and where Pete said he would never come back. Then he started using alter names such as toto, DrChurnNO, and now DrChump. Actually toto was there back then too pathetically used to support his inane posts when no one realized it at first. Pathetic with no history except a few reviews of being a troll thinking this is going to tear down his credibility when you yourself have none and don’t stand for anything except trolling when the “Pete” id isn’t used. I and many owe RobB respect as the main anti-shill deputy. RobB has also helped the bystanders who post. What have you done, nothing except mimic my id and try to trash RobB’s years of contributions in one inane whining rant. That you try to shame me for doing so reeks of Pete’s disease who has long since dropped all his trading review principles and will say anything even on the side of the shams to troll and to sustain his zombified meaningless drivel existence as drchump because his vacant mentality lacks any originality so rips of “dtchurn”.So who else is going to claim RobB is a hypocrite. The scammers don’t bother unless it’s their own review. They will backstab anyone, ever other shams to get their monthly churn, unless they have a shady affliated or vig deal. No one, because I bet you are Pete the resident fool of tradingschools. Go ahead bring out dtchumpno, james II. Everyone is on to it by now.
Oh geez, “dtchum”, or rather Pete. RobB is just pointing out a free tool on the web. Really not unlike going to marketwatch.com’s front page for general market news, the old briefing.com for “preannoucnment” quarterly reports or listening to talking heads on bloomberg or cnbc. RobB has contributed so much to the cleansing of shill attempts to muddy the commentary over the years, his credibility is a monument to the mission of tradingschools. He’s just sharing a trading idea and news of advances in some AI related tech to better process statistical analysis.
Boy, churn you are so far up R’s a** you can’t even see straight. If ANYONE else commented here that “hey here is this site xxxxxx.com, some guy I follow is up 25% using it” you, R, dog, cyn and every other self annointed deputy would be all over the poster, calling him all sorts of names, demanding he “show proof.”
But somehow R does it, and it is OK? Y’all have some screws loose if you think this double standard is copacetic.
By the way, you know for a fact I am not Pete, so drop the charade.
You have to be Pete. There is no way 2 people on this planet could be this stupid. I gave no name. There is no one I am telling anyone to follow.
But here is where I will give you something. I could have been clearer. The site does list their calculated returns. I have no idea if those returns are correct nor do I advice anyone else to believe them. The point I was trying to make which you clearly completely missed and maybe I did a bad job at making it was out of the 1000s of blogger and advisers and everything else this site tracks the returns are nothing like the fantasy returns the Day TR promise. The point was to illustrate how ridiculous the returns the Day TR promise are, not to make some statement that this sites return values are accurate at all.
Look trying to have an intelligent argument with you is like trying to talk to the insane. There is something mentally wrong with you. Get Help!! Literally as I have stated before I can have a more intelligent conversation with my cat.
funny, anyone can see you’re the one stuck up the shillers behinds, dr. chump. As Pete you ran out credibility a long time ago, so to continue to troll on the side of the shams and shills as you pathetically attempt to discredit RoB’s years of anti-shill contribution to in one idiotic post with Pete’s warped diseased nothink.
Complete bullshite drchud. A month ago, some shill poster mentioned a trading room site and claimed the guy was making winners. He said it didn’t cost anything. It was not as it incurred $150/ monthly churn fee to be on the trade alerts. I did not call the guy a shill until I looked at the site and found the monthly churn reqiured for any services. Now looking at tipranks.com; you can enter any stocks and it will give you a report on your list/portfolio of stocks that you entered completely free. There is no requiremnt for personal inforamtion or email. Everything can be opted out for the free information processing tool.
How is that different from entering a stock in a text bar on yahoo finance and getting info for free? It’s not. RobB you were right. This guy is insane, probably Pete and just looking to tear you down for nothing.
Then some fool will say but , but it has a “premium” analaysis. So what, all these free tools DO. Similarweb.com, archive.org, they all have “premium” optional features to sign up on a paid newsletter or subscription service or an email entry so some telemarketer can call you later for a sham faux-free vacation prize gig or to join shamrock Levin. It is nothing new on the web of site that have a free info analysis text entry too. This is totally different than directing one to a site under false pretenses and saying it costs nothing to look at, then you see it requires a churn fee to get any education or room access. You can even browse in private mode in your browser and tipranks wills till give you the tool info. complete hogwosh inane analogy to real shilling, forget this nonsense.
I am a BIG TIME believer in this stuff. Natural-Language-Processing, coupled with Artificial Intelligence is going to be HUGE. I remember last year, a guy selling an AI platform was nearly 100% positive that Trump would win. I thought to myself–this guy is crazy. How could an AI bot beat the pollsters? It turns out that what people say in private, and on social media, is quite different when asked by a pollster. Amazing technology.
There a few trading products out there, am currently reviewing one now. Looks promising. But the problem is that performance can only be tracked in real time, no backtesting. The BOT measures sentiment and makes short-term, intraday predictions. Of which I am following.
These guys on the front line of this technology have no interest in trading. They just like to solve problems. This is a fascinating and wide-open space. Sure, there are going to be hucksters galore. But this always happens with all emerging technologies.
They say AI has advanced more in the last 5 years than all the previous years combined. On 60 Minutes they are now using Watson to develop cancer treatments for individual. It is still a long way from real intelligence. But not only did Watson have the same recommendation as the doctor, but in 30% it had new recommendation that the doctors did not even know about. And it does this because it can read all the literature produced on the subject every day.
I’d hate to enter politics discussion. But in my opinion, I felt the majority of the polls were fudged. There was just too much bias in the compromised media which own many of the polls for the witch and her quidproquo “f0undation”. Everytime Trump made headway, the witch made back her lead “within” the “margin of error”. It looked too unnatural how that happened over and over again. Ironically the polls kept promoting Trump during the early primaries for the entertainment, then when Trump was gaining it was like oh shite, they started fudging it making Trump always look even or behind. The polls never looked that bad or untrustworthy of any election I’d ever seen imo. Anyway, peace on that. As for AI, I don’t quite think AI will ever reach the true human self-determined thinking and ingenuity but I’d agree the algorithms are getting better at outpacing and automating simple human decision making and improving statistical analysis. Interesting to hear about Watson. Similar to decision tree of a car repair process or other branching decision making processes it sounds like.
Yeah, I hate to talk politics as well. The truth is that I am all over the board. For awhile I was rabid Trump fan. Then I switched to Bernie. Then I thought about Garry Johnson. Waffled on Hillary. Finally, I settled with the Rent Is Too Damn High Party.
I love the rent is too high guy. Of course I am a landlord and disagree with his premises. As a Libertarian I have to back Garry. But if you love Bernie you can go to Venezuela and wait in line for a loaf of bread and experience Socialism first hand. Socialism always sounds good until it is implemented. When you steal from the hard working to give to deadbeats, you end up with a nation of deadbeats, after all the hard workers are not stupid. I will sit around all day for my cushy Govt check to come also.
Every time they implement socialism it fails yet people go back to again and again thinking this time it will work. Even the Pilgrims tried it. At first they tried community land. Everyone would farm together and everyone would share equally. Sounds so good and they almost all starved. What happened is no one worked as they did not earn per their work. And then they pulled the crops early before they weer ready to take them before someone else got them. You know what saved them; Capitalism. They gave people individual land that belonged to them and they could thrive off the fruits of their labor. They kept their own food production and could barter the extra they grew. And wam bam food was plentiful. Sometimes I think people do not even understand what Capitalism is. Part of that is due to crony capitalism which is the worst of the worst.
Observing that a problem exists, and then attempt to fix it. Monetize the process. This is one of the reasons why I created this blog, the regulators were doing a terrible job policing the trading educational industry.
I am going to expand on my last post and Challenge Emmett and show him how he can actually make money with this blog. I have already told him to write a book exposing this whole con artist Day Trading industry, but here is how to add fuel to that book.
Emmett, I believe you started this blog truly thinking there were some honest folks out there in this industry (I am talking day trading industry where they teach you to take several trades a day), but I know by now you must realize this industry is one big con game. So stop taking the VIG from some scammer who can show they took 1 profitable live trade in their lifetime. Instead put out a challenge that you will then talk about in your book and on all your book tour interviews. I got this challenge from an article I read a long time ago about a magicians who offered a similar challenge with a $10K (I do not remember the exact amount) reward to anyone that could truly proof they had telekinesis. He stated they were all scammers with most using amazing breath control to move objects. But now for your challenge I will start with some simple ideas to get it started and you can improve and expand on. Heck put up a thread where folks can freely comment and give ideas for the challenge:
$10,000 Reward to anyone that can proof they can Day Trade profitable with a live account over a 1 year time frame.
1) Have a small fee to enter the completion so that person can be tracked. Why the small fee. Because if you actually had enough folks enter the completion, by pure Gaussian Distribution of White Noise someone could luck out and win. But with 99.999% losing it would more than pay the reward, so it will not cost Emmett a dime.
2) They must keep a running record of their trades during the competition and show them publically. I like this as you will see 1 person after another drop out as they blow their account. It should be hilarious.
3) Must be trading a live account.
4) Must be trading more than the reward amount. In other worlds you cannot open a bunch of small accounts and 99% lose money and then show the 1 that made money.
5) Must be day trading – Must make at least 4 trades a day on average. Some days might be less some might be more
6) You can in no way be running a stock twits or a TR where you are posting trades after you already are in the trade in other words doing pump and dump to artificially create winning trades for yourself while your subscribers all lose money.
7) Must be able to open your brokerage account live and show all the trades taken and the P/L of those trades.
Man I am steaming angry!! If Mike M thought I was harsh before just wait.
Just when I think this site might be making a difference, a fellow trader sends me the following ad. It appears Mortgage Fraud Bob’s TR is booming (thanks to Lying Dean Handley) looking to hire folks to spread his promotional BS throughout the web. Back in the days I took the GTR trials and then when this con artist started his own room I tried his trials and once again all I saw was a sham show. And now he is showing a false track record. Seriously Emmett how in the world can the regulators not go after this con artist. If they can not close this TR down who is clearly showing a false track record then they should just go home. And to make me even sicker this con man writes about the other TRs being scammers and how he is on your side and the real deal. Give me a F’in Break! Lets look at con artist sneaky wording:
“True expertise with all trades shown in real time”
First I would say his only expertise was in mortgage fraud, but moving on you notice he did not say Live Trading with a real brokerage account shown in real time. That is because he is sim trading not live trading. And even using his lenient sim generator and showing no commission this loser could not trade profitable, so what does this con artist do, he just leaves a loser off his track record now and then. This was talked about and shown in the GTR thread.
I have been to GTR and this con man’s room and the whole thing is smoke and mirrors and misdirection. This guy could not trade profitable if his life dependent on it.
If I had time to deal with all the fake documents I would get, I would offer a challenge. Anyone that can show REAL proof they trades this TR nonsense live and was profitable over a reasonable period of time wins a $1000 reward. I have no doubt my money would be safe.
Now I expect the shills to come forth and say how this room has turned them from a pauper to a millionaire, but I can pull out my crystal ball and see none will show a lick of proof of that claim.
Seriously Emmett how about making a phone call!!!!! I will even give you the words:
“Hey Bob, it’s your buddy Emmett, how is it going? I see your room is doing great now and your are showing the amazing results your suckers, I mean customers are getting. Man I want to write up a great review. Just one minor technicality: Can you just show me that brokerage statement showing me you actually made those trades. I hate to bother you with such a minor detail, but it obviously should not be a problem for such an amazing trader like yourself.”
Good heads up RobB. It is indeed sickening that mortgage fraud-Bob Amico has managed with his cohort Sandy to cultivate another sham room where they paid the vig to fibbing Handley to be a grand rushmore of fraud teton. Remember how he tried to do a token show of their ninja dom and all his bs nonsense in the old GTR comments. Dr. Nadina and all the others duped of thousands for gtr’s worthless room and traducation still have not found justice concerning Amico and all the damage they did doing their sham room for Simonsezjousef. Now like Mark Sachs, they are fibbing the record again neglecting to show losers and doing their limit simdogbucks entry sleight of hand on their ‘live’-colored ninja screen. They cannot just seem to give up their income stream of monthly churning of dupes. The only way they’ll ever be stopped is federal lockup away from their simshow computers for good.
Words can not show the disdain I have for these pond scum. A couple of days back I also started to feel the anger elevate when Warrior Trading was brought up, but everyone said the regulators don’t care about day traders. There is always a level of greed involved, but we have read too many stories where someone without a financial background tried to improve their family’s financial situation, only to lose their life savings. That should fuel the regulators on a daily basis. I believe that this online trading fraud, using educators, trading rooms whatever the con’s tool is at that time will be the number one pitfall facing retail investors if the regulators don’t make sweeping changes. They are too focused on registered reps following the fiduciary responsibility of their clients. When in fact those reps are already monitored by their firm’s compliance as well as how many regulatory bodies. The real carnage is being done in the wild west of investing on the internet via Stocktwits, trading rooms and trading educators. The cons will continue until some hard time is dished out. Why would a criminal risk his life in violent ventures when the internet is ripe with prey and the penalties are only a slap on the wrist.
Mike M, I’m glad to hear you’ve now completely realized the extent of this wild west snakeoily retail trading “products” farce. Indeed we were all willing to believe as practically all the media info on the web about these trading rooms and “educational” sites are all shilled. Per RobB’s post on Amico and GTR, I’d highly recommend for an entertaining and actually interesting read, the commentary on the original GTR review. The updated review also has a few commentary but nothing beats the caper of the first GTR review where Amico blunderingly tried to undermine the review thinking tradingschools could be shilled and subverted like all the other compromised trading “review” sites and blogs. RobB was at his best then as always, as well as other fine commentators of the truth of these frauds. And some of the best replies were by Dr. Nadina herself a former client of GTR and jousef where she countered Amico’s bogus shilling and excuses for his moderating of the gtr room along with his cohort Sandy. Nadina among others were unfortunately swindled out of a few thousands for GTR’s worthless “lifetime” or whatever combo “training” “package”. And it turned out during the commentary that Amico tried to give a token show of trading the dom. He was also “fired” or had quit GTR probably because he got tired of shilling for Simonsez Jousef or got tired of doing under sewerpipes in the basement videos to diss the tradingschools review and Emmett. It was a hilarious video where Amico was wearing this red baseball cap in the shadowy basement and gesticulating in a show mock rage. Jousef took down the yt video so it’s long gone unless someone has a copy. Then Amico kept saying he was starting a new site and room with Sandy and kept claiming they were doing using the dom. Not suprisingly everytime I tried to visit the site it was always down at the time. No doubt, they tried to claim they were showing the dom at the time when nobody could see their room so it would seem they could just say they had shown their room having a dom when no could see it. I recall weeks later, the site actually finally showed up but there was nothing there to access. Now it looks like the usual sham site was the cftc 4.41 disclaimer and the paypal links slapped on the “subscribe” pages. And the usual positive slope curve for the past 6 months or year. Now here’s the kicker of all these sham rooms that show these profit graphs. For one, they often show this “dip” in the first few weeks or months to look “realistic” like Choi’s Certus silly site logo. Then amazingly it takes off at roughly double the slope of profit gain to the amazing dream results often doubling, tripling the account by the end of the “year”. So the glaring con is, how come the profit graph is always the last 6 months or year? Why isn’t it a steady graph without the starting “dips” out of many years. Because it’s all a sham. These scum have never, or stopped trading live , probably losing, ever since they could maintain procuring a monthly churn revenue stream of dupes. A successful dream trader with a multi-year profit curve of a big account would never teach because they don’t need to “teach”(con) for a revenue stream. And it’s unheard of a educational sham vendor “quitting” because his “live” account got too big so now he can afford to trade for himself without running a monthly churning shamshow site. It just makes common sense, yet the shilled efforts have subverted the general aspiring retail trading consciousness always leaving room for a little hope that one of these shams are “for year” when none of them ever actually are as many veteran readers of tradingschools come to realize all their nagging suspicions about these scammers are all true about them being frauds and con artists. Amico and his cohost has always done a shamshow, previously on GTR until just about over a year ago, and they couldn’t show a profit curve for the past years of trading live for themselves on their new site because they have long stopped trading live or have never traded since they have been simshow trading room hosts. And the same goes in general for every other con retail site and room out there.
I didn’t know retail was 99.99 percent fraudulent until I started reading this blog and the posts. It has been over a year and as you stated I am convinced it is all smoke and mirrors. No one is going to teach a group of inexperienced individuals an edge for a fee because they want to give back as they say. Moreover, so many times an edge is repeatable, but never repeatable to exactly the same way each market day or week. A new trader is looking for that set of rules to follow to the detail which, IMO sets them up for failure because success is in the nuance. These set ups that they teach are suppose to repeat day in and day out which just isn’t true. Anyway, dtchurn I use to hold out hope which one was able to read through my posts, but now I enjoy when Rob B. loses it. To Emmett, Rob B, and dtchurn keep it up. I’m sure there are trading room’s that cringe every time they read a post. Too bad it is not enough.
Great! More BS claims by Fact Free Paul. Once it would be nice to call out one of these scammer and be wrong, but everyone of them turns out to be a mental case.
But I am sure someone will think you are doing a Good Job. LOL!
Alright, James! Keep up the good work. I am rooting for you! I want you to succeed. Throw up a one-page website, build a track record, and get a great review.
I am always looking for great stories, and interesting people to write about.
James II, if you are not just trolling us then I’m sure you can understand why people are calling you out on your claims. No one can say for sure if they will make money in a particular day provided that you are going in flat and will take a position once the market opens. Think about it, even if you are 80 percent accurate which is a mythical number then in no way possible could you know if profitability is in the forecast.
This blog’s purpose is to find reputable trading rooms and trading educators which has turned into a formidable task to say the least. Any claims you make associated with trading rooms will be highly scrutinized. That’s the audience you are up against. When this blog has proven 99 percent of claims to be fraudulent then you will also be met with extreme skepticism.
“Rob, I’m not going to start slinging trades calls all over the internet, ….. I was mad why i threw that out. Pointless, and why I won’t do it.”
And now you post meaningless BS calls. Really you shorted with no details so no matter what the market does you can call your trade a winner. This is complete nonsense. And people think I am too harsh. You cannot be harsh enough on a fool like this.
Go get help. YOU NEED IT!!!!!!!
In fact it is so obvious at this point you have serious mental issues with your nonsense post, I will try not to even respond to your silly post unless it is just too over the top or personal mentions me. Someone else can deal with your insanity. Maybe I will just replay, “Another BS post brought to you by James”.
No I would call it BS promotional nonsense ahead of a website. Unbelievable came here talking about starting a website and now this crap. Let me take a crack.
Darn tootin I made $2500 Today scalping the heck out of CL. Golly Be. Like Real, $2500 in the first hour of trading. My word is my corn feed mouth truth. Proof is for suckers.
And bless the lord I am going to allow the first 100 folks to sign up for my $299/ month room. Ya’ll come now! You will have more fun than a tornado in mobile home park.
James you have shown your self to be a complete POS. Go to stocktwits to post your nonsense. Maybe you read the top of this thread as, “James BS Fake Trading Profits Calls to sucker in the suckers”
Sorry Mike M. Do you think this is too harsh!!!! I am still offering that side bet.
Really is your goal to become the new StockTwits were con artist post their nonsense trades and then links to their TRs. If so prepare for thousand of trade posted to this site. Of course from a business prospectus it probably makes good economical sense.
A picture is worth a 1000 words that convey my response.
I think Emmett is just having fun with the trollish tone. I would hope the ts comments won’t be devolved into shams shilling out daily simbucked trade results and calls. The poor bigcat looks like throwing out the kool-aid shamswill.
$500 out of nothing. I will agree with that part. You also posted the following:
“I apologize for my initial post, just wanted an opinion on the possiblity legit room. I’ll likely never do it and just keep trading my own acct.
My last post here, but I’ll keep reading.”
So you lied about that being your last post and now just posting fictitious trade call results. Maybe you can make some youtube videos of you opening your account each day and showing those amazing results and post that link here. So far anything related regarding you and actual proof has mysteriously disappeared into the wind.
Post those 3 trades with entries, stop loss and profit target prior to them being taken so we see the time and can then see exactly what they did. In fact include an ES chart right before the trade with time stamps which will match to the post time shown here. Otherwise the post would be completely meaningless.
Day Trading one of the few corrupt industries were demanding folks show proof of their claims is considered a tough crowd.
BTW the youtube videos was too show proof of your claims.
But being you started as James and then replied to your own post as James, but yet claimed to be another James and the posted as James II and then again as JamesII (no space) and talked about opening a trading room, yes call me skeptical.
Rob, I’m not going to do it. (I could but I’m not). You got me a little annoyed thats when I spouted off about demonstrating here with 3 trades. I don’t want to trash Emmetts sight with superfluous BS.
All a good trader needs is PRICE MOVEMENT. Up, down sideways doesn’t matter when on right side.
BTW, I switched up to James II because I didn’t realize Emmett already had a “James” here.
“Rob, I’m not going to do it. (I could but I’m not). ”
WOW, what a shocker!! I am so disappointed.
Here is the facts, we were not going to stand by and have you post a bunch of fake hindsight called trades and the 2nd anyone called you out and demand you post them ahead of time with proof, you disappear.
If you were legit you would have step up to the challenge and I would think be excited to prove you are real deal.
So I guess you will have to go somewhere else to promote you up and coming TR that will never show any proof of anything.
You are nothing but another BS scammer and I doubt you could trade your way out of a paper bag. I dare you to prove me wrong.
And no I am not proud of you!
James II June 20, 2017
Rob, I’m not going to start slinging trades calls all over the internet, every trade has a context if someone were to lose $ I’d feel bad about that. Besides, you guys agree that takes months of trades to show a statistical result. I was mad why i threw that out. Pointless, and why I won’t do it.
I doubt I’ll ever do a room but came here asking because you guys know a lot about it. How it shouldn’t be done.
Rob B June 20, 2017
“Pointless, and why I won’t do it.”
Well we do agree on that. I have no idea what your real intentions are, but I know we have had plenty of scammer come here and this entire industry is nothing but scammers.
You came here talking about opening a TR and then talked about posting trades, yet never answer any hard questions or were your willing to show any proof of your claims. That speaks volumes to me.
Maybe you think you can day trade ES profitably. Who know. Believe and doing it is not the same and unless you show some actual proof it is just for Entertainment purposes only. If that is your goal go to stocktwits and post your trades and links to your future TR.
But if you are serious, then first you need to show some proof of your claims. You can start by showing Emmett your live brokerage statements showing you have been scalping the ES profitable for months. If you cannot do that or address that then your claims of successfully daytrading are meaningless!!!!! And if you do not get that then I can not help you, maybe someone else can.
But based on your past posts where you just ignore any demand to any show proof of your claims, I don’t need a crystal ball to predict the future.
But I cannot help but wonder is there anyone dumb enough to take your word and pay you $299 for that TR. Sadly probably so.
JamesII June 20, 2017
You claim 20% yearly I assume on huge coin?
where your proof????
dtchurn June 19, 2017
“I’ll post 3 ES trades here tomorrow that will make me 500 before noon,”. Very newbish wannabe scam vendor statement. Most seasoned shamsters usually say they already made x $ thousands “recently”, or “last month”. But here, it’s unbelievable prognosticating the future like a palm reader. Or , with that level of confidence of trading, you would be trading at a hedge fund for millionaires already. I was fooled initially, but now I wonder if James = James II = Pete all along. Only he would come up with trollish bs from a hole in the cave about “starting daytrading” on thinkorswim years ago when TOS was mainly for the monthly commission churn of “monthly income” “trading spreads for a living” in an attempt to undermine other posters out of the usual deranged forum b__ks diseased spite.
Indeed, James II knows by noon tomorrow he will make $500 in ES no matter what. The market can be up, down or sideways, but no matter what he is guarantying $500 in profits from trading ES. He would be the most sought after trader ever.
These leads me to one of 2 conclusion, his posts are some kind or sarcasm and a complete joke or he is seriously mentally disturbed.
Maybe someone else can explain which of the 2 it is.
One must be prepared to back up any and all claims of profitability. Rob B, not too harsh, exactly what I would expect from the loyal readers of this site. I am thoroughly entertained, but I stand by my statement that your diligence must be commended. I don’t know where you can get the energy to volley with the TR operators or whatever we are calling them now. Honestly, I enjoy these posts and look forward to them every single day, but I think we have to be careful if someone may just be trolling.
Mike, I wish I could argue with some rational person like you instead. But yes indeed even I will stop replying when it get too ridiculous like with Pete. After the latest nonsense post from James I am about at that point. No one can be that mentally ill to post his nonsense unless it is on purpose just to piss me off.
So I must breath-in and say ummmmmm and let it go.
If you are legit, then you certainly realize most TR are nothing but a scam and be willing to show you are legit as I have outlined. But instead you seem to be saying you are going to tuck your tail between your legs and run. Hmm, does not sound legit to me. Stand up to the challenge. Open that TR up with a 1 month free trial and let us all see just how legit you are. Now someone legit should not have any issue with that. Should they?
I just find it funny the second I started to state you need to show real live brokerage statements instead of standing up and saying, “Damn straight I will be showing them” you disappear into the wood work. Give me a break James, JamesII, James II (with a space) .
IMO, doesn’t take a month of trades to tell a legit trader, about 5 trading days would do it assuming enough trades.
I know I won’t do it, but if I did no month free, or even a week but get your money back if you are not profitable after a month, or for whatever reason. no questions asked. there won’t be too many redeemers, imo, but could be wrong.
IMO you cannot even begin to tell if a trader is truly consistently profitable in a month. But if you are the real deal what is there to fear? The 1 month free trail will get you more subscribers than you know what you to do with and as you show them how to trade profitably and they are making money they will be more than willing to pay the monthly churn. Seems like a win win for a legit room. Why would there be an hesitation, after-all you came here for suggestions, Did you not?
But being you have not respond to a single legit question asked of you such as provide some actual details about your trading or how you will show proof you are “Truly” legit, count me dubious.
In fact Mike M you want to make a side bet on this guy being legit?
I’ll probably never do it. Been mulling it over for awhile now, but if I do the room will be 110% legit. I would welcome a review by Emmett. Have NO interest in selling courses for “4,990” or teaching people to trade or crap like that. All “calls” nothing more, nothing fancy. Good solid LIVE calls. Period. No Guarntees. Nothing more. No SIM. I would take same trades as my subscribers. They see me place the trade, then I would also announce it in audio. “Buy ES limit blah blah. Stop blah blah. 1st trgt blah blah” Something on order of this.
I’d get a big kick out of helping struggling trades make a dime or two. I don’t want to teach anyone to fish, justwhen to yank the rod. however, should one of subscribers have a problem taking the calls, I’d genuinely be interested in helping them to solve the problem, take the calls properly and hopefully make a little $.
One thing, how would this dilute my edge or my profitability as someone here suggested?
ES more liquid than most, so can have a few subscribers matching your calls and not effect edge; maybe. So you will only be making money off the monthly churn. Again when it come to TR I am always suspicious as I see many also sell their private 1 on 1 teachings for extra money.
Limit orders are so easy to scam. You get filled when no one else does and so forth.
You did not mention the most important thing and that was a commitment to clearly show your written down calls (entry, stop loss and profit target) and not voiced BS calls that can be made to make anything a winner and then to open a live brokerage account right in front of everyone showing you took those calls so everyone can see your slippage your commissions and no BS snippet views. I know those are sim BS nonsense. Perfect example Dekmar Trades who does not even trade his own alerts and then opens the infamous BS snippet tool.
Also you have not stated a single thing about your trading method. Are you scalping ES for 4 ticks 20 times a day or what.
But my most important question is if you can trade the ES consistently profitably why are you not managing money or working for GS or running a hedge fund and being paid 100s’ of millions like the other managers who can not even beat the S&P. Gosh I forget, you want to give back. How could I forget.
I tell you want open your room and have 1 month free trial and I will join and report what I see. And if you are legit and killing it trading ES in no time you will have a 1000 subscribers all taking the exact same trade at the exact same time.
James, I would also try your room if you offer a free trial. I watch the ES daily and trade when I believe there is an opportunity. However, I only trade when I believe there is an above average risk reward opportunity which doesn’t come around too often IMO. Even then, I may get stopped on 60 percent of my trades taken that week. On the other hand, I may only trade twice for the whole week. The ES is so liquid which means taking the offer or hitting the bid won’t provide slippage most of the time. If you play the limit game I believe that would be one knock against you already. If you provide true value trading live with your entries, exits and stops clearly defined then you can expect more subscribers than you can handle.
I’m interested in actually OPENING a live pay-per-view futures trading room, legit live calls of course. No hanky panky, just honest calls LIVE.
I know taking a risk posting here about this HERE but I seriously am seeking advice on how to proceed. What is the first things I should do, how do I get started?
Need help with legal stuff as well as marketing etc. Building the website (what legal disclaimers do I need for example), can I do this myself with a free website builder??
Why do I want to this? Trading is stressful day in and day out, like being self-employed. subscription service is more like a biz, like owning a Dominos pizza store. Also, I want to help other retail traders make some $, for 299/month (or 599?) I make $ they get a chance of making $?
I know you guys hate & distrust vendors, but is there room for a legit subscription trading room, and if so how should I do it?
James, good luck posting that here. No one here that I read believes a trading room can provide any value for many reasons. Most traders are under funded and attempt to trade day to day noise. IMO, sometimes there are 3-5 trades a week at best worth the risk in the ES contract and that’s a decent week. That goes against running a TR where subscribers expect 90 percent accuracy with multiple calls a day and very little draw downs. Of course there are exceptions, but that has been proven elusive for Emmett to find and this is after how many years.
“I know you guys hate & distrust vendors, but is there room for a legit subscription trading room, and if so how should I do it?”
Sure, here is what you do first. Show proof you have been consistently trading live profitable over a long period of time. No Excel spreadsheets. No take your word on it. No showing your winners and forgetting your losers. No BS sim trading. Show live brokerage statements!!!
But here is the bottom line if you could really trade profitable then the last thing in the world you would do is open a trading room, as the second others took the exact same trade at the same time your edge is lost. So call me doubtful of your claims.
Rob B., man I love the entertainment you provide with your responses. The amount pf energy you possess and the intestinal fortitude to keep it real is commendable. I sure hope some investigators at the DOJ feel the same way towards trading sites.
Is this serious? I wonder if you’re aware the stated details of your room plan sounds pretty much the same m.o. that most of these trading rooms cliam down to the monthly churning fee. Alex Sobeil/Seilaf pretty much said the same thing many reviews back. We even saw his monthly fee goals targeting newbs in his student draft for his web school. Tradingschools, as a result of digging into the inner shady workings of these sham rooms has pretty much shown how they operate and the setup looks fairly simple. You can see most of the sites reviewed with a trading room cost $150 to $500 per month, with the median being $300/month. Perusing now grand teton’s mortgage fraud Amico’s room as an example, all that is needed is a slap- on of the CFTC 4.41 disclaimer to cover the simshow trading, and paypal links to monthly subscriptions. http://www.tradingfuturesinaction.com/membership
Then all is needed is a webinar service such as gotomeeting and an email mass mailing list. All the usual advertising methods they use are pretty much exposed throughout the many reviews here.
It’s basically a wild west with no regulation. You can pretty much say anything you want and nothing will happen to you. The only risk is that in the future, should regulators start to crack down, you could be in some trouble.
Having said that no one here is going to give you advice on how to set up your scam.
Don’t expect any vendors to give any advice either…. they don’t want any extra competition! Funny how they’ll give out market advice left and right without any fear of edge dilution, but when it comes to the details of their vendor business they are pretty tight-lipped! LOL!
(different guy, same name, and definitely not Pete– LOL!!)
James II so true. You can make the most outrageous claims and you will probably have some decent traffic to a site at first. They obviously aren’t concerned with edge dilution because on SIM I don’t think that’s a concern. I do find it entertaining when these clowns go on you tube to warn the retail investor about the fake ones when looking for an educator. They talk about all the inflated claims of results. I really think they start to believe their own bs.
Yep, MikeM, James-II, some of them preach to the choir like they are not only a trading sham guru , but an “authority” on spotting other trading scams trying to smokescreen a fog of legitimacy, of course very close to the truth as to how they would know lol. Preston James, one of the options “monthly income” shammeisters had this long “manifesto” about trading education scams he would send to prospective subscribers.
dtchurn, keep calling them out on their nonsense. It’s enjoyable, but unfortunately still not nearly enough. Until the regulators create a mandate to take down these trading websites, the farce will continue.
OK, being no one else is going to help you, I will step in and show you how to be the best low life scammer out there. I can see the hate mail now for me helping you. BTW everything I am going to show you I have seen done by the best of the best con artist Trading Room (TR) Operators out there. In fact I should really be charging you for this information as other scammer are doing just this to make millions (Please Read Disclaimer). Here goes:
1) Confidence – Look into the mirror and say I will be the best darn scammer ever. I will make Madoff look like penny-ante shit compared to me. Ruthless, heartless and low life confidence is king when leading the sheep to the slaughter,
2) Shills – You will need lots shills or alias (the more the marrier). These alias will be busy and do several important tasks (they are like your pawns in chess). BTW I should add something here. To be the best of the best con artist is not easy. You will have to work to be the best:
a. The alias will post on every review site like invest-o-scam-u and say how you turned their life around. They will say they went from one room to another and nothing helped until they met you and how they are now able to make a living day trading and then give personal thank you note to you. It helps if they talk about some made up story like having sick kids or how they just lost their job and were in financial trouble,
b. The shills will post during your webinar how they just hit it out of the park on your last call,
c. When another Dick Head post, let’s say Rob B, in the text box that your last trade lost money and shows the actual facts, the shill will post, “What the hell is Rob B smoking” and then say how they made money on that trade, and
d. The shill will come to sites like this and relentless post promotional BS ads again and again.
3) Trader Porn – You will need Trader Porn or pictures of you with models and jet planes and Lamborghinis and heck Stray Dog had one with his servant cleaning a gold toilet, that one is great. If you need more help on this one just go to IP sites and watch Amy. In fact maybe hire Amy as a consultant. She is a great scammer. But the best of the best is Ross – hands down.
4) Now Listen Carefully as this one is the Greatest Tip ever. You need to pay someone, the VIG, to supposedly independent trading room evaluators, such as Lying Dean Handley or Emmett to give you a great review – You get this and you are set, so don’t be cheap with the Vig,
5) You will take acting lessons. This one is more important than you think – I will explain later,
6) Now on how to run the actual Trading Room:
a. There are several options here. But one way is to create a circus of misdirection. The best way to do that is have 3 traders running the room. That way you are basically each other’s shill. It will always be the person off mic who calls the winning trade and the one on mic saying how the other guy just had another home run and of course the shills will be chiming in big time bragging about their non-existent winning trades,
b. During your webinar you will always be showing hindsight trades that one could have easily taken if they just bought your education package and again this is where the shills come in. So Shill Tom say, “just made 20 ticks on that trade”, and you state you too would have seen that trade if you had bought my education package for $6500. And here is a great place to talk about how Tom was having financial problems until he met you – Remember you are the Mother Teresa of Day TRs I will expand more on this below,
c. This is important – your goal is to be laughing all the way to the bank and in order to get the sheep to the slaughter you will have to sound sympathetic. During your webinar talk about how you too could not pay your bills until someone taught you how to day trade and now you just feel you must give back and help others. Blah, Blah, Blah. You must convince them you are the Mother Teresa of Day Trading. Those acting lessons were for a reason.
d. You will pay someone to create a really lenient sim fill generator. So you actually get positive slippage and for goodness sake you will never show any commissions.
e. Even though you are trading Sim, pretend you are trading live. You will brag everywhere from the real world to kingdom come over your winners and your losers will always be well that was just a small loss or not mention them at all. You will send out emails to everyone about your “BIG” Winner and light up the web at Stock Twits and Twitter.
f. This part is ingenious as I have seen TRs now doing it due to sites like this one. Again you get a programmer so you can display your Sim Trades and make them look like they came from a brokerage account. You will call them Snippets. Again you show these Snippets like there is no tomorrow on a winner. This is where your acting lessons will really come in handy.
g. This one is Golden and Icing on the Cake. It is sooo good I hate to give it out. Again there are several ways to do it. You will show the sheep how you are trading live and turning a small $1000 account into $8000 or whatever number.
i. Option 1 – You can use Trader Vu to do this. You go to your Brokerage Account and download a file. Then you upload your fake trade file into Trader Vu and show all your fake winning trades – again acting lessons (and you thought those acting lessons were silly),
ii. Again with the programmer. You can fake anything you want, just have them create a program that makes it look like you are opening a real brokerage account and showing live trading results,
iii. Finally, this is the one that I think is the most powerful. It will cost you money, but you have to think of the cost as advertising cost. Remember you will be blasting this on Youtube, StockTwist, Twitter and so forth, so you will get your money’s worth. And your scam is going to make you millions so you can afford to spend some advertising money. Remember to be the best of the best scammer out there it is work and brilliance (these guys are not dumb or lazy). For this scam, you will open many small accounts. If you are just starting start smaller. But for example let’s say you open 50 $1000 accounts or a $50,000 investment. And you actually trade those accounts live. Now 90% of them will go bust and overall you will lose most of this money, but by sure Gaussian distribution one of them will make money. And let’s say you only luck out and double one of the accounts in 3 months. So you lost $49,000 in 49 accounts and make $1000 in one account. You take that one single account that made 100% return in 3 month and you go to town as I mentioned before. Everyone will be talking about how you doubled your money in 3 months and you will have a line of suckers lining up to join your complete BS TR as you laugh all the way to the bank.
h. Disclaimer – You will include a disclaimer that the results are hypothetical or whatever the latest regulated disclaimer that is required.
Yes I see the hate mail coming in now. So why did I show this guy how to scam folks, because this is exactly what the best of the best Day TRs are doing right now and if you do not know their tricks you too will be the goat.
Lastly, I could go on days with this and I left a lot out. This is only a small portion of the scammer’s toolkit.
Lastly after writing this I think I need a Disclaimer.
Disclaimer: The goal of this post is to educate people and make them aware of the tricks the Day Trading Room Operators use to scam them out of your money. There is no intention here to get anyone to open a Day TR and scam folks out of their money. This is for educational purposes only.
One last comment I have offered on many occasions to show Emmett my brokerage statement to show I trade profitably, when I do trade, if he gave me a thread. By the way my returns are real world returns not the fantasy nonsense the Day TR promise. This is the kind of stuff I would have in my thread letting folks know how the scammer’s work. It would be nice if it was in one place so people could use it for reference.
Step 1: Bash every vendor and room on the site, regardless of what Emmett says. COMPLETED
Step 2: Mock, ridicule and bully anyone (Pete, others) who has lost money trading. Establish air of arrogance COMPLETED
Step 3: Boast of own profitability. Ignore requests to show proof. Establish Air of Authority. COMPLETED
Step 4: Threaten to leave site forever when questioned. Return and hope people forgot about lack of proof for earlier boastful profit claims. COMPLETED
Step 5: Unveil trading product for sale. TBD
Step 6: Deny all steps above. ONGOING
How is Step 5 coming along Churn? Oh I forgot your response will always be Step 6.
My Skype trading group has a betting pool for the date your trading product will come out. We all know it is coming soon…
dr. Chum’s faux steps of supporting the shills and trolls
step 1: Attempt to undermine just reaction of commenters upon discovering every scam and sham exposed in succession in review after review the retail scam world is much worse than was led to believe before Tradingschools and the fact Emmett freely acknowledged being misled and fooled in the past and acknowleding challenging comments. In fact, more than a few reviews were drastically updated motivated by new info from comments or messages to Emmett such as the CFRN., DTP, Rightline, etc. reviews. It takes a shill poster like you to be an ignoramus of the accomplished history of tradingschools which you actually demonstrate little respect for.
step2: take on the side of instigators like Pete who bring discussion to a gutter and ludicrous level. completely ignore the past history of more than 40 reviews and hundreds of mental b__ks posting and enraged tripe over those who call out the mental bs and distraction.
step3: make a ludicrous “step” based on irrelevant and idiotic demands of a non-vendor commenter who is not selling anything. Makes one wonder what drchump’s true mission is possibly to attempt to undermine the anti-shill vanguard so the forum gets freely overrun by shill comments like every other compromised forum.
step4: falsely equate taking a break with leaving forever. conveniently ignore Pete’s broken vow in pagetrader in his supposed last post which he tried to continue sneaking by via toto and alters and now speaking to himself as dr.Chum. idiotically thinking sane people won’t notice drchump and gollum-peet in cahoots
step 5: hilarious imagination of a retail trading product based on thin air.
step 6: making up a staircase steps of falling cards based of irrelavancy thinking it amounts to anything to dissuade from the witchhunt mission of tradingschools and it’s commenters to bring the exposure these shamsters deserve after getting away with it from compromised sites and forums for years.
Enjoy your continued dream factory in your sykpe losers group of yapping toto/petedetithb__ks,/wet towel tradingfratboy and his pathetic rental license plate blotting,/drNo, et al.. The sane readership can easily see the cheese holes in your lame tripped up series of mis-steps.
dtchump Methinks, and I’m confident regular readers of this blog think, that you have very real and untreated psychological issues. You need to seek medical help or at the very least counseling.
Stray – your nick is so appropriate. You are loyal and always obedient to your masters churn Rob and cyn.
Hopefully you never need to think for yourself, because then you’ll end up in the pound.
One should never argue with an unintelligent stupid idiot, because onlookers might not be able to tell the difference. Which is why so far I have ignored your continued digs at me. And I shall continue so to do.
Stray has been another tireless vanguard watchdog and independent bite voicing the sane readership reaction and sentiment. And Cyn is also another independent commenter of reason. Which is far more than can be said of singular nonsensical shills and trolls who often use alters to try to drum up irrelevant smokescreen distraction and illusory faux solidarity.
Cyn June 18, 2017
You must be too stupid to understand the phrase: “so far”. Since you are that stupid, I will help you out. It means: “all the way until this time, when I am actually not ignoring you”. Go back to school and learn something, you twerp.
Stray Dog May 3, 2017
You mistake loyalty for agreement. On many issues I agree with what they people you have associated me with say. This is probably because we share similar characteristic, the chief one being sanity.
Pete, Dtchum and other alias you use, I am going to make a Mid-Year Resolution.
Even though your posts are unique (see I am being nice) for the most part you are not shilling for a Con Artist TR like GZT, telling folks if they buy there $7,000 course they too will be a Master Student and make a fortune, while never showing any proof of that claim like some unnamed shills are doing here.
So as long as you are not shilling or attacking me to where I feel compelled to reply, I will try my best to not reply to any more of your post no matter how unique I think they are.
**** Darn I Hope I Can Still to this Mid Year Resolution ****
RobB said “So as long as you are not shilling or attacking” but history has proven over 30 reviews without a doubt guttersnipes like peete=toto=drNo/drChump keep buzzing back with inane posts like annoying & pestering mosquitoes.
Thank you Emmett for serving the meds to the lunatic wolfpack. Can we please get a review of the deceased Jack Hershey / Elitetrader forums. I have traced the genesis of Dr. A to this deceased cult leader / charlatan.
dtchump AKA Pete, AKA dtchurnNO AKA toto Do you have anything to contribute to the discussion about TR vendors or is your sole purpose here going to be to continue to tag dtchurn’s posts, to assume different personas in order to create the illusion that there is support for your off topic posts or to continue to get angry because you can’t garner sympathy for being stupid and losing money trading that you got from a high interest loan?
It is not about being nice. Here is how I figure it. You only got so much energy to spend and if the poster is just posting odd and unusual things (trying to be positive) there is nothing I can post that will make them see the light.
So if they are not shilling and trying to sucker people into some con artist trading room, what do I care. Be and let be is my new motto. I just hope they don’t start to post about some unrelated topic like fashion.
Rob I think that is your next calling, fashion critic. Watch out for those that offer low quality fashion made from cheap material and sell it to people willing to pay exorbitant prices. Fashion week in NYC will never be the same.
For sure, the little guttersnipe gollum all too often suddenly rages in a mental fit and takes tagalong peashots after emerging from the cesspool of his hole trying to drag sensible posters to his quite unique but oafal level.
For those new to this site, ignore the ignoramus dr.Chump twisting of the history of RobB’s tireless vanguard vigilance over the shills and trolls who try to take over the commentary. Here is the actual post, grossly taken out of context where dr.chump disrespects the faculties of the sane readership by attempting to spread falsehood pretentiously assuming no new readers would actually go back and find those words and the post.
(RobB back in pagetrader: )
Well it is obvious I could not be a Physiologist, as I could not help you out of your delusional state. Maybe Prozac, I don’t know. I am done talking to the mentally disturbed Pete. It is obvious the TR have done a serious number on your head worst than your $20K in losses.
Maybe someone else can help you. Oh, I know I hear there is this chap named Al Brooks taking on new members that I am sure can cure you. “””
And the post RobB’s post is replying to is just bonkers. have fun.
Just love how you can beat the snakes out of the grass with a few questions.
I really want a review of James Dalton .. His name has been hitting my mailbox alot lately and the self proclaimed “FATHER OF MARKET PROFILE THEORY ” sticks in my craw …
I know a deeper dive into this clownass will prove he’s another Grey haired “I’ve been around for decades so Im trustworthy” scammmer who sells education and doesnt trade a real account using his own bullshit…
He also been doing alot of stuff through Think or Swim for free, no doubt see’s the potential of thousands of sheep who will gladly pay a couple grand for some MP3 files and a train load of bullshit …
This post is to you. After looking at GZT videos and going back and forth with shill Paul (and believe me that is being nice) I have no doubt that GZT is yet another scam that is suckering people out of $7,00 for a complete BS course that shows Supply and Demand areas just like Sam Sieden.
My question is have you done a review of this TR? If not I think it is time to ask this con artist TR operator for proof of this claims ( I know you already did) and put it in its own thread with a complete review.
Then moron shill Paul and his aliases can continue to post in that thread how this TR is the real deal and continue to never show any proof. But at least a complete review will have been posted.
Any chance we could ask you to review Meir Barak from TradeNet. He has alot of videos on YouTube executing large trades with the most recent one showing the last few years worth of P/L’s directly from his Colemax account.
Always have wondered, what it takes to open a trade room? Is it possible to find all the rules/laws which are mandatory to fulfill in order to open trading room legaly? What one must do in order to open a legal trading room?
It seems to be a fairly new site. Emmett has done some reviews of sites run by teenagers and young adults such as willstockpicks, AMG investments, and Infinite Prosperity. I suspect they all have in common some parent or mentor/guardian either on or behind the scenes helping them with either marketing, legal, or costs or favors to run their particular shams. i.e. like renting a sportscar or using a mansion for photos.
Thank you for the great work you are doing, protecting us less knowledgeable folk from the sea of scammers out there….much appreciated!
Ever done a review on Hawkeye Traders, before?
Has anyone tried it?
Emmet, I want to thank you for your fair and measured response to that guy calling me a “scammer”. It always saddens me to hear people say horrible things about others online who they don’t even know. I’m a real person, I have a family and feelings, but online you have to have pretty thick skin because there are a lot of trolls out there like our buddy Saten Sarma.
If there is something scammy about my site, let me know and I’ll review it and change it if it offensive or untrue.
Our boy Saten Sarma has never contacted me, has never complained to me that I am aware of, but there he is big as you please spreading hate on me.
I wonder how it would sit with him if I just published something negative about him in his local news paper. Who cares that his daughter might see it, he’s trash, right?
Anyway, again, I appreciate your comments. Even though in the end you chose not to review my site, and as I recall we showed you a lot more than just 2 days worth of statements, but it doesn’t matter. I’m grateful.
I’d like to see a list of the sites you’ve reviewed that actually had a positive reviews…. if there are any… every one I’ve researched so far had negative reviews here (and I’m glad I found your reviews in time). Is there really nobody doing this for real?
Im studying a lot online, reading everything I can find for free but I’ve also found a lot of conflicting information. Some say that you should only trust technicals while others say to follow the news and learn about the company. Then I come here and everyone has a bad review LOL y hard to differentiate whats worthy information and what isnt…
You think if people could just come in everyday use 500 to 1 leverage and profitable take several microscalps in CL every day and make a living anyone would be left working a job. Day trading is not this unknown secret that TR want you to believe it is.
There is a reason virtually none of the these TR can show any proof of profitable trading.
Glad you found this site before getting duped as a noob among the 99.9% scams out there. Currently, ts.org is the only trading review site in the world that sticks to this level of transparency. There are other forums that call out these scams sure, but they have their own select vendor scams and even vendor members that they harbor as sponsors or have hidden conflicts of interest with the rest of the membership. RobB, I hear you about the CL scalping fad. Currently, CL fakery is making a comeback on bmt journals. There are popular threads again claiming consistent success on CL scalping and once again have attracted a bunch of clueless sycophants when there is no proof and none of these bmt “red” super members show proof they can trade for a living. There was this guy with endless daily videos of after the fact circles on CL trying to be like the next PATS mack. Finally he stopped his videos last year as no one was watching anymore and bmt had already put an end to the scammy videos on the site.
Sadly Big Mike does not stop them from posting BS. They get PMs and then try and sell education. They are brilliant scammers. None of them show any proof just take my word on it.
I just found your site for the first time. Have you ever reviewed Dr. Alexander Elder’s books, or trading software? I am referring to Dr. Elder’s triple screen system.
Hey man thanks for all this real info. I am a new trader, fucking love it but really want to make this work and want to make sure I am investing my time into the right mentor or education. You say a few times that there are some truly great people out there willing to teach. Anyone in particular you would recommend. I day trade equities and would prefer more of a non scalping strategy. Thanks again for all the great insight.
Hi Emmett. I was wondering if you could categorize your past and present reviews so we could go look at the list and see which one’s we have missed.
You have done some reviews and I can no longer find them here. Would it be that much of a pain in the arse to have them listed and the date of the review. With your newer review posted next to them? Like below for an example. Just wondering. I know it’s more work for you and that’s why you should charge at least 10 bucks a month per member. Have your little helper in the Phils do it for you and let her keep half the membership money if your embarrassed to keep it. I know the people there are really struggling to make a living.
The trading Clan. Re: 10/23/15
The Oil Academy. Re: 08/12 15 new Re: 12/15/15
Have you ever looked at anything John Carter offers? Not so much interested in some of the other people on his site – just John himself. I’ve sat through some of his free seminars which always have classes at the end that aren’t free. His seminars are always well done, his methods seem interesting and he frequently shows trades that he is in and recent P/Ls. Any info/feedback is much appreciated.
I can tell you about John Carter’s simpler options. Every few months he might flash a live account on thinkorswim on a promo video. When you get to the room, there is often over 500 folks there but Carter is often awol. And fibqueen Borodin is there instead or some other tradeucator. Most of the option plays calls posted in the screen aren’t followed up on especially when most are losers. The rest of the site is constant bombardment by ads for expensive recordings of seminars and more “exclusive/advanced” sessions and newsletters.
John Carter is one of the “legacy” educators. A sacred cow. Been selling trading education since Christ roamed the earth. I am getting to him. I already wrote a review of his partner Hubert Senters.
I was in the options room when Carter arrived breathless in the last few minutes and cast around frantically looking for trades to suggest. Borodin commented “This feels like a crap shoot”. She was right on the money, and she went way up in my estimation for calling it like it was.
We are so glad to have someone like you who spends countless hours vetting boys from man in the trading jungle.
Can you please conduct a test on Joseph James and his room …The school of Trade.
He trades in SIM and also posts trade of the Day videos which are in Market replay to show how successful he is.
He fabricates his PnL statement that he sents to poor traders to show how good he is
Hello Emmet,
what has happened to your review of tradingstarpro? I can´t find it any longer. It was a tradingroom you recommended, right? Recently I took a look at Harry Singhs´ website and he is posting result every single day. Unfortunately he does not offer a free trail any longer but the results are consistently good.
At 6 months, anyone that gets a positive review needs a re-review. I contacted Harry and asked that he submit account statements that verify the current performance information on his website. He ignored me, so I pulled the positive review.
These guys enjoy a massively positive benefit from positive review. I only ask that they maintain transparency.
I was trying out chartsky and it was NOT GOOD in my opinion. Paid $200 for a trial and ran away after just a few sessions because I can see that was not the trading I’d like to be doing!
Hey Emmett, whats your take on Sean Kozak of Golden Zone Trading and Dr. Bill McDowell’s (Trade The Bars Method), might as well throw in another PA trader (probably from the Nial Fuller – Trade the Market School) – Justin Bennett.
Sean Kozok is the real deal. Perhaps thats why he hasn’t been reviewd on this site. I am a mastery student of his and there is no BS, I totally respect GZT and what they are bringing to the market
Thank you Paul for the mindless useless advertisement. Serious you think anyone here is going to say, “Gosh really where do I sign up”. When you can say this:
Sean Kozok is the real deal. There is no circus of 3 traders to cause misdirection. First he trades live not sim crap. Second, he shows his brokerage account live, third he has his DOM or Chart Trader shown for every trade. Fourth he post accurate results showing his brokerage statement as evidence of entries and exits. And fifth he is no pump and dump where he makes money while his students lose money. In other words you can take his same trade and make money. And lastly he has a decent free trial period for you can confirm all this for yourself.
And frankly for me that is the baseline. Anything less than that is nonsense con artist BS.
He does and shows everything you have asked in your reply.
Open book on his accounts, All live trades, plus all losses are shown, He has nothing to hide and hides nothing. And i am not promoting him, Am just saying how it is. Its very rare in this industry to find people like Sean, however Futures71 is awesome also.
I guess you being such a negative skeptic , which i fully understand in this industry, the best thing to do is take a free trial in his live trade room. You have nothing to loose.
You say skeptic, I say realist after realizing this entire industry is nothing but swindlers selling a pipe dream.
I no longer trade the complete non sense way the con artist Trading Educators teach, but for the Shits and Grins I checked out Golden Zone Trading’s Youtube videos and their web site. You know what I saw? I saw the typical Trading Educator selling a $7,000 course with Supply Demand areas similar to what Sam Seiden teaches, telling people they too can make a living by taking numerous scalps a day trading a highly leverage and highly volatile instruments by using their Holy Grail S/D indicators.
And to my Shock, Shock, Shock; guess what I did not see? Any actual proof of their claims as I outlined in my previous post and you stated they showed. Nowhere on their site did I see any type of track record what so ever. Heck they did not even have the decency to post a fake track record like most Trading Rooms do, more less a real track record showing their trading results everyday with actual entries and exits being posted alongside a brokerage statement with that Broker’s Name shown proving those entries. You see it is one thing to post a fake track record, but I am guess even the incompetent regulators might go after you if you post a fake brokers statement claiming live trading.
So instead of proof you get a free trial day whereby no one can evaluate performance and there will be ton of shills stating how they are knocking it out of the park and went from broke to making a living after taking the $7,000 course.
So Paul I call you out. Have your buddy Sean post his broker’s statement or show Emmett his broker’s statement’s live or use the robot to show real proof of this brilliant profitable trading. Or being you are doing so well with this system, you can do the above.
Anything short of showing actual proof is complete BS advertisement as far as I am concerned.
In regards to me posting live results , not much point as with the GZT method i am still on sim. Mostly for the reason that i need to send hard earned money to USA for a live trade account which i don’t feel comfortable about. However, Phillip Capital Singapore are expanding and once they have the exchanges I will then open a live account.. In the future when i have atleast 30 live trades logged i will gladly post live results. At present I am making money , but nothing exceptional yet
.My history is trading ASX stocks, and have done exceptional at it, Recently had a stock SMN.AU go from .02 to $2.30. So thats where my focus is. However doing GZT course after many others I have found it to work thus far. I did Opentrader Pro course as well. Had some good info but for price and application it wasn’t the best.
The best thing to do is get a live past to the trade room and ask to see live results and watch the trades happen.
“realizing this entire industry is nothing but swindlers selling a pipe dream” I totally agree with this statement.
I would love for Emmett to do a review.
@Emmett, Can you please review Sean Kozak and Goldenzonetrading?
So you are telling people to buy a $7000 course in something you say you are not trading live? I will be nice here. When you are trading actual real money with real entries and real exits using GZT tell us how that is going for you and post those 1st 30 trades results. I have a feeling that will never happen.
You can only tell ones real performance over a long period of time with proof of live trading. Seeing one or two days of trading means nothing, plus every TR I have been in is a circus. No real live trading. A lot of lying but not real trading. But again come back when you actual have placed a live trade.
And seriously if you are making your money from buying stocks that are selling for .02 cents. Good luck, you will need it.
No big deal. We all go through the kool-aid phases especially being fooled by clever marketing and new tricks invented by the next “real deal” guru. Those not used to the tradingschools criteria of evaluation yet still won’t get simulated or ambiguous “live trades” don’t cut it. In this thread, a bmt post clearly mentions GZT showed some excel sheet as “results.” https://futures.io/vendors-product-reviews/36275-goldenzonetrading-sean-kozak.html#post524056
I hope others who paid the 7k and more and found too late it was bunk post their review.
Paul June 21, 2016
Cheers Sam. It is no big deal. The positive thing is we are having this chat and perhaps the truth will come out sooner than later with evidence either way,
The question i ask if GZT is just another charlatan then why isn’t there more negative reviews? Surely there would be more than what is already on the net. I have googled him 100 times trying to find the dirt.
The spreadsheet thing doesn’t worry me as I have viewed his live trading accounts in the trade room. Alot of ways you can tell is the dom on Ninja is white when live. And ofcourse viewing the trade as well.
Depends how you view 7k. To some people its alot and others just pennies. I truely believe in the near future i will have doubled if not tripled my investment in GZT.
And those results will be posted here.
If GZT is a fraud, then who isn’t? We know the FED and most brokers are.
Paul June 21, 2016
No i never ever said that. What I said is its rare to find someone like Sean in this business. As i believe he is above board. So don’t put words in my mouth.
So its your opinion that someone should only post if they are trading live with a particular system? That statement alone shows your limited knowledge. Do you trade at all?
As for you Rob since you are the seasoned live trader guru here. I challenge you to post your live results.
I bet you don’t have any.
At least I am being honest and up front.
Been trading ASX stocks since 92 and made a small fortune. Your cynicism just gets stronger , why? because i guess you have never been successful at trading. If you had and since you have so much to say. Why don’t you prove me wrong? Which platform do you use? And data feed? who do you clear through. Present your statements? Can’t wait . Please prove me wrong. I can even give you a personal email if you don’t want the whole world to view. So there, You have NO EXCUSE.
I bet your answer be similar to all the scammers on the net that you so rightly despise.
Osikani June 21, 2016
Rob is not selling anything, so he does not have to prove anything. This is not a pissing contest to see who can piss the furthest.
If Rob ever starts to sell his trading room, we shall hold his feet to the fire, just like we do everybody else.
But as long as he is not asking anybody for money in exchange for his trading knowledge, there is no reason to demand he prove anything. One needs proof in order to invest in him. If there is nothing to invest in, your challenge is out of order.
I havn’t asked for any money nor would I. But I’m being challenged simply for giving an honest opinion. And by persons who have only watched youtube and scrolled through his website.
And further more apart from a small thread on Big Mikes I can not find any other negative reviews on GZT. In that I find confusing considering people here seem to know what a rip off it is. Strange to me.
Time will tell and we shall all know. In the meantime I’m prepared to keep using GZT till I prove to myself it’s dodgy.
Osikani June 22, 2016
You were recommending something, and implied that your recommendation was based on your results.
As your results are the basis for your recommendation, it is appropriate for us to ask you to show us the stellar results that make you recommend that we spend 7k on some system of which we have no knowledge, other than your results that you are talking about.
Rob is not selling anything or recommending that somebody spend a large sum of money on a system that he claims to have made money. Therefore, there is no need for him to show anything. He is not trying to take any money out of our pockets. You are, even if that money will be going to your mentor rather than to you yourself.
I am not going to accuse you of shilling, but recommending that we purchase something, and then refusing to provide proof that that something does what you say it can do, is usually called “shilling”.
Anther thing also. i see David Adams is being promoted here. I can tell you that DA is a complete fraud. he tried to rip me off 2k. You can read about it on T2w. Just google David Adams Trade2win.
And he does trade sim and never disclosures it.
sam June 22, 2016
If that was your post on t2w calling out Adams then it’s appreciated Paul. Dean Handley even treid to apologize to someone for a premature review. I suspect the Robot can still be fooled by a sim session and hope Emmett checks on that. There are also NT tricks mentioned by others here to make a sim dom look like live and executions deleted and edited in the NT panels.
You and I both know what happened and you did get a refund. I was under DTS at the time and you bought my program from them for an outrageous price..
I think when you told me you were the “best” forex trader I could find I began to dislike you, To answer your question from another thread, I did have cancer at the time and stopped trading shortly thereafter.
I did refund your money when DTS refused.. Heck , you were on a payment plan. Anyway, I paid it out of my pocket. I did enjoy your sqawking and threats tho.. Typical keyboard warrior.
Paul June 22, 2016
Hi David, Its so good to hear from you. My FX trading is going great actually. I bet I’m making more than your SIM trading. You did refund me, but not after being threatened by lawyers and having Visa approach you. Have a read of Trade2win website, there are many others you have never refunded. Plus did you ever refund that poor guy from India Santosh who invested his life earnings in you.? you are nothing but scum and no doubt you have a terrible disease which many would say as Karma. However Its not my nature to wish bad on another and I hope you get well soon.
All the people except Santosh were refunded, Paul. No lawyers contacted me, and you know it. I was forced to cover your money because DTS would not. Let’s say they didn’t have a high opinion of your integrity. So the money came out of my pocket and they kept your initial payment. On the bright side, that transaction led me to terminate my relationship with DTS, In doing that I was able to cut my charges by 66% and learned a great lesson. Don’t let other people make promises that are outrageous and impossible to achieve. Sorta like many of the trade rooms here. They were charging 5K and telling people they would make the money up on my trading with their 5K account. That is a tall, if not impossible order to fill and neither Russell Smalls (from Turtle Traders) and that guy who was the great white options trader, Chuck Hughes could possibly hope to succeed with those conditions. So I guess you did me a favor.
Best of luck in your trading, glad you are prospering.
” Let’s say they didn’t have a high opinion of your integrity.”
You question my integrity.. Thats a joke, You are the person making false promises and scamming others, and yet you wonder why the same people get pissed off at you. Better slow down on that medication David. I guess thats your next excuse. Wait a minute, you have already used that one.
I still think you should sort Santosh out. Do the right thing David.
Quote from TW2 .
“Congrats on your persistence which has finally led to your refund. I posted on here June 13th about my experience with him and after 6 months of promises and lies, I’m still waiting for my refund.
futures614 is offline ”
2. ” I was snaked by this guy also. Promised a refund in 5-7 days on August 6. His supposed accountant, Colby Anderson, threatened me in an email. Just a bunch of promises.
3.More promises, but no refund. This guy is just a liar and a thief, IMO. He sent out an email several days ago with so-called “proof” of his winnings, but they aren’t broker statements, just screen captures from Ninja – easily faked.
n7ekg is offline.
Why didn’t you sort these people out and do the right thing?
Beware david I’m a lot like Emmett and despise people like you ripping innocent people off by selling false promises and dreams.
I’m tired of listening to your blather, most of it is the same loudmouth B.S. I endured during our short time together, greatest forex trader…lol
To clear the record you can find three months of my results in the “introducing the robot” and each session is videotaped then and since. Pretty hard to argue with that, punk. All my trading is videotaped of authenticity, even the lousy ones.
no go back to the hole you crawled out of…this incident was over 5 years ago and are still blowing out the ass over it.
Its awesome you are making so much trading , cough cough. If its true then pay the people you ripped off.
The thing thats crawled out of hole is your dodgy past. Something that can never ever be denied.
I bet you are on sim. And you income is from scamming others, As for the bot, who knows , that can most likely be circumnavigated somehow.
If you pay Santosh his life earnings back I will ease up on you. How could you do that. You knew it was all he had. The poor guy, i feel for him. Sucked in by a snake oil salesman called King Sim David Adams.
Paul July 2, 2016
“I have finally gone live today and what a Baptism of Fire it was for me. I was completely unprepared for how much of a different beast the live market is. I was stopped out for the day at 08:30 am. That’s terrible.
The fills and slippage took me and caught me completely unaware. I got slippage on fills and my stops. Also it feels like the live market moves a lot faster than the Sim.
For the last 2.5 months (on the simulator) I have been on a good solid run with something like 5 down days in that period and they have all been very small down days. No bigger than 6 ticks. Whereas my winners have been 10 ticks plus consistently.
Wow. My head hurts from this eventful morning.”
Paul July 2, 2016
Rob B July 2, 2016
Man, I hate to say I told you so, but welcome to the Real World or trading.
When I see a a glowing post of a trading room by someone who just joined or trading sim, I am like come back after a few months of trading live.
Until Sim dollars are accepted somewhere it means nothing.This is why I was on Dave Adams for trading Sim.
And I do not think Emmett should allow sim trading on his Robot either. I think Emmett is a little desperate to find a good review so he gives these scum bags every break in the world. Emmett, just because this industry is full of nothing but swindlers does not mean they should be given breaks. BTW, this rating on a curve is the real reason for the Emmett Curse.
The only thing that shows any proof of profitable trading is actual brokerage statements from a live account.
If there was a best of post section or learning the real world of trading section, I would nominate your post to be there. It should be required reading for want to be traders.
How many suckers pay big bucks for some educator because they made money trading sim and then Wham Bam they go live to lose a fortune.
Paul July 3, 2016
David Adams always has traded SIM. Can not even find his floor registration for when he claimed to be a floor trader.
Apparently Sean from GZT disclosures he is on sim.
I still believe GZT method has merit. I stated earlier that i am willing to set up a live account and post the results. This is still going to happen. As I also said I was waiting for a stock on the ASX to hit the market and that was where my capital was being concentrated. That stock came on the market @.031 has had a high of .036 my position was taken @ .02, .033. Am sitting on some nice returns already, however I’m holding for .10 to $1.00.I expect to take some profits to cover initial positions and will let the rest run. Once that is done i will fund the live account.
Rob B July 3, 2016
Pretty much every Trading Room (TR) I have been in teaches clueless desperate underfunded individuals to scalp highly leverage and highly volatile instruments and do it by using bad money management techniques to boot.
Could this ever be done? Yes during a massive bull market like the NASDAQ bubble, where everyday stocks broke out and just went up, but not in today’s market, which is why none of these con artist can show any proof. And BTW even most of the people that made money in the NASDAQ bubble did not trade the way these TRs teach or as I call it the fantasy world of trading.
And to take it a step further this is the real reason for the Emmett Curse. If you put up a Gaussian Distribution Curve, with failed day traders trading the fantasy world way as these TR teach on the x-axis then most fail right away, the center of the curve, but just by pure luck some will be profitable for a period of time. Those get the Emmet 5 Star rating, but as time goes out further they all end up failing.
If it would not be for dealing with all the nonsense scammers sending me false decimation, I would run a contest and offer a $10K award to anyone that show any proof they can trade the fantasy world over an extended period of time profitable and certain rules would have to be followed like not taking huge risk to luck out on a single trade.
Those underfunded traders who are desperate to make extra money, will be more desperate after day trading. But I know no one wants to hear that, so back to the fantasy world.
So if this is what GZT teaches then I for one look forward to your live trading results. And Please, Please, Please prove me wrong. I would love to be able to come in everyday and scalp some futures market and have an 80% win rate and take home money like a salary.
10k ,Over how many trades? 30 being the lowest statistical number where you can get an idea, however as you most likely know the higher the number the more accurate the statistics, .What is an extended period of time?. I will gladly take this challenge. And Emmett can use his robot if desired. How will you pay the 10k USD?
I don’t know where you pull your 80% number from. Here is a very simple example. If you trade 1/3 r/r if you are hitting 3r you can make money on a 30% win rate.
What you say in your above post is true. Underfunded, high leverage, buying a dream, getting a nightmare. In regards to the Gaussian Distribution Curve if you can not adapt to a changing market and tweak your system ofcourse you will encounter drawdown which can kill your account. The key to trading any market is to be able to change and adapt. Even the Turtles had to do that . Which I have studied for yrs and use that method as my primary position/swing method.
Rob B July 4, 2016
I am too busy right now to fully respond, but first the turtles did not trade the way most TR teach, These TR are not teaching swing trading. They tell people with a $5K account they can trade CL by coming in every day and micro scalping and have an 80% win rate and quit their job with their new day trading salary. That is what I say no one can do profitable over an extended period of time. And no 30 trades is not an extended period of time. I am talking at least 1 year.
As soon as Phillipcapital Singapore get the exchange listings I will begin. However I am looking at the Nikkei in Asian session at present. Similar to the ES.
“We will also be offering additional international exchanges in the near future through Phillip Capital. These will include Asian and Australian futures exchanges. We do not currently offer those as of yet. I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.”
For a start i won’t be starting with 5K. To my knowledge GZT have never said you can begin with 5k. 10k min and 20k -30k preferred. No overnight holding. Although I am aware many, if not most claim you can trade their system and win while being totally undercapitalized.
I have traded the Turtle Method for many yrs. I know it very well. In Fact , it’s one of my daily analysis programs I do most mornings. Its the beginning of my top down analysis.
Well, RobB seems to be on vacation or something. Is there a youtube link? The rest of the article is only available to registered mytradingbuddy blog members.
Paul July 28, 2016
Notsure Sam, Its good to see him trade real money all the same.
You can just register and watch the recordings.He shows his DOM also. They are relatively recent. Sean’s been trading live for a long time. Sometimes in the trade room he doesn’t because he’s teaching and explaining strategy.
sam July 28, 2016
No thanks. I’d rather not have to register for a site I’d never heard of just to see some proof and incur more junk mail. I’ll wait for Emmett’s review to verify if it’s live results. There’s the “hypothetical” and “educational purposes only” disclaimer on this page. http://goldenzonetrading.com/disclaimer/
Emmett Moore July 28, 2016
I have spoken to Kozac. He told me that he does not trade with a live account. Does he offer something of value? Time will tell. I get a emails from a few of his students. Some get really pissed of because “after hour trades” magically appear on the official track record.
But truth be told, just have not had time to really get my hands dirty with it. There could be some value. Time will tell. Need more time! Need more help with this blog.
He sometimes trades Asia which could explain the after hour trades.
The link I posted he is trading live.
Robert B August 23, 2016
Reality in seeing the truth can be somewhat painful when your believes are build on suspicion and bad experiences.
Rob B July 4, 2016
OK, even though I have talked about this in other post, let me be crystal clear what I am talking about. I am not going to have a $10K challenge that you cannot trade like the Turtles did or swing trade. I come in everyday looking for trades (don’t always find them), so I am not having a challenge that you cannot trade the way I trade and do it profitable. That would be insane.
The challenge would be that you could not profitable trade a live account via the complete non sense way the vast majority of the trading rooms teach.
So what is that “Fantasy World” of trading they teach?:
1) You can trade some highly leverage highly volatile instrument such as CL,
2) You can do this with some small account like $5,000,
3) You can come in every day rain or shine no matter the market condition and make 10 or more scalps a day. Heck I just saw some BM Webinar where they were making money hand over fist with close to 50 scalps in CL a day. Complete F’ing BS,
4) You can do this with an 80% win rate,
5) You can do this with virtually no drawdown,
6) You can do this and have a straight up equity curve,
7) And you can quit your day job as you make money every day trading like a salary. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.
I am sure I am forgetting some things. This is the complete nonsense that Trading Rooms teach. The basically tell people they can trade white noise profitable.
Now in reality would I have such a challenge? Probably not as the time to set rules and to verify all the fake evidence that would be presented would be a full time plus job. But I am pretty sure my money would be safe. There is a reason none of these con artist day trading room can ever show proof. There is always the 1 in 1000 chance someone can do it for a period of time, but right after that they too will fail. And there is always the possibility we go into another Tech Bubble Bull market and under those conditions it can be done.
But I tell you these trading rooms are genius and there is a reason they have run all the honest folks out of business. No one wants to hear the truth. I know as I skype with these delusional traders all the time. Fact don’t matter. They just want to believe. I will say, “Doesn’t it bother you that no one can show proof of being able to do this bother you” and they just get angry with me. They want to be positive. I do not care how positive you want to be you are not going to calculate the last digit of Pi and you are not going to trade the Fantasy World of day trading profitable over any extended period.
Paul, Yes, you have some profit on the Sim trader. Let us know when the real trading gets profitable and I mean profitable over a period of time, not just 1 or 2 trades. Do you know the term ROR (Risk of Ruin). If not, you might investigate that. Trading is all about risk. How much can you lose? What are the odds of profit versus loss? Risk. Risk. Risk. I can’t emphasize that enough. The risk is even greater when you trade stocks that trade for under $1 and especially if you are trading around the market open. I wish you luck with your account.
I don’t really value the results on sim. Its just a method to learn a platform before going live.
I totally disagree with your shares under $1.00 statement. Perhaps trading one of the most corrupt markets that being US stocks you are most likely correct, But I’m not.
I trade ASX stocks and have a firm understanding on the ones i buy and have been doing it successfully since early 90’s. So I don’t need any advice on that thank you.
Ofcourse I understand risk to ruin, rate of return,position sizing and all the rest.
Great, good for you. As I said, let us know when you are posting results from live trading. If those results are anything like what you say you’ve been doing since 1992, then that posting should be fantastic. Good luck.
My live ASX results are totally different than trading a futures account. I won’t be posting ASX results. As they have very little to do with this forum. You will know when i begin trading live futures. In fact I already am via a CFD account. However, that is different again.
How can you even suggest my futures live results are going to anything like my ASX results. Do you actually understand the difference between the two products?
The reason I”m moving into futures and commodities is a simple progression and upskilling. However I know where the big money for me is made and its not either of those. .. And as for GZT and all the others. Where do you begin? I believe GZT, FT71, Jigsaw, Stage5 , Jim Dalton, TJS Elite spreadsheet will give me the foundation to be profitable. Unlike many people . I believe in myself and that may be the big difference.
You posted: “I stated earlier that i am willing to set up a live account and post the results. This is still going to happen. As I also said I was waiting for a stock on the ASX to hit the market and that was where my capital was being concentrated. That stock came on the market @.031 has had a high of .036 my position was taken @ .02, .033. Am sitting on some nice returns already, however I’m holding for .10 to $1.00.I expect to take some profits to cover initial positions and will let the rest run. Once that is done i will fund the live account. . . ”
That was what I responded to, there was no mention of futures. Of course you can’t compare the two types of instruments.
I’m glad you have so much faith in yourself, that’s terrific. I’ve been trading for over 15 years, but i’m not selling anything nor do I have any plans to start a chat room, so no I don’t need to post my results. I don’t have anything to prove. You obviously feel the need to challenge me and others who have commented on the rooms you are talking about. There’s really no need to do that. What I feel I can offer to this forum are a few tips on trading that I’ve learned the hard way that perhaps can save some of the newer traders some time, energy and money and set them about doing the hard work of becoming a consistently profitable trader (emphasis on “consistently”). Listen, I was a veritable philanthropist in my early trading days. I gave money to whatever stock or future showed itself to me. It took a long time and a lot of hard work to get it right and until I developed my own system which did and still does work very well. If my posts don’t reflect what you feel is helpful, then just ignore the post. Again, let me repeat, I’m not selling anything. But I do enjoy what Emmett is trying to do here.
Osikani July 2, 2016
That looks like a quote. Are you reporting your own experience or somebody else’s?
In another post you stated that you have been live trading 4 different instruments or so all this while, so how can you now “… have finally gone live today and what a Baptism of Fire it was”?
David Adams is not being promoted; he is simply being reported on, just as all other reviews are reports.
Rob B June 21, 2016
I have talked about the way I trade in other posts. I seriously doubt anyone is interested in my results as they are horrible compared to the fantasy TRs promise.
To be clear you said Sean did all the things I said a TR needs to do, but in fact he does none of those things. That is part of what pisses me off. Someone else posted showing Sean only showed Excel Spreadsheets. That just screams shill to me.
“So its your opinion that someone should only post if they are trading live with a particular system?”
No I would not say that exactly. But I find it funny you give a TR a glowing review that shows no proof of profitable trading when you yourself admit you have not made one single dime with his method. So here is what I am saying to be clear. I would say to others to give no credence to such a referral. To me your referral is just completely meaningless.
“Been trading ASX stocks since 92 and made a small fortune”
Hmm, then why bother with GZT. I must admit I make a decent return on my money trading but no small fortune so your self-proclaimed trading prowess is unproven, yet impressive. Stick with it.
“Your cynicism just gets stronger , why? “
Why because I hate shills. It is just that simple. No none affiliated person post what you posted. I have had discussions with non affiliated poster and they just do not post mindless promotions like you are doing.
“Which platform do you use? And data feed?”
Not that any of this matters, but I will answer some of your question. I use 2 main platforms; Trade Station and MultiCharts. My main Brokers are TradeStation and Interactive Broker. I also have Ninja Trader, but I do not trade futures any more. I will trade an ETF that mimics a future. Believe it or not I use absolutely zero leverage. Well that is not 100% true as I will trade a leveraged ETF now and then.
“I bet your answer be similar to all the scammers on the net that you so rightly despise.”
I am not selling anything or promising fantasy results and I will be the first to say don’t trust anyone in this business including me. If I open a TR run for the hills. And for Goodness sake don’t email me. I already talk to enough Kool-Aid drinking idiots.
I really need to get a life and not be fighting with people like this.
Paul June 21, 2016
To be clear you said Sean did all “the things I said a TR needs to do, but in fact he does none of those things. That is part of what pisses me off. Someone else posted showing Sean only showed Excel Spreadsheets”
Has anyone here asked GZT for a TR pass so they can ask these questions?.
I too read the thread on Big Mikes ,however that’s just one person out of 100’s who have done his course i assume.. Why aren’t they posting negative reviews? Its all a bit strange to me.
I”m not here to defend GZT . I was just reporting my experience with GZT so far.
Why doesn’t some here get a live TR pass and ask the difficult questions and see what the real deal is. As I’m already in the system its a bit late however I will ask for live results.
I love ASX stocks. And moving into futures was an expansion in my trading ability for the simple reason, its a passion.,Plus when i travel overseas its nice to have the option of making an income as when i travel its for months not days or weeks.
Platforms i use Ninja, Trade Navigator, Pulse, Etrade. and another unknown one from Perth Australia FCpro charts.
Rob B June 22, 2016
“I”m not here to defend GZT . I was just reporting my experience with GZT so far. “ and
“As I’m already in the system its a bit late however I will ask for live results.”
Paul, if you had said in the original thread you had never taken a live trading using GZT and you had never asked for or seen any live results, as you now state, I would have been more pleasant in my post.
“Why aren’t they posting negative reviews?”
There was more than one negative comment in that BMT thread with the last guy saying they just did an extensive update to the whole program. But to answer your question.
I think most people that get scammed do not post negative review because the TR operators convinces them by use of shills it is just them that does not get it. I skype with traders all the time that are embarrassed by their loses and they tell me they just cannot understand why they cannot get it. And I tell them it is not them and they need to come to this site to learn the truth about this industry. I think Emmett’s site is finally turning that around by showing 99.9% of TR are nothing but a scam.
You are the one that posted about David Adams not refunding you? Now that is too funny.
As you admit the fact you already paid the $7K, I understand you want to have a positive believe in GZT. Believe I get it and I wish you the best, so I will just be nice here and just say:
I look forward to you posting those live GZT trade results as you promised.
i have opened a live account with AMP, just needs more funding. Have a stock backdoor listing by the end of the month so am keeping capital aside for that, should be a ripper.
Plan is really to wait for Phillipcapital Singapore. Go live with a a decent size account. The plan was to continue demo till then. The other thing i didn’t mention I,ve been using GZT to trade live Dax, NQ, YM and CL via my CFD platform. The signals are pretty good so far . .
Yes GZT have done a huge update, which obviously is concerning. but so far seems to be working ok. Will take another week or two to get used to it. However having studied Jim Dalton, Goran Futures71, and Opentrader pro course prior i’ve found adapting easy as i was already in the market for a Market Profile indi for NT, so am happy to have it now. Its a awesome MP indi. The thing with this update they are using market profile/footprint coded for ninja. , If you own Ninja and wanted this indicator , is its worth the $1000? IMHP, yes.. Because to get that detail in an indicator you need to go to Market Delta and then you only lease the platform. Plus the MD platform isn’t as good good as the GZT add on. But that’s for others to decide. I know other platforms have MP such as Sierra Charts and a few others. Also my Trade Navigator has it now as well.
ROB, just to verify your /my statement I believe I have seen Sean trading live in the trade room and showing what seem to be live results . However I have not seen a brokers statement. If splitting hairs I am trading CFD’s via GZT method on a CFD account, which is different than a futures account that i was referring to.
Another thing. I never admitted i paid 7K, they are your words.
Rob B June 22, 2016
You stated, “. As I’m already in the system its a bit late however I will ask for live results.”
I only saw where GZT had a 1 day trial and then it was the $7K course. Is there another deal or did you get a special deal?
Paul, I know from talking to people that want to believe no logic matters. But you read this blog. One con artist after the next con artist after the next. Now if I was Sean and ran a TR and could trade profitably, unless I am completely in outer space I would realize I am the “Unicorn” – The very very very rare TR educator / Live TR that can actually trade a live account profitably. I would be contacting Emmett every day and saying here are my brokerage statements for the last several years showing the profits I made day trading. I would be posting my track record at my web site alongside my brokerage statements. And you know what; in that live trading room you would have 1000s of subscribers. So then the question comes why he does not. Sure you can come up with all types of reasons, but I will go with occam razor – he shows no proof because he cannot show any proof.
Again I cannot wait for those live trading results. Here is my wild ass prediction. I see in the future you demanding a refund from GZT just like you did David Adams. Prove me wrong and keep us posted.
“he shows no proof because he cannot show any proof.”
Sadly i think you are correct. If you are selling a product for people to trade live and you are not, then is that not fraud in someway? Is there any law in regards to this? Americans love to sue, surely there is a case. He is in canada, assume similar.
Additionally to GZT and trading short time period I do have some conflict within as I like trading the daily chart which is where i seem to make more for less input.
The difference between you and I Rob, I don’t need to trade or work. It’s a passion to me. And I fully respect what Emmett is doing on this website and exposing the many charlatans. Perhaps you are one them also.
Here is the difference. You have been posting mindless fact less advertisements under various alias like Mongo and Paul for a year now, yet can show not a lick of evidence to back up your claims.
No one here wants to read your baseless claims. Show proof of your claims. You are just like every other shill that comes to this site with just BS advertising and no proof what so ever and when called out, you just post nonsense distractions.
All you are doing is coming here and hawking your nonsense TR and people are suppose to trust you. Give me a break!
I have all the time in the world if I can save one person from being scammed by you and the other TR operators.
Man, it is just mind boggling how you will post anything and everything, except for the only thing that matters and that is proof of any your claims. Ah, of course you can not as you are just promoting the same con artist trading room over and over again.
Apparently you only have precious time to post non sense advertisements to scam people out of their money. Great human being you are.
LOL, Why would I bother to do that? No one here has any money. LMAO
Stray Dog April 30, 2017
It took awhile but we’ve finally reached it, the point where the shill trots out the last lame excuse as to why they won’t post any proof of their claims. Take your show elsewhere Paul, this audience isn’t buying it. You have more stamina than I do Rob B.
Paul April 30, 2017
I think the show should remain here just to keep entertaining the clowns. Don’t you people have anything better to do than just bitch about everything. Get out and enjoy life. That’s right, this is your sad sorry arse life.
Rob B April 30, 2017
I will tell you what is sad and sorry and that is you constantly coming here promoting con artist trading rooms. And when folks ask for some proof of your TR claims you post nonsense replies like above.
I would say get on with your life, but clearly going around trying to scam folks is your life.
Maybe you should actually read your own post and see how ridiculous they read. They make you and the TR Operator you promote look like fools
Seriously, the consistency you guys exhibit commenting on sites you believe are frauds is on par with someone selling trash education. I enjoy reading the back and forth comments, but I still don’t know where you get the energy. It looks like the nonsense fuels your diligence.
Paul May 1, 2017
They are damaged goods, been burnt too many times and don’t have the ability to move on.
dtchum May 1, 2017
There are bout 6 of these “since I can’t trade obviously no one can” people trolling this forum. They act like they are Emmett, patrolling the trading rooms. Really they are just losing traders with time and regret on their hands. I’d love to see rob, stray, churn, cy, and some others take you up on the challenge. But they won’t, and they will all have a lame excuse.
Rob B May 1, 2017
DTChump or whatever alias you are going by, it is the responsibility of the TR Operator who is making wild claims of profitability to show proof of their claims.
If you do not see that then you are seriously mentally disturbed, which I already realize from you past posts.
dtchurn May 2, 2017
I bet dtchamp is either Pete or tradingfratboy. The investigators are getting that much closer to locating where the white ferrari was rented from hah.
dtchum May 2, 2017
Welcome back! Are you ready to provide trading proof, since you previously stated how very successful trader you are now, as you previously stated you would?
Paul May 1, 2017
The challenge is open to them. We can all post broker statements as we can also scan and make them look excellent like PFG Best did for yrs. Set up some live trading accounts and give Emmett access to those accounts is the most honest and transparent way to do this.
Stray Dog May 1, 2017
Here’s a challenge Paul that actually makes sense. Get the vendor to give Emmett access to his trading statements. I’m not selling a $7,000 course, Rob B isn’t selling a $7,000 trading course the only person who is, is the vendor that you are trying to promote here.
dtchum May 1, 2017
Stray and Rob are technically not selling a course themselves, but both have previously been exposed as shills for others (Rob, for example, recommended Dr. B in a few posts). So let’s have all the shills participate in this Trading Challenge!
Rob B May 1, 2017
DTChump no one can be this big of a moron. I have called out all these con artist at one point. Nowhere have I ever recommended Al Brooks. I think you at one time point out one of my post where I was clearly being sarcastic.
So try to get this through your thick head, I say all these TR operators are con artist. There is no exception. If that is you idea of a shill then you are beyond help.
dtchurn May 2, 2017
There must be thousands of lurking readers that are grateful to RobB and Stray for keeping watch on the fort. Amazing that the shills are also trying to rewrite the history of the comments. RobB and Stray have never shilled for any vendor. Adams tried to ingratiate himself in the commentary. So did Alex Sobiel/Seilaff. They were given a chance initially to prove themselves, but they ended up being just typical babbling room shamsters in the end or refund scammers So do a few other vendors try to mimic RobB and Stray’s criticism of vendor tricks by preaching to the choir. Now I wonder if this is even the same Paul. Look at the older posts of 9 to 10 months ago. The old Paul seemed to be more reasonable and said he was going to go live and prove profitable trading due to GZT in a year and show broker statements etc. Those posts were 9 months ago, so he has 3 months left. RobB had some great posts showing the illogic of the shills. I mean, why should anyone fork over 7k for a “mastery” program, 1.5k for an indicator suite without proof especially proof from former students. The site looks like any other of the thousands of sites from the ninjacesspool or the many similar sites already reviewed on tradingschools. How is GZT really any different from the usual sham tradingschool. Anyways, it would be a shame if the shills took over the tradingschool comments where it would be no different from all the other shilled so called review sites and compromised forums.
Stray Dog May 1, 2017
dtchump, it is difficult to fathom that anyone can be as dim witted as you appear to be. Just because you say something does not make it true. Find the post where I have been a shill for any trade room vendor. Reproduce it.
Paul May 1, 2017
Think they were even promoting David Adams. LMAO. Perhaps he is the one who burnt them so badly.
Stray Dog May 1, 2017
Seems that you were also dropped on your head as a child or are you naturally stupid? Find the post and reproduce it here.
Rob B May 2, 2017
Wow! It is really hard to reply to someone whose posts are 99% fact free. It is like revisionist history. Next you will be posting the earth is square. So I am just going to recap the actual facts, I know this is a concept you do not understand, but here are the undisputed facts:
1) Paul has been a shill for GZT for almost a year now on this forum and posted over 10 months ago, “ I am a mastery student of his and there is no BS” and stated, “I personally have watched Sean trade live many times”, yet
2) Sean has told Emmett he does not trade live,
3) GZT makes wild promises of profitability,
4) GZT sells a course for $7,000,
5) GZT has never shown any proof they can trade profitably,
6) When Paul is asked to show any proof of his claims, he refuses and then post anything and everything (complete nonsense) to distract from the fact neither he nor GZT can show any proof they can trade the way they teach profitably,
7) Paul stated, “not much point as with the GZT method I am still on Sim”. So this mastery student (his words) is promoting nonstop a method he himself will not even trade live,
8) Then over 10 months ago Paul wrote, “In the future when i have at least 30 live trades logged i will gladly post live results”. WTF in over 10 months Paul still has not taken those 30 live trades?,
9) Then once again Paul wrote;” I stated earlier that i am willing to set up a live account and post the results. This is still going to happen. “ Yet he never does!!
10) Then Paul wrote:
“I have finally gone live today and what a Baptism of Fire it was for me. I was completely unprepared for how much of a different beast the live market is. I was stopped out for the day at 08:30 am. That’s terrible.
The fills and slippage took me and caught me completely unaware. I got slippage on fills and my stops. Also it feels like the live market moves a lot faster than the Sim.
For the last 2.5 months (on the simulator) I have been on a good solid run with something like 5 down days in that period and they have all been very small down days. No bigger than 6 ticks. Whereas my winners have been 10 ticks plus consistently.
Wow. My head hurts from this eventful morning.”
**** Well, Welcome to the real world of trading Paul******
I could go on and on, but the bottom line is even though Paul repeatedly states he was going to show proof that the GZT method can be traded profitably, he never has been able to do it and this has been going on over a 10 months’ time frame, which is why my replies to Paul are not so friendly.
Now Paul unlike your fact less post, I just posted actual facts than anyone can search and see are accurate and true.
Rob B May 1, 2017
Normally when reply to shill nonsense, I say, “I can have a more intelligent conversation with my cat”, but in your case I think I will say, “I can have a more intelligent conversation with a cockroach”.
Your challenge is equivalent to someone looking to get a house built and they see some contractor advertise he is a great house builder, so they ask the contractor for proof that he has actually built homes and instead of providing any proof, he challenges them to a race and says see you won’t race me so that is my proof. It is beyond stupid!!
I in no way trade the way this TR operator (YOU) claim to trade, so I surely cannot proof your method works, which by the way I am 100% sure it does not.
Are you planning to just now trade the method live? If you are trading this method so profitable then all you have to do is show Emmett proof of those profitable trades using the method shown on those videos. If you make 1 cent you will have at least some proof, but I doubt you will make a penny.
Trying to have a conversation with a con artist is impossible, but try and answer these questions:
1) Are you actually trading the BS method you teach in a live account profitable?,
2) If so then why can you not show Emmett proof of profitable trading?,
3) How in the world does anyone else trading method results prove your course will make one a profitable trader? And finally
4) Why instead of showing any proof of your wild claims you just post nonsense again and again.
Now those are the Real Question to be answered!!
dtchum May 1, 2017
Stray Dog May 1, 2017
Don’t try to redirect the narrative. Shill Paul has made claims on behalf of a vendor. The onus is on him to prove those claims. Your limited capacity to understand and follow the discussion has been well documented in your previous posts so I’m trying to make this as easy for you to follow as possible.
dtchum May 1, 2017
So does that mean you are chickening out of the challenge?
Rob B May 1, 2017
The only challenge that make any sense to anyone with any sense is for the TR operator who is making wild claim of profitability and selling a $7,000 course, in this case Paul, to show proof he can trade his BS method profitably. No one else track record will prove that.
Lets say every other trader on the planet is losing money, that does not prove the TR operator who is making fantasy promises is making money.
Seriously can you really not understand this!
Stray Dog May 1, 2017
The challenge is for Paul to prove the value of the vendor’s product he is shilling for. Only that needs to be proved. Were you dropped on your head as a child or did you have to work at being stupid?
Rob B May 1, 2017
All you post are the same broken record for a year now. Nonsense claims with no proof what so ever. So instead of just repeating myself replying to your BS, I am just going to make a visual reply which I think summarized everything.
What a complete joke you are. You conveniently forget that it was I who challenged you to trade against me on 10k LIVE account for 30 days or longer, I don’t care as I’m trading anyway, just means segregating some funds.Emmett could have full access to those accounts. The account can be larger if you want? Yet you made all the excuses not to take the challenge. What difference does it make to your portfolio if you are actually already trading? Just segregate 10k or more, up to you. Then those live statements will speak for themselves. That is my challenge to you. Either take it or pull your head and get a LIFE/wife or even a Stray Dog.
If you can not trade then perhaps you should watch some GZT videos. Plenty of free ones around so you don’t need to hassle me about trying to sell GZT products. It’s all free.
dtchum May 1, 2017
I would love to see this. Comment trolls will never accept a challenge though
Rob B May 1, 2017
When your best friend is DTChump, you know you are in trouble.
The odd thing is another shill just made the same nonsense challenge to me. You shills go by so many aliases I cannot keep up with them.
At this point I am 100% convinced you are either the TR operator or associated with the room so from now when if I say TR operator I am referring to you.
You have been posting promotional BS for over a year here and yet you cannot show any proof what so ever that GZT trades profitable.
In fact I have responded to your nonsense post here before and even checked out GZT videos of hindsight trading and told you to show proof back then. And in that entire year you have not shown any proof, but just continue with nonsense promotional ads.
It is a complete WOT to even respond to your posts as you will never show any proof. You have had over a year to do so and have refused and that is because your goal is just to scam people.
My response from a year ago is just as legit today so I repeat it in quotes at the end of this post and as I stated then your goal is simple and that is:
Get newbies to take your free trial whereby no one can evaluate performance and there will be ton of shills stating how they are knocking it out of the park and went from broke to making a living after taking the $7,000 course.
Again responding to someone who’s sole purpose is to scam people and who refuse to have an type of intelligent conversation or show proof of their wild claims is a WOT but for shits and grins I will give it my best effort:
1) How in the world does you beating me in a short term day trade challenge provide any proof the TR you keep promoting can trade profitable over time?
2) I have already offered to show Emmett an entire years’ worth of my trading statements. As I have also stated, recently I have been focused on Real Estate and not trading so most of my trades will be over a short period. So you could do the same show back 1 year proof of your profitable trading. But so far you have refused to show any proof what so ever of your complete nonsense claims of profitability,
3) You want to setup a challenge with trading parameters that are not the way I trade. After spending years and thousands of hours I state the way these Day TR operators teach is nonsense and I do not trade that way. I trade the way I trade and offer to show back an entire year of my trading to Emmett. But again none of this proves the TR operator can trade profitable. It is up to you to show actual proof the TR operator can profitable trade the way he claims.
So if you want the challenge I also get to set up the parameters not just you. Being I do not day trade and say it is a pure fools game, I will not take a single day trade, so all you have to do is make 1 cent and you will win the challenge. Surely a great trader like you can do that. Somehow I doubt it.
But the funny thing is this just goes back to what I keep saying, “Just Show Proof the TR Operator can Trade Profitable. Yet you still refuse to show any proof of your claims and make nonsense challenges. I should reword that and say you cannot show any proof as the TR cannot trade profitable.
You are just being willfully stupid as you do not need to beat me day trading, you only need to show proof the TR operator can trade profitable. Just as you are being willfully stupid in your replies you will be willfully stupid in any competition.
I cannot help but wonder how dumb you must think the readers here are that anyone will think GZT is real based on you complete BS posts. Seriously how hard is it for you to show proof GZT can indeed trade profitable. APPARENTLY IT IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!! Therefore you continue to post anything and everything except any proof of your claims.
Now let me take out my crystal ball and make some prediction:
1) You will refuse to show how you profitable day traded over the last year (my challenge) ,
2) You will continue, into the future, to refuse to show any proof you; the TR operator; can trade profitable what so ever, and finally
3) You will just continue to post BS advertisement hoping to sucker in newbies.
Anyone willing to take a bet me on my prediction??
The day the regulators get serious and start locking up con artist as yourself will be one of the happiest days in my life.
Response from a year ago, which is just as true today:
You say skeptic, I say realist after realizing this entire industry is nothing but swindlers selling a pipe dream.
I no longer trade the complete non sense way the con artist Trading Educators teach, but for the Shits and Grins I checked out Golden Zone Trading’s Youtube videos and their web site. You know what I saw? I saw the typical Trading Educator selling a $7,000 course with Supply Demand areas similar to what Sam Seiden teaches, telling people they too can make a living by taking numerous scalps a day trading a highly leverage and highly volatile instruments by using their Holy Grail S/D indicators.
And to my Shock, Shock, Shock; guess what I did not see? Any actual proof of their claims as I outlined in my previous post and you stated they showed. Nowhere on their site did I see any type of track record what so ever. Heck they did not even have the decency to post a fake track record like most Trading Rooms do, more less a real track record showing their trading results everyday with actual entries and exits being posted alongside a brokerage statement with that Broker’s Name shown proving those entries. You see it is one thing to post a fake track record, but I am guess even the incompetent regulators might go after you if you post a fake brokers statement claiming live trading.
So instead of proof you get a free trial day whereby no one can evaluate performance and there will be ton of shills stating how they are knocking it out of the park and went from broke to making a living after taking the $7,000 course.
So Paul I call you out. Have your buddy Sean post his broker’s statement or show Emmett his broker’s statement’s live or use the robot to show real proof of this brilliant profitable trading. Or being you are doing so well with this system, you can do the above.
Anything short of showing actual proof is complete BS advertisement as far as I am concerned.”
Paul May 1, 2017
Do you really believe anyone in their right mind would read all that BS? I didn’t and am amazed at the length you go to trying to justify yourself.
You won’t even take the challenge. Why? 1. you don’t have the guts to post under your real name. 2. damaged goods and has zero trading ability.
Get over it.
Paul May 1, 2017
You can take my challenge and put this to bed once and for all.
I suggest using Interactive Brokers.
Rob B May 1, 2017
Your are beyond pathetic with you nonsense. I more than stepped out to the challenge and you are so stupid you apparently cannot even read my post to know that. Try actually reading and take the challenge.
As you are the TR making wild claims of profitability it is you that needs to show proof of your claims, not anyone else. But again I stepped up to the silly challenge and gave you options. But I seriously doubt you will take any challenge as my guess is you have never traded live as you actually admitted to Emmett and it will always be BS advertising from you.
I must include my image of Paul the TR operator Scam artist.
Stray Dog May 1, 2017
It is necessary to respond to shills and to challenge them. If we don’t, then this blog will become as useless as investiscammers, Big Mike’s futures IO and a host of other sites that allow vendors to make claims without any proof of those claims.
So Paul has initially posted a glowing recommendation for a vendor who charges UD$7,000 for a course. There is no proof that the course results in profits for those who purchase it so the onus has been placed on Paul to prove that it works for him. He has admitted that he only trades this product in sim so I’ve suggested that even with it being a sim account show us those returns. Rather than doing that he’s gone from dancing around showing any proof that the $7,000 course he wants people to buy actually works, to insults towards anyone who challenged him to show proof and to now trying to distract and misdirect the course of the narrative. Paul, you can simply prove that this $7,000 course works by showing your trading statements. You don’t need a contest you just need to show proof.
What does a contest prove? How does that prove that this $7,000 course is worth the money being asked for it? What does it add to the central issue here which is, is this course that you are trying to promote worth the $7,000 price tag? What is achieved by a contest that your brokerage statements or better still the vendor’s brokerage statements wouldn’t achieve?
I know it is tiring to read this constant back and forth but it does need every sensible reader to take the fight to shills like Paul to show proof. It can’t be left up to one person to do this. This is the only site where a vendor’s claims are held to a reasonable standard of proof. We have to maintain that standard.
Stray Dog April 30, 2017
Here’s how this conversation would have gone if Paul had any proof of his claims.
Paul: This TR is the real deal, it’s the best thing ever, I’m making heaps of money, everyone in the room is making heaps of money, the TR owner walks on water.
Rob B: You’re full of s*#%t Paul, prove it!
Paul: Why of course Rob B. Here are my trading statements for you to stick where the sun doesn’t shine.
But what do we have when Paul is pressed for that proof? After the excuses run out the insults begin. Paul, I for one would love it if you were making serious cash and if you are it’s the easiest thing in the world to prove, hell I’ll even take your sim trades as something to evaluate but if you don’t even have those, if all you’ve got are more excuses and insults you really are doing a disservice to yourself and the TR you are shilling for.
Paul April 30, 2017
Pardon me sunshine where the sun does not shine.
Rob B April 30, 2017
Just more nonsense post by the relentless advertiser. I love how you posted:
“I never read your post. Not worth my precious time.”
More lies as you continue to reply to my post that you self-claim you do not read.
Just lies on top of lies as you promote your scamming trading room. You post everything but any proof of your claims.
You shills are nothing but a broken record of relentless claims of profitability yet can not
show any proof of your claims. I hope one day the regulators lock all of you in jail and then you will have plenty of precious time to not be scamming others.
Your profession IMHO is among the scummiest industries that exists.
Paul April 30, 2017
Rob. B the bitter Charleton. Trademark me. The Bitter Charlatan.
Paul is back with his silly advertisement. Do you need to drum up business to make a mortgage payment? I got an idea how about instead of, “Take my Word for it”, showing Emmett “Actual” Brokerage statements proving this scam artist can trade profitable. What a novel idea.
The review on Mark Sachs that Emmett wrote is an amazing read. That’s all I can say…LOL.
What’s a mortgage payment? Haven’t had one for 20 yrs. Obviously, Rob B has one. You should buy some Cannabis shares pay your mortgage off with the profits.
Speaking of cannabis. I have a friend that made a nice living growing weed in the backyard, for many years. Until they legalized it. Prices plunged to less than tobacco. Now he grows organic tomatoes and cucumbers. Delivers them fresh to local restaurants. Makes more money selling tomatoes than weed. Go figure. Funny world.
So you are living in your mom’s basement smoking weed. That explains your constant nonsense posts. This is not Scam-O-Pedia. We actually expect to see proof of your claims, which neither you or the TR operators you keep pumping can do. Until that TR does that then no one here is interested in your nonsense advertisements.
Again in case you are too high to understand. PROOF IS THE ONLY THING WE ARE INTERESTED IN!! Yet instead of any proof all you can provide are distractions.
I’ll say this about Mark Sachs. He’s gone back to being a complete scam and deserves no more chances. His indicators are just modded ones from bmt with cosmetics. Any basic modder could come up with same or better ninjacript indicators. See the recent thread on elite where Sachs threatened to sue like a thug, a former client trying to get back a refund and failing that a credit charge cancellation.
Your argument is unsound because in the Heiken-Ashi comments you erroneously assumed I am totally blaming Al Brooks for my trading losses, therefore we can assume the Elitetrader thread involving Mark Sachs was also a case of a consumer who did not do THEIR DUE DILLIGENCE and is totally blaming Mark Sachs rather than taking personal responsibility for their actions, therefore Mark Sachs is absolved of responsibility.
I wonder who Rob and his clan are going to blame?? Because obviously, they won’t take responsibility for their psychologically damaged mindset.
If those clowns can not trade then no one else can either….lol.
I’m amazed they can even get beyond the CAPTCHA.
Rob B May 1, 2017
Do you ever plan to make an intelligent post?
I will try and keep this really simple for your obvious weak mind.
Let’s say you are 100% right and all other traders are losing money. And even though I have offered to show a years worth of my trading results which show I made money, let’s say for argument sake I just lost money.
None of that is any proof your con artist TR operator who is selling a $7,000 course can trade profitably.
At some point even your mother must be ashamed of you and your nonsense. Just post after post of wild claims and no proof and then just attack anyone that ask for proof of your claims.
Is your plan just to continue with nonsense post or do you ever plan to actually address the Real Questions I keep bringing up?
Maybe you can just post:
Hello, I am Paul the mindless shill who makes wild claims of profitable trading but will never show any proof of it. Just trust and buy my $7,000 course and if you ask for proof I will just attack you and post complete nonsense instead of addressing any real concerns.
At least then you would be honest and I could respect you.
The real sad story is anybody really dumb enough to buy this $7,000 course?
dtchurn May 2, 2017
Unsound in your own head like the many inner voices in dr. No’s. How silly, all the hundreds of posts by petedetithbrooks littered all over tradingschools was out to get b__ks even though he’s an insignificant book author even often insanely accusing me of shilling. As Stray and Rob continued to tell you in Mook to take responsibility for your trading losses and quit trying to blather to others to send cftc complaints which no one is interested in doing so. Nonsense, Sachs was reported to have started shamming results again and hiding losses. It doesn’t get any more obvious scamster than that, and I’m inclined to believe the client’s story at the end of the elite thread than the words of a multiple felony-worthy plastic mutilator and pill pusher charged criminal Sachs. I will say this. after the debacle in pagetrader and the noshow of bmt b__ks event, these b__ks postings all a laughable joke now if not irrelevant noise. Now and then, I enjoy a chuckle thinking about the “retroactive” clawback after b__ks is retired. It’s so ludicrous trying to imagine it, it’s hilarious.
Pete May 2, 2017
You mean little man, stop accusing others falsely of totally blaming others. I can request a review out of concern for future traders and that doesn’t make me amoral and have no sense of individual responsibility. It’s ironic you, Cyn, Rob, and Stray Dog come on here gawgking at frauds and victims and act holier-than-thou when it comes to helping others avoid frauds and recognizing that the frauds do indeed reduce individual autonomy. And stop saying Brooks is just a book author, he sells books, webinars, courses, trading expos, and futures magazine articles and maybe individual private consultations too.
Rob B May 2, 2017
“and stop saying Brooks is just a book author”
I am not sure anyone said that. I think what was said is that Al Brooks is relatively small potatoes compared to the many trading rooms that scam people out of thousand dollars for some nonsense trading course. He is still a con artist, but I think the point is does he need to be brought up in virtually every post across every thread?
Damn!! I broke my own vow not to reply to anymore of Pete’s post regarding Al Brooks. Sorry.
dtchum May 2, 2017
Of course, Deputy R, you take advantage of any chance to mention Dr. A. Keep his name out there, that is what the good ones do.
Rob B May 2, 2017
Dtchump or Pete or whatever you are going by, I quoted and replied to Pete’s (yourself) own post. So by your insane logic it is Deputy P that keeps Dr. A. name going.
So are you telling Deputy P to finally stop with his nonsense posting about Dr. A. In other words you are telling yourself to stop your own posting. Good Job!
dtchum May 2, 2017
Thank you for confirming my suspicion for mentioning his name 2 times in YET ANOTHER post. Keep it goin, thats the pay to get paid.
Rob B May 2, 2017
It is impossible to respond to the mentally disturbed. Pete, yourself via another alias, is the one that keeps mentioning Mr. Brooks name again and again in every post.
You are just being willfully stupid or plain stupid. The verdict is still out.
dtchurn May 2, 2017
yup, it’s no wonder the b__ks disease can’t be hidden with his alters, whether a mental gollum or baboon, lol.
Stray Dog May 2, 2017
dtchurn May 2, 2017
Unlike gollum/drChump who doesn’t own up to anything, I did say b__ks was a book author RobB, albeit insignificant small potatoes, yes, especially in today’s world of myriad of kindle ebooks on price action and chart reading on amazon today many less than $10 which is what you can get for b__ks’ useless book for used.
dtchum May 2, 2017
Their attacks on you are sad and it makes you wonder about their motivations for doing so ($$$$$).
dtchurn May 2, 2017
lol, that your recent comments are more supportive of vendors and the recent shills on the boards says a lot about you considering your mess of a history little blibbering gollum.
dtchurn May 2, 2017
What a lame pathetic attempt to hijack my comment childishly in all caps. Emmett was fooled by Sachs initially including the fake wharton phd where Emmett updated the review and exposed the criminal shenanigans like a “pinata” busted open. And thanks to the questioning in the comments, the diploma was pointed out as fake from a counterfeiting degree mill. So the client could have been fooled by the first review before the second. The main point is Sachs went back to his lying ways after the tradingschools spotlight passed over and showed he was just as ruthless and morally bankrupt as usual in his emails to the client concerning the refund process. So whether or not the client missed the reviews or got fooled by the first one or felt Sachs “reformed” after the updated review is completely besides the point and only mental gollums infected with the b__ks disease scream out “assume” like a silly peashot. I think gollum ironically is more obsessed with tagging my posts now in his rage and is forgetting his b__ks retro-radioactivity. Really needs help now.
Paul April 28, 2017
I have requested Emmett to remove the above post. Seems he doesn’t want too.
In the trade room when he is teaching a strategy class he trades sim so he can present right and wrong examples which make sense. Nevertheless, I have witnessed him trading live many times. I’m pleased you are looking a bit deeper into this.
GZT have also built this amazing indicator called VPC levels using market profile. The amazing thing about the VPC Levels you can customise it to the period you are trading and bring in a huge amount of data from longer periods. Have attached a link to save me explaining it.
To get to the meat and potatoes go scroll to the 17 min start.
Hello Emmett,
thanks for the response. You´re doing a great job here.
Unfortunately there are also other reviewing sites out there (for instance dr.handley) which have completely different recommendations. This is extremely confusing, Whom should I trust?
Have you heard anything about felton trading? It seems to be a good trading room. They are scalpers using renko charts with a daily target of $1000.
Don’t trust anything written by Dr Handley. He is paid by sites to get a good recommendation. Emmet kinda takes it easy on him but the truth is he is like a pimp for these services. Most disturbing. More like Dr Doom. Shame on you Dean. How in the hell do you live with yourself?
daniel, Felton was banned from Big Mike’s. Similarly Jaguar Ed was exposed fabricating sim results. Felton often posted the usual vendor gibberish about trading. After questioning by members, he all but admitted he was showing sim trading. The kool-aid drinkers or plants would say how everything was ok showing sim in a room, while the frustrated , some former members would point out how Felton was often already in a winning trade when the trading room started which was explained by having multiple sim accounts going on at the same time , then choosing the winning chart when the room opened. In the last six months Emmett has been more wise to thee myriad tricks, even some newly invented every year by these scammers. Think about it, assuming one could look at themselves in the mirror perpetrating a daily scam, why would a vendor trade live when up to 50 dupes a month could be paying at a rate of $100 to $500 each from selling products or churning new members through marketing. I would think after a new scam vending business got on it’s feet the hosts would have long stopped trading live and may not even have live accounts anymore for years like WT and GTR.
Hello Emmet,
where can I find a full list of all rooms you have checked out and you undoubtedly recommend using them? Unfortunately I can´t find your recommended trading rooms.
I must admit, i am really confused about your test on scalpingemini.com: I would never think that this is a scam because there is a livetradingroom offered for free for 5 days. You pay on a monthly basis and you can cancel at any time. There are videos published with the performance of the strategy.
Regarding Scalpingemini, am currently working on an updated review. This has been difficult because the owner has two systems for sale; a scalping system that I am currently collecting performance, and a trend following system. Things should be cleared up shortly.
The only room, at this point that I could recommend would be OilTradingGroup.
Wish I had more to recommend, but the sad truth is the nearly every single one is a fraud.
RE: The Trading Clan…in order to maintain a positive review, I need to do a follow up review, once every 6 months. I contacted TradingClan and they have completely ignored me, as well as a few others requesting updated information and they have also ignored them. Red flag. Have gotten a few random emails that a live person is no longer moderating the room. Another red flag. A ton of traffic comes through my site, and I dont want to send them any customers if they cannot provide me with proof of performance, ie account statements.
Regarding Superman Trades…I removed his review for only a few days then put it back up. I contacted Paul Scolardi and I am writing a mega review on this guy. Account statements, the addressing of various issues, the whole enchilada. It will be a fun read. But this one wont be for another week or two weeks. Everyone is going to be really surprised.
I would like to know which live chat room would toy recommend? I have used warrior trading, which has lead me to consistently break even. I was going to try kavan klien, but after reading your review I will pass. Please let me know which live chat is best in your opinion?
Hello Emmett. I thought I saw a few reviews about a trader named Superman and another was the trading clan. I can’t seem to find them. Do you delete those that have proven to be OK in the trading rooms. Thanks for your time and talents. It makes for great reading.
Hello Emmett. I really enjoy your reporting on these people who try to screw the inexperienced want to be traders. This guy that runs the Emini trading room seems a little arrogant and boastful. Have you done a report on him before and if not would you take a look at his trading method. Thanks for your fun reviews especially the one about Jason Love, hahaha, very descriptive and “Funny”
First I wanted to say thanks for all your hard work in developing this website. What a refreshment to have someone actually doing complete, honest reviews. I was wondering if you have reviewed Mark Sach’s website rightlinetrading. On google, it looked like his site was referenced, but I could not find it on this website.
I tried the Tradeshark room a while ago and that was a really bad experience. He only tried to sell you his products and it is impossible to follow his trades. If you ask him anything about what he do he say that you need to buy his E-books. (several) If you cant duplicate a trade he did then it is because I am stupid or havent read his book. Very unpleasant experience. Save your money.
Another one you should stay away from and not listened to is Dean Handley. The reviews he does is BS. He only do the reviews to be able to promote hos own stuff.
I have full thirty days of trader shark recordings that we have not yet found the time to review. These reviews take a lot of time to complete because of the sheer amount of video and hand recording of trades that need to be inputted onto a spreadsheet.
Dean Handley…I think what he is attempting to do is admirable, but the truth is that he is just a simple older gentleman that is retired and works by himself at home. Anyone that believes that he actually took the time to review 787 trading rooms and hundreds of thousands of actual trades needs to get their head examined.
Dean Handley is just another vendor selling a trading room. Nothing more and nothing less. However, I do not want to pick a fight with Dean. Rather, I would like to focus on what I can prove through video and research. Dean prefers to rely upon the implied credibility of his various titles “MBA, JD, etc”.
Tradershark.com Review:
Zero transparency. No trading DOM or chart trader on screen. Entries are ambiguous and vague, and only acknowledged when trade has already moved into positive territory. Performance results are nonsense and not verifiable.
I will begin recording Futures Trading Coach on Monday morning. Best I can do is get next weeks recording done and on Friday the 6th of January, give you a five day quick review, but in reality it takes about 21 days to get a really legitimate review.
I agree. Would really appreciate a review of MOJO trading. Guy scored big last week by picking SUNE. He’s very big on promoting how open he is about showing his trades and his trading account live as the trades are done. He’s is a bit of a character and an annoying egomaniac but he does seem to be gettng results. He just started a MOJO Hedge fund too so the results from his trading are verifiable by that.
Ugg. Actually, spoke to Scott and his partner once. I got two days of account statements. And they were positive. Some of these reviews are not always black and white. Hopefully, I get more feedback from the trading community. And I can convince The Oil Money to use The Robot. Wait and see for sure.
Scott is all promoter. Sort of a lovable rogue. He leans heavily on his partner for actual trading.
btw , are you still in Valdemar Kongzana’s room Saten? any thoughts on tradingschools review of kongzana? a slick sleight of hand showing ninja sim profits where his supposed semi-auto strategy was making 3 to 10k a day. never fully explained how it was done.
dtchurn, what is the deal with that room you highlighted? I went to the site and listened to the room logs. It seems to me they are a live call trading room, but they state in the beginning that it is for educational purposes only. They did call out live trades, but I did not sit through all of their sessions. I am just curious why you mentioned that room. I believe they are selling their software. It likes various tick charts with a repackaged macd histogram and stochastics. My first experience into futures was with software similar to this. I don’t know the accuracy of the software from that sight.
I do know what it is like to buy software with repackaged arcane indicators. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I lost money right away and subsequently stopped using crazy software programs. I went from discretionary to automated signals a couple of times, but as we mentioned before it is very hard to write down exact rules to follow and be profitable all the time. A trader must be consistently in sync with the ebbs and slows of the daily market. As a result a set of rules on software could chop you up or keep you out of the market all together. I believe
traders like Kevin Davey are consistently adjusting strategies as they feel conditions change. That would be a good question for him if we get a chance. Anyway I digress, just curious to your mention.
You said, “As a result a set of rules on software could chop you up or keep you out of the market all together.”
What about software that adjusts targets based on price movement statistics? I know one trader who has written something like that. It looked interesting, and I might just be tempted to try it out. I am not sure if he provides any trials.
That would be interesting to see in action because targets should consistently be modified in correlation to volatility. I assume that trader came up with stats that he could use to improve the accuracy of his targets being hit which improves his efficiency. It would help to know what type of price movement data he uses.
Hi Emmett
Could you please do a review on
Open Trader
He uses a very trusting method and broker statements, however a friend of mine sent me details to show his lines are just that, nothing special but he charges over 7,500.00 but will first offer you a $50.00 per month service
His levels are random lines that could, may be hit it but then it Should have been taken as a aggressive buy or sell.
A review will save some hard earned money for people. May be is a real deal but haven’t got enough details to even test the levels.
Hey Emmett. Have a look at Forex analytix if you haven’t already, Run by Blake morrow. Very experienced in the industry with some other good analysts on their. This is not an official trade call room but more of analysts views. The host Dale does not trade. he calls out levels and only talks about the ones that go his way, never talks about the shit ones, which most are. he talks absolute bollocks and blows smoke up everyone arse. Blake has a big ego but likes to portray the humble guy, he is always in the trades that are already up 100’s of pips and likes to let everyone know very often. The trades he talks about that are around the entry level usually lose and you don’t hear no more about it, Like the other guys on there, loads of talk about the good trades and barely none about the bad, that’s the thing what pisses me off. He is always going on about his hedge fund buddy’s that trade billions and how he advises them on the currency trades. They don’t charge the $1000’s that trade rooms do but if you add up all the members subscription fees it must work out to a few quid. its all very clever, watch their videos for a few weeks and you will get on it.
One more thing to add. we all know analysing charts can be learnt by anyone with some good time spent learning, its the trading consistent that is the very , very difficult part. too many opinions can obscure someone from there own views. always best to keep it simple.
Veritasfuturestrading.com is Bob Amico…Global trade room…Tradingfuturesin action. Same stuff a new and improved name.
Another trader sent me this link. I do not know if it is a new room or what, but those familiar with the mortgage fraud one will get a kick. He forgot to mention how he drops a losing trade now and then from his track record.
I thought I would make a unique post Today. Sadly there is no way to start new threads at this blog so I am posting here. I read post by folks asking where can I get stock trading ideas and so forth. So I thought I would throw something out there. Full Disclaimer, this site might be completely crocked so use at your own risk. And no I have no relationship to the site what so ever. Maybe others will know about it and can say if it is crooked or not.
First, how did I even find out about this site. Well I read a lot of financial bloggers. And one I read was rated on this site and this site was mentioned in Barrons, not that makes it legit. One thing in its favor is it is not showing investors claiming to be making the fantasy returns the Day TR claim. In fact the one person I follow has around a 25% return and he is one of the best out of thousands and golly gee he actually has loses.
This site is suppose to use natural-language-processing algorithms to discover prevailing sentiment on 3,500 stocks and 28,000 funds among corporate insiders, Wall Street analysts, financial bloggers, and leading hedge-fund managers. And ranks their performance.
Anyway the site is tipranks.com. Again this is in no way an endorsement. I can see the hate post now that I am somehow endorsing this site. It may or may not have any value to you what so ever. Use at your own risk!!!!!!!!!! I will tell you how I use it. I will look at some of the investors that think the way I do and look at some of their picks and then do my own analysis to make a decision to buy or not. BTW I also do the same thing by looking at the top hedge funds picks.
This makes me think maybe there should be a thread called resources. The problem will be not allowing all the shills to post links to TRs.
Anyway I am as curious about this site as the next person, so if you know anything about it or have an opinion let me know. I know there are also other sites like this also, where you can enter a stock symbol and read reviews by different stock pickers and so forth.
Just a different kind of post as food for thought.
Nice job on creating a positive post without nonsense or fluff. In the end, everyone is looking to improve their financial situation and everyone must figure out what their style might be.
Emmett, possibly could you create a page where individuals post an idea or process they may find helpful. It could be anything from a value added website or an observation one made in the market recently. Now that we know that trading rooms are mostly scams, traders and investors can start trying to think for themselves.
Wow, I knew this would happen eventually. The great Rob – shilling a site without any proof to back up his claims. Paid or not, it is shilling. Stating performance numbers without proof is what you preach all over this site, but somehow you do not have to provide proof? You disgust me and what little credibility you have is now shot. You are just like any vendor or any shill who touts performance with no proof.
Shilling for zero dollars. This is not a TR selling anyone anything. I have seen post here asking for places to look for ideas and seen Stray Dog and others mention places like check out baby pips. Was that shilling. Where is the proof Baby Pips made anyone money?
Let me be clear, IN NO WAY SPEND ANY MONEY ON THIS SITE!!!! In fact as far as I aware it is free.
As Emmett brought up I thought the Natural-Language-Processing was interesting, maybe because Watson was the story on 60 minutes this weekend.
But my focus was not for you to pay one of those advisers. In fact I am not sure most are even selling anything. Again I use this site the same way I look at top hedge funds picks to get ideas. Is saying to look at top hedge funds picks shilling? Maybe so.
To me shilling is normally TR operator or his family using alias to promote their TR. Where they post how they are making insane profits to sucker you into a month churn.
I find site like this that are trying to use AI interesting, but in no way am I saying give them money. I think there are other similar AI sites that do charge money.
But who knows maybe this is the gateway drug that leads to my deeper shill post. Only time will tell.
Hey, I love shills. Anyone can shill on TradingSchools.Org anytime.
But darn it, if you shill, then expect a review!
Rob B is not a shill. He is simply talking about something he likes.
Are you too blind to even see the hypocrisy in your post? You bully everyone on this site with your “show proof, or it is not true” ranting. Yet, you just did the same thing – you recommended a site, mentioned a friend’s performance numbers, and SHOWED ZERO PROOF.
You should be ashamed to be such a hypocrite. Be a man, and at least hold yourself to the same standards you bully and demand of others.
You are insane. I think you have been talking to Pete to much. Friend? What friend? Where is this mysterious friend you are talking about. I mentioned I a financial blogger is rated on that site. Never mentioned a name. Tell me which blogger was I referring to.
You have seriously lost it, if now mentioning a free site is shilling. Gee no site can ever be mentioned. I wonder if I went through all your post is you ever mentioned a site of any kind what so ever.
Do you even understand the concept of shilling?
Lets look at your comments:
1) you recommended a site – I would be hard pressed to call it recommend. It is a free site no charge to anyone showing how they are use natural language processing. BTW it came from Barrons, so I am in the same shill camp as them. Gee if I mentioned a site about mars would that be shilling also.
2) mentioned a friend’s performance numbers – what fin friend? I have no friend over there. I just mentioned one of the blogger I read is rated by them, because he does a blog and that site picks up all the bloggers not just him. And I never said who he was or recommended him.
3) SHOWED ZERO PROOF – Proof of what. No one is selling anything that I am aware of and I surely not telling anyone to buy anything. My only claim is Barron’s had an article that this site is using Natural Language Processing to search the web for financial bloggers and so forth. In fact I even said this whole site might be crooked. WTF do you expect me to show proof of? There is nothing here to prove.
If I said I use follow and recommend financial blogger Mr X and his returns are real, then you might have a case.
Seriously you comments are as insane as Petes’
lol, dr.chump would know about being blind , being stuck in the cave as gollum-Pete. You were only invented to confuse readers with my id and that was only a few reviews back after the fiasco with pagetrader and where Pete said he would never come back. Then he started using alter names such as toto, DrChurnNO, and now DrChump. Actually toto was there back then too pathetically used to support his inane posts when no one realized it at first. Pathetic with no history except a few reviews of being a troll thinking this is going to tear down his credibility when you yourself have none and don’t stand for anything except trolling when the “Pete” id isn’t used. I and many owe RobB respect as the main anti-shill deputy. RobB has also helped the bystanders who post. What have you done, nothing except mimic my id and try to trash RobB’s years of contributions in one inane whining rant. That you try to shame me for doing so reeks of Pete’s disease who has long since dropped all his trading review principles and will say anything even on the side of the shams to troll and to sustain his zombified meaningless drivel existence as drchump because his vacant mentality lacks any originality so rips of “dtchurn”.So who else is going to claim RobB is a hypocrite. The scammers don’t bother unless it’s their own review. They will backstab anyone, ever other shams to get their monthly churn, unless they have a shady affliated or vig deal. No one, because I bet you are Pete the resident fool of tradingschools. Go ahead bring out dtchumpno, james II. Everyone is on to it by now.
Oh geez, “dtchum”, or rather Pete. RobB is just pointing out a free tool on the web. Really not unlike going to marketwatch.com’s front page for general market news, the old briefing.com for “preannoucnment” quarterly reports or listening to talking heads on bloomberg or cnbc. RobB has contributed so much to the cleansing of shill attempts to muddy the commentary over the years, his credibility is a monument to the mission of tradingschools. He’s just sharing a trading idea and news of advances in some AI related tech to better process statistical analysis.
Boy, churn you are so far up R’s a** you can’t even see straight. If ANYONE else commented here that “hey here is this site xxxxxx.com, some guy I follow is up 25% using it” you, R, dog, cyn and every other self annointed deputy would be all over the poster, calling him all sorts of names, demanding he “show proof.”
But somehow R does it, and it is OK? Y’all have some screws loose if you think this double standard is copacetic.
By the way, you know for a fact I am not Pete, so drop the charade.
You have to be Pete. There is no way 2 people on this planet could be this stupid. I gave no name. There is no one I am telling anyone to follow.
But here is where I will give you something. I could have been clearer. The site does list their calculated returns. I have no idea if those returns are correct nor do I advice anyone else to believe them. The point I was trying to make which you clearly completely missed and maybe I did a bad job at making it was out of the 1000s of blogger and advisers and everything else this site tracks the returns are nothing like the fantasy returns the Day TR promise. The point was to illustrate how ridiculous the returns the Day TR promise are, not to make some statement that this sites return values are accurate at all.
Look trying to have an intelligent argument with you is like trying to talk to the insane. There is something mentally wrong with you. Get Help!! Literally as I have stated before I can have a more intelligent conversation with my cat.
funny, anyone can see you’re the one stuck up the shillers behinds, dr. chump. As Pete you ran out credibility a long time ago, so to continue to troll on the side of the shams and shills as you pathetically attempt to discredit RoB’s years of anti-shill contribution to in one idiotic post with Pete’s warped diseased nothink.
Complete bullshite drchud. A month ago, some shill poster mentioned a trading room site and claimed the guy was making winners. He said it didn’t cost anything. It was not as it incurred $150/ monthly churn fee to be on the trade alerts. I did not call the guy a shill until I looked at the site and found the monthly churn reqiured for any services. Now looking at tipranks.com; you can enter any stocks and it will give you a report on your list/portfolio of stocks that you entered completely free. There is no requiremnt for personal inforamtion or email. Everything can be opted out for the free information processing tool.
How is that different from entering a stock in a text bar on yahoo finance and getting info for free? It’s not. RobB you were right. This guy is insane, probably Pete and just looking to tear you down for nothing.
Then some fool will say but , but it has a “premium” analaysis. So what, all these free tools DO. Similarweb.com, archive.org, they all have “premium” optional features to sign up on a paid newsletter or subscription service or an email entry so some telemarketer can call you later for a sham faux-free vacation prize gig or to join shamrock Levin. It is nothing new on the web of site that have a free info analysis text entry too. This is totally different than directing one to a site under false pretenses and saying it costs nothing to look at, then you see it requires a churn fee to get any education or room access. You can even browse in private mode in your browser and tipranks wills till give you the tool info. complete hogwosh inane analogy to real shilling, forget this nonsense.
I am a BIG TIME believer in this stuff. Natural-Language-Processing, coupled with Artificial Intelligence is going to be HUGE. I remember last year, a guy selling an AI platform was nearly 100% positive that Trump would win. I thought to myself–this guy is crazy. How could an AI bot beat the pollsters? It turns out that what people say in private, and on social media, is quite different when asked by a pollster. Amazing technology.
There a few trading products out there, am currently reviewing one now. Looks promising. But the problem is that performance can only be tracked in real time, no backtesting. The BOT measures sentiment and makes short-term, intraday predictions. Of which I am following.
These guys on the front line of this technology have no interest in trading. They just like to solve problems. This is a fascinating and wide-open space. Sure, there are going to be hucksters galore. But this always happens with all emerging technologies.
They say AI has advanced more in the last 5 years than all the previous years combined. On 60 Minutes they are now using Watson to develop cancer treatments for individual. It is still a long way from real intelligence. But not only did Watson have the same recommendation as the doctor, but in 30% it had new recommendation that the doctors did not even know about. And it does this because it can read all the literature produced on the subject every day.
I’d hate to enter politics discussion. But in my opinion, I felt the majority of the polls were fudged. There was just too much bias in the compromised media which own many of the polls for the witch and her quidproquo “f0undation”. Everytime Trump made headway, the witch made back her lead “within” the “margin of error”. It looked too unnatural how that happened over and over again. Ironically the polls kept promoting Trump during the early primaries for the entertainment, then when Trump was gaining it was like oh shite, they started fudging it making Trump always look even or behind. The polls never looked that bad or untrustworthy of any election I’d ever seen imo. Anyway, peace on that. As for AI, I don’t quite think AI will ever reach the true human self-determined thinking and ingenuity but I’d agree the algorithms are getting better at outpacing and automating simple human decision making and improving statistical analysis. Interesting to hear about Watson. Similar to decision tree of a car repair process or other branching decision making processes it sounds like.
Yeah, I hate to talk politics as well. The truth is that I am all over the board. For awhile I was rabid Trump fan. Then I switched to Bernie. Then I thought about Garry Johnson. Waffled on Hillary. Finally, I settled with the Rent Is Too Damn High Party.
I love the rent is too high guy. Of course I am a landlord and disagree with his premises. As a Libertarian I have to back Garry. But if you love Bernie you can go to Venezuela and wait in line for a loaf of bread and experience Socialism first hand. Socialism always sounds good until it is implemented. When you steal from the hard working to give to deadbeats, you end up with a nation of deadbeats, after all the hard workers are not stupid. I will sit around all day for my cushy Govt check to come also.
Every time they implement socialism it fails yet people go back to again and again thinking this time it will work. Even the Pilgrims tried it. At first they tried community land. Everyone would farm together and everyone would share equally. Sounds so good and they almost all starved. What happened is no one worked as they did not earn per their work. And then they pulled the crops early before they weer ready to take them before someone else got them. You know what saved them; Capitalism. They gave people individual land that belonged to them and they could thrive off the fruits of their labor. They kept their own food production and could barter the extra they grew. And wam bam food was plentiful. Sometimes I think people do not even understand what Capitalism is. Part of that is due to crony capitalism which is the worst of the worst.
That is a really good read.
Capitalism just works. But it requires work.
Observing that a problem exists, and then attempt to fix it. Monetize the process. This is one of the reasons why I created this blog, the regulators were doing a terrible job policing the trading educational industry.
I am going to expand on my last post and Challenge Emmett and show him how he can actually make money with this blog. I have already told him to write a book exposing this whole con artist Day Trading industry, but here is how to add fuel to that book.
Emmett, I believe you started this blog truly thinking there were some honest folks out there in this industry (I am talking day trading industry where they teach you to take several trades a day), but I know by now you must realize this industry is one big con game. So stop taking the VIG from some scammer who can show they took 1 profitable live trade in their lifetime. Instead put out a challenge that you will then talk about in your book and on all your book tour interviews. I got this challenge from an article I read a long time ago about a magicians who offered a similar challenge with a $10K (I do not remember the exact amount) reward to anyone that could truly proof they had telekinesis. He stated they were all scammers with most using amazing breath control to move objects. But now for your challenge I will start with some simple ideas to get it started and you can improve and expand on. Heck put up a thread where folks can freely comment and give ideas for the challenge:
$10,000 Reward to anyone that can proof they can Day Trade profitable with a live account over a 1 year time frame.
1) Have a small fee to enter the completion so that person can be tracked. Why the small fee. Because if you actually had enough folks enter the completion, by pure Gaussian Distribution of White Noise someone could luck out and win. But with 99.999% losing it would more than pay the reward, so it will not cost Emmett a dime.
2) They must keep a running record of their trades during the competition and show them publically. I like this as you will see 1 person after another drop out as they blow their account. It should be hilarious.
3) Must be trading a live account.
4) Must be trading more than the reward amount. In other worlds you cannot open a bunch of small accounts and 99% lose money and then show the 1 that made money.
5) Must be day trading – Must make at least 4 trades a day on average. Some days might be less some might be more
6) You can in no way be running a stock twits or a TR where you are posting trades after you already are in the trade in other words doing pump and dump to artificially create winning trades for yourself while your subscribers all lose money.
7) Must be able to open your brokerage account live and show all the trades taken and the P/L of those trades.
Man I am steaming angry!! If Mike M thought I was harsh before just wait.
Just when I think this site might be making a difference, a fellow trader sends me the following ad. It appears Mortgage Fraud Bob’s TR is booming (thanks to Lying Dean Handley) looking to hire folks to spread his promotional BS throughout the web. Back in the days I took the GTR trials and then when this con artist started his own room I tried his trials and once again all I saw was a sham show. And now he is showing a false track record. Seriously Emmett how in the world can the regulators not go after this con artist. If they can not close this TR down who is clearly showing a false track record then they should just go home. And to make me even sicker this con man writes about the other TRs being scammers and how he is on your side and the real deal. Give me a F’in Break! Lets look at con artist sneaky wording:
“True expertise with all trades shown in real time”
First I would say his only expertise was in mortgage fraud, but moving on you notice he did not say Live Trading with a real brokerage account shown in real time. That is because he is sim trading not live trading. And even using his lenient sim generator and showing no commission this loser could not trade profitable, so what does this con artist do, he just leaves a loser off his track record now and then. This was talked about and shown in the GTR thread.
I have been to GTR and this con man’s room and the whole thing is smoke and mirrors and misdirection. This guy could not trade profitable if his life dependent on it.
If I had time to deal with all the fake documents I would get, I would offer a challenge. Anyone that can show REAL proof they trades this TR nonsense live and was profitable over a reasonable period of time wins a $1000 reward. I have no doubt my money would be safe.
Now I expect the shills to come forth and say how this room has turned them from a pauper to a millionaire, but I can pull out my crystal ball and see none will show a lick of proof of that claim.
Seriously Emmett how about making a phone call!!!!! I will even give you the words:
“Hey Bob, it’s your buddy Emmett, how is it going? I see your room is doing great now and your are showing the amazing results your suckers, I mean customers are getting. Man I want to write up a great review. Just one minor technicality: Can you just show me that brokerage statement showing me you actually made those trades. I hate to bother you with such a minor detail, but it obviously should not be a problem for such an amazing trader like yourself.”
Good heads up RobB. It is indeed sickening that mortgage fraud-Bob Amico has managed with his cohort Sandy to cultivate another sham room where they paid the vig to fibbing Handley to be a grand rushmore of fraud teton. Remember how he tried to do a token show of their ninja dom and all his bs nonsense in the old GTR comments. Dr. Nadina and all the others duped of thousands for gtr’s worthless room and traducation still have not found justice concerning Amico and all the damage they did doing their sham room for Simonsezjousef. Now like Mark Sachs, they are fibbing the record again neglecting to show losers and doing their limit simdogbucks entry sleight of hand on their ‘live’-colored ninja screen. They cannot just seem to give up their income stream of monthly churning of dupes. The only way they’ll ever be stopped is federal lockup away from their simshow computers for good.
Words can not show the disdain I have for these pond scum. A couple of days back I also started to feel the anger elevate when Warrior Trading was brought up, but everyone said the regulators don’t care about day traders. There is always a level of greed involved, but we have read too many stories where someone without a financial background tried to improve their family’s financial situation, only to lose their life savings. That should fuel the regulators on a daily basis. I believe that this online trading fraud, using educators, trading rooms whatever the con’s tool is at that time will be the number one pitfall facing retail investors if the regulators don’t make sweeping changes. They are too focused on registered reps following the fiduciary responsibility of their clients. When in fact those reps are already monitored by their firm’s compliance as well as how many regulatory bodies. The real carnage is being done in the wild west of investing on the internet via Stocktwits, trading rooms and trading educators. The cons will continue until some hard time is dished out. Why would a criminal risk his life in violent ventures when the internet is ripe with prey and the penalties are only a slap on the wrist.
Mike M, I’m glad to hear you’ve now completely realized the extent of this wild west snakeoily retail trading “products” farce. Indeed we were all willing to believe as practically all the media info on the web about these trading rooms and “educational” sites are all shilled. Per RobB’s post on Amico and GTR, I’d highly recommend for an entertaining and actually interesting read, the commentary on the original GTR review. The updated review also has a few commentary but nothing beats the caper of the first GTR review where Amico blunderingly tried to undermine the review thinking tradingschools could be shilled and subverted like all the other compromised trading “review” sites and blogs. RobB was at his best then as always, as well as other fine commentators of the truth of these frauds. And some of the best replies were by Dr. Nadina herself a former client of GTR and jousef where she countered Amico’s bogus shilling and excuses for his moderating of the gtr room along with his cohort Sandy. Nadina among others were unfortunately swindled out of a few thousands for GTR’s worthless “lifetime” or whatever combo “training” “package”. And it turned out during the commentary that Amico tried to give a token show of trading the dom. He was also “fired” or had quit GTR probably because he got tired of shilling for Simonsez Jousef or got tired of doing under sewerpipes in the basement videos to diss the tradingschools review and Emmett. It was a hilarious video where Amico was wearing this red baseball cap in the shadowy basement and gesticulating in a show mock rage. Jousef took down the yt video so it’s long gone unless someone has a copy. Then Amico kept saying he was starting a new site and room with Sandy and kept claiming they were doing using the dom. Not suprisingly everytime I tried to visit the site it was always down at the time. No doubt, they tried to claim they were showing the dom at the time when nobody could see their room so it would seem they could just say they had shown their room having a dom when no could see it. I recall weeks later, the site actually finally showed up but there was nothing there to access. Now it looks like the usual sham site was the cftc 4.41 disclaimer and the paypal links slapped on the “subscribe” pages. And the usual positive slope curve for the past 6 months or year. Now here’s the kicker of all these sham rooms that show these profit graphs. For one, they often show this “dip” in the first few weeks or months to look “realistic” like Choi’s Certus silly site logo. Then amazingly it takes off at roughly double the slope of profit gain to the amazing dream results often doubling, tripling the account by the end of the “year”. So the glaring con is, how come the profit graph is always the last 6 months or year? Why isn’t it a steady graph without the starting “dips” out of many years. Because it’s all a sham. These scum have never, or stopped trading live , probably losing, ever since they could maintain procuring a monthly churn revenue stream of dupes. A successful dream trader with a multi-year profit curve of a big account would never teach because they don’t need to “teach”(con) for a revenue stream. And it’s unheard of a educational sham vendor “quitting” because his “live” account got too big so now he can afford to trade for himself without running a monthly churning shamshow site. It just makes common sense, yet the shilled efforts have subverted the general aspiring retail trading consciousness always leaving room for a little hope that one of these shams are “for year” when none of them ever actually are as many veteran readers of tradingschools come to realize all their nagging suspicions about these scammers are all true about them being frauds and con artists. Amico and his cohost has always done a shamshow, previously on GTR until just about over a year ago, and they couldn’t show a profit curve for the past years of trading live for themselves on their new site because they have long stopped trading live or have never traded since they have been simshow trading room hosts. And the same goes in general for every other con retail site and room out there.
I didn’t know retail was 99.99 percent fraudulent until I started reading this blog and the posts. It has been over a year and as you stated I am convinced it is all smoke and mirrors. No one is going to teach a group of inexperienced individuals an edge for a fee because they want to give back as they say. Moreover, so many times an edge is repeatable, but never repeatable to exactly the same way each market day or week. A new trader is looking for that set of rules to follow to the detail which, IMO sets them up for failure because success is in the nuance. These set ups that they teach are suppose to repeat day in and day out which just isn’t true. Anyway, dtchurn I use to hold out hope which one was able to read through my posts, but now I enjoy when Rob B. loses it. To Emmett, Rob B, and dtchurn keep it up. I’m sure there are trading room’s that cringe every time they read a post. Too bad it is not enough.
LOL. Emmitt I am sorry I don’t recall the bad joke.
I made $178 today.
Great! More BS claims by Fact Free Paul. Once it would be nice to call out one of these scammer and be wrong, but everyone of them turns out to be a mental case.
But I am sure someone will think you are doing a Good Job. LOL!
Alright, James! Keep up the good work. I am rooting for you! I want you to succeed. Throw up a one-page website, build a track record, and get a great review.
I am always looking for great stories, and interesting people to write about.
thx Emmett. respect here.
i’m short ES here. FWIW
Talk about new meaning to a snow ball’s chance in hell. How much you want to bet on that nut every showing a live trading track record??
you bitches are going down,
its that simpl
This is what happens when you legalize drugs.
i never said it was easy
James II, if you are not just trolling us then I’m sure you can understand why people are calling you out on your claims. No one can say for sure if they will make money in a particular day provided that you are going in flat and will take a position once the market opens. Think about it, even if you are 80 percent accurate which is a mythical number then in no way possible could you know if profitability is in the forecast.
This blog’s purpose is to find reputable trading rooms and trading educators which has turned into a formidable task to say the least. Any claims you make associated with trading rooms will be highly scrutinized. That’s the audience you are up against. When this blog has proven 99 percent of claims to be fraudulent then you will also be met with extreme skepticism.
i just took an ES short
WTF is wrong with you. What happened to:
“Rob, I’m not going to start slinging trades calls all over the internet, ….. I was mad why i threw that out. Pointless, and why I won’t do it.”
And now you post meaningless BS calls. Really you shorted with no details so no matter what the market does you can call your trade a winner. This is complete nonsense. And people think I am too harsh. You cannot be harsh enough on a fool like this.
Go get help. YOU NEED IT!!!!!!!
In fact it is so obvious at this point you have serious mental issues with your nonsense post, I will try not to even respond to your silly post unless it is just too over the top or personal mentions me. Someone else can deal with your insanity. Maybe I will just replay, “Another BS post brought to you by James”.
I’m a trader, if thats wrong then so be it
i love it
What wrong is your constant lies and BS posting. You plan to post here every time you now make a fantasy trade after you stated you would not.
You really thinking posting, “i just took an ES short” means anything. Gee I am wasting my time as there is clearly somethng seriously wrong with you.
I seriously doubt you have ever taken a live trade.
ended the day up almost 500, is that a joke i guess so i’ll take it
No I would call it BS promotional nonsense ahead of a website. Unbelievable came here talking about starting a website and now this crap. Let me take a crack.
Darn tootin I made $2500 Today scalping the heck out of CL. Golly Be. Like Real, $2500 in the first hour of trading. My word is my corn feed mouth truth. Proof is for suckers.
And bless the lord I am going to allow the first 100 folks to sign up for my $299/ month room. Ya’ll come now! You will have more fun than a tornado in mobile home park.
James you have shown your self to be a complete POS. Go to stocktwits to post your nonsense. Maybe you read the top of this thread as, “James BS Fake Trading Profits Calls to sucker in the suckers”
Sorry Mike M. Do you think this is too harsh!!!! I am still offering that side bet.
I’m not posting “ahead of a website”, i doubt i’ll ever do it.
I created 500 bucks out of nothing but candles, not 2500 (i wish) i’m proud of that.
As you should be. I am proud of you James! Dont worry about Rob. He barks at me too.
“I am proud of you James! ”
Really is your goal to become the new StockTwits were con artist post their nonsense trades and then links to their TRs. If so prepare for thousand of trade posted to this site. Of course from a business prospectus it probably makes good economical sense.
A picture is worth a 1000 words that convey my response.
And I’m proud of you too Rob, for only losing $1000 today. Lol!
Yes, I pull out my crystal ball and see I will lose $1000 on James Guaranteed $500 ES trades today.
I think Emmett is just having fun with the trollish tone. I would hope the ts comments won’t be devolved into shams shilling out daily simbucked trade results and calls. The poor bigcat looks like throwing out the kool-aid shamswill.
$500 out of nothing. I will agree with that part. You also posted the following:
“I apologize for my initial post, just wanted an opinion on the possiblity legit room. I’ll likely never do it and just keep trading my own acct.
My last post here, but I’ll keep reading.”
So you lied about that being your last post and now just posting fictitious trade call results. Maybe you can make some youtube videos of you opening your account each day and showing those amazing results and post that link here. So far anything related regarding you and actual proof has mysteriously disappeared into the wind.
Tough crowd.
I’ll post 3 ES trades here tomorrow that will make me 500 before noon, thats better any Utube!
Post those 3 trades with entries, stop loss and profit target prior to them being taken so we see the time and can then see exactly what they did. In fact include an ES chart right before the trade with time stamps which will match to the post time shown here. Otherwise the post would be completely meaningless.
Day Trading one of the few corrupt industries were demanding folks show proof of their claims is considered a tough crowd.
BTW the youtube videos was too show proof of your claims.
But being you started as James and then replied to your own post as James, but yet claimed to be another James and the posted as James II and then again as JamesII (no space) and talked about opening a trading room, yes call me skeptical.
Rob, I’m not going to do it. (I could but I’m not). You got me a little annoyed thats when I spouted off about demonstrating here with 3 trades. I don’t want to trash Emmetts sight with superfluous BS.
All a good trader needs is PRICE MOVEMENT. Up, down sideways doesn’t matter when on right side.
BTW, I switched up to James II because I didn’t realize Emmett already had a “James” here.
Peace Out.
“Rob, I’m not going to do it. (I could but I’m not). ”
WOW, what a shocker!! I am so disappointed.
Here is the facts, we were not going to stand by and have you post a bunch of fake hindsight called trades and the 2nd anyone called you out and demand you post them ahead of time with proof, you disappear.
If you were legit you would have step up to the challenge and I would think be excited to prove you are real deal.
So I guess you will have to go somewhere else to promote you up and coming TR that will never show any proof of anything.
You are nothing but another BS scammer and I doubt you could trade your way out of a paper bag. I dare you to prove me wrong.
And no I am not proud of you!
Rob, I’m not going to start slinging trades calls all over the internet, every trade has a context if someone were to lose $ I’d feel bad about that. Besides, you guys agree that takes months of trades to show a statistical result. I was mad why i threw that out. Pointless, and why I won’t do it.
I doubt I’ll ever do a room but came here asking because you guys know a lot about it. How it shouldn’t be done.
“Pointless, and why I won’t do it.”
Well we do agree on that. I have no idea what your real intentions are, but I know we have had plenty of scammer come here and this entire industry is nothing but scammers.
You came here talking about opening a TR and then talked about posting trades, yet never answer any hard questions or were your willing to show any proof of your claims. That speaks volumes to me.
Maybe you think you can day trade ES profitably. Who know. Believe and doing it is not the same and unless you show some actual proof it is just for Entertainment purposes only. If that is your goal go to stocktwits and post your trades and links to your future TR.
But if you are serious, then first you need to show some proof of your claims. You can start by showing Emmett your live brokerage statements showing you have been scalping the ES profitable for months. If you cannot do that or address that then your claims of successfully daytrading are meaningless!!!!! And if you do not get that then I can not help you, maybe someone else can.
But based on your past posts where you just ignore any demand to any show proof of your claims, I don’t need a crystal ball to predict the future.
But I cannot help but wonder is there anyone dumb enough to take your word and pay you $299 for that TR. Sadly probably so.
You claim 20% yearly I assume on huge coin?
where your proof????
“I’ll post 3 ES trades here tomorrow that will make me 500 before noon,”. Very newbish wannabe scam vendor statement. Most seasoned shamsters usually say they already made x $ thousands “recently”, or “last month”. But here, it’s unbelievable prognosticating the future like a palm reader. Or , with that level of confidence of trading, you would be trading at a hedge fund for millionaires already. I was fooled initially, but now I wonder if James = James II = Pete all along. Only he would come up with trollish bs from a hole in the cave about “starting daytrading” on thinkorswim years ago when TOS was mainly for the monthly commission churn of “monthly income” “trading spreads for a living” in an attempt to undermine other posters out of the usual deranged forum b__ks diseased spite.
Indeed, James II knows by noon tomorrow he will make $500 in ES no matter what. The market can be up, down or sideways, but no matter what he is guarantying $500 in profits from trading ES. He would be the most sought after trader ever.
These leads me to one of 2 conclusion, his posts are some kind or sarcasm and a complete joke or he is seriously mentally disturbed.
Maybe someone else can explain which of the 2 it is.
I said all that because I thought Emmett was mad at me and I was being censored …so I was just going to bow out.
Turned out my posts weren’t being censored just under moderation i guess.
I doubt i’ll post much more …Emmett should i get out of line please let me know.
One must be prepared to back up any and all claims of profitability. Rob B, not too harsh, exactly what I would expect from the loyal readers of this site. I am thoroughly entertained, but I stand by my statement that your diligence must be commended. I don’t know where you can get the energy to volley with the TR operators or whatever we are calling them now. Honestly, I enjoy these posts and look forward to them every single day, but I think we have to be careful if someone may just be trolling.
Mike, I wish I could argue with some rational person like you instead. But yes indeed even I will stop replying when it get too ridiculous like with Pete. After the latest nonsense post from James I am about at that point. No one can be that mentally ill to post his nonsense unless it is on purpose just to piss me off.
So I must breath-in and say ummmmmm and let it go.
i’m up 300 today, one contract 3 trades just saying
Alright! Great job James.
OK, this is a joke. Very Funny. No one could be stupid enough to post this complete nonsense dribble here. Very Funny.
I hope this is not another Alex and what was it called gravity something TR nonsense.
Rob B, always love your replies.
I am so sorry I even brought this up here.
Emmett, I like your site and have been lurking here for awhile.
I apologize for my initial post, just wanted an opinion on the possiblity legit room. I’ll likely never do it and just keep trading my own acct.
My last post here, but I’ll keep reading.
If you are legit, then you certainly realize most TR are nothing but a scam and be willing to show you are legit as I have outlined. But instead you seem to be saying you are going to tuck your tail between your legs and run. Hmm, does not sound legit to me. Stand up to the challenge. Open that TR up with a 1 month free trial and let us all see just how legit you are. Now someone legit should not have any issue with that. Should they?
I just find it funny the second I started to state you need to show real live brokerage statements instead of standing up and saying, “Damn straight I will be showing them” you disappear into the wood work. Give me a break James, JamesII, James II (with a space) .
IMO, doesn’t take a month of trades to tell a legit trader, about 5 trading days would do it assuming enough trades.
I know I won’t do it, but if I did no month free, or even a week but get your money back if you are not profitable after a month, or for whatever reason. no questions asked. there won’t be too many redeemers, imo, but could be wrong.
IMO you cannot even begin to tell if a trader is truly consistently profitable in a month. But if you are the real deal what is there to fear? The 1 month free trail will get you more subscribers than you know what you to do with and as you show them how to trade profitably and they are making money they will be more than willing to pay the monthly churn. Seems like a win win for a legit room. Why would there be an hesitation, after-all you came here for suggestions, Did you not?
But being you have not respond to a single legit question asked of you such as provide some actual details about your trading or how you will show proof you are “Truly” legit, count me dubious.
In fact Mike M you want to make a side bet on this guy being legit?
I’ll probably never do it. Been mulling it over for awhile now, but if I do the room will be 110% legit. I would welcome a review by Emmett. Have NO interest in selling courses for “4,990” or teaching people to trade or crap like that. All “calls” nothing more, nothing fancy. Good solid LIVE calls. Period. No Guarntees. Nothing more. No SIM. I would take same trades as my subscribers. They see me place the trade, then I would also announce it in audio. “Buy ES limit blah blah. Stop blah blah. 1st trgt blah blah” Something on order of this.
I’d get a big kick out of helping struggling trades make a dime or two. I don’t want to teach anyone to fish, justwhen to yank the rod. however, should one of subscribers have a problem taking the calls, I’d genuinely be interested in helping them to solve the problem, take the calls properly and hopefully make a little $.
One thing, how would this dilute my edge or my profitability as someone here suggested?
ES more liquid than most, so can have a few subscribers matching your calls and not effect edge; maybe. So you will only be making money off the monthly churn. Again when it come to TR I am always suspicious as I see many also sell their private 1 on 1 teachings for extra money.
Limit orders are so easy to scam. You get filled when no one else does and so forth.
You did not mention the most important thing and that was a commitment to clearly show your written down calls (entry, stop loss and profit target) and not voiced BS calls that can be made to make anything a winner and then to open a live brokerage account right in front of everyone showing you took those calls so everyone can see your slippage your commissions and no BS snippet views. I know those are sim BS nonsense. Perfect example Dekmar Trades who does not even trade his own alerts and then opens the infamous BS snippet tool.
Also you have not stated a single thing about your trading method. Are you scalping ES for 4 ticks 20 times a day or what.
But my most important question is if you can trade the ES consistently profitably why are you not managing money or working for GS or running a hedge fund and being paid 100s’ of millions like the other managers who can not even beat the S&P. Gosh I forget, you want to give back. How could I forget.
I tell you want open your room and have 1 month free trial and I will join and report what I see. And if you are legit and killing it trading ES in no time you will have a 1000 subscribers all taking the exact same trade at the exact same time.
James, I would also try your room if you offer a free trial. I watch the ES daily and trade when I believe there is an opportunity. However, I only trade when I believe there is an above average risk reward opportunity which doesn’t come around too often IMO. Even then, I may get stopped on 60 percent of my trades taken that week. On the other hand, I may only trade twice for the whole week. The ES is so liquid which means taking the offer or hitting the bid won’t provide slippage most of the time. If you play the limit game I believe that would be one knock against you already. If you provide true value trading live with your entries, exits and stops clearly defined then you can expect more subscribers than you can handle.
I’m interested in actually OPENING a live pay-per-view futures trading room, legit live calls of course. No hanky panky, just honest calls LIVE.
I know taking a risk posting here about this HERE but I seriously am seeking advice on how to proceed. What is the first things I should do, how do I get started?
Need help with legal stuff as well as marketing etc. Building the website (what legal disclaimers do I need for example), can I do this myself with a free website builder??
Why do I want to this? Trading is stressful day in and day out, like being self-employed. subscription service is more like a biz, like owning a Dominos pizza store. Also, I want to help other retail traders make some $, for 299/month (or 599?) I make $ they get a chance of making $?
I know you guys hate & distrust vendors, but is there room for a legit subscription trading room, and if so how should I do it?
James, good luck posting that here. No one here that I read believes a trading room can provide any value for many reasons. Most traders are under funded and attempt to trade day to day noise. IMO, sometimes there are 3-5 trades a week at best worth the risk in the ES contract and that’s a decent week. That goes against running a TR where subscribers expect 90 percent accuracy with multiple calls a day and very little draw downs. Of course there are exceptions, but that has been proven elusive for Emmett to find and this is after how many years.
“I know you guys hate & distrust vendors, but is there room for a legit subscription trading room, and if so how should I do it?”
Sure, here is what you do first. Show proof you have been consistently trading live profitable over a long period of time. No Excel spreadsheets. No take your word on it. No showing your winners and forgetting your losers. No BS sim trading. Show live brokerage statements!!!
But here is the bottom line if you could really trade profitable then the last thing in the world you would do is open a trading room, as the second others took the exact same trade at the same time your edge is lost. So call me doubtful of your claims.
Rob B., man I love the entertainment you provide with your responses. The amount pf energy you possess and the intestinal fortitude to keep it real is commendable. I sure hope some investigators at the DOJ feel the same way towards trading sites.
Is this serious? I wonder if you’re aware the stated details of your room plan sounds pretty much the same m.o. that most of these trading rooms cliam down to the monthly churning fee. Alex Sobeil/Seilaf pretty much said the same thing many reviews back. We even saw his monthly fee goals targeting newbs in his student draft for his web school. Tradingschools, as a result of digging into the inner shady workings of these sham rooms has pretty much shown how they operate and the setup looks fairly simple. You can see most of the sites reviewed with a trading room cost $150 to $500 per month, with the median being $300/month. Perusing now grand teton’s mortgage fraud Amico’s room as an example, all that is needed is a slap- on of the CFTC 4.41 disclaimer to cover the simshow trading, and paypal links to monthly subscriptions. http://www.tradingfuturesinaction.com/membership
Then all is needed is a webinar service such as gotomeeting and an email mass mailing list. All the usual advertising methods they use are pretty much exposed throughout the many reviews here.
LOL dude…. there are no rules.
It’s basically a wild west with no regulation. You can pretty much say anything you want and nothing will happen to you. The only risk is that in the future, should regulators start to crack down, you could be in some trouble.
Having said that no one here is going to give you advice on how to set up your scam.
Don’t expect any vendors to give any advice either…. they don’t want any extra competition! Funny how they’ll give out market advice left and right without any fear of edge dilution, but when it comes to the details of their vendor business they are pretty tight-lipped! LOL!
(different guy, same name, and definitely not Pete– LOL!!)
James II so true. You can make the most outrageous claims and you will probably have some decent traffic to a site at first. They obviously aren’t concerned with edge dilution because on SIM I don’t think that’s a concern. I do find it entertaining when these clowns go on you tube to warn the retail investor about the fake ones when looking for an educator. They talk about all the inflated claims of results. I really think they start to believe their own bs.
Yep, MikeM, James-II, some of them preach to the choir like they are not only a trading sham guru , but an “authority” on spotting other trading scams trying to smokescreen a fog of legitimacy, of course very close to the truth as to how they would know lol. Preston James, one of the options “monthly income” shammeisters had this long “manifesto” about trading education scams he would send to prospective subscribers.
dtchurn, keep calling them out on their nonsense. It’s enjoyable, but unfortunately still not nearly enough. Until the regulators create a mandate to take down these trading websites, the farce will continue.
OK, being no one else is going to help you, I will step in and show you how to be the best low life scammer out there. I can see the hate mail now for me helping you. BTW everything I am going to show you I have seen done by the best of the best con artist Trading Room (TR) Operators out there. In fact I should really be charging you for this information as other scammer are doing just this to make millions (Please Read Disclaimer). Here goes:
1) Confidence – Look into the mirror and say I will be the best darn scammer ever. I will make Madoff look like penny-ante shit compared to me. Ruthless, heartless and low life confidence is king when leading the sheep to the slaughter,
2) Shills – You will need lots shills or alias (the more the marrier). These alias will be busy and do several important tasks (they are like your pawns in chess). BTW I should add something here. To be the best of the best con artist is not easy. You will have to work to be the best:
a. The alias will post on every review site like invest-o-scam-u and say how you turned their life around. They will say they went from one room to another and nothing helped until they met you and how they are now able to make a living day trading and then give personal thank you note to you. It helps if they talk about some made up story like having sick kids or how they just lost their job and were in financial trouble,
b. The shills will post during your webinar how they just hit it out of the park on your last call,
c. When another Dick Head post, let’s say Rob B, in the text box that your last trade lost money and shows the actual facts, the shill will post, “What the hell is Rob B smoking” and then say how they made money on that trade, and
d. The shill will come to sites like this and relentless post promotional BS ads again and again.
3) Trader Porn – You will need Trader Porn or pictures of you with models and jet planes and Lamborghinis and heck Stray Dog had one with his servant cleaning a gold toilet, that one is great. If you need more help on this one just go to IP sites and watch Amy. In fact maybe hire Amy as a consultant. She is a great scammer. But the best of the best is Ross – hands down.
4) Now Listen Carefully as this one is the Greatest Tip ever. You need to pay someone, the VIG, to supposedly independent trading room evaluators, such as Lying Dean Handley or Emmett to give you a great review – You get this and you are set, so don’t be cheap with the Vig,
5) You will take acting lessons. This one is more important than you think – I will explain later,
6) Now on how to run the actual Trading Room:
a. There are several options here. But one way is to create a circus of misdirection. The best way to do that is have 3 traders running the room. That way you are basically each other’s shill. It will always be the person off mic who calls the winning trade and the one on mic saying how the other guy just had another home run and of course the shills will be chiming in big time bragging about their non-existent winning trades,
b. During your webinar you will always be showing hindsight trades that one could have easily taken if they just bought your education package and again this is where the shills come in. So Shill Tom say, “just made 20 ticks on that trade”, and you state you too would have seen that trade if you had bought my education package for $6500. And here is a great place to talk about how Tom was having financial problems until he met you – Remember you are the Mother Teresa of Day TRs I will expand more on this below,
c. This is important – your goal is to be laughing all the way to the bank and in order to get the sheep to the slaughter you will have to sound sympathetic. During your webinar talk about how you too could not pay your bills until someone taught you how to day trade and now you just feel you must give back and help others. Blah, Blah, Blah. You must convince them you are the Mother Teresa of Day Trading. Those acting lessons were for a reason.
d. You will pay someone to create a really lenient sim fill generator. So you actually get positive slippage and for goodness sake you will never show any commissions.
e. Even though you are trading Sim, pretend you are trading live. You will brag everywhere from the real world to kingdom come over your winners and your losers will always be well that was just a small loss or not mention them at all. You will send out emails to everyone about your “BIG” Winner and light up the web at Stock Twits and Twitter.
f. This part is ingenious as I have seen TRs now doing it due to sites like this one. Again you get a programmer so you can display your Sim Trades and make them look like they came from a brokerage account. You will call them Snippets. Again you show these Snippets like there is no tomorrow on a winner. This is where your acting lessons will really come in handy.
g. This one is Golden and Icing on the Cake. It is sooo good I hate to give it out. Again there are several ways to do it. You will show the sheep how you are trading live and turning a small $1000 account into $8000 or whatever number.
i. Option 1 – You can use Trader Vu to do this. You go to your Brokerage Account and download a file. Then you upload your fake trade file into Trader Vu and show all your fake winning trades – again acting lessons (and you thought those acting lessons were silly),
ii. Again with the programmer. You can fake anything you want, just have them create a program that makes it look like you are opening a real brokerage account and showing live trading results,
iii. Finally, this is the one that I think is the most powerful. It will cost you money, but you have to think of the cost as advertising cost. Remember you will be blasting this on Youtube, StockTwist, Twitter and so forth, so you will get your money’s worth. And your scam is going to make you millions so you can afford to spend some advertising money. Remember to be the best of the best scammer out there it is work and brilliance (these guys are not dumb or lazy). For this scam, you will open many small accounts. If you are just starting start smaller. But for example let’s say you open 50 $1000 accounts or a $50,000 investment. And you actually trade those accounts live. Now 90% of them will go bust and overall you will lose most of this money, but by sure Gaussian distribution one of them will make money. And let’s say you only luck out and double one of the accounts in 3 months. So you lost $49,000 in 49 accounts and make $1000 in one account. You take that one single account that made 100% return in 3 month and you go to town as I mentioned before. Everyone will be talking about how you doubled your money in 3 months and you will have a line of suckers lining up to join your complete BS TR as you laugh all the way to the bank.
h. Disclaimer – You will include a disclaimer that the results are hypothetical or whatever the latest regulated disclaimer that is required.
Yes I see the hate mail coming in now. So why did I show this guy how to scam folks, because this is exactly what the best of the best Day TRs are doing right now and if you do not know their tricks you too will be the goat.
Lastly, I could go on days with this and I left a lot out. This is only a small portion of the scammer’s toolkit.
Lastly after writing this I think I need a Disclaimer.
Disclaimer: The goal of this post is to educate people and make them aware of the tricks the Day Trading Room Operators use to scam them out of your money. There is no intention here to get anyone to open a Day TR and scam folks out of their money. This is for educational purposes only.
One last comment I have offered on many occasions to show Emmett my brokerage statement to show I trade profitably, when I do trade, if he gave me a thread. By the way my returns are real world returns not the fantasy nonsense the Day TR promise. This is the kind of stuff I would have in my thread letting folks know how the scammer’s work. It would be nice if it was in one place so people could use it for reference.
I swear, these posts have become my daily entertainment. Great stuff!! Every moment I get a chance I look forward to a good story.
Has anyone done a review of https//www.flippingwallstreet.com ? If not, can someone please do an honest review of it ?
Churn’s Stealth Guide To Internet Marketing
Step 1: Bash every vendor and room on the site, regardless of what Emmett says. COMPLETED
Step 2: Mock, ridicule and bully anyone (Pete, others) who has lost money trading. Establish air of arrogance COMPLETED
Step 3: Boast of own profitability. Ignore requests to show proof. Establish Air of Authority. COMPLETED
Step 4: Threaten to leave site forever when questioned. Return and hope people forgot about lack of proof for earlier boastful profit claims. COMPLETED
Step 5: Unveil trading product for sale. TBD
Step 6: Deny all steps above. ONGOING
How is Step 5 coming along Churn? Oh I forgot your response will always be Step 6.
My Skype trading group has a betting pool for the date your trading product will come out. We all know it is coming soon…
dr. Chum’s faux steps of supporting the shills and trolls
step 1: Attempt to undermine just reaction of commenters upon discovering every scam and sham exposed in succession in review after review the retail scam world is much worse than was led to believe before Tradingschools and the fact Emmett freely acknowledged being misled and fooled in the past and acknowleding challenging comments. In fact, more than a few reviews were drastically updated motivated by new info from comments or messages to Emmett such as the CFRN., DTP, Rightline, etc. reviews. It takes a shill poster like you to be an ignoramus of the accomplished history of tradingschools which you actually demonstrate little respect for.
step2: take on the side of instigators like Pete who bring discussion to a gutter and ludicrous level. completely ignore the past history of more than 40 reviews and hundreds of mental b__ks posting and enraged tripe over those who call out the mental bs and distraction.
step3: make a ludicrous “step” based on irrelevant and idiotic demands of a non-vendor commenter who is not selling anything. Makes one wonder what drchump’s true mission is possibly to attempt to undermine the anti-shill vanguard so the forum gets freely overrun by shill comments like every other compromised forum.
step4: falsely equate taking a break with leaving forever. conveniently ignore Pete’s broken vow in pagetrader in his supposed last post which he tried to continue sneaking by via toto and alters and now speaking to himself as dr.Chum. idiotically thinking sane people won’t notice drchump and gollum-peet in cahoots
step 5: hilarious imagination of a retail trading product based on thin air.
step 6: making up a staircase steps of falling cards based of irrelavancy thinking it amounts to anything to dissuade from the witchhunt mission of tradingschools and it’s commenters to bring the exposure these shamsters deserve after getting away with it from compromised sites and forums for years.
Enjoy your continued dream factory in your sykpe losers group of yapping toto/petedetithb__ks,/wet towel tradingfratboy and his pathetic rental license plate blotting,/drNo, et al.. The sane readership can easily see the cheese holes in your lame tripped up series of mis-steps.
Methinks thou dost protest too much. Just sayin’
dtchump Methinks, and I’m confident regular readers of this blog think, that you have very real and untreated psychological issues. You need to seek medical help or at the very least counseling.
Stray – your nick is so appropriate. You are loyal and always obedient to your masters churn Rob and cyn.
Hopefully you never need to think for yourself, because then you’ll end up in the pound.
One should never argue with an unintelligent stupid idiot, because onlookers might not be able to tell the difference. Which is why so far I have ignored your continued digs at me. And I shall continue so to do.
Cy: “so far I have ignored your continued digs at me. And I shall continue so to do.”
Except, of course, when you don’t ignore the comments.
Congratulations, you have reached Credibility Level Zero
Stray has been another tireless vanguard watchdog and independent bite voicing the sane readership reaction and sentiment. And Cyn is also another independent commenter of reason. Which is far more than can be said of singular nonsensical shills and trolls who often use alters to try to drum up irrelevant smokescreen distraction and illusory faux solidarity.
You must be too stupid to understand the phrase: “so far”. Since you are that stupid, I will help you out. It means: “all the way until this time, when I am actually not ignoring you”. Go back to school and learn something, you twerp.
You mistake loyalty for agreement. On many issues I agree with what they people you have associated me with say. This is probably because we share similar characteristic, the chief one being sanity.
Pete, Dtchum and other alias you use, I am going to make a Mid-Year Resolution.
Even though your posts are unique (see I am being nice) for the most part you are not shilling for a Con Artist TR like GZT, telling folks if they buy there $7,000 course they too will be a Master Student and make a fortune, while never showing any proof of that claim like some unnamed shills are doing here.
So as long as you are not shilling or attacking me to where I feel compelled to reply, I will try my best to not reply to any more of your post no matter how unique I think they are.
**** Darn I Hope I Can Still to this Mid Year Resolution ****
I hope you are a person of your word. But experience tells me you will not stop attacking me, and Pete too. I trust nothing you say.
RobB said “So as long as you are not shilling or attacking” but history has proven over 30 reviews without a doubt guttersnipes like peete=toto=drNo/drChump keep buzzing back with inane posts like annoying & pestering mosquitoes.
You’re too nice Rob B. This twat began his mindless attacks for no reason and with no provocation.
You gotta laugh at some of the bickering that takes place on this blog.
That’s a great video. Fly the friendly skies.
Thank you Emmett for serving the meds to the lunatic wolfpack. Can we please get a review of the deceased Jack Hershey / Elitetrader forums. I have traced the genesis of Dr. A to this deceased cult leader / charlatan.
Ahhh you are such a good and loyal companion to Mr. “I hate Dr. A, but mention him in posts every chance I get.” Good Boy!
My question for you: will you ever post anything besides just replying to your owner’s posts?
dtchump AKA Pete, AKA dtchurnNO AKA toto Do you have anything to contribute to the discussion about TR vendors or is your sole purpose here going to be to continue to tag dtchurn’s posts, to assume different personas in order to create the illusion that there is support for your off topic posts or to continue to get angry because you can’t garner sympathy for being stupid and losing money trading that you got from a high interest loan?
Stray Dog,
It is not about being nice. Here is how I figure it. You only got so much energy to spend and if the poster is just posting odd and unusual things (trying to be positive) there is nothing I can post that will make them see the light.
So if they are not shilling and trying to sucker people into some con artist trading room, what do I care. Be and let be is my new motto. I just hope they don’t start to post about some unrelated topic like fashion.
Rob I think that is your next calling, fashion critic. Watch out for those that offer low quality fashion made from cheap material and sell it to people willing to pay exorbitant prices. Fashion week in NYC will never be the same.
For sure, the little guttersnipe gollum all too often suddenly rages in a mental fit and takes tagalong peashots after emerging from the cesspool of his hole trying to drag sensible posters to his quite unique but oafal level.
Get To Know Frequent Commenters On This Board…
Name: Stray
Habits: unquestioned loyalty to his employer and master. Never an original thought. Will defend employer at all costs.
For those of you new to this site, when reading Rob’s rants please remember he also wrote this UNEDITED comment snippet on the Page Trader thread:
“I hear there is this chap named Al Brooks taking on new members that I am sure can cure you.”
It is important to realize Rob’s motivation$$$.
Let the denials begin, Rob…
For those new to this site, ignore the ignoramus dr.Chump twisting of the history of RobB’s tireless vanguard vigilance over the shills and trolls who try to take over the commentary. Here is the actual post, grossly taken out of context where dr.chump disrespects the faculties of the sane readership by attempting to spread falsehood pretentiously assuming no new readers would actually go back and find those words and the post.
(RobB back in pagetrader: )
Well it is obvious I could not be a Physiologist, as I could not help you out of your delusional state. Maybe Prozac, I don’t know. I am done talking to the mentally disturbed Pete. It is obvious the TR have done a serious number on your head worst than your $20K in losses.
Maybe someone else can help you. Oh, I know I hear there is this chap named Al Brooks taking on new members that I am sure can cure you. “””
And the post RobB’s post is replying to is just bonkers. have fun.
Just love how you can beat the snakes out of the grass with a few questions.
I really want a review of James Dalton .. His name has been hitting my mailbox alot lately and the self proclaimed “FATHER OF MARKET PROFILE THEORY ” sticks in my craw …
I know a deeper dive into this clownass will prove he’s another Grey haired “I’ve been around for decades so Im trustworthy” scammmer who sells education and doesnt trade a real account using his own bullshit…
He also been doing alot of stuff through Think or Swim for free, no doubt see’s the potential of thousands of sheep who will gladly pay a couple grand for some MP3 files and a train load of bullshit …
This post is to you. After looking at GZT videos and going back and forth with shill Paul (and believe me that is being nice) I have no doubt that GZT is yet another scam that is suckering people out of $7,00 for a complete BS course that shows Supply and Demand areas just like Sam Sieden.
My question is have you done a review of this TR? If not I think it is time to ask this con artist TR operator for proof of this claims ( I know you already did) and put it in its own thread with a complete review.
Then moron shill Paul and his aliases can continue to post in that thread how this TR is the real deal and continue to never show any proof. But at least a complete review will have been posted.
Now surely Paul cannot be against this.
Alrighty then. Am getting on it right now.
Hi Emmitt,
Any chance we could ask you to review Meir Barak from TradeNet. He has alot of videos on YouTube executing large trades with the most recent one showing the last few years worth of P/L’s directly from his Colemax account.
Thank you,
Hi Emmett,
First, you are doing a great job! Thank you very much for that.
Do you have something on TimothySykes.com?
Always have wondered, what it takes to open a trade room? Is it possible to find all the rules/laws which are mandatory to fulfill in order to open trading room legaly? What one must do in order to open a legal trading room?
Can you pull up on Ventura day trading this kid Austin claims a lot but never shows proof of trading or entry or exits
It seems to be a fairly new site. Emmett has done some reviews of sites run by teenagers and young adults such as willstockpicks, AMG investments, and Infinite Prosperity. I suspect they all have in common some parent or mentor/guardian either on or behind the scenes helping them with either marketing, legal, or costs or favors to run their particular shams. i.e. like renting a sportscar or using a mansion for photos.
When it comes to trading rooms, this short video says it all: https://youtu.be/dlzlczUPaBY
Hi Emmett,
Thank you for the great work you are doing, protecting us less knowledgeable folk from the sea of scammers out there….much appreciated!
Ever done a review on Hawkeye Traders, before?
Has anyone tried it?
Kind regards,
Emmet, I want to thank you for your fair and measured response to that guy calling me a “scammer”. It always saddens me to hear people say horrible things about others online who they don’t even know. I’m a real person, I have a family and feelings, but online you have to have pretty thick skin because there are a lot of trolls out there like our buddy Saten Sarma.
If there is something scammy about my site, let me know and I’ll review it and change it if it offensive or untrue.
Our boy Saten Sarma has never contacted me, has never complained to me that I am aware of, but there he is big as you please spreading hate on me.
I wonder how it would sit with him if I just published something negative about him in his local news paper. Who cares that his daughter might see it, he’s trash, right?
Anyway, again, I appreciate your comments. Even though in the end you chose not to review my site, and as I recall we showed you a lot more than just 2 days worth of statements, but it doesn’t matter. I’m grateful.
I’d like to see a list of the sites you’ve reviewed that actually had a positive reviews…. if there are any… every one I’ve researched so far had negative reviews here (and I’m glad I found your reviews in time). Is there really nobody doing this for real?
Im studying a lot online, reading everything I can find for free but I’ve also found a lot of conflicting information. Some say that you should only trust technicals while others say to follow the news and learn about the company. Then I come here and everyone has a bad review LOL y hard to differentiate whats worthy information and what isnt…
You think if people could just come in everyday use 500 to 1 leverage and profitable take several microscalps in CL every day and make a living anyone would be left working a job. Day trading is not this unknown secret that TR want you to believe it is.
There is a reason virtually none of the these TR can show any proof of profitable trading.
Your post indicates the you do not know the difference between trading and investing. Decide what you want to be, then do that.
Glad you found this site before getting duped as a noob among the 99.9% scams out there. Currently, ts.org is the only trading review site in the world that sticks to this level of transparency. There are other forums that call out these scams sure, but they have their own select vendor scams and even vendor members that they harbor as sponsors or have hidden conflicts of interest with the rest of the membership. RobB, I hear you about the CL scalping fad. Currently, CL fakery is making a comeback on bmt journals. There are popular threads again claiming consistent success on CL scalping and once again have attracted a bunch of clueless sycophants when there is no proof and none of these bmt “red” super members show proof they can trade for a living. There was this guy with endless daily videos of after the fact circles on CL trying to be like the next PATS mack. Finally he stopped his videos last year as no one was watching anymore and bmt had already put an end to the scammy videos on the site.
Sadly Big Mike does not stop them from posting BS. They get PMs and then try and sell education. They are brilliant scammers. None of them show any proof just take my word on it.
Any information about investorunderground chat room.?
Yes, I wrote a review some time ago. If you use the search button on the website, you will find a couple of articles.
HI Emmet can u do a review of sleem stockpicks? New chat on the block ran by a 20 year old college kid
Hello Emmett
I just found your site for the first time. Have you ever reviewed Dr. Alexander Elder’s books, or trading software? I am referring to Dr. Elder’s triple screen system.
Great job Emmett! This is a great service to the trading community. I have a few services that could use a review.
Trading Room
Prop Firm
Hey man thanks for all this real info. I am a new trader, fucking love it but really want to make this work and want to make sure I am investing my time into the right mentor or education. You say a few times that there are some truly great people out there willing to teach. Anyone in particular you would recommend. I day trade equities and would prefer more of a non scalping strategy. Thanks again for all the great insight.
Any info on Mojo? Thanks.
Any info on The Motley Fool?
Hi Emmett. I was wondering if you could categorize your past and present reviews so we could go look at the list and see which one’s we have missed.
You have done some reviews and I can no longer find them here. Would it be that much of a pain in the arse to have them listed and the date of the review. With your newer review posted next to them? Like below for an example. Just wondering. I know it’s more work for you and that’s why you should charge at least 10 bucks a month per member. Have your little helper in the Phils do it for you and let her keep half the membership money if your embarrassed to keep it. I know the people there are really struggling to make a living.
The trading Clan. Re: 10/23/15
The Oil Academy. Re: 08/12 15 new Re: 12/15/15
Hi Emmett. I’m always glad to come here to find the snakes in the grassq.q
Have you ever looked at anything John Carter offers? Not so much interested in some of the other people on his site – just John himself. I’ve sat through some of his free seminars which always have classes at the end that aren’t free. His seminars are always well done, his methods seem interesting and he frequently shows trades that he is in and recent P/Ls. Any info/feedback is much appreciated.
I can tell you about John Carter’s simpler options. Every few months he might flash a live account on thinkorswim on a promo video. When you get to the room, there is often over 500 folks there but Carter is often awol. And fibqueen Borodin is there instead or some other tradeucator. Most of the option plays calls posted in the screen aren’t followed up on especially when most are losers. The rest of the site is constant bombardment by ads for expensive recordings of seminars and more “exclusive/advanced” sessions and newsletters.
John Carter is one of the “legacy” educators. A sacred cow. Been selling trading education since Christ roamed the earth. I am getting to him. I already wrote a review of his partner Hubert Senters.
I was in the options room when Carter arrived breathless in the last few minutes and cast around frantically looking for trades to suggest. Borodin commented “This feels like a crap shoot”. She was right on the money, and she went way up in my estimation for calling it like it was.
Hi Emmet
We are so glad to have someone like you who spends countless hours vetting boys from man in the trading jungle.
Can you please conduct a test on Joseph James and his room …The school of Trade.
He trades in SIM and also posts trade of the Day videos which are in Market replay to show how successful he is.
He fabricates his PnL statement that he sents to poor traders to show how good he is
Hi Emmet,
Have you tested “rightlinetrading.com”? If so, what´s your opinion?
best regards,
Hello Emmet,
what has happened to your review of tradingstarpro? I can´t find it any longer. It was a tradingroom you recommended, right? Recently I took a look at Harry Singhs´ website and he is posting result every single day. Unfortunately he does not offer a free trail any longer but the results are consistently good.
Hi Daniel,
At 6 months, anyone that gets a positive review needs a re-review. I contacted Harry and asked that he submit account statements that verify the current performance information on his website. He ignored me, so I pulled the positive review.
These guys enjoy a massively positive benefit from positive review. I only ask that they maintain transparency.
Evan Dr. Dean pull him off of his Trading Titans list.
@Daniel regarding Chartsky…….
I was trying out chartsky and it was NOT GOOD in my opinion. Paid $200 for a trial and ran away after just a few sessions because I can see that was not the trading I’d like to be doing!
Hey Emmett, whats your take on Sean Kozak of Golden Zone Trading and Dr. Bill McDowell’s (Trade The Bars Method), might as well throw in another PA trader (probably from the Nial Fuller – Trade the Market School) – Justin Bennett.
On the list! Bill McDowell is long promoter. “100% winning days with zero drawdowns”, OK sure Bill.
Waiting to hear about this …zero drawdowns?
Sean Kozok is the real deal. Perhaps thats why he hasn’t been reviewd on this site. I am a mastery student of his and there is no BS, I totally respect GZT and what they are bringing to the market
Thank you Paul for the mindless useless advertisement. Serious you think anyone here is going to say, “Gosh really where do I sign up”. When you can say this:
Sean Kozok is the real deal. There is no circus of 3 traders to cause misdirection. First he trades live not sim crap. Second, he shows his brokerage account live, third he has his DOM or Chart Trader shown for every trade. Fourth he post accurate results showing his brokerage statement as evidence of entries and exits. And fifth he is no pump and dump where he makes money while his students lose money. In other words you can take his same trade and make money. And lastly he has a decent free trial period for you can confirm all this for yourself.
And frankly for me that is the baseline. Anything less than that is nonsense con artist BS.
He does and shows everything you have asked in your reply.
Open book on his accounts, All live trades, plus all losses are shown, He has nothing to hide and hides nothing. And i am not promoting him, Am just saying how it is. Its very rare in this industry to find people like Sean, however Futures71 is awesome also.
I guess you being such a negative skeptic , which i fully understand in this industry, the best thing to do is take a free trial in his live trade room. You have nothing to loose.
You say skeptic, I say realist after realizing this entire industry is nothing but swindlers selling a pipe dream.
I no longer trade the complete non sense way the con artist Trading Educators teach, but for the Shits and Grins I checked out Golden Zone Trading’s Youtube videos and their web site. You know what I saw? I saw the typical Trading Educator selling a $7,000 course with Supply Demand areas similar to what Sam Seiden teaches, telling people they too can make a living by taking numerous scalps a day trading a highly leverage and highly volatile instruments by using their Holy Grail S/D indicators.
And to my Shock, Shock, Shock; guess what I did not see? Any actual proof of their claims as I outlined in my previous post and you stated they showed. Nowhere on their site did I see any type of track record what so ever. Heck they did not even have the decency to post a fake track record like most Trading Rooms do, more less a real track record showing their trading results everyday with actual entries and exits being posted alongside a brokerage statement with that Broker’s Name shown proving those entries. You see it is one thing to post a fake track record, but I am guess even the incompetent regulators might go after you if you post a fake brokers statement claiming live trading.
So instead of proof you get a free trial day whereby no one can evaluate performance and there will be ton of shills stating how they are knocking it out of the park and went from broke to making a living after taking the $7,000 course.
So Paul I call you out. Have your buddy Sean post his broker’s statement or show Emmett his broker’s statement’s live or use the robot to show real proof of this brilliant profitable trading. Or being you are doing so well with this system, you can do the above.
Anything short of showing actual proof is complete BS advertisement as far as I am concerned.
Did you inquiry or ask Sean for live results?
In regards to me posting live results , not much point as with the GZT method i am still on sim. Mostly for the reason that i need to send hard earned money to USA for a live trade account which i don’t feel comfortable about. However, Phillip Capital Singapore are expanding and once they have the exchanges I will then open a live account.. In the future when i have atleast 30 live trades logged i will gladly post live results. At present I am making money , but nothing exceptional yet
.My history is trading ASX stocks, and have done exceptional at it, Recently had a stock SMN.AU go from .02 to $2.30. So thats where my focus is. However doing GZT course after many others I have found it to work thus far. I did Opentrader Pro course as well. Had some good info but for price and application it wasn’t the best.
The best thing to do is get a live past to the trade room and ask to see live results and watch the trades happen.
“realizing this entire industry is nothing but swindlers selling a pipe dream” I totally agree with this statement.
I would love for Emmett to do a review.
@Emmett, Can you please review Sean Kozak and Goldenzonetrading?
So you are telling people to buy a $7000 course in something you say you are not trading live? I will be nice here. When you are trading actual real money with real entries and real exits using GZT tell us how that is going for you and post those 1st 30 trades results. I have a feeling that will never happen.
You can only tell ones real performance over a long period of time with proof of live trading. Seeing one or two days of trading means nothing, plus every TR I have been in is a circus. No real live trading. A lot of lying but not real trading. But again come back when you actual have placed a live trade.
And seriously if you are making your money from buying stocks that are selling for .02 cents. Good luck, you will need it.
No big deal. We all go through the kool-aid phases especially being fooled by clever marketing and new tricks invented by the next “real deal” guru. Those not used to the tradingschools criteria of evaluation yet still won’t get simulated or ambiguous “live trades” don’t cut it. In this thread, a bmt post clearly mentions GZT showed some excel sheet as “results.” https://futures.io/vendors-product-reviews/36275-goldenzonetrading-sean-kozak.html#post524056
I hope others who paid the 7k and more and found too late it was bunk post their review.
Cheers Sam. It is no big deal. The positive thing is we are having this chat and perhaps the truth will come out sooner than later with evidence either way,
The question i ask if GZT is just another charlatan then why isn’t there more negative reviews? Surely there would be more than what is already on the net. I have googled him 100 times trying to find the dirt.
The spreadsheet thing doesn’t worry me as I have viewed his live trading accounts in the trade room. Alot of ways you can tell is the dom on Ninja is white when live. And ofcourse viewing the trade as well.
Depends how you view 7k. To some people its alot and others just pennies. I truely believe in the near future i will have doubled if not tripled my investment in GZT.
And those results will be posted here.
If GZT is a fraud, then who isn’t? We know the FED and most brokers are.
No i never ever said that. What I said is its rare to find someone like Sean in this business. As i believe he is above board. So don’t put words in my mouth.
So its your opinion that someone should only post if they are trading live with a particular system? That statement alone shows your limited knowledge. Do you trade at all?
As for you Rob since you are the seasoned live trader guru here. I challenge you to post your live results.
I bet you don’t have any.
At least I am being honest and up front.
Been trading ASX stocks since 92 and made a small fortune. Your cynicism just gets stronger , why? because i guess you have never been successful at trading. If you had and since you have so much to say. Why don’t you prove me wrong? Which platform do you use? And data feed? who do you clear through. Present your statements? Can’t wait . Please prove me wrong. I can even give you a personal email if you don’t want the whole world to view. So there, You have NO EXCUSE.
I bet your answer be similar to all the scammers on the net that you so rightly despise.
Rob is not selling anything, so he does not have to prove anything. This is not a pissing contest to see who can piss the furthest.
If Rob ever starts to sell his trading room, we shall hold his feet to the fire, just like we do everybody else.
But as long as he is not asking anybody for money in exchange for his trading knowledge, there is no reason to demand he prove anything. One needs proof in order to invest in him. If there is nothing to invest in, your challenge is out of order.
Bias perhaps.!!!!
I havn’t asked for any money nor would I. But I’m being challenged simply for giving an honest opinion. And by persons who have only watched youtube and scrolled through his website.
And further more apart from a small thread on Big Mikes I can not find any other negative reviews on GZT. In that I find confusing considering people here seem to know what a rip off it is. Strange to me.
Time will tell and we shall all know. In the meantime I’m prepared to keep using GZT till I prove to myself it’s dodgy.
You were recommending something, and implied that your recommendation was based on your results.
As your results are the basis for your recommendation, it is appropriate for us to ask you to show us the stellar results that make you recommend that we spend 7k on some system of which we have no knowledge, other than your results that you are talking about.
Rob is not selling anything or recommending that somebody spend a large sum of money on a system that he claims to have made money. Therefore, there is no need for him to show anything. He is not trying to take any money out of our pockets. You are, even if that money will be going to your mentor rather than to you yourself.
I am not going to accuse you of shilling, but recommending that we purchase something, and then refusing to provide proof that that something does what you say it can do, is usually called “shilling”.
Anther thing also. i see David Adams is being promoted here. I can tell you that DA is a complete fraud. he tried to rip me off 2k. You can read about it on T2w. Just google David Adams Trade2win.
And he does trade sim and never disclosures it.
If that was your post on t2w calling out Adams then it’s appreciated Paul. Dean Handley even treid to apologize to someone for a premature review. I suspect the Robot can still be fooled by a sim session and hope Emmett checks on that. There are also NT tricks mentioned by others here to make a sim dom look like live and executions deleted and edited in the NT panels.
Sam. Yes it was my post. Amazing how these thing never really go away when the internet is involved.
I don’t know but wouldn’t surprised if NT could be manipulated to show live.
You and I both know what happened and you did get a refund. I was under DTS at the time and you bought my program from them for an outrageous price..
I think when you told me you were the “best” forex trader I could find I began to dislike you, To answer your question from another thread, I did have cancer at the time and stopped trading shortly thereafter.
I did refund your money when DTS refused.. Heck , you were on a payment plan. Anyway, I paid it out of my pocket. I did enjoy your sqawking and threats tho.. Typical keyboard warrior.
Hi David, Its so good to hear from you. My FX trading is going great actually. I bet I’m making more than your SIM trading. You did refund me, but not after being threatened by lawyers and having Visa approach you. Have a read of Trade2win website, there are many others you have never refunded. Plus did you ever refund that poor guy from India Santosh who invested his life earnings in you.? you are nothing but scum and no doubt you have a terrible disease which many would say as Karma. However Its not my nature to wish bad on another and I hope you get well soon.
All the people except Santosh were refunded, Paul. No lawyers contacted me, and you know it. I was forced to cover your money because DTS would not. Let’s say they didn’t have a high opinion of your integrity. So the money came out of my pocket and they kept your initial payment. On the bright side, that transaction led me to terminate my relationship with DTS, In doing that I was able to cut my charges by 66% and learned a great lesson. Don’t let other people make promises that are outrageous and impossible to achieve. Sorta like many of the trade rooms here. They were charging 5K and telling people they would make the money up on my trading with their 5K account. That is a tall, if not impossible order to fill and neither Russell Smalls (from Turtle Traders) and that guy who was the great white options trader, Chuck Hughes could possibly hope to succeed with those conditions. So I guess you did me a favor.
Best of luck in your trading, glad you are prospering.
” Let’s say they didn’t have a high opinion of your integrity.”
You question my integrity.. Thats a joke, You are the person making false promises and scamming others, and yet you wonder why the same people get pissed off at you. Better slow down on that medication David. I guess thats your next excuse. Wait a minute, you have already used that one.
I still think you should sort Santosh out. Do the right thing David.
Quote from TW2 .
“Congrats on your persistence which has finally led to your refund. I posted on here June 13th about my experience with him and after 6 months of promises and lies, I’m still waiting for my refund.
futures614 is offline ”
2. ” I was snaked by this guy also. Promised a refund in 5-7 days on August 6. His supposed accountant, Colby Anderson, threatened me in an email. Just a bunch of promises.
3.More promises, but no refund. This guy is just a liar and a thief, IMO. He sent out an email several days ago with so-called “proof” of his winnings, but they aren’t broker statements, just screen captures from Ninja – easily faked.
n7ekg is offline.
Why didn’t you sort these people out and do the right thing?
Beware david I’m a lot like Emmett and despise people like you ripping innocent people off by selling false promises and dreams.
I’m tired of listening to your blather, most of it is the same loudmouth B.S. I endured during our short time together, greatest forex trader…lol
To clear the record you can find three months of my results in the “introducing the robot” and each session is videotaped then and since. Pretty hard to argue with that, punk. All my trading is videotaped of authenticity, even the lousy ones.
no go back to the hole you crawled out of…this incident was over 5 years ago and are still blowing out the ass over it.
Its awesome you are making so much trading , cough cough. If its true then pay the people you ripped off.
The thing thats crawled out of hole is your dodgy past. Something that can never ever be denied.
I bet you are on sim. And you income is from scamming others, As for the bot, who knows , that can most likely be circumnavigated somehow.
If you pay Santosh his life earnings back I will ease up on you. How could you do that. You knew it was all he had. The poor guy, i feel for him. Sucked in by a snake oil salesman called King Sim David Adams.
“I have finally gone live today and what a Baptism of Fire it was for me. I was completely unprepared for how much of a different beast the live market is. I was stopped out for the day at 08:30 am. That’s terrible.
The fills and slippage took me and caught me completely unaware. I got slippage on fills and my stops. Also it feels like the live market moves a lot faster than the Sim.
For the last 2.5 months (on the simulator) I have been on a good solid run with something like 5 down days in that period and they have all been very small down days. No bigger than 6 ticks. Whereas my winners have been 10 ticks plus consistently.
Wow. My head hurts from this eventful morning.”
Man, I hate to say I told you so, but welcome to the Real World or trading.
When I see a a glowing post of a trading room by someone who just joined or trading sim, I am like come back after a few months of trading live.
Until Sim dollars are accepted somewhere it means nothing.This is why I was on Dave Adams for trading Sim.
And I do not think Emmett should allow sim trading on his Robot either. I think Emmett is a little desperate to find a good review so he gives these scum bags every break in the world. Emmett, just because this industry is full of nothing but swindlers does not mean they should be given breaks. BTW, this rating on a curve is the real reason for the Emmett Curse.
The only thing that shows any proof of profitable trading is actual brokerage statements from a live account.
If there was a best of post section or learning the real world of trading section, I would nominate your post to be there. It should be required reading for want to be traders.
How many suckers pay big bucks for some educator because they made money trading sim and then Wham Bam they go live to lose a fortune.
David Adams always has traded SIM. Can not even find his floor registration for when he claimed to be a floor trader.
Apparently Sean from GZT disclosures he is on sim.
I still believe GZT method has merit. I stated earlier that i am willing to set up a live account and post the results. This is still going to happen. As I also said I was waiting for a stock on the ASX to hit the market and that was where my capital was being concentrated. That stock came on the market @.031 has had a high of .036 my position was taken @ .02, .033. Am sitting on some nice returns already, however I’m holding for .10 to $1.00.I expect to take some profits to cover initial positions and will let the rest run. Once that is done i will fund the live account.
Pretty much every Trading Room (TR) I have been in teaches clueless desperate underfunded individuals to scalp highly leverage and highly volatile instruments and do it by using bad money management techniques to boot.
Could this ever be done? Yes during a massive bull market like the NASDAQ bubble, where everyday stocks broke out and just went up, but not in today’s market, which is why none of these con artist can show any proof. And BTW even most of the people that made money in the NASDAQ bubble did not trade the way these TRs teach or as I call it the fantasy world of trading.
And to take it a step further this is the real reason for the Emmett Curse. If you put up a Gaussian Distribution Curve, with failed day traders trading the fantasy world way as these TR teach on the x-axis then most fail right away, the center of the curve, but just by pure luck some will be profitable for a period of time. Those get the Emmet 5 Star rating, but as time goes out further they all end up failing.
If it would not be for dealing with all the nonsense scammers sending me false decimation, I would run a contest and offer a $10K award to anyone that show any proof they can trade the fantasy world over an extended period of time profitable and certain rules would have to be followed like not taking huge risk to luck out on a single trade.
Those underfunded traders who are desperate to make extra money, will be more desperate after day trading. But I know no one wants to hear that, so back to the fantasy world.
So if this is what GZT teaches then I for one look forward to your live trading results. And Please, Please, Please prove me wrong. I would love to be able to come in everyday and scalp some futures market and have an 80% win rate and take home money like a salary.
10k ,Over how many trades? 30 being the lowest statistical number where you can get an idea, however as you most likely know the higher the number the more accurate the statistics, .What is an extended period of time?. I will gladly take this challenge. And Emmett can use his robot if desired. How will you pay the 10k USD?
I don’t know where you pull your 80% number from. Here is a very simple example. If you trade 1/3 r/r if you are hitting 3r you can make money on a 30% win rate.
What you say in your above post is true. Underfunded, high leverage, buying a dream, getting a nightmare. In regards to the Gaussian Distribution Curve if you can not adapt to a changing market and tweak your system ofcourse you will encounter drawdown which can kill your account. The key to trading any market is to be able to change and adapt. Even the Turtles had to do that . Which I have studied for yrs and use that method as my primary position/swing method.
I am too busy right now to fully respond, but first the turtles did not trade the way most TR teach, These TR are not teaching swing trading. They tell people with a $5K account they can trade CL by coming in every day and micro scalping and have an 80% win rate and quit their job with their new day trading salary. That is what I say no one can do profitable over an extended period of time. And no 30 trades is not an extended period of time. I am talking at least 1 year.
1yr, You’re on.
As soon as Phillipcapital Singapore get the exchange listings I will begin. However I am looking at the Nikkei in Asian session at present. Similar to the ES.
From Ninja Brokerage.
Thank you,
Wade Headrick | Sales Associate | NinjaTrader Brokerage
wade.headrick@ninjatrader.com | http://www.ninjatrader.com
“We will also be offering additional international exchanges in the near future through Phillip Capital. These will include Asian and Australian futures exchanges. We do not currently offer those as of yet. I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.”
For a start i won’t be starting with 5K. To my knowledge GZT have never said you can begin with 5k. 10k min and 20k -30k preferred. No overnight holding. Although I am aware many, if not most claim you can trade their system and win while being totally undercapitalized.
I have traded the Turtle Method for many yrs. I know it very well. In Fact , it’s one of my daily analysis programs I do most mornings. Its the beginning of my top down analysis.
Sean Kozak trading trading real money.
Well, RobB seems to be on vacation or something. Is there a youtube link? The rest of the article is only available to registered mytradingbuddy blog members.
Notsure Sam, Its good to see him trade real money all the same.
You can just register and watch the recordings.He shows his DOM also. They are relatively recent. Sean’s been trading live for a long time. Sometimes in the trade room he doesn’t because he’s teaching and explaining strategy.
No thanks. I’d rather not have to register for a site I’d never heard of just to see some proof and incur more junk mail. I’ll wait for Emmett’s review to verify if it’s live results. There’s the “hypothetical” and “educational purposes only” disclaimer on this page. http://goldenzonetrading.com/disclaimer/
I have spoken to Kozac. He told me that he does not trade with a live account. Does he offer something of value? Time will tell. I get a emails from a few of his students. Some get really pissed of because “after hour trades” magically appear on the official track record.
But truth be told, just have not had time to really get my hands dirty with it. There could be some value. Time will tell. Need more time! Need more help with this blog.
He sometimes trades Asia which could explain the after hour trades.
The link I posted he is trading live.
Reality in seeing the truth can be somewhat painful when your believes are build on suspicion and bad experiences.
OK, even though I have talked about this in other post, let me be crystal clear what I am talking about. I am not going to have a $10K challenge that you cannot trade like the Turtles did or swing trade. I come in everyday looking for trades (don’t always find them), so I am not having a challenge that you cannot trade the way I trade and do it profitable. That would be insane.
The challenge would be that you could not profitable trade a live account via the complete non sense way the vast majority of the trading rooms teach.
So what is that “Fantasy World” of trading they teach?:
1) You can trade some highly leverage highly volatile instrument such as CL,
2) You can do this with some small account like $5,000,
3) You can come in every day rain or shine no matter the market condition and make 10 or more scalps a day. Heck I just saw some BM Webinar where they were making money hand over fist with close to 50 scalps in CL a day. Complete F’ing BS,
4) You can do this with an 80% win rate,
5) You can do this with virtually no drawdown,
6) You can do this and have a straight up equity curve,
7) And you can quit your day job as you make money every day trading like a salary. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.
I am sure I am forgetting some things. This is the complete nonsense that Trading Rooms teach. The basically tell people they can trade white noise profitable.
Now in reality would I have such a challenge? Probably not as the time to set rules and to verify all the fake evidence that would be presented would be a full time plus job. But I am pretty sure my money would be safe. There is a reason none of these con artist day trading room can ever show proof. There is always the 1 in 1000 chance someone can do it for a period of time, but right after that they too will fail. And there is always the possibility we go into another Tech Bubble Bull market and under those conditions it can be done.
But I tell you these trading rooms are genius and there is a reason they have run all the honest folks out of business. No one wants to hear the truth. I know as I skype with these delusional traders all the time. Fact don’t matter. They just want to believe. I will say, “Doesn’t it bother you that no one can show proof of being able to do this bother you” and they just get angry with me. They want to be positive. I do not care how positive you want to be you are not going to calculate the last digit of Pi and you are not going to trade the Fantasy World of day trading profitable over any extended period.
Paul, Yes, you have some profit on the Sim trader. Let us know when the real trading gets profitable and I mean profitable over a period of time, not just 1 or 2 trades. Do you know the term ROR (Risk of Ruin). If not, you might investigate that. Trading is all about risk. How much can you lose? What are the odds of profit versus loss? Risk. Risk. Risk. I can’t emphasize that enough. The risk is even greater when you trade stocks that trade for under $1 and especially if you are trading around the market open. I wish you luck with your account.
I don’t really value the results on sim. Its just a method to learn a platform before going live.
I totally disagree with your shares under $1.00 statement. Perhaps trading one of the most corrupt markets that being US stocks you are most likely correct, But I’m not.
I trade ASX stocks and have a firm understanding on the ones i buy and have been doing it successfully since early 90’s. So I don’t need any advice on that thank you.
Ofcourse I understand risk to ruin, rate of return,position sizing and all the rest.
Great, good for you. As I said, let us know when you are posting results from live trading. If those results are anything like what you say you’ve been doing since 1992, then that posting should be fantastic. Good luck.
My live ASX results are totally different than trading a futures account. I won’t be posting ASX results. As they have very little to do with this forum. You will know when i begin trading live futures. In fact I already am via a CFD account. However, that is different again.
How can you even suggest my futures live results are going to anything like my ASX results. Do you actually understand the difference between the two products?
The reason I”m moving into futures and commodities is a simple progression and upskilling. However I know where the big money for me is made and its not either of those. .. And as for GZT and all the others. Where do you begin? I believe GZT, FT71, Jigsaw, Stage5 , Jim Dalton, TJS Elite spreadsheet will give me the foundation to be profitable. Unlike many people . I believe in myself and that may be the big difference.
Perhaps you can post your live results as well?
Good luck
You posted: “I stated earlier that i am willing to set up a live account and post the results. This is still going to happen. As I also said I was waiting for a stock on the ASX to hit the market and that was where my capital was being concentrated. That stock came on the market @.031 has had a high of .036 my position was taken @ .02, .033. Am sitting on some nice returns already, however I’m holding for .10 to $1.00.I expect to take some profits to cover initial positions and will let the rest run. Once that is done i will fund the live account. . . ”
That was what I responded to, there was no mention of futures. Of course you can’t compare the two types of instruments.
I’m glad you have so much faith in yourself, that’s terrific. I’ve been trading for over 15 years, but i’m not selling anything nor do I have any plans to start a chat room, so no I don’t need to post my results. I don’t have anything to prove. You obviously feel the need to challenge me and others who have commented on the rooms you are talking about. There’s really no need to do that. What I feel I can offer to this forum are a few tips on trading that I’ve learned the hard way that perhaps can save some of the newer traders some time, energy and money and set them about doing the hard work of becoming a consistently profitable trader (emphasis on “consistently”). Listen, I was a veritable philanthropist in my early trading days. I gave money to whatever stock or future showed itself to me. It took a long time and a lot of hard work to get it right and until I developed my own system which did and still does work very well. If my posts don’t reflect what you feel is helpful, then just ignore the post. Again, let me repeat, I’m not selling anything. But I do enjoy what Emmett is trying to do here.
That looks like a quote. Are you reporting your own experience or somebody else’s?
In another post you stated that you have been live trading 4 different instruments or so all this while, so how can you now “… have finally gone live today and what a Baptism of Fire it was”?
NoBStrading quote.
David Adams is not being promoted; he is simply being reported on, just as all other reviews are reports.
I have talked about the way I trade in other posts. I seriously doubt anyone is interested in my results as they are horrible compared to the fantasy TRs promise.
To be clear you said Sean did all the things I said a TR needs to do, but in fact he does none of those things. That is part of what pisses me off. Someone else posted showing Sean only showed Excel Spreadsheets. That just screams shill to me.
“So its your opinion that someone should only post if they are trading live with a particular system?”
No I would not say that exactly. But I find it funny you give a TR a glowing review that shows no proof of profitable trading when you yourself admit you have not made one single dime with his method. So here is what I am saying to be clear. I would say to others to give no credence to such a referral. To me your referral is just completely meaningless.
“Been trading ASX stocks since 92 and made a small fortune”
Hmm, then why bother with GZT. I must admit I make a decent return on my money trading but no small fortune so your self-proclaimed trading prowess is unproven, yet impressive. Stick with it.
“Your cynicism just gets stronger , why? “
Why because I hate shills. It is just that simple. No none affiliated person post what you posted. I have had discussions with non affiliated poster and they just do not post mindless promotions like you are doing.
“Which platform do you use? And data feed?”
Not that any of this matters, but I will answer some of your question. I use 2 main platforms; Trade Station and MultiCharts. My main Brokers are TradeStation and Interactive Broker. I also have Ninja Trader, but I do not trade futures any more. I will trade an ETF that mimics a future. Believe it or not I use absolutely zero leverage. Well that is not 100% true as I will trade a leveraged ETF now and then.
“I bet your answer be similar to all the scammers on the net that you so rightly despise.”
I am not selling anything or promising fantasy results and I will be the first to say don’t trust anyone in this business including me. If I open a TR run for the hills. And for Goodness sake don’t email me. I already talk to enough Kool-Aid drinking idiots.
I really need to get a life and not be fighting with people like this.
To be clear you said Sean did all “the things I said a TR needs to do, but in fact he does none of those things. That is part of what pisses me off. Someone else posted showing Sean only showed Excel Spreadsheets”
Has anyone here asked GZT for a TR pass so they can ask these questions?.
I too read the thread on Big Mikes ,however that’s just one person out of 100’s who have done his course i assume.. Why aren’t they posting negative reviews? Its all a bit strange to me.
I”m not here to defend GZT . I was just reporting my experience with GZT so far.
Why doesn’t some here get a live TR pass and ask the difficult questions and see what the real deal is. As I’m already in the system its a bit late however I will ask for live results.
I love ASX stocks. And moving into futures was an expansion in my trading ability for the simple reason, its a passion.,Plus when i travel overseas its nice to have the option of making an income as when i travel its for months not days or weeks.
Platforms i use Ninja, Trade Navigator, Pulse, Etrade. and another unknown one from Perth Australia FCpro charts.
“I”m not here to defend GZT . I was just reporting my experience with GZT so far. “ and
“As I’m already in the system its a bit late however I will ask for live results.”
Paul, if you had said in the original thread you had never taken a live trading using GZT and you had never asked for or seen any live results, as you now state, I would have been more pleasant in my post.
“Why aren’t they posting negative reviews?”
There was more than one negative comment in that BMT thread with the last guy saying they just did an extensive update to the whole program. But to answer your question.
I think most people that get scammed do not post negative review because the TR operators convinces them by use of shills it is just them that does not get it. I skype with traders all the time that are embarrassed by their loses and they tell me they just cannot understand why they cannot get it. And I tell them it is not them and they need to come to this site to learn the truth about this industry. I think Emmett’s site is finally turning that around by showing 99.9% of TR are nothing but a scam.
You are the one that posted about David Adams not refunding you? Now that is too funny.
As you admit the fact you already paid the $7K, I understand you want to have a positive believe in GZT. Believe I get it and I wish you the best, so I will just be nice here and just say:
I look forward to you posting those live GZT trade results as you promised.
i have opened a live account with AMP, just needs more funding. Have a stock backdoor listing by the end of the month so am keeping capital aside for that, should be a ripper.
Plan is really to wait for Phillipcapital Singapore. Go live with a a decent size account. The plan was to continue demo till then. The other thing i didn’t mention I,ve been using GZT to trade live Dax, NQ, YM and CL via my CFD platform. The signals are pretty good so far . .
Yes GZT have done a huge update, which obviously is concerning. but so far seems to be working ok. Will take another week or two to get used to it. However having studied Jim Dalton, Goran Futures71, and Opentrader pro course prior i’ve found adapting easy as i was already in the market for a Market Profile indi for NT, so am happy to have it now. Its a awesome MP indi. The thing with this update they are using market profile/footprint coded for ninja. , If you own Ninja and wanted this indicator , is its worth the $1000? IMHP, yes.. Because to get that detail in an indicator you need to go to Market Delta and then you only lease the platform. Plus the MD platform isn’t as good good as the GZT add on. But that’s for others to decide. I know other platforms have MP such as Sierra Charts and a few others. Also my Trade Navigator has it now as well.
ROB, just to verify your /my statement I believe I have seen Sean trading live in the trade room and showing what seem to be live results . However I have not seen a brokers statement. If splitting hairs I am trading CFD’s via GZT method on a CFD account, which is different than a futures account that i was referring to.
Another thing. I never admitted i paid 7K, they are your words.
You stated, “. As I’m already in the system its a bit late however I will ask for live results.”
I only saw where GZT had a 1 day trial and then it was the $7K course. Is there another deal or did you get a special deal?
Paul, I know from talking to people that want to believe no logic matters. But you read this blog. One con artist after the next con artist after the next. Now if I was Sean and ran a TR and could trade profitably, unless I am completely in outer space I would realize I am the “Unicorn” – The very very very rare TR educator / Live TR that can actually trade a live account profitably. I would be contacting Emmett every day and saying here are my brokerage statements for the last several years showing the profits I made day trading. I would be posting my track record at my web site alongside my brokerage statements. And you know what; in that live trading room you would have 1000s of subscribers. So then the question comes why he does not. Sure you can come up with all types of reasons, but I will go with occam razor – he shows no proof because he cannot show any proof.
Again I cannot wait for those live trading results. Here is my wild ass prediction. I see in the future you demanding a refund from GZT just like you did David Adams. Prove me wrong and keep us posted.
Rob, you can give up on talking with this guy as his favorite sound is his own voice. Straight-up asshole.
True , the sound of keys tapping REFUND.
“he shows no proof because he cannot show any proof.”
Sadly i think you are correct. If you are selling a product for people to trade live and you are not, then is that not fraud in someway? Is there any law in regards to this? Americans love to sue, surely there is a case. He is in canada, assume similar.
This is a good post and perhaps it explains many things , especially about sim trading.
By VolTrading
. https://futures.io/vendors-product-reviews/36275-goldenzonetrading-sean-kozak-4.html
Additionally to GZT and trading short time period I do have some conflict within as I like trading the daily chart which is where i seem to make more for less input.
I love looking at the ocean.
Mindless advertisiment nonsense it is. It doesn’t sound like “open” accounts here. On the gzt website, there is no mention of records or results. I have no doubt if Emmett reviewed gzt, it’ll be the same as many others, no real proof.
I would love Emmett to review GZT.
The difference between you and I Rob, I don’t need to trade or work. It’s a passion to me. And I fully respect what Emmett is doing on this website and exposing the many charlatans. Perhaps you are one them also.
Here is the difference. You have been posting mindless fact less advertisements under various alias like Mongo and Paul for a year now, yet can show not a lick of evidence to back up your claims.
No one here wants to read your baseless claims. Show proof of your claims. You are just like every other shill that comes to this site with just BS advertising and no proof what so ever and when called out, you just post nonsense distractions.
All you are doing is coming here and hawking your nonsense TR and people are suppose to trust you. Give me a break!
Get out and enjoy life, Rob. You spend far too much time writing novels about trade rooms.
I never read your post. Not worth my precious time.
I have all the time in the world if I can save one person from being scammed by you and the other TR operators.
Man, it is just mind boggling how you will post anything and everything, except for the only thing that matters and that is proof of any your claims. Ah, of course you can not as you are just promoting the same con artist trading room over and over again.
Apparently you only have precious time to post non sense advertisements to scam people out of their money. Great human being you are.
LOL, Why would I bother to do that? No one here has any money. LMAO
It took awhile but we’ve finally reached it, the point where the shill trots out the last lame excuse as to why they won’t post any proof of their claims. Take your show elsewhere Paul, this audience isn’t buying it. You have more stamina than I do Rob B.
I think the show should remain here just to keep entertaining the clowns. Don’t you people have anything better to do than just bitch about everything. Get out and enjoy life. That’s right, this is your sad sorry arse life.
I will tell you what is sad and sorry and that is you constantly coming here promoting con artist trading rooms. And when folks ask for some proof of your TR claims you post nonsense replies like above.
I would say get on with your life, but clearly going around trying to scam folks is your life.
Maybe you should actually read your own post and see how ridiculous they read. They make you and the TR Operator you promote look like fools
Seriously, the consistency you guys exhibit commenting on sites you believe are frauds is on par with someone selling trash education. I enjoy reading the back and forth comments, but I still don’t know where you get the energy. It looks like the nonsense fuels your diligence.
They are damaged goods, been burnt too many times and don’t have the ability to move on.
There are bout 6 of these “since I can’t trade obviously no one can” people trolling this forum. They act like they are Emmett, patrolling the trading rooms. Really they are just losing traders with time and regret on their hands. I’d love to see rob, stray, churn, cy, and some others take you up on the challenge. But they won’t, and they will all have a lame excuse.
DTChump or whatever alias you are going by, it is the responsibility of the TR Operator who is making wild claims of profitability to show proof of their claims.
If you do not see that then you are seriously mentally disturbed, which I already realize from you past posts.
I bet dtchamp is either Pete or tradingfratboy. The investigators are getting that much closer to locating where the white ferrari was rented from hah.
Welcome back! Are you ready to provide trading proof, since you previously stated how very successful trader you are now, as you previously stated you would?
The challenge is open to them. We can all post broker statements as we can also scan and make them look excellent like PFG Best did for yrs. Set up some live trading accounts and give Emmett access to those accounts is the most honest and transparent way to do this.
Here’s a challenge Paul that actually makes sense. Get the vendor to give Emmett access to his trading statements. I’m not selling a $7,000 course, Rob B isn’t selling a $7,000 trading course the only person who is, is the vendor that you are trying to promote here.
Stray and Rob are technically not selling a course themselves, but both have previously been exposed as shills for others (Rob, for example, recommended Dr. B in a few posts). So let’s have all the shills participate in this Trading Challenge!
DTChump no one can be this big of a moron. I have called out all these con artist at one point. Nowhere have I ever recommended Al Brooks. I think you at one time point out one of my post where I was clearly being sarcastic.
So try to get this through your thick head, I say all these TR operators are con artist. There is no exception. If that is you idea of a shill then you are beyond help.
There must be thousands of lurking readers that are grateful to RobB and Stray for keeping watch on the fort. Amazing that the shills are also trying to rewrite the history of the comments. RobB and Stray have never shilled for any vendor. Adams tried to ingratiate himself in the commentary. So did Alex Sobiel/Seilaff. They were given a chance initially to prove themselves, but they ended up being just typical babbling room shamsters in the end or refund scammers So do a few other vendors try to mimic RobB and Stray’s criticism of vendor tricks by preaching to the choir. Now I wonder if this is even the same Paul. Look at the older posts of 9 to 10 months ago. The old Paul seemed to be more reasonable and said he was going to go live and prove profitable trading due to GZT in a year and show broker statements etc. Those posts were 9 months ago, so he has 3 months left. RobB had some great posts showing the illogic of the shills. I mean, why should anyone fork over 7k for a “mastery” program, 1.5k for an indicator suite without proof especially proof from former students. The site looks like any other of the thousands of sites from the ninjacesspool or the many similar sites already reviewed on tradingschools. How is GZT really any different from the usual sham tradingschool. Anyways, it would be a shame if the shills took over the tradingschool comments where it would be no different from all the other shilled so called review sites and compromised forums.
dtchump, it is difficult to fathom that anyone can be as dim witted as you appear to be. Just because you say something does not make it true. Find the post where I have been a shill for any trade room vendor. Reproduce it.
Think they were even promoting David Adams. LMAO. Perhaps he is the one who burnt them so badly.
Seems that you were also dropped on your head as a child or are you naturally stupid? Find the post and reproduce it here.
Wow! It is really hard to reply to someone whose posts are 99% fact free. It is like revisionist history. Next you will be posting the earth is square. So I am just going to recap the actual facts, I know this is a concept you do not understand, but here are the undisputed facts:
1) Paul has been a shill for GZT for almost a year now on this forum and posted over 10 months ago, “ I am a mastery student of his and there is no BS” and stated, “I personally have watched Sean trade live many times”, yet
2) Sean has told Emmett he does not trade live,
3) GZT makes wild promises of profitability,
4) GZT sells a course for $7,000,
5) GZT has never shown any proof they can trade profitably,
6) When Paul is asked to show any proof of his claims, he refuses and then post anything and everything (complete nonsense) to distract from the fact neither he nor GZT can show any proof they can trade the way they teach profitably,
7) Paul stated, “not much point as with the GZT method I am still on Sim”. So this mastery student (his words) is promoting nonstop a method he himself will not even trade live,
8) Then over 10 months ago Paul wrote, “In the future when i have at least 30 live trades logged i will gladly post live results”. WTF in over 10 months Paul still has not taken those 30 live trades?,
9) Then once again Paul wrote;” I stated earlier that i am willing to set up a live account and post the results. This is still going to happen. “ Yet he never does!!
10) Then Paul wrote:
“I have finally gone live today and what a Baptism of Fire it was for me. I was completely unprepared for how much of a different beast the live market is. I was stopped out for the day at 08:30 am. That’s terrible.
The fills and slippage took me and caught me completely unaware. I got slippage on fills and my stops. Also it feels like the live market moves a lot faster than the Sim.
For the last 2.5 months (on the simulator) I have been on a good solid run with something like 5 down days in that period and they have all been very small down days. No bigger than 6 ticks. Whereas my winners have been 10 ticks plus consistently.
Wow. My head hurts from this eventful morning.”
**** Well, Welcome to the real world of trading Paul******
I could go on and on, but the bottom line is even though Paul repeatedly states he was going to show proof that the GZT method can be traded profitably, he never has been able to do it and this has been going on over a 10 months’ time frame, which is why my replies to Paul are not so friendly.
Now Paul unlike your fact less post, I just posted actual facts than anyone can search and see are accurate and true.
Normally when reply to shill nonsense, I say, “I can have a more intelligent conversation with my cat”, but in your case I think I will say, “I can have a more intelligent conversation with a cockroach”.
Your challenge is equivalent to someone looking to get a house built and they see some contractor advertise he is a great house builder, so they ask the contractor for proof that he has actually built homes and instead of providing any proof, he challenges them to a race and says see you won’t race me so that is my proof. It is beyond stupid!!
I in no way trade the way this TR operator (YOU) claim to trade, so I surely cannot proof your method works, which by the way I am 100% sure it does not.
Are you planning to just now trade the method live? If you are trading this method so profitable then all you have to do is show Emmett proof of those profitable trades using the method shown on those videos. If you make 1 cent you will have at least some proof, but I doubt you will make a penny.
Trying to have a conversation with a con artist is impossible, but try and answer these questions:
1) Are you actually trading the BS method you teach in a live account profitable?,
2) If so then why can you not show Emmett proof of profitable trading?,
3) How in the world does anyone else trading method results prove your course will make one a profitable trader? And finally
4) Why instead of showing any proof of your wild claims you just post nonsense again and again.
Now those are the Real Question to be answered!!
Don’t try to redirect the narrative. Shill Paul has made claims on behalf of a vendor. The onus is on him to prove those claims. Your limited capacity to understand and follow the discussion has been well documented in your previous posts so I’m trying to make this as easy for you to follow as possible.
So does that mean you are chickening out of the challenge?
The only challenge that make any sense to anyone with any sense is for the TR operator who is making wild claim of profitability and selling a $7,000 course, in this case Paul, to show proof he can trade his BS method profitably. No one else track record will prove that.
Lets say every other trader on the planet is losing money, that does not prove the TR operator who is making fantasy promises is making money.
Seriously can you really not understand this!
The challenge is for Paul to prove the value of the vendor’s product he is shilling for. Only that needs to be proved. Were you dropped on your head as a child or did you have to work at being stupid?
All you post are the same broken record for a year now. Nonsense claims with no proof what so ever. So instead of just repeating myself replying to your BS, I am just going to make a visual reply which I think summarized everything.
What a complete joke you are. You conveniently forget that it was I who challenged you to trade against me on 10k LIVE account for 30 days or longer, I don’t care as I’m trading anyway, just means segregating some funds.Emmett could have full access to those accounts. The account can be larger if you want? Yet you made all the excuses not to take the challenge. What difference does it make to your portfolio if you are actually already trading? Just segregate 10k or more, up to you. Then those live statements will speak for themselves. That is my challenge to you. Either take it or pull your head and get a LIFE/wife or even a Stray Dog.
If you can not trade then perhaps you should watch some GZT videos. Plenty of free ones around so you don’t need to hassle me about trying to sell GZT products. It’s all free.
I would love to see this. Comment trolls will never accept a challenge though
When your best friend is DTChump, you know you are in trouble.
The odd thing is another shill just made the same nonsense challenge to me. You shills go by so many aliases I cannot keep up with them.
At this point I am 100% convinced you are either the TR operator or associated with the room so from now when if I say TR operator I am referring to you.
You have been posting promotional BS for over a year here and yet you cannot show any proof what so ever that GZT trades profitable.
In fact I have responded to your nonsense post here before and even checked out GZT videos of hindsight trading and told you to show proof back then. And in that entire year you have not shown any proof, but just continue with nonsense promotional ads.
It is a complete WOT to even respond to your posts as you will never show any proof. You have had over a year to do so and have refused and that is because your goal is just to scam people.
My response from a year ago is just as legit today so I repeat it in quotes at the end of this post and as I stated then your goal is simple and that is:
Get newbies to take your free trial whereby no one can evaluate performance and there will be ton of shills stating how they are knocking it out of the park and went from broke to making a living after taking the $7,000 course.
Again responding to someone who’s sole purpose is to scam people and who refuse to have an type of intelligent conversation or show proof of their wild claims is a WOT but for shits and grins I will give it my best effort:
1) How in the world does you beating me in a short term day trade challenge provide any proof the TR you keep promoting can trade profitable over time?
2) I have already offered to show Emmett an entire years’ worth of my trading statements. As I have also stated, recently I have been focused on Real Estate and not trading so most of my trades will be over a short period. So you could do the same show back 1 year proof of your profitable trading. But so far you have refused to show any proof what so ever of your complete nonsense claims of profitability,
3) You want to setup a challenge with trading parameters that are not the way I trade. After spending years and thousands of hours I state the way these Day TR operators teach is nonsense and I do not trade that way. I trade the way I trade and offer to show back an entire year of my trading to Emmett. But again none of this proves the TR operator can trade profitable. It is up to you to show actual proof the TR operator can profitable trade the way he claims.
So if you want the challenge I also get to set up the parameters not just you. Being I do not day trade and say it is a pure fools game, I will not take a single day trade, so all you have to do is make 1 cent and you will win the challenge. Surely a great trader like you can do that. Somehow I doubt it.
But the funny thing is this just goes back to what I keep saying, “Just Show Proof the TR Operator can Trade Profitable. Yet you still refuse to show any proof of your claims and make nonsense challenges. I should reword that and say you cannot show any proof as the TR cannot trade profitable.
You are just being willfully stupid as you do not need to beat me day trading, you only need to show proof the TR operator can trade profitable. Just as you are being willfully stupid in your replies you will be willfully stupid in any competition.
I cannot help but wonder how dumb you must think the readers here are that anyone will think GZT is real based on you complete BS posts. Seriously how hard is it for you to show proof GZT can indeed trade profitable. APPARENTLY IT IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!! Therefore you continue to post anything and everything except any proof of your claims.
Now let me take out my crystal ball and make some prediction:
1) You will refuse to show how you profitable day traded over the last year (my challenge) ,
2) You will continue, into the future, to refuse to show any proof you; the TR operator; can trade profitable what so ever, and finally
3) You will just continue to post BS advertisement hoping to sucker in newbies.
Anyone willing to take a bet me on my prediction??
The day the regulators get serious and start locking up con artist as yourself will be one of the happiest days in my life.
Response from a year ago, which is just as true today:
You say skeptic, I say realist after realizing this entire industry is nothing but swindlers selling a pipe dream.
I no longer trade the complete non sense way the con artist Trading Educators teach, but for the Shits and Grins I checked out Golden Zone Trading’s Youtube videos and their web site. You know what I saw? I saw the typical Trading Educator selling a $7,000 course with Supply Demand areas similar to what Sam Seiden teaches, telling people they too can make a living by taking numerous scalps a day trading a highly leverage and highly volatile instruments by using their Holy Grail S/D indicators.
And to my Shock, Shock, Shock; guess what I did not see? Any actual proof of their claims as I outlined in my previous post and you stated they showed. Nowhere on their site did I see any type of track record what so ever. Heck they did not even have the decency to post a fake track record like most Trading Rooms do, more less a real track record showing their trading results everyday with actual entries and exits being posted alongside a brokerage statement with that Broker’s Name shown proving those entries. You see it is one thing to post a fake track record, but I am guess even the incompetent regulators might go after you if you post a fake brokers statement claiming live trading.
So instead of proof you get a free trial day whereby no one can evaluate performance and there will be ton of shills stating how they are knocking it out of the park and went from broke to making a living after taking the $7,000 course.
So Paul I call you out. Have your buddy Sean post his broker’s statement or show Emmett his broker’s statement’s live or use the robot to show real proof of this brilliant profitable trading. Or being you are doing so well with this system, you can do the above.
Anything short of showing actual proof is complete BS advertisement as far as I am concerned.”
Do you really believe anyone in their right mind would read all that BS? I didn’t and am amazed at the length you go to trying to justify yourself.
You won’t even take the challenge. Why? 1. you don’t have the guts to post under your real name. 2. damaged goods and has zero trading ability.
Get over it.
You can take my challenge and put this to bed once and for all.
I suggest using Interactive Brokers.
Your are beyond pathetic with you nonsense. I more than stepped out to the challenge and you are so stupid you apparently cannot even read my post to know that. Try actually reading and take the challenge.
As you are the TR making wild claims of profitability it is you that needs to show proof of your claims, not anyone else. But again I stepped up to the silly challenge and gave you options. But I seriously doubt you will take any challenge as my guess is you have never traded live as you actually admitted to Emmett and it will always be BS advertising from you.
I must include my image of Paul the TR operator Scam artist.
It is necessary to respond to shills and to challenge them. If we don’t, then this blog will become as useless as investiscammers, Big Mike’s futures IO and a host of other sites that allow vendors to make claims without any proof of those claims.
So Paul has initially posted a glowing recommendation for a vendor who charges UD$7,000 for a course. There is no proof that the course results in profits for those who purchase it so the onus has been placed on Paul to prove that it works for him. He has admitted that he only trades this product in sim so I’ve suggested that even with it being a sim account show us those returns. Rather than doing that he’s gone from dancing around showing any proof that the $7,000 course he wants people to buy actually works, to insults towards anyone who challenged him to show proof and to now trying to distract and misdirect the course of the narrative. Paul, you can simply prove that this $7,000 course works by showing your trading statements. You don’t need a contest you just need to show proof.
What does a contest prove? How does that prove that this $7,000 course is worth the money being asked for it? What does it add to the central issue here which is, is this course that you are trying to promote worth the $7,000 price tag? What is achieved by a contest that your brokerage statements or better still the vendor’s brokerage statements wouldn’t achieve?
I know it is tiring to read this constant back and forth but it does need every sensible reader to take the fight to shills like Paul to show proof. It can’t be left up to one person to do this. This is the only site where a vendor’s claims are held to a reasonable standard of proof. We have to maintain that standard.
Here’s how this conversation would have gone if Paul had any proof of his claims.
Paul: This TR is the real deal, it’s the best thing ever, I’m making heaps of money, everyone in the room is making heaps of money, the TR owner walks on water.
Rob B: You’re full of s*#%t Paul, prove it!
Paul: Why of course Rob B. Here are my trading statements for you to stick where the sun doesn’t shine.
But what do we have when Paul is pressed for that proof? After the excuses run out the insults begin. Paul, I for one would love it if you were making serious cash and if you are it’s the easiest thing in the world to prove, hell I’ll even take your sim trades as something to evaluate but if you don’t even have those, if all you’ve got are more excuses and insults you really are doing a disservice to yourself and the TR you are shilling for.
Pardon me sunshine where the sun does not shine.
Just more nonsense post by the relentless advertiser. I love how you posted:
“I never read your post. Not worth my precious time.”
More lies as you continue to reply to my post that you self-claim you do not read.
Just lies on top of lies as you promote your scamming trading room. You post everything but any proof of your claims.
You shills are nothing but a broken record of relentless claims of profitability yet can not
show any proof of your claims. I hope one day the regulators lock all of you in jail and then you will have plenty of precious time to not be scamming others.
Your profession IMHO is among the scummiest industries that exists.
Rob. B the bitter Charleton. Trademark me. The Bitter Charlatan.
I still haven’t read your post. Y would I?
Sean Kozak trading real money. Sean also admits he trades sim in the trade room. I personally have watched Sean trade live many times.
Sean Kozak does not trade with a live, real money account. He told me so. Doesn’t give me much confidence.
Notsure what you call this then.
Emmett, Can you please delete the above post “live Trading Recaps”
Hi Paul,
Sure I can remove. Just not sure what you want removing?
Its sort of tough for me to keep up with comments. Hundreds are posted all over the blog, each day. I dont follow each comment.
I thought it had a link attached to GZT members area which I never intended to attach.
I spoke with him about 1.5 years ago, he said he was not. Maybe he started trading live? ” Whoops, Is it another Sachs error?
Better link
Paul is back with his silly advertisement. Do you need to drum up business to make a mortgage payment? I got an idea how about instead of, “Take my Word for it”, showing Emmett “Actual” Brokerage statements proving this scam artist can trade profitable. What a novel idea.
The review on Mark Sachs that Emmett wrote is an amazing read. That’s all I can say…LOL.
What’s a mortgage payment? Haven’t had one for 20 yrs. Obviously, Rob B has one. You should buy some Cannabis shares pay your mortgage off with the profits.
Speaking of cannabis. I have a friend that made a nice living growing weed in the backyard, for many years. Until they legalized it. Prices plunged to less than tobacco. Now he grows organic tomatoes and cucumbers. Delivers them fresh to local restaurants. Makes more money selling tomatoes than weed. Go figure. Funny world.
It’s still a huge business here 5 k per lb. However, you can make a massive amount with the correct weed stocks.
So you are living in your mom’s basement smoking weed. That explains your constant nonsense posts. This is not Scam-O-Pedia. We actually expect to see proof of your claims, which neither you or the TR operators you keep pumping can do. Until that TR does that then no one here is interested in your nonsense advertisements.
Again in case you are too high to understand. PROOF IS THE ONLY THING WE ARE INTERESTED IN!! Yet instead of any proof all you can provide are distractions.
Rob B … Mom say high
I’ll say this about Mark Sachs. He’s gone back to being a complete scam and deserves no more chances. His indicators are just modded ones from bmt with cosmetics. Any basic modder could come up with same or better ninjacript indicators. See the recent thread on elite where Sachs threatened to sue like a thug, a former client trying to get back a refund and failing that a credit charge cancellation.
Your argument is unsound because in the Heiken-Ashi comments you erroneously assumed I am totally blaming Al Brooks for my trading losses, therefore we can assume the Elitetrader thread involving Mark Sachs was also a case of a consumer who did not do THEIR DUE DILLIGENCE and is totally blaming Mark Sachs rather than taking personal responsibility for their actions, therefore Mark Sachs is absolved of responsibility.
I wonder who Rob and his clan are going to blame?? Because obviously, they won’t take responsibility for their psychologically damaged mindset.
If those clowns can not trade then no one else can either….lol.
I’m amazed they can even get beyond the CAPTCHA.
Do you ever plan to make an intelligent post?
I will try and keep this really simple for your obvious weak mind.
Let’s say you are 100% right and all other traders are losing money. And even though I have offered to show a years worth of my trading results which show I made money, let’s say for argument sake I just lost money.
None of that is any proof your con artist TR operator who is selling a $7,000 course can trade profitably.
At some point even your mother must be ashamed of you and your nonsense. Just post after post of wild claims and no proof and then just attack anyone that ask for proof of your claims.
Is your plan just to continue with nonsense post or do you ever plan to actually address the Real Questions I keep bringing up?
Maybe you can just post:
Hello, I am Paul the mindless shill who makes wild claims of profitable trading but will never show any proof of it. Just trust and buy my $7,000 course and if you ask for proof I will just attack you and post complete nonsense instead of addressing any real concerns.
At least then you would be honest and I could respect you.
The real sad story is anybody really dumb enough to buy this $7,000 course?
Unsound in your own head like the many inner voices in dr. No’s. How silly, all the hundreds of posts by petedetithbrooks littered all over tradingschools was out to get b__ks even though he’s an insignificant book author even often insanely accusing me of shilling. As Stray and Rob continued to tell you in Mook to take responsibility for your trading losses and quit trying to blather to others to send cftc complaints which no one is interested in doing so. Nonsense, Sachs was reported to have started shamming results again and hiding losses. It doesn’t get any more obvious scamster than that, and I’m inclined to believe the client’s story at the end of the elite thread than the words of a multiple felony-worthy plastic mutilator and pill pusher charged criminal Sachs. I will say this. after the debacle in pagetrader and the noshow of bmt b__ks event, these b__ks postings all a laughable joke now if not irrelevant noise. Now and then, I enjoy a chuckle thinking about the “retroactive” clawback after b__ks is retired. It’s so ludicrous trying to imagine it, it’s hilarious.
You mean little man, stop accusing others falsely of totally blaming others. I can request a review out of concern for future traders and that doesn’t make me amoral and have no sense of individual responsibility. It’s ironic you, Cyn, Rob, and Stray Dog come on here gawgking at frauds and victims and act holier-than-thou when it comes to helping others avoid frauds and recognizing that the frauds do indeed reduce individual autonomy. And stop saying Brooks is just a book author, he sells books, webinars, courses, trading expos, and futures magazine articles and maybe individual private consultations too.
“and stop saying Brooks is just a book author”
I am not sure anyone said that. I think what was said is that Al Brooks is relatively small potatoes compared to the many trading rooms that scam people out of thousand dollars for some nonsense trading course. He is still a con artist, but I think the point is does he need to be brought up in virtually every post across every thread?
Damn!! I broke my own vow not to reply to anymore of Pete’s post regarding Al Brooks. Sorry.
Of course, Deputy R, you take advantage of any chance to mention Dr. A. Keep his name out there, that is what the good ones do.
Dtchump or Pete or whatever you are going by, I quoted and replied to Pete’s (yourself) own post. So by your insane logic it is Deputy P that keeps Dr. A. name going.
So are you telling Deputy P to finally stop with his nonsense posting about Dr. A. In other words you are telling yourself to stop your own posting. Good Job!
Thank you for confirming my suspicion for mentioning his name 2 times in YET ANOTHER post. Keep it goin, thats the pay to get paid.
It is impossible to respond to the mentally disturbed. Pete, yourself via another alias, is the one that keeps mentioning Mr. Brooks name again and again in every post.
You are just being willfully stupid or plain stupid. The verdict is still out.
yup, it’s no wonder the b__ks disease can’t be hidden with his alters, whether a mental gollum or baboon, lol.
Unlike gollum/drChump who doesn’t own up to anything, I did say b__ks was a book author RobB, albeit insignificant small potatoes, yes, especially in today’s world of myriad of kindle ebooks on price action and chart reading on amazon today many less than $10 which is what you can get for b__ks’ useless book for used.
Their attacks on you are sad and it makes you wonder about their motivations for doing so ($$$$$).
lol, that your recent comments are more supportive of vendors and the recent shills on the boards says a lot about you considering your mess of a history little blibbering gollum.
What a lame pathetic attempt to hijack my comment childishly in all caps. Emmett was fooled by Sachs initially including the fake wharton phd where Emmett updated the review and exposed the criminal shenanigans like a “pinata” busted open. And thanks to the questioning in the comments, the diploma was pointed out as fake from a counterfeiting degree mill. So the client could have been fooled by the first review before the second. The main point is Sachs went back to his lying ways after the tradingschools spotlight passed over and showed he was just as ruthless and morally bankrupt as usual in his emails to the client concerning the refund process. So whether or not the client missed the reviews or got fooled by the first one or felt Sachs “reformed” after the updated review is completely besides the point and only mental gollums infected with the b__ks disease scream out “assume” like a silly peashot. I think gollum ironically is more obsessed with tagging my posts now in his rage and is forgetting his b__ks retro-radioactivity. Really needs help now.
I have requested Emmett to remove the above post. Seems he doesn’t want too.
Just checked some of Sean’s YouTube video’s. Maybe he is now trading with a live money account? Will need to ask him.
I spoke with him about 1.5 years ago, he said he was not. Maybe he started trading live? Interesting.
In the trade room when he is teaching a strategy class he trades sim so he can present right and wrong examples which make sense. Nevertheless, I have witnessed him trading live many times. I’m pleased you are looking a bit deeper into this.
GZT have also built this amazing indicator called VPC levels using market profile. The amazing thing about the VPC Levels you can customise it to the period you are trading and bring in a huge amount of data from longer periods. Have attached a link to save me explaining it.
To get to the meat and potatoes go scroll to the 17 min start.
VPC link
Another room that seems to be reliable is chartsky.com. A lot of videos with live trades.
Hello Emmett,
thanks for the response. You´re doing a great job here.
Unfortunately there are also other reviewing sites out there (for instance dr.handley) which have completely different recommendations. This is extremely confusing, Whom should I trust?
Have you heard anything about felton trading? It seems to be a good trading room. They are scalpers using renko charts with a daily target of $1000.
best regards,
Don’t trust anything written by Dr Handley. He is paid by sites to get a good recommendation. Emmet kinda takes it easy on him but the truth is he is like a pimp for these services. Most disturbing. More like Dr Doom. Shame on you Dean. How in the hell do you live with yourself?
Yes, I have a bunch of video on Rodger Felton. Nothing bad to report at all. Am working on a review.
daniel, Felton was banned from Big Mike’s. Similarly Jaguar Ed was exposed fabricating sim results. Felton often posted the usual vendor gibberish about trading. After questioning by members, he all but admitted he was showing sim trading. The kool-aid drinkers or plants would say how everything was ok showing sim in a room, while the frustrated , some former members would point out how Felton was often already in a winning trade when the trading room started which was explained by having multiple sim accounts going on at the same time , then choosing the winning chart when the room opened. In the last six months Emmett has been more wise to thee myriad tricks, even some newly invented every year by these scammers. Think about it, assuming one could look at themselves in the mirror perpetrating a daily scam, why would a vendor trade live when up to 50 dupes a month could be paying at a rate of $100 to $500 each from selling products or churning new members through marketing. I would think after a new scam vending business got on it’s feet the hosts would have long stopped trading live and may not even have live accounts anymore for years like WT and GTR.
Hello Emmet,
where can I find a full list of all rooms you have checked out and you undoubtedly recommend using them? Unfortunately I can´t find your recommended trading rooms.
I must admit, i am really confused about your test on scalpingemini.com: I would never think that this is a scam because there is a livetradingroom offered for free for 5 days. You pay on a monthly basis and you can cancel at any time. There are videos published with the performance of the strategy.
Best regards,
Hi Daniel,
Regarding Scalpingemini, am currently working on an updated review. This has been difficult because the owner has two systems for sale; a scalping system that I am currently collecting performance, and a trend following system. Things should be cleared up shortly.
The only room, at this point that I could recommend would be OilTradingGroup.
Wish I had more to recommend, but the sad truth is the nearly every single one is a fraud.
Trader Makers is a good once as well. Verified performance. Decent person.
What happened to The Trading Clan review?
I am curious as well. Emmett, do you delete those reviews? Why?
RE: The Trading Clan…in order to maintain a positive review, I need to do a follow up review, once every 6 months. I contacted TradingClan and they have completely ignored me, as well as a few others requesting updated information and they have also ignored them. Red flag. Have gotten a few random emails that a live person is no longer moderating the room. Another red flag. A ton of traffic comes through my site, and I dont want to send them any customers if they cannot provide me with proof of performance, ie account statements.
Regarding Superman Trades…I removed his review for only a few days then put it back up. I contacted Paul Scolardi and I am writing a mega review on this guy. Account statements, the addressing of various issues, the whole enchilada. It will be a fun read. But this one wont be for another week or two weeks. Everyone is going to be really surprised.
I would like to know which live chat room would toy recommend? I have used warrior trading, which has lead me to consistently break even. I was going to try kavan klien, but after reading your review I will pass. Please let me know which live chat is best in your opinion?
Thanks for all your hard work!
Veritasfuturestrading.com appears to be Bob Amico…not again
Oh Bob. (sigh)
Hello Emmett. I thought I saw a few reviews about a trader named Superman and another was the trading clan. I can’t seem to find them. Do you delete those that have proven to be OK in the trading rooms. Thanks for your time and talents. It makes for great reading.
Hello Emmett. I really enjoy your reporting on these people who try to screw the inexperienced want to be traders. This guy that runs the Emini trading room seems a little arrogant and boastful. Have you done a report on him before and if not would you take a look at his trading method. Thanks for your fun reviews especially the one about Jason Love, hahaha, very descriptive and “Funny”
Hi Emmett,
First I wanted to say thanks for all your hard work in developing this website. What a refreshment to have someone actually doing complete, honest reviews. I was wondering if you have reviewed Mark Sach’s website rightlinetrading. On google, it looked like his site was referenced, but I could not find it on this website.
Much thanks,
hi Emmett
can you do a review on GLOBALTRADEROOM.COM
thank you for all your hard work
I tried the Tradeshark room a while ago and that was a really bad experience. He only tried to sell you his products and it is impossible to follow his trades. If you ask him anything about what he do he say that you need to buy his E-books. (several) If you cant duplicate a trade he did then it is because I am stupid or havent read his book. Very unpleasant experience. Save your money.
Another one you should stay away from and not listened to is Dean Handley. The reviews he does is BS. He only do the reviews to be able to promote hos own stuff.
I have full thirty days of trader shark recordings that we have not yet found the time to review. These reviews take a lot of time to complete because of the sheer amount of video and hand recording of trades that need to be inputted onto a spreadsheet.
Dean Handley…I think what he is attempting to do is admirable, but the truth is that he is just a simple older gentleman that is retired and works by himself at home. Anyone that believes that he actually took the time to review 787 trading rooms and hundreds of thousands of actual trades needs to get their head examined.
Dean Handley is just another vendor selling a trading room. Nothing more and nothing less. However, I do not want to pick a fight with Dean. Rather, I would like to focus on what I can prove through video and research. Dean prefers to rely upon the implied credibility of his various titles “MBA, JD, etc”.
Thanks for taking the time to write.
Hit the nail on the head Emmet, as usual.
Tradershark.com Review:
Zero transparency. No trading DOM or chart trader on screen. Entries are ambiguous and vague, and only acknowledged when trade has already moved into positive territory. Performance results are nonsense and not verifiable.
any information about futurestradingcoach.com ?
Hi Dario,
I will begin recording Futures Trading Coach on Monday morning. Best I can do is get next weeks recording done and on Friday the 6th of January, give you a five day quick review, but in reality it takes about 21 days to get a really legitimate review.
Will touch bases next Friday.
emmett try reviewing the freak from mojo trading this guy is a first class clown
I agree. Would really appreciate a review of MOJO trading. Guy scored big last week by picking SUNE. He’s very big on promoting how open he is about showing his trades and his trading account live as the trades are done. He’s is a bit of a character and an annoying egomaniac but he does seem to be gettng results. He just started a MOJO Hedge fund too so the results from his trading are verifiable by that.
Has anyone reviewed Mojo Trading?
Hi Emmett
Would really appreciate if you can do your fantastic review of the scammer of the year Scott Morris of
Thanking you
Ugg. Actually, spoke to Scott and his partner once. I got two days of account statements. And they were positive. Some of these reviews are not always black and white. Hopefully, I get more feedback from the trading community. And I can convince The Oil Money to use The Robot. Wait and see for sure.
Scott is all promoter. Sort of a lovable rogue. He leans heavily on his partner for actual trading.
Looks like Scott Morris is back with a just-starting new site and trading room..
btw , are you still in Valdemar Kongzana’s room Saten? any thoughts on tradingschools review of kongzana? a slick sleight of hand showing ninja sim profits where his supposed semi-auto strategy was making 3 to 10k a day. never fully explained how it was done.
dtchurn, what is the deal with that room you highlighted? I went to the site and listened to the room logs. It seems to me they are a live call trading room, but they state in the beginning that it is for educational purposes only. They did call out live trades, but I did not sit through all of their sessions. I am just curious why you mentioned that room. I believe they are selling their software. It likes various tick charts with a repackaged macd histogram and stochastics. My first experience into futures was with software similar to this. I don’t know the accuracy of the software from that sight.
I do know what it is like to buy software with repackaged arcane indicators. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I lost money right away and subsequently stopped using crazy software programs. I went from discretionary to automated signals a couple of times, but as we mentioned before it is very hard to write down exact rules to follow and be profitable all the time. A trader must be consistently in sync with the ebbs and slows of the daily market. As a result a set of rules on software could chop you up or keep you out of the market all together. I believe
traders like Kevin Davey are consistently adjusting strategies as they feel conditions change. That would be a good question for him if we get a chance. Anyway I digress, just curious to your mention.
You said, “As a result a set of rules on software could chop you up or keep you out of the market all together.”
What about software that adjusts targets based on price movement statistics? I know one trader who has written something like that. It looked interesting, and I might just be tempted to try it out. I am not sure if he provides any trials.
That would be interesting to see in action because targets should consistently be modified in correlation to volatility. I assume that trader came up with stats that he could use to improve the accuracy of his targets being hit which improves his efficiency. It would help to know what type of price movement data he uses.