Category: Market Edge

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Stock shorting strategy that actually works?

I am going to make a bold proclamation. It is nearly impossible to make money by shorting publically traded, individually listed company stocks. The very nature of the stock market is capital formation for long-term investing. Before a stock is even listed on an exchange, the business model …

Berkshire Hathaway Overnight Trading Strategy

One of the great things about learning how to backtest and program trading strategies is the exhilarating sense of independence, that feeling of ‘doing things yourself’. In many ways, backtesting and programming trading strategies is very much an artistic endeavor. I am no artist. However, once you learn how to …

Rithmic R Trader Pro: R BASS

Rithmic Trading: trading technology you know little about Thanks for reading. Today I want to talk about Rithmic trading and a piece of trading technology that they have recently released to the retail trading community. Most people that trade futures contracts have heard the name ‘Rithmic’ but they …

Emini SP500 Scalping Strategy

Thanks for reading! Today, we are going to talk about a day trading strategy for the Emini SP500 futures contract. Included in this strategy will be a complete description, which includes exact code and statistical output. Before I jump into this, I want the audience to know that I …