Category: Live Stocks Trading Rooms

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Colmex Pro CFD’s and Trade Net. Its a dumpster fire!

Recently, TradingSchools.Org published an article regarding Colmex Pro and Trade Net. How each company is owned by the same person: Meir Barak. And how something is definitely ‘fishy.’ In a nutshell, Trade Net is a trading educational company that can supposedly teach a person to make massive profits …

Jason Bond Picks: Millionaire Roadmap? Or Pathway to Financial Disaster?

Thanks for reading today’s Review on Jason Bond’s Raging Bull On June 13, 2015, TradingSchools.Org published a highly detailed and extremely negative review of Jason Bond Picks. In that review, TradingSchools.Org detailed how Jason Bond Picks was essentially operating as a penny stock ‘front-runner.’ What does this mean? …