absolutely !! TrueTradingGroup.com is the real deal. The owner and moderators post their trades and results every. single. day. As well as notify you that they’re making the trade in the chat room. You get 2 1:1s with the traders for signing up for 1 year. And now they give a double money back guarantee if you take and pass the courses, trade for 1 year and don’t make money, the double the 1 year membership fee back. These guys are amazing!!! I’m making money and so happy I landed at their site first before all these other scam sites.
Hello Emmett Moore,
I have just written you an email in which I asked you to review a certain guy who calls himself Crypto Face.
I just wanted to say that I will really appreciate it if you review him and his services (that indicator package called Market Cipher).
In the email, I forgot to include some information about him, there is obviously a lot more to it.
Basically he is a trader (mostly daytrader and scalper from what I have seen). He sells the Market Cipher for quite a lot of money. I really do think that he is a scammer. I have seen some opinions that the Market Cipher is basically normal indicators made in a different graphical style.
I even (but this is only a speculation) saw some speculations that this guy Crypto Face scammed some people even before he became Crypto Face, allegedly he called himself CryptoJeffrey back then. His real name is probably Jeff Centrella from what I could find.
He has a few associates that work with him and basically promote his product too. They also have their own YouTube channels. Their names/nicknames are Flopping Groper and Jason Casper.
I just wanted to add this information since I forgot to include it in the original email.
For everyone here: Be very careful about this man, this Crypto Face and his products. He claims to be making crazy gains that are unheard of even in trading cryptocurrencies. If his strategies and indicators really worked that well, he would be making a lot more than just 1% per day as some other gurus promise.
Take care.
Just one more thing: Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I am not right in what I think and perhaps Crypto Face is a trading genius, kind of a crypto Houdini that makes loads of money trading. I just do not believe it because I have seen far too much on the internet to believe this now.
But my good friend believes it and trades using Crypto Faces strategies. I am trying to convince him, but nothing seems to make him believe me. I do not want him to lose his money.
This is not trading per se but crops. There are these ag developments that claim various big returns where you buy mangoes or various crops. Obviously, no guarantees. But, unfortunately, a lot of frauds in this sector.
Any way to determine if these guys are legit or not?
Emmett do you want to nail this guy? It sounds like he needs your special treatment. He is squeezing people who were stupid enough to enter into a mentoring contract with him. They did not even dare reveal his name until the page 3 for fear of legal repercussions:
His name is Kim Mangalindan of FB Freedom Challenge Group. I feel so sorry for his victims that in fact I am going to send him an email. Something to the tune of:
“I have some unwelcome news for you. I have asked Emmett Moore to look into your case. Don’t offend my intelligence by telling me you don’t know who Emmett Moore is. God have mercy on you.”
Have you read his investing books on Amazon? Absolute trash. They appear to be nothing more than lame scribbles offering advice fit only for a caveman. Everything is written in single syllables. Squarely written for a 5th-grade class of kids destined to ride the small bus.
Further, his Youtube channel is nothing more than bitcoin maximalism. Need to solve your hair loss? Buy bitcoin. Can’t get a boner? Buy more bitcoin. Bird poop on your car? Buy some bitcoin. Everything is nonstop pumping of bitcoin.
And my god, don’t ever disagree with this man. I once left a comment that maybe, just maybe bitcoin mining is creating massive amounts of greenhouse gasses and he immediately released upon me the hounds of hell. I said, hey maybe Cardano, Solano, Etherium, or Lumens are a more efficient and planet-friendly solution and he went into a mad frenzy about how dare anyone complain about coal-fired powered plants and how using coal was actually a net positive for the planet.
Glad you brought Kratter up. He needs to good ass-kicking. And yes, his hedge fund sucked ass water.
There is a YouTube feud brewing between DayTradeParadise (Matt) and Algobox (Vinny). Both claiming a similar story about being contacted by Emmett back in 2017
Actually, I did speak with both way back in 2017. What are they feuding about?
I remember speaking with Vinny and he seemed like a nice enough person. He does trade with large size, but I couldn’t get him to verify anything beyond a single month. Which is not long enough to evaluate. Sometime later, he had a very public meltdown and he appeared to need help getting his emotions under control. Truthfully, I sort of felt bad for him as he was really suffering publicly.
Now about Matt at DayTradeParadise…nice guy, but not enough account statements. Didn’t seem like a scammer to me. But I couldn’t give him a positive review without verifiable performance covering one year of recent trading. And I couldn’t give him a negative review because he simply did not appear to be scamming folks.
As for your reference to the ‘meltdown’. I believe you are referring to his Macrohedged period of time. Where-in as you most likely saw the MH community attacking Vinny and sharing the personal information (i.e. addresses, phone numbers, etc) of family, friends, trading community, etc.
He has many videos on it that I have watched. I also watched the admission video from MH (Adam) that he lied.
As well, I have been watching YouTube traders for quite some time, if I also recall during that time period, Vinny’s wife was pregnant and if you remember that was the Macrohedged vs Vinny (AlgoBox) trading contest. Where Vinny showed that Macrohedged (Adam) falsified his results and Vinny won that contest. MH followers started attacking Vinny for that if you recall. On multiple platforms. I saw it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.
I don’t consider being extremely protective of family, friends, his trading community, etc when being doxed by a proven loser (Macrohedged) a term of ‘meltdown’.
This “meltdown” that you’re referring to was because he was doxxed on Twitter by Macrohedged and was then subjected to racist taunts by Myke Smith which were aimed at his then pregnant wife. At one point they even called CPS to try and have his children removed from him. It was disgusting behaviour and would have made anyone normal completely lose it. And it all arose just because Vinny beat MH in a trading contest.
Where is Vinny e-Mini’s statements speaking of? Or is it still that story that “My broker won’t let me display my statement or they will shut down my account”
… while he live streams his trades supposedly from said brokerage account and supposedly posts a “daily P&L” from said brokerage account .
If this is your way of getting out of posting a broker statement Vinny it’s not going to work this time nobody is scared of you anymore.The community stands behind Emmett. We want the truth!
Emmett corrected a mistake he made by accident nobody paid him it’s 2017 and certainly his memory is fuzzy about you and DTP. He is speaking truthfully I have seen DTP’s emails and he did in fact send Emmett some broker statements (but not a year’s worth) as Emmett correctly stated. You just want text evidence to support your fake narrative because that’s how you are. Your entire life and trading history is a fake narrative that nobody believes anymore.
Uh. Did you not see the latest stuff from between him and Matt. Like Mattdid see his broker statement. As well as the broker ‘statement’ for the year of 2019? Which Matt himself had a video of on Jan 15th, 2021.
So… the video where Matt requested that which was according to Vinny was Jan 15th. There is a time discrepancy between the original length of video, to the one you re-released a couple days ago that was 1 hour or so different (removed/edited video) in which it was then promptly pulled down after Vinny’s community noticed the discrepancy. Care to comment on that Matt?
Yeah, the broker statement that he showed that Matt had a video of and cut out all that information was then turned around someone from either Matt’s community or somewhere else contacted the broker. As Vinny has put a video out on the entire conversation between the broker and the statement that was on Matt’s video.
One and the same, so is Matt going to answer why the video has a length discrepancy?
And from the screenshots that have been shared. It also appears that those same ‘statements’ were posted in image form in Matt’s discord room at one time or another. Has Matt since removed them?
Haha – I find it EPIC-ly hilarious and befitting that we all find out today that Matt at DTP (who is in here hiding under other names like the COWART he is) has “cleaned up” his shill fraud room for the sole purpose of – ( to quote Matt here:) “just in case Emmett drops by”. And he has deleted and removed ALL of his live stream videos after being exposed as a fraud from his own words in his streams. And is now going to present Emmett with his “pristine” small account challenge results as his evidence of a legitimate educator worthy of a trader’s time. {I can’t muster up a strong enough scoffing laugh to do here justice}
This is going to he hilarious. I’m going to get my popcorn and prepare for another one of my “meltdowns”. Right Mr. Moore?
Can’t wait for this shit show. Let’s see if Emmett can see thru the façade and the pony show and give a real review of yet another account blowing martingaling nightmare of a fake trader.
Thru research and discovery and credible people who have approached us, since 2016, while Matt has been shilling DTP – Matt has been soliciting funds and has received in excess of $405,000. Many questions arise around this that hopefully Emmett further uncovers and helps these people get their money back. From our contacts so far what we know is that they have lost at least half of the funds that Matt received. I think we all know where this goes, but I’m just going to leave this right here for now. Carry on.
Good luck Martingale Matt. We’ll be recording the comedy show. We appreciate the entertainment value as long as new vulnerable traders have the chance to be warned to stay away from this con job.
See YA!
Some Videos with questions that need answers to save Emmett some time having to sift thru the Day Trader Paradise vomit worthy live streams – to Summarize the community’s findings thus far:
WOW! -144 down votes. That’s the most down votes one of my comments has ever received. Vinny, I hope you didn’t get RSI from all that clicking. I’m sure a guy like you will need some grip strength in your hand for later.
The reason you did not receive a positive review was that you had very little verifiable performance. I require a full year of performance for a positive review. You didn’t have it, so you did not get a positive review.
However, you also did not receive a negative review either. This is because I did not feel you were scamming customers.
As far as Day Trader Paradise, please excuse me for not being intimately involved in the feud between rivals. I cannot make any real comment simply because I do not know the full story…yet. Its also important that I wanted to give you some credit for some of your good past work, which includes uncovering a few frauds. So there is that. And thank you for that.
Have I ever attacked your family? Frankly, I have no idea what you are talking about. If I did, I sign my name to everything. Attacking is something I feel very comfortable doing, and once again, you always know if I did it because I sign my name to it.
You can certainly attempt to “sue me” as many have tried. But be careful, and you should ask around and do some research in the courts to see my many court actions. Again, litigation is something I feel very comfortable doing and the sword cuts both ways. So be very careful and think about what your end result will look like.
Sometimes its better to be cooperative and work with me, as opposed to seeking conflict. Especially with a person that feels very comfortable in long, drown-out, protracted conflict.
Think about things reasonably and contact me after you have cooled down a bit. You know how to find me.
Your Double Standards for picking and choosing your “good” and “bad” is legendary idiotic.
BEYOND the fact you wont admit your ownership of GURULEAKS acct on Twitter and it’s OBVIOUS bias and bullshit that allowed my family to be further put in harm’s way. You rather enjoy abusing your “sheriff power” and get your back door affiliate sponsorships and payoffs to your buddies/pals.
We’ll all sit here and wait for that “1 YEAR TRACK RECORD” for AXIA FUTURES – lmao. Complete DOG shit group if you ACTUALLY talked to the people who paid their $6,000 to get their “training program” and get rekt in 90 days or less and come crying to me to get a REAL ACTIONABLE system.
AXIA comes back to you after your original “bad review” and sends in their strongest and most charismatic guy (who is basically just a news baiter trader) Who you develop personal feelings for. (Questionably plutonic certainly) And allow yourself to be lulled into mental feces as you “sit behind” a single guy for a ONE WEEK STENT (I’m sure you dont recall sitting in my live streams for more than a week and now literally above in your word vomit response above have admitted to your double standard at least).
After your 1 week love fest of personal chats waiting for a news event (which AXIA doesn’t train their ACTUAL members to trade that way) but alas – POOOFF!!! Instant flip flop to – GREAT TRADING GROUP! “I was sooo wrong about them, they are the greatest!”
I could go on and on about the topic, but it’s Friday and have better things to do, and you’ve become a complete fucking joke.
Here I was, having a great afternoon. Getting ready to drive to the stadium with my kid to watch the Padres clobber Arizona, and then Vinny shows up trying to ruin my day. Like an unflushed turd in a toilet bowl, he just appears all ugly and stinking just when you least expect it. Writing all manner of ridiculous nonsense and whack-a-doodle trying to ruin my good mood.
Well Vinny, you had me for about 5 seconds. Yep, I was irritated for just a moment. But I’m feeling great and very shortly will be drinking an ice-cold beer and eating a bacon hotdog. My Padres will win. I will laugh and catch two foul balls. The fans will cheer me. I give the second foul to a handicapped orphan. The fans will cheer even louder.
Tonight, when I get home, I will make sweet love to my beautiful young wife.
What a perfect day. Have a great rest of your day Vinny.
Vinny provided a lot of good information for free early on and demonstrated some creativity and some ability as a trader. He appeared like a nice guy on stream but became unhinged or the real Vinny came out. The change is fairly remarkable from his early to late videos.
And, the really Vinny is not nice. Vinny might be a great trader but he acts like a narcist, unhinged, unstable, compulsive lies, etc. He is known to verbally abuse his members, compulsively lies, grandiose claims (“quant”) ,half-truths (“C2 systems”), etc.
His software looks somewhat promising and well made but no software worth dealing with someone like that.
His marketing plan appears to be trying to start feuds with all other traders, software, etc. He is probably his own worst enemy but looks like a nasty fellow would will cause equal problems for anyone who is foolish to deal with him.
Do not get me completely wrong– I think Vinny has a lot of great content and ideas that are worthwhile. Best to take and learn from a distance though– you do not want to deal with this character. Trust me.
However, just look at his ranting response to an honest and positive review from paying client.
He’s the kind of guy who will spout Bible verses while he curses, belittles, attacks, rants, and acts completely superior to everyone him. He is smart but not as smart as he claims.
If you search the ID of his C2 systems, you will find one he renamed “test” that was previously listed with an actual ID on his Youtube. He renamed it to hide a bad performance. This was before the big blow up that happened and that is already well documented. C2 has a lot of problems but he continued to make claims after his blow up. You can look in history of all systems and search the IDs to prove this.
His claims to be a quant are ridiculous. No published work of any kind. No documented experience working as a quant in any capacity. I think he’s probably a good programmer and does demonstrate a basic knowledge of backtesting.
He continually claims to have won a competition against Ross. There was no competition. He just traded his own account, unverified, and made it up.
After Dr. Dean verified him, he started going off screen and blanking it out after losing and would come back with a win. After Dr. Dean pulled his good review, he exposed Dr. Dean’s wife was running the room. Where did the good Dr. go? He should come back to doing room reviews. I suspect he has capability to be a good trader but he’s never demonstrated he can trade over 1 year even and be profitable.
I agree with him about Jigsaw’s ridiculous leader board. He’s absolutely right about that. But, he does the same thing by posting sim results from his students and not openly disclosing it. Reports are that he asks his students to never share that results are sim.
He whines like a baby about Big Mike. He probably has a point. But, Big Mike was not why I did not buy his software– it was because he launched into a 2 hour tirade about how awful I was and how great he was. I never said anything. He just ranted for 2 hours straight. Really think he might be disturbed.
Occasionally, he drops some good information on trading but its like wading through steaming pile of sh*t to get too it.
His latest thing his ragging on ICT which no one cares about!
Vinny Emini modus operandi:
Bully, belittle, attack, etc. his own customers.
Threaten to cut anyone off from his software if they say the wrong thing.
Pick beef with other vendors
Break down when they dox him and come after
Whine like a baby
Anon March 19, 2022
Vinny should quit trying to expose other vendors given his disastrous C2 results.
Lesson for Vinny, quit bullying everyone, quit preaching at people, quit making excuses for your blow ups, and just focus on your trading and software.
He has made all his systems “private”. But, even before his big blow up he had renamed a system to from to “test” that had published on his Youtube. It is possible he was trading multiple systems and went live with the one that did well. Or he first tried to hide the system by renaming it but C2 keeps a history of all renames.
Now, he has made all his systems private.
A google image search for 110369211 will show though that now EGI is renamed “EZGetMomDays”. Nice one.
Again, this is not the rename I am referring too. Before he blew up, he had published a strategy, linked it in Youtube, and later renamed it “test”. So, that’s 2 strikes Vinny.
Given his shenanigans, it is not even about whether this fool can trade. I think he might can, honestly. But, I am always optimistic.
It is not even about being able to trade with this assclown. It is about asking yourself if you to be in 5k to debt to some asshole assclown who will bully, intimidate, etc. and threaten to revoke your rights to the software you purchased at his whim.
anon March 21, 2022
Few last notes,
Emmett, you probably should start saving stuff on Vinny emini because he is crafty. He is deleting, hiding, making results private, etc. I cannot even find the “test” rename now. If you ever review him, make sure he opens up his C2 record for you to analyze and analyze the history of renames.
Some more of his misrepresentations,
Still shows C2 track record even though he blew the account out and made it private. Whether this was C2 fault or not, he cannot have it both ways. He has made his other C2 records private too. These records he has likely renamed to test to indicate they were never live but they were promoted at one point. C2 keeps full track record of renames. Still shows “C2 Verified Trader”!!! Still shows his performance before blow up!
Claims to be a “professional trader”. Vinny do you know what a professional trader is? It has a very specific meaning. It means a trader who is LICENSED or TRADES OTHER PEOPLE MONEY. You do neither based on your video claims.
Claims to be a quant. No record of published articles, no record of working in a quant capacity, no audited/tracked results available showing any kind of systematic trading success. What I have seen of his methodology, demonstrates someone with only very basic system development skills. Example, he runs a backtest then picks the best times to trade based on in-sample performance. This is classic example of data snooping bias. But if it works for him, great.
All that shared, when he’s not posting videos of him dropping a deuce, ragging on vendors, preaching at members, making grandiose unsubstantiated claims, praising Trump, threatening everyone, making menacing videos of his guns, whining about how the world is so unfair to him, he occasionally offers something useful on trading.
Aziz might be a fun one to review. On the bearbulltraders bio, it claims he was a “PhD” in chem-e , and was “let go” from a research position. His book has apparently taken over Toni Turner as one of the most noobie-pop-trading books out there and often incessantly shilled for again and again by dummy accounts on reddit. Oh, and “bearbulltraders” shows affiliate links with DAStrader and TradeIdeas, same as Scameron’s site. lol, Ross and Handlley may have started the trend of fake proof gurus claiming to have been credentialed professionals in their “past” careers (whether fake architect lies like Scameron, or shamefully discharged like Handley and plastic mutilator-pill pusher Sachs still with a faked wharton “phd”.) before being able to “trade for a living”/but still going to charge up to thousands to teach “how to do it too!” shamshows.
Here’s another one on orderflow. As veteran readers of tradingschools probably know, reviews here are skeptical of these orderflow tape-reading “magicians” or had exposed shamshows like Ms. Roussos and her ice cream summer-school truck, lol. Ok, here is “Adam” of http://www.jumpstarttrading.com, where he claims to have worked at a “GPC” prop firm from 2003-5 (https://members.jumpstarttrading.com/order-flow-pro?r_done=1) and supposedly made “$783,159.84” in profits there. Also included is table of a whole bunch of trades supposedly as “proof”. (https://www.jumpstarttrading.com/GPCDaily.pdf) . The site sells an orderflow “3 module” course costing $1497 in a one-time payment. So another one if tradingschools is thinking about reviewing and scrutinizing another orderflow related site and traducation vendor, now sporting a beard similar to DeanJenkins of followmetrades, haha.
Can you please audit Chris Haroun’s “MBA” Course at https://learn.harounventures.com/p/mba-degree-program-platinum
The individual, Chris Haroun, seems legitimate enough, however I’m unsure that a unaccredited (which he admits) “MBA” course justifies a $2,500- price point. BTW, your “Do you need a product review?” page does not seem to be working. Thanks.
PLEASE write a review about trendtrader.net I bought into their “easy and safe strategy” and lost over $50,000 of my savings by following them. Their strategy is literally catching falling knives and averaging down until there’s nothing left. It’s the riskied thing you can possible do and they advertise it to newbies like I was as “safe and easy”. No refunds of course. They need to be exposed…
To add some more information, i bought a year’s membership last february when the group had about 300 members, within 3 members that grew to over 7000 members. they advertised aggressively on youtube to hook newbies. Once in the live stream the main trader said they were spending $40k a day in advertising. It’s a big business but I know of so many members who have lost so much while they profit handsomely from subscriptions. They regularly ask members to write positive trustpilot reviews in exchange of free membership months. Members write good reviews because due to their average down system they have a high winning percentage but when they lose they lose huge. New members can go on for months not having any losses and then one huge one happens and wipes them out. That’s what happened to me and many others on a couple ocassions. No they charge $1000 a month for an “add on” room. They do whatever they can to pump money from their users. Thank you Emmett for considering my request. Larry.
This sounds terrible. Averaging down a loser is probably the single worst trading habit infecting newbs and it’s a disgusting scam that this shamshow is teaching all their members to do this. It’s a hard habit to shake off once a trading aspirant tries it and it self-destructs most all efforts at maintaining trading risk management strategies and rules because then one rationalizes away the need for a stoploss which often then becomes a bad habit, doubling down a loss in overleverage even more to risk of account busting, and forgetting the need for consistent performance of one’s strategy and trade risk management with adhering to defined stop losses , respecting the percentages instead of trying to change them mid-trade. I suspect a big portion of those testimonials are the typical shills as usual, friends, distant family or hired. These scammers are trying to be next Sykes or Raging Bull in size montrosity. Their disclaimer page, neatly off to the side on another link, tries to cover their stink by saying they’re “educational only!” (Primo-like, throwing up their hands, hidin’ under the desk, hoping the tradingschool’s spotlight misses or passes over them quickly enough, lolol) and they probably learned from OTA’s and RagingBull’s arrogant debacle to cover their bases more and not be too outlandish with yt video in-your-face commercials filmed inside a rented private jet, but shamshow up the “average trader guy” shill testimonial videos even more.
OMG, you lost $50k trading with TrueTrader? That is so very painful. You mind if I reach out to you directly so you can describe with more details? This would make a good review and it might help others avoid the same mistake.
Here’s another one run by a bunch of young guys , myinvestingclub.com . Seems to be a better toned down version of “the trading fraternity”. No real sign of trader#orn, instead they have party pics of nyc, a club, and wall st. in the background to have maybe more a veneer of respectability. And of course there’s the “jumpstart” course at about 33% off, typical of these shamshow hot dog package products. It’s even amusing there’s a service set of products for “tax planning for traders” (https://myinvestingclub.com/tax-planning/) , like they and their students are so profitable, they need their multi $k courses to tax haven all the supposed massive yearly profits they’re assumed to be making, lolol. A latest clever new gimmick of appearing “authentic” (instead of broker statement proof as usual). For Ross Scameron of Warrior Trading, initially it was the webcam of him in the chatroom. But then some noticed his arms weren’t moving or moved at different times when he called out trades. So later, the webcam was tilted higher from a different angle and only showed his face from his neck, lol. So there’s that site. Also probably many have seen this gal “The Humbled Trader” around on youtube trader video suggestions. So that could be another “new generation”, youtube “content” guru, of shamshows to expose on the list of tradingschools’ future exposé articles.
Could you make a review for TrueTrader? truetrader.net they have ads all over youtube and I’ve read lots of BBB complains and terrible reviews online. Curious to read your thoughts of them.
Long time legacy options spreads guru vendor shamshow, one of the earlier ones, that should be exposed. http://www.sheridanmentoring.com , just putting it out there. I’m sure some long time retailers remember or have heard of this ex-cboe farce.
(good that “Dr. J”/Najarian of “Monster”-options and cnbc-guest-talkinghead got exposed by tradingschools in a recent review. (https://www.tradingschools.org/?s=najarian) He was one of the earlier instigators of HFT organizations infecting the options markets being a predatory insider. Sheridan and J are similarly from the same old termite sham log of the latter ’00s)
Do not trade with rayner. He is a scam. He gets people to subscribe for $150 and recommend a fraudulent broker fxalphabeta.online to swindle money from subscribers. This broker will not approve your deposits until rayner text them , then they respond to livechat which shows he may be the one running both.
agreed he is scammy. He didn’t try to provide proof until after Emmett’s review, then soon after put up that pathetic rough looking “broker statement” screen in his response to tradingschools yt video, which was probably a sham app put together by an IT guy on a local server, or his broker buddies faked up for him.
The only “good” thing about Rayner is that he’s done a decent collection of yt video illustrating regurgitated or book plagiarized ideas that newbs can quickly view and follow and learn from. That’s about it.
Please do a review on Matthew R. Kratter, an author on Amazon. He claims to be a “pro” stock trader and former hedge fund manager, however when running a hedge fund, he had nothing but negative returns. His full record can be found at this Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mx9X_pi3zjHX8nRoVXBlrEYi9rkG4kW8/view?usp=sharing
Be careful of OTWS / OTWSTEVE / Option trading with Steve. The biggest fraud I’ve come across on Discord. He’s not knowledgeable and loses on many trades. What keeps him going are the poor people who subscribe and pay $125 per month for him to continue with his trading which I think he paper trades. Who tells the group to load the boat and loses on the trade later on. WFC was the worst, so many people lost thousands on it. He was so confident it would be over $30 in July. On top of it, he’s a prick to his members and deletes negative reviews and comments and only keeps the good ones
Anyone heard of Trading Made Easy, or Cambridge Trading Academy, located in Las Vegas? Run by a James Viscuglia, PhD(??), also know as “Frank”. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Delta Trading group is back under SP500Trader.com now. Same system, same guy Clifford Vance Cast, the convicted meth dealer…..on AM radios all over country again. Maybe time to update your info and add this new website
Hi, can you please review two sites when you have some time? The first a training site is called jadebronco.com, the second is https://www.moneypressmethod.com/.
Hi Bob / Mike? This is Bronco from https://www.jadebronco.com
Ever notice that most broker-dealers have free investment education? Ever wonder why? Because information is worthless if it doesn’t produce profit. And there are 1,000 strategies and indicators for every one empirically valuable way. Here’s my approach: show students how to win, then teach why it works. I spent 20 years trying to find an honest program. I tried to bring the cream to the surface at every turn but only got bullied and ultimately fired several times. I HATE LIARS and FRAUDSTERS. I expose them. I am not popular, but I am profitable, and so are my students. I publish my real $ trading returns and welcome auditors. Ask ANYONE else for that in this business and please let me know what you find.
Nobody comes onto TradingSchools.Org blog and makes this sort of a challenge. Well Jade Bronco, the challenge is accepted. I’m your huckleberry.
If you have a great product. I want to write about it. My readers are thirsty for great products. I will send you the customary emails shortly. Let’s do this.
Emmett, I haven’t heard from you so here is how to get ahold of me (after you check out twitter.com/jadebronco ; https://www.jadebronco.com ; https://www.linkedin.com/company/jade-bronco-llc/ and our facebook page) but here is the ph # to someone who can set you up for a screen-sharing show and tell with me: 800-658-5214
Thank you!
Jade Bronco offers training and a trading room that will teach you an options strategy that is marketed as profitable, consistent, and unique. Importantly, Jade Bronco boasts a real and auditable trade log out of a real account. Brian is the creator of the strategy, a founding member, and the expert trade/teacher at Jade Bronco. I spent a lot of time and effort researching Jade Bronco. Everything that I saw and heard/read was 100% authenticate. Real account, real trades, losers, and winners. had promised to move forward and then backed out last minute because of an emergency. I haven’t spoken to them since. (though I promised I would)
Emmett/Brian – It’s Bob, I am the one that started this post a couple of months ago. Brian, as you probably realized, I do a lot of research before making a monetary investment like that, so I reached out to Emmett – This is not a bad thing -. Emmett, in every conversation I had with Brian (and his partner Mike) he was honest, transparent, and answered all of my questions he explained what was offered and importantly what was not. As a matter of fact, sorry about this Brian, Brian isn’t the best salesperson in the world, he’s fact/analytical based. He’s almost too honest at times and with regards to what is outside of the scope of the package, will nicely tell you no and what you do not want to hear at times. What he does do though is patiently answers questions so that someone will understand the answer, is thorough, and backs up what he says
My Experience with Jade Bronco/Brian:
Brian – The next day, after the original post, you gave me a detailed presentation while we spoke via the screen share. You and Mike walked me through the top-level login and basis of the system, you allowed me access to the group chat – I was impressed, you did in fact show a real ThinkorSwim trading account (the top left of TOS shows if it is paper or not and there was no brown highlight) you had a ton of history and open positions along with talking through each and every trade, even the ones closed with a loss. While going through each trade you explained the status of the particular symbol in the position, the whats and whys regarding jade broncos trade entries and exits on the chart, and how everything related back to the system (I hate that word) you teach.
You and I spoke in detail about exactly what training you would provide in the weeks coming and what was expected of me. At the time, the package included (I think 4 or 6) one hour weekly one on one in-depth training and coaching meetings, daily trade room/chat group get together to go over the trades, new trade ideas, and to answer of the groups questions. You also made the promise to be available for any questions outside of those two meetings.
I liked what I heard and saw and decided to move forward. I was excited, you were going to be my first mentor and jade bronco the first place I planned (promised) on spending my hard earned trading profits. (the trade room is a great bonus)… You know this Brian, life happened. For everyone else reading and for context, I had an ER with the external and internal (condenser and fan) AC at the house (I live in AZ, it was summer). Sadly, I am not an AC repair person and the funds went to a company that was.
I was very disappointed. I wish I could have taken the course, even now. To all those reading, in my experience, Jade Bronco/Brian will back up its promises and statements. During our meetings and in a live trade/group session, Brian provided proof of his real trades, traded out the same account, and was candid about the trades and their status. I was given a detailed what’s what of the strategy and it’s logic and shown material I would be taught.
btw. I have proof of everything I wrote. pm me if you have any questions.
Hi Bob, Terribly sorry for your hardships. I remember when you said that you were being thrown headlong into the most dire of domestic disasters. It was Frank(not Mike) who is a co-founder of Jade Bronco LLC that you spoke with and who arranged our meeting and who had the tact and sensitivity not to pressure you during your ordeal. Traders in trauma rarely do well. He and I both know that. When you are fully recovered – meaning you, your wife and kids, etc are STABLE – might be years before that happens. We hope you will reach out to learn the Jade Bronco Method.
You reviewed Kevin Kleinman from WatchHimTrade.Com in 2015 and gave him 5 stars. That website points you to a different company now. Kevin has a new website called LayUpTrades.com I’m interested but I would like to know if you still recommend his service and if you still give him 5 stars? Thanks
Re : Cryptocurrencies
Hello everyone hope you and your beloved ones are fine during this hard time .
Does anyone tried their service
Unfortunately, there was a past review exposing Sykes, but since the beginning of this year Emmett was pressured to pull it down , probably from Sykes’ legal thugs’ actions, lawsuit, and funded by massive ill-gotten coffers from dupes. Yes, it’s a blight on tradingschools, albeit a minor one, because at least there is no positive bs review for Sykes, and tradingschools is still the best there is by far. It just goes to show tradingschools doesn’t have a lot of financial support to keep it going, and it at least doesn’t compromise itself out like ripoffreport and trustpilot have done openly deleting all negative comments by site visitors calling out scams, if the scam’s owners pay the “review” site off. Emmett has already responded he was stressed out by the pressure. He had already supported a youtuber who got sued by Warriorscam Ross with a length defense effort, for posting an exposing video of the Warrior Trading shamshow.
There is still at least the early “profit.ly” exposing review, here: ( https://www.tradingschools.org/reviews/profitly-review/ ). Emmett’s fooled by Sykes at first, but comments later a reassessment (comment is still there below the review):
“Emmett Moore
Yes! If you write a negative review (on Syke’s investimonials.com) about one of the sponsored sites, like TradeWithKavan or Warrior Trading (both scams) then they ban your IP address. F#@king Sykes, what an as$hole.
September 15, 2015 10:59 am
Maybe Sykes’ goons hadn’t caught it yet. The scammers usually only respond when their own shamshow site is recently exposed and then they think tradingschool readers are still clueless newbs instead of actual jaded trading vets. Maybe someday, a review exposing Sykes supported with national class action will return.
Engaging with litigation is a calculated risk — for everyone. Sometimes it’s better to take a punch, and then return later for a better chance at actually winning the fight.
My resources are limited. I litigate when I feel I have a clean shot at victory. And I retreat if I feel that I have lost the advantage. Sykes took a few good shots from me. The old articles are still up. The most recent was not worth the fight — primarily because I was already engaged in another lawsuit. Was spread too thin.
Regardless, the express train continues moving in the correct direction, albeit with a few set backs.
Is there a master list of reviews from best to worst? I checked a few so-called gurus and their reviews were all negative, almost suspiciously too negative!?! Hoping there are some positive reviews…maybe?
Sorry I have not had many positive reviews that past year. The positive pickens’ have been slim.
If you want to check back in two or three weeks, I will be releasing a free course on systematic trading. Basically, the course is to steer you away from ‘gurus’ and provide a path and a framework to become self-reliant. I will give you all my best stuff, research, and give you a view of how I operate. My hope is that you take it and then make it better.
Basically, it is what I wish someone would have given me, many years and many tears ago.
Thanks for your reply Emmett and appreciate that the world has been kinda crazy these past few months…time to lay low!
I had originally checked your site for a possible review on GannacciCode.com that sells a trading strategy that is a combination of a WD Gann technique(s) and Fibonacci, hence the name “Gannacci”. The owner sells a trading course, including an Excel spreadsheet that supposedly provides forecasts of price action for trades, and also has a “locker room” (trading room?) 5 days a week. The cost runs over CA$2000.
Dr. Dean Handley did a negative review on YouTube with supposedly some nasty exchanges with the owner. A different disgruntled “reviewee” also wrote a review of Dr.Handley that alluded to him selling a service to those with better reviews, so some concern about objectivity potentially jading any and all reviews!?!
Thus, I came to your site to see if you had done a review of GannacciCode to determine if the price was worth unlocking one or more of Gann’s mysterious codes. So hoping you can either corroborate or refute the review of GannacciCode…believe it or not…that’s the Q!
A 94.8% win rate? Come on now…Even David Tepper couldn’t manage that. If you’re looking for realistic win rates check out the broker records/stats on Collective2 (No, I’m not affiliated with them). This will give you a good benchmark of sustainable winning rates across many different types of winning strategies.
Nice try, “Roger”. But just because posted comments are slower these days doesn’t mean readers aren’t aware of potential vendor schilling , filling/spamming up a comment page, and troll-foolery. lol.
In 1997, Traders International founder Afshin Taghechian found that his trading success had enabled him to devote more time to his real passion – developing a simple yet powerful strategy for trading the S&P 500 index. While he was presented with very lucrative job opportunities in the corporate world, Afshin found the emerging e-mini markets to be much more compelling.
Before long Afshin’s friends sought his advice and wanted to learn his powerful trading strategies. Informally guiding them on how to use his process at first, Afshin soon organized what he’d learned into the foundation for what is now the Traders International Market Expert System (TIMES).
Proven Trading Techniques Are Taught Step by Step
After spending many years studying advanced technical analysis, Afshin used his extensive knowledge to launch Traders International, Ltd.
Traders International quickly established a reputation as an e-mini trading innovator. Combining powerful trading methods with sound money management techniques, Traders International has helped ordinary individuals gain the power that had previously been available only to professional floor traders.
Today, Afshin and his experienced team teach novice and veteran traders worldwide how to succeed from the daily volatility, liquidity and leverage of the e-mini markets. They demonstrate the step-by-step process in clear, concise terms, mixed with analogies and examples. Students gain the correct mindset and money management techniques for trading whether they are a beginner, intermediate or advanced trader. Now you too can learn the powerful techniques of TIMES.
This sounds like a sales pitch if I ever heard one. Do you work for them. Maybe is genuine, but:
1 The Q A page has a number of inaccuracies, inconsistent and invalid statements.
2 Very little detail about the asset classes that are trade
2 Very little tangible information about the method or strategies that are taught except that it is technical analysis of some kind.
3 There is a comment that say’s there a free intro class, but not link to join.
4 No videos, pictures or facebook or linkedin or other information co you can check out the guy.
I could go on. Maybe I am wrong, but feels very much like a scam to me.
Your review of Claytrader is from 2015– he has changed a lot, although the number of “walking wounded” who follow their hero around singing his praises has not. The comments in his videos will make you cringe– the desperation these people have to cheer their “leader” in the hopes he will make them rich, or at least get back what they’ve lost, is heartrending. He is making VERY specific claims now, here are quotes and titles from his latest videos:
Dan Made 19,000 Dollars in One Day (Here’s How)
How I Made 1000 Dollars in 12 Minutes…another– 2,500 Hundred in 5 Minutes
Stock Market Power- Turning 100 into 900 Dollars
(and from his blog)
Let Me Show You How I Had ONLY One Losing Day out of 73!
A guy with that sort of “talent” deserves a second look.
Keep up the good work!
A couple of shamshows that came to mind as suggestions to future expose review. Tongue twisty to get the names right, so why not expose both i.e. rhymes with griimess, lol. (but also saw some shilling on reddit to the hapless newbs) Both had vendor guest “webinars” on futures.io/bmt:
Emmett, I’d mentioned this one before. Netpicks. A long time hustler site since the 90’s with the same team of lifelong cronies. At first they were part of the Forex fad scam of the late 90’s , 00’s with losing EA’s and “educational” strategies. Then they progressed to futures. Some of their products were called “Keltner Bells”, “Seven Summitts”. I know someone who wasted 2k on their products which are all now past stool gas “lost in the wind”. I was in their trading room way back and got churned trading room fees for a couple of months. They always show a hypothetical “p/l” slope up chart based on “backtesting” and often bemoan if old past members who churned out , had stayed they “would have made this much”(lol). Yet, their live results in my observation were almost always dubious to losing contrasting with their “recap” lying results as usual for most shams. Now Soberman’s ad videos are appearing on yt no doubt ramping up visibility, competing with the other dennis-bond-petra-cess shamshow ads for the new hapless newbs drawn to the daytrading hype again with the recent lowered commissions and newer micro-futures instruments. They are a longtime legacy sham team (have outlasted Larry Levin and his shamrock crew, maybe even longer than Ken Klownfool, and up there with geriatric sham Woodie) , but many past forex and then futures newbs were churned by them (probably funding the mortgages on their sham-gotten abodes after all these years). So a suggestion for a longtime highly suspect shamshow to expose in your next future reviews, thanks. (https://www.youtube.com/user/Netpicks1/videos?disable_polymer=1)
Yes; netpicks is a sham. Tried their options room with a supposed 90% win rate based on a public P&L. Feel really stupid, but lost 85% of the trades in the October and November expiration; winners were always 5-10 fold less than losers; a recipe for disaster. Was lucky to get my 900.00 subscription back once I threw in the towel.
If anybody is looking for supply/demand swing course and/or market profile and candlestick swing/day trading course they should check out marketstalkers.com
i am not affiliated with them, just a person with much appreciation.
Please check out the Pax group (https://www.thepaxgroup.org), these guys are former pit traders who transitioned to screen trading, one of them (Mat) was on the Anthony Crudele’s show recently (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AqOJUrBSpM&t=1571s) talking about his 30-second opening range strategy. Would love to hear your opinion, Emmett. Subscription starts from $49 for discord room to $1000 for mentoring. You can listen in on some of their recorded audio here https://soundcloud.com/canany1trade.
I’ve been to his room for couple of months. Nothing interesting there. Somebody asked Pax to record a video of his trading – he refused, saying that he might get problems with authorities. His mentor, Judd, was a trader in 70s-90s, however Judd’s trader license was revoked due to crime he did. Google his name and you will see court excerpts and stock authorities decision on not to reinstate his license. That was the first bell to me to leave. Second was that there too much motivation from him. Why do You need motivation? Because you need people to stay in the room.
Applause to Emmett and tradingschools for the new Sykes review. Only thing I disagree is that Sykes giving to charity from “good” trading. I don’t believe for a second he made millions from trading except the initial few hundred k luckout as a teen. And “American Greed” is rife with case stories where the scammer donated plenty of scam-generated funds to charities to support their faux image, and after it all tumbled some of the charity money was clawed back to duped investors.
i am in the 3 day trial and it looks good at first glance but i lost money on Blue Trading so am always sceptical these days and you have to commit to at least $995 to start. Other offers are available too depends on how many months you book with him.
Hi Emmet,
Can you please do a review of msp.fx, http://mspfx.co.uk/#/the-msp-update/4579159920,
Mike Patterson.
Mike claims he is an ex banker with 38 years exper9ience, and offers a daily email with order flow/levels for forex pairs, and also offers mentoring.
Here’s a sad fact – tradeforgreatness.com is run by Dean Handley’s WIFE. Ever wonder why he talks about it so much? It’s how his entire sham works. Crap on all the other trade rooms and promote “his own”. The entire ship of “Trade Titan Award” winners is all faked and made up to promote his wife trading a SIM account which is plainly labeled on their website. So kudos for that, but beyond that, it is quite sadly 1 of the sadest and deplorable scams in the long game of trading scammers and shammers.
You can also watch Vinny tear him a new one and REVEAL the Dr. Handley Scam and his WIFE “April” from tradeforgreatness here in this video link – I timestamped it for your enjoyment to go straight to the sad hilarity that only Vinny can bring to shutting down scammers…. Enjoy : https://youtu.be/0_vBwB27wPM?t=8482
Where can I find past reviews?It looks like many reviews I read before,are not available on the site anymore.
Right now I am looking for one review I read maybe about a year ago that had a good rating.Unfortunately I don’t remember the name.It was about a trader/mentor that specialized I think in trading oil futures and it was one of the few high ranked reviews.
Does he still exist?I can’t find the review
Also,is there an email we can use to communicate with you?
Peter Reznicek, the owner of Shadow Trader, reached out to me this past April. We went back over the original review, he detailed what I got wrong (or at least he felt I got wrong) and I thought it over. We met via video conferencing and we went over every detail. After considering it, I felt it best to simply remove the article.
He paid me nothing. He was offered nothing. There was no “quid pro quo” of any kind. We met, we talked, I took the article down. No big deal.
If you would like to confirm this, then please email Peter Reznicek directly at preznicek@shadowtrader.net He will confirm it.
You cannot pay to get a positive review. Your product must stand on its own.
The deciding factor in dealing positively with Shadow Trader is that Peter sent me a screenshot of recent performance. No, I am not going to reveal how much he made or the percentage gains. But yes, he trades, and sometimes he makes money and sometimes he loses money. The key is that he actually does trade. And he was willing to engage with me directly.
To anyone that gets a negative review…show me something that shows you actually trade, with a live account. The negative review will disappear faster than a fart in the wind.
Jeff Bishops Weekly Money Multiplier service. Real or scam?
I saw what you wrote regarding Jason Bond and this gives me great pause. Wondering what you know about Jeff B?
Dan G.
Anyone heard of D.R. Horton? aka “10 Minute Millionaire” (book)? Is this system legitimate? I’ve been getting bombarded with offers regarding this book and his site https://moneymappress.com/ . There seems to be a lot of different trading rooms on this site. Any chance of doing a review of the trading systme in his book?
Hey. My name is David Aw. I trade forex for over 12 years.
I have a book coming out and a course. I would like to know what it takes to be an awesome coach and mentor to retail traders who are interested to trade forex part time and use it as a tool to compound a portion of their savings.
I totally would appreciate what are you looking for in a course and how can I be a better coach and mentor to retail traders who at least have a year of experience.
Oh I know Ben Nathan. Sort of funny story. He started working for Forex Mentors and it turned out to be a total scam. As a matter of fact, he was the one that tipped me on how it all worked.
Ben is OK. No, I wasn’t able to verify performance. But he is pretty harmless and he doesn’t make big promises.
Please add this lawsuit information to your review of Mojo. This guy needs stopped. He claims he is a 25 year successful trader, and the best trader in the world (literally he claims that almost every day in his chat). Why, in 2015 did he need to allegedly scam $25k each from 10 of his members to have enough money to even trade with? After watching the charade in his paid room for a few months I am 100% convinced he does not trade AT ALL, that “Protrader Alan” who is Mojo’s #1 shill does not trade and likely has NEVER traded, and is likely either an employee or co-conspirator of Mojos. Please help get the word out about these scumbags.
Dimensiontrader.com has been around for 15 years. it’s been listed as a scam on https://rockwelltradingscam.wordpress.com/scam-list/. I have no personal experience but they have a spreadsheet on their website that supposedly shows every trade from 2018.
tradenet.com Meir Barak review please.
I think you are doing a wonderful job to expose these showmasters. It is really hard to pick a quality educator when there are so many fakes out there.
Hi Emmett, your reviews are very helpful. I have a question for you about reviewing a vendor I don’t see previously reviewed on your site. Can you pm me? Thanks.
Different how? Looks like the same type of snake oil nonsense BS system being sold by every other crock.
Per their own site:
“Backtested Algorithmic Trade Alerts”
Any idiot can manipulate date in order to create a back tested proven system. That is a piece of cake. It is forward testing where you lose all your money.
If their system really worked they would be selling it for $100 million to a hedge fund manager or use it themselves to make a fortune.
It is amazing people are foolish enough to believe this type of nonsense.
Hi Emmet
Thanks for your hard work in exposing those charlatans on line.
Some time ago I read you review on Algorithmic Trading.net.
That was very nice and rosy.
The fact is those guys (Richard & Rich ) developed an extreme case of self importance.
I tried to set a meeting with one of them for at least two months.
On three occasions non of them appeared at the meeting.
Mind you I had to take time of work to be available for the meeting.
Finally Richard called me and asked if I wanted a demo ???
When I asked him back what else can he offer he got very offended and finished the conversation.Most of our correspondence was titled “DEMO” I do not know what he expected me to say or do, but I was extremely disappointed, mainly by the waste of time.
After a few minutes I received this E-mail from Richard:
” Hello,
I’m sorry – but I don’t think this is a good fit for us. Wish you the best – but we will not be able to help you with our algorithms.
Anybody can explain to me,what that suppose to mean?????
I do not know ,but in my eyes it was
very rude and arrogant.
I did not use any unpolite expressions (maybe I should ???)
Maybe he expected to drop onto my knees & kiss his butt, I have no idea.
I have all send & received E-mails from those guys if anybody interested.
I also ask anybody who received similar treatment from them to express
their opinions.
Thanks Bill
Thank you so much for everything that you do. There are not enough words to express the gratitude for all the reviews and help you provide for everyone.
I wanted to know if you would be able to review the following sites:
Hi Emmet,
I appriciate the excellent work you are doing in reviewing different trading products. Currently I am in a 14 day free trial for the following Live Trading Room:
Really suprised you said this… I was expecting a beatdown after reading this review.
Also somewhere on your two sites, you mentioned you might be reviewing Jason Bond again…with new results…I don’t know if this was just some bullshit comment someone posted…hard to believe though…after his first review was an absolute beatdown on any credibility he had. He is going full court press with youtube advertising now.
(I can’t find the comment now)
Anyway love your site…much needed service trying to sort fact from fiction…
Just makes newbies more educated in the process…
Waqar, use the search feature on the site and type in, “Day Trading Academy” and you’ll get https://www.tradingschools.org/reviews/day-trade-academy/ Or do a Google search “Day Trading Academy review” and the 7th listing is for the review on tradingschools.org
Hi Emmett
Have you every reviewed Winning Trade Room with Scott Morris?
Well he has joined forces with Jason at OTG. I have just watched Scott and Jason interview and Scott said in the interview 15 mins in that you spoke to Scott after he had provided you with all information requested to do a review then you told him you would not do the review because it would do him a disservice and the best thing you could do was not do a review of him. Isn’t that what Trading Schools is all about? I can’t believe for one minute that you have said that but this needs to be addressed in my opinion.
BTTFT is complete and utter bullshit. The owner (Michael) doesn’t trade and has admitted that over on FIO. He lives in a complete and utter fantasy world. His indicators are nothing more than a re-hash of many free indicators already out there.
Waqar, before you pay anyone for a trading course go to the the free sites I have posted links to. Send me an email to aceisanahole@outlook.com and I’ll send them to you. Exhaust the learning there first, then investigate strategies before you pay any Guru. Remember Doron the BS Pitbull Trader? If the guru won’t show verified results don’t buy their course or search this site for the handful of legitimate traders.
I need the where abouts where yougot this info on Mark Shawzen. If true, I think we can file fraud charges against him for untrue statements with the intent to extort money.
Please respond.
I couldn’t find anything on Jack Carter with his Trend Point or Colorado Trading Experiment
What if anything have you info on him and his system.
Could you please review Anna Coulling (AnnaCoulling.com) who teaches forex and stock trading. And also Quillian Black of “Forever in Profit” & ” Wallstreet Academy” thanks in advance
Is it possible to review tradesight.com specifically with stocks in mind. I have tried to add top trader.help but the registration process keeps taking me round and round a password reset process…
Can you do me a favor and request a review at Trader.Help? This is a new site where review requests can be better tracked and other participants can add commentary.
Great web site. I know a little about trading. I’m no expert, but I see scam and con artists everywhere in this game. Scamming the less knowledgeable. Maybe I am too cynical.
I was think of building a site like this myself. But I don’t have the investigation or writing skills.
Thank you for the fantastic work and thousands of hours you are putting in.
Maybe one day once my skill improves I can become a Prop Trader or set up a genuine education, recommendation service or trading room.
hi Emmett, me and my brother were both scammed by Nonko/Logix a few years ago. I’m not really sure what steps there are to get any of our money back. Are you able to point us in the right direction?
Yeah, I’d also love to see a review of https://daytradingacademy.com/. (Day Trading Academy is not the same as Day Trade Academy, which has already been reviewed.)
I recently contacted the Day Trading Academy to ask some questions about signing up for the class, and it seemed like a legitimate operation. It didn’t have any of those high-pressure sales tactics to get me to join immediately and didn’t flood my inbox with junk solicitations. I’ve seen mostly positive comments about it online, too. But it’s tough to drop $3,000 without being fully convinced.
Emmett, thanks for your phenomenal website. It’s clear you have dedicated many hours to this work and you’re devoted to it. It’s a huge help seeing honest third-party reviews.
First of all, I say thanks for the service and honesty as presenting, upfront that you get a commission from Dekmar Trades on whoever signs up through you for his trading service. What I don’t get is that, for example, Bill Poulos, which I do not subscribe to, is allowed to advertise here on your site. I’m not trying to bash you and I know that ad dollars are important but where do you draw the line. You gave Bill Poulos 1 star. It’s alright to promote people that are scam artist under a light of honesty. That seems hypocritical and 2 sided. Again I applaud your service but not your advertorial adherence to a (your) moral values.
Yes, you will see Bill Poulos ads on my website. The reason is that I have open ‘ad’ spaces that are purchased by Google.
Google can place whatever ads into those spaces. A few months ago, I had someone place an ad that said, “Trading Schools is HORRIBLE!” with a picture of a dog poop. That was interesting.
When my wife asks me about the pictures of bikini clad women in ads on tradingschools DOT org I just tell her Emmett must be browsing inappropriate sites again.
Emmett cannot get to all the rooms, so if he doesn’t get to them, don’t give them any money unless they show actual proof of their claims.
Netpicks states it has a live signal service. So demand they show the brokerage statement where they are trading their live signal. I would bet they do not trade their own signal, which speaks volumes about the truth of their service.
Rockwell, Reads like con artist 101 BS to me. But again demand he back up his claims with brokerage statements. Anyone willing to take a side bet on this guy providing any proof. Classic Day Trading Vendor words:
“11 years ago I was still living in Munich, Germany, wondering if I will ever be able to retire comfortably and to enjoy the things that really matter in life.
And now – just 11 short years later – I’m living right at Lake Travis in Austin, TX. As I am writing these lines, I’m sitting on my deck overlooking the pool. It’s December, but the temperature are still in the upper 70s, and I’m feeling the warm sun on my face. Behind the pool I see the sail boats gracefully gliding through the lake. The kids are 8 and 11 years old now, and they are playing with Riley, our border collie.
Over the past 11 years I have been able to focus on day trading and achieve what many would call “The American Dream.” I am my own boss now, and life is good.”
My guess is he is living the American Dream off the suckers he gets to buy his services, not from day trading as he claims.
Maybe already on the list, but I’d think “Shark Indicators” should be on the queue list to be exposed sometime as they’ve been around with their expensive “bloodhound” and expensive packaging. Like their recent “sale”. http://www.sharkindicators.com/special/
Bloodhound in particular is a “visual coding” tool that allows a user to set up auto strategies by drag n’ drop and linking. It looks similar to the old prodigio for TOS before they quit and tried to do their own thing and are now back with TDA as a separate “30 day trial” product.
Another site, which is a typical sham room is “The Intentional Trader”. Where the logo of the brit-looking walking guy with an umbrella was seen in an avatar shilled for so long on the beachforum. oldtimers of the beachforum know what I’m referring too, lol. http://www.theintentionaltrader.com/
I knew of two members of the beachforum that paid for those two’s hotdog packaging and sadly got them nowhere as they moved on to the next scam wasting more time and money on their journeys.
So their comeuppance should be forthcoming on the list as they’ve long stopped or never traded live , much less with their junk indicator hotodog combo products since they have been churning the retail aspirationals for many years.
Some of the “legacy” options “education” sites, Emmett. I think these should be on consideration of your long list of future reviews. I know there are many other shams to go, but these two in particular have appealed to maybe newbs who mistakenly think “monthly option income” is a “safer” and more “informed” way to start trading with. With Fontanills , the options book author gone, now Tom Gentile has continued with “optionetics”. They used to sell “AdvancedGET” supposed essential for an Elliot Wave 4-5 move. But now charging 3 to 4 k for some other new nonsense. Anyhow, these long time options shams who use thinkorswim sim accounts to play with ridiculous madeup “option plays” ideas. should be exposed their damage to retailers with monthly option dreams can be curtailed. http://www.tomgentile.com/tom17 http://sjoptions.com/
How is it going? Any update from those two fishy candidates so far? I have tried to add one more trading room service twice in the past but seems not able to do them successfully so I will post them here. If possible could you have a look at this:https://tradeempowered.com/london-live-room/
They offer 1 week free trial membership and various session i.e. US session live trading room as well.
Thank you for your reviews Emmett. That’s very useful website and it helps to save much money and to make correct choice.
This person claims that he has been trading for 30 years and he’s an expert in the market profile. He claims that his approach is more valuable than the works of Steidlmayer and Dalton. Is it really? Emmett, will there be a review on this trader?
Major League Trading needs to be reviewed. THey are selling training, indicators and room subsciptions. Are they honest? Does they know how to trade or just take your money?
Review e-mini player . net. $299 per month Master trader isnt even in the room. Moderator doesnt show DOM but seems to know what he is talking about, except that he has only called 2 trades in three weeks that have worked, the rest all failed. Nice guy but if you cant trade why are you taking peoples money?
Please review James Dalton.
Guys been claiming to be master of market profile for years and I doubt he even has a trading account proving his own BS. Read a couple of his books, and they are nothing but over writen diatribes of self proclaimed market theory.
Total wonk fest to give the reader a sense the Market Profile theory is something complicated …
I know that you reviewed Profit.ly, but have you ever had a chance to do an in depth review of Timothy Skykes and associates? That would be interesting to read
Hi Emmet, glad I found your site, very helpfull information rigth there!
So my review request is for a man call Dan Shapiro.
He is the founder of the site accessatrader.com
And he proclaim to be the creator of a method call “ps60 theory”
Of what I read his trading setups are based of some pivots on the 60 minutes
time frame, that doesn’t sound crazy and in my opinion it’s seems legit.
Can you please make a review of this guy?
So many thanks in advance.
In my opinion, futures.io and futurestrader71 should be reviewed.
futures.io is not the typical vendor. It’s not a live trading room or similar, but members post journals and their views on trading. Some have large followings. I think the site does a lot of harm to lots of traders. Most realize this only after years of investing time and probably money.
Futurestrader71 is very popular on that site as well (also on Twitter). He doesn’t provide any verified track record. There is no proof that his method actually works. It’s one of these wish-wash approaches, which – to his benefit – are hard to be verified at all (very subjective).
yes, ft71 and jigsaw both. Emmett mentioned a jigsaw review coming soon about a year ago. I’m guessing there’s a current policy to stay away from fioforum for now. There was the b_ooks review, but he’s not a fioforum regular poster. Not sure if I ever seen one post by b_ooks on fioforum actually. Still, Emmett has covered many of the major long time simshammers such as NexGen, MTpred, Primo, CTUfake!, Mohan,some JohnCarter and a host of others. Three other major futures shamscalpers that should be reviewed are Netpicks, Marcello Arambide’s TheDayTradingAcademy, and Larry Levin’s TradingAdvantage as they’ve churned through scores of newbs in the past decade. And don’t forget the options shammeisters with their sim thinkorswim “millions” accounts, namely DanSheridan, Optionetics, SanJose options, and PrestonJames.
Interesting long trading backstory. https://www.jarrattdavis.com/our-story/
However, it never said he ever traded the dream for himself, but rather he just started his own “successful trading programme” quasi fund.
And the ‘verified’ results are just starting.
“My fund’s track record of performance would begin from the start of 2017.”
The “verified” tab shows a bunch of shill looking testimonial quotes.
” I trade for a living now!” etc. but where is the proof the guy traded profitably prior to this 2017 “fund”.
lol. Jigsaw has got new competition on bmt/fio. Even more interesting
features: http://www.orderflowdashpro.com/why-alphareveal-question.aspx
I recall rtchoke or crkhillary, one of you guys commented you had jigsaw
up so the alternating lights looked like something was going on to others, lol.
Emmett, I recall your comment about doing the Jigsaw review last year
somewhere and looking forward to it if it ever comes. have fun all.
Good going with the reviews where TS now has a decent representation of the shamshows out there. Just a repeat mention of Levin’s “TradingAdvantage.” Their spam email often have “free weekend webinars” where once they get your contact info it’s bombarded by pitches from sales and affiliates, but we know TS can handle anything. Also Netpicks and anymore of the bmt/fio vendor club ie. Jigsaw & ft71.
Would like to see reviews for Don Miller’s jelly program. I bought the webinars for whopping $1250.. that didn’t get me much. Just a whole of fluff. Thanks
It’s been 2 yrs since you did a roundup of prop firms. How about updating that and start by reviewing http://arbitragetrades.com. They’re located in the UK and have been in business for about 4 yrs.
Valhallafutures.com – Will Scheier This NT-sponsored veteran trading-vendor and book author is using the positive press from his book and social status as an old pit trader to sell a $3,000 trading course. Will’s dubious track record and lack of transparency (non-disclosure agreement must be signed by course buyers) is documented for years in the Futures.io thread on Valhalla Futures and is probable cause for a thorough investigation.
They’ve been around since the late 90’s and have gotten away with the churning of over 240 thousand newbs to futures trading. They have gone through multiple websites of defunt products over the years and only show backtesting and never results. Lots of fake testimionials on forexpeacearmy and investiscamma.
Maybe bigger than NexGen now. The Arambide,-DTA of the US. http://www.netpicks.com/company/staff/
It’s about time they were shut down by the CFTC
“keltner bells” “PTU trend jumper” “Seven summits”, “counter punch”. Iin their room they push their software flavor of the year which is upwards of 2k.
Thanks, Emmet! You just saved me $5,000 with your School Of Trade Review. I have been watching him for weeks absolutely convinced that he was real. Now, what can I do for you?
I saw this as well, he also posts how his secret indicators perfectly nail tops and bottoms. I emailed this guy saying I want to learn from true professional but naturally I need broker statements as confirmation he can deliver. Now listen, I am not joking: he answered that he will not waste his time with anyone, if I want to see his statements I have to wire him 10 000 $, after that he will teach me his secrets for 3 days, but this will cost 15 000$ more, upfront :-)). Enough said? This guy begs for review, Emmett!!,
99% of these automated strategies are just data manipulation of historic day. That is the results on reply after using data manipulation. There is no relationship to forward testing in a live market.
“There is no relationship to forward testing in a live market.”
Of course there is. To quote a certain Rob: “They tell you to use 500 to 1 leverage to trade a highly volatile instrument like oil by microscalping it 20 times a day.”
For the members of Densa who cannot understand, that is called sarcasm. Not to Rob. To the TR.
My review of Grokstar Chatroom: The Grokstar chatroom is so good, I should keep it a secret. But to do so just wouldn’t be fair to them or the visitors to this site. It’s simple: Real time, audio calls on liquid stocks that anyone can trade. Running trade & market analysis from the moderator, Mark “The Meerkat” Suffron, who has superb trade management skills, is a great teacher and all around nice guy. No attitude, no front running, no gimmicks. Took a called trade today for 4%, one for 9% on Wed, had a few nice ones earlier this week. Never risking more than 1%. Day in, day out. Everbody scoffs at these reviews, and being skeptical is pretty wise considering the level of BS out there. Not this room. Thinking about posting my log for the called trades (Trading Robot?). Just more evidence of how great this chat room has been. It didn’t cost a thing to figure this out either (30 days for free to start). Can’t recommend it enough. Thanks Mr. Meerkat and Grok Trade! Note to Emmett: Contact me about called trade results.
Please review Meir Barak and his trading room : http://www.tradenet.com
his youtube videos seems way too good to be true. always post huge winners and never post bad days. check out his youtube channel and you will see what im talking about. 3600$ in 10 minutes, 2400$ in 18 minutes, 5500$ in 10 minutes… i mean come on. Someone please expose this guy and shed some light on his practice.
He trades cfd’s (not avail in US) and trys to sign people up for his prop “team”-its really a bucket shop type thing. But…his calls were good! Although it should be noted that he takes huge size, mostly scalps gapping stocks. I think that chat room with him is pretty good (no low float small caps here), but no way im gonna take 3k shares of aapl, so while he might make $1k on a trade, i made $50 do to postion size. Finally, cfd’s are liquid and you get better fills without slippage but you are playing against the house-no one is taking the other side of the trade! See my recent review of grokstar chat in this section, a legit room.
Been a consistent reader here and I am dying to see Emmett review this Forex software system –> forexalertsystem.com , guy looks very legit, facebook looks excellent with great feedback…don’t want to invest a $1 yet…so Emmett dude! Check this out, you got it just about right with good guy Ken Calhoun, how about this brother?
Hi Emmett, can you review https://nightlypatterns.wordpress.com/ ?
Few interesting differences from other sites: it’s managed by an european (italian) trader, and trades night gaps, so it’s easier to mirror.
(i’m NOT the owner!)
Could you please review the http://sovereignsociety.com/ I have joined 3 of their products, 1. Precision Profits, 2. Strategic Investment and 3. Pure Income. The first two are buying call and put Options and I am losing on them. The Pure Income is selling naked put and call options. I joined Pure Income more recently and have had 2 trade alerts so far. I have until Novermber trial to return all 3. So far I like the Pure Income better. They were all expensive and I had to put them on credit card to try them out. They are all lifetime.
Could you please review them and let me know what you think? Thank you.
Has anyone taken any of Matt Choi’s courses? He is sole proprietor of Certus Trading, out of Toronto. I find it highly suspicious that I can find NO independent reviews or comments on his products ANYWHERE in cyber world, either positive or negative. If he’s the real deal, then why isn’t there a single positive comment anywhere out there? And if he’s not, then why isn’t there a single “fake” positive comment out there anywhere? I find the complete, total absence of any commentary on his courses on the Internet VERY strange.
I did go for Matt Choi’s Advanced Options Strategy Blueprint (AOSB). This is just one of the courses he teaches. After paying $2000 I have not found the 8 advanced strategies he outlines in AOSB to be profitable. Even his own calls, based on those strategies, lose money more often than gain. He uses complex option strategies (mostly based around events like earnings and jobs reports) that I find easy to get into but very hard to get out of, due to the generally low liquidity of the options involved and the multitude of legs that have to be resolved. In fact, after trying these strategies I’ve gone back to trading simple stocks, with an occasional basic option spread — when the conditions really look right. Maybe I’m just no good at the complex strategies, but I did not have enough money to risk while (perhaps) getting good at them. I wish I could get that $2000 back. I did learn a lot about options, but the end result is that I consider them generally too risky to bother with! Very expensive negative lesson learned, for me at least.
THANK YOU, FrankG, for the reply – I thought I’d NEVER find someone who actually paid for AOSB and could report their experience, so I greatly appreciate you taking the time to do so. What you report pretty much confirms what I suspected, after he refused to provide account statements to verify his track record: The REAL way to riches is “sell a course for $2K a pop”. Sorry for your negative experience, but again, I appreciate you sharing it with the community here. You have, at least, saved me from blowing money on this seductive huckster. Like you, I think I’m going to stick with the only thing that’s ever really worked for me: trading outright shares of stock (whether long or short). Best of luck.
I’m surprised more people haven’t asked about this site to be reviewed. http://www.konzanatrading.com ; one member claims he made 40k in the past 10 days in the trading room which seems more than the typical 10-20% a year expectation from “real” trading/investing.
Let me say this about TST. I have been with them for 2 years. I have made it to funded trader status 3 times.
But …
This is not the problem making it to funded trader status. The problem truly comes in with the funded team. They micro manage traders and lock them out.
During Brexit we were not allowed to trade for a week as funded traders. There are so many unwritten trading rules inside TST that I can’t even begin to tell you how hard to trade here.
I am getting a check for $279 and change from my latest spin of 14 days in the funded account.
I received an email today and I quote: “Redevelopment is not an option at this point as you have traded beyond 10 days.”
You are right Emmett about TST … they need competition. I am so frustrated right now and exhausted over being micro managed.
Anyway, my blog really details my experience over the last 2 years.
Do they serve good? Perhaps … if and only if … you are using them as a proving ground to see if your stuff works. It truly is of no benefit to be a funded trader at TST.
When I first started this blog, my writing was at the level of a 3rd grader. After two years, I believe that I have achieved the level of a 6th grader. Its been a fun process.
lol. That’s fine Emmett. A bunch of us have typing dyslexia. Even Rob blames the public school system for some phrasing sometimes. Well considering, 3rd grade to 6th grade writing here at ts.org is at the level of community college in vast swaths of the U.S. these days.
tradeonthefly.com /w Michele, sounds like swing trading. http://www.emini-watch.com , long time NT set of indicators for ES trading.
goldenzone trading, mentioned before in comments
does it mean all their supposed results are sim only and most likely they only trade sim? Most all TR and site seem to have this disclaimer.
sells books for $50 and Live trading room for $99 where to trades are posted except his Limit entries after the fact.. No Dom, no verified statements..nothing
yet claims to be successful for 25+ years…
Second that. I’m of the opinion he could be a breakeven trader and have attended the room a long time ago, but would like to see a ts.org review.
He also has a video course site: https://brookstradingcourse.com/
If Al Brooks is a live profitable trader I am a Monkey’s Uncle. I actually belonged to his room ages ago. No trade ever shown. Just typical hindsight non sense like Mack who so brilliant marks up his charts in hindsight and never explains the 10 other trades that meet his setup criteria that failed. And of course never any proof.
This of any legit business. They are more than happy to show proof they are legit. There are not afraid for the truth be known. All these guys IMO are nothing but scum bags that are trying to make a extra money selling their education material or TR.
Tell AL how about actually make some live trades in front of people or posting actual brokerage statement proving his amazing profitability and watch him run for the hills.
These TR are genius on how they have found people who will just take their word on it and send them money. They made blind faith religious people look like skeptics.
Hey there RobB. Where were you when I mentioned Al Brook’s room, and others who had never been in the room started taking my words out of context when I said the room by Brooks was “boring” and offered no trading calls or entry or exit strategies. With no trades mentioned except vaguely after the fact, it’s precisely why it’s boring especially with Brook monotoning the whole session . Instead I get potshots trying to make me seem like I never traded live before. What I find loopy is Al would drone on the whole session and journal each session bar by bar as well. Usually scammers are lazy and would not spend that much time and would instead only do a couple hours of live webinar then pretend to make up some fake trades after the webinar sim show. Then they use some of the extra funds they make off the monthly churn to hire professional web design work.
“Hey there RobB. Where were you when I mentioned Al Brook’s room”
Not sure exactly what you are referring to but my post was a response to SILO post; that is why it is indented under that post same as yours.
” Al would drone on the whole session and journal each session bar by bar as well”
So the guy has nothing better to do. This is how he makes his money. The more time he makes his hindsight nonsense seem real the more books he sells, the more BMT webinars he does and other webinars, which again leads to more book sells.
I have no doubt if you look at his tax return his money is not made from actual trading. Ask him to explain about the 10 trade setups on his charts that he did not mark up that did not work. When I see him and Mack doing the same silly hindsight mark ups it makes me ill and people believe this nonsense. Look at all the BMT journals based on AL or Mack’s method, yet none can show they can actually make money trading that way. And you cannot believe those BMT journals anyway as some con artist use them to get PMs and then sucker in fools to buy their training. This whole industry is nothing but swindlers.
Even though I am now responding to you post I am saying this for all readers to realize they need to ask for actual proof of profitable trading otherwise they might as well throw their money down the garbage disposal.
I can pull out my crystal ball and predict Emmett’s review of Al Brooks or Mack – They refused to show any brokerage statement of profitable trading and refused to use the Robot. Gosh SHOCKER!!!!! Who would have guessed it.
Np RobB. I had posted about Brooks in a review thread in response to another post and you probably didn’t see it. I very much see where you’re coming from re: Al Brooks. As our learning paths seems to have intersected again here. I was in his room for about two months. I read his original book back in 2009 and registered on the original site. I guess I am just a little more generous in that Brooks could be a breakeven trader but as we know that’s not good enough to make a living at it. Last time I was in the room there seemed to be 40 to 50 members monthly at $20/trading day.
Some things I heard in the room over those years and I’m sure you and other former Brook students or room members have certainly heard before. When asked about trading results or size, he often just says some obfuscation about how he’s not a licensed CTA. I also heard him say he didn’t want to be in a situation “looking over his shoulder” when about his actual trading size on supposed live trading. He gets asked this week after week or the usual churn in of new members into the room. His commentary in the room does NOT match a lot of what is in the book! Instead he often said “market looks “always in” long or short”. i.e. often changing his bias about the current state of the 5min ES price action. Never really covered in the book. One time he kind of boasted he was like a coasting along a winding river rapids ready to change direction on a whim and enjoying the ride. And the way he says comPU–ters often referring to HFT. trying to explain some “wierd” price action. I have not tried his video course which seems to be a tad cheaper than it was originally. Personally I found some formative value from his price action teachings. It helped me wean away from just moving averages to focusing more on bars and “bar by bar” price action at the least. I agree those bmt journals were full of it especially those who purported to have Brooks or Mac as a major influence and then showed results of after the fact circles on charts of big winners on CL. Like if they were that good, they would have been rich enough to not even have to trade already or running their own funds. The kool-aid was and is pretty heavy as some of those journals get their kool-aid followings. for years, members in even the bpa forum could never report independent student success and there has been an infamous history of support and detractors among numerous bmt and elitetrader posts and threads. So BPA is still a strange mystery to me and I hope oneday Emmett reviews it so there is an official ts verdict.
Indeed they always have every excuse in the world why they can not trade live in front of you. Then show their brokerage account. I seriously doubt he is a break even trader. Unless he ever shows proof I am confident he makes his money from selling his courses and from his TR. 50 member at $99 per month is a nice $60K a year income plus selling his video tapes and books. What else can he be doing in retirement to make this type of money and he does not have to do any surgery to make it.
The day these mindless students start going into his room and start to demand he show actual proof of his trading is the day he will be forced to shut down. But I think most will never do that as they are desperate to believe. They do not even want to hear the truth.
Bought his books, as a novice I gave up on the first book half way. Very poorly written. As for the trading room, feedback above speaks volumes, and that attitude does relate to his books.
by the way “Brooks” isnt his real last name, He even said it himself he changed because his patients coudnt pronounce his original last name..it was some Indian/Greek sounding.
Makes you wonder if he even is a doctor. Wish someone would check this.
My doctors name is Jindaar-Kapor and he hasnt changed his last name.
Pete October 20, 2016
Brooks’ daily blurbs are part of a marketing campaign he has been engaging in since around 2008 with an online financial site to attract clients, the (until Emmett’s review is published) unnamed site links to Brooks’ reports daily and also links to them on Stocktwits’ ES stream. The daily reports are most likely not altruistic intellectual reflection on information Al processed in order to do what he claims, to “trade for a living”.
Al Brooks has a cult-like following on some sites. He seems to get a free pass from a lot of people, including Big Mike who is usually tough on vendors like him. Would be nice if someone exposed him publicly.
He made a terrible trade in life. He “traded” a well-paid stable career as a doctor to become an internet marketer who sells online gambling courses to the naïve and gullible. How sad. He took an oath to help and heal people in his medical trading, and in my opinion he is doing the exact opposite of that in his current activities.
Brooks always said he doesn’t show entries live, trade results or even how much size he took. I would say his material is intro material at a reasonable cost for serious beginning traders. However his trading room is a frustration. Only after the end of he session will he vaguely say he took trades “around” there and he does meticulous journal like analysis of each trading day. (you need to be registered on the forum site to see the journal thread) I am also curious if he makes his income from trading more than the fees the members pay to be in the room. Supposedly he trades for a living and the fees are just donations for time.
No way you can trade profitible on 5min chart looking at some silly candles for entries. Also his entries are all Limit so you cant really track him yet in his books/courses he enters on Stops.
There is a reason Al sells room,books,webinars, because he cant trade! Period.
This appears to be our guy. He could be listing himself as an active doctor to improve his trader-vendor marketing potential. He shouldn’t be listed as an opthamologist if he actually switched careers to day trading as he claims in the 1980s, he said he makes more money day trading than when working as an opthamollogist (300k+ per year now average). Zillow shows that address for rent in 2015, it was priced around what people thought was a meagre abode in 2008 when he was exposed on a forum. If you could search public records to see if he’s renting or owning that address we’ll get an idea of what he does for a living. If he’s renting out properties he isn’t day trading for a living as he claims considering his large income from his trading salesmanship as well.
Well, the address isnt such a big deal. Sure, it reveals an asset footprint. But what I really am interested in, do you have anything that you can reference where he claims to make $300k per year? That is somethign I can sink my teeth into.
BTW, I have been researching Al, and contacting him…not good. Very evasive.
Pete September 15, 2016
From “about the author” section of his book: “After changing careers from ophthalmology to trading 25 years ago, he discovered consistent trading success once he developed his unique approach to reading price charts bar by bar.”
From brookspriceaction.com: I am Al Brooks, MD, and I daytrade E-mini futures, stocks, options, Forex markets, crude oil, and gold for a livin€€€€€€€g.
Pete September 15, 2016
8.5 minutes in: On an average day I take ten, twenty, thirty trades [on the ES 5 minute charts] a day.
10 minutes in: I’ve never had a year in which I’ve won every day of the year. My goal in life is to win [be profitable] every day of the year.
Crooked Hillary September 15, 2016
LOL- Yep That is pretty funny- Even with good movement on a day like today you have 5-6 trade possibilities Max- Unless you over trade and with the 5min charts
no way on getting filled at those levels. Not including the broker disconnections.
James October 4, 2016
Great news! It brings a smile to my face to know that Al is being investigated. I wasted a lot of time studying his teachings.
I have never subscribed to his chatrooms so can’t comment on what he says in there. But others have stated that he has made claims that he almost never has a losing day in the markets.
In his youtube videos he definitely sells the dream. He’ll make comments about people he knows who are very successful using his teachings, yet we don’t know who these people are or if they even exist. A common tactic is to point out a hindsight trade and say “imagine if you traded that with 20 contracts, and found one or two of these each day, you could make a nice living trading just that setup each day.”
He is an interesting case because he comes across as serious-minded, down-to-earth and humble. He is also a doctor, which adds credibility. He does not fit the typical description of a marketer, and seems trustworthy.
I believe that beneath the no-frills image he is just like everyone else in this industry. Selling the dream of success to those who don’t know any better.
Winter Is Coming October 20, 2016
@ Emmett
Come on Emmett, don’t hold out on us!
Have you managed to expose the truth about Al Brooks?
Pete October 20, 2016
dtchurn believes Brooks has a dogged intellectual commitment resuling in his daily ES recaps. False. It is marketing with Futures mag not that selfless asperger’s image of ALtruism Al uses to make a sale. http://stocktwits.com/FuturesMagazine
Pete October 25, 2016
All roads lead to Al Brooks.With the same desperate pleadings of Princess Leia, help me Emmett Wan-Kenobi, you’re my only hope and the only hope of Al’s future victims as he is beedily-eyed watches his prey as he prepares to strike down on the 2016 Las Vegas Trader’s Expo.
Stray Dog September 15, 2016
A $400,000 home, not exactly meagre but if he’s making $300,000 a year then you’d think that he’d upgrade. Perhaps he’s a Warren Buffet of Rocklin. It doesn’t look like much using the street view on Google Earth.
Rob B September 16, 2016
Been out of town for awhile and still out of town but thought I would check back in. And to no surprise just more 1 star reviews. As far as Al Brooks goes, I would say a retired ophthalmology turned Day Trader educator / scammer. All his books and his BMT videos, yet not one lick of evidence of profitable trading nor can he show a single profitable trade live. All he does is show after the fact mark ups on trading ES on a 5 minute chart. Give me a break. When will the gullible learn.
Stray Dog September 16, 2016
Good to see you back Rob B
sam June 4, 2016
Netpicks.com is on their 20th anniversary with the claim of 234,557 “netpick’s smart traders”! Their site is revamped and looks modernized which reminds of globaltraderoom. Please have them reviewed sometime so the masses can finally know what’s for real and what isn’t about netpicks.
1. There should be a non-vendor specific discussion area, so we could carry discussions somewhere else, not in a particular vendor’s review.
2. Any review that is older than a year should be updated for 3+ stars vendors. The bad reviews can be left alone, but any system that was good for at least 3 stars a year ago should be revisited (there aren’t that many anyway) because longevity in this business is very rare. Just because something was good and recommended 1-2 years ago, that doesn’t mean it is still good.
I have been checking on the better systems here and their performances lately are lacking. One didn’t make money for the last 6 months, the other makes very little once we subtract the very expensive fee. Neither of these systems should get more than 2 stars in their update…
Otherwise I like the website and curious, how many vendors are running the Robot currently???
Hi Pekelo, i am curious which is the system that is making very little once we subtract fees?
Over all I agree with you. There only a handful of 3+ rated rooms and of those, either they are suffering from huge draw downs, or had a recent update review which show they are scams. Lets look at the recommended trade rooms.
1. Trading Price Action on Futures: Currently going throw a down draw. In the negative for the year
2. WatchHimTrade.com: In the negative for the year.
3. Oil trading Group: In the negative for the year. This room has changed alot since last year. Now it is more like a marketing room for TopStepTrader.
These are the currently recommended rooms. Below are former recommended rooms.
1. Daytradingpower: Received an updated review. Verdict= Scam
2. Tradermakers: I don’t know about this room, Emmett said he was doing an updated review for one of his recommend rooms and it didn’t look good. If i had to guess, this might be it.
3. Algorithmic Trading Review: Going through a down draw. Negative for the year.
This is what I have so far, correct me if i am mistake. So basically 98% of rooms reviewed are scams, the other 2% are going through bad times
Welcome to daytrading. And as far as I am concerned 99.99% are scams (I was told never to say never so I did not put 100%). But if you find that unicorn, I seriously doubt they will be running a trading room.
I was talking about the Algorithmic Trading room and I didn’t even realize that they were also in a DD, not making money for the last 7 months.
If you look at their last 11 months performance available for their NQ system, it did make 4.2K profits using 1 contract, but the cost of the system is 5K! So not even counting your own platform and broker fees, you are losing money after we subtract the subscription fee. Now one might use more than 1 contract, but they also charge more in that case, 15K for 4 contracts, in that scenario you end up with a small 1.8K profit (on a 60K account) for the year. Unless I am misunderstanding their pricing policy, this system although profitable for a whole year, but its price makes it prohibitive to subscribe.
And of course you were right about the other systems. Basically it is impossible to find a system/room with 2 consecutive years of decent performance where the subscription would have paid off… That is why I mentioned the update of older reviews…
Well, Fara, I have found another one. B12 trader has a glowing review, but once we look at the numbers, the system hasn’t made money in the last 16 months.(also down for the year by -13K, and down for the last 12 months) The only reason the system is actually up because it had a very good month 17 months ago, but as we know, that is ancient history. And even with that it only made $700 monthly on a 100K account…
So Emmett, could you update B12 trader and reduce its 5 stars rating, I dunno, maybe to 1???
I agree with you on all your posts above, but I think 1 star for B12Trader would be an extreme. From what I see, Emmett reserves 1 star for scammers, and Jasen is not a scammer, he’s just a regular guy, trading his own money with a trend-following system that is losing in the current sideways market, and transparently reporting about it.
What I think Emmett should do is start out with 3 stars for good reviews but with unproven record (say < 1-2 years), then change it up or down as time passes and the system is proved or disproved.
So, to take B12Trader as an example, the initial review would have 3 stars and be in danger of being downgraded to 2 stars in about 1 year.
Well, I agree up to a point, I don’t think Jason is a scammer, his strategy just doesn’t work right now. But the end result is really the same, you subscribed and followed a system for a year, and you lost money eventually and it is questionable if you learnt anything.
. So at the end, does it really matter if it was a scammer asshole who misled you or a very nice guy whose system just doesn’t work right now? Good intentions can destroy your account just as much as evil ones.
I do like your idea of not giving more than 3 stars for any system with less than a year performance record, and a possible upgrade after a year. I don’t think anyone would get 5 stars, because I haven’t found anyone here with 2 consecutive years or excellent performance…
Believe it or not I hate to argue with fellow posters, but when I read a post like this I go ballistic and start to scream, “No wonder 95% of the people lose money”.
People ask me why are these Trading Rooms are all scams, and I sadly have to say because they are providing the product you want – Pure Fantasy. You want to believe that somehow Day Trading is this secret mystery unknown to all the great investors and that with a small account you can micro scalp using 500 to 1 leverage a highly volatile instrument like oil and take 20 micro scalps for 5 ticks each and make 100 ticks a day like a salary. And do all of this with little to no draw downs (and a high win rate). It is all complete nonsense, which is why none of these TR can ever show any proof of their claims. I say you have better odds playing the power ball. They are teaching you to trade pure white noise. And yes they might luck out and do it for a short period, but the longer they go they eventually lose. This is why most TRs are just murky calls and the best use a lenient sim generator that gives them positive slippage. So yes with positive slippage and no commissions you can trade white noise profitably, but not by much, so on top of that they fake their results, conveniently forgetting a few losers here and there. As I have said again and again it does not take much manipulation to make a losing trader look like a brilliant winning trader.
And one of the biggest cons they use is to put the blame on the trader for failing. And people are so gullible they believe it. I talk to traders all the time who just say the other people that failed just did not try hard enough. I am sorry but it does not matter if you spend 100 hours or 10,000 hours you will never be able to trade the nonsense they teach profitably. That is why they can never show proof. They cannot trade it profitably. Believe I know as I spent 1000s of hours trying until I woke up from the Kool-Aid state and saw the light. Now I look back on it and think how could I ever been so dumb to think that nonsense would work.
It is all fantasy and not how trading works at all. I have another shocker for you Day Trading has more in common with long term trading then you think.
Hedge funds, mutual funds, CTA and etc. performance is all public record. And even the best of the best have losing periods. That is how the Market works. Only in the fantasy land do you control the market. In the real world the market controls and you are along for the ride.
Name any great investor. Maybe Buffett comes to your mind. Look it up, there has been times he has lost billions. Would you degrade him from 5 stars to 3 stars? Every great investor loses money over certain time frames. That is how the real world works as opposed to the fantasy world created by the TR operators. PERIOD!!!
I am a full time investor, which includes both stock and real estate investing. There are always periods of drawdown no matter what you invest in and as long as you believe in the straight up fantasy world equity curves you will be scammed again and again.
If you go into a TR and take the trades they claim they are taking and you lose money while they claim to be making money, it is not because you have not spent enough time or because you have not bought their education package to know the “GREAT” secret. It is because they are running a con game and you are the MARK!!!
Wake up Traders!! If a trading room does not do the at least the following, then run not walk away or you to will be scammed. And the sad fact is what I specify is the minimum acceptable requirement, yet 99.9% of them cannot even meet this minimum requirement.
1) They must be trading a live account,
2) They must clearly show their DOM and Chart Trader for every trade taken,
3) They must show their brokerage account live identifying their exact entries and exits
4) They must post accurate results that match to the brokerage statements (and keep the brokerage statements posted so you can verify it.)
Now for my disclaimer I know nothing about B12 and think a review showing only a short period of time is not very meaningful in order to determine his actual performance. In fact Emmett needs to keep a running track record for all the 3 star and up vendors or do what Goagal suggested.
B12 Trader is obfuscating his trading record although he is showing one. He only mentions “capital invested” but you have to go through the numbers to assess how much capital is actually bound with his trades. So you cannot see his percentage return on basis of his portfolio. He just gives you a figure – 95 k wins. Better than nothing but how much capital was bound at the same time? 100k? 1.000 k? And besides – did you notive that 2/3 of his returns of 95 k since 2014 are based on only one trade in July in EWJ where he raked in 60 k? This does not look like a very reliable and stable system to me.
I got an spam ad email about opentrader.com where a trader in a “tower in Dubai” was offering webinars and coaching and willing to show brokerage accounts showing how he made 100k in a month. Of course we have seen vendors doctor up statements too. Word and other print software can make anything these days as well as bogus websites showing copied pages. There seems to be a separate page for the free webinar registration.
Does anyone have a review or other info about Tim Grattini. Also is profitable day trading possible? I spent four days pouring Sykes you tube videos and his seven free challenge videos and the Warrior trading video series. Is all of this worthless info? I’ve been an engineering tech for thirty years nearing retirement and have been looking into this as a means to help support myself. Have about $5K cash in E*trade at the moment and plan to increase the funding but don’t want to make investments if these are scams.
Unfortunately, Randy, they are all scams. If you are sticking with a small account it is too hard to daytrade stocks because HFT and manipulation has taken over any stocks that move during the day. I tried warrior and an earlier Sykes class and trust me, it was worthless garbage. WT continues to fool members with sim trading like they all do, because it’s too hard to scalp stocks consistently. Index or commodities futures trading is better for a small account because there are fewer markets to look at and there is more steady volume and liquidity than trying to catch a low float stock that suddenly moves where WT tries to trade in 3 to 25 seconds. If you have been attending the free Mondays on WT you can even see they stopped updating all their trades on the right chat especially if it’s “slow”. You could use option puts and calls on daytrading liquid stocks but it requires a much larger account to pull it off.
Just terrible. I was perusing various trading education and product sites. It’s gotten ridiculously high web tech and marketed. Just take a look at this well made video of a “predictor MACD”. Maybe this is the last gasp of “independent” web businesses out there in the U.S. even though 99.99% are frauds. what a shame this country has devolved to and it’s still crashing. https://www.tradertech.com/how-it-works/trend-forecasting/indicators/macd
A 5 k account is really small. Even for the futures market. However, if you do try trading futures I would only trade the NQ since its a smaller contract than the ES and quite liquid to trade. Although you will probably lose it all if you do not know what you are doing. I would also look for a good futures broker who only deals with the futures market with lower comissions. Most likely you WILL BLOW UP YOUR ACCOUNT. So take into account, can you afford to lose your 5K and more if you f-up and get a margin call.
Dear Emmett,
I’d rather trust your opinion given the great job that you did on reviewing trading schools and systems. But I am confused on the fact that you classified these both schools as “pure nonsense” without even looking at them. My understanding is that you base your judgement on careful and detailed review of a trading system.Are you supposed to apply the same approach in this case?
Uri, OTA and CTU have had a long history of being called out as expensive scams. There are so many bad reviews out there over the years that there is no need for Emmett to go over them. Just go to ripoffreport and type in the search ‘online trading academy’. They try to push sales in their free webinars trying to get people paying up to 30k and beyond when it’s all stuff you can find for free or for far cheaper with a few trading books on amazon.
Sam, I agree on OTA – they have a great record on ripoffreport – plenty of unanswered complaints. The different story on CTU – they have just 3 complaints, and each of them followed by company rebuttal. May be it’s related to the size of the company – they are not a franchise as OTA and have only one office in Long Island, NY, and also in CTU they care about reputation of the company, contrary to OTA.
Hilarious. Reminds me of my scammer days, I used to date a Playmate. Very pretty and very nice, but man oh man, she was not the sharpest tool in the shed. Once you get past the looks, there better be something between the ears else it gets boring really fast.
Amazing, Emmett! Interesting enough to be on an AG episode, but we know you put those days behind you now. Reading the full article on business week reminded me of Amy Sangster and her pics of IP. CTU had almost become obscure as a long time scammer. Wonder if other sites will start putting models and playboy article mentions on their site too eventually, what a circus, lol.
Dear Emmett,
Thank you very much for saving me $16K on NextGen software – they sound very good, but after your review it was clear that I’d better keep my money.
Now I have a tough choice between Online Trade Academy and Cyber Trading University.
They both are very sweet-talking and cost around $15K-$20K each.
What do you think? If these schools worth this amount of money? http://www.cybertradinguniversity.com/ http://www.tradingacademy.com/
You would be much better off in my opinion buying a book for $20 than spending 15k-20k on some trading gurus system that will make you a daytrader. I would buy the book Trading for Dummies.
Next I would paper trade funny money until I could actually have consistant winning trades where my paper account was growing. Once able to trade consistantly with paper trading, I would open a small account with real money and just try swing trading. Why would I only open a smaller funded account to start off with? Because trading real money over funny money is a different ball game. Your emotions change because you have real skin in the game. Blowing up your account is a real possibility even if you have paper traded successfully. Going live with real money will be a new learning curve after paper trading.
Another person I found helpful with the mental aspect of trading was Mark Douglas. He has a good books that in my opinion is worth reading. Google – Trading in the Zone: Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline and a Winning Attitude
If you want to learn more about TA. Bulkowski has a free website where you can learn about TA patterns and their % success rate. http://thepatternsite.com/
My point. There is so much information that is less expensive if not free where you can get a good understanding of trading and not help grow a trading gurus account with your 15k-20k subscription service.
Personally, I would not pay a person 15k-20k to learn how to trade. That is being a sucker. I do not want to be a sucker!
Thank you David.
You listed exactly my plan that I prepared for myself for the first year of becoming a day trader:
– reading books, including Mark Douglas and TA books,
– paper trading,
– small real money trading,
– extending to full size trading after small size trading becomes profitable.
I suspect it’s the way that many people follow when they try to switch to trading, and most of them fail after losing most of their money.
The question is – if there is a way to shorten and streamline learning process by acquiring knowledge from people who have a great experience in real trading? May be it will really save me a lot of money on minimizing my future losses? I agree that these schools are greatly overpriced, but the question is – if they are for real, if they may teach you some real trading skills?
Like RobB, I believe 99.9% of vendors are scammy. AlBrooks is a decent start off point just to get started if you want to find one of his books used for cheaper. Another is Dalton’s “Markets in Profile” book. There are a bunch of attempted methods shared on BMT in journals , as well as other places such as forexfactory and traderslaboratory. Just remember in these journals most don’t show their losers and some are complete bs. Often members eventually become small-time startup vendors themselves. There are also variations of the typical vendor scammer, where a vendor purposely teaches something that doesn’t work at all while using a different method on their own screen using the members fees to make up for their own losses as they try to trade profitably but have the scammed fees and subs as the regular income. And the best truth of all, if they could make 10-30% or more a month why would they even need to setup an elaborate trading site or room and sell services and indicators.
Axiom: Successfully day trading is in general and for the long haul very, very difficult.
If that wasn’t the case, then millions would be doing it.
Theorem: Successful day traders are either working very, very hard or have found a successful method that’s temporarily easier.
This follows from the axiom above.
Corollary 1: If a successful day trader is very hard at work then he/she won’t have time to train noobs.
Corollary 2: If a successful day trader has found a successful method that’s temporarily easier then he/she will not share it with anybody or else it’ll lose its advantage and he/she will be back to working very hard.
There, I’ve proven for you that all these training sites are scams.
“The question is – if there is a way to shorten and streamline learning process by acquiring knowledge from people who have a great experience in real trading?” In my humble opinion it´s screen time and experience. We all grasp concepts at a different learning rate. IMHO, anyone says they will teach you to trade profitably in a certain amount of time is blowing smoke up your @$$!
As a long time investor including day trading I am going to give you my opinion. Take it for what it is worth.
So many people are just desperate to make money as a day trader for various reasons. Most of these people have no idea about money or realistic return on money. They just see the jet set life style shown by those trading educators and think it must be real. Or maybe they just want to make extra money to pay their bills. But in reality they will have more bills to pay after day trading. This is the fact!!!!
There are times like the NASDAQ bubble that traders could make a lot of money day trading. But it is very very hard to make money as a day trader in the current low volatility market and few are successful at it. And I will tell you something else most that day trade such as myself, do not put the money they make back into day trading. They invest in real estate and other long term investments as that is where wealth is created. Honestly name the top investors of our time that you know are real, maybe Buffet, Trump and other come to mind. None of them were ever day traders.
I have repeatedly asked Emmett to talk to his broker friends and provide the real stats on day trading in today’s market. He is friend with Matt over at Optimus. SPILL THE BEANS!!!!!! How many people day trading and I mean day trading out of the positions every single day are profitable? My guess is very very few.
I am going to tell you what I see happening which is in line with your question. The 1st thing people do is join BMT and get books and videos like Al Brooks. They try to do what some of the BMT journalist do or Al Brooks and just end up losing money again and again, so then they think just like you. I will pay for one of those trading mentors. Surely they can set me on the right path fast. I know as I was one of those folks. The problem is this is an unregulated industry and I am sorry to say it but 99% of those trading room and educators are complete con artist with one goal in mind and one goal only. To take your money. They could not trade profitably if there life dependent on it. Why you think Emmett can get virtually none of them to show any real proof. For me I do less and less day trading and more and more days trading, swing trading and long term trading and other investments. I think you have better odds of going to Vegas and making money than you do from day trading. But I am sure the shills will post away the fantasy to keep their golden egg nest going, yet none will show any real proof.
I refute what you have to say every single day, yet you keep pressing this message forward. I am actually stunned by the number of reviews by Emmett that show many training rooms are nothing but a scam…however, I’m on the robot again this month and it’s to be a repeat performance as last month. How can you justify your thinking in the facts that are set before your eyes?
Will you ask for 5 years of trading statements like last time?
Will you admit that trading isn’t really as hard as most people make because they are simply being taught with lagging indicators and are trying to scalp?
You are quick to point out the problems, and in general, I believe most of what you’re speaking of bears listening to; but the notion that nobody can teach you to trade is untrue. There are just not a lot of individuals that can teach you to trade.
thank you very much for your interesting and informed opinion.
I will try to reply also to David, Goagal and Sam.
1. The statement “All trading schools are scam” strikes me as being toll generic. It’s like “All Russians are drunks” or “All Trump supporters are…” Sorry, let’s not even go there…
I asked Emmet to review these two particular schools – Online Trading Academy (OTA) and Cyber Traders University (CTU), because they offer real trading practice, and both of them claim to trade not on technicals (that are all lagging indicators), but on volume (Time&Sales) and Order Flow (Level3).
I would rather reject them as too expensive (10K for main course + 5-10K more for extras) than on generic suspicion of all trading schools to be con artists. I still would like for Emmet to find opportunity to review and rank them.
2. The statement “Day trading is difficult, it hard job, and there is no easy way around it. (If such an easy way, why would anybody spill the secrets around). Therefore, there is no way to learn how to become a trader in trading school. The only way to become a trader is to read books and trade yourself (probably losing all your money in the process)” also makes me uneasy.
Suppose I am going to buy a car and ask your advice – “Should I take driving classes and learn how to drive?”
If we apply your logic regarding trading schools to this case, your reply obviously would be – “Why waste money on driving classes? Just buy a car and start driving. Yes, you may crash some cars and kill a few people, but eventually you learn how to drive”.
Sounds ridiculous, right? But we apply the same logic as you and others use to prove that there is no merit in trading school education.
I was not going to respond, but I sorry you wrote something that just urks me. I hate it when people compare day trading educators to other professionals in a completely incorrect manner. It is comparing apple and oranges. The worst one is do you hire a baseball coach because he is a top notch baseball player. But I will address the one you mention driving instructor. I have no clue where you are from, but in my state in order to be a driving instructor you must be certified. So you at least know the driving instructor can drive. In addition if I hired a driving instructor and he could not drive live and only could drive useing a simulator I would walk.
For every instructor or person you are going to hire there needs to be some Litmus or series of Litmus test they need to pass. For most like builders they are even licensed by the state.
The bottom line is what is that Litmus test for Day Trading Educators. I am just amazed how people think it is unreasonable to ask these guys for the simplest amount of proof. If you want to pay for a Trading Room with no proof they can trade profitable then fine. Do It!!! I would not and I will continue to tell others not to.
Former Online Trading Academy, OTA, worker comes out about how it’s a total scam and always has been. Interesting examples of both in person sales tactics, and common sham trading room tricks. http://www.elitetrader.com/et/threads/online-trading-academy-epic-fail.301348/#post-4359347
100 million a year? far outstrips sham vendors who only writes books and makes no calls in a trading room.
Ha! I enjoy the seminars they put on to bait you to join in their scam.
It is similar to a the timeshare presentations back in the day. Although I have come to appreciate the value in timeshares. The coffee and pastries are not bad – an you can tell they watch the audience like hawks.
When they spot someone being very receptive they pull them to the side and put them into the box quickly. I know a few people who have spent 10-20k and the problem is that once they spend the money the refuse to believe the time and $$ was wasted and are closed to learning the truth about trading.
Interesting info about timeshares. I don’t know much about them except what I heard in the news about one of the biggest scammy timeshare billionaires, Siegal and his big mansion under construction. I wonder who are the bozos behind OTA. It was alarming to see that sales training material. that behind the scenes look pretty much confirmed all the bad testimonials over the years. The organization deserves to be shut down and featured on “American Greed”. I hope they go after Larry Levin’s Tradingadvantage too. I had to block their salespeople calling me every month where I think they got my info from speedtrader/suretrader brokerage.
Have you seen the latest post by Ross Cameron at Warrior Trading – brokerage account statements have appeared for one month of trading. Is this not a step in the right direction?
I don’t know if you’ve seen “American Greed” RobB, but it’s even worse. Multiple cases of people shelling out half or more of their life savings to local ponzi’s sometimes “a local investment hero”. And then bigger ponzis where rich folks even shell out over 10 million to a ponzi. If new aspiring traders just watch that show they would quickly realize how big the chances are running into a scam in these supposedly smaller-time scam vendors. Some posters who like to talk from a pedestal say greed runs boths ways and in principal that’s true, but that in no way excuses the overwhelming lopsided advantages of the fraudsters with most of the trading related media on their side or irresponsibly neutral. Unfortunately CNBC is also a shill for big wall st. fraud with some of the fleecers even working within the system, so “American Greed” can’t be seen for free anymore and is sold as another product when it should be a charitable public service show by CNBC to inform new investors and retailers. PBS should have a regular show about this, but who cares about the middle class trying to improve their situation by trading? John Ross, maybe that scammer should be on “American Greed”; it sounds like he has a history for fraud trading and investing companies, then runs away to start anew. A common case depicted on the show.
Kevin Phillip Ryan on Facebook, now “Phillip Ryan” of Tampa, Florida – can you review this scammer please? He used to have a website, http://www.insidertradingreport.com, which has closed. He “mentors” people wanting to learn the stock market and offers “courses” for $200 each, but never delivers on his promises. One guy invested $100,000 (!!!) which he promised to invest for him but he disappeared. I invested in his “IPO” he promised back in 2013 ($5000) for his company “Hot Penny Stocks Online Inc”, which never happened. Lawyers are being consulted, but Mr Ryan doesn’t appear to have any assets, despite claiming he owned two houses (one in San Diego and one in Lakeland, Florida)!!
How does one sucker someone into giving them $100K to invest for them. Maybe if it was some close family member. I can even see after doing a lot of research setting up a $100K in a brokerage firm and giving the adivisor rights to trade the account, but not move money out. But to give the money directly to some unregulated individual. I do not even understand how this works, you write a check to Mr. X and he buys and sells money in his own name and then is suppose to return some profits to you. Does everyone live in Ant Utopia, but me. Come on People have some common sense. If someone is promising you returns that are unbelievable then they are just that!!!!
I know you are suppose to feel sympathetic, but man I just do not get how anyone would be dumb enough to do this. Do they never watch the news.
Thank you Emmet for providing a much needed service on exposing all the financial gurus on the internet.
The gentleman I would like to ask you to review is quite a character. I have asked him multiple times to show a DOM, trade window or any proof he can trade his system profitably. I get blocked called a shill, troll and other names from this trading room operator. I have sent him a message through his website and youtube channel asking if he could try the robot where I provided the link to the robot. I have not had any response from him. The trading room in question is run by a man who goes by the name of SILVER GOLD MAN. He will not give out his real name, show his face or give any details about himself. His trade room is at his website http://www.connectingdots1.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2192 Silver Gold Man has a youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdTO2xycmhtefiJN76Bqh3w and this is where he advertises his trading services to the general public where he seems to attract noob traders who have no clue when it comes to trading. Silver Gold Man also make grandiose claims of calling tops and bottoms where he states he was the only person to call it without any time stamped proof.He is quite a character to say the least.
Hi Emmett, what a brilliant job you do here, admirable! Thank you sir, not only from all of us here today, but from those future generations and hopeful traders-to-be who will be finding these invaluable guides to lead us/them away from getting hurt and into success. Thank you.
There is no question about this organization being a scam, and those who already suffered enormous wipe-outs of their accounts, they call founder Owen O’Malley ‘The Irish Madoff’. Some serious damage he’s done to many people (records go 10 year back) and one who had disastrous TICN experience could easily claim that Owen is one of the biggest conman of our times.
Some members took actions, and revealed a full story here:
Not a professional site like tradingschools.org, but it tells a story exactly how it happened. A proof and statements are available.
More and more people are reaching out to us to share their experience with TICN. Any additional exposure to help stop TICN from hurting more people is what’s very much needed. What they do to hopeful investors, mainly newbies to the investing world, is just insane.
Thanks for looking into it! And once again, for everything you do…
Thank you,
Ex-Member of TICN
PS: TICN do not call themselves ‘trading room’ they phrase it as an ‘investment club’, but what they really do is just trade longer term options, using exactly same strategies as any trader would use.
Don’t ask, a whole place is just a (serious) disaster…. We can’t believe they’ve been doing it for over 10 years now, and still managing to get away with it! How on earth is this possible?? So many people lost their money, probably millions wiped out through this one organization alone.
Can you please review the following FX Mentor? Greg McLeod of http://www.forexpaydays.com/ I thought about joining his service and am finding it hard to know who to trust with all the trading mentors who are not what they say they are. Here is a link to his latest YouTube video where he used his fx strategy to make a 140% while playing blackjack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IoAnS3ZIcA
Greg McLeod also trades stocks & futures. Here is a video where he claims to have made 20K trading coffee. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuZtOU7Sf-c
TY Emmett for your great website!
An update to my original comment. I sent a pm to Greg McLeod @ http://www.forexpaydays.com/ through his youtube channel with a description of the robot and asked him if he could try it. I have not heard back from him yet. So being an information digger, I googled his “name + review” where a not so glowing review came up on Greg McLeod / forexpaydays. I am starting to believe Greg McLeod is another trading teacher and not a trader. I really hope Greg McLeod proves me wrong.
Mark “renegade trader” Deaton is back. I got a spam email in the last week for his new site, stockcheats.com ; This guy is a “legacy” scammer of the old type using long vertical ad blurbs and still having cookie clicks to “clicks.aweber.com”. He has left many sites in the past ten years and clients hanging, such as “gorillagaps.com, renegagdetrader.com,bollingerbandgenus”, etc. Maybe more than ten sites total. An old video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8br7mqjYts
If you happen to have time to review Emmett, I think this could be another affiliate web that should be exposed similar to virtnext. Thanks.
I know nothing about the tradingwithgods trading room (TR), but I know the scam techniques TR use. The sense to create urgency to buy. SOLD out is BS. Just part of the scam. I was in a trading room where the operator constantly said he was going to retire to build a sense of urgency to buy his course before he left. He was retiring for all his trading room operating life. Nothing but part of the con. These guys are brilliant con artist and know every trick in the book.
right on RobB. It’s rather insidious how all these con tricks are used. At first, one doesn’t want to believe there are all these plants in both review comments and even trading rooms. Then it’s horrifying to find out all the suspect thoughts in the back of one’s mind are true, that the cons and lies are all true. What’s also appalling is that year after year, new tricks are invented as new platforms and video software is updated or made. For example, I had no idea of the ninjatrader disconnect trick to change or delete execution statements. It’s already bad enough NT can be modded to make any sim account look like real. For sure, new tricks are discovered every season to fool what’s seen on the webinar screen. Enough of the spreadsheets and notepad results. Almost every trading room has the host never showing the actual execution display of the software. On the rare occasion where something like a DOM is shown, it’s still a sim mask. Most of these scam vendors have long stopped trading live if they ever did, and just raking it in with all using all these tricks i.e. “retirement”, “limited seasonal discounts” ending up with discounts in one form or another all year long. There should be a thread like this page to categorize and expose every kind of vendor scam trick old and newly discovered.
Each indicator is about 1k or more. 6k for the whole package and mentorship.
sharkindicators.com – includes “bloodhound” which man have heard about.
Was interested in https://thepatterntrader.com/ I did the 14 day trial and watched one webinar (interesting but kind of vague) and then followed the trades for 2 weeks and they did do very well. The trades are specific stop orders with TP and SL and easy to follow (and verify). However, I then asked for results and got the normal story about not using MyFxBook and the like and after a few emails they sent me a screen shot that proported to show his account (200% growth in a year). Which got me thinking – surely you would use that in your marketing if it were accurate? They also spun the whole “it’s meant as education” line too – which is fine, but surely if you call SPECIFIC trades, results are easily verified. Anyway, was wondering if there was any other experiences out there with Mark Shawzin (and I found him on Twitter which made me a little uneasy too). I love this site by the way – fantastic. I have had experience with a few of the rooms/mentors reviewed on this site and I certainly won’t be considering any others without reading here first. Your review on Carlos Diaz’s stuff was good too – I too found him open and a good trader – but I happened to join the month that supposedly was terrible for Crude Oil trading (so he said after a month of pain)….and of course my results didn’t match his on the web site. He did call out his targets though, but yes I too found the risk reward was not sustainable, and then there was a bit of desperation to trade, so some nights “as in your review” he called one as “risky” etc. but still went ahead. One night he “closed” the room (or so I thought) only to wake up next day to see that I had supposedly missed a 15 tick profit ….that started to make me worried. Anyway, after that and a few other experiences vowed that I wouldn’t follow or be mentored by anyone who didn’t show verified results, which is why after initially being positive about the Pattern Trader, I didn’t join due to their “no results” policy, which by the way he comes up with some great elaborate explanation for….Warren Buffet wouldn’t rely on MyFxBook he says…. Anyway, great site and if you are ever interested in outside reviews – seems I am collecting a few of my dodgy experiences…..!
Emmet, can you please give this room an honest review. http://eminiaddict.com/ The owner of the room (David Halsey-DH) openly states his trade room is not a signal service. Instead he says he teaches trading where he is trading but will not call out his trades. If you ask him if he is in a trade he will say what he´s in or if stopped. What DH does is show his screen where he makes fib draws and looks to trade the hwb (50% fib to 61.8% fib) DH shows no dom or any sort of trade window. If you ask him if he is trading a demo or even trading at all he gets defensive. Not in a disrespectful way though. DH will go into his spiel of “teach a man to fish and he will eat for life”.
I have seen him trying to short the V reversals in the last few years and wondered how could he still have an account. Especially in the october 2014 rally. DH was trying to short the whole rally. He says he uses tight stops and moves his stop to BE to minimize his risk. However, to not get burned on a ripping market, one would have to be super fast. With DH running the trade room, answering clients questions I doubted he took the trade because he was talking and trying to trade 10 symbols at once. I found his claim to be trading real money hard to believe, or he is trading a demo.
His room is quite affordable at $29.99 per month that attracts many new traders.
I checked this site out a while back. The price to join this serivce was astronomical. $12,000 This has to be one of the most expensive trade rooms on the internet.
Here is a youtube link to a great documentary on the demise of floor traders. Most of the floor traders could not make the switch to trading off a computer and trade profitable. I wonder if this is the case with this trade room?. There are a few other trade rooms poping up with former floor traders.
I just left Tradenet after spending 2 years there as a client, and I really think they’re a good place to go. I went in pretty well-informed when I started and they definitely helped me further.
Okay, I’m not a superstar trader but I’m not a slowpoke either. What I wanted was advanced help on my trading. Something to angle me into a specific trading strategy. I got that.
I went for the one on one coaching, which suited me well, as I didn’t see much point in the general training. Each session I had was 2 hours long and I got complete undivided attention from my mentor, Meir.
While we were a little at odds on the psychology of trading as I have my own opinions on that, the help he gave me on technical analysis, analyzing chart patterns and trading on a fast and slow market was invaluable.
I’m a day trader and I do okay with my trades. Most months I bring in a decent profit or I at least break even. But I’ve recently been considering making bigger trades, but I’ll tell you the truth, I’m a bit nervous about it. I just signed up for a day trading courses on US stocks with a place called Tradenet and hope that this is going to push me in the right direction. So far, there is a lot of information on offer and it’s been easy to pick up on. There are a lot of well-known professionals live on-site doing the teaching, as well as in the virtual “classroom”. I’m looking into the US stock prop and they’ve explained the areas to watch out for if I decide to do it: not using stop orders, double down on losing trades, etc. There’s a lot more but they’ve encouraged me to think these things over and told me that education as a trader is key, and I agree with them.
My only concern is that sometimes I feel a little lost in the mix in the trading room with everything going on, but overall I think it will be worth it.
Being 99% of trading rooms make their money from their trading rooms and the education they sell as opposed to being able to trade profitably, I am sure this vendor does say education is key. Your post sounds more like an advertisement for Tradenet than a request to review. I think it is very hard to evaluate a trading room’s education package. All you can do is verify if they are able to trade their own method profitable. So I ask you the same questions everyone needs to ask these trading rooms.
1) Do they show a DOM or chart showing their trades entries, targets and stop losses,
2) Do they keep accurate accounting of their trades on a daily basis and post those results everyday,
3) Do they show their trades from their brokerage account, and
4) Do they offer a free trial so you can verify the 3 items above.
If the answer is No, No, No. and No then I think you have your answer. You would be taking a course based on blind faith and IMO will fail like the other 95% of day traders who take courses with absolutely no prove the trader can even trade what he teaches profitably.
For the life of me I do not know why it is sooo hard for would be buyers to simple ask for some proof the vendor can do what he claims he can do.
> The creation of any accounts with prefix “TR” is defaulted and hardcoded to be a training
> account (DEMO) for the purpose of training and demonstration. This has been our practice since the
> implementation our technology use.
Also in newer videos of Meir Barak you can see that the account starts with “TR”. That means he is fooling everybody, because he is only trading demo-accounts.
I did a positive review on Real Life Trading. However, Jeremy got mixed up with that Nonko fraud and I just didnt want anyone else to get hurt, so I dumped the review.
TradeWithJoe is a chat room run by Lloyd Cox and moderated by about 5 others. I’ve been with them since the very beginning. It is mainly an options day/swing trading chat room. While there is no trading DOM is shown during trading hours, Lloyd does call out trades. He also show and explain his positions from time to time or any time someone asks him to. When he does this, you can see his account with Interactive Brokers (positions, P&L, etc.). So there is no doubt he is trading live.
Lloyd calls out trades and so do a few others, each having their own specialty. They also let you know when they exit their positions. They really discourage members from posting results of a trade if the entry wasn’t posted previously. Lloyd encourages active participation in the chat room to generate trade ideas and he often explain trade strategies and management.
In my opinion, TradeWithJoe is one of the most affordable ($200/yr) chat room and also one that return the most valuable. All the guys and gals in the room are nice. I don’t recall anyone, including moderators ever stepping out of line. While Lloyd does recommend third-party products and services that he personally use (eSignal, Interactive Brokers, DayTradingZones, etc.) nobody is ever pressured to buy anything. In fact, Leonard one of the moderator who develops TOS indicators was giving away his indicators for free. Lloyd ask him to not give them away for free because they’re good and it takes time to program them. Lloyd wanted Leonard to get something for his work.
There are normally two strategy sessions (Thursdays and Sundays) each week. The Thursday session usually covers potential trades for Friday often seeking trades returning 100%+ and the Sunday night sessions usually covers the coming week. Lloyd and the moderators also covers anything that anyone may need to discuss. The sessions are usually recorded and may last a few hours.
There is also a private Twitter feed that Lloyd posts trades.to that is only available to annual subscribers. In my opinion, the strategy sessions alone is well worth what I pay as a subscriber.
Hi Rob,
I understand where you are coming from but your statement above can be said for any unreviewed trading room/mentor. What I understand you are saying people who have consistently profitable strategies do not share & those who share do not have consistently profitable strategies but that defeats the purpose of this website where we are trying to find/filter mentor/room which shares strategies that are consistently profitable. So i feel we should go with unbiased opinion until we have analysed/reviewed track record.
I did not even check out the site, but based on you comment they have an AI that finds profitable setups with entry & exit targets.
So instead of using that AI to make money for themselves they are going to sell it to you or allow you to use it as part of their trading room. How generous of them.
You really need Emmett to review this?? I have a question what do you think will happen once you buy it and use it?? I have no doubt what so ever of what will happen.
Hi Emmet,
Please take a look at trade-ideas trading room http://forums.trade-ideas.com/ , they claim their AI(artificial intelligence) system which they call “Holly” is able to find profitable setups with entry & exit targets.
Hi Emmet, what is your opinion on the spreadbetbeginner from Chris Chillingworth. it looks promissing, the guy is down to earth, simple and doesnt fill his website or FB page with bulls***. He presents with some results, but my question is: is it real? Even thhough he is been featured in the spread betting magazine, can I trust him?
You should set up a donations box to help fund a site review. Users can suggest a site review and once funding reaches the necessary level, a review can be put out.
Hi Emmette. Started my blog and inspired by you added a short review on one of Youtube traders Harvey Walsh. Understand that is not the level for your site but still maybe it can be useful for someone) http://bulls-bears.trade/?p=57
I would be happy to share my review of netpicks. I have experience with 3 of their systems over a couple years and could certainly shed some light. The news will not be good, no reliable verification of trades and a largely useless US trading room.
Since Emmett doesn’t have time to review everything here is what you need to know about netpicks, particularly their products Counterpunch and Trend Jumper.
Their business is selling trading systems. That is the number one thing to keep in mind. They sell a system that is a one-time fee, and you get lifetime access to the product you have chosen. HOWEVER, then they will start coming at you with the add-ons. There will be a bootcamp with extra training, and trade plans made only for those members. They will create a 2nd members site just for those members and largely stop maintaining the members section you have. Every once in a while they will add something new and it will coincide with a new feature they are selling such as automation of the trades, another bootcamp, or mentoring, etc.
The system is a momentum based indicator system that pinpoints entries, targets and stops and is extremely customizable. This is a blessing and a curse. You have the choice to use the tradeplans they have given, and you can also create your own, honestly with all the variables there are more tradeplans to create than stars in the sky pretty much. The problem here lies with the fact that contrary to what they tell you, taking these setups blindly will result in the death of your account. In the trade room (more on that later) you will be constantly told that the trade plans in place are solid and that you can make money just by following it.
That said, entries , stops and targets are based on recent price action. This is actually a great thing as it gives a good visual for a trade that you do want to take of where you can enter and exit. You MUST use some sort of other plan or context to filter out the sheer number of trades that are presented. The plan of attack they sell is to quit when you get positive on a trade, that could be 1 or 10 trades to get there. They will say just trade til positive, or set a loss limit of 5 losing trades before calling it a day, etc.
Trade room , there are two, one in the US session and one in the Euro session. The US room exists simply to show the various trade plans in action. No trades are actually taken, but the moderator will call out when a new setup shows up , and sometimes give advice to adjust it a couple ticks to stay out of obvious resistance prior to entering. The advice is to always take the trade and trust the system. The moderator will always go to a spreadsheet tracker that shows how great the systems perform over time. They actually offer a pretty nice spreadsheet tracker that can track a lot of statistics over time and they use it to show equity curves, drawdowns, etc. There is some value in this teaching as it gives you some insight on psychology, living in drawdown for long periods of time, and the importance of sticking to a plan. The problem I have had is that any plan I track myself performs poorly over time. I have done back and forward testing for over 2 years on systems…and ALL have had unacceptable drawdown periods. Somehow these massive drawdowns never happen on their tracking. If you try and question the system, your differences will be blamed on brokerage data differences, missing crucial trades, and not sticking properly to the plan. I stopped going to this room quite some time ago because the information is repetitive due to always adding new members….and the actual calling of trades is completely useless as no one is showing how they are managing or putting any real skin in the game.
The Euro trade room opens for the first 2 hours of the London session and focuses on markets that are active during that time. This is a much different room from the US one. The moderator here is a believer in context, and gives excellent teaching on how to read market auction, identify levels, and think about interesting trade areas for the day. He uses the system in place, but only calls the trades that he believes will work based on the context work done earlier in the session. He will explain why others are not good to take, giving valuable insight into price action. some days we sit there for 2 hours and take no trades. Again, there is no live trading here. The moderator takes trades in SIM mode, but again gives valuable insight into trade management and often will talk about advanced concepts and try to help traders to understand the bigger picture outside the shackles of the system. I have actively attended this room for nearly 2 years and it is the only reason my account is not yet blown. This only runs 2 days a week unfortunately, but it is the sole reason I would say netpicks has been worth the investment for me.
Overall, there are a lot worse offerings out there, but as always take it with a grain of salt. No trading is easy, no system is going to be plug and play to make you easy money. If that system existed, the person would not share it with the public.
There is a double edged sword here with a system like this. When used properly it can be a powerful tool to take some of the guesswork out of trade management. It can also lead you to miss trades because the system didn’t believe it to be a good set up. As previously mentioned following one of their trade plans blindly will lead your account to be small. Perhaps if you have a 50,000 account and can handle massive drawdowns you could make money over time…but I don’t think many of us on a site like this are in that situation.
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about this service, I am happy to answer. I will say this…don’t bother with any of their bootcamps, they are largely a waste of time. Do a test run of the system, try not to fall for the hype, and if possible listen in on the Euro session.
intentional trader is a joke. They don’t show their trades, the system produces hundreds of possible trades but somehow they only log the good ones. same old same old
The company that owns and operates PennyPro.com and TopStockPicks.com is also the company that owns and operates Jason Bond Picks. You should read the Jason Bond Picks review.
These companies are all “front runners”. The Jason Bond Picks review will explain.
Mark Deaton’s latest site: http://www.snoopwire.com , claiming to use “Powerful NSA Surveillance Technology”. He had a slew of websites similar to the Chartsky guy, covering the multiple fads of the season, some of which were left in the dust.
Hi Emmett,
If possible please review TopStockPicks & PennyPro. They have posted their results at http://www.topstockpicks.com/all-recent-trades/ & claim “Nothing is added, removed, or edited.”.
PennyPro and TopStockPicks are both pump and dump schemes. Both are managed by the same company that is running Jason Bond. Please read the Jason Bond review page to understand what you are getting involved with.
I value the work you do. Reading all comments I can see many others feel the same! The scams you expose are invaluable, and the very few honest services out there are great finds. On your home page, you said ,…”We have seen those same traders come back and start anew with $5k and parlay it into over $3,000,000 over a 5 year period”,…I would love to meet these traders on your site. If possible, I would love to see your work lean towards actual traders that “trade for a living”. Someone who does not derive income from any other source, especially trading income related to trading newsletters, and trading rooms. I would really like to see profiles of traders that actually pay their bills from trading profits. I am sure some readers will point to Market Wizards. I wish to say the folks profiled in Market Wizards (i.e. Ed Seykota, Ray Dalio) is not what I have in mind. As an example, I would love to see profiles of the fine folks on Twitter or Stocktwits (there appears to be many?) that is paying bills from their trading profits. So?,…what do you think?, I would love to hear others that might be interested in seeing the supposedly 5% that trade and pay bills from trading.
Seeing scams exposed are invaluable, but I think seeing actual traders that trade for a living can be an “eye opener” as well.
Thanks Emmett. I didn’t realize Steve Primo also had a website called protrader strategies besides specialistading.com I can see from the sites it does look like a smorgasbord of product offerings. It also seems to have support from partners such as “Thomson Reuters” and “metastock” besides the usual all encompassing Ninjatrader, Tradersplanet organizations which affiliate with too many dubious vendors. I lost money with http://www.tripletrend.com which is also affiliated with metastock. Also, I hope these big name sites can be added to the list for future reviews. http://www.tradersedgenetwork.com ; http://www.tradingadvantage.com ;
hey, i made my own honest video review of MOjo, stay away! you can find comments with my comment on Mojo on this website.
I was his client october2015-jan2016. I made full review of this guy. Be careful!
he changed his disclaimer after i requested explanation about “hypothetical performance” part in it. He does not show entries/exits.
The biggest recommendation Emmet Moore gives here is this: show LIVE account statements! Mojo and mike do not! Draw your conclusions from here!
Emmet: this comment is in response to your review of the Futures Trading Coach Program.
I am a member in the mentor program and have been with Rick and Sam for nearly a year. Coincidently I am in Rick’s call room, so I know, first hand, from where I speak.
Respectfully, you are really doing them, yourself and others a huge disservice. Do you really want to be that foolish to write a self-serving, fabricated and totally inaccurate review? I’ve read it through and through and without boring you or others with all the details refuting each and every claim, I will simply say this: I have ALL my daily charts and records from the beginning of my membership and have even dissected your claim of being in their room for 10 or so days in early October. Interestingly, during this exact time-frame you referenced, the methodology produced $1875 in profits just on the trades I took, trading mainly ONLY 1’s and 2’s and several 3 lots. So you either weren’t in the room as you claim, or the entire review is totally fraudulent, even humorous to us who know and enjoy the rewards of the program. You spoke of the 80% claim Sam speaks of. I analyze each and every month going back to Oct 14 and without an exception the lowest winning % was 76.6 % with the highest being 85.35%. Pretty remarkable considering your purported allegations. Your agenda is obvious, but if I were you I’d be a little smarter in how you go about attacking competition. Futures Trading Coach IS CLEARLY NOT the competitor you want to go after. We (I consider myself a part of the team) of a group of extremely satisfied members of the clearest-cut success story in the trading industry and are ALL enjoying tremendous results, day in and day out. You really would be much better off joining the program whereby you’d be awarded the success you can only dream of.
Thanks for the comment, though if you could please copy your comment and post on the page that contains the review, then I can answer accordingly.
I am glad that you are willing to step forward with your trading records. Please forward your account statements showing $1875 in profits to the following email address: emmett@tradingschools.org
I will review and then post an update review that describes your experience. You know, its really unfair that these guys have to reply upon people like yourself to validate and substantiate their claims of trading success. It would be much simpler and easier if they were to simply provide me a redacted copy of their brokerage accounts, dont you agree? With this, I would be more than happy to write a new review and admit how terribly wrong I am. Maybe you can convince them that this is a good idea? Thus far, they are unwilling to prove their amazing claims of success.
To date, I have watched all of the YouTube videos and clearly recorded on a spreadsheet all of their reported trades. Amazingly, they have zero losing days. And I think that is great, so why not prove it with a simple account statement? Dont you want to know the truth, for your own piece of mind?
When I buy a home or a car, and I need a loan, the bank asks me for proof that I have a job and an income. But ask these guys for proof that they trade, and they act as I am a terrible human being.
I know you already discussed reviewing His Emini SP room with moderator Craig Hill ( who has not updated his trading blog since Sept 8th) but Todd also has a T-Bond method he uses in the morning before the stock markets open… Going by his daily blog results it seems to be working well.. I think it is $497 to learn that.. Im still a little leery of Master marketer Todd Mitchell but who knows??
I know what you mean by the master marketer comment . I was a little leary of Todd for 2 years I think, but he caught my attention with his strict rule based T-bond system .I bought Todd Mitchell’s T bond trading system and I can honestly say it is a well thought-out, well taught and is very easy to understand and apply the system . There is little vagueness ,it has very strict rules and very little discretion is left to the trader. All the trades the system gave he updates daily so you can learn as each day progresses. I highly recommend it and it is the second best system I have ever bought or traded and I have bought and traded many trade rooms in my 8 years of trading.
I find your work to be of immense value to the trading community. I have always wondered why 90% of traders fail, and the other 10% of winning traders also sell training material or a service! Your work really opened up my eyes!
Would love to see a review on Traderflorida if you have time.
Can you please do a review on this site – http://www.winningstockcoach.com I really hope they are an honest service, but on the outside it seems too good to be true like many others on your site.
Be careful of what you read on Big Mikes- If you review that site for long you will notice that the members who can trade and help others do not last long on that site. The more popular they become the bigger threat they are to Big Mike. His actions are not congruent to his mission statement of traders helping traders.
His goal is to provide enough content to keep you coming back to his site- and his site only to keep you in the perpetual method searching. Those that have popular journals and develop large followings on the site will soon leave or kicked off because Big Mike is fearful that those content viewers will be lost if the original poster starts
a support group to the side. Look at what he did to Vance Virgil as an example.
If your trading views are not identical to Tiger Trader and Big Mike then you are wrong – and the site rules of member mutual respect will not apply to you.
Follow the $$- Big Mike has 73,000 members or so the majority are elite so have paid
$50-100 and the more you stay on his site and click through the more $$ he makes.
His agenda is clear- Visit his site and feed his wallet and his ego. Provide great content and he will gladly take it – publish it- but know he has an exit plan ready for you.
Not to mention there are selected vendors and probably vendor deals BMT/future.io has with vendors particularly Ninjatrader, and the ads that are seen. There are probably click deals. These deals are never disclosed even partially where Emmett does report what deals he has. And it’s refreshing that we can post comments on select vendors here with no threat of moderation or banning. You can’t learn from BigMike or Tigertrader either. They only disclose fundamentals advice and not their actual entry methods yet allow or even encourage people to contribute their trading ideas for all to see and their donated indicators to the downloads which becomes the property of the site where the contributed indicators are all now only available to paid elite members. double standards all over the place. of course we are “free” to quit/get banned from the site anytime no matter a member’s history of contribution and content.
Hi Emmett, I a question over at Big Mikes Forum about RegenaTrader from the rep at Optimus Matz a very awesome dude that knows his stuff. Right after I asked him a question by Private Message and got his reply BigMike Banned me permanently from his site.
I was new there a lurking around and when I saw his presentation on RegenaTrader I wanted to ask him a question. Big Mike has this rule that you need to make 10 posts before asking a vendor a question. The dialogue box said that came up when I tried to Private message him with my question. So I thought I would go to the intro page and introduce my self.
I wrote three paragraphs about being a psychologist and about my practice what I was looking to learn that I had a harley and a Silverado and invited people to say hi etc. So I really did not think I had anything really to say to anyone so I got the idea to maybe say Hi or Welcome some newbies and thought that was innocuous enough. So i looked for ones that might like that and after two times I thought man I am just really writing welcome so I decide to copy and paste it to 10 people who genuinely seemed to need it. I never had a thought in my head i was doing anything not allowed. I literally wrote Welcome in the title an on each page.
I had 11 posts so I went in to ask Matz if RegenaTrader software had level 2 and if jigsawtrader software and price squawker software would integrate with RegenaTrader software because that system is new but it seemed friendly to NinjaTrader scripts and converted them. As soon as Matz answered me I went to the forum to see the replies and a message came up and it said I had been banned for spam. Then it said i was banned for life.
I though it was a mistake to an overzealous auto script to protect from spam. I wrote to big mike thinking it was just a misunderstanding. Well he wrote me back and said that he had sent a warning and because i said in my letter to him I knew i needed to posts 10… he “knew” i got the email and that I did it intentionally to circumvent his rule and I was banned. I was in a little shock why was this guy so paranoid. I tried to reason with him and apologize and tell him there was no ill intent. But the ban has not been lifted. He basically said he banned me for asking you a Vendor a question before 10 posts..and that I instead as he put it posted “10 worthless posts” just to get to talk to him. These vendors work really hard on his site doing webinars and answering anyone questions. They do not even know that he really does not want people to talk to them I believe because he is trying to get a 100.00 out of them for “Elite” membership. I did not think it was wrong and really he could have just took the time to ask me about it. I have never seen such a reaction and never expected it.
So, I came here to hope to talk to you about who is this guy the flipping king of mikell dumb. At his site mike has hidden any way to talk to Vendors who want people to see there work and buy from them. The exception of 10 posts first even though bad for the vendors business he literal sensors posts that he considers are worthless. He tells people in the new area that they have to give to get anything there. Literally he just wrote that today after all this happened.
To be honest I am a quiet guy and even planned on paying his 100.00 gig but I did not see him as that kind of person at all.
I am a little weirded out about this guy I totally misread the level of casualness in that setting. He is a broke man money wise i think not really sure about him .
I really think Mike was way too harsh and he seemed paranoid like there are people out to get him. In my life the good ones have always lived to serve their customers not make customer feel like you look at them like they serve you. I mean really down his nose.
I know you are working on Tradenet/Colmex as well. Did not find your mail so sending ut here. Here is the comment under one of his latest Youtube videos. It was deleted by him later. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kpczvmlvuode2jf/meir.PNG?dl=0
Makes obvious he is using demo… And more obvious as he is trading CFD earning about 5000 USD everyday as he shows. Same time he is one of Colmex owners. So he wants everyone to believe he is taking many from one pocket to another to pay taxes. He seems to be a nice guy with interesting strategy but he is fooling everyone around…
Oh yes, I see it. Great screen capture. These little clues open up pandoras box. I see what he is doing now. People sign up for tradenet and churn the colmex account. He makes money both ways.
Yes. And when I only started to be interested in stocks, I first saw Meirs Youtube videos and later visited trade room. And later – sent 1 000 USD to start with Tradenet. I was a fool and of course wasted the money (my bad trading). But that is what the guys like Meir do. Looking for newbies who know nothing and showing how cool they trade take a piece from everyone.
Tradernoble.com publishes a service London 09 30 & tweets trades. Comprehensive enough commentary. He sets range to enter and publishes a t/p. Co. Site looks plain enough, any views as to performance. Be very interested in your views. Think he just sells a commentary service, no app, no software.
Be great to see you review TraderNoble as I have had an excellent start to August with Bryan incl. some nice DAX trades which I have avoided recently. Been some nice calls with Bund, SPX and Euro as well. And I don’t get hammered on losses as his stops are affordbale
Also very interested in it. Deciding between them and CYGroup. CYGroup seems to be more reliable, but Sharks commissions are twice lower. I have a friend who sais he is trading with Sharks for a long time and they are great, but I can not check this info..
AJ Brown from https://www.tradingtrainer.com/ – dreadful. His pitch is about being held accountable by placing you with a group of other traders. Once you pay your money and get access to the site it’s like a ghost town and you’re the only living person there. There is no community, no trading team and virtually no support when you ask a question of the moderator.
Mike Mathew SEEMS to be really transparent but I have never been able to get an account statement from him. He claims he had an options swing trading account that he took from $500 to $25,000+ in 2014. He also claims to be worth 9 figures and building a community center in his hometown. I really, really, REALLY want to prove this guy is a fraud… Or even better, prove he’s the real deal. Please help.
If you mean Mike Mathew from https://www.winningstockcoach.com/ then I think he is legit and transparent but I don’t know if he’d meet Emmett’s standard. He’s not very good as an educator, far too long winded and rambling in his education videos.
I paid for the one week trial, and now have a complete week of video recordings. But one week is just not enough. I plan another anonymous review over the next few weeks. Wish I could give you more, but I just have not found the time to sit and watch the tape replay.
Thanks Emmett Your providing a unique service for those looking at all the choices in trading rooms. I saw someone mentioned eminvolume trader. I’ll save your time concerning that evaluation. i took the trail and found it to be a complete waste of time. No. 1 he is not trading live. I asked him to show his Dome and he was quick to say it didnt matter if he was live or not he was teaching..Ok. Second he uses market orders to enter his trade…talk about slippage.. Often he would say Im ready to enter and if the tape moved 2 ticks his way he was in…If the tape moved against him he would say he wans’t filled. I took the trades he called on simulator although other than 1 target of 3 ticks he was never specific as to profit targets.. I had him big net looser on the week around – 65 ticks and he claimed $ 2300-4600 for the week… how this is arrived at is any winner is calculated on the total number of points it moved at its apex however this is useless if the 2nd target area is never clear. so the few times his trades moved + 40 points or more were added to his totals.. also he deleted around 8 losers for the week. Probably the worst trading room I’ve ever seen and ‘i’ve seen a lot of bad ones over the years.
If there was a way we could contribute for your efforts that would be good as Im sure it can get expensive… Keep up the good works Regards
Hi Emmett,
I have discovered your website in the past few days and have been going through it in detail. Thank you. Can I ask you to comment on the websites/trading rooms below if you have done anything with them to date, please.
Thank you.
I want to learn to trade, but with what I have lost to date and my experiences to date, I am loosing heart. http://www.TradingConceptsInc.com http://alphawavetrader.com/ http://www.eminiplayer.com
Take care,
I know a guy that uses his service and seems to like it. He uses it for scalping ES, so not sure which of the many different offerings you are referring to.
Trading Concepts Todd Mitchell is a joke. I don’t think he makes money trading. Rule of thumb in this business is how often the room moderator send you all the marketing emails. If more than five times a week, he/she probably is spending too much time marketing.
Having said that, Todd Mitchell sends more marketing email than trading. I can’t see how he has anytime remain to do a daily research and trade to make money. I believe he doesn’t.
Matter of fact, I took his FX course and found out the methods does not work. He doesn’t even provide any advice. There are full of complaints about service online. He is known for selling his course telling everyone that they have a lifetime access to his service via email. Unfortunately, he is known for not replying much of his email.
I wanted to post more about alphawave, but nvm. I see now she’s been a longtimer and already the site’s shadiness is revealed on a bmt review along with some shill posting. An earlier post by Dean Handley is there as member “Diesel”, presumable before he got banned from bmt. https://futures.io/vendors-product-reviews/17501-alphawave-trading-review-www-alphawavetrader-com-10.html#post263173
For sure, she is the queen diva of trading schools out there. And Mz. Armo/stockSwoosh seems like a latter imitator.
Interesting newcomer. My philosophy regarding live day trading rooms is that I want a minimum of 14 days screen recordings. Once I have the recordings, then my assistant in the Philippines reviews the footage and marks the trades on a timeline. I then go back and look to see if the posted trades from the website matches the data that we recorded. If it matches, the next step is for my assistant to attempt to replicate the trades via a simulator for an additional two weeks. The simulator does not allow limit orders to record unless the price fully passes through bid/ask spread, this step is critical. If we make it through the entire 30 days, I then write a review.
Winning or losing is not as important as being able to actually replicate. If its a good room, I jump in with my own money.
Sorry I cannot get a review done quicker for you. These reviews take time. I just sent a message out to Day Trade Warrior, need to first fish for a free trial before I spend any money. Touch bases with me in a few days, I will give you an update.
Hi Emmett,
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I agree, being able to replicate is the real challenge. On other chatrooms I’ve noticed the paying members were always a step behind the chatroom moderator, which makes a huge difference. Many times, it’s only the moderator who’s been able to profit. People seem to like daytradewarrior so it’ll be interesting to see what find out. I’ll check back with you in a few days. Thank you for this invaluable website!
Hi Arnold,
I noticed that they added these trade alerts a few months ago. Sent over an email to CFRN requesting a trade log. I would not do anything with those alerts until we can verify they are real. Will update you next week.
Prosperity Movement – shady FX trading group that claims ridiculous results
Michael J. Huddleston supposed super guru. Amazing nothing is on your site about him.
TTG warning update… owner
Adam Heimann. They Call me SUGE! Owner of TrueTradingGroup.com, StockMarket.com & PennyStocks.com
Here’s a warning. Be careful of these guys.
Michael Perinotti Micheal Edward is, in fact, Micheal Perinotti. true Trading group is smashing it with new sign-ups
This is what you get when you ask for trading results.
Is it possible to become a member of this site and have contact with the people behind this great blog/ website
absolutely !! TrueTradingGroup.com is the real deal. The owner and moderators post their trades and results every. single. day. As well as notify you that they’re making the trade in the chat room. You get 2 1:1s with the traders for signing up for 1 year. And now they give a double money back guarantee if you take and pass the courses, trade for 1 year and don’t make money, the double the 1 year membership fee back. These guys are amazing!!! I’m making money and so happy I landed at their site first before all these other scam sites.
Hello Emmett Moore,
I have just written you an email in which I asked you to review a certain guy who calls himself Crypto Face.
I just wanted to say that I will really appreciate it if you review him and his services (that indicator package called Market Cipher).
In the email, I forgot to include some information about him, there is obviously a lot more to it.
Basically he is a trader (mostly daytrader and scalper from what I have seen). He sells the Market Cipher for quite a lot of money. I really do think that he is a scammer. I have seen some opinions that the Market Cipher is basically normal indicators made in a different graphical style.
I even (but this is only a speculation) saw some speculations that this guy Crypto Face scammed some people even before he became Crypto Face, allegedly he called himself CryptoJeffrey back then. His real name is probably Jeff Centrella from what I could find.
He has a few associates that work with him and basically promote his product too. They also have their own YouTube channels. Their names/nicknames are Flopping Groper and Jason Casper.
I just wanted to add this information since I forgot to include it in the original email.
For everyone here: Be very careful about this man, this Crypto Face and his products. He claims to be making crazy gains that are unheard of even in trading cryptocurrencies. If his strategies and indicators really worked that well, he would be making a lot more than just 1% per day as some other gurus promise.
Take care.
Just one more thing: Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I am not right in what I think and perhaps Crypto Face is a trading genius, kind of a crypto Houdini that makes loads of money trading. I just do not believe it because I have seen far too much on the internet to believe this now.
But my good friend believes it and trades using Crypto Faces strategies. I am trying to convince him, but nothing seems to make him believe me. I do not want him to lose his money.
This is not trading per se but crops. There are these ag developments that claim various big returns where you buy mangoes or various crops. Obviously, no guarantees. But, unfortunately, a lot of frauds in this sector.
Any way to determine if these guys are legit or not?
Emmett do you want to nail this guy? It sounds like he needs your special treatment. He is squeezing people who were stupid enough to enter into a mentoring contract with him. They did not even dare reveal his name until the page 3 for fear of legal repercussions:
His name is Kim Mangalindan of FB Freedom Challenge Group. I feel so sorry for his victims that in fact I am going to send him an email. Something to the tune of:
“I have some unwelcome news for you. I have asked Emmett Moore to look into your case. Don’t offend my intelligence by telling me you don’t know who Emmett Moore is. God have mercy on you.”
Please do a review of Matt Kratter. His hedge fund had a total return of NEGATIVE 14% over a 3 year period… then it closed down. Here is the proof:
Have you read his investing books on Amazon? Absolute trash. They appear to be nothing more than lame scribbles offering advice fit only for a caveman. Everything is written in single syllables. Squarely written for a 5th-grade class of kids destined to ride the small bus.
Further, his Youtube channel is nothing more than bitcoin maximalism. Need to solve your hair loss? Buy bitcoin. Can’t get a boner? Buy more bitcoin. Bird poop on your car? Buy some bitcoin. Everything is nonstop pumping of bitcoin.
And my god, don’t ever disagree with this man. I once left a comment that maybe, just maybe bitcoin mining is creating massive amounts of greenhouse gasses and he immediately released upon me the hounds of hell. I said, hey maybe Cardano, Solano, Etherium, or Lumens are a more efficient and planet-friendly solution and he went into a mad frenzy about how dare anyone complain about coal-fired powered plants and how using coal was actually a net positive for the planet.
Glad you brought Kratter up. He needs to good ass-kicking. And yes, his hedge fund sucked ass water.
Could you check out allstarcharts.com
Wondering if it is legit
There is a lot of YouTube chatter and its all centered around this site
There is a YouTube feud brewing between DayTradeParadise (Matt) and Algobox (Vinny). Both claiming a similar story about being contacted by Emmett back in 2017
i am also interested in this
Actually, I did speak with both way back in 2017. What are they feuding about?
I remember speaking with Vinny and he seemed like a nice enough person. He does trade with large size, but I couldn’t get him to verify anything beyond a single month. Which is not long enough to evaluate. Sometime later, he had a very public meltdown and he appeared to need help getting his emotions under control. Truthfully, I sort of felt bad for him as he was really suffering publicly.
Now about Matt at DayTradeParadise…nice guy, but not enough account statements. Didn’t seem like a scammer to me. But I couldn’t give him a positive review without verifiable performance covering one year of recent trading. And I couldn’t give him a negative review because he simply did not appear to be scamming folks.
Is Vinny having another meltdown?
Okay thanks for the candor.
I do have a question though.
As for your reference to the ‘meltdown’. I believe you are referring to his Macrohedged period of time. Where-in as you most likely saw the MH community attacking Vinny and sharing the personal information (i.e. addresses, phone numbers, etc) of family, friends, trading community, etc.
He has many videos on it that I have watched. I also watched the admission video from MH (Adam) that he lied.
As well, I have been watching YouTube traders for quite some time, if I also recall during that time period, Vinny’s wife was pregnant and if you remember that was the Macrohedged vs Vinny (AlgoBox) trading contest. Where Vinny showed that Macrohedged (Adam) falsified his results and Vinny won that contest. MH followers started attacking Vinny for that if you recall. On multiple platforms. I saw it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.
I don’t consider being extremely protective of family, friends, his trading community, etc when being doxed by a proven loser (Macrohedged) a term of ‘meltdown’.
This “meltdown” that you’re referring to was because he was doxxed on Twitter by Macrohedged and was then subjected to racist taunts by Myke Smith which were aimed at his then pregnant wife. At one point they even called CPS to try and have his children removed from him. It was disgusting behaviour and would have made anyone normal completely lose it. And it all arose just because Vinny beat MH in a trading contest.
Where is Vinny e-Mini’s statements speaking of? Or is it still that story that “My broker won’t let me display my statement or they will shut down my account”
… while he live streams his trades supposedly from said brokerage account
and supposedly posts a “daily P&L” from said brokerage account
If this is your way of getting out of posting a broker statement Vinny it’s not going to work this time nobody is scared of you anymore.The community stands behind Emmett. We want the truth!
Emmett corrected a mistake he made by accident nobody paid him it’s 2017 and certainly his memory is fuzzy about you and DTP. He is speaking truthfully I have seen DTP’s emails and he did in fact send Emmett some broker statements (but not a year’s worth) as Emmett correctly stated. You just want text evidence to support your fake narrative because that’s how you are. Your entire life and trading history is a fake narrative that nobody believes anymore.
I request a review of Vinny E Mini
Uh. Did you not see the latest stuff from between him and Matt. Like Mattdid see his broker statement. As well as the broker ‘statement’ for the year of 2019? Which Matt himself had a video of on Jan 15th, 2021.
So… the video where Matt requested that which was according to Vinny was Jan 15th. There is a time discrepancy between the original length of video, to the one you re-released a couple days ago that was 1 hour or so different (removed/edited video) in which it was then promptly pulled down after Vinny’s community noticed the discrepancy. Care to comment on that Matt?
So you’re saying Vinny can post a broker statement from Amp publicly?
But what about his story that he tells that he can’t show his broker statement because doing this “gets his account shut down?”
Please, tell us more.
Yeah, the broker statement that he showed that Matt had a video of and cut out all that information was then turned around someone from either Matt’s community or somewhere else contacted the broker. As Vinny has put a video out on the entire conversation between the broker and the statement that was on Matt’s video.
One and the same, so is Matt going to answer why the video has a length discrepancy?
And from the screenshots that have been shared. It also appears that those same ‘statements’ were posted in image form in Matt’s discord room at one time or another. Has Matt since removed them?
Haha – I find it EPIC-ly hilarious and befitting that we all find out today that Matt at DTP (who is in here hiding under other names like the COWART he is) has “cleaned up” his shill fraud room for the sole purpose of – ( to quote Matt here:) “just in case Emmett drops by”. And he has deleted and removed ALL of his live stream videos after being exposed as a fraud from his own words in his streams. And is now going to present Emmett with his “pristine” small account challenge results as his evidence of a legitimate educator worthy of a trader’s time. {I can’t muster up a strong enough scoffing laugh to do here justice}
This is going to he hilarious. I’m going to get my popcorn and prepare for another one of my “meltdowns”. Right Mr. Moore?
Can’t wait for this shit show. Let’s see if Emmett can see thru the façade and the pony show and give a real review of yet another account blowing martingaling nightmare of a fake trader.
Thru research and discovery and credible people who have approached us, since 2016, while Matt has been shilling DTP – Matt has been soliciting funds and has received in excess of $405,000. Many questions arise around this that hopefully Emmett further uncovers and helps these people get their money back. From our contacts so far what we know is that they have lost at least half of the funds that Matt received. I think we all know where this goes, but I’m just going to leave this right here for now. Carry on.
Good luck Martingale Matt. We’ll be recording the comedy show. We appreciate the entertainment value as long as new vulnerable traders have the chance to be warned to stay away from this con job.
See YA!
Some Videos with questions that need answers to save Emmett some time having to sift thru the Day Trader Paradise vomit worthy live streams – to Summarize the community’s findings thus far:
With Love, Mr. Emini
1) https://youtu.be/6Dzw59dGirw
2) https://youtu.be/jl0FofY8DMs
3) https://youtu.be/jQWdOZsmPNo
Geez, how did I get dragged into this Vinny?
Easy Vinny. Please calm down.
WOW! -144 down votes. That’s the most down votes one of my comments has ever received. Vinny, I hope you didn’t get RSI from all that clicking. I’m sure a guy like you will need some grip strength in your hand for later.
Oh hello, Vinny. Nice to hear from you again.
The reason you did not receive a positive review was that you had very little verifiable performance. I require a full year of performance for a positive review. You didn’t have it, so you did not get a positive review.
However, you also did not receive a negative review either. This is because I did not feel you were scamming customers.
As far as Day Trader Paradise, please excuse me for not being intimately involved in the feud between rivals. I cannot make any real comment simply because I do not know the full story…yet. Its also important that I wanted to give you some credit for some of your good past work, which includes uncovering a few frauds. So there is that. And thank you for that.
Have I ever attacked your family? Frankly, I have no idea what you are talking about. If I did, I sign my name to everything. Attacking is something I feel very comfortable doing, and once again, you always know if I did it because I sign my name to it.
You can certainly attempt to “sue me” as many have tried. But be careful, and you should ask around and do some research in the courts to see my many court actions. Again, litigation is something I feel very comfortable doing and the sword cuts both ways. So be very careful and think about what your end result will look like.
Sometimes its better to be cooperative and work with me, as opposed to seeking conflict. Especially with a person that feels very comfortable in long, drown-out, protracted conflict.
Think about things reasonably and contact me after you have cooled down a bit. You know how to find me.
Haha Mini Vinny. Tuck your tail between your legs and go home, and don’t forget to take your mental health meds.
Dear ClownFace,
Your Double Standards for picking and choosing your “good” and “bad” is legendary idiotic.
BEYOND the fact you wont admit your ownership of GURULEAKS acct on Twitter and it’s OBVIOUS bias and bullshit that allowed my family to be further put in harm’s way. You rather enjoy abusing your “sheriff power” and get your back door affiliate sponsorships and payoffs to your buddies/pals.
We’ll all sit here and wait for that “1 YEAR TRACK RECORD” for AXIA FUTURES – lmao. Complete DOG shit group if you ACTUALLY talked to the people who paid their $6,000 to get their “training program” and get rekt in 90 days or less and come crying to me to get a REAL ACTIONABLE system.
AXIA comes back to you after your original “bad review” and sends in their strongest and most charismatic guy (who is basically just a news baiter trader) Who you develop personal feelings for. (Questionably plutonic certainly) And allow yourself to be lulled into mental feces as you “sit behind” a single guy for a ONE WEEK STENT (I’m sure you dont recall sitting in my live streams for more than a week and now literally above in your word vomit response above have admitted to your double standard at least).
After your 1 week love fest of personal chats waiting for a news event (which AXIA doesn’t train their ACTUAL members to trade that way) but alas – POOOFF!!! Instant flip flop to – GREAT TRADING GROUP! “I was sooo wrong about them, they are the greatest!”
I could go on and on about the topic, but it’s Friday and have better things to do, and you’ve become a complete fucking joke.
Have a nice weekend, clown.
-Mr. Emini
Here I was, having a great afternoon. Getting ready to drive to the stadium with my kid to watch the Padres clobber Arizona, and then Vinny shows up trying to ruin my day. Like an unflushed turd in a toilet bowl, he just appears all ugly and stinking just when you least expect it. Writing all manner of ridiculous nonsense and whack-a-doodle trying to ruin my good mood.
Well Vinny, you had me for about 5 seconds. Yep, I was irritated for just a moment. But I’m feeling great and very shortly will be drinking an ice-cold beer and eating a bacon hotdog. My Padres will win. I will laugh and catch two foul balls. The fans will cheer me. I give the second foul to a handicapped orphan. The fans will cheer even louder.
Tonight, when I get home, I will make sweet love to my beautiful young wife.
What a perfect day. Have a great rest of your day Vinny.
Vinny provided a lot of good information for free early on and demonstrated some creativity and some ability as a trader. He appeared like a nice guy on stream but became unhinged or the real Vinny came out. The change is fairly remarkable from his early to late videos.
And, the really Vinny is not nice. Vinny might be a great trader but he acts like a narcist, unhinged, unstable, compulsive lies, etc. He is known to verbally abuse his members, compulsively lies, grandiose claims (“quant”) ,half-truths (“C2 systems”), etc.
His software looks somewhat promising and well made but no software worth dealing with someone like that.
His marketing plan appears to be trying to start feuds with all other traders, software, etc. He is probably his own worst enemy but looks like a nasty fellow would will cause equal problems for anyone who is foolish to deal with him.
Do not get me completely wrong– I think Vinny has a lot of great content and ideas that are worthwhile. Best to take and learn from a distance though– you do not want to deal with this character. Trust me.
However, just look at his ranting response to an honest and positive review from paying client.
He’s the kind of guy who will spout Bible verses while he curses, belittles, attacks, rants, and acts completely superior to everyone him. He is smart but not as smart as he claims.
Oh yeah, Vinny gets to pounding his audience in the name of Christ. It’s a real nutty situation.
Of course, he blames me for all of his bad press. Maybe he should look in the mirror.
Bingo! Just a few of his misrepresentations,
If you search the ID of his C2 systems, you will find one he renamed “test” that was previously listed with an actual ID on his Youtube. He renamed it to hide a bad performance. This was before the big blow up that happened and that is already well documented. C2 has a lot of problems but he continued to make claims after his blow up. You can look in history of all systems and search the IDs to prove this.
His claims to be a quant are ridiculous. No published work of any kind. No documented experience working as a quant in any capacity. I think he’s probably a good programmer and does demonstrate a basic knowledge of backtesting.
He continually claims to have won a competition against Ross. There was no competition. He just traded his own account, unverified, and made it up.
After Dr. Dean verified him, he started going off screen and blanking it out after losing and would come back with a win. After Dr. Dean pulled his good review, he exposed Dr. Dean’s wife was running the room. Where did the good Dr. go? He should come back to doing room reviews. I suspect he has capability to be a good trader but he’s never demonstrated he can trade over 1 year even and be profitable.
I agree with him about Jigsaw’s ridiculous leader board. He’s absolutely right about that. But, he does the same thing by posting sim results from his students and not openly disclosing it. Reports are that he asks his students to never share that results are sim.
He whines like a baby about Big Mike. He probably has a point. But, Big Mike was not why I did not buy his software– it was because he launched into a 2 hour tirade about how awful I was and how great he was. I never said anything. He just ranted for 2 hours straight. Really think he might be disturbed.
Occasionally, he drops some good information on trading but its like wading through steaming pile of sh*t to get too it.
His latest thing his ragging on ICT which no one cares about!
Vinny Emini modus operandi:
Vinny should quit trying to expose other vendors given his disastrous C2 results.
Lesson for Vinny, quit bullying everyone, quit preaching at people, quit making excuses for your blow ups, and just focus on your trading and software.
He has made all his systems “private”. But, even before his big blow up he had renamed a system to from to “test” that had published on his Youtube. It is possible he was trading multiple systems and went live with the one that did well. Or he first tried to hide the system by renaming it but C2 keeps a history of all renames.
Now, he has made all his systems private.
A google image search for 110369211 will show though that now EGI is renamed “EZGetMomDays”. Nice one.
Again, this is not the rename I am referring too. Before he blew up, he had published a strategy, linked it in Youtube, and later renamed it “test”. So, that’s 2 strikes Vinny.
Given his shenanigans, it is not even about whether this fool can trade. I think he might can, honestly. But, I am always optimistic.
It is not even about being able to trade with this assclown. It is about asking yourself if you to be in 5k to debt to some asshole assclown who will bully, intimidate, etc. and threaten to revoke your rights to the software you purchased at his whim.
Few last notes,
Emmett, you probably should start saving stuff on Vinny emini because he is crafty. He is deleting, hiding, making results private, etc. I cannot even find the “test” rename now. If you ever review him, make sure he opens up his C2 record for you to analyze and analyze the history of renames.
Some more of his misrepresentations,
All that shared, when he’s not posting videos of him dropping a deuce, ragging on vendors, preaching at members, making grandiose unsubstantiated claims, praising Trump, threatening everyone, making menacing videos of his guns, whining about how the world is so unfair to him, he occasionally offers something useful on trading.
BearBullTraders.com – Andrew Aziz – Scam artist of the century
What makes you say that?
I have been meaning to do a review of Andrew Aziz for a very long time. Do you have anything substantive other than, “scam of the century?”
Aziz might be a fun one to review. On the bearbulltraders bio, it claims he was a “PhD” in chem-e , and was “let go” from a research position. His book has apparently taken over Toni Turner as one of the most noobie-pop-trading books out there and often incessantly shilled for again and again by dummy accounts on reddit. Oh, and “bearbulltraders” shows affiliate links with DAStrader and TradeIdeas, same as Scameron’s site. lol, Ross and Handlley may have started the trend of fake proof gurus claiming to have been credentialed professionals in their “past” careers (whether fake architect lies like Scameron, or shamefully discharged like Handley and plastic mutilator-pill pusher Sachs still with a faked wharton “phd”.) before being able to “trade for a living”/but still going to charge up to thousands to teach “how to do it too!” shamshows.
Saul Shaoul Trading Room
eminiaddict.com anyone know this?
Would it be possible for you to do a review on https://optionsgeek.com/
He offers a course as well as an alerts service.
Here’s another one on orderflow. As veteran readers of tradingschools probably know, reviews here are skeptical of these orderflow tape-reading “magicians” or had exposed shamshows like Ms. Roussos and her ice cream summer-school truck, lol. Ok, here is “Adam” of http://www.jumpstarttrading.com, where he claims to have worked at a “GPC” prop firm from 2003-5 (https://members.jumpstarttrading.com/order-flow-pro?r_done=1) and supposedly made “$783,159.84” in profits there. Also included is table of a whole bunch of trades supposedly as “proof”. (https://www.jumpstarttrading.com/GPCDaily.pdf) . The site sells an orderflow “3 module” course costing $1497 in a one-time payment. So another one if tradingschools is thinking about reviewing and scrutinizing another orderflow related site and traducation vendor, now sporting a beard similar to DeanJenkins of followmetrades, haha.
Can you please audit Chris Haroun’s “MBA” Course at https://learn.harounventures.com/p/mba-degree-program-platinum
The individual, Chris Haroun, seems legitimate enough, however I’m unsure that a unaccredited (which he admits) “MBA” course justifies a $2,500- price point. BTW, your “Do you need a product review?” page does not seem to be working. Thanks.
disregard the last sentence, the submission form is now working.
PLEASE write a review about trendtrader.net I bought into their “easy and safe strategy” and lost over $50,000 of my savings by following them. Their strategy is literally catching falling knives and averaging down until there’s nothing left. It’s the riskied thing you can possible do and they advertise it to newbies like I was as “safe and easy”. No refunds of course. They need to be exposed…
I meant to spell truetrader.net, my apologies
To add some more information, i bought a year’s membership last february when the group had about 300 members, within 3 members that grew to over 7000 members. they advertised aggressively on youtube to hook newbies. Once in the live stream the main trader said they were spending $40k a day in advertising. It’s a big business but I know of so many members who have lost so much while they profit handsomely from subscriptions. They regularly ask members to write positive trustpilot reviews in exchange of free membership months. Members write good reviews because due to their average down system they have a high winning percentage but when they lose they lose huge. New members can go on for months not having any losses and then one huge one happens and wipes them out. That’s what happened to me and many others on a couple ocassions. No they charge $1000 a month for an “add on” room. They do whatever they can to pump money from their users. Thank you Emmett for considering my request. Larry.
This sounds terrible. Averaging down a loser is probably the single worst trading habit infecting newbs and it’s a disgusting scam that this shamshow is teaching all their members to do this. It’s a hard habit to shake off once a trading aspirant tries it and it self-destructs most all efforts at maintaining trading risk management strategies and rules because then one rationalizes away the need for a stoploss which often then becomes a bad habit, doubling down a loss in overleverage even more to risk of account busting, and forgetting the need for consistent performance of one’s strategy and trade risk management with adhering to defined stop losses , respecting the percentages instead of trying to change them mid-trade. I suspect a big portion of those testimonials are the typical shills as usual, friends, distant family or hired. These scammers are trying to be next Sykes or Raging Bull in size montrosity. Their disclaimer page, neatly off to the side on another link, tries to cover their stink by saying they’re “educational only!” (Primo-like, throwing up their hands, hidin’ under the desk, hoping the tradingschool’s spotlight misses or passes over them quickly enough, lolol) and they probably learned from OTA’s and RagingBull’s arrogant debacle to cover their bases more and not be too outlandish with yt video in-your-face commercials filmed inside a rented private jet, but shamshow up the “average trader guy” shill testimonial videos even more.
OMG, you lost $50k trading with TrueTrader? That is so very painful. You mind if I reach out to you directly so you can describe with more details? This would make a good review and it might help others avoid the same mistake.
Can you make one for George Perez, he has a youtube channel and of course is asking for Patreon support with it.
how about g7fx, claims to have worked in trading firm or bank, he says that his accounts are verifiable thru an independent company myfxbook.
Here’s another one run by a bunch of young guys , myinvestingclub.com . Seems to be a better toned down version of “the trading fraternity”. No real sign of trader#orn, instead they have party pics of nyc, a club, and wall st. in the background to have maybe more a veneer of respectability. And of course there’s the “jumpstart” course at about 33% off, typical of these shamshow hot dog package products. It’s even amusing there’s a service set of products for “tax planning for traders” (https://myinvestingclub.com/tax-planning/) , like they and their students are so profitable, they need their multi $k courses to tax haven all the supposed massive yearly profits they’re assumed to be making, lolol. A latest clever new gimmick of appearing “authentic” (instead of broker statement proof as usual). For Ross Scameron of Warrior Trading, initially it was the webcam of him in the chatroom. But then some noticed his arms weren’t moving or moved at different times when he called out trades. So later, the webcam was tilted higher from a different angle and only showed his face from his neck, lol. So there’s that site. Also probably many have seen this gal “The Humbled Trader” around on youtube trader video suggestions. So that could be another “new generation”, youtube “content” guru, of shamshows to expose on the list of tradingschools’ future exposé articles.
Could you make a review for TrueTrader? truetrader.net they have ads all over youtube and I’ve read lots of BBB complains and terrible reviews online. Curious to read your thoughts of them.
Long time legacy options spreads guru vendor shamshow, one of the earlier ones, that should be exposed. http://www.sheridanmentoring.com , just putting it out there. I’m sure some long time retailers remember or have heard of this ex-cboe farce.
(good that “Dr. J”/Najarian of “Monster”-options and cnbc-guest-talkinghead got exposed by tradingschools in a recent review. (https://www.tradingschools.org/?s=najarian) He was one of the earlier instigators of HFT organizations infecting the options markets being a predatory insider. Sheridan and J are similarly from the same old termite sham log of the latter ’00s)
Hey Emmett, Please, please review Christon Jones with The Truth Jones (https://www.thetruthjones.com/programs). It is really urgent.
14-year-old kid wants to teach people how to become successful trading options? Oh boy.
Looks like the stock market top is close at hand.
Could you pls make a review for https://tradingkit.net . They offer some mt4 soft but sell it via mql5 main website, not directly. Is there a reason?
Has anyone experience with using wealthcharts.com for charting and technical analysis?
Do not trade with rayner. He is a scam. He gets people to subscribe for $150 and recommend a fraudulent broker fxalphabeta.online to swindle money from subscribers. This broker will not approve your deposits until rayner text them , then they respond to livechat which shows he may be the one running both.
agreed he is scammy. He didn’t try to provide proof until after Emmett’s review, then soon after put up that pathetic rough looking “broker statement” screen in his response to tradingschools yt video, which was probably a sham app put together by an IT guy on a local server, or his broker buddies faked up for him.
The only “good” thing about Rayner is that he’s done a decent collection of yt video illustrating regurgitated or book plagiarized ideas that newbs can quickly view and follow and learn from. That’s about it.
has anyone bought zedd monopoly course
Anybody hear of Preston Pirate James?
Please do a review on Matthew R. Kratter, an author on Amazon. He claims to be a “pro” stock trader and former hedge fund manager, however when running a hedge fund, he had nothing but negative returns. His full record can be found at this Google Drive link:
Just testing
Be careful of OTWS / OTWSTEVE / Option trading with Steve. The biggest fraud I’ve come across on Discord. He’s not knowledgeable and loses on many trades. What keeps him going are the poor people who subscribe and pay $125 per month for him to continue with his trading which I think he paper trades. Who tells the group to load the boat and loses on the trade later on. WFC was the worst, so many people lost thousands on it. He was so confident it would be over $30 in July. On top of it, he’s a prick to his members and deletes negative reviews and comments and only keeps the good ones
Anyone heard of Trading Made Easy, or Cambridge Trading Academy, located in Las Vegas? Run by a James Viscuglia, PhD(??), also know as “Frank”. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Delta Trading group is back under SP500Trader.com now. Same system, same guy Clifford Vance Cast, the convicted meth dealer…..on AM radios all over country again. Maybe time to update your info and add this new website
Hi, can you please review two sites when you have some time? The first a training site is called jadebronco.com, the second is https://www.moneypressmethod.com/.
Hi Bob / Mike? This is Bronco from https://www.jadebronco.com
Ever notice that most broker-dealers have free investment education? Ever wonder why? Because information is worthless if it doesn’t produce profit. And there are 1,000 strategies and indicators for every one empirically valuable way. Here’s my approach: show students how to win, then teach why it works. I spent 20 years trying to find an honest program. I tried to bring the cream to the surface at every turn but only got bullied and ultimately fired several times. I HATE LIARS and FRAUDSTERS. I expose them. I am not popular, but I am profitable, and so are my students. I publish my real $ trading returns and welcome auditors. Ask ANYONE else for that in this business and please let me know what you find.
Nobody comes onto TradingSchools.Org blog and makes this sort of a challenge. Well Jade Bronco, the challenge is accepted. I’m your huckleberry.
If you have a great product. I want to write about it. My readers are thirsty for great products. I will send you the customary emails shortly. Let’s do this.
You will get a fair review.
Emmett, I haven’t heard from you so here is how to get ahold of me (after you check out twitter.com/jadebronco ; https://www.jadebronco.com ; https://www.linkedin.com/company/jade-bronco-llc/ and our facebook page) but here is the ph # to someone who can set you up for a screen-sharing show and tell with me: 800-658-5214
Thank you!
Jade Bronco offers training and a trading room that will teach you an options strategy that is marketed as profitable, consistent, and unique. Importantly, Jade Bronco boasts a real and auditable trade log out of a real account. Brian is the creator of the strategy, a founding member, and the expert trade/teacher at Jade Bronco. I spent a lot of time and effort researching Jade Bronco. Everything that I saw and heard/read was 100% authenticate. Real account, real trades, losers, and winners. had promised to move forward and then backed out last minute because of an emergency. I haven’t spoken to them since. (though I promised I would)
Emmett/Brian – It’s Bob, I am the one that started this post a couple of months ago. Brian, as you probably realized, I do a lot of research before making a monetary investment like that, so I reached out to Emmett – This is not a bad thing -. Emmett, in every conversation I had with Brian (and his partner Mike) he was honest, transparent, and answered all of my questions he explained what was offered and importantly what was not. As a matter of fact, sorry about this Brian, Brian isn’t the best salesperson in the world, he’s fact/analytical based. He’s almost too honest at times and with regards to what is outside of the scope of the package, will nicely tell you no and what you do not want to hear at times. What he does do though is patiently answers questions so that someone will understand the answer, is thorough, and backs up what he says
My Experience with Jade Bronco/Brian:
Brian – The next day, after the original post, you gave me a detailed presentation while we spoke via the screen share. You and Mike walked me through the top-level login and basis of the system, you allowed me access to the group chat – I was impressed, you did in fact show a real ThinkorSwim trading account (the top left of TOS shows if it is paper or not and there was no brown highlight) you had a ton of history and open positions along with talking through each and every trade, even the ones closed with a loss. While going through each trade you explained the status of the particular symbol in the position, the whats and whys regarding jade broncos trade entries and exits on the chart, and how everything related back to the system (I hate that word) you teach.
You and I spoke in detail about exactly what training you would provide in the weeks coming and what was expected of me. At the time, the package included (I think 4 or 6) one hour weekly one on one in-depth training and coaching meetings, daily trade room/chat group get together to go over the trades, new trade ideas, and to answer of the groups questions. You also made the promise to be available for any questions outside of those two meetings.
I liked what I heard and saw and decided to move forward. I was excited, you were going to be my first mentor and jade bronco the first place I planned (promised) on spending my hard earned trading profits. (the trade room is a great bonus)… You know this Brian, life happened. For everyone else reading and for context, I had an ER with the external and internal (condenser and fan) AC at the house (I live in AZ, it was summer). Sadly, I am not an AC repair person and the funds went to a company that was.
I was very disappointed. I wish I could have taken the course, even now. To all those reading, in my experience, Jade Bronco/Brian will back up its promises and statements. During our meetings and in a live trade/group session, Brian provided proof of his real trades, traded out the same account, and was candid about the trades and their status. I was given a detailed what’s what of the strategy and it’s logic and shown material I would be taught.
btw. I have proof of everything I wrote. pm me if you have any questions.
Hi Bob, Terribly sorry for your hardships. I remember when you said that you were being thrown headlong into the most dire of domestic disasters. It was Frank(not Mike) who is a co-founder of Jade Bronco LLC that you spoke with and who arranged our meeting and who had the tact and sensitivity not to pressure you during your ordeal. Traders in trauma rarely do well. He and I both know that. When you are fully recovered – meaning you, your wife and kids, etc are STABLE – might be years before that happens. We hope you will reach out to learn the Jade Bronco Method.
Any thoughts on system trading? Specifically
You reviewed Kevin Kleinman from WatchHimTrade.Com in 2015 and gave him 5 stars. That website points you to a different company now. Kevin has a new website called LayUpTrades.com I’m interested but I would like to know if you still recommend his service and if you still give him 5 stars? Thanks
anyone look into Keith McCullough of Hedgeye? is this guy legit?
Has any review been done about this guy, Kyle Dennis?
Dennis is grouped with Bond’s “raging bull” gang. A review is here: https://www.tradingschools.org/?s=petra+hess
has there been a review of lance ippolitos blitz tracker, i notice its a wealth press product
I just found a review dated June 2020 from these folks. They burn Ippolito and Wealth Press and its owner.
anyone had info about matthew owens – triforce training
Re : Cryptocurrencies
Hello everyone hope you and your beloved ones are fine during this hard time .
Does anyone tried their service
Timothy Sykes . Com
Get a lot of emails promoting this site? What’s the deal. Is this fellow legitimate?
I’m currently reading How to make millions DVD series from Tim Syskes. My gut tells me that I should not trust him, so I wouldn’t.
All his money was made back in 2000 when every tech stock was out of control. Making money in the market was like taking candy from a baby
Unfortunately, there was a past review exposing Sykes, but since the beginning of this year Emmett was pressured to pull it down , probably from Sykes’ legal thugs’ actions, lawsuit, and funded by massive ill-gotten coffers from dupes. Yes, it’s a blight on tradingschools, albeit a minor one, because at least there is no positive bs review for Sykes, and tradingschools is still the best there is by far. It just goes to show tradingschools doesn’t have a lot of financial support to keep it going, and it at least doesn’t compromise itself out like ripoffreport and trustpilot have done openly deleting all negative comments by site visitors calling out scams, if the scam’s owners pay the “review” site off. Emmett has already responded he was stressed out by the pressure. He had already supported a youtuber who got sued by Warriorscam Ross with a length defense effort, for posting an exposing video of the Warrior Trading shamshow.
There is still at least the early “profit.ly” exposing review, here: ( https://www.tradingschools.org/reviews/profitly-review/ ). Emmett’s fooled by Sykes at first, but comments later a reassessment (comment is still there below the review):
“Emmett Moore
Yes! If you write a negative review (on Syke’s investimonials.com) about one of the sponsored sites, like TradeWithKavan or Warrior Trading (both scams) then they ban your IP address. F#@king Sykes, what an as$hole.
September 15, 2015 10:59 am
Maybe Sykes’ goons hadn’t caught it yet. The scammers usually only respond when their own shamshow site is recently exposed and then they think tradingschool readers are still clueless newbs instead of actual jaded trading vets. Maybe someday, a review exposing Sykes supported with national class action will return.
Engaging with litigation is a calculated risk — for everyone. Sometimes it’s better to take a punch, and then return later for a better chance at actually winning the fight.
My resources are limited. I litigate when I feel I have a clean shot at victory. And I retreat if I feel that I have lost the advantage. Sykes took a few good shots from me. The old articles are still up. The most recent was not worth the fight — primarily because I was already engaged in another lawsuit. Was spread too thin.
Regardless, the express train continues moving in the correct direction, albeit with a few set backs.
Is there a master list of reviews from best to worst? I checked a few so-called gurus and their reviews were all negative, almost suspiciously too negative!?! Hoping there are some positive reviews…maybe?
Hey Michael,
Sorry I have not had many positive reviews that past year. The positive pickens’ have been slim.
If you want to check back in two or three weeks, I will be releasing a free course on systematic trading. Basically, the course is to steer you away from ‘gurus’ and provide a path and a framework to become self-reliant. I will give you all my best stuff, research, and give you a view of how I operate. My hope is that you take it and then make it better.
Basically, it is what I wish someone would have given me, many years and many tears ago.
Thanks for your reply Emmett and appreciate that the world has been kinda crazy these past few months…time to lay low!
I had originally checked your site for a possible review on GannacciCode.com that sells a trading strategy that is a combination of a WD Gann technique(s) and Fibonacci, hence the name “Gannacci”. The owner sells a trading course, including an Excel spreadsheet that supposedly provides forecasts of price action for trades, and also has a “locker room” (trading room?) 5 days a week. The cost runs over CA$2000.
Dr. Dean Handley did a negative review on YouTube with supposedly some nasty exchanges with the owner. A different disgruntled “reviewee” also wrote a review of Dr.Handley that alluded to him selling a service to those with better reviews, so some concern about objectivity potentially jading any and all reviews!?!
Thus, I came to your site to see if you had done a review of GannacciCode to determine if the price was worth unlocking one or more of Gann’s mysterious codes. So hoping you can either corroborate or refute the review of GannacciCode…believe it or not…that’s the Q!
Take care, be safe, and enjoy bunkering!
Hello Emmet,
. Btw, I am trying T3live subscription these days, Mark Melnick, he looks like a real deal.
that’s look promising, cannot wait…
please do this asap… I was going to message you today to see if you found a company that’s reputable
Hi Emmett,
The course on systematic trading you mention above – is it available yet? Where might I acquire it?
Please review: https://cycletraderpro.com/trade-room-results/
and https://www.dynotrading.com/
Hi Emmett,
Can you please write a review about https://weeklyoptionstrade.com
Thank you
A 94.8% win rate? Come on now…Even David Tepper couldn’t manage that. If you’re looking for realistic win rates check out the broker records/stats on Collective2 (No, I’m not affiliated with them). This will give you a good benchmark of sustainable winning rates across many different types of winning strategies.
After I get my S.S. in March, I hope I can afford Roger Scott’s “on-the-clock” stock alert service, sound great !!!
There’s a review on “wealthpress” and Roger Scott already here: (https://www.tradingschools.org/reviews/wealth-press-with-roger-scott/) which probably made him duck under his shamshow desk since last April.
Nice try, “Roger”. But just because posted comments are slower these days doesn’t mean readers aren’t aware of potential vendor schilling , filling/spamming up a comment page, and troll-foolery. lol.
Cost of Roger’s “on-the-clock” stock alerts ???
has anyone worked with this group?
Online Trading
In 1997, Traders International founder Afshin Taghechian found that his trading success had enabled him to devote more time to his real passion – developing a simple yet powerful strategy for trading the S&P 500 index. While he was presented with very lucrative job opportunities in the corporate world, Afshin found the emerging e-mini markets to be much more compelling.
Before long Afshin’s friends sought his advice and wanted to learn his powerful trading strategies. Informally guiding them on how to use his process at first, Afshin soon organized what he’d learned into the foundation for what is now the Traders International Market Expert System (TIMES).
Proven Trading Techniques Are Taught Step by Step
After spending many years studying advanced technical analysis, Afshin used his extensive knowledge to launch Traders International, Ltd.
Traders International quickly established a reputation as an e-mini trading innovator. Combining powerful trading methods with sound money management techniques, Traders International has helped ordinary individuals gain the power that had previously been available only to professional floor traders.
Today, Afshin and his experienced team teach novice and veteran traders worldwide how to succeed from the daily volatility, liquidity and leverage of the e-mini markets. They demonstrate the step-by-step process in clear, concise terms, mixed with analogies and examples. Students gain the correct mindset and money management techniques for trading whether they are a beginner, intermediate or advanced trader. Now you too can learn the powerful techniques of TIMES.
This sounds like a sales pitch if I ever heard one. Do you work for them. Maybe is genuine, but:
1 The Q A page has a number of inaccuracies, inconsistent and invalid statements.
2 Very little detail about the asset classes that are trade
2 Very little tangible information about the method or strategies that are taught except that it is technical analysis of some kind.
3 There is a comment that say’s there a free intro class, but not link to join.
4 No videos, pictures or facebook or linkedin or other information co you can check out the guy.
I could go on. Maybe I am wrong, but feels very much like a scam to me.
Your review of Claytrader is from 2015– he has changed a lot, although the number of “walking wounded” who follow their hero around singing his praises has not. The comments in his videos will make you cringe– the desperation these people have to cheer their “leader” in the hopes he will make them rich, or at least get back what they’ve lost, is heartrending. He is making VERY specific claims now, here are quotes and titles from his latest videos:
Dan Made 19,000 Dollars in One Day (Here’s How)
How I Made 1000 Dollars in 12 Minutes…another– 2,500 Hundred in 5 Minutes
Stock Market Power- Turning 100 into 900 Dollars
(and from his blog)
Let Me Show You How I Had ONLY One Losing Day out of 73!
A guy with that sort of “talent” deserves a second look.
Keep up the good work!
Can you please have an follow up review on Clay?
I just asked for the same review
Please review marketlifetrading.com.
Elliot – Could you please review Paul Bratby / TradeTheFifth?
I meant Emmett
Hi Guys – Is there a review on Online Trading Academy?
Hello everybody ,
Is there any review about ” Weekend Windfalls ” ?
It is endorsed by https://finance.weissratings.com/
Thanks and good luck
Any review on True Trading Group?
A couple of shamshows that came to mind as suggestions to future expose review. Tongue twisty to get the names right, so why not expose both i.e. rhymes with griimess, lol. (but also saw some shilling on reddit to the hapless newbs) Both had vendor guest “webinars” on futures.io/bmt:
Martin Rimes – http://www.hitthemarktrading.com
Adam Grimes – http://www.marketlifetrading.com
I was wondering about Adam Grimes. He has a new flashy website. What makes you be sure he is not legit?
is there a review on .”opportunistictrader.com”
Oh, that’s an Agora Financial investment scheme. I am currently writing an article on Agora…and its a company that CANNOT be trusted.
Have a look at this beauty…https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2019/10/ftc-sues-publisher-targeting-seniors-phony-diabetes-cure-money
Emmett, I’d mentioned this one before. Netpicks. A long time hustler site since the 90’s with the same team of lifelong cronies. At first they were part of the Forex fad scam of the late 90’s , 00’s with losing EA’s and “educational” strategies. Then they progressed to futures. Some of their products were called “Keltner Bells”, “Seven Summitts”. I know someone who wasted 2k on their products which are all now past stool gas “lost in the wind”. I was in their trading room way back and got churned trading room fees for a couple of months. They always show a hypothetical “p/l” slope up chart based on “backtesting” and often bemoan if old past members who churned out , had stayed they “would have made this much”(lol). Yet, their live results in my observation were almost always dubious to losing contrasting with their “recap” lying results as usual for most shams. Now Soberman’s ad videos are appearing on yt no doubt ramping up visibility, competing with the other dennis-bond-petra-cess shamshow ads for the new hapless newbs drawn to the daytrading hype again with the recent lowered commissions and newer micro-futures instruments. They are a longtime legacy sham team (have outlasted Larry Levin and his shamrock crew, maybe even longer than Ken Klownfool, and up there with geriatric sham Woodie) , but many past forex and then futures newbs were churned by them (probably funding the mortgages on their sham-gotten abodes after all these years). So a suggestion for a longtime highly suspect shamshow to expose in your next future reviews, thanks. (https://www.youtube.com/user/Netpicks1/videos?disable_polymer=1)
Yes; netpicks is a sham. Tried their options room with a supposed 90% win rate based on a public P&L. Feel really stupid, but lost 85% of the trades in the October and November expiration; winners were always 5-10 fold less than losers; a recipe for disaster. Was lucky to get my 900.00 subscription back once I threw in the towel.
Technical Analysis Learning Courses
If anybody is looking for supply/demand swing course and/or market profile and candlestick swing/day trading course they should check out marketstalkers.com
i am not affiliated with them, just a person with much appreciation.
Claims the following, ” We are REAL TRADERS, who trade REAL MONEY every week.
And we have been managing client funds (profitably) since 2006.
During which time we have out-performed every major asset class.
Including equities, commodities, bonds and the Credit Suisse Hedge Fund index. ”
They supposedly have non-shilled reviews and testimonials on the site “mql5”. So an opinion on mql5 would be helpful too.
Please check out the Pax group (https://www.thepaxgroup.org), these guys are former pit traders who transitioned to screen trading, one of them (Mat) was on the Anthony Crudele’s show recently (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AqOJUrBSpM&t=1571s) talking about his 30-second opening range strategy. Would love to hear your opinion, Emmett. Subscription starts from $49 for discord room to $1000 for mentoring. You can listen in on some of their recorded audio here https://soundcloud.com/canany1trade.
I’ve been to his room for couple of months. Nothing interesting there. Somebody asked Pax to record a video of his trading – he refused, saying that he might get problems with authorities. His mentor, Judd, was a trader in 70s-90s, however Judd’s trader license was revoked due to crime he did. Google his name and you will see court excerpts and stock authorities decision on not to reinstate his license. That was the first bell to me to leave. Second was that there too much motivation from him. Why do You need motivation? Because you need people to stay in the room.
Why haven’t you reviewed Tim Sykes yet? I would assume a lot of people would love to see you tear him apart.
Applause to Emmett and tradingschools for the new Sykes review. Only thing I disagree is that Sykes giving to charity from “good” trading. I don’t believe for a second he made millions from trading except the initial few hundred k luckout as a teen. And “American Greed” is rife with case stories where the scammer donated plenty of scam-generated funds to charities to support their faux image, and after it all tumbled some of the charity money was clawed back to duped investors.
Tim Sykes. Tim grutannin and steven dux. Are legitimate. Even the admin s at tradezero the broker. Have validated and confirmed his trading account.
Grittani and Dux are real. But Sykes?
Can you please review http://www.Gannedge.com
i am in the 3 day trial and it looks good at first glance but i lost money on Blue Trading so am always sceptical these days and you have to commit to at least $995 to start. Other offers are available too depends on how many months you book with him.
thanks again
Hi Emmet,
Can you please do a review of msp.fx, http://mspfx.co.uk/#/the-msp-update/4579159920,
Mike Patterson.
Mike claims he is an ex banker with 38 years exper9ience, and offers a daily email with order flow/levels for forex pairs, and also offers mentoring.
any news on Mike Patterson?
Would you please do a review on https://www.shadowtrader.net/futures, they claim to be very professional and successful. Thanks
Why has the ShadowTrader review been removed?
Maybe tradingschools could look into trading course on udemy sometime as there are hundreds of courses listed ranging in price from $10 to hundreds for “professional” courses.
Please review tradeforgreatness.com. Dean Handley compared it to other women educational trade gurus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xtF2zNXA3g
Here’s a sad fact – tradeforgreatness.com is run by Dean Handley’s WIFE. Ever wonder why he talks about it so much? It’s how his entire sham works. Crap on all the other trade rooms and promote “his own”. The entire ship of “Trade Titan Award” winners is all faked and made up to promote his wife trading a SIM account which is plainly labeled on their website. So kudos for that, but beyond that, it is quite sadly 1 of the sadest and deplorable scams in the long game of trading scammers and shammers.
You can also watch Vinny tear him a new one and REVEAL the Dr. Handley Scam and his WIFE “April” from tradeforgreatness here in this video link – I timestamped it for your enjoyment to go straight to the sad hilarity that only Vinny can bring to shutting down scammers…. Enjoy : https://youtu.be/0_vBwB27wPM?t=8482
Thanks. I had no idea his wife was behind tradeforgreatness. I guess I was fooled for a while by Dr. Dean. What a fraud!
Where can I find past reviews?It looks like many reviews I read before,are not available on the site anymore.
Right now I am looking for one review I read maybe about a year ago that had a good rating.Unfortunately I don’t remember the name.It was about a trader/mentor that specialized I think in trading oil futures and it was one of the few high ranked reviews.
Does he still exist?I can’t find the review
Also,is there an email we can use to communicate with you?
Thank you
I agree… Ive noticed lots of reviews get removed… Is this site pay-to-remove????
Peter Reznicek, the owner of Shadow Trader, reached out to me this past April. We went back over the original review, he detailed what I got wrong (or at least he felt I got wrong) and I thought it over. We met via video conferencing and we went over every detail. After considering it, I felt it best to simply remove the article.
He paid me nothing. He was offered nothing. There was no “quid pro quo” of any kind. We met, we talked, I took the article down. No big deal.
If you would like to confirm this, then please email Peter Reznicek directly at preznicek@shadowtrader.net He will confirm it.
You cannot pay to get a positive review. Your product must stand on its own.
The deciding factor in dealing positively with Shadow Trader is that Peter sent me a screenshot of recent performance. No, I am not going to reveal how much he made or the percentage gains. But yes, he trades, and sometimes he makes money and sometimes he loses money. The key is that he actually does trade. And he was willing to engage with me directly.
To anyone that gets a negative review…show me something that shows you actually trade, with a live account. The negative review will disappear faster than a fart in the wind.
Roger Scott:
I’m skeptical, as always, with some evidence:
Jeff Bishops Weekly Money Multiplier service. Real or scam?
I saw what you wrote regarding Jason Bond and this gives me great pause. Wondering what you know about Jeff B?
Dan G.
Hi Emmett, can you do a review on Trick Trades? https://tricktrades.com Love your site and the honest reviews!
Anton Kreil, Institute of Trading. They look the real thing
Hey E…what happened to the Rithmic R Criss Cross and that”other unique” execution algo/strategy you mentioned that you were going to do a review on?
Anyone heard of D.R. Horton? aka “10 Minute Millionaire” (book)? Is this system legitimate? I’ve been getting bombarded with offers regarding this book and his site https://moneymappress.com/ . There seems to be a lot of different trading rooms on this site. Any chance of doing a review of the trading systme in his book?
Anyone dealt with Ricky Gutierrez at Techbud Solutions? Was hoping to gt some feedback on him.
Hi Emmett
Hope you are well,can you do a review on this trading live room on T3live silverfx ,by Austin silver.
Thank you for your hard work.
Can you please review Kieth Kern?
Hey. My name is David Aw. I trade forex for over 12 years.
I have a book coming out and a course. I would like to know what it takes to be an awesome coach and mentor to retail traders who are interested to trade forex part time and use it as a tool to compound a portion of their savings.
I totally would appreciate what are you looking for in a course and how can I be a better coach and mentor to retail traders who at least have a year of experience.
Nice plug for your book.
Emmett, is David real?
I’m looking for a good mentor to help me learn the Forwx market. Are you available to help? Please contact me by email.
Falcon Trading Guidance. Guy who runs it is an ex Infinite Prosperity student, I think. It’s getting pretty popular now.
Hi Emmett,
Can you please write a review of https://bennathanfx.com
Thank you.
Oh I know Ben Nathan. Sort of funny story. He started working for Forex Mentors and it turned out to be a total scam. As a matter of fact, he was the one that tipped me on how it all worked.
Ben is OK. No, I wasn’t able to verify performance. But he is pretty harmless and he doesn’t make big promises.
Hi Emmett,
Can you please write a review about Vintageducation.com?
I was a student, and I think he is scamming people.
Thank you
Hello Emmet, can you please review EminiPlayer and OpenTrader have same owners, been around about 7 years more/less.
Ryan Coisson’s PB Code and ACE Trades would be very helpful critiques
Please review John Carter’s SimplerTrading.com
Hi, please review Jon Levine, FX mentor, his website is http://strategictradingsystems.com/
His email info@strategictradingsystems.com
I did some digging and turned up this current lawsuit against Mojo Day Trading aka Michael Rich aka ProTrader Mike aka Mojo Fund:
Please add this lawsuit information to your review of Mojo. This guy needs stopped. He claims he is a 25 year successful trader, and the best trader in the world (literally he claims that almost every day in his chat). Why, in 2015 did he need to allegedly scam $25k each from 10 of his members to have enough money to even trade with? After watching the charade in his paid room for a few months I am 100% convinced he does not trade AT ALL, that “Protrader Alan” who is Mojo’s #1 shill does not trade and likely has NEVER traded, and is likely either an employee or co-conspirator of Mojos. Please help get the word out about these scumbags.
Dimensiontrader.com has been around for 15 years. it’s been listed as a scam on https://rockwelltradingscam.wordpress.com/scam-list/. I have no personal experience but they have a spreadsheet on their website that supposedly shows every trade from 2018.
Is any on a successful follower of Roger Scott options?
major league trading please
I just wonder why urban forex course by navigation is not yet reviewed
Traders Toolbox
Keith Kern
Option Alpha
tradenet.com Meir Barak review please.
I think you are doing a wonderful job to expose these showmasters. It is really hard to pick a quality educator when there are so many fakes out there.
tradenet.com Meir Barak
Appreciate your hard effort and honest review. Could you please try to reveal the truth about BearBullTraders (run by Andrew Aziz).
there seem to be some conflicting info…he seems to have written a book before he was even consistently profitable himself…
Can you please review Average Joe Trader?
hi, could you please review https://bijantrades.com/ Instagram is @Bijantrades twitter is @whoisBijanT
Just want to thank you for what you do here.
Do a review on pipsociety.com by leo williams
Thanks for the great review. I found this link on the net:
Can you review this person too ?
This one seems another sales man.
Hi Emmett, your reviews are very helpful. I have a question for you about reviewing a vendor I don’t see previously reviewed on your site. Can you pm me? Thanks.
I need a product review done and this is very different from what I have seen. http://poweremini.com
Different how? Looks like the same type of snake oil nonsense BS system being sold by every other crock.
Per their own site:
“Backtested Algorithmic Trade Alerts”
Any idiot can manipulate date in order to create a back tested proven system. That is a piece of cake. It is forward testing where you lose all your money.
If their system really worked they would be selling it for $100 million to a hedge fund manager or use it themselves to make a fortune.
It is amazing people are foolish enough to believe this type of nonsense.
According to this group they have 95% winning rate…ur review is greatly appereciated!
Hi Emmet
Thanks for your hard work in exposing those charlatans on line.
Some time ago I read you review on Algorithmic Trading.net.
That was very nice and rosy.
The fact is those guys (Richard & Rich ) developed an extreme case of self importance.
I tried to set a meeting with one of them for at least two months.
On three occasions non of them appeared at the meeting.
Mind you I had to take time of work to be available for the meeting.
Finally Richard called me and asked if I wanted a demo ???
When I asked him back what else can he offer he got very offended and finished the conversation.Most of our correspondence was titled “DEMO” I do not know what he expected me to say or do, but I was extremely disappointed, mainly by the waste of time.
After a few minutes I received this E-mail from Richard:
” Hello,
I’m sorry – but I don’t think this is a good fit for us. Wish you the best – but we will not be able to help you with our algorithms.
Anybody can explain to me,what that suppose to mean?????
I do not know ,but in my eyes it was
very rude and arrogant.
I did not use any unpolite expressions (maybe I should ???)
Maybe he expected to drop onto my knees & kiss his butt, I have no idea.
I have all send & received E-mails from those guys if anybody interested.
I also ask anybody who received similar treatment from them to express
their opinions.
Thanks Bill
Hi Emmet –
Thank you so much for everything that you do. There are not enough words to express the gratitude for all the reviews and help you provide for everyone.
I wanted to know if you would be able to review the following sites:
Thank you!
Would you please review http://www.greatwizeoz.com/
The reviews on stockgumshoe.com are excellent..
wow..they hardly lose day trading bonds and ES.
Please review
hello, try hedgetradingsystem.com sound’s good.
Please review netpicks.com They have been scamming customers for twenty one years. http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/forex-reviews/179/www.netpicks.com
Hi Emmet,
I appriciate the excellent work you are doing in reviewing different trading products. Currently I am in a 14 day free trial for the following Live Trading Room:
The interesting thing for me with this one is that the founder, Meir Barak, is posting his day trading results in a yearly manner.
From your point of view: could this one be trustworthy? Did you ever reviewed this Live Day Trading room before?
Thx for a reply and best regards,
Joerg from Germany
Another person you might want to team up with is Bruce Long on Youtube.
He made some videos on youtube exposing all the fake “instagram” traders.
And shows the tactics they use.
Here is one of his videos called
“How to make a demo look real (Instagram Marketers)”
Again, it just helps out all the newbies in there…understand the waters they are swimming in.
MarketSharksFX.com looks like a fake IG site.
I was looking through your trader.help website.
Someone asked you about Marcello Arrambide, and you mentioned he might actually be a real trader.
Really suprised you said this… I was expecting a beatdown after reading this review.
Also somewhere on your two sites, you mentioned you might be reviewing Jason Bond again…with new results…I don’t know if this was just some bullshit comment someone posted…hard to believe though…after his first review was an absolute beatdown on any credibility he had. He is going full court press with youtube advertising now.
(I can’t find the comment now)
Anyway love your site…much needed service trying to sort fact from fiction…
Just makes newbies more educated in the process…
I am looking review for this education site daytradingacademy.com too.
Waqar, use the search feature on the site and type in, “Day Trading Academy” and you’ll get https://www.tradingschools.org/reviews/day-trade-academy/ Or do a Google search “Day Trading Academy review” and the 7th listing is for the review on tradingschools.org
You are are confusing the names…
I’m talking about “Day Trading Academy” from Marcello Arrambide.
You are talking about “Day Trade Academy”
Two different trading rooms with almost the same name.
Please review S&P 500 Futures Trading Group.
Hi Emmett
Have you every reviewed Winning Trade Room with Scott Morris?
Well he has joined forces with Jason at OTG. I have just watched Scott and Jason interview and Scott said in the interview 15 mins in that you spoke to Scott after he had provided you with all information requested to do a review then you told him you would not do the review because it would do him a disservice and the best thing you could do was not do a review of him. Isn’t that what Trading Schools is all about? I can’t believe for one minute that you have said that but this needs to be addressed in my opinion.
Have you ever reviewed “Day Trading With Price Action” by Galen Woods. Tradingsetupsreview.com ?
He also has lots of courses to buy as well as live mentorship 3× a week. His name is yusef Scott.
Sodarneasyforex.com review please. This guy boasts how easy it is to trade forex.
Would you please review https://backtothefuturetrading.com/
Already reviewed. Go here: https://www.tradingschools.org/reviews/back-to-the-future-trading/
BTTFT is complete and utter bullshit. The owner (Michael) doesn’t trade and has admitted that over on FIO. He lives in a complete and utter fantasy world. His indicators are nothing more than a re-hash of many free indicators already out there.
Avoid. No really, avoid this guy.
Already reviewed this character.
Waqar, before you pay anyone for a trading course go to the the free sites I have posted links to. Send me an email to aceisanahole@outlook.com and I’ll send them to you. Exhaust the learning there first, then investigate strategies before you pay any Guru. Remember Doron the BS Pitbull Trader? If the guru won’t show verified results don’t buy their course or search this site for the handful of legitimate traders.
http://www.tricktrades.com, A new one if you could review it please.
What do you think of ricky gutierrez
I need the where abouts where yougot this info on Mark Shawzen. If true, I think we can file fraud charges against him for untrue statements with the intent to extort money.
Please respond.
Can you please review https://chartartisttrading.com, https://automatemytrading.com and https://52traders.com? These are my sites. I was recommended to come here by B12 Trader who is listed and was previously interviewed on my website.
Was lucky enough to have dinner with Jasen last year, lovely guy and great trader! No wonder he has 5 stars.
Lots of scammers on 52traders.com, many reviewed here.
Can you review any forex trade rooms or schools
can you review tieronetrading.com
they teach forex and have live trading rooms
I couldn’t find anything on Jack Carter with his Trend Point or Colorado Trading Experiment
What if anything have you info on him and his system.
the “pitbull trader” on youtube. claims of having 30k plus days trading pivots. either hes a genius or this is getting out of control
yeah right
Could you please review Anna Coulling (AnnaCoulling.com) who teaches forex and stock trading. And also Quillian Black of “Forever in Profit” & ” Wallstreet Academy” thanks in advance
Please review CN futures trading…numerous winning trades on youtube chanel.
winner after winner after winner… in ES , bonds, oil and gold.
Is it possible to review tradesight.com specifically with stocks in mind. I have tried to add top trader.help but the registration process keeps taking me round and round a password reset process…
Can you review Stockoptioncoach.com? He seems to be open to verifcation of statements. You certainly have a good method of doing good due diligence.
Hi Ben,
Can you do me a favor and request a review at Trader.Help? This is a new site where review requests can be better tracked and other participants can add commentary.
Thanks, Emmett
Great web site. I know a little about trading. I’m no expert, but I see scam and con artists everywhere in this game. Scamming the less knowledgeable. Maybe I am too cynical.
I was think of building a site like this myself. But I don’t have the investigation or writing skills.
Thank you for the fantastic work and thousands of hours you are putting in.
Maybe one day once my skill improves I can become a Prop Trader or set up a genuine education, recommendation service or trading room.
Good Luck
You can always write for the blog. Typically $50 to $100 per review.
Hello Emmett,
(Trader.help is not allowing me in it).
There is a website called BuildAlpha.com (axiomfutures.com) that claims to backtest trading strategies. Is that something you would review ?
hi Emmett, me and my brother were both scammed by Nonko/Logix a few years ago. I’m not really sure what steps there are to get any of our money back. Are you able to point us in the right direction?
TJ read this review https://www.tradingschools.org/nonko-trading-update/ You’ll find some information there that can get you started.
Hi Emmett,
Happy to have found your site and appreciate your hard work on these reviews!
Do you (or any reader) have recommendations on must read books for trading/markets?
I didn’t see any reviews specifically on trading simulators and was wondering if there are any that you or your readers recommend?
Hello Folks,
Can you have a look at thedaytradingacademy.com? they trade futures. It seems legit to me.
Thanks you for your efforts!
Yeah, I’d also love to see a review of https://daytradingacademy.com/. (Day Trading Academy is not the same as Day Trade Academy, which has already been reviewed.)
I recently contacted the Day Trading Academy to ask some questions about signing up for the class, and it seemed like a legitimate operation. It didn’t have any of those high-pressure sales tactics to get me to join immediately and didn’t flood my inbox with junk solicitations. I’ve seen mostly positive comments about it online, too. But it’s tough to drop $3,000 without being fully convinced.
Emmett, thanks for your phenomenal website. It’s clear you have dedicated many hours to this work and you’re devoted to it. It’s a huge help seeing honest third-party reviews.
It’s Marcello Arrambide, the scammer.
First of all, I say thanks for the service and honesty as presenting, upfront that you get a commission from Dekmar Trades on whoever signs up through you for his trading service. What I don’t get is that, for example, Bill Poulos, which I do not subscribe to, is allowed to advertise here on your site. I’m not trying to bash you and I know that ad dollars are important but where do you draw the line. You gave Bill Poulos 1 star. It’s alright to promote people that are scam artist under a light of honesty. That seems hypocritical and 2 sided. Again I applaud your service but not your advertorial adherence to a (your) moral values.
Hi Sedat,
Yes, you will see Bill Poulos ads on my website. The reason is that I have open ‘ad’ spaces that are purchased by Google.
Google can place whatever ads into those spaces. A few months ago, I had someone place an ad that said, “Trading Schools is HORRIBLE!” with a picture of a dog poop. That was interesting.
When my wife asks me about the pictures of bikini clad women in ads on tradingschools DOT org I just tell her Emmett must be browsing inappropriate sites again.
Hi Emmet, can you please review http://madazmoney.com/
Adriano, he’s not selling anything directly. Madaz.
Emmett any chance you can review https://www.elliottwavetrader.net/ none of these guys are verified but charge large amounts per month for membership
rockwell trading
Emmett cannot get to all the rooms, so if he doesn’t get to them, don’t give them any money unless they show actual proof of their claims.
Netpicks states it has a live signal service. So demand they show the brokerage statement where they are trading their live signal. I would bet they do not trade their own signal, which speaks volumes about the truth of their service.
Rockwell, Reads like con artist 101 BS to me. But again demand he back up his claims with brokerage statements. Anyone willing to take a side bet on this guy providing any proof. Classic Day Trading Vendor words:
“11 years ago I was still living in Munich, Germany, wondering if I will ever be able to retire comfortably and to enjoy the things that really matter in life.
And now – just 11 short years later – I’m living right at Lake Travis in Austin, TX. As I am writing these lines, I’m sitting on my deck overlooking the pool. It’s December, but the temperature are still in the upper 70s, and I’m feeling the warm sun on my face. Behind the pool I see the sail boats gracefully gliding through the lake. The kids are 8 and 11 years old now, and they are playing with Riley, our border collie.
Over the past 11 years I have been able to focus on day trading and achieve what many would call “The American Dream.” I am my own boss now, and life is good.”
My guess is he is living the American Dream off the suckers he gets to buy his services, not from day trading as he claims.
Maybe already on the list, but I’d think “Shark Indicators” should be on the queue list to be exposed sometime as they’ve been around with their expensive “bloodhound” and expensive packaging. Like their recent “sale”.
Bloodhound in particular is a “visual coding” tool that allows a user to set up auto strategies by drag n’ drop and linking. It looks similar to the old prodigio for TOS before they quit and tried to do their own thing and are now back with TDA as a separate “30 day trial” product.
Another site, which is a typical sham room is “The Intentional Trader”. Where the logo of the brit-looking walking guy with an umbrella was seen in an avatar shilled for so long on the beachforum. oldtimers of the beachforum know what I’m referring too, lol.
I knew of two members of the beachforum that paid for those two’s hotdog packaging and sadly got them nowhere as they moved on to the next scam wasting more time and money on their journeys.
So their comeuppance should be forthcoming on the list as they’ve long stopped or never traded live , much less with their junk indicator hotodog combo products since they have been churning the retail aspirationals for many years.
Anyone know anything about Thesupertrader
Some of the “legacy” options “education” sites, Emmett. I think these should be on consideration of your long list of future reviews. I know there are many other shams to go, but these two in particular have appealed to maybe newbs who mistakenly think “monthly option income” is a “safer” and more “informed” way to start trading with. With Fontanills , the options book author gone, now Tom Gentile has continued with “optionetics”. They used to sell “AdvancedGET” supposed essential for an Elliot Wave 4-5 move. But now charging 3 to 4 k for some other new nonsense. Anyhow, these long time options shams who use thinkorswim sim accounts to play with ridiculous madeup “option plays” ideas. should be exposed their damage to retailers with monthly option dreams can be curtailed.
Joel parker, priceactionroom.com
he Claims to be a consistent Trader,
30days free trial
Another one sky view trading with past track records (https://skyviewtrading.com/pricing/)
Sent requests to both. Lets see what happens…
Hi Emmett,
How is it going? Any update from those two fishy candidates so far? I have tried to add one more trading room service twice in the past but seems not able to do them successfully so I will post them here. If possible could you have a look at this:https://tradeempowered.com/london-live-room/
They offer 1 week free trial membership and various session i.e. US session live trading room as well.
Did you receive a reply from Sky View Trading?
Thank you for your reviews Emmett. That’s very useful website and it helps to save much money and to make correct choice.
This person claims that he has been trading for 30 years and he’s an expert in the market profile. He claims that his approach is more valuable than the works of Steidlmayer and Dalton. Is it really? Emmett, will there be a review on this trader?
Yes Emmett, can you review Tom Alexander? That’s very interesting guru.
hi iam intersted in these progarmmes
any information about it
1 TheForexTradingCoach.com (Andrew Mitchem)
2 2ndSkiesForex.com
3 StrategicTradingSystems.com (Jon Levine)
4 ForexMentorPro.com (Dean Saunders, Mark Walton)
Major League Trading needs to be reviewed. THey are selling training, indicators and room subsciptions. Are they honest? Does they know how to trade or just take your money?
majorleaguetrading . com/mltproducts/
Review e-mini player . net. $299 per month Master trader isnt even in the room. Moderator doesnt show DOM but seems to know what he is talking about, except that he has only called 2 trades in three weeks that have worked, the rest all failed. Nice guy but if you cant trade why are you taking peoples money?
THey charge 10k for education and are on the radio advertising constantly, yet I have heard zero from anyone with success.
You might have answered your own question
No one with success.
Please review James Dalton.
Guys been claiming to be master of market profile for years and I doubt he even has a trading account proving his own BS. Read a couple of his books, and they are nothing but over writen diatribes of self proclaimed market theory.
Total wonk fest to give the reader a sense the Market Profile theory is something complicated …
I know that you reviewed Profit.ly, but have you ever had a chance to do an in depth review of Timothy Skykes and associates? That would be interesting to read
Does anyone here trade with Nadex?
Please review accessatrader.com
Hi Emmet, glad I found your site, very helpfull information rigth there!
So my review request is for a man call Dan Shapiro.
He is the founder of the site accessatrader.com
And he proclaim to be the creator of a method call “ps60 theory”
Of what I read his trading setups are based of some pivots on the 60 minutes
time frame, that doesn’t sound crazy and in my opinion it’s seems legit.
Can you please make a review of this guy?
So many thanks in advance.
In my opinion, futures.io and futurestrader71 should be reviewed.
futures.io is not the typical vendor. It’s not a live trading room or similar, but members post journals and their views on trading. Some have large followings. I think the site does a lot of harm to lots of traders. Most realize this only after years of investing time and probably money.
Futurestrader71 is very popular on that site as well (also on Twitter). He doesn’t provide any verified track record. There is no proof that his method actually works. It’s one of these wish-wash approaches, which – to his benefit – are hard to be verified at all (very subjective).
yes, ft71 and jigsaw both. Emmett mentioned a jigsaw review coming soon about a year ago. I’m guessing there’s a current policy to stay away from fioforum for now. There was the b_ooks review, but he’s not a fioforum regular poster. Not sure if I ever seen one post by b_ooks on fioforum actually. Still, Emmett has covered many of the major long time simshammers such as NexGen, MTpred, Primo, CTUfake!, Mohan,some JohnCarter and a host of others. Three other major futures shamscalpers that should be reviewed are Netpicks, Marcello Arambide’s TheDayTradingAcademy, and Larry Levin’s TradingAdvantage as they’ve churned through scores of newbs in the past decade. And don’t forget the options shammeisters with their sim thinkorswim “millions” accounts, namely DanSheridan, Optionetics, SanJose options, and PrestonJames.
Please review https://www.jarrattdavis.com/
Interesting long trading backstory.
However, it never said he ever traded the dream for himself, but rather he just started his own “successful trading programme” quasi fund.
And the ‘verified’ results are just starting.
“My fund’s track record of performance would begin from the start of 2017.”
The “verified” tab shows a bunch of shill looking testimonial quotes.
” I trade for a living now!” etc. but where is the proof the guy traded profitably prior to this 2017 “fund”.
lol. Jigsaw has got new competition on bmt/fio. Even more interesting
I recall rtchoke or crkhillary, one of you guys commented you had jigsaw
up so the alternating lights looked like something was going on to others, lol.
Emmett, I recall your comment about doing the Jigsaw review last year
somewhere and looking forward to it if it ever comes. have fun all.
David Knight from 123daytrade.com
Good going with the reviews where TS now has a decent representation of the shamshows out there. Just a repeat mention of Levin’s “TradingAdvantage.” Their spam email often have “free weekend webinars” where once they get your contact info it’s bombarded by pitches from sales and affiliates, but we know TS can handle anything. Also Netpicks and anymore of the bmt/fio vendor club ie. Jigsaw & ft71.
I just wondered if someone knows anything about the “duomo initiative” http://www.duomoinitiative.com
Couldn’t find any reviews about it.
Would like to see reviews for Don Miller’s jelly program. I bought the webinars for whopping $1250.. that didn’t get me much. Just a whole of fluff. Thanks
Just wondering if there has been a review on OpenTrader, or if anyone has messed with them before.
It’s been 2 yrs since you did a roundup of prop firms. How about updating that and start by reviewing http://arbitragetrades.com. They’re located in the UK and have been in business for about 4 yrs.
what opinnions about LAZYGAPTRADER.COM ???
Valhallafutures.com – Will Scheier This NT-sponsored veteran trading-vendor and book author is using the positive press from his book and social status as an old pit trader to sell a $3,000 trading course. Will’s dubious track record and lack of transparency (non-disclosure agreement must be signed by course buyers) is documented for years in the Futures.io thread on Valhalla Futures and is probable cause for a thorough investigation.
Anyone try the auto trader from http://www.tickscalper.com?
They’ve been around since the late 90’s and have gotten away with the churning of over 240 thousand newbs to futures trading. They have gone through multiple websites of defunt products over the years and only show backtesting and never results. Lots of fake testimionials on forexpeacearmy and investiscamma.
Maybe bigger than NexGen now. The Arambide,-DTA of the US.
It’s about time they were shut down by the CFTC
“keltner bells” “PTU trend jumper” “Seven summits”, “counter punch”. Iin their room they push their software flavor of the year which is upwards of 2k.
Thanks, Emmet! You just saved me $5,000 with your School Of Trade Review. I have been watching him for weeks absolutely convinced that he was real. Now, what can I do for you?
Here is a site that posts statistics that should get the juices flowing.
Stats included in pics
It would be great if you could verify this.
I saw this as well, he also posts how his secret indicators perfectly nail tops and bottoms. I emailed this guy saying I want to learn from true professional but naturally I need broker statements as confirmation he can deliver. Now listen, I am not joking: he answered that he will not waste his time with anyone, if I want to see his statements I have to wire him 10 000 $, after that he will teach me his secrets for 3 days, but this will cost 15 000$ more, upfront :-)). Enough said? This guy begs for review, Emmett!!,
99% of these automated strategies are just data manipulation of historic day. That is the results on reply after using data manipulation. There is no relationship to forward testing in a live market.
“There is no relationship to forward testing in a live market.”
Of course there is. To quote a certain Rob: “They tell you to use 500 to 1 leverage to trade a highly volatile instrument like oil by microscalping it 20 times a day.”
For the members of Densa who cannot understand, that is called sarcasm. Not to Rob. To the TR.
My review of Grokstar Chatroom: The Grokstar chatroom is so good, I should keep it a secret. But to do so just wouldn’t be fair to them or the visitors to this site. It’s simple: Real time, audio calls on liquid stocks that anyone can trade. Running trade & market analysis from the moderator, Mark “The Meerkat” Suffron, who has superb trade management skills, is a great teacher and all around nice guy. No attitude, no front running, no gimmicks. Took a called trade today for 4%, one for 9% on Wed, had a few nice ones earlier this week. Never risking more than 1%. Day in, day out. Everbody scoffs at these reviews, and being skeptical is pretty wise considering the level of BS out there. Not this room. Thinking about posting my log for the called trades (Trading Robot?). Just more evidence of how great this chat room has been. It didn’t cost a thing to figure this out either (30 days for free to start). Can’t recommend it enough. Thanks Mr. Meerkat and Grok Trade! Note to Emmett: Contact me about called trade results.
Please review Meir Barak and his trading room : http://www.tradenet.com
his youtube videos seems way too good to be true. always post huge winners and never post bad days. check out his youtube channel and you will see what im talking about. 3600$ in 10 minutes, 2400$ in 18 minutes, 5500$ in 10 minutes… i mean come on. Someone please expose this guy and shed some light on his practice.
He trades cfd’s (not avail in US) and trys to sign people up for his prop “team”-its really a bucket shop type thing. But…his calls were good! Although it should be noted that he takes huge size, mostly scalps gapping stocks. I think that chat room with him is pretty good (no low float small caps here), but no way im gonna take 3k shares of aapl, so while he might make $1k on a trade, i made $50 do to postion size. Finally, cfd’s are liquid and you get better fills without slippage but you are playing against the house-no one is taking the other side of the trade! See my recent review of grokstar chat in this section, a legit room.
Been a consistent reader here and I am dying to see Emmett review this Forex software system –> forexalertsystem.com , guy looks very legit, facebook looks excellent with great feedback…don’t want to invest a $1 yet…so Emmett dude! Check this out, you got it just about right with good guy Ken Calhoun, how about this brother?
Any of you trade with this one?
Valhalla Futures / M William Scheier
market dancer.com please
Can you review trading round table?
Please review Scott Welsh at tfl365.com
Thanks a lot im advance
Hi Emmett, can you review https://nightlypatterns.wordpress.com/ ?
Few interesting differences from other sites: it’s managed by an european (italian) trader, and trades night gaps, so it’s easier to mirror.
(i’m NOT the owner!)
Could you review rob hoffman of become a better trader pls? Also ray freeman of samurai trader? many thanks!!
I second the request for a review of Rob Hoffman. Seems legit, but nor is he w/o some level of controversy.
This one has been around about 15 years. Please put on review queue.
***** ‘ Rated As The Top 5 Futures Day Trading Room Out Of 337 Live Rooms’ *****Badly need emmett review
There’s been something wrong with this site since 8/24. Takes forever to load.
Seems better now.
Please consider doing a review of this guy:
Please review thetradingfraternity.com
congrats, tradingfratboy and his rented white ferrari got reviewed!
Please review greatstockpix.com, he has great reviews all over so if turns out true it may provide real value to us.
Could you please review the http://sovereignsociety.com/ I have joined 3 of their products, 1. Precision Profits, 2. Strategic Investment and 3. Pure Income. The first two are buying call and put Options and I am losing on them. The Pure Income is selling naked put and call options. I joined Pure Income more recently and have had 2 trade alerts so far. I have until Novermber trial to return all 3. So far I like the Pure Income better. They were all expensive and I had to put them on credit card to try them out. They are all lifetime.
Could you please review them and let me know what you think? Thank you.
There is a group of over 400 people that have been scam by http://www.talloptions.com. Please check it out and publish the warning to everyone.
Hi Emmett, How are you man? Please review livetraders.com.
Please review these guys too: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M9LG66cvZpo interesting stuff, 30 days for free? Ok, have a good one
How about a review of CY Group?
Others that e-mail me: John Carter, Adam Mesh, Vlad Karpel
How about Harry Boxer? Jonathan Rose of Active Day Trader? Don Kaufman at TheoTrade?
Thank you. Great site!
trade empowered look into
Virtualproptrader has big claims
Hi, Can you look into coiledmarkets.com
Has anyone taken any of Matt Choi’s courses? He is sole proprietor of Certus Trading, out of Toronto. I find it highly suspicious that I can find NO independent reviews or comments on his products ANYWHERE in cyber world, either positive or negative. If he’s the real deal, then why isn’t there a single positive comment anywhere out there? And if he’s not, then why isn’t there a single “fake” positive comment out there anywhere? I find the complete, total absence of any commentary on his courses on the Internet VERY strange.
I did go for Matt Choi’s Advanced Options Strategy Blueprint (AOSB). This is just one of the courses he teaches. After paying $2000 I have not found the 8 advanced strategies he outlines in AOSB to be profitable. Even his own calls, based on those strategies, lose money more often than gain. He uses complex option strategies (mostly based around events like earnings and jobs reports) that I find easy to get into but very hard to get out of, due to the generally low liquidity of the options involved and the multitude of legs that have to be resolved. In fact, after trying these strategies I’ve gone back to trading simple stocks, with an occasional basic option spread — when the conditions really look right. Maybe I’m just no good at the complex strategies, but I did not have enough money to risk while (perhaps) getting good at them. I wish I could get that $2000 back. I did learn a lot about options, but the end result is that I consider them generally too risky to bother with! Very expensive negative lesson learned, for me at least.
THANK YOU, FrankG, for the reply – I thought I’d NEVER find someone who actually paid for AOSB and could report their experience, so I greatly appreciate you taking the time to do so. What you report pretty much confirms what I suspected, after he refused to provide account statements to verify his track record: The REAL way to riches is “sell a course for $2K a pop”. Sorry for your negative experience, but again, I appreciate you sharing it with the community here. You have, at least, saved me from blowing money on this seductive huckster. Like you, I think I’m going to stick with the only thing that’s ever really worked for me: trading outright shares of stock (whether long or short). Best of luck.
As far as I know . Those who can , do ; those who can’t , teach.
And as I and a friend used to joke in high school, “… and those who can’t teach, teach P.E.!”
zulutrade, as an example of “signals services”.
I’m surprised more people haven’t asked about this site to be reviewed. http://www.konzanatrading.com ; one member claims he made 40k in the past 10 days in the trading room which seems more than the typical 10-20% a year expectation from “real” trading/investing.
Your link is bad. Maybe:
A trading advice blog site. Kind of hilarious. -> breakingoutbad.com/breakingoutbad-trading-tools/
The guy just recently posted a comment under the new daytradetowin review.
a youtube video on the site:
Maybe he has a good product? Have to look into it.
Let me say this about TST. I have been with them for 2 years. I have made it to funded trader status 3 times.
But …
This is not the problem making it to funded trader status. The problem truly comes in with the funded team. They micro manage traders and lock them out.
During Brexit we were not allowed to trade for a week as funded traders. There are so many unwritten trading rules inside TST that I can’t even begin to tell you how hard to trade here.
I am getting a check for $279 and change from my latest spin of 14 days in the funded account.
I received an email today and I quote: “Redevelopment is not an option at this point as you have traded beyond 10 days.”
You are right Emmett about TST … they need competition. I am so frustrated right now and exhausted over being micro managed.
Anyway, my blog really details my experience over the last 2 years.
Do they serve good? Perhaps … if and only if … you are using them as a proving ground to see if your stuff works. It truly is of no benefit to be a funded trader at TST.
As Charlie Brown says, “AUGH!!!!”
Let us know about your findings.
COMPLETELY FREE! for only $7
your about page—We are not hear to hurt anyone.
it is ‘HERE’.
Thanks. I got that corrected.
When I first started this blog, my writing was at the level of a 3rd grader. After two years, I believe that I have achieved the level of a 6th grader. Its been a fun process.
lol. That’s fine Emmett. A bunch of us have typing dyslexia. Even Rob blames the public school system for some phrasing sometimes. Well considering, 3rd grade to 6th grade writing here at ts.org is at the level of community college in vast swaths of the U.S. these days.
tradeonthefly.com /w Michele, sounds like swing trading.
http://www.emini-watch.com , long time NT set of indicators for ES trading.
goldenzone trading, mentioned before in comments
Please review Ken Calhoun’s TradingTheOpen and/or SwingScans. Thank you.
Does anyone here have any experience with http://poweremini.com ?
does it mean all their supposed results are sim only and most likely they only trade sim? Most all TR and site seem to have this disclaimer.
“tradingkingdom” seems to be the updated cesspool successor of moneyshow.
Here’s an outrageous video trading commentary. “Alphawavetrading” similar to Armo’s “stockSwoosh” lololol!
An “$888 discount” for $3277 and $7977 “courses”.
A recordings page of 30 or so “testimonials” with a “pimp”-sounding host. lolol.
Please do review on Al Brooks,MD http://www.brookspriceaction.com
sells books for $50 and Live trading room for $99 where to trades are posted except his Limit entries after the fact.. No Dom, no verified statements..nothing
yet claims to be successful for 25+ years…
Second that. I’m of the opinion he could be a breakeven trader and have attended the room a long time ago, but would like to see a ts.org review.
He also has a video course site: https://brookstradingcourse.com/
If Al Brooks is a live profitable trader I am a Monkey’s Uncle. I actually belonged to his room ages ago. No trade ever shown. Just typical hindsight non sense like Mack who so brilliant marks up his charts in hindsight and never explains the 10 other trades that meet his setup criteria that failed. And of course never any proof.
This of any legit business. They are more than happy to show proof they are legit. There are not afraid for the truth be known. All these guys IMO are nothing but scum bags that are trying to make a extra money selling their education material or TR.
Tell AL how about actually make some live trades in front of people or posting actual brokerage statement proving his amazing profitability and watch him run for the hills.
These TR are genius on how they have found people who will just take their word on it and send them money. They made blind faith religious people look like skeptics.
Hey there RobB. Where were you when I mentioned Al Brook’s room, and others who had never been in the room started taking my words out of context when I said the room by Brooks was “boring” and offered no trading calls or entry or exit strategies. With no trades mentioned except vaguely after the fact, it’s precisely why it’s boring especially with Brook monotoning the whole session . Instead I get potshots trying to make me seem like I never traded live before. What I find loopy is Al would drone on the whole session and journal each session bar by bar as well. Usually scammers are lazy and would not spend that much time and would instead only do a couple hours of live webinar then pretend to make up some fake trades after the webinar sim show. Then they use some of the extra funds they make off the monthly churn to hire professional web design work.
“Hey there RobB. Where were you when I mentioned Al Brook’s room”
Not sure exactly what you are referring to but my post was a response to SILO post; that is why it is indented under that post same as yours.
” Al would drone on the whole session and journal each session bar by bar as well”
So the guy has nothing better to do. This is how he makes his money. The more time he makes his hindsight nonsense seem real the more books he sells, the more BMT webinars he does and other webinars, which again leads to more book sells.
I have no doubt if you look at his tax return his money is not made from actual trading. Ask him to explain about the 10 trade setups on his charts that he did not mark up that did not work. When I see him and Mack doing the same silly hindsight mark ups it makes me ill and people believe this nonsense. Look at all the BMT journals based on AL or Mack’s method, yet none can show they can actually make money trading that way. And you cannot believe those BMT journals anyway as some con artist use them to get PMs and then sucker in fools to buy their training. This whole industry is nothing but swindlers.
Even though I am now responding to you post I am saying this for all readers to realize they need to ask for actual proof of profitable trading otherwise they might as well throw their money down the garbage disposal.
I can pull out my crystal ball and predict Emmett’s review of Al Brooks or Mack – They refused to show any brokerage statement of profitable trading and refused to use the Robot. Gosh SHOCKER!!!!! Who would have guessed it.
Np RobB. I had posted about Brooks in a review thread in response to another post and you probably didn’t see it. I very much see where you’re coming from re: Al Brooks. As our learning paths seems to have intersected again here. I was in his room for about two months. I read his original book back in 2009 and registered on the original site. I guess I am just a little more generous in that Brooks could be a breakeven trader but as we know that’s not good enough to make a living at it. Last time I was in the room there seemed to be 40 to 50 members monthly at $20/trading day.
Some things I heard in the room over those years and I’m sure you and other former Brook students or room members have certainly heard before. When asked about trading results or size, he often just says some obfuscation about how he’s not a licensed CTA. I also heard him say he didn’t want to be in a situation “looking over his shoulder” when about his actual trading size on supposed live trading. He gets asked this week after week or the usual churn in of new members into the room. His commentary in the room does NOT match a lot of what is in the book! Instead he often said “market looks “always in” long or short”. i.e. often changing his bias about the current state of the 5min ES price action. Never really covered in the book. One time he kind of boasted he was like a coasting along a winding river rapids ready to change direction on a whim and enjoying the ride. And the way he says comPU–ters often referring to HFT. trying to explain some “wierd” price action. I have not tried his video course which seems to be a tad cheaper than it was originally. Personally I found some formative value from his price action teachings. It helped me wean away from just moving averages to focusing more on bars and “bar by bar” price action at the least. I agree those bmt journals were full of it especially those who purported to have Brooks or Mac as a major influence and then showed results of after the fact circles on charts of big winners on CL. Like if they were that good, they would have been rich enough to not even have to trade already or running their own funds. The kool-aid was and is pretty heavy as some of those journals get their kool-aid followings. for years, members in even the bpa forum could never report independent student success and there has been an infamous history of support and detractors among numerous bmt and elitetrader posts and threads. So BPA is still a strange mystery to me and I hope oneday Emmett reviews it so there is an official ts verdict.
Indeed they always have every excuse in the world why they can not trade live in front of you. Then show their brokerage account. I seriously doubt he is a break even trader. Unless he ever shows proof I am confident he makes his money from selling his courses and from his TR. 50 member at $99 per month is a nice $60K a year income plus selling his video tapes and books. What else can he be doing in retirement to make this type of money and he does not have to do any surgery to make it.
The day these mindless students start going into his room and start to demand he show actual proof of his trading is the day he will be forced to shut down. But I think most will never do that as they are desperate to believe. They do not even want to hear the truth.
Bought his books, as a novice I gave up on the first book half way. Very poorly written. As for the trading room, feedback above speaks volumes, and that attitude does relate to his books.
by the way “Brooks” isnt his real last name, He even said it himself he changed because his patients coudnt pronounce his original last name..it was some Indian/Greek sounding.
Makes you wonder if he even is a doctor. Wish someone would check this.
My doctors name is Jindaar-Kapor and he hasnt changed his last name.
Brooks’ daily blurbs are part of a marketing campaign he has been engaging in since around 2008 with an online financial site to attract clients, the (until Emmett’s review is published) unnamed site links to Brooks’ reports daily and also links to them on Stocktwits’ ES stream. The daily reports are most likely not altruistic intellectual reflection on information Al processed in order to do what he claims, to “trade for a living”.
I second this motion! He has another site http://www.brookstradingcourse.com/
Al Brooks has a cult-like following on some sites. He seems to get a free pass from a lot of people, including Big Mike who is usually tough on vendors like him. Would be nice if someone exposed him publicly.
He made a terrible trade in life. He “traded” a well-paid stable career as a doctor to become an internet marketer who sells online gambling courses to the naïve and gullible. How sad. He took an oath to help and heal people in his medical trading, and in my opinion he is doing the exact opposite of that in his current activities.
Emmett are you listening? Please make it happen!
Brooks always said he doesn’t show entries live, trade results or even how much size he took. I would say his material is intro material at a reasonable cost for serious beginning traders. However his trading room is a frustration. Only after the end of he session will he vaguely say he took trades “around” there and he does meticulous journal like analysis of each trading day. (you need to be registered on the forum site to see the journal thread) I am also curious if he makes his income from trading more than the fees the members pay to be in the room. Supposedly he trades for a living and the fees are just donations for time.
No way you can trade profitible on 5min chart looking at some silly candles for entries. Also his entries are all Limit so you cant really track him yet in his books/courses he enters on Stops.
There is a reason Al sells room,books,webinars, because he cant trade! Period.
Albert Lawrence Einstein is Al Brooks’ real name I think. Emmett what have you found out about Brooks?
Please tell me more…
This appears to be our guy. He could be listing himself as an active doctor to improve his trader-vendor marketing potential. He shouldn’t be listed as an opthamologist if he actually switched careers to day trading as he claims in the 1980s, he said he makes more money day trading than when working as an opthamollogist (300k+ per year now average). Zillow shows that address for rent in 2015, it was priced around what people thought was a meagre abode in 2008 when he was exposed on a forum. If you could search public records to see if he’s renting or owning that address we’ll get an idea of what he does for a living. If he’s renting out properties he isn’t day trading for a living as he claims considering his large income from his trading salesmanship as well.
Well, the address isnt such a big deal. Sure, it reveals an asset footprint. But what I really am interested in, do you have anything that you can reference where he claims to make $300k per year? That is somethign I can sink my teeth into.
BTW, I have been researching Al, and contacting him…not good. Very evasive.
From “about the author” section of his book: “After changing careers from ophthalmology to trading 25 years ago, he discovered consistent trading success once he developed his unique approach to reading price charts bar by bar.”
From brookspriceaction.com: I am Al Brooks, MD, and I daytrade E-mini futures, stocks, options, Forex markets, crude oil, and gold for a livin€€€€€€€g.
8.5 minutes in: On an average day I take ten, twenty, thirty trades [on the ES 5 minute charts] a day.
10 minutes in: I’ve never had a year in which I’ve won every day of the year. My goal in life is to win [be profitable] every day of the year.
LOL- Yep That is pretty funny- Even with good movement on a day like today you have 5-6 trade possibilities Max- Unless you over trade and with the 5min charts
no way on getting filled at those levels. Not including the broker disconnections.
Great news! It brings a smile to my face to know that Al is being investigated. I wasted a lot of time studying his teachings.
I have never subscribed to his chatrooms so can’t comment on what he says in there. But others have stated that he has made claims that he almost never has a losing day in the markets.
In his youtube videos he definitely sells the dream. He’ll make comments about people he knows who are very successful using his teachings, yet we don’t know who these people are or if they even exist. A common tactic is to point out a hindsight trade and say “imagine if you traded that with 20 contracts, and found one or two of these each day, you could make a nice living trading just that setup each day.”
He is an interesting case because he comes across as serious-minded, down-to-earth and humble. He is also a doctor, which adds credibility. He does not fit the typical description of a marketer, and seems trustworthy.
I believe that beneath the no-frills image he is just like everyone else in this industry. Selling the dream of success to those who don’t know any better.
@ Emmett
Come on Emmett, don’t hold out on us!
Have you managed to expose the truth about Al Brooks?
dtchurn believes Brooks has a dogged intellectual commitment resuling in his daily ES recaps. False. It is marketing with Futures mag not that selfless asperger’s image of ALtruism Al uses to make a sale. http://stocktwits.com/FuturesMagazine
All roads lead to Al Brooks.With the same desperate pleadings of Princess Leia, help me Emmett Wan-Kenobi, you’re my only hope and the only hope of Al’s future victims as he is beedily-eyed watches his prey as he prepares to strike down on the 2016 Las Vegas Trader’s Expo.
A $400,000 home, not exactly meagre but if he’s making $300,000 a year then you’d think that he’d upgrade. Perhaps he’s a Warren Buffet of Rocklin. It doesn’t look like much using the street view on Google Earth.
Been out of town for awhile and still out of town but thought I would check back in. And to no surprise just more 1 star reviews. As far as Al Brooks goes, I would say a retired ophthalmology turned Day Trader educator / scammer. All his books and his BMT videos, yet not one lick of evidence of profitable trading nor can he show a single profitable trade live. All he does is show after the fact mark ups on trading ES on a 5 minute chart. Give me a break. When will the gullible learn.
Good to see you back Rob B
Netpicks.com is on their 20th anniversary with the claim of 234,557 “netpick’s smart traders”! Their site is revamped and looks modernized which reminds of globaltraderoom. Please have them reviewed sometime so the masses can finally know what’s for real and what isn’t about netpicks.
Do you have a review of Tim Sykes penny stocks?
Emmett, just a feedback on the website:
1. There should be a non-vendor specific discussion area, so we could carry discussions somewhere else, not in a particular vendor’s review.
2. Any review that is older than a year should be updated for 3+ stars vendors. The bad reviews can be left alone, but any system that was good for at least 3 stars a year ago should be revisited (there aren’t that many anyway) because longevity in this business is very rare. Just because something was good and recommended 1-2 years ago, that doesn’t mean it is still good.
I have been checking on the better systems here and their performances lately are lacking. One didn’t make money for the last 6 months, the other makes very little once we subtract the very expensive fee. Neither of these systems should get more than 2 stars in their update…
Otherwise I like the website and curious, how many vendors are running the Robot currently???
Hi Pekelo, i am curious which is the system that is making very little once we subtract fees?
Over all I agree with you. There only a handful of 3+ rated rooms and of those, either they are suffering from huge draw downs, or had a recent update review which show they are scams. Lets look at the recommended trade rooms.
1. Trading Price Action on Futures: Currently going throw a down draw. In the negative for the year
2. WatchHimTrade.com: In the negative for the year.
3. Oil trading Group: In the negative for the year. This room has changed alot since last year. Now it is more like a marketing room for TopStepTrader.
These are the currently recommended rooms. Below are former recommended rooms.
1. Daytradingpower: Received an updated review. Verdict= Scam
2. Tradermakers: I don’t know about this room, Emmett said he was doing an updated review for one of his recommend rooms and it didn’t look good. If i had to guess, this might be it.
3. Algorithmic Trading Review: Going through a down draw. Negative for the year.
This is what I have so far, correct me if i am mistake. So basically 98% of rooms reviewed are scams, the other 2% are going through bad times
Welcome to daytrading. And as far as I am concerned 99.99% are scams (I was told never to say never so I did not put 100%). But if you find that unicorn, I seriously doubt they will be running a trading room.
I was talking about the Algorithmic Trading room and I didn’t even realize that they were also in a DD, not making money for the last 7 months.
If you look at their last 11 months performance available for their NQ system, it did make 4.2K profits using 1 contract, but the cost of the system is 5K! So not even counting your own platform and broker fees, you are losing money after we subtract the subscription fee. Now one might use more than 1 contract, but they also charge more in that case, 15K for 4 contracts, in that scenario you end up with a small 1.8K profit (on a 60K account) for the year. Unless I am misunderstanding their pricing policy, this system although profitable for a whole year, but its price makes it prohibitive to subscribe.
And of course you were right about the other systems. Basically it is impossible to find a system/room with 2 consecutive years of decent performance where the subscription would have paid off… That is why I mentioned the update of older reviews…
Well, Fara, I have found another one. B12 trader has a glowing review, but once we look at the numbers, the system hasn’t made money in the last 16 months.(also down for the year by -13K, and down for the last 12 months) The only reason the system is actually up because it had a very good month 17 months ago, but as we know, that is ancient history. And even with that it only made $700 monthly on a 100K account…
So Emmett, could you update B12 trader and reduce its 5 stars rating, I dunno, maybe to 1???
I agree with you on all your posts above, but I think 1 star for B12Trader would be an extreme. From what I see, Emmett reserves 1 star for scammers, and Jasen is not a scammer, he’s just a regular guy, trading his own money with a trend-following system that is losing in the current sideways market, and transparently reporting about it.
What I think Emmett should do is start out with 3 stars for good reviews but with unproven record (say < 1-2 years), then change it up or down as time passes and the system is proved or disproved.
So, to take B12Trader as an example, the initial review would have 3 stars and be in danger of being downgraded to 2 stars in about 1 year.
Well, I agree up to a point, I don’t think Jason is a scammer, his strategy just doesn’t work right now. But the end result is really the same, you subscribed and followed a system for a year, and you lost money eventually and it is questionable if you learnt anything.
. So at the end, does it really matter if it was a scammer asshole who misled you or a very nice guy whose system just doesn’t work right now? Good intentions can destroy your account just as much as evil ones.
I do like your idea of not giving more than 3 stars for any system with less than a year performance record, and a possible upgrade after a year. I don’t think anyone would get 5 stars, because I haven’t found anyone here with 2 consecutive years or excellent performance…
Believe it or not I hate to argue with fellow posters, but when I read a post like this I go ballistic and start to scream, “No wonder 95% of the people lose money”.
People ask me why are these Trading Rooms are all scams, and I sadly have to say because they are providing the product you want – Pure Fantasy. You want to believe that somehow Day Trading is this secret mystery unknown to all the great investors and that with a small account you can micro scalp using 500 to 1 leverage a highly volatile instrument like oil and take 20 micro scalps for 5 ticks each and make 100 ticks a day like a salary. And do all of this with little to no draw downs (and a high win rate). It is all complete nonsense, which is why none of these TR can ever show any proof of their claims. I say you have better odds playing the power ball. They are teaching you to trade pure white noise. And yes they might luck out and do it for a short period, but the longer they go they eventually lose. This is why most TRs are just murky calls and the best use a lenient sim generator that gives them positive slippage. So yes with positive slippage and no commissions you can trade white noise profitably, but not by much, so on top of that they fake their results, conveniently forgetting a few losers here and there. As I have said again and again it does not take much manipulation to make a losing trader look like a brilliant winning trader.
And one of the biggest cons they use is to put the blame on the trader for failing. And people are so gullible they believe it. I talk to traders all the time who just say the other people that failed just did not try hard enough. I am sorry but it does not matter if you spend 100 hours or 10,000 hours you will never be able to trade the nonsense they teach profitably. That is why they can never show proof. They cannot trade it profitably. Believe I know as I spent 1000s of hours trying until I woke up from the Kool-Aid state and saw the light. Now I look back on it and think how could I ever been so dumb to think that nonsense would work.
It is all fantasy and not how trading works at all. I have another shocker for you Day Trading has more in common with long term trading then you think.
Hedge funds, mutual funds, CTA and etc. performance is all public record. And even the best of the best have losing periods. That is how the Market works. Only in the fantasy land do you control the market. In the real world the market controls and you are along for the ride.
Name any great investor. Maybe Buffett comes to your mind. Look it up, there has been times he has lost billions. Would you degrade him from 5 stars to 3 stars? Every great investor loses money over certain time frames. That is how the real world works as opposed to the fantasy world created by the TR operators. PERIOD!!!
I am a full time investor, which includes both stock and real estate investing. There are always periods of drawdown no matter what you invest in and as long as you believe in the straight up fantasy world equity curves you will be scammed again and again.
If you go into a TR and take the trades they claim they are taking and you lose money while they claim to be making money, it is not because you have not spent enough time or because you have not bought their education package to know the “GREAT” secret. It is because they are running a con game and you are the MARK!!!
Wake up Traders!! If a trading room does not do the at least the following, then run not walk away or you to will be scammed. And the sad fact is what I specify is the minimum acceptable requirement, yet 99.9% of them cannot even meet this minimum requirement.
1) They must be trading a live account,
2) They must clearly show their DOM and Chart Trader for every trade taken,
3) They must show their brokerage account live identifying their exact entries and exits
4) They must post accurate results that match to the brokerage statements (and keep the brokerage statements posted so you can verify it.)
Now for my disclaimer I know nothing about B12 and think a review showing only a short period of time is not very meaningful in order to determine his actual performance. In fact Emmett needs to keep a running track record for all the 3 star and up vendors or do what Goagal suggested.
B12 Trader is obfuscating his trading record although he is showing one. He only mentions “capital invested” but you have to go through the numbers to assess how much capital is actually bound with his trades. So you cannot see his percentage return on basis of his portfolio. He just gives you a figure – 95 k wins. Better than nothing but how much capital was bound at the same time? 100k? 1.000 k? And besides – did you notive that 2/3 of his returns of 95 k since 2014 are based on only one trade in July in EWJ where he raked in 60 k? This does not look like a very reliable and stable system to me.
I got an spam ad email about opentrader.com where a trader in a “tower in Dubai” was offering webinars and coaching and willing to show brokerage accounts showing how he made 100k in a month. Of course we have seen vendors doctor up statements too. Word and other print software can make anything these days as well as bogus websites showing copied pages. There seems to be a separate page for the free webinar registration.
Does anyone have a review or other info about Tim Grattini. Also is profitable day trading possible? I spent four days pouring Sykes you tube videos and his seven free challenge videos and the Warrior trading video series. Is all of this worthless info? I’ve been an engineering tech for thirty years nearing retirement and have been looking into this as a means to help support myself. Have about $5K cash in E*trade at the moment and plan to increase the funding but don’t want to make investments if these are scams.
Unfortunately, Randy, they are all scams. If you are sticking with a small account it is too hard to daytrade stocks because HFT and manipulation has taken over any stocks that move during the day. I tried warrior and an earlier Sykes class and trust me, it was worthless garbage. WT continues to fool members with sim trading like they all do, because it’s too hard to scalp stocks consistently. Index or commodities futures trading is better for a small account because there are fewer markets to look at and there is more steady volume and liquidity than trying to catch a low float stock that suddenly moves where WT tries to trade in 3 to 25 seconds. If you have been attending the free Mondays on WT you can even see they stopped updating all their trades on the right chat especially if it’s “slow”. You could use option puts and calls on daytrading liquid stocks but it requires a much larger account to pull it off.
Just terrible. I was perusing various trading education and product sites. It’s gotten ridiculously high web tech and marketed. Just take a look at this well made video of a “predictor MACD”. Maybe this is the last gasp of “independent” web businesses out there in the U.S. even though 99.99% are frauds. what a shame this country has devolved to and it’s still crashing. https://www.tradertech.com/how-it-works/trend-forecasting/indicators/macd
A 5 k account is really small. Even for the futures market. However, if you do try trading futures I would only trade the NQ since its a smaller contract than the ES and quite liquid to trade. Although you will probably lose it all if you do not know what you are doing. I would also look for a good futures broker who only deals with the futures market with lower comissions. Most likely you WILL BLOW UP YOUR ACCOUNT. So take into account, can you afford to lose your 5K and more if you f-up and get a margin call.
Any thoughts on Premier Trading Solutions, a “pie in the sky” institutional order flow educator and hedge fund creator?
Emmett, what might you know about Ryan Zoellick and AIPROFITBOT? Has all the ear marks of “trouble” but………..!
Appreciate your assistance.
Hi Emmett,
Any review and knowledge on the guys at Sang Lucci and Dan Shapiro @ AccessATrader ?
Dear Emmett,
I’d rather trust your opinion given the great job that you did on reviewing trading schools and systems. But I am confused on the fact that you classified these both schools as “pure nonsense” without even looking at them. My understanding is that you base your judgement on careful and detailed review of a trading system.Are you supposed to apply the same approach in this case?
Uri, OTA and CTU have had a long history of being called out as expensive scams. There are so many bad reviews out there over the years that there is no need for Emmett to go over them. Just go to ripoffreport and type in the search ‘online trading academy’. They try to push sales in their free webinars trying to get people paying up to 30k and beyond when it’s all stuff you can find for free or for far cheaper with a few trading books on amazon.
Sam, I agree on OTA – they have a great record on ripoffreport – plenty of unanswered complaints. The different story on CTU – they have just 3 complaints, and each of them followed by company rebuttal. May be it’s related to the size of the company – they are not a franchise as OTA and have only one office in Long Island, NY, and also in CTU they care about reputation of the company, contrary to OTA.
True, CTU isn’t a franchise army of sales pushing, however, it’s been around a long time. I used to get spam email from the site for years which they somehow got from an affiliate hub, maybe Busby. It seems to be a smaller operation with no proven track record.
Some comments found: http://investimonials.com/websites/reviews-cyber-trading-university.aspx?sortby=3&trust=0#reviews
This was an amusing article on the CTU site. Have fun Emmet, RobB, etc.
Hilarious. Reminds me of my scammer days, I used to date a Playmate. Very pretty and very nice, but man oh man, she was not the sharpest tool in the shed. Once you get past the looks, there better be something between the ears else it gets boring really fast.
Amazing, Emmett! Interesting enough to be on an AG episode, but we know you put those days behind you now. Reading the full article on business week reminded me of Amy Sangster and her pics of IP. CTU had almost become obscure as a long time scammer. Wonder if other sites will start putting models and playboy article mentions on their site too eventually, what a circus, lol.
Why don’t you want to listen and free yourself of unnecessary loss?
Dear Emmett,
Thank you very much for saving me $16K on NextGen software – they sound very good, but after your review it was clear that I’d better keep my money.
Now I have a tough choice between Online Trade Academy and Cyber Trading University.
They both are very sweet-talking and cost around $15K-$20K each.
What do you think? If these schools worth this amount of money?
My lord, please stay away from both of those “Universities”. Pure nonsense.
You can learn a lot more just by looking at trading journals on various trading forums. https://futures.io/trading-journals/ Probably the same looks at charts you’ll get from attending OTA. Most all of them are not consistent and most members hide or don’t show their losers, but then again, both ctu and ota probably don’t trade live either.
You would be much better off in my opinion buying a book for $20 than spending 15k-20k on some trading gurus system that will make you a daytrader. I would buy the book Trading for Dummies.
Next I would paper trade funny money until I could actually have consistant winning trades where my paper account was growing. Once able to trade consistantly with paper trading, I would open a small account with real money and just try swing trading. Why would I only open a smaller funded account to start off with? Because trading real money over funny money is a different ball game. Your emotions change because you have real skin in the game. Blowing up your account is a real possibility even if you have paper traded successfully. Going live with real money will be a new learning curve after paper trading.
Another person I found helpful with the mental aspect of trading was Mark Douglas. He has a good books that in my opinion is worth reading. Google – Trading in the Zone: Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline and a Winning Attitude
Here´s a good interview with Mark Douglas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg4YzRhILFE here´s another good video in my opinion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wv3nqgpY-c
If you want to learn more about TA. Bulkowski has a free website where you can learn about TA patterns and their % success rate. http://thepatternsite.com/
My point. There is so much information that is less expensive if not free where you can get a good understanding of trading and not help grow a trading gurus account with your 15k-20k subscription service.
Personally, I would not pay a person 15k-20k to learn how to trade. That is being a sucker. I do not want to be a sucker!
Thank you David.
You listed exactly my plan that I prepared for myself for the first year of becoming a day trader:
– reading books, including Mark Douglas and TA books,
– paper trading,
– small real money trading,
– extending to full size trading after small size trading becomes profitable.
I suspect it’s the way that many people follow when they try to switch to trading, and most of them fail after losing most of their money.
The question is – if there is a way to shorten and streamline learning process by acquiring knowledge from people who have a great experience in real trading? May be it will really save me a lot of money on minimizing my future losses? I agree that these schools are greatly overpriced, but the question is – if they are for real, if they may teach you some real trading skills?
Like RobB, I believe 99.9% of vendors are scammy. AlBrooks is a decent start off point just to get started if you want to find one of his books used for cheaper. Another is Dalton’s “Markets in Profile” book. There are a bunch of attempted methods shared on BMT in journals , as well as other places such as forexfactory and traderslaboratory. Just remember in these journals most don’t show their losers and some are complete bs. Often members eventually become small-time startup vendors themselves. There are also variations of the typical vendor scammer, where a vendor purposely teaches something that doesn’t work at all while using a different method on their own screen using the members fees to make up for their own losses as they try to trade profitably but have the scammed fees and subs as the regular income. And the best truth of all, if they could make 10-30% or more a month why would they even need to setup an elaborate trading site or room and sell services and indicators.
Axiom: Successfully day trading is in general and for the long haul very, very difficult.
If that wasn’t the case, then millions would be doing it.
Theorem: Successful day traders are either working very, very hard or have found a successful method that’s temporarily easier.
This follows from the axiom above.
Corollary 1: If a successful day trader is very hard at work then he/she won’t have time to train noobs.
Corollary 2: If a successful day trader has found a successful method that’s temporarily easier then he/she will not share it with anybody or else it’ll lose its advantage and he/she will be back to working very hard.
There, I’ve proven for you that all these training sites are scams.
“The question is – if there is a way to shorten and streamline learning process by acquiring knowledge from people who have a great experience in real trading?” In my humble opinion it´s screen time and experience. We all grasp concepts at a different learning rate. IMHO, anyone says they will teach you to trade profitably in a certain amount of time is blowing smoke up your @$$!
As a long time investor including day trading I am going to give you my opinion. Take it for what it is worth.
So many people are just desperate to make money as a day trader for various reasons. Most of these people have no idea about money or realistic return on money. They just see the jet set life style shown by those trading educators and think it must be real. Or maybe they just want to make extra money to pay their bills. But in reality they will have more bills to pay after day trading. This is the fact!!!!
There are times like the NASDAQ bubble that traders could make a lot of money day trading. But it is very very hard to make money as a day trader in the current low volatility market and few are successful at it. And I will tell you something else most that day trade such as myself, do not put the money they make back into day trading. They invest in real estate and other long term investments as that is where wealth is created. Honestly name the top investors of our time that you know are real, maybe Buffet, Trump and other come to mind. None of them were ever day traders.
I have repeatedly asked Emmett to talk to his broker friends and provide the real stats on day trading in today’s market. He is friend with Matt over at Optimus. SPILL THE BEANS!!!!!! How many people day trading and I mean day trading out of the positions every single day are profitable? My guess is very very few.
I am going to tell you what I see happening which is in line with your question. The 1st thing people do is join BMT and get books and videos like Al Brooks. They try to do what some of the BMT journalist do or Al Brooks and just end up losing money again and again, so then they think just like you. I will pay for one of those trading mentors. Surely they can set me on the right path fast. I know as I was one of those folks. The problem is this is an unregulated industry and I am sorry to say it but 99% of those trading room and educators are complete con artist with one goal in mind and one goal only. To take your money. They could not trade profitably if there life dependent on it. Why you think Emmett can get virtually none of them to show any real proof. For me I do less and less day trading and more and more days trading, swing trading and long term trading and other investments. I think you have better odds of going to Vegas and making money than you do from day trading. But I am sure the shills will post away the fantasy to keep their golden egg nest going, yet none will show any real proof.
Hey Rob B,
I refute what you have to say every single day, yet you keep pressing this message forward. I am actually stunned by the number of reviews by Emmett that show many training rooms are nothing but a scam…however, I’m on the robot again this month and it’s to be a repeat performance as last month. How can you justify your thinking in the facts that are set before your eyes?
Will you ask for 5 years of trading statements like last time?
Will you admit that trading isn’t really as hard as most people make because they are simply being taught with lagging indicators and are trying to scalp?
You are quick to point out the problems, and in general, I believe most of what you’re speaking of bears listening to; but the notion that nobody can teach you to trade is untrue. There are just not a lot of individuals that can teach you to trade.
thank you very much for your interesting and informed opinion.
I will try to reply also to David, Goagal and Sam.
1. The statement “All trading schools are scam” strikes me as being toll generic. It’s like “All Russians are drunks” or “All Trump supporters are…” Sorry, let’s not even go there…
I asked Emmet to review these two particular schools – Online Trading Academy (OTA) and Cyber Traders University (CTU), because they offer real trading practice, and both of them claim to trade not on technicals (that are all lagging indicators), but on volume (Time&Sales) and Order Flow (Level3).
I would rather reject them as too expensive (10K for main course + 5-10K more for extras) than on generic suspicion of all trading schools to be con artists. I still would like for Emmet to find opportunity to review and rank them.
2. The statement “Day trading is difficult, it hard job, and there is no easy way around it. (If such an easy way, why would anybody spill the secrets around). Therefore, there is no way to learn how to become a trader in trading school. The only way to become a trader is to read books and trade yourself (probably losing all your money in the process)” also makes me uneasy.
Suppose I am going to buy a car and ask your advice – “Should I take driving classes and learn how to drive?”
If we apply your logic regarding trading schools to this case, your reply obviously would be – “Why waste money on driving classes? Just buy a car and start driving. Yes, you may crash some cars and kill a few people, but eventually you learn how to drive”.
Sounds ridiculous, right? But we apply the same logic as you and others use to prove that there is no merit in trading school education.
I was not going to respond, but I sorry you wrote something that just urks me. I hate it when people compare day trading educators to other professionals in a completely incorrect manner. It is comparing apple and oranges. The worst one is do you hire a baseball coach because he is a top notch baseball player. But I will address the one you mention driving instructor. I have no clue where you are from, but in my state in order to be a driving instructor you must be certified. So you at least know the driving instructor can drive. In addition if I hired a driving instructor and he could not drive live and only could drive useing a simulator I would walk.
For every instructor or person you are going to hire there needs to be some Litmus or series of Litmus test they need to pass. For most like builders they are even licensed by the state.
The bottom line is what is that Litmus test for Day Trading Educators. I am just amazed how people think it is unreasonable to ask these guys for the simplest amount of proof. If you want to pay for a Trading Room with no proof they can trade profitable then fine. Do It!!! I would not and I will continue to tell others not to.
Thank you, Rob.
It makes sense.
Right you are – my comparison of stock trading with driving is not exactly correct.
Former Online Trading Academy, OTA, worker comes out about how it’s a total scam and always has been. Interesting examples of both in person sales tactics, and common sham trading room tricks.
100 million a year? far outstrips sham vendors who only writes books and makes no calls in a trading room.
Ha! I enjoy the seminars they put on to bait you to join in their scam.
It is similar to a the timeshare presentations back in the day. Although I have come to appreciate the value in timeshares. The coffee and pastries are not bad – an you can tell they watch the audience like hawks.
When they spot someone being very receptive they pull them to the side and put them into the box quickly. I know a few people who have spent 10-20k and the problem is that once they spend the money the refuse to believe the time and $$ was wasted and are closed to learning the truth about trading.
Interesting info about timeshares. I don’t know much about them except what I heard in the news about one of the biggest scammy timeshare billionaires, Siegal and his big mansion under construction. I wonder who are the bozos behind OTA. It was alarming to see that sales training material. that behind the scenes look pretty much confirmed all the bad testimonials over the years. The organization deserves to be shut down and featured on “American Greed”. I hope they go after Larry Levin’s Tradingadvantage too. I had to block their salespeople calling me every month where I think they got my info from speedtrader/suretrader brokerage.
Hello Emmett,
Have you seen the latest post by Ross Cameron at Warrior Trading – brokerage account statements have appeared for one month of trading. Is this not a step in the right direction?
Thanks for all your reviews. I was wondering if you or anyone else here has comments on istockpicker.com? Thanks!
I don’t know if you’ve seen “American Greed” RobB, but it’s even worse. Multiple cases of people shelling out half or more of their life savings to local ponzi’s sometimes “a local investment hero”. And then bigger ponzis where rich folks even shell out over 10 million to a ponzi. If new aspiring traders just watch that show they would quickly realize how big the chances are running into a scam in these supposedly smaller-time scam vendors. Some posters who like to talk from a pedestal say greed runs boths ways and in principal that’s true, but that in no way excuses the overwhelming lopsided advantages of the fraudsters with most of the trading related media on their side or irresponsibly neutral. Unfortunately CNBC is also a shill for big wall st. fraud with some of the fleecers even working within the system, so “American Greed” can’t be seen for free anymore and is sold as another product when it should be a charitable public service show by CNBC to inform new investors and retailers. PBS should have a regular show about this, but who cares about the middle class trying to improve their situation by trading? John Ross, maybe that scammer should be on “American Greed”; it sounds like he has a history for fraud trading and investing companies, then runs away to start anew. A common case depicted on the show.
Kevin Phillip Ryan on Facebook, now “Phillip Ryan” of Tampa, Florida – can you review this scammer please? He used to have a website, http://www.insidertradingreport.com, which has closed. He “mentors” people wanting to learn the stock market and offers “courses” for $200 each, but never delivers on his promises. One guy invested $100,000 (!!!) which he promised to invest for him but he disappeared. I invested in his “IPO” he promised back in 2013 ($5000) for his company “Hot Penny Stocks Online Inc”, which never happened. Lawyers are being consulted, but Mr Ryan doesn’t appear to have any assets, despite claiming he owned two houses (one in San Diego and one in Lakeland, Florida)!!
If he has a website, I would be more than happy to write him up.
Sorry to read that you got burned.
He used to have http://www.insidertradingreport.com but it shut down. Now he uses Facebook to peddle.
Just go to http://www.facebook.com and look up “Phillip Ryan” of Tampa, Florida.
How does one sucker someone into giving them $100K to invest for them. Maybe if it was some close family member. I can even see after doing a lot of research setting up a $100K in a brokerage firm and giving the adivisor rights to trade the account, but not move money out. But to give the money directly to some unregulated individual. I do not even understand how this works, you write a check to Mr. X and he buys and sells money in his own name and then is suppose to return some profits to you. Does everyone live in Ant Utopia, but me. Come on People have some common sense. If someone is promising you returns that are unbelievable then they are just that!!!!
I know you are suppose to feel sympathetic, but man I just do not get how anyone would be dumb enough to do this. Do they never watch the news.
Not sure how he “sold” it that made the guy send him $100K, but regardless it was a scam and he deserves to be called out and charged with fraud.
You should review http://traderoomplus.com/
I know nothing about traderoomplus.com but saw this posted there:
Yes Day Trading is such low stress!!
More than likely you will blow your account and beg to go back to that 9-5 job.
Have you tried the room. Here are the basic test the room need to pass:
1) Are they trading a Live Account
2) Are they clearly showing their trades ahead of time on the DOM or Chart Trader
3) Are they accurately recording their results both good and bad, and
4) Are they showing live brokerage statements (not some Excel sheet) and showing the posted results match to the actual entries and exits.
Thank you Emmet for providing a much needed service on exposing all the financial gurus on the internet.
The gentleman I would like to ask you to review is quite a character. I have asked him multiple times to show a DOM, trade window or any proof he can trade his system profitably. I get blocked called a shill, troll and other names from this trading room operator. I have sent him a message through his website and youtube channel asking if he could try the robot where I provided the link to the robot. I have not had any response from him. The trading room in question is run by a man who goes by the name of SILVER GOLD MAN. He will not give out his real name, show his face or give any details about himself. His trade room is at his website http://www.connectingdots1.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2192 Silver Gold Man has a youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdTO2xycmhtefiJN76Bqh3w and this is where he advertises his trading services to the general public where he seems to attract noob traders who have no clue when it comes to trading. Silver Gold Man also make grandiose claims of calling tops and bottoms where he states he was the only person to call it without any time stamped proof.He is quite a character to say the least.
Hi Emmett, what a brilliant job you do here, admirable! Thank you sir, not only from all of us here today, but from those future generations and hopeful traders-to-be who will be finding these invaluable guides to lead us/them away from getting hurt and into success. Thank you.
Would also like to submit these people here:
There is no question about this organization being a scam, and those who already suffered enormous wipe-outs of their accounts, they call founder Owen O’Malley ‘The Irish Madoff’. Some serious damage he’s done to many people (records go 10 year back) and one who had disastrous TICN experience could easily claim that Owen is one of the biggest conman of our times.
Some members took actions, and revealed a full story here:
(hope it’s okay to be sharing it here?)
Not a professional site like tradingschools.org, but it tells a story exactly how it happened. A proof and statements are available.
More and more people are reaching out to us to share their experience with TICN. Any additional exposure to help stop TICN from hurting more people is what’s very much needed. What they do to hopeful investors, mainly newbies to the investing world, is just insane.
Thanks for looking into it! And once again, for everything you do…
Thank you,
Ex-Member of TICN
PS: TICN do not call themselves ‘trading room’ they phrase it as an ‘investment club’, but what they really do is just trade longer term options, using exactly same strategies as any trader would use.
That’s funny. Their “courses” page shows a U.S. taxes form. so they offer to teach how to do your own taxes from ireland? http://www.ticn.ie/courses/
Don’t ask, a whole place is just a (serious) disaster…. We can’t believe they’ve been doing it for over 10 years now, and still managing to get away with it! How on earth is this possible?? So many people lost their money, probably millions wiped out through this one organization alone.
Any information available on this service?
Hi Emmet,
i didn’t want to leave my full name here, could you please remove my surname? Or just delete the post and i simply re-post again.
Many thanks in advance and keep up the good work!
Can you please review the following FX Mentor? Greg McLeod of http://www.forexpaydays.com/ I thought about joining his service and am finding it hard to know who to trust with all the trading mentors who are not what they say they are. Here is a link to his latest YouTube video where he used his fx strategy to make a 140% while playing blackjack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IoAnS3ZIcA
Greg McLeod also trades stocks & futures. Here is a video where he claims to have made 20K trading coffee. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuZtOU7Sf-c
TY Emmett for your great website!
An update to my original comment. I sent a pm to Greg McLeod @ http://www.forexpaydays.com/ through his youtube channel with a description of the robot and asked him if he could try it. I have not heard back from him yet. So being an information digger, I googled his “name + review” where a not so glowing review came up on Greg McLeod / forexpaydays. I am starting to believe Greg McLeod is another trading teacher and not a trader. I really hope Greg McLeod proves me wrong.
Link below to the not so glowing review on Greg McLeod.
purports to “trade around algos” and recognize and avoid “spoofing” on an orderflow priceladder tool.
Pls review
Mark “renegade trader” Deaton is back. I got a spam email in the last week for his new site, stockcheats.com ; This guy is a “legacy” scammer of the old type using long vertical ad blurbs and still having cookie clicks to “clicks.aweber.com”. He has left many sites in the past ten years and clients hanging, such as “gorillagaps.com, renegagdetrader.com,bollingerbandgenus”, etc. Maybe more than ten sites total. An old video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8br7mqjYts
If you happen to have time to review Emmett, I think this could be another affiliate web that should be exposed similar to virtnext. Thanks.
Pls review
Pls review
its say sold out,but still sell a copy of Three Gold Keys for $995 AUD
I know nothing about the tradingwithgods trading room (TR), but I know the scam techniques TR use. The sense to create urgency to buy. SOLD out is BS. Just part of the scam. I was in a trading room where the operator constantly said he was going to retire to build a sense of urgency to buy his course before he left. He was retiring for all his trading room operating life. Nothing but part of the con. These guys are brilliant con artist and know every trick in the book.
right on RobB. It’s rather insidious how all these con tricks are used. At first, one doesn’t want to believe there are all these plants in both review comments and even trading rooms. Then it’s horrifying to find out all the suspect thoughts in the back of one’s mind are true, that the cons and lies are all true. What’s also appalling is that year after year, new tricks are invented as new platforms and video software is updated or made. For example, I had no idea of the ninjatrader disconnect trick to change or delete execution statements. It’s already bad enough NT can be modded to make any sim account look like real. For sure, new tricks are discovered every season to fool what’s seen on the webinar screen. Enough of the spreadsheets and notepad results. Almost every trading room has the host never showing the actual execution display of the software. On the rare occasion where something like a DOM is shown, it’s still a sim mask. Most of these scam vendors have long stopped trading live if they ever did, and just raking it in with all using all these tricks i.e. “retirement”, “limited seasonal discounts” ending up with discounts in one form or another all year long. There should be a thread like this page to categorize and expose every kind of vendor scam trick old and newly discovered.
Good afternoon,
Please review Prop Trading program offered by ECN Broker – FXFINPRO Capital
Here is the link https://fxfinpro.com/en/prop-trading
The relations between the trader and the investment fund are regulated by a contract
Moreover, the company is regulated by CySEC
Thanks in advance!
Please review trader shark
Thank you!
Each indicator is about 1k or more. 6k for the whole package and mentorship.
sharkindicators.com – includes “bloodhound” which man have heard about.
Goldenzone has two free trials every week. Pretty easy to see if this is an approach that will work for you or not.
Was interested in https://thepatterntrader.com/ I did the 14 day trial and watched one webinar (interesting but kind of vague) and then followed the trades for 2 weeks and they did do very well. The trades are specific stop orders with TP and SL and easy to follow (and verify). However, I then asked for results and got the normal story about not using MyFxBook and the like and after a few emails they sent me a screen shot that proported to show his account (200% growth in a year). Which got me thinking – surely you would use that in your marketing if it were accurate? They also spun the whole “it’s meant as education” line too – which is fine, but surely if you call SPECIFIC trades, results are easily verified. Anyway, was wondering if there was any other experiences out there with Mark Shawzin (and I found him on Twitter which made me a little uneasy too). I love this site by the way – fantastic. I have had experience with a few of the rooms/mentors reviewed on this site and I certainly won’t be considering any others without reading here first. Your review on Carlos Diaz’s stuff was good too – I too found him open and a good trader – but I happened to join the month that supposedly was terrible for Crude Oil trading (so he said after a month of pain)….and of course my results didn’t match his on the web site. He did call out his targets though, but yes I too found the risk reward was not sustainable, and then there was a bit of desperation to trade, so some nights “as in your review” he called one as “risky” etc. but still went ahead. One night he “closed” the room (or so I thought) only to wake up next day to see that I had supposedly missed a 15 tick profit ….that started to make me worried. Anyway, after that and a few other experiences vowed that I wouldn’t follow or be mentored by anyone who didn’t show verified results, which is why after initially being positive about the Pattern Trader, I didn’t join due to their “no results” policy, which by the way he comes up with some great elaborate explanation for….Warren Buffet wouldn’t rely on MyFxBook he says….
Anyway, great site and if you are ever interested in outside reviews – seems I am collecting a few of my dodgy experiences…..!
Emmet, can you please give this room an honest review. http://eminiaddict.com/ The owner of the room (David Halsey-DH) openly states his trade room is not a signal service. Instead he says he teaches trading where he is trading but will not call out his trades. If you ask him if he is in a trade he will say what he´s in or if stopped. What DH does is show his screen where he makes fib draws and looks to trade the hwb (50% fib to 61.8% fib) DH shows no dom or any sort of trade window. If you ask him if he is trading a demo or even trading at all he gets defensive. Not in a disrespectful way though. DH will go into his spiel of “teach a man to fish and he will eat for life”.
I have seen him trying to short the V reversals in the last few years and wondered how could he still have an account. Especially in the october 2014 rally. DH was trying to short the whole rally. He says he uses tight stops and moves his stop to BE to minimize his risk. However, to not get burned on a ripping market, one would have to be super fast. With DH running the trade room, answering clients questions I doubted he took the trade because he was talking and trying to trade 10 symbols at once. I found his claim to be trading real money hard to believe, or he is trading a demo.
His room is quite affordable at $29.99 per month that attracts many new traders.
DH is also the author of a book http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1118251830.html
Emmet… Is this one a legit trader as he claims?
An insight from you would be much appreciated.
I checked this site out a while back. The price to join this serivce was astronomical. $12,000 This has to be one of the most expensive trade rooms on the internet.
Here is a youtube link to a great documentary on the demise of floor traders. Most of the floor traders could not make the switch to trading off a computer and trade profitable. I wonder if this is the case with this trade room?. There are a few other trade rooms poping up with former floor traders.
youtube link -Floored: Into The Pit – Epic Trader Movie! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCcxr-fyF4Q
Can you please review the following trade room….claims 70% winners.
Emmet… Would leve to see a review of the following stocks TRs:
– http://danshep55.tumblr.com/
I just left Tradenet after spending 2 years there as a client, and I really think they’re a good place to go. I went in pretty well-informed when I started and they definitely helped me further.
Okay, I’m not a superstar trader but I’m not a slowpoke either. What I wanted was advanced help on my trading. Something to angle me into a specific trading strategy. I got that.
I went for the one on one coaching, which suited me well, as I didn’t see much point in the general training. Each session I had was 2 hours long and I got complete undivided attention from my mentor, Meir.
While we were a little at odds on the psychology of trading as I have my own opinions on that, the help he gave me on technical analysis, analyzing chart patterns and trading on a fast and slow market was invaluable.
I’m a day trader and I do okay with my trades. Most months I bring in a decent profit or I at least break even. But I’ve recently been considering making bigger trades, but I’ll tell you the truth, I’m a bit nervous about it. I just signed up for a day trading courses on US stocks with a place called Tradenet and hope that this is going to push me in the right direction. So far, there is a lot of information on offer and it’s been easy to pick up on. There are a lot of well-known professionals live on-site doing the teaching, as well as in the virtual “classroom”. I’m looking into the US stock prop and they’ve explained the areas to watch out for if I decide to do it: not using stop orders, double down on losing trades, etc. There’s a lot more but they’ve encouraged me to think these things over and told me that education as a trader is key, and I agree with them.
My only concern is that sometimes I feel a little lost in the mix in the trading room with everything going on, but overall I think it will be worth it.
Being 99% of trading rooms make their money from their trading rooms and the education they sell as opposed to being able to trade profitably, I am sure this vendor does say education is key. Your post sounds more like an advertisement for Tradenet than a request to review. I think it is very hard to evaluate a trading room’s education package. All you can do is verify if they are able to trade their own method profitable. So I ask you the same questions everyone needs to ask these trading rooms.
1) Do they show a DOM or chart showing their trades entries, targets and stop losses,
2) Do they keep accurate accounting of their trades on a daily basis and post those results everyday,
3) Do they show their trades from their brokerage account, and
4) Do they offer a free trial so you can verify the 3 items above.
If the answer is No, No, No. and No then I think you have your answer. You would be taking a course based on blind faith and IMO will fail like the other 95% of day traders who take courses with absolutely no prove the trader can even trade what he teaches profitably.
For the life of me I do not know why it is sooo hard for would be buyers to simple ask for some proof the vendor can do what he claims he can do.
Tradenets boss is Meir Barak.
Meir Barak is a co-owner of Colmex, the broker which they advertise for.
Don’t pay money for the prop. They won’t let you take out money unless you triple (!) your account.
In some older Youtube-videos of Meir Barak you can see that he is trading a demo-account (Account number TR00000001).
I bought his book, which is really good and quite cheap. I wouldn’t buy something else from them.
Triple your account? Are you sure?
Colmex is based on DAS-Trader software.
> http://dastrader.com/documents/April27-Notice-on-Nonko-g6-Nevis.pdf
> The creation of any accounts with prefix “TR” is defaulted and hardcoded to be a training
> account (DEMO) for the purpose of training and demonstration. This has been our practice since the
> implementation our technology use.
Also in newer videos of Meir Barak you can see that the account starts with “TR”. That means he is fooling everybody, because he is only trading demo-accounts.
Can you please do a review on tradenet.com and thedaytradingacademy?
Thanks in advance.
4th and last request of review.
Have fun
Plus one for Real Life Trading…
I did a positive review on Real Life Trading. However, Jeremy got mixed up with that Nonko fraud and I just didnt want anyone else to get hurt, so I dumped the review.
I’ve started trading in 2009, and since then ‘Gurus’ have been so active in my radar, even now. There are http://www.eminitradingstrategies.com/,
and http://daytradetowin.com/. Please do I review on them. I bought one of them and was a victim.
Ever looked at http://www.tradewithjoe.com? Interested in your thoughts.
TradeWithJoe is a chat room run by Lloyd Cox and moderated by about 5 others. I’ve been with them since the very beginning. It is mainly an options day/swing trading chat room. While there is no trading DOM is shown during trading hours, Lloyd does call out trades. He also show and explain his positions from time to time or any time someone asks him to. When he does this, you can see his account with Interactive Brokers (positions, P&L, etc.). So there is no doubt he is trading live.
Lloyd calls out trades and so do a few others, each having their own specialty. They also let you know when they exit their positions. They really discourage members from posting results of a trade if the entry wasn’t posted previously. Lloyd encourages active participation in the chat room to generate trade ideas and he often explain trade strategies and management.
In my opinion, TradeWithJoe is one of the most affordable ($200/yr) chat room and also one that return the most valuable. All the guys and gals in the room are nice. I don’t recall anyone, including moderators ever stepping out of line. While Lloyd does recommend third-party products and services that he personally use (eSignal, Interactive Brokers, DayTradingZones, etc.) nobody is ever pressured to buy anything. In fact, Leonard one of the moderator who develops TOS indicators was giving away his indicators for free. Lloyd ask him to not give them away for free because they’re good and it takes time to program them. Lloyd wanted Leonard to get something for his work.
There are normally two strategy sessions (Thursdays and Sundays) each week. The Thursday session usually covers potential trades for Friday often seeking trades returning 100%+ and the Sunday night sessions usually covers the coming week. Lloyd and the moderators also covers anything that anyone may need to discuss. The sessions are usually recorded and may last a few hours.
There is also a private Twitter feed that Lloyd posts trades.to that is only available to annual subscribers. In my opinion, the strategy sessions alone is well worth what I pay as a subscriber.
did you ever check out slick trade along with there nadex binary options. just wondering
Hi Rob,
I understand where you are coming from but your statement above can be said for any unreviewed trading room/mentor. What I understand you are saying people who have consistently profitable strategies do not share & those who share do not have consistently profitable strategies but that defeats the purpose of this website where we are trying to find/filter mentor/room which shares strategies that are consistently profitable. So i feel we should go with unbiased opinion until we have analysed/reviewed track record.
I did not even check out the site, but based on you comment they have an AI that finds profitable setups with entry & exit targets.
So instead of using that AI to make money for themselves they are going to sell it to you or allow you to use it as part of their trading room. How generous of them.
You really need Emmett to review this?? I have a question what do you think will happen once you buy it and use it?? I have no doubt what so ever of what will happen.
Hi Emmet,
Please take a look at trade-ideas trading room http://forums.trade-ideas.com/ , they claim their AI(artificial intelligence) system which they call “Holly” is able to find profitable setups with entry & exit targets.
Hi Emmet, what is your opinion on the spreadbetbeginner from Chris Chillingworth. it looks promissing, the guy is down to earth, simple and doesnt fill his website or FB page with bulls***. He presents with some results, but my question is: is it real? Even thhough he is been featured in the spread betting magazine, can I trust him?
You should set up a donations box to help fund a site review. Users can suggest a site review and once funding reaches the necessary level, a review can be put out.
You could try funding with bitcoin too.
Hi Emmett,
Can you post a review of Livetraders.net?
Hi Emmette. Started my blog and inspired by you added a short review on one of Youtube traders Harvey Walsh. Understand that is not the level for your site but still maybe it can be useful for someone)
did you ever review apiary fund or netpicks just wondering. thanks for all the good info.
I would be happy to share my review of netpicks. I have experience with 3 of their systems over a couple years and could certainly shed some light. The news will not be good, no reliable verification of trades and a largely useless US trading room.
Since Emmett doesn’t have time to review everything here is what you need to know about netpicks, particularly their products Counterpunch and Trend Jumper.
Their business is selling trading systems. That is the number one thing to keep in mind. They sell a system that is a one-time fee, and you get lifetime access to the product you have chosen. HOWEVER, then they will start coming at you with the add-ons. There will be a bootcamp with extra training, and trade plans made only for those members. They will create a 2nd members site just for those members and largely stop maintaining the members section you have. Every once in a while they will add something new and it will coincide with a new feature they are selling such as automation of the trades, another bootcamp, or mentoring, etc.
The system is a momentum based indicator system that pinpoints entries, targets and stops and is extremely customizable. This is a blessing and a curse. You have the choice to use the tradeplans they have given, and you can also create your own, honestly with all the variables there are more tradeplans to create than stars in the sky pretty much. The problem here lies with the fact that contrary to what they tell you, taking these setups blindly will result in the death of your account. In the trade room (more on that later) you will be constantly told that the trade plans in place are solid and that you can make money just by following it.
That said, entries , stops and targets are based on recent price action. This is actually a great thing as it gives a good visual for a trade that you do want to take of where you can enter and exit. You MUST use some sort of other plan or context to filter out the sheer number of trades that are presented. The plan of attack they sell is to quit when you get positive on a trade, that could be 1 or 10 trades to get there. They will say just trade til positive, or set a loss limit of 5 losing trades before calling it a day, etc.
Trade room , there are two, one in the US session and one in the Euro session. The US room exists simply to show the various trade plans in action. No trades are actually taken, but the moderator will call out when a new setup shows up , and sometimes give advice to adjust it a couple ticks to stay out of obvious resistance prior to entering. The advice is to always take the trade and trust the system. The moderator will always go to a spreadsheet tracker that shows how great the systems perform over time. They actually offer a pretty nice spreadsheet tracker that can track a lot of statistics over time and they use it to show equity curves, drawdowns, etc. There is some value in this teaching as it gives you some insight on psychology, living in drawdown for long periods of time, and the importance of sticking to a plan. The problem I have had is that any plan I track myself performs poorly over time. I have done back and forward testing for over 2 years on systems…and ALL have had unacceptable drawdown periods. Somehow these massive drawdowns never happen on their tracking. If you try and question the system, your differences will be blamed on brokerage data differences, missing crucial trades, and not sticking properly to the plan. I stopped going to this room quite some time ago because the information is repetitive due to always adding new members….and the actual calling of trades is completely useless as no one is showing how they are managing or putting any real skin in the game.
The Euro trade room opens for the first 2 hours of the London session and focuses on markets that are active during that time. This is a much different room from the US one. The moderator here is a believer in context, and gives excellent teaching on how to read market auction, identify levels, and think about interesting trade areas for the day. He uses the system in place, but only calls the trades that he believes will work based on the context work done earlier in the session. He will explain why others are not good to take, giving valuable insight into price action. some days we sit there for 2 hours and take no trades. Again, there is no live trading here. The moderator takes trades in SIM mode, but again gives valuable insight into trade management and often will talk about advanced concepts and try to help traders to understand the bigger picture outside the shackles of the system. I have actively attended this room for nearly 2 years and it is the only reason my account is not yet blown. This only runs 2 days a week unfortunately, but it is the sole reason I would say netpicks has been worth the investment for me.
Overall, there are a lot worse offerings out there, but as always take it with a grain of salt. No trading is easy, no system is going to be plug and play to make you easy money. If that system existed, the person would not share it with the public.
There is a double edged sword here with a system like this. When used properly it can be a powerful tool to take some of the guesswork out of trade management. It can also lead you to miss trades because the system didn’t believe it to be a good set up. As previously mentioned following one of their trade plans blindly will lead your account to be small. Perhaps if you have a 50,000 account and can handle massive drawdowns you could make money over time…but I don’t think many of us on a site like this are in that situation.
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about this service, I am happy to answer. I will say this…don’t bother with any of their bootcamps, they are largely a waste of time. Do a test run of the system, try not to fall for the hype, and if possible listen in on the Euro session.
Good luck and happy trading.
openrangetrading.com cold be a good trading room
I sat in Open Range Trading for a trial week. Good traders and good guys in my opinion.
Boomerang is a laugh as he is the worst trader you have ever seen. Lot’s of hype and guaranteed no proof.
I enjoy reading your site. Can you please review the following trade rooms.
http://theintentionaltrader.com/ 75% to 85% winners average
http://boomerangtrader.com/ claims 90% winners
intentional trader is a joke. They don’t show their trades, the system produces hundreds of possible trades but somehow they only log the good ones. same old same old
Hi Emmet, Would like to hear your opinion on
pennypro.com & topstockpicks.com.
The company that owns and operates PennyPro.com and TopStockPicks.com is also the company that owns and operates Jason Bond Picks. You should read the Jason Bond Picks review.
These companies are all “front runners”. The Jason Bond Picks review will explain.
Mark Deaton’s latest site: http://www.snoopwire.com , claiming to use “Powerful NSA Surveillance Technology”. He had a slew of websites similar to the Chartsky guy, covering the multiple fads of the season, some of which were left in the dust.
Hi Emmett,
If possible please review TopStockPicks & PennyPro. They have posted their results at http://www.topstockpicks.com/all-recent-trades/ & claim “Nothing is added, removed, or edited.”.
PennyPro and TopStockPicks are both pump and dump schemes. Both are managed by the same company that is running Jason Bond. Please read the Jason Bond review page to understand what you are getting involved with.
Hello Emmett,
I value the work you do. Reading all comments I can see many others feel the same! The scams you expose are invaluable, and the very few honest services out there are great finds. On your home page, you said ,…”We have seen those same traders come back and start anew with $5k and parlay it into over $3,000,000 over a 5 year period”,…I would love to meet these traders on your site. If possible, I would love to see your work lean towards actual traders that “trade for a living”. Someone who does not derive income from any other source, especially trading income related to trading newsletters, and trading rooms. I would really like to see profiles of traders that actually pay their bills from trading profits. I am sure some readers will point to Market Wizards. I wish to say the folks profiled in Market Wizards (i.e. Ed Seykota, Ray Dalio) is not what I have in mind. As an example, I would love to see profiles of the fine folks on Twitter or Stocktwits (there appears to be many?) that is paying bills from their trading profits. So?,…what do you think?, I would love to hear others that might be interested in seeing the supposedly 5% that trade and pay bills from trading.
Seeing scams exposed are invaluable, but I think seeing actual traders that trade for a living can be an “eye opener” as well.
Thanks Emmett. I didn’t realize Steve Primo also had a website called protrader strategies besides specialistading.com I can see from the sites it does look like a smorgasbord of product offerings. It also seems to have support from partners such as “Thomson Reuters” and “metastock” besides the usual all encompassing Ninjatrader, Tradersplanet organizations which affiliate with too many dubious vendors. I lost money with http://www.tripletrend.com which is also affiliated with metastock. Also, I hope these big name sites can be added to the list for future reviews. http://www.tradersedgenetwork.com ; http://www.tradingadvantage.com ;
Hi Emmett,
I am really liking what I see at
I cannot find much about them yet. How come no one else is talking about them? Hidden gem or ???
If you could take a look please and get an experienced set of eyes on this, I would really like your opinion.
Thank you
Yes, have spoken with the owner. Its interesting. And it does not look like a scam.
Would love to see something on MOJO Day Trading if you can. Thanks!
hey, i made my own honest video review of MOjo, stay away! you can find comments with my comment on Mojo on this website.
I was his client october2015-jan2016. I made full review of this guy. Be careful!
he changed his disclaimer after i requested explanation about “hypothetical performance” part in it. He does not show entries/exits.
The biggest recommendation Emmet Moore gives here is this: show LIVE account statements! Mojo and mike do not! Draw your conclusions from here!
Has anyone got an experience/ advise on Colmex? Will they be reviewed soon?
I think they are linked to Tradenet via Meir Barack.
Hi Emmet ,
Thank you for the wonderful job you did here, do you have any review on marketclub?
Thank you
Emmet: this comment is in response to your review of the Futures Trading Coach Program.
I am a member in the mentor program and have been with Rick and Sam for nearly a year. Coincidently I am in Rick’s call room, so I know, first hand, from where I speak.
Respectfully, you are really doing them, yourself and others a huge disservice. Do you really want to be that foolish to write a self-serving, fabricated and totally inaccurate review? I’ve read it through and through and without boring you or others with all the details refuting each and every claim, I will simply say this: I have ALL my daily charts and records from the beginning of my membership and have even dissected your claim of being in their room for 10 or so days in early October. Interestingly, during this exact time-frame you referenced, the methodology produced $1875 in profits just on the trades I took, trading mainly ONLY 1’s and 2’s and several 3 lots. So you either weren’t in the room as you claim, or the entire review is totally fraudulent, even humorous to us who know and enjoy the rewards of the program. You spoke of the 80% claim Sam speaks of. I analyze each and every month going back to Oct 14 and without an exception the lowest winning % was 76.6 % with the highest being 85.35%. Pretty remarkable considering your purported allegations. Your agenda is obvious, but if I were you I’d be a little smarter in how you go about attacking competition. Futures Trading Coach IS CLEARLY NOT the competitor you want to go after. We (I consider myself a part of the team) of a group of extremely satisfied members of the clearest-cut success story in the trading industry and are ALL enjoying tremendous results, day in and day out. You really would be much better off joining the program whereby you’d be awarded the success you can only dream of.
Hi Dan,
Thanks for the comment, though if you could please copy your comment and post on the page that contains the review, then I can answer accordingly.
I am glad that you are willing to step forward with your trading records. Please forward your account statements showing $1875 in profits to the following email address: emmett@tradingschools.org
I will review and then post an update review that describes your experience. You know, its really unfair that these guys have to reply upon people like yourself to validate and substantiate their claims of trading success. It would be much simpler and easier if they were to simply provide me a redacted copy of their brokerage accounts, dont you agree? With this, I would be more than happy to write a new review and admit how terribly wrong I am. Maybe you can convince them that this is a good idea? Thus far, they are unwilling to prove their amazing claims of success.
To date, I have watched all of the YouTube videos and clearly recorded on a spreadsheet all of their reported trades. Amazingly, they have zero losing days. And I think that is great, so why not prove it with a simple account statement? Dont you want to know the truth, for your own piece of mind?
When I buy a home or a car, and I need a loan, the bank asks me for proof that I have a job and an income. But ask these guys for proof that they trade, and they act as I am a terrible human being.
Dan Beard: Michael Taylor: phoenix3@shaw.ca
How can I get in touch with you without posting everything thru the message boards. Can you send me an email.
Hi Emmett, I left a Review Request, as well as Comment here, and non of them have appeared… I would be glad to be able to communicate with you.
Hello Emmett,
Any chance you can share insight on Anton Kreil’s Institute of Trading training and mentoring programs?
I know you already discussed reviewing His Emini SP room with moderator Craig Hill ( who has not updated his trading blog since Sept 8th) but Todd also has a T-Bond method he uses in the morning before the stock markets open… Going by his daily blog results it seems to be working well.. I think it is $497 to learn that.. Im still a little leery of Master marketer Todd Mitchell but who knows??
I know what you mean by the master marketer comment . I was a little leary of Todd for 2 years I think, but he caught my attention with his strict rule based T-bond system .I bought Todd Mitchell’s T bond trading system and I can honestly say it is a well thought-out, well taught and is very easy to understand and apply the system . There is little vagueness ,it has very strict rules and very little discretion is left to the trader. All the trades the system gave he updates daily so you can learn as each day progresses. I highly recommend it and it is the second best system I have ever bought or traded and I have bought and traded many trade rooms in my 8 years of trading.
Thank you for the response Ivan! Much appreciated.. Wish I saw this comment 2 months ago!! I just came across it today.
I find your work to be of immense value to the trading community. I have always wondered why 90% of traders fail, and the other 10% of winning traders also sell training material or a service! Your work really opened up my eyes!
Would love to see a review on Traderflorida if you have time.
On the list!
Can you please do a review on this site – http://www.winningstockcoach.com I really hope they are an honest service, but on the outside it seems too good to be true like many others on your site.
Mike Mathew, the “Winning Stock Coach”, has left the scene of the crimes he has committed.
To Tom,
Be careful of what you read on Big Mikes- If you review that site for long you will notice that the members who can trade and help others do not last long on that site. The more popular they become the bigger threat they are to Big Mike. His actions are not congruent to his mission statement of traders helping traders.
His goal is to provide enough content to keep you coming back to his site- and his site only to keep you in the perpetual method searching. Those that have popular journals and develop large followings on the site will soon leave or kicked off because Big Mike is fearful that those content viewers will be lost if the original poster starts
a support group to the side. Look at what he did to Vance Virgil as an example.
If your trading views are not identical to Tiger Trader and Big Mike then you are wrong – and the site rules of member mutual respect will not apply to you.
Follow the $$- Big Mike has 73,000 members or so the majority are elite so have paid
$50-100 and the more you stay on his site and click through the more $$ he makes.
His agenda is clear- Visit his site and feed his wallet and his ego. Provide great content and he will gladly take it – publish it- but know he has an exit plan ready for you.
Not to mention there are selected vendors and probably vendor deals BMT/future.io has with vendors particularly Ninjatrader, and the ads that are seen. There are probably click deals. These deals are never disclosed even partially where Emmett does report what deals he has. And it’s refreshing that we can post comments on select vendors here with no threat of moderation or banning. You can’t learn from BigMike or Tigertrader either. They only disclose fundamentals advice and not their actual entry methods yet allow or even encourage people to contribute their trading ideas for all to see and their donated indicators to the downloads which becomes the property of the site where the contributed indicators are all now only available to paid elite members. double standards all over the place. of course we are “free” to quit/get banned from the site anytime no matter a member’s history of contribution and content.
Hi Emmett, I a question over at Big Mikes Forum about RegenaTrader from the rep at Optimus Matz a very awesome dude that knows his stuff. Right after I asked him a question by Private Message and got his reply BigMike Banned me permanently from his site.
I was new there a lurking around and when I saw his presentation on RegenaTrader I wanted to ask him a question. Big Mike has this rule that you need to make 10 posts before asking a vendor a question. The dialogue box said that came up when I tried to Private message him with my question. So I thought I would go to the intro page and introduce my self.
I wrote three paragraphs about being a psychologist and about my practice what I was looking to learn that I had a harley and a Silverado and invited people to say hi etc. So I really did not think I had anything really to say to anyone so I got the idea to maybe say Hi or Welcome some newbies and thought that was innocuous enough. So i looked for ones that might like that and after two times I thought man I am just really writing welcome so I decide to copy and paste it to 10 people who genuinely seemed to need it. I never had a thought in my head i was doing anything not allowed. I literally wrote Welcome in the title an on each page.
I had 11 posts so I went in to ask Matz if RegenaTrader software had level 2 and if jigsawtrader software and price squawker software would integrate with RegenaTrader software because that system is new but it seemed friendly to NinjaTrader scripts and converted them. As soon as Matz answered me I went to the forum to see the replies and a message came up and it said I had been banned for spam. Then it said i was banned for life.
I though it was a mistake to an overzealous auto script to protect from spam. I wrote to big mike thinking it was just a misunderstanding. Well he wrote me back and said that he had sent a warning and because i said in my letter to him I knew i needed to posts 10… he “knew” i got the email and that I did it intentionally to circumvent his rule and I was banned. I was in a little shock why was this guy so paranoid. I tried to reason with him and apologize and tell him there was no ill intent. But the ban has not been lifted. He basically said he banned me for asking you a Vendor a question before 10 posts..and that I instead as he put it posted “10 worthless posts” just to get to talk to him. These vendors work really hard on his site doing webinars and answering anyone questions. They do not even know that he really does not want people to talk to them I believe because he is trying to get a 100.00 out of them for “Elite” membership. I did not think it was wrong and really he could have just took the time to ask me about it. I have never seen such a reaction and never expected it.
So, I came here to hope to talk to you about who is this guy the flipping king of mikell dumb. At his site mike has hidden any way to talk to Vendors who want people to see there work and buy from them. The exception of 10 posts first even though bad for the vendors business he literal sensors posts that he considers are worthless. He tells people in the new area that they have to give to get anything there. Literally he just wrote that today after all this happened.
To be honest I am a quiet guy and even planned on paying his 100.00 gig but I did not see him as that kind of person at all.
I am a little weirded out about this guy I totally misread the level of casualness in that setting. He is a broke man money wise i think not really sure about him .
I really think Mike was way too harsh and he seemed paranoid like there are people out to get him. In my life the good ones have always lived to serve their customers not make customer feel like you look at them like they serve you. I mean really down his nose.
Thank you
Good day!
Please check this: http://scalpingemini.com/ and http://www.tesseracttrading.com/
Thanks for your job!
Please do a review on sharktraders.com. I’m thinking of joining. They got good reviews
Can you do a review on TheContrarianTrader.com ?
Dear Emmett.
I know you are working on Tradenet/Colmex as well. Did not find your mail so sending ut here. Here is the comment under one of his latest Youtube videos. It was deleted by him later.
Makes obvious he is using demo… And more obvious as he is trading CFD earning about 5000 USD everyday as he shows. Same time he is one of Colmex owners. So he wants everyone to believe he is taking many from one pocket to another to pay taxes. He seems to be a nice guy with interesting strategy but he is fooling everyone around…
Oh yes, I see it. Great screen capture. These little clues open up pandoras box. I see what he is doing now. People sign up for tradenet and churn the colmex account. He makes money both ways.
Yes. And when I only started to be interested in stocks, I first saw Meirs Youtube videos and later visited trade room. And later – sent 1 000 USD to start with Tradenet. I was a fool and of course wasted the money (my bad trading). But that is what the guys like Meir do. Looking for newbies who know nothing and showing how cool they trade take a piece from everyone.
Tradernoble.com publishes a service London 09 30 & tweets trades. Comprehensive enough commentary. He sets range to enter and publishes a t/p. Co. Site looks plain enough, any views as to performance. Be very interested in your views. Think he just sells a commentary service, no app, no software.
Yes, I have spoke with Brian. Am working on a review, but I needed to do a little side investigation to get some things verified. Close.
Be great to see you review TraderNoble as I have had an excellent start to August with Bryan incl. some nice DAX trades which I have avoided recently. Been some nice calls with Bund, SPX and Euro as well. And I don’t get hammered on losses as his stops are affordbale
Can you check this room please http://www.easyeminitrade.com/
Considering opening an account with sharktraders.com. Have you received any further info on them?
Also very interested in it. Deciding between them and CYGroup. CYGroup seems to be more reliable, but Sharks commissions are twice lower. I have a friend who sais he is trading with Sharks for a long time and they are great, but I can not check this info..
5k everything included.
Free trail
Sorry forgot the website.
Add to review list please.
AJ Brown from https://www.tradingtrainer.com/ – dreadful. His pitch is about being held accountable by placing you with a group of other traders. Once you pay your money and get access to the site it’s like a ghost town and you’re the only living person there. There is no community, no trading team and virtually no support when you ask a question of the moderator.
Mike Mathew SEEMS to be really transparent but I have never been able to get an account statement from him. He claims he had an options swing trading account that he took from $500 to $25,000+ in 2014. He also claims to be worth 9 figures and building a community center in his hometown. I really, really, REALLY want to prove this guy is a fraud… Or even better, prove he’s the real deal. Please help.
If you mean Mike Mathew from https://www.winningstockcoach.com/ then I think he is legit and transparent but I don’t know if he’d meet Emmett’s standard. He’s not very good as an educator, far too long winded and rambling in his education videos.
can you have a look at golbaltraderoom.com
thank you
Anyone have experience with http://www.revsfuturesdaytrading.com/?
I paid for the one week trial, and now have a complete week of video recordings. But one week is just not enough. I plan another anonymous review over the next few weeks. Wish I could give you more, but I just have not found the time to sit and watch the tape replay.
Sorry, wish I had something.
Thanks Emmett Your providing a unique service for those looking at all the choices in trading rooms. I saw someone mentioned eminvolume trader. I’ll save your time concerning that evaluation. i took the trail and found it to be a complete waste of time. No. 1 he is not trading live. I asked him to show his Dome and he was quick to say it didnt matter if he was live or not he was teaching..Ok. Second he uses market orders to enter his trade…talk about slippage.. Often he would say Im ready to enter and if the tape moved 2 ticks his way he was in…If the tape moved against him he would say he wans’t filled. I took the trades he called on simulator although other than 1 target of 3 ticks he was never specific as to profit targets.. I had him big net looser on the week around – 65 ticks and he claimed $ 2300-4600 for the week… how this is arrived at is any winner is calculated on the total number of points it moved at its apex however this is useless if the 2nd target area is never clear. so the few times his trades moved + 40 points or more were added to his totals.. also he deleted around 8 losers for the week. Probably the worst trading room I’ve ever seen and ‘i’ve seen a lot of bad ones over the years.
If there was a way we could contribute for your efforts that would be good as Im sure it can get expensive… Keep up the good works Regards
Hi Emmett,
I have discovered your website in the past few days and have been going through it in detail. Thank you. Can I ask you to comment on the websites/trading rooms below if you have done anything with them to date, please.
Thank you.
I want to learn to trade, but with what I have lost to date and my experiences to date, I am loosing heart.
Take care,
Has anyone had any experience with Todd Mitchell’s Trading Concepts service?
i took it 3 years ago…. like flushing 2500 down the …..
I know a guy that uses his service and seems to like it. He uses it for scalping ES, so not sure which of the many different offerings you are referring to.
I have read very bad reviews about this trader. Again Big Mikes Trading is the place to read about her.
Trading Concepts Todd Mitchell is a joke. I don’t think he makes money trading. Rule of thumb in this business is how often the room moderator send you all the marketing emails. If more than five times a week, he/she probably is spending too much time marketing.
Having said that, Todd Mitchell sends more marketing email than trading. I can’t see how he has anytime remain to do a daily research and trade to make money. I believe he doesn’t.
Matter of fact, I took his FX course and found out the methods does not work. He doesn’t even provide any advice. There are full of complaints about service online. He is known for selling his course telling everyone that they have a lifetime access to his service via email. Unfortunately, he is known for not replying much of his email.
The alphawavetrading site is hilarious. She goes more way out than Ms. Armo of stockSwoosh and sounds like an overexaggerated diva in her trading “commentary”.
Amazing to see thirty or more audio “testimonials” here. https://soundcloud.com/alpha-wave-trader/
I wanted to post more about alphawave, but nvm. I see now she’s been a longtimer and already the site’s shadiness is revealed on a bmt review along with some shill posting. An earlier post by Dean Handley is there as member “Diesel”, presumable before he got banned from bmt. https://futures.io/vendors-product-reviews/17501-alphawave-trading-review-www-alphawavetrader-com-10.html#post263173
For sure, she is the queen diva of trading schools out there. And Mz. Armo/stockSwoosh seems like a latter imitator.
Emmett, I just recognized that I published my request on the wrong page – here are the additional interesting trading room services:
1) marketdelta.com (http://www.marketdelta.com/products/tradingroom)
2) jigsawtrading.com
3) eminivolumetrader.com
Your opinion would be quite appreciated. Thank you.
you get a free trial every Tuesday for as long as you want
cancel my request for globaltraderoom.com. It looks like they charge a fee of $10,000 to get access after the brief trial! it screams ripoff .
I am also interested in any reviews of Day Trade Warrior and globaltraderoom.com
finished 2014 with $30,160,00 in the liveroom
Aloha Arnold
Are you saying YOU made $30,160.00 in globaltraderoom or THEY did?…john
also can you have a look at equity management academy
and riosquant.com
thank you
Ross Cameron runs a trading chatroom called daytradewarrior.com. Seems legit. Can you have a look?
Hi Derek,
Interesting newcomer. My philosophy regarding live day trading rooms is that I want a minimum of 14 days screen recordings. Once I have the recordings, then my assistant in the Philippines reviews the footage and marks the trades on a timeline. I then go back and look to see if the posted trades from the website matches the data that we recorded. If it matches, the next step is for my assistant to attempt to replicate the trades via a simulator for an additional two weeks. The simulator does not allow limit orders to record unless the price fully passes through bid/ask spread, this step is critical. If we make it through the entire 30 days, I then write a review.
Winning or losing is not as important as being able to actually replicate. If its a good room, I jump in with my own money.
Sorry I cannot get a review done quicker for you. These reviews take time. I just sent a message out to Day Trade Warrior, need to first fish for a free trial before I spend any money. Touch bases with me in a few days, I will give you an update.
Hi Emmett,
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I agree, being able to replicate is the real challenge. On other chatrooms I’ve noticed the paying members were always a step behind the chatroom moderator, which makes a huge difference. Many times, it’s only the moderator who’s been able to profit. People seem to like daytradewarrior so it’ll be interesting to see what find out. I’ll check back with you in a few days. Thank you for this invaluable website!
Hi Arnold,
I noticed that they added these trade alerts a few months ago. Sent over an email to CFRN requesting a trade log. I would not do anything with those alerts until we can verify they are real. Will update you next week.
Are a total joke. God made him do it