Axia Futures

Axia Futures
  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


On the surface, Axia Futures looks highly impressive. They have a fancy looking trading office, excellent promotional videos, and the veneer of legitimacy.

However, just below the surface lies an infection of shady past affiliations, and a lack of transparency.

They expect users to pay a $5k fee to learn their ‘trading secrets’, yet can provide absolutely no proof of prior trading success.

I believe the owners and trainers are well meaning folk…but this is simply not enough. In actuality, there is nothing that truly differentiates Axia Futures from the myriad of other trading companies offering “the dream of day trading glory.”


***Updated Review!*** Please Read UPDATED  2018 REVIEW.

Thanks for reading today’s review of Axia Futures

What is Axia Futures? The company specializes in teaching futures day trading.

Axia Futures is located in London, England and appears to have a very nice looking, yet cramped, retail office space. Contained within this small office space are a cluster of desks, chairs, and many computer monitors.

Axia Futures goes to great lengths to portray the business as a “trading floor.” There are many images of young people milling about, looking important, and supposedly doing what professional day traders are supposed to do.

It all looks so professional. As well as highly scripted and idealistically staged.

In addition to the highly scripted visuals of Axia Futures, there is also a multitude of promotional videos that convey a sense of excitement. That gives the impression that world markets are hyper connected into a laser like focus, and that Axia Futures has their finger plugged into this jet stream of trading excitement.

If I had to describe Axia Futures in the most succinct explanation, I would say that Axia Futures is an ‘arcade’ type environment. Where individuals pay a desk fee. And this desk fee (usually $500 per month) gives that person a place to sit and trade. Included are fast trading computers, multi monitor displays, and the opportunity to sit with fellow gamblers (oops, I mean fellow traders).

This ‘scene’ also provides an excellent backdrop in which to market trading products and services. In short, it has the veneer of legitimacy. And it looks quite fun.

Owners of Axia Futures

According to, the Axia Futures website appeared on the trading educational scene in early 2017.

According to their website, the company was founded by Demetris Mavrommatis and Alex Haywood.Axia Futures: Demetris Mavrommatis, Alex Haywood

Demetris Mavrommatis claims to be a “professional futures trader with 8 years experience, and one of the most consistently profitable traders in the world.”

However, according to a competitor and former business partner of Demetris, he is more hat than actual cowboy. Better at “selling the dream, than actually achieving the dream.”

Prior to starting Axia Futures, apparently, Demetrius and several other persons now working for Axia Futures worked at a very shady prop trading company named Futex.

Futex was a carbon copy of Axia Futures. It had a fancy office, lots of fresh face people milling about, plenty of trading screens and ‘important looking stuff’, promotional videos, and a heavy helping of selling the trading dream.

At Futex, all you needed to do was purchase thousands of dollars in trading courses, rent a desk, and make a deposit to begin trading. A typical trading arcade. Where the profits are made from selling the dream at $7,000 per person.

In spite of the fancy looking office, and fancy looking people….Futex turned out to be a massive scam. Long story short, $6 million dollars in trader deposits mysteriously disappeared. I have embedded the legal brief below…

GlobalInvestorGroup - Futex administrator finds £4


After the Futex ‘fiasco’, it appears that Axia quickly appeared, in hopes of filling the vacuum.

Axia Futures, another Futex?

Are the owners of Axia Trading essentially running the same scam as Futex Trading? Truthfully, it’s hard to tell. On the surface, it appears that the hand is simply wearing a new glove.

In spite of this, TradingSchools.Org decided to review Axia Futures with a fresh perspective. Maybe these former Futex trading wannabes had something positive to offer?

Axia Futures Live Trading Experience

During the summer of 2017, we decided to immerse ourselves into the Axia Futures trading room. Which includes a 14-day trial period, and then a reoccurring $100 per month fee.

What did we witness? Truth be told, it is a very entertaining environment. The ‘lead trainer’ is a guy named Brannigan Barret, and in my opinion, he really wants people to succeed. You can tell that he is pouring everything into these live trading sessions. But is Brannigan Barret simply a midget trying to qualify for the Olympic high jump? As good natured and helpful as he seems, is he really a full-time professional trader, as he claims?

At no time did we ever witness any live trading from Brannigan or any of the other traders at Axia Futures. Instead, the trading recommendations are served as live commentary. With little flashing dots on the screen that declare that somebody within the organization went either long or short in random trading instruments. It reminded me a fast paced dice game, where you never really knew what anyone was really doing, but it sure had the feel that something exciting and fun was happening.

Of course, exciting and fun does not pay the bills. What TradingSchools.Org really wanted to know? Do any of these supposedly professional prop traders have a verifiable track record? Unfortunately, they do not.

We reached out to Axia Futures and requested some sort of proof that anyone was live trading? And what were the trading histories of these supposed trading professionals? The company responded that everyone is a professional day trader, that trades successfully, but was unwilling to show any proof.

We explained that we truly wanted to spend $5,000 for the ‘career training course’, but we had to see something, anything that proved that these guys were actually trading. Nothing could be provided.

Instead, the company responded, “Just look at our professional offices, read our online reviews, judge our materials from the professional YouTube videos, talk to people.”

Sadly, in my experience, simply trusting people has not been a very profitable experience.

Wrapping Things Up

In my opinion, Axia Futures is all about ‘surface and texture’, there is little depth. And certainly no legitimacy.

The trading office is simply a prop. A showpiece. It is meant to exude confidence and diversion from what really matters. And what really matters…do any of these guys actually trade? Since they refuse to verify anything, then this appears to be nothing more than a fancy looking trading school. A sort of Donald Trump University, where your eyes are focusing on the glittery objects, you just need to spend $5k to learn the supposed secrets.

Another thing that irked me, these guys are heavy promoters of scalping with ‘order flow’ tools. Ok, that sounds fine and dandy…but you are scalp trading from London? All of your trades must travel across the Atlantic ocean, and then eventually find its way to the CME exchange? Highly unlikely. Geographically, this is a highly dubious claim. Scalp trading from the other side of the planet seems highly unlikely.

Of course, TradingSchools.Org could be wrong. But that would require some sort of proof that any of these clowns are actually trading. And trading successfully at that.

As it currently stands, no proof exists. Thanks for reading. As always, your opinions are appreciated.

Axia Futures

Axia Futures
  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


On the surface, Axia Futures looks highly impressive. They have a fancy looking trading office, excellent promotional videos, and the veneer of legitimacy.

However, just below the surface lies an infection of shady past affiliations, and a lack of transparency.

They expect users to pay a $5k fee to learn their ‘trading secrets’, yet can provide absolutely no proof of prior trading success.

I believe the owners and trainers are well meaning folk…but this is simply not enough. In actuality, there is nothing that truly differentiates Axia Futures from the myriad of other trading companies offering “the dream of day trading glory.”


***Updated Review!*** Please Read UPDATED  2018 REVIEW.

Thanks for reading today’s review of Axia Futures

What is Axia Futures? The company specializes in teaching futures day trading.

Axia Futures is located in London, England and appears to have a very nice looking, yet cramped, retail office space. Contained within this small office space are a cluster of desks, chairs, and many computer monitors.

Axia Futures goes to great lengths to portray the business as a “trading floor.” There are many images of young people milling about, looking important, and supposedly doing what professional day traders are supposed to do.

It all looks so professional. As well as highly scripted and idealistically staged.

In addition to the highly scripted visuals of Axia Futures, there is also a multitude of promotional videos that convey a sense of excitement. That gives the impression that world markets are hyper connected into a laser like focus, and that Axia Futures has their finger plugged into this jet stream of trading excitement.

If I had to describe Axia Futures in the most succinct explanation, I would say that Axia Futures is an ‘arcade’ type environment. Where individuals pay a desk fee. And this desk fee (usually $500 per month) gives that person a place to sit and trade. Included are fast trading computers, multi monitor displays, and the opportunity to sit with fellow gamblers (oops, I mean fellow traders).

This ‘scene’ also provides an excellent backdrop in which to market trading products and services. In short, it has the veneer of legitimacy. And it looks quite fun.

Owners of Axia Futures

According to, the Axia Futures website appeared on the trading educational scene in early 2017.

According to their website, the company was founded by Demetris Mavrommatis and Alex Haywood.Axia Futures: Demetris Mavrommatis, Alex Haywood

Demetris Mavrommatis claims to be a “professional futures trader with 8 years experience, and one of the most consistently profitable traders in the world.”

However, according to a competitor and former business partner of Demetris, he is more hat than actual cowboy. Better at “selling the dream, than actually achieving the dream.”

Prior to starting Axia Futures, apparently, Demetrius and several other persons now working for Axia Futures worked at a very shady prop trading company named Futex.

Futex was a carbon copy of Axia Futures. It had a fancy office, lots of fresh face people milling about, plenty of trading screens and ‘important looking stuff’, promotional videos, and a heavy helping of selling the trading dream.

At Futex, all you needed to do was purchase thousands of dollars in trading courses, rent a desk, and make a deposit to begin trading. A typical trading arcade. Where the profits are made from selling the dream at $7,000 per person.

In spite of the fancy looking office, and fancy looking people….Futex turned out to be a massive scam. Long story short, $6 million dollars in trader deposits mysteriously disappeared. I have embedded the legal brief below…

GlobalInvestorGroup - Futex administrator finds £4


After the Futex ‘fiasco’, it appears that Axia quickly appeared, in hopes of filling the vacuum.

Axia Futures, another Futex?

Are the owners of Axia Trading essentially running the same scam as Futex Trading? Truthfully, it’s hard to tell. On the surface, it appears that the hand is simply wearing a new glove.

In spite of this, TradingSchools.Org decided to review Axia Futures with a fresh perspective. Maybe these former Futex trading wannabes had something positive to offer?

Axia Futures Live Trading Experience

During the summer of 2017, we decided to immerse ourselves into the Axia Futures trading room. Which includes a 14-day trial period, and then a reoccurring $100 per month fee.

What did we witness? Truth be told, it is a very entertaining environment. The ‘lead trainer’ is a guy named Brannigan Barret, and in my opinion, he really wants people to succeed. You can tell that he is pouring everything into these live trading sessions. But is Brannigan Barret simply a midget trying to qualify for the Olympic high jump? As good natured and helpful as he seems, is he really a full-time professional trader, as he claims?

At no time did we ever witness any live trading from Brannigan or any of the other traders at Axia Futures. Instead, the trading recommendations are served as live commentary. With little flashing dots on the screen that declare that somebody within the organization went either long or short in random trading instruments. It reminded me a fast paced dice game, where you never really knew what anyone was really doing, but it sure had the feel that something exciting and fun was happening.

Of course, exciting and fun does not pay the bills. What TradingSchools.Org really wanted to know? Do any of these supposedly professional prop traders have a verifiable track record? Unfortunately, they do not.

We reached out to Axia Futures and requested some sort of proof that anyone was live trading? And what were the trading histories of these supposed trading professionals? The company responded that everyone is a professional day trader, that trades successfully, but was unwilling to show any proof.

We explained that we truly wanted to spend $5,000 for the ‘career training course’, but we had to see something, anything that proved that these guys were actually trading. Nothing could be provided.

Instead, the company responded, “Just look at our professional offices, read our online reviews, judge our materials from the professional YouTube videos, talk to people.”

Sadly, in my experience, simply trusting people has not been a very profitable experience.

Wrapping Things Up

In my opinion, Axia Futures is all about ‘surface and texture’, there is little depth. And certainly no legitimacy.

The trading office is simply a prop. A showpiece. It is meant to exude confidence and diversion from what really matters. And what really matters…do any of these guys actually trade? Since they refuse to verify anything, then this appears to be nothing more than a fancy looking trading school. A sort of Donald Trump University, where your eyes are focusing on the glittery objects, you just need to spend $5k to learn the supposed secrets.

Another thing that irked me, these guys are heavy promoters of scalping with ‘order flow’ tools. Ok, that sounds fine and dandy…but you are scalp trading from London? All of your trades must travel across the Atlantic ocean, and then eventually find its way to the CME exchange? Highly unlikely. Geographically, this is a highly dubious claim. Scalp trading from the other side of the planet seems highly unlikely.

Of course, TradingSchools.Org could be wrong. But that would require some sort of proof that any of these clowns are actually trading. And trading successfully at that.

As it currently stands, no proof exists. Thanks for reading. As always, your opinions are appreciated.


  1. Budd Fox October 10, 2019
  2. Jim November 10, 2018
    • Emmett Moore November 10, 2018
  3. Pixelated July 26, 2018
  4. CakeMan July 21, 2018
  5. Rob Juck July 21, 2018
  6. CakeMan July 18, 2018
    • David July 18, 2018
  7. jv jv July 3, 2018
    • CakeMan July 5, 2018
  8. CakeMan June 28, 2018
  9. David June 16, 2018
    • Jon June 16, 2018
      • Emmett Moore June 16, 2018
        • jv jv June 23, 2018
          • Emmett Moore June 23, 2018
  10. Prophead May 23, 2018
    • Emmett Moore May 23, 2018
      • CakeMan June 6, 2018
  11. Dave April 27, 2018
  12. CakeMan April 16, 2018
    • FactsRule May 14, 2018
  13. Seb March 14, 2018
  14. Cakeman March 13, 2018
  15. Chris February 17, 2018
  16. Alex Haywood February 13, 2018
    • Emmett Moore February 13, 2018
      • FactsRule May 14, 2018
    • Louis August 30, 2020
  17. Truth Crusader February 2, 2018
  18. Lourens January 4, 2018
    • Emmett Moore January 4, 2018
      • FactsRule May 14, 2018
  19. robert January 1, 2018
    • Catch Me January 2, 2018
      • FactsRule May 14, 2018
  20. killerbee December 16, 2017
  21. Craig December 15, 2017
  22. john December 9, 2017
    • FactsRule May 14, 2018
      • Emmett Moore May 14, 2018
  23. Leon November 16, 2017
    • Emmett Moore November 16, 2017
      • Demon November 17, 2017
        • Leon November 25, 2017
  24. Demon October 30, 2017
  25. tim October 14, 2017
    • Demon October 16, 2017
  26. Demon October 5, 2017
  27. Guest September 30, 2017
  28. Guest September 25, 2017
    • Demon September 28, 2017
  29. F1 Fan September 17, 2017
  30. Brannigan September 7, 2017
    • Emmett Moore September 7, 2017
      • Brannigan September 8, 2017
        • Cyn September 8, 2017
        • Trevor September 12, 2017
      • Jon September 8, 2017
    • Rob B September 8, 2017
      • Brannigan September 10, 2017
  31. Luke August 25, 2017
    • Michal September 6, 2017
  32. Nick August 22, 2017
    • Emmett Moore August 22, 2017
  33. Mick August 22, 2017
    • Emmett Moore August 22, 2017
      • Mike M August 22, 2017
    • Rob B August 22, 2017
  34. killerbee August 17, 2017
    • Brannigan September 8, 2017
      • Mike September 16, 2017
      • killerbee December 16, 2017
  35. TheDude August 9, 2017
    • Rob B August 9, 2017
      • TheDude August 9, 2017
        • Rob B August 9, 2017
          • TheDude August 9, 2017
            • Mike M August 9, 2017
        • Amitc August 9, 2017
          • pipandrun September 12, 2017
        • Mike M August 9, 2017
        • GemBow August 9, 2017
        • Emmett Moore August 9, 2017
    • Emmett Moore August 9, 2017
      • Mike M August 9, 2017
      • tim October 14, 2017
        • Emmett Moore October 14, 2017
          • tim October 15, 2017
          • brokeMike January 27, 2018
    • Michal September 6, 2017
  36. Lukas August 9, 2017
    • Emmett Moore August 9, 2017
      • john December 5, 2017
    • Michal September 6, 2017
  37. Mike M August 8, 2017
    • Cyn August 9, 2017
      • Cyn August 9, 2017
        • Mike M August 9, 2017

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