Useful Investment Advice
Advertised Money Mangers
Promoted Trading Educators
Trustworthy and Honest
Corporate Fidelity
StockTwits is a swamp. Where fake and fraudulent investment hustlers are hawking all manner of investment products. Included in this swamp of financial predators are con artists pitching fraudulent hedge funds, phony trading signal providers, trading educators with no verifiable trading performance, and all manner of nut cases promoting penny stock riches.
All of this is enabled and encouraged by StockTwits. In fact, their advertising model promotes some of the worst of the worst that TradingSchools.Org has written about.
Does StockTwits care that investors are being duped into all manner of shady investments promoted on the StockTwits social media platform? Apparently not. Nearly every month, a press release from the FBI, CFTC, or the SEC is reporting multiple vendors that have been busted for a fraudulent promotion tied directly to StockTwits.
StockTwits is a shitshow of ridiculous investment nonsense. A virtual financial sewer of fraud, entirely corporate-sanctioned.
StockTwits: a short history
Stocktwits is a very popular social media platform. For those not familiar with Stocktwits, think of Stocktwits as a hybrid between Twitter and Facebook. But unlike Twitter and Facebook, the StockTwits social media platform specializes in streaming all manner of stocks, futures, and Forex trading chatter.
Stocktwits was founded back in 2008 by Howard Lindzon, currently living in Coronado California, and Soren Macbeth, currently living in Portland Oregon.
The growth story of StockTwits has been incredible. From 2008 through 2013, the monthly web traffic basically languished from 100k to 400k monthly web visitors. This might sound like alot, but in comparison to social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, these traffic numbers were quite narrow. However, during 2014 it appears that the StockTwits website traffic really exploded and is now currently averaging over 5 million monthly web visitors. A screen shot from SemRush Web Analytics displays the robust growth.
How StockTwits generates so much web traffic
The marketing strategy for StockTwits is clever, subtle, remarkably simple, and highly effective. StockTwits focuses on ranking keywords that are specifically related to stock trading symbols.
For instance, using web analytics software, we took a look at what keywords are driving the most web traffic to StockTwits. If you simply Google search the stock symbol “AMD” you will find that StockTwits ranks on page one of Google for this simple search term. Ranking for just these three letters (AMD) generates over 500,000 potential monthly visitors to the website.
Now scale these simple, three and four letter search terms relating to stock trading symbols, and you can begin to imagine the cumulative effect. It is an extremely powerful position and opens the door to massive advertising opportunities for StockTwits.
StockTwits advertising model
A review of the StockTwits advertising program reveals that any person or company can have their “Twits” and/or banner advertisements strategically positioned above the noisy environment. For instance, suppose that you are a trading educator, trading signal provider, a trading software provider etc., and you want your ad to be placed at the ‘top of the Twit stream’ that guarantees that a minimum amount of eyeballs will see your stock twits or banner ads. StockTwits allows this for a fee. The typical advertising rate is $10 per thousand views.
StockTwits also (unofficially) allows users to create multiple user profiles. Suppose that you are selling a trading signal service that specializes in predicting the price direction for AMD stock. You sell a $99 per month service that claims to predict the price of AMD stock at an accuracy of 99.9% and has earned 25% monthly gains for the past 100 years. With never a losing day!
With such amazing performance claims, most people would never believe such hyped nonsense. However, since StockTwits (unofficially) allows a person to create hundreds or even thousands of fake Stock Twits profiles, then this allows a person to essentially swamp the web page that is displaying information relating to AMD stock.
Think about his a moment. Imagine that you are selling a trading signal service that proclaims massive profits trading AMD stock and StockTwits is allowing you to dominate the AMD StockTwits web page with advertisements? In addition, suppose that you also have registered hundreds of fake StockTwits social media accounts, and are using these accounts to continuously post how awesome the AMD stock trading signal service? The effect is a self-reinforcing, virtuous circle of perceived authenticity. Where a banner ad is strategically placed and then hundreds of fake StockTwits accounts are “Twitting” that the AMD stock trading service is earning everyone massive profits.
Suppose that you are a con-artist. And you just got of prison only a few months prior. You are looking for a new scam. And desperately want to rip off as many people as quickly as possible. After surveying the landscape, you are left with a few choice opportunities. You can either rob a bank, or you can be lazy and become a “Hedge Fund Manager.” You decide to become a “Hedge Fund Manager.” As crazy as this might sound, this is happening nearly every day at StockTwits. Let’s take a look at a few recent examples.
How to scam people using only StockTwits
Mohamud Abdi Ahmed recently got out of Federal Prison in late 2014. He always wanted to be a Hedge Fund Manager. The sound of ‘Hedge Fund Manager’ sounded so fancy, so distinct, a person of royalty. He was tired of being a common thief that robbed parishioners of his local mosque of $3 million dollars through a check cashing scheme. It was time to finally become a ‘Hedge Fund Manager’. So “Abe” set up a website named and populates the website with a faked and fraudulent spreadsheet of “real trades”.
A review of the performance spreadsheet shows monthly profits ranging from $30k to $150k. With this truly amazing investment performance in hand, he then creates a StockTwits profile and then begins populating the page with hundreds of supposedly profitable trades. In addition, he then creates dozens of fake StockTwits accounts and begins streaming accolades to himself, from what appears to be random StockTwits users. A virtuous marketing circle that conveyed confidence, and was brimming with authenticity.
Next, he contacts StockTwits and informs StockTwits of his amazing trading abilities. The StockTwits advertising representative is only too happy to allow him to advertise his website to millions of Stock Twits users.
StockTwits gave Abe the royal treatment he always wanted. And felt that he so righteously deserved. As hundreds of thousands of people arrived on Abe’s StockTwits profile page, he would then push the StockTwits web traffic to his personal website at
Once a person arrived at Abe’s website, they would then be tempted into signing up for a newsletter that blasted supposedly winning trades, day after day. As Abe built trust with his audience, he would then offer his “MSA” or “Managed Small Accounts” program where a client would pay a nonrefundable “commitment” fee of $2,500 to have their account auto traded by Abe.
Each client was required to have a minimum of $30,000 available in their brokerage account. Abe would request the username and passwords of each account holder’s brokerage account. He would then execute his truly amazing options trading strategies for the benefit of each account holder. Abe would also receive a management fee of 20% of all winning trades.
In total, 32 clients signed up for the “Managed Small Accounts” auto-trading program. In total, from just the “Managed Small Accounts” trading program, Abe was paid a minimum of $125,000 in fees.
What happened to the trading accounts of clients that signed up for this program? Not so good. In fact, after gaining control of the investment accounts of each individual, Abe would then begin wildly trading each account as quickly as possible. He was incentivized by the 20% fee for all winning trades. And so he immediately overleveraged each account to the maximum, hoping that a few accounts would “hit the lotto” and he would garner a huge management fee. Of course, the markets are not casinos and they tend to drain the accounts of those that trade with wild abandon.
For the 32 clients that signed up, it was a bloodbath of losses and pain. Many lost their entire life savings. Finally, on May 4, 2017, the SEC stepped in with an emergency asset freeze and shut down And since Abe was still on probation for his last fraud, his probation officer was notified and Abe was deposited into a holding tank. Abe will be heading back to Federal prison shortly. The complete SEC complaint can be found here.
Thank you StockTwits for promoting this asshole.
Another StockTwits “Hedge Fund Manager”
Tamer Moumen was tired of being a pizza delivery driver for Dominoes Pizza. He always wanted to be one of those fancy hedge fund managers. With their yachts, Champaign, and never ending shrimp cocktail. He was ready to be the person his wife and kids could be proud of. And so Tamer created a company named Crescent Ridge Capital Partners ( began populating the website with a never ending stream of winning day trades.
Next, Tamer created a StockTwits profile page and used the StockTwits handle ‘Hedgetamer’ to push his supposed amazing trading performance. Emulating the same strategy as, Tamer created hundreds of fake StockTwits user accounts that consistently proclaimed his trading greatness to the world.
Finally, Tamer began offering his ‘Hedge Fund’ through paid advertisements on And StockTwits was only too happy to take his money and promote his ‘investment services’.
As you can imagine the trading abilities of a Dominoes Pizza deliveryman was not very good. In fact, Tamer never even traded! From 2012 through April 2017, with the help of aggressive StockTwits advertisements…Tamer Moumen was able to convince over 50 customers to invest $9,000,000.
As fast as Tamer received money from investors, he would spend it on luxury items including a $1 million dollar home in Virginia and a new Tesla. Finally, during the first few months of 2017, after clients could not withdraw funds…the FBI stepped in. Immediately, Tamer admitted that the entire “hedge fund” was a fraud. Tamer Moumen plead guilty on May 12, 2017, will be sentenced on July 28, 2017.
Thank you StockTwits for promoting this amazing investment opportunity.
StockTwits: More Hedge Fund Phonies
The list of Stock Twits phonies, fakes and frauds that advertise or promote on the StockTwits platform is nearly inexhaustible. Shall I continue?
How about Nicholas Mitsakos, who plead guilty on May 25, 2017, for running a fake and fraudulent “long-short hedge fund” named Matrix Capital. As quickly as Mitsakos received funds ($2 million), they were promptly spent on personal items including car payments, rent, credit cards, and a never ending shrimp cocktail.
This butthole claimed to be managing $3 billion dollars in assets for various banks including Templeton Funds and Fortress Investments.
Included in his incredibly impressive and 100% fraudulent resume are a supposed MBA from Harvard Business School, a job as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs, a board member of UCLA’s Center for Cerebral Palsy, a founding member of Donald Trump University, and the single largest donor to the Hillary Clinton Presidential Library.
Ok, maybe not a founding member of Donald Trump University or the Hillary Clinton Presidential Library, but you get the point.
StockTwits: a terrible place for investment advice
Since 2015, I have spoken with dozens of people that have been burned by supposed trading educators and money managers found on StockTwits. The common underlying thread is that nearly all parties found these services by looking for information on buying and selling stocks.
For instance, “Beverly” came into an inheritance after her father passed away. The $120k that she received was more money than she ever imagined. She thought that it made sense to invest in companies that she was familiar with. And so, she Google searched “Apple Stock.” On the first page of the Google search, she finds StockTwits. She then proceeded to StockTwits.
Once she arrived at Stock Twits, she began looking at the StockTwits page for Apple or AAPL. She immediately began to read the Twit Stream of supposed traders and vendors offering all manner of advice on how to trade Apple stock. One of these vendors was Jason Bond. As you can imagine, things didn’t turn out very well. Her $120k quickly turned into $90k. A lesson she had to learn the hard way.
Thanks for reading today’s article. If you have ever had any negative experiences with someone advertising on StockTwits, I would love to read your story. Please leave your comments below.
Don’t chat or take advice with
He’s pompous and a fraud who was fired for cheating from his executive job. Be careful on this site. It’s full of losers and people who just want to manipulate.
Great story. I didn’t realize this site was so full of bad eggs. Avoid @Loquit01 he’s shady and up to something on this site. There have been other questionable users and their motives. Overall it just seems like a lot of people who do t actually know what their doing but wish they did so they pretend on this site.
They just deleted my account for trying to warn people of an obvious scam, I posted court filings of the company involved. A user then used wild profanities at me and I reported him and they deleted me.
Yep I got banned too for posting evidence that a stock is a scam. “False rumours” apparently. Got pounced on by paid pumpers before i got banned of course.
Dont use it. Its run for and by shorts.
Stocktwits under investigation for misleading the public using fraudulent tactics. Very corrupt ! Ongoing investigation !
Stocktwits is under investigation for all the fraudulent stuff going on. Total corruption in misleading the public !
ST is bad news, I am a day trader with a lot of experience, my trades were going south because I was “listening” to this bunch of morons. Advice, never get involved with this organization, focus back on your charts and real news feeds.
The site admins seem to only allow info or commentary that supports their personal positions. They delete accounts they dont agree with especially if bearish commentary goes against their pumping of stocks.
I made a statement to someone that they needed to learn to trade the market. I guess they reported me as harrassing them…snowflake. My account is closed and email blocked. Oh, I’m so sad….lol. It was nothing but distraction and entertainment. I really saw nothing of use from the site. Too much noise and idiots.
Another article showing how this entire industry is corrupt with pizza delivery people claiming to be brillant hedge fund managers steals folks money and what does ahole Terry do? He post a promotional link to webinar by yet another scammer.
Unless this is some type of sarcasm that I do not get that BS link should be removed and Terry taken out and tarred and feathered with how boiling oil.
Rob, How can I get involved in your Skype trading meetings?
You would be so disappointed. I do not have meetings. I just talk with other traders I have met over the years one on one, not as a group. And the things I talk about I have a feeling would not be of interest to any day traders. I normally focus on what is out of favor and if the reason for it being out of favor is a real trend or a temporary issue.
For example, today I talked to another trader about oil stocks. They are out of favor and you can get a nice dividend (I know the last thing a day trader wants to talk about is dividends). But what is the macro condition. We actually talked about oil consumption and oil production and the cost of that production throughout the world. But the most important topic was could we be entering into a phase whereby in 10 years electric cars could be the majority of cars and wind and solar power become the dominate form of energy production so oil might go the way of the Mall retail stores.
Even though I do short term trading, most of my trading these days is based on what I think the longer term trend will be. This is the kind of topics I normally talk about.
Stocktwits is the epicenter of scumbag marketers.
I dug around a couple years ago to figure out how their biggest contributors had thousands of followers , when it never seemed there was many people active on the platform.
I soon figured out that 70-80% of the accounts were either ghost or blind accounts used to pump paying advertisers numbers. A deeper dive turned out many of the accounts used CATCH-All email domain accounts. A catch all is a way you could create email accounts with just about any prefix to your master domain. I found so many info@ … support@ .. trading@ .. forex@ .. you name it all pointing to the same domain but all different accounts. Great way to get followers , and write a few bots to hook in to their API, and whammo , you can trend anything ..
Anyway, just wanted to say great job on another great review.
Hi Emmett,
I couldn’t help but notice you still didn’t write a review on Meir Barak. He is pretty popular on YouTube; I hope you consider it.
Dear Emerett,
Could you check AscendTrading?
You should review They are the biggest scam i ever seen. Check out their “hedge-fund” and connections with Elite trader pro. There a good story for your blog hidden somewhere.
You are 100% right. I tired a long time ago and wrote what a scam it is so I will not repeat it. The funnest part was if you took their BS course, which basically is Pristine course, without even establishing a track record they said they are going to let you trade for their hedge fund. Where in the world would you find some idiott that would invest their money in those clowns hedge fund and then let some unproven day trader trade their account.
But sadly Emmett has clearly taken the VIG on this TR. If Emmett has not deleted his old post you can go back and research where Emmett even posted that he was in their room, yet never a review.
Under the right market condition, like most methods, it can work but then you lose it all back plus some when the market changes.
And I will give you one other hint, it is impossible to even find one profitable TR operator so when you go to a room like this and they have 3 TR operators run away. It is to create misdirection and always the one off mic is making money while the other 2 brag about what a winner the other one called out. A complete joke!
Your absolutely right Rob. Regarding the Hedgefund. Not sure about it. I think the setup i clever, even for an investor. You deposit $5k and your max losses cant be more that deposit. So for investor it is a almost risk free way or earning morning. If the fund has a good back end btw, controlling traders and risk.
But yes it seems like emmett took a side on this. He always replies on email regarding other TR. But when i comes to he dont respond. Either they pay him to shut up or hes on the team some way.
It would be nice if you would comment on this, Emmett.
Ah, so finally we know the TR that scammed you. I always wondered, as you kept talking about that TR but never quite mentioned it. Damn thieves.
Actually been scammed by many, but most like this one was small potatoes. I have talked about the TR that scammed me or maybe I should say the one that pissed me off the most as it had years of fake profits it showed, which was all exposed on BMT. It pissed me off the most I guess as I spent the most time believing and trying it. I thought I must just be doing something wrong as the TR operator kept making money using his complete fake system. It was this TR that made me start to realize there is something wrong and this whole industry is corrupt.
I cannot tell you the time I wasted testing and back testing every possible Trade Management that could be done using the method and yet none gave any type of edge over time.
It is the same one that scammed Emmett. I have never mentioned it by name, but if Emmett never delete the post you might find out where he mentioned he was scammed by it and that is the reason he stated he started the blog.
A few years ago, I got suckered by Steve DeWitt. In retropect…what in the hell was I thinking!!!
It’s amazing to see how so many formerly duped vets of trading “schools” like ourselves had somewhat similar churned paths. This just goes to show how insidious this whole retail targeted industry is especially with no countering beacon of info often swamped over by shills , compromised sites like bmtfio and media bribes ala ripoffreport, Just pay enough vig and ripoff report deletes the vast history of complaints about Levin. Just pay off, and the architect history and fake spreadsheets of WarriorTrading vanish like they never existed. I too am wondering about the Jigsaw review which was mentioned to arrive soon over a year ago. At this point I can’t seriously think it’s delayed due to a vig deal with Emmett and that Jigsaw sham slime. Like RobB mentioned orderflow is scalping bar tick nonsense with a big stop that works only in averaging down , shamshow simdog bucks dreams which scam vendors try to sell to initially unsuspecting newbs. I’d considered NexGen, NialFuller, even tradersHELPdesk initially and had known of other who got churned by many of the shamshows now exposed finally over the past two years here. I think everyone has these suspicions of con and shamshow bs in the back of their minds but there was so little to counter the shilling and lying smokescreen before tradingschools gained more traction.
Some time ago in my trading journey, I bought a bundle of phased out forex indicators and systems for MT4 on some reseller site with most of the systems going on “sale” for $5 to $10. Some of them as usual were formerly touted as “premium” EA’s the “hedge funds” use. Some I recalled were intially sold for hundreds or even thousands of dollars to EA dupes. I looked at the code and translated some of them to other platforms, ninja etc. and many were overwhelmingly simple indicator derivatives of course none of them even reaching a breakevener w/l ratio. I learned my lesson that enforced my waking up to the fact these were all 99.99% cons and shamshows no matter the platform or market.
No! No! No! it was not Steve DeWitt that you stated scammed you and was one of the reasons you created this blog. Took me a bit to find that old post, but here is a reminder. Starts with; Well on a personal note.
Instead of the mile high club, this company joins the infamous degenerate want a be day trader con artist club which includes:
1) Ninja Trader Cesspool of Trading Educators.
2) Invest-0-scam-ia
3) Lying Dean Handley and his complete BS reviews, and
4) Big Mike and his mindless followers.
Actually I should stop and make a list of all the club members.
Have been trying to figure out a way to write about StockTwits for nearly a year. Every month, either someone emails me a personal horror story, or a regulatory action is filed that leads back to a StockTwits advertisement.
It’s like NinjaTrader Ecosystem but with a social media component. Hopefully, the article gets some traction with Google and ranks. Would love to see StockTwits crackdown on some of these frauds. These shady platforms never change unless a big cluster of angry people starts calling them out.
Also Dekmar has been talking about combining chats with Stock Twits. Could all these low cap guys be linked together in some way? I asked Dekmar and received no reply so I am fortunate I have waited and watched since Emmit’s initial review. Small out of pocket for me.
I is obvious that they churn a very high amount of suckers. I am not certain about Dekmar but…
my comment was deleted. Why?
Great review Emmett, much appreciated. I’d never really utilized stocktwits but it’s been everywhere in your face where web surfing on stocks are concerned in recent years. I’d come across spam email and links leading to quite a few supposed “new” or “private” hedge funds with stocktwits signal services. They could probably be the most damaging of the con club, beating out the ninja cesspool for top spot on the list and the most misleading as they purport to be linked to the legit side of the financial industry while ninja in the back of most retailers’ sometimes unawakened kool-aid minds still know ninjacess is a crayon colored playground of simdog bucks. similarweb lists stocktwits as #49 top web visited site in the financial->investing category. Alarmingly , warrior trading has risen to #256 far surpassing bmt’s ecuadorian beachpooped dreams. A nitpick in the article, probably a typo where ‘virtuous’ should be virtual or vicious. Best of luck to this article gaining traction on the web searches so future retailers are warned away from this massive insidious churn.
I know this is going to sound redundant, but it truly amazes me that there are websites perpetrating fraud on a large scale everyday without any repercussions from law enforcement. The goal of financial regulations is to protect retail investors from these con men, but instead of thwarting their actions, they seem to grow. There must be more the regulators can do to slow the infection from spreading.
Welcome to America buddy. Shkreli has been charged with fraud and is happily camming away on Youtube and knows he’s untouchable. I assume Emmett only did time because he’s a WASP.
Like no one else knows about Sherkli and the retailer’s 100k short loss on KBIO from last year i.e. mentally diseased preconception lol.
Lots of deplorables trading vendors on Stocktwits but I’ve met some seemingly good people who aren’t selling anything and read anecdotes of realistic things like accounts being blown – much more rare to see that on trading forums. Atleast Stocktwits does encourage traders to make real-time calls so it’s less cancerous than trading forums, by the way Anne Marie Baiynd is the female AL Brooks from Stocktwits. On the issue of social media and scams-Elitetrader and are similar to Stocktwits but far worse in a subtle and pernicious way. I’ve never had a tweet deleted, secretly edited, or had my account banned for sharing my opinion on trading issues at Stocktwits. Elitetrader’s wrbtrader is very similar to Tamer Moumen, yet he is still sanctioned there following Emmett’s expose. NoDoji was going to follow Tamer Moumen’s path and become a hedge fund operator based on her hindsight chart write-ups as well. Elitetrader pretends to be highbrow by not allowing a forum for penny stocks and by the gimmicky name “Elite Trader” and tons of sponsors with questionable extreme leverage, (i.e. the should-be-illegal $300 ES margins for new traders) Baron and Magna at Elitetrader and Bigmike at should be reviewed as well. Social media has a big impact in getting people psychologically primed to risk their capital, to jump over the trader’s lemming cliff, that’s why brokerages sue over forum image issues. Elitetrader’s Magna edits posts of users secretly to make the threads more marketable / click-producing and bitches in PMs if she has an issue with you spreading the non-marketable truth about vendors or the closet-vendors, who are the only people who post there regularly. If they hadn’t been deleting posts the trading community NEEDED TO KNOW about, criticism of vendors..Al Brooks living in a cheap house while marketing himself as a big league daytrader, protecting the proto-Al Brooks Jack Hershey and offering protection for the scumbags dbphoenix, NoDoji, Handle123, big time fraud wrbtrader, without the shelter Baron and Magna offered to these deplorables the retail trading world would be a much better place now. BigMike is so deplorable and in fecal matter so deep with AL Brooks and other deplorable vendors the need for a review of BigMike speaks for itself as well, not to mention he bans people who threaten his income by speaking the truth. I mentioned AL Brooks again so F^CKS in advance if you have a problem with it. Futures Magazine spams AL Brooks every day for years, thousands of spams for Brooks, I guess this is the equiavalent of helping feed the world’s starving children in AL’s mind, thanks giving back to the trading community with the spamwich.
Futures mag spams brooks on Stocktwits
And who cares about your crap, after all the cessmess you’ve done on the comments. Stocktwits less “cancerous”. Says anything even flapping both sides of his mouth supporting shills, to be contrary to my post, what a fool , LOL, it’ never work loser. You got beat, bad, and your hate of my posts is so transparent to all, the others have called your bs, but anyone can see you tagging my posts the most. high-interest pathetic.
How is it hate of your posts? If you look at the Brooks comments I said I like you and asked you to stop flaming me because I like you and happen to tag your posts you flame me. These “cesspool” and “guttersnipe” ad hominems you and Cyn use are dogwhistles for the hate that dare not speak its name.
I do not hate you. Initially, I was sympathetic to you and wanted to show you that you had made some mistakes and to own them. For that, you started trailing me all over the site and tagging my posts with negative thumbs, and making derogatory remarks.
You are beneath my contempt. To paraphrase a well said saying, “It is pointless to argue with an irresponsible ignoramus, because onlookers might not be able to tell the difference.”
Keep tagging my posts. I see that you are back to it. After you are done, go for another high-interest loan, piss it away on your stupidity, then come in here and complain again.
You showed nothing but the sanctimonious holier-than-thou judgementalism and crudeness in the Mook comments and Al brooks comments. This goes for you and dtchurn. But to hate someone for that? Your judgemental attitude is ironic considering how many self-righteous conservatives judge people like Emmett over there past. Madame Princess Look at how everyone was giving me thumbs downs in the Mook comments after your derogatory remark did I get all prickly?
You’ve already proved your tagging foolish rage all over the boards. Now acting like it’s all fresh, and I was the instigator when it’s you who escalated it to the worst levels. Now psychotically trying to act like it never happened and pathetically using multiple alters pretending to be different but the b__ks disease always seeps out. This is getting ridiculously tiresome. complete mental case. stop tagging my posts and taking guttysnipes!
Your complaint about using a high-interest loan to trade a system that you had not verified, showed your stupidity. Instead of telling you that, I pointed out that complaining about it is pathetic drivel. That was kind.
In reality, the complaint about your stupidity was itself a telling comment on the inferiority of your intellect. I was trying to be kind in not saying this, but as you persist in following me around and mentioning my name, the gloves are now off.
Sometimes the only way to show a person the level of their stupidity is to get into the gutter with them and show them that they are so stupid that they cannot even best one at stupidity itself. You called me into the gutter. Now let’s get on with the gutter fight, you unmitigated, unintelligent, miscegenation of crap and piss.
Ok, I am sorry, this isnt good for me to read in my situation from trading and it is scary too. I will not mention you or dtchurn ever again, please accept my apology.
Exactly Cyn, I was the same way too. I gave him a chance i my very first posts to him, then he started doing his hind smelling insults to me. Then I realized Stray and the others were right about him being an ugly troll-gollum all along who latches on like a whining insect who does nothing in deed about his supposed b__ks obsession. Just sue b__ks for the radioactive retro-active clawbacks ignoramus and make a case about his “low level genetic markers”, lol.
Ridiculously transparent, trying to act like on high ground, lol. Anyone whose seen the trail of posts can see how you escalated the cess enraged and your b__ks disease has morphed to tagging posts and taking guttysnipes when the pathetic use of alter ids fail.
Do I hear whistles?
Tagging my posts again as usual, useless mental & diseased gollum.
(This post also informs the general readership) Wrong, you can write posts about blowing accounts, and trader mistakes on bmt and elite. Like the infamous “$10,000 on trader education and still not profitable!” thread by Bobby. Alejo, and some hawaiin guy have posted they’d blown over 200k daytrading and 50k on zulutrade. GaryD often averaged down scores of contracts and blown up big like three times memed with that bunny pic of ski jumping. (past GaryD readers know what I’m talking about, lol) You don’t see failure posts often because most posts are daydreams about trading or rampant shill posting but those posts are buried there, just like truthful ones on elite where some of the best about losing in the last 15 years can be found in the “top threads”-thread. You can’t break forum rules of conduct without getting banned. Anyone can get banned from bmt by pissing off the admin for whatever reason. And it’s ridiculously easy to get back on, so completely hypocrite noshow at the b__s event, LOL. At least we saw RobB and Stray duking it out there with the kool-aid shills on the b__ks thread where Rob might have gotten banned twice. But all that matters for petedithb__ks is his all consuming hate for dtchurn posts now, so his b__ks revenge is just abandoned in the sewer. Yeah, wait a few days, hoping no one sees his continual new alter id posts , lol. Granted, posting about bmt favored vendors can get warnings, bans, but that’s been mentioned several times already. Stocktwits is rampant with fraud and shill twits and posts and is on a far massive level than bmt and insignificant b__ks authors , read the review and of course b__ks has been with futures mag for so long. it’s mentioned in the original book, duh. But then again you didn’t read it and have zero credibility being a noshow at the b__ks bmt event and not sending a cftc complaint, lol. Man, RobB and I have mentioned the shilling shenanigans for over a year about bmt and you post like you only learned about it today, lol! So stop tagging my posts in your rage, pathetically transparent.
Anne Marie is a scam, she is in her chat room about 1.5-2 hours a day and most of that time she spends taking ‘breaks’. When she is in the room she just does play by play of live action, absolutely useless, she had a free trial and I lasted 3 days in her room before I had enough.
I had a trial too with Anne-Marie Bungee. Ridiculous spreadsheets of options play results no better than Jason Carter derivative. Shamster lady with shills all over investiscamma. That said, her book is a cheap intro for the absolute beginner, so if you’re going to get it, find it used instead of getting duped by clothespin nosed Bbwarry Burns and his overpriced intro and intermediate hotdog packages. I’d dumped my book in the donation bin, so maybe some homeless guy has it now.