Verified Trades
User Experience
DayTradeToWin is a day trading educational company with a supposed winning track record of 8+ years. Not a single losing month, not a single losing week. Unfortunately, its all a fantasy from the land of leprechauns and unicorns. In direct conversations with the owner, John Paul, he was not able to produce any proof of these amazing performance figures. Avoid.
User Review
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Thanks for reading today’s review of DayTradeToWin
What is DayTradeToWin? The company is a day trading education company that is owned and operated by a person named John Paul, operating out of Boca Raton, Florida.
A quick search of Archive.Org reveals that the DayTradeToWin website came online in late 2007, or early 2008.
In addition to the website, DayTradeToWin has a YouTube channel that came online October 13, 2008. The YouTube channel currently has 19,000+ subscribers with over 2,200,000 page views of the videos. In terms of social media coverage, subscribers and page views, the DayTradeToWin YouTube channel should be considered one of the largest trading promotional businesses on the internet.
DayTradeToWin has the following product offering:
- 8 week mentorship program at $5,400
- Atlas Line Trading Software at $1,799
- The Trade Scalper Software at $597
- Power Price Action Trading course at $995
Mentorship Program
The crown jewel of the DayTradeToWin products is the mentorship program. The mentorship program lasts a total of 8 weeks. Included in the mentorship program is the opportunity to watch John Paul trade on a simulator for two hours, each week.
During the two hours of live simulated trading, John Paul also gives his opinion of the market and how it relates to his trading method.
Performance Claims
From 2008 through October 2015, DayTradeToWin posted highly detailed performance claims.
The current website reveals “real time” performance from April 2011 through October 2015. TradingSchools.Org exported all of the trades and analyzed the supposed performance. In total, Jean Paul is claiming that he earned $898,000 in profits from 3354 trades. During this period, Jean Paul also claims to have no losing months, nor any losing weeks. A truly incredible record…if true.

8 months = $215,000 in profit…really?
Prior to April 2011, DayTradeToWin posted highly detailed performance claims dating back to 2008. These performance claims were even better. The average winning month was typically ranging from $30,000 to $70,000 in monthly profits. Once again, no losing months, nor any losing weeks.
For eight consecutive years, Jean Paul claims to not have a single losing week at day trading. I dont know about you, but if I were able to profit 416 consecutive weeks, and never have a losing week, this would be some sort of world record. In fact, in the past 2 years of writing these reviews, I have never witnessed such an amazing winning streak.
But is it real?
Contacting Jean Paul
During the months of June 2016 through July 2016, I made several attempts to contact Jean Paul. Several emails, and several phone calls. He does not answer live phone calls, so I was forced to leave several messages. During this period, I could see that Jean Paul was opening my messages, but he was not responding.
Finally, during the second week of July 2016, he finally called me back. In my opinion, he was motivated by two separate conversations from investors that had spent a great deal of time and resources attempting to learn his methodology. These individuals gave me details of their individual experiences, and I wanted to know if Jean Paul could provide a rebuttal.
In addition to seeking his comment from previous students, I also wanted to verify the supposed performance that Jean Paul has been claiming since 2008.
The telephone conversation was amicable and I found Jean Paul to be soft spoken and quite honest about his trading performance. He was upfront and plainly admitted that the posted trading performance was a hypothetical, best case scenario. And that the listed performance is meant as marketing and advertisement.
I next explained to Jean Paul that the vast majority of negative reviews are a result of the trading vendor not having a verifiable track record of trading results. And, at the end of the day, this was the most effective way to evaluate whether a day trading educational program was worth the investment. He understood.
Next, I asked if he could provide a redacted account statement for any portion of the supposed performance period from 2008 through 2016. That I was not looking for month upon month, nor year upon year. I was only asking for a tiny sliver. I explained that if he could produce only a single month of winning trades, even a modest month, that this would be enough for a positive review.
A positive review from TradingSchools.Org is very rare. There are typically a minimum of 5,000 unique daily visitors to the TradingSchools.Org website. A positive review is a major boon and can drive a lot of sales volume. I pleaded with Jean Paul to produce only a single winning month. He explained that he could not provide a winning month, but he could perhaps provide a winning day.
A lot of readers might be laughing and thinking to themselves…anyone can produce a single winning day! That the bar has been set so low that surely Jean Paul could produce a single winning day. Unfortunately, Jean Paul can produce absolutely zero proof that he even has a trading account. In spite of my begging and pleading for some sort of proof, he simply replied, “I will look into it and get back to you”. After waiting and waiting, and asking, it appears that Jean Paul can provide absolutely no proof whatsoever.
Conversations with prior students
Over the past two years, TradingSchools.Org has received 20 individual requests to review John Paul and DayTradeToWin. Of those 20 requests, two of the individuals were prior students and had spent several thousands of dollars for the software and private mentoring.
Both individuals had dismal results. The first individual lost a cumulative $35,000 in trading losses, trying desperately to replicate the trades from the “Atlas Line” trading software. Over the course of several months, he poured his heart and soul into the dream of becoming a full time professional day trader, just like Jean Paul. However, he would experience losing week after losing week. Multiple times he would deposit an additional $5k to $10k into his trading account. He just could not understand why he kept losing and yet Jean Paul kept reporting winning week after winning week.
The experience for this individual was heart wrenching. His wife begged him to stop burning through their retirement savings. He was semi-retired and was pinning his hopes on making it work out. Finally, after several months of disappointment, he finally came to the realization that the DayTradeToWin training program was flawed to the core. He had built his house upon a faulty foundation. The foundation of his decision to participate in the DayTradeToWin educational program where the performance claims that Jean Paul had listed on his website. In retrospect, the customer told me in a phone conversation,
“I should of asked him to prove that the results on his website were real. I based my decision and future upon these figures”.
The next customer interview is similar. This person discovered the DayTradeToWin educational program from the NinjaTrader Ecosystem website. He participated in a webinar and came away with the impression that Jean Paul was, “the real deal and he sounds so convincing”. This was the first step in his journey.
The next step in convincing him to purchase were the YouTube videos. If you watch the DayTradeToWin YouTube video’s, you will notice that every single video replay of “live” market action concludes with a winning trade. These winning videos put him over the top. However, upon further review of the YouTube videos reveals that the videos are nothing more than market replay. In other words, Jean Paul enjoys the benefit of knowing the result, before he places and records the trade on the screen.
With both customers, they also were convinced by the large amount of “customer video testimonials” that Jean Paul has prominently displayed on his website. In speaking with both individuals; in retrospect the video testimonials could be the work of pure fiction. Both felt embarrassed, and ashamed that they were so naive, and believed the supposed performance claims. The second customer said the following:
I didn’t want to seem rude by asking for an account statement. I just assumed it was real. And that if I could come close to the performance claims, that I would of been satisfied. In retrospect, I wanted to believe so badly that this could change my life for the better, that I allowed it to cloud my judgement. There red flags were there the entire time. I just refused to acknowledge them.
Wrapping Things Up
Is a DayTradeToWin a scam? In my opinion, there are a tremendous amount of red flags. Most troubling is the performance record. I consider it to be highly disingenuous, or even borderline fraudulent to tout these sort of investment returns, and yet provide absolutely no proof that any prior trading success has ever existed. In short, the supposed performance claims serve as “bait.” The YouTube videos, that give the impression that every trade is a winner, serves as yet more bait.”
The customer testimonial video’s are yet another piece of “bait”. And one small, and seemingly insignificant piece of evidence is that Jean Paul claims that DayTradeToWin has been featured on Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, and Reuters. However, a through and exhaustive search of the archives of these reputable websites reveals no such articles that feature either DayTradeToWin or Jean Paul.
So does Jean Paul have anything of value to offer? Thus far, I have spent about 3 hours reviewing various YouTube videos that Jean Paul has published. In my opinion, he obviously has a great deal of experience at trading, and some of these videos are quite useful and informative.
Hopefully, at some point, Jean Paul is going to read this review. And maybe this review will motivate him to “get real”. Start showing some sort of real track record that can be verified and gives a more realistic portrayal of his trading abilities. At the end of the day, people are buying a product that display his best abilities.
Well that’t it for today. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to leave a comment below. Even the haters, trolls, shills, and delusional will find a warm and receptive response from me.
2 Thumbs down! Stay away!
Along with others I too was green to trading, and came across DTTW on YT. Seeing the scalper made me think how easy it is to make $500+ a day!
Well after going through the full mentorship spending something like $5k
I have now taken my account from $20k to $400 and that’s after transferring at least another $5k before almost blowing my account up completely. I wish I would have seen this and also the threads on futures. io about DTTW. I would have never wasted my $. Now I am trying to learn how to trade on pure price action.
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I’m pretty sure this is the butthole that created the TradingSchools copycat websites. This guy is a royal douchebag.
Sorry to read you got suckered by this pathetic dweeb.
But don’t lose faith in investing. You can make money, just not the sorts of returns these YouTube charlatans promise. The key operative word is ‘investing’ not ‘trading.’
Emmett – this guy JP has cloned your EXACT site and re-done this entire review!!
You need to file a DMCA infringment against him…what a complete conman
This is the website
You can see he is using “.pro” instead of “.org”
What a scammer!! -Jen
Interesting. Good catch.
Actually, there are several blatant copy capt websites. It really irritates me because sometimes I legitimately get a review wrong, and I need to remove the old review, which is not fair to the person that got a bad review.
Do you have any correspondence with this person? Other than the “upgraded” review? You can email me directly at
What a Low Life to perpetuate his scam through further trickery and Tom Foolery. Perhaps the flames can be reignited Emmet? Perhaps he went just a little too far? No doubt the Fukstik deserves it.
No doubt that this software just doesn’t work. Are there any good trading software companies out there that trade the emini and other fields?
What’s up everybody, here every one is sharing
these experience, so it’s nice to read this webpage, and I used to visit this weblog every day.
I bought this product back in 20111. I can’t believe this guy is still up and running. He got me with the ? oil sale too. I was totally green to trading futures, I thought I stumbled across something unique but it was straight absolute bullshit. Like really, you are better off closing your eyes and clicking the mouse based on gut feeling. I think this thing is that bad. I’m a successful trader nowadays but give him credit for forcing myself to read books and learn strategies of a variety of people and backtest, backtest, backtest! Anybody selling you an indicator is scamming you, you’re better of paying someone who will teach you strategies not trying to use their “secret” algorithm based on some mystery knowledge. GTF our of here with that bullsh@t. I hope this post puts him out of business for good. At least he turned me on to ninja trader though. Happy trading guys.
Atlas line ?? Muahahah you must be kidding. I run awal 10000- miles when he stated abut that funny line on his youtube channel.
I love this lady testimony:
Apparently she doesn’t know what trading is, reading text from monitor:)
Hi Mom,
Even though you have no clue about trading, thanks again Mom for making this video for me. Your video along with my homegrown ‘For Entertainment Only’ Results Spreadsheet, should help me fleece money out of a few newbies to trading.
Your Son, John Paul
Lol. I saw that video too! I had looked at that testimonial videos page last week and just clicked on the one because I didn’t want to waste time watching all of them. Amazing the lengths these scams will go to generating a bunch of fakes. There must be some upwork-like sites these vendors go to enlist part-time actors and writers. It’s sad so many would enlist doing these sham videos knowingly for extra income.
this guy also great:
i guess you can buy the videos on internet like you can buy twitter fans
I just want to say big thank you for exposing these scams.
I think I’ve seen that guy before in another testimonial for another site. Yeah, you can tell he is looking at the script on the screen a few times.
I just want to say thank you for exposing these scams.
Thanks for the review. I had seen daytradetowin mentioned several times in forums and spam ad email as well as google searches for any type of day trading. Of course it’s a scam. As per my continually proven theory with these scam sites after another, the vendor usually stops trading live after they have a steady monthly income from the monthly churn. I predict the 95% rule in reverse. 95% of the life of a new trading room or site sham, the vendor has quit trading live after losses and being a failed trader. They are often not even set up to trade live when suddenly asked for live results. That’s why they can not even give you one month or one week immediately! Daytradetowin is a pleasant looking site, the vendor you describe seems pleasant enough. And there are plenty of “pleasant” seeming criminals exposed on “American Greed” episode after episode. I know the theme of tradingschools is sometimes give the sham vendor a second chance to prove themselves. But the guy already struck out in my book. 1) false reporting of “live” results. 2) using market replay to show winners 3) conjured up fake testimonials from shills and friends. 4) false flaims of mentions by marketwatch, bloomberg and reuters. These are regular scam methods by the vendors. got shut down by the CFTC because they claimed their sim room was “live”. So most site have to put that CFTC disclaimer which starts with “Hypothetical results …” i.e. sim trading. Anytime a newb sees that disclaimer they can be sure it’s just a sim sham. Have a good weekend all.
Agree with much of this statement with the exception, the cftc does require the hypothetical statement.
Only if a site is advertising and using simulated or hypothetical results.
“In addition, the advertising materials presenting
the performance of any simulated or hypothetical commodity
interest account, transaction in a commodity interest or series of transactions in a commodity interest of a CPO,
CTA or any principal thereof
, must include a disclaimer.”
So they include it only if something advertised is sim. So it could be possible a site has both sim and a few live trades. But due to the temptation not to trade live for regular monthly churn income, I would not feel any long time sham has practically no live results by the time Emmett comes knocking asking for any bit of proof.
Just got an email from Jean Paul, I explained to him that I would be more than willing to take down the review, but I need a single monthly (redacted) statement. Lets hope he can find something. Too many negative reviews.
Emmett, if Jean Paul does submit a redacted statement, how will you satisfy yourself it is real and true? Using free apps, a 13 year old can put together a fake broker statement with crucial information redacted. Your intentions are honorable but you’re a bit naïve I think.
I always verify with the broker. Just a quick phone call does the trick.
Actually, one time I was not able. He worked for an investment fund and could not publish.
Phat chance of him producing Squat. Hes been scamming for years. Time to take a Jean and wipe yer Paul. We need to report his ass Emmet.
Thanks for the explanation.
If anyone needs to try the software for themselves, I have the Atlas Line software … it is unlocked and requires no licensing. I received it for free and will give it to you for free as well. Just give your email and I will send it to you. And for the fraud John Paul … you want to steal $1800 from someone making claims of profit from the software, and then come with your BS that your results are “for entertainment purposes.” Well since I am giving away the software, you may not use it for actual trading, but for “entertainment purposes only.”
I was just researching DayTradeToWin and the Atlas Line. Could you please send me the Atlas line?
It was just emailed to you.
Any chance of getting a copy of this too -thanks
Please send it to me my email is
Did you receive it?
Can you send it to me please?
Would like a free copy too, please. send me the Atlas line i wanna check it out. Thanks JR
Can you send me the Atlas Line
Thank You
I’d like to check out the software. Please email to DRPZONE@HOTMAIL.COM. Thanks!
I would like the Atlas Line software, please send to
Thank you
Please send me the atlas line , thank you very much and God bless you.
Would you please send me a copy as well? Thank you!
could you send me free copy
Would you please send me a copy?
Would you please send me a copy?
Thanks in advance
I would love a copy of the software please if you still have it?
Good Day Tamiaya,
I would love to play around with the Atlas Line for entertainment purposes. Will you please email me a copy of the Atlas Line.
Thank You,
Multi-Year streak of no losing weeks, in one of the most liquid and easily scalable market in the world, yet still punters around for new traders money haha, what a joke.
I have no doubts this is a scam but have an issue with one comment/attitude.
That is it is some sort of record or impossibility to not lose or have a long record of not losing.
I know guys who don’t lose who I learn from. I lose a small bit sometimes but only because I have not mastered the understanding or dissolute and hang onto my trades too long.
I will tell you this. These guys just do their thing and are not selling training. They are not using softwares or indicators . One guy uses a moving avg and schol but he doesn’t use the indicator as a trigger. More as a general idea of a trend compared against the macro.
Point being trading is hard for you guys because
All the information and understanding you have is flawed. If you use the right info and under stand it then trading is not that difficult.
They are all scams. You don’t really need to worry about finding one that isn’t.
Real traders and the methods they use are not being taught because these guys do not want everyone knowing what they are doing. This is a zero sum game. Let that sink in.
They don’t need the hassle of training rooms and customer support. They trade to have a life.
You do realize they can just trade larger size if they care about earning more. That is much simpler than running some trading education company to get less.
It should be logical. End rant.
Interesting how this dude has been around this long and no losing weeks … I call BS on that. He explains it away with best cast scenario. That’s called hindsight trading … I don’t know about you but I am always right in hindsight.
YES, he is a scam, you don’t have to beat around the bush answering the question. 🙂
Total scam and I can prove it. I wrote a reverse engineered version of his roadmap indicator and wrapped it a strategy. Total loser just like the guy.